Feb/March 2013 - Marian High School


Feb/March 2013 - Marian High School
February/March 2012
A Publication for Families and Friends
Dear Parents and Friends of Marian,
A Pearl of Great Price
We have just finished celebrating Catholic Schools Week across the United States. Education, and more specifically
Catholic education, is a pearl of great price. Like the man in the Bible who sold all he had to purchase the field containing a treasure, our precious Catholic schools were built by our parents and
grandparents, enlivened by priests, sisters, and brothers, and are now sustained
by faith filled teachers. We remember in gratitude all the teachers and students
who labored and learned about their faith in the decades before us. We appreciate the many sacrifices parents make to give their children the blessings of daily
formation in the faith and the opportunity to develop their God-given talents at
Marian. Over the four years, a Marian student receives 600 hours of religious
formation that builds upon what is taught and done in the home and parish.
Having a daily opportunity to learn about the faith and to receive the sacraments
while navigating the minefields of being a teenager and preparing for life beyond
high school is invaluable, a pearl of great price.
Other Items of Note
Thank you to Mr. Dlugosz, Ms. Hinora and the Marian Right to Life group for organizing and representing Marian at
the 40th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. Our students braved bitter cold and many miles of travel to witness our commitment to a culture of life in America.
With Ash Wednesday just a few weeks away, please consider joining us for Mass in our Chapel on Tuesdays at 3:153:45 p.m. and/or Thursdays at 7:20-7:50 a.m. You are welcome to pray in our Chapel any time you are in the building.
Please note that we will have school on Friday, February 22. In place of the diocesan formation day for teachers, our
students, faculty and staff will welcome Bishop Rhoades to Marian for his annual pastoral visit. Please consider joining us for Mass at 9:30 a.m. in the Bishop Crowley Activity Center.
Grading Scale Considerations
Over the last several years, we have received many questions about the Marian grading scale. We were initially very
reluctant to consider changing something that had been in place since the beginning of Marian, but we agreed to
study our grading scale with the help of the Curriculum Committee and the School Board.
In speaking with our graduates, their parents, and representatives of area colleges, they consistently tell us that our
graduates are very well prepared for college. The parents who asked for a review of our grading scale were happy
with the academic preparation given by Marian, but they said that the grading scale put their children at a competitive disadvantage, particularly when applying for admission to our state universities and also when they applied for
academic scholarships.
We gathered information over a period of several months from the other twenty Catholic high schools in the state of
Indiana and several Catholic high schools around the country and spoke with admissions officers at Indiana
University, Purdue University, Ball State University, and the University of Notre Dame. We met with parents and
surveyed the Marian faculty. Some of the key points included:
•The 70-100% grading scale was the most common grading scale amongst Catholic high schools in the
Indiana, but several Catholic schools use the 60-100% scale and still others the 65-100% scale. Several
of the Catholic schools who use the 60-100% scale were the most prestigious and academically challenging
in the state.
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High School
1311 South Logan Street
Mishawaka, Indiana
Marian Alive
February/March 2013
•The grading scale most frequently used in the colleges attended by our graduates was
the 60-100% scale. We will refer to this as the college scale.
•While the private colleges and universities in Indiana stated that they took the
Marian grading scale into consideration when evaluating our students for admissions,
the larger public universities stated that they do not. In recent years, half of our graduating seniors have enrolled at Indiana, Purdue, IUSB, and Ball State.
•An admissions officer from a large state university showed me their criteria for academic scholarships. It was clear that Marian students, although well-prepared for college, were at a competitive disadvantage when applying for GPA based scholarships.
www. m ar ianhs .o r g
Beginning in the fall of 2013, the Marian grading scale will change to the college scale
Phone 574.259.5257 based upon the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee and the School Board.
Fax 574.258.7668
The revised grading scale will give our students their best opportunity to be accepted
Adm inis tr ation
Mr. Carl Loesch
Assistant Principal
Mr. Mark Kirzeder
Father Jake Runyon
Campus Ministers
Mrs. Carol Miller
Mr. Stephen Jagla
Dean of Students
Mr. Eric Morin
Mrs. Mary Kay Dance
Mr. Reggie Glon
Mrs. Nancy Piekarski
Mr. Larry Daher
Mrs. Jennifer Tiller
Ms. Alicia Redinger
Food/Nutritional Services
Mrs. Robin Millar
Library/Media Services
Mrs. Mary Dlugosz
into the college or university of their choice and to be eligible for more academic scholarships. The new grading scale will match the grading scale of most of the colleges and
universities our graduates attend as well as the grading scale of some of the most academically renowned schools in the state of Indiana: A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), D
(60-69), F(<59) with divisions within each letter grade for “+” and “-” to be announced.
In order to insure that we maintain the academic rigor that has been the hallmark of a
Marian education, we will implement additional academic requirements for academic
probation, maintaining extra-curricular eligibility, and for continuing as a student at
Marian. We are currently working with the academic department heads to determine
the appropriate benchmarks. We will also add new Advanced Placement courses to
ACP/AP classes offered:
Advanced College Project (ACP)
Dual Credit Courses:
ACP Biology
ACP Chemistry
ACP U.S. History
ACP Cadet Teaching
ACP Studio Art
Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
(Require passing score on exam):
AP English Language and Composition
AP English Literature and Composition
AP U.S. Government and Politics**
AP U.S. History
AP Latin
AP Psychology**
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics**
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Physics B
AP Studio Art-2D
**New in ‘13-14
We will continue to use the current Marian grading scale (70-100% passing) for the
remainder of the 2012-13 school year to avoid having a more confusing college transcript with a grading scale change in the middle of the year. Also, we will not retroactively apply the new grading scale to grades earned under the current scale.
Mr. Dominic Mammolenti
Ms. Byra Warner
We are confident that implementing the college grading scale (60-100% passing), clearly
defining our academic requirements, and significantly enhancing our AP/ACP offerings
will give our students the best opportunities for college admission, increase their ability
to earn academic scholarships, and maintain Marian’s rigorous academic standards.
We thank the parents, teachers, Student Council leaders, School Counseling office,
Curriculum Committee, and School Board who helped us understand the many facets of
the issue and made recommendations for improvement.
Principal Carl Loesch and Assistant Principal for Academics Mark Kirzeder
February/March 2013
Good News
from Campus Ministry
Campus Ministers
Carol Miller and
Stephen Jagla
“The joy you are seeking has a
name, a face; that of Jesus
of Nazareth, who waits for you
in the Eucharist.” Benedict XVI
Upcoming Events
Our Lenten journey begins on
Ash Wednesday, February 13, with
an all-school liturgy at 9:30 a.m. We
pray that the entire Lenten season
will be a time of special graces for
the Marian community and that all
of us will open our hearts to Christ
and be transformed in Him.
Throughout Lent, there will be
opportunities to grow spiritually.
Students are encouraged to spend
time before the Blessed Sacrament
in Chapel during the lunch hours, as
well as before and after school. They
may join us every Tuesday afternoon
or Thursday morning for Mass in the
Chapel, as well as every First Friday
when Mass is celebrated at 7:20 a.m.
prior to Eucharistic Adoration.
Confessions are offered every
Wednesday throughout the day and
during Eucharistic Adoration.
To show our solidarity with those
who are suffering throughout the
world, students and faculty who
choose may participate in a Soup
Fast on Ash Wednesday. A choice
between two soups and bread will be
offered on the a la carte line at
As a school, we will be participating in Eric’s Promise beginning on
Ash Wednesday. Throughout the
entire season of Lent, we are asking
that students bring in gently used
clothing, personal items, and small
household items for the St. Vincent
de Paul Society. Parents are welcome to join us in our efforts in
memory of Eric Henry of the Class of
2002 whose life ended tragically as a
result of a car accident. Boxes for
the donated items will be placed at
the entrances to the school. We will
end our collection on Wednesday,
March 27 prior to Spring Break.
