august 2011 - NALS of Phoenix
august 2011 - NALS of Phoenix
A UGUST 2 0 1 1 Findings of FACT Inside this issue: NOP Calendar of Events 2 October Meeting Flyer 3 NOP July Board Minutes 4 NOP July Membership Minutes 5 How To Nurture Friendships 6 NOP Charity Golf Tournament 7 NALS 60th Conference 10 Foundation Quilt Raffle Tickets Valley of the Sun Charity Invite What I Learned at NALS University & Survey Form 11-12 13 14-16 NALS 2012-13 Leadership Team 11 The Brief 22 July Membership Photos 24 NOP Membership Social 17 Nominations and Elections 19 NALS Leadership Challenge 19 The Brief 22 July Meeting Photos 25 Specialty Certification Info 30 NALS Mission Statement Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility 31 NALS Membership Application 33 Engage 5 Campaign 34 Officers & Committee Chairs 36 Thanks To Our Advertisers EZ Messenger LawGistic Partners AZ, LLC LDP Publications Nationwide Legal Pitney Bowes The Morton Group 2 011 Standing Dinne r Lis t Stephanie P earlman, P P Tar a Hughes, PP , CP Kathr yn Fitchett, PP , P LS, ACP Barbara Kuhns, ALS P enelope M yer, P LS Kathy S ieckman, P P , P LS, C LA Terr y Houston, PP Bud Hart Kerie Tr indle B yr ne, P LS Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 2 Calendar of Events and Upcoming Meetings September 1 NOP Board Meeting Phoenix, AZ September 8 NOP Membership Social Phoenix, AZ September 23 Charity Golf Tournament Tucson, AZ October 13-16 60th NALS Education Conference & National Forum — Cincinnati, OH October 20 NOP Membership Meeting Phoenix, AZ Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 3 October Speaker Larry Cohen, Esq. of The Cohen Law Firm Presents EVIDENCE: NUTS AND BOLTS FOR THE PARALEGAL Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 4 MINUTES OF THE JULY 7, 2011 NALS OF PHOENIX BOARD MEETING A regularly scheduled board meeting of NALS of Phoenix was called to order at 12:07 p.m. on Thursday, July 7, 2011, by President Ed Pavese, PLS. Present were President, Ed Pavese, PLS; President-Elect, Kerie Trindle Byrne, PLS; Secretary, Donna Vangury, LDP; Scholarship Chair, Vernelle Collins, PP, PLS; Treasurer, Barbara Kuhns, ALS; Parliamentarian, Tara Hughes, PP, CP; Director of Certification, Terry Houston, PP Emerita; and Director of Membership, Whitney Birk, CP. Excused were Historian, Barbara Leach, PLS; Bar Liaison, Barbara Marinoff, PLS; Director of Marketing, Amy Nash; PLS; Website Chair, Tanya James, PLS; Hotel Liaison, Berlinda Corpora; Findings of Fact Editor, Dawn E. Fountain, PLS, LDP; and Employment Chair, Linda Acevedo, PLS. Consent Agenda items included approval of the June 2011 Board and Membership meeting minutes and the Treasurer’s report. Donna Vangury, LDP, secretary, reported that a get well soon card was mailed to Barbara Marinoff, PLS, due her involvement in a vehicle accident. President Ed Pavese, PLS, reported for Amy Nash, PLS, Director of Marketing, the monthly meeting flyer, as well as a save the date flyer for the membership social to the media, has been distributed to HR departments and the membership. Whitney Birk, CP, Director of Membership, indicated that there are a few roster changes and they will be updated and distributed to the board. Kerie Trindle Byrne, PLS, reported on her continued contact with all of the members who attended the last meeting with thank you notes, sorry we missed you notes to those who did not attend, and recognizing members with birthdays this month. Kerie has received some great feedback and the recipients of the e-cards are enjoying receiving them and they have a positive impact. Kerie also reported that the committee for the membership social has met a couple of times and the planning is well under way. We expect to have a great time playing games and having prizes to give away. One of the prizes will be the donation of a membership to a guest, with plenty of other great prizes planned. Ed Pavese, PLS, reported that the golf committee is continuing to work hard and so far the golf tournament looks like it will be a great success. Sponsorships continue to be taken. The golf tournament scheduled for September 23, 2011. Discussion/Action Items: • • • NALS of Phoenix, Winter Conference for NALS of Arizona update by committee chair Tara Hughes, PP, CP. The date has been selected for January 27-28, 2012 at the Country Inn and Suites located at Interstate 17 and Loop 101 in North Phoenix. Room rates will be offered at $99.00 per night. The committee is in the planning stages for the CLE to be offered and reaching out to the speakers to get them in place. Discussion regarding the Lunch