issue # 12 january 2013
issue # 12 january 2013
ISSUE # 12 Dear Parishioners, I have very mixed feelings as I announce to you that I will be leaving St. Charles parish at the end of June this year. I do love St. Charles parish and all the parishioners. I have spent more years ministering here than anywhere else. I spent my first five years and the past nine years of my priesthood here. I do think this is the right time for me to leave. I turned 70 years old this past April, and will turn 71 in the Spring. I had always planned to retire at the age of 70, but I chose to stay an extra year because we were celebrating the 50th anniversary of the parish. I am glad I stayed for all the celebrations. I must confess that I get tired. I do not have the energy I used to have, and obviously the memory is slipping. At times I am a bit jealous of my retired priest classmates. I had planned to move to the Melchizedeck Village, a retirement community for priests in West Milton, about 45 minutes from here, but I began to have second thoughts about that. I feared that going from a very busy parish to retirement was too much of a change. I wanted to continue to do some regular priestly ministry. The other issue was moving too far away from my mother at this time. It seems that God intervened. The priest chaplain at the St. Leonard’s Retirement Community, Fr. Loren Connell, was transferred to Detroit several months ago. For the past few months they have had no full time priest chaplain. JANUARY 2013 I have met several times with the head of their Pastoral Ministry Office, and I have agreed to become their regular chaplain, beginning this September. I will live there in one of their cottages and do regular priestly ministry, but I will not be as busy as I am here. I will still be close to my mother, just five and a half miles away. It just seems providential that all of this came together at this time. I am sure that all of you will wonder what will happen to St. Charles. Bishop Joseph Binzer or a member of the Priests’ Personnel Board will meet with the St. Charles Parish Council and parish staff to discuss the parish and the new pastor. I will write a description of the parish. I have already spoken with the archbishop and bishop about the parish. The archbishop assured me that they would not send a priest to a parish that is too different from the one he is replacing, someone who would drastically change the direction of the parish. I am confident that St. Charles parish will continue to be a progressive and active parish because of all of you, the parishioners. You have had four pastors, Frs. Gilligan, Klug, Breslin, and me. Through the years, all of you have remained committed and involved parishioners. St. Charles remains your parish. I am not leaving for six months, I intend to be your pastor until June 30th. It is far too soon to say good-bye. Please keep me in your prayers. Sincerely yours in Christ, What does St. Charles School Mean to Me? This may sound cliché but, St. Charles Borromeo has been a second home for me for the past nine years. I feel confident that I would not be the same person had I gone to another school. Nor would I be as happy, well educated, and as well refined, if I had gone to any other school. The school has an atmosphere that is warm and inviting. The teachers, students, and staff are kind and respectful. I like that our grade feels like one big family. I have made many friends at St. Charles and I found that I treasure these friends more than ever, now that I am graduating in May. The music department at St. Charles is what I will miss the most. The musicals helped me come out of my shell. Mr. Samudio also helped me to grow as an actor. I am forever grateful to him for enriching my personality. Also, the sports programs are very rewarding. I played basketball and volleyball