clinton, warren`s 1-2 punch at trump
clinton, warren`s 1-2 punch at trump
ABORTION LIMITS STRUCK DOWN Rio Olympics setting up to be ‘big failure’ [Sports, Page 1C] Money for Music Hall makeover fast-tracked [PAGES 12A, 1B] OHIO TUESDAY JUNE 28, 2016 CINCINNATI.COM CLINTON, WARREN’S 1-2 PUNCH AT TRUMP Bowdeya Tweh and Janelle Gelfand Cincinnati taxpayers are contributing $16 million for Music Hall’s renovation on a faster timeline than initially planned. Instead of paying $10 million in four installments through 2019, the city will contribute $10 million to the Music Hall Revitalization Co. within the next 30 days, according to a new Music Hall lease agreement unveiled Monday. City Council approved issuing $10 million of bonds for Music Hall last week. The remaining $6 million pledge will come from city capital grants. The money will be provided in three annual payments starting in the city’s 2017 fiscal year, which begins Friday. Initially, that money was going to be paid in $200,000 increments over 25 years to help maintain Music Hall. “The key is structuring and organizing finances up front as you execute the deal,” City Manager Harry Black said. “It’s cleaner, simpler and, in the long run, more advantageous to ensuring a successful project.” Monday was also the first time the public learned about the lease redo and that the project’s budget increased by $2 million to $137 million. City Council’s budget and finance committee approved the 72-year lease and funding agreement Monday. The full council could approve them Wednesday, voiding the previous deal reached in 2013. So what’s the rush? Officials from the city and Music Hall Revitalization Co. are raising as much See MUSIC HALL, Page 4A THE ENQUIRER/SAM GREENE The joint appearance Monday, and Elizabeth Warren’s enthusiasm for attacking Donald Trump, added to speculation about her likelihood of receiving the nod to join Hillary Clinton as the vice presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket. Jeremy Fugleberg, Chrissie Thompson and Sharon Coolidge, cthompson@, Donald Trump is “a small, insecure money-grubber who fights for nobody but himself,” Sen. Elizabeth $1.50 RETAIL INDEX Portions of today’s Enquirer were printed on recycled paper Four sections, 176th year, No. 80 Copyright 2016, The Cincinnati Enquirer Baseball ........................1C Business........................9A Carolyn Hax...............11A Warren of Massachusetts said Monday morning at Cincinnati’s Union Terminal, as the possible vice presidential candidate lit up the crowd in her first appearance with Hillary Clinton. “What kind of a man?” Warren said of the presumptive GOP nomiComics ......................1Fun Horoscopes .............2Fun Legal ads ....................14C Lotteries .....................11A Obituaries .................12A Opinion......................14A nee, with whom she has had drawn out Twitter battles. “A nasty man who will never become president of the United States, because Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States.” See CLINTON, Page 5A Puzzles .....................2Fun Sports ............................1C Today in History .......11A WEATHER High: 83° Low: 57°