Summertime - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Summertime - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
13TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OLPH JUNE 26, 2016 Seek, Share, Rejoice! Loving / Sharing / Praying Together e m r m t ime u S Live in the sunshine Swim in the sea. Drink the wild air. Ralph Waldo Emerson LAKE MICHIGAN Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish 1775 Grove St. Glenview IL 60025 Parish Office 847-729-1525 seek, share, rejoice - pastor's reflection Dear Parishioners, Father Jerry Boland Thoughts on Today's Gospel Today’s Gospel reveals to us the beginning of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem. We will journey with Jesus for many Sundays to come, and along the way he will teach us about the demands of discipleship. His instructions may seem harsh and unreasonable to our ears. His response to legitimate requests to postpone the journey reminds us that there are always justifiable excuses to defer the journey or put off the responsibilities of discipleship. Other important matters compete for our attention. Some of us must make heart-wrenching choices, but there is urgency about Jesus’ mission to bring forth God’s kingdom. His demand is that we proclaim the Kingdom of God now. Is this our first priority, or do we have other priorities? © 2016 International Catholic Stewardship Council 2 “Live by the Spirit!” These words from this weekend’s second reading uplift us. The Spirit has and will continue to guide the life of the Church and our individual journeys of faith. Summer can be a time of recharging our “batteries”. A time of renewing ourselves is critical to being a healthy person. The summer can provide the space for a family to be together, we can find time to renew friendships, and we can be released for a bit, from the pressures of keeping up. Summer escapes can help us appreciate the beauty of creation. We can experience another culture or expand our sense of history. Some people have a hard time taking time for themselves or their families. On the other hand, I always get a kick out of people who spend several weeks or months away but seem to resent others who are taking time to be “away”. I think of people that are in high pressured jobs or a Mom who has a house full of kids and the importance for them to find time to relax and find rest. If you find yourself critical of others or just unable to justify some get away time, “live by the Spirit”, Jesus certainly took time to withdraw and replenish His Spirit. He didn’t need other people’s approval. Don’t let the summer pass without taking some time for yourself. This week we had a wonderful time participating in the Totus Tuus program for young people. It was a joy having the kids around to play, celebrate their faith and enjoy the first week of summer vacation. I am so grateful to Vivi Lato who makes this all happen. She has a great ability to bring the whole thing together. I am grateful to Fr. Lara for his leadership and presence. I am also grateful to the missionary team of young adults who were awesome. Their energy and genuine faith was an inspiration. They made something as simple as making the sign of the cross a blast! June 26, 2016 • I had a wonderful visit this week with Fr. Thinnes, who has had to deal with so many health issues. I have known Fr. Thinnes for many years and I have always admired his personal courage, deep faith and intellect. He is living at St. Benedict’s nursing home and rehabilitation center. Fr. John Flavin lives there as well. Fr. Thinnes longs for the day he will be able to celebrate Mass with us again. If you can, he would love to hear from you as would Father Flavin. Their address is; Presence St. Benedict, 6930 W Touhy, Niles IL, 60714. It is hard to believe that Sr. Marie Krippner has been at the Motherhouse for a little over a year. How much I miss her! I know she has deeply appreciated the many ways that OLPH has reached out to her. While her address is in Milwaukee her parish is OLPH! If