8/21/2016 - Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church


8/21/2016 - Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church
 Reverend Mr. Nai Her
 Reverend Mr. Kurt Neuhaus
Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Church: 2838 N. West Ave  Fresno, CA
Office: 2850 N. Crystal Ave  Fresno, CA  93705-3851
Phone: 559-226-1163  Fax: 559-226-2093
Email: olvchurch@gmail.com
Website: olvchurch-fresno.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/olvfresno
Weekend Mass Schedule
 Saturday, 5:30 pm
 Sábado, 7:00 pm
 Sunday, 8:00 am
 Sunday, 9:30 am
 Sunday, 11:30 am
 Domingo, 1:30 pm
 Sunday, 3:30 pm (Hmong)
 Sunday, 5:30 pm
Weekday Masses
 8:00 am Mondays-Fridays (school year: 9:00 am on
 Holy Day Masses - as announced
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays, 10:00 - 11:30 am
Rosary - Sundays at 7:15 am in the Church
Baptisms by appointment only. English and Spanish. Prebaptism class for both parents and godparents. To schedule
baptism and pre-baptism classes, call the Parish Center.
Weddings - Preparation classes require 6 months advanced
notice. To schedule wedding, call the Parish Center.
Quinceañeras - to schedule a quinceañera, contact the Parish
Principal: Mrs. Deborah Nettell
Preschool through 8th Grade
1626 W. Princeton Ave  Fresno, CA 93705
Phone: 559/229-0205  Fax: 559/229-3230
Website: www.fresnoolv.org
Email: office@fresnooolv.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/olvschoolfresno
Sunday, August 21, 2016: 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time
Office Voicemail - 226-1163, ext 120
Fr. Jesús Del Ángel (not confidential) pastor.olv.fresno@gmail.com
Deacon Nai Her - nai.her.olv@gmail.com
Deacon Kurt Neuhaus - kurt.neuhaus.olv@gmail.com
Kim O’Connor, Office Manager olvchurch@gmail.com
Lina Gamez, Secretary - lina.gamez.olv@gmail.com
Sara McCraw, Accounting - fresnoolv2@hotmail.com
Joe Martinez, Facilities - (559) 226-1163
Religious Education ; Educación Religiosa: Mitzi
Torres - olvdre@gmail.com
Life Teen/Youth Confirmation: Sarah Casillas youthminister.olv@gmail.com
Liturgical Coordinator: Kim O’Connor olvchurch@gmail.com
Hmong Religious Education: Danieng Xiong daniengx@gmail.com
FAVOR OREN POR...PLEASE PRAY FOR Sally Acosta Bedoya. Carmen
Acuna, Michael Alcantar, Andrea Alvarez, Reynaldo Arcuino, Anthony Arroyo,
Shelby Arroyo, Carolyn Austin, Taran Balderrama, Betty Baptista, Felipe
Barrientos, Emily Beckmann, Mark Beyer, Gamila Brown-Jones, Lori
Cameron, Cheryl Cass, Virginia Castillo, Robert Castro, Bobbie Cazmi, Becky
Colburn, John, Irene & Michael Cook, Lupe Cordova, Adrienne Dangelot,
Ralph De La Cerda, Len Doerkisen, Marisol Torres Ecceles, Laura & Patrick
Edwards, Jessie Espinosa, Pete Espinoza, Terry Espinoza, Gina Fernandes,
Jeff Fickenworth, Susan Fischer, Beverly Follett, Helen Freitas, Baby Max
Galindo, Virginia Garcia, Steven Gardea, Dennis Gaxiola, Charlotte Girado,
Dalton Goode, Rita Gorman, Dan & Lori Harrison, Jerry Hatfield, Jordyn
Halverson, Leticia Hembree, Jennie Herrera, John Herrera, Karen & Marcia
Hess, Richard Hernandez, Jeanette Hogue, Anastasia Hornor & Family, Linda
Howell, Marian Jacks, Dora Jensen, Diane Jimenez, Eileen Klein, Edna Lamb,
Josephine Lango, Youa Lee, Bryan Lehman, Mary Leslie, Patricia Letson,
Louis Lett Sr., Cle-Estria Lett, Louis Lett Jr. & Michelle Lett, Jean Lombardi,
Teresa Lombardo, Simon Lucido, Vincie Lucido, Connie Lujan, Robert Maciel,
Joann Madril, Alice Matthews, Bernadette Martin, Randy McCully, Jayden
Medina, Alsia Mejia, James Mills, Ellie Monzon, Vicky Monzon, Aurora
