Ingram Micro`s North American Routing Guide, September 2013 Editio
Ingram Micro`s North American Routing Guide, September 2013 Editio
Welcome Dear Vendor or Carrier Partner: Welcome to Ingram Micro’s North American Routing Guide, September 2013 Edition. This update to our routing guide includes the addition of 3 new Ingram Micro locations, 2 of which are part of our Ingram Micro Mexico network. New locations are as follows: US Branch 90‐ Harrisburg, PA Mexico Branch 90‐ San Diego, CA Mexico Branch 95/93‐ Laredo, TX There are no incremental changes beyond the new locations to carrier routing in this update. As always, please make sure that your carrier selection processes are updated with the most up to date “Routing Matrix” and “Direct Ship Matrix” in cases where Ingram Micro is responsible for freight payment. Taking these precautions will lead to the avoidance of any compliance charges. As a reminder, the contents of the routing guide provide detailed instructions on the correct process for shipping from the US to Canada, and a failure to follow these instructions can lead to our shipments being held, and a risk of financial obligations to the Canadian Government for Ingram Micro or our customers. To our Ingram Micro Mexico Partners, Welcome! The Ingram Micro Routing Guide has been developed to assist our vendors and carriers effectively do business with us. As you work your way through our page we encourage you to reach out to us with any questions you may have. The routing matrices can be located in the “IM Mexico” section of the routing guide. Ingram Micro is constantly looking at ways to improve the way we do business with you and for all of our partners. The changes in this routing guide and in our procedures are with the goal of facilitating efficiencies across the entire channel, from your manufacturing plants to our distribution network and on through to the solution providers and end‐users around the world. Ingram Micro will continue to make ongoing enhancements to this guide. The date of the most recent update is reflected on this home page Again, please take time to review the guide thoroughly. If you have any questions, please contact your Ingram Micro Vendor Business Manager or Buyer, or send an email to our Transportation Department at TQEast& Sincerely, Jeffrey N. Johnson 1 | P a g e Vice President Logistics & Transportation *Failure to comply with the provisions contained in this guide is considered a breach of our agreement and will result in non‐compliance charges being assessed as outlined under Non‐Compliance Charges in this guide. Current Revision Date : September 6, 2013 2 | P a g e Shipment Documentation Requirements The following items are required to accompany each shipment: Packing Slip Info. – If shipment has multiple Purchase Orders and/or multiple Packing Slips a consolidated master Packing Slip is required. Bill of Lading (see sample) For small parcel/ courier shipments, a packing slip is required to be placed in/on each carton in the shipment. Packing Slip Requirements Required information for each packing slip: Purchase order number Trailer number (if known) Shipper reference number Backorder status Carrier name Pieces and weight Required Information for Each Line Item Product description Ingram Micro SKU number or UPC Number or Vendor part number. The product identification number that is referenced on the packing slip must also appear on the product itself. The UPC number is the preferred product identifier. Number of units/eaches Number of cartons Backorder status Full Truckload A separate packing slip is required for each purchase order for each trailer If the shipment requires more than one trailer (e.g. multiple trailers, one PO), a separate packing slip outlining the particulars of each trailer is mandatory Less Than Truckload / Heavyweight Air / Freight Forwarder A separate packing slip is required for each purchase order for each Pro / HAWB number Small Parcel / Courier A separate packing slip is required to be placed in/on each carton Missing Packing Slips are subject to non‐compliance charges Manual or Electronic Bill Lading (BOL), Manual / Paper Waybills, Small Parcel Shipping System Requirements All Ingram Micro PO's in the format , xx‐xxxxx, must be referenced on the BOL (or other shipping documents such as air waybills and the like) or Ingram Micro will refuse to pay the cost of shipping this PO. BOL must be filled out to show the actual carton/piece count first, the number of pallets second, total shipment weight third (excluding pallet weight). Drivers must have the ability to verify the carton/piece count at time of loading and sign for carton/piece count 3 | P a g e Shipper Load and Count is not allowed Note “DO NOT BREAK DOWN OR TOP LOAD” on pallets and BOL Vendor shipping department staff shall assure that carriers drivers Date, Sign and Print their name legibly on the BOL. All full truckloads must be SEALED with SEAL NUMBER noted in general comments area. All PO’s shipped in one day to one Ingram Micro location MUST be consolidated onto one Bill Of Lading (BOL) or House Airway Bill (HAWB), using one carrier tracking number All vendors using 3rd Party Logistics to distribute their product must ensure that the Vendors name appears in the shipper info, NOT just the name of the company physically tendering the freight to the carrier. Vendor name must be listed first, followed by that of the 3PL company. If Ingram Micro is responsible for freight charges, LTL and Truckload shipments sent to an Ingram Micro location must be shipped COLLECT Incorrect or incomplete Bill of Lading, HAWB’s or small parcel manifesting systems, are subject to non‐compliance charges Ingram Micro shall not be liable for accessorial charges invoiced by carriers for deliveries of Ingram Micro Purchase Orders whether freight is shipped Freight Prepaid or Freight Collect Bill of Lading example: ABCD Corporation 66999 Carrier: XYZ Transport, Inc Service Requested: Air Surface Priority Truck [ ] Standard Ground 962 Blossom Ave. , Yuma, AZ Bill # 123456 Charges to: Pro# Shipper Date: 07‐09‐2012 Consignee Third Party Shipper: Street: City/State: Bill To ABCD Corporation 962 Blossom Ave. Yuma, AZ 66999 Ingram Micro Attn: Transportation 1759 Wehrle Drive Williamsville NY 14221 Consignee Street: City/ State Trailer Seal Number: Ingram Micro (Br10) 12510 Micro Drive Mira Loma, CA 91752 Pieces 72 109 181 Shippers Signature: Pallets 9 5 14 Description 3.0 Computer Software 4.1 Computer Software Date: Ref #/PO 10‐01234 10‐56789 Time: Print Name: Received by: Please see the Barcode Specifications section of this guide for label format requirements. Palletization 4 | P a g e Weight 1700 2600 4300 Product MUST be delivered on good wood, GMA Grade A or B, reusable pallets, measuring 48" X 40" with entry on the shorter side. Four way entry is also allowed. "Block Style" pallets are not allowed. The maximum height of any pallet cannot compromise the individual carton integrity, and shall not exceed 84" in total height. Any product strapped to a pallet must ship via an LTL/TL/HWA carrier regardless of the weight and regardless of the payer of freight charges. 1. Pallets must be reusable, GMA Grade A or B, and 48''X 40'' 2. Entry must be available on the shorter 40” side; Four Way entry is also allowed. 3. Cartons must be delivered right side up and cubed on a pallet with no overhang and no hollow center. 4. All palletized cartons must have labels facing out. 5. Each pallet must contain two address labels, one on each adjacent side of the pallet. 6. All palletized shipments must be stretch‐wrapped or banded, with stretch wrap tied into the base of the pallet. 7. Double stack pallets are at shipper’s risk. Double stacking of pallets that results in carton and/or product damage shall be deemed non‐compliant and shall receive a chargeback to the vendor. 8. All pallets are to be loaded with opening facing out toward the back of the trailer. DO NOT side load unless four‐way pallets are used . 9. Corner boards must be used on palletized shipments 10. All laptops/notebooks shipped FOB origin must be shipped in an overpack carton, or palletized with security tape, or palletized with security wrap. 11. There must be a consistent number of units per carton throughout the life of the product 12. There must be a consistent number of cartons per pallet throughout the life of the product Exceptions Ingram Micro North America recognizes that there may be items such as plotters, large printers, rack mounts, etc. that will not fit on a standard, GMA Grade A or B, 48"x 40" pallet. Upon request from Vendors, these items will be reviewed for exceptions to the palletization requirements detailed in this Ingram Micro North American Routing Guide and will be will be dispositioned on an individual basis with each vendor as compliant exceptions or non‐compliant exceptions that are subject to non‐compliance chargebacks. For International Inbound Shipment Palletization Requirements to the United States ‐ click here Proper Pallet Loading Pattern In the Diagram #1 the cartons are safe from damage. The cartons are protected in transit by the pallet. 5 | P a g e Diagram #1 In the Diagram #2 the cartons would be damaged due to overhang. The shipper is required to rearrange the cartons onto separate pallets to eliminate the overhang. Diagram # 2 *Pallet must be 48” x 40” with fork access on 40” face or on both. *Pallet height must not exceed 84”. *Freight must be adequately braced in the trailer to prevent shifting in transit. Toppled freight in a trailer will result in non‐compliance penalties to the vendor (see non‐compliance section). Proper Arrangement of SKUs on a Pallet In order to ease the receiving process, Ingram Micro requires that Purchase Orders, and skus within those Purchase Orders, be grouped together as much as possible. However, consolidating purchase orders onto a single pallet is acceptable for small orders provided that all product is clearly labeled. The same SKU within a purchase order cannot be placed on multiple "mixed sku" pallets (see Diagram 3 below). Diagram #1‐ Correct SKU Arrangement In Diagram #1, both pallets are part of the same Purchase Order. SKUs are grouped together on each pallet and the same SKU is not spread over multiple pallets. Pallet 1‐ PO# 10‐12345 6 | P a g e Pallet 2‐ PO# 10‐12345 Diagram #2‐ Correct SKU Arrangement In Diagram #2, each pallet is part of a different Purchase Order. Although SKU A appears on both Pallet 1 and Pallet 2, this SKU is separated by Purchase Order. Pallet 1‐ PO# 10‐12345 Pallet 2‐ PO# 10‐56789 Diagram #3‐ Incorrect SKU Arrangement In Diagram #3, both pallets are part of the same Purchase Order. The same SKUs are mixed across multiple pallets. This makes it difficult to accurately match the sku count on the packing slip to the actual quantity received. SKUs received for the same PO#, which are spread over multiple 'mixed sku' pallets, will be subject to non‐compliance penalties (see non‐compliance section). Pallet 1‐ PO# 10‐12345 7 | P a g e Pallet 2‐ PO# 10‐12345 Transportation Mode Selection For shipments that are between 1 and 13 cartons, and less than "small parcel maximum weight" (see our Routing Matrix), small parcel ground carriers must be used, provided the individual cartons comply with the small parcel carrier girth and package weight restrictions available at the small parcel carrier websites. For shipments that are at least 14 cartons and up to "LTL pallet limit" for that lane, or between the "small parcel max weight" and "LTL max weight" for that lane (see our Routing Matrix), Less than Truckload (LTL) carriers or Heavy Weight Air (HWA) carriers must be used. For shipments greater than our "LTL maximum pallet count " or "LTL maximum weight", Full Truckload (TL) carriers must be used (See our Routing Matrix). Ingram Micro requests that Ingram Micro preferred carriers be used on all inbound shipments. Ingram Micro requires that Ingram Micro preferred carriers be used on all inbound shipments that are shipped under payment terms of 'Freight Collect'. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in financial penalties issued by Ingram Micro to the shipper (see Non‐ compliance section) Ingram Micro will accept vendor‐selected carriers as long as the shipment/carrier combination conforms to the mode selection rules above and reflected in the 'mode‐decision matrix' below. Deliveries in vehicles such as Vans, or Pickup Trucks, are acceptable provided that the driver brings the product to dock height. Ingram Micro will not sacrifice the safety of our associates nor risk causing damage to vehicles using material handling equipment with vehicles that are not dock‐height. A 'shipment' is defined as all packages shipped from one location on one day to a single Ingram Micro distribution center. 8 | P a g e Mode Decision Matrix ‐ Small Parcel or LTL/HWA/TL Shipment Size < or = Small Parcel Max Weight > Small Parcel Max Weight Less than 14 Cartons Small Parcel 14 Cartons or More LTL LTL or HWA or TL LTL or HWA or TL *Small parcel vs LTL/ HWA/ TL carton limit applies for both vendor prepaid freight and Ingram Micro paid freight Mode Decision Matrix ‐ LTL or TL Shipment Size < or = LTL Pallet Max LTL > LTL Pallet Max TL > Small Parcel Max Weight and < or = LTL Max Weight > LTL Max Weight TL TL *LTL vs Truckload mode selection rules apply to Ingram Micro paid freight only. Incorrect mode selection and failure to consolidate freight collect shipments are subject to non‐ compliance charges Ingram Micro Paid Freight For all shipments where Ingram Micro is responsible for freight payment, Ingram Micro must be billed directly by the carrier specified in our Routing Matrix. Vendors may not prepay and add freight charges to their product invoices to Ingram Micro. These charges shall be refused through the A/P process resulting in additional reconciliation expense. Any Cash on Delivery (COD) shipments of freight will be refused. Air Freight Vendors are responsible for all air package and palletized freight charges unless authorized at the individual PO level by the Ingram Micro Transportation Department. Documentation providing authorization will be provided by Ingram Micro. Unauthorized air freight changes will be subjected to chargeback to the vendor. Unauthorized Heavyweight Air/ Expedited Freight Forwarder freight invoices shall be rejected by Ingram Micro and billing charges refused to the carrier for rebilling to the shipper Heavy weight air shipments that are approved by Ingram Micro must ship via Cortrans Logistics LLC (within the domestic US) and the BOL / HAWB must reflect the declared value of the shipment. For Heavy Weight Air shipments within or to Canada please contact TQEast& . 