you would like to write her, the address is; Sr. Marie Krippner OSF, Sacred Heart Center, 1545 Layton Blvd, Milwaukee, WI, 53215. The Parish Transformation Initiative met this week to complete our plan for the future. I am truly grateful to all the parishioners who participated. The action plan includes efforts that could guide the future of the parish on many levels. In the coming weeks the plan will be presented to Bishop Kane, our Vicar. After he accepts it, we will begin presenting the plan to the whole parish. This week we celebrate the feast day of Our Lady of Perpetual Help with a novena to our parish patron. We have such a beautiful icon of her in the Lady Chapel that was a gift to the parish from Loretta Garvey who recently passed away. Our lady of Perpetual Help, Pray for Us! Fr. Jerry seek, share, rejoice - spiritual engagement Feast of Our Patroness Monday, June 27 is the Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and the 150th Jubilee Anniversary of Restoration of the Original Icon This month marks the restoration to public devotion of the original icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in the Church of St. Alphonsus Ligouri in Rome. To honor this important Jubilee Anniversary, Father Isaac Lara and several parishioners have called upon the powerful intercession of Our Lady for the nine days leading up to the Feast. Join him one last time following the 7:30 Mass on Sunday, June 26 Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Celebration - Monday, June 27 9:00 a.m. The Holy Rosary followed by prayers of thanksgiving 9:30 a.m. Fellowship Breakfast served in the South Lobby courtesy of the Rectory Breakfast will also be served after the 6:30 a.m. Mass PROJECT LINUS Wednesday – June 29 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Please plan to join us to help to provide cheerful patchwork blankets for needy infants and children! Project Linus has fun and helpful jobs for everyone, and the ability to use a sewing machine is not required. Friends old & new are always welcome! Meeting will be held in the Dussman Room of the Lafayette Building For more information, please call Project Linus Coordinator, Esther Behnke: Mobile: 847-767-1404 Home: 847-498-4178 EVOLVE Adult Education Ministry Presents Jim Kenney Religious and Political Extremists and the War on Science Saturday, July 16 - 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in McDonnell Hall How did it happen in America? How did the world's leader in scientific research and achievement become the stronghold of a powerful and dangerous anti-science movement? We'll look at the influence of powerful figures from America's corporate, political and evangelical circles who could be described as fundamentalist Christians and who employ and distort religious arguments and use literal interpretations of scripture to refute science-based evidence of the impact of evolution and climate change. We'll find some answers as we explore the history of the extreme right wing's association with a wide range of science-denying crusades. Along the way, we will discover that this toxic culture war has produced a surprising (though much more limited) left-leaning version of the repudiation of science, particularly with regard to childhood vaccinations and GMOs. We'll touch on evolution, stem-cell research, climate change, environmental regulation, vaccines, product safety, and even sex education. About The Presenter: Jim Kenney, a director of the 1993 and 1999 Parliaments of the World's Religions, is a renowned leader in the movement for global interreligious understanding and cooperative common action. He is cofounder/ director of Common Ground, a center for interreligious dialogue. June 26, 2016 • 3 seek, share, rejoice - sharing and human concerns Sr. Paulanne Shares Her Concerns Thank you for your great support of the Needy Family Fund, which responds to the needs of people in our Parish and Community. It has been a difficult year, with more people cut to part time with no benefits. People