Presentation 2Q
Presentation 2Q
Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá Reporting financial results 2Q 2014 01 August 2014 Disclosure This disclosure contains future projections relating to the probable development of the business and the estimated results of the Company. Said future projections include information based on estimates, approximations and current plans of the company with regard to its financial future and its operational results. It should be noted that said information is not in itself an assurance of actual performance and any of it may be modified at a later date. Real results may fluctuate with regard to the future projections of the company due to various factors that are not within the control of the issuer. The Company is under no responsibility for the information contained herewith, nor has it any obligation to revise the projections established in this document, nor is it obliged to update, modify or supplement it in the light of actual occurrences taking place after its publication. The information disclosed herein the present document is of an informative and descriptive nature, and may not be divulged to third parties, nor reproduced, copied, distributed, used or marketed without the prior written authorization of the Company. 02 August 2014 Participating Board Members 03 August 2014 Chairman ETB Vice Chairman of Finance and Administration Vice Chairman of Strategy and Business Development Saúl Kattan Cohen Hernando Chica Zuccardi Pablo Gómez Mora Agenda 1. Relevant facts 2. Financial statements 3. Strategic plan 04 August 2014 Relevant facts for the Conversion 1Q 2013 Placement of bonds of external public debt of 300 million dollars. Supply was exceeded by demand eight (8) times over. 2Q 2013 Awarding of the LTE [Long Term Evolution] spectrum with the ETB-Tigo merger, for the AWS band on open block, for an amount of $195 billion. FTTH [Fiber To The Home] deployment begins (N-Play Program). 3Q 2013 Wi-Fi availability in public telephones implemented (forty points). 4Q 2013 Accenture a la Innovación in Colombia 2013 Prize, appointed winner by the public for the category of Corporate Social Responsibility. Acquisition of 75% of Skynet. Agreement for the sale of Colombia Móvil shares (24.99%) to Une-EPM, for 240 million dollars. Winner of the Evaluamos a la Innovación Tecnológica Prize for the ETB Fiber To The Home (FTTH) program. Merger with the company Ingelcom. 05 August 2014 1Q 2014 2Q 2014 Deployment of fiber optic cable to over 500,000 homes in Bogota (homes passed). First trial call on our 4G LTE mobile network. Completion and delivery of Fiber Optic Rings in Medellin, Bucaramanga and Tunja, to strengthen our regional presence. Creation of the post Vice Chairman of Customer Experience Sector Evolution Telecommunications Mobile Internet service surpasses Fixed Internet service in subscriber numbers for a second consecutive quarter, and what's more it recorded the highest quarterly variation over market services at 41.3%. TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS PER SERVICE 9 60 8 50 CAGR – ANUAL 1Q13 - 1Q14 QUARTERLY VARIATION 4Q13- 1Q14 11,3% 2,6% 1,2% 0,2% 13,9% 4,2% 41,3% 5,8% 6 40 5 30 4 3 20 2 10 No. of cellphone subscribers (Millions) No. of subscribers for other services (Millions) 7 1 - Cellphone 06 7,5%* - Service Basic line Internet Dedicated Internet Mobile 2,4%* TV Source: Information, MinTIC [Ministério de Tecnologias de la Información y las Comunicaciones (Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication)] 2014. File: informetrimestral1t2014.xlsx. Note:The basic lines (TPBC [Telefonía Pública Básica Conmutada (Public Switched Basic Telephone Service)]) , published by MinTIC in 2012 corresponded to billing lines, while during the other periods service lines have