Carroll County Genealogical Society
Carroll County Genealogical Society
CARROLL COUNTY GENEALOGICAL HARALSON CO. Jan.26. 1856 OOUGLAS CO. Ocl. 17 = lo HEARD CO. Oec. 22 1830 IBOUP FALL 2OOO THE CARROLL COUNTY GENEALOGICAL QUARTERLY BY THE CARROLL COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. O. BOX 576 CARROLLTON. GEORGIA 301 17 Web Page Address - VOLUME XXI FALL 2OOO NUMBER THREE TABLE OF CONTENTS President's Letter Officers 74 More on the Barrow Family 75 Descendants of George iolloway . -allapoosa Primitive Bapt'st Church .......... 77 79 . Family of Martha Ann Rebecca Shadinger & James Edward Martin .......... 80 Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church Minutes 1879-1888 a7 Marriage Certificates, CarrollCo., GA, 1890 thru 1899 . ........ 91 Descendants of William Kinney l, William Ward ll, & Jonathan Haynes Announcements . 95 98 Carroll County Regislet 12Feb 1876. Items of Genealogical lnterest Carroll County Times, 1882.. 102 Chart Focus of Research Queries.... CCGS Njlembers 104 Pedigree !1?==:=:====:=====:=== 104 105 106 ===========ii'== The Carroll County Genealogical Society, Carroll County, Georgia, membership dues are $20.00 per person or family, on a calendar basis (January through Decembe0. Life memberships are not available. This publication is included at no exka cost in the membership dues, with one copy per family. Former issues of the Quarterly are available at the prices shown on the back page of this issue These are ordered from the Caffoll County Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 576, Carrollton, GA 30117. Queries are published free for members of the Society; charges for que.ies for nonmembers are $5.00 for up to 100 words. This Society does not assume responsibility for enors in fact or opinion which may appear rn articles furnished by its members. We will gladly correct any errors brought to our attention. Copyriqht 2000 tssN-0734-5682 . Fall2000 Dear l\,,lembers, We have had two interesting meetings and our annual picnic since the last Quaderly. ln iray three people came from the Georgia Archives to give us a "virtual tour of the Aachives." This was a video tour of the various sections on the main floor research area, lt was helpful to be shown "what was where" and in addition they brought folders containing information about the archival material available. Our picnic was the June meeting and those who came enjoyed the outing. lt would be nice if more of our local members could attend. l\,,lrs. Nancy Cornell came to our July meeting and discussed her new book, "1864 Census for Re-oryanizing the Georyia Mlrrla." lt is sometimes called "Joe Brown's Census." Govemor Brown wanted to know who was available to defend the State against Sherman's invasion. This includes all of thewhitemales, ages'16to60, who were not on active Confederate service and gives names, ages, and exemptions by county and militia district. Records of 1 1 of the then 130 counties are not available. We purchased this book which will add to our research for that period. After the meeting when members had looked at the books, we donated the following books to the Library: "Some Georyia County Recods, Vol. 10," "Revolutionary War Soldies ol Westem Nofth Carolina: Bu*e Co., Vol. 2," "The Supplement to: The Wilkes County Pape6 [1773-1889],' "Newberry County, SC Deed AbstEcfs, Vol. 1 and 2, (17851800)," "Amhe$t County, VA, in the Revolualon"- this is a reprint of an earlier book and includes extracts from the Lost Order 1773-1782, and "Caroina Scofs. Mary Florence Word gave to the Library her copy of "The Geoeia Black Book, Vol. 1," which has been missing for some time, and "Ulstet Libnies,"which will be helpful to those researching in Northern lreland. The Society has permission to reprint 'The History of Villa Rica, "which was originally published by their Bicentennial Committee. lvlary Florence Word and Ruth McNinch did a new full-name index to enhance this edition. We are already thinking about a Workshop for next lt will be difficult to surpass the successful lrish Workshop which we had this spring, but in keeping with our focus on the migration route to Georgia we are thinking of a Workshop related to the Carolinas. lt has been some time since we did a South Carolina Workshop. lf you have a particular interest, please let us know. We have an almost complete selection of materials for this area and Georgia. Our Georgia County materials mainly focus on the migration route from South Carolina. ln keeping with this, we would like to add materials from the Carolinas and Virginia to assist those searching in these areas. " Until nexi time, Betty devane, President CARROLL COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 2OOO OFFICERS Betty devane President.... Wanda Maddox Betty Jo Parsons Recording ConespondingSecretary...................... MaryFlorenceWord Ruth lucNinch Asst. Conesponding Secretary. Lee Wash Earline Boyd Asst. Treasurer. Shirley Gardner Quarterly Editor.... Web Master David Word Vice-President......... Secretary Treasurer.. . -75- MORE ON THE BARROW FAIIIILY The first of the Barrow article was published in the Summer 2O0O euarterly Submitted by Hugh W. Banow 151 1 Thornbrooke Circle Daiton, GA 30720 506-226-7 004 Corrections, Summer 2000 Quarterly, page 39 Proper name for James Rance Barrow is James Ransom "Rance,, Barrow. Proper name for "Tommy" Barrow is Thomas lMelenda Lee Barrow. Proper name for E. V. Barrow is Ezra Verdinand "Vertie" Barrow. A Story on Reverend James Barrow: The Reverend James of Bowdon was born 25 Dec 1801, in Washington Co., GA, the son of Moses Barrow and Martha Smith of NC. Moses, a Revolutionary War soldier, was the son of Thomas Barrow Jr. and Elizabeth Atkinson of VA and NC. James, or "Jlmmy" or "Uncle Jimmy " as he was called in his later days, became a mechanic by trade and |ved in Talbot and Upson Cos. before moving to Bowdon in the 1830s. He moved to lands drawn by the orphans of lvloses Bar.ow and had at least two sections one in the Smithfield and one in the Jake communities and by some means obtained a lot in the town of Bowdon ln his middle life he became exttemely crippled by what at that time was called rheumatism. His hands were badty drawn up and he was fo.ced to walk with the aid of crutches and had to be helped onto his horse which he rode on his circuit in the eastern part of Alabama He was doing some preaching but, when he became disabled, he became a full-time circuit-riding Missionary Baptist preacher. Chancellor David Banow of the University System of Georgia said of his cousin that the old man could recite entire chapters of the Bible from memory We have newspaper articles of his preaching as far away as Tuskeegee, AL, which is probably 150 miles or so from Bowdon ln April. 1865, near the end of the Civil War, Union Generat James Wilson formed in Northern Alabama a force of 7500 men mounted on the best horses available and equipped with the latest repeating carbines and began a path of destruction across Alabama and Georgia burning anything in their path inctuding milts, factories, bridges, railway trestles and stations, and anything else including unrversities that they felt might be of use to the South in continuing the War. This destruction was totally uncalled for since General Lee had sunendered to Genera{ Grant at Appomattox Cou,1 House on April Wilson divided his force into three wings and one wing of 1500 horsemen, commanded by General Croxton, burned the University of Alabama and then continued their march eastward across Alabama, burning as they rode. They crossed into Georgia on April 24, west of Bowdon and continued into the town As far as I can tell, they did not do any burning in Bowdon but they did sack the stores for anything they needed or wanted. They then continued their nde io Carrollton where they did considerable damage, burning one side of the Square. Here, Croxton interviewed several of Lee's Virginia soldiers who had already returned home and who told the Yankee General thattheWarwas over. I\,leanwhile, Wi,son, whoby nowwasat Thomaston burning textile mills, also heard of the cease fire and called a halt to the destruction. While in Bowdon, the Federals captuted several Confederate soldiers who were home on wounded furlough and took them to Macon where they were held until 6 More on the Barrow Family, Cont'd July 1865. Among those captured was William Barrow, son of the Reverend and who had been wounded captured, and exchanged, and who had been home only a few days. When the raiding party was nearing the Georgia border, a squad of the bluecoated ho.semen ran up on the Reverend James who was making his rounds over in Trickum Va{ley in the recently-opened territory where only a few years before the Creek lndians had claimed as their own. One of the men noticed that the old gentleman had a very nice saddle and, since hls own had seen some hard use, got the old man down off his fine horse and took the saddle for his own. This action got the old preacher all stirred up and he shouted, "You boys will go to hell for what you have done tg me today." With this said the young Yankee replied, "Well, old man if I am going to hell I will need a better horse to ride " With this he put the good saddle back on the good horse and rode on to Bowdon, leaving the old preacher with a wornout horse and saddle My grandfather John William ('J.W.") Barrow of Bowdon, who was the grandson of the Reverend, told this story to me as a lesson that sometimes it is much better to lust keep your mouth shut. From The Canoll County FEe Prcss, datedl August 1884: Old Uncle Jimmy Barrow well known throughout this county, and we may say, throughout this section of the state, died at the residence of his son, W. H. Barrow, in Bowdon on last Wednesday morning. He had been in feeble health for sometime and his death was not unexpected. The old man we suppose was in the neighborhood of 80 years of age He died resigned, we understand, and ready to go at the bidding of the Master. to whom he had consecrated his entire life. For over half a century he had been a minister of the Gospel, and a iaithful and devout follower of the Cross. His buialwas to have taken place in Bowdon yesterday (He was actually 83 years old.) Rev James Barrow Lucindia " ucy' Bivins Barow -77 - lvlore on the Barrow Family. Cont'd. Frcm The Chistian lndex and South-Wester, Eapfsl dated 8 January .1874 Died, in Bowdon, Georgia, December 21st 1873, lvlrs. Lucy Barrow, wife of Rev. James Barrow. The deceased was married in 1825, baptized in Upson county, Georgia, by Rev Jacob King. On Saturday 20lh ult. in the absence of the family, her clothing caught on fire, and before she was discovered she was almost suffocated. Her sufferings were agonizing. and her last moments were state of insensibility. For many years she shared in the labors and toils of a minister of Christ She rests from her labors leaving the aged servant to toil on in hope ofeternal glory. Maythe Good Shepherd lead him safely and peaefully through life to glory. (Lucy's grave marker in the Bowdon Baptist Church Cemetery gtves her date of death as being Feb. 1874. This is surely incorrect as this obituary was published in January 1874 This is the way "insensibility" is spelled in the article ) DESCENDANTS OF GEORGE HOLLOWAY Prepared by Patricia Ann Wilson 123 Hicks Place Leveland, TX 79445 George Holloway was born 1530 in England. He had 1 child: 1. John David Holloway. b'1555, Engiand: mdAnn---.. Theyhadlchid: A George Hollaway, b 1590, England; md Elizabeth Frances lvlatthews They had 2 children 1 James Holloway, b '1635, Charles River. VA md Ann ----; d 1674, York Co., VA 5. George Holioway, b 1638. Charles RrverCo., VA; md1660to Elizabeth Greenough Carmack (b Oxfordshire England). They had 4 children: a. George Holloway, b 1660, York, VA; md 1685. York, VA, to Hannah --- (b 1664, York, VA; d 20 Oct 1704, York VA). He d 13 Jun 1714, York, VA. (See below for their descendaots 7. b William Holloway. b 1662 8 c. David Holioway, b 02 May 1664 Charles River Co , VA; md Elizabeth Frances Matthews (b 26 Aug 1671, Charles River Co , VA, d 1736, Yo* Co., VA) Hed 1732, York Co.. VA. John Holloway, b 1670i md Mary Pharo. 