SFMYC 450 Taraval ST. PMB 235 San Francisco, CA


SFMYC 450 Taraval ST. PMB 235 San Francisco, CA
Mailing Address:
450 Taraval ST. PMB 235
San Francisco, CA 94116
The Nautical News is published on a
monthly basis by, and serves as the
newsletter of and for the San Francisco
Model Yacht Club, a NON-PROFIT, TAX
Dec 11
Saturday 1100
Membership Meeting, Elections, and Holiday Festivities
Please advise us of your new address when moving!
On the Web: Http://www.sfmyc.org/
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Vol. 112 No. 12
Jim Forbes
Mary Rose Cassa
Jim Harvey
Eric Hansen
Power Squadron Officer
Lee Duvall
Sail Squadron Officers
Freesail: Mike Stobbe
R/C Sail: Jason Spiller
Directors at Large
Don Ciucci
Ed Shoenstein
Bob Heacock
Til Mossi
Drew Marshall
Jeff Stobbe
Nautical News Editor
Jim Harvey
The deadline for items for the Nautical
News is the 20th of each month.
Send to Jim Harvey
(ja_harvey@yahoo.com). The editor
reserves the right to edit submissions,
based on space available.
October was a busy month for the club. We hosted an inter club swap
meet for the second year in a row, and we had a very special Wooden
Boats on Parade. Thanks to Gary Kettwig for his stewardship of the
swap meet.
The weather would not cooperate for Bob Heacock, so this year’s
WBOP moved indoors. Regardless of the inclement weather the show
was a resounding success. A good time was had by all, sea stories
were told, lies swapped, and the event broke even. Despite all the
work and careful planning that goes into an event of this magnitude,
this year’s celebration of wooden boats could have been a non event
because of the weather. Undaunted, Bob, with his usual equanimity,
took the weather in stride, and turned what could have been a major
disappointment into a most memorable event. This is the second
straight WBOP chaired by Bob, and as Ken Valk said to him in a
recent communication, “It just gets better with time.”
The November meeting has come and gone. The report of the
nominating committee is in, and we have nominations for all officers
and directors. A hearty thank you for the hard work of the nominating
committee - Don Ciucci, Til Mossi, Jason Spiller and Ken Valk.
Nominations will close at the December meeting, and the election
will be held immediately thereafter. It’s your club, and you will
hardly have the right of complaint if you don’t exercise this right and
duty as a member.
Along with the election of next year’s officers and directors, the club
will host its annual Christmas party at the December meeting. Come
one, come all and join in the spirit of the season. We will be closing
out a very successful year. The date is Saturday, December 11th.
Application forms for renewal of membership and Boat Storage
Agreements for 2011 are included in this month’s newsletter. Those
of you who have elected to receive the newsletter electronically will
be able to download your forms from the web site. If there is any
problem in doing so let Eric Hansen or me know, and we will see that
you get them. Forms will be available at the monthly meetings and in
the clubhouse. You must renew your membership before March 1,
2011, or your membership will lapse. Though Honorary Life
members are exempt from dues, they must still renew their
memberships each year.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your loved ones. Besides all
the other things we should be thankful for this season, we should
be especially thankful that there are those willing to serve our
country, who are in harm’s way, and will not be home with their families this holiday season. I hope to see
you on December 11th.
Jim Forbes, Commodore
Election of 2011 Officers and Directors
Slate of officers for election at the December meeting:
Vice Commodore
Free Sail Squadron Officer
R/C Sail Squadron Officer
Power Squadron Officer
Directors at Large
Bob Heacock
Lee Duvall
Don Ciucci
Eric Hansen
Mike Stobbe
Jason Spiller
Bernard Price
John Garis
Drew Marshall
Til Mossi
Ed Schoenstein
John Strebel
Thank you all for volunteering to serve YOUR CLUB. Nominations will be accepted from the floor prior to
Jim Harvey has agreed to continue as newsletter editor (thank you, Jim!). Club Historian Jeff Stobbe has
suggested that someone from the Power Squadron take over those duties.
