Bible Camp 2014
Bible Camp 2014
SAINT CHARLES MAY 2014 LIGHT ISSUE #5 In This Issue Ordination Invitation…... Page 1 Pastor’s Thought…………. Page 2 Associate’s Thought…….. Page 2 New Members……………. Page 3 Child Protection…………. Page 3 Parish Revenue Update.. Page 4 Easter Flowers…………….. Page 5 Pancake Breakfast………. Page 6 Principal’s Note………….. Page 6 St. Charles Confirmed…. Page 7 Anniversary Brunch…….. Page 8 Mark Your Calendars Bible Camp 2014 SonTreasure Island Are you coming to St. Charles Bible Camp? It’s our 20th anniversary! Let’s party at “SonTreasure Island” June 23rd through 27th, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Children entering kindergarten through 6th grade are invited to attend. A preschool program and babysitting are available for staff parents. 7th and 8th grade students, high school students and adults are welcome to serve as teachers, aides, assist in arts and crafts, field games, music and more! Cost: $30 for one, $50 for two and $70 for three or more campers per family Register: May 17th & 18th after all Masses, in the Religious Education Office, or online. Questions: Call 434-9272. 5/2 First Friday Adoration 5/2 Holy Hour for Vocations 5/3 Confirmation 5/4 First Communion 5/11 Mother’s Day 5/12 Baptism Preparation Class 5/13 Women’s Morning 5/18 Anniversary Mass/Brunch 5/19 Commission Meetings 5/25 Eucharistic Holy Hour 5/26 Memorial Day 5/28 St. Charles Graduation 5/29 Last Day of School 6/6 First Friday Adoration 6/6 Holy Hour for Vocations Please join our parish as we celebrate Brian and thank him for all the many gifts he shared with our parish. A card box will be located at the reception and in the Parish Office. If the office is closed you can drop cards in the drop box located across from the Church Library. The menu will be listed in the May bulletins. Where: The St. Charles Borromeo Room and Atrium When: Saturday, May 25, 2014 Reception after the 12:15 Mass. RSVP For all those who plan to attend, please RSVP by May 19th to 434-6081 or Congratulations on your Ordination Brian Phelps! From the Pastor Dear St. Charles Parishioners, It's hard to believe that I will be completing my first year as pastor in a couple of months. Time flies when you're having fun. Even though there have been challenges, the transition has been smooth. I am grateful for all the different ways you have been generous. These 2 words, gratefulness and generosity are two words that you will hear often from me. It is important that as a parish we are grateful for all of God's blessings. Because we are thankful, we are called to be generous with the gifts that God has given us. We are called to be good stewardsto give back to God what He given us. Being part of a parish community requires a responsibility from all of its members. It is more than putting your name on the books so you can have your baby baptized, get married in the church, or get the parish rate for school tuition. Stewardship is about more than money. There are 3 components to stewardship: 1. stewardship of prayer-the best way is our participation in the Sunday Eucharist. We need to support each other From the Associate Pastor May is Mary's month, but why? The Catholic practice of assigning a special devotion to each month goes back to the 16th century. The practice of dedicating the month of May to our Lady was popularized especially by the Rosary Encyclicals of Leo XIII – beginning in 1883 and concluding in 1889, the Pontiff wrote twelve encyclicals and five apostolic letters on the Rosary. The Catholic Encyclopedia discusses the rather recent origin of Mary Month: “The May devotion [to our Lady] in its present form originated at Rome where Father Latomia of the Roman College of the Society of Jesus, to counteract infidelity and immorality among the students, made a vow at the end of the 18th century to devote the month of May to Mary. From Rome the practice spread to the other Jesuit colleges and thence to nearly every Catholic church of the Latin rite. This practice is the oldest instance of a devotion extending over an entire month.” Catholic Encyclopedia, “Special Devotions for Months”) In the early years of the 19th century, it quickly spread throughout the Western Church, and, by the time of Pope Pius IX's declaration of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854, it had become universal. May crowning and other special events in May honor Mary, such as public recitation of the rosary, stem from this time. Sadly, such communal events are more rare today, but we can take the month of May as an opportunity to renew our own devotion to the Mother of God by dusting off our rosaries and adding a few more Marian prayers to our daily routine. Parents, in particular, should encourage Marian devotion in their children, since the non-Catholic Christians they encounter today often downplay the role that the Blessed Virgin played in our salvation through her fiat--her joyous "Yes" to the will of God. Although many Catholics know that May is dedicated to the Mother of God, it may be a bit of a puzzle as to why May was chosen for this special honor. What is it about May that makes it spiritually. Your presence at Mass is important. We are called to be a Eucharistic people. 