struggle every day because the State has cut funding. Senior citizens are going without their medication because they cannot afford it. Mothers do not have enough formula, diapers, or food to feed their children. The school lunches are over. Day Care has been cut from the State budget for single mothers who have no place to take their children. They are using rent money to provide a safe place for their children when they work and therfore they become homeless. Twenty-five percent of children under the age of six are malnourished and 1.6 percent of children are homeless in our country. We need to help provide the basic necessities for our community. Please help with a gift card so a child does not go hungry. May God bless you generously for making a difference! Sr. Paulanne Sharing Updates and Opportunities S.O.S. For Food Consider the needy alongside your own household when grocery shopping. Pick up a few items for someone you don’t even know and make the difference in their day! Too Busy To Shop For The Food Drive? We’ll do the shopping for you! Mail a donation made out to the OLPH Needy Family Fund to Lou Marohn, 2132 Fir Street, Glenview. Food will be purchased in case lots to stretch and maximize your donation. Feed The Homeless At Marquard, July 17 The Ten Commandments of Sharing To facilitate the Sharing process, please consider the guidelines outlined below. 1. Non-perishable food items continue to be our greatest need. Please donate items with their original seal and within their expiration date. Avoid glass containers. 2. Please consider the dignity of the needy when evaluating what to donate. Ask yourself whether you would be comfortable passing an item on to someone you know. 3. When donating your gently worn, clean clothing, please remove from hangers and deliver them to the Sharing Room folded in boxes or bags, keeping weight manageable for our volunteers. All types of clothing are welcome with the exception of undergarments (men’s undershirts are welcome). Help feed the homeless at Marquard Center on Sunday, July 17. We welcome donations of fresh fruit, cookies and candy, which can be delivered to the convent porch that Saturday. 4. Shoes should be gently worn. Volunteers are needed on Marquard service on Sundays to prepare the meal at OLPH after 9:30 a.m. Mass and to serve the meal at Marquard Center, leaving at 3:30 p.m. and returning home at 7:30 p.m.. 6. Contact the Parish Office for donation of larger furnishings. We will then call you to discuss the items. Please do not deliver furniture or appliances to the Sharing Room without authorization. Contact Terri Guercio, 847-729-5916 or to volunteer. 8. We do find homes for most books but are unable to find outlets for encyclopedias and textbooks. 5. Small household items in clean, good condition are welcome. Small appliances need to be complete and in working order. We cannot accept TVs. 7. We can only accept NEW toys. 9. Please do not donate redecorating materials (used paint, wallpaper, tile…) or construction materials. 10. The dumpsters outside the Sharing Room doors fill routinely with items we do not feel comfortable passing on. This creates an unnecessary expense and reduces funds for the poor. Thank you for your consideration of these guidelines! 4 June 26, 2016 • seek, share, rejoice - parish news and notes OLPH Religious Education For students in grades PK through 8 Registration for 2016-17 Registration forms for the 2016-2017 RE school year are now available. • If you are new to the program: email Cherie DiCesare at or stop by the Parish Rectory for a paper copy of the forms. • All families currently enrolled in the program will receive forms via email. • Please return your completed forms with a check for registration as well as the sacrament fee if applicable, as soon as possible so that we can arrange class assignments for the fall. • Classes are assigned on a first come, first serve basis. Pay careful attention to be sure all information is completed. Incomplete registrations will not be processed. CRHP 