- Christ the King Parish


- Christ the King Parish
TELEPHONE (480) 964-1719 - FAX (480) 844-4498
Email: Christ_the_king@ctk-catholic.org
Parish Web Site: www.ctk-catholic.org
Christ the King Mission Statement
Our community serves the mission of Jesus Christ, to make disciples of all nations, welcoming them into the loving family of God. United in
the Eucharist and blessed by a diversity of gifts, we desire to give glory to God and to build His Kingdom "on earth as it is in Heaven".
Rev. Matthew Henry of Christ the King Catholic Church
and Our Parishioners Invite You All to Our Annual
Celebration of the Philippines’ Most Beloved Traditions.
Celebrating the
Epiphany of the Lord
Christ the Catholic Church
Saturday, January 16, 2016
5:30 pm - Procession of Statues of Santo Nino
6:00 pm - Celebration of the Eucharist
Followed by Potluck Reception
~ Please Bring Your Favorite Dish to Share
“Wise men still seek Him”
All are invited to bring their statues of Santo Nino for
procession and blessing before mass.
Christ the King Catholic Church
1551 E. Dana Avenue, Mesa, AZ 85204
Tel. (480) 964-1719 CTK  (480) 570-8927 Cora
General Information
Información General
Parish Office Hours:
Horario de la Oficina Parroquial:
Welcome Center Hours:
Horario del Centro de Bienvenida:
Weekend Mass Schedule:
Horario de Misa de fin de semana:
Daily Mass:
Misa diaria:
Mondays 8 am to 12 noon
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays: 8 am to 4 pm
Fridays: closed
Saturdays 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm / Sundays: 8 am to 3 pm
Saturdays: 4 pm
Sundays: 7 am, 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm (Spanish), 5 pm (Spanish)
Monday through Saturday at 8 am ; Wednesday at 7 pm
Monday through Friday: 7:30 am to 8:00 am
Wednesdays: 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Saturdays: 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
See inside bulletin or contact the office for orientation schedule.
Lunes 8 am a 12 mediodía
Martes, Miércoles y Jueves: 8 am a 4 pm
Viernes: cerrada
Sábados 2:30 pm a 5:30 pm / Domingos: 8 am a 3 pm
Sábados: 4 pm
Domingos: 7 am, 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm (Español), 5 pm (Español)
Lunes a sábado 8 am ; Miércoles 7 pm
Lunes a Viernes: 7:30 am a 8:00 am
Miércoles: 5:30 pm a 7:00 pm
Sábados: 2:30 pm a 4:00 pm
Vea el boletín o llame a la oficina para el horario para orientación.
Parochial Staff
Monday, January 4
Rev. Matthew Henry
Parochial Vicar:
Rev. Scott Sperry
Tom Bishop, Will Capistrant, Frank Galarza, Ron Ruiz, Neil Tift
Parish Staff & Personnel
9:00 am - ACTS Bible Study - St. Joe’s B
6:00 pm - RICA - Reunion de Catequistas - St. Francis
6:30 pm - ACTS Bible Study - St. Joe’s B
6:30 pm - Music Rehearsal - Church
6:30 pm - Coro Sonrisa de Cristo #2 - Pre School Room
7:00 pm - Boy Scouts Meeting - Community Center
Tuesday, January 5
Parish Manager:
Bridgette Cosentino (480) 844-4463
9:30 am - Living Water Bible Study - St. Francis
10:30 am - H.O.P.E. - Community Center
4:30 pm - Catechesis of the Good Shepherd - Atrium
6:00 pm - Pastoral Council - Presentation Hall
6:00 pm - School Tax Credit Seminar - 5th Grade Classroom
6:30 pm - Religious Education Grades 1-8
Pastoral Associate & Adult Sacraments:
Deacon Tom Bishop (480) 844-4473
Christ the King School Principal:
Shelley Conner (480) 844-4480
Facilities & Maintenance Manager:
Joseph Calderone (480) 844-4471
Wednesday, January 6
6:45 am - Christians in Commerce - St. Francis
8:30 am - “God’s Word in God’s World” Bible Study-St. Joe’s B
6:30 pm - Coro Sonrisa de Cristo - Community Center
7:00 pm - Coro Cristo Rey - St. Teresa
7:00 pm - Formación Espiritual - St. Joe’s A
Felipe Tomás (480) 964-1719 – (English/Español)
Financial Secretary:
Pam Reid (480) 844-4460
Assistant to the Administration:
Natalie Smith (480) 844-4479
Brenda Castillo (480) 844-4462 bcastillo@ctk-catholic.org
Thursday, January 7
Communications & Media:
Allan Luke (480) 717-8549
Parish Receptionists:
