Marian`s Moments - Cerenity Senior Care


Marian`s Moments - Cerenity Senior Care
Marian’s Moments
Cerenity Senior Care - Marian of Saint Paul
Marian - One of the Best
by U.S. News
& World Report.............1
April 2013
Marian Listed as One of the Best
by U.S. News & World Report
by Jeffrey Thorne, Administrator/CEO
From the
Development Office .....2
4th Annual
Wine Classic................2
U.S. News & World
record and level of nurse
Report recently released
staffing. The ratings cover
their fifth annual
more than 15,000 nursing
Best Nursing Homes
homes in every state,
ratings and Cerenity
including 380 in
Care Center - Marian of
Minnesota, and can be
Spirit of Marian..............2
Community Relations ......3
Volunteer Desk ................3
Saint Paul was among the
Jeff Thorne, Administrator/CEO
nation’s best, receiving the five-star rating.
In Remembrance
& Gifts Received ........4-5
The news organization’s ratings were taken
from data that is part of the Health and
Welcome to
New Leaders................6
Campus Security .............6
Human Services Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid nursing home compare tool.
The Best Nursing Home title is awarded to
Great News!.....................6
facilities that recently earned an overall rating
Pictures ...........................7
Wish List.........................8
of five stars. Each facility is also rated
separately on quality of care, health inspection
accessed at
Please join me in congratulating all of the
Marian staff for the excellent care and
service they provide each and every day.
Marian’s Moments
Page 2
Greetings from the Development Office
by Lisa Sweeney, Development Director
Marian of Saint Paul is proud to announce that the addition
of a new enhanced assisted living and memory care facility
will soon become a reality. Pope Architect is hard at work
designing an apartment building with 60 studio units that
will be built on the corner of Burns and Frank. The building
will include underground parking.
currently have loved ones at Marian and you know how
important it is to have your own space. You also know how
well your loved one was or is cared for here at Marian.
We now need to step up and have the building match that
incredible care! There is some fundraising to do though and
I welcome any volunteers to help in this venture.
The building plans also include major renovations of the
Care Center. Our 45-year-old building is not quite providing
the space or amenities our residents need. Our goal is to have
private rooms and bathrooms for all. Some of you had or
There is a lot more to explore and say about the entire
building project. Please call me or stop by my office anytime
to get details or see a drawing.
4th Annual Wine Classic
On January 30th approximately 170
The evening was a fabulous event!
guests attended the 4th Annual Marian
All of the net proceeds from the
of Saint Paul Wine Classic. At the
Wine Classic are deposited into the
event, participants had an opportunity
Cerenity - Marian of Saint Paul
to taste 20 different wines provided by
Foundation. This year the proceeds
Gator’s Liquor and food from 13 local
will go towards purchasing new
restaurants including our own Culinary
furniture for elders to use throughout
Services department from Marian of
the campus and a blanket warming
Saint Paul. As in previous years, the
Wine Classic Greeters, Bev Nemo and Tom Tasik
first floor of Marian is transformed into
an expansive silent auction, many tasting stations and many
tables for guests to visit.
unit for the skilled nursing department.
Thank you to all of our sponsors of the Wine Classic,
as well as, all of the volunteers and staff that make this event
such a huge success!
S pirit of Marian
by Sharyl Kaase, Spirit of Marian Chair
The Spirit of Marian continues to grow in participation
with the help of the culinary department, the Spirit of Marian
as employees support our mission of enhancing the lives of
hosts a salad bar for lunch. For only $3, employees, tenants,
others. Currently, our employee giving club has 92 percent
residents, clients, family and friends are welcome to create a
participation from employees from all departments across our
salad from a variety of salad bar options. Money raised from
campus! Recently, the Spirit of Marian purchased chairs that
the salad bar purchases are used for campus projects that
can be converted into single sleepers for individuals who wish
support the Spirit of Marian mission.
to stay near loved ones during their final days. In addition,
Marian’s Moments
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Community Relations
by Judy Peterson, Community Relations Chair
Getting to Know the Community Relations Committee
The Community Relations Committee of Marian of
Saint Paul was established in the spring of 2008 to serve
the campus by planning events that welcome elders,
family members and the broader community to Marian.
