Unto Us a Savior is Born! - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Unto Us a Savior is Born! - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Volume 14, Issue 2 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Winter 2012 Perpetual Times 2255 Central Grove Toledo, Ohio 43614 419-382-5511 O Come, All Ye Faithful Greetings and blessings to you all as we move into the final season of this year and into a whole New Year. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish is a Catholic community committed to celebrating and extending the mission of Jesus Christ through spiritual growth, education, service and compassion for all God’s people, under the patronage of our Blessed Mother. Winter takes us into the darkest days before the dawn of a New Year and lighter, longer days. The Church’s liturgical year parallels this movement from darkness into light and captures it in the period of Advent, a time of waiting and watching. In ancient times there were watchmen in the night who kept watch over the people to keep them safe. For the most part we have electronics that do that for us today. The night was divided into “watches” before the dawn. Unto Us a Savior is Born! Advent is divided into four -week periods before the dawn of the Son of God on Christmas. Jesus comes as the Light to the World calling us to live in His light and bring His light to all around us. Christmas begins on December 25th and is celebrated for twelve days until the 6th of January, the Feast of Epiphany. St. Luke and St. Matthew highlight the birth narratives of Jesus at the beginning of their Gospels. Luke gives us details about the inn and the stable, the shepherds and angels of the heavenly hosts, the presentation in the temple and the little window into Jesus’ childhood as he stayed in Jerusalem, unbeknownst to his parents. Matthew, on the other hand, gives us the picture of the Three Wise Men, the escape into Egypt and the killing of the Innocents. The Christmas/Epiphany Seasons end with the Baptism of the Lord. We then briefly move into winter ordinary time and the season of Lent. May you and your family enjoy these holy seasons and may they bring you always closer to Christ our Lord. Fr. Jim Page 2 Volume 14, Issue 2 PARISH It Came Upon the Midnight Clear— State of the Parish Update from Fr. Jim On September 30th I gave a State of the Parish address at all the Masses. A part of that report concerned the possibility of a parish-wide Capital Campaign. Since then input from different committees and councils of the parish do not necessarily support such a campaign at this time. We do absolutely need a new phone system, and that is being pursued by the school office through a number of avenues. What has come out of this query is the need to do an assessment or survey of the whole parish. This is being worked on this winter by a number of people and will be available sometime in the early part of the year. May God’s blessings come upon you and your family and keep you growing in your faith. If You Just Believe—Morning of Reflection On October 27 our Morning of Reflection for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Lectors featured Fr. David Cirata, the pastor of St. Mary’s in Edgerton and St. Michael’s in Hicksville. His lively presentation, “The Eucharist: The Source & Summit of the Christian Life”, was enjoyable with meaningful insights that deeply enriched our faith life. Fr. Jim and Jean Bigler presented the practical aspects of the distribution of Holy Communion. The morning ended with the bi-annual commissioning of our ministers, whose dedication to O.L.P.H. is greatly appreciated. “average TOTAL attendance. . . each week in October. . . was 383! . . . we pray that more return to their parish family here at Mary, Did You Know? We Have Fewer People Attending Mass OLPH” Fr. David Cirata O Come Little Children Congratulations to our 2nd grade school and PSR children who celebrated their First Reconciliation this fall. Let us continue to pray for them as they make their way to their First Communion in the spring! Each week in October the Diocese asks us to count how many attend weekend Mass at OLPH Church. Sadly, we had to report that our average TOTAL attendance was 383! This is down dramatically from 2012, when we averaged 520 per week, and down even further when you look back at 2003 and see we welcomed 1,075 per week. All