Jessica Reyes (480) 964-1719
Rafaela Loera (480) 964-1719 - (English/Español)
Guadalupe Vasquez (480) 964-1719 - (English/Español)
Pastoral Care (Cancer Ministry, Homebound Ministry):
Anthanette Donaldson (480) 844-4478
Facilitator of Ministry & Marriage:
9:30 am - Prayer Shawl Ministry - St. Francis
4:45 pm - H.O.P.E. - Community Center
6:00 pm - Safe Environment Training (English) - St. Francis
6:30 pm - Religious Education Grades 1-8
7:00 pm - Coro Grupo de Oración - Community Center
Friday, January 8
6:30 am - Christians in Commerce - St. Francis
8:45 am - Marthas - Church
7:00 pm - Grupo de Oración - St. Joe’s A & B
7:00 pm - Encuentro Matrimonial - St. Teresa
Saturday, January 9
Mireya Campos (480) 844-4467 - (English/Español)
Anointing of the Sick & Funerals:
Anthanette Donaldson (480) 844-4478
6:30 am - “That Man is You” - St. Francis
8:00 am - Third Order Carmelites - St. Joe’s B
1:00 pm - Safe Environment Training (En español) - St. Joe’s B
Music Director:
Jarrod Townsend (480) 245-4116
Sunday, January 10
Youth Ministry and Sacramental Preparation:
Coffee and Donuts after 7 am, 9 am, 11:00am & 1 pm Masses
(480) 844-4476
9:00 am - RCIC - 2nd, 3rd, 4th Grade Classrooms, Atrium
10:15 am - RCIA - St. Joe’s B
10:30 am - RICA - 8th Grade Classroom
12:30 pm - Baptism Information Class - St. Joe’s B
2:25 pm - Spanish Adoration Meeting - St. Joe’s A
2:30 pm - Infomación de Bautismo - St. Joe’s B
5:00 pm - Semilla Maya - Community Center
(Grades 9 to 12)
Children and Youth Sacramental Preparation:
(Ages 4 to Gr. 8)
Sr. Mary Beata (480) 245-4100
Religious Education Assistant:
Elena Cota (480) 245-4100
Good-bye and Thank you!
Starting this January, Mary Castner, who has been our Youth Minister here at Christ the King
the past three years, will be taking a new job in Youth Ministry at Saint Theresa Parish in
Phoenix. We wish Mary all the best in her new ministry, and we thank her for all the work she
has done with our teens and our music ministry these last three years. She has been a real
blessing to Christ the King!
From Our Pastor...
Happy New Year to everyone! I’m sorry I am not in the parish this weekend to see
everyone and give them my best wishes for this new year. I am in California for the
wedding of some dear friends. But you all are in my prayers.
This Sunday we celebrate the Epiphany, a word which means “revelation”. We are
reminded in this feast that God does not stay silent and distant, way up in Heaven. He has
revealed Himself to us by sending us His Son, Jesus Christ, whose birth we just celebrated.
Most of the time, we associate Epiphany with the visit of the magi. Many cultures use this day—on its
traditional date of January 6—as the day to exchange gifts, in memory of the wise men who offered their
gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to Jesus.
The visit of the magi is an “epiphany”, a “revelation”, that Jesus is Lord and King. What the rest of the
world did not notice, these wise men did by following the star that led them to Bethlehem. The wise men
were wise because they paid attention to the signs and the invitations that God sent them. They were on
the lookout for Him!
When the wise men tell Herod and his scribes “we saw His star”, they are calling the attention of these
men to God’s work, to God’s revelation. But it is not enough just to know about God’s revelation, as a
piece of information that we can download into our brains. Herod and the scribes were neither excited
about nor interested in this newborn king of the Jews. In fact, Herod will put to death all the infants in the
region of Bethlehem in hopes of eradicating this newborn king.
Revelation is God’s word to us. Faith is the response of human beings to God’s revelation. The Catechism
(142-143) says:
By His Revelation, the invisible God, from the fullness of His love, addresses men as His friends, and
moves among them, in order to invite and receive them into His own company. The adequate
response to this invitation is faith.
