Jan/Feb, 2014 - Louisiana Baptist Children`s Home
Jan/Feb, 2014 - Louisiana Baptist Children`s Home
news H ME CHILDREN’S JA N / F E B 2014 VOL. 52 • No. 1 Dr. Hancock shares candy with the children Campus Spotlight page 3 • Christmas Memories page 7 • Order Your VBS Nametags page 16 A Publication of Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home & Family Ministries Established in 1899, the Louisiana Baptist Children's Home and Family Ministries is a faith-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing love, care, and hope in Christ to children and families in need. The Children's Home is an agency of the Louisiana Baptist Convention and is governed by a 17-member board of trustees elected by the Convention to serve three-year terms on a rotating basis. The Children's Home receives no state or federal funding. Approximately 75% of all funding comes from individuals and churches; less than 22% of funding goes to administrative costs; less than 5% of funding comes from payment of services. Our major service areas include: Residential Child Care, Residential Family Care, Christian Women's Job Corps of Monroe, Granberry Christian Counseling Centers, Sellers Maternity Ministries, Mobile Pregnancy Care Center, Louisiana Baptist Foster & Adoption Network, Orphans Embrace International Orphan Care Mission Trips, Reclaimed - A Ministry of Hope and Healing to Child Victims of Human Trafficking. Services are provided without regard to race, gender, religion, or ability to pay. Our dedicated Christian ministry team strives to offer the highest quality of services. Please contact us for more information on how we can serve you or someone you know: 318.343.2244 • home@lbch.org • www.lbch.org LBCH Trustees: Dr. Johnny Sanders, Chairman Rev. William Smith, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Salli Perry, Secretary Mrs. Sunshine Elkins Mr. Clint Gulde Mrs. Carol Johnson Rev. James King Mrs. Brenda Myrick Mr. Billy Nutt Mrs. Janice Pharris Mr. Gerald Pool Mr. Dwayne Rogers Mrs. Glenda Suggs Rev. Reid Terry Mrs. Margaret Wedgeworth Words From Home by Dr. Perry Hancock, President & CEO Yesterday I was visiting with the children in our recreation center and, yes, I had my bag of candy with me. We all enjoyed some Smarties, talked a bit, and then I just sat back and watched them play. As I enjoyed their laughter, I thanked God once again for placing them in our care. Care is a word that we use in two different ways at the Children's Home. Of course we provide care: food, clothing, shelter, and more. But behind the care we provide is the care we have for the children in our hearts. In other words, we care because we care. Our staff theme this year is "Because We Care." That's why you are such an important part of this family, because you care. You care for the children and you provide for their care through your generous support. And your care is paying tremendous dividends. Our children are safe. Our children are loved and they are growing into all God has for them because you care. Please know how grateful we are for your care. As we look forward in the new year, we do so with great anticipation. God is opening so many doors of opportunity through our new ministries. More families and churches are joining our foster and adoption network. Many more are serving orphans through our international ministry, Orphans Embrace. Our Mobile Pregnancy Care Center is reaching more women with the message of life for God's unborn children. Our on-campus ministries are also thriving with the addition of foster children and homeless children and their mothers. In the next twelve months we believe that God is going to write many more life-changing stories for us to celebrate. Please remember to pray for our staff and children every day. Also, remember that you have an open invitation to visit our campus. Plan this year to take a tour and see what God is doing through your generous support. Until we see you again, may God bless you as you have blessed His children at your Louisiana Baptist Children's Home. Cottage Parents of the Year Named Dr. Steve Horn LBC President Congratulations to Dean and Crissie Cirelli on being named LBCH Cottage Parents of the Year for 2013! This prestigious award is based on the cottage parents’ total contribution to the ministry over the past year. The award, which was presented by LBCH Director of Cottage Life, Tommy Frost, is voted on by members of the LBCH staff. Dr. David Hankins LBC Executive Director Dr. Perry Hancock President & CEO Marc Eichelberger Director of Development & Public Relations Julie Cupples Director of Communications HomeNews (ISSN 1094-3587) is published seven times a year in February, March, May, July, September, November, and December by Louisiana Baptist Children's Home & Family Ministries 7200 DeSiard Street, Monroe, LA 71203-3954 Subscriptions: Complimentary Postmaster: Periodicals postage paid at Monroe, LA and additional mailing offices. Send address corrections to: HomeNews, P.O. Box 4196, Monroe, LA 71211-4196 • OUR MISSION • The mission of the Louisiana Baptist Children's Home and Family Ministries is to provide love, care, and hope in Christ for children and families in need. • OUR VALUES • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We value the Bible as the foundation and guide for our ministry (2 Timothy 3:16). We value the worth of the Children and Families to whom we minister (Genesis 1:27). We value Servant Leadership as our model for ministry (Mark 9:35). We value Excellence as our standard for ministry performance (Colossians 3:17). We value Personal Integrity as our ministry standard for living (Romans 12:1-2). • CAMPUS SPOTLIGHT • By Debbie Robertson, HomeNews Writer “Play is the work of children. It's very serious stuff.” Bob Keeshan those occasions, but he's happy in Feazel and likes his cottage parents, Steven and Faith Smith. Cameron and his cottage family enjoy worship and Bible study at First Baptist West Monroe. Cameron especially likes the Lil' Treehouse preschool worship time with the "good music, and sometimes we play games." Mr. Cameron and older brother Jason, or "Bubba" as he's also Steve's hamburgers are very popular with all the boys, but known, are both great examples of this philosophy. Bubba, who Cameron says they can't grill when it's raining outside. His other was featured in a previous HomeNews, wants to be a boxer. As favorite family meals, when grilling isn't an option, are "'sketti,' Cameron rounds the corner of Feazel Cottage, his first question corn and meat." concerns how soon he can expect to return to his important job According to Cameron and Bubba, the Smiths make even of Ninja warrior. With his mask pulled up on top of his the chores fun for the boys in the cottage. It is head and his sword by his side, he's ready to get Cameron's responsibility to sweep the front porch this task done. There are battles yet to fight regularly, and he stands, hands on hip, proudly and his time is limited! surveying his assigned territory. He walks to Five-year-old Cameron is currently in the end of the porch and points to a rain Pre-K at Cypress Point. Does he enjoy chain hanging from the roof. He explains school? The response is an emphatic, how it works and gently checks each of "No!" But after thinking about it for a few the little cups as he talks. He takes a minutes, Cameron remembers two things minute to carefully adjust the flower pot about school that he does enjoy–field trips below to ensure everything is aligned prop- and games! His class has done all kinds of erly. After he's checked out everything on the exciting things like going to a farm, riding a porch and front yard, he stops to look up at the tractor, and "riding around and sitting on hay." Their next field trip is "in 7 or 8 days and we're going sky and trees and observes that "it's really blowy (windy) today." ice skating!" He is not sure where they are going but reports that When he can't be outside playing or fighting monsters, he and his classmates "will have to go on the bus, drive straight, Cameron enjoys playing his Wii games and he likes the remote- turn right, and then go straight for a long, long time." He has a controlled car he got for Christmas. This little warrior also likes special shirt picked out for this big day and cannot wait for the puzzles. He's currently working on one that he would like to fin- big day to arrive. In addition to the field trips, Cameron says ish soon so he can hang it on the wall. It's almost done, but he's there are also some fun games at Pre-K, and he likes been counting on Bubba to help him fill in those last few pieces. that–especially since "I won a bunch of games." He's a little disappointed that Bubba has not been quite as excit- Cameron is wide-eyed and intense as he shares his story and ed about this project. his adventures. He, his brother, Jason, and sister, Jayden, Cameron