September 16, 2012 - St. Mary of the Assumption Parish
September 16, 2012 - St. Mary of the Assumption Parish
PARISH FAMILY OF ST. MARY OF THE ASSUMPTION 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 16, 2012 PARISH STAFF Mr. Francis Dadowski, Deacon Father Jay Donahue, Parochial Vicar Mr. James Finn, Pastoral Associate Mr. Levi Hartle, Seminarian Mr. Robert Kardasz, Dir. of Music Ministries Father John Marcucci, Pastor Ms. Antoinette Pilarski, Principal Father William Rutledge, Retired in Residence Sr. Lois Spinnenweber, CDP, Apostolate Minister Miss Rose Stegman, Dir. of Faith Formation 2510 Middle Road Glenshaw, PA 15116 Founded 1834 Web Site: E-Mail: Parish Family Administration Office: 412-486-4100 Religious Formation Office - 412-486-5521 Parochial School -412-486-7611 Youth Ministry Office - 412-486-4100 Marian Hall - 412-684-1112 Social Ministry Office - 412-486-4021 Fax: 412-486-4150 SUNDAY LITURGY SCHEDULE Saturday at 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Sunday at 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. DAILY LITURGY SCHEDULE Monday through Friday at 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Saturday at 8:00 a.m. RECONCILIATION Saturday at 11:00 a.m. until final penitent is finished BAPTISM On Sunday twice a month after parental interview ANOINTING OF THE SICK Twice a year in a communal celebration Individually upon request MATRIMONY Saturday weddings at 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. Notification at least 6 months in advance BULLETIN DEADLINE Monday at 12:00 noon Page Two St. Mary of the Assumption Church, Vol. 61 No. 38 FATHER JAY: ADMINISTRATOR We received word this past week that Father Jay has been “promoted” to Administrator of the Parish Family of Ss. Simon and Jude on Greentree Road. How he will be missed by so many of our parishioners, including the Parish Staff on which he was such a great asset! The impact that his ministry has left on so many of us in just one year in our Parish Family is phenomenal. His work as the Youth Minister has built a tremendous foundation on which those with whom he has worked will be able to continue to develop the vision that he has brought to them. Father Jay was able to adjust to every new situation that came his way, and his dedicated commitment to the people of our Parish Family will be remembered for many years to come. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that he will continue to serve his new parish in his role as Administrator with the same priestly charisma that he displayed with us. “Ad multos annos,” Father Jay, for the prayers of all of us go with you as you begin your new assignment; and remember that you are ALWAYS welcome back here in our Parish Family for we hope that you would consider this your home away from home! A YEAR TO REMEMBER SEPTEMBER 15, 2011 – SEPTEMBER 23, 2012 FATHER JAY DONAHUE WITH US! RECEPTION OF GRATITUDE Father Jay will celebrate the 5:00 p.m. Youth Liturgy this afternoon with an invitation for any parishioner to join him at that time. Immediately following the liturgy those involved in the Youth Ministry will have a “Reception of Gratitude” for all of his superb work with them. This reception is open to any person who would wish to offer a personal farewell to Father Jay. THE BISHOP IS COMING! THE BISHOP IS COMING! THE BISHOP IS COMING! NEXT SUNDAY – SEPTEMBER 23 BISHOP ZUBIK AT THE 9:00 A.M. LITURGY ALL WELCOME TO JOIN HIM! RITE OF WELCOME The entire Parish Family welcomes those young people and their families who are preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation as they celebrate the liturgy with us TODAY! This “Rite of Welcome” is celebrated within the context of the Sunday liturgy so that we all might come to realize our role in providing the Community of Faith into which these young people will grow. This gives our entire Faith Community of members the opportunity to see those of the First Eucharist class and the Confirmation candidates who celebrate at today’s liturgy. We ask that you keep these young people and their families in your prayers, as we remember them each time they gather with us each Sunday at the Table of the Lord. PRAYER PARTNER If you wish to pray for ONE of these young people in particular, you may choose an envelope from the basket in the foyer. Let Providence guide you to a person most in need of your prayers and support. FAMILY PROGRAM BEGINS