By faith, man completely submits his intellect and his will to God. With his whole being man gives his
assent to God the revealer. Sacred Scripture calls this human response to God, the author of
revelation, "the obedience of faith”.
“The obedience of faith” always leads to worship. This is what sets the wise men apart from King Herod,
and all those who did not receive the revelation, the epiphany of God.
They prostrated themselves and did Him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered Him
gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod,
they departed for their country by another way.
After meeting Jesus, after worshipping Him, after offering Him our gifts, we live by another way. This is
the difference that real faith in God’s epiphany makes.
In Christ,
Rev. Matthew Henry
Pastor, Christ the King Catholic Church
Mass Intentions-Intenciones de Misas
Prayer Chain Ministry
Please pray for…
Monday, January 4
8:00 am - Rosemary Doyle - Special Intention
Tuesday, January 5
8:00 am - Cosmo Cefaratti 
Wednesday, January 6
8:00 am - Angelina Ferreira 
7:00 pm - Javier Machorro 
Thursday, January 7
Alyssa Salemi
Nancy Stover
Jeff Sutton
John Joseph Sutton
Adele Traficano
If you or a loved one is in need of prayer, please contact
Anthanette with your prayer request at (480) 844-4478 or
8:00 am - Angelina Ferreira  
Friday, January 8
8:00 am - Lilia Dreu - Special Intention
Saturday, January 9
8:00 am - Deceased Memebers of Carmelite Community 
4:00 pm - David Meredith 
Sunday, January 10
7:00 am - William Smith 
9:00 am - Community of Christ the King
11:00 am - Rosaura Rivera 
1:00 pm - Jesus De la Reva 
5:00 pm - Gina Reyes - Special Intention
Join Us!
The Knights of Columbus Council #3419 is hosting a
breakfast on Sunday, January 17, 2016 in
Presentation Hall following the 7:00 am, 9:00 am
and 11:00 am Masses. Cost is $5.00.
Prayer Candles
We kindly request those lighting prayer candles in the
Church are mindful of the donation box in the alcove.
All donations are greatly appreciated, and are used to
cover the expenses associated with this devotional.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Presentation Hall
12:30 pm in English ~ 2:30 pm in Spanish
This FREE class will be given by Jack Burns,
Public Affairs Specialist from Social Security to help
answer questions.
Tithing Report
Budgeted 12-20-15
Actual Collected 12-20-15
Budgeted Y-T-D 12-20-15
Actual Collected Y-T-D 12-20-15
James Isom
Travis McKillip
Paul B. Redlich
Aly Leoned Roman
Anny Salazar
$ 25,000.00
$ 17,637.15
$ 551,000.00
$ 537,250.45
Infant Baptism (newborn to 6 years old)
Parents must attend two classes prior to having their
children baptized.
♦ Class #1 is Baptism Information for parents only.
This is a one hour class.
♦ Class # 2 is Baptism Preparation for parents and
godparents. This is a four hour class.
♦ Baptism Information Class (Class #1) is offered in
English once a month on a Sunday at 12:30 pm.
♦ Please do not choose your godparents until after
you have attended the first class.
♦ Classes begin promptly. If you arrive late, you will
be asked to attend the next month’s class.
♦ The Sacrament of Baptism is offered monthly on a
Saturday morning at 9:00 am in English and 10:00
am in Spanish.
Our next Baptism Information (Class #1) is Sunday,
January 10, from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm in St. Joe’s B.
Class begins promptly at 12:30 pm. If you arrive late, you
will be asked to attend next month’s class. Please, no
children at class. At Baptism Information (Class #1) you will
be given dates for Baptism Preparation (Class #2).
Contemplating Vocations?
If you would like more information about vocations
to the Priesthood, the Diaconate or Religious Life,
please contact Father Matt, Father Scott ,
Sister Mary Beata, or Deacon Tom.
The Sunday Night Speaker Series
Marriage Enrichment Series Continues
Join other Catholic couples!