We will also be participating in
Marian Alive
Catholic Relief Services Rice
Bowl through our Theology classes.
Seventy-five percent of the money
collected funds Catholic Relief
Services development projects overseas and 25% of the contributions
remain in our diocese to fund local
hunger and poverty alleviation
efforts. Please encourage your children to be generous throughout Lent
We will have an all-school liturgy
on Friday, February 22, the annual
pastoral visit of Bishop Kevin
Rhoades. On March 6, we will have
our Lenten Penance Services. A
variety of priests from the area will
be available to administer the
Sacrament of Reconciliation. We
will celebrate an all school liturgy on
March 20 and the Living Stations of
the Cross on March 27.
Upcoming Events in Campus
Feb. 1: Mass followed by
Eucharistic Adoration
Feb. 6: Mass during Homeroom
Feb. 13: Ash Wednesday Mass and
Distribution of Ashes
Feb. 15: Mass followed by
Eucharistic Adoration
Feb. 22: All-School Mass
March 1: Mass followed by
Eucharistic Adoration
March 6: Lenten Penance Services
March 15: Mass followed by
Eucharistic Adoration
March 20: All-School Mass
March 27: Living Stations of the
Last semester the Freshman and
Sophomore classes had the wonderful opportunity to take a break from
their studies to go on retreat. For
most of the Freshmen, this was their
first retreat experience. It focused on
Friendship in Christ and how Jesus
desires to be a part of their everyday
lives through prayer. The Sophomore
retreat was titled Conversion to
Jesus Christ which challenged each
student to allow himself or herself to
be “found” by God which alone
brings about true joy. Both classes
were happy to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy
Communion, and also had fun play-
Page 3
ing games and socializing with their
The Junior and Senior retreats
are typically held in the spring
semester. The junior retreat will
take place on March 1 and March 8
led by N.D. Vision, a group of faithfilled Notre Dame undergraduates
who are excited to witness their
faith to the juniors. The retreat will
focus on hearing God’s voice and discerning His will amidst an increasingly noisy and distracting world.
As Marian seniors approach graduation, they will have an opportunity
to go on retreat on April 18 and 19.
It will provide these young adults
with the tools needed to live as a
new evangelist in the modern world.
We are thankful for the support
and efforts of all of the teachers,
staff, and parents who helped with
the retreats. May God bless our
families in this very important Year
of Faith.
Bits and Bytes
Byra R. Warner,
Director of Technology
New Wireless Network Launched
A password protected wireless
network was installed across most of
the classrooms and other areas of
Marian High School during first
semester. Faculty and staff members were asked to bring their own
mobile wireless devices
(BYOD/BYOT-Bring Your Own
Device/Technology) to connect and
test the network. Due to its success,
at the beginning of this second
semester, the wireless network was
opened to visitors to use for educational and school related purposes.
A team comprised of administrators, faculty, and staff members is
currently working on procedures and
policies that will allow students to
bring in their own mobile devices
(BYOD) and to connect to the wireless network. These policies are
being constructed in the context of
Marian High School’s mission statement, Diocesan Technology policies,
principles of good digital citizenship,
and teachings of the Catholic church.
Marian Alive
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Right to Life Update
Miss Mary Ann Hinora and Mr. Tom Dlugosz
The Marian Right to Life Club has been busy since
Christmas break. They have assisted with a diaper collection for the Women’s Care Center and a fundraising dinner for Hannah’s House. As this issue of the Alive goes to
press, they are preparing for another trip to Washington,
D.C. to participate in the March for Life which takes
place on Friday, January 25, in observance of the 40th
anniversary of the legalization of abortion in the nation.
Sixty-three students are participating: Sara and
Matthew Holderbaum, Anna Dlugosz, Megan and
Sarah Earley, Regina Monhaut, Gustavo
VanOverberghe, Michael Portolese, Kayla Penister,
Victoria Slagle, Maria Hite, Eddie and Kevin
Hunckler, John Kramer, Cody Daub, Jonah Davey,
Mary Gring, Jennifer Alwine, Gabby Bittner,
Allison Hatten, Shannon Hendricks, Leslie
Hoerstman, Hanna Hough, Emily Huffer, Gabby
Lucchese, Sarah Myers, David Schena, Jonathan
Riesbeck, Mariah Neely, Emily O’Lena, Brandon
February/March 2013
Madera, Meghan Sink, Charlie Soule, Savannah
VanSkyhawk, Katie Arterbery, Morgan Talos,
Merissa Middlestadt, Jacob and Emily Burnham,
Olivia Ganser, Elizabeth Eversole, Meghan
Burmeister, Abigail Zielinski, Carly and Emma
Gettinger, Katie and Marita Chustak, Sophie Tiller,
Jennifer Waltman, Libby Wuszke, Matthew and
Theresa Rice, Nick and Erica Gerstbauer, Joan
Becker, Caroline Blue, Alyssa Cramer, Brenda
Gaeta, Teresa Lehmann, Bethany Pairitz, Maria
Tavarez, Jamie Appleman, and Ariella Witt.
Besides the March itself, the group will be participating in a Youth Rally at the Comcast Center at the
University of Maryland. On Saturday, they will join
Bishop Rhoades for Mass at St. Anne’s Church in Falls
Church, Virginia before sight-seeing in the area. They
arrive back at school on January 27. Descriptions of the
March for Life will be included in the April Alive.
Special thanks to the chaperones for the trip: Mr. and
Mrs. Quiett, Mrs. Hite, Mr. Gettinger, Mrs. Eversole, Mr.
Jagla, Mr. Loesch, Miss Hinora, and Mr. Dlugosz.
P hila nthr opy Matte r s a t Mar ian
by the Development Staff: Alicia Redinger, Colleen Ravotto, and Joanne Eichhorn
Marian Auction 2013: Game Knight
Join the Marian family on Friday, April 26 for our annual Auction. Don’t miss this fun, fantastic event!
Watch for your invitation! All families will receive a mailing about ways to support the Auction.
Please choose the way that is best for your family. Our goal is 100% participation!
Sponsorship/Underwriting/Cash Donation
Donations are tax deductible! Gifts of any size are welcome. Checks should be made out to the
Marian Auction and mailed to Marian High School, Attn: Development Office, 1311 S. Logan St.,
Mishawaka, IN 46544. Thank you for your participation!
Catalog Advertising
If you or your business is interested in placing an ad in our auction catalog, please contact Julie
Veldman, Kris Costello, or Areta Skwarcan. Many sizes are available.
Item Donation
We are seeking items for the live and silent auctions. Ideas include: vacation time shares, wine and
spirits, gaming systems, power tools, cookware, tickets to fine arts or sporting events, and gift cards.
If you or someone you know would like to donate items, please contact Lisa Portolese or Jessica Knight.
Raffle Tickets
Tickets are $20 each with a special deal of “Buy 5, Get 2 free”! Don’t miss your chance to win great prizes!
Grand Prize Package Valued at over $2,700
13 inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display 128 GB
iPad with Retina Display 32 GB
iPod Touch Fifth Generation 32 GB
Apple TV
2nd Prize: iPad Mini 16 GB
February/March 2013
Department Update
by Mrs. Jennifer Tiller
The School Counseling Office has
processed 765 college applications for
Marian seniors to date. This year 89
seniors have used the Common
Application (CA) with 304 applications being processed. Some colleges
and universities are requiring their
applicants to use the CA. The list of
colleges and universities utilizing the
common application can be found at
Scholarship applications have
been coming in steadily. We have
posted the scholarship opportunities
on Naviance and Mrs. Barnard has
been e-mailing our families about
available scholarships. We encourage our families to visit the
Naviance webpage at
www.Naviance.com to take full
advantage of scholarship opportunities.
In January, we held our Financial
Aid Night at Marian. The turnout for
this event was even greater than last
year. Special thanks to Guy Fischer
from Bethel College, who presented
valuable information to our Marian
parents and students.