2. stewardship of time and talent- each year the parish puts out a Parish and Ministry Guidebook. In it are different ways you can be involved in our parish. Take time to read it and see how you can participate. All of us have gifts to offer and are to be used for the common good and building up the kingdom of God. 3. stewardship of treasure- the question to ask yourselves: am I giving back to God? Do I tithe? The Israelites in the Old Testament were taught to give the first fruits of the harvest to God. We are called to give from our means and not our wants. I want to thank all of you for your generosity. I am grateful for those who participate in the Sunday Mass, for those who share their time and talent, and those who share their treasure. In order for us to be a viable and spiritual community at St. Charles, these 3 components are necessary. God is rich and calls to live rich and generously. What a wonderful God we serve, what wonderful parish I serve, and what a wonderful faith we have. God bless! Fr. Dan suited to be the Month of Mary? Some have pointed to the fact that, in classic western culture (both Greek and Roman), May was recognized as the season of the beginning of new life. It seems that this ancient tradition of connecting May with new life and fecundity, led to a realization that May is very much the month of motherhood – this may be the reason why Mother’s Day is celebrated during May, not only in the United States but in many countries and cultures of both the East and the West. In the month of May, the winter comes to an end and the spring season begins. Although, this year, who knows. The connection between motherhood and May led Christians eventually to adopt May as Mary Month. At any rate, this month of May, let us dedicate ourselves to the Mother of Christ who always leads us to her Son. Here is a prayer to be offered during the Marian month of May. To the Blessed Virgin Mary for May O most august and blessed Virgin Mary! Holy Mother of God! Glorious Queen of heaven and earth! Powerful protectress of those who love thee, and unfailing advocate of all who invoke thee! Look down, I beseech thee, from thy throne of glory on thy devoted child; accept the solemn offering I present thee of this month, specially dedicated to thee, and receive my ardent, humble desire, that by my love and fervor I could worthily honor thee, who, next to God, art deserving of all honor. Receive me, O Mother of Mercy, among thy best beloved children; extend to me thy maternal tenderness and solicitude; obtain for me a place in the Heart of Jesus, and a special share in the gifts of His grace. O deign, I beseech thee, to recognize my claims on thy protection, to watch over my spiritual and temporal interests, as well as those of all who are dear to me; to infuse into my soul the spirit of Christ, and to teach me thyself to become meek, humble, charitable, patient, and submissive to the will of God. May my heart burn with the love of thy Divine Son, and of thee, His blessed Mother, not for a month alone, but for time and eternity; may I thirst for the promotion of His honor and thine, and contribute, as far as I can, to its extension. Receive me, O Mary, the refuge of sinners! Grant me a Mother's blessing and a Mother's care, now, and at the hour of my death. Amen. Decree on Child Protection TO ST. CHARLES PARISH! The priests, staff and members of St. Charles wish to welcome the following new parishioners who recently registered as members. We are pleased you have joined our family and look forward to seeing you at Masses and our parish activities. Marie Eakle Richard & Barbara Haas Jason & Theresa Noe Nicholas & Kathryn Beck James Hunter & Lois Foley Mark & KaiLyn Forthofer Gregory & Meaghan Cox Paul McLaughlin NURSING HOME UPDATE: The following parishioners are residing in local nursing homes. Remember them with prayers, visits, and cards. Atha: Dennis Chapman Bethany Village: Frank Parenti, Buell Hoagland, Rosemary Hemmelgarn Brookdale: Dolores Berger Elmcroft: Rita Kremer Heartland of Miamisburg: Marisa Parsons Oak Creek Terrace: Stella Schmid St. Leonard’s: Helen Patterson Sterling House: Alice Murphy Trinity: Isabel Grommon, Michelina Manzo Walnut Creek: Anna Chavez, Steve Parin If we have missed anyone, we are sorry. Kindly call in the name to the Parish Office. Chuck Wagon Chuck Wagon goes to the Dayton Dragon’s