MAY 8, 2011 Page 2 MASSES FOR THE WEEK PARISH STAFF SUNDAY: MAY 8— THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER BUSINESS / FACILITIES MANAGER Deacon Donald A. Stamm 6:30 - MUSIC DIRECTOR James R. Kendall 8:00 9:30 - Mass for the People of the Parish Living & Deceased Members of the Holy Name Society Catherine Marcus RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - 226-2384 Director of Religious Education: Thomas J. Acemoglu 11:00 - Book of the Faithful Departed 12:30 - Eddie Aliano 5:00 Mother’s Day Novena 6:30 Polish Mass– RCIA / Adult Formation: Deacon Douglas G. Smith YOUTH MINISTRY 226-6239 Youth Ministry Coordinator: AnnMarie Wagner Coordinator /8th Grade & The Edge: Peggy Harnisch SACRISTAN Mark Costantino PLANT MAINTENANCE Vito Cudia SPECIAL MINISTRIES St. Vincent de Paul 225-5531 Loretta McHugh, Helen Brion: Co-Presidents Pastoral Care of the Sick John Koszalka Catholic Youth Organization : olphcyophil@optonline.net Program Coordinator: Phil Amico Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam ¶HL O Mission Statement ―Trusting in God, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and, motivated by Christ’s Life, Death and Resurrection, we, the people of God, under the protection of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, accept as our mission, the evangelization of our parishioners both active and inactive. We accept the call to bring all to a personal, Covenant relationship with Jesus as Lord and Savior, to live the Paschal Mystery and to promote the spiritual health and growth of everyone in our parish community.‖ – The OLPH Pastoral Council MONDAY: MAY 9— (Acts 6:8-15; John 6:22-29) 8:00 12:00 7:00 7:30 Mother’s Day Novena Leonard Corrao John Russo, Jr. Devotions (Novena) 7:00 PM MASS & NOVENA WILL BE HELD IN THE CONVENT CHAPEL TUESDAY: MAY 10 Easter Weekday (Acts 7:51-8:1a; John 6:30-35) 8:00 Mother’s Day Novena 12:00 Lilly Klinger 7:00 Abbott & Lee Families WEDNESDAY: MAY 11 Easter Weekday ( Acts 8:1b-8; Jn 6: 35-40) 8:00 - James McCowan, Jr. 12:00 - Mother’s Day Novena Theresa Puleo 7:00 THURSDAY: MAY 12 Easter Weekday (Acts 8:26-40; Jn6: 451 ) 8:00 12:00 7:00 FRIDAY: 6:52-59) 8:00 12:00 7:00 Mother’s Day Novena Leonard Castiglione Peter Giodano MAY 13— Easter Weekday (Acts 9:1-20; Jn Vera Nielsen Mother’s day Novena Louise LaMorte SATURDAY: MAY 14 ( Acts 6:1-7; John 6:16-21) 8:00 Jose Zulueta 9:00 Mother’s Day Novena SUNDAY VIGIL: May 15—Fourth Sunday of Easter 5:00 Jack Ambrosio Altar Bread &Wine In memory of Joseph & Irene Canzoneu Requested by Liz & Agostino Pecarao MAY 8, 2011 1871 + Page 3 140th Anniversary + 2011 From the Pastor’s Desk When I saw this poem I remembered it immediately. I learned it as a child and it was set to music. Howard Johnson, for those who don’t know, was the owner of the famous “Howard Johnson’s” Family Restaurants with the famous “Orange” roofs. M-O-T-H-E-R "M" is for the million things she gave me, "O" means only that she's growing old, "T" is for the tears she shed to save me, "H" is for her heart of purest gold; "E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining, "R" means right, and right she'll always be, Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER," A word that means the world to me. by Howard Johnson (c. 1915) My Mother was the best. She was a very simple, holy, loving and giving woman. She taught me how to pray and how to live my faith every day. She taught me by example the importance of putting what we believe into action. I learned how to care for people by paying attention to their lives and getting to know what they needed and then doing something about it without expecting anything in return. She was charitable because it was the right thing to do. There are those who never understood her and those who verbally would tell others “there must be some other purpose for her being so nice.” But there wasn’t and she never stopped giving. To this very day there are those who remember the things she did for them when they were kids. We did not have much, but we didn’t need it because we had Mom who taught us that we always had what we needed and that God would take care of us, and He did. She taught us that when one door closes in our life, God opens another door or window. God and His Church were the center of our life as a family. We were a part of the Church and participated as each of us could. Thank you mom, for being my Mother, for giving me life, love, and for the Catholic Faith, which keeps me alive and growing. Though you have gone home to heaven I take pride in knowing that you are always with me and that when you died you stood