Formats - IZYM-TV
Formats - IZYM-TV
s t a m r Fo Formats King of the ring Type: Game show y kl Frequency: Wee es ut Runtme: 90 min tor, host of the ts Commenta r the Best Spor fo ТEFI award 2008 Sports program ring after essional boxing of pr e th on t ee lebrities m obtaining the sion and stage ce of fighting and e vi le os te rp , ie pu e ov th m r re pions fo ” is a show whe of boxing cham “King of the Ring pulous guidance ru sc r de un g in months of train ht Referee will of the Ring. the ultimate fig of e al fin e title of the King th e show. At ly be one… s throughout th , but there can on of his opponent ng l Ki al e t th ee m be ill to r w eage Each participant event. Participants are the winner. All ofessional sports rather than a pr raise the hand of a n (their am tio dr ua l sit ca e gi m lo e of a psycho ter in an extre or ac m ar s ch se ’s es nt itn pa w partici show, audience ojection of each ilities). Throughout the to observe the pr extraordinary ab ity of n un rt tio po ra st op on an m de l ia nt te po Viewers have f and wed by a second ss and pain relie gs and was follo tin ra st te methods of stre ea gr ying ril of 2007 portra One Russia in Ap l ne an Ch on d The show starte 08. ted in May of 20 season that star Formats Fashion court ent prog Type: Entertainm 52 minutes ram nment Program e Best Entertai for th ТEFI award 2008 , contest and is a trial, change m ra og pr ce to is Th . rticipant a chan to Princesses ier who gives Pa s Cinderellas in ur rn nal Stylut tu sio co s at es th of ou m pr m fa ra of is a prog the vision e judge is a ith Th w e. yl ew st vi d of an t “Fashion Court” e in ag s/her po ce to personal im and compare hi practical guidan taste in clothing al on rs pe r he demonstrate his/ pearance. , defense, witParticipant’s ap own prosecutor its ith w n, io ists in respect of sh variety of clothcourt of fa part suggests a it is created as a its at on th ns is or ut ow ec sh os e osecution by mea ce). The pr l principle of th grees with the pr jury (the audien sa d di an The fundamenta ) or es es iti re br ag le t of law, , friends, ce just if in the cour nesses (relatives jury(audience), e th as re he w , mely ing styles lts by giving extre ting. picted great resu de of electronic vo rly la gu re s then ha 2007 and since in the spring of d te ea cr as w m The progra high ratings. Formats The First squadron n: 2008 Date of productio 52 minutes ting. for excellent pilo nel One Goblet an star of Ch a , in ity w br to le s ce ie use this is a te up in the sk ca pe be – m o co to ill n w w s . ew ell reno al pilots g show seven cr e other one is w e skills of the re In this astonishin nowned pilot. Th e skies to get th re th a in is up ew d cr an ch nd ea on la One member of okies will train siness. These ro hing. yt er ev ss ne music or show bu te ces will whi en di au ed in ra st And the Formats Sample purchase Type: Social prog y Frequency: Dial es ut in m 26 ram e show conducts “Sample Pu tion. e author of th project where th n sio vi le te l cia ue so rchase” is a uniq iga- a product invest hase” s, “Sample Purc Consumer Good of ands). ty br fe , sa ks d ar an m turers (trade d with quality ac ne uf er an nc ch m co nt ly re gh hi ion of diffe rts in the Resear e entire world is mass consumpt ofessional expe pr of e ts th uc Today, when th by od – pr l en ca yers, th compares typi the potential bu on a daily basis cts are tested by du ro s-p or tit pe rFirst the Com rates with Adve se” never collabo ha rc Pu Laboratory. e pl am le – “S umer interests. the main princip t was m is created by character of cons ra nt og ou pr m e ra rer whose produc th pa to t to Goods due es the manufactu A sense of trus er t win bl sa no um di ns ay m ch Co s hi of w od r rs go acture ed in a manne the declined at rm th fo is ct fa , due tisers and Manuf m e ts ra th uc og t. Despite such prod round of the pr e further contes participation of s th w in lo r rt al Already the first he pa st rt te ke fu l d ta ria terests an ate laborato consumers to ct his/her own in es. di oduct the ultim declined by the iti ra pr br nt ly le co nd ce ie to of e -fr rt ov er consum ion on the pa testing may pr ut al rib iti nt in co tie ul th the title of most ith e at w th enables ating show nsumer’s choice oduct. The show pr nstitutes a fascin co ed m at to the fact that co ig ra st . og ve ts pr in e uc spect of ed prod stigation. Th to daily consum suggestions in re essful laboratorial inve ice with regard ides remarkable ud ov of the most succ ej e pr pr on d ow e an sh m fs e ca lie th be be y l kl na ic tio qu d di Moreover, an tra r th 2006 to review his/he ssia February 11 mate consumer Channel One Ru on d te ar st ” se “Sample Purcha ts in Russia. television projec Formats National treasure n: 2008 Date of productio es ut in m 52 s will have The participant rienced adults. pe ex there will ce ds fa un ill ro w d children ion. After six fte nt gi te re at d he w an s ow tie sh ng abili e is a new game llect, fast-thinki National treasur testing their inte ns l treasure. tio na es tio qu na of t s ately represen tim to answer a serie ul ill w ho w ren left be only four child Formats Gordon kihot n: 2008 Date of productio 26 minutes esses levision. He poss of the Russian te ure, al at du er vi lit di of in s l nd ua ages and tre own intellect im kn l ke el fa w d a an is ng on yi of anno t Alexander Gord representatives Famous journalis openly face the to a . ism us ar s ch nd d rrou t strength, will an rmation