Game on Friday, June 13. The game begins at 7:00 p.m. There are only 75 tickets available at a special price of $11.00. The deadline to sign-up and pay is May 11th. Sign up in the Parish Office or call 434-6081. Stewardship in the form of volunteerism is alive and well at St. Charles Parish and School. With over 400 active volunteers, we are truly blessed. Thank you for generously sharing your time and talents in building a parish life at St. Charles! Because many of our volunteer activities involve our most precious assets - our children, the Archdiocese has implemented their VIRTUS® Decree on Child Protection. This program provides education to all volunteers on creating and maintaining a safe environment in which our children can grow both physically and spiritually. The objective of the Decree is to stamp out physical and psychological abuses that are too prevalent in society today. The Decree provides a framework for ongoing education in key areas of concern for the safety of our children. It also provides a vehicle to identify past behaviors from our volunteers that may be an opening for future concern through an extensive online background check that is updated quarterly based on information provided by local, state, and federal agencies. This background check is done through your online VIRTUS® account and replaces the need to be fingerprinted. The VIRTUS® Decree on Child Protection is mandatory for all volunteers who have contact with our children and all parish and school employees. If you are considering becoming one of our volunteers and you have questions about the Decree, please contact Tim Clarke, David Bogle, or Steve Morris. If you’re interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities at our school or church you can visit or browse through our Parish & Ministry directory. Thank You We would like to thank everyone for all the delicious finger foods that were brought for the Easter Vigil Reception. It was a great welcome to all those who have completed their RCIA process and their families. I would also like to thank all those who helped set up, clean up and serve during the reception. - Judy Davidson and Committee Volunteers are Needed to Host Koffee Klatsch Koffee Klatsch invites all parishioners to enjoy coffee and donuts once a month. It’s easy! The supplies are provided; you do the set-up and clean up. Without volunteers, we will not be able to continue this wonderful social opportunity for our parishioners. If you, or your family, are interested in being in charge of Koffee Klatsch this fall, or would like more information, call the Parish Office at 434-6081. St. Charles Borromeo Parish, 4500 Ackerman Boulevard, Kettering, OH 45429, publishes the St. Charles LIGHT. It is printed monthly (except July) for the entertainment, information and education of its readers. Articles may be submitted to the Parish Office one month prior to the printed issue. Maybe You Have Not Noticed... This graphic is included weekly in the SPUR. The purpose is to provide visibility to everyone in the Parish of the trend in the weekly collections as well as showing the year-to-date results. The three Sundays in March and the first Sunday in April are typical of the pattern for this fiscal year – The first Sunday in a month is close to the Parish Need and the rest fall short. The result of this pattern for the full year which runs through the end of June is a projected collections shortfall of approximately $100,000. That shortfall represents a problem for St. Charles Borromeo Parish and School because school revenues are also below plan. Everything from utilities to grounds upkeep to employee wages are paid by your weekly contributions. The impacts of the parish revenue shortfall include: Budget restrictions for parish and school employees and programs going forward. We are being good stewards of the dollars we have and current expenses are below plan. Deferred upgrades/maintenance of the school and church. Our buildings are showing their age -things are wearing out. For example a resurfacing of part of the school roof is planned for this summer. A need to tap parish capital reserves to meet operating expenses. In recent years we have had an operating surplus to apply to upgrades/maintenance and preserved our capital reserves. There may be ‘good’ reasons for the shortfall. The Business Manager and the Finance Council have brainstormed and identified these possibilities. 1. Winter weather – If you missed attending because of bad weather you missed an envelope as well. 2. Too many “Asks” – Within the parish and school there are many separate solicitations almost every week. 3. Lingering recession impacts – It was a deep recession and not everyone has recovered yet. 4. Waiting for the end of tax season – Some may have April obligations and others may be awaiting a refund. Here are several requests to help address the funding shortfall. 