Senator™ Electronic Bingo System
Senator™ Electronic Bingo System
Senator™ Electronic Bingo System Operator’s Manual Arrow International Capitol Bingo Equipment Division 48209 Thank you for choosing to purchase Arrow International’s Capitol Bingo Equipment. We are confident that you will be completely satisfied with our high quality, durable bingo equipment. Our Capitol Bingo Equipment has the most technologically advanced electronics and is designed for easy and reliable operations and trouble-free maintenance by the operator. Arrow manufactures the highest furniture quality, hand crafted equipment consoles in the industry. Our metal fabricated steel products are constructed of the finest, heavy duty materials available and guaranteed to withstand many years of use. The Designer Series consoles offer durable Formica® top and bottom and interchangeable front panels. This bingo equipment manual introduces you to the many features of the Senator™ not found in competitive bingo systems. It will take you step by step through unpacking and installing the system. It will show you how to program and run games easily, and how to operate your new bingo system. Easy to follow instructions and illustrations also guide you through routine service and maintenance. Arrow’s hard work and dedication enable us to offer you a breadth of product line that continues to grow. We are proud to offer you the most extensive charitable fundraising product line including Popp-Opens™ pull tabs, bingo markers and bingo paper. This dedication to providing an extensive line of high quality products is accompanied by our commitment to satisfying your product needs with fast and trouble-free service. Please visit us online at for the latest in all of our product lines. We value you as a customer and always welcome and appreciate your comments and suggestions to help improve our products. Our best suggestions always come from our game operators and distributors. We want you to always be a satisfied customer and we will continue to design and improve our products through the valuable feedback received from you and our outstanding network of Arrow distributors. Once again, thank you for choosing Arrow International/Capitol for your charitable fundraising needs. Arrow International ~ ,"",..-, traduction '. . ",,'- c.' Your new CAPITOL SenatorTMBingo System was designed using state-ofthe-art technology. It's modern design, console with real oak veneer and exceptional quality and easeof use have set it apart from the competition. The SenatorTMis the economical entry level electronic system offered in a wood cabinet. Digital communication from the console to the flashboard elinUnates bu1kY/complicated cabling between the components. The SenatorTM Bingo Systemwas specially designed with the operator in mind. For example, all system.controls are placed on a single control panel. The SenatorTMwill provide years of trouble~free service. However, if a problem should arise, OUTservice persoI\nel will provide timely responseon repairs, spare parts and technical support. This revisedmanualwill guide you throughunpacking,~tion, programming,running gamesand sessionswith easy-to-followinstruc~ lions and correspondingillustrations. DamageAction Process Your Capitol Bingo Equipment contains ,' '" " , , delicateelectronicequip- ment. It Is Imperatwe that you thoroughly Inspect contents of thepackage beforethe accepting productdeliveryfromthecarrier. ! In case of severe damage, refuse the equipment from the carrier. Contact your dIstributor or Arrow InternatIonal for immediate replacement. If the product is damaged but. acceptable, make a note on the bill of lading before accepting. Take a photo of the damage before and after unpacking as a reccrd of the damage. Keep the packaging to aid In recovering the amount of claim against the carrier. Contact the carriers agent Immediately for Inspection. Be sure to obtaina copy of the inspection report for your All trade and trade nam are the prop of thei resp com I~"m records. If these precautions are not taken, we cannot assist you In recovering the amount of the claim against the -,-,- ,m Bingo SystemManual Senator ,.}~:;U(: .~ 3 ~ Getting Started A. Unpacking .". .." B. Warranty Assurance 7 C. ConsoleCompatibility. oo..oo ll. Installation A. Electrical Installation ... B. C. D. E. F. G. H. VIII. Wiring 5 , 7 8 oo. FlashboardInstallation .., ... :... 8 Video Installation ; ;. "'00""""'" 9 SuggestedNumber of FlashboardMounting Assemblies...n'9 Wall Mounting Preparationfor Flashboard(s)"""""""""""'" 9 Wall Mounting Instructions ., Ceiling Mounted Flashboard (8) Flashboard Stand... oo Diagrams u... no " 10 ".. ".. 