this year. Not only did I have fun, but basketball helped me learn to be respectful both when we win and especially when we lose. I feel that both our teachers and coaches helped me to grow, as an athlete and a student. St. Charles is a chapter of my life that I could read again and again. This school helped form me and I am very grateful for having the chance to attend St. Charles School. While I am looking forward to high school, I spend a lot of time remembering the good times and cherishing the great memories I have made here at St. Charles. By Dan Brown, Current 8th Grader St. Charles Borromeo School Future Chargers Class of 2025! Natalie Shaw & Silas Mayse School Open House and Spaghetti Dinner January 27th! Please join us for our Annual Open House on Sunday, January 27th from 1:00- 3:00 pm. Bring the entire family to see the school, meet our teachers and participate in our classroom activities. We will be showcasing our preschool for 3 and 4 year olds, as well as Transitional Kindergarten through 8th Grade for the 2013-2014 school year. Open registration for all grades will begin at Open House, some grades are already close to fulfillment. Please enter through the PAC doors between the Church and the School. The PAC will be filled with information about our school in detail. For more information please contact Maggie Paxson-Collins at 434-4933 or Mamma DiSalvo’s Spaghetti Dinner: After Open House, join us for our 4th Annual Spaghetti Dinner in our school cafeteria. Dinners will be served from 3:00-6:00 pm. The dinner includes salad, spaghetti, optional meatballs and bread. Adults & children $8, senior citizens $5 and children 6 & under are free. Please bring a dessert to share. All are welcome! We wish to thank the many generous people ~ those listed, as well as those who requested to remain anonymous ~ who donated to the Christmas Flower Fund. May God grant you continued blessings throughout the New Year. Listed below are the Christmas Flower Fund donations that we received thru December 16th. Thank you for those of you who continue to donate. IN HONOR OF: Karen Hazlett & Len working with St. Vincent’s - M&M Thomas Gmeiner Shannon Phillips & Ethan Stubenrauch - M&M Jerome Phillips My Children & Grandchildren - Elizabeth Roberts Jane Webb - M&M Thomas Sorrell Margaret Woodruff - M&M Eugenio Sejas IN MEMORY OF: Kathryn & Thomas Burkhardt - Anonymous Ruth Schleich; Doris Abbott - M&M John Abbott Annie Leffler; Mandy Abfalter - M&M Garry Abfalter Richard Amann - Jeanne Amann Dominic Apicella - Marie Apicella Merle Athmer - Patricia Athmer Alice Sanders; Dolores Baldwin - M&M Richard Baldwin Anne & John F. Dayspring; John P. Dayspring - M&M Neil Banke Ted & Cicily Barlow; Austin & Mary Brogan; Sr. Rita Ann Griffin M&M William Brogan M&M Alfredo V. Batista; M&M Leo A. Dorsey - M&M John Batista Bavaro & Cassano Families; Joe & Anna Bavaro - M&M Joseph Bavaro Nick Bayer - M&M Daniel Bayer Marianette Bayley - Charles Bayley For my four deceased brothers - M&M Ted Behr Patrick R. Berus - M&M Francis Berus The Beck Family & The Beyerle Family - M&M Joseph Beyerle Robert F. Hodous - M&M John Bieber Albert Sontag Family; Joseph Bogle - Joan Bogle Leo Brendel - Helen Brendel Ray & Teresa Hill; Ralph & Irene Brightman - M&M David Brightman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brinkman; Dr. & Mrs. Edward Millonig - M&M Gary Brinkman Brown & Reihn Families - M&M John Brown Dorothy Bruetsch; Kathleen Bruetsch; Joanne Bruetsch - Alice Bruetsch Christopher S. Burns - Jane Burns Paul Burrows—M&M Ronnie Burrows Richard E. Campbell; Rose Yankovich - Molly Campbell Mason - Carey Family - Elaine Carey Bridgett Carr - M&M James Carr Jan Carroll; Ronald Nagy - M&M James Carroll Walt Cassidy; Dick Stanley - M&M Gerald Cassidy Margarita & Maria E Cata - Dr&Mrs Ceferino Cata Vivian Vallo; Catherine