Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple`s Prosperity
Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple`s Prosperity
DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF NEW, RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ENERGY CONSERVATION MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMS TO ACCELERATE GEOTHERMAL ENERGY by : Rida Mulyana Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Presented at : “Indonesia International Geothermal Convention and Exhibition” Jakarta, June 2013 Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity OUTLINE I. II. III. IV. V. Background Geothermal Potential Geothermal Policies Geothermal Development Conclusion Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity I. BACKGROUND Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity BACKGROUND CURRENT ENERGY CONDITION Energy consumption experienced steady growth of around 7% per annum due to population growth (1.49%) and economic growth (~ 6%) 2011 2025 Gov. Reg. NO. 5/2006 Oil 49,7 % Gas 20,1 % Gas 30 % Coal 24,5 % Oil 20 % NRE 17 % Coal 33 % NRE 5,7 % Note: NRE = New and Renewable Energy NEP = National Energy Policy NEB = National Energy Board Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity II. GEOTHERMAL POTENTIAL Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity GEOTHERMAL POTENTIAL MAP SEBARAN POTENSI PANAS BUMI INDONESIA - (BADAN GEOLOGI - KESDM, DESEMBER 2012) GEOTHERMAL POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION IN INDONESIA (GEOLOGICAL AGENCY - MEMR, DECEMBER 2012) PULAU ISLAND NO POTENSI (MWe) / POTENTIAL (MWe) SUMBER DAYA / RESOURCE CADANGAN / RESERVE JUMLAH LOKASI NUMBER OF LOCATION SPEKULATIF SPECULATIVE HIPOTESIS HYPOTHESES TERDUGA PROBABLE MUNGKIN POSSIBLE TERBUKTI PROVEN TOTAL (MWe) TERPASANG INSTALLED CAPACITY (MW) 1 SUMATERA 90 3,089 2,427 6,849 15 380 12,760 122 2 JAWA 71 1,710 1,826 3,708 658 1,815 9,717 1,134 3 BALI - NUSA TENGGARA 28 360 417 1,013 - 15 1,805 5 4 KALIMANTAN 12 145 - - - 145 - 5 SULAWESI 65 1,323 3,044 80 6 MALUKU 7 PAPUA 119 1,374 150 78 Source : Geological Survey, MEMR(2012) Note: Preliminary Survey Ready to Developad Detail Survey Already Developed Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity 30 3 299 545 75 7,247 97 429 - - 4,886 13,373 - 823 - 2,288 1,071 75 28,617 - 1,341 DISTRIBUTION OF GEOTHERMAL WORKING AREAS NAD 2 GWAs Jaboi: 70 MW Seulawah Agam: 130 MW Lisence – Issued Tender on Progress Tender Preparation Tender – Failed NORTH SUMATERA 5 GWAs • Sibayak – Sinabung: 130 MW Sibual – Buali: 750 MW Sipaholon Ria-ria: 75 MW Sorik Marapi: 200 MW Simbolon Samosir: 155 MW NORTH SULAWESI 2 GWAs Kotamobagu: 410 MW Lahendong-Tompaso: 358 MW GORONTALO 1 GWAs Suwawa: 110 MW JAMBI 1 GWA Sungai Penuh: 70 MW MALUT 2 GWAs Jailolo: 75 MW Songa Wayaua: 140 MW SOUTH SUMATERA 3 GWAs Lumut Balai: 250 MW Rantau Dedap: 106 MW Danau Ranau: 210 MW WEST SUMATERA 4 GWAs Bukit Kili: 83 MW Gn Talang: 35 MW Liki Pinangawan: 400 MW Bonjol: 200 MW BANTEN 2 GWAs Kaldera Danau Banten: 115 MW G. Endut: 80 MW BENGKULU 2 GWAs Tmbg Sawah-Hululais: 873 MW Kepahiang: 180 MW LAMPUNG 5 GWAs Gn.Rajabasa: 91 MW Suoh Sekincau: 230 MW Waypanas – Ulubelu: 556 MW WEST JAVA 10 GWAs Ciater - Tgkban Perahu: 60 MW Danau Ranau: 210 MW Cibeureum–Parabakti: 485 MW Way Ratai: 105 MW Cibuni: 140 MW Cisolok Cisukarame: 45 MW Gn. Tampomas: 50 MW Gn. Tgkuban Perahu: 100 MW Kamojang-Darajat: 1465 MW Karaha Cakrabuana: 725 MW Pangalengan: 1106 MW G. Ciremai: 