Summer 2014 edition - Rochford District Council
Summer 2014 edition - Rochford District Council
Rochford District Matters Summer 2014 Chairman’s delight at Wild Woods Day The first official engagement for Rochford District Council’s new Chairman was to attend the action-packed Wild Woods Day. Election Results The following Councillors were elected on May 22, 2014: Downhall & Rawreth Chris Black (Lib Dem) Foulness and Great Wakering Neil Hookway (United Kingdom Independence Party) Grange Jamie Burton (United Kingdom Independence Party) Councillor June Lumley joined hundreds of enthusiastic families in Hockley Woods to try out activities including geocaching, archery and crafts, while the sound of live music echoed through the trees. Hawkwell North Jo McPherson (Conservative) Hawkwell South Heather Glynn (Conservative) Hawkwell West John Mason (Rochford District Residents) The Chairman said: “I’m delighted to see so many families who weren’t put off by the early morning showers and came along to enjoy a day out together.“ Hockley Central Carole Weston (Conservative) ”It’s good to see new events this year such as the axe throwing, many more stalls and the Tourist Information pop-up stall which shows what our beautiful District has to offer. I'd like to thank all the people who have made this event such a success”. Hullbridge Michael Hoy (Green) Rayleigh Central Margaret Spencer (Conservative) Rochford Jerry Gibson (Labour) Look out for Wild Woods Day next year when the event is set to be even bigger and better! More photographs can be viewed on the website at Trinity John Hayter (United Kingdom Independence Party) Meet the new Chairman: page 12 Wheatley Jack Lawmon (Conservative) Meet your local Councillors: pages 10 and 11 Whitehouse Robin Dray (Conservative) RSPB Special – Wallasea Island – p7 Win your wedding ceremony – p14 Things to do in the District – p18 Also inside Rochford District Matters Summer 2014 Rochford Designed & Published by: Rochford District Council District Editor: Laura Bliss 01702 546366 Matters... This publication is available in audio format by contacting 01702 546366 or you can listen via our website at Printed by: Morton Print Ltd (01507 523456) 2 Community Could you help a family? The Family Peer Mentoring Service is looking for special individuals with parenting or family experience to become volunteer Peer Mentors and make a difference to other families in South Essex. Full training and ongoing support will be provided, enabling them to help families facing significant challenges in their everyday lives. The volunteers will be carefully matched with a family who they will support for six months or more to get their lives back on track and be better placed to deal with future challenges by themselves or with minimal outside assistance. volunteers work together, each supporting different individuals within the family unit. If you feel you have the understanding and passion for helping a family to maintain a stable home life we would like to hear from you. Volunteers are needed to support families across Rochford, Rayleigh, Castle Point and Basildon. New Volunteer Peer Mentors on the first training date on March 14, with Peer Mentoring Co-ordinator, Rosslyn Allen (3rd from right). Families will be encouraged to access services which are readily available in the local community such as after-school clubs, libraries etc and possibly go on to become future volunteers. Each family will be facing different problems and there may be occasions where For more information please contact RRAVS: Rayleigh, Rochford and District Volunteer Centre on 01268 772796 or email Registered Charity No. 1113433 Company Registration No. 05447356 Registering to vote Citizens Advice Bureau Campaign to make Employment Support Allowance “fit for work” Rochford and Rayleigh CAB would like to hear about your experiences with Employment Support Allowance, and in particular obtaining reliable medical evidence. Please contact us if you would like to discuss your situation. The Citizens Advice Bureau offers free, confidential advice on a range of issues at: Rochford office Back Lane, Rochford, SS4 1AY Tuesday 10am – 2pm Thursday 10am – 2pm Rayleigh office Civic Suite, Hockley Road, Rayleigh, SS6 8EB Monday 10am – 2pm Thursday 10am – 2pm Friday 10am – 2pm Phone service available on: 0844 477 0808 (Monday - Friday 9.30am - 4pm) Volunteers needed Volunteering with the CAB is a great way to pick up skills, make friends and feel part of an enthusiastic team. The way you register to vote has changed! The new system means that: If you have any questions, contact Rochford District Council’s Elections Team on 01702 318187 or • You can now register online Whether you’re at school or retired, working or job hunting, there’s a rewarding role at your local CAB. • Each individual is responsible for registering themselves (this can no longer be done by another householder) We currently have a number of opportunities for people to get involved. • More details are required, including National Insurance number and date of birth To find out more, contact 07876 470100. Most people who registered to vote before June 10, 2014 have been automatically transferred to the new system and do not need to do anything. However, if you have moved since then, you will need to register under the new system. Registering to vote is easy. Go to T THE HE W WAY AY W WE EA ALL LL REGISTER REGISTER TO VOTE VOTE IS IS CHANGING CHANGING Y You ou need need to to make make sure sure that that yyou’re ou’re o on n tthe he u updated pdated rregister, egister, o orr yyou ou ot b m might ight n not be ea able ble tto o vvote ote iin n ffuture. uture. F For or more more information information please please go to to w YOUR YOUR VO VOTE TE M MATTERS ATTERS MAKE SURE SURE YOU’RE YOU’RE IN MAKE Find out more by visiting get online at follow us on Twitter @RochfordDC Summer 2014 3 Children take your ‘cue’ Rochford District Council’s family theatre events at the Mill Arts & Events Centre in Rayleigh are so popular that even more shows have been added so that families can continue to enjoy the ‘theatre experience’ locally. Following on from the sold out Spring performances booking has opened for the Summer season, aimed at families with children aged two to eight years old these shows are a great theatre taster. But be quick as tickets sell out very quickly. Performance details 11am and 2pm, Sunday, July 13: Shoe Baby 2pm, Sunday, September 21: You’re Not My Friend Anymore 2pm, Sunday, October 12: Fireside Tales with Granddad 11am and 2pm, Sunday, November 9: The Magic Porridge Pot Sports Awards 2014 “It is fantastic that so many families are now getting the chance to go to theatre without even needing to leave the District. Tickets for all shows are on sale now and cost just £3.50 each by calling our Customer Services Team 01702 318191 (office hours only). Time to work-out Contenders are needed for the following categories: The cash injection will be provided by Sport England’s Community Sport Activation Fund over the next three years to launch an ‘Active Colleagues’ project. Submit nominations at or phone: 01702 318121. For a copy of the form email: ‘I really enjoyed it and want to come back and see even more shows’ Joseph Johnson from Rayleigh For more info, visit An £82,000 National Lottery funding boost is set to help workforces in Rochford & Castle Point get fit and healthy. Thank you to sponsors Wells Legal Solicitors, Waters & Stanton Ltd, Southend United CET, The Co-operative Funeralcare, Fusion Lifestyle and Affinity 1777. ‘I really liked the puppets especially the octopus and the shark, they really made me