2016 Retreat for Women, September 24-25 All women of the parish are invited to our next Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) weekend at Techny Towers in Northbrook. Dates: Saturday and Sunday, September 24 and 25. This is a special time for you to set aside for faith enrichment and personal growth. Contact Colleen Huffman 847-832-9532 for more information. Retreat for Men, October 22-23 All men of the parish are invited to join fellow parishioners for a two-day, one-night spiritual renewal. Date: Saturday and Sunday, October 22-23, 2016 Location: Bellarmine Retreat House, Barrington Illinois. Contact Marty Kearney 312.550.3039 Marathon Opportunity Attention Runners: You can still get into the 2016 Bank of America Chicago Marathon when you sign up to run for Mercy Home for Boys & Girls today. Father Boland with R.E. students at the Birthday Boxes service project this past spring. Parent Volunteers and Catechists Needed We need and encourage parent volunteers at all levels. Each child has only 1 ½ hours per week so it is crucial for us to have enough catechists to keep class size limited. Please consider giving your time to pass on our Catholic faith to the children. We will provide you with all the support you need. You may be surprised at how effective you will be with our well defined curriculum and the shared ideas from our experienced teachers. Previous teaching experience is not required, just a desire to help our children grow in their faith. You’ll have an incredible training and race-day experience, while supporting a home for abused children. Your last chance to become a Mercy Home Hero for kids is June 21! No matter what your running experience, Mercy Home will give you all of the resources you need to cross the finish line on October 9. Take the first step now. It will change your life – and the life of a child. But hurry – you must sign up by June 21. To learn more and to sign up, visit June 26, 2016 • 5 seek, share, rejoice - school news Congratulations to the following students for making Fourth Quarter Honor Roll: 8th Grade: Lilliann Awdisho Mary Boesen Zach Boylen Audrey Brett Leo Brett Kelli Christ Courtney Cochico Henry Collins Steven Dales Mary Kate Daly Libby Downey Isabel Garvey Henry Gilroy Kate Goldberg Emily Hendrick Meghan Keefe Sarah Keefe Will Keenan Jonathan Koh Kate Kurkowski Ashlynn Lally Meg McCall Lucas Mortenson Abby Mowinski Grace Murnane Jack Nimesheim Katie Penn Jack Posner Ezzie Posner Alison Reeve Molly Saletta Caleigh Schmidt Analiese Terrell Tom Vorisek Joey Walker Peter Weatherhead Grace Wetoska Owen Zidar 7th Grade: Lila Acott Jared Baffa Alex Brennan Anna Cahill 7th Grade (cont.): Patsy Carolan Ashley Carr Eileen Clifford Sarah Clingan Claire Daly Eloise Denker Sophie DiVito Sean Dougherty Jenna Dungca Mary Dunn Claire Engels Jack Garrigus Elizabeth Guttschow Will Harlan Ava Harmer Grace Hiatt Caroline Humphrey Eleanor Jackson Jamila Jusino Allie Just Sarine Kalayjian Maddie Kenny Jacob Kinzler David Kolssak Mary Lato Juan Lillig Mariana Lillig Isabella Lombardo Alyson Ludden Sara MacDonald Anthony Maiorca Mia Marchiori Erin McCarthy Lily McNaughton Caroline Mitchell Mitchell Mortenson Braden Mullen Allison Mulvey Thomas O’Gara Joey Paxson Annie Redfern Emily Rivero Shannon Robson Silvana Scarsella 7th Grade (cont.): Emmaline Schuh Ty Shagory Mary Bridget Shaughnessy Mack Smith Nick Stone Nate Van Zelst Aidan Wahlert Olivia Wahlert Cecilia Ward Emma Weatherhead Hunter Weisensel Ben Zummo Jessica Schmidt Kelly Schultz Anne Shaughnessy Mary Stauder CeCe Stefo Sean Sullivan Tricia Thein Anna Unger Gavin Velasco Clara Wawrzyn Mark Wetoska Thomas Whelan Liam Zidar 6th Grade: 5th Grade: Sofia Anthony Liliane Aquino Emily Bechtoldt Maggie Boyle Sean Burden Owen Coleman Annmarie Collins Patrick Condon Theo Conroy Timothy Cooper Molly Doell Benjamin Downey Tatum Fullett Ines Galiano Connor Garrigus Peter Gilroy Caroline Gubbins Mary Claire Hendrick Aidan King Regan Koh Karly Kolssak Stephen Lombardo Mikey McCarthy Eva McHugh