Rochford District Council Minutes - October 1998 (Part 3)
Rochford District Council Minutes - October 1998 (Part 3)
INDEX 1998 January - December Minute Index for 1998 Title The New NHS” White Paper 146 - 200 Rochford Garden Wav 50 - 54 West Street, Rochford 57 South Street - Progress Report A New Deal for Transport - Government White Paper on the Future of Transport._ A,I 30 Crash Bamer Aggregate Credit Llmlt and Treasur y Management Albert Road, RayleIgh - Proposed ProhIbItton of Driving Allotments, Bus Shelters and King George’s Playing Field - Transfer to Ravietah Town Council L Tenants Housing Rents BIO Solids Treatment Plan - Stambndge Bradwell Power Station and Future Consultation Arrangements Application for Nuclear Srte Licence Breach of Planning Control at 20 Golden Cross Road, Ashingdon Breach of Planning Control at Brooklands, Hockley Road, Rayletgh Breach of Planning Control at Land Adjacent to Shuttlewoods Boatyard, Waterside Road, Paglesham Breach of Planning Control at Land Adjacent to The Croft, Trenders Avenue, Rawreth, Essex Breach of Planning Control at Mlchelins Comer, Junction of the A127, A130 Rayleigh Essex Breach of Planning Control at the Retreat, New Park Road, Hockley, Essex Breach of Planning Control, at Hullbndge Yacht Club, Pooles Lane, Hullbridge Budget 1998199 Business Rate - Discretionary Rate Relief Business Rate and Counal Tax Payment Dates Minute Number 91 320. 390. 478. 372,465 322 404 IP 1506 ( 151,530 411 160 : 1: 536 171 403 ES 77 218 -.5 463 q 283 284 197 18(a), 33, 53,54,341 158,349 434 L __.. : 5: ;: Minute Index for 1998 Title Capital Programme 1998/99 Caravan Site Lrcensrng - Steps, Ramps and Verandahs Chambers of Trade Chelmer Augmentatron Scheme Crhzens Charter Performance Indicators Cleaning of Public Conveniences Complaints Procedure Computer Equipment - Disposal of Redundant Contract Standing Orders Select List foiContractors Corporate Identity - Strategy Development Corporate Plan Development .._ Cost Awards’ -.Planning Enquines and lntorrnal Hearings Council Spokessperson Cnme ar id -Uisorder Cycle of Meetings 1oQ6/Qo DCMS Spending Review: A New Approach to Investment in Cutture DETR Consultation Papers Development Control Statistics - Planning Applications Dial-aRrde Annual Revrew Dispersed Alarm System Domestic Vrolence Project Co-ordrnator Downhall Road Dual Bin Waste Collectron Trial Eastern National Bus Timetable Eastern Region Conference Eastern Region Local Government Arts Forum - Membership Eastwood Rise, Lergh on Sea Economic Strategy 1998-2003 - Draft 2 Election of the Chairman of the Council for 1998199 Environmental Trust Essex and Southend Reolacement Structure Plan - Revrsed Wntten Statement and Key Diagram -. Essex ar id Southend Waste Local Plan Uepostt Draft Essex 01raft Rural Essex Reptac ement County Structure Plan - Draft Report Plan Essex Rural 5Zrategy .. Essex Sustainability Keport - Con sultabon Essex Transcard Scheme - Progress -tmvrt h Essex Waste Plan - Second Consultatr ‘on Draft Essex Waste Strategy European Socral Fund Applrcatron External Auditors Report Frnal Accounts 1997/98 Footpath Orders at Bnstol Close Free Parking Expenment Freight House Meeting - 11 November 1998 Minute Number 149 9 52 473 423 389 167 533 346 166 55, 267, 315, 329,342 514 268 528 63,164 386 419,420, 466 111,198 494 475 318,479 503 132 135,232 64 11 414 343 201 123 555 Minute Index for 1998 1 Title .-... --. .-. tiating Project 43A145 Klchmond Unve, Rayiergh Gideons Great Eastern Railway CCTV Green Paper - Meeting the Chrld Care Challenge Hackney Carnage and Pnvate Hire Vehicle Lrcensrng i Hackney Carnage Stand, Raylergh Halcyon Caravan Park = Hall Road, Rochford, Main Road, Hawkwell Health and Safety (Enforcing Authority). Regulabons 1998 and Withdrawal II.. Minute Number 481 355 335 345 127 126 317 412 253 R Insurancf I Local Authonty Natronal Type Approval Confederatron lndemnrty g Resolution 3 Lornl Tra ,nsportation Panel mgramme 1998/99 Proposed Scheme cil Burldrngs nagement Letter in Respect of 1996/97 Accounts g Maps in Town Centres ; Meetrng of Essex Economic Partnership c Meebng with Chief Executive, National Health trust .I Members Symposrum - Regenerabon ; Members Teach-In ~ Members Travellrng and Subsidence 1~~Mill Hall Mill Hall Conveniences 3 I68 333 279129,237 252 105,169 40 407 293 256 334 250 155,274 271,453 8 1 Minute Index for 1998 Minute Title Number 316 432 162 MoblIe Home Owners - Rtghts Modem Local Government - In Touch wtih the People Modemlslng Local Government Local Democracy and Community Leadership Mornns Close, Glebe Close, Great Wakenng Naming of Streets National Car Free Day National Housing and Town Planning Council Conference - 1997 National Lottery Consuttatlon Process National Non-Domestic Rating Discretionary Rate Relief Natonal Playing Fields Assoclatton -Transfer of Vanous Sites Non Compliance with Landscaping Condrtion at Read Close, Hawkwell Non-Residential Off-Street Parking Tax Notices of Motion Officers’ Interests Opposition Priority Business Oraanisatlonal Arranaements 01 _..I Et nf “I f%fire Vlll”” .l-!m ,““.Vurc .RocrH)nsIve .-up 388 26,410 234 110 255 535 161 109 30 183,290, 312,361, 391,453, 493,527 144 120,103 56 496 138 437 IO 474 for Contract Renewal Noise $g-,/[m OutlIne Audit Strategy 19197198 Pavement Peml=lnnc ..a,,.,.,.". a.. Pennington Report on the OutbreaK ot- tc - 0110157 In Scotland Performance Management for Environme ntal Heath and Tradma Standards Work - &nsultatlon Petition Planning Performance Check List - Development Control Performance 12 Mont)s Ending 30 Se ptember 1997 Playspaces - Repalrs an-d Maintenance ...-..~.~~~~~. Programme Ponds at Church Road. Barllna Pnmarv Care Groulps - Consultation Process Review - Food Hygiene Inspetins Procurement Strategy for the Highway and Transportation Service Prooosed Amendments to the Local Government (Commtttees and Polkical Groups Regulations 1990 - Consultation Proposed Multi-Lateral Agreement on Investment Pro-Rata Representation - Sub-CommIttees Public Conveniences Cleaning and Inspetion Public Conveniences Rayleigh - Signing of Mill Hall and CIVIC Suite Toilets for Public Use Public Entertainment Licence Fees - Waiver Public Question Time Public Safety Zones -A Consultatton Document Public use of D~stnct Council NotIceboards Rate Relief for Business in Rural Areas Rayietgh and Rochford Crtlzens Advice Bureaux 4 1359 1 199 LO, lL3 314 534 505 59 I 272 269 98 97 172 83,262,400, 489 122 96 157 263 Minute Index for 1998 Title Raylergh Bowls Club Rayleigh Town Centre - Envlronmental Raylelgh Town Centre -Traffic Rayie$h Town Centre -Traffic improvements Experiment Survey Update/Junction Study at Church entre Forum Icements - Steering Group stem Region [enants Own Gas Fire It Caravan Sties -.‘-I ---..-.. ---I----, -. ‘erence Group ;Don to Club House net Strategy Matters -Advertising Gutdellnes East 1 Public Consultation Draft Serplan - District Membership Setting the Level of Council Tax Sties of Special Scienttfic Interest Better Protedron and Management DETR - Consultation Document Skateboard Ramp Social Services Member Locality Panel Seminar South Essex Authonty - Proposed Expendrture Cuts 1998199 Contracting Round South Essex Health Authonty - Proposed Expenditure Cuts 1998/99 Southend Au-port: Southend Business and Tourism Partnership Southend Community Care Trust Southend on Sea Borough Council - Erectlon of 18 Signs for Advertisements and Information Purposes Sport and Leisure Premises - Bid Items for Consideration for lncluslon In :apital Programme 1998/99 : in Essex ssociation Ige I reatment Works rder - Amendment %ng urder 18 ttem It Collections Et Trading Consent Application Street Trading Consent Fee Waiver - Hockley Chnstmas Lights, Spa Road, Hockley itruction - Consultation Development Plan Minute Number 323 543,328, 454,501 84 502 239 413 344 93 379 I 31X 383 ._, _-321 347 159 348 541 233 170 45,81,529 495 319,385 7 6 90 78,131 61 165 196 101 384 87,24E 504 187 49 60,163 104 439 330 94 I 154 I 331 Minute Index for 1998 Title Traffic Calmrng Scheme - Helena Road and Louise Road, Rayleigh Tree Presetvatron Orders. Drafr Regulations A Consuttation Paoer Tylney Avenue Plavsoace Uraent Busrness V:jrious Streets, Rayletgh - Vanatron to Existing Waitmg Restrrctions Vehicle Plant and Eauioment reserve Vehicle Speed Reductton -A Call for Support Vehicles and Plant - Replacement Waste - Collection of Household Green Waste Disposal Sites -Tour Websters Wav Car Park Wheatley Wood, Raylelgh World War One Executrons - Review Year 2000 - Mortgage Systems Year 2000 IT Strategy - Migration of AV Office to Microsoft Office Minute Number 291,235 408 1254 I LYL / 130 I62 409 153 28 29 I 133.236. __-’ ___’ 332, SW 480 435 532 1531 - - ROCHFORD DISTRICT COUNCIL MINUTES 1998 October (Part 3) RCK!HlQRDDISTRICTCOUNCIL At abfeehng l&d on 29th October 1998. present: CounciUorsD.A. Weir (Cl&man), R Adams, DE Barnes,P A Beckers. C.I. Black, J.M. D&son, D.F. Flack, D.M. Ford, Mrs J.E. Ford, G Fox, EL. Francq K.A. Gibbs, Mrs H.L k Glynn, DR Helson, Mrs J. He&on, Mrs A R Hutchings, V D Hut&in& V.H Leach, Mrs. S J Lemon, CR Morgan, T.A Powell, S.R. Telbs, Mrs. MS. Vmce, RE. Vmgoe, Mrs. M.J Webster,P F.A. Webster and Mrs MA. War Apologies, Counc&rs GC. Angus, MC Brown, Mrs J M G&s, Mrs E.M. Hart, A Hoskmg, RA. Pearson,Mrs. WM Stevensonand D.J. Snttou 461 4.62 l (l) ComxUor Mrs. H.L.A Glynn declared a Non-Pexmimy Iuterest m the item “Breach of P!annmg Control at Land AdJacent to Shut&woods Boatysrd, Watemde Reed, Paglesham” (Mmute 463) by vutoe of bemg thx Anthor~ty’s reprezntatrve on the C!rcuchHartxxuAuthorrty (ii) Memlms Interests relahng to the Sdedule of Development Applications were received as foUows Pm D2 C!ou&lor hfrs. HLA Glyrm declared a Non-Pwxmiq Inter&. Para~CounclllorD~Fkdeclaredwm~WnrmaryInterestbywtueoftus qx~use’s employment and left the Meeting whilst the matter was Qscnased. CounciUor K.A. Gibbs declared an Interest by vutae of his own employmeut and left the Meetmg whd.sttbemattmwasdsemed 463. l BREACH OF PLANNING CONTROL AT L.AND ADJACEPiT SHUTILEWOODS BOATYARD, WATERSIDE ROAD, PAGtEsHAM TO The Head of Planmng Servxes reported the unanthorised storage of various items mcludmg broken vebxles, eqmpment and the w of dlSC%kdamberdWaste matraMs on the above ate wthout the benefit of plamung penrrisslon Members noted the site lcca!z~on.that it lay within the Metropolitan Green Belt, the Coastal Protection Belt and the LandscapeImprovenaentArea and that the use WBSam!xaq to PohcclesS9 of the Essex Structure Plan, and PohcclesGB 1, RC8 and RC9 of the Rcchford Ihshlct Local Plan Members cons&d the use unacceptableby virtae of visaal harm and loss of amenity and to the detrmxnt of the chmxter of the ama and, If allowed to contnme, would create precedent making it difficult to resist simdar ppossls elsewhere in the District to the long term detriment of areasto which &se policies apply. A Member reqoested that OiTicersmvesbgatethe sltmg of a focd establishmenton the site and the Coonmttez further reqnestfd that any action be taken w&out delay That the Corporate Dtrector (law & Administraaon) be autbonsed to take all necessmy achon including the aztmn armdservxe of No&es and &ion in t&e.Courts to secure the rernedymg of the breach of plamnng control now repor&. (CD(L&A)) l -fl 464. OUl-STANDING ISSUES - MEETlNGS OF 12TII FEBRUARY, l?XTl h&%CH AND9THJULY 1998 The Comrmtte was sahstied that all nectary aon bad been taken. Mmutcs 79/98 (Fara 10) (HIS) and 307198(paras Dl and 5) (HLS) were carried forward 465 50-54 WEST Sl-REET, ROCHFQRD UPDAm The Cornconsidered the report of the Had of Enwonmental Pohcy and lnihatwes which provided further de&Is of the urgent works underiaken to 50-54 West Street Rocbford followmg the request at the Planning Servxes Canmae on 3rd September 1998 Members noted the details of the works undertaken nnder the Urgent WorldsNo&e servedon the taildmgs and it was That arrangementsto protect 5C-52West Streetbe noti. -I) DEI’R CONSULTATION PAPER - MODERNISING FUNNING, FTANMNGAFTEALS PRCXEDURES 466 lIdPROVING The Commtttee considered the report of the Head of Plannmg Services reganlmg Consnlmon Paper from the Depafment of the Envkunment, T-on and the Regions on possible modjfications to the appeal pnxess for determinmg planomg appeals, caLled-m plannmg apphatmm and appeals in respect of Tree Preservatmn Orders, !istd build@ and conservationatas. In nofmg the proposals put forwad in the Consultahon Paper Members endorsed the suggested l~sponses as cuthned in the we Re&ved That the responses out!.medabove form the Council’s response to this Consult&ion Paper WI 467 SCBEDULE OF DF!VEL+OPMENTAPPLICATIONS AND RJZCOhfMENDATIONS The Head of Planmng Services s&mutt& a schedule of development applications for consider&on and a hst of planning qphcat~o~ and hmldmg rcgnkons apphcahons deaded under delegation. Members considered that the apphcatlon should be deferred, pendmg a more da&d responsefrom the County Surveyor clanfymg ootstandmg htghway issuesregardmg !