jump’ Callum Philpot from Rayleigh These productions are run by professional theatre companies who deliver top quality performances at amazingly affordable prices, it’s a real treat for any family”. It’s time to nominate for the Rochford and Castle Point Sports Awards 2014, sponsored by Pinnacle-psg! Sports Personality of the Year, Young Sports Personality of the Year, Disability Sports Personality of the Year, Sports Club of the Year, Services to Sport and 2012 Respect. ..It’s showtime! Rochford District Council’s Head of Community Services, Jeremy Bourne said: Staff at Makro are some of the first to benefit from the Active Colleagues project. The scheme, facilitated by Rochford District Council, Castle Point Borough Council, Active Rochford and Active Castle Point, enables local companies to offer free sports sessions to staff. In the first year sessions will be offered to staff at six locations, with others following suit in years two and three. Rochford District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Community, Councillor Jo McPherson said: “I am delighted to be involved with the scheme, it is very important that everybody has the chance to participate in sporting activities. Hopefully by encouraging this in the workplace it will give even more people the incentive to get fit and improve their overall well-being”. Mike Diaper, Sport England Director of Community Sport, said: “It’s great to be working with innovative projects, like ‘Active Colleagues’ to offer people the chance to get into sport in a way that best suits them. The investment being made through the Community Sport Activation Fund is making a real difference at a very local level.” The Summer Holiday Activities brochure will be available online at a few weeks before the Summer holidays begin. Summer 2014 follow us on Twitter @RochfordDC get online at 4 Community Upbeat from funding boost A HUNDRED budding musicians have taken part in a new project – which has just received a funding boost. The project, called ‘Student-Led Music Ensembles,’ enables children to create original music pieces and then share them with their peers. It sees talented young people from FitzWimarc Secondary School given the opportunity to mentor young musicians from six Rayleigh primary schools. In turn, they become role-models and develop key leadership skills. Rochford District Council’s Head of Community Services, Jeremy Bourne, said Rochford now has the most advanced youth music leader project in Essex. He added: “ Rochford is really leading the way in supporting young people to develop transferable skills in music, leadership and decision-making. ” © Paul Starr / Royal Opera House Bridge Pupils from FitzWimarc Secondary School and Grove Wood Primary School get creative with music. Classmates ‘jamming’ on their guitars FitzWimarc students act as role models to younger pupils. © Paul Starr / Royal Opera House Bridge © Paul Starr / Royal Opera House Bridge © Paul Starr / Royal Opera House Bridge The project has been running since last Autumn and was initially funded by the Essex Music Education Music Hub, Royal Opera House Bridge, Rochford District Council and Rochford Extended Services. It has now received additional funding from the Essex Music Education Hub which will enable extra music sessions to be arranged. The impact the project is having will be recorded and ‘best practice’ shared with others. Find out more by visiting get online at follow us on Twitter @RochfordDC Summer 2014 People 5 Direct Debit – easy as 1 2 3 for Council Tax and Business Rates Paying your bill by Direct Debit cuts out unnecessary payment journeys saving you time, money, cheques and stamps. Direct Debit is convenient for you and good for the environment. You can pick a payment plan to suit your budget ensuring payments are made on time and avoiding the hassle of reminders and extra costs. With Direct Debit monthly amounts are automatically deducted from your bank account. You can choose from three monthly payment dates over 1, 2, 10 or 12 instalments to suit your budget. Simply select from one of the following dates each month 1st 10th 20th © Business Rates updates On December 5, 2013, The Chancellor announced the following changes to Business Rates in 2014-15: ● A 50% discount for 18 months for businesses that move into retail premises after 1st April 2014 if they have been empty for a year or more. Applying for Direct Debit could not be easier. Visit or to set up online or phone us on 01702 318197 or 01702 318198. Don’t forget to tell us ...about any changes that could affect your Council Tax. ● The extension of 100% Small Business Rates Relief for properties with a Rateable Value of less than £6,000, up until March 2015. If you get a Council Tax exemption or discount, or are entitled to Council Tax Support you must tell us about any change in your circumstances that could affect these. We need to be told about any change within 21 days of it happening. ● All businesses have the option to pay their business rates over 12 months. If not, we can impose a penalty of £70 which will be added to your Council Tax Bill. ● A discount of up to £1,000 will be available to all occupied retail properties with a rateable value of £50,000 or less. It is important that when you contact us the information you give us includes details of the change and the date it happened. For more information visit our website or phone 01702 318017 You can tell us about changes by: • phoning us on 01702 318197 or 01702 318198 Monday to Friday 8am-6pm • writing to us at Council Offices, South Street, Rochford, Essex SS4 1BW • visiting us between Monday to Thursday 8.30am-5.30pm and Friday 8.30am-5pm • emailing us revenues&benefits@rochford.go We need to be told about any change within 21 days of it happening. Find out more by visiting Summer 2014 follow us on Twitter @RochfordDC get online at Share the adventure … … of One Wild Day at Wallasea Sunday 20 July 11 am–5 pm Join us for wild walks, fun activities, games and stalls and discover a fabulous nature reserve in the making. FREE admission and FREE parking at the event or FREE ferry from Burnham-onCrouch and shuttle bus from Essex Marina. Donations on the day are welcome. For information: pick up a leaflet, email, visit or call 01268 498620. Working together to give nature a home Image: Family by Lammeyer ( The RSPB is a registered charity in England and Wales 207076, in Scotland SC037654. 080-1-2006-13-14 In Focus 7 Nature lovers’ paradise Wallasea Wild Coast Project Vital statistics: – About 4m tonnes of soil will be shipped in by Crossrail – This equates to 40,000 tonnes a week – It will encourage the growth of nationally scarce plant species associated with disturbed, brackish conditions such as curved hard grass, sea clover, stiff saltmarsh grass and sea barley – Water Voles and Brown Hare are important mammals on site © RSPB A major project is underway to create Europe’s largest intertidal habitata ‘Nature Lovers’ Paradise’ which is taking shape right on our very doorstep. One of the many phases of the Wallasea Wild Coast Project is set to open to the public in Spring/Summer 2015, which will be your first chance to see what will become an important new visitor attraction. By then, it is anticipated the first of two saline lagoons will have been created, attracting waders and wildfowl to the site. These lagoons will eventually be complemented by a series of mudflats, saltmarsh and brackish marsh which will transform the Island, located off Canewdon, into a 700 hectare sanctuary for wildlife. The project is being run by the RSPB, who are planning to achieve this feat by using breaches (holes) in