and Learn event. The first event has proved to be a great success with a lot of positive feedback. In attendance were over 30 attendees with two-thirds being non-members. Further discussion held regarding the next event, and a date to be determined. A motion was made by Kerie Trindle Byrne, PLS, to reduce the cost of guests for the membership social event to $17.50. Terry Houston, PP Emerita, seconded the motion. With no further discussion, the motion carried. UPCOMING EVENTS: July 14, 2011 NALS of Phoenix Membership meeting August 4, 2011 NALS of Phoenix Board Meeting August 11, 2011 NALS of Phoenix Membership meeting September 23, 2011 NALS of Phoenix Charity Golf Tournament October 20, 2011 NALS of Phoenix Membership meeting October 13-16, 2011 NALS National Conference - Cincinnati, OH January 27-28, 2011 NALS Winter Conference, Phoenix, AZ Meeting adjourned at 12:37 p.m. August 2011 Findings of Fact Page 5 MINUTES OF THE JULY 12, 2011 NALS OF PHOENIX MEMBERSHIP MEETING A regularly scheduled meeting of NALS of Phoenix was called to order at 6:10 p.m. on Thursday, July 12, 2011, at the Hilton Suites of Phoenix, 10 East Thomas Road, Phoenix, Arizona, by President, Ed Pavese, PLS. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the Code of Ethics was read by Delana Freouf, PLS. Members and guests were welcomed. General housekeeping announced to remember that the format has changed and we now complete the business portion of the meeting during dinner. Please keep the noise level down to a minimum so everyone can hear the officer reports. Everyone was asked to introduce themselves and include where you work and suggest who the winner of the Open will be. Ed Pavese, PLS, reported on the Golf Tournament committee; the tournament is progressing very well. Tara Hughes, PP, CP, reported for Terry Houston, PP Emerita, is currently working on the next Lunch and Learn seminar. Details will be announced once finalized. Kerie Trindle Byrne reported on behalf of Whitney Birk, CP, director of membership, and recognized two (2) new members Anita Angle and Eliana Salazar. We also have three (3) anniversaries: Penelope Myer, PLS 14 years Delana Freouf, PLS 8 years Katrina Shawyer 1 year Kerie also announced flyers on the table for the upcoming Membership social. The Membership social will be fun, educational and include prize giveaways. We are offering a special discount for the guests at the membership social. Tara Hughes, PP, CP, and Delana Freouf, PLS, are both NALS Foundation Trustees. Tara reported on the NALS Foundation to include sponsoring future leader scholarships. Applications available. Deadline is September 1, 2011. Complete application or nominate someone. If you have any questions, please contact Tara or Delana. Karen McElroy, PP, PLS, NALS Director of Education, reported that NALS has many venue and forums for education. Ed Pavese, PLS, also indicated that if you are interested in getting involved, you can start by joining any of the committees. It is very rewarding. The meeting adjourned for dinner at 6:26 p.m. and resumed at 7:06 p.m. Kathryn Fitchett, PP, PLS, CP, introduced Felecia A. Rotellini, Esq., of Zwillinger, Greek, Zwillinger & Knecht, PC, who presented on “Arizona Politics: The Law and Tales from the Campaign Trail.” Informational Items August 4, 2011 NALS of Phoenix Board Meeting August 11, 2011 NALS of Phoenix Membership meeting September 23, 2011 NALS of Phoenix Charity Golf Tournament October 13-16, 2011 NALS Annual Education Conference & National Forum – Cincinnati, OH October 20, 2011 NALS of Phoenix Membership meeting January 27-28, 2011 NALS Winter Conference, Phoenix, AZ Kerie Trindle Byrne, PLS, won the door prize. Barbara Kuhns, ALS, won the 50/50 raffle. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m. APPROVED: _/s/ Donna Vangury_____ Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 6 H o w To N u r t u r e F r i e n d s h i p s Submitted By Sue Morton, CPC, CTS President, The Morton Group Excuses For Sleeping At Your Desk “They told me at the blood bank this might happen.” “This was just a 15minute power nap like they raved about in that time management course you sent me to.” “Whew! Guess I left the top off the whiteout. You probably got here just in time.” “I wasn’t sleeping, I was meditating on the mission statement and envisioning a new paradigm.” “I was doing a highly specific Yoga exercise to relieve probably got here just in time.” “The coffee machine is broken.” “Wow! You really can think clearer in total darkness.” “Someone must have put decaf in the wrong pot.” Study after Study