9 | P a g e Small Parcel Shipments We request that our vendors keep small parcel shipments to an absolute minimum. A shipment is defined as the total number of cartons shipped on a given day to the same Ingram Micro Distribution Center from the same vendor location. Multiple PO's shipped on the same day are to be consolidated for the purposes of determining the correct carrier to be used Ingram Micro requires that small parcel/ courier packages each contain a packing slip reflecting the contents of that carton. In addition a master packslip is required UPS Ground Shipments When Ingram Micro is responsible for Freight payment, UPS Ground should only be used for shipments less than the small parcel max weight indicated in our Routing Matrix and less than 14 cartons (see our Routing Matrix) UPS DOES NOT offer Collect service, shipments must be made 3rd party on an Ingram Micro account. Shippers must contact Ingram Micro Transportation (TQEast& for the account number. Mode selection, Manifesting, and package size requirements apply Small Parcel Manifesting Requirements When a shipment conforms with ‘UPS Hundredweight (cwt)’ pricing constraints, ‘Hundredweight’ services must be chosen in the manifesting process by the shipper. Each carton must be clearly labeled with Ingram Micro Inc.'s PO Number, in the format xx‐xxxxx. Reference the PO# in package reference field for online shipping systems. For UPS shipments the Ingram Micro PO# must be manifest in the “Package Reference No. 1” field. For FedEx shipments the Ingram Micro PO# must be manifest in the “PO Reference” field. All Vendors using Third Party Logistics providers to distribute their product must ensure that a separate Fed‐Ex / UPS account number, unique to the vendor, is set up and utilized. Ingram Micro must be able to identify the actual vendor (not the 3PL) for each small parcel shipment into our facilities. Ingram Micro purchase order numbers must be contained in the manifest transmission, in reference field to FedEx/ UPS ensuring it is viewable in all data documentation provided to Ingram Micro by the carrier. Ingram Micro will not be responsible for freight costs billed back to the shipper due to errors in processing. Shipments that are not correctly manifest shall be subject to non‐compliance charges. Truckload Dispatch Process If Ingram Micro is responsible for freight payment and your shipment pallet count or weight is greater than our limit for LTL (see Routing Matrix and Direct Ship Matrix) please contact Ingram Micro directly for dispatch at the following email address: Truckload Dispatch will need the following information to provide routing: o Origin Address o Destination Address 10 | P a g e o o o o o Commodity Type (Printer, Router, etc) Pallet Count (are the pallets Stackable/ non‐ stackable) Weight IM PO# Ship Date ∙ Truckload Dispatch will respond with the carrier and contact information Direct Shipments An individual order to be sent direct from a vendor shipping location to an Ingram Micro Customer All direct shipments must be sent ground. No air shipments are allowed without prior authorization from an Ingram Micro Transportation Department Associate. If Ingram Micro is responsible for transportation charges, please contact your Ingram Micro buyer for a 3rd party freight account # to use Label and packing slip requirements for direct shipments and drop ships are the same as if shipping to an Ingram Micro location. ASN and SSCC‐18 requirements are optional for Direct Shipments. Shipment documentation requirements are identical on Direct shipments and Purchase Orders being shipped to Ingram Micro. Carrier selection varies between direct shipments and purchase orders being shipped to Ingram Micro. For Direct Shipments with US Origins and Destinations and Canadian Origins and Destinations: o Small parcel shipments between 1‐13 cartons and 1‐200lbs should ship via UPS Ground for Domestic US moves, and via Purolator Ground for Domestic Canada Moves. o LTL shipments greater than 13 cartons or between 200‐10,000 lbs please see direct shipment matrix. o Truck Load shipments >10,000 lbs or > 10 Pallets &/or full trailer, vendors will contact for routing instructions If Ingram Micro is responsible for freight charges, Direct Shipments must be shipped via Third Party. For LTL/HWA and Truckload, the following bill to address must be referenced on the BOL: Transportation Services 1759 Wehrle Dr Williamsville, NY 14221 For small parcel: enter the properly authorized Ingram Micro account # in the correct field in the carrier manifest and enter the Ingram Micro PO# in the shipper reference number field. To obtain a small parcel account number, contact your Ingram Micro buyer. If Ingram Micro is responsible for freight charges, shipments via expedited freight services must be authorized on Ingram Micro's PO. Occasionally, Ingram Micro will submit freight billing instructions on POs with freight terms to bill neither Ingram Micro nor the Vendor. In the event that the PO is received from Ingram Micro with instructions to ship via a particular carrier and carrier service, and bill the freight to an end‐user (or other party) account number or address, the vendor must ensure that the freight is shipped and billed as indicated on the PO. 11 | P a g e International Direct Shipments An individual order to be sent directly from a Vendor’s US origin to a customer destination outside of the US. For direct Shipments with US Origins to foreign destinations, Send an E‐mail to to provide the following information: 1. Ingram Micro purchase order number (ex. 17‐12345‐XX) 2. Country of Origin information per SKU being shipped 3. Weight per SKU Number 4. If order consists of any SKUs valued at 0.01$, provide the Fair Market Value per unit 5. If shipping a partial order, please specify the quantity being shipped per SKU Number. Otherwise, the assumption will be that order will ship complete. 6. Name of person to contact for assistance with coordinating the shipment. Include Email address and phone number 7. Address of location product being shipped from. Ingram Micro, as the supplier to the foreign consignee, is responsible for preparing the Commercial Invoice to accompany the cargo to destination. At no time should DDP Incoterms be used in conjunction with Ingram Micro’s shipping account At no time should Duties/Taxes be charged to Ingram Micro’s shipping account Vendor is to hold product until Commercial Invoice is received from Ingram Micro Racks Direct shipments of Racks, when Inside Delivery or Liftgate service is required to accomplish a successful delivery to the consignee, and when Ingram Micro is liable for transportation costs, are to be routed via Associated Global Services (AGS) , with freight 3rd party billed to Ingram Micro. No account number is required. The Bill of Lading must reflect the declared value of the shipment when AGS s is utilized for transportation services. If inside delivery is not required please reference the LTL shipping matrix for routing instructions. Racks cannot ship via any air carrier service High Value Shipments / Insurance If the value of any carton shipping via small parcel exceeds $250 per pound, please contact our Transportation Department at TQEast&, prior to shipping. Ingram Micro reserves the right to request insurance in these circumstances. Failure to comply with this request may lead to non‐payment of product invoices for shipments lost in transit. In all other cases, do not insure or declare a value on any shipment unless authorized in writing by the Ingram Micro Transportation Department. 12 | P a g e Purchase Order ‐ Shipment Dates Ingram Micro provides Purchase Order due dates within the Ingram Micro Purchase Order. These due dates are specific to, and may vary with, each line item in the Purchase Order. The due date is defined as the date that the Purchase Order is required to ship from the vendor’s shipping facilities. On an exception basis, it is understood that there may be inventory / manufacturing constraints (“Late Shipments) and/or Ingram Micro‐initiated and Ingram Micro‐ authorized expedite requests (“Authorized Early Shipment”) that will result in shipping dates from the vendor’s shipping locations that vary from the due dates stated in the Ingram Micro Purchase Order. Ingram Micro requires that vendors comply with due dates for shipping from vendor facilities as stated in Ingram Micro Purchase Orders. Non‐compliance with shipping due dates results in inventory imbalances and unnecessary and unplanned costs. Shipments shipped prior to the Ingram Micro Purchase Order due date (“Unauthorized Early Shipment”) shall be considered ‘non‐compliant’ and may be subject to non‐compliance fees as stated in the non‐compliance section of this routing guide. Ingram Micro retains the right to refuse or return one hundred percent (100%) of any shipment that is shipped to Ingram Micro prior to the shipment due date, and Vendor shall bear all associated transportation and import/export expenses. Vendor shall bear all risk of loss and damage in transit on each such refusal or return. Hazardous Materials Product classified by the Code of Federal Regulations Title 49 (Transportation), as a hazardous material shall NOT be tendered to a carrier with the intent of delivery to Ingram Micro North America regardless of quantity, exception, or special provision. Ingram Micro will not accept any hazardous materials shipments without specific contract addenda being executed PRIOR to any shipment being tendered by the vendor. Shipments containing hazardous materials outside of approved contract addenda will be rejected at the door, with costs associated with the refusal borne by the vendor. Ozone Depleting Chemicals (ODC) Vendors are required to complete ODC Certification Letters and notify the import team via e‐email of any products that are manufactured with Ozone Depleting Chemicals (ODC) prior to import of shipment into the United States. See "Import Shipments and Customs Instructions into the United States" section for additional information. 13 | P a g e ASN and SSCC Policy It has been demonstrated that the use of standards‐based messaging and barcodes drive efficiency, accuracy and the velocity of business transactions. For that reason, Ingram Micro requires the use of vendor‐supplied Advance Ship Notifications (ASN) in conjunction with Serial Shipping Container Codes (SSCC). Ingram Micro has created a Web‐based tool for vendor partners who cannot meet the ASN requirement date. Why is Ingram Micro doing ASN and SSCC? Ingram Micro is committed to enhancing the efficiency of the supply chain through the adoption of global standards. The approved forms of ASN and SSCC greatly enhance the visibility of physical goods in transit and effect a more efficient and accurate receipt process. Requirements Ingram Micro vendors must provide ASNs in conjunction with Serial Shipping Container barcodes, (SSCC). This requirement applies to stocking orders into U.S Ingram Micro’s North American Distribution Network and will apply to Canadian Shipments in the near future. The only exceptions are for direct to customer shipments (this is optional for the vendor) and will call orders – no ASNs should be transmitted for will call orders or product that is not shipped. Ingram Micro vendors are responsible to comply with ASN and SSCC barcode labeling requirements. Non conformance to this section requiring both ASN and SSCC labeling may be subject to non‐compliance chargebacks. What is ASN? The Advance Ship Notification (ASN) is an electronic message based on approved standards. It improves Ingram Micro’s ability to track incoming shipments from vendors and improve the efficiency and accuracy during the receiving process. What is an SSCC Label? A Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) label is a barcode that when used in conjunction with an ASN describes the contents of a logical shipping unit, (carton or pallet). When scanned, our system retrieves the ASN data and the corresponding carton or pallet information is displayed to the receiver. This will greatly increase the accuracy and speed of the receipt transaction and makes the product available for sale sooner. See ASN/SSCC FAQ document/page for more info SSCC labels are required on each carton if shipping via small parcel and on each pallet when shipping LTL or truckload. Individual carton labels with SSCC barcodes are not required when shipping in pallet configurations. Individual carton labels with SSCC barcodes are not required when shipping in pallet configurations. Pallet level SSCC barcode must represent all cartons on that pallet. 14 | P a g e A vendor may combine different SKUs for a single purchase order on a single pallet or in a single carton and prepare a label with barcode to describe the contents of that logistics unit. Additionally, a vendor may combine units for multiple Ingram Micro purchase orders on a single pallet or in a single carton and create a SSCC barcode to describe the contents. ASN Message Formats Ingram Micro can accept the following messaging formats for ASNs. For an explanation on these types of messages, please see the ASN FAQ . EDI 857 EDI 856 RosettaNet 3B2 PIP Ingram Micro’s ASN Web Tool Assistance for ASNs and SSCCs can be found at: EAN International http://www.ean‐ GS1 Rosetta Net Label Placement and Orientation The following images depict the proper placement and orientation of shipping labels containing SSCC barcodes for cartons and pallets. Vendors may select the link below and will be redirected to a site where they can purchase posters indicating proper placement of the shipping labels with SSCC barcodes. Click here to view / print the above image using Adobe Carrier partners must be instructed not to remove or place labels over the SSCC barcode label. Additionally, carriers should be instructed to not break down palletized loads as this may compromise the integrity of the pallet level shipping label. Vendors who have not completed integration and are shipping to Ingram Micro without SSCC barcodes or ASNs will be considered non‐compliant and will be subject to chargebacks. ASN and SSCC accuracy ASNs and associated SSCC’s are expected to be 100‐percent accurate and received prior to physical delivery of your product. ASNs must be transmitted concurrent with the physical shipment of your order. SSCC barcode quality should result in error‐free scans at Ingram Micro ALCs. Failing to provide SSCC barcodes and corresponding ASNs will result in chargebacks. If a vendor applies the SSCC barcode to their shipment(s) but fails to transmit the ASN before physical receipt, a chargeback will result. 15 | P a g e Vendors will be monitored and measured for the accuracy and usability of their ASNs and barcodes. Vendors are expected to respond to reports of non‐compliance by addressing defects in a timely manner. Failure to correct defects will result in non‐compliance chargebacks. Message and Label Specifications Specifications for ASN EDI or XML messages can be found on the Ingram Micro web site at . Vendors will login to the Ingram Micro site with their userID and password. Once logged in, specifications for Ingram Micro’s ASN messages and label guidance can be found on the left margin of the web site. 16 | P a g e ASN Web Application Ingram Micro has anticipated that some of our Vendors may lack the technical infrastructure or have resource constraints to integrate by the ASN launch date. These vendors will be candidates for our free Web‐based ASN tool. This ASN application is integrated with Ingram Micro’s ERP system and allows the vendor to print labels containing SSCC barcodes and send advance ship notifications to Ingram Micro. Details of this program will be made available upon request or as you are contacted about integration. The ASN Web application user guide can be viewed at , If the vendor chooses to use the ASN web application in lieu of electronic integration, user IDs and passwords will be issued. The vendor will be provided a non‐production environment where training will be conducted. If you have questions or issues regarding the Web application, please mail your questions to When will my company need to complete this integration process? Ingram Micro has determined a schedule for vendor integration. Our Product Management team or designee will be contacting you in order to discuss the steps necessary to complete this integration. If your business has impediments to integrating through EDI or XML, Ingram Micro’s ASN Web Application will be used as a bridge until integration can be accomplished. If you have reviewed this material and are ready to integrate send an email to . A representative will contact you and discuss the steps necessary to move forward. 17 | P a g e Integration Timetable The following serves as a template for the integration process and timetable. 1. An Ingram Micro representative will contact you, the vendor , and ask you to complete an ASN Integration Readiness Packet 2. Once the packet is completed and returned, a business discussion with the owners of business integration is conducted. This meeting is to determine if the vendor will integrate through traditional means or utilize the ASN Web Application. 3. If the vendor is integrating using EDI or XML, an IT “kickoff” meeting will be held in order to establish the process for mapping and testing. 4. Once successful testing is concluded, the vendor will be scheduled for deployment at which point messages will be monitored for compliance. Issues will be identified and reported back to the vendor. The expectation is that the vendor will conduct timely return of test messages and complete the integration process within six weeks. Thank you for your continued support with this business process and driving supply chain efficiencies between our organizations. ASN and SSCC Policy FAQ General Questions: What is an ASN? ASN stands for Advance Ship Notification. This is an electronic message that is sent to the buyer from the shipper or manufacturer. Details such as date shipped, purchase order, quantity shipped, carrier, etc are contained in the message. The Ingram Micro approved versions can take the form of EDI or XML. What is an SSCC? An SSCC is a barcode identifier on a carton or pallet. While its function is much like a license plate on an automobile, it also tells a receiver exactly what is contained in the shipping unit when used in conjunction with an ASN. Background: The SSCC18 barcode was developed by the EAN / UCC to describe a “logistics unit”. The benefit occurs when used in conjunction with the ASN. A receiver scans the vendor’s SSCC barcode and Ingram Micro’s warehouse management system searches for that number and retrieves the detail associated with that SSCC number. The information is then presented to the receiver with correct PO and all other associated detail required for receipt. SSCC‐18 is the abbreviation for the UCC/EAN 128 Serial Shipping Container Label. When you implement an ASN this label will be related to a valid ASN transmission. This transmission will allow the shipment to be tracked and received. The SSCC‐18 labels are not useable unless they are accompanied by a valid ASN. Why is Ingram Micro implementing Advance Ship Notification (ASN) and Serialized Shipping Container Codes (SSCC)? 