September 5, 2013 - Rotary Club of Marikina
September 5, 2013 - Rotary Club of Marikina
Volume 49 Weekly Meeting No. 10 September 5, 2013 ASSISTANT GOVERNOR RAUL EVANGELISTA VISIT Awarding of Timpalak sa Pagsulat at Pagbigkas I. Registration II. Program Call to Order ‐ Pres. Hermie de la Paz Invocation ‐ Dir. Bonie Barotilla National Anthem ‐ PD Celso Cruz Rotary Pledge & The 4‐Way Test ‐ PE Dodjie Cabalquinto Introduction of Visiting Rotarians & Guests ‐ PD Nestor Garcia Entertainment ‐ Rtn. Dan Sibal Recognition ‐ PP Onie Aguinaldo Rotary Information ‐ PP Tony Fidelino Awarding of Timpalak sa Pagsulat at Pagbigkas Presentation of Club Plans & Programs ‐ RCM BOD Assistant Governor’s Message ‐ AG Raul Evangelista Secretary’s Time ‐ Sec. Alex Manzo President’s Time ‐ Pres. Hermie de la Paz RC Marikina March Adjournment ‐ Pres. Hermie de la Paz III. Fellowship ‐ PP Flor de la Paz Weekly Raffle ‐ PP Eric Ignacio PP Joe Judan Master of Ceremonies THE FOUR WAY TEST THE ROTARY PLEDGE Of things we think, say or do: I do solemnly promise to help advance the Is it the TRUTH? object of Rotary, comply with the Is it FAIR to all concerned? constitution and by‐laws of Rotary International and the Rotary Club of Will it build GOODWILL and better Marikina, ever putting into practice FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Rotary’s Motto: “SERVICE ABOVE SELF.’ PRAYER God our Father, You are awesome and worthy of all praises. If we find ourselves in difficult circumstances, Your words offers the surprising instruction to count it all, knowing that the testing of our faith produces patience. We seek You Father for wisdom that we might know how to respond properly to our trials, sor‐ row, and pain. And let our confidence grow by trusting and obeying our Lord and His Word. Give us the faith of a little child—a faith that will look to You that never will falter and never fail but follow You trustingly. As we live by faith and do what the Bible clearly tells us to do, we can be sure that You will lead us through the difficult decision and give us victory. In everything we give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus. Amen. Congratulations! Rtn. Nixon Tañazana on your 1st year—Sept. 6 In Service of Rotary! Happy Blessed Birthday! PDG Jun Farcon—Sept. 8 Sp. Tetet Manzo—Sept. 9 VP Bernard Cansana—Sept. 10 Sp. Cora Cruz—Sept. 10 Sp. Casing dela Paz—Sept. 11 Happy Wedding Anniversary! PD Boyet Allas & Sp. Lallaine—Sept. 3 PP George Ty & Sp. Leonor—Sept. 11 ROTARY CLUB OF MARIKINA MARCH Music: PP Jimmy Capco Lyrics: Rtn. Francisco Pascual; Arranger: Rtn. Allan SM Perez Come sing with us for fellowship A song of camaraderie Then give your hand in fond friendship To Marikina Rotary We love to share our thoughts with you And lavish in your company So, come each meeting day please do To Marikina Rotary Refrain Motto of SERVICE ABOVE SELF Is not a mere phraseology Participate with zeal and zest In Marikina Rotary Let us Rotarian serve all Our beloved community Then we can accentuate the goal Of Marikina Rotary DECLARATION OF ROTARIANS IN BUSINESS AND PROFESSION As a Rotarian engaged in business or profession, I am expected to: 1. Consider my vocation to be another opportunity to serve; 2. Be faithful to the letter and to the spirit of ethical codes of my vocation, to the laws of my country, and to the moral standards of my community 3. Do all in my power to dignify my vocation and to promote the highest ethical standards in my chosen vocation 4. Be fair to my employees, associates, competitors, customers, the public and all those with whom I have business or professional relationship; 5. Recognize the honor and respect due to all occupations which are useful to society; 6. Offer my vocational talents; to provide opportunities for young people; to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to improve the quality of life in the community. 