Christ - Sharon Christ Tim Chrystal - M&M Donald Chrystal Charles & Teresa Burneka - M&M Craig Cole Rita Connair; Ruth Connair - Dr. Thomas Connair Connecticut Children - M&M Rudolph D’Amico Domenic DeTomaso; Tony DeTomaso; Francis (Red) Pisciotti; Mary Panarisi Pisciotti; Mary Vasile Pisciotti - Joanne DeTomaso Anthony & Mary Domin; Alex & Anna Dubil; Gloria Marciniak - M&M James Domin Gary Donoher; Rick Majerus - M&M Donald Donoher Steven Dresher - M&M John Dresher Alma H. Brethen; Frank R. Rataiczak; Mark E. Hommel - Mary Ann Drewry John & Helen Douglas - Anita Drieseszun Elmer Wanke; Fred Ehrensberger - Kathleen Ehrensberger Willian Eisenhauer, Sr.; William Eisenhauer, Jr. - Dorothy Eisenhauer Elston & Hess Family - M&M Earl Elston Tamara Woeste - M&M Thomas Everman John Falle; Jane Falle - Marianne Falle Andrew Fanz - Beverly Fanz John Feeney - Margaret Feeney Adella Feldman - Julie Feldman Marian Miller; Clara Ferry; Francis Ferry - M&M Roger Ferry Christmas Flower Fund List Continued… Christopher Ferdelman; Clarence Ferdelman; Loretta Ferdelman; Gilbert Wessendorf; Rose Wessendorf - M&M Donald Ferdelman Stanley Saxton, Jr.; Antonino & Caterina Ferrante - M&M Francesco Ferrante Meredith Field - M&M Michael Field Elmer & Rita Arnold - Doris Findley Ricky D. Stanforth & Jack - Yvonne Frey Ursula Mata; William Mata; Charles Frost - Kim Frost Joe Fullenkamp - Mary Ann Fullenkamp Dan Ostendorf; Kevin Lapp - M&M James Gehring Vito Gentile - Rita Gentile Deceased members of the Gran family - M&M Robert Gran Joseph Grass - Lilian Grass James & Mary Ghory; Howard & Mary Huelsman - M&M James Ghory Jr.Theresa Hammond - M&M Marvin Hammond Karen M. Harkness; George & Marilu Harkness; Martin & Francies Myers; Robert & Dennis Harkness- Laurence Harkness Joaquin Hidalgo; Alfredo Amada Martinez - Maria Hidalgo Richard & Gladys - M&M Robert Harnett Mark Edwin Houser; Charles R. Houser III - M&M Charles Houser, Jr. Gertrude Hoxie; Jewel Merrifield - M&M Lloyd Hoxie Bob Jackowski; Kristen Jackowski - Joy Jackowski David L. Jenkins - Helena Jenkins Gil Pascual; Julieta Juan; Vivencio Juan - M&M Danilo Juan Jerome Kauflin; Gerald O’Connel; Mr & Mrs Donald Dietrich; Mr & Mrs Urban Weckesser; Catherine Kauflin - M&M Stephen Kauflin Michael & Betty Kavanaugh - M&M Kevin Kavanaugh G. William Klatt - Patricia Klatt David Allbery; Lawrence Knight, Sr.; Vernon Samble - M&M Larry Knight, Jr. Our Parents - M&M Edward Koehler Virginia Naylor; John Krapf, Sr.; Robert Cooper; Jane Naylor; John Naylor - M&M Michael Krapf Jane Solimine; Rosina Kratz - M&M Herbert Kratz Leo Krautmann - Mary Julia Krautmann Pete Aiello; Martha Kuzma - M&M Albert Kuzma M&M Charles Lanasa; Charles Lanasa Jr; M&M Vince Warren M&M Peter Lanasa John Laneve - Dr&Mrs Samuel Laneve Evelyn Lang; Henry & Madge Lang; Isabella Lang; Roy & Nelie Boyer Terence Lang Kevin Lapp - Lapp Family Justin Osterfeld - John & Marlene Lapp Jim LaVanche - Dorothy LaVanche Wayne Lawrence - Mary Lawrence Paul Lemming - Charlotte Lemming Kathlessn, John & Paul Lewis - Dr&Mrs Peter Lewis Thomas & Virginia Long - Elizabeth Long John Lowman - Mary Lowman Anne & Emmett Daley; Marian & Harry Macbeth - M&M William Macbeth Michael Macchia; Mary Macchia; Samuel Lyman; Helen Paltz; Arthur Paltz - Doris Macchia Larry Mackey; Paul & Mary Glaser - Anita Mackey Members of the Marasco & Ratka Family - Rosemarie Marasco Anita Mariscalco; Grace Schiavone - Tony Mariscalco Mark Maurice - Anna Mae Maurice Brian Dargin McCormick - M&M Richard McCormick Harold F. Melia - Sharon Melia Luke Jeffrey Mihok - Dr. & Mrs. Brian Mihok The Deceased Members of the Lemen Family - Dr&Mrs Luis Morales Justin Murdock - M&M Michael Morgan Mrs. Flo Napier & Mrs. Matilde Prince - M&M Kenneth Napier Berna Murphy - Patricia Nelson Dan Ostendorf - M&M Joseph Ostendorf Justin Osterfeld - M&M Daniel Osterfeld