Half-Halt - Southeast Virginia Dressage Association


Half-Halt - Southeast Virginia Dressage Association
Half-Halt | Newsletter of the Southeast Virginia Dressage Association
The Newsletter of the Southeast Virginia Dressage Association
Happy New Year SVDA!
January 2014
Volume 31, Issue 1
We have an artist in our midst! Sarah Miller, along with fellow artists Robbie Younger and
Betty Clack have hand-painted the horses in a beautiful carousel which can be seen at the
Mansion House Antiques on North Church Street in Smithfield. See more pics of the carousel throughout this newsletter.
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2013 Board of Directors
Kathy Rowse-E-Mail
Vice President:
Robyn Nunnally-E-Mail
Danielle Rowland-E-Mail
Shari Cutchin-E-Mail
Clinics and Programs:
Janice Mumford-E-Mail
Awards Chair:
Carol Gonyo-E-Mail
Juniors Chair:
Tristin Butler-E-Mail
Licensed Show Chair:
Donna Rowland-E-Mail
Membership Chair:
Reeta Edmundson-E-Mail
Scholarship Chair:
Sandy Johnson-E-Mail
Did you know…
Be on the lookout for the SVDA membership
survey. The link will be posted on the SVDA
webpage and also shared in an email and our
Facebook page. The survey will be totally
anonymous so don’t be shy! Let us know your
ideas and opinions!
The new membership year started on December 1st. Have
you rejoined?
As part of the Annual Awards Banquet, SVDA Needs your
vote for:
1. Most Improved Rider
2. Sportsmanship Award
3. Steel Magnolia Award
Please E-Mail your Nominations no later than January 18,
2014 to Carol Gonyo at tullyagonyo@cox.net
Schooling Show Chair:
Robin Jones -E-Mail
Quotable Quotes:
Ways and Means Chair:
Grace Harrell
"Any training method that leads to success in the
show arena must be correct and therefore classical."
Newsletter /Webmaster
Anna Schriebl-E-Mail
Members at Large
Mary Winchell,
Julie Spencer &
Tina Bodnar
Harry Boldt, Former Olympian and Olympic Dressage National Trainer
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SVDA low cost clinics & VADA Events
January 19—Danielle Rowland will be doing an SVDA Low Cost clinic at Silverleaf
Farm in Suffolk. Danielle is a USDF Gold, Silver & Bronze medalist along with being
a L Program Graduate. Cost for the clinic is $35. SVDA members will have priority
over non-members. Refer to the SVDA website for clinic application.
February 1—SVDA Annual Awards Banquet, Suffolk Hilton Garden Inn
March 2—SVDA Low Cost Clinic with Tristin Hardy Butler, USDF Silver and Bronze
Medalist and L Program Graduateat Bridlewood. Cost is $35.
August 23—VADA Chapter Challenge Show at VA Horse Center
A new feature is coming to your SVDA newsletter! We would like to highlight the
local barns in the area where SVDA members train and board. Would you like to
have a visit from our intrepid reporter to show off your barn or farm? Email
patriotfarm@wildblue.net to get your visit scheduled!
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Fun Fun Fun!!!
Silent Auction @ The SVDA Awards Banquet to benefit the Junior/Young
Riders of SVDA
Bring your horsey related or general donation items to the banquet or contact
Tristin Hardy Butler at tristin@elfenridge.com 757-615-4975 to make arrangements.
Don't forget your cash or checkbook and join the bidding fun!
We appreciate your donations and support! (Tax deductable forms available).
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Half-Halt | Newsletter of the Southeast Virginia Dressage Association
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Special Horse Organization Winners’ Program (SHOW)
Southern States has a program to help non-profit horse associations and clubs
have their own sponsorship tool. In order for our club to benefit, we need proof
of purchase seals from Southern States, Legends and Triple Crown feed bags.
If you are willing to help or have a neighbor or friend that is willing to provide
their feedbag seals, please contact Mary Winchell at ambeholdin@verizon.net.
2014 SVDA Member-Sponsored Events
10 & 11 January: Rebecca Vick Clinic at Silverleaf Farm, LLC
Contact: Krowse@verizon.net
Carla Symander Clinics
Contact: terri.morgan@charter.net
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Volunteer Hours 2014
SVDA members please check your volunteer hours carefully and report any discrepancies to
Robyn Nunnally (robynnunnally@aol.com) immediately
Tristin Hardy Butler
Shari Cutchin
Reeta Edmondson
Carol Gonyo
Sandy Johnson
Robin Jones
Janice Mumford
Wendy Murray
Robyn Nunnally
Beth Rippel
Danielle Rowland
Donna Rowland
Kathy Rowse
Anna Schriebl
Julie Spencer
Grace Williams
Mary Winchell
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Pferdechen Tip: Make your own bit warmer with
an old sock (no holes though!) and some plain
white rice. Fill the sock with rice and sew or knot it
closed. Pop it in the microwave until warm (times
vary dependent upon the size of the sock and
amount of rice) and lay it over the bit while you
tack up. Your horse will thank you!