We welcome all those who will join us today at the 9:00 a.m. liturgy and the session in Marian Hall immediately after for the first of our monthly Family programs. Those involved in the leadership of the Program, with the recommendations in mind from the Pastoral Council, will begin to initiative some new features to the process. These recommendations are the distillation of the many suggestions offered by all of those in the program recently interviewed by the Council members. Meanwhile, we remind those in the program that they are encouraged to park in the lower lot so as to leave room for those who will be coming to the later liturgies in the church. CEMETERY BOARD MEETING Members of the Cemetery Board will meet on Monday of this coming week, September 17th starting at 7:00 p.m. in the rectory. The Board continues to remind those who would like to purchase a crypt or niche in our future mausoleum that their best price they will ever receive is at this present time. Very soon the Board will open purchasing to those outside our Parish Family. September 16, 2012 Page Three jxx~Äç Tvà|ä|à|xá tà t ZÄtÇvx Sunday Liturgies for the Week (Church) (Marian Hall) 3\ Sunday, September 16, 2012 - 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. RITE OF WELCOME - All Masses September 16 (Church) 9:00AM - Family Program (Marian Hall) 9:00AM - Liturgy of the Word for Children Eleanore Larkin - Husband, Clement Special Intention - Marie & Lou Thalhofer The Living & Deceased of Our Parish Family Anthony & Lenora Ross - Antoinette & Robert Cray, Jr. Mathilda Ferrarro - Harry & Rachele Youth Mass Monday, September 17, 2012 - St. Robert Bellarmine 7:00 a.m. Nancy Mascari - Ginny Dougherty 10:00 a.m. Raymond Ciorra - Laurie & David Matera Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - Weekday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. Margarette & Roman Reiner - Marie Hunkele 10:00 a.m. Mary Schultz - Family Monday (School) September 17 (Marian Hall) (School) (Rectory) 5:00PM - Fr. Jay’s Final Youth Mass 6:00PM - Fr. Jay’s Reception of Gratitude 4:30PM - CCD Classes 6:00PM - Market Day Pick-up 6:30PM - CCD Classes 7:00PM - Cemetery Board Meeting Tuesday (CCD Office) September 18 (Marian Hall) 1:00PM - Adult Education 6:30PM - Adult Education / Fr. John Wednesday (Marian Hall) 1:30PM - 55 Social Group Bingo September 19 (Church) 2:45PM - Children Choir Practice Thursday (Rectory) (Church) 7:00PM - Temporalities Council Mtg. 7:30PM - Adult Choir Practice (Church) 2:45PM - Children’s Cantor Practice September 20 (Church) 7:15PM - Confraternity of Christian Mothers Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - St. Januarius (Church) 8:00PM - Teen Choir (School) 10:00AM - School Liturgy 7:00 a.m. Giuseppe & Vincenza Derenzo - Their Children & Families 10:00 a.m. Joseph, Matt, Charles, Frank & Edward Berncic Dick & Carrie Druzak Friday Saturday (School) Thursday, September 20, 2012 - Sts. Andrew Kim TaeTae-gon, Paul Chong HaHa-sang, and Companions September 22 (Marian Hall) 10:00AM - CCD Classes 7:15PM - Middle School Dance 7:00 a.m. Patricia Krsul - Betty & Duane Prosser 10:00 a.m. William Vistein - The Coyle Family 7:15 p.m. Confraternity of Christian Mothers/Women’s Guild Sunday (Church) 9:00AM - Mass with Bishop Zubik September 23 (Rectory) 10:00AM - R.C.I.A. September 21 (School) 11:45AM - Early Dismissal Friday, September 21, 2012 - St. Matthew 7:00 a.m. Donna Ritz-Carper - Bonnie & Family 10:00 a.m. Therese Marie Sciuli - Anne & Joe Brasile Saturday, September 22, 2012 - Weekday in Ordinary Time 8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Herman Fritsch - St. Mary Hospitality Wedding of Jill Raslevich & Daniel Talbert Wedding of Despina Xenakis & Clinton Dobbins Stanley Antoszewski - The Ruffner Family Duan Lis - Aunt Sally Sunday, September 23, 2012 - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. The Living & Deceased of Our Parish Family 9:00 a.m. Phillip Ionadi - Marco & Rose Imbarlina 11:00 a.m. Lorraine Scolieri - Anthony Scolieri & Liz McKenzie 5:00 p.m. Youth Mass September 8/9, 2012 Envelopes Contributions Offertory 719 $19,332.40 Cash/Loose Checks - $723.00 Children’s Offertory 23 $38.80 Parish Needy/St. Vincent DePaul 43 $954.00 Parish Share 2012 14 $472.50 St. Mary Catholic School 2 $36.00 Bishop’s Education Fund 143 $2,865.00 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin 2 $30.00 Total 946 $24,451.70 Flowers