are welcome, and we pray that more return to their parish family here at OLPH. Hark the Herald Angels Sing Once again the OLPH Choir will sing traditional Christmas carols on December 24 beginning at 10:20 p.m. until the 11:00 p.m. solemn vigil Mass begins. Come early, sit back and enjoy the musical beauty of this Holy Night. Perpetual Times Page 3 PLEASE COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS…THE 2012 CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Deanery Parish Penance Service: Sunday, December 9 1:30 p.m. at St. Pat’s (with OLPH & St. Joan of Arc) Individual Confessions—By Appointment or: Saturdays of Advent, December 1, 8, 15 & 22 After morning Mass and from 2-4:30 p.m. December 18, 20 & 21 8-8:30 a.m. and after 8:45 a.m. Mass December 19 DAY OF GRACE after 8:45 a.m. Mass until 6:00 p.m. on the hour December 23 After Sunday Masses MASS SCHEDULE December 24 (NO 8:45 a.m. Mass) 4:00 p.m. – Children’s Mass 11:00 p.m. – Solemn Vigil Mass December 25 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. December 31 5:00 p.m. January 1, 2013 10:00 a.m. CHRISTMAS MESSAGE 2012 Dear Friends in Christ, “For us men and women and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the power of the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.” These powerful words from the Creed, our profession of faith, declare what we celebrate in this Christmas Celebration. In a very profound way during this “Year of Faith” we want to join the whole Church in proclaiming our Savior’s Birth, and the full impact of what the incarnation means for us and for the whole world. In the deepness of winter, when the stars shine through the cold night and frost fills the air, when our concerns are burdened with the rush of the season’s cares, and the chill of our war-torn and sin-weary world are drawn to the promise of new life, we sing with gladness that love has a name—Jesus! May our God, who lives among us in humanity as well as in heaven, wrap you with peace and joy in the Christmas Season. May the wounded hands of our Savior Jesus touch your souls in absolution through the powerful Sacrament of Reconciliation. Join us for our Christmas Masses and let the Holy Spirit pour into your hearts all the gifts the Heavenly Father has in store for you. May our Christ bless you with life, Real Life, Fr. Jim Page 4 Volume 14, Issue 2 I WANT A HIPPOPOTAMUS FOR CHRISTMAS…NO? HOW ABOUT CORN HOLE? Washington D.C. Fundraiser Is Corn Hole your game? Is Ohio State or Michigan your team? Then you might be interested in buying raffle tickets to win an Ohio State or Michigan Corn Hole Set with team color-coordinated bags! Both sets have been beautifully handmade by Al Teniente. The 8th grade class of OLPH will be selling tickets after all Masses in January & February for $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. All proceeds will go to the 8th grade D.C. trip this spring. The winning tickets will be pulled after the 11:00 a.m. Mass on March 3, 2013. Our students are grateful for any support that you can give! GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN--OUR ANNUAL FISH FRY WILL BE BACK! SILENT NIGHT—NOT EXACTLY, WHEN IT COMES TO CRHP! Christ Renews His Parish is a retreat that encourages participation to any degree you wish. Share a lot; share a little; there is no wrong way to do it! Spend the short weekend with fellow members of OLPH in prayer, song, laughter, food and lifelong fellowship. The dates for the ladies’ weekend are February 9 & 10 and for the men’s weekend they are February 23 & 24. Call the Parish Office to reserve your unforgettable, overnight getaway soon at “Hotel O.L.”, as space is limited. UP ON THE HOUSETOP REINDEER PAUSE… To be sure to mark their calendars for the deadline for articles and pictures for the spring edition of the Perpetual Times, which is Friday, February 1, 2013. Please submit in writing to the Parish office or email to cleyland@bex.net. We are very blessed to have had a family come forward and volunteer to continue our “Famous” Fish Fry! The Shiple Family will need your help to carry on this parish tradition, so please generously give of your time—it will be here before you know it. As you are aware, all proceeds help enable us to balance the parish budget, so be sure to bring the whole family and your friends to enjoy the best Fish Fry in the city!! JOY TO THE WORLD— WE HAVE NEW