11 ..".. " 11 30 ~ '---" " Getting Started A. Unpacking " A:rrow International designed your SenatorTMBingo System"tohave a distinctively attractive appearance,and we used careful manufacturing and assembly techniques to preserve this appearance.Each Senator1Msystem is inspected for scratches,bumps or abrasions during packing, and is warranted to be free £rom defects. Caution: This ffashboard weighs approximately 106 pounds. Use care and get assistance before unpacking and lifting. A minimum of two individualsIs reQuiredfor unpacking. .' ; 1. Aashboard The flashboardis bandedinto a heavycardboardenclosure. with foam insertsat eachend and in the middle. Thiscartonis markedwith variouswarning labelsand stampings.Lay the cartonflat, observingthat the outsideoverlappingcoverof theflashboard is onthetopside. . Note: Included with the fIashboard is a 1DOft. data cab/s, 8-flashboard mounting brackets and a customer parts kit consisting of: 4- #1820 Light bulbs 2- 4 AMP Sio BID 250V fuses Before opening, closely inspect the carton for evidence of shipping damage such as puncture holes, tears,and crushed edges or corners. Damage to the carton may alert you to damage to the flashboard. H damage is detected refer to the Damage Action Processsection (p. 3) for procedures. Use scissorsto cut all straps. Carefully lift off the carton top. Cut the tape on the four corners of the carton bottom and lay the carton flaps down fIat. Slide both ends and the top center foam pieces off to allow accessto the flashboard. To prevent scratches,make sure the flashboard remains on cardboard prior to actual installation: Obtain assistancein setting the f1ashboardupright. 100 FT. DATA CABLE Do not destroyor discardcartonmaterialsuntil after final inspectionand testing. Inspect the flashboard to llsUJ'e that all acrylic panels are in SenatorTMBingo SystemManual . 5 placeand free of cracksor heavyscratches.Inspectthe masonitepant!lsfqr damage.If damageto your equipmentis evident,or if you haveproblemsin any of the aboveareas, contactyour areadistributor immediatelyfor adviceand refer to the DamageAction Processsection(p. 3) for procedures. Caution: Thisconsole weighs approximately 160 pounds - get assistance before lifting. A minimum of two individuals is required for unpacking. .2~ Console ... . The SenatorTM console is packed with foam protectors in a cardb°aId carton an~ i~.~kid-mo1Jnted.Once again, check the carton .for possIble signs.of damage. If da:mageis detected .. " ..;. ~ .refer to the DamageAction Processsection(p.3)for procedures... Use scissorsto cut the. ..straps from the skid only, taking care not to cut the straps protecting the console.With the help of at least one assistant, care. fully lift the console from the skid and place it on solid flooring. Cut the . Note: Do not destroy or discard carton materials until after final inspection and testing. 25 FT. DATA CABLE remallringfour strapsfrom the console and remove the cardboard top. Removethe tWofoam protectorsinside the top and slide the cardboardtube up and off the console.A minimum of two peoplearerequired to safelyunpackthe console.With one personlifting from the top of the ball-blowerend and another individual graspingthe two handleson the oppositeend, raisethe consoleup and out from the cartonand foam inserts. Checkthat all castersarein place.Setunpackedconsoleon solid flooring. Do not destroyor discardcartonmaterialuntil after final inspectionand testing. At this point you should inspect the console for shipping damage. All acrylic panels should be in place. Metal panels and their associatedswitches and parts should be operational. If problems are found in any of these areas,immediately contact your distributor for advice and refer to the Damage Action Processsection (p.3) for procedures. Thefollowing canbe found insidethe left door of the console: (1) Set of superior quality Double Numbered SamsonTM balls (1) Standard 25 ft. data cable (other lengths optional) (1) Customer part kit, which includes: (4) Low-voltage ball switches (4) #182028V light bulbs (2) 0.3 AMP MDL 250V fuses (2) 6 AMP AGC/3AG 250V fuses '. .. "...~,,/ ~ Open the box of Doubled Numbered SamsonTMballs,check eachball, for damage each ballmto its corresponding slotwater.' in the, , " console balland tray.insert If a ball has a flat spot, immerseit in hot ' Usually theflat areawill pop out. If it doesnot, contactyour distributor for a replacement. B. Warranty Assurance At this time, please verify the serial numbers located on the output panel in the left side of the console, on the left side of the flashboard. Check them against those shown on the enclosedwarranty card, please fill out all requested information and return the completed. warranty card to Arrow International within 30 days of purchase along with proof of purchase date. A secondwarranty cardappearson the backcoverof this manual We suggestthat you fill out this card and keep the information on hand for future reference. To validate your warranty, you must complete the enclosed warranty card and return it to Arrow International, Inc. within 30 days of purchase from your Capitol Bingo Equipment Distributor. C. Console Compatibility The SenatorTMconsole is fully compatible with the following: . . .. Capitol StatesmanTM Verifiers #462210and #462220 Capitol Aluminum Extruded Flashboard #46826 Capitol SenatorTMand 600 LV -3 flashboards Inquire regaidmgothermanufacturers SenatorTMBingo SystemManual ." 7 ~ Note: Be sure to allow adequate air flow fOf the console on carpeted surfaces. If necessary, elevate the console on planks Of other rigid A. forms. 2. Once the system has been completely setup, turn the "POWER" switches on. Use the other controls as needed. 