Munguia, Kylie Nersesian, Ann Neuhaus, Ed Neuman, Ann Nodd, Tanner
O’Brien, Margarita Neria Ochoa, Dominic Orossi, Lisa Quinonez Ortiz, Francis
Ortega, Rodney Osuna, Servina Palacios, Betty Palumbo, John Patton,
Melvin Pech, Juanita Phillips, Rebecca Plaza, Jess & Joyce Quintero, Maria
Quiroz, Emily & Pete Ramirez, Makayla Ramirez, Dolores Rendon, Rita
Reyes, Ana Rieping, Richard Rigg, Armando Rodriguez, Donald Rodriguez II,
Joseph Rodriguez, Nellie Rodriguez, Paul Rodriguez, Rogelio Lopez Romero,
Dominic Rossi, Mike Rudd, Milton & Paul Ruth, Art Sanchez, Rosa Maria
Santos, Cabrina Shafer, Hans & Rose Marie Siefert, David Simpson, Gail
Simpson, Bill Smith, Saralee Smelser, Mel Solano, Andrew Stevenson,
Mariann Stott, Tony Strong, Geri Tahajian, Adrian Tapia, Helen Tarasevic,
Cecile Navarro Tatum, Marilyn Taylor, Shelly Travis, Gloria Trejo, Art
Wahlenmaier, Craig Wensel, Tom Wilson, June Wright, Margie Vargas, and
Lisa Yurgal.
Saturday, August 20, 2016 / Sábado, 20 de Agosto 2016
10:00 am ..... Confessions/Confesiones
5:30 pm .......  Honesto Tria (Espee Abalos)
7:00 pm .......  Para Rolando González de parte de sus
padres, Carolina y Felipe González
Sunday, August 21, 2016 / Domingo, 14 de Agosto 2016
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
XX Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
8:00 am ....... Special intentions of Patrick & Grace
Manduano and Family (RJ & Ann Nodd and
9:30 am .......  Consuelo C. Boschke (Cardinale Family)
11:30 am ..... For all of our personal intentions
1:30 pm .......  Apolinar Lopez de parte de la Familia
3:30 pm .......  Xai Lee Yang (Der Yang & Ge Yang)
5:30 pm ....... Special intentions of one of our parishioners
Monday, August 22, 2016 / Lunes, 22 de Agosto 2016
8:00 am ....... Special intentions of Lennore Collier (Maria
Guglielmino, mother)
Tuesday, August 23, 2016 / Martes, 23 de Agosto 2016
8:00 am ....... Communion Service
Wednesday, August 24, 2016 / Miércoles, 24 de Agosto
8:00 am .......  Joe Baptista (wife, Betty and family)
Thursday, August 25, 2016 / Jueves, 25 de Agosto 2016
8:00 am .......  Andres Bonilla (Lina Gamez)
Friday, August 26, 2016 / Viernes, 26 de Agosto 2016
9:00 am .......  Loretta Ybarra (Cindy Ybarra)
Saturday, August 27, 2016 / Sábado, 27 de Agosto 2016
10:00 am ..... Confessions/Confesiones
5:30 pm .......  Rose & Ross Smelser (daughter, Saralee)
7:00 pm .......  Jose Guadalupe Montoya de parte de
Teresa Villagomez
Sunday, August 28, 2016 / Domingo, 28 de Agosto 2016
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
XXI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
8:00 am .......  John Cicarelli (Family)
9:30 am .......  Augustina Rivera Nunez (her children)
11:30 am .....  Clemencia M. Cardenas (Cardinale
1:30 pm .......  Donato Canzio de parte de Leonardo
3:30 pm ....... For all of our personal intentions
5:30 pm .......  Steven R. Vaughn (Lina N. Gamez)
Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church - Fresno, California
Will there only be a few saved?” This is a hard question
with a hard answer: “Enter by the narrow door for many
will try and will not succeed.” The Lord came to save the
“nations of every language,” each and every one of us,
but even the Lord relies on our free response to the offer.
So “hold up your limp arms and steady your trembling
knees and smooth out
the path you will tread”
when following the lead
of our Savior. There is
hope—“those now last
will be first.” Can you
step out onto the way of
the Lord? Text, Philip J.
