April 10, 2016 - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER OLPH APRIL 10, 2016 Seek, Share, Rejoice! "Worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive power and riches, wisdom and strength, honor and glory and blessing." - Revelation 5:12 Inside This Issue: Mass Schedule • Introducing our Liturgy Assistant Monday - Saturday: 6:30 and 8:30 am • Take the Archdiocesan Survey Today Saturday: 5:00 pm Anticipation • Upcoming Music Ministry Concert Sunday: 7:30 am (in church) • Diaper Drive was a Success • Men's Club Announces Kick-Off Event 9:30 am (in church and McDonnell Hall) 11:00 am (in church) 12:30 pm and 6:00 pm (in church) Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish 1775 Grove St. Glenview IL 60025 Parish Office 847-729-1525 olphglenview.org seek, share, rejoice - associate pastor's reflection "Lying face down on the marble floor of the cathedral sanctuary, our voices were united with those around us..." Father Nicholas Kostyk T he glorious memories of ordination day, I’m told, remain with a priest throughout his life. I hope that’s true. So many years of study and prayer lead up to that one ceremony that it almost seems, in itself, too short to express its full significance. Yet, the ceremony of ordination - three or four hours at most - is so steeped in meaningful ritual that it cannot leave those who experience it without having made an impression. I remember much from my own: the procession into the cathedral, the moment the hands of the archbishop came down upon my head, the sensation of my own hands made slick from the chrism. For me, however, one of the most powerful moments came at the prostrations. After the other candidates and I were called forward and received by the bishop and the people, we together joined in one of the most intense prayers of our life. Lying face down on the marble floor of the cathedral sanctuary, our voices were united with those around us in the litany of saints. Our posture, at that moment, was an expression of our unworthiness. The responsibility about to be laid upon us was daunting, and we were inadequate, sinful subjects. But we also realized that we were not alone, and we understood that we faced the task before us supported by the prayers of the saints. At that moment, the liturgy was not an expression merely of the Church in Chicago, or of the Church in the United States, or of the Roman Rite, it was an expression of the Church universal. We fourteen men were being enveloped not only by the assembly around us, but also, and more importantly, by the entire heavenly court. All those who had run this earthly race and now wear the laurels of victory - they were there with us and we were with them. Throughout this first year of priestly ministry, I have come to appreciate this bond more and more. As priests, we are sustained uniquely by the prayers of 2 April 10, 2016 • olphglenview.org our people: both those to whom we minister as well as those who have gone before us. I have found, also, that one of the great privileges of priesthood is to accompany someone on their final journey: to bring them the comfort of the last sacraments, and then to remain with their families throughout the ceremonies of death and burial. Perhaps it’s an odd reflection for the season of Our Lord’s Resurrection, but I have been thinking a lot lately of all those I have seen laid in their graves over the past months. And, when I think of them, I pray for them. I pray that the purifying power of Divine Love, in whatever unknown way it can be measured, might cleanse them swiftly of the residue of their sins, that they might join that litany of names I heard on ordination day. I pray that one more voice might be added to those who intercede on our behalf and for our world. This is really what we mean by the communion of saints: it’s a bond of love that is stronger than death, a mysterious network of persons who are there for one another and support one another. OLPH, like any