programa convencion puebla final 2014 sep 07 _2__docx


programa convencion puebla final 2014 sep 07 _2__docx
41st International
MEXTESOL Convention
Daily Program
Leticia Vela
Strategies to maximize
student talk time
Wednesday, October
10:00 – 14:00
“Teacher is this correct?":
Incorporating grammar into
any lesson
Wednesday, October
15:30 - 19:30
Leticia Vela
Type of
Wednesday 10:00 – 14:00
Strategies to maximize student talk time
Who is doing most of the talking in your classroom, you or your students? The more we teachers speak, the less
opportunities our students have to use the language. If we want our students to really learn English, they need to speak
the language, not just learn about it. In this workshop you will put into practice strategies that encourage learners both
to speak and work collaboratively.
Leticia Vela González has been teaching English since 1996. She teaches at the UPN Master’s in Bilingual Education.
She is the Director of uSpeak Training Center where she is dedicated to transforming the lives of students through highquality English language courses and professional development. She is currently the Treasurer of MEXTESOL.
Wednesday 15:30 - 19:30
Sarah Dietrich
“Teacher is this correct?": Incorporating grammar into any lesson
This hands-on workshop will explore the balance between grammar rules and “real life” language, providing tools for
deciding what grammar forms to teach when and ideas for incorporating grammar into any lesson. Topics will include
contexts where students will use the structures, the complexity of the explanations teachers will provide, examples to
include in the lesson, and answers to questions such as “Teacher, I heard this in a song. Is this correct?”.
Dr. Sarah Dietrich is Associate Director/ESL Coordinator for the Center for International Education and Assistant
Professor in the MA in TESOL at Salem State University (SSU) in Massachusetts. She has lived in Brazil, France,
Switzerland, and was a Fulbright Scholar at the Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas in Ciudad Victoria. Summer 2014,
Dr. Dietrich was part of a team awarded a Fulbright grant which brought 8 Iraqi scholars to SSU.
October 16 9:30-10:20
Guadalupe Pineda
Type of Presentation
Welcome, newcomers!
Special Session
Guadalupe D
October 16th 11:00-12:00
Opening Ceremony
Loreto A, B, and C
October 16th 12:00-13:00
Type of Presentation
‘Mind-ful’ teaching: The brain, gender
and language learning
Carol Lethaby
Loreto A, B,
and C
October 16th 13:30-14:20
Type of Presentation
Voices from the classroom: Becoming a better
Keynote Address
Loreto A
Keynote Address
Loreto B
Keynote Address
Loreto C
Plurilingual Pedagogies: Systematic and
Strategic Use of Multiple Languages
From competencies to competence: Making
classes more effective through mindful
Caroline Payant
Wanda Griffith
Oscar Cruz
Mindfulness and motivation: Making it to the Keynote Address
end of the teaching day, safe and sound!
Guadalupe A
Keynote Address
Guadalupe B
Promoting mindfulness in the age of
Dixie Santana
October 16th 14:30-15:50
Jodi Crandall
Mario Herrera
Additional Speaker(s)
Beatriz Arias, M.,
Higinio Ordoñez,
Esteban Muñoz
Foreign language teachers and English as a global
Encouraging love for reading and writing through
active phonics
Type of
Presentation Room
Loreto A
Loreto B
Rocio Heredia M. Martha Lengeling
Let’s rethink grammar explanations: Other
Loreto C
Grading oral homework in large groups: Doable
Loreto D
Bauer Bruns
Working in teams: Making communication truly
face to face
Loreto E
María Esther
Mercado Soler
A flipped classroom model for teacher training
Loreto F
SARS: A framework to re-define our relationship
with textbooks
Loreto G
“I wandered lonely as a cloud.”
Loreto H
Promoting successful language production in the
young learners classroom
Guadalupe A
Native or non-native speakers: Which can you trust? Workshop
Guadalupe B
Quick-witted games: Enhancing phonetic and lexical
development through charades.
Guadalupe C
Dalila Ortiz
María Luisa
Elba Méndez García
Susan Renaud
Ana Cristina
Gregory Davies
Helen Harper
Abenamar Perez
José Manuel
Peña Galaviz
ICT: Magic in the classroom
Guadalupe D
October 16th 16:00-16:50
Type of
Exhibitor Session
Rebecca Smith
Discover London with Edutravel
Loreto A
Marcellus Troy Bronson
English K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple for Students
Joep van der Werff
The New Primary Methodology Handbook
Exhibitor Session
Federico Escobar Córdoba
Tools to Assess English Proficiency in Latin
Exhibitor Session
Loreto D
The College Board
James Hall
The Four Strands of a Balanced Course
Exhibitor Session
Loreto E
René Ramírez
Smart Phones, Smart Students, Smart
Exhibitor Session
Loreto F
Exhibitor Session E.
Loreto B
Loreto C
Ji-Young Ko
Fun & Easy Writing Classes for Young
Exhibitor Session
Loreto G
Luke Prodromou
FLASH ON ENGLISH. Building Competence
with CLIL, culture, and literature
Annette Flavel
Jump Ahead in Preschool with CRICKETS
Exhibitor Session
Guadalupe A
Simon Brewster
GOING PRO in English
Exhibitor Session
Guadalupe B
Caitlin Thomas
LIFE: Bringing the World to your Classroom
Exhibitor Session
Guadalupe C
Noldi Vives
Looking ahead with Prep for Life
Exhibitor Session
Loreto H
Exhibitor Session
University of
Guadalupe D
Dayton Publishing
October 16th 17:00-17:50
Type of Presentation Room
Elizabeth Flores Salgado
Lizeth Castillo
An analysis of lexical errors in the
English compositions
Araceli Salas
Loreto A
ESP Teacher Training: Making teachinglearning meaningful in different
Loreto B
Teresa Monika Andrea
Turning the tables on traditional
Loreto C
Colette Despagne
From monolinguistic to plurilinguistic
paradigms in EFL teaching
Loreto D
Gregory Davies
Demonstrating inquiry-based learning
Loreto D
Julio César Valerdi Zárate
Evaluating beyond lexico-grammar:
Interpersonal meanings in
undergraduate academic writing
Loreto E
Loreto F
Carol Hayenga
Artificial to authentic: Adapting
resources from the Web
Peter Sayer
Ethnographic language learning projects Paper
Loreto G
Successful language learning beliefs: A
case study in Ted
Loreto H
Classroom Management 101
Guadalupe A
Guadalupe B
Collaborative work through the creation
of an English Club
Guadalupe C
María del Carmen
Castillo Salazar
Rebeca Elena
Tapia Carlín
Arturo de la Vega
Jorge de Jesús
Suaznávar Morales
Neuro-linguistic Programming to
Arely Alexandra
enhance EFL students’ oral
Penagos May
Jose Luis Medina
Guadalupe Pineda
Welcome, newcomers!
Special Session
Guadalupe D
October 16 18:00-18:30
Refreshment Break and Book Exhibition
October 16 18:30-19:30
Joan Kang Shin
Additional Speaker(s) Title
Visual literacy: Transforming our use of
images in ELT
Type of Presentation
Loreto A, B, and
Special Session
Guadalupe Pineda
convention among hundreds of colleagues worthwhile,
profitable and memorable.
Guadalupe D
Thursday 09:30-10:20
Guadalupe Pineda is an academic coordinator, consultant
and Editor of the MEXTESOL Proceedings; her favorite job is
Welcome, newcomers!
Attending the 40th MEXTESOL Convention can be a
daunting experience, especially if it's your first
convention! This talk is about helping newcomers navigate
this huge event and make the most of the
the whats, wheres and hows of the different events and
how to get the most out of the print program. You’ll also
get plenty of insider tips that will make your time at the
Opening Ceremony
Loreto A, B and C
Thursday 11:00–12:00
Carol Lethaby
Loreto A, B and C
Thursday 12:00–13:00
‘Mind-ful’ Teaching: the Brain, Gender and Language Learning
Do women and men process language differently? Who talk more: men or women? Are girls naturally better at language, while
boys have innate abilities in math and science? Recent advances in neuroscience have led to renewed discussion of possible
differences between female and male brains. This presentation questions whether we really are that different and examines
what the research actually shows. We start by considering the difference between the physical brain and the thinking
mind. Next we’ll investigate what is known and not known about language and gender, and look at some of the widely held
beliefs and myths about female and male use of language. Then we’ll consider the complex connections between biology and
the environment as we contemplate the nature vs nurture debate. Finally, let’s look at what this all means for language
teaching and the importance of education, not gender, to success in English learning.
Carol Lethaby (MA TESOL) has been involved in language teaching in Mexico since 1988. Carol is now based in San Francisco,
California and is a part-time assistant professor on the New School online MA in TESOL, as well as being an honored instructor at
UC Berkeley Extension.
Carol is an author and has worked on several textbook series for learners of English, including Awesome, Next Step, The Big
Picture and English ID, all published by Richmond ELT as well as Just Right published by Cengage and Be Yourself published by
Oxford University Press.
Refreshment Break and Book Exhibition
Keynote Address
interests include cognitive/sociocultural aspects of
language acquisition and L2 teacher education. Her recent
work has examined the impact of pedagogical tasks on
learner-learner interaction and language development. Her
work can be found in the TESL Canada Journal and the
International Review of Applied Linguistics. Caroline
received her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from Georgia State
Keynote Address
Luke Prodromou
Loreto A
Thursday 13:30–14:20
Voices from the classroom: Becoming a better teacher
This interactive session reports on informal research into
teachers’ beliefs about good teaching; I compare these
beliefs to more formal, empirical research into ‘teacher
cognition’ – what teachers know and what good teachers
do, with examples from actual classes
Dr. Luke Prodromou is a teacher, trainer and writer of
numerous textbooks and teachers’ handbooks. He has been
a speaker at many international conferences. Luke
graduated from Bristol University and has an MA in
Shakespeare Studies (Birmingham University), a Diploma in
TEFL (Leeds University) and a Ph.D. (Nottingham
Keynote Address
Caroline Payant
Loreto B
Thursday 13:30–14:20
Plurilingual Pedagogies: Systematic and Strategic Use of
Multiple Languages
In TESOL, language instruction has traditionally promoted
monolingual education which tends to compartmentalize
learners’ languages. It follows that the use of languages
other than the target language in foreign language
classrooms (e.g., L1 and/or code-switching) is considered
problematic. Given that languages are not static, monolithic
entities with solid boundaries (Pennycook, 2010), it is
important that we revisit how we have conceptualized the
‘monolingual approach’ to teaching and learning foreign
languages. In this session, I discuss the concepts of
plurilingualism and plurilingual competence and examine
how we can develop systematic and strategic use of
learners’ full linguistic repertoires in English language
Dr. Caroline Payant is an assistant professor in the MA
TESL program at the University of Idaho. Her areas of
Wanda Griffith
Loreto C
Thursday 13:30–14:20
From Competencies to Competence: Making Classes More
Effective through Mindful Teaching
Mindful teaching is an increasingly popular trend among
educators. But what does it mean to be a “mindful
teacher?” In this presentation we will talk about
mindfulness and how it affects interactions in studentcentered classrooms. We will give some specific ideas
about how to put the theory into practice to create
effective classrooms, increase student motivation, and
balance the demands of proficiency-oriented classrooms.