1. Prioritize and try to catch up – If the weather or other factors has left you behind your normal contribution budget, please see if you can catch up in May and June. 2. Make an incremental contribution if you can – if you have the resources this a great time to make a one-time donation to help fund the school roof. 3. Consider giving changes: A. Set up electronic giving – If you include your parish contribution in the same process as your bill paying collection contribution will happen regardless of the weather or your travels. B. Donate appreciated stock rather than cash – A one-time donation of appreciated stock can be a meaningful charitable donation for your personal taxes and be impactful for the parish and school. Thank you for all that you are doing and will do. David Schoeff Chairman, Parish Finance Council David Lee Timothy Smith III David Lee Timothy Smith is the third born son of Waukon George Smith and Emily Lowry Smith. His paternal grandparents were Walter Waukon and Maggie Hannah Smith. Walter can trace his grandparents back to Chief Storm Walker from 1600-1640. Maggie’s father was John Hannah, a Scot-Irish man and her mother was Little Hill, a Winnebago woman. David’s maternal grandparents were John Lowry, a Winnebago man, and Lucy Mousseau, a Lakota (Sioux) woman from Pine Ridge. David was born on the reservation in 1950 and grew up with 2 older brothers and 1 sister. All together there were 4 boys and 5 girls in his family. “I attended Winnebago Kindergarten in 1955 and became a student at St. Augustine’s Mission School in 1956 where I played football and ran track. From 1965-1969 I attended Winnebago Public High School where I played football and ran track.” He made the state track meet his senior year, and was also on the speech team. “I went to the State Speech Contest 4 years in a row and got superior ratings all 4 years. In 1969, I attended Black Hills State in South Dakota, and went out for Cross Country and Track.” In 1977, David attended Kearney State College and then went to Central America where he traveled all around the region. In 1981 he returned to Winnebago and enrolled at Morningside College. “I earned a BA degree in History and Indian Studies in 1983, then I left for the Amazon and spent 15 months with the Assurini Indians along the Xingu River. In 1984 I enrolled at UCLA in California where I received a MA degree in Cultural Anthropology in June 1986. My thesis was on the Winnebago Tribe’s Involvement in the War of 1812, and the Ramifications it had on the Winnebago People. In 1989 I returned to the jungles of the Amazon and the mountains of the Hindu Kush in Uzbekistan. I always wanted to follow in the footsteps of Alexander the Great. I also walked along the Fergana Valley where Genghis Khan rode in 1219.” David worked at the Nebraska Indian Community College from 1991-1996 when he became Director of Indian Studies at Little Priest Tribal College. He was also the Cultural Preservation Director for the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska in 1993. “I worked 60 hours a week for the next 12 years. For my efforts, the Winnebago Tribe was able to bury over 1000 of our ancestral remains in other cemeteries and some 75 in our own cemeteries in the area. I also got to travel all over the world - from Southern Europe, Southern Russia, the Balkans, Turkey, Brazil, Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Canada, and the Islands.” In 1995, David received an Honorary Doctorate degree for his work on Preservation, and was also named Winnebago Tribal Historian in 1992 by the Tribal Council. “I have written 6 books on the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska and numerous articles. I was forced to retire in 2010 due to my bad back and problems with my lungs. I almost died in 2005 when an operation on my leg went bad. I was rushed to ER and my body began to shut down. Father David of St. Augustine’s gave me last rites. I recovered, but was still sick. I lost all my blood in 2010 and again received last rites. For the next 2 years, I was in and out of the hospital. Now I have to wear Oxygen and a Ce-pap machine at night. But I feel better and cook myself. Now I work as the consultant to the Preservation Program here in Winnebago.” In 1956, David became a member of the Catholic faith. “I was baptized by Father Frank Hulsman who was the Director of the Mission School. He is the one who taught me all about the wonders of God and his son Jesus. It was his teaching that got me where I am today. Even when I was near death, I saw my Angel with me. She told me, “Don’t worry, you will be alright, I am praying for you.” I read the Bible once a week, but with a different