2. 3. 2 d George Holloway, #6 a, son of George Holloway & Elizabeth Greenough Carmack b 1660, md Hannah ---- and had 5 children as follows: 1. James Holloway, b 16 Jan 1684/85, York, VA; d 27 Nov 1705, York. VA. 2. Charles Holloway, b 15 Apr'1688, York, VA. 3. David Holloway (twin), b 18Aug 1690, York, VA; d13Jul 1698,York,VA. 4. George Holloway(twin), b 18 Aug 1690, York, vA. He had 1 chrld: George 19. 11. 12. 13. Descendants of George Holloway, Con't. Descendants of George Holloway, #'13 4: A. George Holloway, b 29 Feb 1707108, York Co., VA; md '10 Sep 1731, Burlington, VA, to Ruth Wood; d 1778 Springfield, VA. They had 3 children:: 1. John Holloway, b 1732, Burke Co., NC; d Nov 1781, Natchez. (See below for his descendants) 2. George Holloway b 1744, Lunenburg Co., VA; d Edgefield Co., SC. (His descendants will be published in the next QuarterlY) 3. Reuben Holloway, b '1753, VA, md 1784, VA, to Penniah (b 1763, VA). He d 1806, VA. 5. lrary Holloway, b 04 Jun 1693, York, VA; d '13 Dec '1695, York, VA. 15. 16. 17. 18. 14. --- John Holloway (#'161 immediately above), son of George Holloway & Ruth Wood, b 1732, nd 1764, BurkeCo., NC to Elizabeth White (b 1735, VA). They had 7 childrenl John, William, Elizabeth, George, Robert, l\4ary, and James Holloway. '1. John Holloway, b'1755, Oglethorpe Co, GA. (See below for his descendants) 2. William Holloway, b 01 Apr 1757, NC; md 1789, Rowan, NC, to Orpha (b 1767, Rowan, NC) he d 15 Aug 1850, Brooks, GA. They had 9 children: A. Lavina Holloway, b 1790. Rowan, NC. B. Nancy Holloway, b 14 Aug 1792, Rowan, NC; d22May1853, Bulloch Co., GA. C. Matthew Holloway, b 1797, Bulloch Co , GA; d 1840. D. William Holloway, b 1802. Bulloch Co, GA E. Roxanna Holloway, b 16 Feb 1808, Bulloch Co., GA; d 06 Mar'1868, Hillsborough. FL. F. Catherine Holloway, b 1814, Bulloch Co., GA. G. Susannah Holloway, b 1819, Bulloch Co., GA. H Griffin Holloway, b 29 Mar 1a22, Bulloch Co., GA; d06Oct1901. Orpha Lee Holloway, b 25 Jul 1825, Bulloch Co. GA; d 28 Sep 1887. 3. Elizabeth Holloway, b 1759. 4. George Holloway, b '1761 Burke Co., NC; md Mary Loving (b 1768, Wilkes Co., NC). They had I childrenl A. Jane Holloway, b 16 Oct 1795, Burks, NC; md 04 June 1814, Burks Co., NC, to David Selzet (b 12 May 1791, Burks, NC; d 28 Mar 1872, Burks Co , NC); he d 29 Mar 1872. Burke Co. NC. B James Taylor Holloway, b 1797, Burks Co, NC. C. Sally Holloway, b 1799, Burks Co., NC. D Susan Holloway b 23 Jan 1806, Burks Co., NC; md --- Fleming (b 1802, Burks Co., NC): she d 27 Jul 1861, Burks Co., NC. E. Mahala Holloway, b 1808, Burks Co., NC. F. Robert Holloway, b 31 Jan 1809, Burks Co, NC; md 08 Feb 1830, Burks Co., NC, to Catherine Hood (b 15 Oct 1907, Burks Co, NC; d 28 Sep 1902, Caldwell Co, NC); he d 01 l\rar 1891, Caldwell Co. NC. G. Washington Holloway, b 1810, Burks Co, NC 19. 20. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 21. 22. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47 --- l. -79- Descendants of George Holloway, Cont'd Descendants of Geotge Holloway #22 4: H. George Holloway, b'1811. Burks Co, ND 5. Robert Holloway, b 1764. 24. 6. Mary Holloway, b 1767. 25 7 James Holloway, b '1769. 48. John Holloway, #19 1, the son of John Holloway & Elizabeth White, b 1755, md Mary Shins Hubbard (b 1773, Oglethorpe Co.. GA). They had 1 child: 1. Moses Hubbard Holloway, b 1795, Oglethorpe Co., GA; md 14 Nov 1824, Jasper Co., GA, to Delia Rowden, dau of Laban Rowden & Milley Adams (b 1796, GA; d'1870, GA); he d 14 Feb 1861, L.4acon Co, AL. They had 11 children: 68 A Mahala Ann Holloway, b 1825, GA; d bef 1860. 69 B. Thuza Elizabeth Holloway, b Mar 1828, GA. 70 C. John Holloway. b 1830, GA. 71 D Laban Rowden Holloway, b 08 May 1833, GA, d 06 Oct 1890, LA. E. lvlarion G. Holloway b 1835, GA F. Mary Hubbard Holloway, b 1'1 May 1836, GA; md 11 Nov 1858, Macon Co., GA, to James E Braswell;(b 1834, GA).; she d 24 Nov 1909, AL. 74 G Walter Holloway, b 1839, GA H MillyA Holloway, b Nov 1841, GA; md 24 Nov 1866, Lilacon Co., GA, 75 to Erasmus John Deal. Henry Stephens Holloway, b 30 Dec 1844, GA; d 30 July 1899, Macon Co. GA 77 J. Nlillicent A. Holloway, b 1846, GA 7A K Tabiiha Adeline Holloway, b 24 Oct 1848, [.4acon Co, GA. 31 72 73 I llThis article will continue in the next Quarterly with the descendants of George Hollowsy and Elizabeth White, beginning with their second child, George Holloway, #17 2, and his wlfe Sarah Patterson l TALLAPOOSA PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Submilted by Beckie Chambers 770-954-4456 The Tallapoosa Prjmitive Bapt st Church is one of the oldest churches in Carroll lt is Co located on the Tyus Road, Land Lot #58 1oth Dist. of Carroll Co., GA. In July of 1830. a group of Carroll Co. citizens petitioned the Elders James Reeves, John Frye, Moses Kelly, James Majors and John Wood to approve their credentials and to constitute them into a Church The Church was constituted on 17 July 1830 as the Carollton Baptist Church and was a memberof the Western Association. which included churches from Coweta, Troup, Meriwether. and Campbell Cos. James Majors was called as the first pastor of the Church. Charter rnembers of the Church were James Dowdy, John Williams Thomas Sanford, Thomas Dowdy, Anah Hicks, Polly Williams, Sarah Dowdy, and Polly Chandler -80Tallapoosa Primitive Baptist Church Cont'd. Although a committee was appointed to locate a building site for the Church, no building is known to have been built until 184'1 Before that time, the congreqtion had met in Carrollton with an arm in the 11th Dist. at the homes of settlers who desired membership. ln June 1833, the constrtuted Church and the arm voted to change the name of the Church to TALLAPOOSA BAPTIST CHURCH. On [ray 4, '1841 a building committee, Whitaker Butler, John Warren and William Avrea purchased 5 acres of Land Lot 58 in the Tenth Diskict of Carroll County from John Avrea, A building, said to have been a simple one-room cabin, was erected. For a Who's Who, in the early 10th and 1lth Dists. of Carroll Co., add to the charter list members who joined in the first ten years, Elizabeth Avrea, Harriet Avrea, John Avrea, Mary Beall, William Beall, Sarah Benson, Davison Blackwell, l. Blackwell, Elizabeth Blair John Boggs, Jesse Brown, Sarah Brown, John Burt, Mary Burt, Miriam Butler, Whitaker Butler, William Caldwell, lvlatilda Cader, Charity Chandler, Elizabeth Chandler, Linzey Chandler, Lucinda Chandler, l\rajor L. Chandler, L,!alinda Chandler, Polly Chandler, Richard Chandler, Sarah Chieves, Mary Creel, Rody Crews, Leanna Curry, Thomas Duke, Luke Ginn, Nancy Ginn, James Graham, Jesse P. Graham, Nancy Hackins, Thana Harp, Lazarus Henson, Frances Howell, Nancy Hyten, Nancy Johnson, Abraham Jones, Nancy Kelly, lsaac Knight, Branch Mabry, Katherine irabry, Nancy Smith, Walter Stewart, Absalom lerrell, Edward Tenell, Eliza Tomma, James Tomma, Peter lyess, John Warren, lvlargaret Warren, William Warren, Ruth Wanen, Ruth Waters, David White, Elinder White, Mary White Nancy White, William White, Amelia Word, John B. Word. The Church is still a vital part of the community The pastor is James F. Blair. He can be contacted at770-505-7235- The eady members of the Church are on microfilm at the Georgia Archives. The Carroll County Genealogical Society has been given permission to purchase a copy of the minutes, and hopes to add them to the microfilm collection at the Neva Lomason Library soon Information about the organizing of the Church has been recorded in a spiralbound booklet by John Acree, Secretary of the Church. Ihe information for this article was taken from his booklef, Tallapoosa Pimitive Baptist Chutch , 1830-2000, a legacy of faith and hope, and from the booklet, Tallapoosa Pimitive Baplisl Chutch constituted July 17, 1830, prepared by Elder Jerry Lee. The following is taken from the "Shadirget Farnily Book" by Violette Denney, from which we will be publishjng articles in future publjcations of the Quarterly. These articles have been abstracted and, while they contain many interesting historical events, we are publishing mainly the genealogical information from this book here tn the Quarterly Please contact Mrs Denney to see this book in its entirety. THE FAMILY OF MARTHA ANN REBECCA SHAOINGER & JAMES EDWARD MARTIN Cont'd. from the Summer 2000 Quarterly 5 Maude [,/artin, b 03 Apr '1885, the fifth child of Marths Ann Rebecca Shadinger and James Edward lrartin; md Henry Lilartin Almon, 09 Jul 1905, Carroll Co., The Family of Martha Ann Rebecca Shadinger & James Edward lradin, Cont'd GA, son of Samuel Almon and Banie Roop, d 05 Oct 1974, GA; bur Cafiollton City Cem. Henry Martin Almon was a lifelong resident of Carroll Co., end had been connected wilh farming operations in the County most of his life. From 1925-1928 he operated a bus line between Carrollton and Atlanta. ln 1928 he assisled in the organization ofthe Martin-Almon Funeral Home in Carrollton, and was actively associated with this firm until his retirement in March 1942, retaining an interest in several enterprises. He belonged to the Oak Grove Baptist Church. Maude and Henry had 6 children: Samuel Wilbur, [i]attie Beatrice, Evelyn Maude, lma Lee, Charles Henry, and Verna Martin Almon. A. Samuel Wilbur Almon, b 26 NIay 1906, Carroll Co., GA, md Margaret Riggs; d 22 Aug 1975, GA, bur Carroll Memory Gardens, Carroll Co , GA, lvlargaret Rigos is the sisler of Raymond Riggs who married Evelyn Almon. Samuel and lvargaret had 4 chidren: Martha Jo, Barbara Sue, Donald Lee and lma Carol Almon. 1. Martha Jo Almon, b 12 Oec 1928, Carroll Co GA: md CraMord Jeptha (Red) Maxwell, 13 Dec1946, Carroll Co.,GA Theyhad4 children: Michael Dale lvlaxwell b 24 Oct '1947 Bibb Co. GA md Antoiantte (Toni) Roberts b. Randall Almon Maxwell b 13 Sep 1954, Bibb Co. Joseph Wilbur Maxwell, b 12 Dec 1964, Bibb Co. Marcia Elizabeth l\ilaxwell, b 10 Feb 1968, Bibb Co 2. Batbaa Sue(Bobbie) Almon b21 Jan 1934, Carroll Co., GA, md #1 Thomas Watson Harper, 20 Sep 1950, Carroll Co., GA, divorced. They had 3 chiidren Richard "Timothy" Harper, b 09 Jun 1951 , Carroll Co., GA. b. Margaret Jean Harper, b 1 5 Oct 1952. Carroll Co. c. Deborah Ann Harper, b 07 l\ilar '1954 Carroll Co. Bobbie md #2 Gerold Harris (Jerry) McEwen, 01 Apr 1960, Carroll Co., GA. 3. Donald Lee Almon, b 09 Nov 1935, Carroll Co, GA; md Rachel Knight, 15 N4ay 1960, Bibb Co . GA. They had 2 children: Anthony Kirt Knight Almon, b 19 Oct '1958, Dade Co., FL b. Donald Keith Almon. b 22 Dec 1960, Bibb Co., GA. lma Carol Almon, b 08 May'1940 Carroll Co., GA, md Jack Wilson Kemp 22Feb 1957 Carroll Co., GA. They had 3 children: Mark Allsn, Tony Jerrall, and Terry Kevin Kemp. a c d a a 4 The Family of Martha Ann Rebecca Shadinger & James Edward Martin Cont'd. a. Mark Allen Kemp b 16 Jan 1958 Cumberland Co., NC, md Linda Marie Mcwhorter Fletchet,27 Dec 1986, Carroll Co , GA, dau of Millard Mcwhorter and Betty Trammel. They had 2 children: 1. Taylor Allen Kemp, b 19 May 1988, Coweta Co., GA. 2. Laylon Evan Kemp, b 25 Dec '1989, Carroll Co.GA b. Tony Jerral Kemp, b 24 Jan 1962 Carroll Co., GA. c. Terry Kevin Kemp, b 25 Feb 1964, Carroll Co; md Cindy Dodson Davenport, 03 Apr 1994, Haralson Co., GA. B. Mattie Beatrice Almon, b 23 Aug 1907 Carroll Co., GA, md Charles Earl Garner, 29 Nov 1926. Carroll Co., GA (in the middle of Temple Roadl), son of Thomas Garner and Addie Baskin; d 03 Apr 1990, Carroll Co; bur Carrollton City Cem. They had 2 children: Jack Austin and Almon William Garner. 