18 | P a g e Ingram Micro is committed to enhancing the efficiency of the supply chain through the adoption of global standards. The approved formats of ASN and SSCC greatly enhance the visibility of physical goods in transit and create a more efficient and accurate receipt process. What if my company can’t comply with Ingram Micro’s ASN and SSCC requirements? Ingram Micro anticipated that some suppliers might not be ready to integrate in the time frame required. ERP upgrades, IT resource delays, or third‐party restrictions might delay integrating our businesses. For that reason, Ingram Micro offers a browser‐based application that enables our partners to create and transmit ASNs to Ingram Micro. This functionality is provided free. This web application delivers an easy‐to‐use interim solution while your company upgrades to a system that incorporates ASN and SSCC processes. What if my company opts not to comply? In extreme cases, where a supplier refuses to comply, that company will be placed into an escalation queue with senior executive visibility. Plus, fees may be levied against the supplier due to recoup addition cost of doing business with a non‐complying partner. What are Ingram Micro’s Label, EDI and XML specifications? You can find our specifications for the barcode specification and electronic messages within the site embedded in the Vendor Partner area. Questions about EDI: What type of EDI messages will Ingram Micro accept for ASN? Ingram Micro’s preferred message for advance ship notification is the EDI 857. This message combines the data for the ASN with the invoice detail. We will also accept Edi 856, XML 3B2 or our ASN Web Based application We have no EDI message exchange with Ingram Micro today, how do we begin? Ingram Micro will furnish a supplier integration assessment form to the vendor. This should be completed by the vendor’s IT or business integration team. This assessment will reveal the suppliers readiness from a technical and timeline standpoint. From this assessment a determination will be made to assign the vendor to the integration queue or have the supplier utilize the ASN web‐based tool, until the supplier is capable of integrating traditionally. At which point the vendor will be assigned to the ASN queue. We exchange some EDI messages today with Ingram Micro but not the ASN. We want to exchange one of the other B to B messages. Can we get that before doing the ASN? The sequencing of exchanged messages should follow the demand generation and order fulfillment cycle. The advance ship notification is the first message from a vendor regarding the status of a shipped order. This message has an elevated position in the B to B message schema and as such should be implemented as one of the first pieces of integration between a supplier and their customer. 19 | P a g e XML Option In addition to the EDI messages described above, Ingram Micro also exchanges XML messages via RosettaNet standards. The RosettaNet message for the advance ship notification is the 3B2 PIP. Ingram Micro uses v1.0 of the 3B2 PIP. What if I have a technical question about EDI that my Ingram Micro buyer can’t answer, who do I ask? Your vendor business manager will be provided with a roster of Ingram Micro associates who can respond to your technical questions. Questions about Labels & Barcodes: What printer do I need to use for barcodes? The Shipping Labels can be printed on any Windows‐based printer Why is Ingram Micro requiring SSCC18 BARCODES? When scanned at our facilities, the SSCC calls up the proper purchase order and shipping unit information based on your transmission of an accompanying ASN. This will dramatically reduce the order/shipment reconciliation issues we incur today and will result in significantly less accounts receivable conflicts. Questions About Chargebacks: Where can I find a list of potential offenses that could result in chargebacks? A list of non‐compliance elements and charges can be found in the Non Compliance section of this site. What if my company disputes a chargeback for ASN / SSCC? You should discuss your issue related to ASN non‐compliance with your buyer or business designee at Ingram Micro. Packaging Guidelines The physical appearance and structural integrity of the shippable carton is as important to the VAR, Retailer, End User and SMB as the commodity itself. Product will be refused and disposition costs will escalate if product is not sufficiently packaged for transit. Ingram Micro maintains that proper packaging is required to protect product as it moves through the supply‐chain. The vendor is responsible to ensure product packaging meets industry standards as outlined by the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA). If Ingram Micro experiences a high rate of damage with your product(s), we reserve the right to have your packaging tested by industry‐recognized professionals. The vendor may bear responsibility for any expense involved. Two organizations focused on proper packaging are the ISTA and ASTM International (Formerly known as American Society for Testing and Materials) Proper packaging specifications for your products can be found on these organizations web sites. 20 | P a g e Taking a leadership position, Ingram Micro has established guidelines for conforming and non‐ conforming product as it relates to damage in transit. This standard can be found in the “Receiving Policy” section of this routing guide. 1. Each pallet must contain two address labels, one on each adjacent side of the pallet. 2. All palletized shipments must be stretch‐wrapped or banded, with stretch wrap tied into the base of the pallet. 3. All laptops/notebooks shipped FOB origin must be shipped in an overpack carton, or palletized with security tape, or palletized with security wrap. Labeling Guidelines and Shipping Label Placement All palletized cartons must have labels facing out. Each pallet must contain two address labels, one on each adjacent side of the pallet. LOOSE BOXES (SMALL PACKAGE / COURIER SHIPMENTS) Label Placement: Place the label on a flat surface on the top of the package. Do not place labels over seams or sealing tape. To avoid confusion, place only one address label on the box. If placing a packing slip on the outside of the box, place it on the same surface of the box as the address label. When reusing boxes, obliterate old shipping label bar codes, or remove old labels or markings. How to securely seal packages Apply three strips of tape to both the top and bottom of the box so the middle and two edge seams are sealed. Use tape that's at least 2" wide to seal seams and flaps. 3” is preferred. Use pressure‐sensitive plastic tape, or water‐activated reinforced tape. Do not use masking tape, cellophane tape, duct tape, water‐activated paper tapes, string, or paper over‐wrap because they will not provide a strong enough seal. CARTONS ON PALLET Each carton on the pallet must be individually labeled. Labels, including serial number information, if applicable, must be easily located. One pallet label must be located in the upper third of the pallet. All labels will be visible on the perimeter of the pallet, including serial number labels. Each pallet must be SSCC‐18 labeled All palletized cartons must have labels facing out. Each pallet must contain two address labels, one on each adjacent side of the pallet. 21 | P a g e Statement of Bar Code Policy Barcode Specifications On these pages, you will find the Ingram Micro bar code requirements, which reflect the needs of our customers. Additionally, we have provided lists and explanations to help with your own bar code programs, as well as information for working with the Uniform Code Council, the agency responsible for product identification. At the end of this document, please find the Bar Code Checklist for use in informing Ingram Micro of your company’s bar coding efforts. All Ingram Micro requirements conform to COMPTIA guidelines. We have experienced a growing demand from our customers to capture serial number information on products we ship to them. This information is mandatory in order for our customers to apply for rebates, warranties, upgrades, marketing funds and support from the manufacturer. Accurate serial number capture is, therefore, imperative. If serial numbers are carried on your products, we require this information to be bar coded in Code 39 format with the (S) data identifier present in both the human‐readable text and machine readable bar code. With this consistent, uniform format, we can capture serial numbers quickly and accurately while increasing customer satisfaction. We have included guidelines on case pack and shipping label specifications. These guidelines are designed to reduce receiving and potential shipping errors to customers. Again, a consistent, uniform format helps us capture this important information about your product accurately and without delay. We appreciate your investment of time and energy in implementing these bar code programs. Through our joint efforts and consistent bar code labeling, Ingram Micro and our vendor partners will be able to increase customer satisfaction, improve inventory control and reduce the cost of sales through the supply chain. Ingram Micro stands ready to assist with your bar code program. Please use the Bar Code Contact List when questions arise. 22 | P a g e Where Bar Codes Are Used ...sometimes your product is returned... 23 | P a g e Product Label Specifications Necessary Data Format UPC Required EAN/UPC Version A Placement Product Serial Numbers Required (See Below) Optional Vendor Part Number Optional Supplier Identification (2V) Optional Manufacturer name, city, state, zip code, country of origin, product name, description, version, platform, media, operating system, etc. 24 | P a g e The Shipping Label Ingram Micro Purchase Order: 10 ‐ 12345 Ingram Micro Location Sequential P.O. Number Ingram Micro Advanced Logistics Centers Br10 (U.S) 12510 Micro Dr. Mira Loma, CA 91752 Br10 (Canada) 7451 Nelson Rd. Richmond, BC Canada V6W 1L7 Br20 (U.S) 1809 West Frankford Ste.100 Carrollton, TX 75007 Br30 (U.S) 3820 Micro Dr. Millington, TN 38053 Br40 (U.S) 415 East Lies Rd. Carol Stream, IL 60188 Br40 (Canada) 88 Foster Crescent Mississauga, ON Canada L5R 4A2 Br80 (U.S) 80 Micro Dr. Jonestown, PA 17038 The guidelines for our shipping label have been adopted from the ANSI MH10.8M shipping label standard. Upon receipt of your shipment, it enables us to locate and scan important information quickly. The vendors name and location the shipment is originating from. Ingram Micro Advanced Logistics Center that will receive the product. The postal code is an optional field used only by the carriers. Carrier information including SCAC Code and the PRO and/or BOL number. The Ingram Micro Purchase Order number in human readable text. The invoice number in human readable text. 25 | P a g e The last segment contains the serialized shipping container code in both human‐ readable and bar code format. Ingram Micro uses the information contained in this code to tie together the physical contents of the carton to the shipment information given to us by a supplier via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). The serialized shipping container code is printed in UCC/EAN‐128 bar code symbology. It employs the use of application identifiers, which serve the same purpose as data identifiers, only in numeric form. It gets its uniqueness by coupling the seven‐digit UCC/EAN manufacturer number with a nine‐digit shipping container number assigned by the supplier. This bar code is only required if you provide EDI advanced ship notification. This is a minimum requirement and only required if you provide advance shipment notification via EDI. How to Get the Codes You Need Working with the GS1 GS1 (formerly the Uniform Code Council) was originally created in 1972 to administer the Universal Product code (UPC) . The name of the organization was changed from UCC to GS1 in 2005 when the Uniform Code Council, and the Electronic Commerce Council of Canada (ECCC) joined EAN International. Although membership in GS1 is voluntary, it is required in order to obtain the manufacturer's number assignment necessary for a UPC. Contact GS1 at 7887 Washington Village Dr. Ste. 300 Dayton, OH 45459 or call (937) 435‐ 3870. Additional information can be found on the World Wide Web at After receipt of your application, the GS1 will assign a UPC manufacturer’s number unique to your company. This six‐digit number will be for use on all of your products. Assigning UPC Item Codes Each manufacturer, according to their own internal numbering system, assigns a five‐digit item number to each product. In combination with the six‐digit manufacturer number, this will form the 11‐digit UPC number for each product. A calculated check‐digit in the twelfth position completes the UPC code. Currently used part numbering systems cannot always be represented, as assigning any degree of internal intelligence of significance to the positions of the digits dramatically reduces possible permutations and flexibility. UPCs created from each manufacturer’s number are limited to 100,000 (00000 thru 99999). If, for example, a company produces systems, components and software products, and begins each group’s with “1,” “2,” and “3” respectively, then the 100,000 possible numbers are suddenly reduced to 30,000. Manufacturers who feel uneasy about starting their numbering system with 00001 may choose another starting point, such as 25000. Item numbers, then, should be chosen either sequentially or randomly without duplication. The best place to start is usually the product with the highest unit volume. A different number must be assigned for each product as well as different versions of each product, including different disk sizes or media. Changes in form, fit, or function require a new part number / UPC. Additionally, a separate code should be created for education or international versions, promotional packages and specially priced or bundled items. The general rule to follow is that a 26 | P a g e separate number should be created when a product is physically or functionally different from previous products, the product is handled differently in the channel, different package graphics/dimensions make the product appear different from earlier versions, or the retail price changes from one configuration to another. Minor changes that are transparent to the user, e.g., not identified on the package or in promotional media, should not have a new UPC assigned as this will cause the item to be treated as a different product. Many retailers rely on unique UPCs to differentiate between product versions, media, etc. List of Bar Code Contacts Ingram Micro James Logan , Process Manager II James may be contacted with questions concerning bar codes, Labeling, ASN, CompTIA, standards and other policies outlined in this guide. For issues related to our ASN Webtool please contact the following email addresses: ‐ For first time set up on the ASN Webtool.‐ For issues related to ASN Webtool transactions not working correctly (no labels available, tool is unstable, not able to enter data, etc). Your Vendor Business Manager Continue to contact your Vendor Business Manager with questions and information concerning product changes, new products, packaging changes (including dimensions and weight), package quantity changes and version changes. Other Contacts: GS1 7887 Washington Village Dr. Ste.300 Dayton, OH 45459 (937) 435‐3870 WWW.GS1US.ORG AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE ANSI 11 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036 Telephone: 212.642.4900 Fax: 212.398.0023 WWW.ANSI.ORG CompTIA 27 | P a g e CompTIA Headquarters 450 East 22nd St., Suite, 230 Lombard, IL 60148‐6158 TEL: (630) 268‐1818 FAX: (630) 268‐1834 Electronic Commerce Support (ECS) Ingram Micro TEL: 1 (800) 616‐4665 Option 1 & 2 28 | P a g e Direct Shipments An individual order to be sent direct from a vendor shipping location to an Ingram Micro Customer All direct shipments must be sent ground. No air shipments are allowed without prior authorization from an Ingram Micro Transportation Department Associate. If Ingram Micro is responsible for transportation charges, please contact your Ingram Micro buyer for a 3rd party freight account # to use Label and packing slip requirements for direct shipments and drop ships are the same as if shipping to an Ingram Micro location. ASN and SSCC‐18 requirements are optional for Direct Shipments. Shipment documentation requirements are identical on Direct shipments and Purchase Orders being shipped to Ingram Micro. Carrier selection varies between direct shipments and purchase orders being shipped to Ingram Micro. For Direct Shipments with US Origins and Destinations and Canadian Origins and Destinations: o Small parcel shipments between 1‐13 cartons and 1‐200lbs should ship via UPS Ground for Domestic US moves, and via Purolator Ground for Domestic Canada Moves. o LTL shipments greater than 13 cartons or between 200‐10,000 lbs please see direct shipment matrix (Click here). o Truck Load shipments >10,000 lbs or > 10 Pallets &/or full trailer, vendors will contact for routing instructions If Ingram Micro is responsible for freight charges, shipments via expedited freight services must be authorized on Ingram Micro's PO. Direct Shipments should be shipped via Third Party. For LTL/HWA and Truckload, the following bill to address must be referenced on the BOL: Transportation Services 1759 Wehrle Dr Williamsville, NY 14221 For small parcel: enter the properly authorized Ingram Micro account # in the correct field in the carrier manifest and enter the Ingram Micro PO# in the shipper reference number field Occasionally, Ingram Micro will submit freight billing instructions on POs with freight terms to bill neither Ingram Micro nor the Vendor. In the event that the PO is received from Ingram Micro with instructions to ship via a particular carrier and carrier service, and bill the freight to an end‐user (or other party) account number or address, the vendor must ensure that the freight is shipped and billed as indicated on the PO. International Direct Shipments An individual order to be sent directly from a Vendor’s US origin to a customer destination outside of the US. For direct shipments with US origins to foreign destinations, send an email to to provide the following information: 1. Ingram Micro purchase order number (ex. 17‐12345‐XX) 2. Country of Origin information per SKU being shipped 29 | P a g e 3. Weight per SKU Number 4. If order consists of any SKUs valued at 0.01$, provide the Fair Market Value per unit 5. If shipping a partial order, please specify the quantity being shipped per SKU Number. Otherwise, the assumption will be that order will ship complete. 