The River Road eWeekly - River Road Unitarian Universalist


The River Road eWeekly - River Road Unitarian Universalist
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March 14 - March 23, 2013
The River Road
In This Issue
Send Us Feedback!
Upcoming Worship Services
C C &C
Member Voting Requirements
Rev. Nancy's Update on
Interim Minister of
C ongregational Life
On Being a Board Member
Inward Springs Journal
Shelter Week-Sign Up!
C offee With the Ministerial
Gun Violence
New Men's Group Forming
Infant & C hildren Dedication
C eremony
Book Discussion Group
Square Dancing
International Dinner
Films That Make You Think
Mystery Pals
Sedar C elebration
March 17, 2013
Mindful Knitters C ommunity
Gwen Lewis Art Exhibit
Doug McCusker, Ministerial Intern
Meet the Moderator
Jazz C oncert
President Franklin Roosev elt once said that "the only thing we hav e to
2013 UU General Assembly
fear is fear itself." Y et fear is an ingrained part of the human condition.
Sunday Services
How do we listen to our fears without becoming afraid of them?
RRUUC News Distribution
Upcoming Worship Services
9:15am & 11:15am
Listening to Fear
Quick Links
Sermon Library
March 17, 2013 (Rain Date: Mar. 24, 2013)
10:30am in the Memorial Garden
Equinox Service
Celebrate New Beginnings
Doug McCusker, Ministerial Intern
Celebrate the courage of renewal and the possibilities of new
beginnings by ushering in the Spring Equinox between serv ices. All
ages welcome!
March 24, 2013
Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd, Senior Minister
What does it take to be truly hospitable? To be open and welcoming to
those who come our way , not just as a congregation, but as human
beings. Do we throw wide the doors of our own spirits?
Issues Forum
Sundays, 10:25am
Fireside Room
More On Us
March 17, 2013
Creating Poetry
Myra Sklarew
Poet, My ra Sklarew, will share insights into her creativ e process and
will read her collected poems. She will also talk about how world issues
such as medicine, science, storms and election are transformed and
internalized into poetry .
Fa cebook
March 24, 2013
The Meyerhoff Scholars Program
Janet Rutledge, Ph.D.,
Dean of the Graduate School
University of Maryland Baltimore County
The spectacular success of this program in adv ancing minorities in
fields of scientific endeav or is more than inspirational-it is worth try ing
to duplicate in other areas.
Left to Right:
Rev. Ginger Luke,
Rev. Nancy McDonald Ladd
Send Us Y our Feedback
Our vision is BOLD!
Pledge so you feel proud!
Pledge by noon, Saturday, March 16 and receive:
a free drink at the Fellowship Dinner.
eligibility for a drawing for a free dinner at the Tabard Inn, one
of DC's finest and most beloved restaruants - childcare included! The
drawing will be held at the Fellowship Dinner although you don't
have to be present at the drawing to win!
online at, or
pick up a pledge form at RRUUC; mail or drop off your pledge at the
There are matching funds for new pledges at the Sustainer level and above
for as long as they last!
Learn more at
Contact Lyn and Page Lansdale, Campaign Co-chairs,
RRUUC Annual Meeting
Save the Date: Sun., Jun. 2, 11:15am
Member Voting Requirements
RRUUC by laws prov ide that y ou must qualify as a "v oting" member at
least 60 day s prior to the annual meeting. This means that to be a
member in good standing and eligible to v ote, y ou must hav e:
1 . Signed the membership book by Apr 4, 201 3 and,
2. Made a contribution of record to the Operating Fund within the
prev ious 1 2 months.
If y ou are a member or a non-v oting member and hav en't y et made a
contribution of record (specifically identifiable to y ou) in the last 1 2
months, send y our contribution to Diana Chimes. If y ou hav e been
considering membership and would like to become a member prior to
Apr. 4 or hav e questions about y our membership, contact Sheri
Blanchette, Director of Communications & Outreach, or 301 -229-0400, ex t. 1 02.
Rev. Nancy's Update:
Interim Minister of Congregational Life
Since Ginger's announcement of her upcoming retirement, the Board
and Rev . Nancy hav e been working hard to put into place a solid
transition plan, the core of which centers on our search for an Interim
Minister of Congregational Life.