“Participation as an officer in our organization is a never ending responsibility, no matter how many years of
membership you may have in the SFMYC.”
Don Ciucci
November 13, 2010
Power Report
Not much to report for this month. At the meeting it will be election of officers for 2011. This is your
chance to let everyone know how you feel about the job they have done and what they need to do in the
future. So come out to vote and enjoy a few snacks to celebrate the Holidays.
We have scheduled a Holiday Lights on the Lake night run for Dec. 18th starting at 5pm. any boat with
lights is welcome, sailboats included. have found battery operated light sets at Target, figure they are
not the only supplier. See You at the Lake!
Here is Holiday Wishes from me to those I fail to see before the holidays. Have a good one and be safe.
Almost forgot, Congratulations to those folks who put on the Swap Meet and Wooden Boats on Parade,
you pulled them off very nicely.
Lee Duvall, PSO
Crows Nest
At the December meeting/Christmas Party, Colleen and Jeff Stobbe will show slides of their Canada-US
canals cruise this past summer.
Wooden Boats on Parade, the whole story
By Thursday, October 21st, weather forecasters were predicting that a strong Pacifc storm would hit the
Bay Area on Sunday the 24th, the day we were supposed to have Wooden Boats on Parade. Organizer
Bob Heacock met with volunteers Don Ciucci and Ken Valk to decide what to do. The consensus
was that we would do the event anyway, but inside the clubhouse as a "table show". Logistics were
changed to rent more tables and order less food, since we expected fewer people would attend.
As expected, Sunday dawned windy and rainy. Strong gusts lashed Spreckels Lake into a "model
typhoon", but people brought boats anyway. Snug in our warm, dry clubhouse, the tables were
completely filled with ship models of all kinds, both static models and R/C vessels. Over 100 people
crowded in and everyone agreed that it was a splendid, if quite different, type of show.
One of the most interesting new boats on the scene was a 6 foot long RX class R/C sailboat by John
Lampe of Saratoga. It featured a sophisticated long-range radio, an onboard camera and a GPS locator,
so it could be tracked from many miles away. John said, "I could sail it to Monterey, if the FCC would
give me a license for the radio". 46 people registered, and they brought 57 boats, but there were
probably more than that because there was action outside at the lake, where some of our club members
and members of the Western Warship Combat Club decided to set out anyway in the near apocalyptic
Modeling tragedy stalked the fleet as Rob Woods warship the DKM Lutzow lost power, probably due to
a flooded "boiler room", and was being pushed, decks awash, toward the North side of the lake. Alan
Kinsman, of Seattle, sent his intrepid 16 inch tug, Little Toot, to rescue the Lutzow. But before he could
render assistance, the Lutzow had gone down, fortunately very near the North bank, so a volunteer went
into the lake and retrieved the sunken warship.
Little Toot, now alone in the maelstrom, gamely tried to regain the safety of the South shore, fighting
fierce headwinds and waves that sent water to the top of her deckhouse. But midway across the lake, the
Toot was hit by a surging whitecap that broached her, forcing her sideways to the waves. Then, another
torrent of water hit, and she began to fill. Slowly, slowly she went down by the bow until, screws still
churning, she slipped beneath the waves. Alan, while not happy that he'd lost his tug, was philosophical
about it, and told us later that she'd sunk twice before.There are some tentative plans to send a diver out
to search for her.
Despite having to reorganize Wooden Boats "on the fly", the event still broke even for the SFMYC, with
income of $840.00 and expenses of $840.63. Thanks to the many volunteers, including Don Ciucci, Ken
and Jessica Valk, Lee and Bridgette Duvall, Bill McKirdy and his wife, Drew Marshall and Rich Styles,
for helping to make it a success.