adorning the Tabernacle are in celebration of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of George and Carol Mayer. BISHOP ZUBIK The Bishop is coming! Bishop David Zubik will celebrate the Liturgy on Sunday, September 23, 2012 at 9:00AM. Join the Knights of Columbus as they welcome him. Daily Readings September 17: 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33; Lk 7:1-10 September 18: 1 Cor 12: 12-14, 27-31a; Lk 7:11-17 September 19: 1 Cor 12:31 - 13:13; Lk 7:31-35 September 20: 1 Cor 15:1-11; Luke 7:36-50 September 21: Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Mt 9:9-13 September 22: 1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49; Lk 8:4-15 September 23: Wis 2:12, 17-20; Jas 3:16 - 4:3; Mk 9:30-37 September 16, 2012 SACRAMENTAL LIFE Baptized in Christ Page Four RELIGIOUS FORMATION Faith Sharing for 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Who do YOU say I am?” was Jesus’ question to his disciples. Max Joseph Haley He asks the same of YOU and me. Where do you meet Him Robert Timothy Rugh each day? How do you share His good news with those whom Congratulations to their parents, godparents, you meet? Will you LISTEN to how He is communicating to you through the Scriptures, His Word, and tell another the and grandparents. Please join us in welcoming wonders of His love for you? That’s a way to “echo”, be a him into our Parish Family. catechist, for another. A VOCATION VIEW Do you want to follow Jesus? If you lose yourself for Jesus’ sake, G.I.F.T. Clusters - The first option was last Thursday. If you you will find life. It is worth the cost of your life. (Mark 8:27-35) missed it, plan to come to this session: Grade 2 – First Eucharist Clusters meet in Marian Hall: Saturday, September 15, 5:00 PM Grade 8 -Confirmation Clusters meet in Marian Hall : BANNS OF MARRIAGE Saturday, September 15, 7 :00 PM II. Lindsay Thomas (St. Mary) & Christopher Ruggeri (St. Mary) III. Jill Raslevich (St. Mary) & Daniel Talbert (St. Mary) III. Despina Xenakis (St. Mary) & Clinton Dobbins Faith Formation for children in public schools: FAMILY Program Meets THIS Sunday, 9 AM Mass then session till Noon, Parents/guardians, ALL children, youth, catechists and aides meet in Marian Hall immediately after the 9 AM Mass. Monday sessions ALL meet IN church; 4:30 & 6:30 PM Saturday, Sept. 22 ALL meet IN church, 10:00 AM. ANOINTING OF THE SICK- The communal Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated during the 10:00am Mass on Tuesday October 9, 2012, during our Parish Mission Renewal. Plan now to take advantage of this sacrament if you are having surgery, have a serious illness or are feeling the effects of age. If you need a ride to church, call Sister Lois 412.486.4021. Adults - Grow In Faith Together Join the Church of Pittsburgh in “Cultivating the Church Alive” Here I am Lord. Send Me! ~Isaiah 6:8 I am or know of someone who is interested is serving God’s people as a: this week by taking a 10 minute retreat at work…visit the website, for a bible Priest___ Brother___ Sister___ Deacon___ Name:_____________________________________________________ study, prayer card, reflection guide, and journey through 10 minutes of Eucharistic devotion…all from your own computer. Phone:____________________________________________________ E-mail:____________________________________________________ Please return to St. Mary of the Assumption Rectory. RCIA Those interested in finding out more about becoming a Catholic Christian should come to the 9:00am Parish Mass next Sunday, September 23rd and then meet in Marian Hall following Mass at 10:00am for our kick-off. All welcome. For more information call the rectory and ask for Jim Finn412.486.4100. Retreat with Our Blessed Mother - Month of the Rosary at St. Wendelin Parish in Carrick, 2728 Custer Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15227 - Saturday, October 6, 2012 9:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. Confession Offered at 3:30 p.m. and Mass at 4:00 p.m. Fee: $20 per person 5 CEU for Catechist and Catholic School Teachers. Contact: Irene Schneider 412-657-8193 to register. Special Days this Week PARISH MISSION RENEWAL Mark your calendars: October 8-9-10, 2012 are the dates; 7:00pm nightly. All are invited to a Kick-Off CONCERT in church at 7:00pm on Sunday evening, October 7. Directing our Renewal is Mr. Paul Koleske, a lay Catholic who presents a fresh look at