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Half-Halt | Newsletter of the Southeast Virginia Dressage Associa-
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SVDA Board Minutes
September 23, 2013
Members in attendance: Kathy Rowse, Tina Bodnar, Shari Cutchin, Janice Mumford, Robyn Nunnally,
Donna Rowland, Beth Rippel, Reeta Edmundson, Julie, Sandy Johnson
Call to order
President Kathy Rowse called to order the meeting at 7pm, September 23, 2013 via Teleconference
Approval of minutes from last meeting
Minutes from the August board meeting were approved.
Actions Taken Between Meetings
Officer Reports
1. Vice President: Robyn Nunnally reported she needed to fill the volunteer list for the last SVDA schooling
-- Robyn asked if we wanted to include a Halloween costume contest at the October schooling show.
--Concessions will be available at the October schooling show, provided by the same guy who was at the
Sterling Meadows show.
2. Treasurer: Shari reported a $2,600 increase in the treasurer's report.
3. VADA Rep: Robyn sent out the minutes from the latest VADA teleconference. Robyn suggested that we
look at VADA website, they sent out email and put on Facebook about needing volunteers for the
GAIG Championship show. Robyn is going on Friday, can take someone if willing to volunteer at
Old Business:
Committee Reports
1. Recognize Show: Donna Rowland no new news.
2. Schooling Shows: Robyn Suggested that we do contracts for the 2014 judges and facilities. For
judges, state "the current IRS mileage rate" will be paid, and ask for their meal preference. For facilities, ask if the ring set up is provided, or needed by SVDA and if so state that it will be done
Saturday before 4 PM and ask if a porta-potty is needed. Forward completed contracts to Robyn
Nunally and Shari Cutchin so we will know about the needed information.
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Donna checked on ribbons for championship schooling show: Intro, Tr, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, gaited, western, MFS (2). The wine glasses for awards will be transported to Kathy's farm via Donna and Mary.
3. Awards: Donna suggested the use of a 50/50 raffle at the awards banquet, it was decided to make it
$1.00. Proceeds split between Awards Banquet support and winner. Will need to create a flier and the
flier needs to get into the newsletter.
4. Juniors: Tristin reported there was no new news with the Juniors. They are already starting fundraising for next year and have two new junior members who are interested in becoming members
next year and competing in Junior team, and SVDA circuit.
5. Membership: Reeta sent in latest membership roster. One new member in August.
6. Clinics and Programs: Janice reported:
--Low cost clinic with Kathy Rowse Oct 12 at Silverleaf Farm
--General membership meeting & Debbie Rodriguez clinic on the New Rider Test Oct 27 at Bridlewood Farm in Suffolk at 1pm; if rain, will be held at Silverleaf farm.
--SVDA reduce cost clinic is confirmed for Nov 16 at Silverleaf Farm & Nov 17 Princess Anne Farm
with Rebecca Vick, cost of lesson is $65 for non members and for members is $45.
7. Scholarship/Foundation Fund: no report
8. Ways and Means: no report
9. Newsletter: Anna not in attendance, no report
10. Website: no report
New Business
Beth Ripple, Robyn Nunnally and Toni Meranda will be on the nominating committee for the 2014
Kathy adjourned the meeting. Next meeting will be on December 16th at 7pm via Teleconference.
Minutes submitted by: Danielle Rowland, Secretary
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SVDA Board Meeting Minutes
October 27, 2013
General Membership Meeting
Call to order
President Kathy Rowse called to order the General Membership meeting at 1pm, October 27th, 2013 at
Bridlewood Farm in Suffolk, VA.
The Nominating Committee Chair, Robyn Nunnally presented the slate of board members for 2014:
President: Kathy Rowse
Vice President: Robyn Nunnally
Treasurer: Shari Cutchin
Secretary: Danielle Rowland
Clinics and Programs Chairman: Janice Mumford
Schooling Shows Chairman: Robin Jones
Licensed Show Chairman: Donna Rowland
Awards Chairman: Carol Gonyo
Juniors' Chairman: Tristin Butler
Scholarships/Foundation Fund Chairman: Sandy Johnson
Membership Chairman: Reeta Edmundson
Ways and Means Chairman: Grace Williams
Webmaster Chairman: Wendy Murray
Newsletter Chairman: Anna Schriebl
VADA Representatives:
Beth Ripple
Robyn Nunnally
Sandy Johnson
Members at large:
Mary Winchell
Julie Spencer
Tina Bodnar
All Approved the slate.