has talked non-stop for quite awhile, but he's start- returned to the Louisiana Baptist Children's Home last year, so ing to get a little anxious. Duty calls and more adventures await he was very familiar with the campus from their previous stay. him and his friends. The mask goes back in place and, sword "Yep," he likes LBCH and having such a great place to play out- raised, this Ninja is running as fast as he can to rejoin his fellow side and a place where there are always plenty of people to play warriors. with. He loves visits with his mom and always looks forward to Cameron... “Ninja Warrior!” PRAYER CALENDAR Kaylena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 3 Payton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 4 Brylie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 5 Devin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 6 Alexis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 7 Jade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 8 Mikeisha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 9 Meya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 10 Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 11 Adrian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 12 Toni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 13 Joshua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 14 Laila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 15 Jessica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 16 Hannah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 17 Alayna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 18 Tina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 19 Isabella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 20 Sandra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 21 Jayden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 22 Stacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 23 Hannah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 24 Landon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 25 Zoey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 26 Amber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 27 Sopheria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 28 Sunnie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 1 Debra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 2 Christiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 3 Pha’Quira . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 4 Patience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 5 Terri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 6 Aiden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 7 Kayleigh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 8 Tabytha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 9 Lucas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 10 Patrice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 11 Claire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 12 MaKenzi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 13 Alexis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 14 Tiffany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 15 Jessica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 16 Jayden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 17 Stephanie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 18 Meagan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 19 Pheonix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 20 Brady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 21 Jacob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 22 Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 23 Kenyon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 24 Kayden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .March 25 Happy Birthday! Alexis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 5 Alexis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 9 Meagan . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 11 Jayden . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Feb 17 Sandra . . . . . . . . . . . .March 22 Tiffany . . . . . . . . . . . .March 25 HomeBuilders by Marc Eichelberger Director of Development & Public Relations 2014 LBCH ALUMNI REUNION Estate Planning: Writing the Last Chapter of Your Autobiography Estate planning may be the single largest act of stewardship that most of us as Christians will ever perform. Appropriate estate planning is a win-win for almost everyone. Whether we are nearing the end of our lives, contemplating retirement, or younger with a growing family, estate planning boils down to determining how, when, and to whom we will transfer the stewardship of what God has entrusted to us when we can no longer serve as stewards ourselves. Estate planning is like having the privilege of writing the last chapter of your autobiography. Every year, however, the vast majority of Americans who die, do so without having prepared a valid estate plan. For the past thirty years, the numbers have been between 70 and 80 percent. This statistic is astounding, since the U.S. tax code provides significant incentives to prepare an estate plan. These incentives are designed to make it easy for very personal wishes to be known and followed, such as dealing with child custody, property distribution, or leaving a legacy of Christian values. A careful estate plan will often minimize costs related to settling the estate. The single biggest reason people fail to prepare an estate plan probably falls into the category of "life just gets in the way." For most people, the day-to-day routine is just too busy to find time to develop an effective estate plan. For others, it's the idea that no one plans to die, or certainly no one enjoys planning to die. Still others reason that no one can know the future and, after all, so much may change between today and the time of one's death. As Christians, we need to realize that all throughout Scripture, there are references that speak clearly about what we are to do with the resources God provides us. "Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful" (1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV). The Greek term "steward" here includes a form of the word "house." It describes a household manager in the ancient Greek world who handled the finances for the owner. Managers or "stewards" are accountable to owners for how they use their finances or material possessions. We are the stewards; God is the owner. A proper estate plan should accomplish the following: (1) express God's plan for stewardship, (2) transfer the assets with which God has entrusted us to the individuals and charitable beneficiaries of our choosing, (3) and transfer our estate in a tax-efficient manner with as little heartache, cost, and delay as possible for our family members left behind. Recognizing these facts, here is a great service available to you. If you desire to include the Children's Home in your estate plans, the Louisiana Baptist Foundation, as our ministry partner and an agency of the Louisiana Baptist Convention, offers professional estate planning assistance and does not charge a fee for this service. You may contact the Foundation at 318.445.4495 or 877.523.4636 or www.LBFinfo.org. Let me encourage you to get the wise, godly counsel available through our friends at the Louisiana Baptist Foundation and write that last chapter of your autobiography. It will probably be the single largest act of Christian stewardship that you will ever perform. RoyOMartin’s 10th Annual BHA Fall Golf Classic Benefitting Homeless Children & Their Moms Sept. 29, 2014 Alexandria, LA For more info contact Patti Busby: 318-448-0405 • patti.busby@royomartin.com Every three years the Children’s Home is excited to host a reunion for former residents and staff. Alumni from across the country make their way “Home” to reminisce and reconnect with former LBCH family members. The 2014 Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home Reunion will be held on June 6 and 7 on the campus in Monroe. If you are a former resident or staff member, we hope you will mark your calender and join us for this special event. You should be receiving registration information in the mail soon. For more information, please contact us at (318)-343-2244 or home@lbch.org. Please spread the word! The following friends of children Free Personal Will Planner Planning for a lifetime and beyond! provided by Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home & Family Ministries. Contents Courtesy of the Louisiana Baptist Foundation. For your free planner, call (318) 343-2244 or email home@lbch.org You Can Be A Hope Builder! "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 Dear Friends of Children, You can be a "Hope Builder!" You can help rebuild the foundation of trust and hope in the lives of hurting children through our monthly sponsorship program called "Hope Builders." Jeremiah 29:11 is one of my favorite verses in God's Word and I love to share it with the boys and girls at the Children's Home. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Our children come to us because their worlds have been turned upside down. They feel abandoned, rejected, and alone. They face an uncertain future and need encouragement and hope. They need to know that there is a God who loves them unconditionally and cares for them deeply. God used Jeremiah as a "Hope Builder." God worked through Jeremiah to rebuild a foundation of trust and hope and to demonstrate His unconditional love and care for those facing very challenging circumstances. You can be a "Hope Builder!" God can work through you and your monthly gifts to help rebuild the foundation of trust and hope in the lives of those who need it most. We are excited about the wonderful things God has in store for 2014. Please consider becoming a "Hope Builder." Your monthly investment in this ministry will help ensure that our precious children have hope and a future in Christ. Thank you for caring so much! HE PE Keeping God's Children First, BUILDERS Dr. Perry Hancock President & CEO Here is my gift for the children Cottage Parents Needed! __$25 __$50 __$100 __$250 __$500 Give online at __$1000 __$5000 $ __________ www.lbch.org NAME __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________ PHONE ( ) _____________________________________________ CITY ___________________________________________STATE ________________ ZIP _________________EMAIL _________________________________________ Credit Card Number and Type: Visa MC AmX Discover Cardholder Signature:____________________________________ Expiration Date:____________________________Code: __ Call 318.343.2244 (Optional): I would like to present my gift in ___ memory or ___ honor of Name_______________________________Please notify (honoree/relative) ___________________________________________ Address______________________________________City______________________________State________________Zip __________________ __Please send me your FREE Personal Will Planner __Please send me information on how to become a monthly sponsor A Foster Family's Journey Will and Bethany Butterfield are foster parents for Louisiana Baptist Children's Home. They live in Central Louisiana and have two biological children. Shortly after being certified, the Butterfield family welcomed two siblings into their home as foster placements. In the fall of 2013, the children were freed for adoption. The Butterfields are currently in the process of adopting them. Jayden was all smiles during her 9th birthday party! "For He who calls is f aithful" (1 Thessalonians 5:24). We knew God was calling us to adopt. What we didn't know was how He was going to accomplish that plan. One week after we began praying over that decision, Beth Green came to speak at our church, The Gathering Place, about orphan care. When she spoke about foster care, we knew God was calling us to foster-to-adopt. Receiving our first placement was scary and exciting all at once. It's kind of like being thrown in the deep end to learn how to swim. You've only been told what to do, but you've never actually done it. Our biological kids were thrilled, but our foster kids were terrified. With as much as we had read and studied, we were certain we would be able to move forward with only a few hang-ups. But as the weeks progressed, we were caught off guard by how hard it was to parent a traumatized child. Children who have been abused or neglected don't react to the world in the ways we expect a child to react. Even though we were expecting the unexpected, nothing prepared us for parenting in such a hard place. Unfortunately, there are some things you can only learn from the trenches. Thankfully, we received tons of support from Louisiana Baptist Children's Home. We can honestly say we wouldn't have lasted long in foster care without them. LBCH was available for support and tips when our Department of Child and Family Services worker simply had too much on her plate and couldn't meet with us. Our LBCH worker answered questions and made herself available for every meeting and court date. LBCH also provided vital emotional and spiritual support. Without them, we know we would have given up when times were hard. God has taught us so much through our experience of foster care and adoption that words couldn't possibly do it justice! He has shown us more about Himself through this experience than we have ever learned from anything else. We have seen for the first time the depth of the darkness that is in this world. But because of that, we have also seen the magnitude of God's power. "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it." (John 1:5). God's love and power will always, always triumph over the darkness. "My grace is sufficient for you, My power made perfect in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:9). God has used this journey of foster care and adoption to show us how imperfect we truly are. But even greater, He has shown us the sufficiency of His grace to cover our sins and work through our weaknesses. How beautiful it is that in our imperfections, the gospel is so profoundly illustrated! We have been so blessed to get to walk with God in this journey as He grows our family in such a gracefilled way. Our advice to families considering doing foster care is to pray hard about it before you jump in. Know without a doubt that God is calling you into it. If God says “yes,” it will likely be the hardest thing you'll ever do for many reasons, but it will also be the most beautiful thing you'll ever do for many more reasons. If God says “no,” there are many other ways you can be involved in foster care and orphan ministry. We foster families desperately need your support. It is often the small things that are the biggest blessings. Offer to babysit, pick up a few groceries, or just let us know you're thinking of us! Most importantly, pray. Pray without ceasing. Pray for healing over our children, and pray for wisdom and strength in our parenting. Pray that the grace of the gospel is made known to the biological families and to all those touched by foster care and adoption. For more information about foster care and adoption and how your church can get involved in support ministries, please contact Beth Green at (318) 343-2244 or beth@lbch.org. Eleven-Year-Old Blesses Others Tripp Rogers is an 11-year-old at West Ridge Middle School in West Monroe. Before Christmas, he approached his mom, Ashley, about wanting to bless others as he has been blessed at Christmas. Tripp decided to reach out to friends and family and hold a toy drive to benefit the boys and girls at the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home. He named his toy drive “Operation C.F.A.” (Christmas For All) because he said “no child should be left out during the Christmas holidays.” Over a three-week period, he collected toys and other needed items for the children of LBCH. Items ranged from small toys and games to bicycles. Bath and body items were also collected. Once all the items were gathered, Tripp and his mom wrapped the almost 300 items and delivered them to the Home. Tripp wants to make Operation C.F. A. an annual event to benefit the children of LBCH. He is already talking about how to reach out to more people to make next year’s toy drive bigger and better! Thank you Tripp for sharing your blessings with others. You are an inspiration! Tripp Rogers pictured with toys he collected for LBCH. A LIFE IS SAVED! January 2014 A young woman was at a health clinic when a friend encouraged her to go to the Mobile Pregnancy Care Center (MPCC) to have a pregnancy test. The woman told our MPCC staff member that she had two older children and was determined not to have another one. In addition, she was being pressured by others to have an abortion. It seemed as if she had no problem with the idea of an abortion. What she may or may not have known was that prayers were going up for her, her unborn child and the MPCC staff. The MPCC counselor on site that day had gone through an abortion herself before she became a Christian and was there to share her story. The counselor talked with her and she was given a free ultrasound. As the woman prepared to leave she said little, but the staff noted that something about her seemed different. When they reviewed her written comments on her exit form after she left, they found where she had written that she had decided to have the baby and place it for adoption. Praise God! A life is saved! Life March 2014 Spreads Pro-Life Message 2014 MISSION TRIPS SCHEDULED • Guatemala • Serving Children in a Malnutrition Center in San Juan Saturday, June 7, 2014 to Friday, June 3, 2014 Application Deadline: Feb. 3, 2014 • Nicaragua • Serving Needy Children in