treasures in scripture that are beacons as to how we can all follow in the footsteps of Christ, by truly possessing the “Light of Christ.” This is a perfect time to invite someone you know to “come back home!” No questions asked---just a warm welcome! Reach out and bring someone with you. LET THE LITTLE CHILDREN COME TO ME invites all parents with children five years of age and under to join us Wednesday morning September 19 in church in the Children’s Liturgy Room for PRAY and PLAY DAY beginning at 9:30am ending at 10:30am. For more information: September 17 – Saint Robert Bellarmine kept informed about the sources of Faith, its history, and meaning. He treasured the Truth. September 19 – Saint Januarius was a bishop who was martyred around 350 AD. He is the patron of Naples. September 20 – Saints Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Paul Chong Ha-sang, and Companions, martyrs of Korea whose blood shed for Christ nurtured the Faith in the orient. September 21 – Saint Matthew, a despised tax collector whom Jesus chose to be one of his trusted 12 apostles. ADULT ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITY Bible Study will be held on Tuesdays from 1:00-2:30PM in the Faith Formation Office in our school. We will study: Holy Queen, The Mother of God in the Word of God. Please join us. Over the past several years, it has been spiritually rewarding and at the same time… fun! If you have any questions, please call Dori Monahan at 412-848-2428. September 16, 2012 September 2012 YOUTH MINISTRY Youth News Page Five ST. MARY St. Mary School News SCHOOL General point of view: Want to help? Need Service Hours? Would you like to talk The new with a priest? Contact our Rectory Office at 412-486-4100. STUDENT COUNCIL INSTALLATION student leadership team of St. Mary School were officially installed as the Student Council for the 2012-2013 school Middle School: year on Friday, September 14th. The officers are: Christopher Cerminara – President; Teegan Zeh – Coming soon! Activities at the Youth House and Vice-President; Mary Claire Rossetti – Secretary; and Confirmation events. Caroline Maltese – Treasurer. Congratulations to our new student leaders! High School: WEAR A HAT FOR CANCER - The school students Please check out the Youth Bulletin Board for pictures from recently participated in a special fundraiser, Wear A Hat our Summer Events. For Cancer. Students were permitted to wear any kind of hat they wanted, along with an Orange dress down day, University of St. Mary’s Students: honoring Mario Noro, a third-grader who was diagnosed with leukemia last year. We are happy to report that Mario We will miss our college students who are headed off to is back at St. Mary School and doing very well. This event school. Count on our prayers and please let us know if you raised a total of $785.00 which was donated to the need anything. oncology department of Children's Hospital in Mario's name. Young Professionals CONTINUE TO SAVE - Please continue to save all We will be aiding a refugee family coming to Pittsburgh this Campbell's products labels, Box Tops For Education labels, ink cartridges, and cell phones for the school. fall. More information to follow soon. These items afford us the opportunity to purchase educational materials for the children. They can be THEOLOGY OF THE BODY deposited in the bin right inside the front door entrance. “LUST, LOVE & LOYALITY” Many thanks! If anyone would be interested in forming a teen or adult discussion group to further explore the Theology of the Body, THANK YOU - We know that many of the fundraisers held teachings of Pope John Paul II. at the school are supported strongly by you, the Please contact Fr. Jay at, parishioners. On behalf of all of us at the school, we would Robing Hungerman at or just like to say THANK YOU for your amazing support. Be Ashley Miller at assured of our continued prayers for your families and the generous spirit that you share. You’re Invited: St. Mary’s Middle School Dance YOUTH MASS We will be celebrating with Fr. Jay, his FINAL Youth Mass before he heads off to become Pastor at St. Simon and Jude Parish in Greentree. After Mass, please join us along with Fr. Jay, in Marian Hall, for a Reception of Gratitude. We will be continuing our Youth Masses through November 11th at 5:00PM. Please come and celebrate with us, along with Seminarian Levi. St. Mary’s invites all Middle school age students