8. Flashboard Installation 1. Data connections for the Bingo flashboards are made with the console data cable output connectors,located on the SenatorTM InputlOutput panel, in the left hand compartment of the console. Permanent installations use the 3" x 1" accesshole under the 1/0 panel to run the cables.Temporary installation utilize the gap between the bottom of the left-hand console door and the bottom of the console to run the cables. FLASHBOARD DATACONNECTIONS ALUMINUM EXTRUDED METAL 2. Install the £lashboard data cable. When possible, we recommend FLASH BOARD FABRICATED using a one-piece cable avoiding splices, adapters and other UPPER LEFT FLASHBOARD mating devices. Wiring to the flashboard may be permanently SIDE PANEL LEFT SIDE PANEL installed using a wire mold. Where a permanent installation is not possible, install the flashboard data cable through the walls and/ or ceiling to where the console can be rolled in and easily connected with all data and power cables.Avoid running the flashboard cable next to high-current lines such as smoke eaters, air conditioners, etc. 3. For metal fabricated style £lashboards,plug the 3-pin male data connector into the lower connector labeled "JNPUT...For alumi- num extruded-styleflashboards,utilize the telephonestyle data cableprovided With.the alUmInumextrudedflashboardand plug the data cableinto the SenatorTM input/output panel and then the rear telephonejack on the left side of the £lashboardlabeled "INPUT." 8 SenatorTMBingo System Manual 4. c. You may have an installation that requires hook tIP ()f more than one £1a.shboard. In such an instance, the second and subsequent flashboards may be daisy chained by connecting the data cable to the "OUTPUT' connection on the first flashboard to the "INPUT" connection on the second £lashboard,and so on. This allows virtually an unlimited number of Capitol Bingo £lashboardsto be added. A 3-pin Jones-styleto a 6-pin telephone-style data cable adapter is supplied with the aluminum extruded flashboards for when daisy chaining aluminum extruded flashboards with metal fabricated flashboards. We recommend utilizing two console data outputs if using three or more flashboards. VIdeo Installation (optioned) 1. If utilizing Capitol Bingo Equipment Video components, please refer at this time to the Capitol Bingo Equipment Video Compo~ nents Manual for further instructions. Caution: Before attempting any installation, have 8 qualified, licensed and bonded rigger and electrician verify the type of installation. In many cases, the local building inspector may require a permit as well as an inspectionof the site for structural stability. D. SuggestedNumberof FlashboardMountingAssemblies E. wau Mounting Preparation for Flashboard(s) Beforeattemptingto mount any flashboardto the wall, you must first determinethe type of wall construction.For hollow walls,we recommendthat the flashboardmountingbracketsbe fasteneddirectly into wall studs.For concrete,brick and cinder-blockconstruction,the mounting bracketsshouldbe fastenedusinga 'boltand anchor method(moly bolt). If other methodsof wall constructionareused, considerceiling mounting or consultthe CapitolBingoEquipment Servicedepartmentfor advice.Placeflashboardsto offer maximum playervisibility with minimal effort. Caution: Do not suspend the fIashboards using the handles. The handles are to be used for handling purposesonly. Before drilling any holes, check for possible electrical or plumbing interference behind the mounting holes and make sure that the £lashboard is level from side to side. SenatorTM BIngo System Manual .:\ 9 ~ F. Note: When choosing the location for mounting your fIashboard(s), consider not only visibility but protection against tampering, vandalism and pedestrian traffic. We suggest that your fIashboard be mounted at least 7' above the floor. Wall Mounting Instructions. For hollDw~wall CODS.tructionuse S/ a" x 3 1/2" lag bolts. Fasten brackets directly into wall studs. For masonry. construction, use a 3/8" or larger lag-screw expansion shield with suitable~length lag screw. 1. Tubular Bracket(optional) . (2" and 4"aluminum extruded and 4" fabricated flashboards) Choose the proper height for easy viewing and mark the location on the wall. This mounting bracket supports the £lashboard from the bottom and may be used to mark the mounting holes. Locate brackets 9" from each end; make sure the brackets are level; and check for possible electrical or plumbing interference behind the mounting holes- Equally spacethe remaining brackets betWeenthe end brackets insuring that all supporting surfaces are level. Drillthe proper clearanceholes for the mounting method appropriate for your wall. 41/6" 4112" 2.Wall~MountJ 8racket .. . (2" &: 4" aluminum extruded £lashboards) Supplied with the 4" aluminum extruded Numbers Only Style flashboard are three J..shapedwall brackets (other flashboards may vary). Each bracket has four mounting holes for 3/ sit bolts. Choose a height that allows for easy viewing and mark the locati,onon the wall. Then, measure in 81/2" and 9 'lIs" from each end of the £lashboard and mark the vertical center lines. Next, from the top of the flashboard, measure up 2" and .33/8" from the horizontal center lines. . WALL MOUNT TUBULAR BRACKET 4112" .Next,spaceany additionalbracketsequallybetweenthe previousbracketsand locatethe mounting holes,again checkingfor level.Drill the proper clearanceholesfor the methodof mounting appropriatefor your wall as described above. WALL MOUNT J BRACKET 13/8" , 10 SenatorTM Bingo SystemManual ~ ~. Caution: Do not suspend the fla!3hboardsusing the handles. The handles are to be used for handling purp'~ses only. Note: See Capitol Bingo Equipment .8" &12" Aluminum Extruded Flashboard Manual for additional information on these products. 1. . . EYEBOLTFOR CHAINMOUNT . ;. (ARROWPART#46515) ..