Mindful teaching is an increasingly popular trend among
educators. But what does it mean to be a “mindful
teacher?” In this presentation we will talk about
mindfulness and how it affects teaching approach,
methodology, and assessment. We will give some specific
ideas about how to put the theory into practice to create
effective classrooms, increase student motivation, and
balance the demands of proficiency-oriented classrooms.
Wanda Griffith (Ph.D. from Washington State University)
has been working in foreign language education for several
decades. She has taught ESL in South Korea and in the
United States. She worked as a teacher trainer for various
groups of ESL professionals including groups from Mexico
for more than 10 years. Her areas of expertise include
pronunciation, competency-based education, teacher
training, and technology.
Keynote Address
Language Department at Universidad Panamericana in
Workshops and Panel Discussions
Panel Discussion
Oscar Cruz
Guadalupe A
Thursday 13:30–14:20
Mindfulness & motivation: Making it to the end of the
teaching day, safe and sound!
Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach...Oh well, looks
like nobody values your job?
Sure, every teaching context has its own difficulties but
how can we stay driven to teach when everything around
us seems to yell that proverb?
Whether used as an eye-opener for pre-service teachers or
a cathartic exercise for in-service ones, this talk will address
some of the lows of teaching and share some inspired
teachers’ tricks to keep you in the field…fresh, motivated
and mindful.
Oscar Cruz holds a MA-TESOL from SIT Graduate Institute.
Oscar has been a language teacher since 1997. Since 2009
he has taught Certificate workshops for English teachers
starting him on a new, meaningful and enriching career as a
free lance teacher trainer and speaker.
When not teaching or teacher training, Oscar loves
Keynote Address
Josefina (Dixie) Santana
Loreto B
Thursday 13:30–14:20
Promoting mindfulness in the age of distractions
The early 21st century is being characterized as the “age of
distractions”. The average teenager exchanges about 100
messages per day, many of these during class hours. But if
we consider the benefits of mindfulness: improved working
memory, cognitive flexibility, and ability to focus, we can
see how important it is to foster it in our classrooms.
This talk will propose a three-pronged approach, including
constraints, challenges, and reflection time to promote
mindful learning.
Dixie Santana has been involved in English language
teaching, teacher training, materials development and
program administration for over 30 years. She holds a Ph.D.
in Education from ITESO University. She currently heads the
Jodi Crandall, M. Beatriz Arias, Higinio Ordoñez, Esteban
Muñoz Negreros
Loreto A
Thursday, 14:30-15:50
Foreign language teachers and English as a global
Panel Discussion / Applied Linguistics / Research / University
English has become a global language. This panel will
discuss the implications of English as a global language for
the foreign language teacher. Questions addressed include:
what are the implications of English as a global language for
the foreign language teacher in elementary and secondary
schools? Does global English require a new and different
approach to the teaching of English? In what way are
foreign language teachers challenged by global English?
M. Beatriz Arias is Vice President for Development at the
Center for Applied Linguistics. She has directed teacher
preparation for English Learners at the University for over
20 years and continues at CAL to direct the Professional
Development Area. She is currently developing English
teacher proficiency assessments for Mexican states.
Dr. Jodi Crandall is Professor of Education, and Director of
the interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Language,
Literacy, and Culture at the University of Maryland,
Baltimore County (UMBC). Dr. Crandall has been President
of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
(TESOL), and of the American Association for Applied
Linguistics (AAAL).
Higinio Ordoñez has a BA in English Teaching and an MA in
Administration. He has taught English for over 25 years.
Since October 2009 he has been the State Coordinator of
the National English Program in the State of Mexico. He has
conducted academic activities in England, Japan and the
Esteban Muñoz Negreros is the English Coordinator for the
National English Program in Basic Education in the State of
Puebla. He has been an English teacher for twenty two
years, teaching elementary, secondary and university
classes in public and private organizations. He was also a
Fulbright Teachers in the U.S.
Mario Herrera
Dalila Ortiz López, Elba Méndez García
Loreto B
Thursday, 14:30-15:50
Loreto D
Thursday, 14:30-15:50
Encouraging love for reading and writing through active
Grading oral homework in large groups: Doable
Thought that bringing reading and writing to par with the
rest of the skills updated your ELT process? We now know
that it is also “our job” to make sure our students learn to
read and write in English similar to how native speakers do,
and love it! Join this exciting and fun workshop where
participants will practice different categories of involving
phonics activities for children ages 4-12 appropriate for the
modern ELT process.
Can I get every single one of my students to say something
in English when I get 45-minute lessons and 40 students or
more in each class? If oral homework is the way to go, how
long will I spend grading it? This workshop outlines seven
options to try oral homework on a regular basis. Each
option comes with a suggested grading system to help you
determine which ones suit your personal teaching workload
Mario Herrera has a BA in Education and an MA in ELT. He
does research with young learners and teacher training
around the World. He is the author/co-author of many ELT
series, such as Backpack, Big English, Pockets and Big Fun.
He has won several academic awards in various countries.
Elba Méndez holds an MA in ELT and the DELTA from the
University of Cambridge. She teaches EFL at tertiary level
and collaborates at the Open BA in ELT and the Continuing
Education of the Language Department, Universidad
Autónoma de Puebla. Her research interests include
learner anxiety and blended learning.
Classroom Methods / Techniques/ Teacher Training / Supervision/ Preprimary / Primary/ Language Teaching Centers
Rocio Heredia, M. Martha Lengeling
Loreto C
Thursday, 14:30-15:50
Let’s rethink grammar explanations: Other alternatives
Classroom Methods / Techniques / All
There are many ways to approach grammar and often
teachers rely on grammar explanations. We propose that
perhaps teachers should rethink the use of grammar
explanation and consider other alternatives. This workshop
presents grammar attitudes and a number of inductive
options (guided discovery, noticing, contrastive analysis,
visualization, etc.) to approach grammar. Finally
participants are invited to share their effective grammar
Martha holds a MA TESOL (West Virginia University, US)
and a PhD in Language Studies (Kent University, UK). She is
a teacher trainer in the BA TESOL of the University of
Guanajuato and the ICELT. She is a member of the SNI and
the Editor-in-Chief of the MEXTESOL Journal.
Rocio holds a BA TESOL (University of Guanajuato) and a
MA TESOL (Auckland University). She is coordinator of a
pre-service teacher training program and has worked in EFL
for 18years. Currently she collaborates in the BA TESOL and
the EFL program at the University of Guanajuato.
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Technology in EFL / ESL / Secondary /
Dalila Ortiz holds an MA in Higher Education granted by the
Philosphy Faculty at BUAP. She teaches EFL at tertiary level
and works for the Open BA in Nursing at BUAP Courses at
Languages School working with teenagers and adults. Her
research interests include blended learning, testing and
Christopher Bauer Bruns
Loreto E
Thursday, 14:30-15:50
Working in teams: Making communication truly face to
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Pre-primary / Primary
Although technology plays an ever greater role in language
learning, the basic concept of communication remains
Experts have concluded autonomy and
strategies are key communication elements in the learning
process. In this workshop, we will demonstrate, by working
in teams, how effectively group work and pair work help
students reach their desired level of autonomy in ELT.
Chris Bauer is a free-lance consultant and teacher trainer
who studied Business Administration at Our Lady of the
Lake University and EFL at the ITESM. He is founder of
Quality Teaching Language Advisors providing English
courses in companies and is an ACT/SAT test prep
instructor in the United States.
María Esther Mercado Soler
Ana Cristina Madrigal Monroy
Loreto F
Thursday, 14:30-15:50
Loreto H
Thursday, 14:30-15:50
A flipped classroom model for teacher training
“I wandered lonely as a cloud.”
For some time now, even if not widely spread yet, teachers
have used a flipped classroom approach to imprint novelty
to their classes and as an option to better student
outcomes. During this workshop, you will not only learn
about this teaching model but also a way to implement it in
teacher education settings. Whether you are a teacher or
teacher trainer you will learn specific strategies to boost
your teaching knowledge and skills.
The first part of this workshop presents the theory for the
application of literature in the ESL classroom to defend its
implementation on three grounds: a) developing linguistic
and cultural competence in the target language; b)
highlighting its aesthetic value; and c) promoting a reading
culture in Mexico. The second part shows examples of
literature-based activities, offering a rationale for an
integrated approach to using literature which can help
teachers overcome their fear and/or skepticism.
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Teacher Training / Supervision /
Professional Development
María Esther Mercado is a teacher trainer, instructional
materials designer and academic program developer for
Organización Harmon Hall. She is also a licensed language
teacher by Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
and a certified online teacher and teacher trainer by TESOL.
María Luisa Castanedo, Susan Renaud
Loreto G
Thursday, 14:30-15:50
SARS: A framework to re-define our relationship with
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Pre-primary / Primary / Secondary /
Preparatory / University / Adult / Institute
How can teachers adapt textbook material to actively
engage learners? This interactive workshop shares
teachers’ experiences implementing SARS (Select, Adapt,
Reject, Substitute), a framework that guides teachers in
making decisions about how to use information in
textbooks in a creative and well-designed way so as to meet
the needs of their learners.
Susan Renaud earned her post-graduate certificate in TESL
from Bishop's University in Lennoxville, Quebec,
Canada. Since 1968 she has taught in Swaziland, Canada,
Hungary, and Haiti. Although based in Québec, as an SIT
World Learning trainer she has trained teachers and
trainers in Korea, Tunisia, Mexico and the US.
María Luisa Castanedo has been involved in ELT for over 17
years. She is an ICELT tutor, and an IELTS and Cambridge
English Language Assessment Speaking Examiner.
holds a MA TESOL from Canterbury Christ Church
University, and has recently been working to become an SIT
World Learning trainer.
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Applied Linguistics / Research /
Ana Cristina Madrigal Monroy. Coordinator of the Self
Access Center, sede Valenciana, professor of Applied
Literature in the BA in English Teaching, and English teacher
in Filosofía y Letras and Lenguas at Universidad de
Guanajuato. Licenciada en Lengua Inglesa from Universidad
de Colima and M.A. in TESOL from West Virginia University
Gregory Davies
Guadalupe A
Thursday, 14:30-15:50
Promoting successful language production in the young
learners classroom
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Pre-primary / Primary
Critical thinking, collaboration and creating connections
between language and the real world are essential for our
next generation to succeed. In order to encourage younger
students to use English in the classroom we must create an
environment that fosters and celebrates creativity. This
very practical workshop will consider the skills needed for
21st century success as well as demonstrating how we can
relatively make small changes that could create a big
impact upon language production.
Greg Davies is the educational services supervisor at Oxford
University Press, Mexico. He has taught students of all ages
and levels as well as being involved in teacher training.
Having given talks nationally and internationally, his areas
of interests include classroom management, professional
reflection and teaching young learners.
Helen Harper, Abenamar Perez Mendez
Guadalupe B
Thursday, 14:30-15:50
Native or non-native speakers: Which can you trust?
