ECE Department - UH Department of Electrical and Computer
ECE Department - UH Department of Electrical and Computer
ECE Department Welcome to the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) Cullen College of Engineering University of Houston h=p:// 1 ECE Department Dr. Badri Roysam Hugh and Lillie Cranz Cullen University Professor Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2 ECE Department ECE Undergraduate Advising Office Dr. Pauline Markenscoff : Faculty Advisor and Director of Undergraduate Studies Tel#: 713-‐743-‐4438 N320 Engineering Building 1 Michael Craig: Advising Assistant N329 Engineering Building 1 Tel#: 713-‐743-‐4440 N329 Engineering Building 1 Jan Zaniffa ECE Front Office: N308 Engineering Bldg1 Tel 713-‐743-‐4400 • Fax 713-‐743-‐4444 h=p:// 3 ECE Department What will be covered in this session? Communica`on through e-‐mail Degrees Offered/Degree Plans Core Curriculum Course Load University Tes`ng Services-‐Credit by Examina`on Transfer Credit Course Registra`on Con`nuous Enrollment Seeking Assistance Engineering Compu`ng Center PROMES Career Center Useful sites 4 ECE Department Communica`on through e-‐mail • The ECE Undergraduate Advising Office will send you e-‐mail for significant issues • Very Important – receive in a `mely manner (less than 24 hours) the e-‐ mails we send – set-‐up (and update if needed) your forwarding (desKnaKon) address to be your preferred e-‐mail address, the one that you check very ocen. 5 ECE Department Communica`on through e-‐mail • Newly admi=ed students to UH have a UH email alias assigned. • The UH e-‐mail alias will not work unless there is a valid forwarding (desKnaKon) e-‐mail address. • For example, the alias of "points to" 6 ECE Department How to Update Your Des`na`on e-‐mail Address • STEP 1: Go to myUH(PeopleSoc) and login to PeopleSoc. • STEP 2: Once logged in, select UH Self-‐Service. • STEP 3: Select Campus Personal InformaKon; then click on Email Addresses. • STEP 4: Follow the instruc`ons to update your “DesKnaKon” email address. You must have at least one address designated “Des4na4on” (under Email Type) to receive official UH email. • STEP 5: Click “SAVE”.Your UH email alias is now set up to forward emails to this address. • STEP 6: Click “Sign Out”. 7 ECE Department ECE Undergraduate Advising Office Have Questions? e-mail them to or macraig@Central.UH.EDU 8 ECE Department Academic Advisor • Dr. Pauline Markenscoff during the first semester. • Permanent Academic Advisor will be assigned acer the end of the Spring semester of the first year. • You can make an appointment to see your advisor when you have any ques`on about your studies. 9 ECE Department Academic Advising • There will be another required advising session acer you have enrolled in the ECE 3355 (Electronics) class to help you with the selec`on of ECE elec`ves of the junior and senior years. 10 ECE Department ECE web site Engineering/University Policies Web Sites ECE Department web sites: h=p:// h=p://‐informa`on h=p:// Engineering Policies web site: h=p:// Engineering policies are stricter than University policies University Policies web site: h=p:// h=p:// 11 ECE Department Degrees offered by the ECE Department • BSEE (BS in Electrical Engineering) Two degree plans – BSEE-‐ EE OpKon – BSEE-‐Computer OpKon • BSCPE (BS in Computer Engineering) 12 ECE Department Degree Plan • Set of courses required for the degree for a given academic year (flowchart). • The earliest degree plan that you may follow is the one that was in effect at the `me you completed your first semester as an Electrical & Computer engineering major. • The degree plan that you use for gradua`on cannot be more than 7 years old. • You may choose to graduate under a more recent plan-‐but you must then meet all the requirements of the new plan. 13 ECE Department Degree Plan • 25 credit hours in math, physics, chemistry • 70 credit hours in electrical/computer/ engineering courses • 42 credit hours of core curriculum • Total credit hours (BSEE(EE op`on and Computer Op`on): 131 cr hrs, BSCPE: 130 cr hrs) 14 ECE Department Core Curriculum Core Curriculum 15 ECE Department ECE Degree Plans To view the degree plans as flowcharts • h=p://‐ flowcharts To view the descrip`on of the ECE courses and their prerequisites • h=p:// courses/ece/ 16 ECE Department 17 ECE Department ECE Department 19 ECE Department ECE Department 21 ECE Department ECE Department How to Read the Flowcharts: Prerequisites/Corequisites