the sea wall to allow the sea in to recreate intertidal habitats, but first they must use soil to raise the height of the land. So far, Crossrail has shipped in 1.8 million tonnes of soil to assist this mammoth undertaking. Eventually there will be almost enough to fill Wembley Stadium twice – from top to bottom! Rachel Fancy, the Warden of Wallasea Island, said: “It’s the only project of its type because of the land raising and managed realignment, these two things have never been done on this scale in the UK or even in Europe!” This scheme will mean Wallasea Island will return to a state much like how it was in days gone by when it was made up of five saltmarsh islands, before it was enclosed by the current seawalls. Most importantly it should attract a whole array of rare birds by the time it is completed in about 2025 – including Black-winged Stilts which are scarce along the Essex Coast. “The ideal aim would be to attract some breeding spoonbills as we can create some nice undisturbed conditions for them” said Rachel. “It’s only in the last four years that these have returned to the UK to breed after a gap of over 300 years.” It is hoped the birds will be attracted by Wallasea’s mud which will be so rich in nutrients that one metre cubed will contain the same number of calories as 16 Mars bars! Rachel added: “I think it’s a brilliant place locally for people in the Rochford District and Southend to have on their doorstep, and it should be a good site for people to come and visit from miles away.” – A range of invertebrates can be spotted. On the dry grassland these will include black oil beetles and solitary bumblebees – In Winter you may see wonderful views of Brent Geese, Plovers, Lapwing, Dunlin, Godwits and Knot. If you’re lucky you may see Snow Bunting or Twite – The hope is to also attract breeding birds including Avocet, Redshank, Ringed plover, Skylark, Reed Bunting, Corn Bunting, Common tern, Yellow Wagtail To keep up to date with the project follow the blog at: Find out more by visiting Summer 2014 follow us on Twitter @RochfordDC get online at 8 Working Together Exploring open spaces Hello and welcome to the new Open Spaces section of Rochford District Matters. Each seasonal edition will bring the opportunity to discover a little more about your local woods, parks and wildlife. There will also be an “In Focus” section, with fascinating facts focused around a wild plant or creature. In the early 20th century the then Rochford Rural District Council set about preserving by purchase much of the local woodland and parks we enjoy today. In the 21st century this commitment continues with the creation of Sweyne and Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Parks. If you would like to contact the team please phone Customer Services on 01702 318111 who would be happy to help. Alternatively visit the the Council’s website for more information. The Woodlands and Open Spaces Team are a small but dedicated bunch who manage, maintain and operate a wide range of services across the District, these include:- o Hockley, Betts, Grove, Kingley and New England Woods. o Sweyne and Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Parks. o Cutting of Grass Verges, sports pitches and public parks. o The Preservation and health of local trees and arboriculture maintenance works. o Safety inspections and maintenance of playgrounds. o Burials and maintenance of cemeteries and churchyards. o The health and welfare of animals and birds The team would like thank local residents and friends groups for their continued support. In Focus: The Skylark, in fine voice for Summer During the First World War, this plucky little bird remained on the battlefield. In soldiers’ letters home from the front, they describe how, in the brief rest from shelling and gun fire the little lark would ascend, his song bringing a moment of tranquillity to both sides of the trench. Sadly this little bird is in decline; the period between 1972 and 1996 saw the loss of 75% of the UK breeding population. Changes to farming practices have seen a lack of suitable nesting habitat, allowing the birds only a small chance of raising a successful brood of chicks. Some farms are now creating suitable habitats by leaving unseeded areas of five to ten metres around the centre of arable fields. Preferring short vegetation and areas of grasses in which it can forage for food, the Skylark finds refuge in the quieter areas of our country parks. Many of the District’s open spaces provide this habitat and enable the birds to have a better chance of successful breeding. Male birds can climb as high as 100m above the fields, singing initially to attract a mate, then after to defend his territory. The song will last for a few minutes but later in the season this can exceed 20 minutes! Being a ground nesting bird, both male and female will sing to attract attention away from the nest, running along the ground first before taking flight singing defiantly when predators approach. Three to six eggs are laid in June and a second or third brood may be started later in the year. The eggs are coloured yellow/white with brownish/purple spots at the larger end. © Chris Gomersall ( This Summer we find ourselves a century on from the First World War and for me the Skylark’s song is both the sound of Summer and one of remembrance. A good mimic, the Skylark will often include within its own song the calls of other birds that share the local area. So, when you’re out next, take a moment; lie back, enjoy the lark’s sweet summer song and remember. Richard Bond Woodland and Open Spaces Supervisor Find out more by visiting get online at follow us on Twitter @RochfordDC Summer 2014 Local Economy 9 Boosting business growth The first ‘Business Summit’ has been held by Rochford District Council to kick-start plans for economic growth in the area. The event was hosted by the Council’s Economic Development Team which provides local businesses with ongoing support and advice. Attendees had the chance to shape the Economic Growth Strategy that will drive forward investment opportunities over the next three years. Shaun Scrutton, Rochford District Council’s Head of Planning and Transportation, said: “Our aim is to engage in a healthy dialogue with businesses regarding their priorities, our priorities, and how we can work together to build a stronger economy for the Rochford District. “The Rochford District Growth Strategy is vital because it will encourage investment, innovation, and be the driving force to strengthen and build upon the entrepreneurial character of the District.” This year’s first two Rochford District Business Breakfasts have also taken place, with the next one set for Thursday, October 9. The networking events, run in partnership with the Federation of Small Businesses and Low Carbon Business, are a chance to hear about developments in the Rochford District which could provide opportunities for economic growth. Key speakers have included Susan Rom, Director at BIZPhit, Sarah Bell, Innovation & Sector Development Manager at INVEST Essex and Jim Wilkinson, Skills Manager at Essex County Council. Steve Dyke & Clare Whybrow, NatWest, Rob Robinson, Groundwork, Susan Rom, BIZPhit, Shaun Scrutton, RDC, Christian Rudbeck, Barclays. Rochford District Council’s Chief Executive, Amar Dave, said: “These Business Breakfasts are a means for local businesses to network and to find out what support is on offer and how Rochford District Council, and its partners, can assist local business growth.” Local business owner and chair of Hockley Chamber of Trade, Jeff Stanton of Waters & Stanton, Swim School Now booking at Clements Hall