MEMBERS! David Bui Dean & Linda Cochran, children Deano, Diego, Duncan & Randall Holmes Jeffery & Melinda Hood Jason & Laura Johns, son William Michael Justen Jennifer Langevin Monique Lasoya, son Gabriel Kyle & Jamye Tippie Marilyn Vargas Perpetual Times Page 5 ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS… A 365 LOTTO TICKET!! And who wouldn’t? Where else do you get 365 chances to win for only $20 each? Where else is your ticket eligible for EVERY drawing? Think of all the stockings you could easily stuff with a 2013 “365 Lotto” ticket! Think of all those family and friends who are hard to buy for! How about those out-of-towners? Why spend money shipping packages when you can spend a mere 45-cent stamp and gift them with Lotto tickets! Our prizes remain the same—because they are FANTASTIC! THREE $1,000 WINNERS on Easter, July 4th & Christmas, TWELVE $500 WINNERS on all First Mondays, FIFTY-TWO $100 WINNERS on all Sundays and TWO HUNDRED NINETY-EIGHT $40 WINNERS on the remaining days of the year. The 1st drawing is January 1, 2013. There is no limit to how many tickets you may buy or sell, but for every 15 sold tickets you turn in, we’ll put one in for you—FREE!! It is startling how many of those free tickets have been drawn the past two years. Below is a copy of the ticket. To purchase, please complete all information, include payment and drop in the collection basket at Church or send to the OLPH Parish Office, 2255 Central Grove Ave., Toledo, OH 43614. We will reprint your information on the actual ticket and put it in the hopper. If you want more than one ticket, please print the info for each ticket on a separate piece of paper. In the case of a holiday, like July 4th, falling on a Sunday or first Monday of the month, only the larger prize would be awarded. We gratefully acknowledge Maison-Dardenne-Walker Funeral Home again for sponsoring the cost of printing the tickets. 365 LOTTO 2013 NAME _____________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________ CITY _____________________ STATE _______ ZIP ________ PHONE NUMBER ____________________________________ SELLER ____________________________________________ PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY!! Perpetual Times Page 6 PARISH COMMUNITY BUILDERS These are a Few of My Favorite Things—Trunk or Treat Neither cold nor 40-mile an hour winds will keep us from Trunk or Treating! On Sunday, October 28, the OLPH parking lot was full of decorated trunks flowing with candy, costumed kids AND adults looking to score that candy as well as prizes, and, thankfully, lots of hot chocolate, hot cider and coffee. See costume winners below. Congratulations to all! If you weren’t there, you missed seeing some very creative costumes. Thank you to the Parish Community Builders for sponsoring this annual event and to all who helped out: Barb Bell, Barb Navarro, Tina & Kayla Willier, Fr. Jim and to Steve Hockenberger, who was kind enough to donate the three trophies for our costume winners. Let’s hope the weather is warmer next year!! Kallen Rawson wins Best Girl Costume Willy Wonka & the Oompa Loompas won Best Family Costume for the Tim & Heidi Crawford Family Ty Sadowy (Tin Man) holds his Best Boy Costume Trophy in front of his family’s Best Decorated Trunk, which recreated the woods scene in the Wizard of Oz. A spooky alien and creepy mummy in front of a spectacular sunset! Perpetual Times Page 7 Anyone for sushi? I’m too cute! TREATS! Those look like OLPH Trailblazers! Yikes! Under the sea! Page 8 Volume 14, Issue 2 SCHOOL NEWS What Child is This? “Together as One, OLPH School Raises the Standards” HAPPENINGS IN OUR SCHOOL: HALLOWEEN: Students celebrated Halloween on Wednesday, Oct. 31st with parties in the afternoon. All students were allowed to wear jeans with a Halloween-themed or Halloween-colored top. Students in grades K-2 brought a costume to change into for their afternoon party and parade. The parade began at 2:15; the students paraded through the school halls. STUDENT COUNCIL: Our 2012-2013 Student Council team was inducted recently after a Eucharistic celebration during Mass. This year’s council members from the 8th grade are: Jacob Kowalski, Joey Stearns, Drew Whipple, Maddie Roman, and Emma Schober. And from the 7th grade: Grace Crawford, Kennedy Williams, Sarah Demagall, Ben Waugh, and Daniel Powers. “Teachers and students have been busy, busy, busy