Presentation 3Q
Presentation 3Q
Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá Reporting financial results 3Q 2014 November 2014 Disclosure This disclosure contains future projections relating to the probable development of the business and the estimated results of the Company. These future projections include information based on company estimates, approximations and current plans with regard to its financial future and its operational results. Please note that this information is not in itself an assurance of actual performance and it may be modified at a later date. Real results may fluctuate with regard to the future projections of the company due to various factors that are not within the control of the issuer. The Company is under no responsibility for the information contained herewith, nor has it any obligation to revise the projections established in this document, nor is it obliged to update, modify or supplement it in the light of actual occurrences taking place after its publication. The information disclosed herein the present document is of an informative and descriptive nature, and may not be divulged to third parties, nor reproduced, copied, distributed, used or marketed without the prior written authorization of the Company. 02 Directors who will take part 03 ETB Chairman Vice President of Finance and Administration Vice President of Strategy and Business Development Investors Relationship Management Saúl Kattan Cohen Hernando Chica Zuccardi Pablo Gómez Mora Eugenia Londoño Vallejo Agenda 1. Relevant facts 2. Financial statements 3. Strategic plan 04 04 Agosto 2014 Relevant Facts For the conversion 2Q 2013 Awarding of the LTE [Long Term Evolution] spectrum following the ETB-Tigo merger, for the AWS band on open block, for an amount of $195 billion. FTTH deployment begins (N-Play Program).N-Play). 3Q 2013 Wi-Fi availability in public telephones implemented (forty points). 4Q 2013 Accenture Innovation in Colombia 2013 Prize, appointed winner by the public in the category of Corporate Social Responsibility. Agreement for the sale of Colombia Móvil shares (24.99%) to Une-EPM, for 240 million dollars. Merger with the company Ingelcom. 1Q 2014 Acquisition of 75% of Skynet. Winner of the Evaluamos a la Innovación Tecnológica [We Assess Technological Innovation] Prize for the ETB Fiber To The Home (FTTH) program. 2Q 2014 Deployment of fiber optic cable to over 500,000 homes in Bogota (homes passed). First trial call on our 4G LTE mobile network. Completion and delivery of Fiber Optic Rings in Medellin, Bucaramanga and Tunja, to strengthen our regional presence. Creation of the Vice President of Customer Experience post. 3Q 2014 Begin cell phone sales to internal customers. Finalist for the ANDESCO [Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Servicios Públicos y Comunicaciones (National Association of Communications and Public Services Companies)] Prize for Corporate Social Responsibility. Results of the Measure of Corporate Transparency - ETB scored 83 points on the Measure of Corporate Transparency Index, up by 12 points on 2013 results; positioning itself above average in the ICT sector (79 points). ETB achieved recognition by the Transparencia por Colombia Corporation, for employing good practices of Corporate Governance. In the Opinion Panel on Figures and Concepts survey, ETB ranks among the 25 companies in Colombia most admired by opinion leaders - the only telecommunications company in the list. 05 05 Agosto 2014 Telecommunications Sector Developments in Colombia Internet Móvil [mobile internet connection] continues to be the service that has grown the most in the last year (37.7%) - this service surpassed subscriptions for Internet Fijo [fixed internet connection] and TV Paga [paid television connection]. Línea Básica [basic telephone service] settles at 7 million subscribers during the last nine months. 9 TOTAL SUBSCRIBERS PER SERVICE 60 CAGR – ANNUAL 2Q13 - 2Q14 8 50 QUARTERLY VARIANCE 1Q14 - 2Q14 40 6 5 30 4 20 3 2 10 10,7% 1,2% 9,1% 0,4% 10,1% 1,0% 37,7% 7,1% 8,7% 2,5% 1 - - Mobile telephony 06 No. of cell phone subscribers (Millions) No. of subscribers for other services (Millions) 7 Basic telephone service Dedicated internet Mobile internet TV Source: Developed by GEC [Gestión Estrategica del Cliente (Strategic Client Management)]. Information, MinTIC [Ministério de Tecnologias de la Información y las Comunicaciones (Ministry of Information Technologies and Communication)] 2014. File: informetrimestral2t2014.xlsx. Note: The basic lines (TPBC [Telefonía Pública Básica Conmutada (Public Switched Basic Telephone Service), published by MinTIC in 2012 corresponded to Billing lines, while during the other periods Service lines have been published. 