1. Jack Austin Garner, b 14 Jan 1927 Caffoll Co., GA; md Betty Joyce Boye, 1951, VA; d 30 Apr 1985, GA; body given to Emory for medical purposes: bur Darien, GA They had 4 children: Rodney William Garner, b 10 Jan 1953, Atlanta, GA; md Eugenia (Genie) Foster They had 3 children: 1. Julie Garner, b 28 Feb 1983. 2. lrena Kate Garner, b 0'1 Jun 1984. 3. Jessie Garner b 15 Jan 1987 b. Shirley Beatrice Garner, b 18 Dec 1954, Atlantal md #'1 Wayland Collins, ca 1981 , md #2 Dominique Bador, ca 1985. c. Rayford Earl Garner, b 08 Jan 1956, Atlanta;r md Terri Long. They had 1 child: 1 Austin Ray Garner, b 23 May 1990 Jacquelyn Joyce Garner, b 14 Sep 1962, Atlanta; md Donny Lee Shrader, 31 lvlar 1989. Chattanooga, TN They had 2 children 1 Alisha Michelle Shrader, b 02 Apr '1991, Atlanta GA Joseph Aaron Shrader. b 10 Nov 1995, Atlanta. GA 2. Almon William Garner, b 20 Dec1931 , Carrollton, GA. md Sarah Louise (Sally) Sappington, 06 Mar 1955 Decatur, GA They had 3 children: a. Steven William Garner, b 03 Nov 1955, Atlanta, GA;, md Debra Burchette Finley 22 Apt 1988, Decatur, GA. They had 1 child: '1. Grant Parker Garner, b 08 May '1990, Atlanta b. Anthony Almon Garner, b 29 Apr 1957, Anchorage, AK. a d 2 -83- The Family of Martha Ann Rebecca Shadinger & James Edward Martin, Cont'd c Gregory Alan Gatnet,b2T Oct 1963, Decatur, GA; Elizabeth md decarcia, Aug 1991 . They had 1 child 1. Beren Patric decarcia Garner, b 11 Dec 1998, Atlanta. GA. C Evelyn Maude Almon, b 21 Mar 1909, Carroll Co , GA; md Raymond Richard Riggs, '13 Sep 1929. They had 3 children: Myra Ann, Ray Charles, and Barbara Elaine Riggs. 1. Myra Ann Riggs. b 12 Aug 1932, Carroll Co, GA, md Howard Milton Pyle, '11 Jul 1952, Chattanooga, TN; d 14 Jul 1993, Decatur, GA. They had 3 children: Elizabeth Joy, Natalie Ann, and Katherine Faith Pyle. Howard is a minister at the Faith Baptist ChLrrch, Ellenwood, GA. He has been therc 37 years. a. Elizabeth Joy Pyle, b21 Jun 1955, Chattanooga, TN; md Roger Napier Powell, 11Jul 1975, Ellenwood, GA They had 6 children: '1 . Rebecca Joy Powell, b 28 Aug 1977, Decatur, GA; md Aaron Michael Swain, 1 5 Jun 1996, Bridgeport, Ml. They had one child. a. Aarecca Joy Swain, b 09 Mar 1998, Knoxville TN. 2. Jessica Rugh Powell, b 24 Apr '1980, Stockbridge, GA, d 01 Dec 1988, Michigan, in a car accident on the way to Katherine Pyle's wedding. 3. Jennifer Renae Powell. b 05 Jan 1986. Bfldgeport Ml 4. Roger Jonathan Powell, b 19 Jun 1988, Bridgeport, lvll. 5. Janalyn Rose Powell, b 21 Jan 1992, Bridgeport, Ml. 6. Rachel Janelle Powell, b 31 Aug 1997. Findlay, OH Natalie Ann Pyle b 13 Dec 1958, Chattanooga, TN; md Wesley Edward Cason, 03 Aug '1979, Ellenwood, GA. They had 3 children: 1 Jonathan Wesley Cason, b 07 Jul '1981, Decatur. GA Alyssa Dawn Cason b21 Mat 1984, Decatur 3. David Brandon Cason, b 07 Jan 1987, Douglasville, GA. b 2 -44- The Family of Martha Ann Rebecca Shadinger & James Edward Martin, Cont'd. c. Katherine Faith Pyle, b 08 Mar 1962, Atlanta, cA; md David Robert Edwards.03 Dec 1988, Ellenwood, GA They had 4 children. 1. Jessica Lauren Edwards, b 20 Oct 1990, Atlanta, GA. 2. Austin Cameron Edwards, b 18 June 1992, Atlanta, GA 3 Ryan Patrick Edwards, b 22 Jun 1994, Carrollton Ga 4. Jordan Andrew Edwards, b 01 Mar '1996, Carrollton, GA. 2. Ray Chades Riggs. b 29 Apr 1937 Bremen, cA: md Judy Ann Jones, 23 Jun 1961, Claxton, TN. They had 3 children: Lee Ann Riggs. b May 1962 Oakridge, TN d May 1962, Oakridge. Kelly Elizabeth Riggs, b 23 Sep 1964, OakriCge; md David Coleman Wilson, 25 Jul 1987, Oakridge, TN They had 2 childrenl 1 . Jacob Coleman Wilson b 07 Oct 1991 , Orange Park FL. 2. Kevin Austin Wilson. b 14 Mar 1994. Tallahoma TN. c. Kevin Hale Riggs, b 18 Mar 1968, Oakridge, md Wendy Lee Weddle, 09 Jul 1994, Johnson City, TN. 3. Barbara Elaine Riggs, b 02 Sep 1944. Fontana, NC; md Ernest Theron Chewning 08Jun1961,Tampa FL. They had 4 children: Rebecca Kay, Rachel Lynn,Steven Ray, and Theron Mark Chewning. a b Ernest Theron Chewning is a minister at Fowler Avenue Baptist Church, Tampa, FL. a. Rebecca Kay Chewning b 03 Apr 1962 Tampa, md Kent Rolland Sager, 29 Aug 1987, Tampa. They had 4 children: 1 . Amanda Elaine Sager, b 10 Jul 1989, Danbury. CT. Sharon Elizabeth Sager b08Apr1991, Danbury. Melissa Ann Sager b 19 Mar '1994, Danbury. 4. Kent Rolland Sager Jr., b 01 Feb 1996, Danbury. b. Rachel Lynn Chewning b 28 May 1964, Tampa, md Mark Alfred Lancaster, 30 Aug 1992, Tampa. They had 4 children: 1 Aaron Christopher Chewning, b 27 Jan 1989, Tampa. 2. John Mccall Lancaster, b 14 Jul 1993. Tampa, d 26 Jul '1993, Tampa; bur carden of Memories Tampa 2 3 -85- The Family of Martha Ann Rebecca Shadrnger & James Edward Martin Cont'd. 3. Bethany Nichole Lancaster, b 18 Oct'1995. Tampa. 4. Jacob Caron Lancaster, b 23 Sep 1997, Tampa c. Stephen Ray Chewning b 14 Nov 1965, Tampa, md Kimberly Ann Oddy 08 Jan 1994, Tampa. d. Theron Mark Chewning, b 05 Apr 1972, Tampa. D. lma Lee Almon, b 12 Jan 1911, Carroll Co., GA; md Loy Powell Kelley, 17Jan 1929, son of Jesse Keliey and Solena Powell. Theyhad'l child: '1. Gary Almon Kelley, b 30 Sep 1955, Fairfax. VAt md Michelle Cecile Provost, 19 Nov 1990. E. Charles Henry Almon, b 21 Jan 1915, CarrollCo GA; md Evelyn Virginia Colquitt, 19 Dec 1943, Thomaston, GA. They had 2 chiledren. From the Times-Georgisn, 11 Aug 1995 - Chick received the 1995 Outstanding Alumni Award at the Fourth District A&lvl School Alumni Asociational Annual nleeting on August 2nd.... He graduated from lhe A&M School in 1933, the last A&M class year.. When asked why he came to A&M. he simply replies,"lt was my preference " Whiie al A&N4 Chick played on the basketball team. After graduation, he went lo Guplon-Jones N4orluary School in Nashville, Tennessee, as well as Dental Technician School at Walter Reed Hospital in Washjngton, D.C. On Decembea'19. 1943, he married Virginia Colquitt in Thomaston. A World War l{ veteran.... Following his service in the U S. rmy (1941-46). he returned to Carrollton and established Almon Funeral Home. Evelyn Virginia Colquitt was admitted to the National Society Daughlerc of the American Revo[rlion on 1 Feb 1969 (National#538589) under John Trice ancestor frcm Virginia 1. Ronald Colquitt Almon, b08Aug 1946, Thomaston, GA; md Wendy Jean Stekmann 19 Nov 1977, Nlemphis. TN 2. William Charles (Charlie) Almon, b 31 lvlar 1952, Carrollton, GA; md Larita Rae (Sissy) Brumbelow, 06 Dec 1992, First Baptlst Ch., Carrollton, GA. F. Vema lllartin (Pee-Wee) Almon, b 08 Dec 1919, Carroll Co., GA; md Serena Hansard.09 May 1939, Heflin, AL. They had 4 children: 1. Laverne Almon, b 04 Mar 1940, Carroll Co., GA; md Ead Lewis Alderman, 14 Ju\1972, CarrollCo. Theyhad l child: a Ashley Aiderman b 27 Nov 1973, md Jonathan Edgar Bush, 27 Dec 1997, Fulton Co , GA 2. Douqlas Alan Almon b 15 Dec 1943, Canoll Co, md Marian Warnock, 15 Oct 1964, Carollton, Canoll Co., GA They had 2 children: a. Kelly Almon, b '10 May 1965, CarrollCo , GA; md Kevin Bryant, 10 Jul 1993, Carrollton, Carroll Co. They had 2 childrenl 1. Hunter Douglas Bryant, b 09 Jan 1996, Fulton Co.. GA 2. Griffin Kennedy Bryant, b 27 Apr 1998, Fulton b Co.GA Douglas Scott Almon, b 13 Feb '1969, Carroll Co; md l\relissa Betsill, 19 Nov 1996, Peachtree Road lreth Ch., Atlanta, GA. -86The Family of l\4artha Ann Rebecca Shadinger & James Edward Martin, Cont'd. 3. Charles Fredric Almon, b 12 Dec 1950, Carroll Co; md Susan Camp,21 Aug'1971, Carrollton, Carroll Co. They had 1 child: a. Mathew Heftin Almon, b 05 Sep 1978, Fulton Co., GA. 4. Henry (Randy) Hansard Almon, b 07 Dec 1955, Canoll Co; md Pamela Stallings, 25 Aug '1979, Carrollton, GA dau of Tracy Stallings and Shirley Cra,/vford. They had 3 childrenl a Alexis Grace Almon, b 11 Feb 1984 Carroll Co., GA. b. NathanielAdam Almon, b 13 Mar 1986, Carroll Co. c. Ansley Ellen Almon, b 02 Mar 199'1, Carroll Co. 6. Jennie Lee Martin, b 24 Apt 1887; d 27 Apr 1888. 7 Florence Lee Martin, b29Jan 1889, Carroll Co., GA; md#1 Charles S. Boyd, 09 Sep 1906, Carroll Co; d 29 Nov 1964, Hosp. in Cedartown, cA; bur Stripling Chapel Ch Cem.,Carroll Co. They had 2 children: A. Millican Boyd B. C. Weems Boyd. Florence md #2 ---- Brock. 8. James Clifton Martin, b 12 NIar'1891 md Eula Wiggins, 22Sep 1912, Carroll Co., GA; d 1974. They had 2 children: A. George Marvin [,/]artin, b May 1921, Carrollton, GA; md #1 Avene Maxwell; md #2 Edna Lola Chance, 24 Oc|1943, Canoll Co., GA. They had 3 children: 1. Connie Martin. md lllichael Weathers. Marthe Mertin 3. Greg Martin. B. James Stewart Martin, b 13 Aug 19'13, Carroll Co., GA: md Agnes lda Scott, 25 Dec 1940, dau of Otis Scott and Bessie Smith; d 16 Jan 1993, [Iartin & Hightower Funeral Home, Center St. Chapel; burCityCem. Theyhadl child: 2 James Slewart Maflin was slill workiog at age 79 He died waiting for a family to make final arrangements. He had enlered a 3 on a paper, then moved lo a favorite chair and sat down just restingl. The funeral home opened in 1940 and he lived there until hebuiltthe homenextdoorin 1950. Rebecca said three lhings about herfather: Hewas humble as a dog, plain as an old shoe, and he wanted to help everybody! and died of a heart att€ck - 1 Rebecca Ann Martin b 13 N4ay 1942, Carrollton Clinic, Carrollton, GA; md Doyle Ray Akins, 05 Aug 1962, '128 W Center St., Carrollton, GA (bride's parents' home), son of Albert Akins and Alma Warmack. Theyhadlchild: a. Andri Anna Akins, b 13 Dec 1968 Carrollton, GA; md Gerald Arthur Pilgrim ,27 Jun 1992, Carrollton, GA. They had 1 child: 1. John Martin Pilgrim, b 10 Apr 1998, Carollton, GA. L lvattie Martin, b 14 Mar 1894, GA; md CarlA. Nix, '16 Nov '1914, Bride's parents' home, Canoll Co., GA, by lrinister Owen Still; bur Stripling Chapel Meth. Ch. Cem., CanollCo., GA. They had 7 children: A. lrattie Ethel Nix B. Myrtle Nix. -47 - The Family of Martha Ann Rebecca Shadinger & James Edward [/artin, Cont'd. C. [/]abel Nix. D Clinton Nix. E. Victor Nix. Goodwin Nix. G Goss Nix. F 10. Seaborn Glenn Martin, b 27 Jul 1896i unmd ; d 28 [Iay 1967, GA; bur Stripling Chapel lieth. Ch. Cem., Carrollton, GA IThs article will be continued in the next Quarterly with the family of William Canoll (Billy) Shadinger and his two wives, lvlassuria Phillips and Burma Alberta l\roore l We are grateful to our member Jim T. Thornton Ranburne, AL., who located the Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church, Carroll Co.. minutes This Church was formed in 1844 and closed in '1989. Due to the diligence of Mr. Thornton and the generosity of Mr. Alton Robinson, we are now publish;ng a genealogical abstraction of these minutes which will coverthe first two books of a four-book collectign. The fullcollection is atthe Special Collections Room at the State University of West Georgia, Carrollton. BETHLEHEM PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH (Continued from the Summer 2000 Quarterly) 1879 25 Apr - Received Rebekah Shelton upon a relation of an experience of grace. Brother J. E. Sutton, not being present, on motion continued the case until our next conference, On motion, Brother J. L. Singleton was appointed Chorister 27 Apr - Baptized the Sister 24 May - Brother J. E. Sutton being present, gave his reason for his long absence from conference and denied the rumor that he had been making use of profane language. BrotherThomas B. Carton was unanimously chosen Deacon. 