Decision-Makers, Policy Officers, Civil Servants!
Decision-Makers, Policy Officers, Civil Servants!
P.O. Box 10083, Grand Cayman, KY1-1001, Cayman Islands Decision-Makers, Policy Officers, Civil Servants! Nexus Training Ltd. offers legislative drafting courses and services. Our consultant is available for ad hoc services to train at your premises. He can also assist you in developing legislative proposals and drafting legislation. Please see below for the courses and his background. Course Code NT 01 Name of Course How to Make Effective Legislative Proposals Date 27 May 2015 NT 02 How to Navigate Statutes 8 & 9 June, 2015 NT 03 How to Write Cabinet Papers for Legislation 10 June 2015 NT 4A How to Exercise Statutory Powers Properly (grounds of judicial review) How to Exercise Statutory Powers Properly (full administrative law course) How to Interpret Statutes 28 May 2015 How to Write Legislation and Other materials in Plain English Coming Soon NT 4B NT 05 NT 06 Coming Soon 11 June 2015 Duration 1 full day 9AM-4.30PM 2 full days 9AM-4.30PM ½ day 9AM-12.30PM 1 full day 9.AM-4.30PM 2 full days 9AM-4.30PM 1 full day 9AM-4.30PM 2 full days 9AM-4.30PM Generous binder of materials for all courses and, for only Courses 1 and 4A, a free Cayman-specific book on subject of each course. Venues to be in or around George Town and will be advised about 3 days before due date. COURSES 1. How to Make Effective Legislative Proposals (1 day) This course helps civil servants learn how to develop legislative proposals to ensure that their objectives are met and that their legislation is processed in the shortest possible time. 2. How to Navigate Statutes (2 days) Civil servants need to know their way around Cayman Islands and UK statutes. The course will provide what they need to know, including many statutory rules of interpretation. (2 days) 3. How to Write Cabinet Papers for Legislation (1/2 day) In order for civil servants to elicit quality decisions, they need the skills necessary to write Cabinet Papers in a manner that addresses the important issues necessary for this purpose. P.O. Box 10083, Grand Cayman, KY1-1001, Cayman Islands 4. How to Exercise Statutory Powers Properly (1 day) All civil servants must be conversant with certain hidden rules of law which are implied in all powers that are given under statute. This course will help attendees know these implied rules that courts will apply to ensure that their decisions can stand up to scrutiny. 5. How to Interpret Statutes (1 day) This course helps participants understand the rules and skills lawyers use in reading statutes. Most of these rules are in case law which is not usually available to civil servants. 6. How to Write Laws and Other Materials in Plain English (2 days) This course introduces professionals to some basic rules on drafting legislation. It also covers the rules advocated by experts in Plain English writing. ALL COURSES DISCUSS CAYMANIAN AND UK CASE LAW, AND INCLUDES COURSE MATERIALS. SOME COURSES ALSO INCLUDE A FREE BOOK. CONSULTANT Bilika H. Simamba LL.B. (UNZA), LL.M. in Legislation (Ottawa), Advocate of the High Court, has 11 years’ experience drafting legislation in the Cayman Islands Government and more than 30 years overall in the Commonwealth. He has published in law and legislative drafting in peer-reviewed journals in the UK, South Africa, the Caribbean and elsewhere. His books include How to Make Effective Legislative Proposals: Cayman Islands Legislative Process (2012) and How to Exercise Statutory Powers Properly: Cayman Islands Administrative Law (2012). He is also an online Instructor on the Postgraduate Diploma in Legislative Drafting of Athabasca University, Alberta, Canada. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Email: Tel: 6232600
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