06 Agosto 2014 Basic Line/TPBC Bogota and Soacha ETB maintained leadership in this service, with a 58.4% market share. Basic Line Subscribers Variance % 1Q14 – 2Q14 (Thousands) 2.427 0,2% 205 Movistar 5,7% Claro ETB 1.418 -1,0% 199 -4,0% UNE 603 Basic Line Shares (%) 2Q - 2014 8,5% 24,8% 2,7% 2Q-14 Total Annual Subscribers 2Q12 – 2Q13 07 1Q13 – 1Q14 CAGR Annual 6,6% 0,02% -0,1% Household Penetration 96,5% 93,9% 94,1% Annual Net Profit (Thousands) 8 0 8,2% 2Q13 – 2Q14 58,4% 4 Note: The DANE [Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (National Administrative Department of Statistics)] report is used to calculate penetration in homes: Hogares_viviendas_1985-2020.xls Source: Developed by GEC. Information, SIUST [Sistema de Información Unificado del Sector de Telecomunicaciones (Unified Information Reporting System for the Telecommunications Sector)] (MinTIC 2014), file: informetrimestral2t2014.xlsx. 07 Agosto 2014 Dedicated Internet Bogota and Soacha ETB is the second broadband operator with a 33% market share. Dedicated Internet Subscribers (Thousands) 1.504 659 Others 1,5% 3,0% 129 UNE 2Q - 2014 6,8% Movistar ETB (%) 3,1% 22 Claro Dedicated Internet Shares Variance % 1Q14 – 2Q14 12,4% 1,2% 43,8% 507 2,9% 187 33,7% 5,2% 8,6% 2Q-14 Total Annual Subscribers 2Q12 – 2Q13 1Q13 – 1Q14 2Q13 – 2Q14 CAGR Annual 18,5% 11,4% 11,4% Household Penetration 53,6% 56,5% 211 149 Annual Net Profit (Thousands) 08 58,3% 154 Note: The DANE report is used to calculate penetration in homes: Hogares_viviendas_1985-2020.xls Source: Developed by GEC. Information, SIUST (MinTIC 2014), file: informetrimestral2t2014.xlsx 08 Agosto 2014 Net Profit 1Q14 – 2Q14 (Thousands) 9 14 2 19 1 Agenda 1. Relevant facts 2. Financial statements 3. Strategic plan 09 09 Agosto 2014 Financial Statements Balance Sheet (COP billions) Assets 3Q 2014 2Q 2014 1.609 1.212 Liabilities 3Q 2014 595 2Q 2014 627 Equity 3.493 945 10 Agosto 2014 4.705 100% Short Term Long Term Total 1.540 31,7% 976 3Q 2014 3.315 2Q 2014 3.102 3Q 2014 Liquidity Ratio 2.71 10 4.855 100% 3.245 1.603 34,1% 68,3% 65,9% 2Q 2014 Liquidity Ratio 1.93 Financial Statements Quarterly Comparisons (COP billions) 3Q 2014 3Q 2013 11 11 Agosto 2014 320.757 EBITDA 125.060 340.084 146.723 Revenues Financial Statements 3Q 2014 (COP billions) Results Operating Revenue 125.779 Companies Homes Infrastructure Mobile Statement of results Costs and Expenditure 12 Agosto 2014 6.403 164.140 Depreciation, amortization and provisions 29.615 1.223 Manageable costs Total 12 Access fees 320.757 118.494 186.984 Total 314.191 Results 3Q 2014 (COP billions) Revenues 1.006.350 September 2013 987.677 September 2014 Operating income September 2013 Net income September 2013 EBITDA September 2013 September 2014 September 2014 September 2014 13 13 Agosto 2014 72.088 67.514 63.652 296.514 441.286 409.814 Margin 43.85% Margin 41.49% Results 3Q 2014 Cable TV Ingelcom Local Mobile LD Special Business Ventures Data Internet 14 14 Agosto 2014 Agenda 1. Relevant facts 2. Financial statements 3. Strategic plan 15 15 Agosto 2014 Strategic plan Achievements Achievements Program N-Play services There were more tri-band activations than dual band activations. Deployment of fiber optic cable to over 687,000 homes (homes passed). Over 125,000 connectable homes. Over 40% of the city of Bogota covered with fiber optic cable. Over 40% increase in sales applications compared to the last quarter average. Launch of the 150 Megas offer. A story to be continued Accelerate the installation processes, to capture market demand at a faster rate. Develop new value-added services that allow our customers to maximize the use of broadband offered by FTTH technology. Conclude the implementation of interactive functions for the IPTV [Internet Protocol television] platform. 16 16 Agosto 2014 Strategic plan Achievements Achievements Program Cell phone services Market launch of ETB’s 4G Mobile service. 