Arrow to the top of box means A is a prerequisite of C A Two headed arrow between the sides of two boxes means C and D must be taken at the same Kme. B C D Arrow to the side of a box means “credit for” or “registraKon in” is a prerequisite for C 23 ECE Department Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering 2011-2012 Electrical Engineering students may choose from two degree plan options, both leading to the BSEE degree: the Electrical Engineering Option and the Computer Engineering Option. The first and second years are the same for both options: First Year Fall Semester CHEM 1117. Chemistry for Engineers Laboratory CHEM 1372. Chemistry for Engineers ECE 1100. Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engr. ENGL 1303. 1st Yr Writing I HIST 1377. The United States to 18771 MATH 1431. Calculus I2 POLS 1336. U.S. and Texas Constitutions and Politics1 Total Spring Semester ECE 1331. Computers & Problem Solving ENGL 1304. 1st Yr Writing II HIST 1378. The United States since 18771 MATH 1432. Calculus II PHYS 1321. University Physics I Total Second Year Hours Fall Semester 1 3 1 3 3 4 3 18 3 3 3 4 3 16 ECE 2100. Circuits Lab ECE 2300. Circuit Analysis MATH 2433. Calculus III MATH 3321. Engineering Mathematics PHYS 1322. University Physics II POLS 1337. U. S. Government: Congress, President a n d Court1 Total H ours 1 3 4 3 3 3 17 Spring Semester ECE 2317. Applied Electricity & Magnetism ECE 3331. Programming Applications in Electrical a n d Computer Engineering ECE 3337. Electrical Engineering Analysis ENGI 2304: Technical Communications Visual & Performing Arts Core Course Total 3 3 3 3 3 15 24 ECE Department Third and Fourth Year, EE Option Students choosing the EE option must select their ECE electives as follows: At least 21 hours consisting of at least six ECE electives (3- or 4-hour ECE courses with associated labs) satisfying: - Breadth Requirement: At least one course must be taken in each of two of the following ECE concentration areas: (1)Electromagnetics and Solid State Devices, (2)Power & Controls, (3)Signals & Communications, (4)Electronics. Courses available in each area are posted in the department. - Depth Requirement: At least two additional courses must be taken at the 5000 level. Two remaining courses may be any ECE elective at the 3000 level or above except ECE 3336. Third Year-EE Option Fall Semester ECE 3155. Electronics Lab ECE 3317. Applied EM Waves ECE 3355. Electronics ECE 3364. Circuits & Systems ECE 3441. Digital Logic Design Humanities Core Course Total H ours Fall Semester 1 3 4 3 3 3 17 Spring Semester Spring Semester ECE 4119. Solid State Devices Laboratory ECE 4339. Physical Principles of Solid State Devices ECE 4436. Microprocessor Systems ECE Elective ENGI 2334. Introduction to Thermodynamics INDE 2333.Engineering Statistics I Total Fourth Year – EE Option 1 3 3 3 4 3 17 ECE 4335. Electrical & Computer Engineering Systems Design I ECE Elective ECE Elective/lab ECON 2304. Microeconomic Principles MECE 3400. Introduction to Mechanics Total ECE 4336. Electrical & Computer Engineering Systems Design II ECE Elective/lab ECE Elective/lab ECE Elective Total Hours 3 3 4 3 4 17 3 4 4 3 14 25 ECE Department Third and Fourth Y ear, C omputer Opt i on Students choosing the computer option must select their ECE electives as follows: At least 7 hours consisting of at least two ECE electives. The electives may consist of any non-required 3 hour lecture or 4 hour lecture/lab ECE courses at the 3000 level or higher except ECE 3336. Third Year – Computer Option Fall Semester COSC 1320. Introduction to Computer Science II ECE 3155. Electronics Lab ECE 3317. Applied EM Waves ECE 3355. Electronics ECE 3441. Digital Logic Design Humanities Core Course Total H ours 3 1 3 3 4 3 17 Spring Semester COSC 2320. Data Structures ECE 4119. Solid State Devices Laboratory ECE 4339. Physical Principles of Solid State Devices ECE 4436. Microprocessor Systems ECON 2304. Microeconomic Principles INDE 2333. Engineering Statistics I Total 3 1 3 4 3 3 17 Fourth Year – Computer Option Fall Semester ECE ECE 3457. Digital Electronics 4335. Electrical & Computer Engineering Systems Design I ECE 5367. Intro. to Comp. Arch. & Design ECE Elective 14 Approved CPE Elective Total Hours 4 3 3 3 4 17 Spring Semester COSC 4330. Fundamentals of Operating Systems ECE 4336. Electrical & Computer Engineering Systems Design II 14 Approved CPE Elective 10 ECE Elective/lab Total 3 3 4 4 14 26 ECE Department First Year Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering 2011-2012 Fall Semester Hours CHEM 1117. Chemistry for Engineers Laboratory CHEM 1372. Chemistry for Engineers ECE 1100. Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engr. ENGL 1303. 1st Yr Writing I HIST 1377. The United States to 18771 MATH 1431. Calculus I2 POLS 1336. U.S. and Texas Constitutions and Politics 1 1 3 1 3 3 4 3 _ _ _ _ __ 18 Total Spring Semester ECE 1331. Computers & Problem Solving ENGL 1304. 1st Yr Writing II HIST 1378. The United States since 18771 MATH 1432. Calculus II PHYS 1321. University Physics I 3 3 3 4 3 ____ Total 16 Second Year Fall Semester Hours ECE 2100. Circuits Lab ECE 2300. Circuit Analysis MATH 2433. Calculus III MATH 3321. Engineering Mathematics PHYS 1322. University Physics II POLS 1337. U. S. Government: Congress, President a n d Court1 Total 1 3 4 3 3 3 17 Spring Semester ECE 2317. Applied Electricity & Magnetism ECE 3331. Programming Applications in Electrical a n d Computer Engineering ECE 3337. Electrical Engineering Analysis ENGI 2304. Technical Communications Humanities Core Course Total 3 3 3 3 3 _ _ _ _ ___ 15 Third Year Fall Semester H ours COSC 1320. Introduction to Computer Science II ECE 3155. Electronics Lab ECE 3355. Electronics ECE 3441. Digital Logic Design INDE 2333.Engineering Statistics I Visual & Performing Arts Core Course Total 3 1 3 4 3 3 17 Spring Semester COSC 2320. Data Structures ECE 4436. Microprocessor Systems Approved ECE or COSC elective9 ECON 2304. Microeconomic Principles MATH 3336. Discrete Mathematics Total 3 4 3 3 3 16 Fourth Year Fall Semester Hours COSC 4351. Fundamentals of Software Engineering ECE 3457. Digital Electronics ECE 4335. Electrical & Computer Engineering Systems Design I ECE 5367. Intro. to Comp. Arch. & Design 11 Approved CPE Elective 3 4 3 3 4 _ _ _ _ __ 17 Total Spring Semester COSC 4330. Fundamentals of Operating Systems ECE 4336. Electrical & Computer Engineering Systems Design II 14 Approved CPE Elective ECE Elective/lab 10 Total D egree Total _ _ _ _ __ 3 3 4 4 _ _ _ _ __ 14 27130 ECE Department 1Refer to the Academic Regulations and Degree Requirements section for information on equivalents and substitutions and to the Admission, Advising, Orientation, and Registration section for information on advanced placement examinations. 2Students not qualified to enroll in MATH 1431, must complete MATH 1300, 1310, and/or 1330, as indicated by the results of the Mathematics placement examination, prior to enrolling in MATH 1431. 9Approved ECE or COSC elective: Any ECE course at the 3000 level or above, except ECE 3336, or choice of COSC 3480, COSC 3340, or any 4000 level COSC course. 10ECE elective/lab: Any ECE course with associated lab at the 3000 level or above except ECE 3336. 14 Approved CPE elective: The current list of approved CPE electives is available in the department and posted on the web: 28 ECE Department Course (Catalog) Number ECE 2300 2nd number shows “number of credit hours” Course Number iden`fies the course. It is different from the Class Number. Class Number is the number that a course is given during a par`cular semester. It is used when you enroll every semester. 29 ECE Department • 3 credit hour courses meet 3 hours/week (either 2 `mes/week MW or TTh or 3 `mes/week MWF) with 10 minutes between classes. • You can take back to back a couple of classes; it is difficult to take too many back to back classes. • 1 credit hour lab meets more than an hour,i.e.,ECE 1100, which is a 1 credit hour course meets twice per week for an hour. 30 ECE Department Course Offerings • Many ECE courses are offered every semester. • Some are offered every Fall semester and some are offered every Spring semester. • We post on the web the planned course offerings of the ECE department for the next 12 to 18 months: h=p://‐course-‐ offerings • Very few, if any, ECE courses are offered in the Summer. 31 ECE Department C-‐ Rule: The College of Engineering requires a grade of "C-‐" or be=er for credit in any mathemaKcs, science, or engineering course that applies toward the bachelor's degree. In addi`on, the "C-‐" is required for any mathema`cs, science, or engineering course used as a prerequisite for a subsequent course. 32 ECE Department Max. number of a`empts: The College of Engineering policy does not allow a student to a=empt Engineering courses more than two `mes and science or mathema`cs more than three `mes. Counted a=empts include all courses that resulted in a grade of “A-‐F”, “W” or “I”. 