that su Gordon withou her doubtful info are explored by s ed de po is H op . television and ot ds an swor musici fight – instead of inter, scientist or tough and cruel pular writer, pa a tone – which po is d is is an m Th n ra d. tio og on ua pr sp e in extreme sit rtunity to re po es Each guest of th go op e h pl ut tr am of an e search guest has – arguments. Th pity, though the stead of shields in , ds or w e us nents will ore interesting. makes it even m Formats Let’s get married! ent show Type: Entertainm y al Di Frequency: ’ / 52’ Running time: 45 d: July 2008 – present time rio pe g tin Broadcas ia annel One Russ Broadcaster: Ch ults rticipants are ad t a game. The Pa no is he /s ow he sh t e ha th w rtains studio of exactly one asce d grooms in the e tion faced is how by the brides an e es ogram enables th ad qu pr e m e th is Th t, at ? Ye th ce oi lf. ch ha e nd th t co The choice se ou r ab ei ters sted in finding th what really mat sincerely intere n one understand ca ow H s. ed ne really wants and tions. seen the photo itself these ques e has previously at id nd y to ca ch audience to ask Ea idates. ndidates are read oice of three cand At that stage ca ch . a er es /h s. m ak es hi m pr e e im id os ople ch rise and e groom or br d ability to surp m hundreds of pe iEach program on rating talents an website and fro st e ade – which cand th on m m on be de t ow of us sh m ew e n vi io e th cis de ith a w di m of Hero of th es on izing au e progra aze their chosen At the end of th her factor maxim compete and am married!” A furt ndidate in turns. t ple of the ca ge ou ’s “c ch et s ea ct “L ts le y: ee se da m d ce votes an t to say one en an di w Hero of the show au ht , ig th m hero’s choice. on ro of m s he who the g the succes e end of each in th iz on tin up ru sc at of th date is the person ct e fa ith a view to the show is th lected couple w ence’s attention returns to the se rt pa its on m ogra month”. The pr Formats Welcomed guest n: 2008 Date of productio es ut in m 28 n: Duratio mely houseing hosts – extre m ar ch e fiv y da ial questions ms. Ever y answers on spec ever yday proble s hi on m is m m co hi career and t e lv ou so erned about the l they know ab t is a show to nc Al es co t. gu g es in ed gu m be ity co s, el br or W a cele en do - are waiting for , hate fixing brok holding women love cheesecake ay m e H s. ce en efer mous concerning his pr s in cooking or fa hairstyle. w ne a of ng ting with expert ki ul ns thin co as l el w hosts as . ess psychologist ion process. Our vice from busin ram is a preparat ad og an pr e e iv th ce of re rt d Most pa olmaker an are solved! a chat with a to All his problems ! ed hair stylists, have ris rp su an ore th es – he will be m guest finally arriv d te ec xp -e ng lo When the Formats Net dandies n: 2008 Date of productio es ut in m 52 n: Duratio s and opinions. e and share new ut sp di , te ica un y comm people can freel e it. e a place where m co world and explor e be rr d za ha bi et is rn th te to In in s p ay ste ad w to No cided such events. t Dandies have de its inhabitants to of n tio r ac re e The hosts of Ne th rnet and pher etc. in othe rring on the inte n, writer, philoso cu oc ria m ts sto ra en hi , og ev ist pr d le an om e who as econ s the top news l. Throughout th ve a guest, such n. They will discus society in genera e e program will ha d hear his opinio th th an r of fo cs st g pi in ho to st e de re th te of in n is g d sio in iv us an ce sc rs In each episo di re atte a view of est in the whose opinion m rtainment with pation of the gu te ici e en rt ar pa or s ls ts words a person es na ar itn sio in w e profes ecialists opportunity to shion, art. Thes st will contact sp audience has an in the world of fa by which the ho e n majority of the ac ea ed pl m iv a ng ce r ki re fo ta ve ds ts currently gers that ha en og Web-cam stan ev bl of r, t ve ec eo sp , clips – will be or re ns M . inion in obs, exhibitio the program -m of s sh st fla ni – m a professional op et lu rn co the Inte the columnists of e main events in represented by e become All th sit eb w ’s m ra og votes on the pr discussed. discovered and s m m a r Prog Shows The Two stars 2007-2008 Production year . in m 0 15 e Runtim 16 episodes ic Program for the Best Mus d nown artists an s composed of re et du , r” ng gi vo vi sin ur al e) and “S ’s approv to the audience ing and challeng (glamour, train ow that submits y” sh em ity al ad re Ac l r ica ta “S A weekly mus best features of It combines the . s) chorce stage amateurs. an st (actors, show an f-the-wall circum siness celebrities g bu tin (celebrities in of pa ow ici sh rt ith pa w a couple out of ten tists who make rforming couple ar pe n te st be of e ist th ns se co to choo icipants of the project is The project part icians). The aim lit po , en m ts or men, sp e jury mpaniment. Th e orchestral acco th ones. radio to , it rs se gs po sin m d en oldie an roducers, co ld (p go ic e us on m s se ith w oo d ch linke ial ever y couple se life is closely As a music mater s and people who an ici us m l na sio consists of profes e ad by the least score ar s). station manager . Two duets with ts r a posin fo po es n id te ov to pr e ale from on to right that sc ve e a s th ha on r ro ce ju an y t. Ever tes ever y perform leaves the projec The jury evalua them eventually of e on d an , ce the TV audien uple. sibility to save co ТEFI award 2008 Shows King of the ring odes: Number of epis Year 2007-2008 zner Host: Vladimir Po e) isodes 1st season - 9 ep isodes ep 8 – on as 2nd se Runtime: al in. + 90 min.