Join us for the Marital Resiliency workshop presented by
Deacon Neil and Denise Tift. We will meet from 12:30 pm
to 3:30 pm on two Saturdays, January 23, 2016 and
February 27, 2016 in Presentation Hall to discuss 12 traits,
12 traps and 12 techniques to identify and enhance
factors to strengthen your marriage. Through lecture,
individual and couple exercises, group discussions and
brief videos, we will explore research-based strategies
to help couples enrich their capacity for marital
resiliency. You are invited to bring your lunch at 12:00 pm
to kick off each session. We will end in time to attend
4:00 pm Mass.
The purpose of the Chalice Program is to encourage
families to pray and promote vocations to the
Priesthood and Religious Life. The consecrated Chalice
is a tangible reminder of this special intention for the
Church. The Second Vatican Council highlights the
responsibility of the laity to pray for and support
A vocation is a call from the Holy Spirit, a gift from God
that is nurtured in prayer. When we pray for
vocations, we lift up to our Father those men and
women whom He is calling to follow Him in a very
special way. We hope that those who bring the cup
home will continue to pray daily for vocations. The
Vocation Chalice is available to be checked out for up to
two weeks.
Sign up forms for the Vocation Chalice can be filled out
in the Parish Office, or on the Christ the King website:
Father Sebastian Walshe, O. Praem., a frequent
guest on Catholic Answers Live with Patrick Coffin,
will be the featured speaker at ‘The Sunday Night
Speaker Series’ at St. Anne Parish in Gilbert on
January 10, 2016 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM. His topic will
be “The Philosophical Proofs for the Existence of
God.” Free. Please join us. For more information
please call Coleen @ 480-570-5368.
Safe Environment Training
In the Diocese of Phoenix all adults are
encouraged, and all volunteers are required to
complete a safe environment training each year.
Christ the King will be hosting a
Safe Environment Foundation Class
in English for CTK volunteers on January 7, 2016
from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm in St. Francis.
Registration - www.safeenvironmenttraining.org,
then locate the class “Protecting God’s Children
for Adults” and select the class listed under Christ
the King.
If you have already completed the Foundation
Class, but haven’t already renewed your Safe
Environment training, please go online at
obligations.php to update your account and access
the renewal video. The Video is about 30 minutes
long. If you need assistance or have any questions,
please email set@ctk-catholic.org. If you do not
have a computer at home, please call
(480) 844-4467 to make an appointment to use a
Parish volunteer computer.
Submission of Articles for the Bulletin
Submit articles for the bulletin at least two weeks in
advance for approval and editing.
Submit your article by e-mailing to:
Please be sure to include your contact
Information with your submission.
2015 Advent Giving Tree Program
The 2016 Catholic Men’s Conference
February 6, 2016
Xavier College Preparatory Performing Arts Center
This is an extraordinary day for Fathers, Sons and
Friends to spend the day with Jesus. Imagine being in a
huge room filled with fellow Catholic men celebrating
the Church and hearing solutions for Living the Gospel in
the world. For more information or to purchase tickets,
please visit www.cmfp.org, or contact Randy Fornoff (602) 397-6778 or rjfornoff@cox.net. Scholarships are
available - Don’t let funding prevent you from attending!
Thank You, Thank You for your
very generous support of this
year’s Advent Giving Tree program. It could not succeed without you. Because of your participation, we were able to bring
smiles to the faces of 319 children
from 114 families - families within our parish community
or within our parish boundaries. Each child received
two gifts. Families also received two or more blankets
provided by the students at Christ the King School.
A big Thank You also to the many people who served on
the Advent Giving Tree team itself – those making the
Angel Tags, addressing letters to the H.O.P.E. clients,
collecting and storing the many gifts donated by the
parishioners, sorting the gifts by family, and finally
distributing the gifts on Saturday, December 19th.
Anny Salazar, the program’s founder and our
continuing mentor, has always reminded us, “The
program is God’s program; our hands that serve are His
Hands.” Thank you for your heart-warming
participation. Have a Happy New Year!
Perpetual Adoration
Pope Francis has declared a Jubilee Year of Mercy
beginning December 8th. Pope Francis has declared
that the Holy Doors be opened in Cathedrals around the
world. In the Diocese of Phoenix you can make a
pilgrimage to our own Cathedral, Saint Simon and Jude,
which for us is like what Rome is to the Church. It takes
time to plan a meaningful pilgrimage so mark your
calendars for February 16-19, 2016 when a Eucharistic
Congress will be held at our Cathedral to bring together
all parishes from the Diocese in adoration of the Blessed
In addition to the Hours Chart we have posted, you can
go to www.cancershrine.org and then to the Adoration
Page and click on the monstrance to see where we
need help. There is also a link to the registration form
that can be printed and submitted to the Parish Office.