been published. *ANTV [Autoridad Nacional de Televisión (Television National Authority)] over the course of 2014 did not report any information on TV Paga. 1Q14 Information for BNamericas. Telecom Stats. August 2014 Relevant facts Basic Line - Bogota and Soacha* ETB maintained leadership in this service for 1Q2014, with almost 60% of market share Basic Line Subscribers (Thousands) 2.422 2.422 2.422 150 183 194 .601 1.473 1.432 204 562 208 587 Q-13 4Q-13 1Q-14 CLARO MOVISTAR ETB 1Q- - 2013 -2,8% 6,2% 1,8% 4,4% 66,1% Total Annual Subscribers CAGR ANNUAL Household Penetration Quarterly Net Income (Thousands) - 92,8% - 4Q12 - 4Q13 4Q - 2013 1Q - 2014 7,5% 8,0% 6,5% UNE 1Q12 - 1Q13 07 0% MOVISTAR CLARO ETB UNE 192 480 Basic Line Shares (%) Variation % 4Q13 - 1Q14 19,8% 7,9% 23,2% 8,4% 24,2% 8,6% 59,1% 60,8% 1Q13 - 1Q14 - 0,02% 96,3% 96,2% -2 0 Net Profit 4Q13– 1Q14 (Thousands) 25 4 -41 12 * MinTIC publishes service lines again for 2013, unlike 2012 when they were billing lines. Note: The DANE [Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (National Administrative Department of Statistics)] report is used to calculate penetration in homes: Hogares_viviendas_19852020.xls Source: Developed by GEC. Information, SIUST [Sistema de Información Unificado del Sector de Telecomunicaciones ] (MinTIC 2014), file: informetrimestral1t2014.xlsx August 2014 1 Relevant facts Dedicated Internet - Bogota and Soacha* CLARO maintained market leadership with 44%, followed by ETB with 34%. The growing competition in this market is noted. 4Q - 2013 Dedicated Internet Subscribers (Thousands) 1.392 1.458 Variación % 4Q13 – 1Q14 1,4% 12,2% 4,7% 19 35,7% 9,0% 534 618 640 104 120 127 532 498 493 120 138 178 1Q-13 4Q-13 1Q-14 ETB MOVISTAR 3,6% MOVISTAR 6,0% ETB UNE -1,0% - CLARO 33,8% 8,7% 8,6% Net Profit 4Q13 – 1Q14 (Thousands) 40 -5 7 CLARO OTROS Total Suscriptores Año 1Q12 - 1Q13 CAGR ANNUAL Household Penetration 4Q12 - 4Q13 1Q13 - 1Q14 Number of internet users grows by 10,347 during the quarter 1 15,7% 12,0% 11,4% 52,0% 55,3% 57,9% 1 Annual Net Profit (Thousands 4Q-13 178 149 149 Note: The DANE report is used to calculate penetration in homes: Hogares_viviendas_1985-2020.xls Source: Developed by GEC. Information, SIUST (MinTIC 2014), file: informetrimestral1t2014.xlsx 08 August 2014 22 28,8% 498 UNE 43,9% 21 19 545 1.309 1,4% Dedicated Internet Shares (%) 1Q-2014 9,9% 2Q-14 Total number of ETB users 2 Agenda 1. Relevant facts 2. Financial statements 3. Strategic plan 09 August 2014 Financial Statements Balance Sheet (COP billions) Assets 2Q 2014 1.212 1Q 2014 1.233 Liabilities 2Q 2014 976 1Q 2014 977 Equity 2Q 2014 1Q 2013 August 2014 4.692 100% 3.459 627 Short Term Long Term Total 1.603 34,1% 641 1.618 34,5% 3.102 3.073 2Q 2014 Liquidity Ratio 1.93 10 4.705 100% 3.493 65,9% 65,5% 1Q 2014 Liquidity Ratio 1.92 Financial Statements Quarterly Comparisons (COP billions) 2Q 2013 2Q 2014 11 August 2014 337.860 145.522 331.289 134.454 Revenue Ebitda Financial Statements 2Q 2014 (COP billions) Results Operating Revenue Companies Completed 106% Statement of results Costs and Expenditure 132.808 Homes Completed 89% 7.973 Access fees Completed 102% Depreciation, amortization and provisions Completed 97.8% 173.242 Infrastructure 25.239 Completed 101% Manageable costs Completed 91.6% Total 12 August 2014 331.289 109.108 188.863 Total 306.016 Results 2Q 2014 (COP billions) Revenues 666.266 June 2013 666.920 Junio 2014 Income Junio 2013 Operating income Net income 49.592 26.660 Junio 2014 60.947 64.369 Ebitda 13 August 2014 Junio 2013 294.563 Junio 2014 284.754 Profit margin 44,21% Profit margin 42.70% Results 2Q 2014 (COP billions) Local Special Business Ventures 2013 $300.455 2014 $270.560 Variación -10% 2013 $68.446 2014 $83.486 Variación 22% Internet 2013 $164.469 2014 $170.126 