this first quarter and the BASKETBALL GAME: Friday, Oct. 19, the 8th graders played the faculty in a basketball game. In order to go to the game and wear jeans, students were asked to bring in canned goods. These goods were distributed to local food banks. The basketball game was an absolute blast! Although the 8th graders were triumphant in the end, the faculty gave a good showing! The basketball game was the second part of a three-part service learning project centered on World Hunger Day. start of the second.” WEBSITE: Our website is in live mode as of 5pm on Tuesday 10/9/12! Please visit the site at http:// www.olphschooltoledo.org and take some time to navigate it. As we continue to grow the site, we will also continue to offer opportunities to communicate and complete items online. But this is a slow process and more details will be forthcoming as we come across them. One change coming in January will be the opportunity for parents to “opt-out” of papers, such as newsletters sent home. Please also see we have a school Facebook page and Twitter account. You can follow us on either for updates. OPERATION SHOEBOX— IT’S BEGINNING TO LOOK A LOT LIKE CHRISTMAS: OLPH Student Council sponsored, once more, Operation Shoebox. These shoeboxes are filled with toys and school supplies for boys or girls and then are distributed around the world to children in poverty and war-torn areas. They are introduced to the teachings of Jesus Christ when they receive their Christmas box. Perpetual Times CAROL OF THE (SALVATION ARMY) BELLS Friday, Nov. 30, 8th grade students took turns ringing the Salvation Army bells at the Anderson’s in Maumee. This has been a tradition that is memorable for the students and does a great service for the community. Mrs. Dusseau is the organizer and is present for the entire day. I WISH IT COULD BE CHRISTMAS EVERYDAY: OLPH National Junior Honor Society hosted a collection of winter hats and gloves for the poor. The collection ended on Wednesday, December 5th. We appreciated your contributions! HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY LITTLE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Our Christmas Program rehearsal will be on Monday, Dec. 10, during the school day. Tuesday, Dec. 11, the play will commence. The show times are 10am, 1pm, and 7pm. DO YOU HEAR WHAT I HEAR? OPEN HOUSE FOR THE SCHOOL IS MARCH 3, 2013! Come one, come all! We are proud of our school and want to show you why. Please invite your neighbors who are researching schools for their children. OLPH would be glad to count them as new Trailblazers. Make this the first event you mark on your 2013 calendars. HAPPENINGS IN OUR CLASSROOMS: Kindergarten recently was visited by a firefighter to talk about fire safety. At the end of the session, all the kindergarteners were designated honorary fire chiefs! 4th Grade recently celebrated their social studies lessons on Ohio with an Ohio Brownie! The fourth graders cut out a brownie in the shape of Ohio. They then decorated it with frosting for the Interior Plains and the Appalachian Plateau. M & Ms were used for the 4 major cities, Twizzlers for the major rivers of Ohio, and chocolate morsels were placed across the state for the Ohio Divide. Then students also created a map key to go with their project. 2nd Graders are learning to pray. The 2nd grade class had a guest speaker recently who helped the students all make their own rosary. They talked about the reasons why we pray the rosary and to Mary. The students are now practicing the rosary in class, as well. Page 9 HELPING OUR SCHOOL: OLPH School, sponsored by our School Advisory Council, seeks to raise funds to increase our current network and wireless infrastructure in order to support an increase in technological equipment. The OLPH Technology Drive will raise funds for the infrastructure and equipment. Equipment purchases include 6 SmartBoards, 2 SmartTables, a minimum of two traveling iPad carts with 30 iPads, new laptops for 15 teachers, and a new phone VoIP system. If you would like to contribute to our technology drive, you may stop in the office during business hours. Family and friends outside the immediate area or wishing to use credit cards can donate using digital wish. GOAL: OLPH School will update its current network and computers, as well as add SmartBoards, iPads, and SmartTables. In addition, the current phone