church group. I receive Holy Communion every Sunday in my home.” We wish to thank the many generous people ~ those listed, as well as those who requested to remain anonymous ~ who donated to the Easter Flower Fund. May God grant you continued blessings throughout the New Year. Listed below are the Easter Flower Fund donations that we received. Thank you for those of you who continue to donate. IN HONOR OF: Sue Chapman - M&M Daniel Chapman James Vallo - Sharon Christ Our grandchildren - M&M Robert Gran Shannon Phillips, Ed & Traci Stubenrauch, Matthew Haikalis M&M Jerome Phillips My Children - Elizabeth Roberts Ceci, Ellie, Miles, Reid & Jasper - M&M Carolus Schneider Margaret Woodruff - M&M Eugenio Sejas IN MEMORY OF: Doris Abbott, Ruth Schleich - M&M John Abbott Mr. & Mrs. Walter Witucki, Teresa Witucki - M&M Kelly Allswede Robert L. Altick – Paulette Altick Richard Amann - Jeanne Amann Raymond & Ann Weitzel - Sally Ames Paul Anderson, Joseph Roman - M&M Christopher Anderson Kathryn & Thomas Burkhardt - Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. E. A. Millonig; Bob & Bette Brinkman - Anonymous George & Philomena Arway, John & Teresa Rudy - M&M Lawrence Arway Anne & John Dayspring, John P. Dayspring - M&M Neil Banke Mr. & Mrs. Leo Dorsey, Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Batista - M&M John Batista Bavaro & Cassano Families – Joe & Anna Bavaro Marvin, Nick & Alex Bayer, Dave Cordell, Phil Yount, Rick Stueve, Mike Schoening & all family - M&M Daniel Bayer Emma B. Bher, Grace Wegly - M&M Ted Behr Al & Loretta Berchtold - Joyce Berchtold The Beyerle & Beck Families - M&M Joseph Beyerle Robert F. Hodous - Susan & John Bieber Helen Lokai - Dr. Deborah Bischof Harriet Focke - M&M Jack Boecker Lawrence D. Borchers, SR - Borches Family My Mother - M&M Richard Boucher Leo & Doug Brendel - Helen Brendel Brown & Riehm Family Members - John & Kathy Brown Dorothy Bruetsch, Kathleen Bruetsch, Joanne Bruetsch - Alice Bruetsch Howard & Dell Feldman - M&M Blaine Bruner Christopher S. Burns - Jane Burns Paul Burrows - M&M Ronnie Burrows Mason & Carey Families - Elaine Carey Jan Carroll, Ronald L. Nagy, MD - M&M James Carroll Margarita and Maria Elena Cata - Dr&Mrs Ceferino Cata Eugene Choromanski - Marian Choromanski Vivian Vallo, Catherine Christ, Blodgie Christ - Sharon Christ Lois J. Pettit - Tim & Amy Cloud Rick Clune - Carol Clune Cristiano Family & Ferraro Family - M&M Pasquale Cristiano Joseph H. Dierkers- Mary Dierkers Steven R. Dresher - M&M John Dresher Frank Rataiczak, Alma Brethen, Mark Hommel - Mary Ann Drewry Elmer Wanke, Fred Ehrensberger - Kathleen Ehrensberger Ronald F. Eichner - Mary Anne Eichner William Eisenhauer, SR, William Eisenhauer, JR - Dorothy Eisenhauer Gary Ewing, Bill Geiger - Eileen Ewing John & Jayne Falle - Marianne Falle Evelyn Hardwick - Family Coombs & Fanz Families - Beverly Fanz James Fares, Wayne & Jon Sutton - Mary Fares Howard & Adella Feldman - Julie Feldman Clara & Francis Ferry, Marian Miller - M&M Roger Ferry Elmer and Rita Arnold - Doris Findley Ricky D. Stanforth; Jack; Paul G. Frey - Yvonne Frey John Leroy Garvic, Milo and Nellie Mittenberger - Richard Garvic Carol Thome - M&M John Gochenaur Karen Golomb, Tim Critz, Joanna Sprigg, Bob Sprigg - Charles Golomb Deceased members of the Green family - M&M Matthew Green Larry Groeber - Jayne Groeber Nicholas Guardiola - Phyllis Guardiola Catherine Ann Reinhardt - M&M Paul Guglielmetti Gerald Hall, Kevin Hall, Baby Joseph Hall - Jane Hall Theresa Hammond, Mr. & Mrs. William Lisman - M&M Marvin Hammond Evelyn Hardwick, Janet & Lance Price - Hardwick Family Richard & Gladys Harnett- M&M Robert Harnett John Heckman, Gabor & Irene Fulop - Irene Heckman Henry & Margaret Hines - Kathleen Hines Charles R. Houser III, Mark E. Houser - M&M Charles Houser, JR Margie Hoxie - Lloyd Hoxie Barbara Ohmer Butler - M&M David Hughes The Jackowski Family - Joy Jackowski David L. Jenkins - Helena Jenkins Joan Jump - Bruce Jump Jerry Kauflin, Mr. & Mrs. Don Dietrich, Mr. & Mrs. Urban Weckesser, Jerry O’Connell, Katherine Kauflin, Herb Stachler - M&M Stephen Kauflin G. William “Bill” Klatt - Patricia Klatt Lawrence Knight, SR, Vern Samble, David Allbery - M&M Larry Knight, JR Ruth Knollman - Amanda Knollman Koehler & Tootle Families - M&M Edward Koehler John Kordish, Dave & Carol James - Karen Kordish Anythony Kralich, Francis Kralich, Phil Cochran, Richard Kralich M&M Anthony Kralich John Krapf, Virginia Naylor - M&M Michael Krapf Jane Solimine, Rosina Kratz, Hubert Kratz - M&M Herbert Kratz Leo Krautmann, Krautmann & Seiler Families - Julia Krautmann Mr. & Mrs. Ed Hoying, Mr. & Mrs. William Kroger, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kroger, Mr. & Mrs. Pat Kilcoyne - M&M Karl