6. Name of person to contact for assistance with coordinating the shipment. Include Email address and phone number 7. Address of location product being shipped from. Ingram Micro, as the supplier to the foreign consignee, is responsible for preparing the Commercial Invoice to accompany the cargo to destination. At no time should DDP Incoterms be used in conjunction with Ingram Micro’s shipping account At no time should Duties/Taxes be charged to Ingram Micro’s shipping account Vendor is to hold product until Commercial Invoice is received from Ingram Micro 30 | P a g e Import Shipments and Customs Instructions into the United States Unless otherwise stated in the Vendor Distribution Agreement, freight terms for shipments arriving from outside of the US will be DDP (Delivery Duty Paid) to Ingram Micro. Shipments should be delivered to our Advanced Logistics Center customs cleared/duty paid at all times. Ensure that transport conditions and packaging are suitable for the products being shipped in order to avoid issues with extreme low temperatures, humidity, etc. Additionally, proper documentation must accompany the shipment including commercial invoice and supporting documentation such as FCC and/or FDA certification where applicable. Customs Contact List Primary Contact Name: Angela Cummings Hours: 8 am to 5pm (Eastern Standard Time) Phone: (905) 755‐5000 ext. 55255 Fax: (905) 755‐1300 e‐mail: C‐TPAT ‐ SVIP# or questionnaire required before import. See additional details under "Security Requirements" ODC (Ozone Depleting Chemicals) ‐ Ingram Micro requires a copy of vendors/manufacturers Corporate Environmental Policy before importing into the United States to ensure ODC's were not used in the manufacture of components and sub‐components. In addition to the Corporate Environmental Policy, the Annual Foreign Manufacturer Letter must be completed and reviewed prior to initial import. For general import freight questions regarding Ingram’s preferred carriers, please e‐mail . Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in your shipment(s) being refused and or returned. Ingram Micro may also deny unauthorized invoices from carriers where a supplier failed to follow instructions. Risk of Loss and Damage in Transit reverts to the shipper if Ingram Micro North American Routing Guide is not followed It is your responsibility to ensure that your contract manufactures or third party logistics provider is notified and aware of these instructions. Ingram Micro strives for 100% security and customs compliance for shipments entering the US destined for Ingram Micro. Please assist us in maintaining the informational flow to Customs. For more information on imports into the US, please review the links on the left hand side.. 31 | P a g e Annual Manufacturer Letter 32 | P a g e Information required for importation of goods into the USA COMMERCIAL INVOICE A commercial invoice prepared by the shipper should accompany every shipment sent to Ingram Micro. The items below are information elements that should be included on the commercial invoice to avoid delays in US Customs entry. Along with these specific elements, the commercial invoice should include: Shipper name, cost, quantity and description of each item being shipped and to whom the shipment will be delivered (the consignee). All commercial invoices are required to include both a reference and an Ingram Micro purchase order number in a visible location on your invoice. Please add to your invoice: Reference: IMC Purchase Order: (will be given to you at time of placing the order, xx‐xxxxx) COUNTRY OF ORIGIN (COO) Your invoice should contain a statement that says, “Made in…” in a visible location. Additionally, all products imported into the US and the boxes or containers in which they are imported must be properly marked with the COO. Federal Communications Commission The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has established certain standards, which are applicable for various goods that emit radio frequency signals. Generally, the electronic products Ingram Micro distributes must meet these standards. U.S. Customs has the responsibility for verifying compliance with these standards for imported goods. The FCC identification number (if available) should also be included on the commercial invoice in the same way as the COO (this is NOT the same as the FCC registration number). Food and Drug Administration The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) administers the guidelines relating to devices, which emit potentially harmful radiation. Included in this product are classes such devices as laser printers, monitors and CD‐ROM drives. Again U.S. Customs has the responsibility for ensuring that imported products meet these guidelines. The current reporting process requires that the following information be provided at the time of the importation: 1) FDA Accession number 2) Name of the company holding the assigned FDA Accession number (this may not be the same as the vendor if the item was originally designed and approved by a different party) 3) Name and address of the manufacturer (this may also be different because many vendors use outside equipment manufacturers or OEM’s to actually produce the product) HTS Number As of January 1989, the U.S. became a party to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule, a commodity classification system adopted in many of the world’s countries. All merchandise is classified in some part of this system. Duties are assessed based on HTS # and country of origin. 33 | P a g e Commercial Invoice Invoice / Facture Customs Clearance By Invoice Number Page ___ of ___ Customer Reference Number Date Exporter, Seller Importer (If different than recipient) Shipped to (Consignee) Buyer (If different than Consignee) Consignee ID # (Employer Identification Number) Parties to the Transaction Country of Final Destination are: Related___ Not Related___ Duties / Brokerage to be Paid By Exporter Shipped to (Consignee)_______________ Other (Specify)_______________________ Country of Description of Goods Origin Terms of Sale Named Freight Forwarder/Carrier IM SKU/Part H.S. Number QTY PriceInvoice No Total All Prices in US Dollars Comments Print Name 34 | P a g e Shipper's Signature Title Ocean mode Security Custom Requirement 24 Hour Advance Manifest Rule In accordance with the U.S. Customs regulations concerning advance shipment notice within 24 hour of departure, all ocean offshore shipments are required to provide an accurate advance manifest to Customs a minimum of one business day (not including holidays or Sunday) before the freight is handed over to the carrier. Manifest Transmission Your freight forwarder should be responsible for transmitting the information to US customs. Shippers will need to provide the following information to their carrier 24 hours before departure of the vessel. For more information please contact your freight forwarder. 1. Manufacturer (or supplier) name and address 2. Seller (or owner) name and address 3. Buyer (or owner) name and address 4. Ship to name and address 5. Container stuffing location 6. Consolidator (container stuffer) name and address 7. Importer of record Internal Revenue Number or Foreign Trade Zone applicant ID number 8. Consignee number(s) 9. Country of origin 10. Harmonized Tariff Schedule number (HTSUS) minimum six digit level Your assistance in complying with these regulations is critical and expected. U.S. Customs will enforce these regulations; therefore non‐compliance is not acceptable. If Ingram Micro North America is responsible for Transportation / Import contact Expeditors International of Washington to make freight arrangements Air Mode Security Custom Requirement Advance Electronic Cargo Information (AMS) Information related to air cargo brought into the U.S., will have to be transmitted to the AMS electronic data interchange system. All air carriers are required to participate in the AMS at all U.S. ports at which they have direct arrivals, and will be required to provide electronic manifest and master Airway bill. In order to prevent delays to your import freight, verify ahead of time that your forwarder/carrier has the capability to transmit manifest data For air shipments inbound into the United States, information needs to be provided to Customs four (4) hours prior to first port of arrival in the U.S. Manifest Transmission Specific data required from the Shipper to the freight forwarder/carrier are as follows: 35 | P a g e 1. Precise Cargo Description 2. Total Quantity of shipment 3. Weight and measurements of shipment 4. Shipper Name and Address 5. Consignee Name and Address 6. Identifier of Other Party location if applicable For more information, please visit the following sites. CBP FAQs on Trade Act requirements & Air AMS: (all Modes) (air) Wood Pallet Import Restriction In recent years, wood packing materials used for international shipments have been identified as carrying harmful animal life into the US. The US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has therefore regulated wood packing materials such as pallets to comply with USDA conditions. If the goods are packed in non‐coniferous containers, the importers must submit relevant statements or certifications to prove it. Shipping pallets to Ingram Micro must meet the following criteria: 1. Use of non‐coniferous pallet. The invoice and bill of lading would need to have a statement of a non‐coniferous pallet. The statement could read: ”It is declared that all solid wood packing material in this shipment is made of non‐coniferous trees.” It is recommended that the invoice is on letterhead. 2. A wood pallet would need to be supplied with a fumigation certificate. You can obtain more information on fumigation with your carrier/freight forwarder. Fumigation certificate would need to be submitted with the invoice to customs. 3. No slip sheet or plastic pallets can be accepted. If wooden pallets are shipped and identified as conifer wood, improper or no identification of the type of wood or fumigation has been submitted, the USDA will inspect the shipment and levy the cost of the inspection. Pallets must also meet the conditions of ISPM 15 which mandates that all wood packaging material be appropriately treated and marked. For more information please visit the USDA web site at . Ingram Micro reserves the right to chargeback the vendor any costs assess to Ingram Micro due to failure to meet the requirements. 36 | P a g e Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism C‐TPAT As part of its effort to maintain the safety of the US borders, the Department of Homeland Security, through US Customs, has implemented a cooperative effort between the Customs agency and the trade community. C‐TPAT is a voluntary program designed to help secure the supply chains leading into the US. Ingram Micro has achieved Tier 2 status under the C‐TPAT program, your company may be asked to fill out a questionnaire on security measures. All companies who are members of C‐TPAT, both foreign and domestic, will be responsible for the security of their facility, and of their supply chain. In addition, we strongly encourage our suppliers to reach out and make these same efforts whether or not they are or plan to become C‐TPAT participants. Foreign manufactures should also develop and implement a comprehensive plan on security procedures throughout their operations. C‐TPAT is offering general recommendations that should be followed on a case‐by‐case basis depending on the company’s size and structure and not all will be applicable. For more information, please visit customs website at: 37 | P a g e Freight Forwarder/Carrier Selection for Ingram Micro If Ingram Micro North America is responsible for Transportation and/or Import the below applies Ports and Countries: Singapore, Singapore Bangkok, Thailand Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Penang, Malaysia Shanghai, China Keelung, Taiwan Seoul, South Korea Hong Kong, Hong Kong Freight forwarder for pallet shipments over 200 lbs: Heavy air‐ Expeditors International of Washington Ocean services – Full Container 20’, 40’ and 40 HQ Loads only – Contact the local office of Expeditors International of Washington Less than container loads please contact for arrangements. Small parcel shipments: Required for only under 201 lbs or less than ten packages Federal Express International Priority service If your shipping location is not indicated above, please contact via e‐mail Importing Direct Shipments to Ingram Micro’s Customers Subject to the specific vendor distribution agreement, vendors who move product direct from foreign manufactures, OEM or 3PL provider to Ingram Micro’s customers into North America must do so with freight and duties/tax charges back to the shipper or using their own carrier account as 3rd party. The foreign shipper should properly indicate to the carrier that the vendor is responsible for paying the duties/taxes and freight. Shipments should be delivered to our customer cleared of duty paid at all times. FCC/FDA information should be provided as required for foreign origin freight to expedite customs clearance. Air waybills for foreign origin shipments should indicate that duties and taxes are to be billed to the shipper or the vendor’s third party account number. Heavyweight air shipments should clearly indicate the US Vendor as the Importer of Record and the contact information at the vendor or the vendor’s designated Customs House Brokerage. Please check the Customs page for additional requirements for customs clearance into the United States. 38 | P a g e Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in shipment(s) being refused or returned. Ingram Micro will also deny unauthorized freight and duties/tax invoices from carriers where a Vendor (or their agents) failed to follow instructions. Import Container Program For specific product lines, Ingram Micro does offer a container program solution to our vendor partners. If the program can benefit both partners, Ingram Micro is able to purchase in a "direct from factory" ship model. This can work two ways with Ingram Micro: 1. Transfer of ownership at origin: For large volume shipments there is an opportunity to purchase at factory origin eliminating inbound freight to the vendor but still keep cost control through the rebates. 2. Purchasing per container levels: Vendor would keep the ownership and inbound freight up to Ingram Micro’s Advance Logistics Centers, however Ingram Micro would procure by container loads that move direct from the factories. This provides Vendors with better managed inventory with their suppliers and eliminate steps and costs in the supply chain. If your company offers a "direct from factory" ship program to their customers such as Ingram Micro or if there is potential for your products to meet the requirements with Ingram Micro’s inbound programs, contact your buyer or send an e‐mail to We will provide you with a questionnaire and an evaluation to validate if the container program is a supply chain solution for your product lines. Canada Customs Invoice Compliance Ingram Micro Canada strives to achieve 100% customs compliance with every shipment that Canada Customs crosses the border. By providing accurate and detailed customs documentation on Invoice Example shipments to the Ingram Micro Canada DC Network or Ingram Micro Canada End Users, Vendors , we will ensure there are no unnecessary delays in transporting goods for shipping to Canada, but will also reduce transportation costs and unduly time delays at the border. We would like to reiterate the importance of using the Canada Customs Invoice (CCI). A CCI is required on all shipments direct or indirect. Back‐up invoices should also accompany the CCI showing the specific details of the shipment, i.e., purchase order numbers, date of direct shipment, Harmonized Tariff System number (HTS) and countries of origin. The direct shipment date to Canada on the CCI must reflect the date it left your place of business. The Vendor Part Number (VPN) must be indicated on the CCI for each item shipping. Ingram Micro’s Import Database is based on Vendor Part Number (VPN) and is required for clearance purposes. Please note clearance delays could occur if the VPN is not included on the CCI. If as a vendor there is the option to send the export invoice electronically, Ingram Micro has the ability to accept and transmit the information EDI to Canada Customs via the appropriate Customs 39 | P a g e Broker. Any electronic format is accepted. If this is an option please contact the Canada Customs team at Ingram Micro for instructions. 