Teacher Training / Supervision / Any English teachers
Some people feel that native speakers are better because
of their greater knowledge of pronunciation and
vocabulary. However, we feel non-native speakers also
have a lot to offer because of their experience as learners
and greater knowledge of their students´ cultural and social
background. Drawing on our own personal experiences as
native and non-native speaker English teachers, we want to
explore this debate and show that the ideal is a mixture,
using the strengths of both.
Abenamar Perez Mendez graduated from the Licenciatura
en la Enseñanza de Ingles from the UNACH Escuela de
Lenguas San Cristobal in 2008. He then worked for 4 years
in communities teaching English to high school students. He
currently works at the Escuela Normal Experimental
teaching English to trainee Kindergarten and Primary
Helen Harper finished a degree in French and German at
the University of Leeds in 2007 and then took a TESOL
course in 2009. She now works at the UNACH Escuela de
Lenguas teaching a variety of subjects including English
Literature, Development of English, Translation and English
and German language.
María Guadalupe Moreno Bautista
Guadalupe C
Thursday, 14:30-15:50
Quick-witted games: Enhancing phonetic and lexical
development through charades
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Bilingual Education
By and large, building confidence in the language classroom
is a challenging mission. Therefore, games as a pedagogical
tool, allow teachers to support their teaching and learning
environment since learners who build and share mutual
knowledge are usually immersed in an enthusiastic
atmosphere. The workshop aims to provide participants
some strategies and techniques to use and create effective
games in the classroom by working with grammar,
pronunciation and vocabulary as well as multiple
María Guadalupe Moreno Bautista holds a B.A. in Modern
Languages from Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de
Puebla. She has taught EFL for 4 years to children,
teenagers and adults in Puebla. Her research interests
include teacher development, intercultural language
learning and innovative strategies & techniques in language
José Manuel Peña Galaviz
Guadalupe D
Thursday, 14:30-15:50
ICT: Magic in the classroom
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Testing / Evaluation/ Secondary /
This workshop intends to show attendees how to take
advantage of ICT tools applied to different topics and
situations in the classroom.
Participants will be shown different kinds of ICT activities
for children, and they will be able to try them by
Then, delegates will be referred to other sources and web
pages where they can find more free ICT activities and
lesson plans to be adapted and used in class.
José Manuel Peña Galaviz, currently, English teacher at the
English Department (UASLP) and Jose Ma. Morelos
elementary school. Teacher trainer at Centro de Apoyo a la
Calidad Educativa. Professor of the major of Teacher of
English in Secondary School at BECENESLP. Lecturer in ELT
international events and author of articles on ICT applied to
Exhibitor Session
Rebecca Smith
Loreto A
Thursday, 16:00-16:50
Discover London with Edutravel
EDUTRAVEL is a company dedicated to provide students a
lifetime experience in England, DISCOVER all the charming
of the BRITISH CULTURE during our two week program,
STUDY according to your English level, VISIT more than 30
places all over London and their main cities and LIVE just
like a British person does.
Do it the right way do it the EDUTRAVEL way.
Rebecca Smith is British, she has great experience
approaching the teachers and schools all over Mexico to
explain our program, and she has experience as a staff
member from ISIS our partner school in England and takes
some students during the visits to the main attractions in
Exhibitor Session
Exhibitor Session
Editorial Trillas
Marcellus Troy Bronson
The College Board
Federico Escobar Córdoba
Loreto B
Thursday, 16:00-16:50
Loreto D
Thursday, 16:00-16:50
English K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple for Students
Tools to Assess English Proficiency in Latin America
English K.I.S.S. is a study guide designed to help ESL
students learn the English language. It is written in Spanish
to facilitate the understanding of the basics of the
language: from simple vocabulary to some of the more
advanced grammatical rules.
It is a great help for students and teachers as well in
creating a stronger foundation and better competence in
foreign language studies.
The College Board’s Puerto Rico and Latin America Office
offers various English proficiency tests that have been
tailored to the needs of Spanish speakers in Latin America.
Two of the most significant tests are ELASH and TESST,
recognized by Mexico’s Ministry of Public Education. ELASH,
aligned with the Common European Framework, assesses
English proficiency among native Spanish speakers. TESST is
a licensure test for teachers of English as a second language
in Latin America.
Troy Bronson was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah,
USA. He has been teaching English in Mexico since 2005. He
has received several language certifications including high
marks in the TKT Certification from Cambridge and the
highest marks possible in the Trinity College London GESE
Federico Escobar is a senior specialist in the Test Design
and Construction Unit of the College Board’s Puerto Rico
and Latin America Office. He was worked as a professor,
attorney, project manager, translator, and copy editor. He
has published two books, one of them on writing, and
various scholarly articles.
Exhibitor Session
Exhibitor Session
Joep van der Werff
Empreser Compass Media
James Hall
Loreto C
Thursday, 16:00-16:50
The New Primary Methodology Handbook: Practical Ideas
for Teachers
The Primary Methodology Handbook from Richmond
features theory, practical examples, and activities for new
and experienced teachers alike. Topics include
methodology, digital literacy, learning disabilities, skills
teaching, classroom management and lesson planning. A
DVD with videos of real classes illustrates the concepts
covered in the Handbook. The Handbook can be used in
teacher training courses and for individual study.
This interactive workshop will present practical ideas from
the Handbook for use in your classroom!
Joep van der Werff is an editor of elementary school
materials (print and digital) at Richmond. He has been a
teacher, teacher trainer, and materials writer at UNAM,
Interlingua and Richmond. Among his many areas of
interest are methodologies, teaching disadvantaged
learners, brain-based learning, and smartphones in
Loreto E
Thursday, 16:00-16:50
The Four Strands of a Balanced Course
Planning a well-balanced course is key to ensuring that
students succeed in the classroom. But, how can we plan
and adapt our teaching methods and materials to ensure
this balance?
This presentation examines how to
implement the four stands of a well-balanced course. The
presenter will demonstrate classroom activities to help
develop the four strands of meaning-focused input,
meaning-focused output, language-focused learning, and
James Hall has worked as an ELT professional in the roles of
teacher, content developer, and publisher since 2004.
Currently, Mr. Hall works with Compass Media and its
partner Empreser ELT in support of educators in Mexico
and Latin America.
Exhibitor Session
Empreser Trinity College London
René Ramírez
and Grow as the global marketing manager and an
academic consultant.
Loreto F
Thursday, 16:00-16:50
Smart Phones, Smart Students, Smart Teachers
Technology has changed our lives and our way to obtain
and share information and knowledge, Smart phones and
their apps, allow us to do a series of things that we have
never imagined, and there are new ones to amaze us every
single day. There are apps for everything, form checking in
for a flight, to control your T.V. or computer, there are apps
to communicate with friends and family, apps to keep us
informed, apps to learn languages. The aim of this talk is to
raise the awareness of the importance of being creative
and awake that little Steve Jobs we all have locked in the
basement of our brains, and become ourselves an Iphone
and be able to create apps that would facilitate learning in
our students.
Exhibitor Session
The Eurolatinamerican Books
Luke Prodromou
Loreto H
Thursday, 16:00-16:50
FLASH ON ENGLISH. Building Competence with CLIL,
culture, and literature
In this presentation, we explore the methodological
approach in Flash on English, a four-level course for young
adults. I will focus on how the series incorporates a variety
of elements designed to motivate the learner and make the
teacher’s life easier: a focus on building competence, clarity
of grammar and vocabulary presentation, natural language,
recycling, mixed ability, CLIL, culture and literature - and
René Ramírez is the ESOL & TESOL Coordinator for Trinity
College London; he is responsible for Mexico and other
countries in Latin America. He designs and delivers courses
for professional development and workshops on how to
understand and apply ESOL international standards in the
Dr. Luke Prodromou is a teacher, trainer and writer of
numerous teachers’ handbooks and textbooks, being Flash
on English the last one. He has been a speaker at many
international conferences. Luke graduated from Bristol
University and has an MA in Shakespeare Studies
(Birmingham University), a Diploma in TEFL (Leeds
University) and a Ph.D. (Nottingham University).
Exhibitor Session
Exhibitor Session
Empreser Build & Grow
Ji-Young Ko
Annette Flavel
Loreto G
Thursday, 16:00-16:50
Guadalupe A
Thursday, 16:00-16:50
Fun & Easy Writing Classes for Young Learners
Jump Ahead in Preschool with CRICKETS
The Grammar Space series provides a systematic and
sentence/paragraph writing. Under the fun and easy-tounderstand guidance of the series, students learn to stretch
their imagination and express their thoughts through
writing while strengthening their grammar knowledge.
Grammar classes need to encourage learners to do more
than just memorize rules and complete the exercises. That
is why it is beneficial to include various writing activities at
the end of these classes. With Grammar Space teachers can
create lessons with interesting and meaningful activities
that will help boost young learners grammar and writing
Come and find out what all the chirping is about!
Ji Young Ko has an MA in TESOL (Teaching English to
Speakers of Other Languages) from New York University.
She also holds an MBA degree from the University of
Geneva in Switzerland. She previously taught ESL students
and developed the curriculum for an ESL program at a
public school in New York City. She currently works at Build
CRICKETS is Richmond's brand new high-level preschool
series for 2015. Discover a carefully constructed language
syllabus, critical and creative thinking, stories, CLIL, projects
and a high level of language and literacy in a gorgeous, fun
learning environment. Cricket grows with your students to
incite a love of learning English in the young learner. Leap
forward with Richmond in 2015!
Annette is a teacher and teacher trainer at all levels and
has worked in Australia, England, Japan, USA, and Mexico.
She believes in making learning active and engaging at all
levels. Her current areas of interest are how children learn
to read and using stories in the classroom.
Exhibitor Session
Exhibitor Session
Simon Brewster
University of Dayton Publishing
Noldi Vives
Guadalupe B
Thursday, 16:00-16:50
Guadalupe D
Thursday, 16:00-16:50
GOING PRO in English
Looking ahead with Prep for Life
Going Pro is a new series for bachillerato that uses different
professions to ground the language in work-related
contexts and makes extensive use of video and digital tools
to present the language in a relevant, motivating way.
Through case studies, practical tips linked to the world of
work, interpersonal, linguistic and digital competencies
Going Pro provides the perfect tool to give students the
English linked to professional areas they will need for their
future careers.
Prep for Life is a communicative course designed to prepare
high school students for the real world. It reviews what
students have previously learned and creates a solid
foundation to continue the learning process. Let's help
students build their general knowledge so that they
communicate actively, productively, and critically within
their environment. Let's help them prepare for life!
Simon Brewster (RSA Diptefla, MBA) has been involved in
ELT for 30 years and is Deputy Director General of the
Anglo Mexican Foundation. He has worked in the UK, Italy
and Mexico and is the author of several textbooks
Awesome, The Big Picture, Kaleidoscope and Going Pro by
Exhibitor Session
Cengage National Geographic Learning
Caitlin Thomas
Guadalupe C
Thursday, 16:00-16:50
LIFE: Bringing the World to your Classroom
Noldi Vives Quiñones is pursuing a Doctorate. He has
taught and has been an Academic Coordinator for different
institutions (ITESM, UDLA). He has studied in the U.S.,
Canada and Mexico obtaining various certificates. He is a
specialized ESL trainer and is currently an Academic
Consultant for University of Dayton Publishing.
