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READ NOW - Woof Mag
August/September 2016 RRP $4.95 Aust/NZ Medicinal Cannabis for your Dog STEM CELL THERAPY Sleeping with your Dog NUTRITIOUS AVOCADO The wonderful wonderings of Waggs August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 1 FLUSHABLE POOP BAGS Australia’s No. 1 Poo Bags Flushable Poop Bags’ mission is to help reduce the 4% of landfill that is dog poop! We want to make a difference in the world “one poop at a time” Order from today! WATER SOLUBLE 100% BIODEGRADABLE 2 100% ECO FRIENDLY 20% of the profits of this purchase goes to Animals Australia 39 CONTENTS AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2016 Contents ............................................. 3 Editors notes ...................................... 4 Nutritious Avocado ........................... 5 Feeding raw bones to dogs.........6 - 7 Let me sleep on it .........................8 - 9 Stem Cell Therapy ................... 10 - 11 The wonderful wonderings of Waggs .......................................... 12 The Basset Hound ........................... 14 Australian Pet Dog Trainers Conference....................................... 15 Hidden dangers of collars & leads .......................... 16 - 17 Maluka the Fashionista............ 18 - 20 Dachshund Rescue Australia .......... 21 Uncomfortable behaviour ............... 25 Danny the Reading Assistance Dog ........................ 26 - 27 International Ambassador for Guide Dogs Australia .............. 28 - 29 Medicinal Cannabis ................. 30 - 32 Deadly Petfood ........................ 39 - 42 Homeopathy .................................... 44 Warts ................................................. 45 18 44 30 14 10 August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 3 SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Dear Dog Lovers, MDB A ‘CAN INE PUBL ICAT August/Septem ber 2015 RRP $4.95A US/NZ Herb Prof ile: Ros ema ry We are now mid way through Winter and Spring is on its way! You can see little buds appearing everywhere symbolising new beginnings, baby birds and new born lambs demonstrate to us that life is precious and wonderful. In this issue I’d like to share with you some interesting articles on animal behaviour, health and diet, provided by some of this country’s most well respected vets and therapists, people who make a huge contribution to the lives of our animals. ION OF THE YEAR ’ 2015 GE T FIT W ITH YO UR DO G ww w.w oo fm MDB A and get Woof Mag delivered to your door! Mas terC hop s ag .co m.a u 2015 R’ 2015 THE YEA TION OF December/January 2016 US/NZ PUB LICA RRP $4.95A ‘CAN INE Livin g within sna kes a Aus trali Wha t do we kno w abo ut DNA ? ay tra HoHlid S YOU R DOG vel WIT be Sub scri ! and WIN Wo of Mag Yo urs Fr ee RS EVE NEW YEA Fir ewo rks ty and Anxie F MAG TV & WOO Y HOUR WITH YAPP DOG A STAR MAK E YOUR ww w.w oo fm ag .co m. au offers Special Thanks to: Goanna Graphics Spotpress Lyndall Clyne Dr Renee O’Duhring Jennifer Lonergan Waggs Tony Knight Dr Lindy Price Dr Ian Billinghurst Dr Bruce Symes So please, show your support for the magazine, visit the website and subscribe today. Contact Information Phone: 0411 511 711 Email: Website “Giving Mother Nature the Credit” Woof Mag is a “magazine of opinion”, not a “Veterinary Journal”. Please make wise decisions when considering your animal’s health 4 NUTRITIOUS AVOCADO and full of vitamins including A, C, E, B6, folate, potassium and dogs diet. The Protein found in avocado has 18 amino acids, including eight that make a complete protein, so it’s a excellent addition to meat or fish and should be the basis of your dogs diet. Amino acids provide the energy and essential building blocks for muscle development and organ function in your dog. Fats are a necessary part of a balanced diet for dogs. Avocado is a source of healthy fats plus omega fatty acids and are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. If your dog has dry, itchy skin they may indeed have low fat levels. Avocados are packed with antioxidants, which support a healthy immune system. Avocados are high in crude fibre and full of vitamins. Regularly check your dogs skin and coat for signs of overall health and wellness. If their coat is shiny and their skin is in good condition, its an excellent indicator that they’re healthy and getting the right nutrition. If on the other hand you notice things like hair loss, a thinning coat, dullness, dry or thickened skin, matted hair, infections or odours, please check with your holistic vet and review what your feeding your dog. THINGS TO BE AWARE OF WHEN FEEDING AVOCADO When feeding fresh Avocado be aware of the danger of choking on the pit. Remember if your dog takes a fancy to them they may be tempted to eat them whole if left within reach, so be sure to store them safely out of reach. The second concern is feeding nutrient dense Avocado in the right proportions. Do not overdose them on essential fatty acids, always aim to give them a well balanced diet to ensure optimum nutrition. Get the benefits of avocado as well as the balanced nutrition your dog needs. One of the best ways to feed Avocado is to add a little to their main meal each day, 1/2 an Avocado mixed into their food is sufficient and you will notice the sheen on their coat within no time. August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 5 FEEDING RAW BONES TO DOGS WRITTEN BY DR BRUCE SYMES Eating raw bones is as completely natural as eating fresh meat for dogs. Dogs are natural hunters and are happy to eat fresh, or decaying meat. Either way, catching and eating prey has always involved the consumption of bones. BENEFITS Raw bones are consumed first and foremost for their nutritional value to the cat or dog. A natural, and highly digestible source of calcium is provided by raw bones, and is required to provide a natural balance to the higher levels of phosphorous found in raw meat. Adequate calcium is vital for normal growth and development, for correct mineralization (strength) of the teeth and bones, and structure of joints. It is vital for muscular contraction in the body, including the heart muscle, and is involved in a wide array of metabolic processes. The calcium in raw bones can be up to 4 times more digestible than most common calcium supplements available. Bones also supply smaller amounts of cartilage, bone marrow, and other minerals, like boron, which are vital for bone and joint health. Raw bones also play an integral role in dental hygiene for dogs. The process of macerating the meat and bones actually massages the animal’s teeth and gums, cleaning away any food residues or tartar development. This prevents plaque formation, bad breath, dental cavities, gingivitis, and 6 expensive veterinary teeth scaling and extractions. A good supply of calcium and other nutrients during the early growth stages of puppies will also help to ensure strong healthy teeth. And finally, a good bone feed actually has a beneficial effect on the dog’s digestive tract. It has a cleansing/scouring effect, providing much needed roughage in the diet, and provides bulk for healthy faecal motions that stimulate anal gland emptying. WHY RAW? The benefits of eating bones are greatly reduced by cooking, and it can actually create dangers. Cooking bones renders the natural calcium almost unavailable for absorption, losing that vital source of mineral availability. Cooked bones are much tougher, and more brittle than raw bones, and will actually blunt animal’s teeth after regular chewing, or can even cause broken teeth. They also break into large chunks more easily, and can result in your pet swallowing a piece too large to digest, and then a quick visit for some veterinary attention as cooked bones do not digest or breakdown in the stomach. BONES FOR DOGS The basic guide for choice of bones is really decided by the size of the dog. Large dogs can handle larger bones, like lamb necks, lamb shanks, beef leg bones, whole rabbit, whole chickens or chicken carcasses, kangaroo tails. Smaller dogs will fare better with chicken frames, chicken necks or wings, lamb flaps, brisket bones, ribs etc. My favorites are Kangaroo tails and chicken frames. Remember that there are two distinct types of bones; those that are eaten easily and quite quickly, are nutritional, and provide all of the above listed benefits. Bones that are too large or tough, and end up scattered over the back yard, or buried in the lawn, and dug up or chewed on over many days, are more of a “toy”. They offer some dental hygiene effects, but minimal nutritional effect. They do however; keep many a dog happy for several hours a day. Try and get bones with some meat left on, as it encourages the dog to exercise the front incisor teeth while tearing at the meat. This is very important during puppy-hood, when the milk teeth are replaced by the adult teeth. The chewing and tearing action helps to dislodge the puppy teeth, and allow normal progression of the adult teeth. HOW OFTEN? Puppies and kittens should have a bone offering every day during their growth phase. For small breed dogs, this ends around 6-12 months of age, for medium sized dogs at 12-18 months, and for large and giant breeds, at 2 years old. Puppies can tackle soft macerated meat and bone pieces as soon as