Meeting of the Minds 2012


Meeting of the Minds 2012
The Award-Winning
Tequila Times
December 2011
Vol. 15, Issue 11
Meeting of the Minds 2012
The news magazine of the
Parrotheads in Amish Paradise
Table of Contents
FC Meeting of the Minds
2 Captain’s Log, Purser’s Report
3 Wesley House Thank You,
Captain & Crew - NEW!
4 Diary of a MOTM virgin
5 Diary of a MOTM virgin, Recipe
6 Time for a Pit Stop
7 Victorian Christmas
8 What Are You Listening To?
9 Shark Bites
10 Jack’s Backs
11 Cruisin’ Dan
12 Membership Renewal Form
13 Holiday Party Reservation Form
14 MWM Flier
15 Penguin Plunge Flier
16 Jakie’s Journal
Heather, upon being
reminded by Dennis that
she was about to imbibe
her third Key Lime
Shooter, “Don’t worry.
I’m pasting myself!”
Surprise! NOT!
Jerry Diaz & John Friday
Jersey Boys
Coral Reefers
Heather, Dave , Dennis & Mark
Dunk Tank
Badunka dunk
Lil’ Wayne
Hoys in Blue Heaven
Parrot Head
Dave’s new friend
Happiness is…
Our gang!
Volume 15, Issue 11 Page 2 Tequila Times
Captain’s Log
On one hand it seems like it is ancient
history. On the other hand, I’m still
smiling from the memories. Whatever.
Just for the record, I’d like to say that
MOTM and Key West were fabulous.
The weather was absolutely gorgeous
this year and, as always, the music
amazing and the fun non-stop. My
intention this year was to jot down
some highlights each day so I could
write a really good article about the
whole experience when I got back.
But, big surprise, that never happened.
Who has time for something that
organized when you’re on island
time? However, I do remember a few
things. One of my music highlights
occurred my first evening there when
Heather totally knocked out the entire
audience and every musician on a very
crowded stage at the Green Parrot
with her singing. It was my first, “This is
why I come to MOTM!” moment of the
week. I also remember that every time I stopped by the Hog’s
Breath to hear Tropical Soul, the place was rocking. Some other
highlights—picking up the second place award for this fabulous
newsletter at the club leaders’ brunch. (Way to go, guys!) The
Smokin’ Tuna is my favorite new place. BO’s Fish Wagon does
serve a delicious Grouper sandwich. Taking a midnight swim
in the pool at the Angelina is a fine way to finish up a day of
walking all over the island. Can’t wait to go back and do it all
over again.
But enough reminiscing—it’s time to look ahead to some fun
events on the horizon. As I mentioned last month, my favorite
holiday musical event is coming up—Peter Mayer’s Stars &
Balance in Account: 10/31/11 3,151.87
Raffles & 50/50
T-shirt Sales
Happy Shark Sales
Hersheypark Work
2012 Membership Dues
Total Income
Newsletter Printing
Election Supplies
MOTM Raffle Basket Items
Raffle Prize Purchases
Total Expenses
Balance in Account: 11/30/11 3,240.63
Promises. This year’s show will be
Sunday, December 11, 2011 at 7 PM
at the Highland Presbyterian Church
in Lancaster. Take a break from the
shopping, baking and all the other
holiday prep work to enjoy some of
the most beautiful music around.
You will really get into the Christmas
Another don’t miss event coming up
is our “The Holidays Aren’t Over Until
We Say They’re Over” Holiday Party.
It will be Saturday, January 14th at
Liberty Forge in Mechanicsburg.
The Chris Sacks Trio will be the
entertainment this year. There will be
our traditional Chinese Gift Exchange
and a festive hat contest. See the
flyer in this issue for all the details and
to order your tickets.
Finally, the other holiday event is the
Penguin Plunge. Now, I can’t say I’m
actually looking forward to this event.
