e:news SALUTE


e:news SALUTE
Southwest Chapter of the Virginia Dressage Association, a Group Member Organization of the USDF
All members are automatically Group Members of the USDF
e:news SALUTE
September 2010 October
Gary Goodale
Contact Gary
Vice President:
Laura Nelson
Contact Laura
Blanche Mahoney
Contact Blanche
Marie Klimchuk
Contact Marie
Janet Brown
Contact Janet
Emily Grabarek
Contact Emily
Katherine Graman
Contact Katherine
K. Sue Halterman
Carlee Howe
Contact Carlee
Beckie Mitchell
Contact Beckie
Pat Nelson
Contact Pat
Tracey Smith Oliver
Contact Tracey
Nan Palmer
Contact Nan
Annette Massey-Shaw
Contact Annette
Cindy Sours
Contact Cindy
work on horses and their riders.
Ann Mary Bettenson of County Saddlery will also be available for saddle fit evaluations and re-flocking.
August Clinic Fix-a-Test with EveEmily has volunteered to coordinate
lyn Susol was held at GHPEC on the
the gift swap ensuring the preserva14th. In spite of the unsettled
tion of this favored camp tradition on
weather this event proved to be quite
Saturday evening. There are still
a success due, in part, to the awe inopenings for riders, but with 16 peospiring performance of Marcia
ple already signed up space is filling
Springston Dillon, a sight challenged
quickly. Contact Marie if you have
rider who utilized “Living Letters” to
questions or would like to sign up.
navigate her test and score and a very
impressive 65.652%. (See photos of
Board Vacancy Sadly, Mary McFee
Marcia‟s ride on page 4.) "Living Lethas resigned from the board. Mary
ters" are used to orient blind riders to
was a gracious and active board memtheir whereabouts in the dressage
ber who will be sorely missed. Mary
arena. This involves eight people
expressed regret at having to retire
standing at the perimeter letters and
her position before the end of year
being directed by “Mr. X” in the cenand thanked SWVADA members for
ter of the arena to sound off when the
the opportunity to “work on mutual
rider is headed their way. There 16
goals within our sport.” Carlee Howe
riders participating which allowed
has volunteered to fill her position for
SWVADA to turn a small profit on
the remainder of the year.
the event. Thanks are due to Blanche
Mahoney, who managed the event,
October Schooling Show is in need
and those who helped make it possiof volunteers to help run the run
ble including Tracey Smith-Oliver,
show. The show is scheduled for
Mary Mc Fee, Linda Oberlender, Sue
October 2 and the closing date is SepHalterman, Gary Goodale, Kris
tember 22. Please contact Blanche if
Slowikowski, Gail Stanley and Bob
you would like to volunteer.
Adult Camp preparations are coming together as planned. It will be
held at Stone Bridge Farm in Natural
Bridge on October 8-10. Liz Stacie
and Judy Westenhoefer will be the
clinicians. On Friday Ruth Mitchell
will explain myofacial release and
how it can benefit both you and your
horse. She will then be available to
Nominate Yourself Board nominations for 2011 are now being accepted. SWVADA is your organization, serving your interest. Now is
time to have your interests heard. If
you would like to serve on the Board
(or know someone who would)
please send a short bio to Marie by
October 25 at
If your horse doesn’t at least mention a contrary viewpoint,
you might not be raising the most meaningful questions.
from Dressage Unscrambled by Bill Woods
VADA News…
Tracey participated in a VADA teleconference on July 8th from each chapter were asked to gather information
and relayed the following information:
from their respective organizations and be prepared
to report back and vote on this issue on the fall.
VADA has a combined balance of $106,699.06. The
finance committee is currently studying how best to VADA reminded everyone of the increase in USDF
invest the funds.
membership dues and horse registration fees for the
2011 membership year, which begins December 1,
VADA currently has 833 members which is down
from last year. It seems that every chapter has ex- 2010. The new fees are: 1-year Participating Memperienced a decrease in membership, probably due to bership (PM) - $75, Youth PM - $60, 5-Year PM $300, Life PM - $1500, Business Membership the poor economy.