system will be replaced with a VoIP (voice over Internet protocol). We are currently in Phase 1. This includes network and partial wireless upgrades and replacing the phone system. Estimated Cost: $10,000 Current Funding includes monies already budgeted to technology improvement, E-rate refunds, and donations. We are seeking matching donations from area businesses and corporate sponsors. Thank you for taking an interest in our students and their education. With your smart phone, you can take a QR picture to access the digital wish Technology Drive. Perpetual Times Page 10 LO, HOW A ROSE E’ER BLOOMING— OUR FIRST QUARTER HONOR ROLL Congratulations to our “Blooming Roses” in grades 4 through 8 who earned honors: Grade 4: Mrs. Friedberg Principal’s List: Anna Busse; First Honors: Autum Farbrother, Sydney Kutcher; Second Honors: Raymond Acres, Claudia Arnold, Carolyne Giannini, Josh Noonan, Ava Mehling, Bryce Augustyniak, Natalie Bialecki, Chloe Crawford, Caitlin Heinze; Third Honors: Kaitlin Shiple, Mathias Gaynor, Pa’sion Gist, Faith Kurtz, Tyler Nowowiejski. Grade 5: Mrs. Doane Principal’s List: Bridget Bremer, Isabella Mazur, Kallen Rawson, Jessica Segura, Sydni Waugh, Melanie Whipple; First Honors: Jacob Bialecki; Second Honors: Brady Jordan, Madison Steinbock; Third Honors: Akaylah Clemons, Ciara Geronimo, Fred Hunter, Hailey Jackson, Parker Victorian. First Quarter Honor Roll Grade 6: Mrs. Roller Principal’s List: Armand Arce, Morgan Krajewski, Toby Rosebrock; First Honors: Samuel Kuhn; Second Honors: Emma Comes, Hunter Crippen, Anne DeClark, Nathaniel Erickson, David Geronimo, Jane Koszycki; Third Honors: Eric Cark, Lily Pollock. Grade 7A: Mrs. Falls Principal’s List: Callie Bremer; First Honors: Kennedy Williams; Second Honors: Sarah Demagall, Clayton Filas, Zach Gedert, Angelina Guerrero, Nate Koszycki, Spencer Lowery, Daniel Powers, Michael Shiple; Third Honors: Ethan Bradshaw, Frankie Fulkerson, Abby Guenin. Grade 7B: Mrs. Kissner Principal’s List: Grace Crawford, Ben Waugh; First Honors: Emma Keller, Zoe Mazur, Drew Pariseau; Second Honors: Max Ramirez, Isaiah Williams; Third Honors: Brian Dooley, Emmett Krall, Duncan Mott. Grade 8: Mrs. Hunter Principal’s List: Drew Dominiak, Jacob Kowalski, Hannah Kurtz, Blake Noonan, Elycia Patino; First Honors: Andrew Whipple; Second Honors: Michael Perdue, Jackson Pollock, Montanna Rodriguez, Madeleine Roman, Anthony Teniente; Third Honors: Logan Bork, John Ross Comes, Jacob Guerrero, Thomas Hardy, Taylor Head, Samuel King, Christian Perdue, Pamalla Rodriguez, Emma Schober, Joseph Stearns, Jeffrey Walter. Page 11 Volume 14, Issue 2 S I LV E R A N D G O L D MAGAZINE DRIVE DOES WELL! We are thrilled that our School Magazine/Cookie Dough Drive surpassed its $35,000 goal by almost $4,000! Thank you to everyone who purchased something from our students. The school will get 40% of all profits after our share of the prizes. And with prizes like a trip to Kalahari Water Park in Sandusky as well as those pictured below, it’s no wonder the kids were eager to sell! Didn’t get a chance to order? Log on to gaschoolstore.com, click on “Supporters”, and when it asks for School/Organization Online ID, just type in 2502417. Order ANYTIME and OLPH will receive 40% of your purchase!!! The inflatable Obstacle Course The multi-video Game Truck The Splat Ball Throw The Hamster Ball Races Perpetual Times Page 12 ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH Spotlight on 7th & 8th Grade On September 12 O.L.P.H. hosted a Vocation panel. Annunciation Radio, 89.7 FM, taped the presentation and then broadcasted it on the 13th and 15th of September. The panel consisted of Msgr. Singler, Fr. Jim Brown, Sr. Barbara Vano and Seminarian George Mahas. After the presentations the floor was open for questions. For the next 40 minutes our 7th and 8th graders asked a myriad of questions pertaining to the various aspects of religious life. Well done, students! The Panel: Msgr. Singler, Mr. Mahas, Sr. Barbara, Fr. Jim Taylor Head & Thomas Hardy address the panel. Callie Bremer asks her question while Jeffrey Walter & Sarah Demagall wait Perpetual Times Page 13 SCOUTS P a c k Tr a c k s I’M DREAMING OF A. . . PANCAKE BREAKFAST!?! That’s right--our OLPH Boy Scout Troop 146 will be having a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, January 6, 2013 after all the Masses. The boys are trying to raise money