Mass Schedule - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
THE MOST HOLY TRINITY OLPH MAY 22, 2016 Seek, Share, Rejoice! Mass Schedule Inside This Issue: • Updates from the Pastor • Discussing the Joy of Love • Last chance for the New Parishioner Survey • Advertising Opportunity in the Playdium Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Monday - Saturday: 6:30 and 8:30 am Saturday: 5:00 pm Anticipation Sunday: 7:30 am (in church) 9:30 am (in church and McDonnell Hall) 11:00 am (in church) 12:30 pm and 6:00 pm (in church) 1775 Grove St. Glenview IL 60025 Parish Office 847-729-1525 seek, share, rejoice - pastor's reflection "As disciples we desire to pour out God's love...we seek to give another what has been given to us." Father Jerry Boland Dear Parishioners, Today’s feast of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is one of a number of special feasts that follow Pentecost. We meditate on the relationship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There is profound meaning in the awareness that the God we worship lives in a dynamic relationship of love. The manner in which the Father, Son and Spirit relate in love becomes the witness to us as to how we should relate to one another. As we hear in Paul’s letter to the Romans, “the love of God has been poured out into our hearts”. So much of the foundational power of ministry can be traced to this desire to be a vessel of the “pouring out of God’s love”. Whether we are a minister of care, a bereavement minister or a SPRED catechist to name just a few, we seek to give to another, what has been given to us. This spring, the Men’s Club and the Women’s Club acknowledged two parishioners who have been signs of that love: Lori Parsek and Pat Cullen. We celebrate these women who have given so much to our parish and look forward to many years ahead of benefitting from their witness of God’s love in our midst. Our parishioner Sharon Riley is the Executive Director of “Rebuilding Together North Suburban Chicago.” Several OLPH parishioners are involved in this not for profit organization that helps low income people and people with disabilities to remain in their homes by repairing and fixing things that greatly impact the quality of their lives. Projects like fixing a leaking pipe, a broken toilet, the electrical system or installing disability appliances can have such an impact on someone’s life, especially when they don’t know who to turn to. Last year the organization worked on 56 projects with over 500 volunteers! “Rebuilding Together…” is just another example of what can happen when we pour out God’s love. 2 May 22, 2016 • I also am so grateful to our parishioner Dr. James McCool and his partner Dr. Harold Wychoff who provided free dental exams for children of families in need yesterday. Many children were able to get dental examinations that their parents could not afford. We are blessed by so many of our parishioners in the medical, legal and financial professions that are always willing to assist those in need. We begin a busy time of many projects to maintain or improve our beautiful campus. Our buildings and grounds committee, under the direction of Nancy Schwider, review and prioritize projects so that we can stay on top of tasks that need attention. We are fortunate that a mild winter has left us with a surplus for campus repairs. This spring and summer we will be repairing the cupola and rectory roof. At the school several classroom windows will be replaced and significant masonry repair work is planned for the exterior of the Playdium building. Also planned are an expansion of handicap accessible parking and easier access to our church for those who rely on wheelchairs and walkers. In related news, the Parish Pastoral Council and the Finance Council have been reviewing capital projects that may be part of our upcoming campaign, To Teach Who Christ Is. I was honored to be asked by American Legion Post 166 to participate in this year’s annual Glenview Memorial Day Parade. The parade begins at 10:00 and concludes at the Veterans Memorial on the corner of Glenview Road and River Drive. The guest speaker will be our parishioner US Marine Corps Retired Col. Ace Realie. He was