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Visit our new web site at wuvw.OurPlaceNews
Visit our new web site at 0n MaySththeConnetquot Youth Association andtheJJS Foundation teamed upforthestartoftheirthirdyearwith ourspecial needs team. Weplayed baseball attheCharles LaRosa comolex onEastern Street inRonkonkoma onfield 11, andended onJune10th. Allouroldoroswereback:Nicholas Bohl,NoahGraham, JustinJackson, AndrewRugolo, JamesRugolo,Ryan Rugolo, CJViola, andJason Zorfy. Wewelcomed Daniel Dunaske, Justyn ournewrookies: (GG)LaBarbera, (RayRay) Raimonde Espineira, Giovanni Andrew Moller, Mark0'Dell, LaBarbera, Joseph Mongillo, Rimoli, Nicholas Keith Osher, Gianni Dylan Sergio, Sposito, Stipes-Brennan Volpe. Austin andChristopher Aswecontinue to grow,I continue to thankallourplayers fortheiroutstanding effort, theirgreatsmiles andloveable hugs.As always mythanks t0 all theparents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, for uncles andeveryfamilymember yourparticipation withtheteam. Myspecial thanks to mydevoted coaches {youarelired) AuntAnn(thank Godshekeeps coming back), Uncle Larry, girlscouts, Marcand(papa) Uncle Bob.Myfantastic boy andCYAhelpers:Brandon scouts Angello, JordynBohl, JoshuaBohl,Vanessa Bohl, DeniseCedi0,Julia (l love Chesnowitz, Erika Jarymiszyn, Richards. & Kaitlyn allofyou) Everyone's dedication helpedto makethis thirdyear remarkable another success. youto:"Give "for I alsosenda hugethank it yourallSports givingus a familyfun dayandthatamazing pitching machine, our photographers BrianBohl,Mrs.Gladys "R"and Mr.Tony"R"forallthegreatphotos... Mama Mia's restaurant for supplying anddelivery our piza, Eddie Morrisfor supplying and delivery our tent,Lovin Oven/Lands Endfor supplying anddelivering ourtables (KirkHoKenson) andchairs,Lakeland FireDepartment for lending ustheBB0pit,andUncle CraigBohlfor hisoutyoutoallmy standing cooking skillsontrophy day.Thank BBQhelpers, LoriAdomo, AndrewBohl,LisaBohl, Hedger, KarylHoKenson, Gregory VictoriaJarymiszyn, and a special thankyouto Charlie whoputa smileon LaRosa them. everychild'sfacewitheverytrophyhe awarded you Thank Have a saleandfunsummer. Sseyoune)dyear, Coach Grace July 2012 To AdvertiseCall 467-4287or 589-8171 SayYou Saw It In "0ur Place" Ronkonkoma CONNETQUOTYOUTH ASSOCIATION "A partnership in thefutureof our Community'sYouth" 2OL6''SPECIAL NEEDS''BASEBALL'' REGISTRATION CYAhas collaboratedwith the fJSFoundationto offer Childrenwith SpecialNeedsa baseballProgram for both boys and girls.The seasonwill consistof 4-6weeks,two gamesper week all gameswill take placeat the CYAcomplexon EastonStreetGamedays(Wednesdays 6pm and Saturdays11 am. May ON ORB/4 JuneJat field 11, all gameswill be the sametime eachweek.FORMSMUSTBE RECEIVED APRIL1st. Seeschedule;please be advised trophy day is fune 11 This is our seventhseasonand hopeas lastyear it will be a memorableexperiencefor the children.We stronglybelievethat everychild shouldhavethe opportunityto enjoyand live life to the fullest.Given the natureof this type of programparentalinvolvementis encouraged, As CYAand the fJSFoundationsare both Not for Profit 501Corganizations we are unableto coverall the expenses for this league.There will be a nominal $20 per child registration fee.Equipment,field permitsfeesand insurancewill be coveredby donationfrom both CYAand JfS Foundation.(Pleasenote that the facilitiesat the CYAComplexare now wheelchairaccessible.) CYAhasbeenofferingthe youth of the ConnetquotSchooldistrict a placeto developthe skillsyou can only achieveby participatingin team sports since 1974.We are proud to offer both baseballand softballprogramsfor childrenfrom 4 to L7 yearsof age.CYAis locatedin Ronkonkoma on EastonStreet directlyadjacentto the DuffieldElementarySchool.It is not sponsoredor insuredby the Connetquot CentralSchooldistrict. The JISFoundationis a not-for-profitorganizationthat helpsthosein needor who havebeenaffected by hardship.Its goal is to enhancethe quality of life for theseindividuals.The foundationacts both with otherlocalcommunityorganizations aloneand collaborates to helpthosein need. Anyonewho may be interestedin havingtheir child participatesor has additionalquestionpleasecontactGraceBohl (@) at (631)45s-8496,(631)373-6191, Players Name: DOB: Parent/Guardian: Address:(pleaseprint) Phone: Cell: E-Mail: Childs uniform size: shirt nants Completedformsmay be mailedto CYA- SpecialNeedsProgram,P0 Box 22L,RonkonkomaNY'11779. Checksshouldbe madepayableto CYAPleaseadd SpecialNeedsProgram to the memofield,ofyour check PO Box221,Ronkonkoma,NY 11779 (631)588-0517 www. connetquotyouthas sociation . or€t CONNETQUOTYOUTH ASSOCIATION,rNC. P.O.Box 221- Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 T e l :6 3 1 - 5 8 8 - 0 5 1 7 www. connetquotyouthassociation. org IN PARTNERS WITHTHEJJSFOUNDATION 2OL6SPECIALNEEDSBASEBALL SEASONPLAYDATES: WEDNESDAYS: SATURDAYS: s/7 s/L\ slt4 s/18 5/27 s/2s 5/28(nogameMemorial Dayweekend) 6/7 6/4 6/8 6/11(NOGAME- TROPHY DAY) ALLWEDNESDAY GAMESAREPLAYED AT 6:00 PM, ALLSATURDAY GAMESAREPLAYED AT 11:OOAM. ALLGAMES AREPLAYED ONFTELD #11,(ATDUFFTELD SCHOOL), ONEASTERN STREET. TROPHY DAYDATE: JUNE11,2016 LOCATION: THELAKELAND FIREHOUSE LOCATED ON JOHNSON AVE.IN RONKONKOMA. TIME: L1:30AM TO 2:00PM PLEASE LETME KNOWIFYOURFAMILYWILLATTENDANDHOWMANYISIN YOURPARTY. THANK YOU, COACH GRACE 873-6191 Foundation SJtJJs a helpinghandfor thosein need \ TEAM SPECIAL NEEDSBASEBALL AUTHORIZATION 2076 To All, Everyseason I sendanarticleto the localRonkonkoma "oLlrplace"paperwiththe nameandphotoof our players. I needthe consent of the In orderfor themto printyourchild'snameandphotoin theirpublication, parents/legal guardia n. belowandreturnto meat a suitable time. lf thisisallowable withyou,please signthe authorization Thankyoufor yourcompliance in advance. Coach Grace I AM THEPARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN OF: TO BEUSED. TO HAVEHIS/HER NAMEANDPHOTO IN ADDITION, I GIVEMY PERMISSION PRINT NAME SIGN zot CartafB.aaf . ?ort Jefferson Station, 5t! tt7z6 . (6st)a6z-r972 . fax (0zr) 389-28so f:m ai I jj sf ourt fat i on @oy t on fine.n et