they develop their milk teeth, at around 4-5 weeks old. Adult dogs and cats can still happily eat a bone every day, but can get by with bones at least twice weekly. Older pets should get more bones, as they start to need more calcium in old age to maintain good health and prevent arthritis. WHAT TO AVOID Avoid cooked bones full stop. As a general rule, avoid bones of a size that will tempt the dog to swallow them without chewing, they can still get caught in the gut, or wedged across the roof of the mouth. Also be wary of feeding bones if you don’t feed any other raw meats in the diet, as the gastric acidity can be significantly diminished by processed kibble diets. (Refer “Gut Acidity” article on Vets All Natural Website) This article was written and authorised by: Dr Bruce Syme BVSc (Hons) Founder of Vets All Natural. For more information visit www. This article or parts thereof can only be used with written permission from Vets All Natural. Contact Dr Bruce Syme is a practicing vet and animal lover who founded Vets All Natural in 1996 with a simple mission, to “Improve the health and longevity of dogs and cats”. Dr Bruce is an expert in natural pet nutrition, has spoken at the Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference, and provides regular comment on TV and Radio. Find Dr Bruce on Disclaimer: The entire contents of this article are based upon the opinions of Dr. Bruce Syme, unless otherwise noted. The information is not intended as medical advice, it simply shares the knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Bruce and his community. Pet health care decisions should be based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified pet health care professional. © Copyright 2015 Dr Bruce Syme and Vets All Natural. All Rights Reserved. August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 7 LET ME SLEEP ON IT WRITTEN BY TONY KNIGHT - DOG LISTENER As is usually the case in the dog world, there are conflicting opinions and advice regarding whether or not your dog can sleep on your bed or not. As you would expect, I will tackle this subject from a completely different angle to everyone else and you can decide for yourself whether or not you want to do it. Throughout my life with dogs, there have been times when I have shared my bed with them – as a child, my cocker spaniel Sandy would sleep on – or sometimes under – my bed on a regular basis. As a grown-up I have on occasion slept in the same room as my dogs, either in hotels on our travels around Europe, or from time to time on the floor at a relative’s house near Dover to break up the journey down to my home in Southern France. This latter situation has caused great excitement, especially to Pru, who would relish the chance to get comfortable on the mattress when invited. I have “fond” memories of being woken up, perched on the edge of the bed with two dogs in a line beside me. Fortunately the fall to the floor was not far… 8 Personally, I see no problem in having your furry friend on your bed (that is not code by the way) but there are a couple of rules to keep in mind. The obvious benefits include warmth, security and contact -pack animals like canines and humans feel safe in company. For those who worry about potential health problems, provided that everybody is clean and wormed (whether you choose to worm the people too is entirely a matter for you) and the person isn’t actually allergic to dogs there should be no problem. Of course, it is also a good idea to make sure that they are housetrained… again this can apply to the people too! Having said all that, I have helped people for whom the bed is actually the centre of a behavioural issue with their dog. Some have come home to find their pooch has peed on the bed, while some couples have told me of the awkward moment when the dog allows one of them into the bed without a problem, but will growl when the other partner attempts to join them. Both of these issues come under the spectrum of my work, and the ultimate reason for both is the same. However, in each case there is a different specific reason. In case one, toileting on the bed is a form of marking the territory which serves three purposes – warn others who are not pack members to stay away from their turf; establish their smell as a way to show everyone who is in charge and help lost members of the family to find their way back home. This all stems from responsibility; my job is to show people how to convince dogs that they don’t have to do any of this. The rules of bedtime not only introduce this idea of trusting the owners with the decisions (therefore, why worry about where everyone is) but also directly show the dog that the owners are to be respected. The growling dog on the bed is clearly saying, “I will choose whom I let on here with me… and it ain’t you, mate!” The only thing to remember is that if you do want your dog to be on the bed with you is to make sure that you are in the bed first. Dogs understand – and use – the idea of thrones as a way to establish who goes where in the pecking order. A dog that growls when approached is also letting you know that you had better not invade their personal space without permission – there are rules to be obeyed. If your dog is already on the bed, call them off. If they refuse, rather than go up to them to take them off – which means you go to their throne – you can always pull the doona off the bed. That works a treat… Once the bed is dog-free, you can get into bed and call them back up. If they jump up without being called, they should be put back on the floor (although if this is during the night while you are asleep, don’t worry too much about it if you don’t mind sharing the bed). With a small dog, gently pushing them off is easy, but even with a big dog you can do so with your feet as long as you don’t say anything while you do it. The rules are then clear to your dog; you can join when only when I say. This puts you above them in the pack structure which also helps with dogs that have other behaviour issues due to not coping with the top job. This rule for the bed applies equally to the couch too. When the dog respects your personal space, you can call your dog up and enjoy the cuddle. The one thing I cannot help you with is the snoring – Pru could make a room shake! Tony will be filming in Australia in November for a brand new TV series. Details to come soon! August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 9 HOW STEM CELL THERAPY COULD HELP YOUR PET WITH ARTHRITIS WRITTEN BY DR LINDY PRICE BVSC(hons) MACVC(surg) Many dogs suffer from arthritis as they age. As many as 1 in 5 dogs, over the age of 5, have arthritis. Winter is always a time when you may notice your aged dog struggling to get up from lying down or limping in one particular leg. Many dogs just appear generally stiff and may improve as they warm into activity. Traditionally, veterinarians may offer surgical procedures for cruciate injuries or sometimes extensive reconstructive surgeries for hip dysplasia or dislocating knee caps. These surgeries definitely have their place in managing the disease process because they can stabilise the joint. Unfortunately, however, they don’t address the arthritic changes that are ongoing at a cellular level. Arthritis is a disease of the joints and the word arthritis literally means inflammation of the joints. The effects of arthritis are painful, and although your pet may not ‘complain’, the fact that they take more time to get up or sit down or limp after a walk, means they are experiencing pain. The inflammation of arthritis may be due to many different causes, such as an injury – like a ruptured cruciate ligament, or due to a conformational problem such as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia or a dislocating knee cap. These conditions cause uneven wear and tear on the smooth cartilage surface and damage the cartilage cells. Once damaged these cells release a series of proteins called inflammatory mediators. These can signal other cells to enter the joint and the end result is heat, pain and swelling. The inflammatory cycle is what causes the pain and also perpetuates ongoing damage. Once there is arthritis in a joint, the damage continues indefinitely, with increasing degrees of pain and disability. 