recently named the 2016 Glenview Citizen of the Year. Congratulations Ace, we are all proud of you and grateful for your service to our nation and the City of Glenview. Have a Blessed week, Fr. Jerry Boland seek, share, rejoice - parish news and notes Recent Photos On Saturday, May 7, eighteen OLPH parishioners volunteered at a Greater Chicago Food Depository Repack Session. The groups's work credit hours will be applied to the St. Sabina Food Pantry enabling the pantry to purchase bulk food items from GCFD. SEEK! SHARE! REJOICE! Our Engagement Prayer Dear Lord, we want to be an engaged church, a parish motivated by love for You and committed to our mission of living out Your gospel. We ask that You be with us on our spiritual journey. Help us to be a worshipping community, devoted to Mass, praying with and for one another, and lifting our voices joyfully in song. On Sunday, May 17 our Special Religious Development Program welcomed everyone to experience one of their special Masses. Congratulations to first communicant Ciana Quijana and her family. Help us to be a welcoming community with smiles and outstretched arms as we greet all who enter our doors, be they friends or strangers. Help us to be a community of good stewards who support our parish and are compassionate to the needs of the poor. Help us to be a ministering community, cheerfully and tirelessly offering time and talent in service to others. Thoughts on This Week's Gospel In today’s Gospel Jesus talks about life with his Father and the Spirit. He tells his disciples that what belongs to the Father belongs to him, and that the Spirit will take from what is his and give it to them. Jesus helps us understand that the relationship between Father, Son and Spirit is one of perfect sharing and loving generosity. This shared life is the foundation for what we now understand as part of living life in the Trinity. The abundant generosity of those who are good stewards of the gifts entrusted to them gives us a glimpse into the love of the Triune God. Does the generosity with which we live our lives bear witness to God’s extraordinarily generous life within us? Help us to be a community of disciples who place You, Lord, at the center of our lives. Help us to be an engaged community with open hearts and open minds to Seek You Lord, Share Your Gifts, and Rejoice in Your Blessings. We ask these things in Your Holy Name. Amen. -Margie André © International Catholic Stewardship Council May 22, 2016 • 3 seek, share, rejoice - sharing and human concerns Make Meals for Operation Open Door Hungry homeless people come to the rectory doors and visit the food pantries of our four sharing parishes daily in search of food. Our Sharing Parishes are often able to respond with brown lunch bags filled with non-perishable food provided by OLPH. These easy-to-assemble bags, which serve as an emergency meal, are assembled and donated by individuals, families, and groups alike. BAG CONTENTS: Pre-Packaged Tuna or Chicken Salad with Crackers, Trail Mix, Peanut Butter or Cheese and Crackers, 100% Juice in a Box or Can, Dried Fruit, Applesauce or Fruit Cup, Plastic Spoon, Napkin Optional to include: Candy, Power Bar, Granola Bar. Larger sized lunch bags work best, preferably doubled. Contact Julie for more information at 847.909.0661 or to arrange delivery of larger donations. Sharing Updates and Opportunities Live Your Faith in Service to One Another The Ten Commandments of Sharing Consider the needy alongside for your own household when grocery shopping. Pick up a few items for someone you don’t even know and make the difference in their day! To facilitate the Sharing process, please consider the guidelines outlined below. 1. Non-perishable food items continue to be our greatest need. Please donate items with their original seal and within their expiration date. Avoid glass containers. 2. Please consider the dignity of the needy when evaluating what to donate. Ask yourself whether you would be comfortable passing an item on to someone you know. 3. When donating your gently worn, clean clothing, please remove from hangers and deliver them to the Sharing Room folded in boxes or bags, keeping weight manageable for our volunteers. All types of clothing are welcome with the exception of undergarments (men’s undershirts are welcome). 