21 June - Received Brother Elihu H. Wade, an ordained Deacon, and his wife, Sister Sarena E. Wade, Deaconess, by letter. Gave Brother Wade liberty to exercise his gift in the ministery wherever his lot is cast. Brother Carton still cannot feel to consent to the office of Deacon. Gave him one more month to consider. Baother John H. Hand called for a letter of dismission (per J. C. Ward) which wass granted.. 26 July -,Brother T B. Carton said that he couldn't consent to the office of Deacon. 23 Aug - Received John S, Camel and his wife Sarah and James Copeland, all by an experience of grace. Received a letter from our sistel Church, Corinth, Cleburne Co., Ala., calling for the ordination of Brother Elihu H. Wade. Brother Wade answered that he submitted to the Church. The presbytery was then chosen Elders H. S. Burson, J. D Philips, William Robinson and E. Philips, the ordination to take plce Friday berfore the fourth Sunday in October 24 Aug - Met at the usual place and John D. Camel and his wife were baptized. James Copeland was also baptized. 27 Sep - Received John Ayers upon acknowledgements, and Susan C. Lovern and lvlary E. Philips upon a relation of an experience of grace. On motion, Brother John Camel was appointed Assistant Chorister. 25Oct-ChoseE H. Wade as Moderator Protem Unanimously chose BrotherH. S. Burson, by ballgt, to be our Pastor for 1880. lt appears from evidence that this Church -88Bethlehem Primilive Baptist Church, Cont'd. some years past received Brother Alexander Garden and his wfe. Elizabeth Garden on a letter from the Towaliza(?) Association, and on motion this Church rescinded this act and Sister Elizabeth Garden was received upon a confession of faith22 Nov - Appointed Brother E. H. Wade Moderator Protem. 1880 24 July - Received Lidia Thornton, the wife of F. M. Thornton, by an experience of grace. Brother Thomas B. Carton called for a letter of dismission for himself and wife, Sister Harriet H. Carton, which were granted 25 July - Our Pastor baptized Sister Thomton at the river. 7 Aug - Brother J. P. Chandler, a member of our sister Church, Corinth, withdrew theil request for the ordination of Brother E. H. Wade. Request granted. 21 Aug - Sister Lidia Thornton has joined the lrissionary order and on motion this Church has this day withdrawn our fellowship from said Sister. Brother E. H. Wade called for a letter of dismission for himself and wife, Sister Sareaner E Wade. Request granted. 25 Sep - Our Pastor being absent, Brother E. H. Wade was appointed lroderator Protem. Brother H. S. Burson was unanimously chosen by ballot to be our Pastor for the ensuing year. 1881 25 Feb - Brother Burson, being present, said that under present circumstances he couldn't promise to be our Pastor. 24 Apr - Brother H S. Burson agreed to try to serve the Church as Under Shepherd this year. 21 lvlay - Brother J. L. Singleton was aappointed Moderator Protem. 23 July - Received Thomas J. D Hand by an expenence of grace. 24 July -Received l\,4rs. Ann F. Denney by experience. Brother C. B. Nixon baptized Ihomas J. D. Hand in the river. 27 Aug - Received Thomas J Denney by an experience. Appointed a committee of three. A. F. Stephenson, John Singleton, and A J Philips, to visit Brother John Ayers to learn why he was absenting himself from conference. 28 Aug - Baptized Thoma J. Denney by Brother Burson. 24 Sep - The Church prefered a charge against Brother John Ayers for being intoxicated, using profane languge and absenting himself from conference. On motion. he is no longer a member of this Church 22 Oct - Brother E. H. Wade was appointed Moderator Protem. Received Sister Sarah J. Denney upon a declaration of an experience of faith. Brother H. S. Burson was unanimously chosen as Pastor for next year. 23 Oct - The above Sisier was baptized by Brother Burson this morning. 24 Dec - Brother H. S. Burson answered the call of Pastor by saying he will serve if he can. 1aa2 26 Feb- Received by letter Brother C D Nixon, a licensed Minister, and his wife, Sister Sarah A. Nixon by letter 25 June - Sister Sarah Wliamson called for a letter of dlsmission which was granted. 23 July - Received Brother Arthur Jones and his wife Sister Nancy Jones by letter from Bethany Church. Also by an experience of grace, Sarah E. Hand and ElerJ. Ayers. -89Bethlehem Primirive Baptist Church, Cont'd 27 Aug - Met at the river and Sarah E Handand ElerJ. Ayers were baptized byour Pastor. Returned to the house, and Brother John E Su(on called for a letter of dismission which was granted. 23 Sep - Received Lewis l. Beck by a relataon of an experience of grace. 24 Sep. Our Pastor baptized Lewis {. Beck. 21 Oct - Brother H. S. Burson was unanimously chosen Pastor for the ensuing year by ballot. 23 Nov - Brother Burson accepted the call of Pastor for next year. 1883 27 July - Received by letter Brother E. H. Wade, Deacon, and hiswife, Sister Sarena C. Wade, Deaconess. Brother Wade is at liberty to exercise his gift in the Ministry wherever his lot is cast. Brother Alexander Sutton calied for a letter of dismission for hiself and wife, Sister Rebecc€ Sutton, which was granted. 22 Sep - lt bejng reported by Brethren E H. Wade and J L. Singteton that Brother John E. Sutton said he had joined another order of a church. On motjon the vote of the Church was taken and it was unanimously declared that the said John E. Sutton is this day excluded from the fellowship of this Church. 27 Oct - H S. Burson was unanimously chosen by ballot to be our Under Shepherd for the ensuing year. Brother Andrew J. Philips and his wife, SisterMary E. philips requested a letter of dismission which was granted Brother Burson agreed to serve Bethlehem. the Lord willing. 1884 26 July - Brother A. F. Stephenson called for a letter of dismission for himself and wife, Sister Louisa Stephenson which was granted. Called Brother E. H. Wade to act as Clerk Protem. 28 Aug - Chose Brother E. Philips as Pastor for next year. 28 Oct - Received Brother John Ayers on his acknowledgement. Brother E. phi{ips consented to be our Pastor for next year. 1885 26 Sep -Unanimously chose Brother E Philips to be our Pastor for next year. 24 Oct - Brother Philips accepted the call of Pastor. 2'1 Nov - Withdrew membership from Sarah Buckhanon forlotning the Methodists. '1886 27 Feb - Received Sister Mary E. Reed by letter. 28 Sep - Received Brother J L. Beck and Sister lllary E Beck, his wife. 23 Oct - Received M. A Bearden by an expenence of grace. Called Elder E. philips to serve us as Pastor. He consented to the calling 25 Dec - Received Brother J P. Beck on confesslon of faith. Unanimously chose BrotherJ. R Copeland as Church Cierk, and he accepted. 1AA7 21 l\ray - On motion appointed a committee of two, C. P. Nixon and J. B. Ward to request Brother Sam Brown to come and bring his letter. 25 June - The committee appointed in the last meeting reported that they visited Brother S J. Brown and he promised to try to attend meeting today but sends word that he cannot so the Church agrees to wait on him another month. 23 July - Brother Brown being present rnade a statement and the Brethren agreed to pass it by for the present. Chose Brother John Beck as clerk, and he accepted. -90Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church Cont d. 24 Sep - Received Brother S. J Brown by letter. Chose Brother E Phillips as a Pastor for the ensuing year. Chose Brother J. D Campbell as Clerk. '1888 21 Jan- BrotherJ. S. Ayers made acknowledgment for his misconduct. Acasewas presented against Brethren J. B. Ward and L. J. Beck and some investigation. Satisfaction not being obtained it was deferred to another meeting. Brother Nixon informed the Church that Brother Arthur Jones had joined a secret institution known as the Farmers Alliance. He was charged with the same and the Church withdrew membership from him. 25 Feb - Took up the case of the differences between J. B. Ward and L. J. Beck. L. J. Beck, not being present, after mature deliberatron, the Church withdrew membership from him J. B. Ward, being present, made such confession and the Church was satisfied. Charges 1. "for going and taking Brother L. J. Beck with a wanant and said corn. 2. For unbrotherly talk to and about Brother Beck. 3. For taking the name of God in vain. Charges against Brother L. J. Beck. 1. For attempting to move some corn after he had sold and delivered it to Brother Ward. 2. Fo. going and counseling with a lawyer and not the Saints. 3. For forbidding Brother Ward moving said corn. 4. For swearing he didn't send B.other Ward notice he was going to move said corn and afterwards said he did send said notice." 24 Mar - There was a rumor that Sister Nancy Jones had joined an institution known as the Farmers Alljance and the Church appointed a committee of two to visit her -E. H. Wade and J. D. Campbell. 21 Apr - The Church received information that Sister Nancy Jones had joined a secret institution called the Farmers Alliance and on motion the Church withdrew membership from her. 25 June - Received Brother T-.-(?) Williams by letter. Brother C. D. Nixon was set apart as a l\rinister of the gospel. 24 Aug - Received Sister Susan Prewett by letter. 22 Sep - The Church unanimously chose Elder E. Phillips as a preacher for the ensuing year. '1889 26 Jan - The ChLrrch preferred a charge against Brother John Ayers for nonatendance at conference and misconduct, and appointed Brother P. J. Denney to notify him of the charges 24 Mar - Brother John Ayers, being present, made acknowledgment and the Church received his acknowledgment 25 l\4ay - Received Brother L J. Beck on acknowledgment. 22 June - Received Brother Joseph Lee by an experiece of grace. Received an acknowledgment from Sister Elen Ayers for participating in a play party. 