Diriamba Saturday, Sept. 13, 2014 to Friday, Sept. 19, 2014 • Haiti • Serving Needy Children in Croix-des-Bouquet Saturday, Oct. 18, 2014 to Friday, Oct. 24, 2014 Our mission is to serve poor and needy children in strategic areas around the world. You do not need to have any special skills in order to be part of a mission team. You only need a heart for children. Please prayerfully consider being a missionary for one week to children who desperately need to know the love and care of Christ. TAKE THE NEXT STEP... Contact Beth Green at 318.343.2244 or beth@lbch.org The Mobile Pregnancy Care Center (MPCC) of LBCH was busy in January at the 2014 Life Marches held in Baton Rouge on January 18 and in Shreveport on January 25. Thousands of Louisiana residents gathered in a collective effort to advocate for life. Staff of the Mobile Pregnancy Care Center had the opportunity to visit with many participants and share ideas on how to help protect the unborn and assist women in our state. We would love to bring the MPCC to your community. For more information on how you might partner with us to help save lives, please call 1-800-859-0046. Orphans EMBRACE Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home & Family Ministries Wonderful Christmas Memories From H m Home...Thank You Friends of Children! Thank You for Helping Us “Answer God's Call to Care”! Dr. Kathy Eichelberger, Director, Granberry Counseling Centers MONROE • BATON ROUGE COVINGTON • LEESVILLE • MINDEN OAKDALE • PINEVILLE • RUSTON SHREVEPORT • WINNSBORO GRANBERRY COUNSELING CENTERS Answering God’s Call to Care 318.345.8200 • 1.877.345.7411 www.granberrycounseling.org MEMORIAL & HONOR GIFTS Every January and July, all of our Granberry counselors get together for a time of training and fellowship. The January meeting is held at Tall Timbers in Alexandria (we almost got snowed in this year!). The July meeting is held at our main office on the Children's Home campus in Monroe. These meetings have become a real joy for me as I get to spend quality time with our incredible counselors and administrative team. All of our Granberry staff sense God's call to serve in this life-changing ministry and to answer His call to care. Our counselors are committed Christians who ask God to use their knowledge and skills to help those who come to them for counseling. Last year our Granberry staff provided professional Christian counseling for 2,582 individuals at 11 different centers across our state. Through our Minister Care program, a partnership with the Louisiana Baptist Convention Pastoral Leadership Team, Granberry provided counseling for 84 Louisiana Baptist ministers and their family members. What a joy to know that our Wonderful Counselor is at work in and through our lives to express His truth, love, grace, and hope to those who come to us for help! I am grateful for the vision and generosity of Ray and Mary Anna Granberry who helped to establish Granberry Counseling Centers in 1996. I am also thankful for the many friends of our Children's Home who faithfully support our mission of providing love, care, and hope in Christ to children and families in need. Please contact us if we can serve you or your family or your church in any way. We have centers in Monroe, Baton Rouge, Covington, Leesville, Minden, Oakdale, Pineville, Ruston, Shreveport, and Winnsboro. Our toll free number is 1-877-3457411 or you may visit our website at www.granberrycounseling.org. From all of our Granberry counselors and staff, thank you for helping us answer God's call to care! Honors: 12/10/13-1/15/14 Honor gifts are received in thoughtful tribute to honor a relative, friend or loved one. Names of honored persons are printed in all caps followed by the names of those making the honor gifts. MRS. HERSCHEL ADCOCK Joel & Katherine Smith COLLIN, CAMERON & ALEXIS ALLEN Nancy Allen M&M ALEX BOTI Bob & Vicki Lyons M&M ROGER BOYETTE Bob & Vicki Lyons NANCY BOYLES Alan & Kelley Mitchell M&M STEVE CATING Bob & Vicki Lyons DR. & MRS. CREIGHTON CHANDLER Kathy & Don Britt THE CHILDREN OF LOUISIANA BAPTIST CHILDREN'S HOME Ola & Lola Peterson ALBERT CLIFTON Denise C. Delphen NORMA COLLINS David & Shonda Kinnison CYPRESS BAPTIST CHURCH MEMBERS Steve & Charlotte Owens CAROLYN DONALD Sam Donald LOREE & THOMAS ELKINS Anna Ray M&M QUINTON L. ERICKSON & FAMILY Philip H. Kitchens RACHEL & RICKY EVANS Barbara Rogers SALLY FREY Laura Clark & Betty Hicks ROBERT & BARBARA GARLAND M&M Lynn Beaty GINGER GASKIN Jennie & George Gaskin MARY R. HARPER Jill Heard DR. ASHLEY MARTIN HIRSCH Debbie Hughes Martin SHERRIE S. HOLLAND, JIM SLACK, JR., JOEL SLACK & JONATHAN SLACK M&M James B. Slack, Sr. JERLINE JORDAN Cynthia J. Shields GRAYDON & ROBERTA KITCHENS Philip H. Kitchens PAUL E. KITCHENS Philip H. Kitchens AVERY MARSALIS Rodger & Donna Bryan MADDOX MARSALIS Rodger & Donna Bryan M&M LARRY MERRITT Paul & Cheryl Kitchens M&M DONALD MOSELEY Bob & Vicki Lyons CAROL PEVEHOUSE Mark, Laura & Anna Thomas M&M RANDY PIERCE & SAYLE Rick & Miranda Pierce ROBERT & SHIRLEY PORTER Suzanne P. Sharpe DENISE MORGAN REAGAN & BOYS Gail Hanchey Bearden DUTCH RUSSELL Rodger & Donna Bryan M&M REGGY SAXON Bob & Vicki Lyons CARRIE STOGNER Mike & Sue Stogner MILTON WELLS Terry E. Wells ESTHER & LEON WHITE Harriett Dietz Enclosed is $ ________________, a gift in honor or memory of: (circle one) __________________________________________________________________________________________ Please notify ____________________________________________________________________________ (Honoree/relative) __________________________________________________________________________________________ (Address) __________________________________________________________________________________________ (City) (State) (Zip) Given by __________________________________________________________________ (Donor’s name) __________________________________________________________________________________________ (Address) __________________________________________________________________________________________ (City) (State) Credit Card Number and Type: Visa MC AmX Discover (Zip) (Email) Expiration Date:___________ Code:______ Cardholder Signature:________________________________________________________ Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home P.O. Box 4196 Monroe, Louisiana 71211 318/343-2244 Highlights from Congratulations Hope! By Susan C. Clark, Director We hit the bricks running already this New Year…..good things happening in the lives of our moms and children for 2014!!!! I believe tennis shoes are required to keep up the pace. We began by having a half day workshop the second Saturday of January which will continue, meeting through March twice a month. Those attending the workshops are women from HomePlace, Christian Women's Job Corp, the LBCH Staff and community. We have close to forty women in attendance for the RAM Training which stands for Relationship Attachment Model. Dr. Dianne Phillips, a highly certified and godly educator, counselor and nurse has volunteered her wisdom, time and expertise in training those in attendance. Our Lord tells us in Hosea 4:6a, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” HomePlace has eight women enrolled in Christian Women's Job Corp for the spring semester. Classes kicked off January 7. Our women will not only be involved with class work, but they will hear a speaker from our community each week who will also bring knowledge in their field of expertise. What a blessing to have such valuable volunteers who contribute to the success of CWJC and HomePlace! Beginning in February, the Yee Family will be on campus bringing Bible Study and family worship time with our HomePlace moms and children. They will be meeting one Sunday afternoon a month incorporating various activities to strengthen the family unit. As you can tell, our focus for 2014 is WISDOM. "He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure" (Isaiah 33:6). I am so grateful for the Word of God and the Spirit of God who leads us into all truth. We are asking for wisdom as we go forth in this year and as James reminds us that when we ask for wisdom, our Lord will give it to us liberally. I want to thank each one of you who made Christmas a joyous time for the families in HomePlace. Your generosity never goes unnoticed. Your prayers are always needed in order for HomePlace to be in alignment with God’s purposes and plans for each family represented in this life-changing ministry. Congratulations to LBCH resident, Hope, for her 4-H Ag Photography Contest Wins! Hope received two First Place awards and one Second Place award for her work! SPRING TOURS! Schedule your spring tour of the Children’s Home Campus today. Above: Grace Cottage residents Patience and her mom, Pha’Quira. Above: Christian Women Job Corps participants with guest speaker, Kathy Lenard (front center). Right: Laila, a resident of Peace Cottage