Papers / Demonstrations / In-progress Research Reports /
Show-and-Tell Sessions / Special Sessions
Elizabeth Flores Salgado, Lizeth Castillo González
Loreto A
Thursday, 17:00-17:50
National Geographic Learning brings the world to your
classroom with Life, a six-level integrated-skills series that
develops fluency in American English. Through an
exploration of real world content from National Geographic
presented through stunning images, text, and video,
learners will strengthen their existing global connections
while learning the English skills needed for communication
in the 21st century.
An analysis of lexical errors in the English compositions
Caitlin Thomas is Senior Product Manager for National
Geographic Learning, based in Boston, Massachusetts.
Caitlin began working in the ELT world in 2005. At the start
of 2011, she assumed the role of International Field
Marketing Manager, with a specific focus on the promotion
of ELT solutions in Latin America.
Elizabeth Flores Salgado holds a doctorate in Applied
Linguistics from Macquarie University at Sydney, Australia.
She is a full time professor at the Facultad de Lenguas at
the Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla. She is a
member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.
Applied Linguistics / Research / Universit y/ Adult / Institute
The importance of vocabulary in second language (L2)
writing is widely accepted, but there has been relatively
little research into the lexical errors learners produce when
writing in their second language. The purpose of this paper
is to analyze Mexican Spanish university students’ English
compositions for lexical errors.
Lizeth Castillo Gonzalez is a B.A student at the Facultad de
Lenguas at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de
Puebla. Her main interests are second language acquisition
and linguistics.
In-Progress Research Report
Araceli Salas
Colette Despagne
Loreto B
Thursday, 17:00-17:50
ESP Teacher Training: Making teaching-learning
meaningful in different contexts
Teacher Training / Supervision / University
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has become a trend in
the EFL field as the contexts in which the language is taught
have spread beyond the classroom setting. Defined as:
“English instruction based on actual and immediate needs
of learners who have to perform real-life tasks” (Smoak,
2003), ESP emerges as an approach to enable students in
different settings to succeed in their language-learning. This
talk will present how teachers were trained as ESP
Araceli Salas is a doctoral student in Language Science at
ICSyH-BUAP. She has an MA in TESOL and has been
involved in English Teaching and Teacher-Training for a long
time. Araceli works at the Faculty of Languages, BUAP. Her
main research interests are Adult Education and Teachers´
Professional Development.
Teresa Monika Andrea Gal
From monolinguistic to plurilinguistic paradigms in EFL
Applied Linguistics / Research / University
This research reports on paradigm shifts from monolingual
to plurilingual EFL teaching and learning pedagogies in
Mexico. It specifically focuses on how Mexican Indigenous
students reposition themselves in the EFL class by making
use of their “funds of knowledge” to better engage with
their language learning process.
Colette received her PhD. in Education at Western
University (Canada). Her research interests involve
plurilingualism, intercultural education, EFL/ESL teaching in
Mexico, critical pedagogies, language learner autonomy,
and post-colonialism. She has published in the Canadian
International Education Journal; TESOL Bilingual Basics &
TESOL Quarterly; Synergies Europe, Diaspora, Indigenous &
Minority Education.
Gregory Davies
Loreto C
Thursday, 17:00-17:50
Turning the tables on traditional education!
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Technology in EFL / ESL / All levels
As educators we strive to create effective learning
environments. Despite our best efforts we still see poor
learning outcomes. What if we flipped things around by
using a new teaching model? If we change (flip) the
teaching paradigm, can we change the outcome? Educators
are trying out “Flipped Classroom” models. Learn what all
the hype is about and how we can target those who need
the most help by turning the tables on traditional
Mtra. Teresa Gal has taught EFL/ESL courses at various
levels in Poland, Canada and Mexico. She is a ProfessorResearcher and the Director of the Language Department
at UMAR. As an academic consultant, she’s taught
Professional Development courses, given workshops, and
conferences at ITESM, MEXTESOL amongst other
recognized Institutions and Associations.
Loreto D
Thursday, 17:00-17:25
Loreto D
Thursday, 17:25-17:50
Demonstrating inquiry based learning
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Pre-primary / Primary
By the end of this show and tell session, participants will
have experienced the use of big questions and witnessed
how using this enquiry based approach can engage learners
to produce language in the classroom.
Greg Davies has thoroughly enjoyed teaching students of
all ages and levels for over 8 years in Guadalajara. Currently
the learning and development supervisor at Oxford
University Press, he has given numerous workshops at
conferences, in addition to having published
internationally. His interests include reflection, professional
development and classroom management.
Julio César Valerdi Zárate
Loreto E
Thursday, 17:00-17:50
Evaluating Beyond Lexico-grammar: Interpersonal
Meanings in Undergraduate Academic Writing
Applied Linguistics / Research / University
This paper explores the realization of evaluative language in
undergraduate academic texts from a Systemic-Functional
perspective. It focuses on the analysis of attitudes and
engagement in order to assess appropriacy in learners’
texts in terms of their interpersonal meanings beyond
grammatical correctness and text organization. The results
obtained evidence a relation between interpersonal
properties and teachers’ evaluative considerations,
highlighting the significance of the interpersonal dimension
of language in the teaching of academic writing in EFL.
B.A. in Modern Languages at BUAP and M.A. in Applied
Linguistics at UNAM. Professor Valerdi has developed
academic programs at UNAM’s CELE and is currently a full
time professor at Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla’s
CIDEL. He has taught academic writing, EAP, and EFL at
various instances from elementary to university education.
Carol Hayenga
Dr. Peter Sayer is an associate professor of applied
linguistics and TESOL at the University of Texas at San
Antonio, where he is the coordinator of the Masters in
TESOL program. He is the author of numerous research
articles and books published in the TESOL Quarterly and ELT
Journal, and previously taught English in Oaxaca for many
María del Carmen Castillo Salazar, Rebeca Elena Tapia
Loreto H
Thursday, 17:00-17:50
Successful language learning beliefs: A case study in Ted
Loreto F
Thursday, 17:00-17:50
Artificial to authentic: adapting resources from the Web
Classroom Methods / Techniques / University
Question: What do an ad for a bartender at a resort, a class
of Mexican engineering students and English have in
common? Answer: Not much. This workshop offers a
solution to the problem of providing authentic Englishlanguage activities that are directly relevant to our
students. We will examine and discuss worksheets and
activities created from online articles and texts, as well as
brainstorming possible uses for particular articles.
Carol Hayenga has been teaching EFL for over 10 years.
She taught Buddhist monks, army officers and
businesspeople in Thailand for 7 years and has taught
engineering students at UTM since 2010. She is a graduate
of New Mexico Tech and has a TEFL certificate from ITC,
Peter Sayer
developing ethnographic projects and model how teachers
can design their own projects.
Loreto G
Thursday, 17:00-17:50
Ethnographic language learning projects
Classroom Methods / Techniques / All
Ethnographic language learning projects offer several
benefits: they provide opportunities for students to
collaborate meaningfully across proficiency levels, and have
the advantage of integrating aspects of culture into our
language teaching. In fact, from an anthropological
perspective, the study of culture can become a medium or
vehicle through which students can discover aspects of
authentic L2 use. The presenter lays out a framework for
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Applied Linguistics / Research /
Beliefs are important constructs in language learning. They
are cognitive and social. Learners hold beliefs that guide
how they interpret experiences and behave (White, 2008).
This paper reports a case study in teacher education. The
study was conducted using an in-depth interview. Data
revealed that the participant had negative beliefs about
himself at the beginning of a course, but the constructivist
and humanistic methodology used modified these beliefs.
This change allowed the participant to succeed.
Rebeca Elena Tapia Carlin is a full time teacher and
researcher at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de
Puebla. She holds a doctor in Applied Linguistics from
Macquarie University. She is the leader of the research
team Teaching and Professional Development. Her research
interests are teacher education and language learning.
María del Carmen Castillo Salazar is a full time teacher and
researcher at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de
Puebla. She holds a doctor in Pedagogical Sciences from
Camaguey University. She is a member of the research
team Teaching and Professional Development. Her research
interests are language learning and teacher education.
Arturo de la Vega
Classroom Management 101
Guadalupe A
Thursday, 17:00-17:50
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Secondary / Preparatory
Classroom management can be a headache or a walk in the
park. See how class contracts, I-messages, stop signals and
other techniques can help you get the most out of your
classes. While this demonstration is aimed to the preservice teachers, in-service teachers who want to review
and/or improve their repertoire of classroom management
techniques are welcome too.
Arturo has been a teacher for over 15 years. He has taught
English to high school and university students. He is
currently a teacher trainer and corporate academic
coordinator at Interlingua. He holds a major in Language
Teaching and a COTE degree. He has presented at TESOL
and MEXTESOL conventions.
Jorge de Jesús Suaznávar Morales, Arely Alexandra
Penagos May
Guadalupe B
Thursday, 17:00-17:50
Neuro-linguistic Programming to enhance EFL students’
oral communication
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Secondary / Preparatory
Today, motivated students are endangered species, which
is a reason why we should change our teaching
methodology to become teachers who inspire and motivate
their students to learn a language. Neuro-linguistic
Programming (NLP) gives us a chance to take away learners’
fear when they are asked to speak the target language, thus
building student self-confidence. This session will
demonstrate some NLP activities and ideas to use in your
daily lessons, increasing motivation patterns.
Arely Alexandra Penagos May has just finished a B.A. in
English Language Teaching. She has experience working in
private and public schools, mainly with teenagers. She
spent 2 months in Toronto, Canada as part of an
international exchange program. She is currently designing
a program to open a Language school in her hometown.
Jorge de Jesús Suaznávar Morales, holds a B.A. in English
Language Teaching. He has been involved in ELT for 2 years
in public and private schools. He has participated in
national and international exchange programs and has
done research in oral English, motivation and Neurolinguistic Programming.
Jose Luis Medina, Elizabeth González
Guadalupe C
Thursday, 17:00-17:50
Collaborative work through the creation of an English Club
The purpose of the project was to create strategies and
activities within the English Club to reinforce language skills
among its students, based on the needs in and out of the
academic activities.
To achieve said purpose, a bilingual environment was
created to encourage the application of the four linguistic
abilities through dynamic activities to spark the interest of
students mainly by practical use of the language.
Jose Luis Medina Fierro: He has a Bachelor´s Degree in
Business Administration, has been working for Universidad
Tecnológica de Camargo for 2 years as a full time position,
teaching subjects like Human Resources, English and
Human Relations, he helps to develop the English Club
Community, he is Certified in Competency Based Learning
and he is now the coordinator of the English teachers.
Elizabeth González: She has a Master´s degree of Science in
biotechnology, she taught elementary school children. She
has been working at the UTcam, Meoqui Campus, since it
opened in September, 2013, where she currently teaches
English, feedback extra classes and participates as English
Club coordinator at the campus.
Special Session
Guadalupe Pineda
Welcome, newcomers!
Guadalupe D
Thursday, 17:00-17:50
Attending the 40th MEXTESOL Convention can be a
daunting experience, especially if it's your first
convention! This talk is about helping newcomers navigate
this huge event and make the most of the
the whats, wheres and hows of the different events and
how to get the most out of the print program. You’ll also
get plenty of insider tips that will make your time at the
convention among hundreds of colleagues worthwhile,
profitable and memorable.