7. Adhere to honesty in my advertising and in all representations to the public concerning my business or profession 8. Neither seek from nor grant to a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded to others in a business or professional relationships Last Thursday, we had a full Rotary schedule as we listened to the eloquent declamation pieces from the 15 high school student participants of the Timpalak sa Pagsulat at Pagbigkas. Congratulations to all the winners and to our Chairman Gilbert Ong for a successful competition with the theme of the impact of social media and its good and bad effects to our daily lives. During our weekly meeting on the same day, we signed our sisterhood agreement with the Rotary Club of San Juan led by their president, FC Pres. Ma. Therese Montecer. Several of their members were on hand to witness this occasion including PDG Pepe Peralta. Our guest speaker that night was my classmate FC Pres Nikki de Vega from RC Mandaluyong Uptown. She was a hit among our mem‐ bers as she talked about “Adultery, Concubinage and Anti‐Violence against Women in the Law”. I will surely invite her again to our club. She mentioned to me that she enjoyed her stay in our club. During the same night, we made two donations for some worthy beneficiaries. The first was a joint donation with RC San Juan of 200 blankets and 300 pillow cases to the Amang Rodriguez Memorial Medical Center. We also donated chairs and tables to the Concepcion Elementary School SPEDthrough the generosity of Dir Boni Barotilla. Last Saturday, Aug 31, 2013, we witnessed the induction of our newest member, Rtn Peter Co during the 1st District Mass Induction at the Club Filipino. Let us give a warm welcome to Rtn Pete and the rest of the 190 new Rotarians in our district who were inducted that day. Congratulations to PDG Jun Farcon, who is the District Membership Committee Chairman and who is celebrating his birthday on Sept. 8, 2013, for a job well done. PDG Tranquil Salvador did the charging and DG Louie Ticman in‐ ducted the new members. Our other members who attended include PDG Efren de Guzman with Lady Pam, Lady Zeny Farcon, PP Ver Farcon, AG Ronie Masangkay, PE Dodjie Cabalquinto, VP Bernard Cansana and Auditor Eduard Farcon. I also attended the Marikina City Nutrition Committee meeting last Tuesday afternoon with Mayor and PP Del de Guzman presiding. Mayor Del introduced me and talked about how Rotary can help and support some of the health‐related projects of the city together with other non‐government or‐ ganizations. In the evening of the same day, we attended the 33rd Charter Anniversary of one of our daughter clubs RC Marikina North led by FC Pres Odie Zafra at the Bulwagang Kapitan Moy. On hand from our club during this event include PDG Efren de Guzman and Lady Pam and PDG Jun Farcon and Lady Zeny. WE warmly welcomed by PP Ging Ramos, AG Raul Catapang and Dir Ruth Adelinde to their memorable occasion. Tonight is our AG Visit. Let us welcome a friend of our club, AG Raul Evangelista from RC Metro Ma‐ rikina. Next week is our Governor’s visit and we are now preparing to welcome DG Louie Ticman and Lady Ruby and his First Class Team to our clubhouse with our warm Marikina Rotary hospitality. This is the tenth entry in my journal. Let us take this year’s Rotary theme “Engage Rotary, Change Lives” to heart. It’s time to make a difference in the lives of others as we change our lives as well. Let us use our time on this earth to help our fellow Marikenos help themselves to be better citizens of our city. Thank you. Our Club had a very interesting meeting last Thursday August 29,2013. On that cool night we: 1. Signed our sisterhood agreement with the Rotary Club of San Juan led by First Class President Therese Montecer 2. We sealed our cooperation by donating blankets and pillow cases to the Amang Rod‐ riguez Medical Center. We in turn showed our hospitality with a lively fellowship af‐ ter the meeting. 