shows that we’re healthier, more able to stave off illness and generally better adjusted at work and home when we have a strong so c i a l n e t wo r k. B u t t h e demands of work and home leave many with little time to nurture friendships. Try these suggestions to reconnect with old friends and build fresh social connections: Keep in touch. The little bit of attention you give with an e-mail or quick phone call goes a long way in keeping old friends in your life. Don’t be shy about reconnecting. If all the demands of daily life have already created a long silence with an old friend, swallow your pride and call. Chances are your friends have been busy and would welcome your effort. Take a lunch break. Health and career experts both agree that taking a break for lunch, rather than working through it, is good for you. Take a lunch break with coworkers whom you’d like to get to know better. Don’t be afraid to confide in coworkers. Be a friend and find a friend among people you connect with on a personal as well as professional level. Just pick your confidantes carefully. Attend office seminars. Many companies offer lunchtime seminars for employees. Attend the ones that interest you. You’ll find like-minded people with whom you can forge friendships. Don’t be shy about making the first move at forming a bond. You may be surprised at how many other people are looking for friendships. -- A d a p t e d f r o m Wo r k i n g M o t h e r -- Until next time – make a difference! August 2011 Page 7 Findings of Fact Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 8 August 2011 Page 9 Findings of Fact Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 10 October 13-16, 2011 20 hours of CLE are available... that is 43 sessions to choose from all wrapped around 4 days of networking. You told us that you wanted more education focused in specific areas of law, well here you go! A Major Change to the NALS Conference Schedule... Sessions are Focused in Four Main Areas of Law. Session titles are color coded to show which area of law they are in: HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH L I T I GAT I O N /C I V I L L A W HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH C O R P O R AT E L A W HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH E S TAT E P L A N N I N G /F A M I LY L A W HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GENERAL PRACTICE LAW HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH August 2011 Page 11 Findings of Fact Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 12 Foundation Quilt Pre-sale Tickets August 2011 Page 13 Findings of Fact Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 14 What I learned at NALS University Session One: Motivating Members By: Kerie-Shea Trindle Byrne, PLS NALS University is an available track of education at the Professional Development and Educational Conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This track is available to presidents and presidents elect on the state and regional levels and is presented by NALS past and present leaders from across the country. This past March, I had the privilege of “enrolling” in NALS University. Students first attended a brief orientation followed by our choice of six twenty minute sessions from the areas of Community Service, Finance/Budgets, Fundraising, Governance Documents, Leading Effective Meetings, Motivating Members, Planning Meetings and Retreats, Presidents’ Messages, Programs with a Punch and Websites. In the next six months, I’ll tell you about the six sessions I attended and what I learned to help make our local chapter better. The first session I attended was “Motivating Members Using the GRAPE Principle Without Stomping the Enthusiasm Out of Them” presented by our own Kathy Sieckman, PP, PLS. Kathy discussed the five areas we need to focus on as we are working with members, Growth, Recognition, Achievement, Participation and Enjoyment. As I develop my agenda for the coming year as President, I plan to apply the techniques we discussed. NALS of Phoenix will continue to provide areas for members who want to be involved in the operations of the association with the opportunity to grow within the organization. There are so many areas for you, as a member, to be involved. You can serve on a committee and the great thing about it is that you can decide how much or how little you would like to do. We have opportunities for committee members to do a variety of tasks like send e-cards, make phone calls, design flyers and programs, arrange for speakers, write articles, organize study