Kroger Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lanasa, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Warren, Charles Lanasa, JR - M&M Peter Lanasa Bill Eisenhauer, JR - M&M Mark Lane John Laneve, Marilyn Kautz - Dr&Mrs Samuel Laneve Marian Vitek, Tony Lamberti, John Laneve, Marilyn Katz - Dr&Mrs Thomas Laneve Evelyn Lang, Madge & Henry Lang, Ray & Nelie Boyer, Bella Lang - Terence Lang John, Kathleen & Paul Lewis - Dr&Mrs Peter Lewis Thomas & Virginia Long - Elizabeth Long Manuel & Josefina Barlan, Antonio & Francisca Lu - M&M Romy Lu Michael Macchia, Arthur & Helen Paltz, Anthony & Mary Macchia Doris Macchia Larry Mackey - Anita Mackey Anita Mariscalco, Grace Schiavone - Tony Mariscalco Steve Mauch - Mary Ann Mauch Brian Dargin McCormick - M&M Richard McCormick Martin Elliott McCready - Carol McCready Harold F. Melia, Linda Hamilton - Sharon Melia Luke Jeffrey Mihok - Dr&Mrs Brian Mihok Juanita Montavon, Mary Pat Mangan - M&M Timothy Montavon Allen K. Moore - M&M Karl Moore George & Jeanne Lemen, Mark W. Lemen, Matthew H. Lemen, Miguel A. Morales - Dr&Mrs Luis Morales Michael Mowchan - Ellen Mowchan Mr. & Mrs. Tony Prince, Flo Napier - M&M Kenneth Napier Florence Kranz - Patricia Nelson Kevin M. Newton - M&M Steven Newton Lisa Niquette, Josephine Niquette, Viola Black, Orval Black M&M Callis Niquette Patricia O’Brien, David O’Brien, Peggy O’Brien - M&M James O’Brien Sister Helen O’Heren SSND - M&M Robert O’Connor Justin Osterfeld, Syl Osterfeld - M&M Daniel Osterfeld David & Paul Palmisano - Patricia Palmisano Suzy Pender - M&M William Pender Emil Mershad, Earl Hintz - M&M Clovis Petrin, JR Bertha & Wilbur Prestel - M&M Donald Phillips Kathleen Marie Cambria - Virginia Pratt Members of the Mertz & Prevish families - M&M Joseph Prevish Ruth & Chip Keller, Eunice Rasnick, Kristen Ream - Patricia Rasnick Joseph & Irene Skapik, Paul Reeves - M&M David Reeves Lorie M. Resch - M&M Timothy Resch Reser Family & Westbeld Family - M&M Ernest Reser Sebastian J. Roberts - Elizabeth Roberts All our Family in Heaven - M&M Victor Rooney Ryan & Quinn Families - Mary Jane Ryan Santez & Lockvis Family - M&M David Santez Al Bruns, Daniel Sarmiento - M&M George Sarmiento Heloise Motsinger - M&M Michael Schemmel Dick Schuermann - Joan Schuermann Blaz & Marilyn Scott - M&M Kenneth Scott Albert & Ida Price - LuAnn Scott Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Seifert - Thomas Seifert Francis Seiler - Janet Seiler Maises & Irma Sejas, Arthur Woodruff - M&M Eugenio Sejas John & Mary Helen Fussner, George & Clara Schneider, Nana & Sue McCann - M&M Carolus Schneider Robert L. Fisher, Doris M. Sherwood - M&M Gregory Sherwood Vern Shultz, Charles Shultz - Kathryn Shultz Joseph Anthony Singer - M&M Ted Singer Judy M. Skerl - Dr&Mrs Rudy Skerl Hugh & Sarah Smith, Rev. Msgr. Lawrence Breslin - M&M Edward Smith Barth J. Snyder - Julie Snyder Marian & Harold Williams, Dorothy & Herbert Specht, Charles Merkle - Allen & Ellen Specht James & Mildred Steineman, C. & Alexander, JR and Barbara Sharon Steineman Don Stemley, SR - Pat Stemley The Tangeman & Smith Family - M&M Donald Tangeman John & Lois Thalheimer - M&M Daniel Thalheimer Timothy J. Topp - M&M Richard Topp Leo Trick - Anne Trick Matthew J. Utacht JR - M&M Edward Utacht Rite VanOss, Nell Kostic - M&M Marty VanOss Sarah Elizabeth Wallace - M&M Thomas Wallace Peggy Kessler - M&M Mark Walters Sherry Perkins, Phyllis Femmer - Sheila Warner Kevin Watson - M&M David Watson Pilar A. Weiss - Brian Weiss Gunawan Widjaja, Susy Widjaja, Linky Suryanata, Jun Swie Catherine Widjaja Mary Woeste - Walter Woeste Pancake Breakfast Mission Fundraiser $5 per person, $25 for an entire family Sunday, June 1st after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:45 a.m. Masses in the St. Charles School Cafeteria The breakfast includes: pancakes, sausage, juice and coffee All proceeds will go toward the Appalachia mission trip. School News: A Message from Mr. Bogle As the year comes to an end I want to recognize some of the accomplishments of our students. Sixth grade student Daniel Dunphy participated in the Geography Bee at the state level competition in April. Daniel represented St. Charles very well in this distinguished event. Four of our junior high students participated in the Regional History Channel History Bee in Columbus. Daniel Dunphy, Ben Rodman, Caleb Shouse, and William Shouse participated with over one hundred students from four states. William scored in the top fifteen participants and will be competing at the National History Channel History Bee in Atlanta, Georgia in June. Kayla Butler, Bobby Klosterman, Andrew Hornick and Jack Issler all attended the District Science Fair at Central State University after receiving an Excellent or Superior at the Montgomery County Science Day. Over 450 students participated from eight counties. Kayla, Bobby and