&e layout of the proposedforeccurk That this apphcatlon be deferred pending a full report to a fotnre Meetmg of the Planning ServicesConrmidee PraaD.2-FKkl88/98/ROC-Adj.WamexsBrkige(l%stemsideofLoodon~ A+& sonmend Road, Rc&fo~L FtTpmlDelele Gmditica3 of planning pamissKm ref.Fmo7%!J7/ROC to allow ramvalOfbarrierfiWlintemal-road Members noted that, followmg concerns raised at the previous Meetmg, the County Surveyor had mdxatcd hu wvlllmgnessto undertake a further traffic stidy at the Harp - 1250 House roundabout and cons&red that the application should be defemxt pendmg this repo* Resolved That this applicahon be deferred pendmg a report from the County Surveyor m respect of a tmfflc impact study for the Harp Honse Roundabout area. Pqm.sal-RevraicmofWorkingandR&orationScbemetoenable “an ofbrick earth e-xtrwtim and modify Conditions7,9,21~5 ad 36 of IDOiRCiYlKr2A wnh dlmctivxzsstoCherryOrcbardWay. That the Connty ComaI be mformed that tis Authonty raises no obJection to tbrs apbcahon m prmcrple snbJectto the comnxnts as set out in the schedule, and the admad commentsrawi by Members -namely. (i) Re-emphasls of the chosen lorry route and the need for the County Councri to mvesttgate and ~thedepostthtgofmndontothenxdattheendofthis route (Great Wakermg Brickworks) (n) The gatmg and fencmg of the bndleway at the sate. In notmg the cncumstances of the apphcanon, the substanuve motron, as per the recommendatton m the schedule, was won on a show of hands. Votmg on the amendment,to place a watching brief over the srte, was also won on a show of bands. Note: Connmllors DE.Barnes, (2.1 Black, D.RHelson, Mrs. J.Helson and Mrs S.J. Lemon wished tt rozorded that they cast then votes agamstthe amendment Resolved That the apphcation or a duphcate q&e&ton be delegated to the Dnuctor to approve to tk heads of should the appeal agamst non determination be withdrawn, mi-J& conditions as set out m the schehtle. Alternatively, rf me appeal is not withdrawn, the Comml’s response on appeal be based on the report set out m the schedule and the mtent to approve snbpzt to tke co~hons set out in the s&f&le. Pmplxal-Uaeoflaodasfo&allpit&erectsinglesiomychrmging-kmihhng, layoutp&nganx(useexisthlgvehimlar-) AmendcondmonlSrstbnetoread. Resolved That the appWon be approved sub@ to the omdttion heads set out m the schedule as runend above ad an mformatwe referrmg to the lack of suitable pnbhc mmsport to the sate. <1 1 In notmg the reasonsfor the expansmnof the stte, Members expre.s& concern at the loss of Green Belt land. Resolved That authonty be delegatedto the corporate Dmector (Servrccs)subject to expny of the site notroe to advise HMPnson Service that no objecnons are rmsed by this Council sub@ to the Conditions set out m the schedule. Propc&-Ranovepartofhodgcandqlacewith2m.highscKonfenz(wi~ compli!cme withCondmon4ofap#LationF1o515196/Roc ThatMembersconfirmtheCwncll’scaseatappealbebasedontheprerrrisethatia~ mstanoethe apphcatlon wonld havebeen refused on the following gronnds “The placing of the proposed fence on the pubhc side of the exrsting hedgerow whmh has been pmvmnsly retamed for its amenity value, would screen thts visually mrportnnt featuremthesaPetsceneandresultinitstnmmingbackto~detrunentofvlsual mmty and wlldllfe mtfmsts. Furthermore, the placmg of the fence m dns pmminent location would appear as a visually intrusrve feature, cut of character with the w envuonment” In agreeing to the above, Members delegated the Grpomte Dnector (Servrces) to approve, m agreement wnh the Ward Members and followmg negotmhons wttb the applicant, a future revned apphcatmn mdtcating the fence inside the hc@e (1e on the stde of the hedgewhtch facesmto the prrvate gatden of No 1 Silverdale). &a.8-F1Q17519lURCC.-SlmUk~Boatyard,WatersideRcn1d,Prrglesham Votmg on a motmn that Condthon 5 be deleted was lost on a show of hands A motton that C!ondnions 3 and 4 be amended by the addihon of the words “w&out the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority” was won on a show of hands. That the applicahon be appmved sub@ to the condmon heads set out in the schedule as amendedabove. 468 The Chanman remmded Members of me forthcoming Special Meetmg of the Plsnmng Servms Conmuttee on 25th November 1998. SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS TO BE CONSIDERED BY PLANNING SERVICES COMMIWEE 29TH OCTOBER 1998 The emdosed reports have been approved by: l All plann& applicahons are considered agamstthe backgmund of current Town and Coo&y Plamung legulanon, rules, orders and cmxlars, and any development, structure and local plans issued or made therumder In addmon, account is taken of any guidance wttx, advice and relevant policies usu4 by statutory authorities E!achplanning application m&ded m this Schedule and any attach& hst of applicauom wM& have been d&ermhd tier powers delegated to the Corporate Dnwztor (Servicts) is filed -&I all papers In&ding representationsiw.mvd and consultation rephe as a single casefile All building mgulation applications are cwstiered agahz-t the bac&ound of the relevant building regulstio~~ and qmved documents, the BuUdmg Act, 1984, together with aLI relevant Brmah Staradards. The above documents can be de available for inspection as Conmxittez backgi-xmd peers at the office of Plam@ Sexvices,Acacia House, East Stre&, Rock&d. l PLANNING SERVICES COMMllTEE29TH OCTOBER 1998 DEFERREDTTEMS D.l F/O178/98lROC MARTYN WJLLIAMS PAGE 1 PETROL FILLING STATION INCORPORATING SHOP, REVISED TRAFFIC CIRCULA’fION LAYOUT, NEW FGRECGm-r PLUS CAR AND JET WASH FACILITIES (DEMOLISH EXISTING FILLING STATION) MURCO SERVICE STATION LONDON ROAD RAWRETH D.2 F/c488/98/ROC JOHN WOOD PAGE 4 DELETE CONDITION 3 OF PLANNING PERMISSION REF F/OO79/97/ROC TO ALLOW REMOVAL OF BARRIER FROM INTERNAL ACCESS ROAD ADJ WARNERS BRIDGE (EASTERN SIDE OF AIRFORT) SOUTHEND ROAD ROCHFORD 3 JOHN WOOD PAGE 6 CWO549l98lROC REVISION OF WORKING AND RFSTORATION SCHEME To ENABLE CONTINUATION OF BRICKEARTH EXTRACTION AND MODIFY CONDITIONS 7, 9, 21, 22, 35 AND 36 OF WITH DIRECT ACCESS ONTO CHERRY IDOIROC/i’I92A ORCHARD WM CHERRY ORCHARD BRICKWORKS CHERRY ORCHARD LANE ROCHFORD 4 JOANNECLARK F/C419/981ROC ERECT 4-BED DETACHED HOUSE WITH DETACHED GARAGE (DEMOLISH EXISTING HOUSE) 4 THE BAILEY RAYLEIGH 5. ADAMWARD PAGE 13 F/O643/97/ROC STOREY USE OF LAND AS FOOTBALL Pl-ICH, ERECT SINGLE CHANGING ROOM BUILDING, LAYOUT PARKING AREA (USE EXISTING VEHICULAR ACCESS) LAND R/O THREE EL~YSFARM CANEWDON ROAD ASHINGDON 6 JOANNECLARK PAGE 17 GDf047Z98iROC ERECT 40 PERSON ACCOMMODATION BLOCK, NEW WORKSHOP AND RFi-ALIGN l?XISTING SECURITY FENCE HM PRISON BULLWOOD HALL BULLWOOD HALL LANE HOCKLEY 7 PAGE 20 JOANNE CLARK FitX%6/98moc REMOVE PART OF HEDGE AND REPLACE WITH 2M HIGH SCREEN FENCE (WITHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITION 4 OF AFPLICiU’ION F/O515/96/ROC) 1 SILVER DALE RAYLEIGH PAGE 9 DOUBLE n PAGE 1 1. I. 1254 8 F/0175/9UlWC I&wrnirnL~S PAGE 23 FON’IOON EXTENSION OF EXISTING JETTY (REVISED SUBMISSION FOLLOWING APPLICATION F/O495/%/ROC) SHUTTLEWOODS BOATYARD WATERSIDE ROAD PAGLESHAM PAGE 2 l l PLANNING SERVICES 29TEI OCTOBER COMMlTTEE 1998 SCHEDULE OF DlZVELOm APPLICATTONS,WITH DIRECTOR’S RJXOMMENDATIONS, FOR D -ATION AT THIS COMMITIEE D.l F10178/98iROC PARISH OF RAWREI-H MURCO SERVICE STATION LONDON ROAD RAWRETH EREtX PETROL FILLING STATION INCORPOFVXING SHOP, REVISED TRAFFIC CJRCULATION LAYOUT, NEW FORECOURT PLUS CAR AND JET WASH FACILm (DEMOLISH EXISTING FILLING STATION) Applicant: hKJRC0 PETROLEUM LTD Zonmg a Mehopohtan Green Belt, Landsc;rpeImprovemeat Area Defined Rmort 1.1 ‘Ibs ltern was deferred at the last n-=&g for a Members’ srte vmt ti the County Surveyor regardmg the access/highwayarrangement9. further c~nst~Itatmnwith 1.2 A copy of the on&al report, wah revmom, 1sreproduced below jbaatloll Details 1.3 This proposal is for the complete mievelopmxt of the filling statm on the ‘Carpenter’s Arm’ roundabout. It will result in the garage campy and kiosk berg rebuilt and repcmtiomd at right angles to the two mad frontages tt serves. The forem~a car sales and the embng prefabricated bukhgs includmg office space and workhops will be revved ani a ‘drive mmd’ type car wanhw~rep~them.Itvnllhaveplantingallroundthispartoftbeslte. 14 Finally, a separatecanopy is proposed for the currently uncovered diesel pump island which hes Justtothewestofthep~newmainpumpislarPd.T~canopyw~lieinfrontandonthe shared foW2ourt of an ad~oirung property which is a separate plsnumg unit in mixed residential/cxmnned use. It 1s understood that thLsbuiidmg hutoncally was the ongmd pre1948 garage. Current mformatlon ilxiicates that there has ru2t been a reaidentlal cxuqation of it for a number of years. The 3 ex&q vehicle crossover accesspomts will be reMned. 1.5 These pmpctsals~III result in arguably a nett loss of build&s from the site, the replacementof theexistmg~andkioskandthe mtnx&tmnofasignifimntplantmgschenxtotherearof (The the site. The applicants do ~wt intend to recommence thesaleorrepiurofvehxles. propnetor of that busmess, a sub lessee of the qphcant company, has been displaced from the ate, 1sknown to be in dupute with them man attea@ to return to the onginal forecourt salesarea in front of the old canopy and LSunder mvestlgation for a breach of plnnnmg COJXIXJ~) Relevant Plannma J&tory 1.6 The existing structure was granted plarming permiss~onin 1967 under ref RAYLL76/67 and in 1978 plamdng permission was granted for car sales from the garage site. Other later recorded applicaaons were for advm WlWltmWnnectl~wIthpetrolsal~. PAGE 1256 Consultations and Reoresematlonr 17 Raw&b Parish Co& have m objecnons to thawapphcation subjed to appropriate screening, questIon whether mams sewers referred to are available and what the posit10111s rega&ng car sales whch have relocated on nearby prerrues. 1.8 TheCountgPlarmerisofthenewthataformalconsultatlon~hlmismtrequiredduetothe Mhlre of thls proposal. 19 The County Surveyor has no obJectionin principle but would prefer to see a modified Accesson to the roundabout to reduce the l&&hood of vehxclesstack& back on to the highway, 1.10 AnglianWaterhavemcmxmntstomake. 1.11 The Enviromnent Agents have m ObJectlonsubject to the uuposition of safegeaxkg con&Ions on any forthcommg penmsslon given the absenceof a nearby mams sewer. (Note the applicants have mdicated that they are considering an attachrmoi to a Maui sewer renmXefrom the site and Condhon no 10 wdl cover this pomt) 1.I.2 The Health and Safety Exefutive have no otsefvatiom to make. 1.13 The Head of Housing Health and Cmmmity Cam has m adverse comments subject to the mclusion of a control of mlsances being attachedto any pen&&m granted. 1.14 Only ore reply (objezting to the scheme)in respome to mtifIc&ion letters has been recervd displawrmnt that would result. thecarsalesopefatorduetohBpemumnt l from 1.15 The plammg consideration material to the determination of this apphcation are as follows: Local Plan Polky vlsld Amenity Highway safety MCAL PLAN POLICY 1.16 The-conside~oniswhetherthlsproposaland’ltsimpaamtheco~~of~currentuseof that would just@ the setting aside tile mrmal tht2sltewiuFamlnlttoveryspeclalc~ strict presomptlon agamstioappropnate developmentm the Metropolitao Green Belt. 1.17 The site which hes within the Metmpohtan Green Belt acconmlodatc3an llqpropnase but lawful use wtuch was apparently established prior to the original PlzammgAct aixi has since that tme been subject to a lawful rekvelopmem/replacement scheme as c8n be seen in Its history above. Th is a sigmficant mateual eonsidertion in the detennimtmn of th~.~apphcanon VISUAL AMENITY 1.18 Fkthersn~ the proposal represents a “like for like scheme” 111tie coverage of the site by buddings and an openmg up of the sateto the rear currently omrpied by prefabncated buildings onsohdplintkandparkedcam Asu&arkalareaoflandscapeplantingispropos&totkrear and this wdl make for a considerable improvement in the appearanceof the srte also PAGE 2 , 1257 l HIGHWAY SAFETY 1.19 The County Surveyor has cmfhmed thattherearenoobjectionsmprinnpletowhatisaschane thatmakesuseoftheexutngauxssp&s.Thecoinmem regarding ilnpovi@g the lulldbollt accesscan be dealt with by the imposition of a cm&on requrmg that spmfic dti to be agreed before development wnnnenm. 1.20 In the hght of the cirarmstances & out above mcludlng the overall improvement to the appeamm of the site, ti is considered that these factors do amount to very special cirarmstances that in thaw case override the mmal presumphon against hupproprute development in the Metmpohtan Green Belt. Remmnendaho~ 121 The Corporate &rector (Services) rcwmme& following cm&ion he&.. that th5 apphcation be approved subject to the 01TIMELIMITsSC4 02 LANDSCAPING DESIGN - DETAIL? SC59 03 CAR PARKING PROVISION SC80 04 MATERIALS TO BE USED SC14 05 AMPLIFICATION PROHIBITED SC43 @jCARPARKlNG -DELINFATEDSC79 07 NON STD - DETAILS OF CANOPY LIGHTING TYPE’ORIENTATION. 08 N/STD - AMENDMENT TO INTERNAL SITE ACCESS FROM ROUNDABOUT 09 FOUL WATER DRAINAGE SC91 10 SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE SC90 11 OILKHEMICAL INTERCBPTION SC89 12 CONTAMINATED LAND SC87 PAGE 3 1258 AN D.2 F/0488/98/ROC PARISH OF ROCHFORD ADJ WmERS BRIDGE (EASTERN SIDE OF LONDON SOUTHEND AIRF’OFZ-)SOIJTHEND ROAD ROCHFORD DELETE CONDmON 3 OF PLANNING PERMISSION REF. F/OO79/W/ROC To ALLOW REMOVAL OF MRRIER FROM INTERNAL ACmS ROAD. Applicant London Southend Aqort Co Ltd Zming~ Clvd Airfield 21 This application was deferred at the last Comnrmee doe to Members concerns on traffic anunacceptabletraffiitmpactontheHarpHousemmdabom manag-grourads,mand to enable forther comment from the County Surveyor aad for Officers to take Members concerns back to the Airprt operator. 