Bob Heacock
Western Warship's Easy Up provided minimal shelter from the storm
Jim Hensel with John Lampe's amazing RX class radio control sailboat KJ6JPS with onboard camera
and GPS navigation system
John Garis and Ed Schoenstein
Lee Duvall and intrepid mariners guide their ships in the storm
PT boat by Alan Zulberti
Throngs of admirers of nautical craftsmanship in the SFMYC
Good crowd shot
C2 freighter Morning Light by Bob Heacock
Sail Squadron Report
The 2010 Season
Another year ends; racing is over. For some, the winter season is a period for relaxation. For others, it
is a time to build that new boat or restore the battered warrior before next year's regattas begin.
Freesailing continues to thrive in San Francisco, where a dedicated group ensures it does not follow the
Dodo bird into oblivion. It is well to remember that we few are spread so thinly on the planet that
freesailors are truly an endangered species. And furthermore, that San Francisco remains its prime
habitat, occupying an ecological niche barely 930 feet long by 450 feet wide. Against all odds, our
numbers are growing, here, and in England, San Diego, and now in New York City. Next season, I'm
looking forward to even greater participation, as we welcome back three stalwarts, Jeff and Colleen
Stobbe, and Dan McCormick, whom we missed for most of last season. And I encourage anyone who
has been tempted by freesailing but not yet tried it, to jump in; borrow or lease a boat. It's going to be a
great year!
Boat Storage, 2011
Another year has gone by and it’s time for everyone with yachts in the clubhouse to turn in Boat Storage
Agreement forms once again. The form is included with this month’s newsletter. One form per person
is sufficient: if you have more than one boat in the clubhouse, list all of them on the same form. If you
have already paid for storage when you filled out your membership renewal, simply mark “paid” in the
space labeled Received $_______. Remember, simply filling out your membership renewal form is not
sufficient. Boat storage requires a Storage Agreement form in addition to a Membership form. Mail the
forms to the SFMYC mail box on Taraval Street or hand in the forms to either Eric Hansen or myself.
Storage conditions in the clubhouse are very tight and a number of new storage requests are expected
next year. In light of this, I would ask that all members with boats in the clubhouse ask themselves
whether they really need a space, and if not, to consider voluntarily relinquishing their space to another
member. Thank you all for your cooperation.
San Diego 36R Invitational - not!
The anticipated 36R class San Diego Invitational will not take place this year. San Diego’s Ernie
Mortensen (also a SFMYC member) has simply been too busy to manage it. However, on a brighter
note, I'm happy to report that the freesailing movement is growing in San Diego. Ernie has been the
driving force behind the creation of a freesail group in the San Diego Club. While they haven't yet
reached a point to support a full-season regatta series, they do have two vintage A-boats, two vintage Xboats, one M-boat, and four or five 36R boats. They also have a marvelous pond and unbeatable
2011 US/UK Challenge Cup
Mark your calendars! The 2011 US/UK Challenge Cup has been fixed for the first two weekends in
October. Next year's regatta will be held on the east coast! The first weekend will be in Central Park,
New York City. The second weekend will be at Red's Pond, Massachusetts (the birthplace of the
Marblehead Class). The NYMYC currently has no freesailors, but are so enthused at the prospect of
hosting the Challenge Cup that they are working to build several 36R boats even as you read this. The
turnout from England is expected to be good. I anticipate we'll get 20 boats on the water. This is going
to be a great trip. Remember to plan your vacations for the fall season next year.
Log of the Loon
In addition to the Christmas party this month, Jeff and Colleen Stobbe will be showing slides and
relating their adventures of the canal trip they took this summer. Many of you have followed their trip
via e-mail. Now hear it in person, as the Loon explored the canals of Ontario, Quebec, and New York. I
hope to see you there!
Mike Stobbe, SSO
Minutes of the General Membership Meeting of 11/13/10
Mary Rose, Vice Commodore, presided and all Board members were present except Jason Spiller.
Eric Hanson’s Treasurer’s Report
SFMYC balance is $11,894 which is $700 less than last year.