because the troop is desperately in need of new tents and much-needed repairs to their scout trailer that is taken on all campouts. Your support of our boys would be greatly appreciated—we hope to see you there! THANKS SO MUCH to all of the parishioners who helped Pack 146 with our combined Fall Harvest Sale & Bake Sale! We raised almost $1,000 with this annual fundraiser, which helps us continue to run our pack. We really appreciate all of the help! Our Pack 146 families marched in the Toledo Holiday Parade Saturday, November 17, carrying The Anderson’s banner through the downtown streets. It is becoming a fun holiday tradition for our boys—no matter the weather! SPORTS The March of the Toy (Bowl) SoldiersCongrats! Our 7th/8th grade boys’ football team earned a spot in the Annual Toy Bowl this year. The game was played Nov. 3rd at Central Catholic’s Gallagher Stadium. While they did not bring home the championship trophy we’re proud of the hard work and effort by the boys and their coaches to get there! Volume 14, Issue 2 Page 14 Save the Date! It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year— 15th Annual Reverse Raffle & Silent Auction February 2, 2013 OLPH Athletic Council is preparing for a fun evening filled with 50/50 raffles, Silent Auction items, Cards, chances to win a $2,500 grand prize, a catered dinner, coffee and dessert bar, beer and wine sold at old-time prices and, of course, the annual horse race - all while supporting OLPH athletics! Tickets are on sale now in the Parish Office. Please do not miss this opportunity to help the Athletic Council provide a quality experience for your children participating in all OLPH sports! IF you would like to volunteer for any part of this fun-filled night OR if you would like to donate to our Silent Auction, we could always use your help! Please contact Aimee Sandvik at aimeed@bex.net , Kristin Busse at kdusseau@juno.com, or Paul Bauman at p_bauman@yahoo.com. Thank You (Please see opposite page for a “did you know” fact sheet concerning the sports in which your children participate each year.) Page 15 Volume 14, Issue 2 Did You Know? Each year when your child participates in a CYO sport for OLPH there are several fees, in addition to the cost of uniforms and equipment, which the OLPH Athletic Council must pay in order to provide your child with the opportunity to participate and play. The Reverse Raffle and Silent Auction is the sole fundraiser for OLPH athletics. The following is a sample breakdown of one sport and the expenses involved: VOLLEYBALL Per Player Item OLPH Parent Fee - Total Team $70 The fee each parent pays to Athletic Council $560 $35 CYO Roster Fee $280 $20 CYO Team Fee Equipment – $160 $10 Basic volleyballs needed each season $80 Medical Kits – $2.50 Resupplied for each team each season $20 $3.13 CYO Coaches Certification $25 Tournament Fee $80 $10 ($10)* Total ($85)* *As you may be able to see, after the CYO fees are paid each year on average for each sport, Athletic Council has approximately $15 to spend per player generated from the player fees that parents provide. With this surplus, Athletic Council must provide necessary services each season, including supplying each team with medical kits, basic practice equipment and certifying and recertifying coaches. We also provide funds for teams to participate in outside tournaments. The $15 surplus does not cover everything. In fact, Athletic Council must provide an additional $10 per player just to cover basic expenses. This leaves us in a difficult situation each year when it comes to purchasing and maintaining uniforms for each team. We need your help and support! While we have given you a breakdown of one sport, you will find it very similar in every other sport at OLPH. We count on your support at our Reverse Raffle to provide these things for your children, and we cannot do it without you! Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Toledo, Ohio Permit No. 632 TOURNAMENT WINNERS Our 4th grade girls’ volleyball team recently won a tournament at Regina Coeli. The girls were allowed to wear their well-earned T-shirts for Spirit Day here at school! Team members include Natalie Bialecki, Anna Busse, Chloe Crawford, Caitlin Heinze Carolyne Giannini, Sydney Kutcher, Lilly Kramer, Faith Kurtz, Ava Mehling, Kailtin Shiple, and Sophia Szymanski.
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