The goal is to raise Marian’s profile in the community.
Each event planned is an opportunity for education and
social interaction. We have hosted speakers on topics
relevant to senior life as well as held an annual open
house to encourage people to tour the campus.
Please mark you calendar and spread the word about
these upcoming events at Marian:
Open House, Sun., April 21, 1-3 p.m. After our noon
Mass a light lunch will be served. Tours will be available
between 1 and 3 p.m. and an informational session will
take place from 1:30-2:30.
Empowering Seniors Series. Beginning in September we
will have a series of speakers on Monday afternoons.
Watch for dates and more information this summer.
Over the next year we are going to highlight the
wonderful and committed members of the Community
Relations Committee. Please meet our first two
committee members.
Judy Peterson - Judy has been a Marian volunteer for
the past six years. Currently she has two family members
who live on the campus. She and her husband, Larry,
raised their family in St. Paul. They both are strong
supporters of Marian and its Mission: “A faith-based
community that cultivates independence and dignity by
empowering the people served through innovation,
compassion and excellence.” Judy is the founding chair
of the Community Relations Committee.
Kathy Short - Kathy says her involvement with Marian
gives her a “front row seat” into the world of long-term
care. “Being a member of our committee has given me
the opportunity to benefit from all the speakers and
health fairs,” says Kathy. “I feel as if I am reaping all the
rewards. The little I do is small in comparison to what I
have gained in the education of long-term care. We are
all going to get old, so why not find a way to do it.
Marian is showing me the way.”
Volunteer Desk
by Jackie Bruns, Volunteer Coordinator
It has been a very busy few months here at
Marian for our recreation staff as well as
volunteers, with the Christmas season,
New Year’s, special events, outings, birthday
parties, Valentine’s Day and Lent (with a
couple of Mardi Gras parties thrown in
recently retired and wanting to give their
time and stay busy (and we’ve been keeping
them busy), a couple are family members of
our residents and tenants, and one just
recently joined the National Guard and finished basic training because he wants to serve
his country as well as his community.
Welcome and we’re lucky to have all of you.
Since I’ve started in this position I have
become more aware of our longtime
We are looking for Eucharistic Ministry
volunteers and their daily/weekly dedication
volunteers and volunteers to answer phones
to the Marian (you know who you are).
for an hour a day at our main reception
Jackie Bruns
It is heartwarming and inspiring to me, when I
know they take time out of their day, away from their family
If you are interested, please contact Jackie at 651-793-2116
and in sometimes not ideal weather, to come here to make
people’s day better and brighter.
I am also amazed at the fact that in just five months we have
added 20 plus new volunteers. Some are students looking for
exposure to health care and working with residents, some are
“As one person (volunteer) I cannot change the
world, but I can change the world for one person.”
Marian’s Moments
Page 4
Lovingly We Remember & Pray For
Helen Olson
Eugene Lee
Carl Capra
Marie Lambert
Mae Peterson
Everett Sanchez
Earl Butts
Marcella Gilcher
Russell Mitchell
Irene Heaver
Jane Murphy
Alice Spiegelberg
Eileen Andersen
Fr. Richard Berg
June Person
Lorraine Buzicky
Olive Felton
Helen Clime
Rita Unger
Richard Garofalo
Naomi Houle
Gladys Ferber
William Rothbauer
Arthur Gustafson
Ruth Wurm
James Malone
Glenn Lee
Gifts Received
In Memory of:
Kay Ahern
Ellen Giles
Carl Capra
Melvin & Doreen Dario
Gina Rulli
Helen Clime
Mary Berg
Toni O’Rourke
Gladys Ferber
Dale & Jodeen LaFrenz
Thomas & Patricia Rolewicz
Mary Clare Ryan Flynn
Richard & Catherine
Kevin & Brenna Nicholson
Ed & Jenni Ryan
Jerry Gall
Dave & Kathy Gelao
Rick & Jan Gold
Steve & Jan Gold
William Gangl
Margaret Horihan
Arlene Germscheid
Richard & Susan
Frank Gaertner
Frank & Katherine Miley
Mary Jane Miley
Dorothy Hejny
Hejny Rental, Inc.