Who looks forward to freezing to death? But it is a great chance
to support a good cause. If you would like to join the Amish
Parrothead team and take the plunge, see Dan. If you would like
to make an online donation just go to http://www.firstgiving.
com/fundraiser/parrotheads/hshaplunge. Also, we are hoping
for a large cheering section. Even if you aren’t plunging come
join the fun at City Island on New Year’s Day. The entertainment
factor of watching me turn blue is hard to beat.
Fins up!
Captain Patrice
Purser’s Report
Outstanding Liabilities:
2012 Holiday Party
Holiday Party Band
Total Liabilities
Available Balance: 11/30/20111,690.63
Volume 15, Issue 11 Page 3 Tequila Times
Partying with a Purpose!
Below is a letter from Wesley House Family Services. It may give you some idea of all that the Parrot Head Phlock does when they are in Key
West for Meeting of the Minds. MOTM IS a great deal of fun, but it is also one of the biggest fundraising weeks for Key West. We truly party
with a purpose during our stay on the island!!
November 15, 2011
Rock Kulisch, President
Charlene Schultheis, Treasurer
This year marked the 20th anniversary of the annual Meeting of the Minds held here in the southernmost city in the United States,
Key West, Florida. On behalf of Wesley House Family Services and the community at large, I want to thank you for all the support
you give to our little island community.
You must be very proud of your accomplishment and of yourselves. What a wonderful MOTM event this year. Not only did you
“Party with a Purpose!”, but you helped so many people in our community. I sometimes feel that not everyone is fully aware of
all the things you do for our community during your visit. Please, on behalf of our community, accept our thanks for such a “large
check” for Wesley House Family Services. This will be used to support our Inez Martin Child Development Center. Also, thank you
for being able to do the same for the Key West Policy Athletic League and Florida Keys SPCA. The Parrot Heads also managed to
contribute an additional $325 in our baby bottle, put on their walking shoes and participated in the Zonta Club of Key West 5K
run/walk, brought toys for the Salvation Army of Monroe County and continues to be the largest blood drive in the keys with the
Community Blood Center of Florida. Now that is “Purpose”.
To each and every Parrot Head Chapter and each member, a heartfelt THANK YOU from Wesley House Family Services and the Key
West Community.
Thank you for your continued support.
Doug Blomberg
Chief Executive Officer
Captain and Crew
Patrice Hall
First Mate
Lynn Stewart
Scott Stephens
Shauna Manana
Cruise Director
Lisa McMullen
Cruise Director
Dan Hall
Crew Members at Large
Christina Baldwin-
Wayne Beck-
Dani Hoy–
With some new and returning
board members!
Membership Director
Mary Chopak
Music Director
Sue McCaughey
Tequila Times Staff
Barbara Tyree, Jane Hess, Dani Hoy, Shauna Manana
Navigator – Webmaster
Dave Hamburg
Jeff Allen
Volume 15, Issue 11 Page 4
Tequila Times
11/1 Tuesday
• Landed in Key West—smallest airport we’ve ever seen! Love the bar
by the luggage carousel!
• Arrived at the Wicker Guesthouse and into the pool—ahhh.
• Bobalu’s for lunch then a stroll all the way down Duval and a stop at
the liquor store for pool supplies.
• After this, it’s hard to keep things in order, but here goes!
11/2/11 Wednesday
• Lainie’s birthday! Barb Tyree, Dave and Lainie had a restorative
breakfast at good old Denny’s. (Barb was especially in need of
caffeine and breakfast before taking on a cruise.)
• Small cruise with John Frinzi and friends (just about 12 people on
the catamaran). John brought a guest along in the form of Freebo.
Freebo is best known for his work with Bonnie Raitt in the 70s and
session work with numerous other artists we all know--Ringo Starr,
John Mayall, Aaron Neville, Dr. John, CS&N, etc). Lainie got her
birthday photo taken between Frinzi and Freebo.
• Stop at the Rum Barrel for lunch then back to Wicker for swims!