10 However, with advances in medicine, there is a new technology that can directly address the inflammation and pain of arthritis itself. Stem cell therapy is an exciting new treatment that can provide the pain relief that your arthritic pet needs. Stem cells down-regulate the expression of many of the inflammatory mediators. Where some drugs address one part of the pain cycle, stem cell therapy can down-regulate multiple inflammatory mediators at once. Stem cells also have the ability to ‘talk to other cells’ and stimulate repair of the cartilage surface itself. The stem cell procedure is conducted under a general anaesthetic, to allow the joint to be prepared for a sterile injection. The whole procedure takes five to ten minutes per joint, once the patient is prepared. The procedure is suitable for patients that can’t take regular pain relief medication because of other conditions such as kidney or liver disease. Stem cell therapy can provide months to years of pain management, depending on your pet’s individual response. The stem cells used in the treatment of arthritis have been harvested from fat, from a healthy young donor dog who was under anaesthetic for a regular desexing procedure. These cells have been cultured and are stored in liquid nitrogen so that they can be transported and then thawed and injected into patients with arthritis. Stem cells are a safe and effective alternative for the treatment of arthritis. Dr Lindy Price BVSc(hons) MACVSc(surg) has been a vet for 20 years and has a special interest in orthopaedic surgery, stem cell therapy and canine rehabilitation. Her business, New Life Vet – bringing new life to old pets…has a focus on providing enhanced quality of life to older patients with arthritis and managing sporting injuries with new technologies. She can provide comprehensive orthopaedic assessments and provide rehabilitation programs, including post operative care for orthopaedic surgeries, stem cell therapies, therapeutic exercises, laser therapy, ultrasound and electrical stimulation. August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 11 The wonderful wonderings of Waggs Hello everyone! If I could please have a few moments of your time – I have a story I would like to share with you about the world of “dog transport” as told by me, a dog, who travels interstate every week with my amazing owner. For the sake of this story my name has been changed to Wagg’s so my inbox is not flooded with “fan mail” I can feel the excitement in the air today and it can only mean one thing, today is travel day!!!! I rise to an early breakfast and take care of my personal business before I enter the kennel area and assist in making sure all of the dogs traveling with us are loaded, secure, calm, and ready to begin our adventure. In the blink of an eye I am whisked into the car where I settle in and eagerly await meeting our first client of the day. We arrive at our destination and begin the process of unloading when OMG did that just happen??? I blink my eyes rapidly and shake my head in confusion. There is a human standing there and he must have been all excited and in a rush to get his pup for I now see that in his haste to rush out and meet us he grabbed a dressing gown and ummmmm forgot to tie the sash. It is a most unusual experience as most of our clients remember to dress before rushing out to meet us. Me being the lady I am kept my eyes diverted and will take this time to remind humans that it is ok for dogs to go without pants but you might want to take a few extra moments to put your pants on before going out into the world. Hope everyone has a wonderful week Waggs “For safety and reliability, you can always depend on GTE” GTE DOG TRANSPORT Serving Victoria, New South Wales & South Australia Now serving Central West NSW For all bookings please contact our helpful office staff (03) 5439 6322 or (03) 5439 6278 Office hours 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday (After Hours / Urgent bookings 0409 434 445) With over 20 years experience 12 Pods4Pets_300714[PRESS].pdf 1 20/05/2016 Britt’s Pet Taxi Service Transporting Pets in a Safe & Friendly Manner Ph: 0438 823 392 Australian owned and designed with locally made cushioning Elasticised and interchangeable covers to match your decor Durable - Pods4Pets are oval shaped with no corners to chew The pod bed creates a nest with cushioned walls beneath the cover - so comfy and secure Pet hair, dirt etc just shake off the covers Machine Washable. 3 independent parts that can be washed separately as needed Buy online or ring Jacque on 1300 79 22 55 | 0414 238 697 August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 13 THE BASSET HOUND vThe Basset Hound has to be one of the most pleasant-natured and laid back dogs around. They can be dignified or playful goofs and they are almost always, reliable, goodnatured, sociable creatures that get along with everyone, including strangers, children, and other pets! In saying that they are not necessarily the easiest breed to live with or to train! They are a fairly bulky, heavy breed, with shortstumpy little legs and they generally weigh around 22 or 24 kilos. Basset Hounds need regular daily exercise to keep fit, don’t be fooled by the snoring on the sofa, the do not disturb sign is just a ploy to through you off track. One must take this regime seriously or you could find your Basset Hound suffering from heart problems due to obesity in later life. Your Basset Hound will love the outdoors, however you will need to keep them on-leash. They 14 are a hunting hound with a powerful nose and simply love the chase so bear in mind if they do pick up an interesting scent they will likely be consumed by it and nothing you do or say will stop them. Yelling and screaming stop or no will simply fall on deaf ears. In general the Basset Hound is a Stubborn fellow who tends to go at his own pace and will likely be slow to obey your commands. They are a comfortable coaster in no hurry at all really. The Basset Hound has an amusing character and can be quite entertaining especially when doing their own thing. Being a fairly single minded dog, any training you undertake should be consistent, reward based training. Oh, and don’t forget to make it food rewards? Basset Hounds live for food, they are excellent beggars, and will steal any tasty morsels within reach -don’t turn your back for a minute, your delightful four legged friend may not be fast on his feet but he can reach a fair height standing on his back legs. Lastly but not least, Basset Hounds like to howl when they are bored, so make sure your favourite pooch is entertained and exercised regularly. “A great family pet who is very easy going and affectionate.” Do you want to learn more about training and behaviour? This 3 day conference event of the year is for dog trainers, professionals and enthusiasts. APDT’s annual conference is packed full of new information and a wide range of interesting topics from a great line up of Australian and international speakers. There are also half-day workshops to challenge and update your skills and beliefs. The as books and DVDs to stretch your mind. Come along and make new friends, mingle with the old and also sign-up for a delicious dinner while you listen to John Lemon talk about his work with Painted Dog Conservation in Africa. Join us this October! for program and registration August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 15 THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF COLLARS & LEADS WRITTEN BY DR RENEE O’DUHRING Almost everyone who gets a dog immediately goes out and purchases a collar and a lead. This is necessary equipment for the responsible dog owner after all. Yet in that singular purchase, there lies the potential for a lifetime of problems. One of the dog’s basic needs is for exploration. They learn about the world around them through their innate curiosity, yet when harnessed on a collar and a short lead, their natural explorations are severely restricted. Many a time I have seen people walking their dogs on a collar and a short lead, with the dog pulling back, or lunging forward, or trying to escape from the entrapment altogether. Usually the person 16 fails to recognise what it is the dog is trying to communicate, and this is simply their overwhelming frustration with the situation. What’s more, the act of pulling on a collar, even with minimal pressure for short periods of time, puts immense force on numerous sensitive structures in the neck and throat, including muscles, ligaments, blood vessels, nerves, lymph nodes, glands, cervical skeleton, spinal cord, trachea, oesophagus, larynx and more. The vagus nerve travels directly from the brain through a hole in the brain through a hole in the skull, then travels down the neck to the colon, innervating every organ that it passes! Any force applied regularly to the neck can over time cause all kinds of problems that may manifest as symptoms as varied as persistent foot licking, gastric upsets, thyroid issues, collapsing airway, and reactivity on leash. Els Vidts is a human physiotherapist, manual therapist and osteopath turned dog behaviourist. With her background in manual therapies, Els is a passionate advocate for getting all dogs into comfortable walking equipment that avoids the damage caused by collars and short leads. There are many poorly designed harnesses out there, and her Freedogz website has many excellent diagrams and explanations explaining what to look for in a harness, and why a long (3m minimum) leash is also necessary. ‘My Dog Pulls. What Do I Do?’ is a book by Turid Rugaas that demonstrates how dogs can walk politely and happily with a harness and long leash. When this equipment is used correctly, daily walks become less about pounding the pavement, and more about a deeper understanding of your dog’s basic needs. One of the most common ways we fail our dogs is in our expectations of what a daily walk should involve. It’s time this changed, and the first step is to make the walk a comfortable experience for you and your dog, so they can express their needs, and you can learn to relax and smell the roses with them. August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 17 MALUKA THE FASHIONISTA Maluka is a two and a half year old Miniature Red Smooth-Hair Dachshund. Dachshunds