The SAT is scheduled at Marian
on Saturday, May 4. Those who are
interested in taking the test can sign
up online at Collegeboard.com. We
usually recommend that juniors wait
until this May test date so that they
receive the full benefit of their classroom work. In registering, Marian’s
school code is 15557.
Students taking the SAT should
request that the scores be sent to
Marian High School so that we can
include the test scores on their transcripts.
We recommend that juniors take
the ACT one time. The schedule for
ACTs is available in the School
Counseling office. There is a difference between the ACT and SAT. The
ACT measures what a student knows
currently; the SAT is a predictor of
how a student will be as a future stu-
Marian Alive
There are SAT prep workshops
available in the area. Contact the
School Counseling Office for more
PSAT Results
Students in grades 9-11 were
given their PSAT results in January.
We were excited to see how many
juniors were eligible for the Merit
Scholarship program. Please review
these results with your student. For
the freshman and sophomore students, these results are beneficial to
indicate what areas the student may
need assistance in before taking the
next PSAT and the SAT.
Registration for 2013-2014
Academic Year
In the upcoming weeks we will
start class elective selection for 20132014. Students will be signing up for
electives for next year, but they are
not registered until the Commitment
to Pay form and $100 Registration
Fee are submitted to the Business
The current year’s teachers will
be making the recommendations for
their students’ placement for next
year in the core classes such as
Math, English, Science, Religion,
Social Studies, and World
Languages. If necessary, students
may submit a request to their
teacher to change their recommendation.
We ask that students carefully
consider their class elective selections. Colleges not only look at core
classes, but also assess what type of
electives students are choosing. This
year, Mr. Mark Kirzeder, Assistant
Principal of Academics will create the
master schedule.
Study Table
If students are struggling in a
class, we strongly encourage them to
take advantage of the Study Table
(tutoring) in Room 102 on Monday
through Thursday from 3:00 to 4:00
p.m. The study table can be used to
get homework completed in a quiet
room or to receive assistance from
National Honor Society members.
It is great to see how many stu-
Page 5
dents are utilizing the Library/Media
Center (LMC) after school to meet
with study groups, use the computers
for homework, and work on projects!
The LMC is open until 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Thursday under the
supervision of Librarian and Media
Specialist Mrs. Mary Dlugosz.
Incoming Freshmen
The Class of 2017 will be registering for next year’s classes on March
11 through March 22 by appointment
only. At that time, the school counselors will review the placement test
results, current teacher recommendations, and parental observations to
place students in the classes that will
help them to succeed academically.
Parents are required to turn in the
Enrollment Application, Home
Language Survey, Commitment to
Pay form, and the $100 Registration
Fee before the students may select
their classes. Please call the the
school at 259.5257 if you did not
receive an enrollment packet in the
mail. We look forward to meeting the
Class of 2017 and their parents and
welcoming you into the Marian community.
Any eighth graders who are interested in taking the Placement Test
should contact Mrs. Mary Kay Dance
in the Office of Admissions at
mdance@marianhs.org to pre-register. A third administration of the
test is scheduled for Saturday, March
16 from 9:00-12:00 noon.
Education to Careers
Mrs. Caroline Schulz
Career Day will take place
from 8:00-12:00 noon on Friday,
February 8. Each student will have
the opportunity to learn about seven
different career choices thanks to the
57 parents and community members
who will share their expertise.
Please contact Mrs. Schulz at
cschulz@marianhs.org or 258.7664
with any questions.
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Business Office Update
by Lawrence K. Daher
One of the concerns of families at
Marian is the cost of Catholic secondary education. Marian offers a program of financial assistance based on
a family’s financial need. All aid is
based solely on an individual family’s
ability to pay the total cost of a
Marian education.
Eighth graders who took the
placement test and who return the
financial aid request form, as well as
the enrollment forms and registration fee, will receive the financial aid
packet in the mail. In late January,
parents of present Marian students
received new Commitment to Pay
Marian Alive
forms and information on how to reregister for 2013-2014. A family
must apply every year to be considered for assistance. All families
requesting financial assistance
should have their taxes filed as
soon as possible so this information is available when completing the FACTS application. The
deadline for financial assistance
forms to be submitted is March
15, 2013. Call the Business Office
at 255.2020 for more information.
Notes from the Nurse
by Deb Cseh, R.N.
The cold/flu season is HERE! If
your child is not feeling well, please
keep him or her home. Students
February/March 2013
must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications before returning to school. If
your teen has a fever or is exhibiting
other symptoms such as body aches,
vomiting, diarrhea, or coughing,
please keep him or her at home.
Marian’s second Blood Drive of
the year will take place on Thursday,
March 21 from 8:15 - 2:30 in the
Bishop Crowley Activity Center
(BCAC). Parents and students 17
years of age or older are invited to
donate. Appointments are required
and can be made by contacting Mrs.
Deb Cseh at 259-5257. Please call
with any questions or for information
regarding donor qualifications.
News from the Cafeteria • February and March Lunch Menu
Fri., Feb. 1: Macaroni & Cheese 1/2c, Lima Beans 1/2c, Corn 3/4c, Peaches 1c, Wheat Roll 1
Mon., Feb. 4: Chicken or Beef Soft Taco 2, Lettuce & Tomato 1/2c, Pinto Beans 3/4c, Fruit Cocktail 1c
Tues., Feb 5: Tangerine Chicken 2oz, Rice 3/4c, Broccoli 3/4c, Carrots 1-1/4c, Pears 1c
Wed., Feb. 6: Hamburger/Wheat Bun w/Lettuce & Tomato 2.5oz, Tater Tots 1/2c, Celery 1/2c, Applesauce 1c
Thurs., Feb. 7: Breaded Chicken Tenders 3, Peas 1/2c, Cauliflower 1/2c, Wheat Roll 1, Mandarin Oranges 1c
Mon., Feb. 11: Baked Chicken and Spaghetti 1/2c, Squash 1-1/4c, Mixed Fruit 1c, Garlic Toast 1
Tues., Feb. 12: Corn Dog Nuggets 3, Baked Beans 1/2c, Green Beans 3/4c, Peaches 1c
Wed., Feb. 13: Baked Potato with Cheese & Sour Cream 1, Key West Blend 1c, Pineapple 1c, Wheat Crackers 4
Thurs., Feb. 14: Bruno’s Pizza 1pc, Tossed Salad w/dressing 1c, Broccoli 3/4c, Applesauce 1c
Fri., Feb. 15: Cheese Quesadilla 1/2 ea, Corn 1/2c, Carrots 1-1/4c, Strawberries 1c
Tues., Feb. 19: Grilled Chicken Tenders 3, Mashed Potatoes 1/2c, Gravy 1oz, Broccoli 1/2c, Peaches 1c, Wheat Roll 1
Wed., Feb. 20: Spaghetti 1/2c, w/Meat Sauce 2oz, Vegetable Medley 1c, Banana 1 ea, Wheat Roll 1