to a 6th, 7th & 8th grade Dance on Saturday, September 22, 2012, 7:15-10:00pm in the St. Mary’s Church Hall: 2510 Middle Road, Glenshaw. Buy your tickets for $5.00 at St. Mary’s rectory or that evening at the door to the church hall. Pizza, nachos, candy and soft drinks will all be available. Appropriate dress is required for admittance. Join in the fun! Diocese of Pittsburgh Abuse Hotline: 1.888.808.1235 September 16, 2012 OUR PARISH NEWS Page Six Our NEIGHBORHOOD HAPPENINGS ADULT ENRICHMENT CYM BASKETBALL REGISTRATION Adults - young or older, come Tuesdays, Sept. 18-25 & Oct. We are inviting all young women and men in grades 9 through 12 2, 6:30-9:00 PM with Father John to grow more intimately with to register for CYM Basketball. Our registration date will be Jesus at the “Christology” sessions in Marian Hall. announced at a later date. Please contact Phil Fitzgibbons at 412-303-3354 or email at, or Mike Daley at Orders will be delivered on Sept. 17, 6-7 PM 412-523-4731 or email at with any in Marian Hall. FREE On-the-Go Carrier questions or concerns. when you order 3 select items from MARKET DAY this month. All who order will be eligi- RETREAT NEWS ble for the raffle of a FREE Market Day item. Won’t YOU try All women of the parish are invited to join us on Market Day in October? The food is wonderful and proceeds go November 2-3-4 as we make our Annual Retreat at St. Paul’s on toward maintaining our Church Cafeteria. You can log onto the Southside. All are welcome! Market Day through our NEW website and To register or to find out more, call Elaine Lascher 412.492.7227 or Irene Linkowski 412.487.1779. place your order so easily! HELPERS NEEDED! WIN A FREE WEEKEND RETREAT all women have the CONFRATERNITY of opportunity to win a FREE weekend retreat. Yes, all expenses CHRISTIAN MOTHERS WOMEN’S GUILD paid. Fill out a slip in the narthex of the church the weekend of We will begin the new year with a Calendar Party on Thursday, Sept. 29-30 and you may win the DRAWING for a Free weekSeptember 20th. The evening begins at 7:00PM with the Rosary. end. No charge to enter the drawing, just stop by the retreat table Mass and prayers followed by fellowship when you will learn the and fill out a slip! FIND OUT MORE BY ATTENDING AN identity of your summer prayer partner from the May Tea Party. INFORMATIONAL LUNCHEON ON MONDAY, Donations requested for Genesis House are cleaning products, OCTOBER 8. Details to follow. dish detergent, and paper products. PILGRIMAGE TO THE NATIONAL SHRINE All are invited to attend the Diocesan Pilgrimage with Bishop LIGHT WEIGH We continue with weekly meetings on Wednesdays, in the J.A.M. David Zubik to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immacth Center at 7:30PM. Any questions, please contact Sue Burkhart at ulate Conception on Saturday, October 6 . Bishop Zubik will be the main celebrant for the Mass. For bus reservations, call Nancy 412.443.4532 or Bev Kohan at 412.486.6403. Vecchio at St. Joseph Parish, O’Hara at 412.963.8885, Ext. 301. DIVORCED, WIDOWED, or SEPARATED? Refer to: for complete reservation listings. The loss of a spouse through separation, divorce or death is a YEAR OF FAITH most traumatic experience. Many people who have suffered this October 11 begins a YEAR OF FAITH. Pope Benedict the XVI loss feel left out by their church, uneasy around married friends, has called for this year-long celebration to take place around the unsure of themselves, and uncertain about their future. The world. Two anniversaries are being remembered during the Beginning Experience weekend is intended to help those to pass Synod of Bishops that is being convened in Rome to begin this through their grief and begin to move forward with their lives. special year: the 50th anniversary of the start of Vatican Council The next weekend will be held October 12-14, 2012 at the II and the 20th anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Glimary Center in Moon Twp., PA. For more information, Church. The theme of the Synod is “ The New Evangelization for or Steve Smith at 412-367-4948. the Transmission of the Christian Faith.” To find out more about Vatican Council II plan to come to St. “Raising Spiritual Kids in a Secular World” Mary’s on Thursdays October 18 & 25 from 6:30pm-9:00pm to A Discussion with Mrs. Danielle Bean In this talk, Danielle gives you the confidence you need to reject popular hear Fr. Bill Fay lead a discussion of the 50th Anniversary of values, handle the difficult times and challenges that all parents Vatican Council II and some of the important documents. experience, and raise your own kids with joy filled faith and life giving values. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2012 at St. Richard Church, 10:00 – 11:30 am, Parish Hall, 3841 Dickey Rd, Gibsonia, ADMISSION is FREE. Free will donations accepted. Proceeds benefit Catholic Charities family outreach initiatives. Seating is limited. Please call Catholic Charities to reserve your seat at 412.456.6969 or e-mail to Fr. Scott Seethaler, OFM Cap will address: “Without Religious Freedom, No One is Really Free” Saturday, September 22, 2012, Saints John & Paul Church, 2586 Wexford Bayne Road, Sewickley, PA 15143, 7:00-9:00PM. Other speakers are: Dr. Tim Campbell “Call to Arms - It’s Just Bad Medicine” - Dr. Campbell practices Internal Medicine with a specialty in Family Hospice and Palliative care. Attorney Brad Tupi - “Religious Freedom: America’s First Freedom” Don Nixon, Rector - “The Church needs to be a Church”. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE September 26 - November 4 Christians throughout Pittsburgh are invited to take part in the national 40 Days for Life Campaign. To find out more, go to or contact Nikki Bruni at 412-926-9413. Join us for our Kick-off event Sunday, September 23rd from 2:00-3:30PM in Phil’s Parking Lot, 917 Liberty Avenue, Downtown Pittsburgh. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS We will be sponsoring a breakfast on Sunday, September 30, 2012, beginning at 8:00AM to 1:00PM. Stop by for delicious food and wonderful fellowship. Persons with Disabilities are welcomed to full participation in all aspects of Church life. Dr. William Gaventa will address such “inclusion” in a FREE workshop Monday, Sept. 17, 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM at St. Paul Seminary Great Hall. September 16, 2012 Page Seven Pastoral Impressions by Rose Stegman Catechetical Sunday is observed nationwide today with the theme: “Catechists and Teachers as agents of the New Evangelization”. I like to think of EVERY baptized person as a catechist, one who is commissioned by virtue of being baptized into the life of Christ to “echo” the good news. This call to a NEW evangelization, prompted by our late Holy Father John Paul II, is for EVERY Catholic. So as this day is celebrated, take time to reflect how YOU will be an “agent,” one who acts as a representative of Jesus’ desire that “all come to the knowledge of the Truth.” The truth that all life comes from our loving God, that all life is precious from the moment of conception till the human body is reverently put to rest after physical death, and that life endures through eternity to be enjoyed in communion with all the Saints in the presence of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Today gives us special pride in THANKING those volunteers of our parish who give of their time and love to serve in the ministry of the Word of God as catechists and aides with children and youth whose formation in the Faith is not part of their public school curriculum: At Saturday Sessions: Cora Francioni, Kathy Di Pietro, Cheyenne, Patti & Noah Zunic, Tom Cadwell, Sandra Ondriezek, sub-Caroline Horgan At Monday Sessions, 4:30 PM: Edith & Emily Borza, Linda Morris, Donna Leone, Mia Vento, Patricia Butch, Patricia Coholich, Amy Strutt, Madge Boyer, Patti Jo Evans, Anne Mitsch, Amy Bozzone, Ginny Dougherty, Liz Perrone, sub-Carmen Di Tommaso At Monday Sessions, 6:30 PM: Maria Derenzo, Tara Ferguson, Lisa Gallagher, Bob Sovek, Elaine & Samantha Lascher, Lori Zippay, Cindy Smetanka, Beverly Kohan, Gene Klaber, Tricia Coyle, Al Yarzebinski, sub-Kathy Yarzebinski, sub-Karen Fornari Family Program: Emily Schmidt, Thomas Nash, Caroline Ready, Matthew O’Connor, Megan Kemmler, Amanda Rulis, Tammy Venezia, Theresa Goeller, Diane & Jared Todorowski, Margaret Thomas, Alana & Gianna Mazzei, Denise, Christina & Lauren Filiaggi, Charlotte Flynn, Heidi Rice, Dee Xenakis, Kelly Roth, Diane Prem, Pam & Nikki Gonzalez, Herb & Debbie Byrns, Donna O’Connor, Donna Mc Ginley, Cassidy, Stephen & Tierney Mc Donnell, Becky Wagner, Lexi Meglio, Lorraine Clanton, Gerry Butera, Juliann Ebeling-Konig, Melissa Cambest, Nancy Lieb, Beverly Kohan May each of these AGENTS of Evangelization know the blessing of Christ’s presence and guidance.