Variación 3% LD 2013 $52.308 2014 $52.311 Variación -2% Data 2013 $76.572 2014 $86.391 Variación 13% Total 14 August 2014 2013 2014 Variation $666.266 $666.920 0,1% Agenda 1. Relevant facts 2. Financial statements 3. Strategic plan 15 August 2014 Strategic Plan Strategic programs on achievements and challenges Program N-Play services Achievements Market launch of TV service in March 2014. Deployment of fiber optic cable to over 500,000 homes (homes passed). Over 90,000 connectable homes. Challenges 2014 Market launch of value added services Positioning of LTE service, High speed Broadband and interactive TV in the Bogota market. Targets achieved for connectable homes and Revenue. 16 August 2014 Strategic Plan Strategic programs on achievements and challenges Program Cellphone services Achievements First demo call with real-time valuation New website defined, designed and now in implementation phase Integration of Core LTE and IT platforms Second call using automatic supply and production equipment from CRM Agreements with online partners Communications campaign for the final launch Scheme for sharing network with Colombia Móvil closed Selection of partners for collections, logistics and technical service, in & out call center, recharge operators International roaming service provision broker. Challenges 2014 Market launch of LTE supply and stabilization 17 August 2014 Strategic Plan Strategic programs on achievements and challenges Program Reinforcement of Regions Achievements Currently constructing Fiber Optic Rings in Zona Franca (Barranquilla), Tunja (Rings 2 and 3) and Bucaramanga (Ring 2) Construction of other regional developments, such as: Tramo Pelú (Barranquilla), Ring Puerta Norte (Medellin), Tramo Barrancabermeja. Completion of negotiations with suppliers for use of infrastructure in Cities Phase I Completion of pilot migrations (Barranquilla, Bucaramanga and Medellin) and start of migrations plan. Challenges 2014 Continued construction on planned Rings. Continue migrations plan 18 August 2014 Strategic Plan Strategic programs on achievements and challenges Program Wifi Achievements Receipt and installation of the Wi-Fi controller. Alterations to the infrastructure for holding Wi-Fi equipment. Internet transportation carried out in 7 ETB and Corabastos service centers. Wi-Fi access points installed in 6 ETB service centers. Positive feasibility for Codensa to provide Wi-Fi coverage to 23 business areas. Challenges 2014 Market launch in the second quarter 19 August 2014 Strategic Plan Strategic programs on achievements and challenges Program Excellence in Service Achievements Reinforcement of 25 Self-service kiosks. Installation of touch-screen customer service panels in current stores Start of the Certification of Service Experience process Creation of the post Vice Chairman of Customer Experience Advances made in Open Office Administrative headquarters Center facade. Challenges 2014 Implementation of the new customer experience concept in the new Culminar stores, conversion of the physical facilities, in a manner consistent with ETB's image and positioning. Re-design of the (prioritized) interactions that the customer has with ETB Strengthen the Service skills of ETB personnel. 20 August 2014 Strategic Plan Strategic programs on achievements and challenges Program Strategic Customer Management Achievements Operational consolidation of Strategic Business Units (SBU), Identification and Labeling of customers per Strategic Business Unit (SBU) and Siebel Segment Financial information consolidation by SBU to improve follow-up Challenges 2014 Implementation and production start-up of Strategic Customer Information reports. 21 August 2014 Thank you, + (571) 242 3029 01 8000 120077 22 August 2014
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