Andrew all received Excellent ratings. Jack’s project received a Superior rating and he is eligible to advance to the State Science Fair at Ohio State University on May 10. Not only are our students highly knowledgeable in Geography and History but they are also talented in written expression. The highlyawarded St. Charles Power of the Pen team recently participated in the Regional Tournament. The nine writers in attendance earned so many points that St. Charles is in 3rd place out of 26 schools in the Montgomery and Clark County region. Two schools from Clark County have the top spots. Siobhan McAleer placed 4th out of 72 writers in the 8th grade earning a trip to State this May. Joining her will be three 7th graders. Amy Hess, who placed 14th out of 78 writers in the 7th grade, William Shouse in 8th place and Tanner Lapp who took 2nd place. Amy had one of her stories chosen as a Best of Round story at the District meet in January. Her story has been chosen to be published in the book of winners. Thank you to Mrs. Krumholtz and Mrs. Mueller who continue to lead this talented team and all of our teachers who prepared our students along the way. Congratulations to all of the students who participated in our Spring Arts Week that included an exhibition of our student art work, forensics speeches, musicians, and the Musical “Little Mermaid Jr.” The exhibition included depictions of the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy that were created by the student Faith Families with K12 artist Leesa Haapapuro. The outstanding curriculum at St. Charles is getting a boost from our dedicated parents and teachers. A newly formed Technology Committee, under the leadership of Joe and Renae Lunne, have begun meeting with eight parents and four teachers to address three technology related issues at St. Charles School. The committee has divided themselves into sub-committees to address Curriculum and Instruction, Hardware and Software needs, and Teacher Professional Development. A formal report is planned to be delivered to the school faculty in May. We thank all of our dedicated parents and staff as we work together for the success of all of our students. As the school advances in technology a team of teachers will be attending the National Catholic Education Association STREAM convocation at the University of Dayton in June. Mrs. Sarmiento, Mrs. Carlson, and Mrs. Rodman will join me at this premier event to learn how to further a Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics Program at St. Charles. This integrated curriculum approach to STEM will blend engineering and technology principles into our successful Mathematics, Science, Religion, and Arts programming. Our music teacher, Mr. Jeremy Samudio, will be presenting to a national audience at this event with University of Dayton Professor Linda Hartley. Baptism Prep Class Confirmation 2014 Save the date! Congratulations! May the Father fill you with his Love, may Jesus Christ bring you Hope, and may the Spirit strengthen your faith all the days of your life. Mikayla Gertrude Aulner Shannon Catherine Bailey Benjamin Vincent Ballard Sarah Hermione Beecroft Sierra Elizabeth Berus Nicole Maria Bierlein Audrey Joan Binzer Abigail Cecilia Bishop Perri Peregrine Bockrath Addison Cecilia Bradley Madison Frances Brandenburg Connor Sebastian Brinkman Allison Clare Buerschen Camille Monica Butkus Kayla Georgia Butler Noah Colman Coleman Jacob Andrew Danielson James Xavier Donnelly John John Duke Matthew Matthew Egbert John Luke Filson Connor Patrick Gantt Eshaan Peter Garst Katelyn Cecilia Gillotti Andrew Andrew Gleason Marie Mary Gross Abigail Lucille Grunenwald Tate Sebastian Harnett Lane Albert Harshbarger Jacob Francis Hermann Kelly Catherine Heyd Kathryn Cecilia Hickey Emily Margaret Horwath Josh Anthony Kabel Daniel Michael LeComte Sarah Agnes Mackie Siobhan Cecilia McAleer Mary Veronica McManus Andrew Peter Miller Daniel Nicholas Nye Vincent Vincent Nyhan Sarah Christina Pham Nathanial Francis Popp Riley Rita Priest Anthony Anthony Reaman Abby Margaret Rich Connor John Rushing Sebastian Sebastian Seni Jacob Sebastian Spiewak Abigail Kateri Stitt Samantha Bernadette Turner Matthew John Wagner Kiersten Seraphina Weidner Hope Cecilia Wirsing Alexander Sebastian Young Morning of Reflection Month of Mary The Morning of Reflection will be held Tuesday, May 13th, from 9:15 a.m. to Noon. Please join Father Matthew Summe, L.C. and Father John Bullock, L.C. for Mass at 9:30 a.m. in the St. Charles Borromeo Day Chapel to be followed with spiritual talks, confession and fellowship. Childcare is available. For more information, or to schedule childcare, please call parishioners Karen Connair at 433-2783 or Barbette Whelan at 293-1438. Regnum Christi women are hostessing this wonderful opportunity