Cayman Airways Skies
Cayman Airways Skies
014Greetings Get more value with Cayman Airways And experience what being “Caymankind” is all about. M any of you who have travelled policy is just one of the many ways we deliver true on other airlines are familiar Caymanian hospitality and generosity. with that moment at checkin when that airline’s agent behind the counter is impatiently looking optimise your comfort, and more importantly, at you while you’re still struggling to grasp offer more leg room than any other airline serv- what they just said: that you have to pay more ing the Cayman Islands. While other airlines may money just so you can check-in that second try to fit as many seats as possible into an air- (or sometimes even the first) piece of luggage, craft, resulting in cramped uncomfortable seat- with all the important items you need for your ing, we want you to be as comfortable in your trip. And it’s not just a couple of dollars either. seat as possible so that you can genuinely enjoy They want $50 more. your flight with us. After all, you just might be “But I paid full price for my ticket,” you “We take great pride in the fact that we have not joined the ever-growing list of airlines seemingly committed to ‘nickel and diming’ their passengers.” We have also tastefully furnished our aircraft cabins with premium quality leather seats to argue. “Don’t airlines offer two free checked on the vacation of a lifetime. We call the Cayman Islands home, and we bags anymore?” The agent laughs, and with love our tropical paradise. In the Cayman Islands despondence, you hand over the money. Your you will meet some of the warmest, friendliest heart sinks even further when you realise that and kindest people doing their best to make you’ll have to pay this extra cost again on your your experience “Caymankind.” We want you to return flight. In that moment of frustration, you experience “Caymankind” with our best value for wonder what it was you really paid for when money approach — sophisticated cabin service, you booked that ticket on this other airline, and superior cabin seat comfort, complimentary rum if you really got good value for money. punch, the most generous baggage allowance in At Cayman Airways, perhaps we are a bit the industry and even complimentary meal service different, but we still believe that you should in Economy on our longer flights — all delivered get what you traditionally expect in exchange with our warmest Caymanian hospitality. These for your hard-earned dollar. We take great pride are not just unique selling points for us — they are in the fact that we have not joined the ever- what being “Caymankind” is all about. growing list of airlines seemingly committed to Wherever your travel plans take you, we’re “nickel and diming” their passengers. Cayman delighted to have you flying with us, and we Airways is currently the only airline offering pas- look forward to welcoming you back on board sengers two free checked bags on jet flights to again soon. and from the Cayman Islands. To top that off, we also generously allow you to pack more in each Sincerely, of your bags than most other airlines will — up to 55lbs per bag. With the Cayman Islands being a worldleading destination for families and for divers, we know how important our baggage allowance is to each of you. Perhaps it is one of the reasons Fabian Whorms you chose to fly with us today. Our baggage President & CEO, Cayman Airways Ltd. March | April 2015 CAY_March-April_2015_WELCOME LETTERS.indd 14 2/13/15 3:23 PM
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