before Our Lord He said to you “Well done, Theresa, good and faithful servant. Enter the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me to eat, thirsty and you gave me to drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, sick or in prison and you came to visit me.” Be sure to thank you Mother today, kiss her, hug her and show her how much you really love her. And if, like my mom, she has died look up to the heavens and smile and say, “Thank you Mom, I still love you.” May God +bless you and yours today and forever, Father Anthony May 8, 2011 Page 4 BANNS OF MARRIAGE Second Time: Vincent Ambrosio (Sacred Heart, Merrick) & Christine Elia (OLPH) Matthew Ascolese (OLPH) & Jessica Melendez (OLPH) Peter Caliendo, II (Our Lady of Grace, West Babylon) & Danielle Falco (OLPH) First Time: Michael J. Buonocore (OLPH) & Tina Marie Rupprecht (OLPH) Michael Kamme (OLPH) & Christina M. Riordan (OLPH) Matthew R. Barnes (OLPH) & Samantha S. Mulholland (Our Lady of Lourdes) PRAY FOR THE SICK William McClean Raymond Ronner Barbara Kraly Angela Mirabile Dear God, We place our worries in Your hands and ask that You restore Your servant to health again. Baptisms PRAY FOR THE DEAD Philip Dolengewicz Theresa DiBernardo William J. McLean Julianna Tara Colao Jaiden Krzyzoszczak We Welcome you, with love, to our parish family! We ask you, O God, to be our quiet strength and consolation. We have had 19 Baptisms so far this year. As Christian Stewards in Today‘s World, We ―Walk by Faith.‖ May 8, 2011— Third Sunday of Easter The disciples on the road to Emmaus walked and talked with Jesus all day, but it was not until they offered Him hospitality and He blessed and broke the bread that they recognized Him. Simple acts of loving kindness still reveal the presence of God in our midst. We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who accept Jesus’ mission as their own and depend on the Eucharist to nourish and sustain them for the challenge of a stewardship way of life. WEEKLY OFFERTORY Your Parish Finance Council has suggested that this simple bar graph be added to our weekly bulletin to illustrate the gap between the Sunday collection and the amount needed to achieve a balanced parish budget. Since the OLPH Sunday Collections beginning of our fiscal year, September 1, 2010, we have 25,000 22,575 21,186 experienced a weekly shortfall in collections. It is urgent that 20,000 we begin to reverse this trend. 17,046 O U R P A R I S H ‘ S F I N A N C I A L H E A L T H D E P E N D S O N Y O U R G E N E R O S I T Y H E L P C L O S E T H E G A P ! All envelopes, including children‘s envelopes, must have your account number and offering amount indicated in order for your account to be credited for weekly and special collections. Thank you. We now have 54 parishioners enrolled in Faith Direct! 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 Weekly break-even total May 1 Collection 2011 April 30 Collection 2010 May 8, 2011 Page 5 PARISH BULLETIN BOARD Although we no longer have the 6:30 am weekday mass there is still a 6:30 am Mass on Sunday. Beginning in March, Baptisms will now be celebrated on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month. Just a reminder— Monday, May 9 the 7pm Mass and Novena will be held in the convent chapel. VENDORS WANTED— Knights of Columbus #794 Lindenhurst for upcoming annual spring vendor & craft fair May 14th, 10am—4pm. Tables start at just $40! Contact Sal 516-410-1205 or email: KofCcraftfair@yahoo.com. We are looking for people interested in joining the wedding rehearsal team. Rehearsals are usually held on Fridays at 8pm. Anyone interested please fill in the form in this bulletin and return it to the rectory. Congratulations to our May ―1000 Club‖ winners: $1000—Abraham Rodriguez $250—Jean Kraemer $150—Judith LaSala $100—M/M Brian J.D. Fisher SAVE THE DATE!! The 140th Anniversary Dinner Dance Celebration will be held on Sat., August 13th at the K of C Hall, Lindenhurst. Please mark your calendars. Limited number of seats to be sold! Details to come!! SAVE THE DATE!! The 140th Anniversary Communion Breakfast, Honoring all the priests who have served in our parish, will be held Sat., Sept. 17th after the 9am Mass. More details to follow. UPCOMING EVENTS Healing Mass— 7 pm, Tuesday, May 10, Fr. Augustine Fernando will conduct a Rosary, Mass and Healing Service at the Immaculate Conception Center, Douglaston Pkwy, Douglaston. For more info 718-229-8001. Retrouvaille— Friday, May 13, at the Montfort retreat house in Bay Shore couples who have had problems in their marriages and recovered from them share their experiences with couples