• Bobalu’s for the welcome party—Lainie, being so shy, went around
the bar saying, “It’s my birthday and I am collecting hugs!” After
getting hugs from everyone in the place, she got the piece de
resistance—a KISS from the future Mr. Lainie and man of her
dreams—John Patti! Happy, HAPPY birthday!
• Hogs Breath for dinner, Amish and Tropical Soul, then back to the
11/3/11 Thursday
• First official day of MOTM
• Breakfast at Blue Heaven—Surf and turf eggs Benedict, lobster
omelet! Dive bombing chickens!
egistration and Barb picked up a new signed Brent Burns hat for
Dave (who lost his on the cruise, having loaned his other hat to Barb
• Rum Barrel for lunch
• Where did the rest of the day go?
11/4/11 Friday
• S treet Fest! Made it to a good spot, but after getting great pictures,
moved out of the crowd to a more pleasant location. Could still hear
the music, but not be jostled by 1000 fans!
ool, then a long stroll with El Presidente of Hanover club, Bob
Staub. Hung out at a condo, overlooking the cruise ship docks, then
tried to make sunset at the pier. Missed it.
• Party time at Sloppy Joe’s with Piratemon Wayne and Kelly.
roup photo for the Amish at Hog’s Breath and another great round
of Tropical Soul.
• Pool time at the Wicker (notice a theme here?)
11/5/11 Saturday
ave floated in the pool while Lainie did the sightseeing with
Stephanie Ranker and the Hoys.
emingway House, Key West Lighthouse, Southernmost Point
Monument, old town homes, Adult Entertainment Club (no, we
didn’t go in…), The Gay Key West Visitor Center and the Key West
• Limped back to the pool to soak blistered feet.
each party at the Casa! Barb and Lainie spent time in the pool
while the various bands played. The Coral Reefers were lovely.
Hanging with the Hanover Phriends--priceless!
Volume 15, Issue 11 Page 5
Tequila Times
11/6/11 Sunday
• A day to relax—at the pool with “Drunk Valley Jammers”.
• Mallory Square and the Catman, Dominique.
• Dave watched the Steelers-Ravens game at Jack Flats, trapped in
purgatory between Kelly and Wayne Beck (Ratbird fans). Alas, the
Ravens won, again…
11/7/11 Monday
• Schooner Wharf for the Hanover Breakfast Club, which was tainted
by a very drunk, inappropriate man soliciting for a cancer charity.
He attempted to move Lainie’s chair…at which point, Dave became
quite protective and said, “If you try to move my wife, it will not end
well.” Everyone was quite proud of Dave’s chivalry!
• Headed back to the Wicker to pack up for our flight back to reality…
• Things we didn’t do, but wanted to…Garden of Eden, the place with
the voodoo guy who had died. I lost my Margaritaville Parrot visor
on the plane. Fortunately, the first day back was a “rag top day”.
Made the running around and voting a not so harsh return to reality.
Things to Remember for future MOTM Virgins
• T ake your best walking shoes or sneakers. You will need them! If
you think you can walk long distances in your favorite flip flops or
sandals, you probably can’t. Blisters suck.
• T ake a cab as often as you need, it’ll probably cost less than renting a
bike for the day.
• E at breakfast at Blue Heaven and Croissants de France. You will NOT
be disappointed.
• I f you want pizza, order from Bobalu’s. They deliver up to 10 pm.
Wish we could get it delivered to home!
oconut shrimp from the Southernmost Beach Café makes a
fabulous meal…they are small sea monsters!
ractice moderation so you can stay up and enjoy midnight swims
in the pool!
eview the schedule and make a plan. Stick to it (or at least try), but
always do what you want—with or without your club members. You
may get to see something that you can share later that others will be
jealous of!
• J ust think of yourself as living on a farm and then the cocks and hens
will just be normal animals around you!
These things I will remember for next MOTM!
Great Holiday Recipe/Gift Ideas
By Anna Gawel
I’ve used some of these recipes to entertain, to keep on hand when people ‘stop by’, or to give as gifts.
They are easy, tasty, and one even has rum! Enjoy!