Call Dick at (602) 300-8562 or
Email: richardjacobson@yahoo.com
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central
Arizona in conjunction with the Knights of Columbus
needs your donations throughout the year, but
especially this holiday season. Please consider placing
your donations in the donation bin located
in our south parking lot. Not only do your
donations benefit those in need, but also
Christ the King Church as we raise $.10 per
pound of all donations from our location.
Do Good. Donate!
Educational excellence in the Catholic
School tradition for over 50 years.
Call or visit
Open House
Sunday, January 31, 2016 10am - 1pm
Monday, February 1, 2016 9am - noon
Schedule resumes January 11, 2016!
Teen Bible Study
Mondays in the Life Teen Room - 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Wednesdays in the Life Teen Room - 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Life Night
Wednesdays in Presentation Hall - 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Call the Life Teen Office at (480) 844-4476.
Stay connected at www.ctkyouthministry.com
Phoenix Catholic Women’s Conference 2016
Troop 355 will be answering question on the Scout
program, and serving a Scout Treat after mass on Sunday,
January 17. We invite everyone to stop by with questions,
or if you are a past scouter, to share your memories of
scouting at Christ the King.
We will be sharing information on the upcoming
organizational meeting on Monday, February 1st, 7 pm, at
the CTK Community Center located at 1616 E. Broadway
Rd., Mesa. For parents interested in a program for the
younger boys in 1st through 5th grade, we will also be discussing Cub Scouts.
Contact Joe Wirth – wirthmanagement@hotmail.com,
Matt Waterman - mattwaterman2000@yahoo.com or
Tom Skinner 480-621-6056.
Email Communication
Tickets for the next Phoenix Catholic Women’s
conference are now available.
Theme: He Crowns you with Steadfast Love and Mercy
– Psalms 103:4. There will be a full day of inspira onal
talks including na onal Catholic leaders Colleen Carroll
Campbell and Cari Donaldson. The Vigil Mass will be
celebrated by Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted. The PDCCW is
excited to once again offer the Young Catholic Track for
ladies ages 16-22. Music by Mary Castner.
Date: Saturday, February 20, 2016
Loca on: Xavier College Preparatory
Cost: $50 early registra on un l January 15, 2016
For ckets and informa on: pdccw.com or call
Have you changed or updated your
email address? Please stop by the
Parish Office, email us from the Parish
website to confirm your email
address so we can continue to
enhance our Parish communication.
Thank you! Christ_the_King@ctk-catholic.org
Automatic Electronic Tithing
Parish members are encouraged to set up a secure
account to manage their financial gifts to Christ the
King. The Christ the King ACH (electronic withdrawal)
form can be found in the Parish Office and on the
Parish website under the “Donate” header at
www.ctk-catholic.org. Credit card tithing is available
for anyone - http://ctk-catholic.org/general-collection.
Thank you for your investment in and continued
support of Christ the King. If you have any further
questions or would like any additional help please call
Pam Reid at (480) 844-4460 or email to
Christ the King Catholic Church
Holy Family
The Epiphany
of Jesus, of
the Lord
and Joseph
January 3, 2016
Cf. Mal 3: 1; 1 Chr 29: 12
Behold, the Lord, the Mighty One, has come;
and kingship is in his grasp, and power and dominion.
Tom Booth © 1986 DeCristo
Cantor: Rise up in splendor your light has come.
ALL: We sing God's praises our light has come.
Though darkness covers and we are blinded by sin.
Our Lord shall save us and we shall walk by His light.
Look all around you, for all shall gather in light.
Your sons and daughters, all taken care of by God.
You shall be radiant, you'll see God's glory in joy
Come bearing treasures, come sing the praises of God.
Text: Lectionary for Mass © 1997,1981, 1968, ICEL. Music: Jarrod Townsend © 2015
Text: Lectionary for Mass © 1997,1981, 1968, ICEL. Music: Jarrod Townsend Inspired by "Alleluia" by Tom Booth © 1996 OCP Pub. All Rights Reserved
Please take the worship aide home if you would like! If not, please return it to the entrance of the church.
Audio recordings of homilies are available to listen to and download from our parish website!