David & Paul Palmisano - Patricia Palmisano Elizabeth Murphy - M&M Don Patterson Suzy Pender - M&M William Pender Maj. John A. Petric - Linda Petric Charles R. Richey; Marjorie Richey - M&M Clovis Petrin, Jr. Wilbur Prestel - M&M Donald Phillips Prevish & Mertz Families - M&M Joseph Prevish Christmas Flower Fund List Continued… Eunice Rasnick; Chip & Ruth Keller; Kristen Ream - Patricia Rasnick Doolan Family & Rau Family - Dr & Mrs Thomas Rau Reinhard & Goehl Families - Mary Ellen Reinhard Reser Family & Westbeld Family - M&M Ernest Reser Ben Roberts - Elizabeth Roberts J.P & M.J. Ryan Family - Mary Jane Ryan Stephen Santez; John Lockvis - M&M David Santez Al Bruns; Daniel Sarmiento - M&M George Sarmiento Heloise Motsinger - M&M Michael Schemmel Michael B. Savino; Dolores M. Savino; Christian L. Savino - Betty Savino Troy Michael Schlegel - M&M Jeff Schlegel, Mike & Matt John & Mary Fussner; George & Clara Schneider; Nana & Sue McCann, Amy Karl - M&M Carolus Schneider Dick Schuermann - Joan Schuermann Marilyn & Blaz Scott - M&M Kenneth Scott Francis J. Seiler - Janet Seiler Arthur Woodruff - M&M Eugenio Sejas Val & Fran Borgert - M&M David Senkowski Ken Sheppard - Jeanne & Adam Sheppard Judy M. Skerl - Dr & Mrs Rudy Skerl Hugh & Sarah Smith; James H. Smith - M&M Edward Smith Barth Snyder - Julie Snyder Charles Avery; Lynn & Willard Johnson - M&M Thomas Sorrell Marian & Harold Williams; Dorothy & Herbert Specht - Allen & Ellen Specht Juanita Stachler - Walter Stachler Don Stemley - Pat Stemley Tom Taylor; Bob & Ruth Copley - Corene Taylor Benjamin H. Taylor - M&M Michael Taylor John & Lois Thalheimer - M&M Daniel Thalheimer Walter Welsh; Adelaide Welsh; Robert B. Uchtman; Charlotte Uchtman; Marie Uchtman - M&M Robert Uchtman Tennette Vandevander - Josephine Vandevander Nell Kostic & Rita Van Oss - M&M Marty Van Oss Lois A. Klosterman; Walter E. Klosterman; Elizabeth A. Varvel; Harold E. Varvel, Sr. - M&M Harold Varvel Peggy Kessler - M&M Mark Walters Sheri Perkins - Sheila Warner Picar A. Weiss - Brian Weiss Joe Westbrock - Trudy Westbrock Robert E. Whelan Sr. - Gay Whelan Mrs. Mary I. Woeste - Walter Woeste NURSING HOME UPDATE: The following parishioners are residing in local nursing homes. Remember them with prayers, visits, and cards. Bethany Village: Barbara Butler, Frank Parenti, Rosemary Hemmelgarn Brookdale: Rita Gustin, Delores Berger Elmcroft: Rita Kremer Heartland of Miamisburg: Marisa Parsons Lamplight Inn of Dayton: Betty Seitz Liberty: Marj O’Dell Pinnacle Point: Sheila Pflaum St. Leonards: Nancy Breitenstein Sanctuary: Louise Malogorski Trinity: Isabel Grommon, Michelina Manzo Wood Glen: John Seitz If we have missed anyone, we are sorry. Kindly call in the name to the Parish Office (434-6081). TO ST. CHARLES PARISH! The priests, staff and members of St. Charles wish to welcome the following new parishioners who recently registered as members. We are pleased you have joined our family and look forward to seeing you at Masses and our parish activities. Emily Heitmeyer Douglas & Sunnie Lain Adam & Kristen Ricker Baptisms Leo Joseph Trick, son of Benjamin and Kathleen (Cullen) Trick Cormac Isaiah Barrett, son of Kenneth and Allison (McCarthy) Barrett Celia Hope Christofano, daughter of Jason and Leslie (Stamper) Christofano Overcoming the Evil of Racism For the past nine years, the cities of Kettering and Oakwood have presented a Celebration Breakfast honoring Dr, Martin Luther King, Jr. The 2013 Breakfast will be held again at Christ United Methodist Church on Shroyer Road on Monday, January 21st, at 7:30 am. Please mark your calendars. The featured speaker will be Charlotte Harris, Associate Dean of Wright State University's College of Education and Human Services. Dr. King's legacy calls us to stand up against injustice, denounce violence, embrace differences and appreciate