~ '".",.,.,' H. Flashboard Stand (optional) A £lashboardstand allows for easy mobility and storage of your flashboard.Capitoloffersa doubleupright . Hashboard stand for all4t1 and 2" Numbers o:cly or Number and Game Pattern Indicator Style flashboards. These stands may beorderedthrough yoUrdistributor. Pleaserefer to the Arrow International Inc./Capitol Bingo Equipment catalog for otheroptionai equipment and accessories. DOUBLE UPRIGHT FLASHBOARD STAND SenatorTMBingo SystemManual 11 ~ III. Cont~Q,Is.. "-'~/ These console controlprimary panel. controls are found on the SenatorTM . . . .1 4 .' 1. Power-Power switch for systemcontrols.. . 2. Blower Lamp-On/Off control for the blower chamber lamp. 3. Mixer-OnjOff controlfor theballmbdngarm. . 4. Blower-On/Off control for the ball blower motor. B. c;onsoleDisplayControls . 1.. .. Ball:fimingIndicator Display-(A) This LE.D. displaysthe time interval before the next ball is to be call.edand counts down to zero fron) tJ;\etime set on the Ball Timer Interval Thumbwheel. . (B) Thebeeperwill indicatewhen it is time for thenext call. 2. Ball Tn:nerInterval Thumbwheel~13)This thumbwheelsetsthe time interval the operatorchoosesbetweenball calls. 3. Ball Timer ResetSwitch-(C) This button restarts the timing sequenceat the Timer Interval set on the Ball Timer Interval Thumbwheel. (B) 4. Timer Ball Activate/Constant Switch-CD) In the Ball Activate mode the timer counts down from its preset value (B) to zero, signal with a beep to indicate to the operator that it is time to call the next ball and start its count down again. In the Ball Activated Timer mode, the timer will also count down from it preset timer interval to zero and give an audible signal; but, it will not reset until the next ball is inserted into the ball tray. 12 ; ,,/' ~ ~v. Operation "..",..." ", ., . To begin a bingo session,turn on the console power switch, the blower lamp switch, mixer motor switch, and blower, motor switch on the SenatorTMconsole.You will notice that the balls immediately go up the ball tube and held in the ball catcher available for play~ Next, turn on the power switches to any additional flashboards connected to your console.Start calling balls at a nice steady pa,ceand placetheminto the correspondingball tray slot. ' The timer will evenlypaceyour ball calling,adjustthe paceof the game and build player confidence to play additional bingo faces,thus increasing revenues. Until you find a time that's most comfortable for you and your players, a good calling time might be every 14 to 20 seconds.When the beeper sounds, it is time to call the next balL At this time, verify aU the bingos that have been called. It is usually best if the floor worker calls out the serial number of the bingo paper to verify ~ from your hall. Then have the floor worker call out each number in the bingo pattern from the bingo carowith caller confumingeachcall. With a little time and practice, you will be operating your SenatorTM system with easeand really come to appreciate the outstanding features, convenience and quality designed into the SenatorTM Bingo system. . . Note; to clear ball tray, pull handle towards you, turn the blower motor switch off, and open ball gate. SenatorTMBingo System Manual ",.::.:;,. .: i".' :'0 ::"/" . '. 13 ~ Caution: Always unplug the $enatorTMconsole and flashboard before performing any type of maintenance. Your SenatorTM Bingo System Periodic servicing of your SenatorTM Bingo System should include A. Cleaning . . cl~an1ngtpolishing and light bulb replacement. Recommended cleaning agents for the console and flashboard are as follows: Console.WoodSurface . Useany high-quality wood and furniture polish. Liberally apply with a cleansoft cloth.Polishfrequently. Console. Painted Metal Surface. Use a mild soap solution or mild cleanser.Harsh cleansersor solvents may damage the paint or lettering. Follow with an automotiv~style polish for additional protection. Caution: The front of the flashboard acrylic is a painted surface. , Console and Flashboard. Acrylic Surfaces Useonly a mild soapsolution suchasliquid detergentwith a cleansoft cloth for bestresultsand protectionof the surfaces. Ammoniabasedcleanersmay dull the acrylic. Flashboard. Brass Anodized Aluminum Extruded and PQinted Metal Surfaces Use a mild soap solution or mild cleanser.Harsh cleansersor solvents may damage the.paint or lettering. Follow with an automotive~style polish for additional protection. ~~o~~ . Clean with a mild soap solution such as a liquid detergent. Harsh cleansersor solvents may damage finish or lettering. Dry the balls thoroughly using a towel. Insert towel-dried balls into a paper bag with a small amount of talcum powder, agitate the balls and shake off the excesspowder. StaticTreatment . Lightly spray antistati.caerosolcompoundover the blower basepan foam and inside the blower chamberwindows to eliminatestatic.(Caution:Be surenot to apply antistatic compoundto the ball-catcheracrylic tube - this may cause the ball tube to shatter.)Performthis treatmentevery few monthsor when you noticeballs stickingtogetheror to the windows. Inspectthe antistatictinsel surroundingthe two sidesof the blower basepan . If torn or worn, replacewith AIrow part #41208Anti-StaticTinsel. Usevacuumwith wand attachmentto cleanball chuteand insideboth cabinetdoors. 14 SenatorTMBingo System Manual '" . :.~ . ',"., .' ", : ~ 8.. ." '..... Changingthe MixingChamberlight Bulb 1. Unlock and open the right hand side blower co]]l.par~ent door. 2. Remove the acrylic panel covering the lamp by turning the two plastic retaIDing tabs 1800for clearance. . Unscrew the light bulb .counterclockwise to remove it. . Caution: Always turn the power off when changing light bulbs. 