John H. Hopkins
We three kings of Orient are bearing gifts we traverse afar.
Field and fountain, moor and mountain, following yonder star.
Oh, star of wonder star of night, Star with royal beauty bright,
Westward leading, Still proceeding, Guide us to thy perfect light.
Born a King on Bethlehem's plain, gold I bring to crown Him again.
King forever, ceasing never, over us all to reign.
Frankincense to offer have I, incense owns a Deity nigh.
Prayer and praising, all men raising, worship Him, God on high.
Glorious now behold him arise, King and God and Sacrifice;
Alleluia, Alleluia, sounds through the earth and skies.
Cf. Mt 2: 2
We have seen his star in the East,
and have come with gifts to adore the Lord.
The first Noel, the angels did say, was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay.
In fields where they lay keeping their sheep on a cold winter's night that was so deep.
Noel, noel, noel, noel. Born is the King of Israel.
They looked up and saw the star, shining in the east beyond them far.
And to the earth it gave great light and so it continued both day and night.
And by the light of that same star, three Wise Men came from country far.
To seek for a King was their intent, and to follow the star wherever it went.
This star drew nigh to the northwest, o'er Bethlehem it took its rest.
And there it did both stop and say right over the place where Jesus lay.
Then entered in those Wise Men three, full reverently upon their knee.
And offered there in His presence, their gold and myrrh and frankincense.
Greensleeves/William C. Dix, Arr. Sir John Stainer
What child is this who laid to rest, on Mary's lap is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet, while shepherds watch are keeping?
This, this is Christ the King, whom shepherds guard and angels sing;
Haste, haste, to bring Him laud, the babe the son of Mary.
Why lies He in such mean estate, where ox and ass are feeding?
Good Christian, fear, for sinners here the silent Word is pleading.
Nails, spear shall pierce him through The cross be borne for me for you:
Hail, hail, the Word made flesh, The babe the son of Mary.
So bring Him incense, gold, and myrrh, come peasant, king to own Him;
The King of Kings salvation brings, let loving hearts enthrone Him.
Raise, raise, the song on high, The Virgin sings her lullaby;
Joy, Joy, for Christ is born, The babe, the son of Mary.
Michael John Poirier © 1989 Peartree
In the light of the Lord we are one, we are children
In the light of the Lord, we are one, . . .
In the light of the Lord, we are strong in our weakness.
In the light of the Lord, we are strong, . . .
In the light of the Lord, we are healed of our blindness
In the light of the Lord, we are healed, . . .
In the light of the Lord, we give praise for His mercy.
In the light of the Lord, we give praise, . . .
In the light of the Lord, we belong, we are chosen.
In the light of the Lord, we belong, . . .
Go, tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere.
Go, tell it on the mountain, that Jesus Christ is born.
While shepherds kept their watching o'er silent flocks by night,
Behold throughout the heavens, there shone a holy light:
The shepherds feared and trembled, when lo! above the earth,
Rang out the angel chorus that hailed our Savior's birth:
Down in a lowly manger our humble Christ was born,
And God sent us salvation, that blessed Christmas morn.
COPYRIGHTS© CCLI #1171767 6130 NE 78 Ct. Portland, Or. 97218, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation, Capitol CMG Publishing, DeCristo
Music, EMI Christian Music Publishing, GIA Publications, OneLicense.net License #A-705950 Oregon Catholic Press, NALR, Resource Publications, S.A.L.T., Said And Done Music,
SHOUT! Music Publishing, sixsteps Music, Sony/ATV Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Timber Publishing, spiritandsong,.com , Thankyou Music, Troubadour Productions,
West Main Music, Windsor Hill Music, World Library Publishers, worshiptogether.com. All rights reserved. All used with permission.
De Nuestro Párroco...
¡Feliz Nuevo Año a todos! Me disculpo de no estar en la parroquia este fin de semana para
ver a todos y darles mis mejores deseos para el nuevo año. Estoy en California para la boda
de unos de mis queridos amigos. Pero ustedes están en mis oraciones.
Este domingo celebramos la Epifanía, una palabra que significa “revelación”. Somos
recordados en este día de celebración que Dios no se queda callado y distante, muy lejos
en el cielo. Se ha manifestado al mandarnos Su Hijo, Jesucristo, a quien acabamos de celebrar su
Por lo general asociamos la Epifanía con la visita de los reyes magos. Muchas culturas usan este día - en su
día tradicional 6 de enero - como el día de intercambiar regalos, en memoria de los reyes magos quien
ofrecieron sus regalos de oro, incienso y mirra a Jesús.
