Fn*d far All trarden The Rev. Stephen Hosking St. Alexis Christian
Fn*d far All trarden The Rev. Stephen Hosking St. Alexis Christian
Fn*d far All trarden is a project of #crr{ omrnun it yf *nes,I nc. at the Episcopal Churchof the HolyAdvent 81 EastMain Street,P.O.Box536 Clinton,CT06413 Growing fresh produce in Clinton hungry olong Connecticut'sShoreline the for Coordinator:MargaretS. Larom 9I7-71,4-421,5 margaretlarom@gmail.com rden.org www.foodforallga The Rev.StephenHosking St.AlexisChristianOrthodoxChurch Clinton,CT06413 October23,201,4 DearFr.Stephen: As the 2014gardeningseasondrawsto a close,I want to thankyou,your parishand the New England Dicceseof the OrthodoxChurchin Americaonce againfor the tremendoussupportyou havegivento theFoodforAllGarden.LocatedbehindtheEpiscopalChurchoftheHolyAdventparishhall,which hoststhe ClintonFoodPantryeveryweek,the gardenhasproducedliterallytons of freshvegetables, evening.That's everyWeidnesday familieswhich comefor assistance herbsand flowersfor the L15-L2O right,tons - 3,750poundsin 2013(ourfirstyear)and nearly6,000poundsso far this year. spirit.Our churchesare Youand your Churchhavesupportedus in the finestcommunityand ecumenical havebecomemorethan neighbors but you and your parishioners in closeproximitygeographically sharersin the missionof caringfor God'shungrypeopleon the Shoreline. now beingfriends,supporters, The 52,000grant lastyear provedinvaluablein creatinga drip irrigationsystemin the main garden (whichmeasuresapproximately100x200feet), and in creating"Foodfor All Jr.",a sectionof the garden with a greenhouseand raisedbedsdevotedto engagingthe 4thand 5thgradersat PiersonSchoolnext door. You'll be happyto hearthat one teacherstartedan after-schoolgardenclub which drew L7 childreninto growingactivitieslastspringand 18 childrenthisfall. The 52,500grant this year (a tremendousvote of confidencewhich we deeplyappreciate),was usedfor two purposes.Thanksto a grant from the CTDepartmentof Agriculture,we had been able to extendthe gardensignificantly. But that meantextendingthe water linesand drip irrigationsystemand building two more kiosksforthe valves,gaugesand connections.Bill Brubaker,a St.Alexisparishioner,stepped items-teachingthe and builtthe necessary up to the challengeonceagainand designed,purchased gardenvolunteershow to useeverythingas well. The cost was approximatelyS1,000. with the residentsand staff The balanceof the grant hasenabledus to builda remarkablerelationship of Peregrine'sLanding,the memory care residentialfacilitythat is our mutual neighbor.A chance discoveryin 20L3- that the residentsgreatlyenjoyedwatchingall the activityin the garden- led to a walks over to the garden' which is decisionto create a path through the woods (to facilitate daily with vegetables)'Split-railfencing brilliantwith flowers,butterfliesand birdsas well as bursting postsand railsto providea donatedby a farmer in Killingworthwas supplementedwith additional were usedto create a little protective border. perennialplants and bushesdonated by clinton Nurseries gardenandPeregrine,sLandingaddedabenchforrestingenroute. project - a "visiting zoo" ! Learning A conversationwith the owner led to a considerablymore elaborate purposes(andsimpledelight),the rectorof that animalsare often broughtto the facilityfor therapeutic to a smallanimalenclosure' Holy Adventdecidedthat one cornerof the propertycould be devoted church, the Rev' Peter Larom using funds donated by Peregrine'sLandingas well as by the orthodox from Peregrinestaff and friends' built a fenceand gated pen as well as a smallshelterwith help goat named Lollilopwere in residence'On By mid-July,a miniaturehorsenamedSpeedyand a miniature hit immediately.(Thegoat had a loan from the BushyHill Nature Center in tvoryton,they were a big replacedby another goat named troublesome habit of escaping,however, so was returned and residentwho come to visit Hazelnut.)The animalsremain star attractions not only for the Peregrine of PiersonSchool' everyday, but alsothe childrenof pantryguestsand the students has providedfood for the soul to the While the Peregrineproject has not providedfood for the pantry, it This pastoraleffort has helped to old and young, the volunteersand the vulnerable,in countlessways' the animalshavebeen a meaningful credtea safespacethat is fun and healthy.Also,we havelearned, teens'communityservice, part of the outreachwe do in anotherarea- providinga locationfor area even as a work site for court-mandated clinton,slow-incomeyouth summeremploymentprogram,and that boysactuallyenjoyed! communityservice.Feedingand muckingout the animalswas a chore you securedfrom your diocese'and ln closing,let me say againto you, Fr. Steve,that the financialhelp to volunteer,sharinggarden .,moralsupport"you haveprovidedthroughencouragingparishioners the a very greatdealto and servingon the board of Our CommunityCares,Inc.,hasmeant communications, for All Garden' us at the Episcopalchurch of the HolyAdvent,and in the Food in your ministryin clinton and all alongthe shoreline, Blessings -,4 , \/t )- 'Al"*('itu,h --c 4 r n4r-h/\/ MargaretS.Larom Coordinator