3. . .. . . Caution: Always unplug the Senator console and f/ashboard before performing any type of maintenance. . 4. Insert the new 7 1/2 5 clear120volt light bulb and turn it dock~ 5. Replacethe acrylic cover and lock it into position with the two plastic retaining tabs. . . wiseuntil it is snug.Do not overtightenthe light bulb. 6. Closeand lock the blower compartmentdoor. 7 112S 120 VOLT UGHT BULB , ChangingUghtBulbsin the Flashboard 1. Metal FabricatedStyleFlashboard(s) a. Low Side Light Bulbs(B-7): Remove six Phillips screws from the front of the power pack panel. Gently slide the acrylic panel to the left. (Refer to drawing A) Change the light bulb(s) as necessary.(Refer to SectionC~3p. 17). b. High Side Light Bulbs (8~lS): Remoye the metal trim from the right end of the, £1ashboard by removingthe five Phillips screws.. Gently slide the acrylic panel to the.right. (Refer to drawing A.) Change the light bulb(s) necessary. (Refer to section C-3 p. 17). SenatorTM Bingo SystemManual 15 ~ 2. BrassAnodizedAluminumExtrudedStyleFlashboards a. 2;;and4t;largenumbered£lashboards: 1. Removethe retainingstrip betweenthe low and high sidepanels.Thisis accomplishedby gently pushingin the high sideacrylicpanelwhile graspingthe retaining strip and gently pulling it out and to the right. (Refer to drawing B.) Oncethe strip is removed,slide the acrylicpanelSto gain accessto the light bulbsneeding replaced.(Referto drawing C). 8 2. Changethe light bulb(s)asnecessary. (Referto SectionC-3~ChangingFlashboaIdLight Bulbs,p. 17). 3. Slidethe acrylicpanelsto their homeposition. 4. Reinsertthe retainingstrip. . . 8" and i2" large numbered£lashboards: ..' . . c '. . L Open individual panels bytwisting locatingeach the two . tUrn'fasteners foracrylic eachpanel and a 1/41/4 . >turn counterclockwise while gently pushing in. Note: . Capitol GameLogo sectionsrequire the useof a phillips screwdriver. (Refer to drawing D.) Gently open the acrylic panels allowing the velcro tabs to release. 3. Change the light bulb(s) as necessary. (Refer to section C-3 - Changing FlashboaId Light Bulbs p. 17) 4. Closethe acrylicpanelsand apply gentlepressureto 28..vOLT MINIATUR.E'BAYONET LIGHT BULB 2. ' lock the velcrotabs. Lock the acrylicpanelsin placeby gently pushingin the 1/4turn fastener,compressingthe spring and twisting 1/4 turnclockw1se. SenatorTMBingo SystemManual ~ 3. .,.~..-_. Changing Ftashboard Light Bulbs 1. Gently push light bi.11bin ~hile tumirig. c~unter'cl~ckwise. Socketis spring loadedand only requires.a 1/4 turn to releasethe light bulb from the socket. Caution: Always turn the power off when changing light bulbs. 2. Remove the light bulb from the socket. 3. Insert the new light bulb by aligning light bUlb pins with the light socket ~otches and gently pushing in and . turning clockwise. Twist a 1/4 turn to !!ecurethe light bulb in place. . 4. . Caution: Always unplug the SenatorTMconsole and flashboard before performing any type of maintenance. . Additionallight bulbs may be purchased from yo~r Arrow distributor or a local electrical or electronics supply house. We recommend using only high quality replacement light bulbs for extended life and to miriimize the chance of printed circuit board failures. .. ". . . . When ordering replacement light bulbs for 2" high number-style flashboards, ask for #182928-volt miniature bayonet light bulbs. Arrow part #41305. . When ordering replacement light bulbs for all other electronic flashboards, ask for #182028-volt nUniature bayonet light bulbs. Axrow part #41303 4. Changing Fuses. . . When changing fuses in a.fuseblock the folloWing steps should be followed: 1. Determine which fuse is defective by referring to the fuse block diagram (pp.4041) or with the use of a voltmeter. .28 VOLT MINIATURE BAYONET LIGHT BULB 2. Unplug the unit from the wall outlet. 3. Gain accessto the fuse block by removing the six Phillips screws the front of the power pack panel and remove thefrom panel.. . . . 4. Remove the fuse with a fuse puller or with a small flat blade.screwdriver by carefully prying one end of the fuse up, grasping the end and removing the fuse. 5. Replace the bad fuse with a properly rated fuse. Refer to the fuse illustration (pp.40-41). 6. Reassemblethe uIrlt. 7. Plug the unit into a 120 volt grounded wall outlet. . . . SenatorTM Bjn~oSystemManual 17 ~ D. Servicingthe Blower and Mixer Base FaanAssembly The blower motor .aI\d :o:rixermotor should be serviced every four months or every 200 operanng hours. Caution: Always unplug the . SenatorTM console and flash~ board before performing any. type of maintenance. . NEW STYLE (UL GD) L Unplug the console power cord from the wall outlet. 2. Unlock and open the right-hand-side blower compartment door. Remove any balls that may be on the blower base pan assembly. 3. Disconnect the power plug located below the blower base pan and pull the assembly out of the console. 4. Lay the removed blower base pan assembly upside down on a flat surface, remove the four Phillips screws (two from each side) protective . guard, and lay the protective guardfrom on itsthe side. . 