Mass Schedule - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
10TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OLPH JUNE 5, 2016 Seek, Share, Rejoice! Mass Schedule Inside This Issue: • Knights of Columbus at Masses today • Discussion of "Joy of Love" starts June 8 • Biblical Spirituality Presentation • Laudato Si Anniversary Mass • Shoot for Steiner, next Sunday Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Monday - Saturday: 6:30 and 8:30 am Saturday: 5:00 pm Anticipation Sunday: 7:30 am (in church) 9:30 am (in church and McDonnell Hall) 11:00 am (in church) 12:30 pm and 6:00 pm (in church) 1775 Grove St. Glenview IL 60025 Parish Office 847-729-1525 seek, share, rejoice - pastor's reflection Dear Parishioners, Yesterday, the last of the post-Easter celebrations took place as the Church observed the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The most recent addition to our beautiful Marian mosaics is in honor of this title of the Blessed Mother. We are grateful for the donation of Courtney Loeb, in memory of her parents, that invites us, whenever we enter the South entrance, to reflect on the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Father Jerry Boland Reflecting on the Scriptures Saint Paul begins today’s second reading by stating that he was “called” to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As baptized Catholics who have an opportunity to share in Christ’s life through the Eucharist regularly, we too are called to proclaim the teachings of Christ. We are stewards of Christ’s Gospel. But how are we responding to that call? Do we listen for the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Do we evade, dodge or ignore the Lord’s call? Do we attempt to proclaim the Gospel in a spirit of compassion and love? Reflect on how you exercise stewardship over the Gospel. © International Catholic Stewardship Council 2 “His mother kept all these things in her heart.” Every Mom can relate to this line in today’s Gospel. Moms hold a lot of things in their hearts as they raise their children. This time of year many Moms can share in such important moments in the lives of their children; First Communions, Confirmations, graduations and many other achievements. I am sure their hearts are full! I have been aware of the power the heart this past week. I met with a committee headed by Tom Hart that assists Sr. Paulanne in the work of the Needy Family Fund. Working with Tom are Mary Anne Bobrinskoy, Mitty Higley and Mark Santacrose. I am so grateful for their devotion. They meet weekly to review all of the recommendations, making sure that every dollar we get in the Needy Family Fund goes to those most in need. In a few weeks we will be making our annual summer appeal. With the impasse in Springfield, we have experienced a significant uptick in requests for assistance. Another sign of the power of the heart comes from our music ministry. Alison O’Brien, and her Mom Mary Ann, hosted a wonderful gathering of our choir at their home. How blessed we are with our music ministry under the direction of Russell Stern. I am sure I speak for all of us in thanking our choir members and music ministers for all they do to lead us in such great celebrations of the liturgy. As the school year draws to an end this week, I am aware of the power of the heart that goes into the efforts of June 5, 2016 • our parish school. I see up close the devotion of our faculty and staff. Under the leadership of Dr. Amy Mills, we have much to be grateful for. These are challenging times for Catholic schools, but we have been blessed with an outstanding program that is always looking to get even better. Next weekend we will be celebrating the first anniversary of Pope Francis’ Encyclical, Laudato Si’. One would have to go back to Pope John XXIII’s Encyclical Pacem in Terris to find a papal document that has had such historic impact. Francis’ letter was written to the people of the world on the care of our common home, the earth. This past fall there was an international gathering in Paris convened by the United Nations on climate change. This gathering resulted in historic agreements to confront climate change. There was universal acknowledgment that the pope’s Encyclical was the catalyst for tackling