Thurs., Feb. 21: Papa Murphy’s Pizza 1pc, Tossed Salad w/Dressing 1c, Broccoli 3/4c, Applesauce 1c
Fri., Feb. 22: Tuna Salad on Wheat Roll 1, Three Bean Salad 1/2c, Carrots 1-1/4c, Pears 1c
Mon., Feb. 25: Chicken Fajita 3oz, Refried Beans 1/2c, Broccoli 1/2c, Apple 1
Tues., Feb. 26: Ravioli 3oz, Garden Salad w/Dressing 1c, Green Beans 1/2c, Wheat Roll 1, Pears 1c
Wed., Feb. 27: General Tso’s Chicken 2oz, Lima Beans 1/2c, Turnip Greens 1/2c, Apple 1, Wheat Roll 1
Thurs., Feb. 28: Meatball Sub 1, Green Peas 1/2c, Buttered Carrots 1-1/4c, Mixed Fruit 1c
Fri., March 1: Macaroni & Cheese 1/2c, Lima Beans 1/2c, Corn 3/4c, Peaches 1c, Wheat Roll 1
Mon., March 4: Chicken or Beef Soft Taco 2, Lettuce & Tomato 1/2c, Pinto Beans 3/4c, Fruit Cocktail 1c
Tues., March 5: Tangerine Chicken 2oz, Rice 3/4c, Broccoli 3/4c, Carrots 1-1/4c, Pears 1c
Wed., March 6: Hamburger on Bun w/Lettuce & Tomato 2.5oz, Tater Tots 1/2c, Fresh Celery 1/2c, Applesauce 1c
Thurs., March 7: Breaded Chicken Tenders 3, Green Peas 1/2c, Fresh Cauliflower 1/2c, Wheat Roll 1, Mandarin Oranges 1c
Fri., March 8: Baked Fish Sticks 4, Whole Kernel Corn 1/2c, Sweet Potato Fries 3/4c, Wheat Roll 1, Peaches 1c
Mon., March 11: Baked Chicken and Spaghetti 1/2c, Carrots 1-1/4c, Mixed Fruit 1c, Garlic Toast 1
Tues., March 12: Corn Dog Nuggets 3ea, Baked Beans 1/2c, Green Beans 3/4c, Peaches 1c
Wed., March 13: General Tso’s Chicken 2oz, Lima Beans 1/2c, Turnip Greens 1/2c, Apple 1, Wheat Roll 1
Thurs., March 14: Bruno’s Pizza 1ea, Tossed Salad w/dressing 1c, Broccoli 3/4c, Applesauce 1c
Fri., March 15: Cheese Quesadilla 1/2ea., Corn 1/2c, Squash 1-1/4c, Strawberries 1c
Mon., March 18: Chicken Wings 2, Buttered Spinach 1/2c, Stewed Tomatoes 1/2c, Applesauce 1c, Wheat Roll 1
Tues., March 19: Corn Dog Nuggets 4, Baked Beans 1/2c, Green Beans 1/2c, Peaches 1c
Wed., March 20: Chicken Tenders 3, Mashed Potatoes 1/2c, Gravy 1oz, Buttered Broccoli 1/2c, Peaches 1c, Wheat Roll 1
Thurs., March 21: Papa Murphy’s Pizza 1, Tossed Salad w/dressing 1c, Corn 1c, Apple 1ea, Sugar Cookie 1
Fri., March 22: Tuna Salad on Wheat Roll 1, Three Bean Salad 1/2c, Carrots 1-1/4c, Pears 1c
Mon., March 25: Chicken Fajita 3oz, Refried Beans 1/2c, Broccoli 1/2c, Apple 1
Tues., March 26: Ravioli 3oz, Garden Salad w/Dressing 1c, Green Beans 1/2c, Wheat Roll 1, Pears 1c
Wed., March 27: Loaded Baked Potato w/Sour Cream & Cheese 1, Key West Blend 1c, Pineapple 1c, Wheat Crackers 4
Thurs., March 28: Meatball Sub 1, Green Peas 1/2 c, Buttered Carrots 1-1/4c, Mixed Fruit 1c
*Menu provided by Nutrition Systems **Fat-Free White or Chocolate Milk is offered daily with lunch.
***Menu is Subject to Change **** The NSLP is available to all children without regard to race, color, national
origin, sex, age, or disability. *****Breakfast is served daily in the Marian Cafeteria from 7:15 - 7:45 a.m.
February/March 2013
Marian Alive
Page 7
News from the Science Department
Eighteen Marian Research students were awarded
grants by the Indiana Academy of Science Junior
Research program for their projects in the full amount as
requested. The funding totals $4088.18 for this year.
Congratulations and best wishes to the researchers as
they continue to work hard:
Ben Becker - “Selective Determination of Transgenic
Modifications in Genetically Modified Grains” - $300
Sarah Bueter - “Cyst Hatchability and Buoyancy” $35.57
Alan Bowman - “Design of Antibacterial Nanosurfaces” $300
Chandler Calderone - “Generating a Transgenic Fish to
Study Retinal Regeneration” - $130
Juan Cerezo - “The Engineering of a more Precise X-ray
Fluorescence” - $32.60
Alex Frank - “Visualizing and Improving the Operation
of an Inhaled Medication Chamber Tube” - $300
Matt Garatoni - “Efficient beam column connection
details for balsa wood building subjected to earthquake
loading” - $68.35
Nick Gerstbauer - “Radiolysis of PVC for Waste
Management” - $206.40
Rachel Hoffman - “Measuring the Optical Band Gap of
Thin Layer Molybdenum Disulfide” - $300
Eddie Hunckler - “Bipedal Robotic System Utilizing
Dynamic Balance and Adaptive Walking Gaits” - $300
Jack Julien - “The Ability of Waste Heat from Small
Scale Compost to Produce Micropower” - $265
Michael Kokot - “Squaraine Dye Stability in Various
Environments” - $300
Brady Lesh - “Energy Output Levels of Different
Biofuels” - $295.28
Kiersten Lieurance - “How do Multivitamins Affect
Bone Formation in Comparison to Pure Vitamins” - $300
Stacie Skwarcan - “Dirty Money: The Detection of
Cocaine and Other Organic Compounds on Currencies
from Around the Globe” - $300
J.P. Skycak - “Making a Matching Layer for Acoustic
Sensors” - $54.98.
Alex Twaddle - “Design of a Portable Micro-based
Biosensor Device” - $300
Bridget VerVaet - “High Performance Liquid
Chromatography Method Development for Separating
Steroid Hormones” - $300
Science Olympiad Team
On January 12, the Marian Science Olympiad Team
competed in the Valparaiso University Invitational
Tournament. This was an opportunity for the competitors
to try out the events that will be a part of the Regional
and State Tournaments. The Marian team placed 3rd in
the competition falling to regional rival Lake Central and
powerhouse Valparaiso. The students who placed are:
Eddie Hunckler and Kevin Hunckler - 2nd place in
Circuit Lab
David Schena and Lauren Jankowski - 1st place in
Designer Genes
Danielle Pasalich and Alex Frank - 1st place in
Stacie Skwarcan and Courtney Martin - 1st place in
Matt Garatoni and Gabby Lucchese - 3rd place in
Gravity Vehicle
Stacie Skwarcan and Eddie Hunckler - 2nd place in
Materials Science
Stacie Skwarcan and Melissa Shea - 2nd place in
Remote Sensing
Stacie Skwarcan and Danielle Pasalich - 1st place in
Rocks & Minerals
J.P. Skycak and Kevin Hunckler - 1st place in
Technical Problem Solving
Eddie Hunckler and J.P. Skycak - 1st place in
David Schena and Kevin Hunckler - 2nd place in
Water Quality
A special note of gratitude to Mr. Ken Andrzejewski,
Dr. Doug Sisk, and Mrs. Ann Rutherford for sponsoring
the Olympiad Team as pictured below.
Kiwanis Youth Leadership Award
The Mishawaka Kiwanis Club recognizes worthy high
school seniors who demonstrate high academic achievement, significant leadership ability, high moral character,
participation in extra-curricular activities, service, and
regard for others. The first semester winners of the
Kiwanis Youth Leadership Award at Marian are Claire
Berthold and John Kramer. Claire is the daughter of
Louis and Marie Berthold, and John is the son of Thomas
and Angela Kramer. They will be honored by the Kiwanis
Club on February 5 at Honker’s Restaurant. They will
each be delivering a two-minute speech on a topic assigned
to them by the Kiwanis Leadership Award Committee.
Good Citizen Award
Edward Hunckler will be honored by the Schuyler
Colfax chapter of the Daughters of the American
Revolution based on his selection as the DAR Good Citizen
representing Marian. He was nominated by a vote of the
entire faculty and staff. His nomination required that he
write on essay on citizenship that is now part of the
regional competition. A reception announcing the local
winner will be held at “The Copshaholm” on February 17.