5. Put a few drops of 20W oil into the two oiling ports located the top side at each end of the. blower motor. (Refertoonillustration.) .. BLOWER ASSEMBLY . SQUIRREL CAGEBLADES 6. Oil the mixer motor by removing the two 1/4" bolts from the rear plate of the mixer motor. Oil the felt pad with 20W oil, replace plate and reinsert the boi~s,being careful not to overtighten them. the blower motor squiITel cageblades for debris. If 7. Check dirty, loosenthe cagefrom the shaftwith an t / s"Allen wrench and remove from the shaft. Qean the blades with a small stiff brosh, using soap and water, towel diy. Reinstall the squirrel cage and check that the blades are free wheeling and not binding. . Reassembleand carefully slide the base pan back into the console with the mixer arm pointing towards the front of the console. 10. Inspect the air filter and replace if necessary. . OLD STYLE BLOWER ASSEMBLY 11. .. ... ... . Reinsertbingo balls ontoblower basepan assembly,closeand lock blower SQUIRREL CAGE BLADES . Makesureto reconnect thefour-pinpowerplug. . compartment .' door. 4-PIN POWER pLUG ASSEMBLY (MALE RECEPTACI..E) PIN 2 (WHITE) MIXER MOTOR PIN 4 (BLACK) NEUTRAL . ~ This troubleshooting section will help you, your distributor or a local electricianlocateelectricalproblemsthat may arisewith the . SenatorTMBingo System. Several diagrams and schematicshave been included to help you trace any problems that may occur. Problems that are not covered in this .sectionshould be directed to your local distributor or directly to Anow lntemao,onal as listed on p. 42. Please have the unit's serial number and distributor name readily available when calling for assistance. Before referring to the troubleshooting table, please check to seethat the following conditions are met: 1. Check that all power and data connections to the system are properly installed. Look for loose COnnectorsor broken wires. Do not attempt to service.the control panel in the SenatorTMconsole.Only trained sel-vicepersonnel are qualified to work in this area. 2. If flashboard difficulties arise, check the power and data cable connections to the ~hboard If the power is being supplied to the fJashboards,the vertical BINGO lamps should be on. If these lamps are not on, check the primary power to the flashboards. 3. COI\Sultthe Troubleshooting Table(pp. 20-27) . , . . 4. If furtherdifficultiesarise,consultthefactoryservice centeror an authorizeddistributor aslisted on p. 42. TheTroubleshootingTablebegmson the next page. This tToubleshooting tableassumesthe following conditions: 1. Thesystemis pluggedinto a 110/120VAC60Hz groundedpower outlet. 2. Thepower swi~ches areturned on. . 3. All ballsarein theballtray. Troubleshootingtablebeginson the next page. Thismanualwas accurateat the time of printing. Arrow Internationalreservesthe right tQlI\~e changesdue to changingtechnologyand regulations.Pleaseconsultyour distributor or Arrow InternationalInc. . SenatorTMBingo SystemManual 19 ~ , ~ . ! - SenatorTM BingoSystemManual 21 ,:' :..:.(..:::>~':'..;"~<:::' f,~,:!:'..~.~::,;;,:::';:.;> :i'" ~ SenatorTM Bingo System Manual .:, . ~ 1 SenatorTM Bingo SystemManual 23 ;- ~ , -._..- .. . . . . .' ~ .'..,..-/ 26 . SenatorTMBingo System Manual "', ; " ~ TroubleshootingTable - Senator FlashboardContinued Bridge Rectifier TOPOWER .TRANSFORMER TOPRINTED CIRCUITBOARD ~TO -. FUSEBLOCK TOPOWER TRANSFORMER SenlfJtorTM Bingo System Manual 27 ~ NOTES ""--/ 28 SenatorTMBingo System Manual :\" ,:,', ," , ~ Caution: For continued fJrotection 8.oainstrlsk of fire, r9f)/ace only with same type of fuse having the 5alT76electrical ratings. 2" and 4" numbers only fJashboard: 120VAC at 60Hz, 3.0Amps Primary: 4 Amp 510Bl0 250V Secondary: 3.2 Amp 510Blo 250V Logic: 1 Amp 510Blo 25OV #46050 Weight 106/00. 29" x 91" x 6" #46025 Weight 206 /bs. 37" x51"x 24" Senator Ftashboards:120VAC 3AMP MAX Primary Fuse: 4 Amp 3AG 510bio Secondary fuse: 3.2 Amp JAG S10bio Senator Console: 120VAC 60 Hz 12 Amps with service outlet Blower Fuse: 6 Amp AGC-3AG 250V Logic Fuse: .3 Amp MOL 250V '. SenatorTMBingo SystemManual 29 '. :",?:..::;:::\,~" ,"'«:,:' :,::".."" ~ 31 .,: . ,. ~ .", ;,- '. ,' ~ ,:"::' ;,,::,,: '..:,:: \'~::,:?~::~ ;~::';"~:~',::>~':>. ><?,:~ :~;:~.':::::~"..:'::'.""':~: :~.: . ~ H. Darlington Map Detail ACRD ... LAMP LAMP LAMP REV NUMBERS DRIVER NUMBERS DRIVER X76-78 U77 NUMBERS DRIVER .. U3B U37 85-6 U38 X8o B8 89-10 U38 .. U40 X84 X85 811-12 813 814 U39 040 U39 B15 U4D 87 X79 X81.83 .. X86-87 X88-89 X90 GP2-4 GP5-6 GP7 GP8 7 08 U7 U8 10'8 LASTA 10'8 LASTB-C 10'8 LASTD-E 10'8 LASTF-G U21 U22 U21 U22 SW4 XX SEE . CONFIGURATION TABLE OP9-10 GP11-12 GP13' GP14 GPt5 010 U9 U10 09 010 GP17 N35-36 N37 U50 049 GP21-22 GP23 N38 U50 N39.40 U52 N41-42 U51 =:= N45 un .8 U52 . TT SW3 SW5 XX SEE CONFIGURATION TABLE 81M6 ON TIMEOUT. DOLLARH 10K'SDVA 10K'SPV B-C tOKeSDVD-EU25 '1OK'SDV F-G U25 U26 .U26 OFF 09 02 U1 . GP18-20 . GP24 GP25 . 1000'S DV A-t U23 1000:SDVD-F 10aDSDVG U24 U23 U2 U1 DOLLARL 100'SD'ilA' U29 02 '04 100'SDVB-t 100'SDVD-E 100'SDV F.G U3o U29 10'8.0VA-C 1°:8 DVD.f 108 DVG U27 U28 U27 AUX LMP . I LMP N LMP U67 067 U68 G LMP 0 LMP U67 U68 ..'.. U30 . AUX "8 BVA.D 1'S DVE-G U7D U69 ,.. CONFIGURATION TABLEWITHOUTLOGICTRANSFORMER 8W 1 all PCBillustration0, p. 391. . SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SPARES 077, U78 . U3, . OUTPUT. 083 061 . SENATOR-lvs WiTlMEOUT SENATOR-LV3 WID TIMEOUT .. XX ON OFF ON XX . ON OFF ..OFF PRES-20D1 W/TIMEOUT PRES-ZOD1 WIDTIMEOUT ON ON OFF. OFF ON ON ON OFF STATESMAN (01)WIDTIMEOUT STATESMAN (Gt)W/TIMEOUT OFF .OFF OFF ON DN OFF OFF OFF DFF OFF DFFOFF OFF OFF 062' STATESMAN (DV)WIDTIMEOUT STATESMAN (DY)W/TIMEOUT 068 062 . .. . (XX = DOESNOT MATTER) 069-70 071-72 073 U64 U63 U64. 