in troubled marriages with hope that they too will see their marriage saved. A Retrouvaille weekend is deeply personal and private experience where husbands and wives reconnect and go on to lead a happy and fulfilling life together. Call 1-800-470-2230 for confidential information. The Ancient Order of Hibernians will hold its annual Holy Innocents Mass Monday, May 23 at 8pm at St. Joseph’s Church, 40 Grove Place, Babylon (one block south of the LIRR and Carll Ave.) with Fr. Reid. The Hibernian Festive Singers, coffee, etc. to follow. Call John Healy: 631-598-0430 for info. Mother of Good Counsel Home (MGCH) - Helping Mothers & their Young Babies - is a Home for pregnant women or with young children to 5yrs old. Young women who are not pregnant nor have children, but need help are also welcome. Mother of Good Counsel Home is run by the Oblate Sisters of the Holy Redeemer. The Home is located at 290 Babylon Tpke., Roosevelt, NY 11575 (near to Freeport and Uniondale). For information please call Sister Matilda: 516-223-1013. How Natural Family Planning Renews Marriages—a conference for engaged as well as married couples will be held on Sat. June 11th, 9 AM– 4 PM at the Seminary of Immaculate Conception in Lloyd Harbor, Huntington. All are cordially invited to attend. Presentations will focus on medical/scientific aspects; marital/relational dimensions and moral/cultural issues. Included with the program are lunch and Mass. Cost: $20 pp. Registration required. For information call 631-423-0483 ext.122, or email at msgr.batule@yahoo.com. Family, Marriage and Individual Therapy—provided by NYS licensed therapists available to our parish and 102 other parishes. Services provided by Catholic Counseling Center. Most insurance policies, including Medicare, are honored. Confidential information and appointments: call Dr. Giuliani 631-243-2503 or go to our website thecatholiccounselingcenter.com. Effective immediately: All items & notices and announcements for the bulletin must be received by the church office no later than Tuesday noon to appear in that week’s bulletin. Any large articles or announcements, etc., i.e. 1/4 page or more should be received no later than Thursday of the preceding week. We need this time to get approval from Fr. Trapani to run the item, assemble and edit the bulletin. Your cooperation to this end is greatly appreciated. Page 6 May 8, 2011 SCHOOL NEWS Six Grade Religion – the students are learning about how God picked his people to help the Israelites. We are learning about the Judges. They were chosen people by God. Science – The 6th Grader are finishing up Newton’s Law of Motion. The law of inertia as it is known. An object in motion stays in motion until something stops it; or an object at rest stays at rest till something moves it. Science – The 7th Graders are learning about bacteria. Some bacteria are harmful and others are helpful. The students are learning about vaccines and antibiotics and how they help us. Science – The 8th Graders are reviewing for their 8th Grade NYS assessment test. We are reviewing about the different forces on the earth that makes it change. Wind, rain, tornadoes, hurricanes, thunderstorms and tsunami all changes earth’s surface. Kindergarten – The Kindergarten children hosted a Mother’s Day Tea. They drew portraits of their Moms and answered questions to see how well they know their Moms. They sang songs and then served their Moms tea and cookies. At the end of the tea, the children presented their mom’s with a special gift. The children enjoyed having their Moms visit the classroom and wished that everyday their Moms could spend time in school with them. The Kindergarten children wish all the Moms of OLPH a Happy Mother’s Day. GUARDIAN ANGEL TUITION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM At Our Lady of Perpetual Help School we believe in ―educating the whole child;‖ challenging our students to achieve academic excellence along with a strong sense of compassion and respect for his or her fellow human beings. While our tuition is modest and affordable, there are many dedicated and hard working students whose parents simply cannot afford the tuition as a result of our economic times. The Guardian Angel Program has been developed to provide financial assistance to existing students whose families are going through a difficult time. A Guardian Angel can be an individual or company who would like to sponsor a child. Your contribution is tax deductible and can be made in the following manners: as a one-time contribution for the academic year; by making a monthly pledge; by making a contribution at