are often referred to as ‘sausage dog’, ‘wiener dog’, ‘slinky’ or ‘doxie. But let me tell you, this little doxie is no sausage when it comes to fashion! Maluka is an all Aussie girl who resides in the Foothills of the Blue Mountains. She loves the outdoors and keeps herself trim. Maluka may well be Australia’s answer to the “next top model”winning medals and notoriety on the Catwalk here in Australia! Maluka’s biggest wins this year include Best Dressed Rock ‘n’ Roll Dog at Cooly Rocks On, Coolangatta in QLD, Best Dressed Mad Hatters High Tea and Best Dressed Open Category at A Pooch Affair, Canberra, ACT. As Maluka’s wardrobe expands, so too does her collection of 1st place winnings. Maluka’s style and charming character attract her lots of attention, recently headlining on Channel 9’s “Gold Coast Evening News”, photographed in “The Blacktown Sun” at Blacktown City Annual Pet Festival, shes now eagerly awaiting her photos in “The Canberra Times” where she recently took out the winning title. When the camera comes out, Maluka switches into Diva mode. She knows how to put on the glam and pose! Maluka has an extensive wardrobe from stylist Nicole at Pets Charming who dresses Maluka in brands such as WoofLink and Puppy ZZang and she has many custom made numbers from Cutie Pooch and an outfit for every occasion....Follow Maluka and her little sister on Instagram @maluka_and_avalon 18 The Pet Boutique for your furkid! Contact Nicole Celeban at Pets Charming Boutique Shop 3, Commonwealth Bank Arcade 374 High Street, Penrith Phone: 0414 227 527 • August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 19 a k u l a M ! a v i D 20 DACHSHUND RESCUE AUSTRALIA DRA was formed in 2009 to raise awareness of dachshunds in need of rescue and rehoming in all States of Australia. Due to our success and the number of dachshunds we rehome every year, we have gained a reputation as an ethical breed specific Organisation within the animal welfare community and continue to build positive relationships founded on open and respectful communications with animal shelters, other rescue groups and registered breeders and members of the dachshund community. We became an Incorporated Not for Profit Association and gained Charity Status in 2014. In recent years we have rehomed in excess of 300 dachshunds a year who vary in age from as young as eight weeks old to the grey fourteen year olds. We pride ourselves on being nonjudgmental to the families who wish to rehome their dachshunds and we also stay in touch with their new families providing appropriate resources and information supporting them during their journey of being “owned by a dachshund”. In addition, we offer long term support to our adoptive families who may require help with veterinary bills over their lifetime, particularly to pensioners or those who have fallen on hard times. We have a large community of dachshund supporters on Facebook (over 21,000 members) where we raise awareness for the breed, their health issues and also celebrate their lives and achievements. Stories of our dachshunds which have found new homes can be found on our rehomed page www. COAST TO COAST DACHSHUND RESCUE & REHOMING We understand that life has changes for people. Whether it is a family break up, moving overseas, or any other reason your dachshund needs rehoming, we work with you in a non- judgemental manner to make sure that your dachshund goes to a home where they will be ideally suited. Our dachshunds are placed with people who know and understand the quirks of this breed. and we do not judge anybody who needs to rehome. August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 21 Is Beetroot good for my dog? Fresh beetroot is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin B, manganese, and has many other nutrients. It’s also a great addition to your Dog’s diet, even just a little once a week. Make sure you feed your dog fresh as the canned varieties contain is good for your dog. Too much salt other more serious conditions, so as a rule always stick to fresh. While eating beets can be quite good for a dog, eating an excessive amount stomach and cause diarrhoea. One of the best ways to introduce beetroot into your dogs diet is to grate it into their evening meal, or you can use the beet slices as treats. 22 TRAVELLING ON THE ROAD? Grab some delicious treats for your dog at Olivers Real Food Stores Baked Fresh • No Preservatives Just natural wholesome goodness Offering new hope for old or injured dogs New Life Vet is a referral service offering: • Stem cell therapy • Canine Rehabilitation & Laser therapy for a range of orthopaedic conditions & diseases Contact Dr Lindy Price at Newcastle Animal Referral & Emergency Centre Phone 02 4957 7106 • August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 23 “New all-natural products for dogs of all sizes” Design by The Stable - K9 Joint Support, Collagen + Ligaments, Muscles, Tendons K9 Coat & Eyes Show Body & Condition Naturally Healthy GI & Skin K9 Energised Mud Exfoliator & Poultice TuffRockK9 focuses on a new holistic Joint TuffRockK9 focuses on a new holistic Joint Support powder called K9JF Support powder called K9JF which has a plant which a plant based vitamin/mineral/anti-oxidant/micronised Omega basedhas vitamin/mineral/anti-oxidant/micronised synergy supporting natural Omega synergy supporting naturalfreedom freedom ofof movement at affordable prices. movement at affordable prices. “TuffRock is different because we specialise in supporting the natural health of K9 “TuffRock is different because we specialise in Gastro-Intestinal Systems and making ancient volcanic minerals bio-available so animals supporting the natural health of K9 Gastro-Intestinal can generate their own collagen”. y ancient volcanic making Hurle Steveand -Systems minerals bio-available so animals can TuffRock Founder & Managing Director generate their own collagen”. - Steve Hurley WWW.TUFFROCKK9.NET TuffRock Founder & Managing Director H H TuffRock’s volcanic K9 Mud supports healthy skin, ears, armpits, wound recovery, ligaments, hips and backs. Excellent on any hot spots, skin infections, dog mange and itch. 100% all natural preservative free for heathy happy dogs of all ages 24 Dogs love a full body Pictured is “Milla” who presented with skin itch. TuffRock was applied 3 times in 2 weeks, left on for 15 minutes to immediately cool the skin, calm the dog, ex-foliated, provided collagen support and when rinsed off left natural healthy, shiny skin and fluffy coat CANINE BEHAVIOUR THAT MAKES US UNCOMFORTABLE WRITTEN BY LYNDALL CLYNE In our society today more and more the dog is moving from the backyard into our homes. They bring us joy and enhance our lives. More and more we are treating them like children showing them off with pride to our friends and family asking them to sit, drop and stay with squeals of delight when they comply. There are some behaviours that do not please us that we were not really aware of when their domain was the backyard. This is an article about those situations, conditions guest. These situations are easily explained and can be speedily resolved with the correct homoeopathic remedy. Some male dogs develop prostatitis because they masturbate. They exhibit their behaviour on the legs of their owner or any visitor. There is a reason. This condition is called Onanism Dr Samuel Hahnemann the founder of modern Homoeopathy based it on the principle of Similia similibus curentur – Like cures like. This applies to all living things - humans and animals alike. The choosing of a remedy is selected by matching the symptoms of an animal; physical, mental, emotional and environmental to the signature characteristics of the remedy. So there is a remedy for this as well. The remedy for Onanism is Staphisagria 4x three times a day until the symptoms disappear or Staphisagria 30x once a day. The dog will express irritability and be sensitive to touch in the hind quarters. Sensitive and easily offended if he is growled at; scolded. He is often angry for apparently no reason and is best left alone in the morning. Owners of dogs find it very embarrassing when their dogs lick their genitals, especially when it’s in front of guests; or when their dog decides to mount their visitors’ leg much to the disgust of the guest and embarrassment of the owner. Although modern movies seemed to have made this behaviour comic it is very embarrassing for both the owner and the Spasms with the masturbation are helped by Bufo rana 15x twice daily until balance is restored. Always make sure that you assert your position in the “pack “as top dog and that will also support appropriate behaviour. Try not to scold them as they as mammals and have a libido just as humans. The important thing is to have it balanced! August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 25 DANNY THE READING EDUCATION ASSISTANCE DOG Danny, a four year old greyhound, a white and blue, was found wandering the streets of Cork, Ireland as a puppy. He was rescued and brought to England by Tony Nevett. The docile pup soon proved to be a great dog. Because he loved children and adults,Tony felt he would make an excellent therapy dog like his big brother, (Reading Education Assistance Dog) dog in Europe. At a young age Danny followed his big brother on visits and did