22 The written mponse fmm both parties 1s still awaited, if available, a verbal update w1I1 be presented or It may be necessaryfor the item to stand deferred untd the responsesare received. 23 Thereportacd ’ “on preset& before is reprinted below and Southend+*sea advise that their coanmittee raised 110ObJection,densIon delegatedto the Officers to determme to enable acz-ordmatezirqmnse. Plm 24 ADvllcation Details l7u.s appllCanon 1s remove the condition rquirmg the pro&on of an automahc v&icle tamer acr~sthelntemalaccessroadl~wes~towardsthewdstlngterminalareafrmnthe~ mtemal rOundabOutwlthm the an-port adjacentto the south west corner of the reta~Ipark. Relevant Planoinn History 2.5 Outline plannmg pemnsslon was granted in May 1995 for a nokfood retail warehouse and garden tn Warner’s Bndge. (OL/G233/!ZROC) centre m the south east comer of the Airport ad~aceti The subsequent de&&d apphcat~on,which diveded the buildmg into six units and omitted the garden L-zelee,inchldfd an mtemal ~ashortd~mtothesitefromtheHarpHouse nwndaboutw~chhadthreead~~armsleadingtotheretailparkcarpark,theflylngc~~on theeasternboundaryoftbearrport~westarardsto~existingte~area 2.6 Co&hoos were imposed on the permission for this arrangement under apphcahon No. F/C079/97/ROC rquiring the provuon of vehicle barnen acrosstwo of tht~ nu% lead& from timtemalroudabout,ie th~leadlngwestto~existingterrmnalandnorthtotheflylng clubs. The former was to be an automahc barrier aperated by card or remotely and the latter was to be a mamml bamer operated by the vehicle driver 2.7 The reasonsgiven for rqoniog the bamers were.Bsfollows.The autmnatie barrier - To prevent traflc to and from the airport wing the proposed rwhvay and entrance/exlr onto the Harp House roundabout whch my be wwitdde for suchLeveLs aftrlgic The mannal lxmiff - lbprevcnt vmkmmat of=& PAGE 4 e accessto Auport arm in the interests Consultahons and Remesentahons 2.8 Rodford Parish Council - ObJehons~the condition applying to F/0079/!?7/TNX was apphed for a specific reason and accepted by the applicants; it is uJm]dered that the necessity for the cotiuon shll applies and it is strongly felt that it should ti be Med. Bsxuse ti may now be inmnvenient to the apphcants is 110reason to delete the cmuiitiori l 2.9 County Flighways - No cd~jecuon. 2.10 Southend Borough Council - A separate applicanon has been made to the Borough on whtch tlus Councd haLbe consulted. The vmii of Southend wdl be repoaed at the meetlog If avadable Mated Planning Considerahons 2.11 As Members wdl be aware, an apphtion has subwpenfly been subnutted for a repfacemeofair temmal, railway stahon and visitor centre snx.e the relevant couWion was unposed, aradwas approved subject to numerous cotions and a legal agreenx6, wbicb has yet to be signed. Ttiese proposals will supersedethe provision of the bamers as b&i locations are affeckd, although no doubttheAirportwouldwishto~themanualbameruntiltheIpew~is~.Cl~ly the Airport do not consider the automatic bamer necessaryfor security reasons and they did r!~t apply for it as part of the in&al application l 2 12 As a result of consideration of the traffic. study suppl~exiwith the new anport proposals it was established that the Harp House mu&kart bad sufficient capacity to cater for access to the terminal building aml area3 of the Aqxxt west of the internal rou&&ul MQ=county Surveyor has no ObJectiOn to the alrrent application 2.13 Oneof~ee~tlonstfiatitisproposedtoimposeontheapprovalforthenewtermmalwould protiti the closure of the exishng accessesoff E!astwoodburyCrescent to avoid all traftic berg thrown onto the Harp House ro&about, sltbongb clearly both ~ntemal and external hxffic pattemswdlchangeoncethenewtimlimllsopell. RecommeManon 2 14 The Corporate Director (Services) recommends:1 That tins a&ka&x~ be approved meet to the followmg co&tior~$).- 01TIMELIMITsFuLLsc4 2. That Southend Borough Couml be inform4 of the above de&on in response to the consultation on their appbcation IW SOS/98/0735. PAGE 5 1261 l l 3.14 Compared wrth the earlier apphcation, noise levels at the RockalI propemes (from which the objection was received) would be margmaUyhigher due to the use of the two larger dumpers. At Cherry orchard Farmhouse, which is right mite the proposed loading area, the ry)m levels are higher, but are no higher than the ambient level This property would m any we have a relatively high daytime IMM level due to road traffic on the B1013. The site of the stockpde 1s however lower than the carnageway of Cherry &chard Way and ls also screened by a landscapedstrip adJOilJ.& the. highway 3.15 Conversely, noise at l-8, Cheny Dr&n! Lane, the cottages m from of the Cherry Orchard Brickworka, would be s~gmficantly reduced compared with the earher apphaon. It was previously proposed to transport the matenal mto the bnckworks by dmnper truck usmg the underpass beneath Cherry Orchard Way which routed the traffic close to the front of these c&ages The new t&e levels at the tint facade3will be well below the traffic noise lwels due to the B1013 and at the rear facadesthere would be no wls~ at all from the prop&s without the stockpile achvities within the bnckworks 3.16 As will be seen from pamgraph 11 above, the Head of Health, Housing and Comrmmity Care comments that there is unlikely to be any detrimental effect on Roddord res1dent.sand the revised applic&lon wdl result in a much improved situation for the 8 cottages in Cherry Orchard Lane adjoimng the brickworks over the previcu apphcation. 3 17 As far as tie access onto Cherry Orchard Way 1s camemed, there appears to be inadequate ~~areaforamvinglorr~esbeanngmrmnd~afleetoflOistobeused,~~~on tothe~ywdoonfltctanthln~siteoauldensue.Itappearsthat3or4vehicles~dbe present at the site at any one trme, but this potential for danger on the highway could be alleviated ifthe~andl~~areaweretobe’handed’andasketchshovnngsucbrevisedarrangwent hasb~nsemtotheCcuntyCouncll.Deslrable~suchanarrangementmaybe,hmayIlatbe achievable in practice however, due to the presemz of an overhead power line wbch could impede loading operatlors Recommendation 3.18 The Corporate Dir&or (Servus) reMmmends that the Ccnmty Councd be mformed that tht4 rmthority raises no objection to this apphcation in pnnciple subject to .01 Thewmewmments as set out in paragraph 2 above, with the exception of No. (Ii); 02 The conditions and lorry routmg rquued by the County Surveyor, 03 Consideration bemg pn to the ‘ha&& of the access/loadingderangementsif achievablein practice to allow a vehicle stacking area within the site m the interest.3of highway safety. PAGE 8 CM10289/981RGCPARISH OF ROCHFOR,D P CHERRY ORCHARD BRICKWORKS CHERRY ORCHARD LANE ROCHFORD REVISION OF WORKING AND RESTORATION SCHEME TO CONTINUE BRICKEARTH EXTRACTION AND VARIATION OF CONDITIONS 7, 9, 21, 22335 AND 36 OF COUNTY MAl-I-ER APPLICATION IDO/ROCn/92A A@lcant Zonmg HANSON BRICK LIMITED Metmpohtan Green Belt; Roach Valley Namre Conservatmn done, Special Landscape Area Planmng Anohcation Detalls 4 1 N B This 1sa County Matter application as tt relates to mmerals, and ~111be determmed by the County Council as mmerals Planrung Authorny The views of this Council have been requested as a CiJnsuItee 4 2 Ths apphcatlon IS to revise the working and restoration scheme and haul road locatIon for the last w reserve of brrckearth at Cherry Orchard Lane Bnckworks (now closed at least temporarily) which exlStSm a field 4 3 hectares m size. 4 3 A m&em set of plannmg condmons for the site was approved m Apnl 1594 when it was not envisaged that this brIckworks would close When the bnckworks were operational, clay was excavated on a &ly basis and transponed to the works on a mmiatnre &way Vfnh the works closed down and the current levels of producuon. the remtroducflon of the mmeral railway ISnot considered to be a viable opaon. 4.4 The proposals put forward in tis application are for the clay to be excavatedand transported by dumper truck to Cherry Orchard Brickwork ti either taken to Star Lane works at great Wakermg on a daily basis or stockpcprled at Cherry Orchard and taken to Star Lane as and when required throughout the year, (See the previous item on Qus schedule telatmg to Star Lane Brickworks ) Permuted hours of opera&n for bnckearth extracnon and transportation of the excavated bnckearth are 0700 - 18&l Monday to Friday and 0700 Iux) Saturdays with 110 workmg on Sundays or Bank Holidays. 4 5 It IS estlmacedthat there is about four years supply left III the ground which will be excavatedIn three phases workmg from g~lth to north over about a five week penod each summer, commencmg in 1998, and then stockpiled enher here or at Gt WakerIng as outlmed above The prefenad method of working 1s for the clay to be transported directly to Star Lane Brickwork% assuming that the stockpile proposals under apphcatlon CM/o288/98/ROC are approved. A margm of 12 metres 1s to be left unexcavatedalong the southern boundary of rhe sne together with appropriate margins f-mm trees and hedgerows. 4 6 ne exmtng approved haul road runs along rhe southern bc-und=y of the Site but a preferred altemanve 1sproposed further to the north away from the houses m Southend and Brldletiay lo. Whether the northern mute ~111be achievablewill depend on the resohmon of land ownershIp diffcultres In either case, the dumper trucks ti pass umber Cherry Orchard WRY u=ng the tunnel wtuch was constructed for the previously used ratlway as part of the hIghway work% so that they will not create a traffic hazard. ti l ‘1 - 1264 Relevant PlanmnP HIS~OEJ 4 7 The ongmal perrmsston for bnckearth extractton on this site dates back to 1948 and therefore pernussron had to be re-applied for m 1992 under the Interim Development Order procedure of the Planrung and Compensation Aa 1591, to prevent the pernussion lapsmg, and so that up to date conditrons could be unposed Consultattons and Reoresentattons 4 8 County Hrghways have no ObJecttonsto the development 4 9 One letter has been received from a Southend resident expressmg concern about posstble further subsidence effects of the proposal, which they claun have already taken place due to prevrous workmgs m the vrchuty 4 10 Rochford Parish Council have no objectronsto the proposal Consultatron responsesare awaued from the Cotmcil’s Head of Housing, Health and Commuuity Care, any received will be reported at the meetmg Maternal Planrung Constderaubns 4 11 A notse study has been submitted with the apphcanon assessmg the unpact of the extraction and transportation of the brtckezrth on dwelhngs m the area, namely the cottages m front of the brrckworks m Cherry Orchard Lane and the housesm the road called ‘Rockall’ to the south of the sue m Southend Borough. the prezhczedt-~rselevels have been compared wnh the gutdance given in the Department of the Rnvuunment Minerals Planning Gutdance document entnled ‘The Control of Noise at Surface Mmerai Workings’ (MPG1 1) 4 12 The noise report concludes that in Phase 1 the extractron would give rtse to levels that exceed the ‘general’ notse hmns at the dwellings to the south of the exuactmn sne but are well withm the ‘temporary’ notse Imrits that could be apphed m thusease given the relanvely short duratton of the extracoon Phase(up to 5 weeks per year) Phases2 and 3 would borh meet the ‘general’ 110~ crnerta proposed by MPG1 1 The haul road mto the Cherry Orchard BrrcLworks would gaverise to somenotse at the front of the row of eight cottagesadjacent to the brickwork but these levels would be below the ‘germeral’Imuts set out m MPG1 1. 4.13 Given that consent already exrsts for the extracnon of brrckearrh from thrs parcel of land. the mam constderattonsare whether the revised mute and method of haulage and transportation of the excavatedmatenal to Gt. Wakermg are acceptable 4.14 The use of a hght ratlway to transport the mate& 1s probably preferable to dumper tmcks because fewer, less mtrusrve movements would be mvolved, but the latter may not be unacceptablem vrew of the nor% study conch~s~ons. parttcularly bearmg m mind the short penod of ttme each year (5 weeks) when extraction wtil tie place Whilst tt may be preferable for the brickearth to be processed at the Cherry Orchard Works, the net mcreasein lorry nxwements may be margmal, smce agamst this must be offset the fact that the bnckworks at Cherry Orchard are closed, wnh rm export of finished products t&ng place In’ additton, there will be no acttvrty on the sne at all for over ten months of the year If maternal 1s taken to Wakering as soon as It IS extract&, whmh ts constdered to be the preferred procedure by both the Applrcants and your Officers. “* 4 15 As far as the haul route LSconcerned, the northern route 1s constdered to be preferable as It ~111 be further from the houses to the south and away from the publtc bndleway The stte IS well screenedherng surrounded by trees and hedges, and there should be no matenal effect on these arrsmg from the proposal l a. Recommendatton 16 The Corporate Dtrecfor (Sew%) recommendsthat, the County Council be mformed that thts to thtsappkationsubJeU to the followtng.authonty ratses no ObJectlOn 1. The northern route being adopted for the haul road If agreement can be reached wtth the landowner 2 The brtcketi bemg transported to Star Lane Brtckworks Great Wakermg as tt IS extracted & not stockptled at Cherry Orchard Lane Br~kworks 3 The progresstve restoratton of the stte’to agriculture followmg the completion of each phase 4. No trees or hedgerows beii Plannmg Authonty 5. The use of the dumper trucks for haulage withm the site shall be Imuted to not more than 8 v e&s ltl any calenflar year. removed wtthout the umsent of the Mmetal I i r”- 1261 l FIO419/!WRGC R4YLEIGH TWWN COUNCIL. AREA 4’ 4 THE BAILEY RAYLEIGH ERECT 4-BED DETACHED HOUSE (DEMOLISH EXISTING HOUSE) &batU: MR & MRS B DEARMAN 7hhlg~ Restdenttal WITH DETACHED DOUBLE GARAGE 4.1 An appeal against nondetemnnatron has been lodged in relation to thts schemeand a hearing has been requestedby the q+ants. 4.2 Members views am sought on the issues set out in the. “Sunnnay of Plsnnhrg Conslderstions” forming the basis of the Cot&i’s case at appeal. l the appellant has indicated that the appealwould IX w&drawn to approve the proposal. 