40 | P a g e Importer of Record on Direct Shipments to Ingram Micro Canada Customers Please be advised of the importance of the Importer of Record with the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency. If you are shipping directly to one of Ingram Micro’s customers in Canada, from a non‐Canadian origin, Ingram Micro Canada must be listed as the Importer of Record or Bill To party on the invoice. The Ingram Micro customer should be listed as the Ship To party only. Ingram Micro Canada takes responsibility for payment of duty, tax and brokerage charges on direct shipments to our customers in Canada. In addition to an accurate commercial invoice, the below Direct Shipment Policy must be reviewed and adhered to in order to avoid any delays at the border and/ or risk to customers. Please contact Angela Cummings at (905) 755‐5000 ext. 55255 for any questions or concerns you may have. Please fax any missing customs documents to (905) 755‐1330. National Resources Canada Energy Efficiency Requirements In early 2012, National Resources Canada (NRCan) implemented new regulations regarding specific electronic products and external power suppliers. As part of the regulations, importers have an obligation to report import information on energy‐using products imported into Canada. In addition to reporting elements at time of clearance to Canada, it is also the obligation of the importer/dealer to ensure all regulated products have been tested and reported to NRCan. The new regulations and requirements are outlined in the links below. As a valued business partner of Ingram Micro we request all regulations are in compliance prior to importation.‐Imp/index.cfm?action=app.welcome‐bienvenue Hazardous Materials/Dangerous Goods Shipments of goods falling under the definition of Title 49CFR in the USA or under the Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations WILL NOT be accepted by Ingram Micro. Please notify Ingram Micro TQEast&, if such material is ordered. PARTNERS IN PROTECTION (PIP) Partners in Protection (PIP) is a Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) program that enlists the cooperation of private industry to enhance border and trade chain security, combat organized crime and terrorism and help detect and prevent contraband smuggling. PIP is a voluntary program that Ingram Micro strongly supports and is committed to being a member of. The objective is to secure the trade chain and facilitate legitimate trade within the entire supply chain. 41 | P a g e As a valued partner of Ingram Micro we may request your assistance in maintaining compliance within the PIP Program. If Ingram Micro acts as the Importer of Record into Canada on shipments from your company, you may be required to complete a Security questionnaire which has been developed to reflect the minimum security requirements of an Importer. An overview of the PIP program can be found on the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) website below. http://www.cbsa‐‐securite/pip‐pep/menu‐eng.html Shipping Direct to Reseller's / End‐users in Canada This document outlines the requirements that apply to Vendors shipping direct to Ingram Micro Canada’s Reseller’s/End‐Users in Canada from a location outside of Canada. These requirements will vary depending on whether Vendor will be acting as Importer of Record (or IOR) into Canada. The shipping terms established in the distribution agreement between the parties and will determine whether Ingram Micro Canada or the Vendor will act as the Importer of Record into Canada. 42 | P a g e Export Shipping System Requirements Consignee/Ship To Field Where Ingram Micro is the Importer of Record, it is responsible for customs clearance and payment of duties and taxes. Where the Vendor is the Importer of Record, it is responsible for customs clearance and payment of duties and taxes. In both cases, the Reseller/End‐user should be indicated as the “Consignee” or “Ship To” only and is not responsible for clearance, duties and taxes. UPS Worldship or Other Shipping Software – Identifying Importer of Record Depending on the shipping terms either Ingram Micro Canada or the Vendor must be entered as the Importer of Record in UPS WorldShip or other shipping software. The assignment of documents to the Importer’s broker is dependent on which party is listed as the Importer of Record. Non‐compliance will result in the carrier assigning clearance to the Reseller/End‐user and the incorrect broker being notified. Click here to see Exhibit (A) ‐ Completion of Importer field in WorldShip Commercial Invoice Requirements Ingram Micro is the Importer of Record (e.g. DAP Terms) General The Reseller/End‐user in Canada must not receive a copy of the commercial invoice. The commercial invoice indicates the price paid or payable to the vendor which is information Ingram Micro does not want the end‐user viewing. Small Parcel Shipments – The shipper is not to tender any commercial invoice to the driver or attach to the boxes. Please discard or retain commercial invoices for internal record keeping purposes only. LTL Freight Shipping – The shipper must tender the commercial invoice to the driver only. The commercial invoice must not be attached to the freight. Ingram Micro must be indicated as the “Sold To” or “Bill To” on the commercial invoice. The Reseller/End‐user must be indicated as the “Consignee” or “Ship To” only. Ingram Micro’s customs broker should be indicated on the commercial invoice. Click here to see Exhibit (B) ‐ Commercial Invoice – Ingram Micro is the IOR The invoice must be sent to Ingram’s internal Customs team. The Carrier Tracking number should be provided upon shipping as well. Ingram‘s Customs Team Ingram Micro Customs Brokers: Carrier: FedEx Small Parcel = Expeditors International 43 | P a g e Carrier: UPS Small Parcel = UPS SCS Carrier: LTL = UPS SCS Small Parcel Paperless Invoice Requirement Further, when Ingram Micro is the Importer of Record, the Vendor must use paperless commercial invoices as follows: UPS World Ship Where Ingram Micro is the Importer of Record, Paperless Commercial Invoices are mandatory for vendors wanting to ship direct to Reseller’s/End‐users in Canada via UPS Small Parcel. The shipper must enroll in UPS Paperless Invoice. If a UPS Paperless account number is not already set up the vendor is responsible for contacting their local UPS representative. For more information about account set up please go to the following link or check with your local UPS representative. Through Paperless Invoice the vendor will be required to manually enter shipment commodity details into the UPS shipping system. The commodity information entered will be available electronically for the appropriate broker to use for clearance purposes. Other Carrier Shipping Software If another carrier is being used, the Vendor must inquire with the carrier about an electronic documents option. FedEx provides options of Electronic Trade documents which allow customs documents to be submitted electronically.‐documents/index.html Vendor is the Importer of Record (e.g. DDP Terms) The Vendor must be indicated as the “Sold To” or “Bill To “on the commercial invoice. The Reseller/End‐ user must be indicated as the “Consignee” or “Ship To” only. The Vendors customs broker should be indicated on the commercial invoice. Click here to see Exhibit (C) ‐ Commercial invoice – Vendor is the IOR Ingram Micro Contacts Philip Burton (Primary) Sr. Import Administrator Ingram Micro Ph. 905‐755‐5000, ext. 55185 44 | P a g e Angela Cummings (Secondary) Sr. Manager Customs – CCS Ingram Micro Ph. 905‐755‐5000, ext. 55255 Receiving Policy ATTENTION: IMPORTANT The following section defines the conforming and non‐conforming product classification. Please review these guidelines for examples of product that Ingram Micro considers “unfit” for receipt. Specific to your Vendor Distribution Agreement, Ingram Micro reserves the right to refuse any non‐ conforming product. Ingram Micro designated carriers are required to: Refuse any non‐conforming product or pallets at the Vendor’s origin facility. Sign for Piece / Carton and Pallet / Skid Counts – No Shipper Load and Counts are allowed without prior authorization from the Ingram Micro Transportation Department Delivery Appointments are required for ALL LTL and Truckload shipments. If all of the required information is not provided a delivery appointment will not be made. Ingram Micro shall not be liable for accessorial charges from carriers or vendors associated with appointments All carriers must bring product to dock height, Ingram Micro will turn away drivers that cannot comply with this requirement All freight must ship in enclosed vehicles Drivers will be requested to chock tires if the trailer cannot be physically restrained by a dock restraint system installed at a facility A refusal to chock the tires may result in the load being refused by Ingram Micro For vendors who prepay freight, Ingram Micro requires compliance to mode selection rules, and strongly encourages the use of our designated carrier base. We have established receiving procedures that will greatly improve the timeliness and quality of product availability. If you choose to utilize a carrier outside of this Guide, we retain the right to refuse partial shipments of non‐conforming product. Advanced Logistics Center Locations ALL INGRAM MICRO ALC's REQUIRE AN APPOINTMENT FOR LTL/TL SHIPMENTS Please review the "Delivery Appointment" section of this Routing Guide for Specific US and Canadian Inbound Appointment Requirements 10 Mira Loma, CA 40 Carol Stream, IL 12510 Micro Dr Mira Loma, CA 91752 951‐727‐3341 Receiving Receiving Hours are 8am‐5pm PST Receiving Hours are 6am‐2pm CST 20 Carrollton (Dallas), TX 80 Jonestown, PA 45 | P a g e 415 East Lies Road Carol Stream, IL 60188 630‐668‐0106 X34245 Receiving 1809 Frankford, Ste. 100 Carrollton, TX 75007 972‐512‐2764 Receiving Receiving Hours are 7am‐3pm CST 80 Micro Drive Jonestown, PA 17038 717‐865‐0800 x18102 Receiving Receiving Hours are 6:30am‐3pm EST 30 Millington, TN 3820 Micro Dr. Millington, TN 38053 901‐873‐7052 Receiving 40 Toronto, Ontario Canada 88 Foster Crescent Mississauga, ON, Canada L5R 4A2 905‐755‐5000 main Email: Receiving Hours are 5am‐2pm CST Receiving Hours are 6:30am‐3pm EST 17 Latin America‐ Miami, FL 2100 NW 88th Court Doral, FL 33172 305‐593‐5900 Main 305‐593‐5915 Receiving Receiving Hours are 7am ‐ 12pm (Noon) EST 90 Harrisburg, PA (USHB) AI Suite 190/ 192/ 194 100 Quality Circle Harrisburg PA 17112 717‐526‐6956 Receiving Hours are 630am‐ 8pm EST Email: USHBInboundScheduling@ingrammicro.c om 10 Richmond (Vancouver), BC Canada 7451 Nelson Road Richmond, BC, Canada V6W1l7 604‐276‐8357 main Email: Email: 46 | P a g e Receiving Hours are: LTL / TL: 6am‐2pm PST Small Parcel: 9am‐12pm PST IM Mexico‐ 90 San Diego, CA (Export Services, Inc 2155 Paseo de las Americas Ste 36 San Diego, CA 92154 619‐661‐1092 Receiving Hours are 8am ‐4pm PST Please note: No appointments are required at this facility Email: IM Mexico‐ 95/93 Laredo, TX (Interamerica Forwarding) 14420 Maquila Loop Laredo, TX 78045 956‐526‐8217 Receiving Hours are 8am‐4pm CST 47 | P a g e Please note: No appointments are required at this facility Email: U.S. Delivery Appointment Information Ingram Micro U.S. Advanced Logistics Center Receiving Appointment info* All Ingram Micro Advanced Logistics Centers require the following information via phone or email as indicated below to schedule a receiving appointment If non‐ Ingram Micro preferred carriers are used, assure that your carrier is aware of Ingram Micro receiving policy regarding appointments. 1. Carrier's Name 4. Person's name who is requesting appt. 2. Pallet Count and Piece Count 3. Ingram Micro Purchase Order Number 5. Shipper's (Vendor) Name 6. Trailer Number, Tracking Number and/or Pro Number Mira Loma, CA Br 10 12510 Micro Dr Mira Loma, CA 91752 Carol Stream, IL Br 40 415 East Lies Road Carol Stream, IL 60188 630‐668‐0106 X34245 Receiving 951‐727‐3341 Receiving Receiving hours are 8am‐5pm Email: Carrollton (Dallas), TX Br 20 1809 Frankford, Ste. 100 Carrollton, TX 75007 Email: Receiving Hours are 6am‐2pm Jonestown, PA Br 80 80 Micro Drive Jonestown, PA 17038 717‐865‐0800 x18102 Receiving Receiving Hours are 6:30am‐3pm ‐‐Click here for scheduling information Email requests only Jonestown, PA Returns 82 Micro Drive Jonestown, PA 17038 717‐865‐0800 x17192 Returns Receiving Hours are 6:30am‐3pm ‐‐Click here for scheduling information Email appointment requests 972‐512‐2764 Receiving Receiving Hours are 7am‐3pm Email: Millington, TN Br 30 3820 Micro Dr. Millington, TN 38053 901‐873‐7052 Receiving 48 | P a g e Receiving Hours are 5am‐2pm Latin America‐ Miami, FL Br 17 2100 NW 88th Court Doral, FL 33172 305‐593‐5900 Main 305‐593‐5915 Receiving Receiving Hours are 7am ‐ 12pm (Noon) Do not fax, please phone or email Harrisburg, PA (Branch 90) For Inbound PO’s: PO: XX‐XXXXX Ingram Micro Inc. AI Suite 190 / 192 / 194 100 Quality Circle Harrisburg PA, 17112 Jonestown, PA ECRH Operations 84 Micro Drive Jonestown, PA 17038 717‐865‐0800 x18134 ECRH Receiving Receiving Hours are 6:30am‐3pm ‐‐Click here for scheduling information Email appointment requests Click here for scheduling Information * All Times are Local Appointments are granted for a single driver in a single vehicle with a single trailer attached to it. A bill of lading may be for no more than one single vehicle/container. Deliveries requiring multiple trailers/drivers/vehicles must have separate bills of lading and a separate delivery appointment for each vehicle. 49 | P a g e U.S. Delivery Appointment Information Ingram Micro Jonestown, PA (Branch 80) Scheduling Information Address: For Inbound PO’s: PO: XX‐XXXXX Ingram Micro Inc. 80 Micro Drive Jonestown, PA 17038 Contacts: Scheduling Desk Direct Scheduling Hours: Receiving Hours Receiving Team Leader: (Escalations) Receiving Manager (1st Shift): (Escalations) Receiving Team Leader (2nd shift): (Escalations) Receiving Manager (2nd Shift): (Escalations) 717‐865‐ 0800 ext 18102 Monday –Friday 7:00am to 5:00pm EST M‐F, 6:30 am to 8:00 pm EST (normal delivery hours) Air Freight only can be delivered no later than 2:00pm without an appointment if delivery is a total of 6 pallets or less. Karen Grieg, 717‐861‐7172 John H Kreiser, 717‐861‐7113 Jeanine Blyler, 717‐861‐7116 Jerry Vaughn, 717‐861‐7127 Process: 1. Email Appointment Request a minimum of 24‐hours before requested date & time: a. Requestor’s Name, Company/Carrier, Fax & Phone numbers b. Requested Delivery Date & Time (Including later dates) c. PO Numbers d. BOL/PRO Numbers e. Seal # for all Containers and Truck Loads 50 | P a g e f. Carton & Pallet Count ( Must have correct pallet and carton counts) g. Email requests received after 5:00 pm will be the next days business. 2. Scheduling Desk Replies to Email with the following: a. Appointment Date, Time b. Appointment Confirmation Number 3. Upon arrival, present confirmation info and driver will be directed to door 4. If carrier can not make appointment time. Please Call or EMAIL informing of the cancellation and re‐schedule of delivery. Deliveries that arrive after appointment time may incur waiting time as they will need to be worked in between other appointments. 51 | P a g e U.S. Delivery Appointment Information Ingram Micro Jonestown, PA Returns (Branch 82) Scheduling Information Address: For Inbound RMA’s: RMA# Ingram Micro Inc. 82 Micro Drive Jonestown, PA 17038 Contacts: Scheduling Desk 717‐865‐ Direct 0800 ext 18102 Monday –Friday 7:00am to 5:00pm Scheduling Hours: EST M‐F, 6:30 am to 3:00 pm EST (normal delivery hours) Receiving Hours Returns Team Leader: (Escalations) Returns Manager: (Escalations) Air Freight only can be delivered no later than 2:00pm without an appointment if delivery is a total of 6 pallets or less. Robert Bradford 717‐861‐7192 Pat O’Connor 717‐861‐7144 Process: 1. Email Appointment Request a minimum of 24‐hours before requested date & time: a. Requestor’s Name, Company/Carrier, Fax & Phone numbers b. Requested Delivery Date & Time (Including later dates) c. PO Numbers d. BOL/PRO Numbers e. Seal # for all Containers and Truck Loads f. Carton & Pallet Count ( Must have correct pallet and carton counts) g. Email requests received after 5:00 pm will be the next days business. 