strikes a pose for the camera! Contact Marc at marc@lbch.org or (318) 343-2244 or book online at www.lbch.org memorials • 12/10/13-1/15/14 Memorial gifts are received by the Children’s Home in thoughtful tribute to the memory of a relative, friend or loved one. Names of deceased persons are printed in all caps followed by the names of those making gifts to the Home in their memory. CARLETTE ABSHIRE Vernon & Barbara Flemister CHESTER ACHORD, JR. Baker & Jackie Boyd ERNEST ADAMS John & Brenda Parsons Sandy & Boyd Parker HEATHER ADAMS Kaaren Pantaleo VADIE ADAMS Lindy A. Stover IONA MAE ADEN D/M John M. Brooks ROBERT E. AKIN, JR. Carolyn Akin CHARLES & WILLA ALBRIGHT Gary & Cindy Albright BOBBY ALBRITTON Betty N. Albritton GRADY ALDRIDGE Ladies 3 Cl, Highland BC Loye B. Love MILDRED ALFORD Tillman & Jill Stogner BETTY ZANE WELLS ALLEN Terry E. Wells JOHN EARL ALLEN, SR. Patsy S. Allen M&M J. C. ANDERSON, SR. M&M Jack C. Anderson VICKIE A. ANTLEY Jerry Antley & Family BRAD ARMINTOR Jan & Thomas Miller DEBBIE & DARREN ARMISTEAD Sidney Armistead MARTHA ARRINGTON Tom, Luci, Ruth, & Elise Whorton NILE ARRINGTON Cathy O'Keefe ELIZABETH ASHLEY Ruby & Thomas Hankins EDDIE AUSTIN, SR. Terrell D. Fowler ZOE E. BABER M&M J. C. Knight JOHNNIE ALEXANDER BABIN Bob & Vicki Lyons SAM & RUTH BACKUS Ronald C. & Diane Anderson BROOK BAILEY Ruby Jane Bailey WALTER BAILEY Johnny & Liz McDonald BETSY BAIRD Bob & Doris Meredith MILLIE BALL Jerry L. Ball AARON BALLARD Ruby & Thomas Hankins NELDA LYNN NALLY BALLARD Preston W. Ballard RAMSEY BALLARD Nancy Ballard & Family LOLA B. BANKSTON M&M Jimmy L. Sanders M&M FRANK BARDIN W. Hugh Nelson BOYD BARKER Virginia Haygood CATHEREANE BARKER CLIFFORD VIVIAN BARKER JAMES C. BARKER TOMMY PAUL BARKER Gloria Bush DR. DAVID N. BARKER Larry & Cecille Bradley Billy & Vicki Husted Cooper Buick GMC/ Larry & Julie Cooper C. B. BARLOW T. B. Gilbert Masonic Lodge #423 ELOISE BARNHILL Butch & Susan Mason MIKE BARNIDGE Jim & Judi Hardegree JEAN BARRON M&M Charles W. Taunton TERESA BARTON Jimmy & Melba Dulaney ROSE BATES Mission Point BC, Stonewall THOMAS E. BATTERTON M&M Charles H. Whitney JONATHAN BEATTY Bob & Vicki Lyons REV. HARDY BEAUBEOUF Jackie & Raymond Rouse LaDelle & Sue Sandifer M&M CARL BECKERDITE Cheryl Beckerdite ORVILLE GENE BELL M&M Kenneth Cruse DOROTHY W. BERGERON Leon J. Bergeron BONNIE BERLINGER Calvary BC, Slidell NELLY BERNARD Dale Bernard BOBBIE BISHOP M&M Paul E. Kitchens Mike & Laura Woodard HARLON BLACKMON Jerrie & Dennis Choate MERLE BLACKSHEAR H. Earl Blackshear JOHN C. BLAKE Bubba & Reba Buckelew A. W. (COOPER) BLANCHARD Ben & Anita Welch LOUIS LEE ROY BLANCHARD Louis F. Blanchard THE BLANKENSHIP FAMILY Terry E. Wells KELLY BOIES Guy & Betty Parker ROSCOE BOLTON M&M Charles B. Bice BARRY KENT BOND Lucille Bond Brian A. Bond ANNIE LAURIE BOOTH Brian & Vickie Booth D/M J. E. BOOTH Brian & Vickie Booth PATRICIA BOOTHE Vikki Brewer PAM BORSKEY RUTH BORSKEY George M. Borskey, Sr. M&M J. W. BOWMAN Charles & Ruby Bowman STANLEY BOYD Johnathan & Erin Coon KAITLIN BOYETT Dewain Caskey & Family Larry & Suzette Dearman EMILY FLUCHT BRADFORD Imogene & Bill Murphy MARY ANN SHAW BRADFORD Mickey WalkerMickey A. Walker Insurance Agency Paul & Amy Easley Janice DeBroeck BILL BRANAM Terry Wayne Wright MIKE BRANCH Mary & Bud Swayze ERNESTINE BRANTLY M&M Robert J. Norris FAYE BRASELTON Vonceil H. Lank OLNEY FAYE BRASELTON Charles E. Mitchell Dale & Ann Cathcart BRENDA J. & KELLI LEIGH BRAXTON James N. Braxton INEZ BREWTON Vernon & Sondra Coleman LEROY BRIDGES Charles & Marie Farmer LEON BRINKLEY Paul & Cheryl Kitchens Lavinia Walker & Sons Virginia S. Bush Georgia J. Veitch BOBBY BRISTER Sherry & Harvey Scroggs FRANCES JEAN BRISTER WALTER BRISTER, JR. Betty T. Farr TY BRITT M&M Roy McManus M&M Kenneth Bridges R/M PAUL BROOKS Jeannine & Craig Brooks SIBYL WURSTER BROOKS D/M John M. Brooks JOEL BROOKSIE & VIVIAN SLACK M&M James B. Slack, Sr. GEORGIA BROWDER Brenda Giddens AUDIE BROWN Barbara Edwards MALCOM BROWN Tom & Gayle Singletary LOUIS RUSSELL BRUHL Charles & Betsy Epstein A.C. & TODDY BRUMFIELD Kerry T. Roybal RANDELL BRUMLEY Carolyn Brumley JIM BRYANT Martha Bryant M&M JULIUS BUHLER Cheryl McMichael BUEL BULLOCH Jerry & Betty Bulloch LINDA B. BURCH Michael Shane Miller ROY BURGESS, JR. Chuck & Shannon Boyer Edith B. Deal Duane & Roma Bowen SUSAN DENISE WOODARD BURKE Melba Love Michael W. & Judilyn S. Wise E. L. BURNS Donna Kay Buie TROY BURRIS Jim & Gale Corley Jan & Thomas Miller CHARLES BURT Dot Eaton EVA BURT RAYMOND BURT, JR. RAYMOND BURT, SR. Dot Eaton BETHA LEE BUSH ROY W. BUSH SHERMAN EDWARD BUSH WILSON B. BUSH Gloria Bush MABLE BUTCHER Ted & Amy Kincannon KAITLIN ANN BYLES Pamela Pickett Johnson OTTIS BYRD Babs Winburn RUTH BOLTON CALDWELL Pat Smith SYBIL CALHOUN Sharlis C. Underwood KATHRYN CAMPBELL Celebrations Life Group, FBC ZACH CAMPBELL Jerome & Nancy Vascocu M&M SAM CANERDAY Benny Canerday RICHARD CAREY Carl & Diane Thompson RICHARD DREW CAREY Charles & Rolene Camp J. C. & CONNY CARR M&M John Duco, Jr. EARL & ELLA MAE CARROLL Mark Carroll JESSE CARROLL Thomas & Loree Elkins SUE CARROLL Nancy Corkern Tillman & Jill Stogner JIMMIE CARSON M&M Guy E. Snelling, Sr. Geraldine Desadier Ron & Leta Brown Alton Townsend DR. DEAN CASON Tommy & Betty Hollingsworth M&M GERHARD CASSELMANN Loye B. Love & Family PAT CAUDILL Eva Lois Mashon ULA CAVINS Delayne Lewis VIRGINIA CHADICK David & Lenae Scott RON CHANEY M&M Kelly McRight CHLOE Bob Bush JEAN CHRISTIAN M&M Richard K. Moore LaVerne P. Knotts Caressa Walker Linda & John Spain MILTON & WILMA CLANTON Johnny & Beverly Carroll WILLIAM C. CLARK Mary F. Clark TIMOTHY LOUIS CLAY D/M Roy G. Clay, Jr. GWEN CLIFTON Denise C. Delphen DONALD S. COATES Margaret Coates DAPHNE JONES COCHRAN Tommy & Becky Jones AUDREY COCO Rose Snyder YVONNE COE Emile & Elizabeth Wagner CHRISTY CAROLINE COLVIN Cal & Joyce Colvin MAX COLVIN M&M David R. Doyal FORREST M. CONLEY, SR. M&M Charles Bath John & Jean Brock Evelyn M. Roberts Imogene & Bill Murphy Prime Strategies, Inc. Thomas P. Richards ELMER RAY CONNER Dino & Casandra Girola J.W. (BUBBA) COOK Charles E. Mitchell LOVIE & LEE COOK Carolyn C. Lash TROY COOK Reggie & Delayne Lewis Lt. Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Hugh R. Hunton Don & Brenda Wilson M&M B. A. Kendrick Janice DeBroeck Norma Heins Mickey A. Walker Insurance BILLIE COOPER Clark F. Freeman WILLIAM CLAYTON COOPER, SR. M&M Howard Evans COOTS FAMILY Lori J. Girvin MATTIE VIRGINIA (JENNIE) CORBIN M&M J. H. Caraway DR. JAMES COSSE Vernon & Sondra Coleman ANGELO COSTA Carol Raley JOHN COVELLO Yolanda Cirelli LELA (JACK) COVINGTON Joe B. Covington EUGENE COWDIN, SR. Nora Connell L.C. COX, JR. Martha Cox Elzen ORVILLE (O.D.) COX Henry, Kathleen & Doris Thorpe Alan & Marcia Lee Kay Miller Jeannine S. Miller Georgia J. Veitch Mike & Laura Woodard Lavinia Walker M&M Tom Wilson & Family & M&M Braxton Cooper and Clint Craton Cooper Lib Edwards Betty Gentry M&M Paul E. Kitchens Libbey Watkins Virginia Kirkikis RICHARD F. COX Lon & Mary Bass Jeff, Susan, Gabrielle, & Stephen Cox John & Liz Hood Philip & Renee Cox Lib Edwards Imogene & Bill Murphy M&M Ronald Perritt Fred H. & Jane B. Plitt JOYCE NELSON COYLE Edward D. Dark Don & Brenda Wilson Hunt Forest Products, Inc. JO C. CRAWFORD Mr. Charles H. Crawford SHIRLEY CROSBY Ponder & Carol McInnis Bob & Doris Meredith FRANCES CROWELL Faith Keepers Cl GLADYS CRUSE Kenneth & Margie Cruse STEPHEN CRUSE Paul & Melissa Cater Kenneth & Connie Cruse JEWELL CULPEPPER Elizabeth Culpepper Jordan MYRNA CUMMINS Keith & Fran Johnson BOBBYE CURRINGTON Central BC, Wisner JENNY CURTIS Dot Eaton DAVID DANIEL Sarah G. Gingles DENNIS DANIEL Jo Ann Hammett CHIC DARNELL Kathy Darnell MRS. LAVINIA SHEALY DAVID Bert David ALLEN DAVIS Jack Davis CHARLES DAVIS JR. (SKEETER) Clarice Madden FRANK DAVIS M&M Anthony J. Pendola NELLIE SUE DAVIS Paul & Jane Riggs & Family STEPHANIE DAY William L. Patterson Jimmy & Sharon Miller Alan & Marcia Lee Kathy & David Werntz David & Lenae Scott WINIFRED & VIVIAN DAY Win & Beverly Day JEANNETTE DEACON Wayne Deacon JASON DEAL Hazel DeWitt & Edith & Bobby Sandoz M&M Al Loomis & Family C. Daniel Street NEAL ALLEN DEFOREST, SR. Troy & Jackye Davis VELMA DELANCEY M&M Steve Whitlock PATRICE DELCAMBRE Courtney & Bob Curry Dr. Charles R. McDonald JAMES DENMON Rene & Dottye Ellis CHARLOTTIE DENT Mrs. Doyle R. Hamilton Betty T. Farr Ford Pipes, Jr. Nellen & Bryant Brunson Tom & Glenda Willis Gay Gordon Danny & Marilyn Lohman Freudendorf Sisters - Mary Ann Kramer, Carol Giusto, & Edie Smith Joy McElroy Minette Saber Edward J. Seymour, JR Jan & Nelson Warner MRS. WILLIAM E. DENT M&M Spencer McLaughlin JESSE L. DENTON Virginia Denton CHESTER DERR John (Bo) D. Walker, Jr. M&M Mack V. Martin KATHY DEVALL Bob & Vicki Lyons JERRY LEE DEVILLE, SR. Ted B. Cobb, Jr. MARTHA ANN DICKENS Jane White KENNETH WAYNE DICKERSON, SR. Dan M. Horn & Family, Dana, Tony & Joseph Trujillo