Irene Heaver
Terry Heaver
William Larson
Hank Hermann
November 12, 2012 - March 12, 2013
Eustelle Lee
Ken Russell
Renee Larson Wieser
Edward & Mary Ann Wawack
Genevieve Lotzer
Greg & Pat Reese
Ruth Wurm
Patricia Wurm
Marty McDonough
Mary Carter
Robert Mencke
Gregory & Diane Mencke
In Honor of:
Tom Gelbmann Sr.
James & Cheryl Gelbmann
Tom & Joann Gelbmann
Jane Murphy
Ardella Prudenske
June Person
Gary & Chris Grinsteinner
Jean Kalkes
Patrick & Jean Kelly
Patti Petschauer
Mary Ann Rasmussen
Bernice Schmitt
Lynn & Mary Kay Schmitt
Doris Raguse
Jim & Rita Brown
William Rothbauer
Sherren Heil
Frances Ryan
Gerald & Joan Johnson
Martha Scheele
David & Janet Little
Lorraine St. Louis
Ren’ee Jensen
Elmer Soeffner
Janice Soeffner
Marian Younquist
Margaret Horihan
Friends of Marian
(Annual Giving)
Steven Ahlquist
John Anderson
Barbara Arnold
Jeff Arnston
Ralph & Alexis Bachmeier
Robert & Catherine Barr
Ervin & Beverly Barrett
Edward & Lois Black
Joseph Brown
Barbara Carlson
Lorraine Chermak
Bill & Maureen Cosgriff
Dan & Marilu Craft
Joanne Ventura Czeswik
James & Anne Delaney
Phyllis De Lisi
Dick & Mary Beth Ebert
Thomas & Mari Eggum
Richard & Catherine
Donald & Pat Fidler
William Foussard
Steve & Mimi Gall
Michael & Francis Galvin
Don & Patricia Garofalo
James & Cheryl Gelbmann
Tom & Joann Gelbmann
Ellen Giles
Rick & Jan Gold
Agnes Hale
Teresa Haus
Hejny Rental, Inc.