any of these levels: Seraphim $4,440 (Full-year tuition one child); Cherub $2,220 (Half-year tuition); Throne $1,100; Archangel $750; Angel $____________. By helping these children attain their dreams, you will accomplish yours! If you are interested in participating in this program, please contact our parish office at (631) 226-7725. May 8, 2011 Page 7 May 8, 2011 Page 8 Join the LifeTeen Facebook Group!! Look for OLPH LifeTeen Check out all our events and Pictures Of LifeTeen! Sunday: Life Teen Mass, 5pm Sunday May 8 - Mother's Day No Life Nite - God Bless our moms! Sunday May 15th Senior Take Over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Friday May 20th - The last Holy Hour/ Dodge Ball until September. come on down, no need to sign up! Sunday’s at 4:00pm before Mass!—come on down and pray the Rosary with us! Everyone is invited! Come to the blue door on the south side of the Convent. If you‘ve never been to Holy Hour/Dodge Ball at the Seminary—don‘t miss this!!! This is the last one ‗til September. Even if you‘ve never come to LifeTeen and you are a teen—please come!! You‘ll love it!! The Edge is for all middle school age kids – no matter where you go to school—this is the place for you! We meet in the basement of the Convent. Look for the blue door on the south side of the Convent. We meet from 7:30 til 8:45 pm. It’s a great place to come, hang out, play great games and learn about our faith. Just Next Edge—Thursday May 19, 2011 5th graders are welcome to join us and see what Edge is all about!! I am interested in volunteering at OLPH Parish (indicate choice) Family Life Ministry Wedding Rehearsal Usher Lector NAME: ___________________________________________ PHONE: _____________________________ ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________________________ Return to Linda McLellan at the Rectory - Volunteer Form will be sent to you & you will be contacted. OLPH PARISH SAFE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM 1. ALL EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS MUST HAVE A BACKGROUND SCREENING (FILL OUT A VOLUNTEER FORM AND SIGN THE CONSENT SHEET). 2. ALL EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS MUST ATTEND THE VIRTUS TRAINING. 3. ALL EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS MUST READ AND SIGN THE CODE OF CONDUCT. A LIST OF VIRTUS TRAINING SESSIONS CAN BE FOUND IN THE LONG ISLAND CATHOLIC AND AT WWW.DRVC.ORG (Look for Virtus Sign-up) For help with registration please call the Diocese Page 9 May 8, 2011 “CATHOLIC SCHOOLS – A+ FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS” Our Lady of Perpetual Help School A Middle States Accredited School Early Childhood Program We provide programs which educate the whole child: academically, socially, and spiritually. Your children will learn to interact with each other and with God in a safe, happy, nurturing environment. Jesus said, ―Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for he kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.‖ Nursery session – Two half-day 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. Pre-K sessions - Three half-day/Five half-day 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. Two/Three/Five full-day 8:00 to 3:00 p.m. OPEN ENROLLMENT Please call for a tour of our Early Childhood classrooms and see the program we offer. We also provide an after care program until 6:00p.m. if needed. website: olphschoollindenhurst.org 631-226-0208 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE— ―RESTORING GOD‘S GLORY!‖ Over $1 Million from over 487 Families. Have you made/paid your pledge yet? Below is a list of the current memorials that are still available. We have added additional memorials to our Restoring God's Glory Campaign due to the demand and popularity of the memorials. If you make a pledge to the campaign this gives you the opportunity to reserve a memorial. In doing so, you are able to make your gift in your family name or in memory of a loved one, which becomes a special way of participating in this campaign. If you are interested in reserving a memorial please call the rectory. MEMORIAL St. Joseph Statue (new) Cross Etched Inner Church Doors Main Center Doors (2) Main North (1) & South Doors (1) Side Doors (4) COST $10,000 $15,000 $10,000 $7,500 ea. ea. ea. CHURCH PEWS Front Church Nave Pews (35) $5,000 ea. North Transept Pews (2) South Transept Pews (3) Back Church Nave Pews (26) Church Restroom Church Handicap Restroom Rectory Kitchen Holy Family Room $3,000 $3,000 $2,400 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 ea. ea. ea. Page 10 May 8, 2011 140th