his first TV show with Scotts when still a puppy. Shortly after he traveled to schools, hospitals, etc. and appeared in newspapers, magazines and other media. He became trained as a therapy dog and a reading education assistance dog. He became recognized and well-known in the UK and Europe. Danny began a series of his own children’s books. The first was “Danny Goes to London”, detailing events after he won the honored award in 2011, the IFAW (International Federation of Animal Welfare Amazing Animal). He has also won other awards for his work in the field of pet therapy. Danny helped launch the Kennel Club’s “Bark and Read Foundation”, a children’s literacy program. His second book in the series is entitled “Danny Strikes Out In America”, which 26 features Corridor Therapy Dogs, an organization in Cedar Rapids, Indiana. This charming book was chosen as the book for the popular Cedar Rapids Kernels baseball team’s 2013 summer reading program. Thousands of children received the book as a prize for participating in the competition. Danny continues to work in therapy and promoting the wonderful work of therapy dogs and inspiring young children to read! Danny is a “listening dog” for children to read to August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 27 MATT McLAREN WRITTEN BY LYNDALL CLYNE INTERNATIONAL AMBASSADOR FOR GUIDE DOGS AUSTRALIA In the last issue we talked to Matt Mclaren a musician blind from birth and the International Ambassador for Guide Dogs with Stamford his guide dog. We heard the story of how Matt was given Stamford and about his training with Stamford; humorous to say the least. ( If you are curious obtain a copy of the previous Woofmag). “ If the dog is in harness don’t pat the dog”. This article is a follow on with the focus on keeping your dog on a lead when a guide dog is around. PAW PRINT DECALS 3D stick on decals that look great on your car or in your home! Just $12.95 plus postage Easy to a!ach & very cool! ORDER YOURS TODAY! Ph 0411 511 711 or email 28 When I was growing up in Victoria guide dogs were referred to as Seeing Eye Dogs. Personally I think that is a better description of their true purpose. After talking to Matt for the last issue he spoke about the problem of unleashed dogs attacking guide dogs while in their harnesses, leaving both the handler and dog at risk of being hurt and traumatized. Since the publication of the last issue of Woofmag I decided to visit Matt again to get his point of view on this topic. I went back to Matt’s studio which is located in a converted warehouse in Parry Street, Newcastle. It is a curious conglomeration of offices rather resembling a rabbit warren. To get to his studio I had to negotiate around chairs set out for an open meeting and two bicycles that were jutting out into the hallway; a nightmare for an unsighted person without the assistance of a guide dog to find the safest route for its owner; an obstacle course for me. I made mention of this fact to Matt and he replied that Stamford did very well. After the last article my awareness of ever present dangers in the general marketplace for the unsighted person has become more acute and I look at the world I live in, the world unsighted people negotiate and my admiration for these amazing people who have such faith and trust in the guide dogs they set forth to take their part of society. I am truly humbled. When I entered Matt’s studio den I was greeted by Stamford. He had no harness on so was free to move around at will. Stamford looked at me wagging his tail yet, it was as if he was waiting for Matt to give me permission to pat him; and yes Matt said it was ok and Stamford came forward to me and put his head in my hands to be adored. This article is about the incidence of guide dogs attacked while on duty. These dogs are taught to learn to ignore distracting behaviour. Can you imagine what it must be like being blind? Why don’t you try an experiment? Why don’t you blindfold yourself to simulate being blind then imagine what it must be like to be given the opportunity to have a guide dog. Every person who receives a guide dog says how it has given them freedom to go and do and be the person they want to be. More and more in our society today our dogs are being included in our everyday lives and as with children. Everyone thinks their dog wouldn’t do anything wrong. So if you see a guide dog on a harness leash your own dog. Because the guide dog is taught to ignore distraction if an unleashed dog approaches a guide dog the guide dog keeps on walking. If the dog is an alpha dog it will escalate its behaviour until the guide dog responds; however the guide dog is trained to ignore distractions an attack ensues leaving the guide dog and its owner traumatized and possibly seriously injured. There was the case of a dog visiting the vet with his unsighted owner, Rhonda. After seeing the vet Rhonda went to the counter to pay her account. Another dog in the continued on p43 August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 29 MEDICAL MARIJUANA RELIEVES CANINE PAIN AND CHRONIC ILLNESS WRITTEN BY JENNIFER LONERGAN CMT EMT PAT PAWS N’ CLAWS NATURAL THERAPIES The truth is out! Medical Marijuana not only cures epilepsy, cancer, arthritis and eye ailments (just to name a few) in humans, but it is also a miracle healer for our pets as well. Newcastle Cannabis Advocate, Karen Burge, founder of Ubuntu Wellness Clinic on Hunter Street, Newcastle, treats close to 2000 human patients with pain and chronic illness. She has also been successfully treating severe arthritis, chronic itchy skin and debilitating epilepsy in dogs with CANNABIS OIL for the past 18 months through the clinic, with astonishing recovery results. This ancient herbal medicine goes back through history, in many countries, for thousands of years. 30 This type of treatment for the animals, has been used for many years in the US and Canada. According to Karen, the dogs owners and the dogs themselves, the ageing process is substantially slowed, pain is managed, and chronic illness has been reversed overnight. Appetites and sight improve, mobility increases, scratching has all but stopped, precious lives have been saved. When all was thought to have been lost, many dogs have been brought back from the brink. BOO is a five year old who was scratching and biting himself all day, but has now recovered after overnight treatment with the oil. His maintenace dose is 3 drops, twice a day. LILY, a healthy 17 year old Blue Cattle dog, had a sudden onset of violent epileptic fits, increasing daily up to 3 fits a day. Her amazing owner, Kim Waters of Singleton, NSW, had heard of a man, a couple years back, from Vancouver, BC, Canada, who was making and giving away his Cannabis Oil to cancer and epilepsy patients and having his patients make a full recovery. So when her beloved dog Lily fell horribly ill this year, she remembered this man’s Left: Lily on the 2nd day of treatment story and thought that the oil might do something for her dog. Luckily, a relative knew of Karen Burge and her Wellness Clinic and referred Kim to her. Immediately upon receiving this news, Kim flew down to Newcastle. Lily was virtually dead, like a limp rag doll in her arms when she arrived at Karen’s clinic. The fits had completely drained all her energy, her vital life force was gone. Originally the oil was administered to Lily to help her pass away in comfort and dignity as it was felt that the fits were so horrific at her advanced age. However, to everyone’s delight, Lily’s fits were completely arrested after the first dose of Cannabis Oil. The recovery was literally overnight. She was then kept on a dropper full dose, 3 times a day, for the next 3 weeks. During that time, Lily’s arthritis improved significantly, to the point where she could pick up her legs, easily climb the family home’s stairs, and walk around for an hour outside, 3 times a day. About six months before the oil was administered, her legs had become very stiff and she had great difficulty moving her joints. Currently, Lily is fit, free of her arthritic pain and the inflexibility of her joints has been greatly reduced and relieved, even her crooked damaged ear has straightened upright overnight after being given the first dose of the oil. Lily is now on a maintanace dose, 10 drops a day in the mouth, 3 - 4 times a day, depending on how she is feeling. There are many many case studies, world wide, with the administering of Cannabis Oil to dogs and other animals, for whole body health and healing. The dog I am introducing next is the beautiful ELLIE, a 15 year old Staffordshire Terrier. Her owner, Paul Lawrence of Wollongong NSW, is a Public Speaker on Cannabis, organises Medical Cannabis Symposiums and is a Spokesperson for the Medical Marijuana Movement in Australia. He has successfully treated his own body with Cannabis Oil for the treatment of tumours on his spine. He decided to use this medicine on his ageing dog at 13 and half years of age when he noticed her eyes had started to cloud over with glaucoma and the arthritis treatment given to her by a vet, was not working. Her movements were still slow and painful. continued overleaf August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 31 It’s NATURAL to want the best for your pet! JENNIFER LONERGAN Canine, Feline, Equine