21 Sep - Received Sister Donie Thornton by an experience of grace. Unanimously chose Elder E. Phillipps to be our pastor for the ensuing year 26 Oct - Brother Phillips, being present, gave his consent to serve the best he can. 23 Nov - The Church granted Brother Wade and Sister Wade a letter of dismission to join another church of the same faith and order 21 Dec - Peferred a charge against Brother L. J. Beck for leaving the country without making satisfactory anangements with his creditors for his debts. [These minutes will be continued in the next Quarterly.] -91MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES. CARROLL COUNTY. GA.. 1890 THRU 1899 Continued from the 2000 Summer Quarterly Please see the heading of the lvlarriage Certificates in the 1999 Spring Quarterly. HUSBAND WIFE DATE Tacketl, lV. C. Talmore, J. E. Talley, Walter [4 Taylor, J. H. Neill, Ella Holland, Dothura Roberds, [Iamie L. Edwards, Gaudie Williams, Lena V M6Arler, inna Ann Pollard, W. R 6 Dec 1896 4 Sep '1898 28 JLln 1894 Taylor, Levi Taylor, i,L D. L. Taylor. Robert Taylor, W. H Teal, William Terrell, Willie P Thomas, Cornelius Thomas, F. lvl Thomas, John Thomas, L. A. Thomas, M. C. Thomason, B. B. Thompson, A D. Thompson, Eli Thompson. G. P Thompson, J. T. Thomton. R. O. Thornton, W H. Threadgill, Harris, Thurman, R. E. Tidwell, William T Timmons, U. W. Todd, A. J. Todd, G. W Todd, Thomas W. Tolbert, Joseph Tolbert, N. B Tornliason, lL4 Towns, E. T Trammell Devld Trammell, Moses Traylor. Joe A. Traylor, W J. Treadwell, G. W. Treadwell, J T Taeadwell, John Tripp, C. M. lrotter, Charles Truitt, Willie Tucker, G. M. Tucker. G. M l Mashbuan, Allie Barr, Alice Ward, luollie Avery, Lizaie Darnell, lda Boddy, Addie Guy, Mary E Coggins, L. E. Prichetl, C. E. Stephens Laura Lee Wood, Caldonia Dutton, lvleatia Shinn, Lucy Bearden, Berta Brook, L P. Gray, A,4amie Moore, Ada Capes, Florence Adams, L. S. Holder, Elhel Pilts, Litha Roberts, Mollie J. Smi1h, lmer Osborn, lda Pollard, M. E Neill, Katie Almon Alice Lockett. Sarah D. Peek, Manervia A Graham, Ollie Edmonds Laura Word, Sallie Benson, Alberta Wyatt, Mary Eliza McRitchie, Mamie Jordan, lrlollie Adams, R. E. Smith, Arena Weddington, Elizabeth lvloore. Lela I Dec 1894 3Apr Aug 2 Nov 5 De6 13 Dec 1 1895 1897 1899 1897 1896 6 Jan 1899 18 Nov 1 896 7 Nov 1897 20 Feb 1896 24 Apr 1898 31 Dec 1896 13 Nov 1898 6 oct 1895 7 Sep 1895 23 Jul 1899 11 28 Oct Oct 1899 1894 27 Dec 1894 18 1 o6t o6t 1896 1899 2 Sep 18sg 24 Nov '1895 22 Jul 1894 Jan 1896 1898 14 Jan 1897 27 Dec 1896 22 Sep 1895 10 Oct 1894 26 Dec 1897 29 Jan 1899 12 16 Jul 29 Nov '1898 7 May 1896 29 Aug 1896 20 Oct 1895 24 Jan 1895 8 Feb 1899 30 Oct 1898 14 Ocl 1894 13 Dec 1896 16 Feb 189S 24 Feb 1897 30 Dec 1898 28 Nov 1899 -92lvarriage Certificates, 1890 thru 1899, Confd. Tucker, J. L. Tucker, J. L. Tuggle, J. N. Gresham, Lizzie Holder, Ethel Davis. F T. Tumer, Albert Tumer, Bill Turner, C. A Turner, C. P. Tumer, D. G. Turner, F. I\L Tumer, ceorge Tumer, J L. Tynch, Henry Tyson, J. F. Benson, Rowena Clayton. Annie Kite, tuiary McNeil, Allie B. Johnson, Genevia Smith, L. lda Donnell, Eliza Davis, Nora Johnson, Tempy Tyson, Joe Tyson, Oscar P. Upshaw, James B Vaughn, Andrew Vaughan, C. C. Vaughan, Willy Vaughn, Jason Vaughn. John T. VaLrghn, Nathan Vessel, David T. Vines, John Vines, William Thos Wager, J J. Walker, Job Walker, Lindsey Walker, S. J. Walker, T. J. Walker, Thomas Leon Walker, W. L. Walker, Z. T. Wallace, W E Wallis, Ed Wa{lis, J. lv] Wells, T. J. Walton, I!4. S. Wa.d A J, Ward, J. O. Ware J. J. Ware, JohB H. Washington, c. T Washington, Thomas Walers, W. J. Walkins. Gus Walkins, Marcellus Lee Weaver, Sam Webb, C, L. Webb, J. F. Webb, J. T. Wells, Elisha Wells, John Wells, Lem Shaddinger Lena Hodge, Fannie Boyd, N. O. Candler, Elizabeth S Austin, Nrnna Stephenson, S. l\4. Crook, Hattie Vaughn, Martha Alexander, Carrie E. Reese, lda M. Bass, I!4ollie Thompson, Annie Waters, I\rollie Jackson. Anna Thompkins, Anna McKinny, Rena Hannah, M. N. Worley, Jennie Gnffin, Fannie Lou Charnbers, Beulah Maddox, zue Parker, H. H Jackson, Winnie Mcwhorter. Jerusha lrcwhorter, Deiia Earnest, Roxie Benford, Mamie Sticher, L. O Stokes, Ollie Smih, Sara L. Evans. Evvy Rigsby, Do.a Dullon, Lizzie Wells. Augusla Stephenson, Virgrnia Porters, Ellen Spense, Julia Holder, L. N. Driver Josie Williams N4aggie Polslon, Josie Couch, Jane I Feb Jun 1896 1895 2 Sep 1 894 19 Apr 1899 10 May 1896 31 Jan 1899 30 Dec 1894 27 Jul 1897 7 Nov 1897 23 [rar 1899 16 Mar 1899 7 Oct 1 894 8 [,Iar 1899 '19 Jan 1896 25 Dec 1898 14 Feb 1899 12 Mar 1899 14 Oct 1894 2 Jan 1898 23 Jan 1898 27 Feb 1898 24 Dec 1899 25 Dec 1898 3 Jul 1898 5 Dec 1897 25 Dec 1894 26 Dec 1897 24 1897 15 Jan 1899 1 Dec 1895 24 Dec 1899 23 Oec 1836 25 Dec 1894 15 Nov 1896 25 Dec 1899 25 Nov 1897 12 Sep 1897 3 0d 4 Apr '1897 26 Dec 1894 Aug 189S 10 Nov 1895 8 Sep 1895 17 N4ay 1896 27 Jun 1897 10 N,,lar 1895 20 Oct 1895 12 Aug 1896 15 Ocl 1896 21 Dec 1899 5 Sep 1896 19 Dec 1897 10 Sep 1899 28 Feb 1894 14 Auo 1897 13 -93Mamage Certificates, 1890 thru 1899. Cont'd. Wells, Walter Wessinger, L. W Wessinger, S. J. West, Fred West, Joseph Wester. James B. Wesler W B Whatley, J W. Whatley V. D. Wheeler Joe Wheeler, Joe Whitaker. D. P. While, Eppy M. White J M While. N. lvl. While, W. A. White. W. T. White. Will White. Zack W. Whitehorn. William Whitehead, W K. Whittle L. C. Wilcoxon, James Wilkins, ELtgene Wi,kins J W Wilkins, Pink Williams, A E Williams. A E Williams. A L. Williams, Charles Williams. Ed Williams. George Williams. George Williams, H R. Williams, Henry Williams, J. H Williams J M Williams. J. T. Williams, James P. Williams. John Williams, iVI A Williams N A Williams. P. E. Williams Robert Williams. S. T. Williams, T. B. Williams. W T. Williams. Walte. Williams, Will Wiltiamson. A. B. Williamson, A W Williamson. A. Z. Williamson, J.8. Williamson J F 21 Nov 1897 Hay, Etta Hand, L. J. sparks, Mollie 20 [4ay 1894 22 Jul 1894 Arnold. Lina Bartlet. Lucy A. 14 Nov 1896 13 Aug 1895 21 Dec 1890 Spence. Ella 20 Dec 1891 Melear, L. S 14 Nov 1897 Lyle, Rhoda Fields, Berta Wilson, lvlollie Beck, Velona Chappell, V E. Towers, Nancy Ann Thornton. Eleanor Langley, [/]ollie Carnes, lda Overton, B. V. Davis, Florence Williams, Ellen Riddle, Lou A. Young, Laura Duke, Claudia Molen, lVaggie Hanson. lllollie Jones, Emma Asey, Nora Whitehead. Phonie Boatwright. L. E Long, lda L. Burson. Kale Carter, Annie Siephens, Grace M Ester, Sallie Phillips, [.4ary Fodner, Emma Garnea. I z. Garner, L. A Skinner, A. A Williams. Lizzie Stewart, Jo BEnnan, R. L. Keilh. Dovie Fullilove. Mary E. Breed, Sealie Robison, Delula Pier6e. M. L. Cook, S. J. Mangum, Susie Couch, Anna Burks, Ella Williamson, lvlinie Rooks, Susie Hanvey, C. L. Hubbard Julia 2 Dec 1894 23 [4ay 1895 24 '18 Jul Aug 8 Dec 31 Dec 22 Jan 23 Dec 21 Aug 1898 1898 1853 1899 1899 '1894 1898 7 lvlay '1894 Jan Jun 21 Mat 18 Oct 23 Feb 17 17 I Nov Mar 2 Dec 18 22 Jan 12 Nov 3 Feb 3 Jan 4 Nov '17 17 Jan Jul 30 May 6 Aug 19 1897 1895 1897 1896 1896 1896 1894 1894 1899 1899 1898 1897 1894 1897 1897 1897 1896 Aug '1896 5 Mar 17 Dec 4 Jan 10 Sep 1896 1899 1899 1896 22 Sep 1895 23 [4ay 1897 26 May 1895 6 Oc1 '1895 14 Dec 15 Dec 26 Jul 5 Apr 31 Aug 11 Nov 11 Oct 1897 1895 1894 1898 1896 1 894 1898 Feb 1896 14 Dec 1896 6 Oct 1895 I -94, Marriage Certificates, 1890 thru 1899, Cont'd. Williamson. S. T. Williamson. Simon Willjfigham, W J. Wilson. Ed Wilson. J. G. Wilson- James H Wilson. Ivl. H. Wilson S E Wilsoo, W. G. Windom, C. R. Winkles, J. R. Winkles, R. V. Winkles, W. T. Winship, Daniel Wise, Jim Mary Wise. Joe Witcher. F. A. Wood, C. W. Wood, Lewis Woodad. J. L. Woodard. J. R. Woodruff. Judson Woodruff, Robeft Word. B. C. Word. Ed Word. O. H. Worley, W. C. Wright, Buller Wrighl, H. N. Wright, J. M. Wnght, John Wright, ilose Wright, Sam Wright, Sam Wright, Wesley Wright, Wesley Wright, Will Wright, Will Wyatt, Captain Wyatt, Frank Wyatt, J W Wyatt, James Wyatt, Jeff Wyatt, Joseph W. Wyatl, Nelse Wynn, H. F. Yates, B. W. Yates, Charlie Yates. M. F. Yates, R. A. Yates, W. A. Yetes W. E Yates. William W. Yarbrough, W. H. Williams, Pearl 24 Dec 1899 Holloway, Janie Rodgers, Annie lvlitchell, Lela Rowland. Emma Huddleston, Lucy L. 12 Oct 1897 11 Sep 1898 15 Dec 1898 18 Ocl 1836 16 Jan 1896 26 Dec 1894 14 Jun 1897 1 Jan 1899 5 Jan 1896 Black, lvl. E. Smith. M. L. Crumbley, i,Iary E. Horsely, S. P. Townsell, lvlarietla Riley, Sara Kingsbury, Mary Morgan, Lovy L. Vines, I\rary Buford Large, Amanda Jackson. Lizzie Chappell, Mary Duke. E L. Newell Lizzie Johnson. Lucy B. Denny, Anna Watson, May M. O'Kelly Flora Daniel, Casanda Nobbley, Ella Shell. [il. L. Davis. Lizzre Phelps, Eliza Ransom, Mary Daniel, Mary Hill Anna Bell 5 Nov '1899 29 Jan 1899 12 Sep 1895 7 Jun 1896 28 I 6 Jul '1896 May 1897 [Iar 1 898 24 Jul 1899 31 Dec 1 896 30 Jan 1898 29 Dec 1895 26 Dec '1899 5 Dec 1897 2 Jul 1896 26 Jan 1898 I Dec 1897 6 Aug 1895 2 Feb '1896 g Aug 1897 10 Sep 1899 6 Jan 1895 1 Jun 1898 31 [4ay 1894 Jan 'l896 2 Oct 1898 12 15 Nov 1894 Daniel Dora 21 Sep 1898 Brown. Lucile Luke Nome Bowen Sandie Fielder. Ella Brooks lvlattie Jiner, Pearl Roberts. Bannie Williams, [4ary Eliza Aderhold, Mary Chambers. Hattie Lester. Ju|a Griffies. Ada Hixon. Ada O. Moon. O6lavia Elms lda Brooks, Willie Smith, L. T. 16 Jun 1895 5 Oct 1899 12 Dec 1897 22 Dec 1898 18 Nov 22 Jan 1 894 '1899 25 Nov 1896 5 Jan 1896 5 Dec 1896 25 Jun 1896 I Oci 1898 1497 20 Dec 1894 20 Dec 1895 22 Oct 1896 5 Sep 1897 15 Jan 1899 17 0d -95[4arriage Certificates, 1B9O thru 1899, Cont,d. J. J. Young, Thomas Young, Wiltiams L. Zachry, C. C. zachry, chartie zachry,D. A. Yeager, T. Yeager, T. J. A. Tumer, Alice N. Sewetj, Luna Stephens, Luqnda Brown, Fannre crainger, Luta ,tB9O Kitgore. M. Morris, M. [This concludes these marriages in CarrotiCounty, Mary Florence Word and Ruth McNinch.l 6 Mar 1896 Zl fO taeg oJ iigs O"" ies+ i"o iSgg le o"! ieiu S zo i"i iaia thru teOS. nOstracteo oy THE DESCENDANTS OF WILLIAM KINNEY I. WILLIAIV WARD II. AND JONATHAN HAYNES Prepared by Cathy Moore Casper 5335 Carbonton Rd,. Sanford, NC 27330-9398 William Kinney I was born before 1755, Scotland; md abl 1777 , S. C , and died after 1822, N C, He married Sallie Parks, who was born between 1750-1755, S.C., the daughter possibly of Nathan Parks and Mary ----. and she died between 1820-1830, N C. They are both buried at the Old Kinney White House, Davidson Co., NC. Sallie probably was a sister to Charles Parks who lives next door to the Kinneys on Cabin Creek. William was living in Rowan County NC. in 1776, according to tax returns. ln the 1790 Census, William Kinney was shown with 5 boys and 3 girls. He was paid g lbs for military services on 25 June '1783, in the Salisbury Dist., Rowan Co., NC, on 15 Nov 1785 he bought 200 acres rn Rowan Co , and on '18 Dec 1799, he had an original grant of land of 164 1/2 acres on Cobble's Creek Rowan Co. NC. I children as follows. 1 Jesse Kinney b laMat 1778 N.C., md 4 Feb 1814, Rowan Co., N.C to Sarah Cox; d 19 Apr 1857, Habersham Co., GA Thomas Kinney, b '1779; md 1800, to Rebecca Woodle; d 01 Oct 1847, Marlboro. SC. Benjamin Franklin Kinney, b Jul1781; md to Elizabeth lvlerrill; d betw. 18201830 Davidson Co NC 4. William Lee Kinney il, b 1783 Davidson Co., NC; md 1808, Davidson Co., NC to Susannah Wardt d ca 1860, CarrollCo., GA (See Below) 5. Jemima Kinney, b Nov 1785 md 1805, to James B. Badgett. 6. Anne Kinney b betw 1785-1788: md George Smith lll 7. lsaac Kinney. b 08 Feb 1789, Salisbury Dist., Rowan Co., NC (near Lexington); md 04 Jul 1813, Rowan Co, NC, to Susannah Workman; d 22 Od 1a74 Davidson Co NC: bur at the Old Kinney White House, Davidson Co., NC Female Kinney, b betw. 17aa-1790. 