materials, solicit vendors and sponsors, handle decorations for an event. As you determine how you would like to serve NALS of Phoenix, think about things you like to do in your spare time. Do you love connecting with friends on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In or other social media? Maybe you could help administer the NALS of Phoenix social media presence. Do you love to write? Maybe you could write an article for the Findings of Fact. Do you love to organize? Maybe you could help with the Archiving Committee and reorganize our NALS of Phoenix history. Are you tech savvy? Maybe you could help the NALS of Phoenix Webmaster with the Web Page. If we break down large tasks into smaller ones and work together, we can accomplish bigger things! Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 15 What I learned at NALS University Session One: Motivating Members (Continued) Thinking Big? If you want to do more than serve on a committee, there are opportunities for you to serve as a committee chairperson, director and officer. These positions are great ways to dive into NALS, learn about our organization and serve the legal community. If you think you might be interested in serving as a committee chairperson, director or officer, or if you have questions about the duties of these positions, please feel free to talk to a past or current leader. We are happy to share the information we have with you. Communication is really key when it comes to planning your involvement and working on the projects you love. So, here’s the part where we ask for your feedback. NALS of Phoenix wants to know what your talents are and how you can put them to use for NALS of Phoenix. I have put together a brief questionnaire. Please take the few moments to complete the survey. Every completed survey that is turned in to me either in person or via e-mail prior to the September Membership Drive will receive an entry into a drawing for a prize which will be drawn and awarded at the next NALS of Phoenix membership meeting. The information you provide will help NALS of Phoenix as we plan the upcoming year together. Don’t forget to look for next month’s article on “Programs with a Punch” and another opportunity to provide feedback to NALS of Phoenix. G rowth R ecognition A chievement Pa r t i c i p a t i o n E njoyment PLEASE COMPLETE THE SURVEY FORM ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE .AND RETURN IT TO KERIE-SHEA TRINDLE BYRNE, PLS IN PERSON OR EMAIL IT TO THE ADDRESS LISTED BELOW. E-mail to Kerie-Shea Trindle Byrne, PLS at August 2011 Findings of Fact Page 16 S U R V E Y QUESTION What do you enjoy most about being a member of NALS of Phoenix? What do you enjoy the least about being a member of NALS of Phoenix? What NALS meeting, conference or other event have you enjoyed participating in the most? Please describe why you enjoyed this event the most. What NALS meeting, conference or other event have you enjoyed participating in the least? Please describe why you enjoyed this event the least. Other than NALS events, please list some of your favorite leisure activities. What do you enjoy most about your favorite leisure activities? What do you consider one of your greatest personal strengths? What do you consider one of your greatest professional strengths? Name: E-mail: Phone: RESPONSE August 2011 Page 17 Findings of Fact Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 18 August 2011 Page 19 Findings of Fact Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 20 August 2011 Page 21 Findings of Fact Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 22 August 2011 Page 23 Findings of Fact August 2011 Findings of Fact Page 24 July Membership Meeting Photos President Ed Pavese, PLS Welcomes Members and Guests Guest Speaker Heidi Short Fennemore Craig, PC Director of Education Kathryn Fitchett, ACP, PP, PLS Members and Guests Purchase 50/50 Tickets Before Dinner August 2011 Page 25 Members and Guests Mix and Mingle Findings of Fact Findings of Fact August 2011 July Membership Meeting Photos Members and guests receive information on the NALS of Phoenix Membership Report Page 26 August 2011 Findings of Fact Page 27 MEMBERS AND GUESTS INTRODUCTIONS Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 28 Members and guests enjoy responses to ice breaker question “What was the funniest thing that ever happened to you at work?” August 2011 Findings of Fact Page 29 One of the Hilton Suites of Phoenix FINEST MEMBERS AND GUESTS RESPOND TO ICE BREAKER QUESTION Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 30 Findings of Fact Interested