Natural Therapies Clinician Therapeutic Massage, Acupressure, Dowsing, Reiki Master Specializing in Rehab for Arthritis, Itchy Skin, Obesity, Muscle/Joint Injuries, Hips Supplying Wholistic Supplements for Pets AND Their Owners Wild Game And Hemp Seed Dog & Cat Treats Designer of Hemp Martingale Dog Collars & Leads, Hemp Dog Coats continued from p11 With the use of the oil, a few drops a day on her gum, Ellie had a much improved quality of life. Within only a couple of days of being on the drops, Paul noticed little differences. Within 2 weeks on the drops, other friends and family, who did not know she was on the oil, noticed and commented that she was a lot more active than usual and seemed to be in less pain. It slowed her ageing process, helped her sleep and cleared the Glaucoma for quite some time. She behaved just like a normal dog in their younger years. Ellie’s symptoms and ailments lessened with the administration of the oil, unlike her experience with the vets medicine. She never complained about taking the oil as she did when on the vets arthritis medication. UBUNTU Wellness Clinic Hemp Dog Play Toys Creative Dog Grooming - Your Dog is My Canvas 10% of all sales goes to feeding and Veterinary Care for " Pets Of The Homeless" Proudly Stocking/Supporting Hunter Valley & Newcastle Artisians & Producers Mobile: 0423 762 385 Email: FB: Paws N' Claws Natural Therapies Clinic & Pet Consults: Medowie Pet & Produce, Ubuntu Wellness Clinic 32 NATURE’S MEDICINE FOR ANIMALS? We have seen excellent results for dogs and cats with skin irritations, cancer, epilepsy & osteo. 0411 483 895 For more information contact Karen Burge, UBUNTU Wellness Clinic She was now happy, flexible, and pain free. Due to his thorough research, Paul recommends that all animals should be on Cannabinoids for their lifetime. It’s a preventative medicine as well. High in nutrients and essential CBD and THC for a healthy long life. Just a couple of drops on the gums, every couple of days, for your average size dog or cat. For further information, further case study documentation or Pet Consultation, contact Karen Burge on 0411 483 895 or Jennifer Lonergan, Canine, Feline, Equine Natural Therapies Clinician on 0423 762 385 or visit Ubuntu Wellness Clinic, Hunter Street, Newcastle NSW. Hemp seeds are high in an essential Omega-6 fatty acid called gamma linolenic acid (GLA). This and to reduce dog and strengthen the immune system August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 33 Two romantic self contained mountain retreats, on 100 acres with privacy, seclusion and panoramic mountain views. Fully fenced dog yards and dogs allowed inside cottages, plus a mowed track for walkies. At Bega, Far South Coast NSW. Check availability and tariffs or to make an online booking visit SOMERFORD RAW & NATURAL DOG DIET All fresh! Somerford Raw & Natural Dog Diet is made with the freshest seasonal fruit and vegetable all grown locally in the Hunter Valley and on our own farm in Newcastle. Human grade Chicken and Beef are used along with Ingredients such as sweet potato, carrot, cabbage, spinach, kale, fennel, broccoli, apple, ginger, garlic, parsley, turmeric, flaxseed oil, fish oil, eggs, vitamin and mineral powder and probiotics. We offer 4 varieties, Adult Chicken, Adult Beef, Puppy Chicken and Puppy Bone with additional Calcium and Marrow. Great for dogs with sensitive stomachs or itchy skin! Sold at The Petshop Boyz Unit 1/5 Channel Road, Mayfield West PH: 02 49600708 Follow The Petshop Boys on Facebook. 34 Now available at your local PETstock, My Pet Warehouse, PetO, and all good pet stores. ZiwiPeak is distributed by Number One Country Cousin Pty Ltd, 2/4 Browns Road, South Nowra, NSW 2541. WOOF mag for free samples. E: T: (02) 8011 0205. 2016 WOOF MAG 35 August/September PUMPKIN SEEDS – A GREAT WAY TO WORM YOUR DOG Pumpkin seeds are nature’s healthiest food 36 With spring just around the corner now is a great time to worm your dog. Rather than relying on chemical wormers why not try something natural? Did you know that Pumpkin Seeds can be used safely and effectively to deworm pets and eliminate parasites? Pumpkin Seeds, also known as pepitas, have been used for centuries by the Native American Indians and greatly valued for their medicinal properties. The pumpkin seed is uniquely alkaline forming creating an environment condusive to optimum health. Pumpkin seeds contain Cucurbitin, an Amino Acid, which paralyzes and eliminates worms from the digestive tract. In fact they are also a great source of nutrients and are loaded with protein, amino acids, fiber, iron, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc, potassium, folic acid and niacin. All of which are very beneficial to the overall health and well being of your dog. Simply add 1 teaspoon of ground fresh pumpkin seeds (per 4.5 kilos of body weight to your dogs main meal) for 1 week (once a month). This is a great way to ensure your dog is worm free. Make sure to use fresh organic seeds, stay away from processed or salted. Best price online GUARANTEED! Follow For the Pet on Facebook for the latest news and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter by visiting DON’T MISS OUT SUBSCRIBE TODAY 30% UP TO line OFF on ORDER TODAY, AND IT’S ON ITS WAY Grain Free Dog Food Grain-free diets for dogs are important if your pet has allergies. These are three of the best grain-free dog foods on the market. Order some today! FREE FREIGHT to Newcastle, Hunter Valley, Central Coast and all Major Metro Cities. August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 37 DEADLY PET FOOD WRITTEN BY DR. IAN BILLINGHURST THE GRANDFATHER OF RAW FEEDING The basis of health is correct nutrition. Without correct nutrition there is no healing modality in the world that can create restore or maintain health. This is the philosophy, which underpins my approach to the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery. My name is Ian Billinghurst. I am a veterinary surgeon. As a vet I have only ever worked as a solo practitioner and mostly with companion animals. I graduated with an honours degree in Veterinary Science from Sydney University in 1976, after obtaining a degree in Agricultural Science in 1966, and a Diploma in Education in 1969. I passed my final exams in a diploma of acupuncture course in 1986. It was while studying acupuncture – together with herbs and homoeopathy – I came to realize that nutrition is the major contributing factor to either health or illness. I realized that it is the artificial grain based foods we feed our dogs and cats that produce the ill health I dealt with daily as a veterinarian. I discovered that by feeding a properly formulated diet based on whole raw foods – with no grains – we cannot help but produce health and well being in our pets. It became clear that this was true for all animal species, including humans. Since that time, nutrition for both humans and companion animals has been the focus of my research and professional life. As a veterinary surgeon, my practice has always been fairly conventional, the only difference being that I do use some of the complementary modalities I was taught in 38 the eighties: acupuncture, some herbs, some homoeopathy, and lots of raw whole food nutrition. After studying acupuncture, herbs, homoeopathy and nutrition, I came to appreciate that each modality relied ultimately on correct nutrition to be effective. I realized that most health problems dealt with by modern medicine AND by complementary modalities simply disappear if the diet is right. To put that another way… with properly formulated raw whole food nutrition, the need for most of the healing arts begins to disappear. Nutrition is indeed the Prince, the King and the Queen of all medicines! “Let medicine be your food and food your medicine” has been the catchcry of dedicated healers down the ages. My obsession with nutrition has resulted in lots of writing: three books and numerous articles, for veterinary, canine and Natural Health publications. I have also been involved in radio talk back and numerous lectures for veterinarians, breed societies and dog-training clubs. These have taken me throughout Australia, the UK, Japan, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada and the US. As I travelled and met people from all walks of life, I found it hard to accept that commercial pet food is universally accepted as the normal way to feed cats and dogs throughout the civilized world. Daily in my practice I see the enormous difference in health between dogs and cats raised on cooked and processed commercial pet food compared to those raised on a raw evolutionbased whole food diet. An alarming fact of life is that we vets receive very little worthwhile training in nutrition. No training in the use of raw whole foods and a biased approach to our understanding of commercially produced pet foods. It is relevant to ask what do we veterinary surgeons really know about pet foods? Unfortunately the answer translates as… “Not very much”. Regrettably, our lack of knowledge concerning nutrition has become the basis (or the excuse) for recommending processed pet food! Most vets who are interested in their own health will acknowledge raw whole foods as basic in the formulation of their own healthy diet. Why then do most vets