Marian Alive
Page 8
February/March 2013
Prestigious Scholastic Art Awards
Since 1923, the Scholastic Art and Writing program
has sought to encourage, foster, and reward creativity
and to confer recognition on emerging talent. This is the
most comprehensive national assessment of the creative
spirit among American teens. Three core values are:
freedom of expression, a blind adjudication process, and a
work-criteria based on originality, technical proficiency,
and emergence of personal voice. All entries were
required to be submitted as digital images for digital
judging this year. Congratulations to:
Gold Key Winners
Olivia Ganser Printmaking Alaska Etching
Hannah Meixel Mixed Media Wool Rich
Stacie Skwarcan Mixed Media Ignatius Skwarcan
Stacie Skwarcan Photo Across the Desert
Stacie Skwarcan Photo A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Charlie Anne Soule Photo Old Fashioned Postcard
Alexandra Frank Photo Breakthrough
Morgan Talos Photo Drenching Climb
Dalia Tejada Photo Dazzle
Zhao Lijia Photo Holiday Lights
Silver Key Winners
Joan Becker Comic Art Pygmalion
Elise Gerstbauer Digital Art You Can Only Dream
Seowoo Park Pastel Drawing I Miss You
Hunter Wieczorek Drawing Cosmic Still Life
Elizabeth Cook Photo Electronic Aquatics
Alexandra Frank Photo Deep in Thought
Stephanie Pugh Photo Looking Through
Mary Tepe Photo The Event
Honorable Mention Winners
Joan Becker Comic Art Disconnect Sustained
Meg Becker Mixed Media Acrylics Forest of Color
Cassie Sloma Drawing Caroline on a Ferris Wheel
Melissa Thomas Comic Art Playing in the Real
Cody Daub Photo Where the Sidewalk Ends
Alexandra Frank Photo Through Thick and Thin
Menglai Li Photo Raceway
Molly Ogren Photo Family Outing
David Prusinski Photo From the Light
Brittany VanOverberghe Photo Secret Intention
Portfolio Winners
Stacie Skwarcan Honorable Mention for Photography
Melissa Thomas Honorable Mention for Comic Art
Special congratulations to all of the talented artists
who submitted their work and to Mrs. Kitty Gunty and
Ms. Gina Litty from the Marian Fine Arts Department.
Marian Theatre Proudly Presents
the Spring Musical
Little Shop of Horrors
Thursday, April 18
Friday, April 19
Saturday, April 20
Performances at 7:00 p.m.
Directed by Mrs. Lauren Buschbacher
Seniors of the Month for December
Mr. Eric Morin, Dean of Students
In his letter to the Philippians, Paul writes, “Let each
of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the
interests of others.” This quote epitomizes John Kramer
because he is a person who puts others before himself. He
is able to balance confidence and leadership with humility
and service. As President of the National Honors Society,
he is able to share this gift. He also works as a support
member of Thistleberry Farm, which has taught him to
think quickly on his feet as different issues arise throughout the workday. His faith is also important to him and he
put his faith into action when he traveled to Washington,
D.C. for the March for Life. He also gives generously of his
time as a volunteer at Southfield Retirement Home. In his
spare time, he loves to play golf, the sport he says has
taught him great patience. He is also a 4-H Junior Leader
and an avid photographer who won a prize for his pictures
depicting a World War II infantry carrier. Always friendly, always quick to greet others in the halls, he is a blessing to Marian and a credit to his family. When he goes to
college, he hopes
to study
We read in
Paul’s second
letter to the
Corinthians that
God loves a
cheerful giver.
Mary Gring is
easily recognizable due to her
ever-present smile. She has been described as creative,
caring, committed, artistic, and trustworthy. When things
get difficult, she becomes more determined. She has a
knack for bringing laughter and cheerfulness to situations.
She has applied her many gifts to the service of others. In
many respects, she is the prototypical Renaissance
Woman, excelling in a myriad of endeavors. She put her
knowledge of art and culture into play after being selected
for an internship at the Snite Museum of Art. She demonstrated her creativity with her Gold Key award for her
short story in the the Scholastic Writing Contest. She is
an NHS member, and she participated in the development
of a comic book and video for the Take Ten anti-bullying
campaign. Her plans for college are to major in visual
arts/illustration and minor in business.
Scrip Update
*Thanks for a great holiday season.
*Scrip is available Monday through
Friday from 8:00 until 10:00 a.m. in
the concession stand.
*Reminder to families with seniors:
If you purchased Scrip between May
1, 2012 and April 30, 2013, you will
receive a voucher to redeem for Scrip
at the closing of that account year
instead of a tuition credit.
*If you have any questions or concerns, contact Kim or Marie at 2595257.
February/March 2013
Marian Alive
Heather Hammer Memorial Scholarship
Heather Anne Hammer was a member of St. Matthew
Cathdral Parish and was entering her junior year at
Marian. She was a good student and a member of the
Spanish Club, the Junior Civitans, SADD, and the soccer
team. On July 24, 1999, at the age of 16, Heather’s precious life ended too soon as a result of a car accident.
Heather was a charismatic young
woman, full of good will. She had a
beautiful smile and the ability to
spread it to the faces of everyone she
encountered. She truly cherished
every minute of her life. Everyone
who had the good fortune to meet
Heather is a better person for having
known her.
True to Heather’s generous nature,
caring disposition, and high standards, the Heather Anne Hammer Memorial Scholarship
was established by her family to help worthy Marian students obtain an excellent Catholic college preparatory
ELIGIBILITY: Incoming freshmen may apply the spring
prior to the first semester at Marian. Students must
have above a B average throughout middle school and
demonstrate financial need through required submission
of the FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment.
AWARD: $1200 for tuition renewable for up to three
additional years, providing the recipient continues to
meet the academic and financial need criteria. The
Community Foundation of St. Joseph County will make
payments directly to Marian.
PROCESS: Selection will be based on academic achievement, financial need, and a letter of reference from a
parish priest or middle school principal and participation
in activities of his/her school and parish, as well as community service. Applicants are given a choice of three
topics to write a personal narrative of no more than 250
words. DEADLINE: April 10, 2013
Diane R. Killilea Memorial Scholarship
The Diane R. Killilea Memorial
Scholarship was established by her family
in 2000 to honor Diane’s life and the values which were important to her. Each
year this scholarship will support students
at Marian High School who reflect these
values. The following thoughts provided
by one of her children help us understand
the spirit in which this scholarship is
My mom, Diane Killilea, was a truly amazing, talented, and inspiring woman. While raising my six siblings
and me, she taught us many valuable life lessons thoroughly, yet so subtly.
The three most lasting lessons instilled in me were the
importance of a strong faith, the power of volunteering in
my community, and the value of a decent education. As I
Page 9
got older and now that I have my own children, the meaning of these life lessons and the importance has changed
and grown. I now realize going to Catholic schools, helping out with the Christ Child Society, and being expected
to maintain my grades was the cement I was given by my
parents to hold the foundation of my life together. Mom
and dad gave me all the bricks needed to build a meaningful, successful, and well-balanced life. By choosing to
take what I was taught and what mom stood for, I was
choosing to live out the lessons they worked so hard to
instill in me.
I am a stronger woman today because of the wonderful
woman my mom was. I can now say I am well on my
way to finding the ultimate peace and happiness I know
my mom had and felt in her heart when she passed away.
I only hope and pray that I am able to instill these valuable life lessons in my children. This was mom’s personal
vocation in life and I hope to make it mine, too.
*Katy Killilea Lindenman ‘87
ELIGIBILITY: Sophomores and juniors with above a B
average for support during their junior and senior years
and demonstrate financial need through required submission of the FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment.
AWARD: The award will provide $700 for tuition for
each recipient. One or two awards will be made per year
depending on the number of applications. The
Community Foundation of St. Joseph County will make
payments directly to Marian.