Guadalupe Pineda is an academic coordinator, consultant
and Editor of the MEXTESOL Proceedings; her favorite job is
Refreshment Break and Book Exhibition
Joan Kang Shin
Loreto A, B and C
Thurday 18:00 – 19:30
Visual Literacy: Transforming Our Use of Images in ELT
Visual literacy is a necessary skill for the next generation of English learners in the 21st century, which is increasingly image,
media, and technology driven. In the past, literacy referred to being able to read and write, but the term “literacy” now
includes the interpretation of various kinds of images in print and media. Today the English language classroom requires us as
teachers to incorporate new literacies and prepare our students to gain information in different ways. This presentation will
deepen your understanding of visual literacy and show effective ways to build your students’ ability to interpret and create
visual information while teaching English.
Dr. Joan Kang Shin is the Director of TESOL Professional Training at the University of Maryland, Baltimore Country (UMBC). In
this position she administers the U.S. Department of State’s E-Teacher Scholarship Program, a fully online teacher training
program for EFL teachers in over 100 countries, and the U.S. Department of Education’s STEP T for ELLs Program, an inservice professional development program for secondary math, science, and social studies teachers. As an English Language
Specialist for the U.S. Department of State, she conducts numerous face-to-face EFL teacher training programs every year in
Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East as well as large scale online teacher training events through webinars and
digital videoconferencing to hundreds of English teaching professionals worldwide.
Dr. Shin is co-author of the award-winning professional development textbook called "Teaching Young Learners English From Theory to Practice" and is a Series Editor for a ground breaking 6-level primary English series for National Geographic
Learning called "Our World".
October 17
Type of
Claudia Arruñada Sala
COMEXUS Fulbright Garcia Robles
Grants for Teachers
Special Session
Loreto A, B,
and C
Blanca Adán Sobrado
Mary Curran
Transformative teacher preparation
Demonstration Loreto D
Juan Antonio Serna
Rachel Hayward
One Direction song and Bingo to teach
past tense
Demonstration Loreto E
Maria del Carmen
Hernandez Cueto
The explicit instruction of vocabulary
learning strategies in UAN
Loreto F
Rocío de la Paz Zamora
Optimum attitudes, knowledge and
skills of English teachers
Loreto F
Gabriel Diaz Maggioli
Lesley PainterFarrell
Mindful corrective feedback:
Supporting learning
Loreto G
Rochelle Keogh
Leyah BergmanLanier
The long-term impact of professional
Loreto H
Elizabeth Ann Arias
Exposure to goals is a requisite first
Demonstration Guadalupe A
Peter Sokolowski
How to run an English spelling bee
Demonstration Guadalupe B
Julie Mazrum
Principles to practice: Integrating
language, literacy, and content
Demonstration Guadalupe C
Elizabeth Contreras
The prospectus about teaching English
Diana Karina
Hernández Cantú to adolescents
October 17th 9:30-10:30
Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto
The Lives of English Language
October 17
Refreshment Break and Book Exhibition
Demonstration Guadalupe D
Loreto A, B,
and C
October 17
Type of
Jose Manuel Villafuerte
Strategic planning: Tips for
Loreto A
Gabriel Diaz Maggioli
From teacher to teacher of teachers:
A road map
Loreto B
Silvia Pérez Mota
Estela Rodríguez
Teaching science in English vs.
teaching English through science
Loreto C
Abenamar Pérez Méndez
Virginia S.B.
Calhoun M.
“Teacher, leave us kids alone!”
Engaging adolescents
Loreto D
ASSURE: Successfully integrating
technology in language teaching
Loreto E
Loreto F
Loreto G
Special Session
Loreto H
Courtney Cunningham
Ma. Guadalupe Rodríguez
Transforming ESL classrooms with
Barbara Kennedy culture blasts
Community connections: Using the
community to teach English, content
Indira Bakshi
and more!
Lengeling, M.,
JoAnn Miller,
Ulrich Schrader,
Clare Marie
Writing and publishing in academic
journals: Whys and hows
Daniela Otero
Elin Emilsson
The communicative gap: Fostering
real communication in the classroom
Guadalupe A
Ricardo González Robles
Ma. Guadalupe
Neve Brito
Fear not! Dare to enhance students'
learning through games!
Guadalupe B
Passing the reins: Increasing
participation in speaking classes
Guadalupe C
Diagnosing dyslexia in your classroom
Guadalupe D
Type of
Jenny Dooley
Young Learner’s Needs
Books Services
Loreto A
Kirsten Campbell-Howes
What does it mean and who cares?
H. Books
Loreto B
Joan Kang Shin
OUR WORLD – Bringing your
Classroom to Life!!
Loreto C
Sandra Carrettin-Mulvany
Diane Daudt
Sky Lantz-Wagner
Joep van der Werff
October 17
Laura Sagert
James Hall
Reading Oceans: A library as deep as
the sea!
Loreto D
Kostas Pexos
Blended learning: The right mix
Loreto E
Tracey Sinclair
A Super Magic whole-person
approach for the primary classroom
Patricia E. Grounds
Student Generated Language in CLIL
with Smart English
Blanca Luna
Join us on Super Safari! A
Kindergarten learning adventure
Rob Jenkins
can Books
can Books
Loreto F
Loreto G
Loreto H
“WORLD ENGLISH 2Ed – Real People,
Real Places, Real Language!”
Guadalupe A
TOEFL® Family: from Elementary
School to College and Beyond!
Session IIE
Guadalupe B
Philip Haines
Speaking in the young adult
monolingual classroom
Guadalupe C
Luisa Zenteno Bórquez
Starting out with Toy Box 2.0
University of
Guadalupe D
Type of
Carol Lethaby
Achieving goals: Teaching language
to both girls and boys
Loreto A
José Luis León Hernández
Two contexts for teaching reading
from a metacognitive approach
Loreto B
Writing conference proposals: You
have what it takes
Loreto C
Loreto D
César Maldonado
Iván Guerra
October 17th 13:30-14:20
Caroline Payant
Jack Hardy
Amy Laboe
Exploring culture in Mexico to build
community in Minnesota
Dan Presson
Using STEM cognates for building
María Virginia Mercau
Adriana Medellín Gómez
Anne Donovan
Kirsten Lawrence
PNIEB teacher profiles and
Guadalupe Blanco
professional development: A needs
López, Peter Sayer
Surviving the Competency-based
approach: Portfolios, rubrics and
authentic assessment
Developing a written skills
assessment for Mexican English
Victoria Nier
Using Padlet to teach appropriate
source use and citation practices
Demonstration Loreto E
Loreto F
Loreto F
Loreto G
Loreto G
Does the Cambridge English CELTA
meet our needs?
Janine Sepulveda
Authentic materials: Not just for
advanced learners
Demonstration Guadalupe A
Courtney Colborn
Building confidence and so much
more with poster sessions
Demonstration Guadalupe B
Anna Whitcher
Using video to activate critical
Demonstration Guadalupe C
What MEXTESOL can do for you
Special Session Guadalupe D
Patricia Harries
Pia Maria White
Jean Pender
Ulrich Schrader
October 17 14:30-15:50
Asamblea General de Asociados
Jen MacArthur
Loreto H
José Manuel
Brenda Bernaldez
US Embassy professional
development opportunities for
English teachers
Type of
Special Session Loreto A
Jane Revell
Stress-busting for teachers
Loreto B
Nicole Eustice
Online discussion today, learner
autonomy tomorrow
Loreto C
Mauricio Cortés Castro
Create your own digital learning
objects through ICTs
Loreto D
Lety Banks
Planning and delivering integrated
EFL lessons
Loreto E
Philip Haines
Can Spanish be useful in the ELT
Loreto F
Carlos Eduardo Castro
Dynamic classes = happy students
Loreto G
Laura A. Meza
Equality and diversity in mainstream
Loreto H
JoAnn Miller
Projects for digital citizenship
Guadalupe A
Leticia Vela González
Encouraging mindfulness through
active learning
Guadalupe B
Using concordancers for language
Guadalupe C
General de
Guadalupe D
Migdalia E Rodríguez
María Antonia
Asamblea General de Asociados
October 17th 16:00-16:50
Type of
Jenny Dooley
Books Services
Loreto A
Mario Herrera
Big Fun for a Big Start in English!
Loreto B
Koen Van Landeghem
The Wheel of Change: Technology
made easy!
Loreto C
Kostas Pexos
Integration of skills: A more
meaningful and dynamic lesson
Loreto D
Ji-Young Ko
Curriculum Integration, A New Way
to Teach English
Loreto E
Tracey Sinclair
FLASH on ESP, The ideal
introduction to sector-specific
Aidee Armenta
How to turn Cert Prep into a
complete learning experience
Norma Dávila
Introducing…Cambridge Primary. A
curriculum framework to develop
Pamela Sabugo
Liz Andrade
Let’s Play to Read K-1
Cortés Espinosa
Rosa María
Follow the Grammar Path to
Dante Segura
Gustavo Ramírez Toledo
Eurolatinamerican Loreto F
Eurolatinamerican Loreto G
Loreto H
Editorial Trillas
Guadalupe A
Guadalupe B
Move forward with Imagine 2.0
University of
Guadalupe C
Dayton Publishing
Progressive Skills in English
H Books
Guadalupe D
October 17th 17:00-17:50
Type of
Thomas Jones
Academic alchemy: Transforming lives.
Mindfulness tools for classroom gold
Keynote Address Loreto A
Pilar Aramayo
Mexico City: A tour of the linguistic
Keynote Address Loreto B
Hye-Yeon Lim
Mindful teachers - Meaningful lessons
Keynote Address Loreto C
Koen Van Landeghem
The wheel of change: The psychology of
optimal experience in ELT
Keynote Address Guadalupe A
CBT/CLIL: Examples from the world of
Jen MacArthur
Keynote Address Guadalupe B
October 17 18:00-18:30
Refreshment Break and Book Exhibition
October 17 9:30-10:30
Idioms: in the world, in the classroom
and in English as a Lingua Franca
Luke Prodromou
Friday, October 17
20:00 - 22:00
Loreto A, B,
and C
Papers / Demonstrations / In-progress Research Reports
/ Special Sessions
Special Session
Claudia Arruñada Sala, Timothy McBride
Loreto A, B and C
Friday 08:30–09:20
COMEXUS Fulbright Garcia Robles Grants for teachers
COMEXUS is a binational organization dedicated to the
promotion of understanding between Mexico and the
United States via Fulbright grants and educational
exchange opportunities.
We continually search for
innovative ways to promote and develop exchange
programs and seek to achieve diversity and equal access
to our grants while upholding a reputation of excellence.
Through this presentation we will explain our programs
and the benefit that they offer for English teachers in
Claudia Arruñada is the Promotion Officer in the U.SMexico Commission for Educational and Cultural
Exchange (COMEXUS). She holds a BA in Communications
from the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City.