Leisure Centre Call 01702 207 777 or visit Our Swim School follows the Amateur Swimming Association’s Learn to Swim Pathway who attended the event said: “I have been a long term supporter of the Business Breakfasts, there is always something new to learn and they are a good way of keeping up to date with new business developments. Long may they continue.” For more information on these events, and the support service that the Economic Development Team offer please visit 10 In Focus Your local Councillors 1. Ashingdon & Canewdon MRS T J CAPON (Con) c/o Rochford District Council, South Street, Rochford,SS4 1BW 2. Barling & Sutton T G CUTMORE (Con, Council Leader) “Hailwood” 9 Highcliff Crescent Ashingdon SS4 3HN. 01702 544511 3. Downhall & Rawreth There are 39 Councillors representing 19 wards (or areas) of the District. Following the local elections in May the political groupings within the District Council are as follows: 27 Conservative Councillors 4 Two Green Party and Two Rochford Residents Councillors, forming a new group and the largest opposition group 3 Liberal Democrat Councillors 3 United Kingdom Independence Party Councillors 1 Independent Conservative Councillor 1 Labour Councillor On these pages you will find contact details for the Councillor who represents you on Rochford District Council. Elections for Essex County Council also took place on the same day. There are five Essex County Council electoral areas within the Rochford District. These areas are known as Divisions and one Councillor represents each area. M J STEPTOE (Con) 297 Little Wakering Rd, Little Wakering, Barling Magna SS3 0LB. 01702 219594 C I BLACK (Lib Dem) 56 Love Lane, Rayleigh SS6 7DX 01268 778973 R A OATHAM (Lib Dem) 8 Brixham Close, Rayleigh SS6 9PG. 01268 785295 The five Essex County Council representatives for the Rochford District are: 4. Foulness & Great Wakering – Rayleigh North Councillor Malcolm Maddocks (Con) – Rayleigh South Councillor Keith Gibbs (UKIP) – Rochford North Councillor Terry Cutmore (Con) – Rochford South Councillor Colin Seagers (Con) N J HOOKWAY (UKIP) 29 Shepherds Walk, Hadleigh, Essex SS7 2LP. 07592 145266 C G SEAGERS (Con) 2 Wedds Way Great Wakering, SS3 0DN. 01702 216111 MRS B J WILKINS (Con) “Chula Vista” 4 Newstead Road, Great Wakering SS3 0AB. 01702 218631 5. Grange – Rochford West Councillor Michael Hoy (Green) Contact details for your Essex County Councillors are available at or by phoning 01245 430481. J BURTON (UKIP) 46 Heron Close, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 9GF. 07540 320 746 MRS J R LUMLEY (Lib Dem, Council’s Chairman) 38 London Road, Rayleigh SS6 9JE. 01268 784147 Find out more by visiting get online at follow us on Twitter @RochfordDC Summer 2014 11 6. Hawkwell North 7. Hawkwell South MRS L A BUTCHER (Con) MRS J E MCPHERSON (Con) c/o Rochford District Council, South Street, Rochford,SS4 1BW 07872 937552 136 Little Wakering Road, Little Wakering, SS3 0JH 07973 883818 P A CAPON (Con) c/o Rochford District Council, South Street, Rochford,SS4 1BW 8. Hawkwell West MRS H L A GLYNN (Con) The Laurels, Lincoln Road, Rochford SS4 3AF. 01702 547060 9. Hockley Central K H HUDSON (Con, Deputy Leader) Lower Hockley Hall Farm, Lower Rd, Hockley SS5 5LT. 01702 233434 MRS C A WESTON (Con) 101 Greensward Lane, Hockley, Essex SS5 5HG. 07525 714715 B T HAZLEWOOD (Con) 16 Westminster Drive, Hockley, Essex SS5 4XD. 01702 201786 12. Hullbridge M HOY (Green Party) 3 Abbey Close, Hullbridge SS5 6DL 01702 232614 10. Hockley North 11. Hockley West M R CARTER (Con) M MADDOCKS (Con) 2 Betts Cottages, Betts Lane, Hockley SS5 4RE. 07958 707070 40 Hill Lane, Hawkwell SS5 4HW. 01702 876014 MRS D HOY (Green Party) 3 Abbey Close, Hullbridge SS5 6DL 01702 232614 D MERRICK (Con) 7 Louise Road, Rayleigh SS6 8LW. 01268 770282 14. Rayleigh Central I H WARD (Con) 79 Barrymore Walk, Rayleigh SS6 8YJ 01268 770895 15. Rochford 14 Somerset Avenue, Rochford SS4 1QA. 01702 543142 MRS M H SPENCER (Con) 102 London Road, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 9JA 01268 785 471 J GIBSON (Lab) 39 Millview Meadows, Rochford, Essex SS4 1EF. 01702 530164 MRS J A MOCKFORD (Con) T E MOUNTAIN (Indpt Con) 8 Broomfield Avenue, Rayleigh SS6 9EJ. 01268 781028 4 Goldhanger Close, Rayleigh SS6 9RX. 07917 765303 18. Wheatley J HAYTER (UKIP) 10 Victoria Road, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 8EL. 07749 893 859 MRS C E ROE (Con) 39 Windsor Way Rayleigh SS6 8PE 01268 777939 16. Sweyne Park K J GORDON (Con) 26 Cambridge Gardens, Rochford, Essex, SS4 3AU. 07788 610357 17. Trinity D J SPERRING (Con) 3 Uplands Park Road, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 8AH. 01268 774181 MRS C M MASON (Rochford District Residents) Wistaria Cottage, Englefield Close, Hawkwell, Hockley SS5 4LE 01702 204377 13. Lodge MRS A V HALE (Con) The Boathouse, 18 Kingsmans Farm Road, Hullbridge SS5 6QB. 01702 230374 MRS G A LUCAS-GILL (Con) J R F MASON (Rochford District Residents) Wistaria Cottage, Englefield Close, Hawkwell, Hockley SS5 4LE. 01702 204377 J D GRIFFIN (Con) 9 Spring Gardens, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 7DE. 01268 771105 J L LAWMON (Con) 308 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 7LW. 07989 413404 19. Whitehouse R R DRAY (Con) 140 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh SS6 7JR 01268 742842 S P SMITH (Con) 10 Hawthorn Way, Rayleigh SS6 8SP 01268 777364 Find out more by visiting Summer 2014 follow us on Twitter @RochfordDC get online at 12 In Focus Meet the new Chairman We are delighted to introduce Councillor Mrs June Lumley who is the new Chairman of Rochford District Council after being elected at the Annual Council meeting on June 3, 2014. The new Vice-Chairman of the Council is Councillor Mrs Heather Glynn, who will assist Councillor Mrs Lumley during her term. Councillor Mrs Lumley is a District Councillor for Rayleigh Grange and has lived in the Rochford District for 47 years. She is married to Chris, until recently also a Rochford District Councillor, and has three daughters, three granddaughters and two grandsons. Two of her daughters and three granddaughters live in Rayleigh and the last daughter and two grandsons, live in Australia. Councillor Lumley has been a Member of Rochford District Council since 2002, representing Rayleigh Grange Ward. She was Chair of the Review Committee for six years, from 2007, and in 2013 she became Vice-Chairman of the Council. She is also Chair of Governors of Edward Francis Primary School in Rayleigh and the Chair of the Trustees of three local charities in the District. District, so that I can better understand the valuable work that they do, in particular for people who are vulnerable and need additional help and support to improve the quality of their lives. “I will not be naming any charities to support until the end of my year, but they will be local charities within the Rochford District.” Councillor Lumley said after her election as Chairman of Rochford District Council: “I am honoured to become Chairman of Rochford District Council and thank my fellow Councillors for the trust they have put in me by electing me to the position. If you would like the Chairman to attend an event you are organising, or visit a group or organisation you are part of, please get in touch using the details at the bottom of the page. “In my year as Chairman, I want to meet as many groups and organisations as I can across the Past Chairman honours our Citizen of the Year Rochford District Council’s annual Citizen of the Year Awards proved to be yet another success as the then Chairman hosted a special event paying tribute to some of the District’s unsung