To that end, the Board and Nancy assembled a Hiring Team with
representation from many different stakeholders within our
congregation. That team consists of Lisa Orange (representing the
Board), Bob Luke (Personnel Committee), Deb Peck (Pastoral Care),
Andy Tay lor (Staff and Administration), and Nancy .
After sorting through many applications, three final candidates were
selected and interv iews are being conducted right now, to be
completed late this week. If all goes as planned, we should hav e a
candidate to begin negotiation with the Board and Negotiating Team by
the 20th of March. So, as y ou can see, we're making real progress.
We anticipate the Interim Minister for Congregational Life to Begin
his/her serv ice with us on July 1 st and remain in the position for two
congregational y ears (roughly through the Summer of 201 5). We will
make an announcement as soon as we can!
The candidates are marv elous, so we'll hav e our work cut out for us in
choosing between them. Some things to keep in mind:
Since the Interim Minister for Congregational Life will not hav e a
focus on Religious Education and our ex isting RE staff are so
v ery capable, Gabrielle Farrell will be stepping into the full-time
role of Director of Religious Education, taking on some of the RE
roles formerly held by Ginger. How blessed we are with our
ex isting staff!
This two-y ear interim process allows us the freedom to design
the role of the second minister in any way we choose, so look
forward to further conv ersations ov er the coming 1 2 months
about what that position might look like in the future.
Of course no-one will replace Ginger, just as no-one can replace
the role of any belov ed person in our liv es. With the security of
our Senior Minister in place, we are free to ex plore together
what our ministry team might be.
A Message From
the RRUUC Board of Trustees
On Being a Board Member
by Lisa Orange, Board Member
Here's what I thought a y ear ago, before I joined the Board of Trustees:
It takes so much time! If y ou hav e a job, family responsibilities,
or another v olunteer interest, it's an enormous burden.
Trustees are church elders, wiser, more ex perienced than me.
Some day , my life will be less hectic, with fewer commitments,
and THEN (not today ) it will be the right time.
I'v e nearly completed a y ear of serv ice, and now I can say :
Board members respect each other's time and responsibilities.
We work to keep meeting agendas focused and relev ant. A lot
can be accomplished in a two-hour meeting when ev ery one's
prepared and committed.
The Board truly benefits from div ersity . We gain from the zeal
and fresh insights of newcomers as much as we depend on the
perspectiv es of long-time members.
This is an interesting time to be part of gov ernance. The Board
and the Gov ernance Task Force are looking at all aspects of how
RRUUC does its work. Slowly but surely , sometimes behind the
scenes, we are making a difference!
I'm glad I didn't wait until my life was more organized, because,
honestly , when is that going to happen? All RRUUC congregants are
welcome to attend Board meetings. The nex t meeting is Tues., Mar. 1 9,
7 :30pm, Room 32. If y ou hav e an idea or a concern, contact Board
Chair Jeanne De Shazo.
Inward Springs
Look for more about this month's theme, Courage, in the Inward Springs Journal
on our website at
Events This Week
Shelter Week - Through Mar. 16
RRUUC is ex pected to prov ide meals and v olunteers to serv e dinner each ev ening at the Interfaith
Works Women's Wilkens Av enue Shelter in Rockv ille. V olunteers are still needed! Contact Jill
Karpf or Kathy Tippett.
Coffee With the Ministerial Intern
Sun., Mar. 17, After 2nd Service, Lounge
Come commune, hav e coffee and meet our Ministerial Intern, Doug McCusker. Doug is eager to
meet y ou and y our family . If y ou hav e already met him please take this opportunity to get to know
him better!
Work Against Gun Violence
Sun., Mar. 17, Fellowship Hall
Do y ou want to do something about gun v iolence and keep guns from killing our citizens? V isit the
table in the Fellowship Hall after serv ices for more info. Sample letters to our legislators av ailable.
Contact V irginia Richardson.
Men's Group Forming
Sun., Mar. 17, 7-9pm, Library
A new Men's Groups is forming. New members are welcome. Please join us to discuss our ideas and
v isions for this new group. Contact Bill Pugh.