4. Shoes should be gently worn. 5. Small household items in clean, good condition are welcome. Small appliances need to be complete and in working order. We cannot accept TVs. 6. Contact the Parish Office for donation of larger furnishings. We will then call you to discuss the items. Please do not deliver furniture or appliances to the Sharing Room without authorization. 7. We can only accept NEW toys. 8. We do find homes for most books but are unable to find outlets for encyclopedias and textbooks. 9. Please do not donate redecorating materials (used paint, wallpaper, tile…) or construction materials. Too Busy To Shop For The Food Drive? We’ll do the shopping for you! Mail a donation made out to the OLPH Needy Family Fund to Lou Marohn, 2132 Fir Street, Glenview. Food will be purchased in case lots to stretch and maximize your donation. Morning of Service at James, June 11 Join fellow OLPH parishioners for a fun morning of service at St. James. The Greater Chicago Food Depository will provide a truck full of produce and we will have the joy of distributing this to a long line of grateful recipients. OLPH organizes a group of 50 volunteers for this event each year, including many families. Contact Tom Rinella, Carpooling will be arranged. Saturday Morning Volunteer Opportunity We are building a team to serve rotating Saturday mornings, sorting through clothing and household donations that make their way to the Sharing Room. Help out for a two hour shift once every eight weeks. Contact Betty Collins,, to join our effort. 10. The dumpsters outside the Sharing Room doors fill routinely with items we do not feel comfortable passing on. This creates an unnecessary expense and reduces funds for the poor. Thank you for your consideration of these guidelines! 4 May 22, 2016 • seek, share, rejoice - upcoming parish events Read and Discuss the Pope's Recent Document TALK TO US! “Amoris Laetitia” (The Joy of Love) by Pope Francis Discussion Series by Fr. Tom Hickey Join Fr. Tom Hickey on three Wednesday evenings in June to study Pope Francis’s recent apostolic exhortation “The Joy of Love." We will meet in the Dussman Room in the Lafayette Building from 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. Meetings will be on Wednesday evenings, June 8, June 15 & June 22. The text and an accompanying study guide can be picked up at the parish office. A donation of $10 is asked to help cover the costs. Each session will include some focus and important background, time for reflection and discussion, and some prayer for our families. This document cries for discussion in families and parishes. It is important to remember that this exhortation comes after a process that went on for more than three years, beginning with a worldwide questionnaire on family issues that was sent out by the Vatican to bishops to get input from experts and the laity. Take the New Parishioner Survey Have you joined Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in the last three years? We want to hear from you. To help us learn how to better serve new parishioners, we ask that you complete a brief (5 minute) survey online. Take the survey at: Your answers will be confidential unless you choose to identify yourself. Please submit your responses by the evening of Sunday, May 22. Contact Natalie, with any questions or to have the survey emailed to you. Thank you for your participation, The OLPH Engagement Committee Book Club Next Meeting, June 13 We have just finished reading “Faith and Joy” by Fr. Fernando Cardenal, The author died in February 2016, after a life dedicated to the poor in his native Nicaragua. One of his incredible achievements was the reduction of illiteracy among the campessinos from 52% to less than 10%. He did this in less than a year by organizing what might be called a crusade of young people to go into the villages and live with the poor. 60,000 young people joined the crusade. Because of his involvement in politics he was expelled from the Society of Jesus, but was later readmitted. This is a truly inspiring life, which is well worth reading. Our next book is "The Joy of