insist on our pets being fed cooked and processed pre-prepared pet foods? Sadly we vets have been hoodwinked into accepting the hype regarding this stuff. Unfortunately these products do not produce the lifetime health seen when a properly formulated raw whole food diet is employed. Most degenerative disease processes in pet animals are the direct result of a lifetime being fed cooked and processed foods. This includes those socalled super premium foods, which have their own set of unique nutritional problems. The super premium pet foods have most of the drawbacks commonly associated with “ordinary” pet foods, chief among which is the fact they are based on cooked – and often gluten-rich grain. However, they have an additional problem. In their attempt to remedy another common problem associated with dry foods – a lack of essential fatty acids, both omega 3’s and omega 6’s continued overleaf August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 39 continued from p39 – they contain a very high level of cooked polyunsaturated fats. This makes the coats of the creatures that consume these products look good in the short term, but in the long term, the inclusion of high levels of heat damaged essential fatty acids contributes to an enormous range of degenerative diseases including many of the auto-immune diseases and cancer. In all my lectures and writings I strive to make it known that the chronic degenerative diseases need not be accepted as an inevitable part of being old in years. They are in fact the result of the ageing phenomenon… a process of degeneration, which is the direct result of a lifetime of inappropriate food choices. I also stress that such diseases are rarely if ever linked to their true cause by the veterinary profession. Meanwhile it is my continuing experience, that by switching an animal to a properly formulated raw whole food diet, those problems begin to disappear. I receive written and verbal testimonials to this from pet owners worldwide. These are people who have switched from feeding commercial pet food because of innumerable health problems in their pets, and have instituted the nutritional principles outlined in my book “Give Your Dog a Bone”. They remain incredulous at the outstanding results they witness. It is important to realize that processed foods are highly biologically inappropriate. That is why they cause problems. I believe that when we vets recommend any form of cooked and processed food we are failing our clients and their pets in a major way. The sad truth is that prepared pet foods help provide patients for vets. When we Australians as a nation of pet owners fed our pets on home produced food, the worst we did was to produce a few simple and very obvious problems of nutritional excess and/or deficiency. Chief among these was a calcium deficiency, with 40 the odd vitamin B1 deficiency, vitamin A excess and rarely… a vitamin E deficiency. These were problems that commercial pet food is touted as preventing; problems that have a simple basis and are easily remedied. As our pets moved onto a steady diet of processed foods, we swapped a few easily remedied straightforward nutritional problems for the vast array of degenerative diseases, which now afflict our pets, fill vets waiting rooms and massively expand our textbooks. These are complex problems with expensive and often difficult medical and surgical solutions. In too many cases there is no effective solution. The veterinary profession never questions their origin. These problems are almost never linked to their true cause, the biologically inappropriate foods that spawned them. The proof concerning these products is found in the long-term results of feeding them. Over ninety-five per cent of the degenerative diseases we vets deal with, develop in pets that have been fed cooked and processed pet food. The philosophy behind the production of even the “best” of these awful products is flawed. It is based on the requirements of the manufacturer, not the needs of the consumer. That is, cost and availability of basic ingredients, combined with what is currently known and legally determined as the minimum nutrient requirements for a pet animal. To the recipes formulated using these principles is added much in the way of non-nutrition. These additives include whatever flavour enhancers the manufacturer deems necessary to ensure the animal eats it, and whatever chemicals will prevent it from becoming rancid, together with coloured dyes to attract the purchaser. The result is a cooked “complete and balanced at every meal” product which contains substances inimical to health. And let me stress that “legally complete”, is a long way from biologically complete; there is a vast difference. Let me also stress that no matter what the spin placed on these products, the aim is not health. The aim is to make money, to not appear harmful while appearing to do good.. Pet foods contain barely adequate levels of the known vitamins. The cheaper ones will often contain a range of toxins from the cell walls of the bacteria present in the dead dying and diseased animals used in their production. Many contain biologically inappropriate antioxidants, enormous levels of refined sugars, together with an almost complete absence of biologically appropriate fibre. Note that the fibre – sourced and used by modern pet food manufacturers who have only recently discovered its importance – is not biologically appropriate. It is totally different to the healthy raw fibre found in whole raw fruit and vegetables. Cooking renders these products biologically inappropriate in a fundamental way. It is now widely recognised that cooked food has lost much of its nutritional value. Cooked foods are devoid of enzymes and biologically active essential fatty acids. This is due to heat denaturation. Once denatured, enzymes are no longer biologically active. They are simply cooked proteins. Denatured essential fatty acids, which should be the backbone of health, become slow poisons, doing irreparable damage. In fact all processed pet foods are disease producing, simply because all of them lack biologically appropriate essential fatty acids. They are either not added in the first place, or have been denatured during processing by heat. Cooking causes complexes to form between proteins and starches, between vitamins and trace minerals, and between minerals and minerals. By this method carcinogens and anti-immunogens are formed and many minerals, essential amino acids and vitamins are lost to the animal in the process. Processed foods are biologically inappropriate because they lack nutrients, which are only present in fresh whole raw foods. These are the nutrients the body requires for healthy longevity. They include biologically appropriate anti-oxidants… substances present in raw whole foods, but totally lacking in the processed stuff that so many pet owners (who think they are doing the right thing) force their cats and dogs to eat. They include the phytochemicals, which number in excess of 100,000 and counting. In short, these modern products do not contain those known, unknown (and yet to be recognised) health promoting, degeneration reducing factors present only in raw whole foods. continued overleaf Dogs rely on bones as a major part of their diet for teeth-cleaning, nutritional and psychological August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 41 continued from p41 It takes many years for the loss of these nutrients to be noticed. Even then, the degenerative diseases, which develop are generally assumed to be part of the “normal” ageing process, and are rarely if ever linked to the processed foods, which caused them. Biologically inappropriate pet foods attempt to be balanced at every meal rather than producing a situation where the diet is balanced over time. This, when combined with cooking makes many nutrients unavailable and others become toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic. Dangerous nutrient excesses are present in most of the supermarket brands of “pet foods”: nutrients such as phosphorus, calcium and salt. These excesses are insidious, wreaking enormous havoc over the years and are never linked with the diseases they promote and exacerbate. The vast majority of processed pet foods are based on cooked grains. This alone makes them biologically inappropriate. At no time in their evolutionary history (except for the last 50 to 150 years) have cats and dogs been subjected to cooked grain in any amount, and certainly not as the basis of their diet. Our pets in Australia have only suffered eating this way for a relatively short period of time: since the 1970’s. In that period, much has changed. We have seen a population of mostly healthy pet animals exchange a few simple deficiency diseases for a whole range of complex degenerative diseases. These are problems that were largely unknown prior to that time. That is why, as a veterinary surgeon I cannot knowingly recommend these foods. That is why the food I recommend is raw whole food. The evolutionary diet of the animal in question. A biologically appropriate diet is simple in philosophy and construction. It is the very essence of common sense. It looks at the diet of a wild or feral animal and duplicates that 42 type of feeding regime using available