Sandstrom, STD © 2000, OCP.
All rights reserved.
“Señor, ¿es verdad que pocos… se salvarán?” A una
pregunta difícil, una respuesta difícil: “Esfuércense por
entrar por la puerta que es angosta, porque yo les aseguro
que muchos tratarán de entrar y no podrán”. El Señor vino
a salvar a todos los pueblos de todos los idiomas; a todos
y cada uno de nosotros. Por eso, para seguir al Salvador,
“que cobren vigor los brazos que desfallecen y que se
hagan firmes las rodillas debilitadas: enderecen los
caminos por donde han de pasar…” Hay esperanzas, los
que ahora son últimos, serán los primeros. Y tú, ¿puedes
entrar en el camino del Señor? Texto: Philip J. Sandstrom, STD ©
2000, OCP. Derechos reservados.
Readings for the week of August 21, 2016
Sunday - Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1-2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk
Monday - 2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12; Ps 96:1-5; Mt 23:13-22
Tuesday - 2 Thes 2:1-3, 14-17; Ps 96:10-13; Mt 23:23-26
Wednesday - Rv 21:9-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51
Thursday - 1 Cor 1:1-9; Ps 145:2-7; Mt 24:42-51
Friday - 1 Cor 1:17-25; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 10-11; Mt 25:1-13
Saturday - 1 Cor 1:26-31; Ps 33:12-13, 18-21; Mt 25:14-30
Next Sunday - Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Ps 68:4-7, 10-11; Heb
12:18-19, 22-24; Lk 14:1, 7-14
Lecturas para la semana de Agosto 21, 2016
Domingo - Is 66:18-21; Sal 117:1-2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13;
Lunes - 2 Tes 1:1-5, 11-12; Sal 96:1-5; Mt 23:13-22
Martes - 2 Tes 2:1-3, 14-17; Sal 96:10-13; Mt 23:23-26
Miércoles - Ap 21:9-14; Sal 145:10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51
Jueves - 1 Cor 1:1-9; Sal 145:2-7; Mt 24:42-51
Viernes - 1 Cor 1:17-25; Sal 33:1-2, 4-5, 10-11; Mt 25:1-13
Sábado - 1 Cor 1:26-31; Sal 33:12-13, 18-21; Mt 25:14-30
Próximo Domingo - Eclo 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Sal 68:4-7, 1011; Heb 12:18-19, 22-24; Lc 14:1, 7-14
Wedding Banns / Amonestaciones
Pablo Enrique Gómez intends to marry
Reyna Guadalupe Rivas Isaola on
October 1, 2016 at Parroquia San Marcos
in San Marco, Jalisco, Mexico.
Pablo Enrique Gómez tiene la intención
de casarse con Reyna Guadalupe Rivas
Isaola el 1 de octubre, 2016 en la
Parroquia de San Marcos en San Marcos, Jalisco, México.
August 21, 2016
In the past couple of
months our parish
community has
experienced several car
break-ins and cars that
have been outright stolen.
Do not leave anything
in your car that is valuable (purses, wallets,
checkbooks, cell phones, etc.) and make sure
you car is locked, especially if you park on
the street or near the north parking lot
entrance (by the rectory).
If you do have the misfortune of getting
your car broken into or stolen, make sure to
report the crime to the police. The more
reports - the more police presence we will
En los últimos meses, nuestra comunidad
parroquial ha sufrido varios incidentes en
donde se rompen ventanas para robar de los
automóviles o se han robado el automóvile.
Por favor no deje nada en su automóvile
como bolsas, billeteras, chequeras, teléfonos
celulares, etc. y asegurese que su autómovile
esta cerrado. Especialmente si se estaciona
en la calle o cerca de la entrada de
estacionamiento del norte (por la Rectoria).
Asegúrese de infornar el delito a la policia.
Entre más informes a la policia, mejor vamos
a experimentar la presencia de la policia en
nuestra vicindad.