3. We donated chairs, tables, 60 Inch TV set and a hospital bed to the Concepcion SPED Center. We recognize the efforts of and valuable contribution of Dir. Boni‐ Barotilla , PD Nestor Garcia and PP Vice Mayor Fabi Cadiz for facilitating the dona‐ tion. 4. We were enlightened by First Class President Nikki de Vega regarding adultery, con‐ cubinage and the Violence against women and children Law. PP VerFarcon suggested the topic in connection with the area of Focus of Rotary Maternal and Child Health We all welcome our baby Rotarian Pete Co who was inducted last August 31,2013 at the Mass Induction in Club Filipino coordinated by our very own PDG Jun Farcon as District Membership Chair. Let us exert more effort in sharing Rotary by recruiting additional mem‐ bers. We welcome our Assistant Governor Raul Evangelista tonight and he will assess and assist us in the achievement of our objectives. We will revisit our annual goals and objectives in preparation for our Governors visit next week. Let us support the our club’s activities this weeks activities. Happy Birthday to PDG Jun Far‐ con to be celebrated by a Golf Tournament on Friday September 6 at the Forest Hills Golf and Country Club. We cheer on our Duckpin Bowling team who at the Market Place Mall ,Kalentong Manda‐ luyong. As we are still in the rainy season we continue to distribute OL mosquito traps to prevent Dengue in our schools and communities. Dengue Prevention Chairman Rtn. Boyet Culminas will be at the Parang Elementary School at 9:00 am. Let us support this noble project. The only constant in nature in change. We hope that the changes that our club is undergoing will strengthen and unify our club to the challenges of service for our community. Thank you for your support. Timpalak sa Pagsulat at Pagbigkas, August 29, 2013, MRYC 15 participants Winner Franz Reggie M. Adricula from Marikina Science Rotary Weekly Meeting, Aug. 29, 2013, MRYC Guest Speaker FCP Nikki de Vega Donation of blankets to Amang Rodriguez Medical Center Sisterhood Signing with RC San Juan Donation of tales and chairs to Concepcion ES Sped Center District Mass Induction, Aug. 31, 2013 City Nutrition Meeting, Sept. 3, City Hall RC Marikina North, Sep. 3, Kapitan Moy Professional : Honda Cars Rizal Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer Cherub Auto Dealer Inc. (Foton Dealer) Dealer Principal / President Lica Auto Nation Inc. (Car Dealer Group) Vice President Education : College ‐ Dela Salle University, Political Science Master in Business Administration (MBA) ‐ DLSU Master in Business Economics (MBE) ‐ University of Asia & the Pacific, UA&P Civic Organizations: President ‐ Phil. Chamber of Commerce (PCCI)‐ Mandaluyong Director ‐ Knights of Columbus, Christ the King (12461) President ‐ Broadway Pines Homeowners Association ROTARY : Past President ( RY, 2002‐2003) RC Metro Marikina Past District Chair ‐ Awards & Recognition, Mid‐year Review Assistant Governor ‐ RY, 2013‐2014 Personal Information : 48‐years old, Married, with 4‐ children Thanks. See you tonight. The Wonders of Rotary (I got these information from the different sections of our rotary website http:// and arranged them together to come up with an article about the wonders of Rotary.) Rotary members unite at home and across the globe to put our experience and knowledge to work tackling our most pressing challenges. We focus our efforts in six areas: promoting peace, preventing diseases, providing access to clean water and sanitation, enhancing ma‐ ternal and child health, improving basic education and literacy, and helping communities develop. We are especially dedicated to ending polio in our lifetimes. Rotary members have perse‐ vered in this fight since 1979 and have now helped eradicate polio in all but three countries worldwide. When you give to Rotary, you support the work we do in your community and around the world. We are a responsible organization that uses nearly 90% of our funding for program expenses. Rotary unites people from all continents, cultures, and occupations—it's truly one of our greatest strengths. Our members are leaders in their fields