33 ECE Department Six “W” grades limit: • A student can drop a course up to the last day to drop a course or withdraw from all courses deadline. This deadline falls approximately four weeks before the last class day of the Fall and Spring semesters. • Once the 6 'W's have been used, you must complete all courses you are enrolled in regardless of academic performance. • Courses dropped at other Texas public ins`tu`ons count towards the 6-‐drop limit. 34 ECE Department Residency Requirements: The University requires that the last 30 semester hours have to be completed in residency. The College of Engineering requires that a minimum of 30 hours of engineering courses must be completed in residency. A student of the Cullen College of Engineering (CCE) cannot take an Engineering course at another University. Only engineering courses taken before the student has transferred to the CCE can apply for transfer credit. 35 ECE Department ECE Degree Plans FAQ • Can I subsKtute CHEM1331 for CHEM1372? • CHEM1372 is a combina`on of CHEM1331 and CHEM1332 most relevant for engineering. • Taking either CHEM1331 or CHEM1332 alone is not equivalent to CHEM1372. • CHEM1331 and CHEM1332 can subs`tute CHEM1372. • CHEM1111 Lab or CHEM1112 Lab can subs`tute CHEM1117 • Submit a General PeKKon only if you have taken one of the two labs. • It is possible to take one semester CHEM 1372 and a later semester CHEM1117. 36 ECE Department ECE Degree Plans FAQ • The degree plan specifically requires ECON 2304 (Microeconomics) but I took ECON 2305 (Macroeconomics). Do I have to take ECON 2304? • No, we will con`nue to accept either ECON 2304 or ECON 2305. • Because we feel that ECON 2304 is more relevant to engineering, we decided to list it explicitly in our degree plan to encourage students to choose it over 2305. 37 ECE Department ECE Degree Plans FAQ • I have already taken Math 3331 (DifferenKal EquaKons). Do I need to take Math 3321 (Engineering Math)? • Yes, unless you have taken Math 2331 (Linear Algebra) and Math 3331 (Differen`al Equa`ons). • Math 2331 and Math 3331 can subs`tute Math 3321. 38 ECE Department ECE Degree Plans FAQ Changes in Prerequisites • An older flowchart indicates that course xxxx is not a prerequisite for course yyyy, while a new flowchart indicates that course xxxx is a prerequisite for course yyyy. Does that mean that the course prerequisite does not apply to students who follow the older flowchart? • Changes in prerequisites apply to everybody who has not taken a course, no ma=er what the old flowchart indicates. 39 ECE Department Course Load • To graduate in 4 years you will need to enroll in 32-‐33 credit hours per year (16 to 18 hours per semester) . • Max. Load: – 19 credit hours for Fall and Spring • To enroll for more credit hours than the max. (up to 22) you need to submit a General PeKKon – has to be approved by the Advisor and the Undergraduate Associate Dean of Engineering 40 ECE Department Course Load Employment Work Load/Week Recommended Semester Course Load Not Employed 16-‐18 Credit Hours 1-‐20 Hours Not more than 14 Hours 20-‐30 Hours Not more than 13 Hours 30-‐40 Hours Not more than 10 Hours 41 ECE Department A more realis`c Rule to determine the Number of Credit Hours to enroll in If x is the number of credit hours a student is enrolled in, then Number of hours employed + 4 X ≤ 60 X = (60-‐ Number of hours employed)/4 Example if a student works 20 hours, he/she should enroll for X= (60-‐ Number of hours employed)/4 =10 credit hours 42 ECE Department University Tes`ng Services(UTS) 204 Student Service Center 1 43 ECE Department • All new engineering students must take the mathema`cs placement examina`on before enrolling in their first math course. • Students that have received transfer credit for Math 1431, do not need to take the placement examina`on. 44 ECE Department Math Placement Exams Math 1310 College Algebra Placement into Math 1310 Placement into Math 1330 Placement into Math 1431 Math 1330 Pre-‐Calculus Math 1431 Calculus I Grade of 65 or be=er is needed for all placement tests h=p:// 45 ECE Department Transfer Students • Transfer students should already have credit for Math 1431. 