Rum Date Balls
1cups butter
1 ½ cups chopped pecans 1 tsp. vanilla or RUM extract
2 cups rice crispies1 cup sugar
¼ tsp. salt
8 oz. package chopped dates
powdered sugar to garnish
Melt butter in a saucepan. Add sugar, salt, & dates. Cook until smooth and dark. Remove from heat and stir in all remaining ingredients except
powdered sugar. When cool, roll into one-inch balls and roll in powdered sugar. Store in an airtight container.
Christmas Cappuccino Mix
2/3 cup instant coffee granules
½ cup sugar
1 cup powdered non-dairy creamer 1c. powdered sugar
1 cup chocolate drink mix
¾ tsp. cinnamon
¼ tsp. nutmeg
Blend coffee until fine. Add all other ingredients.
To reconstitute: Mix 3 tbs. mix with ¾ cup hot water or milk. Enjoy!
Nutty Popcorn
16 oz. can cashew halves or pieces
20 oz. pkg. white melting chocolate
9 oz. pkg. corn chips
4 3oz. pkgs. Microwave popcorn (popped)
Place popped popcorn, corn chips, & cashews into a large pan that has been sprayed with noon-stick cooking spray. Toss to mix. Melt white
chocolate in the microwave for 1 minute. Stir and microwave for an additional minute or until melted. Pour chocolate over popcorn and let
stand for 10 minutes. You can store this for up to a week in an airtight container. Enjoy!
Volume 15, Issue 11 Page 6
Tequila Times
Time for a
by Dani Hoy
While planning our trip to MOTM, I learned about a party happening in Key Largo that
sounded like a good place to make a stop for music and fun. The Pit Stop Party, set up and
run by the Pirates on the Water, Parrot Heads of the Upper Keys, is an event not to be missed,
if you have the time to drop by. To get there, you’ll need to fly into Miami/Ft. Lauderdale and
pick up a rental car. Once you’re in Key Largo, keep your eyes open for Tower Pizza and the
sign directing you where to go.
The party is in a neighborhood home with an awesome backyard featuring a pool, a stage,
and décor that shouts, “Parrot heads live here!” Dan and I felt welcome there as soon
as we arrived. It’s a potluck with tons of food and drinks (bring some of your own), plus
complimentary Painkillers (made with Pusser’s Rum.) The entertainment is all the Trop Rock
folks making the trek down the A1A and was hosted by Video Dave and Captain Josh. If you
want to hang out for more than a few hours, a local hotel and restaurant have Parrot Head
Next year, if you can take the time off to go, make sure you stop in Key Largo for the Pit Stop
Party. It’ll get your MOTM week started off on the good foot!
Volume 15, Issue 11 Page 7
Tequila Times
Victorian Christmas
by Mary Chopak
A few weeks ago, on a warm November Saturday, we headed up to Williamsport to “take a peek into the past”. Williamsport was holding its
13th Annual Victorian Christmas. We had heard nothing but good feedback about this event and decided this would be a great day for the two
hour journey.
Upon arrival at The Gazebo at Park Place we purchased our tickets and waited for the trolley shuttle. Some of the homes and other tours were
along Millionaire’s Row on Fourth Street but others were in the outlying areas, and not being familiar with Williamsport, we opted for an old
time trolley. The first three houses were all very different style homes including a cozy English cottage, a 1920’s Art Deco house, and a New
England Colonial frame house. Next trolley stop was a “turn of the century” house with wraparound porch and leaded glass windows. This was
followed by an Italian Villa style home with mahogany throughout the interior and a floating circular staircase. The trolley then took us back to
the Millionaire’s Row area where we toured several churches, two museums and three more historic homes. Some of these mansions had three
stories that we were allowed to walk through and talk with the owners.
The theme for the tours this year was a “Peek into Wardrobes Past” with each home depicting a wardrobe theme such as Grieving Wear, Travel
Wear, Evening Attire, and Unmentionables and Accessories. The homes also featured floral displays and hosts dressed in period costumes.
