lansdowne community newsletter
lansdowne community newsletter
NOVEMBER 2012 LANSDOWNE COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER University of Alberta’s Land Use Plans for South Campus In this Issue In This Issue On September 15th the community gathered for some laugher, bouncy castle adventures and renewing memberships 3 In Need of a second individual to help with Membership Coordination 2 Security Update. With all eyes and ears on our community we are able to keep our neighbourhood one of the safest in the city! 5 Don’t forget to visit us online The University of Alberta held an open house on September 26, 2012 to review plans for amending the land use plans for South Campus (sectors 12, 13, 14). Neighbours from a cross section of communities attended to review progress to date on the university’s plans for this area. If you happened to miss this event or would like to review it again all the materials presented at the open house can be viewed at: Lansdowne Community League P.O Box 29002 Lendrum Postal Outlet Edmonton, Alberta Please submit newsletter submissions to: The Lansdowne Community League is a member of the eight member South Campus Neighbourhood Coalition (SCNC). Lansdowne’s two appointed representatives participate in SCNC meetings and meetings with University staff. We welcome your comments, suggestions, and questions about the University’s proposed plan. Please contact: Bernie Schwartz 780-435-4068 or Jim Weir 780-438-1086 or NOVEMBER 2012 President’s Report 2 Lansdowne Community League Executive 2011/2012 . . . . will return next issue! President Maury Richards Come Get Involved with the Lansdowne Community League! We are looking for an enthusiastic individual to fill the role of Membership Coordinator. Not only will you be working with the very talented Stephanie Davis but will have the opportunity to meet the neighbours of Lansdowne and help keep our community vibrant and strong! If you are interested, please contact Stephanie Davis at: 780-432-1389 Past President Maurice Fitzgerald 780-481-3416 Vice-President Dale Hayduk 780-433-6856 Anne Menard 780-438-1238 Jeannie Dominey 780-437-0380 Gail Commandant 780-436-8808 Treasurer Secretary Membership Stephanie Davis 780-988-0614 Publicity Christine Finlayson Jill McLennan 780-436-8677 Community Activities Bruce English 780-450-6177 Security & Neighbourhood Watch A BIG THANK-YOU to Cheryl Blahut as she is stepping down from the Membership Coordinator position. All your hard work over the years is greatly appreciated! You will be missed! Dale Hayduk 780-433-6856 Building and Grounds David Menard 780-438-1238 Community Services Kate Russell 780-496-5915 Hall Rental Chad McLeod 780-244-4501 U of A Community Consultation Bernie Schwartz 780-435-4068 Civic Coordinator Don Ausman 780-420-9042 Skating Coordinator Chad McLeod 780-244-4501 Basketball Coordinators Allen Lee 780-437-1609 Ken Schwartz 780-434-2860 Soccer Coordinator Tristian McCallion Jeff Holt Tennis Coordinator Isolde Schmid 780-439-7712 NOVEMBER 2012 3 LANSDOWNE MEMBERSHIP UPDATE Obstacle Course Free Membership Membership day a success Winners!!!! We had a tremendous turn out again this year. Many of the children were at the obstacle course from the start to finish of the day. Our City helpers counted over 75 kidlets enjoying themselves, not to mention the few adults who braved the course this year! We are pleased to announce the following winners in each category who held the fastest time: WINNERS 0 to Kindergarten - Spencer Kane K to Grade 3 - Cornelius Farr-Jones Grade 4 to 6 - Joshua Dall’Acqua Grade 7 to 9 - Owen Boswell Grade 10 and beyond - Nicholas Yeh For a second year running, Nicholas holds the fastest time of the day! COMMUNITY DAY WAS A GREAT SUCCESS! We had a wonderful turn out of amazing neighbors throughout Lansdowne who enjoyed drinks, hotdogs, browsing the Farmers Market and running the obstacle course. Thank you to all the Farmer’s Market participants, we had a great selection of merchandise! We sold 126 memberships that day and are at a total of 135 memberships to date. Last year we sold 211 in total so we are hoping our canvassers will have great success! Please consider buying a $30 annual community membership. Next to the casino, this is Lansdowne’s biggest revenue generator. A strong membership base builds strong communities. As you can see in this newsletter, we have a number of ongoing projects, which continues to make Lansdowne such a desirable community to live in! Benefits of having a membership include; use of the new tennis courts, discounts at City recreation centers and tourist attractions, free public skating at all outdoor city arenas, access to renting our hall, regular security updates via email, organized sports (skating lesson, tennis lessons, basketball and soccer) and community social events. Also in the works is the renovation project of our community hall, a push to get stairs on Lansdowne drive for access to the river valley and the ability for input into planning parks, green space and urban development. Answer your door when a canvasser comes around to support our wonderful community if you haven’t already done so! WANTED: VOLUNTEERS!!!! We are still in need of five VOLUNTEERS to help out with canvassing this year to reach our goal of 215 memberships. If you have a few evenings to give to our fabulous community we will set you up with a route. Routes can vary from small (7 houses) to large (25 houses). This is where we make up the difference from the membership drive to reach our annual total. To meet our goal we need to sell 80 additional memberships. This would bring in $2400 in revenue that would go towards our fantastic Community. Please contact our membership coordinator if you are interested in helping out. Stephanie Davis Membership Coordinator NOVEMBER 2012 4 Lansdowne Skating Lessons This year’s program will take place on Sunday mornings throughout January and February. If you are interested please contact Chad at ( with the names and ages of the children to enroll. The cost for the program is $30/child. Children must be 4 yrs old as of Jan 1 2013 to register. Calling all our young skaters…it’s that time of year again…so lace up your skates and join us! Please note that you must be a member of the Lansdowne Community League in order to be eligible to participate. Contact Stephanie at 780988-0614 if you need to