this environmental crises. Our newest ministry here at OLPH is based on the Pope’s encyclical. The Creation Care Ministry will be looking at concrete ways we can implement the Pope’s teachings right here at the parish. In just three meetings the committee has come up with several outstanding suggestions. Next weekend the 9:30 liturgy upstairs will have a special celebration of the first anniversary of Laudato Si’, and all of our liturgies will acknowledge this historic document. Don’t forget next Sunday’s annual Shoot for Steiner celebration in the Playdium. Patrick Stein inspires all of us. Please support this benefit that assists Patrick with the 24-hour medical care he needs. We love you Patrick! Have a Blessed week, Fr. Jerry seek, share, rejoice - parish news and notes SAVE THE DATES September 24-25, and October 22-23 2016 Christ Renews His Parish Retreat for Women All women of the parish are invited to our next CRHP weekend at Techny Towers in Northbrook. CRHP 2016 Dates: Saturday and Sunday, September 24 and 25. This is a special time for you to set aside for faith enrichment and personal growth. Contact Colleen Huffman 847-832-9532 for more information. Retreat for Men All men of the parish are invited to join fellow parishioners for a two-day, one-night spiritual renewal. Date: Saturday and Sunday, October 22-23, 2016 Location: Bellarmine Retreat House, Barrington Illinois. Contact Person: Marty Kearney 312.550.3039 Our Creation Care Ministry Presents: Guatemala Orphanage Mission Trip The OLPH Creation Care Ministry invites you to a special Mass in commemoration of the one year anniversary of the Pope’s Laudato Si Encyclical on Sunday June 12 at 9:30 a.m. in church. Come see how you can join in the celebration of Caring for our Common Home. We also encourage those who have been wanting to know more about this new Ministry to say hello to us after Mass outside the south vestibule. We encourage all of our Parishers to once again to reduce your carbon footprint and bike, walk or carpool to Mass on June 12. Finally, OLPH is one of several parishes throughout the world celebrating Laudato Si week with an event. See OLPH at There are a few spots remaining on the Guatemala mission trip (August 2-8). This is the third summer that OLPH is offering this meaningful and memorable opportunity to parishioners. Although the trip has a teen focus, families and adults are welcome. Participants will perform daily service activities and experience the home’s annual quinceañera celebration. For further information, please visit or contact Chuck Allworth at or 312-386-7475. June 5, 2016 • 3 seek, share, rejoice - sharing and human concerns Sharing Updates End of Year Live Your Faith in Service to One Another School Supply Drive Consider the needy alongside your own household when grocery shopping. Pick up a few items for someone you don’t even know and make the difference in their day! Too Busy To Shop For The Food Drive? We’ll do the shopping for you! Mail a donation made out to the OLPH Needy Family Fund to Lou Marohn, 2132 Fir Street, Glenview. Food will be purchased in case lots to stretch and maximize your donation. Morning of Service at James, June 11 Join fellow OLPH parishioners for a fun morning of service at St. James. The Greater Chicago Food Depository will provide a truck full of produce and we will have the joy of distributing this to a long line of grateful recipients. OLPH organizes a group of 50 volunteers for this event each year, including many families. Contact Tom Rinella, Carpooling will be arranged. Thursday Evening Volunteer Opportunity We will be feeding the homeless who visit the Catholic Charities soup kitchen in Des Plaines on Thursday, June 16. Contact Kathy Quinn, khquinn1944@comcast. net, to participate or to make a donation to offset the $400 cost for this meal. It takes both donors and volunteers to make these visits happen. Volunteers Needed for Food Distribution On Saturday, June 11, the Glenview-based HEAR Foundation (Health, Education And Relief) will be donating and distributing 30,000 pounds of frozen chicken at St. Philip Neri, St. Ailbe and St. Sabina. There will be over 2,000 people receiving the much-needed protein and your help is needed. Adults and children are invited to