parish, is a microcosm of this vast family united by creed and sacrament. We offer masses, pray rosaries and chaplets, study scripture, and give to the sharing ministry all as a means of being there for one another, of supporting each other now as the saints support us always. And if we keep it up faithfully to the end, maybe some young priest-to-be will one day hear our names when he’s face down on the marble. That, ultimately, is what it’s all about. seek, share, rejoice - parish news and notes Parish Transformation Update The Parish Transformation Team has now divided into three committees: Mission, Finance, and School/ Education. Over the next few weeks, the Mission Committee will continue to work on objectives and actions for each of our building blocks as well as completing our mission narrative that will tell the spiritual story of our parish. The Finance Committee will review all aspects of our financial situation and resource allocation. Each Father Jerry offers a prayer to close the committee will review where most recent meeting. we have opportunity to improve and will determine specific actions to implement in the future. This work will lead to an action plan which will be presented to Bishop Kane in May. For a more detailed summary of the most recent meeting, and for continued updates on the Transformation Process, join us on The City, our online parish community! www.olphglenview.onthecity.org New Staff Member Margie Andre recently began work at OLPH as Liturgy Assistant. Margie will be helping with many aspects of planning our liturgies including scheduling the celebrants and liturgical ministers, compiling prayers and announcements and more. Margie has been a parishioner since 2011 and is a deeply committed member of our community. She serves on the Parish Pastoral Council, the Sharing Ministry, the Engagement Committee, and also sings with the Festival Choir. Margie will be assisting Father Nick Kostyk and Father Isaac Lara who recently took on the responsibilities of Directors of Liturgy and Evangelization. We are so grateful for the flexibility of our staff and parishioners in adjusting to these changes. At this critical time in the Church, your voice matters! If you have yet to take the Archdiocesan survey for the listening phase of the revitalization process, now is the time. Use the survey link below. The deadline for completing the survey is fast approaching. We know that Margie will be a great asset to the parish staff and are pleased to have her on our team. Welcome, Margie. The survey is now available at: www.archchicago.org/renew We encourage you to complete the survey online. Paper copies are also available in the parish office. Please respond by April 15. April 10, 2016 • olphglenview.org 3 seek, share - human concerns and sharing updates Upcoming Opportunities from the Sharing Ministry St. Philip Neri Humanitarian Award to be Received by OLPH Sharing Ministry Members Sharing Parish, St. Philip Neri will be presenting OLPH Ministry members with their Humanitarian Award at their Spring Awards Luncheon and Fashion Show on Sunday, April 17, 1:00 p.m. at The Dynasty Ballroom, Hammond, Indiana. (Tickets, $65, 773-363-1700) Congratulations to the following Sharing Ministry award recipients for their dedicated support of St. Philip Neri! Ann Neff Sister Paulanne Held Kathy Hunt Patti Lawler Bruce McNutt Food Depository Volunteer Outing, May 7 Join a group of fellow parishioners for a morning trip to the Greater Chicago Food Depository. Volunteer hours will earn food credit for one of our sharing parish pantries. Contact Ben Tchaou, bbjmt@aol.com, 847-9986099, for more information. Feed The Homeless At Marquard Center Help feed the homeless at Marquard Center on Sunday, May 22. We welcome donations of fresh fruit, cookies and candy, which can be delivered to the convent porch that Saturday. Volunteers are needed on Marquard service Sundays to prepare the meal at OLPH after 9:30 AM Mass and to serve the meal at