Claudia has experience in publicity, communication and
PR, working for the Mexican government the last four
Timothy McBride is the Program Officer for Teacher
Programs with the U.S. - México Commission for
Educational and Cultural Exchange, COMEXUS. He holds
a BA in International Relations from Boston University
and is completing a Master of Public Diplomacy at the
University of Southern California. His research focuses on
cultural and educational exchanges as well as the
internationalization of higher education in Mexico.
Timothy has nearly 10 years of experience in
international education working in various positions
including admissions, residence life and student services
in both universities and English language school.
Blanca Adán Sobrado, Mary Curran
Teacher Training / Supervision / University
Loreto D
Friday 08:30–09:20
Transformative teacher preparation
Teacher educators looking for new models with
transformative impact will be interested in this session.
For several years, the presenters have engaged in
collaborations as they prepare their pre-service teachers.
In the presentation, we will share three successful
models that foster the development of classroom
management skills, using the target language and
narratives in the classroom, and connecting to the
community for authentic language use.
Mary Curran is Associate Dean of Local-Global
Partnerships at The Graduate School of Education at
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
Blanca Adán Sobrado is Professor of the Licenciatura en
Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés at the Facultad de Educación
at the Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.
Juan Antonio Serna, Rachel Hayward
Loreto E
Friday 08:30–09:20
One Direction song and Bingo to teach past tense
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Teacher Training / Supervision /
The purpose of this presentation is to use popular
culture, not only as a technique, but also as means to
teach regular and irregular past tense in English. Popular
culture functions as a way to get people’s attention
regardless of the type of pop culture one is talking about.
The song we will use to introduce the past tense in
English is “Best song ever” sung by the British group One
Direction. The game we will utilize to teach and learn
past tense is Bingo (our own version).
We will use some D. Doubel’s ways to demonstrate how
to teach a topic in the classroom through music and we
will talk about how students can benefit from learning by
playing games. Everybody has played Bingo so it will be a
good way to begin a discussion and obtain a great feedback of using Bingo in the classroom.
Rachel Hayward. B.A. in Spanish and MA in TESOL. She is
currently Teaching in the Intensive English Program at
Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia. Held
positions: English Instructor at USC, UDLA, and Academic
Director at USC. She has a great deal of teaching
experience and has lived and studied in Mexico and
Spain. She is currently living in Savannah, Georgia.
Juan A. Serna. Ph.D. from Arizona State University, MA
from University of Houston and BA from Universidad
Autonoma de Nuevo Leon. Certified English Teacher from
University of Cambridge (TKT). He is currently teaching
English at Universidad Regiomontana in Monterrey and
English for Business to Executives with SPELT. Held
positions: Spanish and Literature Professor, English
Teacher, Translator and Interpreter. He has a great deal
of teaching experience and has studied in Paris, Spain,
Canada and the USA. He is currently living in Monterrey.
In-Progress Research Report
Maria del Carmen Hernandez Cueto, Maria del Carmen
Navarro Tellez
Loreto F
Friday 08:30–08:55
Gabriel Diaz Maggioli, Lesley Painter-Farrell
The explicit instruction of vocabulary learning strategies
in UAN
Applied Linguistics / Research / Bilingual Education
Three groups of strategies were taught to students to
learn vocabulary and become them independent and
autonomous, they were: social are used when vocabulary
student discover new words, take notes to store
vocabulary in an external form and recover it after some
time and the last one is memorize-association to store
vocabulary in an internal form.
Maria del Carmen Hernandez Cueto Teacher of English
with 15 years of experience in the high school and
university levels, with a degree of Master in Applied
linguistics and Diploma on English for Specific Purposes
I have trained some teacher on methodology in teaching
English a second language.
Maria del Carmen Navarro Tellez
In-Progress Research Report
Rocío de la Paz Zamora Moreno
Loreto G
Friday 08:30–09:20
Mindful corrective feedback: Supporting learning
Testing / Evaluation/ All audiences
In this presentation we will share our research on
corrective feedback techniques used in L2 classroom.
Participants will be engaged in a discussion of effective
classroom techniques for correction that foster sustained
learner uptake. The session aims to review what works
for teachers and students from an informed, pragmatic
Lesley Painter-Farrell and Gabriel Diaz Maggioli direct
the MATESOL Program at the New School in New York,
Rochelle Keogh, Leyah Bergman-Lanier
Loreto H
Friday 08:30–09:20
The long-term impact of professional development
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Teacher Training / Supervision
Loreto F
Friday 08:55–09:20
Optimum attitudes, knowledge and skills of English
Applied Linguistics / University
In-progress research report of Doctoral thesis carried out
in the Language Department of Facultad de Filosofía y
Letras at UANL. The purpose is to understand the
development of teaching practice in order to identify
which of the three areas of the profile, that is to say,
knowledge, skills or attitudes, is the predominant one.
Classroom observations as well as interviews with
teachers and students will be discussed.
Rocío de la Paz Zamora has worked as an English teacher
for seventeen years at UANL in different schools such as
Civil Engineering, Architecture, Law, and Social Work,
among others. She is currently studying to get her Ph. D.
sponsored by a CONACYT program.
Spring International Language Center at the University of
Arkansas completed a long-term impact study of
Mexican English teachers who participated in
professional development programs. Findings show that
training has a lasting, substantial impact on teachers,
students, and schools. Teachers not only increase
knowledge and skills in language teaching, they also
begin to redefine their beliefs about the importance of
their role as a teacher in shaping the self-esteem and
cultural awareness of students.
Dr. Leyah Bergman-Lanier is the Director of Spring
International Language Center at the University of
Arkansas. She has extensive experience in ESL teaching,
teacher training, cross-cultural training, and program
administration. She and her faculty have organized
professional development training for English teachers
from more than 50 countries.
Rochelle Keogh, Teacher Training Coordinator at Spring
International Language Center, has been leading training
programs for Mexican English-language teachers since
2003 and has trained EFL teachers from 57 countries. She
is currently completing a doctorate degree in Higher
Education with a research focus on the long-term impact
of teacher development.
Elizabeth Ann Arias
Guadalupe A
Friday 08:30–09:20
Exposure to goals is a requisite first step
Technology in EFL / ESL / Secondary / Preparatory
The presentation will discuss and demonstrate the use of
technology to provide and augment the exposure that
ELLs have to academic English. Specific guidance in
setting up and launching a newspaper-style website with
students and faculty will be provided, along with a list of
resources and proposal submission ideas.
Ms. Arias holds an MA in TESOL from the University of
Southern California and is a lead teacher in ESL in the
United States.
Her research interests lie in the
preservation and conservation of the indigenous cultures
and languages of Central and South America.
Peter Sokolowski
Guadalupe B
Friday 08:30–09:20
How to run an English spelling bee
All levels of English language learning / Classroom Methods /
Spelling bees are an American educational tradition.
They provide an easy and active way to focus on
vocabulary. A good bee follows straightforward rules and
practices which are often neglected or confused in local
and school-level competitions; the correct organization
of a bee is essential to an event that is fair and fun. This
lecture will address the three most common mistakes
made in running an English spelling bee, followed by a
practice bee for participants.
Peter Sokolowski is Editor at Large at Merriam-Webster.
He has written definitions for many of MerriamWebster’s dictionaries, is active as a blogger, podcaster,
and speaker on language, and has served as pronouncer
for spelling bees worldwide. He was named among
TIME's 140 Best Twitter Feeds of 2013
Julie Mazrum
Guadalupe C
Friday 08:30–09:20
Principles to practice: Integrating language, literacy, and
content instruction
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Pre-primary / Primary / Secondary /
This presentation will demonstrate instructional
strategies that teachers can employ in order to develop
the language and literacy skills of English learners within
the context of grade-level content concepts. These
instructional strategies are guided by principles of
effective instruction for English learners that have been
developed based on research on English learner
instruction and extensive experience working with
English learners and their teachers. Participants will leave
with instructional ideas to apply to their own contexts
Julie Mazrum is the Associate Manager of SIOP PD at the
Center for Applied Linguistics. She has previous
experience as an elementary school teacher in the U.S.
and Mexico. Julie currently assists with the directing of
research-based professional development activities and
leads professional development activities in the SIOP
Elizabeth Contreras Aguirre, Diana Karina Hernández
Guadalupe D
Friday 08:30–09:20
The prospectus about teaching English to adolescents
Technology in EFL / ESL / Adult / Institute
The students of the BECENE, in the class of English
Learning Among Adolescents in the Bachelor's degree in
secondary education specializing in English, directed by
their professor, organized an activity aimed at the
elaboration and development of posters that may be
used as teaching material for concrete contents of
learning-teaching. The purpose was to develop skills by
creating visual and didactical resources to help in an
English class.
Elizabeth Contreras Aguirre PH. D. Teacher Training at
the Benemérita y Centenaria Escuela Normal del Estado
(BECENE) since 1998.
Diana Karina Hernández Cantú Teacher Training at the
Benemérita y Centenaria Escuela Normal del Estado
(BECENE) since 2009.
Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto
Loreto A, B and C
Friday 09:30–10:30
The Lives of English Language Teachers
Inspired by narrative research done by Huberman and Grounaur in their landmark book "The Lives of Teachers" as well as
the framework provided in Day and Gu’s "The New Lives of Teachers", Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto and her colleagues at the
International Teacher Development Institute (iTDi) have used a variety of media to conduct narrative interviews with both
native and non-native English language teachers from a variety of backgrounds and contexts around the world. In this
ongoing research, the focus has been on examining how beginning and experienced teachers view the work they do, the
reasons why they do it, how they stay motivated to continue doing it while facing a range of both professional and personal
challenges, and how their personal and professional identities change over time. From the particulars shared by individual
teachers in their interviews, commonalities have appeared across culture and context. These common universal challenges
faced by all educators no matter what their background or context include achieving a satisfactory work / life balance,
gaining the respect of colleagues, finding a place within the international teaching community, and continuing to develop
professionally in order to remain fulfilled in their work. In this presentation, Barbara will provide an overview of this
ongoing research, share highlights from the interviews, and work with participants to draw out universals from the offered
narratives. Participants will be given an opportunity to share their own stories and use the framework provided to locate
their own place in the global community of educators.
Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto earned her secondary English teaching certificate and her MATESOL degree in the USA, and has
taught English and ESL in the US, and EFL in Japan. An EFL teacher and teacher trainer since 1985, she has conducted
workshops throughout Asia, the USA and Latin America. Barbara's motto is 'Always try new things', so these days, when
she's not teaching, writing, or giving workshops, she's exploring the potential of new technologies for collaboration and
professional development. You can often find Barbara online working with teachers around the world as a Director for
International Teacher Development Institute ( or on her award-winning blog, Teaching Village. Barbara is co-author
of English for Teachers, an online course by iTDi for teachers who want to improve both English and TESOL teaching skills,
and Let's Go, one of the world's best-selling English courses for children, published by Oxford University Press.
10:30 – 11:00
Refreshment Break and Book Exhibition
Workshops and Special Sessions
Jose Manuel Villafuerte
Loreto A
Friday 11:00–12:20
Strategic planning: Tips for coordinators
Teacher Training / Supervision / Program Administrators / Primary to
Being a coordinator is not easy, especially because we
are not always familiar or comfortable with
administrative procedures. Therefore, when we are
asked to come up with plans to improve efficiency,
increase quality and optimize resources, we may feel at a
loss. This session will give the basics of strategic planning
so that you can start turning things around for the better
in your school. Don’t miss it!