2. Scheduling Desk Replies to Email with the following: a. Appointment Date, Time b. Appointment Confirmation Number 52 | P a g e 3. Upon arrival, present confirmation info and driver will be directed to door 4. If carrier cannot make appointment time. Please Call or EMAIL informing of the cancellation and re‐schedule of delivery. Deliveries that arrive after appointment time may incur waiting time as they will need to be worked in between other appointments. 53 | P a g e U.S. Delivery Appointment Information Ingram Micro Jonestown, PA ECRH (Branch 84) Scheduling Information Address: For Inbound PO’s: PO: Ingram Micro Inc. 84 Micro Drive Jonestown, PA 17038 Contacts: Scheduling Desk 717‐865‐0800 Direct ext 18134 Monday –Friday 7:00am to 5:00pm Scheduling Hours: EST M‐F, 6:30 am to 8:00 pm EST (normal delivery hours) Receiving Hours Air Freight only can be delivered no later than 2:00pm without an appointment if delivery is a total of 6 pallets or less. Receiving Team Leader (1st Shift): Al Miller, : (Escalations) 717‐861‐7150 John H Kreiser, Receiving Manager (1st Shift): 717‐861‐7113 (Escalations) Receiving Team Leader (2nd shift): (Escalations) Receiving Manager (2nd Shift): (Escalations) Ben Rodriguez, 717‐861‐7126 Jerry Vaughn, 717‐861‐7127 Process: 1. Email Appointment Request a minimum of 24‐hours before requested date & time: a. Requestor’s Name, Company/Carrier, Fax & Phone numbers b. Requested Delivery Date & Time (Including later dates) c. PO Numbers d. BOL/PRO Numbers e. Seal # for all Containers and Truck Loads 54 | P a g e f. Carton & Pallet Count ( Must have correct pallet and carton counts) g. Email requests received after 5:00 pm will be the next days business. 2. Scheduling Desk Replies to Email with the following: a. Appointment Date, Time b. Appointment Confirmation Number 3. Upon arrival, present confirmation info and driver will be directed to door 4. If carrier cannot make appointment time. Please Call or EMAIL informing of the cancellation and re‐schedule of delivery. Deliveries that arrive after appointment time may incur waiting time as they will need to be worked in between other appointments. 55 | P a g e U.S. Delivery Appointment Information Ingram Micro Harrisburg, PA (Branch 90) Scheduling Information Address: For Inbound PO’s: PO: XX‐XXXXX Ingram Micro Inc. AI Suite 190 / 192 / 194 100 Quality Circle Harrisburg PA, 17112 As info: Suite 190 = Apple finished goods (LI90) Suite 192 = Apple RMA Suite 194 = Apple Retail (RL00) Contacts: Scheduling Desk 717‐526‐ Direct 6956 Monday –Friday 7:00am to 5:00pm Scheduling Hours: EST M‐F, 6:30 am to 8:00 pm EST (normal delivery hours) Receiving Hours (Escalations) Receiving Manager (1st Shift): (Escalations) Air Freight only can be delivered no later than 2:00pm without an appointment if delivery is a total of 6 pallets or less. Jeanine Blyler Scott Barry Receiving Team Leader (2nd shift): (Escalations) Tricia Kreiser Receiving Team Leader: Receiving Manager (2nd Shift): (Escalations) Nejoua Meflah 1‐717‐343‐1100 Process: 1. Email Appointment Request a minimum of 24‐hours before requested date & time: 56 | P a g e a. b. c. d. e. f. Requestor’s Name, Company/Carrier, Fax & Phone numbers Requested Delivery Date & Time (Including later dates) PO Numbers BOL/PRO Numbers Seal # for all Containers and Truck Loads Carton & Pallet Count ( Must have correct pallet and carton counts) g. Email requests received after 5:00 pm will be the next days business. 2. Scheduling Desk Replies to Email with the following: a. Appointment Date, Time b. Appointment Confirmation Number 3. Upon arrival, present confirmation info and driver will be directed to door 4. If carrier cannot make appointment time. Please Call or EMAIL informing of the cancellation and re‐schedule of delivery. Deliveries that arrive after appointment time may incur waiting time as they will need to be worked in between other appointments. Canadian Delivery Appointment Information Request for Delivery Appointment (RDA) Form Required Appointments are required for all LTL and TL shipments but not courier or small parcel shipments. Small Parcel Courier shipments which are 14 cartons or more, or greater than 200 lbs. also require an appointment. Ingram Micro shall not be liable for accessorial charges from carriers or vendors associated with appointments Procedures for arranging an Ingram Micro Canada (IMC) Advanced Logistics Center appointment: The ‘Request for Delivery Appointment’ (RDA) form must be emailed to the Shipment Control Centre (SCC) Toronto or Vancouver 3 days before the available delivery date. Ingram Micro is committed to ensuring all appointments are scheduled within 3 days of receipt. IMC will make every attempt to provide a delivery appointment that is within 24 to 48 hours of RDA request. This will enable SCC to confirm arrangements for delivery appointment on the same day an appointment request is called in. Ingram Micro will provide a response to the RDA request before 3 pm EST (12pm PST) which will include a shipment number with the delivery date and time. If you have not received an RDA confirmation by 2 pm local time please call or email our SCC. Email one RDA per Ship Date to destination SCC. If you desire a particular date, please contact us 5 business days prior to Ship Date. 57 | P a g e Please call Toronto (905) 755‐5000 Ext. 55391 or Vancouver (604) 276‐8357 Ext. 54351 immediately if any portion of the PO will be unavailable on the ship date. Please follow up your call with an email cancellation to the appropriate site. Appointments are only granted through this RDA process. Maximum of one vehicle per RDA allowed. Never deliver an RDA on more than one delivery vehicle. For all consolidated loads an individual RDA is required for each vendor. Toronto dock dimensions are as follows o Dock height = 48” o Door opening = 10’ high x 9’ wide o Angle of leveler below 48” plus or minus 12” above 48” plus or minus 12” o Restraint horizontal reach =7”‐11” Vertical reach 12”‐30” 58 | P a g e Request For Delivery Appointment (RDA) Toronto Telephone: 905‐755‐5000 ext. 55391 Toronto email: Vancouver Telephone: 604‐276‐8357 ext. 54351 vancouver.receiving@ingrammicro Vancouver email: .ca Email RDA prior to shipping ‐ never submit the same information twice. Send an RDA for each trailer load (i.e. a load per page). RECORD SHIPMENTS NUMBER (S) ON ALL PAPER WORK (packing slip, bill of ladings, etc.) Vendor's Name: ABC Technology Vendors, keep a running count of your RDA's here: Vendor's Address: 12345 Crystal Road Date: (dd/mm/yy) Today's Date City: Mississauga Prov./State: ON Page # (s): 1 of 1 Carrier Name: Collect Postal/Zip Code: L5R 2A1 Contact: Joe Blake please check one Prepaid: x : N/ Phone #: 905‐555‐2356 Customs Clearance: IMC Vendor A please check one x Destination Address: Total estimated # of loads: 1 City: Toronto Vancouver Are skids double stackable: YES NO please check one x please check one x Special instructions if applicable: Estimated trailer size: LTL TL Please book appointment for approx.11:00am please check one x Pallets to be P.O. # # of Lines Units to be shipped Cartons to be shipped shipped 40‐12345 1 25 25 2 40‐25632 1 10 10 1 40‐25874 1 50 50 6 40‐36985 10 250 10 1 59 | P a g e Totals: 13 335 Vendor's and/or Ingram Micro's special requests: Please RDA #: 40‐00001 Shipment #(s): IM Contact: Appointment Arrival Date: July 1st, 08 #(s): 00001 Time: 11:30am Red highlights indicate the cells to be filled out by Vendor Partner Dark blue highlights indicate the cells to be completed by IMC's RDA Contact 60 | P a g e 95 10 John Doe Non‐Compliance Charges As indicated in the other section of this guide, Ingram Micro shall enforce the terms in this guide via non‐compliance charges. These shall appear as deductions from invoice through the Accounts Payable process Carrier Utilization Compliance MIS‐ROUTED – NON‐PREFERRED CARRIER USED FOR COLLECT SHIPMENT Full amount of Freight Invoice plus $500 Administrative Fee MIS‐ROUTED – INCORRECT IM PREFERRED CARRIER USED FOR LANE Full amount of Freight Invoice plus $100 Administrative Fee USE OF NON‐AUTHORIZED AIRFREIGHT Full amount of Freight Invoice plus $100 Administrative Fee SMALL PARCEL UTILIZATION VERSUS LTL $25 per carton over 13 carton limit plus $100 Administrative Fee TRUCKLOAD UTILIZATION VERSUS LTL Full amount of Freight Invoice plus $100 Administrative Fee LTL UTILIZATION INSTEAD OF SMALL PARCEL Full amount of Freight Invoice plus $100 Administrative Fee FAILURE TO CONSOLIDATE POs Full amount of freight charges plus $100 Administrative Fee ACCESSORIAL CHARGES INVOICED BY CARRIER ON "PREPAID" FREIGHT BOL'S Full amount of accessorial charge plus $100 Administrative Fee Customs Compliance FAILURE TO PROVIDE COMMERCIAL INVOICE ON SHIPMENTS DESTINED TO CANADA $100.00 per shipment/transaction FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH DIRECT TO END –USERS POLICY ON SHIPMENTS DESTINED TO CANADA $500.00 per instance Palletization and Trailer Loading SAME SKU WITHIN A PO ON MULTIPLE 'MIXED SKU' PALLETS $100 per pallet used plus $100 Administrative Fee LOAD TOPPLED IN TRAILER 61 | P a g e $1,000 per incident plus $100 Administrative Fee. This Fee applies to the vendor regardless of whether the toppled freight was caused by carrier related activity. Misconfigured Pallets A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Incorrect Standard Pallet ‐ $50.00 per pallet plus $100.00 Administrative Fee Height over maximum 84”‐ $50.00 per pallet plus $100.00 Administrative Fee Overhang ‐ $50.00 per pallet plus $100.00 Administrative Fee Improper Pallet Wrapping or Banding ‐ $50.00 plus $100.00 Administrative Fee Inferior/Damaged Pallets ‐ $50.00 per pallet plus $100.00 Administrative Fee Missing Corner Boards ‐ $50.00 per pallet plus $100 Administrative Fee Mis‐loaded Pallets (Side Loaded, Floor Loaded. Slip Sheeted) ‐ $50 per pallet plus $100 Administrative Fee H. Double Stacked Pallets that result in Carton or Product Damage ‐ $150 per pallet plus $100 Administrative Fee Laptop / Notebook Security Laptops/notebooks shipped FOB origin and not shipped in an overpack carton or the pallet is missing security tape or security wrap ‐ $50/Carton plus $100 Administrative Fee Product Labeling / Bar Coding INCORRECT BARCODE LABEL USED $1.00 per label plus $100.00 Administrative Fee MISSING LABELS $1.00 per box plus $100.00 Administrative Fee INCORRECT UPC NUMBER $1.00 per box plus $100.00 Administrative Fee MISSING UPC NUMBER $1.00 per box plus $100.00 Administrative Fee ASN A. Missing, late or corrupt ASN ‐$50 per Logistics Unit. B. Invalid or missing data element (e.g. SCAC Code, PO number, weight) ‐$50 per Logistics Unit. SSCC Barcodes A. Duplicate SSCC number used ‐ $50 per Logistics Unit. B. SSCC Barcode placed incorrectly on Logistics Units ‐ $50 per Logistics Unit C. Unreadable Label ‐ $50 per Logistics Unit 62 | P a g e D. Missing SSCC Barcode ‐ $50 per Logistics Unit E. Product doesn’t match the SSCC Barcode ‐ $50 per Logistics Unit F. Human Readable Barcode SSCC number does not match the scan ‐ $50 per Logistics Unit G. Missing the Human Readable SSCC number ‐ $50 per Logistics Unit Carrier Paperwork / Packing Slips NON COMPLIANCE WITH BILL OF LADING OR SMALL PARCEL MANIFESTING INSTRUCTIONS $100.00 per Bill of Lading / HAWB plus $100.00 ‐ Administrative Fee $10 per small parcel carton plus $100.00‐ Administrative Fee FAILURE TO PROVIDE PACKING SLIP $100.00 Administrative Fee FAILURE TO PROVIDE CORRECT P.O. NUMBER ON CARRIER PAPERWORK OR IN A SMALL PARCEL MANIFEST $100.00 per Bill of Lading / HAWB plus $100.00 ‐ Administrative Fee $10 per small parcel carton plus $100.00‐ Administrative Fee Purchase Order Due Date ‐ Unauthorized Early Shipments Ingram Micro may deduct from invoice a fee of 2.0% of invoice, for each unauthorized early shipment. Damaged Cartons The Damage charge back fee is $75 per carton. A charge back will be levied if the terms are Freight Collect and the vendor ships using a non‐preferred Ingram Micro Carrier and in transit damage occurs. Customs Compliance FAILURE TO PROVIDE COMMERCIAL INVOICE ON SHIPMENTS DESTINED TO CANADA $100.00 per shipment/transaction FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH DIRECT TO END –USERS POLICY ON SHIPMENTS DESTINED TO CANADA $500.00 per instance *NON‐COMPLIANCE CHARGES ARE CUMULATIVE **MULTIPLE CHARGES PER SHIPMENT MAY OCCUR. 63 | P a g e Torn Handle The carton is not damaged other than a torn carrying handle. This damage was a result of improper lifting, The internal contents are intact and unaffected. Punctured Corner The carton has a small puncture in the lower left front corner. The carton has no other damage and the internal contents are intact and unaffected. Cosmetic Imperfections The carton has a slight dent in the corner. There are other minor cosmetic imperfections. The internal contents are intact and unaffected. Creased & Scraped Panel The carton has a minor crease and slight scrape on the front panel. The internal contents are intact and unaffected. 64 | P a g e Dented Corner The carton has a dented corner. The internal contents are intact and unaffected. Creased Panel The carton has a crease at the bottom of the front panel. This can be caused by poor palletization. The internal contents are intact and unaffected. Compressed Panels This carton has been compressed. The resulting damage may have compromised the internal contents. 65 | P a g e Compressed Carton This carton has been compressed. The resulting damage may have compromised the internal contents. Punctured Corner The carton has been punctured and torn open exposing the internal contents. The internal contents are assumed to be damaged. 66 | P a g e Torn Carton The carton has been ripped open, exposing the internal contents. The internal contents are assumed to be damaged. Punctured Carton The carton has a puncture on a side panel. The internal contents are presumed to be adversely affected by this damage. Scraped, Punctured & Dented Panels The carton has an abrasion and has been punctured exposing the internal contents. 67 | P a g e Crushed Carton The carton has been crushed on the top panel. The internal contents are presumed to be adversely affected by this damage. Creased & Ripped Carton The carton has been torn and creased. The internal contents are presumed to be adversely affected by this damage. Serial Barcode Illegible Serial Barcode has been torn, smudged, or damaged to the extent that it cannot be read. Although contents may be intact, without a machine readable bar coded serial number product will be treated as damaged. 68 | P a g e Inferior Quality Pallet This pallet is made from balsa or similar weak material. The bottom deck boards have broken away from the stringers making the pallet unsafe. Wrong Size Pallets This Vendor has shipped product on pallets that are the wrong dimension, making it impossible to store without re‐stacking on Ingram Micro purchased pallets. Pallet Overhang: Damage to package such as crushes or tears‐ distortion at point of pallet overhang/exposure. 69 | P a g e Pallet Unsecured by Shipper: Stretch wrap or banding not secured to the base of pallet. Palletization Improper by Shipper: Unstable shipment with extra carton area exposed at unnecessary overhang. Stacking improper. Shrink Wrap / Banding: Excessive shrink wrap/ banding being too tightly wound, resulting in bent, or indented carton. 70 | P a g e Forklift: Carton within palletized shipment displays thin and wide puncture or tear. Pallet Defective / Inferior: Inferior quality pallets, such as broken or missing deck boards, exposed pallet nails, etc. Load Quality Poor ‐ Carrier: Shifting of product during transport, due to a lack of blocking material or truck overload. 71 | P a g e Pallet Double Stacked: Crushed cartons due to double stacking of pallets. Trailer Damage: Carton holds water warps or other damage related to trailer transport, such as nail punctures. Conveyor ‐ Small Parcel: Small parcel shipments only. Compressions or small punctures from parcel collision on conveyor. 72 | P a g e Theft: Box is torn or forced open, often along the top of packaging‐ and/or empty. Packaging Incorrect: Substandard or wrong type of cardboard, lack of secondary packaging when necessary. 