and communities. Our diverse perspectives help us to see problems differently—and help us solve them in communities throughout the world. Through Rotary, our members find many ways to meet, exchange ideas, and make lifelong friendships, including: Weekly club meetings Online discussion boards Interest‐based affinity groups Local events Our annual international convention We use our knowledge of local issues to identify areas of need, then apply our expertise and diverse perspectives to the problem. Rotary members are most likely at work in your com‐ munity right now feeding the hungry, tutoring children, maintaining parks, and more. From community‐based groups who team with their local Rotary club to global organizations who work with us on long‐term projects, we can make an even bigger difference when we work together. Cash Position Report August 23-29, 2013 Beginning Balance as of August 23, 2013 Cash/Check Receipts Dinner Collections Fine Total Receipts Sub-Total 128,299.00 10,900.00 130.00 11,030.00 139,329.00 Cash Disbursements Check Disbursements Timpalak prizes 5,000.00 Timpalak - Tokens to Judges 3,000.00 Dinner 12,500.00 Total Disbursement 20,500.00 Ending Balance, August 29, 2013 Car Raffle 118,829.00 8,000.00 CLIMATE CHANGE Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather over periods of time that range from decades to millions of years. It can be a change in the average weather or a change in the distribution of weather events around an average (for example, greater or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change may be limited to a specific region, or may occur across the whole Earth. In recent usage, especially in the context of environmental policy, climate change usually refers to changes in modern climate. It may be qualified as anthropogenic climate change, more generally known as "global warming" or "anthropogenic global warming" (AGW). In the following series of article, my objective to make everyone learn and understand how climate change affects us as individual, our community, the economy and the whole ecosys‐ tem. The discussion will be according to the following outline: The most general definition of climate change is a change in the statistical properties of the climate system when considered over periods of decades or longer, regardless of cause. Ac‐ cordingly, fluctuations on periods shorter than a few decades, such as El Niño, do not repre‐ sent climate change. The term sometimes is used to refer specifically to climate change caused by human activity; for example, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change defines climate change as "a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural cli‐ mate variability observed over comparable time periods." In the latter sense climate change is synonymous with global warming. Factors that can shape climate are climate forcings. These include such processes as varia‐ tions in solar radiation, deviations in the Earth's orbit, mountain‐building and continental drift, and changes in greenhouse gas concentrations. There are a variety of climate change feedbacks that can either amplify or diminish the initial forcing. Some parts of the climate system, such as the oceans and ice caps, respond slowly in reaction to climate forcing be‐ cause of their large mass. Therefore, the climate system can take centuries or longer to fully respond to new external forcings. Plate tectonics Over the course of millions of years, the motion of tectonic plates reconfigures global land and ocean areas and generates topography. This can affect both global and local patterns of climate and atmosphere‐ocean circulation. Continued on page 13…... Windows 7 Tricks Tips and Secrets 1. Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts : – Well keyboard shortcuts are very useful while work‐ ing on any OS with these shortcuts you can speed up your work, Win+Up Arrow and Win+Down Arrow maximize and restore/minimize Win+M minimizes everything Alt+Up, Alt+Left Arrow, Alt+Right Arrow navigate to parent folder, or browse Back and Forward through folders in Explorer Win+Home minimizes/restores all open windows except the active window Alt+Win+# accesses the Jump List of program number ‘#’ on the taskbar Win+Left Arrow and Win+Right Arrow dock the window to the left and right side of the screen 2. Windows 7 hidden wallpapers and themes: – There is a hidden folder in Windows 7 which contains many hidden wallpapers and theme for windows 7 users you can find those themes and wallpapers by browsing below path in RUN . Go to run and type C:WindowsGlobalizationMCT hit enter And enjoy the hidden wallpapers and themes. 3. Create Keyboard Shortcuts for Programs : – You can easily create Keyboard shortcut in Windows 7 for that you just need to install any program and go to properties and Shortcut tab, type your Shortcut key to access that program as shown below:‐ 4. Adjust Screen Text with Clear Type : – Win7 has a wonderful utility name “cttune.exe ” By using this tool you can set best look on your LCD monitor or laptop screen. Just go to run and Continued on page 12 …... ...from page 9 Ecology Today The position of the continents determines the geometry of the oceans and therefore influ‐ ences patterns of ocean circulation. The locations of the seas are important in controlling the transfer of heat and moisture across the globe, and therefore, in determining global climate. A recent example of tectonic control on ocean circulation is the formation of the Isthmus of Panama about 5 million years ago, which shut off direct mixing between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This strongly affected the ocean dynamics of what is now the Gulf Stream and may have led to Northern Hemisphere ice cover.[5][6] During the Carboniferous period, about 300 to 360 million years ago, plate tectonics may have trig‐ gered large‐scale storage of carbon and increased glaciation. Geologic evidence points to a "megamonsoonal" circulation pattern during the time of the supercontinent Pangaea, and climate modeling suggests that the existence of the supercontinent was conducive to the establishment of monsoons. The size of continents is also important. Because of the stabilizing effect of the oceans on temperature, yearly temperature variations are generally lower in coastal areas than they are inland. A larger supercontinent will therefore have more area in which climate is strongly seasonal than will several smaller continents or islands. ...from page 10 Digitally Yours type “cttune.exe” hit enter and start adjusting your LCD monitor or laptop screen. 5. Burn images : ‐Win 7 has an inbuilt feature to burn images with using any 3rd party soft‐ ware’s, Now you can easily write ISO images on CD without installing any extra software. 6. Display Switch : – Display Switch is another very handy application in Windows 7 OS, this application provides users to switch display from one monitor to another, or a projector – just press Win+P or runDisplaySwitch.exe from RUN, it is very useful for the office environ‐ ment. 7. Virtual WI‐Fi : – Now you easily convert your windows 7 install PC with software‐based router by installing Virtual WI‐Fi. This tool automatically finds WI‐Fi‐enabled devices within range – like desktop, laptop, an iPod perhaps – will “see” you as a new network and, once logged on, immediately be able to share your internet connection. For that you need to have a wireless adapter on your PC.. 8. Troubleshooting Option : ‐Fix your problems without taking anyone help by using Trou‐ bleshooting option from Control Panel > Troubleshooting, This option provides users a sim‐ ple wizard option to solve their common problems, by using these tools you can also clean up your system. So these are some Windows 7 Tricks Tips and Secrets for windows 7 operating system users to enjoy new features of this OS. Continued on page 13 …... September — New Generations Month 6 Sept (Fri) 7AM PDG Jun Farcon Golf Cup Forest