Domingo, 21 de Agosto 2016: XXI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Liturgical Ministries – call the office, 559-226-1163
Ministerios Litúrgicos – favor de llamar al Centro
Parroquial, 559-226-1163
 Lectors / Lectores
 Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist /
Ministros Extraordinarios de la Eucaristía
 Altar Servers / Monaguillos
 Musicians / Músicos
 Children’s Liturgy / Liturgia de los Niños
 Ushers / Acomodadores
 Environment (Decorating) / Decoración del Altar
Religious Education / Educación Religiosa – Mitzi
Torres, 559-226-1163 or olvdre@gmail.com
 Religious Education for Children (RCIC) / Educación
Religiosa para Niños
 Youth Ministry (Confirmation) / Ministerio de Jovenes
 RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults / Rito de
Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos
Baptism Class – 2nd Mondays in the Church; call the
church office at 559-226-1163
Clases de Bautismo – A partir del 16 de septiembre de
2016 todos los viernes en la Capilla del Centro Parroquial
- Favor de llamar al Centro Parroquial – 559-226-1163
Preparación para Matrimonio - 4 clases: 3 lunes
consecutivos seguidos por una clase de domingo en el
Centro Parroquial con Misa después en la iglesia. Alfredo
Lopez: 559-213-4072, petrosllini@hotmail.com
Talleres de Oración y Vida – Los lunes en la cafetería de
la escuela; Rosaline Figueroa, 559-907-9541
Grupo de Oración – Los martes en el Salón McGovern;
John Betancourt: 559-573-5355,
Bible Study – Thursdays, Parish Center starting September
15, 2016; Olivia Miranda: 559-304-6708,
OLV Faith Alive Young Adults (OLV FAYA) – Bible study
1st and 3rd Tuesdays in the Parish Center; Estefana
Antonio 559-444-3899, Estefana_05@yahoo.com
Encuentro Matrimonial – Los viernes en el Salon Hayes;
Laura Oseguera, 559-313-7432
Apostolado Hispano - 1er y 3er martes, Centro Parroquial;
Jose Vivian 1-909-213-3726
Finance Committee – 4th Wednesdays in Parish Center;
Deacon Kurt Neuhaus, 559-226-1163
Parish Council – to be announced
Our Lady of Victory Women’s Altar Guild – 2nd
Tuesdays of the month in Hayes Hall; Deidre Putnam
home 559-449-9379, cell 559-285-1707,
Italian Catholic Federation Branch 32 – 4th Tuesdays of
the month in Hayes Hall; please call the church office 559226-1163
Knights of Columbus Council 4440 – 2nd Thursdays of
the month in Hayes Hall; Gabriel Fernandez, Grand Knight:
559-862-7456, gabriel.fernandez04@yahoo.com
5:00 pm to 7:30 pm, CHURCH OFFICE
 $50.00, 1 student*
 $80.00, 2 students (siblings only)
 $100.00, 3+ students (siblings only)
Required documents at the time of registration FOR ALL
 Unbaptized - birth certificate
 First Communion - birth certificate and baptismal certificate
 Confirmation - birth certificate, baptismal certificate and First
Communion certificate
* child or adult
CAMBIO : JUEVES, 25 de Agosto
5 pm a 7:30 pm, OFICINA
 $50.00 por un estudiante*
 $80.00 por dos estudiantes (del mismo hogar)
 $100.00 por tres o más estudiantes (del mismo hogar)
Los documentos requeridos en el momento de la
 Para No bautizados - certificado de nacimiento
 Para Primera Comunión - certificado de nacimiento y
certificado de Bautismo
 Para Confirmación - certificado de nacimiento, certificado
de Bautismo y el certificado de Primera Comunión
* niño o adulto
Would you like a Mass for a
loved one? Come into the
office to schedule your Mass.
The offering is $10.00 per
¿Quiere programar una Misa para un ser querido?
Pase a la oficina para programar una Misa. La
ofrenda es $10. 10.00 por unidad de masa.
Collection for August 14, 2016
Plate Collection .............................................. $7862.50
Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de Las Victorias - Fresno, California
Los Talleres de Oración y Vida son una nueva forma
de Evangelización; más viva y con una visión más
positiva de lo que siempre se nos ha mostrado. Los
talleres son un servicio para aprender y profundizar en
el arte de orar: “Orando se aprende a orar.”
Los Talleres fueron fundados por el Rev. Ignacio
Larrañaga, sacerdote Franciscano Capuchino,
originario de España, quien desarrólló una amplia
labor animadora y evangelizadora mas de durante 25
años en América Latina, Norte-América y Europa. El
Taller dura un período de 16 semanas y se llevará a
DIA - Cada Lunes de 6:00 a 8:00 p.m. Empezando
el lunes, 8 de agosto
LUGAR - Escuela de Nuestra Señora de las
Victorias. Esquina de las calles Princeton y
Para más información, puede llamar a Rosalina
Figueroa al número 559-907-9541.
