VÉÜÑâá V{Ü|áà| Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv - Corpus Christi Catholic Church


VÉÜÑâá V{Ü|áà| Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv - Corpus Christi Catholic Church
VÉÜÑâá V{Ü|áà| Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
9900 Stella Link Rd.
Houston, TX 77025
713 667 0497 ph 713 668 4742 fax
www.corpuschris churchhouston.org
Administered by the Blessed Sacrament Congrega on
Parish Mission Statement
Embracing the Eucharist as the source and summit of our lives, we
are a Catholic community commi ed to peace, jus ce and unity
through worship, service, educa on and fellowship.
Fr. Tom Smithson, SSS
713 667 0497 x 112
Fr. Robert Chabot, SSS
713 667 0497 x 314
Parochial Vicar/Vicar Parroquial
Fr. Gnanasekar Paul Raj, SSS
713 667 0497
Parochial Vicar/Vicar Parroquial
8:00 am
5:00 pm (Sunday Vigil)
9:00 am, 11:00 am
1:30 pm (Español)
8:00 am, 7:00 pm
Tues.—Fri./Martes - Viernes 8:00 am
Holy Days/Dias de Fiesta - See the bulle n/Se anuncia en el bole n
Liturgy of the Hours/Liturgia de las Hora - Mon. - Thursday 7:40 am
Confession / Confesiones - Saturday/Sábado - 3:30 – 4:30 pm
Adora on before Blessed Sacrament—Mon., Wed., Fri., 9:00—4:00
Sacramental Prepara on
Please call the Parish Office to schedule an interview for Bap sm,
First Penance, First Communion and Confirma on.
Sacrament of Marriage
Please call the Parish Office to schedule an ini al interview at least 6
months in advance of the wedding. The Wedding Guidelines are
available by contac ng the Parish Office, 713 667 0497.
Year of Mercy
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 7, 2016
Definición de Nuestra Misión
Acogiendo la Eucaris a como la fuente y cima en nuestras
vidas, somos una comunidad Católica, comprome da a la paz,
la jus cia, y la unidad a través de el culto, servicio,
educación y fraternidad.
Stella Rivera, Secretary
713 667 0497 x 110
Beverly Svoboda, Pastoral Associate
713 667 0497 x 116
Joe Patrick, Director, Music & Liturgy
713 667 0497 x 117
Claudia Sereno, Dir. Of Religious Ed.
713 667 0497 x 115
Bertha Brophy, Business Mgr.
713 667 0497 x 113
Connie Rodriguez, Office Assistant
713 667 0497 x 118
Jose Mar nez, Maintenance
713 667 0497
Martha Mar nez, Directora, Coro
713 667 0497
Mazie McCoy, Ed.,D. Principal
713 664 3351 x 210
The Legend of the Sand Dollar
That I would like to tell
Of the birth and death of Jesus Christ
Found in this lowly shell.
If you will examine closely,
You'll see that you find here
Four nail holes and a fifth one
Made by a Roman's spear.
On one side the Easter Lily,
It's center is the star
That appeared unto the shepherds
And led them from afar.
The Christmas Poinsettia
Etched on the other side
Reminds us of His birthday,
Our joyous Christmas tide.
Now break the center open
And here you will release
The five white doves awaiting
To spread good will and peace.
This simple little symbol,
Christ left for you and me.
To help to spread His Message
Through all eternity.
Sunday, Aug. 7, 12:00 noon - CCS “Back to School” Social, Gym
Sunday, Aug. 8, 1:30 pm - Corpus Christi Book Club, Parish Ofc.
Wednesday, Aug. 10 - Corpus Christi “First Day of School”
Wed., Aug. 10, 7:00 pm - Java and Jobs Ministry, Jones Rm.
Wednesday, Aug. 10, 7:30 pm - Stewardship Council, Parish Ofc.