Food was available at the churches and a Victorian Tea was also an option. There was also a Farmer’s Market and Toy Train Displays.
Even though we did not have enough time to see everything on the tour or attend the tea, we had a wonderful experience that helped put us
in the Holiday Spirit.
Volume 15, Issue 11 Page 8
What are you listening to?
By Tim Gawel
Being somewhat of a music geek, I’m also one of the last people still
buying CDs (because I love to read the liner notes to see who produced
it, guest performed on it, where it was recorded at etc.). I thought I’d try
to get something going here with the Amish out of genuine curiosity.
What are you currently listening to and why?
Because it’s Christmas time, I thought I’d start off with my favorite
Christmas album—A Christmas Gift To You from Phil Spector. Phil Spector
was a producer known for his ‘Wall of Sound’ Production style that was
best known in the 60’s in such groups as the Crystals, the Ronettes,
also co-writing and producing ‘You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling’, and
producing the Beatles ‘Let It Be’ are just a few to note here.
A Christmas Gift for You was the original “Now That’s What I Call
Christmas” or whatever Christmas music compilation is being pushed
out there at Wally’s World and Best Buy, except this compilation had
class, style and an original sound that’s hard to beat today.
The CD starts off with “White Christmas” done by one of my favorites—
Darlene Love, then “Frosty the Snowman” by the Ronettes. It moves into
“The Bells of St. Mary”. There is no reason to hit the skip button. From
there we go to “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” which is another of my
favorites. This is also the version on which Bruce Springsteen styled his.
He was a big fan of the girl groups.
Back to the Ronettes on track 5—“Sleigh Ride” with the well known
background vocal of ‘ring-a-ling-a-ling-ding-dong-ding’ and the clip
clops of a horse drawn sleigh. It’s hard not to sing along with this one.
Next up? “Marshmallow World” sung by Darlene Love --another of my
favorites that I just can’t help to sing along with and bounce my head to.
Another fun song is the Ronettes “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”,
starting off with the sound of a big old smooch—very fun and upbeat.
I don’t think it’s as corny as the original or some other versions. Next,
the bubblegum pop feel of this album continues into “Rudolph the Red
Nose Reindeer’, after which, Darlene Love belts out an unbelievable
lead on “Winter Wonderland”.
My only problem with this Album is toward the end. “Parade of the
Wooden Soldiers” by the Crystals is probably my least favorite. (Maybe
that’s because I just never liked the song.) Redemption next—the
Darlene Love penned “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” another
amazing song and one that we hear a lot on the radio. Whether it’s her
version or U2 or one of the many covers, I can’t help but listen to the
whole song. The CD finishes up with “Here Comes Santa Claus” and a
horrible version of “Silent Night” (horrible because Phil felt the need to
talk over it). This CD is on constant rotation for me as I type, and will be
for the rest of the month. Give it a listen on Amazon in the samples. See
if you like it!
Tequila Times
Volume 15, Issue 11
Page 9
Tequila Times
Is there a BUBE
in your future?
Ever been to Bube’s
Brewery for a feast
night? It’s an experience you’ll
never forget! We’re
looking to get a
group together for a
Bube’s feast. Look
for more information
on the listserv, website and Facebook!
Look for it in the
gloomy late January/
February time frame.
A Pirate Feast will
warm you up when
it’s cold and grey
Our esteemed First
Mate, Lynn Stewart,
has her order pad
ready for your tshirt, sweatshirt, golf
shirt and hat orders!
Be the first on your
block to wear Jakie
on your back! That
sweatshirt will keep
you warm after the
Penguin Plunge!
For more information, contact Lynn at
Get ‘em while
they’re hot!
Christmas in the Caribbean
Berks County Parrot Heads Club presents
Club Trini and Nadiah Shakoor with opening band,
Jimmy and the Parrots
Sponsored by Customers Bank In support of Crime
Saturday, December 17 at 7:00 pm
Tickets: $45 Orchestra, $40 Balcony
For more info:
Pre-party at the Peanut Bar, starts at 4:30!