73 | P a g e Ingram Micro North American Contact Information North America Operations/Transportation Group Name Title Focus Angela Cummings Location Sr. Customs Manager Customs Compliance Phone Number Mississauga, ON (905) 755‐5000 x 55255 James Logan Process Manager II Bacoding Systems Support & ASN Carol Stream, IL (630) 668‐0106 x 34226 Vendor Routing Guide Questions Buffalo, NY TQEast& Routing Truckload Shipments Buffalo, NY Operations Manager Ingram Micro Mexico San Diego, CA Transportation Questions Truckload Dispatch Ivonne Echavarria 74 | P a g e Ingram Micro US Partners Contact Information Please contact the Ingram Micro Transportation Department with any questions regarding these carriers. US DOMESTIC TRUCKLOAD CARRIERS Truckload Contact information will be provided by US DOMESTIC LTL CARRIERS Western Regional Delivery Service (WRDS) Corporate Headquarters (Southern CA): 800‐527‐3986 Milpitas: 408‐957‐7448 email: A. Duie Pyle West Chester, PA (800) 523‐5020 Saia Motor Freight 11555 Medlock Bridge Road Duluth, GA 30155 (800) 765‐7242 x4050 Old Dominion Freight Lines 500 Old Dominion Way Thomasville, NC 27360 Toll‐Free: (800) 432 6335 PittOhio 26th Railroad Streets Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (800) 366‐7488 FedEx Freight 1715 Aaron Brenner Drive Ste. 600 Memphis, TN 33805 (866)‐393‐4585 US DOMESTIC SMALL UPS Ground PARCEL CARRIERS (800)354‐7527 US DOMESTIC HEAVYWEIGHT AIR Cortrans Logistics Johns Creek, GA 30097 Office 800‐863‐5772 75 | P a g e FedEx Express (800) GO‐FEDEX (463‐3339) Ingram Micro Canadian Partners Contact Information CANADA DOMESTIC LTL/TL CARRIERS SPEEDY TRANSPORT PUROLATOR FREIGHT 265 Rutherford Rd 5995 Avebury Rd Brampton ON Mississauga, Ontario L6W 1V9 L5R 3T8 Dispatch: (800)265‐5351 (888) 302‐8819 AGILE LOGISTICS 2501 Stanfield Rd Mississauga, ON L4Y1R6 (905) 272‐3400 Email Contact: John Mann CANADA DOMESTIC SMALL PARCEL PUROLATOR COURIER CARRIERS 5995 Avebury Rd Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3T8 (888) 744‐7123 CANADA DOMESTIC TRUCKLOAD Truckload Contact information will be provided by inboundtruckloaddispatch@ingrammi 76 | P a g e Ingram Micro Mexico Partners Contact Information Mexico LTL CARRIERS MEXICO SMALL PARCEL CARRIERS 77 | P a g e Western Regional Delivery Service (WRDS) Corporate Headquarters (Southern CA): 800‐527‐3986 Milpitas: 408‐957‐7448 email: UPS Ground (800)354‐7527 FedEx Freight ain/ 1715 Aaron Brenner Drive Ste. 600 Memphis, TN 33805 (866)‐393‐4585 Ingram Micro North America Cross Border Partners Contact Information SMALL PARCEL GROUND US to CANADA UPS (800) 354‐7527 SMALL PARCEL AIR FedEx Express (800)762‐3725 Old Dominion Freight Lines 500 Old Dominion Way Thomasville, NC 27360 Toll‐Free: (800) 432 6335 CONCORD TRANSPORTATION 2340 Industrial Pkwy. West Hayward, CA 94545 (800) 448‐0840 14730 Don Julian Road City of Industry, CA 91746 (800) 233‐9986 LTL TRUCKLOAD CANADA to US UPS (800) 354‐7527 FedEx Express (800)762‐3725 Contact Ingram Micro Transportation TQEast&West@ingrammicro. com Contact Ingram Micro Transportation Truckload Contact information will be TQEast&West@ingrammicro. com provided by inboundtruckloaddispatch@ingrammi FREIGHT FORWARDER & HEAVY Contact Ingram Micro Transportation Contact Ingram Micro TQEast& Transportation WEIGHT AIR TQEast&West@ingrammicro. com 78 | P a g e Ingram Micro >>10 Mira Loma, CA >>Routing Guide Small Small Parcel Parcel 1lb‐max State Max weight (13 Weight carton max) (lbs) Small LTL LTL LTL Parcel LTL Small Parcel LTL Max LTL Max Max 500 lbs to Max Weight to Pallet Weight Carton LTL Max 499 lbs Count (lbs) Count TL ‐‐> LTL Max AL UPS Ground 190 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM AR UPS Ground 190 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM AZ UPS Ground 330 13 SAIA SAIA 10 12,000 Contact IM CA UPS Ground 460 13 WRDS WRDS n/a 17,000 Contact IM CO UPS Ground 280 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19,000 Contact IM CT UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM DC UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM DE UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM FL UPS Ground 180 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM GA UPS Ground 180 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM IA UPS Ground 210 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM ID UPS Ground 450 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM IL UPS Ground 190 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19,000 Contact IM IN UPS Ground 210 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM KS UPS Ground 230 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM KY UPS Ground 180 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM LA UPS Ground 220 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19,000 Contact IM 79 | P a g e Contact IM MA UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion MD UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM ME UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM MI UPS Ground 180 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM MN UPS Ground 210 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM MO UPS Ground 230 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM MS UPS Ground 190 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19,000 Contact IM MT UPS Ground 430 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NC UPS Ground 180 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19,000 Contact IM ND UPS Ground 250 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NE UPS Ground 230 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NH UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NJ UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NM UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 16,000 Contact IM NV UPS Ground 390 13 SAIA SAIA 10 13,000 Contact IM NY UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM OH UPS Ground 180 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM OK UPS Ground 230 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19,000 Contact IM OR UPS Ground 300 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM PA UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM 80 | P a g e 10 19,000 Contact IM RI UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion SC UPS Ground 180 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM SD UPS Ground 250 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM TN UPS Ground 190 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19,000 Contact IM TX UPS Ground 240 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19,000 Contact IM UT UPS Ground 330 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 15,000 Contact IM VA UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM VT UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM WA UPS Ground 300 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM WI UPS Ground 210 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM WV UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM WY UPS Ground 280 13 Saia SAIA 10 19,000 Contact IM 81 | P a g e 10 19,000 Ingram Micro >>10 Richmond BC, Can >>Routing Guide State 1‐200 lbs (13 carton max) LTL‐‐LTL Max Pallet Count TL‐‐ > LTL Max AL UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM AR UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM AZ UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM CA UPS Ground 13 Concord N/A Concord CO UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM CT UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM DC UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM DE UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM FL UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM GA UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM IA UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM ID UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM IL UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM IN UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM KS UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM KY UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM LA UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM MA UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM MD UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM ME UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM MI UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM MN UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM MO UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM MS UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM MT UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM NC UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM ND UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM NE UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM NH UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM NJ UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM NM UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM NV UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM 82 | P a g e Small Parcel Max LTL‐‐> 13 cartons or > Carton Count 200 lbs up to 12 Pallets NY UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM OH UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM OK UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM OR UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM PA UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM RI UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM SC UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM SD UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM TN UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM TX UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM UT UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM VA UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM VT UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM WA UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM WI UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM WV UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM WY UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM See Below See Below See Below See Below See Below Purolator Courier 13 Speedy 10 Contact IM Purolator Courier 13 Speedy 10 Contact IM Purolator Courier 13 Purolator Freight 10 Contact IM Purolator Courier 13 Purolator Freight 10 Contact IM 13 Contact IM 10 Contact IM Canada Ontario Quebec British Columbia Alberta All Other Canada Locations 83 | P a g e Purolator Courier Ingram Micro >>17 Latin America‐ Miami, FL >>Routing Guide Small Small Parcel‐1lb Parcel State to Max Max Weight Weight Small Parcel Max Carton Count Small Parcel 500 lbs to LTL Max > LTL LTL Max Max Weight LTL Max Pallet Max Weight to 499 lbs Weight Count Weight AL UPS Ground 440 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM AR UPS Ground 440 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM AZ UPS Ground 420 13 FedEx Freight (Economy) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM CA UPS Ground 13 FedEx Freight (Economy) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM CO UPS Ground 499 13 FedEx Freight (Economy) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM CT UPS Ground 460 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM DC UPS Ground 440 13 FedEx Freight (Economy) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM DE UPS Ground 499 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM FL UPS Ground 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM GA UPS Ground 499 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM IA UPS Ground 499 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM 84 | P a g e 499 499 13 FedEx FedEx Freight Freight (Economy) (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM ID UPS Ground IL UPS Ground 430 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) IN UPS Ground 430 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM KS UPS Ground 420 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM KY UPS Ground 350 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM LA UPS Ground 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM MA UPS Ground 370 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM MD UPS Ground 390 13 FedEx Freight (Economy) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM ME UPS Ground 350 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM MI UPS Ground 420 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM MN UPS Ground 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM MO UPS Ground 440 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM MS UPS Ground 420 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM MT UPS Ground 420 13 FedEx Freight (Economy) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM 85 | P a g e 440 350 400 13 FedEx FedEx Freight Freight (Priority) (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM NC UPS Ground ND UPS Ground 340 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) NE UPS Ground 360 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM NH UPS Ground 370 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM NJ UPS Ground 350 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM NM UPS Ground 13 FedEx Freight (Economy) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM NV UPS Ground 290 13 FedEx Freight (Economy) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM NY UPS Ground 350 13 FedEx Freight (Economy) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM OH UPS Ground 340 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM OK UPS Ground 290 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM OR UPS Ground 13 FedEx Freight (Economy) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM PA UPS Ground 290 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM RI UPS Ground 290 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM SC UPS Ground 290 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM 86 | P a g e 420 290 300 13 FedEx FedEx Freight Freight (Priority) (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM SD UPS Ground TN UPS Ground 240 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) TX UPS Ground 230 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM UT UPS Ground 220 13 FedEx Freight (Economy) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM VA UPS Ground 220 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM VT UPS Ground 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM WA UPS Ground 220 13 FedEx Freight (Economy) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM WI UPS Ground 220 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM WV UPS Ground 220 13 FedEx Freight (Priority) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM WY UPS Ground 220 13 FedEx Freight (Economy) FedEx Freight (Economy) 12 19,000 Contact IM 87 | P a g e 270 220 Ingram Micro >>20 Carrollton TX >>Routing Guide Small Small Parcel Parcel 1lb‐max State Max weight (13 Weight carton max) (lbs) Small LTL LTL LTL Parcel LTL Small Parcel LTL Max LTL Max Max 500 lbs to Max Weight to Pallet Weight Carton LTL Max 499 lbs Count (lbs) Count TL ‐‐> LTL Max AL UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA SAIA 10 18000 Contact IM AR UPS Ground 320 13 SAIA SAIA 10 14000 Contact IM AZ UPS Ground 280 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM CA UPS Ground 210 13 WRDS WRDS 20 19,000 Contact IM CO UPS Ground 290 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19000 Contact IM CT UPS Ground 330 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM DC UPS Ground 380 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM DE UPS Ground 380 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM FL UPS Ground 220 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM GA UPS Ground 220 13 SAIA SAIA 10 15000 Contact IM IA UPS Ground 310 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM ID UPS Ground 360 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM IL UPS Ground 220 13 SAIA SAIA 10 16000 Contact IM IN UPS Ground 220 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM KS UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM KY UPS Ground 220 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19000 Contact IM LA UPS Ground 330 13 SAIA SAIA 10 17000 Contact IM 88 | P a g e Contact IM MA UPS Ground 310 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion MD UPS Ground 380 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM ME UPS Ground 310 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM MI UPS Ground 220 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM MN UPS Ground 220 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM MO UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM MS UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19000 Contact IM MT UPS Ground 380 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM NC UPS Ground 210 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19000 Contact IM ND UPS Ground 210 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM NE UPS Ground 260 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM NH UPS Ground 310 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM NJ UPS Ground 380 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM NM UPS Ground 330 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM NV UPS Ground 230 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM NY UPS Ground 310 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM OH UPS Ground 220 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM OK UPS Ground 330 13 SAIA SAIA 10 11000 Contact IM OR UPS Ground 210 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM PA UPS Ground 380 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM 89 | P a g e 10 19000 Contact