Thursday, Aug. 11, 7:00 pm - SSS Associates Holy Hour
Friday, Aug. 12, 6:00 pm - Family Fun and Dance, sponsored by
Ministerio con Familias, PH
Sat., Aug. 13, 9:00 am - Catechetical Module #1, PH (English)
Sat., Aug. 13, 2:00 pm - Catechetical Module #1, PH (Espanol)
Sunday, Aug. 14, 9:00 am - Mass w/Baptisms
Monday, Aug. 15 - Feast of the Assumption; Masses 8:00am &
7:00pm (not a Holyday of Obligation)
Monday, Aug. 15, 6:30 pm - Maintenance Committee, Parish Ofc.
Tuesday, Aug. 16, 6:00 pm - Back to School Parent Night
(Elementary grades), PH
Thursday, Aug. 18, 6:00 pm - Back to School Parent Night (Middle
School), PH
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Corpus Christi
Year of Mercy - Art Festival
In the church vestibule is the famous painting by
Rembrandt of The Prodigal Son. Painted around
the year 1669, the painting expresses Rembrandt’s vision of the
merciful Father, of our merciful God.
The Art and Environment Committee invites you
to use this painting as inspiration for an Art Festival at Corpus Christi Church with the theme of
‘Mercy’. We know there are many creative people in our parish. We want to encourage our parishioners to express their understanding of the mercy of God
through any type of art. We also want to encourage our youth
to participate through Corpus Christi Catholic School and
through our CCE programs. We are looking for paintings,
drawings, sculpture. We are looking for quilts, cross-stitch, and
embroidery. We are looking for woodcrafts. If you are literature-inclined, we are looking for poetry. If you are musicallyinclined, we are looking for musical compositions. If you are
dance-inclined, we are looking for dance that expresses God’s
On the wall opposite the Rembrandt painting are
empty frames, empty stands on which to place artwork, a large empty embroidery hoop, an empty music stand. We have these placed in the vestibule to
encourage Corpus Christi parishioners to think of
how they would fill these empty spaces with an expression of God’s mercy. You are invited to spend the next
three months contemplating and creating a vision of the mercy
of God. Consider this invitation as a way to meditate upon and
internalize this beautiful idea of God’s mercy.
We then invite you to share your creation with the
parish. All art should be completed and delivered to
the parish office by Friday, November 4th. Then,
over the weekend of November 12th and 13th, the
weekend before the close of the Jubilee Year of
Mercy, we will have an Art Festival in Prefontaine Hall. The
art created by our parishioners will be on display after the
Masses for everyone to enjoy. More details will follow regarding the specifics of the Art Festival weekend. For now, consider what creative expression you might offer to your parish as a
reflection of God’s mercy.
If you have any questions, please call the parish office at 713-667-0497 and ask for Joe
July 24, 2016
$ 11,121
Home Missions
$ 4,091
July 31, 2016
$ 3,669
Second Collections
August 7
MRI Fund
August 14
Infirm Priests
Thank you for your generous stewardship of the parish!
Page 3
Dear Parishioners,
Please make note of the following information. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Claudia Sereno,
Director of Religious Education, 713-667-0497 ext. 115 or c.sereno@corpuschristichurchhouston.org
NEW CLASS SCHEDULE FOR 2016-2017 CCE/Faith Formation
Please make note of the new class times! CCE classes begin in September.
Pre-Kindergarten—5th grade
Sessions for 6th -12th grades
Sunday 9:15am - 10:45am English
Sunday 5:00pm - 6:30pm English/Spanish
Sunday 11:45am - 1:15pm Spanish
REGISTRATION DATES — for CCE/Faith Formation, Sacramental Preparation (First Communion, Confirmation)
♦ Saturday & Sunday, August 20 and 21—after all Masses
♦ Saturday & Sunday, August 27 and 28 - after all Masses
♦ Registration takes place in Prefontaine Hall
NOTE—If your child is returning for the second consecutive year to CCE class and will be celebrating a sacrament this school year
(Communion or Confirmation), we need the Baptismal certificate at the time of registration.