participate in the distribution, the schedule is as follows: • • • St. Phillip Neri: 9:30-10:30 St. Ailbe: 11:15-12:15 St. Sabina: 1:30-3:00 Help at any or all of the locations is appreciated. There will be a meeting point set up in the West Loop and groups will carpool from there. You’re welcome to meet at any of the parish locations on your own as well. Please contact Karoline Eigel with any questions: 4 June 5, 2016 • Weekends of June 4 - 19 The school year is coming to an end which brings with it unused or gently used school supplies usually brought home in backpacks near the last day of school. Help us put these supplies, or purchased supplies, in the hands of children that need them most, students at Our Lady of Tepeyac School and St. Phillip Neri Grade School. Please bring school supplies to Masses the weekends of June 4-5, 11-12, and 18-19. Collection boxes will be labeled and placed at the side entrance and the convent porch. Members of Guild 34 will collect them for distribution after all Masses. Supplies needed include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • crayons, pens, pencils, markers, erasers, notebooks, folders, loose-leaf, construction paper, glue, tape, child-safe scissors, backpacks Our Lady of Tepeyac also would gratefully welcome gift cards to Target, Walmart, or Staples that the teachers and administration may use to shop for specific needs. On behalf of Women's Club Guild 34, thank you for making a difference! Contact: Andrea Macina seek, share, rejoice - upcoming parish events An Introduction to Biblical Spirituality The Joy of Love With Laurie Brink, O.P., Ph.D. Join Fr. Tom Hickey on three Wednesday evenings in June to study Pope Francis’s recent apostolic exhortation “The Joy of Love." Saturday, June 11 McDonnell Hall, 9:30 a.m. The Bible is filled with examples of human beings’ reflections on their encounters with the Divine and their attempt to live their faith, a process we call “Spirituality.” In this presentation we will explore what “spirituality” means and how various books of the bible reflect different “spiritual” threads. We will focus on the themes of Blessing and Incarnation and ponder how those themes are experienced in our own lives. About the Presenter: A Dominican Sister of Sinsinawa, Laurie Brink is an Associate Professor of New Testament Studies at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Knights of Columbus Welcome New Members Open House, June 7 Imagine, being part of an organization that fills your heart and your mind with the joy of giving to others. Imagine the feeling that comes with making a difference not only in someone else’s life but, your life as well. Members of the Knights of Columbus will be at all the Masses this weekend, June 4th & 5th. The Knights will be able to provide you with more information and answer any of your questions. We also invite you to attend an Open House and information night about the Order, here at Our Lady of Perpetual Help. It will take place on Tuesday, June 7 in the Dussman Room, at 7:00pm. Coffee and refreshments will be served. Families welcome. Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their Parish and enhancing their own faith. We look forward to seeing you this weekend at the Open House. For more information contact John Teschky at 847-553-5343 or visit our website at Discussion Series by Fr. Tom Hickey We will meet in the Dussman Room in the Lafayette Building from 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. Meetings will be on Wednesday evenings, June 8, June 15 & June 22. The text and an accompanying study guide can be picked up at the parish office. A donation of $10 is asked to help cover the costs. A Note from Father Paddy I hope you will read Pope Francis’ recent book, “Amoris Laetitia, On Love in the Family.” In it, the Pope is letting us in on the driving force of his life and his papacy. My dream is that the Dussman Room will be packed when Fr. Tom Hickey leads a 3-part discussion on the book. We can have no surer guide. Our Book Club will also have 3 sessions on the book, starting with the first three chapters, on June 13 at 7:00 pm in the Youth Office. In Chapter 3 the Pope states: “Marriage is a gift given for the sanctification and salvation of the spouses, since ‘their mutual belonging is a real representation, through the sacramental sign, of the same relationship between Christ and the church. The married couple is therefore a permanent reminder for the Church of what took place on the cross: they are for one another and for their children witnesses of the salvation in which they share through the sacrament.” The notion of “belonging” in marriage is obviously different from what it is in ordinary life. Kahlil Gibran tells us that “our” children are not “our” children. They are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself. A car or a house belongs to their owner in a completely different way to the way a son or daughter or a spouse belongs to another human being. Belonging in the human sense entails a greater or lesser commitment to a growth in love every day of one’s life, to the very last breath. But we need also to study the human love of husband for wife in the sacramental way that the Pope opens up for us. A concluding note. A priest by his sacrament enters into a developing relationship with his people. In my case, my relationship is with the people of this parish, and specifically with the young people in the Youth Group. I am called, not to give them wisdom or knowledge, but to live in a loving relationship with them. This Pope certainly gives us a lot on which to reflect. June 5, 2016 • 5 seek, share, rejoice - school news Since the weather was unpredictable for our school picnic this year, students in grades 6-8 enjoyed their day at Flick Park (with buses on hand), while the grades K-5 remained on campus for indoor-outdoor picnic. It was a great way to kick off the Memorial Day weekend and the unofficial start of summer! The Leo G. McCarthy Award is bestowed upon an 8th grade boy or girl in memory of Leo who was a student at OLPH School. Teachers nominate students based on attributes that Leo shared with us. The recipient of this award is loving, friendly, passionate about music or the fine arts, charitable and compassionate, spirited, humorous, kind and generous and a true sport who perseveres with a positive attitude. The 2016 recipient of the Leo G. McCarthy Award James Kurtzweil Additionally, James receives a $500 scholarship 6 June 5, 2016 • James with his parents, Jim and Beth Kurtzweil, and Betsy & Pat McCarthy announcements U.S. MILITARY PRAYER LIST US ARMY 1st Lt. Michael Altonji SSG Brent Blackwell, Afghanistan 2LT Atticus Blair, Afghanistan. 1st Lt. Brad Fischl Corporal Rick Hajost 1st LT Daniel LaBarge CPT Matthew Leck 1st Lt. Gavin McGarry Cpt. Brittany Sunko 1st Lt. William Thibeau LTC Thomas Vogel LTC Daniel Vogel US AIR FORCE 1st Lt Brian Joseph Anderson SSgt Jon Billie 1st Lt McCall Casas TSgt Richard Nash Major Reid Orth Major Lowell Wallace, Overseas US NAVY IT2 James Kowalski, Overseas Lt. John O’Hagan, Afghanistan EM1 John Sutehall, Japan US MARINES Sgt Jack Askins Capt. Justin Coons Capt. Caitlin Ferrarell 1st Lt Matt Mugnaini Capt. Bradley Petersen Major Eric Starr, Afghanistan Announcements Assistive Listening Devices Available For those who are hard of hearing we have assistive listening devices available to help you participate more fully during Mass. Please plan to arrive for Mass a few minutes early to borrow the necessary equipment from Sr. Paulanne. Please don’t forget to return the devices at the end of Mass when you are finished. Are You a Registered Parishioner? A Parishioner is someone who regularly attends Mass, regularly contributes funds as they are able, and who is on file in our Parish Database. Are you registered with the Parish? It’s easy to do, and it helps us: • Ensure that you receive parish mailings • Keep important sacramental records • Connect you with new interests and match your talents to parish needs. • Keep track of growing families You will find registration forms in the back of church and in the Rectory office. You may also register on our website: For revisions or updates to this list contact: Geof & Cathy Lutz 847-724-8218. BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS Our weekly bulletin communicates the news and events at OLPH Parish. Questions? Call 847-729-1525 ext. 24 to speak to Natalie Conseur. DEADLINE: Please email all content no later than 6:00 pm on the Sunday