CRYEL & CARMIE DICKSON George & Sue Rogers MARIANNE DILLAHUNTY Viola Shepherd RODDY DILLION Melba Love JEAN DIXON M&M Keith Bonin Mrs. Doyle R. Hamilton Billy & Vicki Husted ANN DOGETTE Gay M. Barnett MICHAEL HOUSTON DONOHOE Neva Erskins ROGER DOODY Harmony Cl REV. FRED DOOLITTLE Ben & Marlene Creasy Fred & Gaynell Rosteet Donald O. & Laura Robbins Mrs. James Hixson MARION GAYLE DORROH Sue Dorroh RUTH DOSHER Paul & Jane Riggs & Family M&M WILBURN DOUGHERTY Verl Blankenship JAMIE FAITH DOUGLAS Mike & Beverly Stone & Edna Douglas KYLE DOUGLAS Mike & Beverly Stone & Edna Douglas MRS. D.A. DOWIES Linda Dowies LESLIE (LES) DOWNEY Terrell D. Fowler MSGT. ROGER W. DOYON, (RET.) M&M Charles H. Whitney HERMIONE DRISKELL Lem & Mary Jane McCoy DORIS DRUETTA Kenneth & Margie Cruse JOHN & MYRA DUCO M&M John Duco, Jr. NELL THOMAS DUNCAN Robert Thomas, Jr. NOBLE FRED DUNHAM Dr. Tyrone Tucker ERON NELSON DUNN W. Hugh Nelson M&M HERMON DUNN Mildred Bradford STEPHEN DUPUY M&M Stanley D. Dupuy RUBY G. DURASO Sandra LaCour Hudson & Inez J. LaCour CLYDE GEORGE DURHAM, JR. Sue Champion THOMAS W. DUTSCH Levie Dutsch MORRIS EASLEY JR. Jack & Yvonne Anderson MARY REBECCA MORGAN EASTERLING Hunt Forest Products, Inc. RICHARD LANE EDMONDS Petro-Chem Operating Co. Inc. BRYAN EDMONDSON Bob & Mary Nelson CHARLES E. EDWARDS Joe Ann Edwards ELAINE EDWARDS South Winnfield BC JAMES L. EDWARDS Leslie & Joshua Culp W.H. (BILL) EDWARDS Paul & Jane Riggs & Family Jackie & Raymond Rouse DOROTHY EDNA JORDAN (DOT) EGGERS Dr. Earl M. Eggers GABRIELLA EISWORTH Faith Cl M&M W. H. ELDRIDGE, SR. Doris B. Thomas RUTH ST. AMANT ELISER Penrose C. St. Amant KATHERINE ELLERBE Shirley & Jerry Salley Cooper Buick GMC EMILY ELIZABETH ELLIOTT D/M Robert Stephen Elliott CURT EVANS Becky Smith JAMES EVANS Raymond & Jerry Lynn Liles RUTH FAIR Mary Anne Fair Lightner OPAL FARLEY Anthony Lindsey BOBBYE SUE WELCH FARMER John & Betty Farmer JAMES DOUGLAS FEAZEL Ms. Marcia C. Mounce MARGARET FERGUSON David & Lenae Scott MSGT. LAWRENCE C. FEULNER (RETIRED) Leonora M. Shohan CHARLES (PETE) FITTZ, JR. Bobby Singletary Fae Singer Mrs. F. A. Bozeman SHANNON E. FLENIKEN D/M Roy Fleniken ANN FLOTTE Jeanne Purdy DUTCH FLOYD Baker & Jackie Boyd JAY E. FLYNN Ken & Mildred Kovac LILY & JOHN FOLTMER Sandra H. Escobar THEDA & RAYMOND FONTENOT Jerry Woolman ALBERTA & MACK FORBES John & Sue Ellen Graham JERRY LEE (BROTHER) FORBES Billie Sue Calcote MARIOLA FOSTER Rose & Keith Byram E. D. & Martelle Garris PEARL TYLER FOYIL Margaret Tyler ED FRANCIS Gayle & Sharon Schexnyder Michael & Debbie Boone ROBERT (BOB) FREEMAN, SR. Lavalle B. Salomon Melba Dean LORY M. FREY, JR. Fred & Yvette Frantom GLORIA FUGLAAR David & Lenae Scott J. A. (JACKIE) FUGLER M&M Aubry S. Jackson, Sr. REV. BILL FULLER Jim & Charlene Fleming JESSIE WELLS FURR M&M William J. Furr EVERETT V. FUSSELL Ruby D. Fussell NEIL FUSSELL, JR. KRC Custom Manufacturing, Inc. ED & MARGARET GALLMEISTER Brenda Greer Jennings GALLOWAY FAMILY The Galloway Family RICHARD HOWELL (DICK) Andy & Anna Payne STACEY LEIGH GARDNER Martha Jordan Neva Erskins HOLLIS & INITA GATLIN Rose M. Roberts MARY LEE GAUTHIER Buster & Brenda Gibson FRANCIS JAMES GENUSA, JR. Cooper Buick GMC/ Larry & Julie Cooper LYLE & JANET W. GILDERMASTER Gail G. Starkey ROBERT M. GILL M&M Harold R. Riggin FLORENCE & RAY GIVENS Mary Lynn & Carey Jackson GARY GIVENS Cooper Buick GMC O. B. GLISAN Mary Glisan GREGG GLOVER M&M Johnny W. Glover L. C. GLOVER, SR. Larry Glover LAURA HUGGS GOLDEN John Cowen NELL K. GOLSON Tommy & Patsy Golson JAMES GOSS Ms. Georgia J. Veitch BRAD GOVREAU Virginia Haygood JERRY GOZA Eva Lois Mashon THE GRAHAMS James Purgerson RUBY ZITO GRAHAM Donald & Patricia Schexnayder M&M RAYMOND GRANBERRY Shelley & Steve Morell ANN GREEN Tommy & Debbie Weatherly DONNA GREEN Catherine Self GEORGE & KATHLEEN GREEN Dewayne & Kathy Bryant Dr. Georgia A. Green DR. JOE L. GREEN Rives B. Lowrey MELVIN GREEN Wish I Could of NE LA, Inc. Tommy & Debbie Weatherly NELL GILBERT GREEN Rodger & Donna Bryan ALBERT NELSON GREENE M&M Albert S. Greene, Jr. WILLIE (PEGGY) GREENE Tammie C. Rockett FRANCIS POLLARD GRIGSBY D/M John H. Chidlow BARBARA GUILBEAU Gwen B. Armistead LLOYD GUILLORY M&M Charles Crane MILDRED GUILLORY M&M Rollin M. Ellis HAROLD W. GUY Terry & Jo Ellen Johnson PHILLIP HALEY, SR. Billy & Sharon Maples; Michael Maples & Hollye Maples A.C. Dominick Family ELMER P. HALL Elizabeth Barbin IMA F. HALL Elizabeth Barbin JOE ALLEN HALL Elizabeth Jeans Cleo Pratt Family KEN HAM Buck & Jane Ellen Jones DR. DOYLE R. HAMILTON, JR. Dr. Sol I. Courtman ORLANDO NICK HAMILTON, JR. Pete & Sally Collins LAVELLE HAMMETT D/M Johnny Sanders ALICE HANCE Kayla & Billy Hance IRVIN W. HANKS Betty G. Hanks MARIE D. HANLEY M&M Donald Hanley CLAY HARBISON Gerald & Lisa McCain CRAIG HARDY WK Hyperbaric & Wound Care DERRICK HARPER Karen & Terrie Little RAYMOND EUGENE HARPER Jill Heard KENNETH RAY HARRELL Helen Newsom FLOYD & RUBY HARRINGTON Mrs. William E. Maley R.E. & DOROTHY HARRIS Curtis & Carolyn Guillotte M&M RANO J. HARRIS, SR. M&M Rano J. Harris, Jr. SONNY HARRIS Betty Rockett DERELL WAYNE HARRISON Larry & Cecille Bradley Pete & Sally Collins ROBERT HATHAWAY, SR. Truman & Dorene Poole CLAUDIA HATHORN David & Lenae Scott SANDRA HAWKINS Ike F. Hawkins, Jr. FRANK & JUANITA HAYDUK Sandra H. Escobar MADELYN NEWMAN HAYNES Lenda Jo Connell Dallas Haynes BETTY HAZLIT Brooks & Karen Watson THOMAS D. (TOM) HEAD Pete & Sally Collins Kathryn Ward & Family Cal & Joyce Colvin BETTY JANE BAUDIN HEARD Winston L. D'Armond JESSIE M. HEARD Ken & Jane Conrad JESSIE MAE & WILLIE F. HEARD Ken & Jane Conrad M&M ELZA HEBERT Jackie Hebert LORELLE SEAL HEBERT James Prescott Jr. JERRY LEE HENDERSON Bethany BC Susan & Steve Whitelaw Cliff & Ona Faye Wishum Bobby & Linda Tilley Bill & Martha Foy NORMA COLVIN HENDRIX Mr. Ralph J. Hendrix TODD HENDRIX Ralph J. Hendrix HANNAH GRACE HESS Johnny & Liz McDonald ELLIS HESTER Gloria & Lowery Herrington HAROLD LAWRENCE HICKEY Jay Edwards JIM HICKEY Mamie Majoria ANNABELL HIGGINBOTHAM Renda T. Fontenot ELMA HILL Russell Hill MARILYN C. HILL Patsy L. Fox Dr. Charles R. McDonald MILDRED HILL Trey, Salley & Erin Hamilton, Faye Hester, & Charlotte Wasmund SARAH DESOTO REED HINSON Dixie Tucker Gail G. Starkey ELBERT HODGE, JR. Jim & Charlene Fleming ROBERT HODGE Charles & Irma Andrus DOLORES HODGES M&M Thomas A. Blankenship W. C. (BILL) HOLCOMB M&M Roy McManus JOHN HOLEMAN Walter E. Dorroh, Jr. ROWLAND & LUCILLE HOLLEY Michael Holley RONALD (RONNIE) HOLLOWAY Frank & Joan Hickman CHARLES HOLMAN Doug & Lisa McGehee JOYE HOLSTEAD Dr. Doyle Holstead ALISON HONEYCUTT Denny & Donna Efferson ROBERT HOSEA Rosemary Hosea BUCK HUBBARD Billie Hubbard SHEILA HUDOLIN Charlotte Hamilton JIM HUFF JR. Patsy & Jim Huff, Sr. A. L. (BUD) HUGGINS Warren D. Huggins VIVIAN LOYD HUGGINS Doug & Linda Fisher DARRIN HULL James & Barbara Hull JEWEL HUNTER Lavinia Walker Sherry Naquin JOE HUNTER Carl & Diane Thompson LES HUNTER Dr. R. Dale Thomas W. L. HUSTED, JR. Susie Husted & Family CHESTER (C.A.) & JAUANITA HYDE Dr. Barbara Hyde LEO HYDE, SR. M&M Leo Hyde, Jr. REGINA T. HYDE Beverly Flynt C. E. & ILDA JACKSON Mary Lynn & Carey Jackson MARVIN & ZULEMA JACKSON Charles O. Jackson M&M CARL JAMES Terry E. Wells FRANCES JAMES Brooks & Karen Watson Hazel DeWitt & Edith & Bobby Sandoz MARIANNE JAMES Carney J. Midkiff C. W. JARRELL Harry & Merle Willis W. L. (JEFF) JEFFRIES, JR. Jean Davison SARAH & BOB JENKINS Ruby & Thomas Hankins SHIRLEY JENKINS Jon & Diane Ruff VIOLA STOCKTON JENNINGS Marie B. Jennings KATIE HINTON JIMMERSON M&M Paul E. Kitchens Mike & Laura Woodard Mrs. Delmar R. Thompson, M&M Marshall Jones, Drs. David & Melissa Thompson, & M&M Billy Thompson BONNIE JOHNSON Polly J. Broussard SSGT. EMERY E. JOHNSON Donald W. Johnson LARRY ALLEN JOHNSON Henry LaCour Sr. Family M&M SIDNEY L. JOHNSON M&M Lindsey R. Johnson FRED & ANELLE JONES Bob & Sherryl Tucker JAMES GRADY JONES Joy S. Jones MARY H. & ROY JONES Glynis Butler MIKE JONES M&M Harold Gamburg JOHN WESLEY JORDAN Cynthia J. Shields ELOISE HUTCHINSON KEES M&M William O. Humphreys MARTHA KEITH M&M Robert L. Dodd LAURA BOOTH KELLY Brian & Vickie Booth DELTON KEYES Hazel DeWitt & Edith & Bobby Sandoz FRANK BILL KIDD Loye B. Love & Family CLAYTON KIERBOW Boyd Parker (Shreveport Rubber & Gasket) BUDDY KING Ruby & Thomas Hankins GERTRUDE KING Donna Stephens HOWARD L. KING, JR. Dr. Joe M. King Bill & Gail King M&M GEORGE KIRCHNER M&M Algene H. Vance BRADLEY KNIGHT Harlin Knight LAUREN KOUNS Lorraine Y. LeSage ROBERT LACKMAN James & Kirita Windham ONEDA A. LALENA Drusilla Nolley Rabb FRED J. LANDRY SR. Bobbye Keyes TODD PAUL LANDRY Latanache BC, Batchelor ANTHONY (TONY) LASUZZO, SR. Hazel Tyler MAROLYN TYLER LASUZZO D/M Eddie Hamby Kathlean Cathey John Cowen M&M Paul E. Kitchens Virginia Kirkikis Lavinia Walker MONICA LATHAM Richelle Latham KATHERINE LAUNIUS Penny DiRago JOHN LAW M&M Joe R. Salter RENA LAWRENCE June