Hank Hermann
Eugene & Mary Hiber
George & Molly Hottinger
Ren’ee Jenson
Cheryl Johnsen
Gerald & Joan Johnson
Bob & Sandy Jones
Richard & Joyce Kapaun
Joan Kerkvliet
Elizabeth Keyes
Bruce & Mary Kimlinger
Dr. Tom & Ruth King
Steven & Joleen Kogler
Dawn Kroohn
Fred & Suzanne Kueppers
Lowell Larson
Katherine Lilly
David & Janet Little
John & Mary Marschall
Thomas McBain
Tim McGough
Catherine McNaughton
H. G. McNeely, Jr.
Gregory & Diane Mencke
Marian Mencke
Helen Merth
Frank & Katherine Miley
Katherine Miley
Mary Jane Miley
Kevin & Brenna Nicholson
Bernard & Judith Pekarek
Larry & Judy Peterson
Warren & Patricia Peterson
David Picard
David & Julie Poupore
Ardella Prudenske
Irene Quinn
Donald & Jean Regan
Greg & Pat Reese
John & Barbara Reis
David & Patricia Reller
Rita Reusch
Marian’s Moments
Ken Russell
Gerald & Charlotte Samuelson
Dr. James & Janice Scott
Mary Seymour
Janice Soeffner
Chuck & Marlys Thell
Stanley Thomas
Jeff & Mary Jo Thorne
June Tiedermann
Dale & Vicki Trobroxen
John & Norella Urban
Dolores Weinberger
Patricia Wurm
Greg & Amanda Zabinski
Helen Zappa
Spirit of Marian
( Employee Giving)
Sylvia Adeagobo
A’sha Beavers
Connie Bunn
Rachel Chen
Alemayehu Derose
Archer Dickens
Nakeela Dillard
Rachel Heroff
Jeanne Fitzpatrick
Ryan Fitzpatrick
Angela Johnson
Amee Jorde
Catherine Akouba Kanga
Amanda Maskrey
Kefa O. Menge
Jessica Olson
Latoya Owens
Ashley Riley
Ramatu Sesay
Fred Sorensen
Patrick Sullivan
Katrina Thuringer
Renee Tillett
Amy Vang
Maisee Vang
Ben Vogel
Julie Vue
Ryan Wennihan
Jessica Wild
Selena Wild
4th Annual
Wine Classic:
Gator’s Liquor
Winery Sponsorship:
Cerenity Senior Care
Wine Cellar
Benedictine Health System
1st Line Group
Piper Jaffray
Plaza TV & Appliance/
Dave Motz
Wine Barrel
Commercial Flooring Services
Hays Companies
HBH Consultants
Dick & Jan Rau
Schlomka Services
Voigt, Rode & Boxeth
Wine Bottle
In Memory of:
Mary Clare Ryan Flynn
Al & Lorraine Hartman
Marty McDonough
Audrey Robinson
In Honor of:
Marian Staff
Wine Classic Food
Baker’s Square
Bread & Chocolate
Dixie’s on Grand
Dorothy Ann Bakery
Marian of Saint Paul
Obb’s Sports Bar & Grill
Papa Murphy’s Pizza
Wild Tree
Wine Classic Donation:
Dr. Jim & Ginger Giefer
Marian Mencke
Wine Classic Silent
Auction Donations:
Al Vento
Baker’s Square
Brave New Workshop
Bryant Lake Bowl
Café Latte
Cannon River Winery
Captain Ken’s
Carmello’s Ristorante
Downtowner Car Wash
Everest on Grand
Fortune Bay Resort Casino
Goodrich Golf Dome
Grand Casino
Joe Hautman
History Theatre
Holiday Inn Express & Suites
Holiday Inn St. Paul
House of Wong
Ichiban Japanese Steak House
Illusion Theater
Indian Hills Golf Club
James J. Hill
Joe’s Garage
Kevin Kerkvliet
Keys Café
Lakeshore Players Theatre
Lions Tap
Mall of America
Maplewood Community
Teresa & Joe Mauer
McDonalds - Sunray
Mill City Museum
Minnesota Historical Society
Minnesota Landscape
Minnesota Opera
Minnesota Swarm
Minnesota Timberwolves
Minnesota Twins
Baseball Club
Minnesota Vikings
Mixed Blood Theatre
MSP Communications
New Brighton Parks &
North Shore Scenic Railroad
O’Gara’s Bar & Grill
Olive Garden
Padelford Riverboats
Larry & Judy Peterson
Pine Tree Apple Orchard
Plymouth Playhouse
RDavid Photography
R. F. Moeller
Red Roof Inn
Page 5
Ristorante Luci
Rocco Altobelli
Ron Berg Photography
Shooting Star
St. Patrick’s Guild
St. Paul Saints
Starbucks Coffee
Stevie Ray’s
Summit Brewing Company
Taher, Inc.
Tartan Park
The Melting Pot
The Park Tavern
Theatre in the Round Players
Three Rivers Park District
Toro Company
Twin City Attorneys
Twin City Model Railroad
Walker Art Center
Pat Werden
Wild Mountain and Taylors
Falls Recreation
Wish List Donations:
Lynn Christianson &
3M Staff
Marian Residence:
Gene & Mary Hudalla
Sherren Heil
Miscellaneous Items:
Moria Gallagher
Jerry Kahlert
Jennifer Kenaley
Marie Lambert
Susan Larson
Lisa Lemke
LouAnn Leski
David Malinowski
Matt Morelli
Don O’Connor
June Person
Dan Peterson
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church
Bill Thorne
Mary Wentland
Don & Patricia Fidler
Clara Thul
Marian’s Moments
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Welcome to New Leaders!
Marian of Saint Paul is pleased to
welcome the following new
leaders to our team.