Quinn Nimesheim Emma Novy Matthew O’Brien Ava Placio Michael Reeve Michael Regan Catherine Burke Ryan Cowen Mia DiVito Hope Donnelly Mary Doran Berkley-Ayne Dorsten Jacque Gariepy Ryan Green Ethan Guttschow David Hiatt Vishal Joseph Vivek Joseph Dylan King Gwyneth Kinzler Maria Lillig James Lombardo John McCormick Lillian McGarry Michael McNaughton Haley McNeil Michael McNeil Claire Murnane Matthew Nugent Julia Mae Sassaman Mackenzie Schuh Kara Tschanz Allie Varela Charlotte Wahlert Jack Wetoska Sam Zummo Enrolling Now for Fall ’16 Preschool-8th Grade Visit our website, Contact Admissions to schedule a tour 847-724-6990 6 June 26, 2016 • announcements U.S. MILITARY PRAYER LIST US ARMY 1st Lt. Michael Altonji SSG Brent Blackwell, Afghanistan 2LT Atticus Blair, Afghanistan. 1st Lt. Brad Fischl Corporal Rick Hajost 1st LT Daniel LaBarge CPT Matthew Leck 1st Lt. Gavin McGarry Cpt. Brittany Sunko 1st Lt. William Thibeau COL Thomas Vogel LTC Daniel Vogel CPL Jacob Zielinski US AIR FORCE 1st Lt Brian Joseph Anderson SSgt Jon Billie 1st Lt McCall Casas MSgt Richard Nash Major Reid Orth Major Lowell Wallace, Overseas US NAVY IT2 James Kowalski, Overseas Lt. John O’Hagan, Afghanistan Lt. J.G. Kenneth Pittner EM1 John Sutehall, Japan US MARINES Sgt Jack Askins Capt. Justin Coons Capt. Caitlin Ferrarell 1st Lt Matt Mugnaini Capt. Bradley Petersen Major Eric Starr, Afghanistan Ethan Zielinski For revisions or updates to this list contact: Geof & Cathy Lutz 847-724-8218. BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS Our weekly bulletin communicates the news and events at OLPH Parish. Questions? Call 847-729-1525 ext. 24 to speak to Natalie Conseur. DEADLINE: Please email all content no later than 6:00 pm on the Sunday prior to publication date. SUBMISSIONS: Email to NOTE: The bulletin cannot promote job seekers, entrepreneurs, etc. Please call 800.566.6170 to place a paid bulletin ad. Announcements Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat The Glenview Theatre Guild presents a wonderful musical adaptation of the Biblical story. Tickets are $20 in advance and $22 at the door. Groups of 15 or more are $17 each. Showtimes: 7:30 p.m., Fridays and Saturdays, June 24 through July 9, and 2 p.m., Sundays, June 26 and July 3, at Glenbrook South High School, 4000 W Lake Ave. For additional information, visit Assistive Listening Devices Available at OLPH For those who are hard of hearing we have assistive listening devices available to help you participate more fully during Mass. Please plan to arrive for Mass a few minutes early to borrow the necessary equipment from Sr. Paulanne. Please don’t forget to return the devices at the end of Mass when you are finished. Volunteer Opportunity with Women's Center Starting now, your help is needed to prepare 8,000 bottles for the Women's Center Baby Bottle Campaign by cleaning, tagging, and boxing them so they can be used for spare change campaigns at churches and schools. We are located at 5116 N. Cicero Avenue. Hours are flexible but shifts of 9 am-12 pm, 1-4 pm, or 9 am-5 pm are welcome. If you are interested in lending a hand on this special project, please contact Paige at 773.794.8807. Friday Night at the Movies, July 8 You are invited to the July movie at St. Isaac Jogues parish. Movie Night is every second Friday at 7:00 pm. There is no charge, and the popcorn and soda are free as well. The film that will be shown is "The Young Messiah" that focuses on Jesus' childhood. All films are presented on a giant, 10-foot-wide movie screen in the Holy Family Room at St. Isaac Jogues, 8149 W. Golf Road in Niles. Call 847-9658072 for more information. Morning of Reflection with Fr. McGrath IVC Morning of Reflection to celebrate the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola led by Fr. Pat McGrath, SJ. Date: Thursday, July 28, 2016 from 9:30 am-1 pm. Location: St. Ignatius College Prep, 1076 W. Roosevelt Rd, Chicago 60607. All Are Welcome, $25/ person (includes Mass & Lunch). Register online at or contact Jackie Fitzgerald at or 