$200, Group Member Organization (GMO) MemLilo Fore is being sought to teach the 2011 clinic.
bership - $20, GMO Supporting Family Membership
- $10, Horse Identification Number (HID) - $25, and
There was a discussion regarding the new opportuLifetime Horse Registration (LHR) - $95. Note:
nity classes and whether VADA and its chapters
VADA membership fees will not increase for 2010,
should allow scores earned in such classes to be elitherefore SWVADA membership fees will not ingible for year-end awards. The representatives
Once again we’re asking the VADA membership to take a few moments and
think about those VADA members who have gone out of their way to help their
fellow competitors, their clubs, and the sport of Dressage in general. If you
know someone who embodies the spirit of good sportsmanship, please take the
time to nominate that person for the
2010 Shel Gafford Award for Excellence in Sportsmanship.
By showcasing and rewarding good sportsmanship, we hope to encourage that
quality in all our members, and in turn make the Dressage experience more
enjoyable for everyone.
The information about the award is on pages 24 & 25 in the 2010 VADA
“Purple Book”. Nominations should be 200 words long (give or take a couple),
and must be submitted no later than October 15, 2010. The slate of nominations will appear in each of the VADA chapter newsletters in November. Each
chapter must decide how they will collect their chapter’s votes, and then submit their chapter’s total votes for each nominee by December 15, 2010. Send
nominations by email or snail mail (email is better) to: Lwest101@aol.com or
Louise West,
29400 Secretariat Road, Ruther Glen, VA 22546-4128
Let’s make it clear that VADA values good sportsmanship!
2010 Final Schooling Show
October 2 Show at GHPEC, Manager: Blanche Mahoney, Secretary: Heather Weaver
Congratulations to the following SWVADA members who showed at Dressage at Lexington: Lori Yeaman and Zoro‟s Quest for winning the Training Level SHAC and Andalusion High Score, Meredith
McGrath for placing 6th in the third level SHAC and to the “Wags „n Nags” Team of Emily Grabarek,
Lori Yeaman, Meridith McGrath and Gail Stanley for their 4th place finish in the team competition.
Educational Opportunities…
SWVADA Adult Camp will be held Oct. 8-10 at Stone Bridge Farm in Natural Bridge.
Clinicians are Liz Steacie and Judy Westenhoefer. All inclusive tuition is only $650. Contact
Marie for more information.
For a complete listing of educational dressage videos and DVD‟s see our website at www.swvada.org
Contact the video librarian, Katherine Gramam to arrange checkout at KCGraman@aol.com And please
remember to send your Southern States feed proof of purchase labels to Cindy Sours. These labels are
SWVADA‟s source of funding for the video library.
For more Educational Opportunities log on to www.swvada.org and click on the calendar
Horse/ Dressage Organizations….
Sites for Fun and Learning
Dressage people are fond of the quote about our discipline being the foundation of all other kinds
of training, and in one respect that is quite true. At the same time, I am highly suspicious of
horses that can only go in a frame. Before you ride him on the bit all the time, your horse ought to
be broke enough and balanced enough to simply go around like a civilized creature. And even an
upper level horse should still be able to hack long and free like a pleasure horse without running off
or falling on his face.
from “Dressage Unscrambled” by Bill Woods
SWVADA Awards Standings
(as of July 16, 2010)
The following is a list of year end awards placings so far this year. These scores are based on
competitors top 3 scores to date. Five scores are needed to qualify for year end awards. In
order to qualify for the championship at least one score must be from the highest test at each
level. Four hours of volunteer service to SWVADA are required to be considered for an
If you have questions about your placings or scores, please email Robin Jones, the Points
Chairperson at thejonesgroup@rbnet.com
Training Level
Oberlender Linda
Cowan Heather
McCutchen Peggy
Narehood Elizabeth
Munsey Kathy
Whitmore Terry
Jones Megan
Palmer Nannett
Bunyan Laura
Newberne Holly
Lokant Lucy
Black Tie
Big Boy
The Scotsman 64
Bertone VT
No Foolin Dude
All Tuckered Out
BB Gisele
First Level
Tweedie Sarah
Weaver Heather
Pirate Jenny 71.944
Marcia Springston Dillon
“Living Letters”
at the
August 14th
Fix-a-Test Clinic
it before you leave you will be denied the use of
stalls in the future. And if you do clean it, please
be sure to lock it afterward so that you are not
penalized for someone else‟s slovenly ways.