4*3However, if the Council Is minded P1arnnn.nAunlicatton Details 4.4 The proposal involves replacanent of the exist& d&s&d larger house with detacheddouble garage hcntse ami intqml garage With a 4.5 TneslteissituatedattheendoftheBaileywhichisanunadoptedprivateload,lmmediatelynorth of which ts an area of woodland which rises steeply towards the earthworki of Rayleigh Mount The mstlng bwse is part of a developmentof 4 dwellmgs which were built in the 197uS 4.6 The appeal site slopes downwards at an increasing gradient from north+ast to south-w% towards the rear gardem of propeaies on Crown HtU which the replacemenI dwclllng w&d back onto There is a less pronounr%d cross-fall from south-e& to nor&west, resultrng m ttte dwelling being on higher land thsn the bungalows on Mount Close whtch are separatedfrom the appeal sate byagrassedstripwfiichformsparrofthelong~gardenof34CmwnHrll. 0 4.7 The proposed dwelling would have a higbcr ridge height than that extsting and is approximately 18m deeperat therear.Thedetachedgarage would be situated 111the front garden close to the tummgheadattheendoftheB&y, F’lmudn.eHistory ROClO229i71 - Gutlute planmng pemussion was granted on 20 10.71 for 4 dwelltngs (I-1 The Barley) wtth the reserved matters for m. 4 bemg approved on 31 10.72 ROC/395/85 - Phumtng permissnm was refused on 267.85 for sn outlme application to erect a detached dwelhng and detachedgarage on handopposite the appeal site. RGC/O247/86 - Planning pcrmtssion wss refused on 20.5.88 for sn outline spphcatton to erect a detached hose on the grassed strip to the north-west side of the appeal srte, together wtth detached garage to tie front. A subsequent sppual was dtsmissed for the following ressons. craxapeddevelopment, out of character with that extsting; garage and am drive inamgmous ami m a pronnnent poslhonin the streetscae andrequre removalof hedgerow/trees, loss of anumtty to 1~0s 5 and 7 Mount Close through overlooktng, loss of outlook and possible oversh2dowmg of rear gardens; detmnerUsl intpsct on living pattern of lccsl wtldliie. l PAGE 9 Consultations and Reuresentxtions 4 8 Rayleigh Town Coundl has no ObJeXIomto the propc& pruvided the 1 metre separation 1s malntamed l 4 9 The County Surveyor recommends that cotitlons be attached rqmring the garage to be positioned a maxmmm distance of 3m from the highway boundary (m order to prevent vehicles par~mfromof~garagedoorsandobsauctingthehighway)andtheparking/tumiogareato be paved m a smtable material to be agreedwith the Local Planmng Atiority. 4.10 The EpseE County Council (Elistoric Buildings and m Advisor) notes that the site 1s outde the Conservation Area and that It and the Scheduled Ancient Monument would be unaffected He considers the house 1s no bztter or worse than others in The mey and has rm objecnons 4.11 The Essex County Council (W Advh~) ~x)tes that the front elevation ~3 not dmmntlar to the extstmg dwelhng, aml does M)t therefore comment on its appearance The increased depth of plan of the proposal has, however, created an unattm~~veflank elevauon with an overwdegabledendwhichIs tuhhmterist~c of traditional Essex building forms. There 1s also no srtuxlauon of the wall plane to relzve its mass Whilst there 1s a design solution to impwve upon this elevation, any adverse.vwual *act of the proposats will be limited to the views from the rear of neighbouring pmpertles and wti tX)t affexx the general character of the area 4.12 The lk-m colrrdy Comdl &xdaIkt Arclmeologlcal Advisor) confirnx that no known archaeological s&s will be affected by the pro@ development, and no archamlogical cmdmcm wdl be necessary 4.13 The I)lstnct Council’s Wcmdhds and Ehviromnental Specialigt mspeded the site in order to assessany nnpact on wildlife on Rayleigh Mount and Crown HIU He observesthat smsll tidlife scrapessynonymous wtth f&mg/foragmg were found on land adjac& to the appeal stte and two accessponUs/thomughfar~ were identified, one of whmh is adjacent to the proposed garage It is considered that the prapasal Hrlll not lead to a significant loss in foraging area or distress to the wildhfe However, it 1semphasisedthat accessto land to the SK&and front of the appeal site must IuJtbemtictedmallyway. 4.14 TIE Head of Health, Housing and Community Care has 110adverse ~0mmen.t~SubJ&to the StaradardIufmmme SI16 (Control of Nmsances)bemg attachedto any perrmssmn. 4.15 TheEarpironmert Agency rzsm no objecnons. 4 16 hglia~ M&r services has no obJ~~3lonS. 4.17 Letters of ObJectionhave been received from 4 n@bouring properties 3, 5, 7 and 9 Munnt Close Their concerns m the mam relate to the following plarmmg issues’ the proposed dwelling being larger overall than that existmg and the flank wall mparttcular havmg a a effect and being an eyesore over the properties m Mount Close; the detachedgaragew&l spoil the layout of the Clase and ti have a detrimental impact on the rear of 5-7 Mount Close; precedent for the other dwelbgs m The Baiiey to becomelarger and garagesto be bmlt. 4 18 A letter has also been received from the ooxpant of 32 Crown Hill who states that he has a number of concam, but gives M d&a&. However, he considers that, whdst it is nat a planning matter, the Gxmcd should be aware that he is the beneficziry of a covenant over the appeal srte v&h, inter alia, prevents any atteratmns to the existing dwellmghoux unhl plans artd elevatio~ls have been approved “by tb.eCompany or its summers m htle as being in keqmg w the design or character of &s Castle Terrace developmem”. - 1263 l l 4.19 The prmclple plarrmng considerationsmaterial to this sp@ can be summarisedas follow: D&go aradvisual tmpact n Impact on amzmties of adjoining occuparrts n DESIGN AND VISUAL IMPACT 4.20 RayleIgh Mount, which 1sa S&&led Ancient Morum$, lies to the north-east of the appeai s&c ad the Mount 1s within Ray&h Conservation Area and the designated H.istonc Core of Rayleigh, the Conservtion Area boundary in&ding the pnvate road wluch serves the appeal site The appeal site itself is outside the conservationArea. Inthtscaseitisnotmnslderedthatthe proposal would harm the character or appmmm of the Comemoo Area or affect any of the other historic desi~ons particularly as rt involves the replacement of an existmg dwelling wbch has no noteworthy tradlt~onsl design features. 4.21 The pmpossl should of course be cunsikred in r&&on to stzunkd design guidance This is m~inAppendix1oftheLocalPlanandTheEssexDesignGuide l 4 22 The main chmges to the iknt elevation m comparison with the wustmg dwelling mvolve an ~mndge~w~chbringsitupto~levelofthe~mingproperty,no3TheB~uley, ad deletion of the integral garage 4.23 A further change 1san increase m depth by appmxmzttely 1.8m fmm the orlgmal rear wsll of the ensting dwelling, (however an e&ii comervatory acm half the rear already projects further outwardsthanthepmposedrearwall).Thisinc~indepthhasIeadto unattractlveflank devatioionswith ovemde gables tich, as the County Arclutectural Advisor has pointed out, is mdaracteristic of traditional Essexbmlding forms. Wore, whereasthe exlstmg north-west flsnk wall is ‘step@ m’, the pm@ dwelling is of a uniform w&h thrcughout, followmg the he of the widest pari of the extstlng northwest flank elevation Tlms, due to this mmeasem height, de@ and width the new dwelling would be.bulkier overall particolarly viewed from the side. l 4.24 The other rmm dlffbetween the exutmg and proposed developmaus is that there would be a detacki double garage witbm the front garden of the appeal site. It would be pasmoned tight in the northern mmer which would necessitatethe removal of the exmmg conifers It is unfortunate that these tree would be removed as they would have pmvided an efikctive screen to the garage Nevertheless, the garage would not be onduly promment. In the prwioos appeal (see above) the garage whxh the Imp&or described as app+umg “somewhat mcmgruous in a prominent poutton in the street scene” was kated on the adjacent open ki in a more promment posmon than that amendy proposed. 4 25 The Camty Surveyor 1s concemed that vehicles would park in fmnt of the garage doors which would led to them overhanging the kughway as there is insufl?ueti spam between the doors and the b&way to accommodateacarlength.Thus,be rmmmem3.7that the garage be positioned a maximum dt%ance of 3m from the highway boundary in order to deter such puking. Officers have dkuased this wah the Agent but he mmiders that rc-posltioning the garage would detrimentally affezt the settmg of th-enew dwellmg, and it is conceivablethat vehicles would shll park to the front of the garage and overhang the highway even more. In any event, a parkmg space1spmvlded to the side of the garage which would be equally convemmt as parkmg m front of the garage. 4.26 In summary, whdst there 1s scope for lmprovanent m the design, notably the north west flank elevation of the dwelling, the general character of the area and the street sceneof The Bailey wdl not be detnmeutally affected l I PAGE 11 d 1270 lhWA(X ON AMENITIES OF ADJACENT OCCUPANTS 4.27 The main dlfferenccs between the exlstmg anl the pmposed developmentshave been explained above Those prqrtles which are hkely to be affected mast are the bungalows on Mount Close (5,7&9)amino 3TheBailey.Totherearthereisabacktobackseparationof53Illetre between dwellings and this distance elimirurtes any perceivable rmpact on the living unximons of those proper&s fiuntmg Crown Hdl 4.28 It 1santupated that no 3 The Bailey wouW be httle affected by the development. The rear wall wMlldeXLend2mdeeperthantheexistingrearwallafthemaindwel~,butatpresentthereisa mnservatory close to the boundary of no.3 which extends futher out than the proposed rear wall m any event. Furthermore, a 45 degree line would not be contravened 4.29 The rear aspectsof the bungalows on Maant Close, vnth their short rear gardens, face onto the north-west flank of the proposed dwelling and the & of the detached garage. There 1s sn mtewening strip of land betPreensome 9 5m wide, (the back garden of 34 Crown Hill), and the separation ~WXKZ beiween buildmgs would be a mhmmnn of 23 metres The appeal site is on higher groti and the exxstug dwellmg is quite domhut& over the bungalows on Mount Close, this would be compmdd by the mxase m&e. Thereissomemterveningxremingbutits effectiven~ wlu be reduced in wmm months Conctiiom l 430~stthedeslgnofthedwellingcouldbekmpmved,andtherewillbeanimp~onthe resldentlal amemhesof occupantsof Monnt Clcse, the Local Planrring Authority must realistically compare exlstlng ~th proposed iad determme whether the proposed dwelling 1sso much worse in design terms and would have so ranch more. lmpact on residmtml amcmty, that a refusal of plaomng perm&on could be j&cd Followmg careful mnsideratlon, Officers consider on balancethatthlswdlnotbethecase 4 31 In respect of the garage and the CoUmy Surveyor’s comments, itiSUOtconSlderedthatti pmposal could be refused (or lmieed an appeal succe&ully defended) on ttus mntter 4.32 The Corpaate Director (Services)rewrmwd that the applicatmn be delegatedto the Director to approve should the appeal agaimt nondete&nation b-eHrltMrawn, subject to the followmg he& of comzhtiorts.Alternatively, if the appeal IS not w~tlxtrawn It 1s rccommemled thatManbers mnfmn that the Counnl’s mspmse on appal is based on the above report and mtenr to approve SUbJmtto the fouowmg wndltxms. 01 TIME LIMITS - FULL STD SC4 02 MATERIALS TD BE USED SC14 03 PD RESTRICTED- FRONT OR REAR EXTENSIONS SC17 04 PD RESTRICTED-WINDOWS SC22 05 PD RESTRICTED-OBS GLAZING SC23 06 ENCLOSURE/SCREENING (retention of and provision of) 07 TREE PLANTING - DETAILS SC57 08 WILDLIFE PROTECTION 09 GARAGE AND HARDSTAND SC81 1271 l -N l 5 FM43iY7fROC PARISH OF ASKlNGDON LAND REAR OF THREE BAYS FARM, CAN!ZWDON ROAD, ASHINGDON USE OF LAND AS FOOT&ALL PITCH, ERECT SINGLE STOREY CHANGING ROOM BUILDING, LAYOUT PARKING AREA (USE EXISTING VEHICULAR ACCESS) &?Jhc=t zoning: RAYLEIGH ROYALS FOOTBALL CLUB. C/o MR R W HILLIARD MetropoUtan Green Belt, Spell LandscapeArea, Lcmdmp Improvement Area Plarming Ap&atmn 51 l Details Thm applicauon proposes the pmvtsicm of a football pa& measum8 %mx6GTaatlandrearof Three Bays Farm, Canewdon Road, Ashingdon hoposals also lncti the provision of a loosed surfaced parkmg area, the use of the existing v&a&r accessand the erection of a single storey changq mom. The proposed Ln&%q is of rrmber mnstmtiion with a low p~ti, felted roof, snd would provide basic accommodationfor two teams to change, a separatemom for the referee and toilet facilities. ‘I& applicant has stated that if the use its a fbotball field ceases,the btlllding can be easily removed. whocom@ewithintheSqtreLengae 5.2 Th.efootballprtchisrquiredbyRayleighRoyalsFC whmh covers a large area fram 5kuthd m Wkkford in the south east of Essex and cmrently play at Ashingdoo Rezreational Gmumi. It IS proposed to form a B team, whereby an addltional pitchwvouldbelequiredw~~wouldbe~alternatelybetweentheAandBteams,andwould leave the current home pitch t?ee for other teams to use, thereby helping other clubs in their qmst for league status. 