Hills 7 Sept (Sat) FC Team Breakfast Meeting 8 Sept (Sun) 8AM Duckpin Bowling Championship Marketplace Mall 11 Sept (Mon) 9AM OL Trap Distribution Parang Elementary School 12 Sept (Thu) Governor’s Visit MRYC 19 Sept (Thu) 1PM Buntis Party Nangka Health Center 19 Sept (Thu) 6PM Inteclub Meeting Kapitan Moy 23 Sept (Mon) 1PM Buntis Party Fortune Health Center 26 Sept (Thu) 9 AM Ondoy Anniversary—Mass at OLA Tree planting in Pintong Bocaue 26 Sept (Thu) 7PM Ladies Night MRYC 27 Sept (Fri) New Generations Conference MRYC 28 Sept 1PM Rotary Academy 101—San Juan & Marikina 6:00 PM Anticipated Mass 7:15 PM Thanksgiving Dinner Attire: Smart Casual Invocation National Anthem Rotary Pledge & The Four Way Test Introduction of Visiting Rotarians & Guests Entertainment Recognition Raffle Emcee Fellowship PROGRAMME September 26, 2013 Spouse Spouse PP Rudy Valentino PP Ronie Masangkay PD Eduard Farcon Dir. Val Barcinal PD Jessie Cruz PD Jerome Josef PP Roland Garcia To visit our website Scan the QR code below 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Rotarian Aguinaldo, Onie S. Allas, Boyet A. Arcellana, Jonathan A. Barcinal, Val A. Barotilla, Boni M. Cabalquinto, Dodjie N. Cadiz, Fabi I. Cansana, Bernard H. Capco, Claro L. Cobbarrubias, Jon Jon L. Co, Peter Classification Dairy Product Distribution Plumbing Trading and Marketing Medicine-Pediatric Motorcycle Parts Distribution Building Construction Medicine - General Horizontal Construction Education General Merchandise - Wholesale Hardware Distribution Induction 12/22/1983 10/30/2003 10/25/2007 02/11/2010 09/23/2010 01/20/2005 03/16/2000 07/06/2007 07/05/2002 08/28/2008 08/31/2013 12 13 Corpus, Pat S. Cruz, Celso C. Secondary Administration Insurance - Non-Life 10/26/2006 6/18/1998 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Cruz, Jessie F. Cruz, Willy R. Culminas, Boyet G. De Guzman, Del R. De Guzman, Efren O. De Leon, Lawrence M. Dela Paz, Flor S. Dela Paz, Hermie R. Farcon, Eduard G. Farcon, Jun G. Fidelino, Tony B. Flores, Gee S Flores, Noel S. Garcia, Nes C. Garcia, Roland C. Igliane, August R. Ignacio, Eric C. Josef, Jerome D. Malaya, Benjie V. Manzo, Alex P. Masangkay, Ronie P. Meriño, Chris U. Montoya, Rey P. Ong, Gilbert E. Ong, Patrick T. Pe Benito, Francis I. Pecho, Manny F. Ramos, Joey C. Real Estate Brokerage Architecture Pest Control Sash Manufacturing Memorial Service Accountancy Ladies’ Shoes Manufacturing Financial Consultancy Taxation Law - Civil Music Vertical Construction Hospital Administration Marketing and Sales Services Orthodontics Real Estate Developing Pharmaceutical Distribution Medicine - Gastroenterology Special Education Teaching Laboratory Service Civil Construction Gasoline Distribution Printing Products Distribution Concrete Products Manufacturing Banking - Savings & Thrift Engineering-Marine Computer Services Provider 11/4/1993 10/6/2005 09/23/2010 12/3/1998 7/29/1982 04/18/2013 1/23/1969 12/4/2008 10/11/2001 4/22/1988 8/26/1993 3/31/2011 1/17/2002 7/1/2000 11/14/1991 9/29/2011 9/29/1994 10/12/2009 8/1/1996 8/26/2010 1/17/2002 3/6/2008 7/7/1994 04/26/2012 09/03/2009 12/3/1998 11/06/10 04/26/2012 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Relleve, Joel V. Reyes, Willie E. Rodriguez, Tops N. Sabiniano, Vic A. Santos, Dindo C. Santos, Vincent C. Sibal, Dan C. Medicine Marketing & Trading Real Estate Marketing Shoe Manufacturing Medicine – Family Medicine – Endocrinology Automotive Servicing 10/18/12 10/6/2005 3/17/2006 3/18/2004 8/14/1997 7/1/2000 5/11/2006 49 50 Sueno, Kennedy V. Tan, Carl S. Government Service 12/01/2011 5/7/2009 Auto Parts and Accessories Retailing Food Service Equipment Distribution Spouse Linda Lalaine Ella Arlene Herminia Dolly Carol Jehan Kristelle 08 P 15 P Aug 22 P P P P P P M P P P P M M P P M P M P Isay Liza Imelda Amy Pam Tet Vising Nancy Zeny Elai Lita Vivian Nora Almira Lydia Cheri Julie Tetet Liza Minna Lyn Monette Marivic Rina Vanz Miriam Cecil Eula Ying Zenaida 29 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P M M P P P M P P P P P P P M P P P P P M P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P M M M M P P P P P P P M P P P P M P P P P P P P M P M P P M M P M P P M P P M P P P P P M M P P M M P P P P M P P P P P P P P P P Aug Rotarian 51 Tan, Elmer J. 52 Tañazana, Nixon D. 53 Ty, George S. 54 Verano, Dante L. 55 Villame, Roman B. Exempted Ancheta, Al Q. 56 57 Capco, Jimmy P. Cruz, Emil I. 58 59 Cruz, Romy M. 60 De Guzman, Greg S.