Peter Mayer
Stars and Promises
Sunday, December 11, 2011
7:00 pm
Highland Presbyterian Church
500 E. Roseville Road
Lancaster, PA 17601
$25 for adults and $15 for students
$5 discount available if you purchase a block of ten or more
Please email me if you still need tickets for the show.
You can also send me "reservation" and I can bring them to
the club meeting on Thursday December 8.
If you are unable to make
the December 8th Social at
Next Board Meeting is WednesAppalachian Brewing, call
day, 1/11/12 At the home of
717 951-2983 or email
Lynn Stewart. Contact a Board .
Member for more details. All
Sue McCaughey
are welcome. Dinner is potPHIAP
Music Director
Volume 15, Issue 11
The following were captured at our
Holiday party. Can you tell who’s
faces are behind the hands?
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Volume 15, Issue 11
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Tequila Times
Cruisin’ Dan’s Quick Reference Calendar
December 2011
OK, Meeting of the Minds is in the books for another year and the holiday season is upon us.
There are still many upcoming activities so check our club website, Yahoo Group listserve and the
PHIAP Facebook page for additional info and updates.
Jan 27-29 10th Annual MidWinter Meltdown
More info, check the flyer in the Tequila Times
Batter Up: Mark those calendars now!
Feb 11, 2012: CJPHC 2nd Annual Mardi Gras Celebration
The Green Room at the Sawmill
1807 Boardwalk, Seaside Heights, NJ
4:00pm - 10:00pm
Entertainment by Jimmy and the Parrots with Tall
Paul and Michael "Crawdaddy" Crawley.
Play Ball:
Dec 11: Peter Mayer's Stars & Promises 2011
Echoes of Christmas
7pm - Highland Presbyterian Church
500 E. Roseville Road - Lancaster, PA 17601
Dec 17: Berks County PHC Christmas in the Caribbean
7pm - Miller Center for the Arts - Reading, PA
Jimmy and the Parrots
Nadirah Shakoor, Michael Utley & Robert Greenidge
Tickets on sale now - $45 orchestra; $40 balcony
Miller Center Box Office - (610) 670-6270
On Deck
Jan 1, 2012: Humane Society of Harrisburg Area Penguin
Plunge at City Island, Harrisburg
Registration 10 AM, Plunge at Noon Sharp
See Dan Hall to sign up for the PHIAP team!
Jan 14, 2012: Annual PHIAP Holiday Party
Liberty Forge, Mechanicsburg PA
6 pm - 11 pm
Musical Entertainment by Chris Sacks Trio
Reservations can be made at the December social
March 7, 2012: PHIAP Friends & Family Trip
Montego Bay, Jamaica
Iberostar Rose Hall Beach
Book your stay from 4-7 nights
Go to for trip details &
registration form or contact Shauna Manana
July 28, 2012: 4th Annual Summer in Paradise
Naylor’s Winery, Stewartstown, PA
Fall 2012: Overnight Bus Trip to Margaritaville Café
Niagara Falls, Canada
Details to follow
Volume 15, Issue 11
Page 12
Tequila Times
Become a new member or renew your PHIAP membership before December 31,
2011, and get a $5 discount!! Renewal or new memberships will be only $15
for singles and $30 for family memberships.
According to our By-Laws, annual membership renewal is due by January 1,
2012. Membership forms are available from Mary Chopak at most club events
or send an email to or log onto the PHIAP
website at to download the 2012 application. You
can also review the By-Laws at the website.
Beginning January 1, 2012, single membership will be $20 and family membership will be $35.
Join the parrothead phlock now and be part of the fun – monthly meetings
held at ABC in Camp Hill on the second Thursday of each month (except
January). New ideas and new board members for 2012 – JOIN or RENEW NOW
for another phantastic year.
I’ve paid my
so am I in?
Of course you
are IN, my little
shrimpy friend.
Volume 15, Issue 11
Page 13
Tequila Times
Parrotheads in Amish Paradise is pleased to invite
you to our annual Island Time Holiday Party!