♦ If the family is not able to pay the Religious Education fees at the time of registration, a $50 deposit will hold your place; applied
towards registration. A payment plan is available.
♦ Scholarships are available for those in need of financial assistance. Please speak to Claudia Sereno, DRE.
We are looking for people to respond to the Call of Jesus to become CATECHISTS !
The children and high school youth of Corpus Christi Parish need courageous people to come and teach them the truths
of the church and help them have a beautiful encounter with the person of Jesus Christ. Say YES to this call; please contact Claudia Sereno, DRE, 713-667-0497 ext. 115 or email c.sereno@corpuschristichurchhouston.org
Monday, August 15
On this day, we celebrate the feast of the
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into
heaven, with Mass at 8:00 am and a bilingual Mass at 7:00 pm. Because the holyday
falls on a Monday, this year the feast is not
a holy day of obligation, however, we are all
encouraged to share in the honoring of
Mary, our Mother on this occasion.
Join our parishioners in supporting the Houston Food
Bank by participating in Houston Restaurants Weeks.
We meet on Tuesday at 11:30 am. For reservations
and details, call Darlene, 713 664 0895.
⇒ Tuesday, August 9
McCormick &
⇒ Tuesday, August 16 Vallone’s
⇒ Tuesday, August 23 Hugo’s
⇒ Tuesday, August 30 Laurenzo’s Restaurant
Cardinal DiNardo will celebrate the golden wedding Anniversary Mass for those who are commemorating their 50th Anniversary of married life. This year's
Mass will be held on Sunday, September 25th, 2016, 3:00
pm, at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart located at 1111
St. Joseph Parkway in Houston.To register, go online at
www.archgh.org. or call Regina Vasquez, 713 741 8720.
Special Needs
Parenting Discussion Group
Parents and caregivers of children with disabilities are invited to explore their unique journey during an 7-week peer discussion group
beginning Tuesday, September 13, 7 - 8:30
p.m. Whether the child is months old or an adult, has a diagnosis or an unnamed difference, possesses visible or invisible
challenges, parents will gain practical tools for coping and
thriving while walking this road less traveled.
Join us for a brief social session to discuss the group
format and distribute the discussion book on Tuesday,
August. 30, at 7:00 pm in Prefontaine Hall. For details, contact Cathy Graham, catherine@cbgcomm.com or 713 927
2452, or Monica Heller at monicaroseheller@gmail.com.
Saturday, August 27, 9:00 am – 12:00 noon, Prefontaine Hall
Offered in English at Corpus Christi Catholic Church
The VIRTUS “Protecting God’s Children” Workshop for adults is a 3
hour session focusing on the prevention of abuse and the protection of
children. Participants learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms
of abuse and learn the steps that our community can take to create a
safe environment for all God’s children. Participants will also undergo a
background check.
All participants must present a valid, current form of identification. Acceptable forms of ID are a passport, State-issued Driver’s License,
State-issued ID card, Mexico Consulate ID card, Guatemala Consulate
ID card. This session will be offered in English as indicated on the
above date. All participants must register online at www.virtus.org. For
info or assistance, contact Connie Rodriguez, 713 667 0497 x 118.
Page 4
La Leyenda del Dólar de Arena
les quiero yo contar
del nacimiento y la muerte de Jesucristo
que se encuentra en esta concha humilde.
Si la examinas atentamente,
Verás que hay
cuatro hoyos de clavos y un quinto
que se hizo por la lanza de un Romano.
En un lado el lirio pascual,
cuyo centro es la estrella
que apareció a los pastores
y los guió desde lejos.
La flor de nochebuena
marcada en el otro lado
nos recuerda de Su nacimiento,
nuestra Navidad, un tiempo gozoso.
Ahora abre la concha
y de adentro saldrán
cinco palomas blancas
esperando anunciar la buena voluntad y paz.