5.3 The applicant has stated that there is a shortage of good quaMy local pitches and that the prm ptti would help meet tk shortf&ll. The supportmg statementfrom the applicant also refers to central govemmm gmdanm which IS an atkmpt to Justify the pm@. Relevant Plannine.History l 5.4 There IS no plaonmg h~ory sp&fic to &us site, However, the adjacent laradwhich is wrthm tk apphcant’s ownershq was the subject of a plannlq application (rkrence F/OO58/98/ROC3 which ~a.9 approved at the prcvioos 0n 1 October 1998 The applm.ti0~ S&S to r~theexistingvehicular~mfacilitatetheuseoftheb~~totherearofthedwe~ for the manufkcmre of prefabmzatedtimber sheds It is pmped to sharethis accessin mnnectlon wOh both the wmmercial use snd the proposed football pitch. Consultations and Reore%ntations 55 Ashingdon Parish ConnciI make no dbjmtions m the proposals 56 Canewdon Parish Co& make no obje&ons to tbz pmposala 5.7 Jbsex County Council (County Surveyor)rewmmds that permission be refused as the proposal would intensify the use of a substandardaccessand would lead to tk detenmon m the efticlency of the through mad as a traflic tamer and be dmntal to kghway safety It is also considered that the proposal 1s not ILI accordance with sustainable trsmport pohcies and would create ull~~ecessarymnflia with traffic uamg Canewdon Road m the detrmzentof highway safety. However, the County Surveyor recommendsmmlifmns rclaimg to visibility splays and the access, If Members are muded to appmve the applica&on. l PAGE 13 5.8 5.9 Bead of Howlug, Health and Community Cam reports that there is potential for rmisance by way of muse and dn%urbancefrom the proposed development affcctmg nearby residents The degree of any such mdsanceis impossible to predict and m the event pmblems dtd arise, they would be dtffiatlt to control through envimnme&l health legislation. In the arcumtances, if Members are mkalful to approve the application, a temporary consent should be granted to enable the impact of the developmentto be assessed In addttion, control over the days and times of use of the proposed prtch should also be considered and restnctlons unposed on the use of amphfied speech/public addresssystems. Members should note that only hmited washing and santtary facilihes are proposed hnpmvernentsto thesefacdnies should be considered At the very least there should be hand-washy facrlitres pronded m mtmectton wtth WCs and showers should be pmvtded parucularly rf the developmentis m be permanent. The Comml’s 0 t Agency has 110obJectronto the pmposed development, but makes comments rdating to wnmmnat ed water, drainage systemsard the discharge of effluent. The Enpironmen 5.10 EngIiah Sports Coundl nates that although the Rochford District Local Plan is not specific about the adquacy or otherwise of playing pitches to meet future need, It appearsfrom the application that there 1s an identtfied need for such facihties, snd the proposal can therefore be ~ustdiedin prmctple Gutdoor sport and recreation are accepted in PPG2 as appropriate land uses in the Green Belt Comments are also made wnh regard to the technical rquuements which relate to pitch dhnenxons and changmg faclIities. In pnnctple, therefore, En&ah Sports Council supports the application, espectally hi the context of the overall loss of such facihties throughout the region l 5.11 In response to Nergbbour Ntitflcation and the display of a sne notice erght letters of represematmn have been received ob@mg to the proposed development on the followmg &nxmds: -dnolseanddi- inrreased traffic - lmer problems -cbangeofumofland - area should be protected from develcptncnt Matenal Plamuna Considerahons 5.12 The planning mnsiderattons matenal m the detemnmhon of this application are summarised as follows l PLANNING POLICY 5.13 The snc 1ssituated withht the Metropohtan Green Belt and partly m the Special Landscape Area and La&cape Impmvement Area as designated m the Rochford District Local Plan First Review 5.14 Although there IS no specific pohcy armed at the pmvision of new sports fields / football pitches, Pohcy LT3 of the Local Plan encourages proposals for h&or and outdoor sports clubs and shnilar facditles, but WIU have regard to; the likely noise aud dlsturbarmcermltmg from the activtties; the need to hnut the use of the bukling and site in the uttercat of residenhal amenity, the hkely volume of trafllc that would be generated; the adequacy of the transport network and means of access to the srte; the adeqacy of off-street parkmg facilities; the impact of the development on vrsual ammitres of the area, and the existeaxx of snmlar facilities witbm the locality PAGE 14 l 0 515intermsofthermmberofparlangspitcesrequiredbysucha&velopment,thestandardis~SportsGrmmdsascorrtainedw~A~ZoftheLocalPIan.Thestatldardrequire4onecar parkmg space for every two people to use the playmg area(s) at any one ume. Calculation of the mmber of players should include suktmte players and referees, sod therefore 13.5 spaceswould bzE&reded As 1t stands, the appllcatton proposes 20 spaces, thereby sattsfyhlg Car parking 5.16 With regard to the she’s locstion, partly within the Special Landscape Area and Laodscape Jmprovemmt Area, policies RC7 and RC8 are applicable However, tt is considered that the provision of a football pitch and a m&st dummtable changing room m this location accords well thesepollCles. 5 17 Plamring Policy Gutdance Note 2 (PPG2) - Green Belts re-iterates mxi remforces the Local Plan Pohcy regardmg the presumpuon against mapproptiate development wnbm the Green Belt However, paragraph 1.6 addresses land uses which may be accqtable amI fulfil certain objectives. One such objective is to provrde opportumties for sport and outdoor recreatron near urban areas. Therefore, the proposal to provide a football pitch seeksto achrevethis objective and is constdered acqtable wrthin the Metropolitan Green Belt. 5 18 Plamnng Policy Guidsnce Note 17 (PPG17) - Sport and Recmatmn addresses the tqnc of reneatior& needs wrthm the countrystde It states that in development plans ard development control, local plamnng authontiea should have regard to pmservmg or e&am&g those characterimics wlxch are important, and to pm&ding for the needs of the local commumty and emnomy and for other uses of land such as agncuhure They should take account of the nature of the partsxlar sportmg acuvy and the abilhy of the land to sustain that acuvny m the long term. Advme also states that rt ahonld bc possible to comam the nqact by appropriate management m!zasum (for example through restrictions on time, space or season). AMBNITY 5 19 The location of the proposed football pitch 1ssome 12Omfrom Canewdon Rosd amI is snuatfd to the rear of the exktmg dwellmg and outhdIdings asskated wrth the cnmmercial busmess The proposedchangingroomwillbe~sit~behmdtheseexlsung~dingsand~forethe openness of the Green Belt is adequately maintamed. No ad&tonal aoxss will be reqoired to facditate the use of the football pitch, although conditions to achieve nxessq standardswtll need tobeimposed. 5.20 Wnh regard to the mrpact on tighbounng properha, there is cenainly the potent& to cause noise and dstmbme. However, theseissues can be minimised through the hnposmon of s&able cxmlltiolls rehtmg to the days aud llours of use. 0 HIGHWAY SAFETY 5.21 As prevmusly stated the County Surveyor reconmremisthat penmsston be refused owing to the intensnicatmn of a substandard accessand m ad&ion does not accord wtth sustainabletransport policies. However, officers are of the oplruon that these issues can be overcome by the impostnon of suitable comhttom. Therefore the County Surveyor has recommended a number of wrditions wh+zh were reommemld with regard to plarmmg application reference F/oO58/98/ROC which seeks to use the same accessand relate to vrsibthty splays and the wtdening of the access. As stated w&in PPG2, pmposals should not be rejected without considering whether, by imposing reasonablecondtuons, any objections could be overcome PAGE 15 1275 Conclusion 5.22 Takmg mto awmmt all of the abovematerial co~~ideratio~ts,It is consldeti that there would be a mmimal affect upon the opxnm and charxtcr of the land, acd therefore the prmc~plesof the Green Belt would not be comprormsed. hli-t&ME, thepOklltld dfectsOnadJOm PmpeTaS would be controlled by the proper impas~honof suitable um%tiorq thereby atkmptmg to protm the smeantiesof&y resxlent~a113kdawrkers. 5.23 In conclusion, it is considered that the use of ti land m ti partlcxlar locatum 1sappropti for the provision of a football pitch and accords with mmisterial advice mntained within PpG2 together wi15 policies contain& ulthm the Rochford District Local Pian. Recommendati~ 5.24 The Corporate Director (Services) leumrmends tbat tlus application be approved subject to the following condmons he&s. 01 SC48 TEMPORARY USES Thispermiss~onshallbelimitedtoape;lodexplrmgon31May20M)atw~chtime~useofthe a football pitch &all ceaseand the laml restored to ft’s former condxtmn (see mformative below), on or before the eqi-y date unless a ‘renewal’ of ti permkion has been sought aui obtamed. 02 SC28 USE CLASS RESTRICTION 03 SC36A HOURS OF USE RESTRICTED The use hereby permitted shall m)t take place, tx) plant/machmery shall be operated armdno dehvenes shall be taken at or m from the site outside the hours of 12.00 to 20 CMI Monday to Fnday, 1O.M)to 17 00 on Saturdays, 10 00 to 14.00 on Sundays(up to a maxl~lum of twu weekdays per week) 04 NON-STANDARD CONDITION No use shall ~be~retheexlstlngaecessto~srtels~denedtoa~wictthof 5.5 metres for a distance of 12 metres from the carnageway edge anl provided wuh 7.5 metre r&us kerbs retmxd to an aaxsway width of 5.5 metres. Once constructed, the said vehicular access shall k made available for use and thereafter retamed ;uadmamtamed in the qpmvd form. 05 NONSTANDARD CONDITION No use shall commence before visibility splays of 2 nxtres x tangent p&t of the bend are provided etther side of the access.Thereafter, 110obstruc&on above 1 metre m he@ wrthm the area of the splays shsll be permitted 06 NON-STANDARD CONDITION Thcaccesssballbeconstructedofapxmanxt metfes from the carriageway edge. andboundmatcnalforammmmm dutanceof6 07 NON-STANDARD CONDlTION The parkmg area hereby penratted shall only be used in mn~unctlon with the football matchesand wlthm the permitted hours of use, as s&tied in Corxlmon 04. 08 SC34 FLOODLIGHTS - PROHIBITED 09 SC43 AMPLIFICATION PROHIBITED PAGE 16 1276 6. GD/o472/98/ROC RAYLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL ARBA a HM PRISON BULLWOOD HALL BULLWOOD HALL LANE HOCKLEY ERECT 40 PERSON ACCOMMODATION BLOCK, NE%’ WORKSHOP AND REALIGN EXISTING SEC!FENCE Apphcant H M PRISON SERVICES Zoning. Metropohtan Green Belt P1anni.n~Auulication De&h 6 1 Members are adwed that under the provisions of Cucular 18/84 (Crown Land and Crown Development) Part IV (Development by Government Departments), development by the Crown does not require plannmg p-errmasion However, GoveDepartments are obliged to consult local phmng authorities before pm vnth development which would otherwue require plarmmg permission. l 6.2 The proposal is to ered an (tccomm3datlonblock for 40 persons, a new workshop and to re-align thesearntyfence. The amrmmodation block is part two storey/part single storcy?has a footprint 0fMSsqmandistobe~tonpartoftheexisting~groundmpartbetweentwoexis~ large buildings. The workshop bmldmg 6sof a smaller scale being single storey, with a footprlnt of144sqmandistobel~totheintheeastpartoftheslte. There-ahgmnentofthesenuay fence WIU increasethe prison gmumls by approximately 138Ihsqm. Relevant Plant&a Hlstm 6.3 Of greatest relevance are the previous two appli&ons AUthLXXy GD/OO45/97/ROC!- Convert exe latchen and offi comprising 14 additlod cells. no objectmn. considered by the Local Plannmg floor space to hmg accommodanon GD/O591/97/ROC - Erect smgle storey detached buildmg for staf? amemty BaxmrmOdation wmpnsing off two ‘rest’ rooms, a krtshn and W.C This bulldmg was reqmred to replace the no objection. staff facilities whh had been lost through conversion to mmate -on. l Consultations and Reore%ntatiom 6.4 Rayleigh Town Coti have raised concerns that propc&s are bemg put forward on a piecemeal basis (smce Taos1sthe tlurd apphhon for the srte within the last year) and have asked for clariflcauononthefutureplansofBullwoodHallPrisoninthenext5tolOyerrrs. Information regardmg these issueshas since been gamed from HM Prison Service and passedon to Rayleigh Town Council. 