Love," the recent document from Pope Francis. We are going to study this book in greater detail, and will probably take several sessions of sharing our thoughts and insights. Our next meeting will be June 13 in the Youth Office at 7:00 pm. All are welcome, even if you have not read the book. Copies are available in the Rectory office. Project Linus Meeting, May 25 The Project Linus Blanket Making Ministry will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, May 25. The meeting will be from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. in the Dussman Room of the Lafayette Building. Please come and help us make cheerful patchwork blankets for needy infants and children. The ability to use a sewing machine is not required. Project Linus has fun and helpful jobs for everyone! Friends old & new are always welcome. May 22, 2016 • 5 seek, share, rejoice - school news Our Kindergarteners braved the weather and had a successful Lemonade stand during recess. Working in teams, they poured the glasses, collected the money, and picked up the trash from sale. They will walk to Glenview State Bank and count the money they received. The proceeds from the sale will go to Sr. Paulanne’s Needy Family Fund. Congratulations to our little entrepreneurs! We thank the outgoing School Advisory Board members for their incredible time, creative ideas, and amazing energy these last 3 years. From school finance to enrollment challenges; fundraising to public relations, these individuals made a significant contribution to our school and its future. Join us in recognizing and celebrating the leadership and work of these talented individuals: Colin Gubbins (President) Mary Campobasso Dina Collins Additionally, we warmly welcome 3 new School Board members. Since we had 3 fabulous candidates submit applications, there was no need for an election this year. Please take a moment to go to the School Advisory Board page on our website, and read their bios to learn more about them! Peter Hendrick Nancy Speers Shannon Weasler Our Board members are critical to the success of OLPH School and we are grateful for all they do! 6 May 22, 2016 • seek, share, rejoice - parish news and notes Advertising Opportunity in our Gym Request for Proposal - Scoreboard Sign, Details are on our website With the Playdium bustling with activity, the scoreboard signage presents many opportunities for a family or business to be noticed. Proposal Details: Please see the complete details of the sign proposal at Or, type "playdium" into the search bar. Proposals may be dropped at the Rectory office marked “Playdium Scoreboard Sign” or emailed to Nancy Schwider at There is an advertising opportunity for signage in the OLPH Playdium gym. This is a great chance for a family or a business to be the Scoreboard Sponsor and have great visibility within the parish. The winning bidder will have his/her signage in the Playdium until June 30, 2018. There are two scoreboards in the Playdium gym. One is in the Southwest corner and the other is in the Northeast corner. The Southwest scoreboard is becoming available for advertising. Proposals must be received no later than June 1, 2016. The minimum bid for scoreboard signage is $5,000. The Playdium has seen a tremendous increase in usage in recent years. This increase is related to the goal of having the Playdium in use as much as possible for the benefit of the all members of the parish. The OLPH Respect Life Ministry Presents the Month of May Baby Shower Help us gather baby items to help young mothers in crisis situations. New, gender neutral, unwrapped items will be collected throughout the month of May in marked baskets in the church. Baby Items Wish List • • • • • • • • clothing blankets towels diapers wipes toys pacifiers baby formula and food The Month of May Baby Shower Benefits OLPH Sharing Ministry, Aid for Women, The Women’s Center and Catholic Charities May 22, 2016 • 7 seek, share, rejoice - spiritual growth and enrichment SPOTS STILL AVAILABLE! Totus Tuus June 19 - 24, 2016 At Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Summer Faith Camp for Grades 1 - 12 • • • Grades 1-6: Mon-Fri, June 20 - 24 from 9 am - 2 pm Grades 7-12: Sun-Thu, June 19 - 23 from 7 pm - 9 