José Manuel Villafuerte holds a Master’s in Business
Administration and a BA in English Literature. He has
been in ELT since 1988 as a teacher, coordinator, editor,
academic consultant and author. He currently works for
the Office of English Language Programs, US Embassy.
Gabriel Diaz Maggioli
Loreto B
Friday 11:00–12:20
From teacher to teacher of teachers: A road map
Teacher Training / Supervision / University
In this hands-on workshop we will explore what it takes
to become a teacher of teachers (ToT). We will define
not just the role of the ToT but also challenge
widespread assumptions about the task of helping
colleagues learn. We will explore methods, materials and
dispositions that can help ToTs excel at their job.
Gabriel Diaz Maggioli is a teacher who applies the
lessons learned in the classroom to his writing, research
and work as educational administration. He is Director of
University Language Learning and Teaching at The New
School, a university in New York, where he also directs
the MA in TESOL program.
Silvia Pérez Mota, Estela Rodríguez Vargas
Loreto C
Friday 11:00–12:20
Teaching science in English vs. teaching English through
Classroom Methods / Pre-primary / Primary
There is an awkward moment in many teacher´s lives
when the fine line between teaching English in a
scientific context and teaching Science in English
becomes blurry and the lesson is in danger of becoming a
grammar/vocabulary-based one due to overcorrection
and deterring of oral fluency.
This workshop aims to support and inspire teachers to
properly and efficiently apply the CLIL and IBL
approaches to improve their students´ language and
scientific skills simultaneously.
Silvia Pérez Mota has 16 years’ experience as a Language
Teacher, Supervisor, and Teacher Trainer. Her interests
lie on the Communicative Language Teaching and CLIL
approaches. She started working for Richmond as an ELT
Academic Consultant in 2012, where she currently holds
the ELT Contents Specialist position.
Estela Rodríguez is an Academic Consultant at Richmond
Publishing up to date who taught English for 16 years and
was a Foreign Language Assistant in Britain. She has a BA
in ELT and is a Cambridge Oral Examiner, CPE and ICELT.
Abenamar Pérez Méndez, Virginia S.B. Calhoun M.
Loreto D
Friday 11:00–12:20
“Teacher, leave us kids alone!” Engaging adolescents
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Secondary / Preparatory
This workshop explores challenging attitudes of
adolescent learners, as well as problems with parents
and administrators. The speakers will propose solutions
for participants’ “horror stories,” based on appropriate
attitudes for teachers: knowledge and respect,
acceptance of adolescents’ “dark” side, and the use of
humor and fun in the classroom. The speakers will also
present tips for managing difficult adults and for special
problems of public and private schools. Finally
participants will resolve specific difficulties discussed.
Virginia Calhoun, teacher-trainer at the UNACH, is the
author of “Kiddie English: a guide to teaching primary
school children” and 2 other textbooks. With over 25
years’ teaching experience from kindergarten to
university levels, she has presented at numerous national
and international ELT conferences.
Abenamar Pérez Méndez, B.A. in English Language
Teaching from the UNACH, has worked as a public high
school English teacher in various communities in Chiapas.
He currently works at the Escuela Normal Superior as a
teacher-trainer and the Instituto de Lenguas Jovel,
teaching English to children, adolescents and adults.
Courtney Cunningham
Loreto E
Friday 11:00–12:20
ASSURE: Successfully integrating technology in language
Technology in EFL / ESL / University / Adult / Institute
Integrating technology into language teaching is essential
for today’s learners. Using the ASSURE model (Smaldino,
Lowther, & Russell, 2012) as a guide ensures successful
implementation of technological tools. In this workshop,
a variety of online tools is demonstrated, as well as ideas
of how to integrate these tools into teaching. Small
groups work together to develop a plan, within the
ASSURE model, integrating one or more tools into a
lesson or activity.
Courtney Cunningham is an English language instructor
and teacher trainer at the University of Oregon’s
American English Institute. Her specialties include
integrating technology in language teaching, oral
communication skills, and utilizing Project Based
Learning. She frequently presents in both international
and national venues on these topics.
Sandra Carrettin-Mulvany, Barbara Kennedy
Loreto F
Friday 11:00–12:20
Transforming ESL classrooms with culture blasts
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Teacher Training / Supervision /
Incorporating culture into an ESL classroom can be
challenging with so much to teach in an intensive English
program. However, a language cannot be truly learned
and internalized unless the culture of the language is
uncovered and shared with students from different
Using the
website, presenters will demonstrate quick ways to
include or “blast” intercultural communication tasks and
activities into the ESL classroom in order to develop the
global community.
Barbara (VanFossen) Kennedy received a psychology
degree from the University of Calgary, and a master’s
degree in Applied Language Studies at Carleton
University, Ottawa. She taught EFL in Japan and Brazil. In
Houston, she has taught ESL at Lone Star College and the
University of Houston for over a decade.
Sandra Carrettin-Mulvany has been teaching Intensive
English and Intercultural Communication at the Language
and Culture Center, University of Houston for over
twenty years. She also teaches Italian. She has presented
at local, state, national, and international TESOL
conferences as well as national and international SIETAR
Diane Daudt, Indira Bakshi
Loreto G
Friday 11:00–12:20
Community connections: Using the community to teach
English, content and more!
Classroom Methods / Techniques / University
Content based lessons and units provide a meaningful
and rich learning framework for learners and teachers.
With a little inspiration, guidance and footwork, teachers
can enhance their students’ learning experiences,
increase motivation and purpose for learning English,
and ultimately improve language learning outcomes.
Partcipants will leave this workshop with ideas, guidance,
and preliminary plans to use available community
resources and content in their English Language
Indira Marie Bakshi has taught ESL/EFL in the United
States and Mexico for 20 years. Her experiences in
teaching range from basic literacy to advanced levels.
She has taught EL/Civics, ESP, IEP and multi-level classes.
She currently teaches at Lane Community College. She
holds an MA in TESOL from the University of Texas at
Diane Daudt has taught ESL classes at Lane Community
College since 2004. She has taught pronunciation and
conversation tutorials as well as combined
skills ,listening/speaking and reading/writing classes at
beginning, intermediate and advanced levels in main
campus and outreach settings. She holds an MA in
Curriculum and Instruction from University of Phoenix.
Special Session
Ma. Guadalupe Rodríguez Bulnes, Martha Lengeling,
M., JoAnn Miller, Ulrich Schrader, Clare Marie Roche
Loreto H
Friday 11:00–12:20
Writing and publishing in academic journals: Whys and
Panel Discussion / Classroom Methods / Techniques / Applied
Linguistics / Research / All
recommendations, and guidelines for writing articles for
publication in the area of ESL/EFL. The participants will
have the opportunity to ask the panel any queries
concerning the process of writing and publishing.
Ma. Guadalupe Rodríguez Bulnes, Universidad
Autónoma de Nuevo Leon, Associate Editor of nonrefereed articles of the MEXTESOL Journal
M.Martha Lengeling, Universidad de Guanajuato, Editorin-Chief of the MEXTESOL Journal
JoAnn Miller, freelance, Associate Editor for refereed
articles of the MEXTESOL Journal
Ulrich Schrader, freelance, Past Editor-in-Chief of the
Clare Marie Roche, Universidad Regional del Sureste,
Oaxaca, member of the Editorial Board
Daniela Otero, Elin Emilsson
Guadalupe A
Friday 11:00–12:20
The communicative gap: Fostering real communication
in the classroom
Classroom Methods / Techniques / University
Communicative Gap activities, is the staple of the
Communicative Approach, yet their importance is often
overlooked. Although any meaningful communication
has a communicative gap, focusing on this essential
element explicitly, helps students engage in real
interaction. The workshop offers a model of
communication and an explanation of what is meant by
the term, providing effective sequences of activities
centered on this notion. Participants will prepare a
variety of activities suitable for their level of teaching.
Elin Emilsson. MA in Language Sciences, BA in
Anthropology and Linguistics. 35 years of experience in
the fields of applied linguistics and discourse analysis.
Coauthor of 14 language textbooks, and articles
appearing in specialized journals. Presently works at UPN
responsible for the Specialization in English Language
Learning and Teaching.
Daniela Otero. MA in Higher Education, BA in Pedagogy.
17 years of experience in English language teaching at
UPN. Coauthor of several language textbooks and author
of articles in specialized journals. Member of the
Specialization in English Language Learning and Teaching
development team and tutor.
Ricardo González Robles, Ma. Guadalupe Neve Brito
Guadalupe B
Friday 11:00–12:20
Fear not! Dare to enhance students' learning through
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Adult / Institute
In this workshop, participants will look at and share
different ways to liven up their classes with ice-breakers,
time fillers, and short activities which are fun, easy to
run, and can be readily adapted to different levels and
age groups. At the end of this hands-on session,
teachers will leave with an array of ready-to-use
materials and ideas for their lessons.
Ricardo González Robles, a Foreign Trade graduate, has
been involved in ELT for more than 24 years. He is a
certified oral examiner for Cambridge exams. He is also a
teacher and teacher trainer for the Volkswagen Language
Center in Puebla, and an EFL teacher at IBERO Puebla.
María Guadalupe Neve Brito majored in Education at
UP, and has been an English Language Instructor for over
25 years. She has taught all ages and levels from A1 to
C1 in language schools and universities. She has also
been involved in teacher training. She currently teaches
at IBERO Puebla.
Sky Lantz-Wagner
Guadalupe C
Friday 11:00–12:20
Passing the reins: Increasing participation in speaking
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Secondary / Preparatory
It is often difficult to balance teacher speaking time and
student speaking time. This session is based on
communicative language teaching principles and the idea
students must play a central role in classroom practice in
order to improve their language skills. The presenter will
offer suggestions for creating a safe environment for
participation and demonstrate techniques to gradually
increase participation as a speaking class progresses.
Sky Lantz-Wagner has an MA in TESOL from the
Monterey Institute of International Studies in Monterey,
California. He currently teaches in the Intensive English
Program at the University of Dayton in Ohio where his
research interests include intercultural communication,
leadership in language education, and MALL.
Joep van der Werff, Laura Sagert
Guadalupe D
Friday 11:00–12:20
Diagnosing dyslexia in your classroom
Applied Linguistics / Research / Pre-primary / Primary / Secondary /
Preparatory / University
Have you had bright students whose reading and writing
skills seem to lag behind their intelligence? Perhaps they
are struggling due to undiagnosed dyslexia, a specific
learning disability that is neurological in origin. Drawing
on both theory and the personal experiences of the
presenters' children, this session will help you learn
about the common symptoms of dyslexia in English- and
Spanish-speakers and ways you can identify and help
dyslexic learners in your classroom.
Laura Sagert is a language adviser and teacher at CIDE
(Mexico City). She has been involved in ELT for 18 years
and holds a Master’s in Applied Linguistics (TEFL). One of
her children is dyslexic.
Joep van der Werff is an editor of elementary school
materials (print and digital) at Richmond in Mexico City.
He has been a teacher, teacher trainer, and materials
writer at UNAM, Interlingua and Richmond. One of his
children is dyslexic.