6 5 The Envlromnent Agency have asked for foul water drainage and smfacz water drainage detruls to be supphI pnor to the commencementof any development 6 6 Head of Health, Housing and Community Care raves no adversecommentssubject to standard mformative SI16 Control of Nuisance 6.7 AngIian water has no objection. 6.8 Esex County Comdl Conservation Specialist has no comment to make on the application. PAGE 17 6 9 The thmty Surveyor has no objecton on trafh isws 6.10 TWOletters havebeen raked from the general public i?~mg &JecSlons m&ding adequacy of vehicular accessarrangemznts ard increasing volumes of traffic, acd a further two letters of concern regardmg hghtmg/security and the visual impact of the bddmgs from Hockley Woods. Summaw of Plamting Conslderatlons 6.11 The site 1swithm the Metmpohtan Green Belt, a Spenal Landscape Area (Policy RC7) and the Roach Valley Conservation Zone @KS) The proposed accommodattonblock has been i-e-sited following a prelhninary consultation and wtll now stand adjacent to the main prison complex Although stfl visible from the open countryside this 1sa far preferable lo&ton and would not be too conspicuous to view betng m the main viewed against the background of the existing prison block % applies to the open counqside to the south aml the well used pubhc footpath which traverses the countryside to the south and west whereby tie accommcdation block would be observed in the context of the 3 storey tlat roofed bmldmg wIthin the peon complex and the kitchen block 6.12 Negotiations with the applicants have resulted m a reylsed schemewhich illustrates a reduction m the height of the bud-, feather edge boardmg on the walls (colour EObe agreed) and slate effect steel she&q m slate grey for the roof cl* The red&ant bmldmg 1s certainly of a higher stn&rd design than tie existmg large bmldmgs within the complex. a 6.13 The proposal does not comply with Green Belt pohcy (GBl) of the adopted Rochford Dktrtct Lccal Plan (First Review). Therefore ‘very special cmmnstances’ must be demo111thu caseM)BStovrarraDd~needforIlewbulldingsmtheG~Belt 6.14 Thmugh c~rrcspondence with HM Prison Service it has been cxplamti &at over the last 12 months the female prison population has increased nationally from 2674 to 3146, with a 100% occupancy at BIdtwo& Hall Applkatm GDIW45Wl/ROC has already pronded an addrtional 14 places at Bullwood Hall by the conversion of an existing kttchen. However, the five female prison estabhsbmzntsin the South J?a.starea are still operating at m&mom level.9and so ~mximately 22% of female pnsoners are likely to be awommdati further than 100 rmles from their home area, creating not only difficnltles for visits, but the added public em of prisoners’ YLsItors’travellb cDsts Clearly an sddittonal houseblock in the South Fast is mquired and by takmg into acmmt local dcmarris on the prtson population, securrty and avtidity of spaceIt was constdered by HM Prison Setice that BulIwood Hail best met the cnterta This will brmg the operatmg qmcrty of Bullwood Hall to 180 The Prison Service has stated in wntmg that there are no plans to fur&hertirease the capactty at Bullwood Hall. In corqnnct~onwti the addmonal spacesit was considered that a workshop would also berequiredtomeetthedemandsofanltlcreasemthepopulationatBullwoodHal]and this workshop IS shown on the plans as being of a smular design to the accommodahon block 6.15 In all the circumstances, It is felt that there are ‘very special circmmtance8’ warranting such developm+ntwitbm the Green Belt, thesebei the demonstratedneed for female prisoners in the south East. a- l 6.16 Authority delegated to the Corporate Director (Servtca) mb~ect to exphy of the ate notice to advise HM Prtson Serva that IH) obJectionsare raised by this Camal subject to the following mnditions: 02 MATERIAL To BE USED - EXTERNALLY - SC14 (including security fez& No development shalJ commence,before precfse detatls of the Qpe, Colour and Mam$acturer of all external facing and roofing matenals tn be used m the mnstruaion of the accommcxlatton block, new workshop and re-aligxd seamty fencz have been submitted to and approved in writhgbytixLxalPlamnngAuthonty. Suchrmtenalsasmaybeagr&mwmmgbytheLmal Planning Autbonty, sbalI be used m the developmenthereby permtti. 03 SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE SC91 04 FOUL WATER DRAINAGE SC91 l l PAGE 19 1280 7 l F/0286/98/ROC RAYLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL AREA 1 SILVER DALE RAYLEIGH REMOVE PART OF HEDGE AND REPLACE WITH 2M HIGH SCREEN FENCE COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITION 4 OF APPLICATION WOW F/O515/%/ROC-) ApplicaWMRSBAPWVISANDMRRMNORMAN 7 1 An appeal against nox-determmaUonhas been lodged m relation to thts propxal and It 1s likely that1twlllbedealtwirhbylWns0fwrittenrepnxenmtl0ns. 7.2 Members’ news are sought on the tssuesset out herein, forming the basis of the Gxncil’s case at appeal. Plannlm A&ication Details 7.3 On 30th December 1996 planning permission WBSgramed for a side extemion (part two storey and part single storey) and new vehic&r cc?ss to no 1 Sdverdale subject to various mndltions, mcludmg that “The existmg hedgerow shown between pour&sA and B on the approved drawmg no.2381/% shall hereafIer be retained and rut pm&, removed or otherwise reduced in height withcut the pnor wntten agremxnt of the Local Plan&g Authortty” (condition a4). The reason for thts mrxlitton was “To enable the Local Plannmg AuIhonty to secure the retention of the hedgemw m the tierests of prot&ing pnvacy and amenity”. This mature hedgerow forms an at~~natlrralscreen~eenthereargardenofthe~~sIteandthefrontgardenofn0. 156 Daws Heath Road. 7.4 The above extension has been built and the spplicants have fo& that the hedge does mt provide snfficient pnvacy between their slmng room, dmtng room and lutchen and the front garden of no 156 Daws Heath Road and that persons dnvmg/walkmg along Daws Heath Road can look diiy thongh the hedge. Thus, they would like to trim the hedge and erect a fence on its south+ast de, 1.e. on the outside of the hedge line, in order to improve pnvacy. l l 7.5 OngmaJly offkm were under the impression from the bxfurmat~onsubrmtted that the proposal involved removal of much of the hedge and its repll with a fence Followmg a site meeting (and a letter dated 6 October 1998 which was enclosedwith the appeal do-on) it was clearly establishedthat the mtention is to retam the h&e as far as possible ami erect a fence 82minlengthby2mmaximum he&, retxwm&immmg only those parts of the hedge which tt is essential to remove to phystcally allow for the fence to be erected In the COWS tt is cons&red that the pmposal should more accurately be. described as “Tnm hedgerow ti erect fence (in compliance with condition 04 of application F/O515/%/ROC)” PAGE 20 1 128 Relevant Planmna History I 6 The only relevant planmng history is the Inspector’s commentsmrela0ontoanappealtichwas allowed on 20 2 97 This relatfd to the original part two storq and part single storey stde extension and new v&c&r accesspropoul (F/362/%/ROC) The Inspector stated that "Dmcd vlslbllity from the new windows to the wmdows of 156 itself could be mu@olled by the the presmon and enhmmment of the exi&ng intervemng hedge, acd by obsaua glm proposed &zw bathroom window”. I am satisfied bati these safeguards could be provided by applying appropriate mtitiom.” Accordmgly, m allowmg the appeal the Inspector imposed a m&tion requiring the submission of a landscapmg scheme “mcl~g arrangements for the preservation and erhtmcment of the hedge along the boundary between the appeal sateand 156 Daws Heath Road”. Consultations and Reuresentatlons 7.7 Raylelgh Town Council has m 7.8 The County Surveyoriquki (which 1sthe case) mmmerrts on the application the fence to be positioned clear of t& limits of the htghway 7.9 Following a detailed site imp&ion, the &u&l’s Wood&& and EMromnenfal Specialist hu de&mined that the fence will have soze effects on the hedgerow. However provided the fence Im follows that shown on the submitted plans and there 1s no change from the specificatmns shown on the plans, then the effects will not be sermus and the hedge wtll survtve. 7.10 The ocmqmfs of 156 Daws Heath Road have st&d that they would be reluctant to 1~ the greeneryoftheexistinghedge,andthatawoodenf~wouldbeahardfeaturetofaceandan unusualfeahzzinafmntgardm Theyarealsomncemedthatrernovalofanytree3/hezlgesmay cause subsidmx The occupants of 177 Daws Heath Road, opposite the app& stie, have submttd stmIlg ObJecdonsas the hedge forms an ahactIVe feature, a haven for wtkihfe, and is particularly important as much gmznery has been removed m recenf years. 7 11 It should be noted that thcsc neighbours may well have bmn under the Mpression. like Officers were or&ally, that much of the hedge was to be removed Summary of Plannma colasideratlons 7 12 The mam mnstderation 1s whether the onghul reamm for hnpo&g the mnditmn to r&in the hedge and not prune, remove u or reduce it m height (v&out pnor agreement of the Local Planning Authority) wffl be prejudiced by thu proposal. The rezznu for the mrhittton bemg attached were “to secure ret&on of the hedgerow m the interests of protecttng privacy and am&y”. Also ~totablythe mnditton rctamed control by the Local Plauomg Authority, whtch we are now able to exercise including allowmg appropriate worlcs 7.13 Fustly, it is consIderedthat privacy would be improved through the mtmduction of a more solid screenbehmi the hedge. 7 14 Secomily, the mue of “amcntty” needs to be cmsidered Thts can of mursc mvolve many Merest factors. In this partmlar caseU was mtemrledto refer particularly to the amenum of the occupants of the application dwelling &elf and neighbcurmg properties in terms of pnvacy and gmeral outlook The mtiihOn w,asnMa reflectum of the fact that the hedge forms an attractive feabue in the street m as, although this is the case, this was not sufficient justitication for the hedge’s retenuon With the fence erec&l, the appellantsthemselveswill sttll be able to view the hedge, as arlll the other n&bow in Stierdale The omupauts of no. 156 Daws Heath Road wlll be mat affected as much of the hedge would be obscured from view, apart from the upper paas l l 7.15 The appellants have identtfied a mzd for more privacy and have followed the correct pro&ore requti by condition 04 on planrung pemussion F/O515/%/ROC. It 1s considered that the ongmal reasonsfor imposttion of tlus condition wtll not be prejudiced by erwxtng a fcme xijacem to the hedge and tmmung the hedge amxdiogly However, clanty is rquir& as tc exactly whi&partsofthehedgewtibcaffe&d TheappelJanthaxstatedthattluswtllnotbekmwn until work begnu on erecting the fence Hence cm&ion 2 1srecommdtd to provide ti clarity and Local Planning Authority control. 7.16 The Corporate Due&or (Servims) recommends that Munbers confirm the Comcii’s case a appeal be based on the above report and any pemdssion granted includes the following mnditiom Furthermore, the Corporate Duector (Servtces) be authorised to determux the apphcation for approval as set out below should the appellants be pqared to wtthdraw the appeal subject to a revised satisfadory descrrption of the applition. OlTIMELIMlTSFULL-STDSCX l 02 NON STANDARD CONDITION Priortothetnmmingbackofanypaa~~~writtennoticeofsuchworlc4shallbe given to the Lmal Planning Ationty (at least two weeks pnzvious to this operation camme&@ to enable a site rne&ng to take place wrth the Local Plannmg Authority’s agree the pm&e amcunt of trimming back All such tmnmug b;tck shall be camedoutinacu&9nmwithdxsagrez3mnt. Wocdhd l PAGE 22 1284 - 1285 a 8. Fx)l75~8lROC PARISH OF PAGLESHAM SHUTTLEWOODS BOATYARD WATERSIDE ROAD PAGLESHM PONTOON - EXTENSION OF WSTlNG APPLICATION F/O495/%/ROC) JETTY (REVISED SUBMISSION FOLLOWING Applmnt: PAGLFXIAM BOATYARD LTD Zomg. Metropolitan Green Be&, SSSI, Spcual LandscapeAm, LandscapeImprovement Area eDDlication Details 8.1 This site 1sknown as Shuttlewoods Boatyard and lies at the east end of Pagleshamsnd at the end of Waterside Road on the western side of the River Roach at PagIeshamReach. It mmgnses a long establishedboat yard wtth various baildings, areas for beat storage, handliq and repairs and also has a slipway mto the river. l 82 83 THIS spphcation seeks planning perrmssion for the c~~nstructionof a 5Omlong flmtmg pontoon Jeay~asan~iontoanexistingtruncatedsohdjettyw~~proj~sorneUhnetres into the river at the end of the boatyard It would consist of pontoon sec~om each 2 5m wide by 1Omin length. They would be securedto five 45Cmmdiameter piles drtven into the nverbed. The jetty will terminate some 2Om from the line of the Neap Tide. It will afford a greater ease of accesstotheboatyardacmsswiderstatesoftbettde 84 The spphcant describes the current function of the boatyard as qezahs~ andyachtsupto60feetinlengthand~mgmaonngslaldintheRiverRoach that it provtdes fanlu1e.sfor yard based anl vismng craft in cornmzial craft Itisalsostated Relevant Planning H&tm 0 8.5 The recorded plannmg history of this site coinmen- in 1949 when a temporary penmasion for one year was granted for a store shed an3.Mouse under ROC/372/49 This pemussmn was renewed on a yearly basis until 1958 when the permd was extended to three years and am&ted to be renewed every three years ti 1976 was grauted under reference ROU64U73 for 8.6 Just prior to thu expiry outlme plammg -ion the erectton of a boat building shed and conditionally subJed to beii personal to the applicant. Application RQU537fl4 proposing the use of agrtcultural land as a vlsrtors car park and open boat storage area was allowed cmappal m 1975 Planning pertmssion was grant0d to extend and additlonsl ‘hard’ m&r Roc1678J74. Wm of the s&s acceu road was permit&l tier ROC/669/74. 