8. Polly Jane Kinney b 1795 Rowan Co , NC They had 2 3 L -96- The Descendants of William Kinney l, Cont'd. William Lee Kinnry ll (#4 above) moved from NC to Habersham Co., GA, in 1821. He received a land grant 10Apt1827, Canoll Co.,GA. His wife Susannah Ward, was born 1784, NC. daughter of William Ward ll and Lydia Chamness (See below), and she died ca 1865, Carroll Co., GA. They had I children as follows: 1. Elizabeth Kinney, b 1809; never md. 2. AnnaorAnneKinney,bl4SeplSl2,NC; md16 lrar 1854; to Henry Pope; 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. d 1o July 1898, Carroll Co., GA; bur Macedonia Baptist Church Cem. William Lee Kinney lll, b 1817, NC; md 17 Dec 1839. Carrollton, Carroll Co., GA, to Lucinda Haynes; d ca 1863, Civil War. (See Below) lsaac Kinney, b 15 Sep 1818, NCI md #1 10 Nov 1842, Carroll Co., GA, to Lureany Tumer; md#2MarthaC Garst; d01 Jun 1899CarrollCo., GA. Jesse Kinney, b22May 1822, Habersham Co., GA; md #1 06 Oct 1844, Carroll Co., GA, io Sarah Turner; md #2 to lrary Larkin Ward; d 18 Mar 1912, CarrollCo., GA Jeremiah Kinney, b 1824, Habersham Co., GA; md 21 Jul 1844, CanollCo., GA, to Nancy Jane lrcAllister; d 16 [Iay 1864, CivilWar. Jefferson Kinney, b 1828, Habersham Co., GA; never md; bur lMacedonia Baptist Church Cem , Sandy Ridge, Carroll Co., GA. He was a blacksmith by trade. 8. Sarah Kinney, b 1831, Habersham Co., GA; md 20 Nov 1848, to l\iloses Mcwhorter: d 1915. William Lee Kinney lll (# 3 above) was married to Lucinda Haynes, who was born Feb 1822, lron Mountain, IvlO, the daughter of Jonathan Haynes & Cynthia lrcDowell (See below). She died after 1900, Polk Co., GA and is buied in the lrccregor Cem., Sylesboro. They had 12 children as follows 1. Benjamin Franklin Kinney, b 1840, GA; md 25 Apr 1863, CarrollCo, GA, to Sophronia Elizabeth Turner Harper, d 20 Jun 1864 Petersburg, VA, in the CivilWar. He was in Cobb's Legion, Co. F, and was killed in the Battle of Chicamauga rePo,ledlY. 2. Susannah Kinney, b 1842, GA; md after 1870 to ---- Portwood. 3. Lucinda Adeline "Cynthia" Kinney, b 0B Dec 1844, Carroll Co., GA; md 06 Dec 1868, Polk Co , GA, to James Thomas Scott, d 24 Feb 1916, Oneonta Blount Co. AL; buratLebanon United Nleihodist Church Cem. She migrated to Altoona, Etowah Co, AL in Dec 1876, and in 1aa2 moved to Blount Co, AL 4. Nancy J. Kinney, b 1846, GAi md to Thomas Waters She is sometimes listed as Nancy l. Kinney. 5. NIary E. Kinney b 1848; d childhood. 6. Cicero Harrison Kinney, b 18 Feb 1850, Canoll Co., GA; md 03 Feb 1876, to Florence T Bishop; d 22 Jul 1926 Rockmart, Polk Co., GA; bur New Prospect Baptist Church Cem., outside of Rockmart. He lived in Aragon, Floyd Co , GA. -97- The Descendants of William Kinney l. Contd 7. Joseph Lee Kinney. b 05 Sep 1851. Canoll Co., GA: md 15 Nov ,1873, potk Co., cA to Ciddy F. Scott; d 01 Oct 1919, Btount, AL Elmira Josephine Kinney. b 13 Apr 1853. Carroll Co.. GA: md ca 1A72. potk Co., GA. to Jackson Moorei d 22 l\ra. '1911. polk Co.. GA: bur Stewart Farm Cem.. Polk Co.. GA Sarah M. Kinney, b Nov 1855, Po,k Co., cA; md 1878, to W iam R. Ferguson; d Polk Co. GA. 10. Julia Ann Kinney. b Oct '1857. Canoll Co., GAi md 24 Dec 1885. polk Co., GA. to George W. Owens; d Polk Co.. cA. 11. William Riley Kinney, b '16 Jan 1859. Cano Co.. cA; md 1881. polk Co, GA. to Nety Emma Farmer: d03Jan1902 potkCo..cA. 12. lsaac Monroe Kinney, b 30 Sep 1860. Carolt Co., GA: md 08 [Iar 1891. Polk Co., GA, to Mattie Louisa Hulseyi d 02 Sep 1944. potk Co., GA. 8. L William Ward ll was born in PA, the son of William Ward I and Susannah Foutke. He died 1818 in Rowan Co NC and is buried in the famity cemetery, Jackson Hill. Davidson Co., NC. He served with the Continental troops during the Revolutionary War. and was wounded in the campaign near Charleston SC. He was a blacksmith and a farmer. and owned extensive farmlands. His wife, Lydia Chamness, was bom 14 Dec 1758. OrangeCo. NC the daughter ofAnthony Chamness and Sarah Cole. They had I children as follows: 1. Susannah Ward (See William Lee Kinney ll above) 2. Hiram W Ward, b 1801, Davidson Co.. NC: md 1823. Davidson Co., NC. to Lydia Ester Cooki d 1873, Davidson Co. NC. 3. Jonathan Ward, migrated to KY 4. Naomi Ward, md John Homaday 5. Anthony Ward, md Lydia Vincent. 6. Stephen Ward. 7. Sarah Ward, md William Williams. 8. John ward. Jonathan Haynes, the father of Lucinda Haynes. the wife of William Lee Kinney lll above, moved to Habersham Co., cA. with his brothers, John and William in .1825. He purchased land from his father-in-law, Daniel McDowell, on 08 Aug 1825, and in 1826 he purchased from him 100 acres. Jonathan moved to Carroll Co, Ga, in 1830. with brothe,s. Edward, Henry. and Johnson. On27 Nov 1830. the foundation for the New Hope Primitive Baptist Church was laid. and in 1832 Jonathan bid on tand in Cherokee lndian Land. On 16 Jan 1832, he was appointed to the Road Commission and became a Justice of the Peace. On03Jun 1833 he was appointed to the Grand Jury. andon 03 Feb 1835. he was appointed as County Road Commissioner. and again on 02 Feb 1836. On 05 Sep 1836, he was called before the Bench for not keeping the roads in good repair. Between 1837 and 1839 he was elected to the Georgia State Senate, and in 1839 he lost his bid for re-election. Cynthia McDowell, Jonathan's wife. was born between 1800 and 1802, Haywood Co., NC, the daughter of Daniel McDowell. She died after 1880. in Bartow Co.. GA. She had a close relationship with her father throughout her life, and had beautiful, thick red hair -98The Descendants of Jonathan Haynes, Contd. Jonathan and Cynthia had 11 children, as follows: 1. Lucinda Haynes, b Feb 1822,lron Mountain, MO; md 17 Dec 1839, Canollton, Carroll Co., GA, to Wjlliam Lee Kinney lll (See above); d after 1900, Polk Co., GA; bur Mccregor Cem., Sylesboro William Henry Haynes, b 1823 lron Mountain, t\rlo. Elizabeth Haynes, b 1824. Lief Haynes, b ca 1825. Male lnfant Haynes. Cynthia Haynes, b 1832. Riley Haynes, b 1834, Carroll Co., GA. Arminda Haynes, b 1836, Carroll Co., GA. Lafayette Haynes, b 09 Feb '1840, Carroll Co., GA; md 24 Jun 1869, Canoll Co., GA, to Elizabeth Mills; d 06 Mar 1900, Cleveland, Conway Co., AR. John luonroe Haynes, b 11 Oc|1842, Carroll Co., GA; md 1863, Carroll Co., GA, to Mary Louise Bomar; d 02 Dec 1923, Eva, AL, bur Hillcrest Cem., Villa Rica, Ga. '11. Sarah Haynes, b'1845, Canoll Co., GA; md to Simon Brown. ANNOUNCEMENTS Sanford D Chambers,6279 County Rd #51, Newell, AL 35270-4803, has graciously donated his three loosleafs to the Neva Lomason Library, Special Collections, in Canollton. These looseleafs contain family group sheets and a descendancy chart on the Chambers family which has appeared in the past several issues of the Quarterly. The Society wishes to thank Mr. Chambers for his generous donation and we are sure that it will be helpful to researchers. The Society has received a copy of a letter from David Earl Pinson, 409 S. Second St., Gadand, TX 75040, telephone 972-272-0840. This letter, dated 19Jan 1844, was written by Gabriel Pinson, Laurens Co., SC, and William lladden, who manied Sarah Pinson, to Nancy Pinson, Carroll Co., GA. Gabriel Pinson wanted to knowwhat testimony Nancy Pinson would give about the land her brother, Elihu Pinson, had acquired from their father, lsaac Pinson, before lsaac died in 1842. Nancy Pinson probably could not read and, therefore, Gabriel add.essed the letter to a relative, John Woody Jr. at the Canollton Court House. This copy of the letter has been placed in the Neva Lomason Lrbrary. Specral Collections. The Society has also received a copy of a letter from William T. & [rary Bryce Wilding, 13648 Gordonia Ct., Jacksonviile, FL 32224 This letter, dated 12 May 1861, was written by William Bryce of Marion Co.. AL, to his brother James Bryce of Carroll Co., GA, describes the conditions under which they were living and the trials and hardships they had to bear. This letterwill now be placed in the Neva Lomason Library, Special Collections. -99The following was sent to us by Ted Brooke, 2055 Foster Dr., Cumming, GA 300403549, taken from the newspaper, The CanollCounty Reglsler. dated '12 Feb 1876. This is the only kngwn copy of this newspaper, and there are none in the Georgia Newspaper Project at the University of Georgia Libraries and this is the only copy found listed on the National Union List. This issue is inthe collection of The American Antiquarian Society, 185 Salisbury St., Worcester, MA 01609. A microfilm copy is available at the University of Georgia and at the Georgia Department of Archives and History. The earliest date printed on anyoftheads is November 22, 1873, indicating that this newspaper was at least that old. Ihis may be the final issue of this newspaper, as there is a notice of "Dissolution" in this issue. We are indebted to Mr. Brooke for sending it to Only the genealogical information for Canoll and surrounding counties from this newspaper is printed below. us THE CARROLL COUNry REGISTER 12 February 1876 Advertisements Chandler & Cobb, Attorneys at Law, Carrollton, GA. Oscar Reese, Attorney at Law, Carrollton, GA. S. Emerson Grow, Attorney at Law, Carrollton, GA.' Fitts & Arnall, Physicians and Surgeons, Ca.rollton, GA. Dr. F. [,L Daniel, Surgeon Dentist, Newnan, GA. J. B. Stuart, Photographic Gallery. Newnan Street, Carrollton, GA. T. C. Barnes, Gun Shop,"All kinds of produce taken in exchange for work," Carrollton, GA, Canoli Masonic lnstitute, Carrollton, GA., John M. Richa.dson, President. "Mrs. Rhudy will continue in charge of music classes." P V. Irathews, watch, clock and sewing machine workman, Carrollton, GA. F. M. Butler, boot and shoe shop, Carrollton, GA. Snead & Co , boots & shoes, Newnan, GA. J. Hamrick Jr. is our duly authorized agent to receive and receipt subscriptions to the Canoll County Register. L. C. Mandeville is determined to keep things moving and comfortable, and now wants to buy allthe furs that is carried to him - beaver, coon, and every other animal's hide that will produce fur. Juhan's Drug Store Uncle Johnny Strickland is prepari.g to stock all the stores in the county of Carroll with smoking tobacco Guano - William Adams, Turkey Creek Disi. Carroll county, GA Howard Wells, colored, has removed from the shop on Rome St., and put one up on Depot St, where he is prepared to do all kinds of blacksmith work E. G. Kramer, agent for fertilizers. Carrollton, GA W. H. Wood boots and shoes, Carroliton GA. H. C. Arna,l & Bro., Bay St., Newnan, GA. G. W Guthrie, boot and shoemaker, South Newnan St, Carrollton GA B. J Lunquest, jeweler watch and clock repairer Carrollton, GA. L. J. Smith, fireproof warehouse, Newnan Sl., Carrollton, GA A. M Hartsfield, salesman forArnall & Brother, Newnan, GA. C B. Simonton, dry goods, Rome St. Carroilton GA. Bowdon College, Rev. A. C Reese, President; John Coston, Secretary. -100Carroll County Register, Feb. '12, '1876 Cont'd. W. T. Richards, Fumiture Emporium, Carrollton, GA C. Fowler, family groceries L. C. lvlandeville, dry goods, Camp's Store, above the Post Office. Kelly & Meigs, agents for Black's lmproved Fertilizer, Carrollton, GA. Robert J. Gaines, agent for Pacific Guano, Carrollton, GA. Kinnard & Co, dry goods, Newnan, cA. Kendrick & Co., dry goods Whitesburg, cA. Birch & Brother, restaurant, east side of the public square, Newnan, GA. J. A. Mcl\rullen, general merchadise, Whitesburg, GA. John A. Wilson, Wilson's Mills, Douglas county, GA., July 10, 1875. Smith & Williamson family groceries, Carrollton, GA.i Bradley's, dry goods, Newnan, GA. W. C. Aycock. Pioneer Shingle & Planing Mills, Whitesburg, GA. T. F.