Este símbolo sencillo y pequeño,
Cristo lo dejó por ti y por mí.
Para ayudar a diseminar Su Mensaje
por toda la eternidad.
Corpus Christi - Año de Misericordia
Festival de Arte
En el vestíbulo de la iglesia se encuentra la famosa pintura del Hijo Pródigo de Rembrandt. Pintada cerca del
año 1669, la pintura expresa la visión de Rembrandt del Padre misericordioso, de nuestro Dios misericordioso.
El comité del Arte y del Ambiente quisiera usar
esta pintura como inspiración para celebrar un Festival de
Arte en la Iglesia Corpus Christi con el tema de ‘La Misericordia.’ Sabemos que hay muchas personas creativas en
nuestra parroquia. Queremos animar a nuestros parroquianos a expresar su entendimiento de la misericordia de Dios por medio
de cualquier tipo de arte. También queremos animar a nuestros jóvenes
a participar a través de la Escuela de Corpus Christi, y por medio de las
clases de catecismo. Queremos ver pinturas, dibujos, esculturas. Queremos ver edredones, punto de cruz, el bordado. Queremos ver artesanía en madera. Si le gusta la literatura, queremos ver la poesía. Si le
gusta la música, queremos composiciones musicales. Si le gusta bailar,
queremos un baile que exprese la misericordia de Dios.
En la pared opuesta a la pintura de Rembrandt, en
el vestíbulo, hay marcos vacíos, hay estantes vacíos para
exhibir obras de arte, hay un aro de bordado vació, un atril
vacio. Hemos puesto estas cosas en el vestíbulo para animar
a los parroquianos a pensar en cómo llenarían estos espacios vacíos con una expresión de la misericordia de Dios. Les
invitamos a todos a pasar los siguientes tres meses contemplando y creando una visión de la misericordia de Dios. Consideren esta
invitación como una manera para meditar e internalizar esta idea hermosa de lo que es la misericordia de Dios.
Entonces, les invitamos a compartir su creación
con la parroquia. Todo arte deberá estar terminado y entregado a la oficina de la parroquia el viernes, 4 de Noviembre
del 2016. Durante el fin de semana del 12 y 13 de Noviembre, el fin de semana antes de que termine el Año de la Misericordia, tendremos un Festival de Arte en el Salon Prefontaine. El
arte creado por nuestros parroquianos se mostrará después de las
Misas para que todos los puedan disfrutar. Más detalles sobre el fin de
semana del Festival de Arte vendrán más adelante. Por ahora, consideren cual expresión creativa podrían ofrecer a nuestra parroquia como
una expresión de la misericordia de Dios.
De tener preguntas, por favor llame a la oficina,
713-667-0497, y pregunte por Joe Patrick.
Calendario de la Parroquia
Miércoles,10 de Agosto - “Primer día de Clases” del Colegio Corpus Christi
Miér, 10 de Agosto, 7:30 pm - Consejo de Admin. Oficina Parroq.
Jueves, 11 de Agosto, 7:00 pm - Hora Santa, Asociación del SSS
Viernes, 12 de Agosto, 6:00 pm - Diversión y Baile Familiar, patrocinado por Ministerio con Familias, PH
Sábado, 13 de Agosto, 9:00 am - Modulo Catequético #1, PH
Sábado, 13 de Agosto, 2:00 pm - Modulo Catequético #1, PH
Domingo, 14 de Agosto, 9:00 am - Misa con Bautizos
Lunes, 15 de Agosto - Fiesta de la Asunción; Misas de 8:00am y
7:00pm (No es día de Obligación)
Lunes, 15 de Agosto, 6:30 pm - Comité de Mantenimiento, Oficina
Martes, 16 de Agosto, 6:00 pm - Noche de Padres, Regreso a
Clases (Grados de Primaria), PH
Jueves, 18 de Agosto, 6:00 pm - Noche de Padres, Regreso a
Clases (Grados de Secundaria), PH
Sáb, 20 de Agosto, 9:00 am - Modulo Catequético #2, PH (Ingles)
Sábado, 20 de Agosto, 2:00 pm - Modulo Catequético #2, PH
Fiesta de la Asunción, Horarios de Misas
Lunes, 15 de Agosto
En este día, celebramos la fiesta de la Asunción de la Santísima Virgen María a los cielos, con la Santa Misa a las
8:00 am, y con una Misa bilingüe a las 7:00 pm. Ya que
esta fiesta toco en día Lunes, este año no será un santo día
de obligación. Sin embargo, estamos todos invitados a formar parte de
esta celebración, para juntos honrar a nuestra Madre María, en esta
importante ocasión.