85% of cell phone users on monthly contract plans. Monthly ARPU [Average Revenue per User] more than $34 thousand pesos. Increase of 15% in comparative revenue for 3Q 2013-2014 in data services. Homologation of terminals and inter-connections with all operators in the country. Developments to support mobile products, front implementation, Charging platform, website, portability process, among others. More than 1,000 tests in real environments to guarantee customer experience, defined for all possible situations in the real world. Documentation of all the new processes that will support the mobile business. In/Out calls ready to serve ETB’s 4G customers, for sales and self-service for ETB’s 4G customers, and implementation of after-sales technical service for terminals. Business partnerships with partners such as Spotify, Facebook and WhatsApp. Recharge network with over 15 thousand points in Bogota, ready to serve all customer needs: online and cash payments. Risk model for a controlled offer of financing terminals. Partnership with a partner to provide loans and insurance for purchasing smartphones. Training sales force agents. Sales plans and equipment for ETB employees. A story to be continued Market stability for mobile operations. 17 17 Agosto 2014 Strategic plan Achievements Achievements Program Reinforcement of Regions Construction and installation of 11 Fiber Optic rings in the cities of Medellin, Barranquilla, Tunja, Bucaramanga and Barrancabermeja. Over 700 kilometers of fiber optic cables built. Major corporate customers in the new ring network: Davivienda, Banco de Bogotá, Terpel, Saludcoop, Universidad del Norte, and El Corral among others. Migration of 25 customers. Completion of financial, sales and technical model for the deployment of Phase II (Pereira, Neiva, Pasto, Santa Marta, Cúcuta). Rings and corporate services launch events with regional customers in the cities of Barranquilla, Medellin, Bucaramanga and Tunja. A story to be continued Continued construction on planned rings. Continued migrations plan. 18 18 Agosto 2014 Strategic plan Achievements Achievements Program Wifi Review and definition of alternatives to executing the Program without strategic partners. Implementation of a public Wi-Fi solution, at big audience events such as Rock al parque and events to commemorate the 130 years of ETB, with a 60 Gbps traffic capacity. Implementation of a Wi-Fi solution during the three days of the Bogotá Robótica event with a download capacity of 163 Gbps traffic. Implementation of a public Wi-Fi solution in the Central ETB store. A story to be continued Implementation of a Wi-Fi solution in two areas of commercial interest with large numbers of people in Bogota. Implementation of a public Wi-Fi solution in the five ETB service centers. 19 19 Agosto 2014 Strategic plan Achievements Achievements Program Excellence in Service Opening of a modernized central store, applying new concepts of customer experience. Service to more than 8 thousand customers, more than 400 sales of broadband and more than 1,000 activations of mobile services in two months since the opening of the central store. Processes started for the self-service application for tablets: Check-in, payment band, digital purchase guide and plan change. Progress in open-plan offices, with delivery of the 8th and 9th floors. Progress in facade of central administrative headquarters. Delivery of digital educational content as part of the training model for the Customer Service team. First team having graduated with a Certificate of Excellence in Service. A story to be continued Conclude the transformation of physical facilities in a way that is coherent with the image and positioning of ETB. (Deliver floors 4, 6, 7, 11 and 13 of the Central Administrative Headquarters, Kennedy Store and facade of Buildings 2056, 2037 and 2015 first floor of central administrative headquarters). Other processes started for the self-service application. 20 20 Agosto 2014 Strategic plan Achievements Achievements Program Strategic Customer Management Implementation and production start-up of strategic information reports, such as: Datamart of local telephony, long distance and invoice adjustment information, and special new features for billing. A story to be continued Continue implementation and production start-up of strategic information reports. 21 21 Agosto 2014 Thank you, + (571) 242 3029 01 8000 120077 22 23 Agosto 2014
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