E. Lawrence POPPY LAWSON Anthony & Shawn Pleasant STEVE LAWSON Beth Lawson HARRY DONALD LEA Tommie H. Lea JACK LEBARON Peggy Bourgeois EDNA LEDOUX W. Hugh Nelson DAVID A. LEE Mona Natemeyer EVELYN LEE Faye H. Wilhelm ORA LEE Emma Jo Rogers DOROTHY LEGUIN Corlis & Nellie Henry CHRISTINA RENE LEWING Reece L. Lewing DAVID LEWIS Terrell D. Fowler SUSAN L. LEWIS Linda Moran GWYNN LIGON Bill Ligon CHRISTINE LINSON Tom & Gayle Singletary Joyce Walker & Family C.P. LISENBEA & DOROTHY ROUSE LISENBEA Andrea & Mack Martin REAGAN LITTLE David & Lenae Scott WILLIE D. & THELMA LOFTON John & Nettie Lofton CHARLES W. LOONEY, JR. Tony & Connie Cassels BOBBY LOTT Lisa McCain DONNA LOTT Lonnie & Sharon Ford SAM & WINNIE LOTT M&M Sam Lott, Jr. STRATTON LOVE Ann Segura Jim & Charlene Fleming GLENDA KAY LOWERY Rives B. Lowrey BERTHA (TINY) LUTFY Doris Tyler CLARENCE (PETE) LYLES Darren Guin BETTY MAGEE CLARA B. MAGEE Elmore MaGee, Jr. JOHNNY MAJORIA Hazel Hickey HENRY ARVIL MALONE M&M Fred Frantom PAM SHOWS MANLEY Bobbie Shows JAMES M. MAPLES, SR. Randy & Sharon Ponder KAY MARTER Floyd Hood Family AMBER MARTIN Irene Martin M&M ELLIS MARTIN Susan Martin Potter ELLIS SPENCER MARTIN Lee & Carole Baxter Zack & Mary Nell Woodard Frank R. & Patricia Bolton Charles Prince LARRY MARTIN M&M David L. Deal TABOR MARTIN Don & Theresa Cupit VAN MARTIN & BESSIE MCCARTY MARTIN Andrea & Mack Martin PAUL MARX Dr. R. Dale Thomas MARY NORTON'S MOTHER Teddy & Myrna Benson FLORENCE MASON Butch & Susan Mason JANET MATTERN Calvary BC, Slidell WARREN MAY Bonnie A. McLain BOBBY MAZA Cooper Buick GMC/ Larry & Julie Cooper BEVERLY MCCAIN Calvary BC, Slidell GEORGIA MCCAIN Danny & Theresa James M&M R. J. MCCALLUM M&M Kelly McRight BILLIE MCCLURE Paul & Jane Riggs & Family LEON L. MCCONATHY, JR. Frank & Teddy Varino & Family BARBARA MCCONNELL Terri McConnell CHARLES & MARY VIRGINIA MCCONNELL David & Lenae Scott JIM MCCONNELL Mike & Donna Basham MARY VIRGINIA MCCONNELL David & Lenae Scott GLORIA DAWN MCCRARY Curtis & Jackie McCrary LADEAN MCDANIEL Joann McDaniel LEEDEEN MCDANIEL Brooks & Karen Watson GENE PHILLIP MCDONALD M&M Jimmy L. Sanders NANCY MCGEE D/M Eddie Hamby HARRY G. MCKAY Gloria Grant Ronnie & Sue Hill Frank & Peggy White Bettie Brunson LILLIAN LEBLANC MCKAY Jim & Pam McKay Betty Hill JOAN MCKEE Opal J. Wimberly James M. Durham M&M ROBERT L. MCKILLIPS, SR. M&M Robert L. McKillips, Jr. AUDREY A. (BUDDY) MCKINNEY Thomas Mack Boyd Dan L. Tolar Baker & Jackie Boyd Marilyn Cooper Loftin OPAL MCKINNEY Howard & Angela McKinney CARL MCLEMORE Horace & Sue Peniston JOSHUA ERIC MCMILLAN Dr. John & June McMillan WILMER LEE MCQEEN Bellwood BC, Provencal M&M STEEN MCRIGHT M&M Kelly McRight REV. ACE J.F. MCVAY Nettie Arceneaux LUCIA MECHE Elizabeth Richardson EARL & BETTY MERCER Gayle Christian RALPH MIDDLETON Rick Middleton & Family HUBERT E. MIDKIFF Darlyne Midkiff EVELYN FRISNER MILBURN Mary B. & John D. Hereford CASEY R. MILLER Roger & Yvonne Miller JERRY MILLER Bob & Vicki Lyons NELDA MILLER Ms. Barbara Wall R/M ALFRED MITCHELL Cheryl Beckerdite BOB & FRANCES MITCHELL James R. & Anne K. Mitchell ERNEST MODE Terry E. Wells FRANCES C. MODISETTE Tom & Jere Richard CHARMAIGNE GAAR MONTGOMERY Jackie & Ric Kracht DR. DAVID G. MOORE Charles H. Klepzig Mrs. James Hixson Ruby Dougherty Davis Ben & Marlene Creasy Craig & Barbara Young Dino & Casandra Girola Michael & Libby Wells E. B. & JEWELL R. MOORE Nelda M. Meeks JASON MOORE Jodi Manuel RALPH MOORE M&M Arthur A. Kees SHELTON (SHEP) MOORE Virginia Cruse TRAVIS MOORE Billie Norris Pratt M&M Thomas Elkins JOE & CHARLOTTE MORELAND Prudy & David Moreland WILLA DEAN MORRIS Bill Morris BAILEY MOUNT Joni Bienvenu DON MYERS Ronnie & Carol Depew M&M J.J. NAGY, JR. Bobbie Shrader DR. RIFAT NAWAS Joseph & Annie Greco M&M Al Loomis & Family BILL & ROSIE WAYNE NEAL Mike & Rose Anna Robertson HELEN HUTCHINSON NEAL M&M William O. Humphreys ALMA & BERNARD NELSON Charles & Renee' McGinty DR. BARDIN NELSON MARIAN NELSON REX NELSON W. R. NELSON W. Hugh Nelson DANNY NEWMAN Kemble K. Kennedy M&M I.A. NIMMO Tom & Diane Lawhon RAY NOBLES M&M Don M. Barron NELDA R. NOLAN Kenneth & Margie Cruse BONNIE NORMAN Sue Douglas Cooper Buick GMC JASPER NORRED Pat & John Bojako Irene Martin S. E. NORRIS Lynn Norris DOUGLAS O'BANNON Ruth Cl, Emmanuel BC KENNETH O'NEAL, JR. Gary & Dewana Richardson DON ODOM Blanche & Wylie Harvey HELEN ODOM Merle Antley MYRTLE OKSENHOLT Mark & Pat Stecklein MILDRED OLDEN Dot Howard & Family JANE OLIVER Brenda & Keith Bonin Billy & Vicki Husted Jean Hamilton M&M PHILIP E. ORR, SR. Billie Sue Orr RICHARD OWEN Adult Women II Cl, Jenkins Mem. REV. DAULTON OWENS Ponder & Carol McInnis GEORGE (RONNIE) OWENS Kirby & Janet Warford, Todd & Susan Warford, Kurt & Amber Warford GEORGE (RONNIE) OWENS Anthony, Shawn, Madison, & Will Pleasant RONNIE OWENS Rita Roark LOUIS & HELEN PARKER John & Nettie Lofton ROBERT PARKS, SR. Prudy & David Moreland HUNTER & ENNA PATTERSON M&M James B. Todd SETH PEARCE D/M Frank Pearce, III HUEY PECANTY Adella Paul & Joyce Irma Tisdale JOHN PEMBERTON Garland Penton HELEN PERDUE David & Lenae Scott MARTHA DEAN PERKINS M&M Elgin L. Caston CLINTON T. W. & SHIRLEY S. PERMENTER I. P. Warren CLARA PERRET Jack & Yvonne Anderson BRIAN PERRY M&M Charles Wilkes MARY FRANCES PARNELL PERRY Billy & Vicki Husted John & Margie Redditt Don & Annette Carroll HAROLD PESNELL M&M Charles H. Whitney ANDREW M. PETERS M&M Mack Smith LAURA ASHLEY BURCKEL PETERSON Bonnie B. Rutherford Linda Dowies JERRY & HELEN PETTISS Mary Lynn & Carey Jackson ARK & CHLOIE PETTITT Bob E. Pettitt, Sr. JUSTIN PETTY Julie Petty GEORGE (DUCK) PHELPS Cooper Buick GMC EDNA S. PHILLIPS Linda LeBlanc JO EVELYN PHILLIPS M&M Lindsey R. Johnson JUDSON PHILLIPS Ann & Lindsey Johnson Jean & R. P. Goulas LYMAN & ELIZABETH PHILLIPS M&M Lyman Phillips M&M T. M. PHILLIPS & MRS. EDNA LEFKOVITS Mrs. Tom F. Phillips L.W. PICKETT Marilyn Pickett Worsley ZILPHA COPES PICKETT Marilyn Pickett Worsley ETTA SUE PINCKARD PITCHFORD Mary Jo & Mike Baker MURLINE B. PONDER Randy & Sharon Ponder D/M WILLARD M. POUNDS, SR. Drs. Jerry & Bayne Pounds JAN POWELL Powell Family MARY LAVERNE PRATT Dr. Hamp S. Pratt GEORGE & HILDA PRESTRIDE, SR. M&M James B. Slack, Sr. DUDE PRESTWOOD M&M Vernon Flemister & M&M Kyle Hairston AUDREY L. PRIMEAUX Martha Jordan MARGIE PROTHRO-COLTON Joy & Timothy McQueary MAMIE PUJOL Frances A. Hopkins ROBERT JAMES (BOB) PUMPELLY Bob & Vicki Lyons LARRY RABB Robert J., Shellie & Samuel Mach LORENE RACHAL Ronald & Rebecca Anderson JULIUS RALEY Nina Raley SARA LOWREY RAMBIN Rives B. Lowrey HUEY PAUL (PETE) RANDALL, SR. Al & Mildred Randall FREDDY RAY RASBURY Willie & Sue Guin New Ebenezer BC, Castor HULON E. RATLIFF Hilda Ratliff BILL RAWLS Ronnie & Sue Hill ELZIE FAITH REAGAN Sonny & Jackie DePrang KATHLEEN REED Taylor & Joyce Brown MICHAEL REEVES Jerry W. Crump VICTOR REEVES M&M Roger Kinnison CLAY RENFROW Curtis & Ellen Edgar TOMMIE HUTCHINSON RETIF M&M William O. Humphreys JIMMY REYNOLDS J.D. & Faye Reynolds JOHN R. RIALS Myrtice Rials WINNA RICH Sandy & Boyd Parker RENEE RICHARD Tom & Jere Richard THERESA RICHARDSON M&M Bobby Miller RUIE JEAN RICHEY Gary & Cindy Albright ROY ROBERT RIDGEWAY M&M Lyman Phillips FAYE OTT RIFKIND Catherine Edmonston TINY & EDITH RINER Briscoe & Tommye Price JOY ERWIN ROAN Guy & George Ann Snelling Ronald & Gail Domingue Nancy Anderson Callie & Wayne Robertson Wood Group PSN - Rockport Mitchell Fralick Cammie, Charles & Patsy Johnson Mark LeMaire Susan Anderson Wood Group PSN (Houma) Annette Fournier Alton Townsend Ron & Leta Brown Frances & Andy Hargis Friends & Co-workers of Wood Group/PSN Comp EARL C. ROARK Gayle Odom TINA ROARK Jeri Sue & Jeff Mitcham & Meredith & Garrett CAREY ROBERTS Rose M. Roberts DON ROBERTS Dondra, Billy, & Sarah Fuller REV. DON ROBERTS Jim & Charlene Fleming Dondra, Billy, & Sarah Fuller ODEAN ROBERTS Thomas & Loree Elkins OTIS ROBERTS Keith Bringol RONALD EARL (RONNIE) ROBERTS Helen Roberts VAY & MARIE ROBERTS John & Linda Bynog M&M PRESTON ROBICHAUX Ben & Anita Welch JACK & CHRISTINE ROBINSON Darrell Robinson SHIRLEY RAY ROBINSON Sarah Robinson DORIS ROCK Micheal Rock JOHNNY ROCK Micheal Rock AETNA ROCKETT Gayle Christian KERI LYNNE ROCKETT Dale & Sylvia Rockett BERT ANTHONY RODRIGUE Della Lois Rodrigue VERNON & JIMMIE ROGERS M&M George W. Rogers MARGARET ROSBOTTOM Pat Smith HELEN ROYBAL JOSEPH ROYBAL Kerry T. Roybal ELMER ROYSTON Gerald & Lisa McCain DAVID RUNDELL Kim Adcox Joanne H. Rundell James R. Rundell AZINE GANTT RUSH Florence O'Neal Joy N. Hudson M&M Glenn Tanner Pat R. Benigno Mike & Carol Costello BILL & AZINE RUSH M&M Arthur A. Kees HELEN RUSHING Jerry L. Ball RONALD (RONNIE) RUSHING Edgar & Melba Shows WEBBER RUSSELL Mildred Barnhill Joe & Barbara Dye MARZELLE B. SALE Courtney & Bob Curry Pete & Paula Reeder Andy & Zelda Loftus GLADYS HALL SALLEY Charles W. Salley NORMAN & GEORGEAN SALTER Richard W. & Debra Hise HELEN HUCKINS SAMPLE (MRS. BARNEY