We came in even on Wooden Boats on Parade.
In October we had a one time charge of $800 for the Web service.
Communications: Christopher Leggo has a will going through probate. Bob Heacock attended probate
on 29 October
Report of Officers
Mary Rose Cassa reported on Board Meeting. They discussed policies on naming trophies and enacted
policy of mutual respect which will be brought to the general membership in January meeting for
Lee Duvall reported that a Holiday Night Run for power and sail take place on 18 December. He
suggested that members bring lighted boats. Be here by 1700.
Lee brought two PT boats with ping pong ball cannons from the Western Warship Club.
Bob Heacock gave a demonstration of the cannons. “Makers’Fair” will be on the second or third
weekend in May. Lee asked members to bring boats for show and tell.
Mike Stobbe presented the accumulated results for the sailing fleet.
X, Classic X, and M class
Jim Harvey
Mike Stobbe
Drew Marshall
Jason Spiller,
George Pedrick
Santa Barbara
Jason Spiller
Jim Hensel
Stephen Ma
Star 45
Alan Warren
Jim Forbes
Stephen Ma
RX class
Jason Spiller
Drew Marshall
Jim Hensel
Infinity 54 class
Jim Hensel
Jason Spiller
Dave Gromly
Mike has been requested by Jason Spiller to find a day for International One Meter and
Infinity 54 championships.
Bob Heacock reported on Chris Leggo’s will which apparently includes the SFMYC. He indicated that
a Mr. Kramer is the trust attorney for Mr. Leggo and a six foot electric tugboat and some funds are
involved. Bob said that the next legal step will take place in four months. Bob will contact Mr.
Bob next reported on Wooden Boats on Parade. As we all know it rained but the event was
successfully moved into the Club with great success and financially broke exactly even. There were
forty six registrants and fifty seven boats displayed on the tables.
A Western Warship was blown to the North shore by waves and sunk. A16 inch tugboat owned by Alan
Kinsman was sent to the rescue. Its named was “Little Toot” and it also sank in the attempt. The
Western Warship was rescued from the depths by an intrepid Western Warship sailor but the Little Toot
is still down below in the depths of our Lake.
The Club is working on finding a diver to rescue Little Toot. She has sunk twice before so we will
probably see her again!
Bob reported that Rob Wood has been hired to update our website. Bob indicated that he has given us a
good deal financially. The new website is almost ready to go live. When it opens you will receive it
when you go into SFMYC.org.
Drew Marshall reported that he has added a knife sharpener to the workshop which gives a hollow
ground. He invites you to bring your knife in and try it.
Unfinished business: None
New Business: The Nomination Committee, consisting of Ken Valk, Don Ciucci, Til Mossi, and Jason
Spiller, reported the list of nominations as reported elsewhere in the Nautical News. There is one spot
open for director at large. Jim Harvey volunteered to continue as Nautical News Editor.
Mike Stobbe mentioned that outgoing Historian, Jeff Stobbe, mentioned that he would like to see a
power squadron member volunteer as historian.
Meeting adjourned at 1155.
Respectively submitted by Jim Harvey, Secretary.
Vice-Commodore’s Report – Update on Club Policies
The executive board recently approved several Policies for recommendation to the general membership.
Policies will be attached to the Bylaws and distributed along with the Bylaws to new members. Copies
of policies will be kept in the Clubhouse and members may request copies for their own use and
To refresh your memory, several policies (also called “house rules”) were developed in previous years
on the following topics:
Policy #1 - Operation of the Club Skiff
Policy #2 - Preservation and Care of Club Property
Policy #3 - Use of Spreckels Lake by Club Members
Please ask an officer or director if you need a copy of any of these policies.