heroes. The awards were held on 16 May to recognise and acknowledge residents from within the Rochford District for their valuable hard work, generosity and outstanding achievements. This year’s nominations were divided into four different categories:- Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen, Charitable Support, and Community Spirit. Nominations poured in for people of all ages and in all categories and the judges were hugely impressed with the sheer amount of hard work and dedication of those who contribute to our community; from helping out at a local level, supporting neighbours, friends and those in need through to our young citizens who work hard at school and are an inspiration to their peers. After a great deal of deliberation, the judging panel decided that the Citizen of the Year Award should be awarded to Martin Butler for his work with young people. Luke Polley was named Young Citizen of the Year for raising a staggering amount of money for last year’s Poppy Appeal, the Charitable Support Award went to Janet Fox for her charity Hopeworx and the Community Spirit Award to Lawrence Cantle for creating MegaCentre, a valuable resource for people of all ages within the wider community. The former Chairman of Rochford District Council, Councillor Barbara Wilkins, said: “I would like to congratulate the winners, but also say a huge thank you to all the © Gillian Sandford Winners and runners-up for Rochford District Council’s Citizen of The Year Awards. other nominees who have achieved so much and contributed to a community spirit we can all be proud of; without these amazing people the District would not be the wonderful place it is today”. To contact the Chairman’s office, please phone the Civic Officer, Lynn Rackley on 01702 318144 or email get online at follow us on Twitter @RochfordDC Summer 2014 Environment 13 Future of Market Square How do we attract more shoppers? Residents have been asked how Rochford’s Market Square could be revitalised to make it more appealing to shoppers. The Planning Policy Team set up a stall on Market Day to talk directly to residents, shoppers and businesses about what improvements could be made. They also displayed black and white photographs illustrating the history of the bustling market town, including pictures of the cattle market which used to be held in the Square, though it is not suggested that the reintroduction of a cattle market would be an option! concluded on May 8, 2014. The information will be fed back into the Rochford Area Action Plan, a document which will be used to guide and manage development throughout Rochford Town Centre. The draft Area Action Plan was submitted to the Government for independent examination in November 2013 and a hearing session was held on February 19, 2014, before it was decided that we needed to undertake some further work to determine a way forward for the Square. The Council will use the consultation to inform this decision. This, along with other modifications to the Plan, if accepted by the inspector, will then be consulted on for a further six week period. This all formed part of a public consultation on the Square, which Plans adopted The Allocations Plan allocates specific sites which are suitable for future development. It includes sites for homes, businesses, schools and open spaces. This Plan does not automatically grant consent for the land in question to be developed, but it is the Council’s view that these sites are those most suitable for development. The Plan is intended to inform decision-making on planning applications in the future. Planning Inspector which found them both to be sound. The Allocations Plan has since been subject to a legal challenge by a local resident, which the Council has instructed a barrister to defend against. However, despite this challenge, the Allocations Plan remains part of the Local Development Plan for the District and planning applications can be submitted on this basis. The Hockley Area Action Plan sets out detailed policies for managing and guiding development in the centre of Hockley. Unmanned exhibitions were held throughout the District from March 3 to 15, 2014, for residents to submit their questions about the Allocations Plan. Both these documents were adopted at a meeting of Full Council on February 25, 2014, following an independent examination by the Government These questions have been collated and responses to a number of the main issues can be viewed online at Day-to-day planning A Development Management Plan has been drawn up which sets out the detailed day-to-day policies which planning applications will be assessed against. This includes policies for new homes, housing extension limits in the Green Belt, and equestrian facilities. examination in December 2013 and a hearing session was held on March 26, 2014. Additional consultation on proposed modifications to the Plan will take place for a six week period before being submitted to the Inspector for consideration. The Plan was submitted to the Government for independent London Southend Airport Hopes for 6,000 new jobs The London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP) has been prepared jointly by Rochford District Council and Southend Borough Council to respond to the opportunities offered by the Airport and its surrounding area. It is envisaged the Plan will lead to the creation of about 6,000 new jobs, through measures including the provision of a new business park. It was submitted to the Government for independent examination in December 2013 and hearing sessions to discuss the issues raised by the Inspector commenced on April 29, 2014. Find out more by visiting Summer 2014 follow us on Twitter @RochfordDC get online at 14 In Focus Win your special day Free ceremony for 200th couple! Rayleigh Windmill is nearing its 200th wedding booking. To celebrate this Rochford District Council are offering one lucky couple the hire of Rayleigh Windmill free of charge for their Wedding. To be in with a chance of winning this fantastic prize all you need to do is book your ceremony at The Windmill and if you are lucky enough to be the 200th booking you will win your hire of the Windmill free of charge courtesy of Rochford District Council. And we are not stopping there, anyone who makes a booking before the 200th will also receive a one off discount of 10% off the hire charge, but you need to be quick, the venue has proven to be very popular. With seating for up to 20 guests, Rayleigh Windmill offers an intimate venue for all Civil Ceremonies and is situated next to a stunning sensory garden and the historic Rayleigh Mount. You will also have a dedicated event coordinator who will ensure that your special day runs perfectly. The landmark building won the 2014 National Museums + Heritage Award for Customer Service Excellence. Conveniently, it is also located near to a host of reception venues in Rayleigh, including The Mill Arts and Events Centre which is adjacent to the Windmill. To find out more please contact The Leisure Team at Rochford District Council on 01702 546366 or via email on Terms and conditions apply. The stunning Sensory Garden is great for your wedding pictures Trevor Rand, Windmill Volunteer, receiving the award Room setting inside the Windmill Find out more by visiting get online at follow us on Twitter @RochfordDC Summer 2014 15 Family fun in the woods! Sandford © Gillian Golfing with a twist having cked with families pa as w ds oo W Hockley sted it’s District Council ho fun as Rochford oods Day. eleventh Wild W and the climbing wall as ch su s ite ur ined Family favo year and were jo is th n ai ag ck ba as axe archery were