prior to publication date. SUBMISSIONS: Email to NOTE: The bulletin cannot promote job seekers, entrepreneurs, etc. Please call 800.566.6170 to place a paid bulletin ad. June 5, 2016 • 7 our weekly intentions Remember Our Sick Sunday, June 5 Kip Alexander Keeley Barr Gabriella Barretto Patricia Beckwith Patricia Catarello Matt Collins Coty Cottle Jim Cottle Pat Cullen Kathy Gerage Gertrude Gordon Louise Grieco Bob Gregg Meghan Healy Rosemarie Hogg Terry Hurley Pat Kelley 7:30 9:30 Ch 9:30 Mc 11:00 12:30 6:00 Barbara Kramer Jeanie McInerney Judith Nani Mary Carol O'Brien Lukas Parsek Paul Parsek Pat Reagan Noreen Ritt Infant Mary Elizabeth Roland Judith Santi Celeste Sieracki Liz Smith Janet Sontag Patrick Stein Sue Sychowski Ed Tracz Andrea Zielinski If you, a family member, or someone you know are homebound, unable to attend weekly Mass, a trained Minister of Care will bring you or your family member Holy Communion. You and the lay Minister of Care can decide on the day, time and frequency of the visit(s). For more information, please call the OLPH Parish Office. Our Beloved Deceased Marie J. O'Donoghue Louis Garippo, husband of Collette Upcoming Weddings II I Rebecca Kane & Dan Osterhout Megan Ficho & Nathanial Fansler Charles A. Rubey, Jr. and Juan Alvarez (Fr. Kostyk) Emily Gonsalves and Jack Kelly (Fr. Gamber) Robert J. Pasquesi and Chinnamani (MFTL) (Fr. Boland) Patrick Foley and Joseph Miller (Fr. Lara) John & Maureen Haggerty (MFTL) and Tom Ziegenfuss (Fr. Hickey) Living and Deceased Members of OLPH (Fr. Paddy) Monday, June 6 6:30 8:30 Paul Abraham and Ann Marie & Gerry Dempsey (MFTL) Robert Krebs and Rajam (MFTL) Tuesday, June 7 6:30 8:30 Living and Deceased Members of OLPH Jennie Vilardo Wednesday, June 8 6:30 8:30 Edward Whelan Lucille Mueller Thursday, June 9 6:30 8:30 John Collins and Jerry Rank Denise Kay Carey and a Special Intention for the Mike Donohue Family Friday, June 10 6:30 8:30 Robert J. Pasquesi and Maximo Rivera Living and Deceased Members of OLPH Saturday, June 11 6:30 8:30 5:00 Living and Deceased Members of OLPH James Tiedge Mark Reninger and Victor Tiedmann (Fr. Lara) Sunday, June 12 7:30 9:30 Ch 9:30 Mc 11:00 12:30 6:00 Eugene B. Cizynski and Esther Perez Olmedo (Fr. Boland) Marion Thole, Barbara Clarey and James McNamara (Fr. Kostyk) Grace Donnellan (Fr. Lara) James McNamara and Joseph Hein (Fr. Hickey) Felice Gavin and John Enright (Fr. Kostyk) Angel Maria Gamez and Geri Poydence (Fr. Kartje) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Sat. • 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment LITURGY OF THE HOURS Wed. • 8:10 a.m. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK After the 8:30 Mass on the 2nd Saturday of every month EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Fri. • 9:00 a.m. - 3:50 p.m. • Lady Chapel DIVINE MERCY HOLY HOUR Fri. • 3:00 p.m. • Lady Chapel MASSES AT MARYHAVEN Sun. Tue. and Fri.• 10:30 a.m. ROSARY Mon. - Sat. • after 8:30 a.m. Mass 8 June 5, 2016 • parish information PARISH OFFICE 847.729.1525 FAX 847.729.0623 THE CITY Rev. Jeremiah Boland, Pastor Rev. Thomas E. Hickey, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Isaac Lara, Associate Pastor Rev. Nicholas Kostyk, Associate Pastor Rev. Paddy Tyrrell, SJ Associate Pastor Jim & Pat Revord, Deacon Couple Dave & Mary Beth Kalina, Deacon Couple Nancy Schwider, Director of Operations & Stewardship, Russell Stern, Director of Music Ministry Natalie Conseur, Director of Communications WEBSITE FACEBOOK.COM/olphglenview Cherie DiCesare, Director of Religious Education 847-998-5289 Rev. Paddy Tyrrell, Coordinator of Youth & Young Adult Ministry 847-602-4143 Dr. Amy Mills, Parish School Principal 847-724-6990, John Kurkowski, School Endowment Board Chair Laura Kearney, Parish Secretary Linda Feo, Parish Office Assistant Margie Andre, Liturgy Assistant Gloria Gaughan, Evening & Weekend Receptionist OLPH Care Links Bereavement Support Deacon Dave Kalina 847-729-1525 ext. 25 Confidential Assistance Sister Paulanne 847-724-2044 Divorce Support Group Val Spingola, LCSW 847-826-3566 Domestic Violence Ministry Brian Herrle 908-448-6713 Homebound/Hospital Visits Rick Nash 847-651-8718 Respect Life Monica Cassidy 847-724-7206
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