Marquard Center, leaving at 3:30 and returning home at 7:30 PM. Contact Terri Guercio, 847-729-5916 or terri. guercio@ubs.com to volunteer. Morning of Service at James, June 11 Coleen Michols Farmers’ Market Style Food Distribution Janis Moylan Ben Tchaou Our Lady of Tepeyac High School Benefit Friday, April 22 at the Chicago Cultural Center Tickets are $125. The School also invites donations for their live and silent auctions. Contact Mary Anne Nash Sebby, nashsebby@msn.com, to donate or arrange for the purchase of tickets. OLPH fills several tables for this event each year. Join fellow OLPH parishioners for a fun morning of service at St. James. The Greater Chicago Food Depository will provide a truck full of produce and we will have the joy of distributing this to a long line of grateful recipients. OLPH organizes a group of 50 volunteers for this event each year, including many families. Contact Tom Rinella, tr5055@comcast.net. Carpooling will be arranged. Feed The Homeless At Catholic Charities We will be feeding the homeless who visit the Catholic Charities soup kitchen in Des Plaines on Thursday, June 16. Contact Kathy Quinn, khquinn1944@comcast.net, to participate or to make a donation to offset the $400 cost for this meal. It takes both donors and volunteers to make these visits happen. Shop for Someone You Don’t Even Know Please shop for the needy alongside shopping for your own household. Pick up a few items for someone you don’t even know and make the difference in their day! Too Busy to Shop for the Food Drive? We’ll do the shopping for you! Mail a donation made out to the OLPH Needy Family Fund to Lou Marohn, 2132 Fir Street, Glenview, 60025. Food will be purchased in case lots to stretch and maximize your donation. 4 April 10, 2016 • olphglenview.org seek, share, rejoice - parish news and notes Parish Giving Update Thank you for your suppport of the parish over the past several months. As you know, the General Offertory, consisting of Sunday and Holy Day collections, funds all our ministries and our First Fruits program. We rely on your generosity. March Year-To-Date MARCH 2016 INCREASE JULY '15 - MARCH '16 INCREASE Donations to General Offertory $291,150 $2,246,712 6% to First Fruits 17,469 134,803 $273,681 $2,111,909 March Charity: Sharing Parishes Net Donations to Church MARCH 2015 JULY '14 - MARCH '15 March Collection Last Year $269,470 $2,117,760 6% to First Fruits 16,353 127,216 Net Donations to Church $253,117 $20,564 8.1% $1,990,544 $121,365 6.1% March, 2016 collection includes Easter. Last year Easter was in April. For more information about our Planned Offertory Program and Electronic Giving, contact Nancy Schwider, nschwider@olphchurch-il.org. More News and Upcoming Events Widowed Support Group Meeting, April 15 Music Ministry Concert, April 24 A newly formed, lay-led group for widows and widowers will be holding their first meeting on Friday, April 15 from 7-9 pm in the Flavin Room at OLPH. Please note that this is not a grief support group for the newly widowed. Contact Kathleen McKeon Underriner kaunderriner@yahoo.com with any questions. There will be a Music Ministry Pop/Theatre Concert on April 24 at 3:00 pm, led by Russell Stern. All are invited to attend. Admission is free. More information to follow! The Splendor of Byzantine Art, April 20 ABOUT THE FREE PRESENTATION: EVOLVE Adult Education Ministry presents Art historian Dr. Michelle Mishur, April 20 at 7:00 pm in McDonnell Hall. Dr. Mishur will offer a slide presentation featuring artifacts from the recent exhibit hosted by the Art Institute that featured icons, mosaics,and an early copy of the New Testament, plus pagan statues “converted” to Christian saints. Senior Citizen Mass, April 27 Mass and Anointing of the sick sponsored by the Women’s Club, especially for our seniors. Mass at 10 a.m. Complimentary lunch will be served directly after Mass. Reservations are not necessary. For more information or to arrange a ride, please contact Rosaline