(fin 1st season - 52 m min. 2nd season – 90 m e Sports progra tator, host of th orts Commen for the Best Sp lebriguys – renown ce ther eight tough umas ge tra to d ed an bl in m ra se st did not fear l TV project as ey ta Th en ”. im ng nt Ri se e un d Of Th g, hazardous an be named “King The most thrillin ht for the right to rongest. fig st e ho th w as w rs to em ac hich one of th w n ties, singers and ai rt ce d under the as to at the ring the challenge an to se ro ey th and showed up t icipants of “King gloves. Bu g the show, part tr ying on boxing rin of Du t ng t. m or ea sp dr r of ve professional boxi r them type ths ago they ne , examination of mpletely new fo le co du a Merely few mon he d sc re g te as tin m or ining, sp st coaches with honor! ting hours of tra supervision of be eliminar y stage ything - exhaus pr er e ev th d of ce t fa ou ” e ng unds, Of The Ri . And they cam through three ro oidable traumas tually making it en l ev na battles and unav nt sio ta es es of nt pr ere are of the co d it’s for real! Th punch with each e an e x th th bo of of s e ng It’ rc Ki lf. fo e d ha th come measure ute and a Only one will be nsisted of a min Ever yone in turn ing ever y battle. ch boxing match co at al w re y a el in iv nt as te st that ju who are at ters on the ring, referees and arbi Ring! ТEFI award 2008 Shows Projector parishilton Hosts: 07 20 Production year es ut 26 min 21 episodes dre Tsekalo Svetlakov, Alexan ey rg Se , an sy ro , Garik Marty Ivan Urgant t Program st Infotainmen for the Be ТEFI award 2008 . kly sketch show ee ilton” is a new w “ProjectorParisH dinary and quic lous and extraor ters of the k-witted charac t frivo gether four mos oject brought to pr e th of rs to ea The cr rning uss the most bu usiness. anchormen disc as Russian show-b o al ek Ts e dr d Alexan ey Svetlakov an artyrosyan, Serg M rik Ga , nt ga will Ivan Ur ed appearance, of present-days. to her distinguish ks and vital issues an th , ho w nt ’s assista the anchormen e of the show is ut ib tr at icy sp r diAnothe n. will leave the au dience’s attentio e-and-easy chat fre ’s captivate the au en m or ch an es. The t satirical sketch diluted with shor is ith laughter. s w es ar m ro ky em ac th w All this es will make ch et sk y nn fu lst ence elated whi Shows Five Stars intervision des: 4 Number of episo utes in m 0 12 e: Runtim es rnational Cont te st, 2008. The In August 28th – 31 ance. A gala perform . Intervision”. ns “Five Starts orming Musicia t of Young Perf illing to tr y ung musicians w yo us tio bi am d ng an the most promisi ies in order s been receiving ha i ch So s ar ye m eleven countr ur fro fo ed st riv pa e ar th ve r Fo ntest. This year’s pants ha e “Five Stars” co xt year’s contest. tered. The partici al ne e en th be st s ho ha t to themselves at th es ht cont ired a rig ar’s «Five Stars» nception of the inner state acqu that the next ye w e e th um es lst This year the co pr hi w to n, le asonab the competitio an; Thus, it is re to participate in va from Tadjikist zo ya Ni а in . m be kh winner is Та ik capital Dushan t; more famous place in the Tadj well as significan as us io orgacontest will take tig es pr e international and more ar at the show. Th n becomes more io pe tit ap pe es m iti co br e . le th ting states business ce icipation in of the participa tives and show Ever y year part e public figures pany representa bl m ra co no rd ho co s re ise s, , producer e Stars» compr an original song ittee of the «Fiv icipants perform rt is pa e e nizational comm di th ol y en da ld st day a go On the fir lasts four days. es. On the second . d at lts st an su g st re tin e gu pa th Au e ici iz in rt lly held summar of the pa r which the jury The show is usua by the audience inners. ational hit, afte to be approved rn s te ds given to the w ed in ar ne an aw rn t e tu en th in es ith pr w s nt n, which pa ve gi ici rt is rmance e finale the pa ficent gala perfo performed. In th ous days a magni nu re st e re th of At the end Shows Fashion court Hosts: 07-2008 : 20 Production year 52 minutes 258 episodes ev – the judge, Ar Vyacheslav Zaits ina Sh tertainment Pr for the Best En osecution romchenko – pr e, Evelina H arapova – defens ogram , ers, defendants s with it’s claim es oc , pr t tly en an m rt dg po as a real ju Though im e to the audience r Slava Zaitsev. es d ie te th ur lt en ut su es co re g pr in ed ow sh sir is a talk sh hieve the de judge – astoni ac e th to r se r de ei ur or th co “Fashion Court” In et of d , to forg r to dress. yers witnesses an se ones to change ther their manne clo ra r , ei ed th ns r dg prosecutors, law tra fo ju e e et ish ar pl ople w s a com emselves who ts are ordinary pe show undergoe it is not people th court”. Claiman character of the n on ai hi m as e “F Th y? to e. tit rt yl en new id claimants reso pearance and st makeup, and… e, then – with stereotypes in ap of an ideal imag w hairstyle, new ne ew , vi es r e TV th he old and outdated s/ clo hi w e audience in th rdance with is, he/she gets ne w clothes and th ice: first in acco n ne tw r s ke ei formation, that ta rm th e fo in th ns de ite tra e show para y case, desp of the show characters of th ce has of fashion. In an The participant n s en ai rt di m pe e au ex Th es e s. th th ist or clo ed styl all the icipant e show they get help of experienc osen by the part Zaitsev, a as a gift from th ins: the style ch