for all women of St. Charles parish and their guests. Our next Baptism Preparation Class will be held on Monday, May 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. This class is a requirement for anyone wishing to have a child (aged 7 or under) baptized in the Catholic Church, and who has not had this class in the last two years. Godparents are welcome to attend, but are not required to. To register for the class, or if you have any questions, please contact Erin Fanning at or 4349272. We hope to see you there! Holy Week Thank you! The Holy Week liturgies were beautiful, prayerful, and inspiring! But it doesn’t just happen. Many people work hard to make our liturgies as beautiful and prayerful as they are. I want to thank each person involved and I want parishioners to thank them too. With deep gratitude, to our musicians, cantors, and choirs who deepened our prayer with music and led us in praising God in song. To the Art & Environment committee who worked tirelessly to set and re-set “the stage” for each part of the Sacred Triduum. To the lectors who prepared to proclaim the Word of God with reverence and dignity. To the Ushers who arrived early, stayed late, and assisted with seating, collections, and managed difficult situations. To the Greeters who welcomed our parishioners and visitors and assisted with questions and concerns. To the Servers who carefully practiced for the liturgies and served with poise and a prayerful manner. To the Eucharistic Ministers who reverently ministered Holy Communion. To the Martha’s who faithfully kept us supplied with clean altar linens during this holy season. To the Worship Commission who carefully choreographed the liturgies to ensure that they followed the norms of the Roman Missal as gracefully and prayerfully as possible. To Bob McNabb and Mike Evens in our Maintenance Department who worked behind the scenes at all hours of the night and day to ensure so many things were as they should be for our celebrations. To the “feet people” who humbly allowed their feet to be washed that the “mandatum” to serve one another might be exemplified. To those who planned, cooked, provided, served, set-up, and cleaned-up the lovely reception which followed the Vigil. To those who served as point people, check-in people, emcees, robe fitters, and towel washers. Finally, to our priests and deacons who lead us in prayer with a spirit of holiness and awe. May God’s face shine upon each of you this Easter season and throughout the year! Brenda Tibbits, Pastoral Associate. St. Charles Borromeo 4500 Ackerman Blvd. Kettering, Ohio 45429 Kroger Community Rewards Please remember to register your Kroger Plus Card. Each April you are required to renew your rewards program. Kroger sends St. Charles a check quarterly, if you link your Kroger account to our school. This is a simple and easy way for St. Charles to earn money back. Deeming St. Charles as your rewards program recipient, does not affect your gas points. Thank you for supporting St. Charles. Directions to use the Kroger Community Rewards: Register online at Click on “Sign In: or “Create an Account” Click on “Edit Kroger Community Rewards information” and input your Kroger Plus card number Enter NPO number or name of organization, select organization from list and click on confirm St Charles new NPO number is 80241. To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page. Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus card number. Parish to Celebrate Wedding Anniversaries Couples celebrating a 25th, 50th, 60th, 65th, 70th or 75th wedding anniversary in 2014 are invited to the parish celebration on Sunday, May 18th. The celebration begins with attendance at the 10:45 Liturgy. Following the Liturgy a brunch will be served in the Charles Borromeo Room. Scrolls from the Archbishop will be distributed at the luncheon. All couples celebrating a special anniversary are asked to bring their wedding picture for a parish display. Pictures will be on display in the Atrium the weekend before the celebration and the day of the brunch. After the brunch you may take your picture home with you. Invitations from the parish will be sent to those who have already registered. If you haven’t registered yet, please call the Parish Office at 434-6081 to register by Monday, May 5th for the Parish celebration. St. Charles Mission Statement: We, the parish of St. Charles Borromeo, are a Catholic community united in our faith and dedicated to the love of God and our neighbor. Our mission is to worship God, celebrate the sacraments, live and preach the Word of God, and serve the needs of our parish. We shall pursue this mission faithfully through the power of the Holy Spirit and the gifts and talents of our members.
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