the gifts of every human being. Tickets are $5.00 and are available for purchase from parishioner Amy Schrimpf (429-3896). When You Move… Please advise the Parish Office of your new address as soon as possible at 434-6081. It costs the church for each piece of mail with the wrong address. Thank you! Please call the Parish Office at 434-6081 when anyone is sick or confined so the parish may provide for their spiritual needs. St. Charles Mission Statement: We, the parish of St. Charles Borromeo, are a Catholic community united in our faith and dedicated to the love of God and our neighbor. Our mission is to worship God, celebrate the sacraments, live and preach the Word of God, and serve the needs of our community. We shall pursue this mission faithfully through the power of the Holy *The following article was written by Kristin Hauser, a senior at Centerville High School. Kristin shared this article at the Thanksgiving Interfaith Service on November 19th at David’s United Church of Christ. Kristin was the St. Charles representative to speak about what she is thankful for this year. * Throughout the year, and frankly throughout my entire life, I have had so many things to be thankful for. I live in a country that respects my gender, my religion and my individuality. I have personal access to food, clean water, and education. I have a family, a house, and a car. These are genuinely things to be thankful for, Especially when we look at other parts of the world. But in light of these blessings that admittedly I sometimes take for granted, I’m thankful still for something more; something that seems to touch every aspect of my life: my faith community. Although I’m young, I think that during the course of my life, if there’s one thing that I’ve learned about being Catholic it’s that we need community. As a young woman in such a secular world, I struggle every day in my fight for holiness, but the great thing is I don’t have to fight alone. I have an incredible community of other teens and supportive adults who are constantly encouraging me to become the person that God wants me to be. For example, a couple years ago, some of the other teens and I met one Sunday to do what we thought would be an easy service project for a woman in downtown Dayton. She needed help moving some things out of her Stor-n-Lock and she assured us it would only take an hour or two. When we got to the storage unit, it was filled to the top with literally the most random assortment of items I have ever seen. Again, the woman assured us that we wouldn’t be taking everything and that it shouldn’t take too long at all. We began loading things into the truck as an hour passed. Then two. Then three. We were all tired and hungry. Not to mention, the woman whom we were serving was not particularly friendly or grateful that we were there to help her. It was starting to get late into the afternoon, and the spirit of service seemed to be draining out of us by the minute. Just then, one of our youth ministers showed up with pizza and soda for all of us. As we took a much needed break, I remember talking (okay, maybe it was more like complaining) about the difficulty of serving when your effort isn’t appreciated. That’s when our youth minister reminded us of something that I still remind myself of constantly to this day: “when you say yes to serving God, you can’t pick and choose. We serve because we love Him and for no other reason.” The point of this story is that without the insight of our youth minister, as well as the encouragement and fellowship of each other, we would never have been able to get through that service site. We were so frustrated with the situation that it was hard for us to step back and see how God was working, even in the midst of our struggle. That’s why I am so incredibly grateful for the community that I am