w g: in sts: Vyacheslav ho th w ho a e e se th cid lo of t de es no iti es al studio do resenter; on rs nt pe pa TV e d charming -p e most is th alk, the partici an th s tw ce ou ca en e m di fa th a au on a, k TV ris tracts out fashion. a Sharapov her factor that at viet times; Arin who knows all ab So an e th om w ce e a , sin L” r voted for. A furt ie IE ur e people that ar azine “OFFIC ssia’s main cout tried. It is not th is the fashion mag ste of ta r living legend, Ru to of di ck f-E la ie where ities. mchenko, Ch pation of celebr io is a courtroom and Evelina Hro e show is partici e show: the stud th th of of n at tio rm ra fo co e de Original is th sing. A further their way of dres to be tried; it is ТEFI award 2008 Shows Sample purchase : Production since 26 minutes 97 episodes February 11, 2006 oduct investigaow conducts a pr sh e th Privolnov n of Purto or An th Goods, “Sample Host: where the au ty of Consumer levision project fe te ks, l sa ar d cia m an so de ity ue ra al iq (t acturers d with qu se” is a un different manuf highly concerne “Sample Purcha in the is of s n rt ld io or pe pt w ex e l um tir na ns en sio co n the mass profes cal products of tion. Today, whe rs, then – by the sis compares typi e potential buye ba th ily by d da a ste te on e e” ar chas roducts e Competitors-p brands). First th tes with Advertory. ” never collabora se ha rc Pu Research Labora e pl le – “Sam umer interests. the main princip t was m is created by character of cons ra nt og ou pr m e ra rer whose produc th pa to t to Goods due es the manufactu A sense of trus er t win bl sa no um di ns ay m ch Co s hi of w od r rs acture in a manne e declined go ed th at rm th fo is ct fa , due tisers and Manuf m e ts ra th uc t. Despite such prod round of the prog e further contes participation of s th w in lo r rt al Already the first he pa st rt te ke fu l d ta ria terests an ate laborato consumers to ct his/her own in es. di oduct the ultim declined by the iti ra pr br nt ly le co nd ce ie to of e -fr rt ov er consum ion on the pa testing may pr ut al rib iti nt in co tie ul th the title of most ith e at w enables th ing show nsumer’s choice oduct. The show titutes a fascinat pr ns co ed m at to the fact that co ig ra st . og ve ts pr in ect of ed produc stigation. The ggestions in resp to daily consum essful laboratorial inve es remarkable su ice with regard id ud ov of the most succ ej e pr pr on d ow e an sh m fs e ca lie be be y l kl na ic tio qu d di Moreover, th r tra 2006 an to review his/he ia February 11th mate consumer annel One Russ Ch on d te ar st ” se “Sample Purcha ts in Russia. television projec Shows Malakhov + Hosts: 06 – 2008 : 20 Production year es ut in m 52 258 episodes Proklova hov and Helena Gennady Malak better. their life for the tr ying to change e He dear v. d ho an ak th al al M he y care Gennad d about their th ne al er he nc co ction for on e es rfe ar gi pe physical methodolo for those who e a real guide to thor of original m au This program is co e be th is ve ha ow ch sh s whi ru of the e calendar diarie The host and gu experience in th ng di an st ng lo s picted hi timehich have been ians. , the recipes of w as great many Russ te ientists. sc al l rb ica he , ed es m d by official ments, tinctur ste nt te oi d . an an s, io ne ud ici ed ts and infirmities ht in the st e audience of m aginable ailmen are prepared rig im ey l th al r, of The show tells th ve g eo rin or cu . well as l generations. M nce and optimism aling methods as tested by severa , vast life experie collection of he om h isd ric w a ’s es le ch op ar pe The show rese kaleidoscope of arn the audience alakhov +” is a g doctors will w in tic i.e. ac pr The talk show “M l na e professio ns in the sections recommendatio harm!” Therefor ’t ts on ge “D ce en is: di es au at e the show postul hole programm hov”. One of the main es. During the w cip Gennady Malak re m l fro tfu y ub Da do e g th of e ur ed against usin oc Pr e Day” and “The “The Recipe of th Shows After the sunset Hosts: 07 : 20 Production year es ut in m 39 25 episodes ar Jandarev Boris Berman, Ild ТEFI award 2008 rviewer for the Best Inte ar is Berman and Ild e two hosts (Bor ve ar e ha er ey Th th n. as tio ns endatio l conversa ed extra recomm for a confidentia t). In ne in or t is n’ sp do ce or e en ho ur di w at au le er a, lit ts the e peop is theatre, cinem When the sun se invited victims ar ents (whether it est. Among the em gu a ev d hi ac an ) n ev ow ar r Jand n by thei ts implicitly. a great reputatio sals and judgmen already earned ai pr ap r ei tic entity, whilst th ts ce trus ndhearted roman ki a e be to short, the audien t gh the guest and th nally thou s take the side of ay . One is conventio w ow al sh ld e ou th w in ne rt as. O spute. s his own pa e frame of the di us doubting Thom Ever y host play een them sets th is an acrimonio tw ry be ra n nt io co sit e th po op on the other allenged. The re the guest is ch other – make su Shows National treasure Hosts: n: 2008 Date of productio 52 minutes 7 episodes d Diana Shpak Mark Tishman an icipants will have adults. The part ed nc rie will pe ex ce six rounds there ren will fa attention. After here gifted child d w an s ow tie sh e ili m ab ga ng -thinki n is a new eir intellect, fast Pride of the natio estions testing th tional treasure. qu na of t s en rie es se pr a to answer ultimately re ill w ho w ft le n re be only four child Shows f o d l r o w e h t n I people Host: v Nickolay Drozdo 8 : 