20th Annual RRUUC PartnerFest
Sat., Mar. 23
Tickets On Sale, Sun., Mar. 17, Fellowship Hall
Celebrate 20 y ears of partnership at the PartnerFest sponsored by our Partner Church Committee.
Enjoy an ev ening of ethnic foods, v ibrant folk music and fellowship! Tickets will be on sale after
serv ices or contact the RRUUC office at 301 -229-0400. Click the PartnerFest Fly er for more info.
Dedication of Infants and Children on Easter Sunday
Sign Up by Sun., Mar. 17
The Dedication Ceremony welcomes children of members into the religious community where all
children are nurtured and may thriv e. We dedicate children to the highest ideals of life while in turn
the congregation dedicates itself to supporting the parents/guardians and the children as they grow
up. Children are nev er too old or y oung to be dedicated. If y our family would like to participate in
the Serv ice of Dedication contact Gabrielle Farrell at by Sun., Mar. 1 7 .
Book Discussion Group
Four Sundays: Mar. 17, 24; Apr. 21, 28, 7-9pm, Room 31
Rick Dodd facilitates a discussion of Stephen Cope's inspirational book, The Great Work of Y our
Life: A Guide for the Journey to Y our True Calling. Cope, a psy chotherapist and senior
scholar at the Kripalu Center for Health & Y oga, uses the Bhagavad Gita to profile how ordinary and
famous people (including Goodall, Emerson, Thoreau, Anthony , Keats, Woodman,
Beethov en, Tubman and Gandhi) ov ercame doubt and discov ered and pursued their dharmas
(Sanskrit: passion, truth, mission) with courage and faith. The book urges us to ex plore, rediscov er
and liv e our indiv idual dharmas to achiev e personal fulfillment and contribute to society .
To enhance group discussion the group will be closed to newcomers after the first session. Find the
book on the internet or at local bookstores for $1 5. Participants should read Chapter 1 and 2
(through p. 64) before the first session. Get more detalis and register online,
Square Dance
Tues., Mar. 19, Picnic-Dinner 6:30-8pm. Dancing 8-10pm,
Enjoy a social ev ening of fun and healthy light aerobic activ ity . There will be liv e music and a caller
to teach the basic steps as we dance. Nov ices and those more ex perienced are welcome. We will
dance with members of the Tuesday Ev ening Square Dance Group. The main dinner course will be
prov ided. Group members will bring salads, desserts or drinks. RRUUC attendees may also bring
one of those food items (optional). Contact Will Wright.
International Dinner
Wed., Mar. 20, 7pm, Faryab Afghan Restaurant
Bring y our friends and join the group for great food and conv ersation. The restaurant is located at
491 7 Cordell Av e., Bethesda. RSV P by 4pm, Tues., Mar. 1 9 to Nancy Grace Roman, or call the
restaurant, 301 -951 -3484. Bring small bills (no credit cards or checks). Surplus money will be
donated to the RRUUC Food Fund.
Fri., Mar. 22, 9:45am, Library
Join the group to discuss this month's book
selection, Cellist of Sarajevo by Stev en Galloway . Coffee
will be prov ided. Bring a snack to share if y ou wish.
Candace Ridington.
Films That Make You Think
Fri., Mar. 22, 7:30pm, Room 32
Join the group to watch the Eugene Jarecki film, The House I Live In, which won the 201 2
Sundance documentary prize. This film shows the catastrophic effect of the massiv e incarceration of
African-American men and women in this country . A discussion follows the film.