BIBLE STUDY: The Great Adventure Bible Study
Program with Jeff Cavins.
Join us in the journey through the Bible
foundational series with Jeff Cavins beginning
Thursday September 15th at the Parish Center Office.
We will be studying Mathew: The King and his Kingdom.
This Catholic bible study brings the history of Christ to life
through Mathew’s Gospel. You will see Jesus as the
awaited Messiah who fulfills the promises and prophecies of
the Old Testament.
This class is a DVD presentation by Jeff Cavins
followed by a group discussion. There is NO COST for the
We will be meeting every Thursday at the Parish
office 2850 N Crystal Ave next to the OLV School.
For more information or to register please contact
Espee at 559 349-1752 or espeeabalos@yahoo.com and/or
Olivia at 559 304-6708 or miraol7589@yahoo.com
Grief Education and Support Group If you have experienced
the death of a loved one and would like help navigating your
journey of grief, then the St. Benedict Catholic Worker Grief
Education and Support Group may be for you. The Grief
Education and Support Group is a 12-week experience
facilitated by Liza Apper, OblOSB, MPS. This group will help
give you the tools to get through your grief and the support of
others traveling on this grief journey.
The Grief Education and Support Group will meet on
Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. starting
September 7 and ending December 14. The group will meet
at the St. Benedict Catholic Worker House at 4022 N. Cheryl
Ave. in Fresno (near Dakota and Marks).
For further information, contact Liza Apper at 559-229-6410.
Give the gift of life…
Our Lady of Victory
Blood Drive
Donación de Sangre
Sunday, August 28, 2016
9 am - 12 pm
Donors will receive a free pint of Baskin Robbins
ice cream, and a Buy One-Get One Free Admission
voucher to the Big Fresno Fair!
Reciba un cupon gratis para una pinta de nieve
de Baskin Robbins y con la compra de una entrada
reciba una gratis para la Gran Feria de Fresno.
Call the office to sign-up. Para enlistarese: 559226-1163.
Agnes community of caring, compassionate
volunteers who shar ein the ministry of visiting the
sick and Eucharistic Ministry. Topics include
spirituality, prayer, listening skills, diversity, grief
and loss. Training begins Thursday, September 29,
2016. please call 450-3854 for information or
registration. An application, interview and pastor’s
recommendation are required.
Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church - Fresno, California
In preparation for the Guild’s
Christmas Boutique in November,
the Women’s Altar Guild would
like to invite anyone interested in
lending their artistic and
decorating talents to attend their
Christmas Boutique Summer
Workshops. All items made will
be sold at their Christmas
Boutique and Bake Sale. All
profits gained are used to support expenses
associated with the needs of the altar.
All workshop dates are scheduled from 9:00 a.m.
to 11:30 a.m., at McGovern Hall.
 September 20, 2016
 October 18, 2016
 November 15, 2016 (Final meeting)
For more information, please contact Deidre
Putnam at 285-1707, Loretta Cisneros at 276-3722
or Hilda Prudhume at 229-4429.
Join Dynamic Catholic and Dan DeMatte in
Fresno this October!
The world is in dire need of change. People are
hurting. People are turning to empty promises
searching for answers, All along, we have the
answer: Jesus. This event will open your eyes to the
need for change in the world and the role you can
play. Will you join the Holiness Revolution?
Dan DeMatte challenges men and women of
today to live a life of radical holiness - a holiness
that produces saints, not mere mediocre Catholics.
He is one of the great emerging Catholic voices of
our time.
October 15, 2016
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
2150 N Cedar Ave. Fresno, CA 93703
Get your tickets today! Call the Dynamic Catholic
Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de Las Victorias - Fresno, California
Concierto de Beneficio con el
Benefit Concert with
Jueves 25 de Agosto de 2016 6:30 PM
Un beneficio de la Parroquia de
Nuestra Señora de las Victorias
2838 N. West Ave
Precio individual $25.00
Thursday August 25, 2016 6:30 PM
A benefit for
Our Lady of Victory Church
2838 N. West Ave
Price: $25.00/individual
Únase a nosotros para tacos después
del concierto! Presente su bono para
3 tacos y 1 bebida por persona.
Orginzado por el Apostolado Hispano.
Llame a José Vivian para mayor información