150 MW BALI 1 GWAs Tabanan: 276 MW CENTRAL SULAWESI 2 GWAs Marana: 35 MW Bora Pulu: 123 MW CENTRAL JAVA 6 GWAs Baturaden: 175 MW Dataran Tinggi Dieng: 780 MW NTB 2 GWAs Guci: 79 MW Hu'u Daha: 65 MW Gn. Ungaran: 100 MW Sembalun: 100 MW Candi Umbul Telomoyo: 72 MW Gunung Lawu : 195 MW EAST JAVA 3 GWAs Blawan – Ijen: 270 MW Gn. Iyang Argopuro: 295 MW Telaga Ngebel: 120 MW MALUKU 1 GWA Tulehu: 100 MW NTT 5 GWAs Atadei: 40 MW Sokoria: 30 MW Ulumbu: 199 MW Mataloko: 63 MW Oka Ile Ange: 40 MW Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity : 38 GWAs : 2 GWAs : 13 GWAs : 5 GWAs INSTALLED GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT CAPACITY 2012 No. Geothermal Working Area/ Location License Holder Developer Power Plant Installed Capacity (MW) 1 Sibayak – Sinabung, NORTH SUMATERA PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) Sibayak 12 2 Cibeureum – Parabakti, WEST JAVA PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) KOB - Chevron Geothermal Salak, Ltd (CGS) Salak 377 3 Pangalengan, WEST JAVA PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) KOB - Star Energy Geothermal Wayang Windu, Ltd (SEGWWL) Wayang Windu 227 Kamojang – Darajat, WEST JAVA PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) Kamojang 200 Kamojang – Darajat, WEST JAVA PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) KOB - Chevron Geothermal Indonesia, Ltd (CGI) Darajat 270 5 Dataran Tinggi Dieng, CENTRAL JAVA PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) PT. Geo Dipa Energi (GDE) Dieng 60 6 Lahendong – Tompaso, NORTH SULAWESI PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) Lahendong 80 7 Ulubelu, LAMPUNG PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) Ulubelu 110 8 Ulumbu, NTT PT. PLN Geothermal PT. PLN Geothermal Ulumbu 5 4 TOTAL Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity 1.341 III. GEOTHERMAL POLICIES Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity A. GENERAL GEOTHERMAL BUSINESS STAGES Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity B. GEOTHERMAL POLICIES Government policies to promote geothermal in Indonesia: 1. Improve and harmonize regulations in Geothermal Business; 2. Enhance the quality and qualification of data; 3. Allocate funds for survey and exploration activities; 4. Prepare a competitive pricing policy; 5. Provide fiscal incentives for geothermal development; Acceleration program of 10.000 MW electricity generation phase II, on which 49% are derived from geothermal power plant (4,925 MW); 7. Provide financial support and guarantee Government guarantees on the feasibility of PT. PLN Geothermal Fund for exploration activities in order to mitigate upstream risk 6. Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity PROPOSED CEILING PRICES FOR GEOTHERMAL POWER Ceiling Price for Geothermal Power (sen US$/kWh) No. Generation Capacity High Enthalpy (> 225°C) Low – Medium Enthalpy (≤ 225 °C) 1. > 55 MW 11.5 17.0 2. > 20 MW - 55 MW 13.0 18.0 3. > 10 MW - 20 MW 15.0 19.0 4. > 5 MW - 10 MW 19.5 22.0 5. ≤ 5 MW 28.5 30.0 Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity IV. GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT NEEDED Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity Presidential Regulation No. 04/2010 on Assignment to PT. PLN to Accelerate Power Plant Development Using Renewable Energy, Coal and Gas MEMR Regulation No. 01/2012 on Projects List of Power Plant Accelerated Development using Renewable Energy, Coal