075 U64' 074 061 U63 DISABLED S1M7 NOTUSED 065-66 067 TIMEOUT (SEETABLEFOR OPTIONS) U56 055 U56 U55 U56(Labeted . U62 OFF STANDARD OPERATION DN SMALL SYNC PACKET OFF LARGESYNCPACKET . GP16 062-64 SW2 . ON LAMPSAVERDISABLED U8 U50 049 061 SW1 ON CONTINUOUS TEST OFF STANDARD OPERATION GP1 N31 U57 U58 U13 U15 U16 U15 U16 U14 U2D U19 U46 G59 G60 ~rs~I~~ CONfiGURATION U19 130 U58 U57 U58 DIP U13 "S LAST D.F "8 LAST G 046 045 046 U45 G54-55 G56-57 G58 3.4 1'S LASTA-C 126-27 128 129 G50-51 G52 G53 FOR ACR VERSION U74 078 124-25 G47.49 LAST" . U44 U43 044 043 U44 G46 U78 .. U76 116 I17M19 120-21 122 123 N32-34 U78 U74 1'S NO.BALLSD-F 1'8 NO.BAllS G 1D'SMD.BALLSA 10'SNO.BALLSB-C 10'8 NO.BALLSD-E '0'8 ND.BALLSF-G . U76 U77 - U37 ,'S NO.BALLS A-C D WITH FIRMWARE GAME# 81 82-4 ... . CONF1GURATION .. If DarlIngton IS cracked or burnt checkassociated lampsockets before channin g the :$. darlington. ON NOTE 1 : IFUSING FLASHBDARDASTEAROPEN,SETSW6 TD OFF. THISWILLDISABLE THETIMEOUT. NOTE2: IF USINGREVD INOLDERPRESIDENTIAL 5-PINPOWER CONFIGURATION.SETSW3 TOOFFANDSETSW2 TOON.THIS WILL DISABLE THELAMPSAVER OPTION.FORALLOTHER APPLICATIONS SETSW2 TOOFF. I ",~.../ SenatorTM Bingo System Manual '.,. ON ::' '" , ",', ,:0,.. '; " ,/,' ~ ACRe Darlington Map FRONTVIEW SEGMENTS 0 0 G P 2 oBEJ" FlnFl G p 1 FRONTVIEW G A M E # , ! L A S T # J14 lj LJ Lj D V I0 14VAC GND 0 0 0 GND 14VAC GND I \ I I , I J I n1 I j 0 H . EJEJEJ I j LT~EJno D V ( , L 0 x ffi[j J ~ C21 POWEROFFWHENRESETTING ANYSW1TCHON SW1 , ! r\ 0 SenatorTM Bingo System Manual 35 ; , ~ J. f!! ;:1: ell ::i 1:1 = c; Q lID :c II) S ... ~ w :IE Q~ CD&! °Uo) ...Iz C lie I- , 36 SenatorTMBingo System Manual . . .. .'- " .' I '. ,..; . -,_../ ~ K. RibbonCable ElectricalSchematic-Flashboard ., tA ~ CD :I 1:1 ic = = CD C .... II. II: III == ua: -1;1 ~... 9. c II: --.- .~;> .0. C'I - '--./ 38 SenatorTM Bingo System Manual ~ SenatorTM Bingo SystemManual . ..;::. r :.;.. ~ 12" FBPrimary Wiring SChematic - Numbers Only .'-,...,/ . . .. '..'..: . .,'. .1 ! . .' ': . ~". ~ 41 ~ Capitol Bingo Equipment Limited Warranty Setout beloWarethe 1armS of the l.ITIiteCI Waranty maae Dy Arrow International, Inc. rArrow1ln connection wiltllhe sale of o. I ranlll8f OJ 6.Transfer of umlT8Q Umlted "anomy Wcmonfy ... the CapitolBingoEquipment(the'~Equipment'), 1. Umlted Warranty . . .PI,IfChasermaytn:ansfeTfisrightaU1dcrthislknltedWarranty, Pufc;ha5Eirmaytransferrtsright8undcrthisUmit9dWarranty, subject subject to to the the terms terms and and conditions conditions hereof, hereof, to to a a buyer buyer (OOBuyer") ("Buyer") from from Purchaser Purchaser ofof the the Equipment. Equipment. Thereafter, Thereafter, the the lights lights under under this this LImited Umlted Warranty Warranty are are not not transferable. tr8nsferabIe. For For the the transfer transfer by by P\.I'chasei' P\.I"cha.ser of of the 1he United Linited Warranty Warranty to to be be e!Iective, must effective, the It1e foIloWng folloWIng condttions conditions must haw have 0CClI'I'ed 0CClITed no no .. Mr:NIwcrrMt8totheorigiMpurChaS8r("Pu'chaser"}thatthe Eq\ipment original wi. for purchase authorized in material a period of any . of ON E YEAR equiprner'1t Arrow dealer, be and wotkmanshlp. in the from product the data Of fme from free from manufacturing Purchaser representS an . defects. to Arrow laterthan than the the 30th 30thday dayfollowing fonowingthe the date dateofof resale resaletoto Buyer: Buyer; . later . !hat no employee,agent.or representative of ArraN(orofm .A. A. Purchaser Pu'chaser . mat<e the ... Alrr:NI dealer) has made 8nI represerrtatlOnor warranty re~ the Eq~ent ex.c:eptas set out herein. Does not Include consuri18b/eitems such as fitters or bulbs. ~ RETURNED TO ARROW WITHIN 30 DA YB OF PURCHASE FROM AN AUTl-fORIZED CAPITOL BINGO EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTOR FOR THIS UMITED WARRANTY TO BE EFFECTIVE. A purchase receipt or other of date of origin?! purchase must be submitted with Upon this LImited Upon an an effective effective transfer transfer of of1his Umlted Warranty. Werramy. Buyer Buyer will wi! be be considered considered to to be be "Purchaser" "Pl..II'Chaser"for for paragraphs paragraphs 11 and and 44 hereof. . hereof. 7. 7. Inspection Inspection With respectto any claimtf1at the Equipmentis defective, With respect any claim tI1e.tthe Equipment Is defective, Arrow wiNbetoaIowed a reasonable time to inspect the Arrow will be allowed a reasonable time to inspect the . Equipment, in place. If the Equipment is altersd or removed the WarrantyCardandwillbe required before warrantyserviceIs rendered. . Ttis LinitedW""",ro+... .-.11.." to normalc:cmnerclaluseand - """"'7 Equipment,in place.If the ~ .. are which result from misapplicaticn, dling, caused by products not befQreArrow hasmade such 1nspecIionOf'waived its right to do 00so, so,the theobftgations obligationsof ofIvrow Arrowwill willbe bedeemed deemedto tohave havebeen been satisfied. satisfied. supplied by Arrow. accident, misuse, abuse. neglect, alteration. set-t4) acptment$ fanures mishan- . 