Kus at 847-724-1108. April 10, 2016 • olphglenview.org 5 seek, share, rejoice - school news 1st Place Boys Team: The Wildcats 1st Place Girls Team: The Rams MVP Awards 6th Grade Don Meccia 2016 Sportsmanship Award 7th Grade 8th Grade John Scheid 2016 Leadership Award 6 April 10, 2016 • olphglenview.org seek, share, rejoice - religious education confirmandi Blessings to the Religious Education students being confirmed on April 10, 2016. Jackson Bosco Amrol Madeline Rita Appel Ari David Argondizzo Andrew Michael Battaglia Sierra Kateri Baumgartner Kevin William Becker Egan Bridget Bello William Gerald Bermudez Jane Margaret Bock y Elizabeth Boland Sydney Olivia Elizabeth Borth Bridgett Cecilia Boyle y Christopher Boylen Zachary Morgan Mary Margaret Breden esnahan John Bresnahan ndrew Bruch Colin Andrew Lauren Mary Cameranesi ne Bernadette Cardenas Jacqueline Nicholas Joseph Chandiles Madaket Brigid Chiarieri Theresa Cecilia Coleman ohn Conkle Charles John beth Cowhey Mary Elizabeth rigid Crawford Julianne Brigid Caprianna Cecilia Crist e la Torre Lisandro De therine Demling Colleen Catherine phia DiCesare Caroline Sophia as Dickinson Gavin Thomas an Dillon Kathleen Joan John Peter Dolan ra Driscoll Erin Alexandra bella Fehr Katherine Isabella Eleanor Jane Flowers Jordan John Frese rine Garden Colleen Catherine am Gimbel Christopher Liam Andrew James Gnospelius orman Jordan Jane Gorman Liam Sebastian Grable es Dina Anne Graves Ella Francis Hackett Claire Joan Hackl Colin Francis Hart Jenna Therese Hartley Benjamin Anthony Hayes Kevin Christopher Heckler Spencer John Hensley Ethan Andrew Herbolsheimer Matthew Michael Heublein Max Francis Ibarra Katie Francis Itaya John Sebastian Jehle Avery Cecilia Jerva Isabel Elizabeth Jordan Katherine Elizabeth Jortberg Max Valentine Kassner William Thomas Kelly Jack Michael Krasucki Grace Elizabeth Kryscio Charles Thomas Kuhn Peter Patrick Lanscioni Jillian Cecilia Lathrop Matthew Lau Reese Cecilia Laurie Gavin Luke Leach Jack Anthony Lochner Ellen Therese Maloney Alena Mandell Grace Mary Marshall Alexander John Martin Dominic Martinelli Erin Kateri McMahon Mary Jane Margaret McNary Kevin Francis McGough Ryan Joseph McKew Matthew Aquinas McNabola Kevin Peter Meier Gavin Sebastian Miller Andrew John Moreno Lillian Joan Mullaney Vanessa Teresa Murray Sofia Isabella Nold Katherine Therese Noone Christian Nicholas Noordover Erin Cecilia Nukk Maxten George O'Mera Zachary David Ochab Daniel Sebastian Pauletto Damian Sebastian Piecha Lauren Catherine Piotrowski Anna Maria Preston Michael Anthony Preston Daniel Joseph Pugliese Jakob Francis Quezada Patrick Benedict Quirk Liam Maurice Roberson Mary-Kate Catherine Russell Kenneth Philip Santos Jose' Joseph Santos-DeSoto Caroline Elizabeth Scott Arianna Colette Shaw Steven Stephen Sirakides Sko Megan Lucy Skovranko Cather Margaret Catherine Snyder Grant Sebastian Spaete Lauren Therese S Spillane David Raphael Sp Spingola Casey Anthony S Sporer Sp Jaclyn Kateria Sporer Margaret Therese Sporer Stre Anne Veronica Streb Stre Lorelei Victoria Streb Sulliva Emily Maria Sullivan Lauren Katherine S Sullivan Sierra Sarah Sunds Sundstrom Caroline Katherine S Szafranski Jack Francis Thissen Alexandra Cecilia Th Thomas Tor Marco Augustine Torresarpi Samantha Rose Tvar Tvaroh Olivia Cecilia Vamos Daniel Walton W. Samuel Jermome W Westfall Ally Catherine White Lauren Anne White Margaret Brigid Witt John Joseph Zebell Kathleen Theresa Zeive Zeivel Zenzo Michael Anthony Zenzola Ziegl Thomas Sebastian Ziegler God Bless Our Catech Catechists Nick Battaglia Mike Becker Sarafina DiCesare Joanne Nelson Susan Sutehall Jim Mahoney Cary Martin Henry & Melinda Pielach Cindy Rourke Tina Russell Dianna Sirakides Margaret Warner April 10, 2016 • olphglenview.org 7 seek, share, rejoice - parish news and events REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Totus Tuus June 19 - 24, 2016 At Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Summer Faith Camp for Grades 1 - 12 • • • Grades 1-6: Mon-Fri, June 20 - 24 from 9 am - 2 pm Grades 7-12: Sun-Thu, June 19 - 23 from 7 pm - 9 pm Registration Fees: $50 for day program, $20 for evening TO REGISTER: olphglenview.org/events/totus-tuus-summer-camp Or contact Vivi Lato at vlato@aol.com for more information. Dedicated to proclamation of the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith. Welcome Diaper Drive Collects Over 11,000 Diapers Recently Registered Parishioners Molly & Michael Antoniolli and Family Eleanor & Chad Cunningham and Family Carol & Kevin Donahue Nicole Espinoza & Joel Espinoza Poveda and Family Rose & Jose Francisco and Family Karen & Howard Friedman and Family Mrs. Mary Anne Gliwa Ms. Blanca Guzman and Famiy Lauren & Andrew Halik Angela Bae & Sungwhan Kim and Family Sarah & Matthew Love and Family Deanna & Julian Makas and Family Deborah & Herbert Mazariegos and Family Mrs. Dorine Miller Meghan & Peter Mott and Family Sarah & John O'Connell and Family Ms. Theresa Ortiz Meredith & Jed Richard and Family Maria & Michael Schafer and Family Sarah & Dan Schoeneberg and Family Amy & Nicholas Theodorakos and Family 8 April 10, 2016 • olphglenview.org Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of OLPH parishioners and the Glenview community, last month’s diaper drive was a terrific success! The drive, sponsored by Guild 35 of the Women’s Club, collected an average of 1,000 diapers each day of the drive, for a total of over 11,000 diapers. With nearly 1 in 3 families struggling to provide clean diapers for their babies, these donations will make a huge difference in the community. Diapers donated through the drive will benefit families through the Sharing Room, Needy Family Fund, Northfield Township Food Pantry, Catholic Charities, and all four of our sharing parishes in downtown Chicago. Although the drive has ended, diapers are accepted at the Sharing Room year-round. On behalf of Gretchen Conlon, Laura Freund, and Kristi Mariani, Diaper Drive Co-Chairs, thank you for your generous donations! seek, share, rejoice - parish pastoral council seeks members WHAT IS THE PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL? The OLPH Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is made up of 15 “at large” parishioners and our Pastor, Fr. Boland. The purpose of the Council is to: • • • • listen to, identify, and examine the needs, ideas, and hopes of our community develop, encourage and communicate with the ministries and continually assess the quality of life of the parish faith community create a “culture of involvement”, embracing and welcoming the faith community, and encouraging the development of leaders envision the future; formulate, implement, and monitor goals of our parish as we strive to fulfill the Church’s teachings Meetings follow an agenda and members work together in a supportive, advisory role to Father Boland to accomplish on-going, present, and future issues, projects and goals for the parish. The PPC meets on the third Monday of every month throughout the year. Members serve a three year term. The OLPH 2016 PPC Members: Margie Andre Bill McCabe Greg Bedell Mark McKinley Kevin Boyle Bob Michels Nancy Detlefsen Karen Navarre Shannon Dowdle Jim Riley Mike Hood Julie Ruchniewicz Elizabeth Hoshaw John Thissen Dave Ludden ARE YOU BEING CALLED TO SERVE? PLEASE RESPOND BY APRIL 13. Are you searching for a way to get more involved at Our Lady of Perpetual Help? Would you like to help identify and implement the goals of our Parish community? Do you want to share your talents? If the answer is yes, the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) may be for you. If you are interested in learning more about the PPC or want to be considered for an open position, please fill out the form below. The Parish Pastoral Council will contact all applicants to set up a meeting time. Yes, I am interested in applying for the Parish Pastoral Council of OLPH. Name Phone # Email I would like someone to contact me for more information regarding the PPC of OLPH Please mail or drop off at: Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 1775 Grove Street, Glenview, IL 60025 April 10, 2016 • olphglenview.org 9 seek, share, rejoice - parish news and notes News from the Men's Club Lori Parsek is Named Zanoni Award Winner, 2016 The OLPH Men's Club proudly announces that Ms. Lori Parsek will be recognized for her outstanding contribution to OLPH School and Parish over many years. Ms. Parsek will receive the Zanoni Award at the Men's Club Kick-Off Party this spring. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, May 10 at the Valley Lo Club. Doors will open at 6:30 pm. Admission is free to all men and women of the parish. At the Kick-Off, the Men's Club will also present to Sister Paulanne a check that will be donated to the Sisters of St. Francis Retirement Fund in honor of and in the name of Maximo "Tony" Rivera. Donations to the Men's Club will go to the funding of this gift and many other parish and school programs that this organization supports. In appreciation, individual and corporate donors will be acknowledged on a "Donor Board" displayed at the event and also published in the event program. Look for a sponsorship form in next week's bulletin and at www.olphglenview.org/ministries/mens-club. Men's Basketball League Finished Its Season The OLPH Mens basketball league finished its 45th season with championship games in two divisions. In the Aykroid Division (40 and under) the team lead by Jay McAuley and Eric Karnig defeated the Tom Zidar/Joe Daly team. In the Pomillo Division (over 40) Dan Hirsch defeated the Eric Nelson team by a single point in overtime. 120 men competed in this year’s league. Play will resume in the Fall. For more details contact Bob Hicks at 847-724-5993 or Don Farrell at 847-564-0935. You Might be Interested In... Endowment Board Volunteer Opportunities Mom & Tot Playdates Coming Up The OLPH School Endowment Fund was established in 1992 with the goal of ensuring a high quality Catholic education remained affordable to the families of our parish. Through the generosity of many parishioners, alumni, school parents and friends of Catholic education, the Endowment Fund makes a significant annual contribution to the school. Swing into spring with the Mom and Tot Group! The Mom and Tot Group welcomes all moms, caregivers, aunts and grandmas to bring their little ones to our next park play dates! On Friday, April 15, we’ll meet at the Central Tot Lot (601 Lehigh Road) from 4:30 to 6 p.m. On Tuesday, April 26, we’ll meet at Johns Park (2101 Central Road) beginning at 9:30 a.m. New faces always welcome. Fingers crossed for good weather! To ensure the continued legacy of the Endowment’s support of the school, we are seeking new members with expertise in social media, development, marketing and communication and finance. The board meets quarterly with sub-committee meetings as needed. If you are interested in offering your time and talent, please contact John Kurkowski at john.kurkowski@comcast.net or 630-575-4248. 10 April 10, 2016 • olphglenview.org announcements U.S. MILITARY PRAYER LIST Parish Announcement US ARMY 1st Lt. Michael Altonji SSG Brent Blackwell, Afghanistan 2LT Atticus Blair, Afghanistan. 1st Lt. Brad Fischl Corporal Rick Hajost 1st LT Daniel LaBarge CPT Matthew Leck 1st Lt. Gavin McGarry Cpt. Brittany Sunko 1st Lt. William Thibeau LTC Thomas Vogel LTC Daniel Vogel Semi-Retired? Retired? Open Your Heart US AIR FORCE 1st Lt Brian Joseph Anderson SSgt Jon Billie 1st Lt McCall Casas TSgt Richard Nash Major Reid Orth Major Lowell Wallace, Overseas US NAVY IT2 James Kowalski, Overseas Lt. John O’Hagan, Afghanistan EM1 John Sutehall, Japan US MARINES Sgt Jack Askins Capt. Justin Coons Capt. Caitlin Ferrarell 1st Lt Matt Mugnaini Capt. Bradley Petersen Major Eric Starr, Afghanistan For revisions or updates to this list contact: Geof & Cathy Lutz olphmil@yahoo.com 847-724-8218. Members of The Ignatian Volunteer Corps