IM RI UPS Ground 310 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion SC UPS Ground 220 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19000 Contact IM SD UPS Ground 220 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM TN UPS Ground 260 13 SAIA SAIA 10 16000 Contact IM TX UPS Ground 360 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19000 Contact IM UT UPS Ground 280 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM VA UPS Ground 390 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM VT UPS Ground 310 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM WA UPS Ground 210 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM WI UPS Ground 220 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19000 Contact IM WV UPS Ground 430 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19000 Contact IM WY UPS Ground 250 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19000 Contact IM 90 | P a g e 10 19000 Ingram Micro >>30 Millington, TN >>Routing Guide Small Small Parcel Parcel 1lb‐max State Max weight (13 Weight carton max) (lbs) Small LTL LTL LTL Parcel LTL Small Parcel LTL Max LTL Max Max 500 lbs to Max Weight to Pallet Weight Carton LTL Max 499 lbs Count (lbs) Count TL ‐‐> LTL Max AL UPS Ground 330 13 SAIA SAIA 10 16,000 Contact IM AR UPS Ground 430 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19,000 Contact IM AZ UPS Ground 230 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM CA UPS Ground 190 13 WRDS WRDS 20 19,000 Contact IM CO UPS Ground 280 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM CT UPS Ground 400 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM DC UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM DE UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM FL UPS Ground 220 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM GA UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA SAIA 10 15,000 Contact IM IA UPS Ground 340 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM ID UPS Ground 340 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM IL UPS Ground 260 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM IN UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM KS UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM KY UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM LA UPS Ground 330 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19,000 Contact IM 91 | P a g e Contact IM MA UPS Ground 380 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion MD UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM ME UPS Ground 380 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM MI UPS Ground 250 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM MN UPS Ground 220 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM MO UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM MS UPS Ground 330 13 SAIA SAIA 10 16,000 Contact IM MT UPS Ground 360 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NC UPS Ground 260 13 SAIA SAIA 10 15,000 Contact IM ND UPS Ground 210 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NE UPS Ground 250 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NH UPS Ground 380 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NJ UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NM UPS Ground 280 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NV UPS Ground 230 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NY UPS Ground 430 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM OH UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM OK UPS Ground 290 13 SAIA SAIA 10 14,000 Contact IM OR UPS Ground 170 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM PA UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM 92 | P a g e 10 19,000 Contact IM RI UPS Ground 380 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion SC UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA SAIA 10 17,000 Contact IM SD UPS Ground 220 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM TN UPS Ground 360 13 SAIA SAIA 10 16,000 Contact IM TX UPS Ground 250 13 SAIA SAIA 10 19,000 Contact IM UT UPS Ground 230 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM VA UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM VT UPS Ground 380 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM WA UPS Ground 170 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM WI UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM WV UPS Ground 460 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM WY UPS Ground 250 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM 93 | P a g e 10 19,000 Ingram Micro >>40 Carol Stream, IL >>Routing Guide State Small Parcel 1lb-max weight (13 carton max) Small Parcel Max Weight (lbs) Small Parcel Max Carton Count LTL Small Parcel Max Weight to 499 lbs LTL 500 lbs to LTL Max LTL LTL Max Pallet Count LTL LTL Max Weight (lbs) TL --> LTL Max AL UPS Ground 350 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM AR UPS Ground 350 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM AZ UPS Ground 240 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM CA UPS Ground 200 13 WRDS WRDS 20 19,000 Contact IM CO UPS Ground 290 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM CT UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM DC UPS Ground 310 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion n/a 15,000 Contact IM DE UPS Ground 250 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion n/a 17,000 Contact IM FL UPS Ground 280 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM GA UPS Ground 350 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM IA UPS Ground 350 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM ID UPS Ground 220 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM IL UPS Ground 470 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM IN UPS Ground 470 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion n/a 17,000 Contact IM KS UPS Ground 290 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM KY UPS Ground 360 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 13,000 Contact IM LA UPS Ground 290 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 14,000 Contact IM MA UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 18,000 Contact IM MD UPS Ground 290 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion n/a 14,000 Contact IM ME UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 18,000 Contact IM MI UPS Ground 470 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 14,000 Contact IM 94 | P a g e MN UPS Ground 290 13 SAIA Old Dominion MO UPS Ground 290 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM MS UPS Ground 350 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 13,000 Contact IM MT UPS Ground 390 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NC UPS Ground 340 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 15,000 Contact IM ND UPS Ground 240 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 12,000 Contact IM NE UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 13,000 Contact IM NH UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 14,000 Contact IM NJ UPS Ground 250 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion n/a 19,000 Contact IM NM UPS Ground 280 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NV UPS Ground 200 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NY UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM OH UPS Ground 360 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion n/a 16,000 Contact IM OK UPS Ground 350 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 12,000 Contact IM OR UPS Ground 200 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM PA UPS Ground 290 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion n/a 16,000 Contact IM RI UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM SC UPS Ground 330 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM SD UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 15,000 Contact IM TN UPS Ground 350 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM TX UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA SAIA 10 15,000 Contact IM UT UPS Ground 240 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM VA UPS Ground 310 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion n/a 15,000 Contact IM VT UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM WA UPS Ground 200 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 15,000 Contact IM 95 | P a g e 10 19,000 Contact IM WI UPS Ground 370 13 SAIA Old Dominion WV UPS Ground 310 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion n/a 17,000 Contact IM WY UPS Ground 270 13 SAIA Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM 96 | P a g e 10 19,000 Contact IM Ingram Micro >>40 Mississauga ON, Can >>Routing Guide State 1‐200 lbs (13 Small Parcel Max LTL‐‐> 13 cartons or > carton max) Carton Count 200 lbs up to 12 Pallets LTL‐‐LTL Max TL‐‐ > LTL Pallet Count Max AL UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM AR UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM AZ UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM CA UPS Ground 13 Concord N/A Concord CO UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM CT UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM DC UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM DE UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM FL UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM GA UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM IA UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM ID UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM IL UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM IN UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM KS UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM KY UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM LA UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM MA UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM MD UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM ME UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM MI UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM MN UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM MO UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM MS UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM MT UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM NC UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM ND UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM NE UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM NH UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM NJ UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM NM UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM NV UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM 97 | P a g e NY UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM OH UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM OK UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM OR UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM PA UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM RI UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM SC UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM SD UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM TN UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM TX UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM UT UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM VA UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM VT UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM WA UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM WI UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM WV UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM WY UPS Ground 13 Old Dominion 10 Contact IM See Below See Below See Below See Below See Below Purolator Courier 13 Speedy 10 Contact IM Purolator Courier 13 Speedy 10 Contact IM Purolator Courier 13 Purolator Freight 10 Contact IM Purolator Courier 13 Purolator Freight 10 Contact IM 13 Contact IM 10 Contact IM Canada Ontario Quebec British Columbia Alberta All Other Canada Locations Purolator Courier 98 | P a g e Ingram Micro >>80 Jonestown, PA >>Routing Guide State Small Parcel 1lb-max weight (13 carton max) Small Parcel Max Weight (lbs) Small Parcel Max Carton Count LTL Small Parcel Max Weight to 499 lbs LTL 500 lbs to LTL Max LTL LTL Max Pallet Count LTL LTL Max Weight (lbs) TL --> LTL Max AL UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM AR UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM AZ UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM CA UPS Ground 280 13 WRDS WRDS 20 19,000 Contact IM CO UPS Ground 310 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM CT UPS Ground 460 13 A. Duie Pyle A. Duie Pyle 10 19,000 Contact IM DC UPS Ground 500 13 DeSantis DeSantis n/a 14,000 Contact IM DE UPS Ground 500 13 A. Duie Pyle A. Duie Pyle n/a 15,000 Contact IM FL UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM GA UPS Ground 460 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM IA UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM ID UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM IL UPS Ground 460 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM IN UPS Ground 310 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion n/a 19,000 Contact IM KS UPS Ground 380 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM KY UPS Ground 460 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM LA UPS Ground 380 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM MA UPS Ground 450 13 A. Duie Pyle A. Duie Pyle 10 19,000 Contact IM MD UPS Ground 500 13 A. Duie Pyle A. Duie Pyle n/a 14,000 Contact IM ME UPS Ground 370 13 A. Duie Pyle A. Duie Pyle 10 19,000 Contact IM MI UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM 99 | P a g e MN UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion MO UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM MS UPS Ground 450 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM MT UPS Ground 300 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NC UPS Ground 460 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM ND UPS Ground 370 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NE UPS Ground 380 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NH UPS Ground 390 13 A. Duie Pyle A. Duie Pyle 10 19,000 Contact IM NJ UPS Ground 500 13 A. Duie Pyle A. Duie Pyle n/a 14,000 Contact IM NM UPS Ground 310 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NV UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM NY UPS Ground 460 13 A. Duie Pyle A. Duie Pyle 10 19,000 Contact IM OH UPS Ground 310 13 A. Duie Pyle A. Duie Pyle n/a 19,000 Contact IM OK UPS Ground 380 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM OR UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM PA UPS Ground 500 13 A. Duie Pyle A. Duie Pyle n/a 12,000 Contact IM RI UPS Ground 460 13 A. Duie Pyle A. Duie Pyle 10 19,000 Contact IM SC UPS Ground 460 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM SD UPS Ground 380 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM TN UPS Ground 460 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM TX UPS Ground 360 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM UT UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM VA UPS Ground 370 13 DeSantis DeSantis n/a 18,000 Contact IM VT UPS Ground 370 13 A. Duie Pyle A. Duie Pyle 10 19,000 Contact IM WA UPS Ground 280 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM 100 | P a g e 10 19,000 Contact IM WI UPS Ground 460 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion WV UPS Ground 350 13 FedEx Freight FedEx Freight n/a 17,000 Contact IM WY UPS Ground 310 13 Old Dominion Old Dominion 10 19,000 Contact IM 101 | P a g e 10 19,000 Contact IM Ingram Micro Mexico Ingram Micro Mexico partners, Welcome! Below you will find information on routing for Ingram Micro paid freight inbound to Branch 90 and Branch 95/93 (Laredo, TX). ALL EXPORT DOCUMENTS (commercial invoice, packing slip, NAFTA COO if applicable) SHOULD BE FAXED TO (619) 661‐0134 OR E‐MAILED TO pre‐ PRIOR TO THE DELIVERY OF THE SHIPMENT OR SENT WITH SHIPMENT. Small Small Small LTL LTL LTL LTL TL Parcel Parcel Parcel Ship From 1lb‐max Small Max Max LTL Max LTL Max State weight (13 Parcel Max 500 lbs to Weight Carton Pallet Weight ‐>LTL Max carton Weight to LTL Max (lbs) Count Count (lbs) max) 499 lbs Continental UPS FedEx LTL FedEx LTL 240 13 10 19,000 Contact IM US Ground Economy Economy UPS California 200 13 WRDS WRDS 10 19,000 Contact IM Ground LTL Shipments For all LTL shipments to be paid by Ingram Micro Mexico, the following bill to address must be referenced on the BOL: Transportation Services 1759 Wehrle Dr Williamsville, NY 14221 Small Parcel Shipments Enter the properly authorized Ingram Micro account # in the correct field in the carrier manifest and enter the Ingram Micro PO# in the shipper reference number field. Truckload Shipments and Direct Shipments Please contact Ingram Micro and for routing information. 102 | P a g e