And remember, no bedding please.
A few important reminders to members of GREEN
Gates must be locked behind you to discourage
Dogs must be on a leash at all times.
If you see people who you know are trespassing
through the park (or worse yet, riding on the soccer fields) please call the non-emergency number
for the Roanoke County police which 540-5623265. The Committee discourages any confrontation between park members and trespassers, but
does encourage the wholesome hobby of
Guest(s) must have applied for one day pass to
ride with members. Furthermore, if a non-member
is found riding with out proper validation, the
member he came with risks having his membership
revoked. Ouch!
If you rent a stall at Green Hill and do not clean
Carved in Stone at the VHC
Join the growing list of individuals and businesses
whose names and messages are displayed permanently on custom laser-engraved 4” x 8” red brick
pavers at the Virginia Horse Center in Lexington.
Each year, thousands of visitors and exhibitors pass
these pavers, which are located at the Howard P.
Anderson Coliseum main entry and the Virginia
Horse Center‟s Welcome Center/Stable Office.
Your horse
could be here
Your name, or that of your company, inscribed with
up to three lines of text and installed in the Coliseum
or Welcome Center walkway is an excellent way to
promote a business, commemorate a special occasion, and honor or remember a loved one.
Your custom brick may be installed at the Coliseum
or Welcome Center for a $100 tax-deductible contribution to the Virginia Horse Center Foundation. For
an additional $20, you may receive a 1.5” x 3” mini
replica of your brick, which is a perfect remembrance and gift.
SWVADA 2010 Adult Camp
October 8-10 at Stone Bridge Farm
Natural Bridge
Order your personalized bricks today by downloading the brick order form, filling in the information
and returning it with your payment to:
Clinicians: Liz Steacie & Judy Westenhoefer
Brick Campaign
Virginia Horse Center Foundation
487 Maury River Road
Lexington, VA 24450-3374
Tuition: $650 includes private lessons, lectures,
motel, all meals, and stall.
If you have questions, you may call 540-464-2951 or
email emmaccorkle@horsecenter.org
contact Marie at 540-314-9114 or
cobbsmtnfarm@verizon.net to register
Act today - only a few openings left!!
SWVADA’s July Schooling Show
Classified Ads
and is great on trail rides too! Deserves more attention
than owner can presently give. Please call 540-890-8364
TB/Arabian Gelding: Carbon is a 4yr old gray with a
great attitude and is a real people horse. This athletic
Ariat Medalist Dressage Boots
youngster is green broke to walk, trot and canter. He has
no vices and loads, clips, bathes and stands for the vet and Size 8, Regular Calf, Medium Height. Never worn!
farrier. Asking $2500. (Saddle also available—see ad be- Please call 540-890-8364
low) Contact Pat Nelson at 434-283-1055 or
Wintec Isabell Dressage Saddle
Size 17 ½, excellent condition. Irons and leathers included. Please call 540-890-8364
Centaur Dressage Saddle 17.5”, very good condition,
recently re-flocked to fit Carbon (see above ad). $1000.
Contact Pat Nelson at 434-283-1055 or
Oldenburg Mare Looking for a very special home for a
very special horse. Dark bay, 15 yrs, 16.3 hh. Has shown
thru PSG. High score or winner just about every time out.
A truly drop dead gorgeous mare, with 3 superb gaits.
TB Gelding: 8 yr. old, gray, 15.2 h, never raced. Woodrow is a great guy, real puppy-dog personality. Great on
trails both alone and in a group. Hauls, clips, ties, stands
for farrier. Would be great as a trail horse or lower level
dressage horse, but no jumping. Would also work as a
great companion horse, gets along with everybody both
horse and human. Hate to pass him on, but he‟s not up to
work over fences. $600, negotiable to a good home. Contact Sarah at engineer_eventer@yahoo.com
Soft, sensitive, light ride. Suitable for a woman or young
rider. She must have a home where she will be treated as
the Queen she thinks she is, and where she can have turn
out with other horses. I bought her originally as a brood
mare, and yes it breaks my heart that she cannot conceive,
but there it is, she is sound and we have her back under
saddle and are looking for a home for her as a schoolmaster. She is for sale, serious enquiries only.