PROCESS: Selection will be based on academic performance above a B average, financial need, community service, and participation in extracurricular activities.
APPLICATION: The application requires a list of major
extracurricular activities, volunteer and/or leadership
activities, years of participation, and leadership positions
held. An essay, not to exceed 300 words, explaining what
Marian High School means to you, must be submitted
with the application.
DEADLINE: The application and essay must be submitted to the Marian Business Office by April 10, 2013.
Other Scholarships Available
• Sylvester and Tessie Kaminski Foundation
• Michael A. Flynn Memorial Scholarship
• Joel Swan Memorial Scholarship
• Knights of Columbus Scholarships
• Thaddeus Kosciusko Benevolent Society Educational
*Contact Mrs. Deb Powell in the Marian Business
Office at 255-2020 or dpowell@marianhs.org with
questions or to request an application.
Save the Date
The second annual Marian Scholarship Dinner will be
held on Saturday, May 18 at 5:30 p.m. in the Marian
Cafeteria. This event will celebrate both the donors and
recipients of all of the scholarships that are available at
Marian. This will be a wonderful opportunity for the
donors and the recipients to meet each other and spend
time together.
Marian Alive
Page 10
Marian Honors
Auth-Jasinski, Emerson L
Barnard, Kaitlin N
Bartlett, Caitlin M
Behrouzi, Adib
Berends, Joseph H
Bergman, Matthew C
Berthold, Claire S
Chustak, Catherine M
Cook, Thomas R
Cressy, Josephine S
DeBuysser, John R
Deitchley, Noah J
DelPrete, Nicolette F
Duvall, Adam J
Earley, Sarah C
Eme, Megan E
English, Emma E
Foldesi, Erin E
Freudinger, Leann C
Fulnecky, Barbara R
Ganser, Olivia A
Gettinger, Carly J
Griffith, Claire M
Gring, Mary M
Gruber, John R
Guinan, Andrew T
Harris-Forkner, Katy I
Hite, Maria G
Hoffman, Rachel A
Holderbaum, Matthew R
Hunckler, Edward J
Isban, Connor M
Jessup, John P
Keilman, Courtney L
Kibbe, Colin S
Kim, Jeong Hoo
King, Matthew B
Kokot, Michael A
Kramer, John T
Krizman, Sarah D
Lehmann, Hannah M
Ludwig, Carson A
Marcotte, Tyler L
Murphy, Peter T
Park, Seowoo
Pendergast, Margaret L
Pugh, Stephanie A
Rhody, Adam M
Rice, Stephen E
Rozenboom, Drake S
Schmidt, Allyson M
Short, Brendan J
Skwarcan, Gabrielle A
Skwarcan, Stacie R
Sloma, Cassondra E
Stopczynski, Alexander D
Wanecke, Margaret S
Wang, Tracy Yuxi
Weber, Paige N
Zhao, Lijia “Christy”
First Honors
Appleman, Jamie M
Breun, Meghan J
Brier, Phillip M
Camp, Rachael M
Daub, Cody J
Dove, Danielle N
Downs, Hanna D
Espiritu, Joshua B
Eversole, Elizabeth A
Gates, Graham W
Glon, Morgan A
Grocock, Lauren E
Hankins, Alexandra M
Hardig, Nicole L
Harris, Alycia Kylin
Hershberger, Mikaylah B
Kowalski, Abigail L
Morris, Timothy M
Pozivilko, Aaron J
Prusinski, David L
Richards, Connor W
Rodela, Teresa
Schulte, Gabriella M
Spiess, Hayden E
Stahl, Jennifer C
Stoler, Jordan K
Suth, Melissa C
Taylor, Malia N
Thomas, Melissa T
Thornsen, Rebecca K
Udvardy, Connor S
VanOverberghe, Paulina I
Vidmar, Deno J
Voll, Lauren A
Walter, Joseph C
Honorable Mention
Cass, Kiersten C
Catanzarite, Patrick M
Deguch, Theo J
Douglas, Makaela M
Eakins, Neal C
Eaton, Evan R
Eminger, Miranda L
Fey, Kathryn E
Flores, Jorge A
Gohn, Dillon R
Hoerstman, Garrett
Horvath, Michaela M
Hudson, Michael J
Hyndman, Brandon M
Jackson, Demetrius M
Kazmierczak, Michael A
Keszei, Adam M
Letizia, Emilia K
Li, George Menglai
Lowenhar, Jacob Clint
Pace, Khala A
Parker, Jameson D
Ross, Christopher G
February/March 2013
Schafer, Andrew T
Smith, Andrew J
Veldman, Gabrielle N
Wiley, Tyler P
Zakowski, Connor M
Marian Honors
Arterbery, Katherine A
Becker, Benedict J
Bueter, Sarah Elizabeth
Burmeister, Meghan M
Burnham, Jacob A
Cerezo, Juan F
Christian, Shelby E
Dennin, Cassidy A
Dittrich, Alayna Marie J
Ericson, Aracely Elly V
Frank, Alexandra J
Gerstbauer, Elise V
Gerstbauer, Nicholas J
Gray, Shalin M
Hartsough, Maxwell R
Henry, Matthew
Hunsberger, Colleen J
Joyce, Caleigh C
Julien, John J
Kavanagh, Joseph A
Ketcham, Allison R
Koscielski, Marissa C
Kramer, Elizabeth N
Lackner, Loriann M
Lesh, Matthew Brady
Lieurance, Kiersten A
McMahon, Timothy J
Meyer, Christopher J
Miller, Samantha A
Mischler, Brian P
Ontiveros, Stephanie
Pasalich, Danielle G
Pethick, Caitlin E
Pullin, Nichole Kathleen
Ravotto, Jack A
Rice, Charles Ned Edmund
Robinson, Mackenzie S
Royeca, Matthew N
Russell, Connor J
Shea, Melissa M
Skycak, Justin
Stulajter, Miko M
Szalajko, Natalie C
VerVaet, Bridget A
Walker, Jacob
Witt, Ariella N
Yergler, Patrick A
Yergler, Thomas O
Coulter, Christopher W
DelPrete, Lia E
Durbin, Delaney G
Eme, Kendall A
Fischer, Patrick M
Flores, Gabriella B
Guzicki, Erin E
Henry, Jared C
Hicks, Thomas Reilly
Imus, Matthew A
Leitz, Matthew G
Lewis, Reed T
Mammolenti, Elizabeth J
Marcotte, Anthony W
Pairitz, Teresa M
Ridenour, Jacqueline R
Snyder, Andrew B
Szuba, Laura M
Tordi, Sara M.
