Bobcats Smother St. Lawrence Frosh Bobcat Five Edges Erie Tech


Bobcats Smother St. Lawrence Frosh Bobcat Five Edges Erie Tech
Paul Smith’s Beats
Plattsburgh Frosh
Bobcats Smother
St. Lawrence Frosh
A fter two stra ig h t hom e-court
defeats, the Bobcats of Paul
Paul Sm ith’s destroyed St. L aw ­
rence Frosh. The score w as 92 to
66 . In the early m inutes of th e
gam e the score was tied several
tim es 2-2, 4-4. (St. Law rence once
had the lead a t 10-7). T he Bob­
cats tied a t 1 1 - 1 1 and th en took
the lead which they never lost.
The half-tim e score w as Paul
Sm ith’s 46, St. Law rence 35. John
H ightow er led both sides in scor­
ing, with 12 points a t halftim e. In
the second half w ith John H igh­
tow er and Howie H ughes hitting,
th e Bobcats opened up a 76-47
lead. The second-string team also
saw action! In scoring John H igh­
tow er led the way w ith 24 points
followed by Howie H ughes w ith
15 points. The high scorers fo r St.
Lawrence w ere Coffeen w ith 17
points and Thorpe w ith 16 points.
By R. Luedtke
In th e final home gam e fo r th e
Bobcats th e team b eat P lattsb u rg h
S tate Frosh. T he score w as 90-79.
T he team played w ithout tw o reg ­
u lar g u ard s; John H ightow er,
Howie H ughes and fo rw ard G eorge
W hite. T he new sta rtin g five w ere
Paul Engle, Jim Biennis, G reg
F isher, Tom Ostom, and Bill Beacra ft. The gam e, rig h t from th e
sta rt, w as touch and go. N eith er
team could build up a lead. Once
th e Bobcats had a ten p o in t lead,
but th a t w as soon cu t to a fo u rpoint lead. The half-tim e score was
44-40 in fav o r of Paul S m ith’s.
In th e second h alf th e B obcats
built up a lead; it was cut down,
but it w ent up once again until the
final score of 90-79. T he high
scorers of th e final home gam e
w ere Jim B iennis w ith 26 and Paul
E ngle w ith 23; P la ttsb u rg h w as led
by Beebe w ith 21, Glasgow w ith
20 and M eron w ith 12.
Bobcat Five Edges
Erie Tech, 71-69
Paul S m ith’s Bobcats, rebound­
ing from a 39-point th rash in g by
N iagara Com munity College a
night earlier, came from behind
repeatedly S aturday (Feb. 10) to
edge Erie Tech, 71-69, a t th e los­
ers’ Sports Arena.
The victory gave Paul Sm ith's
a 5-3 record in the Em pire S tate
Ju n ior College Conference and
broke a tie betw een the two team s.
E rie Tech, now is 4-4 in co n fer­
ence play.
Erie held sizeable early leads of
11-8 and 28-17, but it was 40-all at
halftim e and no more th a n 4 points
separated the team s in the second
John H ightow er's goal w ith 1:49
left put Paul S m ith’s on top, 70-69.
A fter a long shot by Dave Mendofik which missed w ith 1 1 sec­
onds to go, the Bobcats g o t the
rebound and H ow ard H ughes put
in a free throw a second before
the buzzer.
H ughes’ 23 points lead the Bob­
cats. H ightow er and George W hite
each added 16, while Biennis de­
posited 10 and Engle 6.
(Continued from page 3)
should contact Gary K arp or C har­
lie Champlin. The original try -o u t
enrollm ent w as cut down from 23
to 11 persons. The w eakness in
the team 's stren g th lies in the
b u tterfly and backstroke, each ev­
ent only holding one p articipant.
The season term iniates in midMarch. Gary Karp, P resident,
would like to continue the swim ­
ming program on th is club basis
afte r the season ends to m aintain
and maybe achieve b e tte r results
next year w ith swimmig as a col­
lege sport here on campus.
Swimming Team
Smears Potsdam
Paul S m ith’s S w im m ing Team
held its first m eet a t P otsdam ,
Feb. 21, a g a in st P o tsd am and won
by a trem endou s m argin. T h e score
was Paul S m iths 49, P o tsd am V ar­
sity 28. T he follow ing c h a rt shows
the events, w ith our p a rtic ip a n ts
and th e ir placing.
440 yd. M edley R elay — Bruce
H ilton, Rill C ham plain, Jim Ellis,
and Clay R osen b ark er
200 yd. F re esty le — G ary K arp
2 nd,
50 yd. F re esty le — 1st Dave
H ardy, 2nd Dave Moore,
200 yd. Individual M edley — 1st
Jim Ellis and 2nd G reg McCall,
200 yd. B ackstroke — 1st Bruce
100 yd. F re esty le — 2nd Bill
Cham plain and 3rd Dave Moore,
500 yd. F reesty le — 3rd Bill
Cham plain,
200 yd. B rea ststro k e — G reg
400 yd. F re esty le R elay — Jim
Ellis, Dave M oore, B ruce H ilton,
G ary K arp.
If W e
Only Had
A Few More
Team Sports
Here At
P. S. C.
What D o You
Wrestling Team
Finishes Season
The w restlin g team a t P.S.C.
ended its rugged season w ith a
four-w in and five-lost record. The
team 's stre n g th and depth w ere
weakened by injuries, g rad u atio n
in Jan u ary , and lack of p artici­
Bobby H allm an, th e te a m ’s cap ­
tain, was recognized by Coach F ay
as th e w restler who contributed
the m ost to th e team . The R egion­
al T o u rn am en t a t C orning, New
Y ork, is th e la st m eet fo r th e sea­
son. The seaso n ’s schedule and
scores are as follow s:
Paul S m ith ’s 18, Broom e T ech 14
Paul S m ith’s won by N JC A A ra­
tin g Canton Agr. & Tech. College