RICKENBACKER) Imogene & Bill Murphy NELL SCALIA Barney & Lauretta Tucker O. J. SCALLAN, JR. Joyce Scallan EDWARD SCHAP Manning Family ORIE SCHMIDT Gerald & Lisa McCain M&M MARTIN SCHOTT Tom & Diane Lawhon MICHAEL PAUL (MIKE) SCHUTZMAN Lendel & Martha Schutzman J. L. & ETHEL (NOOK) SCIVICQUE M&M Charles R. Crowder ODELL SCOTT M&M Lorris W. Bogan WILLIE T. & GOLDIE SENSLEY Judy & Mike Mabry NELDA SHAVER M&M Howard Fish BILL SHEFFIELD Flora W. Bardin JAMES LEO SHELTON Neva Erskins DAVE SHIRLEY Marvin & Linda Marcantel GENERAL DUTCH & BEVERLY SHOFFNER D/M Johnny Sanders BURVON SIKES B. Farel & Sharon K. Sikes CORDELL SINGLETARY Tom & Gayle Singletary BILL & MILLIE SLOCUM Evelyn Fleming SMITH FAMILY Galloway Family AALIYAH SMITH Sylvia Williams DONALD C. SMITH Marjorie E. Smith FRED & ELSIE SMITH Andrew Galloway & Abigail E. Chaffin HERBERT D. SMITH M&M Ronald M. Hess HORACE SMITH Drs. Jerry & Bayne Pounds HUGH ELLIS SMITH M&M Charles B. Bice DR. J.W. SMITH, JR. Cooper Buick GMC/ Larry & Julie Cooper Joseph & Annie Greco LAURA ELISE LEA SMITH Mrs. Tommie H. Lea LAURA ELIZABETH SMITH M&M Stanley E. Smith M&M LUCIAN SMITH M&M Mack Smith REGINALD (REG) SMITH Rose R. Girlinghouse ROBERT T. (BOB) SMITH Ethel Smith ROD & PLUMA SMITH M&M John Duco, Jr. RUBY SMITH Kenny Smith SHELBY SMITH Larry Kilgo WILFORD M. SMITH, NADINE F. SMITH, JAY E. SMITH Betty S. Marx ZADIE MAE SMITH M&M Charles B. Bice BILL SPAIN Teddy & Myrna Benson BEATRICE SPARKMAN Melba Love DANNY SPARKS M&M Johnny Tippy Joe & Jeannet Dewil ELWYN SPARKS Kirby & Janet Warford, Todd & Susan Warford, Kurt & Amber Warford BILLE FAYE SPENCER Gloria Jean Bray VIVIAN SPIER Dr. Edwina Thedford BOYD (B. L.) SPILLERS Carolyn F. Newman ADDIE STAFFORD Douglas & Angie McLain VELMA LEE STAFFORD Kittie Hooks MARGARET & HENRY STAMM Leon A. Stamm HODGE STEPHENSON Reverend & Mrs. Joe Reynolds KERMIT STEWART Charles & Kathy Reitz NELLIE MCCOY STILL William G. Still MARTHA & ED STINSON Andrea E. Stinson MARTHA CAROLYN UPSHAW STINSON John McCants Family M&M R.J. STOKER Al & Barb Farr HOWARD & OMEGA STRAHAN Omega Strahan Leslie BOB & NONA STURGEON Mary Jo McCoy MARC SANDERS & DONNIE SUMMERELL Jim & Charlene Fleming H. C. & HAZEL SUTTON Barry & Denita White RUTH MAE HILTON SVOREN M&M Michael D. Svoren BEN TALBOT Suzanne Kelley DON TALBOT John & Linda Bowman Dot Thrower Liffy Jones Dorothy Bardwell Paul & Betty Patton Jim & Doris Lear Dempsey & Wiline Odom Dan & Jackie Saxon Cane River Campers Dinner Club Dennis & Louise Copple Simon & Joy Shively Pat Bradford SALLY SPEES TALBOT Ernestine Booth Suzanne Kelley DONNA TARVER Paul & Jane Riggs & Family MILBRA L. TATE Bert & Paula Kelly DR. F. JAY TAYLOR Lou K. Taylor JIMMY M. TAYLOR Cassidy Taylor LINDA FAY TAYLOR Marvin Jones, Wayne Johnson, Kevin McClain, Jerry Ray, Everette Payne, & Debbie Jamca MARTHA TAYLOR Jan & Nelson Warner M&M Charles Nyegaard Alan & Becky Englehart Norris & Elise McDivitt NANCY I. TAYLOR Jason S. Taylor PAT TAYLOR Collyn Taylor RONNIE & JOHNNIE TAYLOR Patricia Whisenhunt JOHN & MARGUERITE TERRAL Larry & Renee Whatley MARY SUE TETTLETON & ROBERT L. TETTLETON M&M Kemble K. Kennedy, Jr. JOHANNA LOUISA DEBEER THAXTON M&M Sam W. Smith, Jr. MAUDE THEDFORD Dr. Edwina Thedford GERALD K. THOMAS, SR. Doris B. Thomas JIM & HELEN THOMAS Mary Poplawski PHIL HOWARD THOMAS Judge (Ret) & Mrs. Ted R. Broyles M&M WILLIAM W. THOMAS, JR. Doris B. Thomas GWEN THOMPSON Will Thompson JAMES & LUCILLE THOMPSON Johnny & Beverly Carroll JAMES W. THOMPSON JR. Adella Paul & Joyce MOLLY KELLY THOMPSON Benton High School Gene & Melanie King Rett & Claire Porter DR. RONALD H. THOMPSON Glynda T. Brown M&M Marion Powell SUE & GEORGE TIDWELL Terri Creswell BILLY JOE TILLEY James Holloway & Company, LLC C. J. TOLAR Elouise H. Tolar JACK (PETE) TOLAR Paul & Jane Riggs & Family WILLA TOWNSEND Bill, Seresa, Lani, & Lee Corbin LALA TOYE Alan & Kelley Mitchell AL TRAMMELL Sue Burgess Jesse & Sue Moore VIRGIE TRAYLOR Ms. Kathy Traylor RAY MORRIS TRISLER Jerome & Nancy Vascocu Ken & Mildred Kovac GAYLON TROTTER Eunice Rhodes M&M ELVIN TUBRE Black Creek Hunting Club EVELYN E. TUCKER Glenn Talbert BILL TURNER M&M Ben Hamby D/M Eddie Hamby J. REX TYLER M&M Simon Shively, Jr. Bruce & Vicky Holmes MARGAIN TYNES M&M Doug Driggers M&M Tillman Stogner YOUREE TYSON Lois A. Tyson RICHARD EDWIN VAN CLEAVE Van & Margaret Joffrion Robert Van Cleave Mickey & Elaine Chandler John J. Long Robert N. Renicker Mike Merritt M&M Ben McNeill Gayle & Jim Lindholm Denise Pope Bicknell Anthony & Marolyn Wolf Sandra S. Spencer DIANNE PRESTWOOD VAN SCARBROCK Celebrations Life Group, FBC M&M SAM J. VANCE M&M Algene H. Vance W. RAY VANDERHIDER Nelda S. Vanderhider SSG RICHARD VAZQUEZ Jerrie & Dennis Choate ESTELLE VEULEMAN Janice Coutee COLLEEN WACKERL Barbara J. McDaniel DENZIL WADDELL M&M Chuck Day (Liz) MILTON WADE Mary Anne Fair Lightner TRAVIS WADKINS M&M Larry Callender CONSTANCE WAGNER Polly Wagner ROBERT O. WAKEFIELD Peggy Ann K. Wakefield BENJAMIN A. WALKER Barbara Hickman & Family BILL H. WALKER Tommy & Patsy Golson H. LEON WALKER Judy & Jim Gibbs MICKEY WALKER M&M Paul E. Kitchens Libbey Watkins Jerome & Nancy Vascocu FAYE A. WALLACE M&M Raymond Curry HELEN LOUISE WALLACE Jane Copp & Thompson Family M&M A. Bridger Eglin FERN REYNOLDS WALLER W. L. Hodges Elisabeth Sartor Hardin, Balfour Sartor, Olner Sartor, & Joan Sartor Hillman Sid Potts, Inc. Sam Talbot Melissa Riddick, Vicci Begbie, & Pam Hood Neal & Anita Walpole Mrs. Pike Hall, Jr. C. W. Lane Company, Inc. M&M Lynn E. Estes Cheryl A. Olinde D/M John H. Chidlow J.M. WALLIS Terry E. Wells PATSY WALTON J. T. Walton, Jr. JAY WARBINGTON Brooks & Karen Watson WILLIE E. WARD Claude & Joy Eppinette MARY LOU WARREN Ricky Knapp MARGIE (MAMMAW) WATKINS Dolphus & Lisa Bannister, Morgan & AnnaClaire PAUL WATKINS NOBTS HERMAN WATSON Kyle & Amy Gallman MONETT WATTS Aweb Supply PATRICK WATTS Sally M. Watts VIVIAN & JOHNEY WAX Eddie & Karen Schmitt WADE WEATHERFORD Mrs. Wade Weatherford LOIS BOONE WEAVER Burton D. Weaver, Jr. M&M TOMMIE J. WEBB Hibernia & Jerry Williams OLIVIA MARIE WEEKS Andy Payne DESSIE WELCH Mike & Debbie Volentine ROY E. WELLS Terry E. Wells J.E. & HELEN WESLEY M&M Robert T. Campbell HULON ALBRIGHT WESNER Gary & Cindy Albright HULON & ERMAL WESNER D/M G. Havard Albright LEATRICE WEST Ralph & Diane Williams M&M Paul E. Kitchens Jerome & Nancy Vascocu LEATRICE WEST Lavinia Walker DELBERT WHEELER Percy & Shirley Wheeler LYNELL WHEELER M&M Louie A. Pendergraft, Jr. MICHAEL J. WHEELER Lindy A. Stover PERCY WHEELER SR. Lindy A. Stover WILMA WHITAKER Jerrie & Dennis Choate HARVEY WHITE Jane White LEIGH ANN WHITE Melanie C. Perkins ANN WHITTINGTON Don M. Whittington ROYCE HARLAN WHITTINGTON Norma Beyl Whittington JOHN STEVEN WHITTON Judy & Jerry Whitton FRANK & RUBY LEA WILEY Paul & Jane Riggs & Family LOIS (NANNY) WILLIAMS Art & Betty Franklin Keith & Janet Sampson M&M SIDNEY A. WILLIAMS Debra Cloos O.B. WILLIAMS, SR. Daniel, Katie, & Caroline O'Rear RALPH WILLIAMS Brenda Greer Jennings SUE ELLEN BRIGGS WILLIAMS Dwayne & Teresa Enterkin Ted & Jo Howard George Abbott SUSAN SABOITES WILLIAMS Barbara S. Kramer WILLIE DELL BAKER BROWN WILLIAMS Ron & Leta Brown WAYNE WILLIAMSON M&M Paul E. Kitchens BRUCE GORDON WILLSON, SR. Kevin & Leigh Flood JOY L. WILSON Mark & Leah Wilson LINDA JO BAILEY WILSON Derris L. Wilson MIKE WILSON Paul & Jane Riggs & Family DORIS WIMPEE Curtis & Ellen Edgar HUGH & ALMA WINDHAM Avis W. Hower VERNIE & EVELENE WINGATE Shelly C. Reiners BRUCE WISEMAN Jim & Charlene Fleming NAPOLEON (PAUL) WNUKOWSKI Pollye Tillman LINDA HALLBERG WOLBERT M&M R. L. Stolzle CHARLES (BUTCH) WOLF Betty Wolf GEORGE (BUSTER) WOMACK Clark F. Freeman Paul & Jane Riggs & Family MARK WOMACK Evelyn Merhige ANN WOODARD Michael Mitchell Glen Woodard BILLIE JO (JODY) WOODARD Gene Woodard LEVONE WOODARD Matt & Garson Woodard REBECCA WOODHAM Calvary BC, Slidell JIMMIE WOODWARD Nelda Woodard TERRY WORTH Don Worth Francis N. DeGeorge TAP & MADELINE YARBROUGH J. O. Yarbrough, Sr. EMMY CLAIRE YATES Faith Alexander DEMPSEY G. YOUNG His Children SHELBY & EUGENIA YOUNG Joye Lynn Young HomeNews Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home & Family Ministries January/February 2014 FREE 2014 VBS NAMETAGS! This summer, the Children’s Home would like to be a part of your VBS. We are offering the following at no cost to help with your event: • Free originally designed VBS Name Tags to LA Baptist Churches while they last! (cords included) • Children’s Home speakers are ready and waiting to visit your VBS and tell the Children’s Home story. (Call early! Speaking schedules are limited.) • Free LBCH DVDs are available for use at your VBS. • VBSers are invited to go on a field trip to our Children’s Home campus in Monroe. Children will discover first-hand how Louisiana Baptists help those in need. Contact us at 318-343-2244 or marc@lbch.org today!
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