Mary Mellenbruch is our Interim
Director of Nursing. Mary is
assisting us as our Director of
Nursing until this summer. She
has a wealth of experience in all
aspects of skilled nursing,
transitional care and nurse
consulting. We will begin recruiting for a permanent Director of
Nursing this spring.
Jeff Thorne, Mary Mellenbruch, Lisa Mackall,
Rachel Heroff and Fred Sorenson
Lisa Mackall has joined Marian of Saint Paul as the
Therapy Director. Lisa is responsible for the leadership and
program development for our physical, occupational and
speech therapy services. Lisa is a Speech Pathologist by
background and has provided the leadership for facility
therapy departments as well as directed the therapy services
at multiple sites.
Rachel Heroff is the new Admissions Coordinator for the
Care Center and Transitional Care Unit. Rachel is a Licensed
Practical Nurse and has experience working in Long Term
Care, Home Care, and at the
University of Minnesota Pediatric
Specialty Clinic. Rachel will be
taking over admissions from
Janna Kovach. Janna has been
the Director of Social Services
and Admissions at Marian since
2001. Janna will remain the
Director of Social Services, and
has taken on a Cerenity corporate
role as well.
Fred Sorensen is the new
Environmental Services Director.
In his role, Fred will be overseeing the Maintenance,
Housekeeping and Laundry departments. He brings a wealth
of experience to Marian including work in skilled care, senior
housing and hospital settings. He has worked at Ramsey
Nursing Home, Presbyterian Homes, Fairview/Ebenezer and
most recently at the St. Cloud Hospital. Fred also has his
Chief Engineer’s boiler’s license.
Please help us in welcoming Mary, Lisa, Rachel and
Fred to our team!
Campus Security
The safety and security of the elders, employees and visitors of
the Marian campus is always a very important issue for us.
We try to be as proactive as possible with our security systems
and processes. As a part of our policies, we ask that all guests
sign in at the Receptionist Desk and obtain a visitor badge.
All of our employees and volunteers are required to wear
name tags while on the campus. By having all guests check in
and wear a visitor badge, it assists us in knowing who is in
the building appropriately and who may require some
additional assistance from us. Please assist us in keeping
Marian of Saint Paul safe for everyone by signing in and
wearing a visitor badge when visiting.
If you have any questions related to our security systems,
please contact Jeff Thorne at
or (651) 793-2101.
We Have Great News!
Our Capital Campaign for the new Memory Care Facility is just getting underway
and we have already received our first major gift!
Ed and Jenni Ryan and family have given a very generous, major gift of stock in
memory of Mary Clare Ryan-Flynn, who was a resident here at Marian for several
Ed and Jenni Ryan
years. Mary Clare’s sense of humor, her laughter and free-spirit still resonate through
the minds and actions of those staff members who she touched daily. Mary Clare was a wonderful lady to have known and
cared for. It was our privilege to have gotten to know her and her entire family of 8 children!
Ed and his wife Jenni live in St. Paul and have 4 children of their own. Ed is a retinal surgeon in his 25th year in practice
in the Twin Cities, and with Jenni has owned one of the best landmark restaurants in the Twin Cities.
Marian’s Moments
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Wine Classic
Kevin Nicholson, Kerry & Rick Ehrmanntraut
enjoying the Wine Classic
Sue Petracek and family enjoying the Wine Classic
Cheers from Norella & John Urban
and Pete & Rosemary O’Neal
Sandy & Bob Jones
and Dan & Marilu Craft
Celebrating Dorthy Miller’s 104th Birthday
with Jeff Thorne and daughter Kay Brown
Black’s hosted Twins Party in memory of James Black
Cerenity Senior Care - Marian of Saint Paul
200 Earl Street
St. Paul, MN 55106
(651) 793-2100
Join our
Wish List
Care Center
• iPod with docking station
• Pocket talkers
• 4-slice toaster
• DVD player
• 2 dozen clear plastic 8 oz. glasses
Memory Loss
• Memory games or puzzles
• Big block legos
• Animal or children’s photo books
• 50” flat screen TV
• iPad
• Happy hour supplies
If you are interested in donating any of these items,
please call Marcy Koren at 793-2102.