w activities such ne of r urist be m nu a by g and a pop up To in ild bu ge id br a number of throwing, rope There were also . tre en C n io hog at Inform cluding a delicious went in ts tle ou g rin te which new ca lian coffee stand roast and fresh Ita e crowds. th down a treat with official so one of the first The event was al ochford District Council’s newly R who engagements for or June Lumley, ill nc ou C an irm even appointed Cha stic families and ia us th en of ds es on offer. joined the crow me of the activiti so at nd ha r he tried ling the famous Recyc to as w ce an nd te at Also in on hand Dragon who was r fo mascot Max The se ungsters and po ‘high five’ the yo photographs. © Gillian Sandford © Gillian Sandford © Gillian Sandford Rochford District Council’s Chairman at Council Pop Up Tourist Information stand Kooky Theatre in action Getting back to nature – Kazoo (whistle) making Sandford © Gillian dford an San © Gilli The climbing wall – always very popular Even the dogs had a great day Creating new from old, a girl scout tried her hand at weaving Arrows at the ready – everyone enjoyed the archery Owl handling went down a storm Find out more by visiting Summer 2014 follow us on Twitter @RochfordDC get online at 16 Environment Dress to impress! Have you ever considered the value of your clothes? The ‘Love Your Clothes Campaign’ aims to make the most of the clothes we already have – and think about how we buy, use and dispose of our clothes. The message was taken to a whole new level by SEEVIC College students – who dressed the window of the Phab charity shop in Rayleigh High Street entirely with reused materials. They created a dress made of clothes pegs, a display using old records and even chandeliers made from old forks! Why not visit to find out how you can reuse materials to: ● Make your clothes last longer Dress made entirely from clothes pegs. ● Reduce the environmental impact of laundering your clothes This will help reduce the impact on the environment by reducing the amount of carbon, water and waste created through the manufacture, laundry and disposal of clothing. It will also help you save money! The basic principles are: Care for your clothes ● Choose clothes with easy-care technologies which dry quickly ● Wash clothing at 30 degrees ● Wash clothing correctly ● Save up to £130 a year by line drying your clothes Get creative ● Create brand new looks using the clothes you already own ● Deal with unwanted clothes Dispose of rubbish responsibly Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste, punishable by imprisonment and up to £50,000 fine on conviction. Every year, it costs vast sums of tax payers’ money to clear waste dumped illegally on public land in the Rochford District. ● Make the most of your wardrobe ● Create a fresh look, repair it, alter it, accessorise, dye it and personalise clothing Recycle your clothes Even if you’ve decided to part ways with some of your clothing, you can still pass it on. Swapping with friends or family, or donating to charity gives your unwanted items a new lease of life. Old or unwanted reusable clothing can also be placed out in blue Essex Textiles bags beside your recyclables bin on your recycling collection day. For more information or for a supply of bags call 0800 7879071. Alternatively clothing, footwear and accessories can be placed into any of the textile recycling banks located around the Rochford District; for a full list of recycling banks visit or call Customer Services on 01702 318111. Never BIN done before! Please ensure that only people who will dispose of your waste responsibly are allowed to take it away; you can ask to see their waste carrier’s registration details. These can be checked online at A pioneering social experiment is taking place in Rayleigh which has never been tried anywhere before. If you see someone you suspect of fly-tipping please report it to the Council by calling Customer Services on 01702 318111. It is all part of a three month project which will see Rochford District Council team up with The Wrigley Company and Keep Britain Tidy to find out if ‘social good’ can motivate people to put litter in the bin. The ‘Charity Bins’ campaign aims to prevent littering while helping good causes – and you can play your part. Mushroom Theatre Company, which strives to promote inclusion in Performing Arts and in society in general; and Rayleigh, Rochford and District Association for Voluntary Service (RRAVS), which supports and promotes charities and volunteering in the District. ● Can seriously pollute watercourses and contaminate land ● Can be a risk to human health and harm wildlife and livestock ● Is unsightly and encourages others to dump more waste ● Is seen as a major problem by over three quarters of landowners © Fly-tipping: ● Undermines legitimate waste management companies who are undercut by illegal operators From June, bins in Rayleigh High Street have turned into ‘Charity Bins’ and three local good causes will benefit. These will be Wyvern Community Transport, which provides low cost transport for permanent residents of the Rochford District and Castle Point Borough who are unable to use conventional public transport; The Every time people put their litter in the bin, rather than dropping it on the ground, they will help these charities get a bigger share of a £1,500 pot. If it reduces littering, the scheme could be rolled out across the UK. So look out for the bins – and help your local charities at the same time. Find out more by visiting get online at follow us on Twitter @RochfordDC Summer 2014 17 Are you eco-friendly? A ‘Re-Think Rubbish’ event is being held this Autumn and we are looking for input from local businesses and individuals. Do you reuse and recycle old items and create fun, quirky new things that you use or sell? If so we want you to be part of our event! The event will be held at the Mill Arts & Events Centre, Rayleigh, on Thursday, October 30, 2014, and will showcase all things reuse and recycled. It will be a celebration of the fact that Rochford District Council has been named the number one authority in the country, after the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs revealed we had the top recycling rate in the whole of England, at 66.82 per cent for 2012/13. We want to thank residents for this amazing achievement as it could not have been done without your help. We hope this event will explore new ways residents can reduce, reuse and recycle waste. There will be performances from the Mushroom Theatre Company, recycled arts and crafts, live needlework demonstrations, information stands, a recycled fashion show and much more. For more information and to register your interest please call Customer Services on 01702 318111 or email The Mushroom Theatre Company who recently performed as ‘Clean Crusaders’ as part of an Essex-wide anti-litter campaign. Joining forces to tackle litter Street cleansing alone costs taxpayers over £800,000 each year in Rochford District. The social and environmental costs take that figure even higher, as do the costs to business and tourism. “ We know through consultation that cleaner streets, parks and open spaces are important to you but with ever decreasing budgets keeping these areas clean and tidy is becoming a greater challenge. No single organisation can solve the problem of litter in isolation and to see this group run a campaign across the county is exactly what we need to see at a regional and national level. Essex has realised that, by coming together, they can make a difference and we commend them for their leadership and focus. In the fight against litter we have joined forces