2007-200 Production year 60 minutes 48 episodes a year I have held ationships. This r, instincts and rel look at it with all iou To av le. beh op s, pe bit of ha the world imals’ life, their another world – life to studying an I could research I devoted all my . Drozdov) urred to me that .N occ (N it e”. d nc an e, die ile the au seventy-year jub impressions with ce and share my my life experien es ts in people’s liv and turning poin ts en fa , ev th ic bo at be am enting dr s; they may TV stories repres have different person d te ry ra an ve pa ve e se lo ar e s x, fiv la rie re of nsists of the sto ork and Each episode co . The characters small villages, w ence, his to the audience metropolis and d a lk with the audi te in ta en e ht es liv ig pr ey ra e st ar Th ’s ic. st that bl ho uates him e pu e th th is es ” to unknown , which mak eq ld of People nd lly or ta W ha e to re d fo Th an be s “In s ot ou pl e… m rgiv ow the l, betray, hate, fo ozdov doesn’t kn echildren, quarre told. Nikolai Dr s rie sto e th ely truthful, som on int ed for it are entir a m fil ith personal viewpo s w rie d te sto ea e ect. Th are not cr ce. nonfictional proj e stories filmed ly A Th te . with the audien le lu d. so op he ab pe uc to of an is un ld ybody the wor People” hat it really is – ey won’t leave an “In The World of pt understand w imes tragical; th m et te m at so g, an in e ar az ey ta times am ersely, th ” did not carr y ou e audience. Conv World of People e e view shocking th on Th . is “In gs re t in he ec be d oj ong human happened an orked on the pr ry w sto e ho w th . ia w es ss straight talk am ho ey Ru le “this is fore their s of Channel One e happening be ilt on the princip ar bu or is ed ch en hi The filming crew ng w pp hi n, ha yt io at had ugh ever listic investigat ports of events th unity to get thro classical journa aces and make re dience an opport pl au to e l th ve r fe tra of ey d to blame”. Th ed in them (!) an nalists get involv Sometimes jour be heard... story deserves to together. Ever y Shows : 2007-2008 Production year es 47-52 minut 38 episodes ) s e m i t ( a n e m e vr Host: Vladimir Pozner litical, economests to discuss po gu rs fe of st ho e here th ytical TV show w ogram is an anal pr the world. al in in d ig an or ia ’s ss er place in Ru ng Vladimir Pozn ki ta ts en renown in the ev d pects an in the studio are ts es gu e ical and social as Th k. spell out their e past wee perts who freely ain events of th ex m l as l ra el ve w se as or n e r discussio devoted to on the issues unde Ever y episode is directly linked to e ar ho w le op are countr y pe ussed. TV links-up that of problems disc nologies, such as ot. ch te sp e n views in respect er th m od m fro e show uses information th e et ls: pl al m w co io d ud an st ns of to the tworthy ed issues by mea d helps get trus n is not confined regard to involv The conversatio e in the world an ith w ac s pl y ew vi an r ei ith th w studio express connecting the 100 people) can e studio (about th in ce en di au The g. electronic votin from inside. t to know Russia ge to ity un rt po op “Vremena” is an Shows Gordon kihot Host: n: 2008 Date of productio 26 minutes 38 episodes on Alexander Gord e possesses ian television. H ss Ru e th of al s of literature, ual individu images and trend l known intellect ke el fa w d a an is ng on yi rd of anno t Alexander Go representatives Famous journalis openly face the to a . ism us ar s ch nd d ou rr t strength, will an rmation that su Gordon withou her doubtful info are explored by s ed de po is H op . television and ot ds an musici of swor l fight – instead inter, scientist or pular writer, pa a tough and crue po is d tone – which is is an m Th n ra d. tio og on ua pr sp e sit portunity to re es in extreme Each guest of th go op e h pl ut tr am of an ch s e sear guest ha s – arguments. Th pity, though the instead of shield , ds or w e us ill nents w ore interesting. makes it even m Shows Let’s get married! Hostess: 08 : 20 Production year 52 minutes 80 episodes Darya Volga t Married!” ject is - “Let’s Ge nts are adults e. The Participa m ga a t no is what he/she of the show ms in the studio tly one ascertains oo ac gr ex d w an ho es is id d ram enables the estion face is made by the br choice? The prog half. Yet, the qu e nd th t co The choice that se ou r ab ei rs th te ly mat sted in finding rstand what real sincerely intere ow can one unde H s. ed ne d an oto really wants tions. usly seen the ph itself these ques idate has previo nd y to ca ad ch audience to ask re Ea e . ar es candidates ree candidat er. At that stage es a choice of th /h s. m ak es hi m pr e e im id os d br ch an or le rprise of peop e groom s and ability to su from hundreds ndiEach program on the website and onstrating talent made – which ca m on be de t ow of us sh m ew e n vi th io e of th cis de ith a w di m of Hero es au ra on g og in maximiz d of the pr aze their chosen A further factor turns. At the en ” in d! e e th rie compete and am at of ar id e m nd t pl ca ge ou ’s meets each e day: “Let and selects “c choice. Hero of the show audience votes ’s ht want to say on , ig ro th m he on ro of m s he ch es e cc ea th e su who end of of scrutinizing th date is the person ct that upon the uple with a view e show is the fa co th ed to ct n le io se nt e te th at ence’s rt returns to ogram on its pa month”. The pr ro Our new superp Shows Can you sing? Anchorman: 08 : 20 Production year es ut in 39 m 24 episodes Dmitr y Shepelev g