volunteer in poor and marginalized communities 2 days per week (Sept-June), grow deeper in their Christian faith by reflecting and praying in the Ignatian tradition, and meet monthly with other IVC members and a spiritual reflector. Join us for an information session to learn more and meet current IVC volunteers on Thursday, April 14 at 2:00 pm in the Flavin Room at OLPH Rectory. Please RSVP to Jacqueline Fitzgerald at 312-961-6206 or jfitzgerald@ivcusa.org. Community Announcements Prevent Child Abuse Prayer Service, April 15 The Archdiocese of Chicago invites you to participate in the Annual Prevent Child Abuse Prayer Service, Friday, April 15 at 11:30 am. Location: Healing Garden at Holy Family Parish, 1080 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago. All students, children, parents, educators, clergy, relatives, friends and all caring adults who have a commitment to protecting children and young people are invited to attend. To plan accordingly for the service, please RSVP to mflores@archchicago.org. Excellence in Aging Conference, April 16 This conference is designed to educate, equip and empower older adults and people who care about them with resources available in the community and tools to make informed decisions. Date: Saturday, April 16 from 9:00 - Noon. Location: Park Center, The East Wing 2400 Chestnut Avenue, Glenview. Registration is required by April 8. Call 847-570-5020 or go to www.northshore.org/seniors. Admission: Free. “Quenching God’s Thirst: Respond in Love,” April 17 BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS Our weekly bulletin communicates the news and events at OLPH Parish. Questions? Call 847-729-1525 ext. 24 to speak to Natalie Conseur. DEADLINE: Please email all content no later than 6:00 pm on the Sunday prior to publication date. SUBMISSIONS: Email to nconseur@olphchurch-il.org. NOTE: The bulletin cannot promote job seekers, entrepreneurs, etc. Please call 800.566.6170 to place a paid bulletin ad. Presentation by Fr. James Kubicki SJ from Relevant Radio and Apostleship of Prayer. Topic: The culmination of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. "How to give God what he doesn’t already have." Sunday April 17. Noon to 1:30pm. St. Catherine Laboure 3535 Thornwood, Glenview. 847-826-4704. No charge. Refreshments served. "What they didn't teach you in Sex Ed," April 28 St. Norbert and other parishes invite you to a presentation on Biology and the Theology of the Body by Vicki Thorn. Date: Thursday, April 28 at 7:00 pm. Location: St. Norbert's Grace Hall, 1809 Walters Ave., Northbrook. Thorn is an international speaker and author, and the founder of Project Rachel. For more information call Tracy 847-272-7090. April 10, 2016 • olphglenview.org 11 our weekly intentions, holy week schedule Remember Our Sick Sunday, April 10 Gabriella Barretto Eduardo Buhay Coty Cottle Pat Cullen Laura Bartosz Dinelli Bob Gregg Rob Hahn Meghan Healy Rosemarie Hogg Linda Kent Barbara Kramer Jeanie McInerney Infant Molly Anne McKenna 7:30 9:30 Ch 9:30 Mc 11:00 12:30 6:00 Judith Nani Mary Carol O'Brien Lukas Parsek Bob Pasquesi Pat Reagan Noreen Ritt Infant Mary Elizabeth Roland Mary Alice Sexton Liz Smith Patrick Stein Anthony Thomas Ed Tracz If you, a family member, or someone you know are homebound, unable to attend weekly Mass, a trained Minister of Care will bring you or your family member Holy Communion. You and the lay Minister of Care can decide on the day, time and frequency of the visit(s). For more information, please call the OLPH Parish Office. Our Beloved Deceased Eugene Cizynski and John & Rose Carter (Fr. Paddy) Thomas Tomsheck and Gigi Walsh (MFTL) (Fr. Boland) John Cusack (Fr. Kostyk) Steve Kustra, Bob Schmit and Dennis T. McCarthy (Fr. Kostyk) Murray B. Crowe and William Cooke (Fr. Lara) No Mass | RE Confirmation Monday, April 11 6:30 8:30 Living and Deceased Members of OLPH Jeanne Baldwin Tuesday, April 12 6:30 8:30 Ann Marie and Gerry Dempsey (MFTL) The Roland & Prouty Families (MFTL) Wednesday, April 13 6:30 8:30 Dale Digmann and Frank & Jeannine Callahan Mickele Fiorentino and Nancy Anton (MFTL) Thursday, April 14 6:30 8:30 Charles A. Rubey, Jr. & Sr. and John Litza Living and Deceased Members of OLPH Friday, April 15 Marlan Slaywin, Jr. Recent Baptisms Allegra Genevieve, daughter of Mollie Ann (Haley) Honigman and Daniel Honigman. 