87 l Under ROC/lG07/76 permisston was grauted to use extsttng buildmgs as boathousesa& storage of beat equipment. The constructton of a water gate through the sea wall was permrtted under ROC/SCt7/78 and also m the sane yex under ROCX213178 perrmsston was granted for a Klargester tank (sewagesystem). PAGE 23 8.8 ROC%29/87 was approved for the contirmed use of the boat building shed permitted under ROCY641f73but not sub@2 to the personal conrhtmn previously imposed. Planmng pen&ton wa.3refused for the construction of a new qUay and pontoon pter and concmtmg over an exlstlng hard under ROCIp29/88 Pernussion was also refused for the erection of a budding for boat buildmg and repairs u&er ROC/620/89 but was then allowed on appeal 8.9 In 1996 plamung permission was refused m&r F/0495/% for the wnstmctlon of a pontoon jetty and was dismk& on appeal. ti current applicatmn for cons&muon Is for a s~gmficimtly reduced pontoon m terms of Its length and extent 8 10 F’agbham F’arkh ComdI raced obJectionsto this application on the grounds that it will result m mcreasedtraffic through the village and along tbz public right of way The use of the W yard causesmbana to the village and any worsening of that slhutton would be unacceptable. 8.11 Essex County CmmciI (County Surveyor) raise no objtions. 8.12 The Crouch Harbom Authority have M ObJectIonbut obtamd from the Authority that a works hcence v&I need to be 8.13 Fnglkh Nature comment that although the area adjacentto the apphcation site has not yet been deslgnatedas a Special Protection Area (SPA), listed as a RAM&&R site or acceptedas A can&date for Special Area of Conservation (&AC) PFG9 advice statesthat where development propctsaIsaffect them SPA’s and cSACs’ should be treafed m the same way as classified SPA’s ad destgnated SACS. They state that these tidal mud and salt marsh are used by signifia numbers of over wintermg wildfowl tihtding Brent Geese which occur m intematmnally mrportant numbers on the Crouch and Rod estuaries. They cons&r that the effect upon on the integrity of the she as a result of mcreased dumrbance may not be significant as there are not manyrecreational~uslngtheestuaryatthatcrrucaltrmeofyearfromthebeginningof December to the eml of February They also raise the of whether what 1s proposed will affect tidal flows such that they might increaseerosion of the salt marsh, tidal mud and undermme the sea wall. They advise to seek reassuraracef?om !he Environment Agency that this will not happen. Fiiy they would not ti to see thu proposal set a precedent for further development in the area whtch umld otkwtse lead to additional disturbmce. 8.14 The Eaviromnent Agency do not state any objtions to the proposal but do a&kc that the pnor written consent of the Agezq is rquired for any worka or struchzcs in, under or over or whhm 9mofthetopoftheriverbsnk Theyalsoadviseinresponsetothepoint~byEnglishNature (re potentd for erosion etc) that as the pontoon is to be of a flm type sawed to five poles they do not consider that any adverse mrpact will result. 8.15 The Roach ti and Fairwaya and Co-ation Commitk express a number of reservations about ti proposal but also state that they are net&r for or agamstthe proposal Their comments are made m responseto the wntten mfomuuon m support of the application They pomt out that the yard does not welcome vtsiting craft and a sign is d@ayed that effectrvely says that these facdihes are for the yard’s customers only. They state that they have “an orkgomg action with” the Comty Council Ymmse the yard 1sdenymg accessfor vls~tmgyachtsmen and other casual nsltors to the yard” They make a duticQon between those pontoons smtable for landmg and those smtable for mooring They consider that what IS proposed appears mot to be smtable for mwring They consider that perrmsston for moormg would be dangerous. They b&c& that the appli& reference to Policy Ll of the Essex Structme Plan 1s irrelevant as the yard is for its a own pnvate customers only They guery the general saf~kkquacy of the struchue m &verse weathedhde comhttom They state that d planning pemussion is granted that a conditmn should bermpasedthatthepublicbeallowedtousett Theproposedjettyisnotsirmlartothoseother exampIesquoted by tfne applicant as this proposal is not of adeqoatestrength to support moored craft. They constdet that the pontoon should be restricted by u&&on to only allow boats to lay alongs& for loading and unloadmg. The mnstruction should be of good quaky a l 8 16 The Head of Housing Health and Connnunity Care reiterates his views that related to the previous larger proposal snd advtsesthe iqosttton of a condttton d&uhng the methti and tnnes of con3ruction so as to mimmke thebqxictoftlWprocessonthesurmm&gsrea 8.17 Four letters of representattonhave been mcetved ObJecttugon the groumla of an mcreasem visus by motor cruisers and theii added wash eroding the salhngs, an mcreasem polhthon, an increase oftrafficmthevillage,thebalanceof~localecasys~wouldbeupset,aradthesitelsalleged to be part of a comervatton ama. Summarv of Phumin~!Considerations 8.18 The proposal to extend the extstmgBetty was, as can be seen from the htatory of the site, an tssue prevmualy dealt wtth on appeal. The tssues listed below were those sinularly identified m that appeal and are relevant therefore to the determmation of thrs applrcauon whtch represents a smnlar but most stgmficantly r&cod scheme. 8.19 The mam planning issues material to the determmatmn of this application are ammnnised as foIlows: l * Plannblg Policy; * Effect on Vtsual Amernty; *-lImpaa; PLANNING POLICY 8.20 The applicauon site lies withm the Metropohtau Green Belt as deflned in Policy GBl of the Rochford Distrid Local Plan First Review, in addmon Poltcies LTll and RC9 apply that give priority to the protection of the rural ami undeveloped areas of the coastline ami inlets. Policy LT12 relates to the pmvtsion of pontoons and nmormgs set against the need to retam the special chamcter of the estuary. The srte also lies m a Special Iandaqe Area, Policy RC7, whtch presumes against developmentunless its sitmg, design, materials and landscapmg accord wtth the character of the area. In addition the site lies in a Sue of Spectal Scienttfic Interest, Pohcy RC3 (SSSI). The ate hes within the Roach Valley Nature Comervahon Zone, Pohcy RC5. l 8 21 Policy GBl is applicable to new bmldmgs as well as to changes of use or extenstom of extshng btuldmgs In the prevtous appeal decision that hqector conchided that the word “building” as set out in the General Permitted Development Chder 1995 could apply to a pontcon Betty. That policy states that one of the few categones of developmentthat is acceptable111the Green Belt 1ssmallscale factlities for recreamm. Thus the proposal must be vrewed in thu context and specifically m the h&t of the preeedmg appeal where a much larger proposed pontoon was found not to be in scale with its surroumimgs. However, in that de&on the inspector did not state that the prmcrple ofapon03nwasanunacceptableone Thatmspectorwssalsomhtdfulofaprecedtngappeal dectston ml990 in which planning permission was granted for the erection of a bmldmg for boat budding and repam, whn the yard itself. The rasue that featured in both those determuting impectors’ muds was that of the scale of the proposals before them and thus the likely hnpact, abea for two different types of development, 8 22 In the caseof the previous pontoon appltcatton the inspector inchtded the level of activity it might generate as an aspectof ‘the s&e’ of the pmpoaala. As to the actual level of that activity he stated that he had to consrder this issue in the absenceof any quanttfied view horn either the appellant or the Local Planmng Autlmrny. 8 23 He neverthelessconcluded tbat as regards the size of the proposal, the hkely level of use, and that the boatyard would be tmhhely to invest m that size of pontoon unless the acttvity it generatedwas hkely to pay for its cost; that “there ta some doubt about whether the proposal ra small scale m this respect”. l PAGE 25 r! fz 8 - 128 8.24 The proposal that now falls to be consider& ia, physically a much smaller scheme, mater&y Merent from that drsmissedon appeal m term3 of its proposed extent The prevmua schane would have been of such a size ti It would have offered accessto craft at all states of the tide and would have e a sigmficant nmnber of craft at any one tnne. It was to have formed a large ‘T’ shape extending %metres out mto the river and with an addlhonal 8Ometr-e long pontoon ~ctty at the end of It forming the end of the ‘T’. l 825 Thislatestpropos~isforamuchshorter5(knetrefl~pontoonJettyexterrslon,Itwouldbean extension to the existing ngid ~&y that lies alongside the existing wide concrete causeway that rtms Parallel to it but also contitmes right out irrto the river to the line of the lowest risii h~gb hde or ‘Neap Tide’ mark The proposed pontoon however would termmate almost 2Om from the Neap Tide mark 8.26 Also about 25m out mto the river on the opposite side of the causeway are two large verhcal umber frames forming a “saubbmg cradle” for craft to use between the ttdes This structure ia at least 4m htgh above the riverbed and is folly exposeddung low tide. 8.27 This proposal would not therefore pmvide a permanent ‘wet’ moormg It would be almost aa resulctedinits~astbecausewaybutprwsdea~~saferof~~~fromvisiting craft. It 1s considered that this size of pontoon Betty mw ptq+zd 1s complementary to the fmmionug of the w rather than adding a new intrusive dimemion to ita activities. This activity accords wtth the views expressedin lunikd scale of both appemme ad likely wed the prevtoos appeal In which casethts parhcular prval does no+ conflict with the ObJectIvesof Policy GBI l 828ItisnotconsideredthattheintegntyofPolicyLT11willbec~mpromi~dasthenatore,scalea~l me of this proposal will not harm the nature mnservauon inter&a of the area NeKher will it give nse to other policy contllcts tlor will tt iotenslfy act&y leadmg to congestion or contltcts of use As a crnnpiementaryfacility It is not likely to compmmise exiatmg Bccessarrangements. 8.2‘3 As far as policy RC9 is ~czerned this proposal representadevelopmatt both appropriate to this cmsthne location and to the existing lawful nse it will complement. Cor2wxprdy thts particular proposal will rmt mmprormse the pmtection of the rural and undeveloped coastline and inlets. 8.30 Wtth regard to the objecbves of Pohcy LT12 there is 1~ evidence that at present there is regular congestion of craft Should it me ti pontoon would help alleviate it rather than exacerbateit The Crouch Harbour Authonty do not object< The avadability of mmrm~ at WaJlaseaIsland 1s not relevant as the purpose of the pontoon 1s made clear by the applicant to provide safer and easleraccesstoandfromthewaterfolcustomersof~boatyanl TlteresponseoftheRonch Area F & CC advises that In theu mns&‘ed and &epe&nt opmion the speclfcation of the pontoon proposed is rut suu enough to support moored craft. In any event dza aspect can be cmtrolld by cotition. EFFECI ON VISUAL AMENITY 831 Asregardsthe~issue,thatoftbr:liLelyeffectonvlsual~~,athightideit~llstillbe seen m mnjmztion and clase pmxumty wtth thz concrete causeway and scrubbing tower cradle The flat low profile of the pontoon will lte close to the surface of the water Therefore thrs very lmuted impad mut be mnsldered in the light of those Local Plan Pohcles that were also pertinent at the ttme of the previous appeal 8 32 In psrttcular Pohcy RC7 concerns &self wtth the pmtedlon of Special Lamlscape Areas arad presumes agam~ any development unless its l&on, siting, design and materials w111accord with the charauer of the area It ia mnaldered that thu pontoon wfi not 0mflict wtth those ObJectiVeS -< - 1283 PAGE 26 l ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT a 8 33 The site lies within a Site of Special Scientific Imerest (SSSI). NotwahstaDding the SSSI status, in their wnsultahon rqonse English Nature msed two key issues relating to this proposal Firstly they raised that of whether there would be any adverse physical effect upon the nntdflats and riverbed arismg from the presence of the pontoon 111the t&l flow and the means by whtch it would be anchored Secondly they ratsed the issue of d&ubame to the over-whttermg bird pqulat10ns by hlmm amity at a crucial time of year. 8 34 With regard to the tirst issue, the Envhomnent Agency were re-conntlted on thrs specific pomt aml they have confirmed that in theii option the presenceof five 45Gmmdiameter secmdngp&es spa&d at 1Chnintervals wilt not have an adversenor an appreciable effect on the tidal movement over the riverbed hkewlse UE shallow profile of the pontoons themselves will have no apprectable effect on the ndal flow itself 8 35 The second me of the critical time penod has been dtscussed with English Nature in umsultatton, and it is apparent that the over-wmtermg pencd for wildfowl runs from the be~of~m~rtotheendofFebruary.Thisaaperiodoftimeinw~chl~re~ngis lowest and probably non-extstent due to wmter we&her and adversesea conditions. On &LB basis the concems relatmg to wild fowl are aflevrated and m any event the nature of thts proposed pontoon 1s only to improve facilities for existmg customers of the boatyard. On this basts the ~inelevelofusethatmayexistatthistvneofy~~beunaffectedandassuchisalreadya long establishedpart of the envnonmemal charac& of the area. 8.36 Fmally on the basis of the preceding pamgraphs it 18 considered that this proposal does not wr!