(?) McElwreath, dental surgery, Canollton. cA G. W. Strickland, dental surgery, Villa Rica, GA l\,4iss E. C. Yancey, the Vrginia House Hotel, Newnan, GA. W. C. Hughen, grocery agent, Newnan, GA. W. C. Branan advertising for 500 bushels of wheat McGarity & Laird, fireproof warehouse, Newnan, GA. Register Bros., cook stoves, Newnan Ga. J. C. Brantly, bar, billiards, and fancy grocery, Whitesburg, GA Dr. D. F. Knott, Whitesburg GA. Hollis & Anderson, dry goods, Bay St., Newnan, cA. R. D. Locke, dry goods, clothing, Greenville St., Newnan, GA. Dr.J. T. [,4oore, resrdence ofJames Moore. services in Carroll & Coweta counties. R. L. Richards & Son, attorney at law Whitesburg GA. Sylvanus Hembree, blacksmith, Whitesburg, GA. Byren & Ansley, buggy and wagon shop, Whitesburg, GA. Jas. P. Moore. bar, billiard saloon NE corner of public square, Carrollton GA. Directory: Masonic: Canoll Lodge No 69, Free and Accepted lvlasons. Warrant gEnted November 1, 1848 Meets on the first and third Tuesdays in each month. Temperance: Blakely Smith Lodge. No 91, I O G.T, organized Aptn $, 1A71, meets every Friday night Canoll Lodge No 267, l. O.G.T., organized May 31 , 1873, meets every Thursday night, County Line Lodge, F.A.[r. No. 159, Whitesburg, rneets on Saturday, M. D. Watkins, A The Churches: Baptist Church: Rev. H C Hornaday Carrollton Methodist Church: Rev. W. T. Quillian, Carrollton & Stnppling Chapel. Presbyterian Church Rev. Wm. Dimmock at Amis Factory, Villa Rica. Carrollton, and Whitesburg. Patrons of Husbandryl Eureka Grange, No.403 in Carrolltoni W. H. Baker, Master Sand Hill Grange, No.285, A. C. Hrlton, lraster. Rowe Grange, No.40'1, Wm Brooks, Master. -101- Carroll County Register, Feb. 12, 1876 Cont'd. Goshen Grange. No.264, J. T. Tweedell, Master Bay Spring Grange, No.442, S. W. Millican l\rlaster. Key Stone Grange, No. 589, J F. Crowell, Nlaster. Farmville Grange, No.402, J. T. Green, lvlaster County Line Grange No. 222, Whitesburg, W N/l Head, Master. Boggess Grange No. 146, Whitesburg, R L Richards, l\rasier Wm. H. Wood, formerly with F. M Butler, has established a shoe shop in the market house on Newnan Street. We noticed while we were at Whitesburg this week the building of a new Baptist church at that place by H. T. Barnett. The house is 40 by 60 feet. lvlarshall Sales:- J. L/. Hewett. Marshali House and lot in Carrollton, property of F. M. Davis Business house and lot, Canollton property of J. W ftIerrell. now occupied by Mabery. Livery stable, Carrollton, property of Bill Benson. House and lot, Carrollton, property of White lrcolure (col.) Vacant lot, Carrollton, where Howard Wells' blacksmith shop was, property of J. F. Miller. W W. Merrell is the Assignee of the estate of George W. Camp, Carrollton, who has been adjudged as bankrupt County Sheriff Sales:- J. I. Bedingfield, Sheriff. West half of land lot 135, 1oth Dist., fi fa, in favor of John R. Handley against Samuel Ferrell. 50acres inthe southwest corner, landlotl55 4th Dist.,2 fifas infavorofG.W Cavender against J. E. Jackson. West half of land lot 69, 6th Dist fi fa in favor of A. K Seago against A. M. and W. M Richards. Store house and lot, South side of Newnan St., fi fa in favor of J W Stewart against Blalock & Tanner. 36 acres, southeast corner of the north half of land iot 200 gth Dist. fi fa in favor of W. D. Jones against Wlllis S Hand One-ninth interest in 1andlol227,3rd Dist, fifa in favor of Baylis Richardson against S. J. Stovall. Houseand lot, fronting Rome St., fifa rnfavorofJ & l\,/1 Rose against Camp & Garnson. Land lot 168, lothDist,fi faissuedbyJ. l\,4 Hamrick Jr. Tax Collector, against E V Barlow 52 acres of land lot 10, 5th Dist. issued by J lvl. Hamrick Jr , against l- J.V. Taylor. House and lot, Jacksonville Rd., the place where Prof. Keith now lives, fi fa issed by J l\r. Hamrick J , against John Rodahan. Half interest land lot 197, 3 fi fas in favor of W.T Summerlin against N. Estes. Second 50 acres frorn the west line of land lot 2, 11th Dist., now Trickum Dist., fi fa in favor of A.G. L Rider against Coleman Jones -102Carroll County Register, Feb. 12, 1876 Cont'd. Land lot 139, 3rd Dist., 5th Sect , fi fa in favor of J. A. Richardson against D. W. Hashall. l00acresof land lot244 thenorthhallof saidlot 5th Dist , fi fa in favor of W. T. Brock against W. and B. F. Attaway. House and lot, Canollton fi fa issued by J. M. Hamnck Jr. against J. E. Rumney. 150 acres, land lot 152; 150 acres, land lot 168;150 acres of land lot 140; lol72; 122 acres of lot 88; gth Dist.; 157 acres, lot 87; 198 acres lot 68, gth Dist., property of G.A. McDaniel, fi fa in favor of People's Bank of Newnan against Wm F. Johnson, G. A. McDaniel and J. L. Monis. Land lot 88, Irickum Disi.. 2 fr fas in favor of Porter & Butler agarnst J. P. Coleman. Above-described lot of land 2 fi fas in favor of Bruce & Conyers against J. P. Coleman. 50 acres of land lot 36. 2 acres of land lot 37, 11th Dist., in favor of John F Acklen against J. B. Merrell. Land lot 139, 3rd Dist, 5th Sect. 3 fi fas in favor of J. A. Buchanan against D. W. Bushell. House and lot, land lot 127, 10th Dist., fi fa in favor of J. W. Stewart against J. W. Merrett Land lot 244, sth Dist., fi fa in favor of W. T. Brock against W. & B. F Attaway. East half of land lot 135. 1oth Dist., fi fa in favor of John R. Handley against Samuel Ferrell. Land lot 2, Trickum Dist., fl fa in favor of A G.D. Crider against Coleman Jones 50 acres, northwest corner, land lot '165, 3rd Dist., fi fa in favor of Robert Houseworth against l. B. Vines. Haif of land lot '1 19, 6th Dist., fi fa in favor of B F Attaway against E. Hugeons. The above-described property, fi fa in favor of Jesse Kinney against E. Hugeons. The above-described property, fi fa in favor of R. J Holland and J. Kenny against E. Hugeons. Land lot 93, gth Dist, fifa issued by James M Hamrick Jr. against Moore. 12 acres, in the northwest corner of land lot 31 6th Drst., fl fa issed by James lvl. Hamrick Jr. against the property of A J. Richards. Vacant town lot, 2 acres more or less, betw. Dimmock's town lots and W. B. Conyers' residence, fi fa issued by James M Harnrick against W. B. Conyers. = Y i1l"=' 3'= :'! 3 :'= 1'i ="l"i='l 1T!"=Y i ! i'!i t :T"= l1',= i =iT:'l = = = ITEIVS OF GENEALOGICAL INTEREST, CARROLL COUNTY TIMES Continued from the Summer 2000 Quarterly 13 Oct 1882 EUFFALO - Our good friend Zed Bonner left TLtesday morntng for Barnesville, Pike county, on business. Zed is speaking of locatrng down there, and we hate to give him up. lvlrs. Z L Slayton is slowly improving from her broken arm. WHITESBURG-Mr.C A Wageris having a new store house built between Tanner & Barnett and H. G. Almon's storehouse Miss Olive Strickland of Senoia is on a visit to Jno. M Strickland and other relations oi this vicinity. l\,4rs. Alsabrook's family have moved overto Coweta county Frank C. Johnson and family moved from this place to -103Carroll County Times, 1882, Cont'd. Temple last Tuesday. We learn that Prof Henry Baffon will go to Florida in the course of a month or two and that he will probably make that state his home in the future. Mr. S. J. Holloway's little child died last luesday morning and was buried the same day at R. H. Springer's E. S. Roberts has bought N. E. Allen's property in this place. Mr. Allen moves his sawmill to Iemple this week, but his family will remain with us until Christmas, if not longer. V. A. Houston had two white girls picking cotton for him last week and on Monday morning after stealing some clothing, etc., frorn l\rr. H. they left without giving him notice. He had not found them Monday evening. Their name is Strickland and he doesn't know where they came from. We hear it talked that Maj. Thomas wiu probably noi stay here next year and that Prof. J. L. Alman will take the school. The little child of R Chapman who lives at O. R Houston's died last Monday and was buried in the cemetery here Tuesday The merchants here have done their best to keep the telegraph office here but Claud Smith who has charge of the office, thinks he can better himself by going to Carroliton and working in the TIIIES office. The merchants offered him $20. per month. Send THE TILES one year H. A. W. Byrom, Parks P. O., Scott county, Arkansas. 20 Ocl,27 Ocl,3 Nov '1882 -- missing 10 Nov 1882 Mr. Mathew Owensby has had his residence on College street remodeled, making of it a very substantial looking houSe. Manied at the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. E. A Reagin, Mr. Wm. CraMord to lvliss Carrie Reagin Grand Jurors drawn to serve at April Term, Superior Court - J A. Jones, N. Tdmble, H. N. Reid, J. P. Yates, Jesse Kinney, D. M. IrcBurnett, Ed N. Lovorn, Jas. W. Downes Sr., J. H Archer, S. J. Brown, R. L. Tanner, J. c. King, G D. Creel, T. G. Connelt, J. D. lv]organ, Wm. Gaston, N N Lowery, J C. Shackleford, J G Adamson, J D. Stone, J. D. Green, D. N. Tilmon, J. S. Holland, Jno. W. Brooks, S W. Nolan, Joseph Hutcherson, W. F. Storey, T A. C. Smith, A Reeves J. T. Tweedell. Traverse Jurors drawn to serve April Term 1883 - J M. Adams, J. T. Mitchell, George C. Storey, G. T. Jackson, N. J. L. Camp, Thos. M. Orr, J lvleigs, E. M. Smith, Geo. P. Camp, Joel P. lililler, G. D. Merrell, A G Kendrick. J. T T. Upshaw, B. A. Stiles, S. J. Mccarrity, Joe A. Chambers, J. [r. Ogletree, J. T. Brock. C. T. Richards, J. B. Boatright, E. F. Ganett, T S. Traviis, G. W. l\loore, E A Reagan J. A. F. Brown, G A. Arthur W. H. Brown, G. J. Robinson, J. W Roberts, B F. Bass, W. A. Word, Wm. Brooks Sr. P. N. Gilbert, A. W. Duke J W. Stephenson, E L Jones. WHITESBURG [Ir E. T. Camp, who sold his place to Hon. H. Hogan, will move up nearVilla Rica. John H. Burnett will move Wednesday down near Griffin. E. S. Roberts has sold his sawmill to J. C. and I N. Brown and B. F. Camp, who will run it in the future lvlanied by Rev. l\,4r. Hughes, at the residence of Joseph Fridell, on October 2gth, 1882, [rr. R. Y. Roberson to Miss Josie Edmonds, all of Carroll County. Miss Ada Wright of Newnan is visiting her sister, Mrs. Emma Roberts of this place. Mrs. D. R. Moxley's sisters, one of Alabama and the other of Clayton county, Ga., are visiting her in her severe sickness. J. A. l\rcMullan is selling his assets and there ts a lengthy description of his holdings. - [These items will be continLred in the next Quarterly. Abstracted by Shirley Gardner.] -104PEDIGREE CHART Joy Alexander Ansley, 11000 Blue Stem Back Rd., Oklahoma City, OK 73162-4952. 1. CHAI\,IBERS, NancyA., b25June 1807, NC; md 02 Aug 1827, Haywood Co., NC, to Nelson A. ALLMAN (b 14 Dec 1806, Buncumbe-Haywood Co. area, NC; d 01 May 1864, Chattooga Co., GA; bur Garrett Cem., near Chelsea, GA); d 09 Aug 1869, Chattooga Co., GA; bur Garrett Cem, between lrenlo & Summerville, Ga---double stone in center of Cem. 2. CHAMBERS, Joseph, b ca 1776, VA; md ca 1797, NC; Will dated 17June 1839, recorded Aug 1846, Villa Rica, CarrollCo., GA. He was a member of the NC State Legislature for 4 terms. Served in the Wat ot 1812: bur Hill Crest Cem ,Carroll Co., GA. 3. MOODY, Sarah, b 20 Dec 1782, Chatham Co., NC; d 05 Sep 1860, Villa Rica, Canoll Co., GA; bur Hill Crest Cem., Carroll Co , GA. 4. CHAMBERS, James, b ca 1745; d 1790; bur Haywood Co, NC. Came to Haywood Co., NC, from VA. Land on west side of Pigeon River, Canton, NC. MOODY, Jesse, b 1752; md ca 1772, d 1788. Lived in Granville Co., NC; moved to Greenville, SC; bought 1000 acres on Golden Grove Creek. 