with all the Essex Local Authorities, Essex County Council, all McDonalds and KFC restaurants in Essex, Dominos Pizzas, The Helping Hand Company, The Highways Agency, Rathbone Media and BBC radio Essex to deliver a campaign to tackle littering. Join us in the fight If you see a heavily littered area or someone littering REPORT IT • • • • The Clean Essex partnership, where local authorities, businesses and communities are working together to tackle the problem of litter, is setting a fantastic example. ” Phil Barton Chief Executive of Keep Britain Tidy. e-mail phone 01702-318111 SITA Rochford Love Clean Streets mobile app LITTERING It’s not pretty A FINE FROM £75 Find out more by visiting Summer 2014 follow us on Twitter @RochfordDC get online at 18 Out and About Who...? what...? when...? where...? how...? Clubs and Groups Southend Wado Kai Traditional Wado Ryu keeping to the original teachings of its founder Hironori Ohtsuka Where & When: Mondays 7pm Great Wakering Memorial Hall, 7pm Fridays St Andrews Church Hall, Ashingdon Contact: Tony Brooker 07806 795967 Active 50+ Roche Art Group Dates for your diary All abilities catered for at this friendly club, with good lighting and facilities and a variety of media Summer Holiday Activities July 23 – August 29 Rayleigh Windmill Heritage Open Days September 13 & 14 Rochford Art Trail September 18-27 Half Term Holiday Activities October 27-31 Rochford & Castle Point Sports Awards November 6 When: 7.30pm and 9.30pm Wednesday evenings Where: St Teresa’s Church Hall, Ashingdon Road, Rochford SS4 1RF (entrance via school gates with hall located to the rear of the church) A fun exercise session for all abilities, to increase the heart rate and tone How much: Reasonable fees apply, details on request When: 9.30am Fridays Contact: John 07933 263930 Where: Hawkwell Baptist Church Art Classes How much: £4 per session Classes suitable for beginners and more experienced students Booking: No need to book just come along and join in! Contact: Active Life, Sarah 07740 626226 Nordic Walking When: 10am until 12pm, and 1pm till 3pm Mondays and Tuesdays Where: Women’s Institute Hall, Bellingham Lane, Rayleigh A fun walking session using poles to increase your work out. No experience necessary! Contact: 01702 615475 When: 11am Tuesdays Council and Committee Meetings Where: Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park Booking: Booking essential Contact: Active Life, Tina 07758 223955 All meetings will take place at the Civic Suite, 2 Hockley Road, Rayleigh, SS6 8EB starting at 7.30pm. Review Committee Badminton Tuesday, July 8 The club are anxious to recruit experienced players The Executive When: 7.30pm until 9.30pm every Monday evening Development Committee Where: The David Cox Sports Hall, Fitzwimarc School, Rayleigh Full Council Contact: Fitzwimarc Badminton Club, Mike Worship 01268 771914 Wednesday, July 16 Events Hawkwell Parish Council Summer Fayre A family day out, with a variety of stalls and entertainment When: 12pm until 5pm Saturday, July 12, 2014, Where: Rochford Hundred Rugby Club, Magnolia Road, Rochford,SS4 3AD How much: Entry is free, just turn up! Magic at the Barn 10th Anniversary Spectacular An amazing family-friendly weekend of magic, variety and comedy, supporting local Havens charities When: Saturday, July 12 and Sunday, July 13. Free entry to festival from 3pm. Main show 7pm - 9:30pm approx Where: The Barn, Shopland Road, Rochford How much: £15 adults, £10 children, family ticket £40 (2 adults & 2 children) Booking essential Booking: 0845 515 9400 Family Bowling Days Thursday, July 24 Tuesday, July 29 For information contact Member Services on 01702 318140 Come along as a family and learn to play bowls! When: Sunday, July 20, Sunday, August 31, Sunday, September 14, all 2.30pm Where: Rochford Bowling Club Contact: Jacqui Swan 01702 781262 Family Theatre Professional theatre shows for children and families, which are fun, entertaining and affordable! When: 11am and 2pm Sunday, July 13: Shoe Baby 2pm Sunday, September 21: You’re Not My Friend Anymore 2pm Sunday, October 12: Fireside Tales with Granddad 11am and 2pm Sunday, November 9: The Magic Porridge Pot Where: Mill Arts & Events Centre, Rayleigh How much: £3.50 per ticket Booking: Rochford District Council Customer Services 01702 318191 Have Your Say! Rochford District Matters We are reviewing the content of Rochford District Matters, and we’re keen to know what you would like to see in your Council newspaper. Do you like the current format? Should we change the name? Is it too long or too short? Is there something missing that you would really like to see included? You can send any ideas about how Rochford District Matters could be improved by emailing uk, via Twitter @RochfordDC, or in writing to Communications Team Rochford District Council South Street Rochford SS4 1BW. Please note that although events are checked before going to press, they are subject to change. We recommend you visit our website at or contact the organisers to check before going to an event. Got an event? We can put it on RDM Online, visit The inclusion of any company’s advertising in any of our publications, on our website or in our buildings should not be seen as an endorsement of that company’s products, events, and/or services, nor is it a select list of businesses that we use. We reserve the right to refuse, entirely at our own discretion, to publish an advertisement or to withdraw the advertisement without notice. get online at follow us on Twitter @RochfordDC Summer 2014 Safer District 19 Think before you post The popularity of social media has really taken off since Facebook was first launched in February 2004. For many, Social Networking is now as natural as having a face to face chat, however, the Community Safety Team has seen a rise in intimidating comments and threats being posted and reported to them. Bullying UK suggest: “Don't get into arguments online, this is called flaming and it can get nasty. If you break the rules of whichever site you're on then the content is likely to be removed and you might have your membership terminated. You're not allowed to upload anything which is offensive or racist and which promotes physical harm, so don't make threats to anyone.” How to report online bullying or abuse Most social networking sites have rules which prohibit abusive CARS – Community Speed Watch A Community Speed Watch has been launched to accurately capture speed data on some of our local roads to start to address concerns being raised about road safety issues. These are now active in Canewdon, Ashingdon, Rochford and Stambridge (CARS). If you can spare 1-2 hours a month and are interested in being involved in these areas please contact PC Michelle Rawson at Rayleigh Police Station. michelle.rawson@essex.pnn. or phone 101 ext 490535. Remember, watch your speed! behaviours that include bullying, harassment, impersonation and identity theft. On the Bullying UK website there are details about how to make a complaint. You should copy the terms and conditions of that particular social networking site which have been breached and take a screenshot of the comment or photo as evidence. Use the reporting process outlined at: ullying/what-to-do-if-you-rebeing-bullied-on-a-socialnetwork/ Selfies The popularity of Selfies, the practice of taking a photo of yourself and or others and then posting them onto social networks has recently seen the Pope posing outside the Vatican at Easter and President Obama and David Cameron at the memorial service for Nelson Mandela. For many these are fun and harmless images but for others what is posted can be much more sinister. A