pm Registration Fees: $50 for day program, $20 for evening TO REGISTER: Or contact Vivi Lato at for more information. Dedicated to proclamation of the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith. EVOLVE Adult Education Presents You searched me God,and you know me: An Introduction to Biblical Spirituality With Laurie Brink, O.P., Ph.D. Associate Professor of New Testament Studies Saturday, June 11, McDonnell Hall, 9:30 a.m. The Bible is filled with examples of human beings’ reflection on their encounter with the Divine and their attempt to live their faith, a process we call “Spirituality.” In this presentation we will explore what “spirituality” means and how various books of the bible reflect different “spiritual” threads. We will focus on the themes of Blessing and Incarnation and ponder how those themes are experienced in our own lives. About the Presenter: A Dominican Sister of Sinsinawa, Laurie Brink is an Associate Professor of New Testament Studies at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Brink investigates the ancient social, religious, and cultural world out of which early Christianity emerged. Her recent scholarship has focused on the role of the Roman military in the spread of Christianity. Her monograph, Soldiers in Luke-Acts: Engaging, Contradicting, and Transcending the Stereotypes (Mohr Siebeck, 2014), demonstrates that Luke intentionally characterizes Roman soldiers as good disciples. In addition to her academic publications, Brink co-authored Living the Word: Scripture Reflections and Commentaries for Sundays and Holy Days Year A, B, C (Franklin Park, IL: World Library Publications, 2013-6). Brink is an associate editor of The Bible Today, and has recorded two lecture series (Acts of the Apostles and Philippians) for Now You Know Media. She earned her M.A. at Maryknoll School of Theology and her Ph.D. at University of Chicago. 8 May 22, 2016 • seek, share, rejoice - parish news and notes End of Year Items of Note School Supply Drive Volunteers Needed Weekends of June 4 - 19 The school year is coming to an end which brings with it unused or gently used school supplies usually brought home in backpacks near the last day of school. Help us put these supplies, or purchased supplies, in the hands of children that need them most, students at Our Lady of Tepeyac School and St. Phillip Neri Grade School. Please bring school supplies to Masses the weekends of June 4-5, 11-12, and 18-19. Collection boxes will be labeled and placed at the side entrance and the convent porch. Members of Guild 34 will collect them for distribution after all Masses. Supplies needed include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • crayons, pens, pencils, markers, erasers, notebooks, folders, loose-leaf, construction paper, glue, tape, child-safe scissors, backpacks On Saturday, June 11, the Glenview-based HEAR Foundation (Health, Education And Relief) will be donating and distributing 30,000 pounds of frozen chicken at St. Philip Neri, St. Ailbe and St. Sabina. There will be over 2,000 people receiving the muchneeded protein and your help is needed. Adults and children are invited to participate in the distribution, the schedule is as follows: • • • St. Phillip Neri: 9:30-10:30 St. Ailbe: 11:15-12:15 St. Sabina: 1:30-3:00 Help at any or all of the locations is appreciated. There will be a meeting point set up in the West Loop and groups will carpool from there. You’re welcome to meet at any of the parish locations on your own as well. Please contact Karoline Eigel with any questions: Knights of Columbus Presents: A Kids' Chess Tournament, June 18 The Knights of Columbus Council 3131 will host their first annual Kids' Chess Tournament on Saturday, June 18 from 9 am to 11:30 am. There will be a one time registration fee of $3 per entrant, plus the donation of a non-perishable food item for the sharing room. All students in grades K - 8 from OLPH and St. Catherine Laboure are invited. Space is limited, so please register now. Contact Nick Battaglia at Our Lady of Tepeyac also would gratefully welcome gift cards to Target, Walmart, or Staples that the teachers and administration may use to shop for specific needs. On behalf of Women's Club