blessed to be a part of. It presents me with opportunities to love, serve, and praise God in ways that I never would be able to do on my own and it gives me accountability to do those things better. I am so thankful for those moments when I can be praised for my accomplishments and told when I’m doing something well, but even more than that I’m thankful for the times when people love me enough to tell me that I can do better. And really, I think that’s what community is about. It’s worthy praise and constructive criticism. It’s a helping hand when you need it, but it’s also having enough faith to let you do some things on your own. But I think most of all, our community is truly something to be thankful for. Chuck Wagon Winners We never fail to have a fun-loving group at the Chuck Wagon Card/Game Party. November 14th was no exception. Thanks to Boehner Meyer Reis Funeral Home, a total of 10 prizes were awarded to attendees pictured here. Don’t forget to mark your calendars now for some of the events that are coming up in 2013! The Chuck Wagon schedule includes: January (TBA) Health Fair Homemade soup/salad/dessert Luncheon Watch for more details! Contact Ruth Hoffman, Parish Nurse: 434-6081 Tuesday, March 19th– St. Patrick Luncheon Lunch at Kohler Banquet Center Entertainment by Lathrem Center Show Choir Contact Gay Whelan: 435-9101 Thursday, April 25th– Cards & Games Party Special catered lunch Contact Mary Catherine Plogman: 434-1179 Thursday, June 13th– Dayton Dragons Game The baseball game is at 7:00 pm 75 tickets available– Cost is $11.00 each Deadline for sign-up & pay is April 13th Contact Judy Davidson: 291-1777 Let’s get together and have some fun! Who is a Deacon? Why do we have Deacons? News from your Parish Health Ministry Red Paper Lecture Series 2013 Coming again in January, a 6-week series of art classes geared toward people with life altering illnesses. No artistic ability necessary—this is a fun, hands-on, instructive series to encourage using your God-given talents to help you manage the health related difficulties you may be experiencing. All classes are Wednesdays at 1:00 pm in the Borromeo Room. Classes are limited to 20. You can sign up for one class, or the entire series. Here’s a list of the upcoming classes: Jan 16 Jan 23 Jan 30 Feb 6 Feb 13 Feb 20 Pastel Painting Beading Card Making Zetangle® Colored Pencil Drawing Watercolor Painting Lucille Nagy Carroll Joanne Detomaso Judy Davidson Peg Farmer Tom Kinarney Bonnie Kuntz Sign up in the parish office (434-6081) or call Lucille Nagy Carroll at 434-0797. You may sign up for one class or the whole series. There is no charge, but donations will be accepted. Coming again in January! St. Charles Winter Blood Drive Saturday, January 29th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in the school cafeteria. All that is required to donate blood is a valid photo ID with your full name. You must be 17 or older (or 16 with signed CBC parental consent), a minimum weight of 110 pounds, generally good health and a DESIRE TO GIVE A PRECIOUS GIFT TO SOMEONE IN NEED. The scheduling process is easy, just go to and follow the prompts to the St. Charles donor site or call the parish nurse at the parish office (434-6081) to schedule a time for you. The number of donors has been increasing over the last few years, keep up the generosity! Thank you. What does a Deacon do? How does one become a Deacon? Have any of these questions occurred to you? Have you ever felt the calling to the Diaconate… or simply been curious? All men of the Parish are invited to join our Parish Priests, Deacons, and other interested men at an informal gathering on Thursday, January 24, 2013 at 7:00 pm, in the Borromeo Room to discuss these questions and some possible answers. Please call the parish office or email to Bill Moore ( or contact one of our Parish