trend to text naked images to someone special which is then posted by the receiver on a social networking site can cause all sorts of implications and it could be illegal depending on the age of the person involved. It is important to be aware that an adult or young person involved in sharing sexual videos and pictures may be committing a criminal offence. Specifically, crimes involving indecent photographs of a person under 18 years of age fall under Section 1 of the Protection of Children Act 1978 and Section 160 Criminal Justice Act 1988. Under this legislation it is a crime to: • Take an indecent photograph or allow an indecent photograph to be taken; • Make an indecent photograph (this includes downloading or opening an image that has been sent via email); • Distribute or show such an image; • Possess with the intention of distributing images; • Advertise; and • Possess such images. An Ofcom survey in 2011 showed 41% of young people between 12 and 15 had a smart phone. Statistics from the children’s charity Beatbullying3 suggest more than one third (38%) had received a sexually explicit text or email, while 25% had received an offensive sexual image. If you are concerned that your child or a young person known to you has been affected by such actions you can seek advice at Free home safety checks for eligible Rochford District residents As part of the free home safety checks, Trading Standards Officers carried out Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) on small domestic appliances including kettles, toasters, slow cookers, irons and heaters in order to prevent and reduce accidental dwelling fires. Any item that failed the PAT test was fixed or replaced free of charge which ensured residents were not left without essential appliances. The Community Safety Team in partnership with Essex County Council Trading Standards will be holding a series of free one day home safety checks throughout 2014. To be eligible for a free home safety check you must be aged over 65 years or require additional support due to a learning disability or mental, physical or sensory impairment. If you meet the criteria and would like to be included in a future free home safety check please email or phone Sophie Manus on 01702 318120. You can report Anti-Social Behaviour online at Summer 2014 follow us on Twitter @RochfordDC get online at From Fr om rreceptions eceptions to rretirements… etirements… Whether W hether you’re you’re celebrating celebrating a 1 st Birthday Birthday or or a well-deserved well-deserved 1st rretirement, etirement, tthe he FFreight reight H ouse a nd House and tthe he M ill A r ts & E vents C entre are are Mill Arts Events Centre p erfect ffor or p arties! perfect parties! With tthe With he a ability bility tto oa accommodate ccommodate up up to to 500 500 guests, g uests, o our ur experienced experienced teams teams are are ready ready to to help h elp organise organise e everything ver y thing y you ou n need. e e d. W Whether h e t h er iitt iiss a ssmall mall iintimate n tima t e g gathering athering iin na an n iindividual n di v idu a l ssuite uite or or a large large social social event event iin no one ne o off o our ur ffunction unc tion halls, halls, we will will work work with with you you tto oe ensure nsure iitt iiss u unique niq u e a and nd m memorable. emorable. And, we are And, are not not just just experts experts o on np parties arties a ass b both oth venues v enues offer offer full full conference conference a and nd m meeting eeting facilities. facilities. Boost hire B oost your your booking booking with with 25% 25% off of f room room h ire ffor or any booking before 31st December 2014. a ny b ook in g b efore 3 1st D e ce m b e r 2 014. To take To take advantage a d va n t a g e o off tthis his sspecial p e cia l o offer, f fer, p please le a se contact c ontac t us and and quote quote R RDM: DM: The House T he Freight Freight H ou s e T: 0 1702 5 48977 01702 548977 W: w w The T he Mill Mill Arts Ar ts & Events Events Centre Centre T: 0 01268 1268 7 778171 78171 W: w w Something Somethi thing for ffor everyone everyone this Summer Summer K Keep eep yyour our children children e entertained ntertained tthis his ssummer ummer w with ith tthe he vvaried aried iindoor ndoor a and nd outdoor outdoor a activity ctivity p programmes rogrammes a available vailable at at Clements Clements H Hall all and and R Rayleigh ayleigh L Leisure eisure Centres Centres. FFrom rom H ow to to Ride Ride a Bike, Bike, Nature How Nature T Trails rails o orr B ouncy C astle FFun un a Bouncy Castle att C Clements lements Hall Hall to to Messy Messy P lay, T ennis L essons o o dge B all a ayleigh Play, Tennis Lessons orr D Dodge Ball att R Rayleigh L eisure Centre, Centre, llet et u nter tain your your kkids ids d uring Leisure uss e entertain during tthe he ho lidays. holidays. W hat’s m ore, b oth ccentres entres o ffer tthe he h ighest What’s more, both offer highest sstandard tandard o hild c are iin nO FSTED registered registered off c child care OFSTED crèches ffor or k ids b etween ssix ix we eks a nd e ight crèches kids between weeks and eight y e a rs o ge. years off a age. are welcome c an O ourse adults adults are welcome too! too! Anyone Anyone can Off c course c ome along along and and enjoy enjoy the the extensive extensive ssporting por ting come ffacilities acilities at at either either centre centre on on a flexible flexible pay pay a nd p lay b asis, o r, o ne o he n o ccommitment ommitment and play basis, or, one off tthe no mo nthly memberships. memberships. monthly B Both oth c centres entres have have fully fully equipped equipped gyms gyms with with all all tthe he latest latest Technogym Technogym cardio cardio a and nd rresistance esistance g gear, ear, a ass we wellll as as offering offering packed packed group group exercise exercise to B od y P ump™. ttimetables imetables from from Pilates Pilates to Body Pump™. T There’s here’s a also lso a h huge u ge v variety ariety o off ssports por ts c courses ourses or a ges iincluding ncluding a and nd ssessions essions o on no offer ffer ffor allll a ages Active Life over ver 5 50s, badminton, A ctive L ife ffor or tthe he o 0s, b adminton, basketball, b asketball, climbing, climbing, urban urban dance, dance, judo, judo, ttrampolining rampolining a and nd the the very ver y p popular opular S Swim wim S School. chool. FFor or more more iinformation nformation p please lease ccontact ontact us us:: Clements Hall Clements Hall Leisure Leisure C Centre entre C lements H all W ay Clements Hall Way H awkwell Hawkwell E ssex Essex S S5 4 LN SS5 4LN T: 0 1702 2 07 777 01702 207 Clements Hall Hall Leisure Leisure Centre Centre ffeatures eatures a 25 25 Clements metre swimming swimming pool pool with with sauna, sauna, steam steam room room metre and spa spa pool. pool. The The p erfect w ay tto o rrelax elax after af ter and perfect way conquering the the indoor indoor climbing game of of climbing wall, wall, a game conquering out in ssquash quash or or a work work out in the the gym. gym. Rayleigh Leisure Centre Rayleigh Le isure C entre Priory Prior y C Chase hase R awreth Lane Lane Rawreth Ra yleigh Rayleigh E Essex ssex S SS6 S6 9 9NF NF T: 0 01268 1268 6 654 54 510 510 H owever, iiff b owling iiss m ore y our tthing, hing, w hy However, bowling more your why n ot v isit tthe he ffour our rrink ink IIndoor ndoor B owls A rena a not visit Bowls Arena att Ra yleigh Leisure Leisure C entre. Rayleigh Centre. Orr v O visit isit w w Please P lease note note facilities facilities differ differ between between locations. locations.
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