it t also tr y and sin ess the song, bu gu to ve ha ly on nts not where participa inal karaoke. rtainment show te format of an orig en e th an s is ” ire g? qu ac ow sh e th “Can you sin us ghest ratings ecisely, sing it! Th has one of the hi e” Be ng correctly. Yes, pr gi in “S show ts in the USA (the won many hear ” g? sin u yo an The project “C amusement. a family kind of y el in nu e perthere). ge d an es and admirabl y, exciting th funny mistak singing is a funn bo e: to pl in s sim nt ty ta et es pr the cont e success is tunes provoking The secret of th g?” uses famous sin u yo an “C The show formance. Shows Judgement call : 2008 Production year es ut in m 42 37 episodes ko Maxim Shevchen Host: t passionate show t Call” is the mos “Judgmen ssian television. of the modern Ru week. tal issues of the ts and ses the most pivo s, political analys amous politician (f vote at A ts ey es Th gu e. d an cid s dience to de ’s participant au e ow th sh r e fo th is te ht ba de ho is rig uncompromising the audience. W In an open and view in front of r. of t ne in in po w r e ei th th e nd ting determin vo of journalists) defe lts ern world. su re e episode. Th ligion of the mod re d an ics lit po the end of ever y ialist in nalist and a spec chenko is a jour ev the truth. Sh to im h ax rt M bi s show scussion give di at th The host of the is le cip amental prin The show’s fund lk show discus socio-political ta Shows Private screening Host: 08 : 20 Production year es ut in m 58 20 episodes on Alexandre Gord ng the Victim”. the movie “Playi to d te vo de de Show, the episo for the Best Talk Year. ТEFI award 2007 TV Show of the st ard 2007 for Be Aw b lu sc es Pr TV nd audience. inded and profou -m en op e year. e th to s ng movies of th ial movie tious and shocki latest controvers s en ce ovided nd du te pr , ly tro us re in lo su g” da e Screenin e most scan e audience is th th s at us th sc di ns d ema ea an m cin The show “Privat atch on, which ed at the opportunity to w e show is direct t Alexandre Gord Th . lis ts na en ur m jo This is a unique gu TV ar s ising d by the famou n and uncomprom The show is hoste ivating discussio pt ca , ny pa m co with a brilliant e art. red to nnoisseurs of th the authors aspi gourmets, the co made, what idea ies and is ov ie m ov r m ei a th t w en ho oducers pres unity to learn pr rt d po an s op or ue ct iq re un di tors, ing” is also a eve it. Famous ac “Private Screen managed to achi ey th er th he w e express and estions. e discussion in th d audience’s qu scuss tastes! Th di t ous us m answer critics’ an m fa d of an e n os with th s. People ca her impressions ch s/ at e show disprove hi w th re st ch pa ju hi m or w , co t n en em is a statem sagree with th me time. One ca di sa or e e th re at ag d “Tastes differ” to de un ance nal and well-gro ntly one has a ch e observers. studio is emotio nalists. Concurre as delivered to th ur w r jo to d ea an cr cs by iti cr ed a nd directors, cinem the message inte d reflect whether a good movie an Shows The Premier League v Andrey Malakho 06 – 2007 : 20 Production year 52 minutes 38 episodes s and , actors, musician ns and lionesses the lio – on ae ed on fix rs s pe en e giant scre w. Dramatis th co n os O M k. of ee uate w bs al e ev clu th ian offered to e noise of s place in bohem club guests are ently making th e rr Th cu e d. ar te The action take en ho es w pr des are akers – the ones ic videos hit para t! the main newsm us Russian mus rio vision broadcas le va te of e s liv er t ad ndred percen club walls – le hu a is is Th . tes take part in ps video cli ith maximum vo w os will de vi and discuss ten ve Fi will decide who essages. ain the audience by sending sms-m ag e d lik an ey th em ts th hi in r s will jo can vote fo ”. Five newcomer der the sun. The TV audience Premier League he ht for а place un “T fig of to de ve iso ha ill st ill w needs the next ep ho w mera! One just ier League” and ht before the ca rig s of e stay in “The Prem ew on vi r on ei th ar will appe n express the audience ca d in a moment it at an th an is m ow or sh ch e an d by the velty of th address indicate The absolute no message to the c ni tro ec el an b to send ts a pass to the clu in the club. ay the winner ge d to te aw the screens fixed vi ht in rig is d es an ut – TV-audience TV within min e of th nt g fro on in am t t sa es nt e show v announces a co beginning of th Andrei Malakho dual who at the vi di in An ! ld he is where the show ous public! join the glamor Host: Shows Good night Hosts: 08 : 2007 – 20 Production year 60 minutes 55 episodes , Кseniya Strizh Semyon Cahika n, a ’s recommendatio vice or an expert ad m co ul ef nt us ge t lli ge te d tion in an in problems an sa r er ei nv th e co ar nt sh sa ho n ea w one ca st a pl guest a hot line where lp, and finally ju ychologist and a “Good night” is psychological he sts as well as a ps r fo ho o to tw rn e tu ar n e ca er one io th program where heard. In the stud g to speak out. will definitely be ght and is willin u ni is yo th re ep he w sle t ny pa es no relationships. ever yone who do lems of human ob pr d e an s ue are ready to help hips tend to loos ost thorny iss sexual relations naturally, the m t – hy c W an pi w e? to e lif c w ifi al as ec g on m livin one’s pers devoted to a sp that hinder us fro affairs influence ith w ve Each episode is y lo pl e m tim co dto ol we tr y what way The stereotypes For instance, in ople nowadays? pe t os m r fo ce significan to. s t r e c Con