La visita de los magos es una “epifanía”, una “revelación”, que Jesús es Señor y Rey. Lo que el resto del
mundo no se dio cuenta, fue lo que hicieron estos reyes magos al seguir la estrella que los guio a Belén.
Los reyes magos fueron sabios porque pusieron atención a las señales y a las invitaciones que Dios les
mando. ¡Estaban buscándolo!
Cuando los reyes magos cuentan a Herodes y sus escribas “vimos Su estrella”, llaman la atención de estos
hombres al trabajo de Dios, a la revelación de Dios. Pero no basta solamente saber sobre la revelación de
Dios, como información que simplemente añadimos a nuestros cerebros. Herodes y sus escribas no
estaban emocionados ni interesados en el recién nacido rey de los judíos. Actualmente, Herodes pondrá a
todos los bebes de la región de Belén en esperanza de erradicar este recién nacido rey.
La palabra de Dios es revelación para nosotros. Fe es la respuesta de la humanidad a la revelación de Dios.
El Catecismo (142-143) dice:
Por su revelación, Dios invisible, habla a los hombres como amigos, movido por su gran amor y mora
con ellos para invitarlos a la comunicación consigo y recibirlos en su compañía. La respuesta
adecuada a esta invitación es la fe.
Por la fe, el hombre somete completamente su inteligencia y su voluntad a Dios. Con todo su ser, el
hombre da su asentimiento a Dios que revela La sagrada Escritura llama “obediencia de la fe” a
esta respuesta del hombre a Dios que revela.
“La obediencia de fe” siempre nos guía a adorar. Esto fue lo que diferencia a los reyes magos aparte del
rey Herodes, y todos aquellos que no recibieron la revelación, la epifanía de Dios.
Ellos se postraron y le hicieron un homenaje. Y abriendo sus tesoros, le ofrecieron dones de oro,
incienso y mirra. Y habiendo sido advertidos en sueños que no volvieran a Herodes, regresaron a su
tierra por otro camino.
Después de conocer a Jesús, después de adorarlo, después de ofrecerle regalos, vivimos en otra manera.
Esta es la diferencia que la fe verdadera hace en la epifanía de Dios.
En Cristo,
Rev. Matthew Henry
Párroco, Iglesia Católica Cristo Rey
El Reverendo Matthew Henry de la Iglesia Católica
Cristo Rey y sus Parroquianos Invitan a todos a la
Celebración Anual de la Tradición mas amada en las Filipinas.
Iglesia Católica Cristo Rey
sábado, Enero 16, 2016
5:30 pm - Procesión de estatuas del
Santo Niño
6:00 pm - Celebración de
la Eucaristía
Recepción de Comida Compartida después de la Misa - Por favor traiga su
platillo favorito para compartir
Todos están invitados a traer sus estatuas del Santo Niño
para la procesión y bendición antes de Misa.
Iglesia Católica Cristo Rey
1551 E. Dana Avenue, Mesa, AZ 85204
Tel. (480) 964-1719 CTK  (480) 570-8927 Cora
¡Adiós y gracias!
Comenzando enero, Mary Castner quien
ha sido nuestra encargada del ministerio
de jovenes de Cristo Rey por mas de tres
años ahora sera la encargada del
ministerio de jovenes en Santa Teresa en Phoenix. Le
deceamos a Mary lo mejor en esta nueva etapa y le
agradecemos todo el trabajo que hizo con nuestros
jovenes y la música que nos brindo estos tres años. ¡Ella
ha sido una verdadera bendicion para Cristo Rey!
Adoración Perpetua
Todos estamos tan ocupados con la familia,
el trabajo y actividades parroquiales que se
nos olvida encontrar tiempo para estar con
Jesús. Una hora a la semana, por lo menos,
con Él en el santuario del Santo Peregrino es
una bella oportunidad para orar, hallar
descanso y paz en la presencia de Dios. Siempre
tenemos horas que necesitan adicionales adoradores
dedicados para mantener la Santísima Eucaristía
expuesta 24 horas al día, siete días a la semana.