It will be held on Saturday January 14th at Liberty Forge
in Mechanicsburg. The Chris Sacks Band will be providing
the musical entertainment for the evening.
The cost for the party is $25 per person for PHIAP club members and $30 for non-members and
includes the evening's entertainment as well as a great tropical buffet dinner. The feast includes
Caribbean Jerk Chicken, Barbecued Pit Beef with Petite Rolls, salad selection, vegetable, tropical dessert
and coffee or tea. There will be a cash bar.
Liberty Forge - 3804 Lisburn Road, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Time: 6:00pm till 11:00 pm
Dinner will begin at 6:30 pm
This event is also open to non club members so bring your friends, neighbors, in-laws or out-laws.
Reservations will be accepted at the monthly club meeting at ABC Camp Hill on December 8 or the form
shown below can be detached and mailed. Payment must be received by January 9. Tickets are not
being used for this event. Names will be checked at the door from a registration list.
Additional Information:
The holiday gift exchange is always a highlight of the evening! Participation is optional. If you want to join
the fun, bring a wrapped gift (suggested value $15-$20) to turn in. Gifts containing festive adult beverages
are permitted but cannot be opened on the premises of Liberty Forge.
Don’t forget to wear a colorful and festive (or crazy) holiday hat! There will be a HAT CONTEST this year.
Any questions? Please let me know. Hope to see you all there!!
Dan Hall
PHIAP Cruise Director / 566-1196
Parrotheads in Amish Paradise Island Time Holiday Party Reservation Form
Checks should be made payable to PHIAP
Hall, 17 Long@Lane
Hummelstown, PA 17036
_____ PHIAP member reservations
$25 Drive,
$ _______
Payment must be received no later than Monday, January 9
_____ Non-member reservations @ $30 each…………………………...$ _______
_____ TOTAL………..............................................................................$ _______
Name(s): ________________________________________________________
Email & Phone Number: _____________________________________________
Checks should be made payable to PHIAP
Mail to Dan Hall, 17 Long Lane Drive, Hummelstown, PA 17036
Payment must be received no later than Monday, January 9
Volume 15, Issue 11
Page 14
Tequila Times
MidWinter Meltdown
January 27 - 29, 2012
Best Western Battlefield Inn
Manassas, VA
(Ask for the Parrothead rate)
Musical Acts include:
Calypso Nuts
Homemade Wine
Tropical Soul
Ramajay Acoustic
Tall Daddy
Ted Garber
Without Static
John Frinzi & John Patti
All Weekend (Fri/Sat/Sun): $150 per person
Saturday and Sunday Only: $115 per person
Volume 15, Issue 11
Page 15
Tequila Times
Ring in New Year’s Day on City Island!
Come to the 2012 Penguin Plunge
Starts Promptly at Noon but arrive at 11 AM
Support the Parrotheads in Amish Paradise Team
Online Donations Accepted
The Monthly News Magazine for the
Parrot Heads in Amish Paradise
Dec 9
Dec 12
Dec 14
Dec 15
Dec 16
Dec 18
Dec 19
Dec 20
Dec 20
Dec 25
Dec 28
Dec 31
Dec 31
Jan 5
Jan 11
Jan 17
Maria Maurer
Jay Bailey
Courtney Woznek
(Little Miss Magic)
Linda Breisch
Skip Witmer
Dick Duncan
Holly Aughenbaugh
Ed Greiman
Jeff Slaugh
Rick Clapper
Deb McDonald
Jack Masterson
Beth Drazba
Sharon Clouser
Rhonda Seliga
Dolly Kmetz
Jan 29
Feb 1
Feb 3
Feb 3
Feb 6
Feb 8
John Sincavage
John Flinchbaugh
Kelly Beck
Don “Yogi” Kreiger
Al Meyer
Noah Spangler
Jan 8
Jan 18
Patrice & Dan Hall
Barb & Luther Tyree
We had 25 New PHIAP members in
Total membership – 143 members