Concerts NIGHT ’S EAR Y W NE : 2008 Production year es ut in 90 m des: 1 Number of episo IN K L GA IM X MA WITH Host: Maxim Galkin ewers have Show. Russian vi ’s ar Ye w Ne ’s owman and his axim Galkin pular Russian sh slot featuring M po n d sio t an vi le nt te ia ill ay ing entertainmen pany of a br r is a prime holid licious and excit Year in the com de w a – Ne e 31st of Decembe le th op t pe ou s ld famou bit of ringing ie stars and wor fallen into the ha celebrities, mov of Years Eve. es di w ro Ne pa e s, th s of a guests. Joke in Russia on TV e m ho y some ingredient er ev ost – these are only ne pi dished up to alm of t en sc ristmas of glasses and Ch fireworks, clang d an s ke jo , lic Fun and fro Year’s party. delightful New Concerts SONGS D L O / W NE THE : 2007 Production year urs ho 3 – 2 e: Run tim des: 3 Number of episo IMPORTANT MOST THE OUT B A Host: Maxim Galkin n since 2004. been on televisio s ha at th al iv st Christmas. lar music fe rtant” is a popu njure up a bit of co po d im t an os ar m ye e g th expirin Songs about r to sum up the “The New / Old celebrities. la is held in orde ga al fin e th r joined by various be lly na sio ca oc Each Decem , im Galkin l Russian artists pular comic Max ed and successfu m po a fa t by os d year as m e ste th ho s ut the expiring and parade ng marathon is lin State Palace levision througho te em The fantastic so d Kr an e o th di of ra e e gs on th on the stag at had top ratin The show is set absolute hits th g in rm rfo pe rs telling and singe . ing born though ing golden oldies of new songs be s lar. se pu well as perform es po itn d w an e d m ar we beco e still belove ye ar ch ts ea hi : tro ea re id st its cts that be show totally refle well as the fact llecThe name of the portant things as im t os m d an al performed co d ol e em of the festiv th an us about the sam by g in nn ry begi was set in the ve and production ce an rm rfo pe of High level . t Russian singers tively by eminen Concerts Kremlin Zorya in Run time: 94 m : 2007 ar ye n tio uc Prod ssia The MES of Ru t er nc Co Gala in Run time: 90 m : 2007 ar ye n tio Produc ZadorNewYear in Run time: 100 m 2007 : ar ye Production Day Gala Rescue Worker’s in Run time: 90 m : 2007 ar ye Production on ur of I.D. Kobz Jubilee To in Run time: 150 m 2007 : ar ye n Productio ’s d to V. Vysotsky Concert Devote e le bi Seventy-year Ju in Run time: 80 m : 2008 ar ye n tio uc od Pr Tatyana’s Day in Run time: 84 m : 2008 Production year t of Ilya Jubilee Concer Reznik in Run time: 90 m : 2008 ar ye n tio uc od Pr Viva Russia! Run time: 55 min : 2008 Production year ve broadcast Viva Russia! Li Slope from St. Basil’s in Run time: 140 m 2008 : ar ye n tio Produc ncert Edita Pieha’s Co !” fe Li u “Thank Yo in Run time: 150 m 2008 : ar ye n Productio loved Songs for the Be la) Ga y Da ’s (Women in Run time: 150 m 2008 : ar ye n tio uc Prod and Victor y Songs of Spring in Run time: 100 m 2008 : ar ye Production mmemorating Gala Concert Co ars of the World Sixty-Three Ye War II Victor y in Run time: 100 m 2008 : ar ye Production ted to the Forty Concert Dedica N. KarachentYears Jubilee of reer sev’s Artistic Ca in Run time: 180 m : 2008 ar ye n tio uc od Pr movies Movies n 2005 Year of produtio es ut in m 93 r e h g i h d n a . 180 cm Cast: henov Alexander Striz v, Alexander Renat Davletiaro Kotelevskiy v Vycheslav Lazare by y Cinematograph Directed by Produced by erina Guseva, rizhenova, Ekat St a in er at Ek , Urgant, Maksim Evgeniy Stychkin a Kutsenko, Ivan sh Go , ina uk ch ar repanova, Ekater Fyodor Bond yazeva, Daria Ko Kn id ia kl en Ev Ks , n, va ki Lagash ina Khlysto ina Teyze, Ekater Malikova, Ekater Kyurdzidis. real beauties. At It is the height of . ht ig he ness-club ith w s 180 deal manager of a fit m fil e th of r te ac this figure least a main char stya doesn’t take Ko it. t ou ab re ar the man dem is absolutely su ta. A tall lady ne da al ric et m a st (180) as ju tence. ccess and compe onstrates his su mself ybody and to hi to prove to ever es an. cid m de t or ya st sh iumph of a One day Ko ing triumph – the tr s Us hi r 0. fo 18 e an tim th r is that it is not shorte ho w rl gi a b, te lu da -c ness He invites for a clients of the fit he rings up the ready her al s ha e in ro his job position, he fusal. Each re r te af l sa fu re but gets own love story. lous tions and ridicu of amusing situa it cu cir e th ly, Eventual y’s life… anges ever ybod coincidences ch comedy full of is a light youth ” er gh the hi d an 0 “From 18 tators indulge in isodes. The spec odern ep m ht d ig an br w ic co m dyna tions of Mos ua sit y nn ly fu d ta an of this cons nt cheerful jokes follow the rules to ve ha ho w s moscovite unity. changing comm Movies n 2007 Year of produtio 104 minutes lovey-dovey D R 14 MILLION US VE BOX-OFFICE O Directed by Produced by Written by ography Director of Phot signer De n Productio Music by Cast: niy Stychkin, a Kutsenko, Evge sh Go , ctor te ai ak rb il Kozakov as Do Kristina O ey Urgant, Mikha nov dr rizhehe St An a , riz in ko St r er as at de Kr Ek an Alex Andrey r Olga Orlova, , de ya an ka ex vs Al do v, zh oz ro anislav Du nikn, Darya Dr Renat Davletya d Kyurdzidis, St leynikov Koga cli O r Eu , de va an ze ex ya Al Kn y, geniy Ratkov Kotelevski nova, Xenia Vitaliy Khaev, Ev k, ba k hi Ro ic r re de Ku an Andrei ov, Alex rev Vyacheslav Laza Alexey Aksyonov k Arkadiy Ukupni rge of ey are on the ve as a bliss, now th w quarge ey ria Th ar e. m r in ei ut Once th rned into ro tu e