Padres de Hijos con Necesidades Especiales
Los padres o las personas que cuidan a niños con discapacidades están invitados a explorar su camino singular,
durante un periodo de 8 semanas, formando parte de un
grupo de discusión y dialogo junto a otros padres en el
mismo camino, que comenzará el día Martes, 13 de Septiembre, de 78:30 pm. Sin importar si su hijo o hija con discapacidad sea de solo
meses, o ya un adulto, que tenga diagnosis o no, que muestre dificultades visibles o no visibles, los padres podrán adquirir herramientas practicas para sobrellevar dificultades y salir adelante en este camino menos recorrido.
Los invitamos a que nos acompañen a una pequeña reunión, que se
llevara a cabo el Martes, 30 de Agosto, a las 7:00 pm en el salón Prefontaine, en la cual explicaremos como funcionará este grupo y repartiremos el libro de discusión y dialogo. Para mas detalles, favor de contactar a Cathy Graham a catherine@cbgcomm.com o al 713-927-2452,
o Monica Heller monicaroseheller@gmail.com.
La presentación esta en ingles.
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August 8—15, 2016
Monday, August 8 St. Dominic
8:00 am
Luis Montoya
7:00 pm
Deceased Members of MyNgoc Family +
Tuesday, August 9
8:00 am
Loretta & Claiborne Cage, Jr. ++
Wednesday, August 10 St. Lawrence
8:00 am
Kyle & Jane Kramer
Lunes: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Sal 148:1-2, 11-14; Mt 17:22-27
Martes: Ez 2:8 -- 3:4; Sal 119 (118):14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131;
Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
Miércoles: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Sal 112 (111):1-2, 5-9; Jn 12:24-26
Jueves: Ez 12:1-12; Sal 78 (77):56-59, 61-62: Mt 18:21 -- 19:1
Viernes: Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 o 16:59-63; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6;
Mt 19:3-12
Sábado: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Sal 51 (50):12-15, 18-19;
Mt 19:13-15
Domingo: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10; Sal 40 (39):2-4, 18; Heb 12:1-4;
Lc 12:49-53
Thursday, August 11 St. Clare
8:00 am
Artemio Pineda +
Friday, August 12
8:00 am
Clarita Aibilo
Saturday, August 13
8:00 am
Ofelia Tagle
5:00 pm
Ralph & Christine Vona
Sunday, August 14
9:00 am
Mary Jane Davis
11:00 am
People of the Parish
1:30 pm
German Arturo Fernandez Dinarte +
Lunes: Ez 1:2-5, 24-28c; Sal 148:1-2, 11-14; Mt 17:22-27
Martes: Ez 2:8 -- 3:4; Sal 119 (118):14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131;
Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
Miércoles: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Sal 112 (111):1-2, 5-9; Jn 12:24-26
Jueves: Ez 12:1-12; Sal 78 (77):56-59, 61-62: Mt 18:21 -- 19:1
Viernes: Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 o 16:59-63; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6;
Mt 19:3-12
Sábado: Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32; Sal 51 (50):12-15, 18-19;
Mt 19:13-15
Domingo: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10; Sal 40 (39):2-4, 18; Heb 12:1-4;
Lc 12:49-53