Priests or Deacons to express your interest and to reserve your place at the table ! Parish Registration Forms are available on the oak table outside of the Hospitality Room. To become a registered member of St. Charles Parish, complete a registration form and drop it in the collection basket or return it to the Parish Office. If you have any questions, please call 434-6081. Lost & Found Articles are located in the Hospitality Room. Please take the opportunity to claim your lost items. Thank you. Friday Night Date Night Congratulations to our Students who received their First Reconciliation December 2012 For Married and Engaged Couples Located in the Franciscan Center at St. Leonard’s In Centerville Cost: $10.00 per couple – covers dessert and program. Dinner and Bar separate. See menu link below. Free Childcare Available by established/vetted adults Please RSVP for childcare at 434-9272 Dinner 5:00 – 7:00p.m. Menu: Presentation & Conversation 7-8:30 p.m. January 11th, 2013 - Living in a mile-aminute society like ours makes staying connected a challenge for any married couple. With lives so full, how do we continue to grow as persons without growing apart as a couple? Nationally-acclaimed speaker and psychologist Dr. Dennis O’Grady will help us learn to walk life’s path together, with joy, purpose, and support—and lots and lots of communication! How to Grow Without Growing Apart February 1st - This energizing and interactive evening presents the secret to keeping your marriage healthy in the midst of life's stress and burdens. Come and enjoy the humorous and wise style of Jeanne Hunt’s presentation as she offers a few surprises for even the most happily married couple. How a Nut Saved My Marriage Isabelle Albrecht Reagan Aulner Mary Ayres Charles Baird Matthew Beech Caitlin Blair Peyton Boerger Nathan Bourquin Alyssa Bradley Alexander Brennan Terry Brennan Barrett Callejo Pasquale Christiano Bryce Claggett David Claggett Brennan Coleman Joseph Davis Jacob Denault Mackenzie Donoher Ava Elliott Dominic Fanning Ryan Geiger Ana Gonzalez Marilyn Grubb Jordan Harbeck Kenton Harleman Nathan Harris Allison Hayes Alyssa Heebsh Logan Hermann Mary Kathryn Hoey Lucas Hoffman Emily Hoffmann Kaitlyn Jecker Cameron Kane Joshua Kenney Benjamin Kiley Andrew Kohr Tony Lackey Ethan Landsaw Sydney Lorson William Lunne Cole Malenich Julianne Marzluff Mallory McCall Mikayla Mihok Kathryn Miske Maya Montavon Andrew Moore James Musto Lilyanne Nickell Sameul Nycz Clay Powell Ann Marie Riegel Nicholas Rodman Jakob Ross Jacob Schaefer Ezekiel Sherman William Shouse Caeleb Shouse Maria Sills Lauren Thompson Zachary Vogt-Lowell Zoe Vogt-Lowell Emma Walker Michael Warner Ronnie West Holly Wirsing Isabella Worley Emily Yannetta Sydney Young Phillip Yu The Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord Sunday January 6, 2013 The Holy Family welcomed the Magi on Epiphany. There is a beautiful tradition that has been inspired by this event. Take some chalk and say your own blessing over it with your family. Ask God to welcome strangers to your home during the coming year. Finally, write these numbers and letters over the front door of your home: 20 + C + M + B + the last digits of the current year. The 20 is the first two digits of the year and the letters represent the traditional names of the Wise Men- Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar. 20 + C + M + B + 13 Copies of the home prayer service printed last year are available in the Hospitality Room. St. Charles Borromeo Parish, 4500 Ackerman Boulevard, Kettering, OH 45429, publishes the St. Charles LIGHT. It is printed monthly (except July) for the entertainment, and information and education of its readers. Articles may be submitted to the Parish Office one month prior to the printed issue.
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