312-961-6206 June 26, 2016 • 7 our weekly intentions Remember Our Sick Kip Alexander Keeley Barr Patricia Beckwith Matt Collins Coty Cottle Jim Cottle Pat Cullen Kathy Gerage Gertrude Gordon Bob Gregg Meghan Healy Terry Hurley Pat Kelley Barbara Kramer Jeanie McInerney Judith Nani Mary Carol O'Brien Lukas Parsek Paul Parsek Pat Reagan Noreen Ritt Infant Mary Elizabeth Roland Judith Santi Liz Smith Janet Sontag Patrick Stein Sue Sychowski Ed Tracz Andrea Zielinski Our Beloved Deceased Ann Kurtz Candace Walsh, sister of Daniel Sunday, June 26 7:30 Carol Ann O’Callaghan and Mary Cleary Mackie (Fr. Hickey) 9:30 ChEmily & Wesley Zoran and Peter Van Amberg Hasbrook, Sr. (Fr. McGrath) 9:30 Mc Bob Pasquesi (Fr. Boland) 11:00 Ed Just and J.T. Foley (Fr. Paddy) 12:30 Frank & Frances Klesta and Millo Feretti (Fr. Hickey) 6:00 Nydia Gardner (MFTL) and Maria Del Carmen Cruanes (Fr. Kartje) Monday, June 27 6:30Jacqueline & David Behof 1st Wedding Anniversary and L oretta Garvey 8:30 Wenzel & Hammel Families (MFTL), Edith Michelini and Loretta Garvey, Tuesday, June 28 6:30 8:30 John Dillon and Paul Miskella Susan Castagna (MFTL) Wednesday, June 29 6:30 8:30 Living and Deceased Members of OLPH Ernesto Ampon and Tiburcio Bangit Thursday, June 30 Recent Baptisms 6:30 8:30 Ginny McMahon Mercedes Janschutz, Virginia Unger and Wayne Grein Aubrey Grace, daughter of Megan (Philbin) Criscione and Derek Criscione Noah James, son of Megan (Philbin) Criscione and Derek Criscione Matthew Robert John, son of Courtney (Wolf) Marrone and Jeffrey Marrone Kendall Lee, daughter of Kristin (Bialk) McColgan and Jared McColgan Friday, July 1 Upcoming Weddings 7:30 9:30 Ch 9:30 Mc 11:00 12:30 6:00 III II I Kerry Weber & Andrew Ekland Jessica Eick & John Grenato Gabriella Gobbo & Jared Smith 6:30 8:30 Living and Deceased Members of OLPH Henrietta Goodworth and Thomas Kelly Saturday, July 2 6:30 8:30 3:00 5:00 Living and Deceased Members of OLPH Living and Deceased Members of OLPH Weber ~ Ekland Wedding Raymond McMahon and Dr. Antonio De Leon Sunday, July 3 Betty Cannivet Murray and Orquidea Diaz Ann Kaiser and Robert Carrane Living and Deceased Members of OLPH Thanksgiving and Bill Dolan Maria Kalmar Living and Deceased Members of OLPH SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Sat. • 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment LITURGY OF THE HOURS Wed. • 8:10 a.m. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK After the 8:30 Mass on the 2nd Saturday of every month EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Fri. • 9:00 a.m. - 3:50 p.m. • Lady Chapel DIVINE MERCY HOLY HOUR Fri. • 3:00 p.m. • Lady Chapel MASSES AT MARYHAVEN Sun. Tue. and Fri.• 10:30 a.m. ROSARY Mon. - Sat. • after 8:30 a.m. Mass 8 June 26, 2016 • parish information PARISH OFFICE 847.729.1525 FAX 847.729.0623 THE CITY Rev. Jeremiah Boland, Pastor Rev. Thomas E. Hickey, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Isaac Lara, Associate Pastor Rev. Nicholas Kostyk, Associate Pastor Rev. Paddy Tyrrell, SJ Associate Pastor Jim & Pat Revord, Deacon Couple Dave & Mary Beth Kalina, Deacon Couple Nancy Schwider, Director of Operations & Stewardship, Russell Stern, Director of Music Ministry Natalie Conseur, Director of Communications WEBSITE FACEBOOK.COM/olphglenview Cherie DiCesare, Director of Religious Education 847-998-5289 Rev. Paddy Tyrrell, Coordinator of Youth & Young Adult Ministry 847-602-4143 Dr. Amy Mills, Parish School Principal 847-724-6990, John Kurkowski, School Endowment Board Chair Laura Kearney, Parish Secretary Linda Feo, Parish Office Assistant Margie Andre, Liturgy Assistant Gloria Gaughan, Evening & Weekend Receptionist OLPH Care Links Bereavement Support Deacon Dave Kalina 847-729-1525 ext. 25 Confidential Assistance Sister Paulanne 847-724-2044 Divorce Support Group Val Spingola, LCSW 847-826-3566 Domestic Violence Ministry Brian Herrle 908-448-6713 Homebound/Hospital Visits Rick Nash 847-651-8718 Respect Life Monica Cassidy 847-724-7206
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