Guild 34, thank you for making a difference! Contact: Andrea Macina Reflecting on the Scriptures “But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth...” JOHN 16:13 Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to help us know and live the truth. To prepare ourselves, we need to open our hearts to receive this gift before we can give it. Develop a daily prayer routine to ask the Holy Spirit to help guide our thoughts and actions. © Archdiocese of St. Louis. Reprinted with permission May 22, 2016 • 9 seek, share, rejoice - special event 5th Annual t o o h S r e n i e t s r o f Sunday 016- 1 to 4 pm June 12, 2 lenview, IL ydium OLPH Pla -G Patrick with 2015 #1 Fan Mary Lato ST CONTE m” N A F 1 ea # hest “t hig l Be the r and you wil e is a e r on th fund brated be cele nt posters! ve 2017 e FREE THROW CONTEST TO BENEFITT PATRICK STEIN Patrick is an alumnus of OLPH, GBS and Loyola Academy who suffered a debilitating stroke in 2010 at the age of 17. As a result he suffers from a condition known as Locked-In-Syndrome that necessitates 24-hour medical care and on-going pursuit of cutting edge therapies and treatments. All ages are welcome to participate in the Shoot for Steiner Free Throw Contest. 100% of money donated will support the demands of Patrick's care via a Special Needs Trust established in his name. Free Water Bottle for the first hundred shooters. To learn more about Patrick, Scan the QR code to visit the Crush It! Foundation Facebook Page. The web address CrushItFoundation We are accepting donations via credit cards, checks and cash directed toward: "Shoot for Steiner" P.O. Box 8617 Northfield, IL 60093-8617 Questions? Call the Bordignons at 847-774-5993 10 May 22, 2016 • announcements U.S. MILITARY PRAYER LIST US ARMY 1st Lt. Michael Altonji SSG Brent Blackwell, Afghanistan 2LT Atticus Blair, Afghanistan. 1st Lt. Brad Fischl Corporal Rick Hajost 1st LT Daniel LaBarge CPT Matthew Leck 1st Lt. Gavin McGarry Cpt. Brittany Sunko 1st Lt. William Thibeau LTC Thomas Vogel LTC Daniel Vogel US AIR FORCE 1st Lt Brian Joseph Anderson SSgt Jon Billie 1st Lt McCall Casas TSgt Richard Nash Major Reid Orth Major Lowell Wallace, Overseas US NAVY IT2 James Kowalski, Overseas Lt. John O’Hagan, Afghanistan EM1 John Sutehall, Japan US MARINES Sgt Jack Askins Capt. Justin Coons Capt. Caitlin Ferrarell 1st Lt Matt Mugnaini Capt. Bradley Petersen Major Eric Starr, Afghanistan Announcements Assistive Listening Devices Available For those who are hard of hearing we have assistive listening devices available to help you participate more fully during Mass. Please plan to arrive for Mass a few minutes early to borrow the necessary equipment from Sr. Paulanne. Please don’t forget to return the devices at the end of Mass when you are finished. Are You a Registered Parishioner? A Parishioner is someone who regularly attends Mass, regularly contributes funds as they are able, and who is on file in our Parish Database. Are you registered with the Parish? It’s easy to do, and it helps us: • Ensure that you receive parish mailings • Keep important sacramental records • Connect you with new interests and match your talents to parish needs. • Keep track of growing families You will find registration forms in the back of church and in the Rectory office. You may also register on our website: For revisions or updates to this list contact: Geof & Cathy Lutz 847-724-8218. BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS Our weekly bulletin communicates the news and events at OLPH Parish. Questions? Call 847-729-1525 ext. 24 to speak to Natalie Conseur. DEADLINE: Please email all content no later than 6:00 pm on the Sunday prior to publication date. The gift of the Holy Spirit has been bestowed in abundance so that we may live lives of genuine faith and active charity. May 16, 2016 SUBMISSIONS: Email to NOTE: The bulletin cannot promote job seekers, entrepreneurs, etc. Please call 800.566.6170 to place a paid bulletin ad. @PONTIFEX Pope Francis Tweet of the Week May 22, 2016 • 11 our weekly intentions Remember Our Sick Sunday, May 22 Keeley Barr Gabriella Barretto Patricia Catarello Matt Collins Coty Cottle Pat Cullen Bob Gregg Meghan Healy Rosemarie Hogg Pat Kelley Barbara