Calling All Mystery Pals
Sign Up Begins Sun., Mar. 24
My stery Pals are a group of adults and Y outh who correspond back and forth with one another for
sev eral weeks. The Y outh do not know which adult they are corresponding with. At the end of the
period a get-together is held and the Y outh find out who their adult correspondent is. My stery Pals
will correspond beginning Sun., Apr. 28. Participation forms will be av ailable in the Lounge on Sun.,
Mar. 24 and Sun., Apr. 1 4. Complete the registration forms by Sun., Apr. 1 4. Adults correspondents
are needed. There will be a get-together Sun., Jun.9 for all correpondents. Contact Frank Goldner,
Postmaster with y our phone number, or Gabrielle Farrell, Director of Children's Ministry ,
The Experience of Mid-Life Women (Ages 45-65)
in the Years after the Deaths of their Parents
Sun., Mar. 24, 12:30-2:30pm
Ev entually we all lose our parents. Rev . Leslie Westbrook, Ph.D., LCPC, will discuss what she learned
in her dissertation research. After a short presentation attendees will hav e time to share their
ex periences. A light lunch of soup will be included. Find more details at
Upcoming Events
Beth Chai Passover Feast
Thur., Mar. 28, 6:15pm, Fellowship Hall
The Beth Chai Congregation inv ites the RRUUC family to feast with them on Passov er. All are
inv ited to Seder. RRUUC members go to the Beth Chai website and pay the member rate for the
seder. There will be a potluck dinner. Please bring a dish to share (optional). Contact
Mark Israel.
General Announcements
Mindful Knitters
Community Knitting & Crocheting Project
Join the group for this y ear's project: making toy s for children of wounded soldiers stay ing at Walter
Reed National Medical Center. If y ou would like to help by making snakes, birds, bears, Sponge Bob
Square Pants, y ou can find more info and patterns at: er.pdf or contact Kathy Benjamin or Pat
Kay for other helpful links. Toy s should be able to withstand a lot of lov e, wear and tear. All items
will be collected by Sun., Apr. 28 at noon from the wicker hamper in the foy er.
Art Exhibit: Gwen Lewis Retrospective
Through Mar. 27, Fellowship Hall
A retrospectiv e of the black and white classic darkroom photography of Gwen Lewis. Works on sale
at reduced rates with a percentage donated to RRUUC. Contact Dav e Montgomery .
Meet the Moderator
Sun., Apr. 14
The term of the UUA Moderator ex pires in the Spring. A new Moderator will be elected during
June's General Assembly . This position is the Chief Gov ernance Officer and highest v olunteer
position. Meet the candidates at UUC, Fairfax , Oakton, V A., contact
cabennett99@y A reception follows at Cedar Lane UUC, Bethesda, MD at 3pm.
Jazz Concert
Benefiting the College Access Fund
Sat., Apr. 13, 6pm Dessert Reception; 7pm Concert
Fellowship Hall & Sanctuary
Jazz trio, The Ministerial Alliance, performs blues, gospel, original compositions, and jazz.
$25/Adults, $1 0/Y outh (1 3-1 8). Family tickets for up to 2 adults and their children/$50.
Proceeds benefit RRUUC's Racial Justice Task Force's College Access Fund which prov ides
scholarships to minority students. A portion of each ticket is tax deductible. Tickets on sale after
serv ices in March or purchas at the door, or call the office, 301 229-0400. Childcare av ailable with
a reserv ation by April 6; call 301 -229-0400, ex t., 1 04.
2013 General Assembly Registration
RRUUC will hav e 1 1 delegates at the 201 3 General Assembly , Jun. 20-23 in Louisv ille, KY . This y ear
delegates will v ote for a new Moderator and on the Social Justice Statement on Immigration as a
moral issue. For more info, contact Chris Hager.
Sunday Services Online:
Video Broadcasts or Podcasts
Logon to as a Member. Click Member Serv ices and scroll to the bottom of that page,
where y ou will see "Streaming V ideo Broadcasts of Serv ices." Click that link, and select the serv ice
y ou want to watch.
RRUUC News Distribution
Subm issions to Weekly Publications & Subscriptions
For the Riv er Road eWeekly submit items for RRUUC publication by midnight, ev ery Tuesday .
Submissions will be edited for space and accuracy . For priv acy , postings to the public area of the
website do not contain personal contact information. To subscribe or unsubscribe contact Sheri
Blanchette, 301 -229-0400, x . 1 02, or Address website questions to Submit RRUUC program information for distribution to RRUUC's Facebook
or community calendars to
Thank you for reading the eWeekly. We hope you find it a valuable source of information.
The Communications Department
River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation
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River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation | 6301 River Road | Bethesda | MD | 20817