Llame a Rafaela al tel. (480) 577-7557 o mande un
correo electrónico: alesfar@cox.net
Comunicación por Correo Electrónico
¿Ha cambiado o actualizado su dirección de
correo electrónico? Por favor, deja en la Oficina
Parroquial para confirmar su correo electrónico
dirección para que podamos seguir mejorar
nuestra comunicación Parroquia . ¡Gracias!
El propósito del programa de Cáliz Vocacional es animar
a las familias a promover y orar por las vocaciones al
sacerdocio y vida religiosa. El Cáliz consagrado es un
recordatorio palpable de esta intención especial de la
Iglesia. El Concilio Vaticano II recalca la
responsabilidad de la comunidad laica de apoyar y orar
por las vocaciones.
El orar por las vocaciones es la forma más poderosa de
apoyar a las vocaciones. Una vocación es un llamado del
Espíritu Santo, un regalo de Dios que es nutrido con la
oración. Cuando oramos por las vocaciones, levantamos
hacia nuestro Padre a aquellos hombres y mujeres a
quienes Él está llamando a seguirle en una forma
especial. Esperamos que aquellos que traigan la copa a
casa continúen orando diariamente por las vocaciones.
Las formas para inscribirse para el Cáliz Vocacional se
pueden encontrar en la Oficina Parroquial, o en la
página web de Cristo Rey:
(recién nacido hasta los 6 años de edad)
Los padres deben asistir a dos clases antes de que
sus hijos sean bautizados.
Clase # 1 Información de bautismo solamente para
los padres. Duración: una hora.
Clase # 2 Preparación del bautismo para padres y
padrinos. Duración: cuatro horas.
Las clases de información (Clase #1) se ofrecen una
vez al mes en un domingo a las 2:30 pm.
Favor de no elegir a los padrinos hasta después de
haber asistido a la primera clase.
Las clases comienzan puntualmente. Si llega tarde,
se les pedirá asistir a la clase del próximo mes.
Por favor, no traer niños a estas clases.
en español es el 10 de enero
a las 2:30 pm en St. Joe’s B
Clases de inglés
Clases de Ingles sin costo. Empezando el 11 de Enero;
hable para registrarse. 2162 N. Spring St., Mesa, en
Mesa Dr. al norte de McKellips. 480-570-2522, ofrecidas
por las Hermanas de Notre Dame. Tambien preparamos
documentos y hacemos traducciones.
Renovacion de Ambiente Seguro
Horario reanuda 11 de enero 2016
Estudio Bíblico de Life Teen
Los lunes en el salón Life Teen - 6:30 pm a 8:30 pm
Los miércoles en el salón Life Teen - 3:00 pm a 6:30 pm
Life Nights
Los miércoles en salón de presentaciones - 6:30 pm a 8:30 pm
Llame la oficina de Life Teen al teléfono
(480) 844-4476.Conéctese en la pagina web
En la Diócesis de Phoenix se le recomienda a los
adultos, y se le requiere a todos los voluntarios que
completen un entrenamiento de ambiente seguro cada
Cristo Rey ofrecerá la Clase de Fundación para un
Ambiente Seguro en inglés para voluntarios de Cristo
Rey el próximo 7 de enero del 2016 de 6:00 pm a 9:00
pm en San Francis.
Cristo Rey ofrecerá la Clase de Fundación para un
Ambiente Seguro en español para voluntarios de
Cristo Rey el próximo 9 de enero del 2016 de 1:00 pm a
4:00 pm en St. Joe’s B.
Cristo Rey ofrecerá la Clase de Fundación para un
Ambiente Seguro en español para nuevo voluntarios
de Cristo Rey el próximo 23 de enero del 2016 de 9:00
am a 12:00 pm en San Francis.
Regístrese – www.safeenvironmenttraining.org, y
busque la clase “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” y
seleccione la clase listada bajo Cristo Rey.
Si usted ya completó la clase de fundación, pero no ha
renovado su entrenamiento para un Ambiente Seguro,
por favor visite la página
para actualizar su cuenta y tener acceso al video de
renovación. El video es de 30 minutos. Si necesita
asistencia o tiene preguntas, por favor mande un email
a set@ctk-catholic.org. Si no tiene acceso a una
computadora en casa, por favor llame al
(480) 844-4467 para hacer una cita y utilizar una
computadora para voluntarios en la oficina parroquial.