New policies on the following topics will be presented to the Membership for your approval at a
meeting in the near future:
Policy #4 - Mutual Courtesy and Respect
Policy #5 – Issuing Keys to Clubhouse
Policy #6 – Naming Races
Mary Rose Cassa, Vice Commodore
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San Francisco Model Yacht Club
Membership Application/Renewal Form
Year Ending December 31, 2011
Please Print
Make Checks Payable to:
San Francisco Model Yacht Club
Return to:
S.F. Model Yacht Club
450 Taraval St. PMB235
San Francisco, CA 94116
All Members must complete and send in a Membership Renewal Form.
Honorary Life Members are exempt from dues payment, but completed form is required to receive
Full Name _________________________________________________ Today’s Date ______________
Address ______________________________________________ Telephone _____________________
City ________________________________________ State ________________ Zip Code___________
Email Address (if available) _____________________________________________________________
For Newsletter, Check: Mail _____________ or Email ____________
Annual Dues Schedule:
Please Pay By 1/31/2011
Senior Member (Age 18 & Over)
Boat Storage:
Junior Member (Under 18)
$20.00 each
Associate Member
Honorary Life/Special
Sail #
New Member Initiation Fee*
Locker Number _________
Please also submit the Boat Storage
*New Member Initiation Fee not required for Junior members
The undersigned applicant agrees to San Francisco Model Yacht Club Bylaws and Policies.
Total Submitted:
Member’s Signature:
San Francisco Model Yacht Club
Boat Storage Agreement/Application for the year 2011
The undersigned agrees to abide by the following terms for boat storage:
1. This application must be approved by three officers
of the SFMYC and space must be available before a boat
is stored in the Clubhouse. No boat may be stored in the
Clubhouse prior to its acceptance.
2. Applicants will be placed in a queue with members in
good standing and meeting the terms of this Agreement,
with boats already in storage given priority. The queue
is administered by the Sail Squadron Officers on a
space-available basis.
3. This Agreement shall expire at the end of each
calendar year. A new Agreement must be signed and
full payment received no later than March 1st of that
4. The undersigned agrees that he/she is a current duespaying member and will use each stored boat on
Spreckels Lake on a regular basis during the term of this
5. It being in the interest of the club to know which of
the stored boats are being used, the undersigned agrees
to permit harmless, water-soluble stamps to be applied to
any and all boats he/she may have in the clubhouse.
6. Boats accepted for storage must be complete and
sailable, and must be maintained in a presentable
condition by their owners. A boat temporarily taken
home for needed maintenance will not lose its place in
the Clubhouse.
7. No member will be allowed more than three boats in
the Clubhouse. Boats owned by the Club, which are
leased to a member, will not count against that member’s
three boat limit. From one to three boats may be
covered by a single Boat Storage Agreement.
8. The arrangement of boats in the clubhouse is at the
discretion of the Sail Squadron Officers, and no member
shall change a boat’s location, even his own boat,
without permission.
9. Neither the Club nor its officers/members, nor the
San Francisco Department of Parks and Recreation, shall
be in any way held responsible for damage to or theft of
any boat stored in the Clubhouse.
10. When boats are sold or transferred they must be
removed immediately from the Clubhouse.
purchaser or transferee may submit a new application for
the remaining period of this Agreement and join the
queue of applicants waiting for storage space, if there is
a queue at that time.
11. The undersigned agrees that, at the discretion of the
Club, this Agreement may be cancelled at the end of the
calendar year if the undersigned has not met all of the
terms and conditions of this Agreement, and that upon
the request of the club, he/she will immediately remove
his/her boat(s) from the Clubhouse and understands that
he/she may not be eligible for renewal of the Agreement.
12. Boats failing to meet the terms of this Agreement
can be sold at Club auction to make way for active boats
and will be removed. Auction proceeds, less all incurred
costs, w ill be returned to the owner.
The undersigned applicant has read the foregoing, understands all of its terms and expressly agrees to each and
every item.
NAME ____________________________________ Signature ____________________________________
DATE _________________ Received $ __________ Telephone No. _______________________________
Boat Class and Sail Number(s) ______________________________________________________________
Sail Squadron Officer