Stall for Lease: 12 x 12, turn out, hot/cold water, tack up. Email Melyni@foxdenequine.com or call 540-294-3003
Long or short term. Private setting, Full dressage arena,
Cedar Creek Stables also has two lovely young warmalso a large ring. Great trail riding. $350 per month. Loblood fillies for sale. One by Romantic Star and one by
cated in Roanoke County. Call 540-929-4024 or leave
Libero Star.
message and we will contact you ASAP.
Selection of Knabstruppers from foals to under saddle,
with and without spots.
Read my blog http://www.knabstruppers4usa.com/news/
Gideon Gelding
12-year old Gideon gelding. Bayliss is a handsome
Trakehner/Thoroughbred cross with a easy going temperament. He has wonderful gaits along with a peaceful
attitude. He enjoys an abundance of attention and is easy
to handle for the vet & farrier, loads, clips. Loves to work
More Classifieds (for the truly competitive)
Canadian Mounted Police demonstration team. Don the
scarlet jacket and Mounties hat as you quadrille your way
across North America. Take part in the famous “cantering
through the ranks with lances down” movement. (Full
medical insurance essential.) Or thrill to the excitement
as a member of Argentina‟s crack Mounted Riot Control
Squad as they break up political demonstrations in Buenos Aires. Feel the exhilaration of the crack of the baton
on skull and bones under hooves. Our special this month
is to become a temporary member of the famous Spanish
Riding School of Vienna. Learn how to perform the
Capriole and Croupade movements, be treated with utter
contempt by the Austrian riders, and maybe teach those
Lipizzans the meaning of the word „extension‟. Send for a
free brochure to: Maggie@madcap.com
Ribbons, Medals, Plaques quality reproductions for sale.
Includes any inscription at no charge. We defy anyone to
tell the difference from the real thing. Be the envy of everyone at your barn, impress your friends and colleagues.
Avoid the stress and expense of actually competing.
USDF Gold Medals a specialty. Send for free catalog.
Achin’ in Aachen age 25, single, str., female dressage
rider, blond, attractive, slim w/ appealing figure seeks
middle-aged European trainer in need of U.S. green card.
Will wed sight unseen if you fit the profile. Must be certified to FEI level. Prefer German, Dutch, or Danish. Owning own GP horse a definite plus. Breeding a possibility.
Send resume, plus photo of horse to: Debbie@aol.com
from “Enter at A, Laughing”
by Brian McKeown
Dressage Vacation Adventures Don‟t waste your precious time on those dreary equine holiday packages like
trailing through the Loire Valley or trotting the Great Wall
of China. Take the next step up to our exclusive dressage
rider‟s action adventures. Choose from the following
packages: Try two weeks touring with the Royal
DATE: _________________________
NEW __________
RENEWAL __________
NAME ________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________________
STATE ________
) __________________
ZIP CODE ___________
) ___________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________
USDF NO.: ______________________________
(from your USDF Card)
members must include this information on your application. New members will be assigned a
number by USDF. USDF will mail your membership card.
JR/YR (BIRTH DATE ____________ )
NAME _________________
USDF # ____________
$47 _____________
$30 _____________
$47 _____________
$30 _____________
Members will receive the SWVADA SALUTE e-news via email bi-monthly and can also stay up to date by
logging on to our website www.swvada.org.
Please make checks payable to SWVADA and mail with your application form to:
SWVADA Membership Chairperson
c/o Pat Nelson
846 Mohawk Road
Long Island, VA 24569
Office Use Only:
09 List ________
Label ________
Omnibus ______
Membership is in the Southwest Chapter of the Virginia Dressage Association (VADA).
Membership year is December 1 to November 30 and includes a Group Membership in
the United States Dressage Federation (USDF).

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