8. limitation or mod- fIcations.This LkT11ted WarrMty does not cover any d!rnageto the Equipment resulti1g from feba to install in strX:toonformlty with both local fire and building codes isalteredorremoved beforeArrr:Nlhasmadasuch1nspeclionorwalvaditsoghtto does not CCNerdamage which 00ClJ'SIn shipment;faIures which toto . B, B.The The Equipment Equipment(as (asa'1 an entire entireriunit and and as as purchased purchased by by Purchaser) Purchaser)must mustbe betransferred transferredto to Buyer; Buyer;and and C, C.Buyer Buyer must musthave havesubmitted submittedaanew newwarmnty warrantycard cad together together with by withproof proofofatpurchase byBuyer Buyerfrom fromPurchaser. Purchaser. . THEWARRANTYCARD MUSTBECOMPLETED AND proof must must have have complied complied with with allall requirements ~ makethe limited umlted Warranty Warrantoj effective effective as as to to Purchaser; Purchaser; and regulations, of Actions Any legal action aga!nstArrowfor a defaUt eXIts obligations underthisUmitedWEmII11yrOOStbecomrnencedwitJiintwo or yeaTS IfInstallation doesnot complywiththe installation instructions from the date the Equipment was sold by an authorized dealerof the Equipment. 9. How to Obtain Service provided by krow. 9. How to Obtoln s.Mce If aa problem the .If problemwith with this this EQLipment Equipmentdevelops duringoror after aftsrthe ArrCNimakes no warranties, express or Impfied ~ncluding, warranty warranty period, period, proceed proceed as asfollows: follows: 2. Disclaimer of Warranties without limitation,. m~rchantabi1lty. pressty provided herein. fitness for particular pur- A. Refer The express warranties provided 3. Umlatlon of or implied, whether OOsing replace sat the out Remedies. above, Equipment, Arrow by M M .. or part will, at thereof. its optiOn, (8) repair or . refund so muchof the purchasepriceas PurchasE!r haspaid plrChase from an authOrized Am:NJ dealer and the date of the discoIIery Of 1M defect,proyidedthatWiit1ennOtlceofthedefedandiisnattJre Is given to ArrCNi as soon as praCtical after dscovery and follCNi . the Trouble- . I of the defect,but in no eventlaterthan90 daysfromthedateof the discoveryar the defect. ( ~321~757 11 321-0757 ~ outside Ohio, Ohio, but but ~in within the the V.SA U.S.A. 11 BOO537-3479 537-3479 wiIhi1 within the the state state of of OhIO Ohio 11 1216 16) 961-3500 within the 216 ar:ea code 961-3500 within the 216 areacodeU.S.A. or . . outside the continental . IX' wtOOhlsdefebtiveor(b). fortiledefect1veEqulpment,less1/12pfthepurchaseplicefe>r. each month between the date of the Manual the authorized B. Contact1ha authorizedCapItol Cap/tolBingo BIngoEquIpment EquIpmentDistribuDistributor tor from from whom whom you you purchased purchasedthe the EQuipment. EQuipment. C. C.Contact Contactthe theCapItol CapitolBingo BingoEquipment EquipmentSeryIoe ServloeManager Manageratat the convenient listed the 1)'10st ~ convenientphone phone numlJer ~ Ustadbelow: below; If the EquipmentsupplieddoeSnot oontormto the linIted Warranty Operator's B. Contact heren are in ieu of and exckJde aI otherwalT8r'iies, guanm. tees or representations, express operation of law or othelWise. to your A. shooting Refer to your Operator's Manual and foIIoy"rthe Trouble.. shooting Table Table within within the the "Selvtce "Service Section," Section. pose.or againstInfringementof any patent).~cept as ex- . outside the continenIaI U.S~ 961-3641fax .11 (216) (216)961-3641 fax number number in In Cleveland, Cleveland.Ohio Ohio . . . SEfM. CE CALLS ... SERVICE CAlLS WHICH WHICH DO DO NOT NOT INVOLVE II'NOLVE DEFECTIVE DEFECTIVE MATERIALS MATERIALS OR OR WORKMANSHIP WORKMANSHIP AS AS DETERMINED DETERMINED ErY BY AAPD/IIIN ITS SOl£ DISCRET1ON. ARE NOT AAROW IN ITS SOI£ DISCRETlON, ARE NOT COVERED COVERED. COSTOFSUCHSERVIOECALLSARETHERESPONSIE!Il.m COSTOF SUCH SERV1CE CAll.S ARE THE RESPONSIBIUTY OF OFTHE THE PURCHASER. PURCHASER. Arrowwantsyouto remaina satisfiedcustomer.If a problerr Arraw wants you to remain a satisfied customer. If a problem occurs that cannot be resolved to your satisfaction. please contact us Immediately.Phoneone of the numbers listedabove or write to: . Capitol Bingo EquIpmentDivision .c/o 5. Warranty Voided Nry obligations at MOW under this Umited Warranty will be deemed to have. been satisfied If anyone other than an authorized Capitol Bingo Equipment Dealerservlces the Equlp- mant. SenatorTM Bingo System Manual NatIOnal Service Manager 9900 Clinton Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44144 Pt88SGbe sure to 1nck1dethe name. model nl.fT1ber.serial number, date of original purchase, and the distributor from whom you purchasEKIthe Equipment, as well 8S any actions taken to correct the problem. ~ ~' CAPITOL BINGO EQUIPMENT From Arrow International, Inc. HIGH QUALITY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURED TO BE YOUR FOUNDATION FOR SAFETY, RELIABILITY AND SERVICE WARNING: You must complete and return the enclosed warranty card immediately in order to insure proper warranty coverage. This manual was accurate at the time of printing. Arrow International reserves the right to make changes due to the changing technology and regulations. Please consult your distributor or Arrow International, Inc. for any discrepancies. ARROW INTERNATIONAL, INC. ARROW GAMES (CANADA) INC. 9900 Clinton Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44144 (800) 321-0757 outside Ohio, but within the U.S.A. (800) 537-3479 within the state of Ohio (216) 961-3500 within the 216 area code or outside the continental U.S.A. (216) 961-3641 U.S. FAX (800) 387-7621 within Ontario (519) 770-4621 outside Ontario, but within Canada (519) 770-4872 Canada FAX ©2010 Capitol Bingo Equipment Division of Arrow International, Inc.
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