lif ily m fa er r ei e togeth . breaking up. Th d less and less tim en sp d ta an e or m rce lies ahead, bu rel more and to be gone. Divo s s. em m se le ob ve lo pr te Passiona ing their family or suggests solv arina exchange mysterious doct An sit drey and M vi r ei th r te af The morning their bodies. rt, to use lipe of an art expe lif a ad le ds. to ed tolerate her frien Now he is oblig d shoes, and to le ee -h a gh tie hi r to ea stick, to w come a lawyer, way out but to be e mysAnd she has no the search for th ce sin , te ra ka n ar le d of the criminal neck-tie, and to by the whirlwin d te ar w th is or terious doct e. this body-chang events caused by s and loves? their former look Will they regain Movies n 2008 Year of produtio 95 minutes lovey-dovey 2 exr Kotelevskiy, Al yarov, Alexande et vl Da t na Re Produced by ander Oleynikov y axim Pezhemsk pation of Renat Directed by M k with the partici hi ic re Ku ei dr ikov Written by An Alexander Oleyn Davletyarov and Anotonov ography Anton Director of phot ukhanenko Tr ly ta gner Vi Production desi changeir feelings by ex lubevs tested th ming Go e ar th ch o ve ag ha s ar ey Ten ye and Dad. Th um M e ar ey th a. hk es bodies. Now rl named Svetoc ed Gleb and a gi carreers g in m so os bl twins: a boy nam , e up uple got their lif n’t rememThe married co le. What they do du he sc ng ki or w e than toy ones and jam-packed ve real dogs mor lo n re mild ch r ei rthday in the co ber is that th celebrate their bi er rtuth fo ra Un . ld ds ou w en and they eir parents’ fri th of ad ste are in n s io er and attent pany of their pe rgotten that love fo ve al ha rm s no nt a re resume in nately, the pa t. For their life to r os ei m th r te ge at an m ch at things th al desides to ex du vi di in nt d te po Gleb an pace some omni they wake up – n. And one day Marina in d an ey dr bodies once agai droom and An be s’ nt re pa r ei Sveta in th om. the children’s ro ates and teachaze their classm am vs be ildren lu Go e” r “grown-up” ch While “littl e knowledge thei iv e ns th te e ex av r le ei t th ers by and almos rge parents’ careers la r e ei th ag in an ru ph t or os alm e prospect of an Th e. put m be ho t ay ou and Gleb m family with a. Whilst, Sveta in ar M d an ! ey up for Andr don’t give But the Golubevs under restraint. Cast: ko, Denis te, Gosha Kutsen Kristina Orbakai Urgant, ey dr An o, a Bulynk Paramonov, Alin Olga Ora, Kiryl Pletnev, Lidiya Velezhev dovskaya lova, Darya Droz Movies n 2008 Year of produtio 95 minutes Dolby digital 5.1 indigo Cast: Artem ikhail Efremov, astasiya Richi, M An a en iy, El sk , ov ko nk en Ya ts Ivan Gosha Ku tanov aria Shukshina, Sh s M un iu o, yg ar Pr nk M he an a, ac iv m Sl Tk Ro Director: ander makov, Pavel ex Sh Al an v, kita m ro Ni Ro ya v, , et ro va vl nat Da Ivan Mud Drobyshe Producers: Re Mikots Pyotr Skvortsov, il k, ha no ik se M Ya y, l ki ve vs del, Pa Kotele ntin Spiridonov lai Efremov exey Timm, Vale Presnyakov, Niko Al : rs te ri w pt Scri o rd ia James Gucc Photography: Eduard Galkin : or ct Artistic dire rememorhoods. Tikhon Moscow neighb of nt re ge ua ffe di ng la in e e They liv tands th es. Tanya unders Lekha liv . m us ra io og ev pr pr r s te hi bers y compu can break into an . They are animals. Zheka n foresee danger ca ey dr An s. ct je ob h ug ro can see th are INDIGO. fferences. They united in their di ults in the world of ad e and invincible fre el s fe ha ds nt ki e hu e th Together, pt them. But th rstand and acce talented teenag who don’t unde arching out the se is y od eb e m ag So en te already started. lly distance from The adults typica ’s friends, ey dr An l ra ve ers one by one. se ppearance of sa di r lieve in a te af be t en no Ev issues. Kalyaev, does ed m s na an em dreaming that hi his father, a polic DIGO kids. He is IN e ue th iq r te un af s g hi in pt maniac chas d refuses to acce a normal life an son would lead attributes. rgs. They hobbits or cybo extra-terrestrials, t ers, no ag e en ar te r ds ki he le. As ot INDIGO e all other peop d stand lik an te ve ha lo d in an ll ve fa , lo feel, , help friends re tu fu e , they ts th t en ou ev d sinister they dream ab ind of strange an GO. rlw DI hi IN w e e ar th in ey for it. But, es. Because th liv r ei th r fo ht fig will also have to Movies n 2009 Year of produtio 97 minutes yulenka nov exander Strizhe Directed by Al Alexander v, ro ya et vl Da nat Produced by Re Novikov ey dr Kotelevskiy, An lentin SpiriVa k, hi ic re ey Ku Written by Andr donov Artur Gimpel by y ph ra Photog ko Pavel Parkhomen Artistic director Cast: Lavrentyeva, banova, Oksana la Ba a ry aya, Da , ov ara Cherepovsk Marat Bashar Kazyuchits, Tam na arM An k, o, pa nk Sh he Irina Kupc cha, Diana Sophia Maksim , ne kh Dy a dr Alexan garita Smirnova high school. He’s a paragon girls’ at r he ac te g filled with joy, un He’s a yo world around is e Th e. lif ily m fa il takes most happy with his pses in a flash. Ev lla co l ht of al It . ty fe ne can’t catch sig hope, and sa zarre shapes. O bi d d an an u, nt yo ce to no ar in most de curious, d takes all that is for your an n u io yo ut ib ys tr ro re st de be it. It e. Can it s to take your lif e break away ultimately it trie eakness? Can on w d an s es ln fu ith e fate of fa un , ll? own faults e pit of he Th stay human in th e estion: on qu n is Ca th s ll? er he from how he answ on s p?” nd pe de r fa he making a lse ste the young teac ry end without ve e th to h ug ro “Can I go th er! lp with the answ Yulenka will he