Anniversary Please Help! Next Sunday, May 15th there will be a free hospitality breakfast following the May procession and crowning of the Blessed Mother. Do you have a green thumb? We are looking for people who would like to help plant flowers around the parish grounds. Also, do you have a perennial garden and would like to donate some plants? If interested in helping please contact: Debbie McDonough at 957-076 or email McDouNuts@aol.com For our OLPH 140th Anniversary brochure, we would like to have a small head and shoulders picture of the priests listed below who were assigned here since 1996. Please drop them off at the rectory Attn: Helen Brion before May 15, please, with your name and address so they can be returned to you. Rev. Damian Cooper Rev. Richard Kammerer Rev. Glenn Kennedy Rev. Robert Kline Rev. Martin Klein Rev. Augustine Oraka Rev. Vitalis Pedzik Rev. Edward Seagriff Rev. Thomas Pers Rev. Stan Wadowski Msgr. Villar Rev. Edward Walsh Rev. John Vadakkummoolayil Society of St. Vincent de Paul : FOOD COLLECTION—MAY 7 & 8 ―THE HUNGRY ARE ALWAYS HUNGRY‖ CEREAL, CANNED MEATS, CANNED FRUIT, POWDERED & SHELF MILK, GRANULATED SUGAR, CHICKEN & BEEF BROTH, JUICES, SOUP CONTAINING MEAT, CANNED STEW, CANNED CARROTS, CANNED SPINACH, PORK & BEANS, SPAGHETTI SAUCE, PASTA, PUDDINGS & JELLO, RICE, COFFEE (REG. & INSTANT), TEA, CANNED POTATOES, INSTANT POTATOES, MACARONI & CHEESE, TUNA, PANCAKE MIX & SYRUP, JELLY, JAM, TOILET TISSUE, TOOTHPASTE, SOAP & SHAMPOO, RAZORS & SHAVING CREAM. (PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND DURING YOUR REGULAR WEEKLY SHOPPING & LOOK THESE ITEMS ON SALE) HAVE YOU CONSIDERED ANSWERING THE CALL OF "COME AND FOLLOW JESUS" BY JOINING THE SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL? St. Vincent de Paul is located at 272 South Wellwood Ave. The office is open: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 am—12 noon. Call 631-225-5531. PARISH SPIRITUAL ADOPTION PROGRAM MONTH 3 – Developing Baby -- ―I can suck my thumb!‖ Your baby is quite active in the womb now - - although her mother won’t feel her for another couple of months. If her mother’s womb had a window, you could watch your spiritually adopted baby squint, swallow and move her tongue. She can make a tight fist if you touch her palm. She is breathing amniotic fluid which continues until birth, although she obtains the oxygen her body needs through the umbilical cord. The baby you are praying for weighs one ounce. A word from Pope John Paul II to those suffering because of abortion: “Do not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope. … The Father of mercies is ready to give you his forgiveness and peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.” (The Gospel of Life, no. 99) Page 11 May 8, 2011 Our Lady Fatima Day - May 13 Shrine of Our Lady of the Island Eastport, LI, NY (exit 70 LIE) 7:30 pm FRIDAY, MAY 20 OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 794 400 South Broadway, Lindenhurst ADMISSION: $25 PER PERSON (BEER, WINE, WATER, SODA & PRETZELS INCLUDED) You are welcome to bring your own snacks Join us in a 50/50 & a fun Game of Heads or Tails Someone will go home with a Grand Prize For Information and Tickets Please Contact: Joe Welsh 631-698-4410 Julius Pannetta 631-696-6759 Margie Reilly 631-839-2854 ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT THE LIFE CENTER OF LONG ISLAND 10:00 am—Stations 11:00 am—Rosary 11:30 am—Holy Mass 12:30 pm—Lunch 1:30 pm—Guest Speaker—Steven McDonald “My Journey of Faith and Forgiveness” 3:00 pm—Benediction (rain or shine) for info 631-325-0661 OLPH Christian Mothers & Guild 2011 Ladies Night Out Friday, June 3rd 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. OLPH Parish/School Auditorium $15.00 includes: soda, tea, coffee, salad, bread, entree & dessert BRING A FRIEND ENJOY A FUN EVENING OUT! Chinese Auction - 50/50 For tickets please contact: Laurie Gregg- 957-9657 Debbie McDonough- 957-0765 If you would like to donate a food item or raffle prize please contact the above numbers. ALL PROCEEDS GO DIRECTLY TO OLPH PARISH May 8, 2011 Page 12 1871 + 140th Anniversary + 2011 Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Come to the OLPH SPRING CHORAL CONCERT Saturday, MAY 14, 2011 8:00 pm Featuring the voices of THE OLPH CONCERT CHOIR And THE OLPH YOUTH CHOIR Contemporary and Traditional Favorites by Marty Haugen, Allen Pote, Pachelbel, Pergolesi, Mozart and Handel Performed in our Beautiful Sanctuary Free Admission (no tickets required) Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church 210 South Wellwood Avenue Lindenhurst, NY 11757 (631)226-7725