and Gas as well as Related Transmission Target for Geothermal Power Plant Development on Crash Program 10.000 MW Phase II - Added capacity on Existing Field New Development on Existing Field New Development Geothermal Working Area : 465 MW : 1535 MW : 2925 MW Total of Geothermal Development Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity 4925 MW Allignment and Collaboration Needed A. COOPERATION WITH STAKE HOLDERS FROM INDONESIA 1. Collaboration with the Ministry of Finance: - Implementation of electricity price from geothermal power plant; - Provision of fiscal incentive; - Guarantee of feasibility. 2. Cooperation with the Ministry of Forestry. 3. Collaboration with Local Government: - Preparation and implementation of Geothermal Working Area tendering; - Supervision of Business Permit implementation; - Simplification of licensing issues; etc. 4. Cooperation with the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises and PT PLN : PPA Signing 5. Cooperation with universities and academicians. Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity Allignment and Collaboration Needed ….. (2) B. COOPERATION IN TERM OF FINANCING (Based on study of Bappenas - The National Development Planning Agency - on 2011) Coordination efforts (PPA and PPP support, GWA tendering, AMDAL) ± 26 MUSD; Capacity building (Scholarship, geothermal database, direct utilization and Geothermal Research Programs) ±170 MUSD; Risk sharing (Risk mitigation and Geothermal Financial Facility) ± 300 MUSD; and Technical assistance (for local banks to provide debt finance) ± 11 MUSD. Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity V. CONCLUSION Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity CONCLUSION - Development of 4,925 MW electricity from Geothermal in 10,000 MW Crash Program Stage II is required more than US$ 15,000 millions for the investment. - To achieve the targets, international supports are needed in terms of finance, technology, human resources and Technical Assistance. - Other business opportunities in geothermal sector: • Geothermal direct use; • Low temperature geothermal potential; • Small scale power plant; • Services company to support the core business of geothermal - Access to Potential Geothermal Resources for Investors: • Preliminary Survey Assignment • Participate in the geothermal business through GWAs tendering mechanism Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity THANK YOU ` Go Green Indonesia ! Geothermal, Energy Solution for Better Future MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF NEW RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ENERGY CONSERVATION Jalan Pegangsaan Timur No. 1 Menteng - Jakarta 10320 Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity ATTACHMENTS Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity 20 Road Map of Geothermal Development 2006 – 2025 (based on Presidential Decree No. 5/2006 on National Energy Policy) 2006 2008 852 MW (Produksi) 1148 MW Existing WKP 2012 2000 MW 3442 MW 1442 MW Existing WKP 2016 2020 2025 4600 MW 6000 MW 9500 MW (Target) 1158 MW Existing WKP + New WKP 1400 MW New WKP 1341 MW Current Condition Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity 3500 MW New WKP GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECTS INCLUDED IN CRASH PROGRAM PHASE II (Based on MEMR Regulaton No. 01/2012) GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT TARGET NO. GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT STATUS PROVINCE A. EXISTING GWA (DEVELOPMENT OF EXISTING CAPACITY) 1 Kamojang 5 and 6 Existing GWA West Java 2 Wayang Windu Unit 3 and 4 Existing GWA West Java 3 Dieng Existing GWA Central Java 4 Lahendong 5 dan 6 Existing GWA North Sulawesi INSTALLED CAPACITY (MW) REQUIRED FINANCING (US$ MILLION) 1 x30 1 x60 2x 110 1 x55 1 x60 2x20 90 220 115 40 465 270 660 345 120 2x55 2x55 2x20 2x20 2x10 1 x55 1 x 10 1 x30 2x55 3x60 2x30 3x 110 2x55 4x55 2x55 110 110 40 40 20 55 10 140 180 60 330 110 220 110 1535 330 330 120 120 60 165 30 420 540 180 990 330 660 330 ESTIMATION OF CAPACITY (MW) Total A B. EXISTING GWA (NEW DEVELOPMENT) 5 Sungai Penuh Existing GWA 6 Hululais Existing GWA 7 Kotamobagu 1 and 2 Existing GWA 8 Kotamobagu 3 and 4 Existing GWA 9 Tulehu Existing GWA 10 Iyang Argopuro Existing GWA 11 Cibuni Existing GWA 12 Karaha Bodas Existing GWA 13 Patuha Existing GWA 14 Tangkuban Perahu II Existing GWA 15 Sarulla 1 Existing WKP 16 Sarulla 2 Existing WKP 17 Lumut Balai Existing WKP 18 Ulubelu 3 and 4 Existing WKP Total B Jambi Bengkulu North Sulawesi North Sulawesi Maluku East Java West Java West Java West Java West Java North Sumatera North Sumatera South Sumatera Lampung Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECTS INCLUDED IN CRASH PROGRAM PHASE II (Based on MEMR Regulaton No. 01/2012) GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT TARGET ........ (2) NO. GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT C. New GWA 19 Sembalun 20 Tangkuban Perahu I 21 Ijen 22 Ngebel 23 Gunung Endut 24 Rawa Dano 25 Cisolok-Cisukarame 26 Tampomas 27 Gunung Ciremai 28 Baturaden 29 Guci 30 Ungaran 31 Seulawah Agam 32 Jaboi 33 Umbul Telumoyo 34 Simbolon Samosir 35 Sipoholon Ria-Ria STATUS New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA PROVINCE West Nusa Tenggara West Java East Java East Java Banten Banten West Java West Java West Java Central Java Central Java Central Java Aceh Aceh Central Java North Sumatera North Sumatera ESTIMATION OF CAPACITY (MW) INSTALLED CAPACITY (MW) REQUIRED FINANCING (US$ MILLION) 2x10 2x55 2x55 3x55 1 x55 1 x 110 1 x50 1 x45 2 x 55 2x 110 1 x55 1 x55 1X55 2x5 1 x55 2x55 1 x55 20 110 110 165 55 110 50 45 110 220 55 55 55 10 55 110 55 60 330 330 495 165 330 150 135 330 660 165 165 165 30 165 330 165 Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECTS INCLUDED IN CRASH PROGRAM PHASE II (Based on MEMR Regulaton No. 01/2012) GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT TARGET ........ (3) NO. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT PROJECT Sorik Marapi Muaralaboh Bonjol Rantau Dadap Rajabasa Suoh Sekincau Wai Ratai Danau Ranau Bora Marana/Masaingi Hu'u Atadei Sokoria Mataloko Jailolo Songa Wayaua STATUS New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA New GWA TOTAL C PROVINCE North Sumatera West Sumatera West Sumatera South Sumatera Lampung Lampung Lampung Lampung Central Sulawesi Central Sulawesi West Nusa Tenggara East Nusa Tenggara East Nusa Tenggara East Nusa Tenggara North Maluku North Maluku ESTIMATION OF CAPACITY (MW) 240 (Total) 2x 110 3x55 2x110 2x110 4x55 1 x55 2x55 1 x5 2x10 2x10 2 x2,5 3x5 1 x5 2x5 1 x5 GRAND TOTAL (A + B + C) Energy and Mineral Resources for Peolple’s Prosperity INSTALLED CAPACITY (MW) REQUIRED FINANCING (US$ MILLION) 240 220 165 220 220 220 55 110 5 20 20 5 15 5 10 5 2,925 720 660 495 660 660 660 165 330 15 60 60 15 45 15 30 15 4,925 14,775
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