&t With the ObJecthreS OfPOhQ' RC5 Which SB?h to r&St devdopment p@ldlCd to the retention and mansgementof urrportant wtldltfe habnats Recommendation 8.37 The Corporate Director (Services) rexommerndsthat thrs applicatton be approved subject to the condmon headsset out below 01 TIME LJhiIT.%FuLLS-TD SC4 02 NON STANDARD CONDITION The pontoon jetty hereby approved shah at no tlrne at all be uxd for the permanent moormg of letsure craft, houseboatsor commercial craft. 0 03 NON STANDARD CONDITION No constructron of, or maintenance/repair work on the pontoon jetty hereby approved shah be wned out between 1st December and the 1st Match. 04 NON STANDARD CONDITION No construction of, or mamtenance/repanwork on any craft berthed at the pontoon jetty hereby approved shah be carrid out between 1st -alxithe1stMarcil. 05 NON STANDARD CONDITION The use of the pontcon jetty hereby approved shah be restricted to only customers of the boatyard gaming accessto its facihties/servrces PAGE 27 ’ c 0 4 . / -/, i’# DELEGATED l F’MNNING DECISIONS - 29TH OCTOBER 198 I have decided the followmg aqplicaUonsm aaxrdaw AD/o379/98/Roc w&h the polmy of delegation. APPROVE 73 EASTWOOD ROAD RAYLE$GH INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED FASCIA SIGN COUNTRYSIDE ESTATES F/0198/98/ROC APPROVJX 43 OAK WALKHOCKLBY ERECT SINGLE STOREY FRONT AND SIDE EXTENSIONS AND ALTERATIONS ‘IO EXISTING VEHICULAR ACCESS SUBMISSION FOLLGWING (REVISED APPLICATION F/O612/97/ROC) MR & MRS O’RIORDAN 0 F/o229/98iROC APPROVE 39 DOWNHALL ROAD RAYLEIGH ERECTCHIMNEY MRGKHARRIS F/O234/98iRGC APPROVE hiURRELS HALL BLOUNTSWOOD ROAD HULLBRIDGE GROUND FLOOR SIDE EXTENSION (GARAGE) MRHURLBY F/G243/98/RCC APPRCMX 14 BARLJNG ROAD GREAT WAI(ERING DEMOLISH EXISTING BUNGALOW AND ERECf 4-BED CHALET AND DETACHED GARAGE SUBMISSION DOUBLE AND mRJ3 (REVISED FOLLOWING APPLICATION F/oO81/97/ROC) MR R SHORf F/O281/98/RGC APPROVE 23 STATION CRESCENT RAYLEIGH TWO Sx)REY SIDE EKTENSION INCLUDfNG ROOF AND DORMBRS TO FRONT AND REAR MRS BARWICK l CONVERSION OF HIP TO HALF HII’ F/O295/98tROC APPROVE 19 NELSON ROAD RAYLEIGH GROUND FLOOR SIDE EXTENSION MRANDMRSCOLE F/02%/98/ROC AI’FROVJt 2 SHERIDAN CLOSE RAYLEIGH FIRST FLOOR REAR EXTENSION CJCTHOMAS F/0323/98iROC APPROVF, 215 WMWICK ROAD RAYLEIGH ERECT TWO STOREY SIDE AND SINGLE S’I0REY REAR FXTENSION OF PLANNING PERMISSION REF. F/O134/93fROC) MR P BFXIDRELLI l PAGE 1 (RENEWAL F/O384/98iROC APF’RGVE CRANFORD CHURCH ROAD HOCKLEY ATTACHED GARAGE (REWED PERMISSION REP F/o464/%iROQ APPLICATION FOLLOWING PLANNING hfRGSlMRAY l F/O390/98/ROC APPROVE 38 OAK WALK HOCKLEY ERECT TWO S’lDREY SIDE EXTENSION WITH OPEN-SIDED SINGLE STORN PROJECTTON TO BOUNDARY AND FLAT ROOF SINGLE GARAGE TO FRONT, FRONT AND REAR DORMER WINDOWS (REVISED APPLICATION FOLLOWING F/OC98/97/ROC) MRANDMRSABOWEN F/03%/98/ROC APPROVE 1 CREEKSEA FERRY ROAD WALLASEA ISLAND DEMOLISH EXISTING DWELLING AND GARAGE. ERECT 3-BED BUNGALGW D COOKSON F/f?4l3/98fROC APPROVE 29 MlLTON HALL CLOSE GREAT WAKERING FENCE ‘l-0 REAR BOUNDARY (WITHOUT COhfFU4NCE ERECT SCREEN Pm WITH CONDITION 4 OF PLANNING PERMISSION RF& F/o429/9S/ROC) DJ&BEHBATH 0 FI0404l98/ROC REFUSE 191 RECTORY AVENUE ROCHFORD CONVERT GARAGE FLOORSPACE M HABITABLE ACCOMMODATION. MR&MRSTURNER 01 WOULD LEAD TO VEHICLES PARKING ON THE HIGHWAY To THE DETRIMENT OF OTHER ROAD USERS F/O406/98/ROC APPROVE 116 ALEXANDRA ROAD GREAT WAKERING ENCLOSE FRONTAGE WITH IM HIGH FENCE COLIN GORDON F/C409/98/ROC APPROVE 123 BURNHAM ROAD HULLBRIDGE GROUND FLOOR FRONT, SIDE AND REAR EXTENSION MRANDMRSBURRELL F/O420/98/ROC APPROVE 20 GLADSTONE ROAD HOCKLEY ERECT TWO STOREY SIDE EXTENSION CONSTRUCT NEW VEHICULAR ACCESS P JOBEY F/0423/98/ROC APPROVR LONGVIEW THE ESPLANADE HULLBRIDGE TWO STOREY SIDE EXTENSION, CANOPY ROOF ‘JU FRONT WITH BALCONY OVER MR&MRSCOE PAGE 2 1293 l I F/C425/98/RGC APPROVE 14 HAMJL’IGN GARDENS HOCKLEY ERECT 4-BED DETACHED HOUSE EXISTING BUNGALOW) s CGrIluLL WITH INTEGRAL GARAGE (DEMOLISH F/@426/98iROCAPPROVE 99 FOLLY LANE HOCKLEY GROUND FLGOR REAR EXTENSION (CONSERVATORY/SUN LOUNGE) MRRHAND 8 F/O429/98/ROC RETUSE 3 HAVENSIDE LlTTLE WAKERTNG GROUND FLOOR SIDE EXTENSION (WC AND CARPORT) MR A GOODWIN 01 THE PROPOSAL IS CONSIDERED TO BE OF AN INAPPROPRIATE DESIGN, WHICH WOULD APPEAR AS A VISUALLY DOMINANT FIXTURE IN THE STREET SCENE AND OUT OF CHARACTER WITH THE DWELLING AND ITS SURROUNDINGS. 02 GOULD BE DIFFICULT TO USE THE CARFORT WITHOUT CREATING CONDITIONS OF DANGER To PEDESTRIANS AND OTHER ROAD USERS. F/O431/98/ROC APPROVE 1 BRGCKSFORD AVENUE RAYLEIGH GROUND FLOOR SIDE AND REAR EXTENSIONS MR S TAYLOR F/o432/98/ROC APPROVE 36 MORNINCiION AVENUE RCCHFORD ERECT GROUND FLOOR REAR EXTENSION (DEMOLISH EXISTING KITCHEN GARAGE) MR I J McTAGGART l AND F/O434/98lROC REFUSE 17 MOUNT AVENUE RAYLEIGH EXTENSIONS TG ROOF INCLUDING HIP ‘ID GABLE AND FLAT ROOFED REAR DORMER. S CHAICXON 01 WOULD UNDERMINE THE SYMMETRY OF THE PAIR OF SEMI-DETACHED PROPERTIES PRODUCING AN UNACCEI’TABLE AND INCONGRUOUS VISUAL INTRUSION ‘IO THE STREET SCENE WOULD CREATE A PRECEDENT F/O435/98/RGC APPROW 11 THE ACORNS HOCKLEY ADD PITCH ROOF To EXISTJ.NG SIDE AND REAR EXTENSIONS ROOMS IN ROOF AND SIDE EXTENSION MRMHARSENT F/o438/98/ROC APPROVE 56 STAMBRIDGE ROAD ROCHFORD GROUND FLGOR REAR EXTENSION MRSVWmN To CREATE F/o441/98/ROC AFFROVE ROCHFGRD HOSPITAL DALYS ROAD RGCHFORD REMOVE EXISTING WINDOW &FORMFIREESCAPEDGOR ‘WORLD’ GROUP CENTRE. SPRINGBOARD HOUSING ASSOC LTD WJTH RAJ@S ‘JG F/0444/98iRGC AFPROVE LAND RKYLBIGH STNfI’HE APPROACWHATFIELD ROAD RAYLBIGH SUBSTITUTION OF HOUSE TYPES TO PLOTS 12, 13, 14 & AF’PROVED UNDER APPLICATION REF FlO302/9liRGq MCALPINE HOMES EAST LTD 18 (PREVIOUSLY F/0452/98iROC AI’PROVE 26 MEADOW WAY HOCKLEY ERECT TWO PITCHED ROOF DORMER WINDOW EXTENSIONS FIRST FLOOR REAR EXTENSION WITH SIDE FACING DORMER MR J NEWBOLD ‘IO FRONT AND F/C455/9S/ROC ATTROVE MARK 1 HIRE LTD PURDEYS WAY ROCHFGRD TWO SMREY SIDE AND REAR EXTENSIONS ‘IU PRCJVLDENEW WORKSHOP ADDITIONAL STORAGE FLGORSPACE MARKlHIRELTD AND FI@%O198/ROCAFPROVE 14 DUCKETTS MEAD CANEWDGN ERECT TWO SXXEY AND SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION AND ALTERATIONS To ROOF TO PROVIDE TWO DORMER WINDOWS ‘JO REAR mEVISION ‘IO APPLICATION REF F/O280/97/ROCj PETER LUNN FlO46U98iRGC REFUSE FORMER BOILER HOUSE, ROCHFORD HOSPITAL DALYS ROAD ROCHFORD INSTALL 3 X 6OOMM MICROWAVE DISHES ‘IV EXTERNAL PLANT ROOM WMLS, AND 6 EQUIPMENT 6 SECTOR ANTENNAE ON POLES ABUTI-ING CHIMNEY CABINS (REVISED APPLICATION) ORANGE PERSONAL COMMUNICATJON SERVICES 01 WOULD PRODUCE AN ALIEN AND INCONGRUOUS APPARATUS AT A HEIGHT VISIBLE FROMAWIDEAREA’IDTHEDETRJME NT OF VISUAL AMENITY. WOULD IMPAIR THE SETTJNG OF A LISTED BUILDING. F/O461/98/RK APPROVJZ 38 HILLTOP AVENUE HULLBRIDGE ERECT THREE DETACHED 4-BED HOUSES (DEMOLSH EXISTING BUNGALGW) A HAWKRIDGE F/O469/98/ROC AFFROVE 108 FERRY ROAD HULLBRJDGE GROUND FLGOR REAR EXTENSION MRANDMRSSBUNN F/O470/98/RGC AF’PROVE 19 ST THOMAS’ROAD SOUTH FAMBRJDGE FT&ST FLOOR RBAR EXTENSION D NEAVE PAGE 4 l l l F/o475/98/ROC AFFROVE 46 MARYLANDS AVBNUE HOCKLEY TWO S’IDREY SIDE EXTENSION AND DETACHED GARAGE MRANDMRSJUDE F/@477/98/RGCAFF’ROVE 8 UPWAY RAYLEIGH GROUND FLOOR REAR EXTENSION MR K V O’CONNOR Fl0478l98iROC APPROVE 116 MAIN ROAD HAWKWELL CONSTRUCT VEHICULAR ACCESS MRBFTNCH F/0481/98iROC AF’PROVE COMPASS ROSE WATERSIDE ROAD PAGLESHAM ERECT DETACHED GARAGE WILLIAM BAILES l F/o483/98/RGC AF’PRGVE 9 THE TRUNNIONS ROCHFORD cow PART OF EXISTING GARAGE FLOORSPACE To HABITABLE ACCOMMODATION @lTHOUT COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITION 4 OF PLANNING PERMISSION REF. ROC/62/82/8) MRANDMRSGFHOWLETT F/C489/98iROC AF’PROVE 27 MILTON HALL CLOSE GREAT WAKFRING ERECT SCREEN PERIMETER FBNCE To REAR BOUNDARY (WITHOUT CGMPLIANCE WITH CONDiTION 4 OF PLANNING PERMISSION REF. F/O429/95iTiOC) MR D P FITZGERALD F/O491/98/ROC APPROVE 511 ASHINGDON ROAD ASHlNGDON CHANGE USE OF GROUND FLOOR FROM SHOP TO FLAT AND FLOOR REAR EXTENSION TURNER BROS (ROCHFORD) l F/O493/98iRGC APPROVE 7 CHELMER AVENUE RAYLEIGH ROOF EXTENSIONS INCLUDING HIP To GABLE AND REAR FLOOR REAR EXTENSION MRANDMRSLAWS ERECT WRMER. GROUND GROUND I I F/@@4/98/ROCREFUSE 17 HEYCROFT ROAD HAWKWELL FIRST FLOOR SIDE EXTENSION (SUPPORTED ON COLUMNS) AND DORMER EXISTING SIDE FACING ROOFSLOPE MRANDMRSTOLEMAN TO :OULD HAVE AN ADVERSE EFFECT ON THE AMENTI’IES OF THE GCCUPJERS OF THE NEIGHBGURING DWELLING, CONTRARY To POLICY 02 THE BLJND DORMER PROTECTION WOULD APPEAR INCONGRUOUS AND WOULD SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCE THE APPARENT SBPARATION BETWEEN THIS AND THE NEIGHBOURING PROPERTY WOULD CREATE A PRECEDENT. PAGE 5 F/O4%/98/ROC AFTROVE 18 ALEXANDRJA DRIVE RAYLEIGH GROUND FLGOR REAR EXTBNSION E WILLIAMSON F/O499/98/RGC APPROVE 23 MONKSFORD DRIVE HULLBRIDGE FORMATION OF ROOMS IN ROOFSPACBWITH DORMER TO REAR. MR&MRSBERRY F/0506/98/ROC AI’F’ROVE 35 STATION AVENUE RAYLEIGH GROUND FLOOR FRONT EXTENSION (PORCH) PETER JOHN BAINES F/O508/98/ROC APPROVE 89 DOWNHALL ROAD RAYLEIGH ERECT TWO STOREY SIDE AND FIRST FLOOR REAR EXTENSIONS MRANDMRSKING F/05171?38ROCAPPROVE 24 WOGDSTOCK CRESCENT HOCKLEY RETAIN GROUND FLOOR REAR EXTENSION (CONSERVATORY) MRSMLTOGVEY F/O526/98/ROC APPROVE 183 EASTWOOD ROAD RAYLEIGH ERECT TWO STOREY FRONT EXTENSION AND GROUND FTOOR REAR EXTENSION WT&ASWONG LB/O360/98/ROC GRANT LISTED BUILDING CONSENT 56 HJGH ROAD HOCKLN REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS AND REPLACEMENT DETAILS INCLUDING FRONT PI’EH ROW WINDOWS, REAR WJNDGW, REAR FLAT ROOF, END WALL RAINWATER GOODS MRMJHUGHES LB/Ckl42/98/ROC APPROVE ROCHFORD HOSPITAL DALYS ROAD RGCHFORD REMOVE EXISTING WINDOW & FGRM FIRE ESCAFE DOOR ‘WORLD’ GROUP CFNTRE SPRINGBOARD HOUSING ASSOC LTD WITH RAMPS AND ‘IO LBKi463/98/ROC REFUSE FORMER BOILER HOUSE, RGCHFORD HOSPITAL DALYS ROAD RGCHFGRD INSTALL 3 X 6ooMM MICROWAVE DISHES To EXTERNAL PLANT ROOM W&L& 6 SECTOR ANTENNAE ON POLES AEWITNG CZHIMNEYAND6EQUIPMENT CABIN.5 (REVISED AF’PLICATTON) ORANGE PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SERVICES :OULD PRODUCE AN ALIEN AND INCONGRUOUS APPARATUS AT A HEIGHT VISIBLE FROM A WfDE AREA ‘IO THE DETRIMENT OF VISUAL AMENITY WOULD IMPAIR THE SETTING OF A LISTED BUILDING . 1297 PAGE 6 I a l LB/0480/98/ROC APF’ROVE KINGS HEAD PH WEST STREET ROCHFORD DISPLAY 3 NON-ILLUMINATED PAINTED ILLUMINATED PAINTED HANGING SIGNS. SHEPHERD NEAME LTD BOARD SIGNS AND 2 LDC/O3=41/98iROCLKhVFtK DEV CFXT APP APPROVED 26 WBLLING’ION ROAD RAYLEIGH ESTABLISH LAWFULNESS OF PROPOSED USE OF A GROUND FLOOR ROOM EMPLOYMENT PURPOSES (PLACEMENT OF NANNY/NURSERY NURSES) MRANDMRSPDSAWYER OUo279/98iROC APPROVE LAND ADJ 36 HOCKLEY ROAD RAYLEIGH OUTLINE APPLICATION FOR DETACHED BUNGALOW AND DETACHED GARAGE FRONT MRS EM STRATFORD l OL/Ck@O/98iROCREpuSE WE?STVIEWCHURCH ROAD HMKLEY OUTLINE APPLICATION ‘ITI USE L4ND FOR RESIDENTIAL (DEMOLISH FXISTING DWBLLING) MRDBALL 01 i&cEsSIVE DEVELOPMENT IN THE MlXROpOLITAN GREEN BELT NON- FOR To DEVELOPMENT l l PAGE 7 129 l DELEGATED BUILDING REGULATIONS DECISIONS APPROVALS 2gm October 1998 Plan Number AddlWS D~lilJtiOU BR 98i331 LOIlgVleW TIMEsphllade Two Storey Extension at Side Hullbridge l BR 98i384 66, Hsnmmi Avenue Rochford Flat Roofed Kitchen Ex&nsbn BR 98/401 4, SheridanClose RayleIgh First Floor Fxtension Ova Existing Ground Floor EXblSlOn BR 98?390 130, WarwickRcad Rayleigh Room in Roof BR 98n89 90,FWM Hullbndge Extension to Shop BR 9$375 14, Rectory Road Rochford Extension & Altembom BR 97?489A 4, Bn&vorth Close Hockley Two Sbrey Side Fx&ns~on Recon.&&ion of Smgle Stm-ey Rear Extenxon BR 98(400 l BR 98I153A 162-168, High Street Rayleigh Altaatxons to Of&e & Sales countm BR 98/402 96, Victoria Averme Rayleigh Demolition of Dwellmg and Erection of Bungalow BR 98/391 9, Imcester Avenue Rochford ErectRear B&mom Extension BR 98l418 8, Brookside Averme GTeatwakerlng Convert Integral Garagemto Habitable Accommcdat~on BR 98i182A 160,Hghstreet Rayleigh Creation of SepamteShop Umt wr!h Vacated FIQIIIFloor counterh BR 98/408 site of wrington HilLside Road F!astwocd Fkstion of Five Detached Houses BR 98/414 vacant site Fronbng Dalys Road/ Pollal?isClos PlcJb 1-7, Pollards Close 7 No 3 Storey Houses l l DELEGATED BUILDING REGULATIONS DECISIONS REJECTIONS 29’ October1998 Address Descriotion BR 98/385 7-8, Fleethall Road PmdeysIndustrial Est. Rochford Extemon to Emsting Offices BR 98/379 Plots 19-‘25 Glencrofts White Hart Lane Hawkwell Erect of Four No New Houses BR 981378 3, Tyrelk HoCkley New BR 981377 226, Ashingdon Road Ashingdon Rear Extension BR 981373 Heavylift Enginming SouthendAirport ProposedRaised StoragePlatfom BR 98/371 Plots 1 & 2, Bardfield Way Pair of Sm-Detach4 Houses Rayl+$ BR 98i370 7, Chebner Plan l Number a 2”d Storey Acmmmodakion Over Existmg AttachedHipRoofed GarageandNew Garage Porch Avenue Loft Conversion& RearExtension Rayleigh BR 981347 Oxford Road Rochford 58, Extension Al-on Roof to Rooms III 1301