46 ECE Department Credit By Examina`on • Credit by Examina`on Programs accepted at UH - - - - Advanced Placement (AP) Examina`ons SAT Subject Tests Interna`onal Baccalaureate (IB) UH Departmental Examina`ons • Official Test Scores must be sent to UTS • A form must be filled out at UTS 47 ECE Department Credit By Examina`on • Placement in English and Mathema`cs will be determined by student’s – SAT/ACT scores – AP scores or – Internal UH Placement tests 48 ECE Department How Do I Get My Transfer Courses To Be Equivalent To Courses at UH? Transfer Course Equivalencies for Engineering: h`p://‐transfer/by-‐ major/Engineering-‐2013.pdf 49 ECE Department How Do I Get My Transfer Courses To Be Equivalent To Courses at UH? Step1: • Official transcript must be submi=ed to the Admissions Office. Evalua`on is done by the Office of the Registrar and the process takes 6-‐8 weeks. h=p://‐credit Check in PS for which equivalent U of H course you received credit for. • If the designa`on of the course that you took somewhere else is “ElecKve”, then, if you s`ll think that the course that you took somewhere else is equivalent to a U of H course, then submit a transfer credit pe``on. 50 ECE Department How Do I Get My Transfer Courses To Be Equivalent To Courses at UH? Step 2: • Transfer Credit PeKKon – Detailed Course Descrip`on – Detailed Syllabus – Any other informa`on needed for the course h=p://‐credit-‐pe``on.pdf or you can also find it at h=p:// 51 ECE Department Transfer Credit • Any course in which a student received a grade below C-‐ is not transferable or applicable towards degree requirements. • Credit given for Technology courses cannot apply for Engineering courses. • No credit is given for ECE courses taken in a foreign country. • Credit for other courses (math, physics, etc) taken in a foreign country can be given. Transcript should be submi=ed. 52 ECE Department Course Registra`on • Before enrolling for a course check carefully the Prerequistes/Corequisites. – h=p://‐flowcharts – h=p:// – h=p:// • Go to myUH to enroll – h=p://‐enrollment/ 53 ECE Department Con`nuous Enrollment • Registering for and successfully comple`ng at least one 3 hour course in a 13 month period • Otherwise need to reapply for admission h=p://‐apply-‐Former-‐Student – $50 fee – Deadlines • April 1st for Summer Term • July 1st for Fall Term • November 1st for Spring term 54 ECE Department • • • • General Pe``on Course Overload Request Course Subs`tu`on Degree Requirement Excep`on Change of Major You can find this pe``on at • or at the ECE dept. web site: • h=p:// 55 ECE Department Academic Dishonesty Policy All students and faculty of the University of Houston are responsible for being familiar with this policy. h=p://‐reg/academic-‐ honesty • Pay a=en`on to the policy of each instructor for homeworks, labs, projects, etc., especially with regard to collabora`on. • Make sure you know beforehand what is permissible and what is not. Do not assume. • At the beginning of the semester in every ECE course you will sign an academic honesty agreement form. 56 ECE Department Seeking Assistance Michael Craig Undergraduate Advisor N329 Engineering Building 1 Dr. Pauline Markenscoff Faculty Advisor N320 Engineering Building 1 57 ECE Department Administration Dr. Badrinath Roysam Chairman, ECE Dept. Dr. Dave Shattuck Associate Dean 58 ECE Department Engineering Compu`ng Center W 129 Engineering Building 2 h=p:// Accounts: Cougarnet (Network of PCs running Windows XP available to engineering students) e-‐mail Course Management Systems: Blackboard (Engineering) Blackboard Vista 59 Program for Mastery In Engineering Studies E316 Engineering Bldg 2 h=p:// – Learn to manage your `me effec`vely – Improve your study and tes`ng skills – A=end academic workshops to supplement your math, science, and engineering courses – Meet peer mentors 60 Engineering Career Center N302 Engineering Bldg 1 • Industrial Scholars interns Program (ISIP) • Co-‐Opera`ve Educa`on (CO-‐OP) • Internships 61 ECE Department Useful sites ECE Department web sites: h=p:// h=p://‐informa`on h=p://‐flowcharts h=p:// h=p:// 62 ECE Department Useful sites Engineering Policies web site: h=p:// University Policies web site: h=p:// h=p:// h=p://‐reg h=p://‐reg/ academic-‐honesty/ 63 ECE Department Useful sites For course enrollment: h=p://‐flowcharts h=p:// ece h=p://‐reqts/ current-‐core h=p://‐enrollment/ 64 ECE Department Useful sites For course credit: h=p:// h=p://‐credit 65 ECE Department Useful sites For academic Forms: h=p:// h=p://‐credit-‐ pe``on.pdf 66 ECE Department Useful sites College of Engineering Services: h=p:// h=p:// h=p:// 67
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