** De Guzman, Manny P. 61 62 Dela Paz, Ading G. 63 Farcon, Ver S. 64 Favis, Manolo G. 65 Garduño, Jun A. 66 Florencio, Rene A. 67 Judan, Joe A. 68 Lee, Joe P. 69 Navarro, Ed B. 70 Ong, Boy B. 71 Sumulong, Vic C. 72 Tanco, Ting N.** 73 Tanpengchang, Larry C. 74 Valentino, Rudy B. 75 Don Emilio Yap 76 Kazuhiko Toujoh 77 Antonio L. Co ** Charter Member LEGEND: Classification Corporate Give Away Engineering-Structural Electronics Service Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Civil Induction 7/30/2009 9/06/2012 8/10/1989 3/17/1991 01/17/2013 Spouse Ellen Nellieden Leonor Noemi Lorie 08 M 15 P 22 P 29 P P P P P P P P P Management Consultancy Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Textile Printing Medicine - Radiology Orthodontics Architecture Medicine - Internal Law - Corporate Radio / TV Broadcasting Medicine - Internal Jewelry Manufacturing & Marketing Engineering—Civil Real Estate Developing Medicine - General Hardware Distribution Optometry Cotton Spinning Lumber Distribution Shoe Retailing HONORARY MEMBER HONORARY MEMBER HONORARY MEMBER 8/21/1975 1/4/1968 10/6/1976 8/19/1971 3/18/1965 8/26/1982 10/7/1971 3/17/1971 8/10/1989 10/6/1977 3/16/2001 3/17/1991 9/29/1977 10/28/1982 7/29/1982 2/3/1966 3/18/1965 12/8/1977 2/11/1982 Bella Lanie Mely Cora Dely Zeny Casing E P E E E P E P P E E P E E P E E E P E P E E E M E P E E E P E E P E E E E E P E P E P E P P E E E E E P E E E E E P E P E M E P P E P E P E M E E E P P-Present M-Make-up EExempted MAKE-UP Zone 4 & 5 Interact Assembly (Aug 17) Rtn. Dan Sibal-08/29 Operation Tulong Medical Relief and Treatment (Aug 20) DDG Vincent Santos-08/29 Repacking/Relief Operation (Aug 21) PP Boy Ong-08/29 Timpalak sa Pagsulat at Pagbigkas Part 2 (Aug 29) PD Claro Capco-08/22 Rtn. Gilbert Ong-08/22 Board Meeting (Aug 29) Rtn. Boyet Culminas-08/22 Rtn. Ken Sueno-08/22 Building Management Committee Meeting (Sept 3) PP Manny de Guzman-08/29 Rtn. Tops Rodriguez-08/22 RC Marikina North (Sept 3) Dir. Val Barcinal-08/22 EXTRA ATTENDANCE Operation Tulong Medical Relief and Treatment (Aug 20) Pres. Hermie de la Paz, PP Fabi Cadiz, PP Eric Ignacio, PP Flor de la Paz, PP Dindo Santos, IPP Benjie Malaya, Rtn. Joey Ramos Repacking/Relief Operation (Aug 21) Pres. Hermie de la Paz, IPP Benjie Malaya, PDG Efren de Guzman, PE Dodjie Cabalquinto, PP Onie Aguinaldo, PP Boy Ong, PP Eric Ignacio, PP Linda Cora Minia Fely Meldy Corie Maring Alice Viring Flor dela Paz, PP Ronie Masangkay, PD Jerome Josef, Dir. Manny Pecho, Dir. Bonie Barotilla District Duckpin Bowling Tournament (Aug 25) Pres. Hermie de la Paz, PP Onie Aguinaldo, VP Bernard Cansana, PP Dante Verano, PP Roland Garcia, PP George Ty, PD Celso Cruz, VP Bernard Cansana Relief Operation for ALS Students (Aug 27) Pres. Hermie de la Paz, PE Dodjie Cabalquinto, PP Ver Farcon, VP Bernard Cansana, PP Ronie Masangkay Timpalak sa Pagsulat at Pagbigkas (Aug 29) Pres. Hermie de la Paz, PE Dodjie Cabalquinto, Sec. Chris Meriño, PD Jerome Josef, PD Celso Cruz, Rtn. August Igliane, Treas. Elmer Tan, Rtn. Tops Rodriguez, IPP Benjie Malaya Board Meeting (Sept 2) Pres. Hermie de la Paz, PE Dodjie Cabalquinto, Sec. Chris Meriño, VP Bernard Cansana, Treas. Elmer Tan, IPP Benjie Malaya, PP Onie Aguijnaldo, PP George Ty, PP Roland Garcia, PP Dante Verano RC Marikina North (Sept 3) Pres. Hermie dela Paz, PDG Efren de Guzman, PDG Jun Farcon, PP Fabi Cadiz, Club Extension Meeting (Sept 3) IPP Benjie Malaya, PP George Ty, Rtn. Dan Sibal, PP Tony Fidelino, PD Nestor Garcia
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