Kathy reviewed to the members in attendance that the SVDA clinic with Rebecca Vick is next weekend and
is not full and members need to get their entry into Janice Mumford, the clinics and program chairman.
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Kathy also announced to the members that because the SVDA Championship show was cancelled
due to inclement weather, Tristan is going to host the SVDA championship classes at her sanctioned
show on Nov 10th, and the closing date is October 30th. Due to the 3 cancelled schooling show, the
board decided at great debate that for this year only SVDA would accept 4 tests of each level for year
-end awards.
Next, Kathy gave an introduction to the USDF Rider Tests and our Clinician: Debbie Rodriguez.
Debbie proceeded with giving a great, informative clinic to the members of SVDA in attendance.
Minutes submitted by: Danielle Rowland, Secretary
Half-Halt | Newsletter of the Southeast Virginia Dressage Associa-
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Board Meeting Minutes (Teleconference)
December 12, 2013
Board Members Present: Alison Head (NOVA), Alison Douglas (Central), Judith Harroun-Lord (ShenVADA),
Anne Draine (Central), Alison Thompson (Fredericksburg), Angie Stanaway (NEVADA), Sheli King (NOVA),
Nancy Lowey (C’ville), Penny Hawes (SWVADA), Jessie Ginsburg (NOVA), Tracey Smith-Oliver (SWAVDA),
Becky Pacquet (NEVADA), Gardy Bloemers (C’ville), Jane Palmer (SHENVADA), Beth Rippel (SE)
Others- Dianne Boyd (NOVA)
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm
Minutes – Motion to approve minutes from the last meeting was made by Shelli and seconded by Alison Douglas.
Board Approved.
Treasurer’s report – Combined balances are around $175k. Most of the checks from the Fall Show have cleared. We
got a donation $100 from Paul H. Pusey Foundation in honor of Maggie Georgiadis.
USDF Convention and Delegate Financial Report- An announcement was made regarding new FEI tests that USEF will
be confirming. Chapters running licensed shows should pay attention as their prize lists regarding Intermediare tests
and consecutive level tests are involved.
Penny Hawes broke down while traveling to the convention and never made it. She had been paid the $500 by VADA.
Alison Head suggested that we give Penny the money for her registration and have the reimbursement for the hotel
room paid. Motion made by Anne Draine and seconded by Alison Douglas. Penny will return the rest. Motion passed,
Penny abstained.
Donation Options-Gardy reported that she will be attending a meeting next week with the Rockbridge County Board of
Supervisors regarding VHS and she will provide a written report of the outcome which will be included with the
minutes. VHS is experiencing financial difficulties. Alison Head has suggested $100 donation for century club and increasing VADA chapter grants and hold off on the large donations until we get more information on the VHC. Motion
made for the century club by Gardy seconded by Jane Palmer. Motion approved. Next motion was made to increase
Chapter grants increase $100 per level. Motion made by Gardy and seconded by Beth Rippel. Board approved. New
amounts for 2014 will be:
$700 1-99 members
$900 100-199 members
$1000 over 200 members
Awards Banquet- Beth will give to Jessie how many awards are needed per level. Awards to be determined. It’s a surprise, not in the minutes! Jessie will order ribbons. Alison Head will coordinate dates for the Purple Book.
New Business- Alison Head reported that fund there has been a fund set up for Mary Riesch from MRK Designs whose
husband (David Titus)passed away from Lou Gerhig’s disease. Motion made by Alison Head, Gardy seconded, motion approved. Details from the email Alison received are below:
Patty Pollatos Fund, Inc.
www.ppfinc.org Go to About Us then click on the Recipients Link in the text. David Titus is on the next to last
row of pictures.
PPF, Inc.
c/o Debbie Williams
11102 Eagletrace Ct.
New Market, MD 21774-6704
Alison Head – send votes to her for the Shel Gafford Award.
Next meeting- Board call on January 16th- Teleconference
Meeting was adjourned at 9:33 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Alison Douglas
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Have a little fun and do
some cross-training with
your horse. Trail riding,
cavalettis and light jumping
are a fun change for the
horse and rider!
Start planning now to volunteer for club events. The
year goes by so quickly and you’ll need those volunteer
hours not only for Year-End Awards but also to make this
club a better one for everyone!
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SVDA’s own Sarah Miller bringing one of the horses to artistic
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Talented local artist Robbie Younger painting one of the horses.
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SVDA Ask A Trainer
Dear Ask a Trainer, I went to several dressage shows this year and kept hearing the phrase
“Behind the Vertical”. What is that and how should the judge deal with it? There were a
lot of complaints by riders who scored lower than the horses they said were behind the vertical.