Kramer Jeanie McInerney Judith Nani 7:30 9:30 Ch 9:30 Mc 11:00 12:30 6:00 Mary Carol O'Brien Lukas Parsek Paul Parsek Pat Reagan Noreen Ritt Infant Mary Elizabeth Roland Celeste Sieracki Liz Smith Patrick Stein Tony Thomas Ed Tracz Andrea Zielinski VISITS TO THE SICK: If you, a family member, or someone you know are homebound, unable to attend weekly Mass, a trained Minister of Care will bring you or your family member Holy Communion. You and the lay Minister of Care can decide on the day, time and frequency of the visit(s). For more information, please call the OLPH Parish Office. Our Beloved Deceased James Peter Burke, father of Joe Mary Romano Mary Alice Sexton, wife of Ed Carol Ann O’Callaghan and Tom Nally (Fr. Boland) Michael Lanphere and Ruth Irene Adams (Fr. Kartje) Kazimiera Rosowska and Bob Pasquesi (Fr. Lara) Steve Kustra, Bob Schmit and Antonio Liga (Fr. Kartje) Jadwiga Okulska and Richard Raboi (Fr. Hickey) Margaret Eileen Hogan and James Foley (Fr. Kostyk) Monday, May 23 6:30 8:30 Bob Pasquesi Vincent Louis Inserra and Ben M. Hillberry Tuesday, May 24 6:30 8:30 Living and Deceased Members of OLPH Gabriel Lorenzo Wednesday, May 25 6:30 8:30 Charles Stevens Victor J. Olivera and Charlie Roberts Thursday, May 26 6:30 8:30 Ed Just and Thomas Stuermer Patricia Kutsch and Deceased Members of Original Guild 22 Friday, May 27 6:30 8:30 Ann Marie and Gerry Dempsey (MFTL) Marianna Fiorentino and Paul Brumley Saturday, May 28 and Patrick Burke 6:30 8:30 1:00 5:00 Christina Noelle, daughter of Nahrain (Ibrahim) Markey and Eric Markey Sunday, May 29 Recent Baptisms Patrick Joseph Burke, III, son of Jessica (Trick) Burke George Parnell, son of Erin (Hinchcliff) Vass and George Vass Upcoming Weddings III Betsy Luka & Abilash Abraham 7:30 9:30 Ch 9:30 Mc 11:00 12:30 6:00 Eugene & Joan Ploetz and Alex Alexander Susan Sladoje and Meaghan Collins Luka ~ Abraham Wedding Peter Sparrow and Irene Hurley (Fr. Hickey) Victor Pinto and Eugene B. Cizynski (Fr. Kostyk) Casimir Alksnin and Mary T. & John H. Ryan (Fr. Lara) Living and Deceased Members of OLPH (Fr. Paddy) Dennis T. McCarthy and Lilian Butler (Fr. Lara) Audrey Barr-Calmes and Anne Leibrandt (MFTL) (Fr. Boland) Living and Deceased Members of OLPH (Fr. Kostyk) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Sat. • 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment LITURGY OF THE HOURS Wed. • 8:10 a.m. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK After the 8:30 Mass on the 2nd Saturday of every month EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Fri. • 9:00 a.m. - 3:50 p.m. • Lady Chapel DIVINE MERCY HOLY HOUR Fri. • 3:00 p.m. • Lady Chapel MASSES AT MARYHAVEN Sun. Tue. and Fri.• 10:30 a.m. ROSARY Mon. - Sat. • after 8:30 a.m. Mass 12 May 22, 2016 • parish information PARISH OFFICE 847.729.1525 FAX 847.729.0623 THE CITY WEBSITE FACEBOOK.COM/olphglenview Rev. Jeremiah Boland, Pastor Rev. Thomas E. Hickey, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Isaac Lara, Associate Pastor Rev. Nicholas Kostyk, Associate Pastor Rev. Paddy Tyrrell, SJ Associate Pastor Jim & Pat Revord, Deacon Couple Dave & Mary Beth Kalina, Deacon Couple Nancy Schwider, Director of Operations & Stewardship, Russell Stern, Director of Music Ministry Natalie Conseur, Director of Communications Cherie DiCesare, Director of Religious Education 847-998-5289 Luana Lienhart, OFS, LCSW Parish Social Worker Rev. Paddy Tyrrell, Coordinator of Youth & Young Adult Ministry 847-602-4143 Dr. Amy Mills, Parish School Principal 847-724-6990, John Kurkowski, School Endowment Board Chair Laura Kearney, Parish Secretary Linda Feo, Parish Office Assistant Margie Andre, Liturgy Assistant Gloria Gaughan, Evening & Weekend Receptionist OLPH Care Links Bereavement Support Deacon Dave Kalina 847-729-1525 ext. 25 Confidential Assistance Luana Lienhart, OFS, LCSW 847-729-1525 ext 15 Confidential Assistance Sister Paulanne 847-724-2044 Counseling Services Mary Butler, LLPC, LMFT 224-420-1279 Divorce Support Group Val Spingola, LCSW 847-826-3566 Domestic Violence Ministry Brian Herrle 908-448-6713 Homebound/Hospital Visits Rick Nash 847-651-8718 Respect Life Monica Cassidy 847-724-7206
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