6:30 8:30 Rosemary Collins and Vicente Cardenas-Guerro Donald J. Engels, Sr. Saturday, April 16 6:30 8:30 5:00 Living and Deceased Members of OLPH Felice Gavin Rosemary Hogg (MFTL) and Michael & Amanda Keller (MFTL) (Fr. Kartje) Sunday, April 17 7:30 9:30 Ch 9:30 Mc 11:00 12:30 6:00 Barbara Eve Weber Zamski (Fr. Boland) Harold Schmidt and Ben Farago (MFTL) (Fr. Hickey) James McNamara (Fr. Paddy) Ellen Cusack and Bruce Slagg (Fr. Lara) Marie Caputo Sheridan & Family and Mary Conroy (Fr. Boland) Living and Deceased Members of OLPH (Fr. Lara) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Sat. • 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment LITURGY OF THE HOURS Wed. • 8:10 a.m. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK After the 8:30 Mass on the 2nd Saturday of every month EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Fri. • 9:00 a.m. - 3:50 p.m. • Lady Chapel DIVINE MERCY HOLY HOUR Fri. • 3:00 p.m. • Lady Chapel MASSES AT MARYHAVEN Sun. Tue. and Fri.• 10:30 a.m. ROSARY Mon. - Sat. • after 8:30 a.m. Mass 12 April 10, 2016 • olphglenview.org parish information PARISH OFFICE 847.729.1525 FAX 847.729.0623 THE CITY olphglenview.onthecity.org WEBSITE olphglenview.org FACEBOOK.COM/olphglenview Rev. Jeremiah Boland, Pastor jboland@olphchurch-il.org Rev. Thomas E. Hickey, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Isaac Lara, Associate Pastor ilara@olphchurch-il.org Rev. Nicholas Kostyk, Associate Pastor nkostyk@olphchurch-il.org Rev. Paddy Tyrrell, SJ Associate Pastor paddy@tyrrellsj.com Jim & Pat Revord, Deacon Couple Dave & Mary Beth Kalina, Deacon Couple Nancy Schwider, Director of Operations & Stewardship, nschwider@olphchurch-il.org Russell Stern, Director of Music Ministry rstern@olphchurch-il.org Natalie Conseur, Director of Communications nconseur@olphchurch-il.org Cherie DiCesare, Director of Religious Education 847-998-5289 cdicesare@olphchurch-il.org Luana Lienhart, OFS, LCSW Parish Social Worker llienhart@olphchurch-il.org Rev. Paddy Tyrrell, Coordinator of Youth & Young Adult Ministry 847-602-4143 Dr. Amy Mills, Parish School Principal 847-724-6990, amills@olph-il.org John Kurkowski, School Endowment Board Chair john.kurkowski@comcast.net Laura Kearney, Parish Secretary lkearney@olphchurch-il.org Linda Feo, Parish Office Assistant lfeo@olphchurch-il.org Margie Andre, Liturgy Assistant mandre@olphchurch-il.org Gloria Gaughan, Evening & Weekend Receptionist ggaughan@olphchurch-il.org OLPH Care Links Bereavement Support Deacon Dave Kalina 847-729-1525 ext. 25 dkalina@olphchurch-il.org Confidential Assistance Luana Lienhart, OFS, LCSW 847-729-1525 ext 15 llienhart@olphchurch-il.org Confidential Assistance Sister Paulanne 847-724-2044 Counseling Services Mary Butler, LLPC, LMFT 224-420-1279 mbutlertrs@gmail.com Divorce Support Group Val Spingola, LCSW 847-826-3566 vspingola@centertobeinspired.com Domestic Violence Ministry Brian Herrle 908-448-6713 Brian.Herrle@gmail.com Homebound/Hospital Visits Rick Nash 847-651-8718 rick.nash@comcast.net Respect Life Monica Cassidy 847-724-7206 monccas@comcast.net
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case lots to stretch and maximize your donation.
July 3, 2016 - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
delivered through the kids at the Sunday offertory. God bless you for your generosity!!
Mass Schedule - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
currently serves as a spiritual director for priests and
is the Archbishop’s consultant to the priests’ Retirement Process. Previously, Fr. McBrady was pastor of
St.Elizabeth Seton parish, Orland H...