purchase a membership. GRAND OPENING Dr. Kelsey Ford Optometrist 5822-111 St Edmonton 780-437-1409 Next to Jack`s Grill NOVEMBER 2012 5 Security Update It has been by all reports sent into me and called into Police a very quiet Summer Season. It seems that residents that are calling in with some if not all of the proper information are getting results on their complaints from the EPS. The better we get at providing the information needed when reporting, the better the responses will be. covered yards. On another note, I hope that as many residents as possible took my advice from the last newsletter and made their property as open as possible so that any suspicious activity can be seen by your neighbours. In addition, it is a good idea to install better lighting around their homes and properties to lessen the possibility of crimes being committed in our neighbourhood. If thieves have a choice, they will target properties that have poor lighting and tree Security reports are being sent out regarding any events that are being reported to both Police and me via our Security E-Mailing list. If you are not receiving these reports, please send me an E-Mail and ask to be added to the list. Because the weather is turning to the cool & snowy side, it is a good idea to keep your walks shoveled and sanded. You have 48 hours after a snowfall to clean & sand your City Sidewalk, before you can be reported to Bylaw. It is also a good idea to keep your yard paths clean & sanded, to avoid injury by anyone visiting your property. Hope everyone has a great fall and let’s keep our Neighbourhood a SAFE place to reside. Dale Hayduk - Community Watch and Security Co-ordinator NOVEMBER 2012 6 A BIG THANKYOU! Thank-you so much to Felix who ran a wonderful summer Tennis Program for the children of Lansdowne! Canadian Goldenflax Seed One year anniversary! Indoor Winter Bootcamp! Help us celebrate! Lansdowne Community Hall 12323-51 Ave NW Bring in this ad and receive an entry to win one of 3 prizes! Tuesday and/or Thursday 7:00pm – 8:00pm $75 value gift basket Fall session starting October 16th, 2012 – November 29th, 2012 (no class Nov 13th) $35 value gift basket $30 gift certificate (No purchase necessary with this ad.) 6 sessions $72 Or 13 sessions $143 Drop in Fee is $14 Salisbury Greenhouse – Sherwood Park Thursdays 4:30pm to 8pm (year round) Edmonton City Hall – Saturdays 10am to 3pm Underground parking available for only $1 Be sure to try our gluten-free products! Phone 780-439-7304 or toll free at 1-888-929-7304 If you are a Lansdowne Community League member let me know for a discount Please register at Or Contact Lori Duke at 780-887-0472 or NOVEMBER 2012 BERNIE’S BULLETIN DOGS, THEIR OWNERS AND OTHERS ON THE UNIVERSITY FARM WEST 240 Fall is here, the winter season will follow shortly, and the WEST 240 farmland continues to be a most enjoyable area for Lansdowne residents and many others throughout Edmonton. Dog owners are reminded to be responsible for removing their pet’s waste matter, which is both unhealthful and unpleasant during the winter, and an equally unappreciated discovery during spring snowmelt. The City has placed trash containers at the access points by the fence on the Lansdowne side and others on the Grandview side. For your convenience please continue to use these containers to deposit dog waste and other refuse from snacks. Another reminder is that the University requires that dogs must be leashed and on trails at all times. This policy is posted on green signs attached to the fencing. WEST 240 is not a designated off-leash site. There are more than 40 designated off-leash Parks for Paws sites across the City where dog owners can walk and exercise their dogs off-leash. Visit for locations and more information. WEST 240 continues to be a highly valued natural, recreational and leisure time amenity in the midst of a large city. The University/community “good neighbour” policy of shared responsibility is intended to make the area safe and enjoyable for the public, University researchers and farm workers. Thank you for all the positive response from the community of Lansdowne. You have all been so amazing in welcoming us to your community. Due to the positive response, we are adding more classes to the schedule. Check out our schedule at: Some of our unique classes include Prenatal Yoga, Mom and Me Yoga, Kids Yoga, Seniors Yoga, and of course Hot and Traditional styles of yoga. We look forward to growing with the community of Lansdowne. You really have a unique and special vibe about your community. Thanks again for supporting Yoga Central. Peace Sheila Shorten 7 NOVEMBER 2012 STAY IN THE KNOW ABOUT SNOW! What you need to know about SEASONAL PARKING BANS • When a seasonal parking ban is declared, you cannot park on routes where the seasonal parking ban sign appears. Vehicles must be moved off-street or to a side road where the signs are not posted • Citizens will be advised about the parking ban through: o Local media (television, radio and internet) o 311 o Email notification system o FaceBook and Twitter posts o Digital Messaging Signs by city roads o Edmonton Transit bus-front messages o City of Edmonton website • When there is a significant snowfall, a minimum of 8 hours notice will be given if a parking ban will be called • Vehicles that have not been moved off of signed routes when the ban comes into effect are subject to ticketing and towing • There is NO parking permitted on the seasonal parking ban routes until the City declares the ban is over. In some cases, more work will be required or more snow may be forecasted, and the routes must remain clear of vehicles until the ban is officially lifted • To sign up for email notifications for parking bans or for more detail about winter road maintenance in Edmonton, visit The City of Edmonton is committed to keeping city roads in good winter driving condition throughout the snow season, and crews work around the clock to achieve that goal. Your cooperation means that we can do the best job possible and keep Edmonton moving! In need of Carpentry or Handyman Work? Experienced, qualified carpenter available for work in the Lansdowne Neighbourhood. I offer reliable, quality building in a wide range of building services: • All carpentry work • Decks • Fencing • Small concreting work • Plastering • Dry walling Please Contact Chris to organize a quote - (780) 952 9203.