Voelker, Michael A
Vogel, Colleen G
Vu, Michael P
Honorable Mention
Catanzarite, James R
Conley, Alexis R
Cuevas, Brenda M
Garatoni, Matthew A
Glon, Holly E
Gohn, Mikaela
Hartnagel, Margaret A
Hedl, Scott R
Hernandez, Luz M
Makris, Michael G
Martin, Courtney L
Mastagh, Diedri A
Mattimore, Mary K
Mauck, Thomas W
Millar, Victoria M
Phegley, Eric J
Seifer, Shelby S
Shindledecker, Joseph W
Smith, Devon E
Soule, Charlie Ann
Tankersley, Cheyenne A
Tragesser, Sean A
Trethewey, Emily S
Turnock, Joshua R
Walker, Zachary J
Young, Cassie
Young, Jamie
Zuehlke, Anna M
First Honors
Bowman, Alan C
Bueter, Jordan N
Capannari, Emma P
Christian, Gabriella M
Marian Alive
February/March 2013
Marian Honors
Asdell, Elizabeth A
Barnard, Anna C
Becker, Joan M
Berta, Margaret E
Camp, Christina L
Cataldo, Dominic J
Chustak, Marita A
Cook, Elizabeth A
Creighton, Taylor N
Cressy, Samuel S
Cseh, Emily M
Cukrowicz, Jennifer E
Dillon, Sarah Jo
Doyle, Claire A
Duvall, Megan A
Earley, Megan C
Ellis, Canyon H
Ericson, Kevin Zach
Espiritu, David John B
Feighery, Margaret M
Fuller, Sarah N
Gettinger, Emma L
Gibson, Margaret L
Hendricks, Shannon L
Herschel, Daniel J
Hicks, David F
Horvath, Justin P
Hunckler, Kevin T
Jackson, Shelby M
Jankowski, Lauren A
Keilman, Kelsey A
Lehmann, Teresa M
Lohr, Nicholas G
Lolmaugh, Alexis M
Lowenhar, Maggie C
Lucchese, Gabriella G
Mai, Christine A
Majewski, Seth M
Mammolenti, Emily K
Mayette-Draper, Erika M
Menting, Allison R
Middlestadt, Merisa L
Mochel, Abby K
Monhaut, Regina M
Morris, Grace A
Murphy, Megan E
Myers, Sarah M
Nagy, Matthew J
O`Lena, Emily J
Oliva, Marie C
Parker, Monte C
Pendergast, Nora K
Penister, Kayla M
Pooley, Taylor C
Price, Sarah E
Ravotto, Gabrielle R
Reed, Kiersten L
Reynolds, Catherine J
Rice, Matthew C
Saros, Paul M
Schena, David A
Sink, Meghan E
Slagle, Victoria G
Stevens, Lauren E
Tordi, Maria C
VanOverberghe, Gustavo A
VanSkyhawk, Savannah A
Veldman, Denise J
Vu, Joseph Khiem Viet
Wade, Lauren C
Waltman, Jennifer L
Wieczorek, Hunter K
Winters, Julia P
Wood, Haley E
First Honors
Alexander, John Jack E
Beiting, Kateri R
Blue, Caroline N
Cramer, Alyssa J
Dennin, Kaylie G
Ernst, Matthew H
Felix, William T
File, Grace E
Fletcher, Grace J
Ganser, Alex J
Hansen, Sarah A
Hasler, Alyssa M
Housand, Addison M
Kloss, Sarah M
McNamara, Brendan J
McQuade, Chase M
Pairitz, Bethany M
Ruvalcaba, Sebastian
Schaeper, Christopher R
Schulte, Giovanna C
Smith, Austin D
Spalding, John M
Torres-Villa, Isaac E
Weber, Margaret M
Wilson, Tiana Y
Honorable Mention
Cannady, Devin R
Dennin, Jamie M
Deranek, James M
Entzian, Richard A
Flory, Leah R
Gichachi, Twyla
Gring, Addison C
Kaucic, Joseph J
Keenan, Morgan T
Konwinski, Dylan M
Molnar, Joseph J
Muguro, Boniface N
Nyers, Mitchell X
Preston, Elioenia L
Priller, Bailey R
Stewart, Kendall N
Tiller, Sophie E
Vela, Melissa G
Vogel, James W
Page 11
Waltz, Noah G
Young, Kaelin J
Marian Honors
Akre, Gabriel A
Alwine, Jennifer
Appleman, Jared
Becker, Margaret
Bittner, Gabrielle
Burnham, Emily
Buszkiewicz, Allie
Canter, Joseph
Collins, Sarah
Conley, Victoria
Cooray, Dinuka
Dennis, Christian
Deputy, Emily
Derucki, Kenneth
Eperjesi, Sarah P
Frick, Alexandria
Fulmer, Kimberly
Gerstbauer, Erica
Gill, Samuel
Healy, Madison
Hoerstman, Leslie
Kowalski, Anna
Mauck, Madeleine
Meyers, Garrick
Pierce, Samuel
Pingel, Nicholas
Porile, Alicia
Pozivilko, Abby
Rice, Katherine
Rice, Theresa
Rieker, Megan
Spiess, Mallory
Tellez, Jessica
Thomas, Rachel A
Thornburg, Alexis
Tuttle, Brady
Whitt, Kinsey
First Honors
Brammer, Natalie
Burmeister, Peter
Carbajal, Miriam
Combs, Zachary K
Davey, Jonah
Deguch, Mackenzie
DelPrete, Dante
Ernst, Patrick
Gomez, Isabel G
Guzicki, Kristin
Harris-Forkner, Jessy Lee
Jazayeri-Nezhad, Samantha
McCaffery, Nicole
Ruvalcaba, Raquel
Taylor, Alison
Thomas, Nathan
Torres-Villa, Kevin
Trippel, Cameron
Verslype, Gavin
Wright, Erika
Young, Kade
Honorable Mention
Blum, Anthony
Branson, Chelsea
Deitchley, Hannah
Dieringer, Paul
Felix, Abigail
Frost, Alisia
Gallegos, Soyla
Gropp, Josephine
Hall, Jonathan
Hanson, Adam
Harman, Blake
Hatten, Allison
Hernandez, Magdalena
Himelick, Justin
Holland, Jenna
Horvath, Augustine
Kaser, Abbey
Keller, Riley M
Killilea, Kyle
Meixel, Hannah
Micola von Furstenrecht,
Ontiveros, Jose
Ravotto, Joseph
Roth, Samuel
Shindledecker, Jeffrey
Singer, Madison
Stallman, Emily
Stopczynski, Zachary
Tragesser, Abigail
Vogel, Richard A
Zielinski, Abigail
The boys soccer team
coached by Mr. Ben
Householter earned the
National Soccer Coaches
Association's Team
Academic Award for
2011-2012. This achievement sets the Marian
team apart from other
teams, demonstrating the
program's commitment to
achievement on the field
and in the classroom.
The boys earned the
award with the team's
grade point average of
3.28 and they were one of
only five teams in the
state of Indiana to be
Page 12
Marian Alive
P a r e n t s
Summer Computer Credit
Marian High School is once again
offering Computer Applications I as
a summer school class. This class
will be for one credit and will fulfill
the Marian graduation requirement
of a computer course. The cost of the
course will be $300. By taking the
course during the summer students
have the opportunity to take another
elective during the school year.
Computer Applications is an
overview course designed to provide
the student with instruction in word
processing, spreadsheets, presentation, and database creation. This
course develops the necessary lifelong computer skills needed in our
technological world. Students will
create letters, reports, resumes,
tables, graphics, spreadsheets, and
databases. The Internet will be used
as a research tool to gather information for completing various projects.
Future technology trends will be
explored. Instructional strategies
may include collaborative instruction, interdisciplinary and/or culminating projects, problem-solving and
critical thinking activities, simulations, and projects.
The class will begin June 10
and end on June 28. We anticipate a mix of online and classroom
work. Class meeting hours at school
will be 8:00-10:00 a.m. on Monday
through Friday. Please contact Mr.
Tim Barwick at tbarwick@marianhs.org if interested in enrolling.
Summer P.E. Credit
Summer Physical Education class
will be offered from Monday, June 10
through Friday, June 28 from 9:0011:30 a.m. The co-ed P.E. course will
fulfill one of the two credits that are
required for graduation. Summer coed P.E. activities will provide the
student with the opportunity to learn
skills, rules, and fundamentals of
team and individual sports. The following activities are included:
Frisbee, lacrosse, aerobics, soccer,
tennis, flag football, bowling, croquet, cricket, and field hockey. Daily
attendance is mandatory during the
three week course. The fee of $275
is due to Marian High School no
February/March 2013
P a g e
later than Friday, May 10 to assure
a place in the class.
If you have any questions or
want to register, please contact Mrs.
Katie Dyer at 259-5257 ext. 426 or
Drivers’ Education Class
Drivers’ Education class begins
on Monday, June 10 and ends on
Friday, June 28. The class meets
from 9:00-11:00 a.m. in the Marian
Driving will be offered in three sessions:
Session #1 June 10-June 21
Session #2 June 24-July 5
Session #3 July 8-July 19
(if needed)
Driving Times until June 28
7:00-8:45 a.m.