7. HOLLINGSWORTH, Dinah, b ca 1755, Cane's Creek, Orange Co., NC 12. irOODY, John, b 18 N.4ay 1723, Prince George Co., VA; md ca 1741;d after 1790, Franklin Co., NC 14. HOLLINGSWORTH, Valentine, b 1720-25, New Castle, DE; md 1743, Wilmington, DE, 15. HARLAN, Elizabeth b ca 1720, Chester Co., PA. 24. MOODY Robert 25. LOUND, Ann. 48. MOODY, Thomas. 49. LAWRENCE, Ann. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 The cutoff date for the next Quarterly is3'1 Oct,2000. P,ease see that the material you wish to be published reaches us by that date Also, please see that what you send to us is proofread Wewelcomeall genealogical material senttous. Thisisyour Quarterly and future generations will appreciate your sharing information with us. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FOCUS OF RESEARCH ALLEN, CALLOWAY, DOLLAR HAMRICK, JONES KENNEDY. OSBORNE PINSON, PRICE, SWORDS, WILLIAMS Sharelle K Williams, 920 Lake Circle, Magee. MS 391 11. BECK, BUCKELEW, DAVIS, GODWIN, JETER, David J. MOORE, SINGLETARY, TRAMMELL. WILSON Mrs Rebecca Singlelary, 1771 Pack Crcek Rd., Blue Ridge, GA 30513. Rowland Bryant COOK(E), Shem COOK(E), Benjamin KING, Francis Jane KING. Carol Darrow. 9181 Harris St., Thomton. CO 80229. -105Focus of Research. Cont'd COWART, :Lewis GRANDBURY Lee Roy/LeroyTAYLOR Skerryll lriles, 2554 W Hwy 5. Whitesburg. GA 30185 Alfred R. ALEXANDER, b 1800 01 SCt md Leteiia ..-- (b 1819 SC); in 1850 Coweta Co. census; child.en MaryJ,A H, WlllramS H Letetia E., & son CHAII,BERS, MOODY. Joy Alexander Ansley, 11000 Blue Stem Back Rd. Oklahoma Cily OK 73162-4932. HAYNES, KINNEY, MCDOWELL. Looking for any rnformation on Daniel [IGDOWELL, whose daughter Cynthia, rnarried Jonathan HAYNES. Therr daughter, Lucinda, married Williarn KINNEY. lnte.ested in Civil War lnfo on any of above. Cathy Moore Casper 5335 Carbonton Rd , Sanford NC 27330 BROWN, CLARK, COOK HINSLEY. LEWIS I\,4USICK, ROBERTS. THURIVIAN George & Shirley Thurman. Box 596, Whitesburg, GA 30185 The family and descendants of Robed W BALLARD migrated to Carroil Co. from Pike Co., GA, after 1864 and before 1880, when the family disappears frorn the Pike Co. Census. He is married to second wife, Susan CHILDS. lam seeking any available information on this fam y Lynn Ballard Cunningham 847 Scott Lane SW [Iarietta, GA 30008-4069. lcunnin 1@ bellsouth net ADAMS, ARCHER DAVIDSON. MOORE, REID SAW^YER, TERRY Sandra Adams Brock 1253 N F orida Ave , Tarpon Springs, FL 34689. BARRETT. COBB FARR FERGUSON HOGUE KAY. MILLER, SMITH Joyce H. Miller 86 Queen Anne Dr. lvlableton. GA 30126. lf you answer the followrng queries, please send us a copy of your answer. QUERIES BROWN. ROBERTS lam tracing my grandmothers family She is Annre Mae ROBERTS, born 1893 md Charles Alexander BROWN (b 1885 in Carro I or Heard Cos) There were three srsters who married three brothers Eva R. ROBERTS b 1895 md Tillman Levi BROWN (b 1890) PearlA ROBERTS, b 1889. md George W. BROWN (b 1882). I need to verify if W. A. ROBERTS, b 1856 and Lucy J --- ROBERTS, b 1861, are my grandparents Shirley Thurman, Box 596 Whrtesburg GA 30'185 gbthurman@emailmsn com HANCOCK JONES David JONES, b ca 1868 md Lula/Lul! HANCOCK. Daughter Bresselle Virgrnra JONES. Need any info on family R obe rt B ond Kn u d se n 1 0 1 1 4 wood":": il"l" :cj: r!1": \9r_u!r] _ !o1 _u lo_u] !u_ 9 -106CCGS 2000 irEITBERS as of 1 Aug 2000 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. Joy Alexander Ansley, 11000 BlueStem Back Rd. Oklahoma City,OK 731624932 Sandra Adams Brock 1253 N. Florida Ave, Tarpon Springs, FL 34689. Lynn Ballard Cunningham, S4T Scott Lane SW, Marietta, GA 30008-4069. Carol Darrow 9181 Harris St., Thornton, CO 80229. Sherryll lvliles 2554 W Hwy 5, Whitesburg, cA 30185. 207 Rebecca A. Singletary 1771 Pack Creek Rd., Btue Ridge GA 30513. 208. George & Shirley Thurman, Box 596, Whitesburg, GA 30185 INDEX - 2OOO FALL QUARTERLY ACKLEN 102 ACREE 80 ADAt\,tS 79 91(2) 99 103 't 05 ALD ERI\,,IAN 85 ALEXANDER 92 105 ALLEN,103104 S1 102 ALSABROOK 102 AM|S 100 ANDERSON 1OO ANSLEY 100 104 105 106 ARCHER 103105 ARNALL 99(3) ARNOLD 93 ARTHUR 103 ASEY 93 ATKINSON 75 ATTAWAY 102(2) AUSTIN 92 AVERY9l AVREASO(4) AYCOCK 1OO AYERS 87 88 89 90(2) BADGETT 95 BADOR 82 BAKER 1OO ,1 BALLARD 05 BARLOW 101 BARNES 99 ,1 BARNETT 101 02 BARR 91 BARRETT 105 BARRON 103 BARROWT5 77 BASKIN 82 BASS 92 103 BEALL 8O(2) BEARDEN 89 91 BECK 89 90 93 104 BEDINGFIELD 101 BENFORD 92 BENSON 91 92 101 BETSILL 85 ,1 BIRCH OO ADAIVSON 103 ADERHOLD 94 AKINS 86 AL(L)MAN 103 104 ALMON 80-83 85-86 BARTLET 93 BlsHoP 96 BtvtNs 76 BLACK 89 94 BLACKWELL 80(2) BLAIR 60(2 BLALOCK 101 BOAT(WRTGHT 93 103 BODDY 91 BOGGS 8O BOI\,IAR 98 BONNER 102 BOWEN 94 BOYD 74 86 92 BOYE 82 BRADLEY 1OO BRAN(N)AN 93 100 BRANTLY 1OO BRASWELL 79 BREED 93 BROCK 105 106 BROCK 86 102(2) 103 BROOK(E) 91 99 BROOKS 94(2) 100 103(2) BROWN 74 80(2) 89 90 94 35 98 103(s) 10s(2) ERUCE 102 BRUI,4EELOW 85 BRYANT 85 BRYCE 98 BUC(K)HANAN 89 102 BUCKELEW 104 BURKS 93 BURNETT 103 BURSON 87 88 89 93 BURT 80(2) BUSH 85 BUSHELL 102 BUTLER 80(3) 99 101 102 BYREN 1OO BYROM 103 CALDWELL 80 CALLOWAY 104 cAt\,tEL 87 CAN4P 86 100 101(2) 103(4) CAI\,4PBELL 9O COGGINS COLE 97 9,1 COLEI\,,IAN 102 COLLINS 82 COLQUITT 85 CONNELL 103 coNYERS 102(2) cooK(E) 93 97 104 10s COPELAND 87 89 CORNELL 74 COSTON 9S COUCH 92 93 COWART 105 cox 95 CRAWFORD 86 103 CREEL 80 103 CREWS 8O CRIDER 102 CANDLER 92 cRooK 92 CAPES 91 CROWELL 101 CARMACK 77 CROXTON 75 CARNES 93 CRUMBLEY 94 CARTER 80 93 CUNNINGHAI\,I 105,106 CURRY 80 CARTON 87 88 CASON 83 DANTEL 94(3) 99 OASPER 95 105 DARNELL 91 CAVENDER 101 DARROW,1O4l06 oHAMBERS 79 92 94 96 DAVENPORT 82 103 104 105 DAVIDSON 105 CHAMNESS 96 97 DAV|S 92(2) 93 94 101 CHANCE 86 104 oHANDLER 79 80(8) 86 DEAL 79 s9 deGARCIA 83 CHAPMAN 103 DENN(E)Y 80 88 90 94 CHAPPELL 93 94 de"/ANE 74 DrMt\,,rocK 100102 CHEWNING 84-85 CHIEVES 80 DOLLAR 104 cl-ILDS 105 DONNELL 32 CLARK 105 DOWDY 79(3) CLAYTON 92 DOWNES 103 coBB 99 105 DRIVER 92 -107 - DUKE 80 93 94 103 DULTON 92 DUTTON 91 EARNEST 92 ED|\.4oNDS 91 103 EDWARDS 84 91 ELLS 99 ELIMS 94 ESTER 93 ESTES 101 EVANS 92 FARN,,!ER 37 FARR 105 FERGUSON 97 105 FERRELL 101 102 FIELDER 94 FIELDS 93 FINLEY 82 FITTS 99 FLE[/ING 78 FLETCHER 82 FORTNER 93 FOSTER 82 FOULKE 97 FOWLER 1OO FRIDELL 103 FRYE 79 FULLILOVE 93 GAINES 1OO GARDEN 88 GARDNER 74 103 GARNER 82-83 93(2) GARRETT 103 GARRISON 101 GARST 96 GASTON 103 GILBERT 103 GrNN 80(2) GODWIN 104 GRAHATV 80(2) 91 92 GRAINGER 95 GRANDBURY 105 GRANT 75 GRAY 91 GREEN 101 103 GRIFFIES 94 GRIFFIN 92 GROW 99 GUTHRIE 99 GUY 91 HACKINS 80 HA|IIRICK 99 101 102 104 HANCOCK,lO5 HAND 87 88 89 93101 HANDLEY 101 102 HANNAH 92 HANSARD 85 HANSON 93 HANVEY 93 HARLAN 104 HARP 80 HARPER 81 96 HARTSFIELD 99 HASHELL 1OO HAY 93 HAYNES 95 96 97 98 105 HEAD 101 HEMBREE 1OO HENSON 80 HEWETT 10,1 HICKS 79 HILL 94 HILTON 1OO HrN(E)SLEY 102 105 HIXON 94 HODGE 92 HOGAN 103 HOGUE 105 HOLDER 91 92(2) HOLLAND 91 102 103 HOLLINGSWORTH 104 HOLLIS 1OO HOLLOWAY 77 79 94 103 HOOD 78 HORNADAY 97 1OO HORSELY 94 HOUSEWORTH 102 HOUSTON 103(2) HOWELL 8O HUBBARD 79 93 HUDDLESTON 94 HUGEONS 102 HUGHEN lOO HUGHES 103 HULSEY 97 HUTCHERSON 103 HYTEN 80 JACKSON 92(2) 34'101 KEt\rP 81 82 KENDRICK 1OO'103 KENNEDY 104 KENNY 102 ALSO SEE KINNEY KILGORE 95 K|NG 77 103 104 KINGSBURY S4 KINNARD 1OO KTNNEY 95-98 102 103 105 ALSO SEE KENNY KITE 92 KNIGHT 80 81 KNOTT 1OO KNUDSEN 105 KRAI\,IER 99 LAIRD 1OO LANCASTER 84 85 LANGLEY 93 LARGE 94 LAWRENCE 104 LEE 80 90 LESTER 94 LEWTS 105 LOCKE 1OO LOCKETT 91 LONG 82 93 LOUND 104 LOVERN 87 LOV]NG 78 LOVORN 103 LOWERY 103 LUKE 94 LUNOUEST S9 LYLE 93 MAB(E)RY 80(2) 101 MADDEN 98 MADDOX 74 92 MAJORS 79 MANDEVILLE 99 1OO MANGUI\,4 93 I\4ART|N 80-87 I\,4ASHBURN 91 103 JETER 104 JINER 94 JOHNSON 80 92(2) 34 102(2) JONES 80 84 88 90 93 101 (2j 1O2 1O3(2j 104 105 joRDAN KEITH 93 101 KELL(E)Y 79 80 85 100 91 JUHAN 99 KAY 105 MAT(T)HEWS 77(2) 99 I\,4AXWELL 81 86 McALLISTER 96 N,4CARTER 91 MCBURNETT'103 MCCLURE 101 t!4cDANlEL 102 MCDOWELL 96 97 105 N4CELWREATH 1OO MCEWEN 81 MCGAR(R)lTY 100 103 McKINNY 92 McMULLAN 103 MCN4ULLEN 100 McNEIL 92 [,,lcNlNCH 74 95 [4cRlTCHlE 91 [,4CWHORTER 82 S2(2) 96 lvlElGS 100 103 MELEAR 93 |\4ERRELL 101(2) 102 103 I\,,tERRETT 102 MERRILL S5 [4LES 105 106 MTLLER 101 103 105 N,lILLICAN 101 MILLS 98 IIIITCHELL 94 103 MOODY 104 105 MOON 94 MOORE 87 91(2) 97 100(2) 102 103 104 105 IVIoRGAN 94 103 N40RRtS 95 102 N,IOTEN 93 MOXLEY 103 MUSICK 105 NEILL 91(2) NEWELL 94 Ntx 86 87 NtxoN 88 89 90 NOBBLEY 94 NOLAN 103 O'KELLY 94 ODDY 85 OGLETREE 103 oRR 103 osBoRN(E) 91 104 OVERTON 93 OWENS 97 OWENSBY 103 PARKER 92 PARKS 95 PARSONS 74 PATTERSON 79 PEEK 91 PHARO 77 PHELPS 94 PHrL(L)IPS 87(2) 88 90 93 PIERCE 93 PILGRII\,,I86 PTNSON 98 104 - 108- PITTS 91 POLLARD 91(2) POLSTON 92 POPE 96 PORTER(S) 92 102 PORTWOOD S6 POWELL 83 85 PREWETT 90 PRICE 104 PRICHETT 91 PROVOST 85 PYLE 83-84 OUILLIAN 1OO RANSOIVI 94 REAGAN 103 REAGIN 103 REAVES 79 ALSO SEE REEVES REED 89 REESE 92 99(2) REEVES 103 ALSO SEE REAVES REGISTER lOO REID 105 ,1 REID 03 RHUDY 99 RTcHARDS 100(2) 101(2) 102103 RICHARDSON 99,101 102 RIDDLE 93 RIDER 101 RTGGS 81 83-84 RIGSBY 92 RILEY 94 ROBERDS 91 ROBERSON 103 ROBERTS 81 91 94 103(4) 105(2) ROBTNSON 87(2) 103 ROBISON 93 RODAHAN 101 RODGERS 94 ROOKS S3 ROOP 81 ROSE 101 ROWDEN 79 ROWLAND 94 ,1 RUMNEY 02 SAGER 84 SANFORD 79 SAPPINGTON 82 SAWER 105 scoTT 86 96 97 SEAGO 101 SETZER 78 SEWELL 95 SHACKLEFORD 103 SHAD(D)INGER 8O-87 92 SHELL 94 SHELTON 87 SHERMAN 74 SHINN 91 SHRADER 82 SIMONTON 99 SINGLETARY 104 106 SINGLETON 87 88 89 SKINNER 93 SLAYTON 102 sMrTH 75 80 86 91(2) 92(2) S4(2) 95 99 100 103(3) 105 SNEAD 99 SPARKS 93 SPENCE S3 SPENSE 92 SPRINGER 103 STALLINGS 86 STEKMANN 85 STEPHENS 91 93 95 STEPHENSON 88 89 92(2) 103 STEWART 80 93 101 102 ALSO SEE STUART STICHER 92 STILES 103 STILL 86 SToKES 92 STONE 103 SToREY 103(2) STOVALL 101 STRICKLAND S9 1OO 102103 STUART 99 ALSO SEE STEWART SUMMERLIN 101 SUTTON 87 89 SWAIN 83 swoRDs 104 TACKETT 91 TALLEY 91 TALIUORE 91 10,1 102 103 TAYLOR 91 10'1 105 TEAL 91 TERRELL 8O(2) 91 TERRY 105 THOMAS 91 103 THOIiIASON 91 THOMPKINS 92 TANNER THOI'TPSON 91 92 THORNTON 87 88 90 91 93 THREADGILL 91 THURTIiAN 91 105(2) 106 TIDWELL 91 TILMON 103 TII\,1MONS 91 TODD 91 TOLBERT 91 TOMLINSON 91 TOt\rMA 80(2) TOWERS 93 TOWNS 91 TOWNSELL 94 TRAMMEL(L) 82 91 104 TRAPP 91 TRAVIS 103 TRAYLOR 91 TREADWELL 91 TRICE 85 TRIMBLE 103 TRIPP 91 TROTTER 91 TRUETT E1 TRUITT 91 TUCKER 91 92 TUGGLE 92 TURNER 92 95 96(2) TWEEDELL 101 103 TYESS 80 TYNCH 92 TYSON 92 UPSHAW 92 103 vAUGH(A)N 92(7) VEAL 94 VESSEL 92 VINCENT 97 vtNES 92 94 102 WADE 87 88 89 90 WAGER 92 102 WALKER 92 WALLACE 92 WALLIS S2 WALLS 92 WALTON 92 WARD 89 90 91 92 94 95(2) 96(2) 97 WARE 91(2) WARMACK 86 WARNOCK 85 wARREN 80(5) 91 WASH 74 WASHINGTON 92 WATERS 80 92(2) 96 WATKINS 92 1()O WATSON 94 WEATHERS 86 WEAVER 92 WEBB 92 WEDDINGTON 91 WEDDLE 84 WELLS 92(4) 93 101 WESSINGER 33 WEST 93 WESTER 93 WHATLEY 93 WHEELER 93 WHITAKER 93 wHrTE 78 79 80(s) 93 wHTTEHEAD 93(2) WHITEHORN 93 WHITTLE 93 WGGINS 86 WILCOXON 93 WILDING 98 WILKINS 93 W|LLTAMS 79(2) 91 90 91 92 93(26) 94(2) 97 104 wtLLIAMSON 88 93(6) s4 100 WILLINGHAM S4 wtLSoN 75 77 84 93 94 100 104 WINDOM 94 WNKLES 94 WINSHIP 94 WSE 94 WITCHER 94 wooD 78 79 91 94 99 101 WOODARD 94 WOODLE 95 WOODRUFF 94 woRD 74(2) 80(2) 91 94 WORKMAN 95 WORLEY 92 94 ,103 WRIGHT 94 WYATT 91 94 WYNN 94 YANCEY 1OO YARBROUGH 94 YATES 94 103 YEAGER 95 YOUNG 93 05 ZACHRY 95