whole raw foodstuffs. These diets may be enhanced with appropriate supplements. Once the principles are understood, anybody can do this. No great education is required. In the case of the cat, which is an obligate carnivore and a hunter, the biologically appropriate diet is based largely upon animal derived foodstuffs. Basically, whatever nutrition can be derived from a whole fresh raw carcass constitutes a biologically appropriate diet for a cat. In the case of the dog which is an omnivore, a hunter and a scavenger, the diet can be based on a wider range of whole raw foods of both animal and plant origin, with the further proviso that the foods may be either fresh or auto-decaying via endogenous enzymes. Both species rely on bones as a major part of their diet for a variety of reasons including teeth-cleaning and the myriad benefits which flow from that together with the nutritional attributes of bones, their psychological benefits and so on. For more information on how to feed your dogs (and cats) a biologically appropriate diet please refer to my three books: “Give Your Dog a Bone”, “Grow Your Pups With Bones” & “The BARF Diet” available from my website Copyright © Ian Billinghurst continued from p29 surgery lunged and viciously attacked her guide dog. It took two men and two tranquillizers and 15 minutes to get the dog to release its hold. The guide dog was immediately taken into surgery. It was left with a permanent limp and was so traumatized it had to be retired. This is shocking but think of Rhonda But think Rhonda helpless in the surgery saying over and over “She is my eyes listening to the attack, unable to help; imagine her being afraid that she too would be attacked. In the newspaper article no one discusses how the owner got home, how she coped with the loss of her dog which is essentially the loss of her freedom; freedom to live her life without depending on others and the waiting; the waiting for another dog. Because even though they have lost their dog due to an attack they do not get preferential treatment in getting another dog. More and more in our society today our dogs are being included in our everyday lives and as with children. It is inconceivable that our dogs would do anything wrong. But they are dogs; they are pack animals. More than “ just a grooming salon” We are a small and friendly salon catering for all size dogs, also stocking toys, collars, leads, shampoos, dog food and treats. Phone 0466 919 030 50 Alliance Avenue, Morisset 2264 REMEMBER...IF YOU SEE A GUIDE DOG IN HARNESS PLEASE DON’T PAT THE DOG Dogs enrich our lives but for unsighted people they are so much more. So if you see a guide dog on a harness please leash your own dog. If you are interested in reading further please go to the Guide Dogs NSW website. August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 43 HOMEOPATHY WITH LYNDALL CLYNE TPTC DIP HOMEOPATHY & COUNSELLING Q Jim. My name is Sue Pope. I have a 14 year old standard Fox Terrier called Whilst walking at the dog park in Singleton recently he was exposed to a few dogs that were coughing. He has been coughing for the last couple of weeks and seems to have difficulty swallowing his food AND Jim loves his food. tHe sounds like a seal with a barking cough (I am not trying to be funny) and I am wondering if there is anything homoeopathically I can give him. I was also wondering if there was anything I could give him to curb his appetite as his weight is affecting his health and I have tried to reduce his food intake. If you can help I would really appreciate it. Do you have a question about your pets health? Send a photo of your dog, info on their condition and your concerns to Lyndall at: sales@ A A cough has a number of possible causes and if the condition does not get better take Jim to the vet. A bronchial cough is often heard after a cold, and will respond to Belladonna 6x and Byronia 6x. Kennel cough is a viral disease which can last for several weeks; a good remedy is Antimonium Arsenicum 6x given in turn. I have found Pertussin 6x, usually given to children works really well as it matches the symptoms. Give the remedy that best suits the symptoms three times daily until Jim’s symptoms go. In relation to Jim’s weight problem, I would give him Apis 6x before meals and Cal Carb 30c after meals This combination will speed up his metabolism. It is important follow all the instructions when you give him the remedies. Good Luck! 44 Warts are epidermal tumours that can appear anywhere on the body, affecting dogs as well as humans. Older dogs are particularly susceptible to warts. They seem often to appear overnight. They are messy, sometimes smelly, itchy, bleed easily if scratched and they look unsightly, especially if you own a boutique dog. Thuya 30c is the major remedy for warts. Well over half of all warts will respond to this remedy. Tincture of Thuya can also be applied on the skin to affect the same result. Warts that are cauliflower like, fissured, tend to itch and bleed easily respond to Thuya. Warts in the ear respond to Calcarea Carbonica 30c. Causticum in the evening is also valuable for warts on the older dog. Pet Photography sessions starting at $350 Warts that are small and are found all over the body especially the face, call for Causticum. Continue with remedy until warts have shrunk and disappeared. Warts that show themselves on the eyelid, the nose and the front paws respond well to Causticum. They are painful, that bleed easily, soft, moist and itchy. These warts cause watering from the eyes. There is a condition that manifests in young dogs. They present in the oral cavity. They are grey in appearance, they smell offensive. They can cause difficulty in eating. Nitricum Acidum 6x is the remedy.One dose three times a day and a single dose of Calcarea carbonica 30c. Homoeopathic treatment for warts consists of treating the metabolic disorder that has led to the development of the warts and restoring it back to normal. Homoeopathy is a gentle, subtle healing discipline. Always consult your vet if the warts remain or change in colour and size. 0405 775 947 Facebook: david&clareoliverphotography Instagram: clareoliverphotographer August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 45 Oliver’s Real Food Travellers with dogs welcome Real Food on the freeway at Oliver’s that will make you “feel good.” A great selection of organic, gluten free food & delicious organic coffee. Spacious dining area and comfortable seating outside for those travellers with Dogs. We provide a water bowl for our 4 legged patrons and have a range of hand made dog treats on offer. Utilise our Free Wifi and amenities and there are ATM’s instore or around the corner. Looking for nutritional advice? Ask one of their friendly staff or enquire online: NOW OPEN in NSW at Coffs Harbour, Hexham, Wyong, Lithgow, Goulburn, Gundagai, Albury or in VIC at Wallan, Geelong, Scoresby, Baxter, Officer or purchase products online Fresh. Natural. Organic. 46 HELP PROTECT GUIDE DOGS BY KEEPING YOUR DOG ON A LEASH called Take the lead, calling on the country’s dog owners to ensure their pet dogs are always walked on a lead in the name of responsible pet ownership. In 2014, Guide Dogs Australia released research revealing that on average, three Guide Dogs a month were attacked by a pet dog while working over the past year. The findings, from a national survey of more than 220 Guide Dog handlers who are blind or vision impaired, revealed that some Guide Dogs were attacked multiple times - 32 respondents reported a combined 160 attacks on their Guide Dogs over the past three years, including one Guide Dog being attacked 15 times. The survey found that one in four (27%) Guide Dogs attacked sustained injuries, with two Guide Dogs retired as a result of the trauma. Off-lead pet dogs were the cause of most attacks. Guide Dogs play a vital role in enabling people who are blind or vision impaired to get around independently. Attacks compromise this independence and can cause serious injury and trauma to both the handler and the Guide Dog. In rare serious cases, attacks can result in premature retirement of a Guide Dog, which costs more than $35,000 to breed, raise and train. This coming year, Guide Dogs NSW/ACT needs to match 20 new Guide Dogs with new owners, as well as replace 41 retiring Guide Dogs. To keep up with this demand, the organisation is relying on the public to help support the breeding, raising and training costs of future Guide Dogs so that more people with living with vision impairment can increase their mobility and independence. To address this issue, Guide Dogs Australia launched a public education campaign August/September 2016 WOOF MAG 47 Joint Care Revolution Is Here Not all joint products are the same. Epiitalis® exclusive to 4CYTE™ Canine is patented for its ability to proliferate chondrocyte cells for cartilage regeneration. 4CYTE™ Canine is the SUPER POWER in Joint therapies. t A preventative to promote longevity in active dogs t A stand alone treatment for arthritic symptoms or can be used with prescription treatments t Support healing after joint surgery 4CYTE™ is: t Cost effective t Safe to take long-term with no known side effects t Palatable, chicken flavour, orally consumed granules Look forward to life-long naturally healthy joints 48