11:15 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
1:15-3:00 p.m.
Driving Times after June 28 when
class ends
7:00-8:45 a.m.
9:00-10:45 a.m.
11:00 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
Students must be 15 years of age.
Students must have a driving permit
before driving sessions.
Students cannot obtain driving permits until three (3) weeks prior to
Make up classes will be held from
July 1-3 from 1:30-3:30 p.m.
$330 for Marian students
$360 for non-Marian students
Sign up
Sign up for Drivers’ education classes for Marian students will begin on
Wednesday, April 17 at 7:00 a.m. in
the BCAC. Please enter from the
north parking lot. Sign up for nonMarian students will take place on
Friday, April 19 at 7:00 a.m. in the
BCAC. Please call the Main Office
at 574.259.5257 with questions.
Host Families Needed
The Cambridge Institute who
markets Marian to interested students from China is in need of
Marian host families for the 20132014 academic year. There is a
monthly stipend for the families to
help with transportation, food, and
the student’s living expenses. There
are six students from China studying
at Marian during the second semester of 2012-2013 and there are two or
three more who need host families
for next year. Please contact Mary
Kay Dance at mdance@marianhs.org
if you would like more information
about being a host family.
Concerned Parents
It is time for the Concerned
Parents organization to plan the
22nd annual After Prom Party
at Chippewa Bowl. This major
event for all juniors and seniors and
their dates is not possible without
the initiative and involvement of
the parents. Parents are needed to
help with donations, prizes, food,
chaperones, games, volunteer
assignments, set-up and clean-up.
The After Prom is scheduled to take
place on Saturday/ Sunday, May
11/12 from midnight until 2:30 a.m.
at Chippewa Bowl. All Marian juniors and seniors are invited to
attend this party, regardless of
whether or not they attend the
prom. If you are interested in continuing this strong Marian tradition, please contact Mary Kay
Dance at mdance@marianhs.org
A Note of Gratitude
The Marian faculty and staff
would like to express their gratitude
to the Parents Club for the gift of
Christmas cookies. The parents who
took the time to bake and deliver the
dozens of delicious goodies are greatly appreciated. A special thank you
goes to Mrs. Kim Durbin and her
crew for assembling the trays.
Parents of Seniors
The Senior Edition of the LANCE
features baby pictures of each graduate and information about his or her
future plans. Please submit a baby
picture of your senior, along with his
or her college or career plans.
Electronic pictures or graphics should
be in a jpg or tiff format and sent to
Mary Dlugosz at mdlugosz@marianhs.org. Printed pictures and messages may be delivered to Mary
Dlugosz’s mailbox in the Main Office.
Thank you for helping us put together a great senior edition for the Class
of 2013!
February/March 2013
Athletic Action
by Mrs. Linda Martin, AAD
Congratulations to
Kiwanis Athletes for the Months
of December and January
Demetrius Jackson........Basketball
Katie Barnard........Girls Basketball
Stephen Rice..........Boys Swimming
Maggie Pendergast........Swimming
Demetrius, Katie, Stephen, and
Maggie, their parents, and coaches
were honored at the Kiwanis luncheon on January 15 at Honkers
Restaurant in Mishawaka.
TV-46 Athlete of the Week
Demetrius Jackson.......Basketball
Demetrius, son of David and Beth
Whitfield, was honored and featured
as the TV-46 Athlete of the Week at
the game versus Saint Joseph High
School on January 11. Demetrius
was chosen because of his outstanding academic, athletic, civic, and
service contributions!
Nomination by McDonald’s
Senior Demetrius Jackson has
been nominated for the McDonald's
All American High School Basketball
Team. He is one of 800 young men
and women from around the country
and one of just seven in Indiana to be
nominated. On February 14,
McDonald's will announce the 24
men and 24 women who have been
selected to compete in the 2013
McDonald's All American Games in
Chicago on April 3. Congratulations
to Demetrius, the Whitfield family,
and Coach Robb Berger on this
tremendous recognition!
Hockey News
Marian Hockey players, Graham
Gates and Josh Turnock, have
been selected to Team Indiana, First
Team All-State. Team Indiana participated in the Gilmore Academy
Invitational in Cleveland, Ohio with
teams from Canada, New York, and
Pennsylvania. Team Indiana finished 4-0 including a double overtime
win in the Championship game over
Culver Academy. Both Graham and
Josh were named to the AllTournament Team and Josh was
named the Tournament Most
Valuable Player.
Parents and Spring Athletes
The MANDATORY parent-athlete
Marian Alive
spring sports team meetings for
Baseball, Boys Golf, Girls Tennis,
Softball, Track & Field, and Rugby
will be on Wednesday, February 20
at 6:00 p.m. Boys Lacrosse will
meet on February 9. All studentathletes and their parents should
plan on attending the meeting for the
sport of their choice. Athletes will
receive an e-mail reminder and a
phone call with room assignments.
If you cannot attend, you must
email the head coach of your
spring sport.
Boys Baseball:
Joe Turnock
Boys Golf:
Brian Horvath
Girls Tennis:
Tom Snelson
Boys Track
Brian Kinzie
Girls Track:
David Walsh
Girls Softball:
George Grenert
Larry Daher
Boys Lacrosse
Brian Welsch
Congratulations SENIOR KNIGHTS !
Please come and support our
Senior Knights on their special
nights! We are fortunate to have 25
seniors competing in Winter sports
this year:
Girls Basketball (3) January 22 vs
Culver Academy: Katie Barnard,
Nikki DelPrete, and Allyson
Wrestling (2): January 23 vs
Bremen High School: Brandon
Hyndman and Joe Walter.
Boys Swimming & Diving (5): Evan
Eaton, Ben Gill, Jameson Parker,
and Stephen Rice.
Girls Swimming and Diving (3):
Josie Cressy, Kayla Horvath, and
Maggie Pendergast.
Boys Basketball (4) February 7 vs
Page 13
Adams HS: Dylan Hensley,
Demetrius Jackson, Chris Stager,
and Michael Whitfield
Cheerleading (3) Megan Eme,
Emma English and Kate Fey
Poms (2): Alycia Harris and
Stephanie Pugh
Hockey (3): February 8 at 7:30 pm
versus St. Joseph High School at the
Ice Box in South Bend: Keaton
Deranek, Graham Gates, and
Jake Weiler.
It’s Tournament Time!!!
Please come out and support our
winter sports teams as they wrap up
their seasons.
Wrestling sectional at Mishawaka HS
on Saturday, January 26.
Girls Swimming & Diving sectional
at Penn HS on Thursday, January 31
and Saturday, February 2.
Girls Basketball sectional at New
Prairie HS on Tuesday, February 5,
and Friday, February 8. The sectional championship is scheduled for
Saturday, February 9.
Boys Swimming & Diving sectional at
Riley HS on Thursday, February 14
and Saturday, February 16.
Boys Basketball sectional at
Plymouth HS on Tuesday, February
26 and Friday, March 1. The sectional championship is scheduled for
Saturday, March 2.
Hockey City Tourney at the Icebox
begins February 15 and continues
February 16-24 with the championship game scheduled for February
24 at the Ice Box.
Hockey State Tourney is scheduled
for March 2 and March 3 with pool
play at a location to be determined.
The state championship is scheduled
for March 10 in Indianapolis.
For more information, check out the
Master Athletic Schedule under
Athletics on the Marian Website.
Extra-Curricular Activity and
Sports Moratorium
Our Diocese observes a moratorium for the Easter Triduum (Holy
Thursday, Good Friday, Holy
Saturday) and Easter Sunday, so that
everyone may honor the holiness of
these special days. During this fourday period, No Play or Practice is
allowed after 5:00 pm on Thursday,
March 28 or anytime on Friday,
March 29, Saturday, March 30, or
Sunday, March 31.