Signed, Dressage Newbie
Dear Dressage Newbie,
Thanks for your question and for joining our sport! I admit I took this question myself because this is an issue that is important to me and I’m hoping, through further education, that
this practice will stop.
Behind the Vertical, or BTV, is a hotly debated issue so I’m not surprised you heard the
phrase several times. A horse is considered BTV when he is behind the bit, or his head is
curled and his nose would be behind a plumb-line if you dropped it in front
of his face. The picture here communicates better than words. BTV is also
sometimes call “Rollkur”.
This is considered a serious fault by most dressage riders, judges, and
trainers and can cause actual physical damage to the horse. It is usually
caused by incorrect and harsh training and a very strong rider hand accompanied by a poor seat which the horse evades by curling back behind the bit. When a horse
is ridden in this manner, the work does not come over the back and the horse is ridden from
“front-to-back” and not “back-to-front” meaning he is pulled in and the back never comes
up so energy can flow over it from the hindquarters. You’ll see horses ridden in this manner with very stiff backs and their legs will “flick” rather than reach. You will usually also
see disturbances in the gaits (canters become four-beat, trots are uneven, the walk is
“pacey”). The horse isn’t truly in the bridle nor on the bit. That is because they aren’t allowed to reach down into the bridle and have learned to avoid it.
More vets, judges and trainers are becoming a voice for the horse and speaking out about
this practice as studies discover the physical damage to the horses. They range from difficulty in the horse’s ability to breath to damage from prolonged contracted muscles and connective tissue injuries.
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Once a horse has been trained in the manner, it takes a skilled hand and good rider to teach
the horse that he can again loosen his back, trust the rider, and travel correctly into the bridle over the back accepting the riders hands. It takes patience to undo a BTV-ridden horse
but it can be done but you must also hope that there is no permanent physical damage to
him done by BTV riding.
It is unfortunate that if a horse went throughout the test BTV placed higher than a correctly
ridden horse but perhaps there were elements of the test that were better and gave the rider
of the BTV horse the edge. Normally this shouldn’t be the case but I can only assume as I
didn’t see the test.
However, don’t let some of the things you may see at a dressage show sway you from the
sport. There are so many good folks out there working hard to do what is right for the horse
and the sport!
God bless and good riding!
Anna Schriebl
Patriot Farm LLC
What we all would like to see: a happy
horse stepping from behind over a supple back with a soft mouth with foam
and a nose slightly in front of the vertical.
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Attention Western Dressage Riders!
Starting 2014, the SVDA will be using the guidelines and tests of
the WDAA. Please learn more by visiting the link below:
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Please save your soda/beer cans for us! We will use the tabs to
make our costumes for next year’s Championships in July – Medieval Knights chain mail. After we use them we will donate them for
dialysis. We will crush the cans and turn them in for money.
You can drop off bags of cans at Bridlewood Estates in Suffolk to
Tristin, bring to schooling shows, or we can arrange a pick up.
Please contact Theresa Dodge at 609-351-4022 (call or text) or theresadodge@charter.net with questions or to make arrangements.
Thank you,
SVDA Juniors
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Classified Ads (Free to SVDA members!)
Jumbo custom designed 1995 Turnbow 3 horse gooseneck slant load trailer for sale.
Designed for large horses. Aluminum on steel frame. Full storm doors and rear ramp. Extra
large carpeted dressing room and collapsible rear tack area with swing out saddle rack.
Large hay storage box. Retractable awning. Stall fans and lights and loading lights. Very
good condition. Pictures available. $15,000. Located on Eastern Shore of Virginia. Pls
Email maureen@tidewaterfarm.com or call 757-678-7520
New On Course Riding Jacket. Midnight blue size 16 (but fits like a ladies size 10), $45.
Pls call Anna at 757-876-3272 or email patriotfarm@wildblue.net
Albion SLK, wide tree, 17.5” seat, excellent condition, purchased new, asking $1850. Contact dannellegoulding@aol.com
Ladies 2000 Petrie Dressage Boots. Excellent Quality in good condition
with normal wear. Size 7.5, measurements: 14.5” calf, 16” height heel to
back of knee, 17.25” foot to tallest part of the outside boot. Asking $175.
Pls email me at Jenniferfreeland@verizon.net if interested.
Wanted: Used wide tree dressage saddle with 17” seat. Must be comfortable with a deep
seat. Pls call Karen at 613-5720.
For sale: 11 yr old Oldenburg Cross Mare. Schooled in dressage to first level, 16.2 hands & chestnut with white socks &
a blaze, very pretty. Asking $12500. Contact:
2000 Sundowner Gooseneck Trailer for sale. 5 horse head
to head with tack room and new tires and landing gear. Excellent condition! $24,000. Pls
call Martha at 757-581-8228

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