in Advertising?? Contact Dawn Fountain, LDP, PLS E-mail : Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 31 NALS Mission NALS is dedicated to enhancing the competencies and contributions of members in the legal services profession. NALS Accomplishes its mission and supports the public interest through: Continuing legal education and resource materials Networking opportunities at the local, state, regional and national levels Commitment to a Code of Ethics and professional standards Professional certification programs and designations NALS Code of Ethics & Professional Responsibility Members of NALS are bound by the objectives of this association and the standards of conduct required of the legal profession. Every member shall: Encourage respect for the law and administration of justice Observe rules governing privileged communications and confidential information Promote and exemplify high standards of loyalty, cooperation, and courtesy Perform all duties of the profession with integrity and competence Pursue a high order of professional attainment Integrity and high standards of conduct are fundamental to the success of our professional association. This Code is promulgated by NALS and accepted by its members to accomplish these ends. Canon 1. Members of this association shall maintain a high degree of competency and integrity through continuing education to better assist the legal profession in fulfilling its duty to provide quality legal services to the public. Canon 2. Members of this association shall maintain a high standard of ethical conduct and shall contribute to the integrity of the association and the legal profession. Canon 3. Members of this association shall avoid a conflict of interest pertaining to a client matter. Canon 4. Members of this association shall preserve and protect the confidences and privileged communications of a client. Canon 5. Members of this association shall exercise care in using independent professional judgment and in determining the extent to which a client may be assisted without the presence of a lawyer and shall not act in matters involving professional legal judgment. Canon 6. Members of this association shall not solicit legal business on behalf of a lawyer. Canon 7. Members of this association, unless permitted by law, shall not perform paralegal functions except under the direct supervision of a lawyer and shall not advertise or contract with members of the general public for the performance of paralegal functions. Canon 8. Members of this association, unless permitted by law, shall not perform any of the duties restricted to lawyers or do things which lawyers themselves may not do and shall assist in preventing the unauthorized practice of law. Canon 9. Members of this association not licensed to practice law shall not engage in the practice of law as defined by statutes or court decisions. Canon 10. Members of this association shall do all other things incidental, necessary or expedient to enhance professional responsibility and participation in the administration of justice and public service in cooperation with the legal profession. August 2011 Findings of Fact Page 32 For additional information on how to obtain a copy of the Handbook for the Civil Litigation Secretary (An Arizona Practice) contact Linda Polcha, Certified PLS (623) 582-9663 August 2011 Page 33 Findings of Fact Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 34 August 2011 Page 35 Findings of Fact Findings of Fact August 2011 Page 36 2011 OFFICERS NALS of Phoenix Newsletter submissions may be sent to: Vernelle Collins, PP, PLS or Dawn E. Fountain, Cert LDP, PLS Classic Legal Help 2942 N 24th Street, Ste 109 Phoenix, AZ 85016 (602) 761-5002 Newsletter submissions for the September publication is September 19, 2011. President – Ed Pavese, PLS President Elect - Kerie-Shea Trindle Byrne, PLS Secretary -Donna Vangury, LDP Treasurer – Barbara Kuhns, ALS Past President – Tanya James, PLS Parliamentarian – Tara Hughes, PP, CP Director of Certification – Terry Houston, PP Emeritus Director of Education – Kathryn Fitchett, ACP, PP, PLS Director of Membership – Whitney Birk, CP Director of Marketing – Amy L Nash, PLS Bar Liaison – Barbara Marinoff, PLS Employment – Linda Acevedo, PLS Finding of Facts Editor/Advertising Dawn Fountain, LDP, PLS Historian – Barbara Leach, PLS PLS Hotel Liaison – Berlinda Corpora Finding of Facts Co-Editor Scholarship-Vernelle Collins, PP, PLS Web Site Chair – Tanya James, PLS Findings of Fact copied courtesy of Pitney Bowes
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