Exhibitor Session
Book Services
Jenny Dooley
Young Learner’s Needs
Loreto A
Friday 12:30–13:20
In order to effectively teach our young pupils we should
be fully aware of how they think, how they learn, and
what their needs are. We need to create an environment
within the classroom that will allow us to lay the
foundations for strong future users of English. Motivating
learners, respecting their learning styles, and exploring
the value of music and games are all challenges to be
embraced by a primary teacher. Various strategies will
also be demonstrated for how to create a stress free
classroom environment Teaching young learners is an art
and in this session we will explore many ways of bringing
our primary classrooms to life!
Jenny Dooley holds a B.A. (Classics) and an M.Ed.
(Masters in Education) from the University of Wales,
Swansea (UK). She has been a teacher, a teacher trainer
and an author/co-author in the ELL field for more than
fifteen years. She has traveled extensively, delivering
seminars and holding workshops in Europe, Latin
America and the Middle East. She currently holds the
position of Director of Studies and manages one of the
piloting schools used by Express Publishing. On a
practical level, she has been influential in the creation of
children’s theater groups, which aim to stimulate young
learners’ imagination while enhancing their English
language learning
Exhibitor Session
H Books
Kirsten Campbell-Howes
need for authenticity override the need for accuracy?
She’ll also offer practical ideas for incorporating
authentic materials into your classes.
Kirsten Campbell-Howes is the author of Collins English
for Life: Writing A2 and B1 (with Clare Dignall). She
taught in Europe and Asia, and has been contributing to
coursebooks and working on some of the world's most
popular digital ELT courses since 2002. She lives in
Exhibitor Session
Cengage National Geographic Learning
Joan Kang Shin
Loreto C
Friday 12:30–13:20
OUR WORLD – Bringing your Classroom to Life
Introducing National Geographic Learning’s new suite of
solutions for young learners of English, from preschool to
6th grade, “Our World”!
“Our World” brings age-appropriate NatGeo content to
young learners of English.
Fun and fascinating information about the real world,
with stunning images and video, gives learners the
English language, skills, and knowledge needed to
understand their world. Easy-to-use technology
reinforces and enhances the content of “Our World”, and
makes the learning experience exciting and fun!
Dr. Joan Kang Shin is the Director of TESOL Professional
Training at the University of Maryland, Baltimore Country
Dr. Shin is co-author of "Teaching Young Learners English
- From Theory to Practice" and is a Series Editor for a
ground breaking 6-level primary English series for
National Geographic Learning called "Our World".
Exhibitor Session
Empreser Compass Media
James Hall
Loreto B
Friday 12:30–13:20
Loreto D
Friday 12:30–13:20
What does it mean and who cares?
Reading Oceans: A library as deep as the sea!
Authenticity has become a buzzword in ELT, but what
does it mean and why does it matter to teachers and
The presentation starts by outlining some of the basic
principles of Extensive Reading, and why it should be an
integral part of all language programs. We will then
examine how digital ER is developing and how digital
libraries like Reading Oceans make it easy for educators
to implement an extensive reading program in their
institutions. Participants will have an opportunity to
sample and learn more about the wide-range of content
and activities in Reading Oceans.
Kirsten Campbell-Howes will ask how much authenticity
teachers and writers should try to bring into the
classroom. For example, should we be teaching authentic
language such as swearing and slang? And should the
James Hall has worked as an ELT professional in the roles
of teacher, content developer, and publisher since 2004.
Currently, Mr. Hall works with Compass Media and its
partner Empreser ELT in support of educators in Mexico
and Latin America.
Exhibitor Session
Empreser MM Publications
Kostas Pexos
Exhibitor Session
The Eurolatinamerican Book
Patricia E. Grounds
Loreto E
Friday 12:30–13:20
Blended learning: The right mix
Nowadays, the use of new technologies is widely spread
in the ELT world. But what is the right combination? In
this session we will look into the pedagogical and
educational benefits of Blended learning through the
demonstration of the components and course features of
MM Publications' brand new course Pioneer.
Κostas Pexos Born in Montreal, Canada, he completed
his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in English Literature
at Concordia University, Canada. He has extensive
experience in teaching English as a foreign language at all
levels. His particular fields of interest are incorporating
literature into the ELT curriculum and developing
students’ speaking skills. Mr. Pexos is currently involved
in teacher’s training and travels widely in this capacity.
He is a familiar figure to teachers in many countries
throughout Europe, Latin America and the Middle East
where he has conducted teacher training programmes.
He has been working with MM Publications as an ELT
consultant and teacher trainer since 2004.
Exhibitor Session
The Eurolatinamerican Book
ELI Publishing
Tracey Sinclair
teaching, she works for ELI as a teacher trainer and
international speaker.
Loreto F
Friday 12:30–13:20
A Super Magic whole-person approach for the primary
Super Magic is a new course of American English for
primary-school children which follows their cognitive and
psychological growth, using a whole-person approach
that helps children absorb the experience of a new
language. It follows a Macro-area program: perception of
self, ownership, expression of opinion, expression of
needs. It includes a CLIL section in every unit that reaches
out beyond the English language to civics, social skills,
road safety and much more.
Tracey started teaching over 30 years ago in New
Zealand. After teaching in the UK and France, she went
to Italy where she has taught all ages and levels. She
started teacher training 20 years ago. When not
Loreto G
Friday 12:30–13:20
Student Generated Language in CLIL with Smart English
Important off-shoots from the Communicative Approach
have been many, and include the rich and challenging
area of CLIL. Awareness of some of the benefits of
learning about other subjects through the medium of
English have been growing, and it is vital to continue to
provide rich and meaningful opportunities for student
generated language, always a key tenet of the CA. After a
little theory, we will see how this can happen in CLILbased activities!
Pat Grounds holds a doctorate (Language Studies) from
Canterbury Christ Church University, an MA in Applied
Linguistics (ELT) from UKC, Canterbury and works as
online tutor for the University of Southampton’s online
MA in ELT. She is a freelance consultant on a range of
UK/Mexican universities.
Exhibitor Session
Cambridge University Press
Blanca Luna
Loreto H
Friday 12:30–13:20
Join us on Super Safari! A Kindergarten learning
Super Safari is a three-level kindergarten programme
from the award-winning team of authors, Herbert
Puchta, Gunter Gerngross and Peter Lewis-Jonesthat
follows the successful methodology of Super Minds with
“Becoming smart” approach at its core.
This holistic approach to child development enhances
children’s thinking skills alongside language and social
skills. It also improves their memory, concentration and
fosters creativity preparing them for success at school.
Join us on Super Safari! A Kindergarten learning
Blanca Luna holds a BA in Applied Linguistics from UANL
and an MBA from UNID. She has taught EFL for more
than 17 years at (UANL). Holds all TKT Certificates plus
TKT CLIL from Cambridge University. Holds a Certificate
in Teaching from The University of Kent in Canterbury.
Exhibitor Session
Cengage National Geographic Learning
Rob Jenkins
Guadalupe A
Friday 12:30–13:20
WORLD ENGLISH 2Ed – Real People, Real Places, Real
Featuring content from National Geographic and TED®,
World English 2Ed brings amazing stories about our
planet and compelling ideas from around the world to
the classroom.
Riveting images, fascinating topics, and inspiring video
will motivate learners to engage with ideas and each
World English introduces students to some of the world’s
most fascinating people and places and builds upon an
effective competency-based approach to provide 21st
century learners with the English skills needed for
Rob Jenkins is a professor of ESL at Santa Ana College
School of Continuing Education in California. He is the
series editor for World English, and also consults on state
and national projects. Rob was awarded the Heinle
Outstanding Achievement Award for his contribution to
publishing in 2013.
Exhibitor Session
César Maldonado, Iván Guerra
Guadalupe B
Friday 12:30–13:20
TOEFL® Family: from Elementary School to College and
Important decisions about your students can have a longterm impact on your institution. That’s why using the
TOEFL® tests is a smart idea. Whether for admissions or
placement, advancement or exiting, the TOEFL® Family
of Assessments provides information you need to help
you make confident decisions. The TOEFL® Family
includes the TOEFL iBT® for university-level admissions,
the TOEFL® ITP for in-country university-level English
programs and the TOEFL® Young Students Series, which
includes the TOEFL® Junior and TOEFL® Primary.
Iván Guerra holds a BA in Business Administration from
EBC, the FCTBE accredited by LCCI-UK and a Diploma in
Professional Competences by Confederation College,
Canada. He has 25 years of experience working in
management positions in higher Education and Mex-US
BNCs. He is currently the TOEFL Junior Officer for Mexico.
César Maldonado
Exhibitor Session
Oxford University Press
Philip Haines
Guadalupe C
Friday 12:30–13:20
Speaking in the young adult monolingual classroom
It is not easy to speak in English when students share the
same language. This session will consider what makes
speaking difficult for students and will explore activities
that can make speaking easier. Participants will have an
opportunity to reflect on both the difficulties and the
suggested activities. American English File second edition
will demonstrate how to get everyone talking. In class.
Philip Haines is the Senior Consultant for Oxford
University Press Mexico. He holds the DOTE and has
been working as a teacher and teacher trainer since
moving to Mexico in 1995. He gives talks both nationally
and internationally and is also the author of several
books published by OUP.
Exhibitor Session
University of Dayton Publishing
Luisa Zenteno Bórquez
Starting out with Toy Box 2.0
Guadalupe D
Friday 12:30–13:20
How can we keep pre-schoolers engaged in the digital
age? Toy Box 2.0 continues to offer young learners the
opportunity to acquire English naturally. This new edition
not only encourages learning through contact with
literature and content, but also initiates students in the
development of 21st Century Skills. Let's open Toy Box
2.0, and see what's inside!
Luisa has been an English teacher and teacher trainer for
more than 20. As an Academic Consultant, she has given
seminars around the whole country training teachers.
She has also been face-to-face courses coordinator and
oral examiner for international examinations. She
currently is a full-time Academic consultant for University
of Dayton Publishing.
Carol Lethaby
Loreto A
Friday 13:30–14:20
Achieving goals: Teaching language to both girls and
Caroline Payant, Jack Hardy
Loreto C
Friday 13:30–14:20
Writing conference proposals: You have what it takes
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Applied Linguistics / Research / All
Applied Linguistics / Research / University / Adult / Institute
Are women’s and men’s brains very different? So what if
they are? Does this mean women and men think
differently? Learn language differently?
This paper uses genre analysis to examine the rhetorical
structures of successful TESOL Convention abstracts.
Obligatory moves and their corresponding structures are
described and discussed. In addition to hearing the
findings of the study, attendees of this presentation will
also receive a step-by-step model for writing successful
conference abstracts. It is our hope that more MEXTESOL
attendees will use this information to help them write
proposals to other conferences, including the TESOL
International Convention
In this session, advances in neuroscience will be
discussed, especially the difference between the physical
brain and the thinking mind. We’ll investigate what we
know and don’t know about girls’ and boys’ language
learning and consider the complex connections between
biology and the environment. What does this all mean
for language teachers?
Carol Lethaby (MA TESOL) has been involved in language
teaching in Mexico since 1988. Carol is now based in San
Francisco, California and is a part-time assistant
professor on the New School online MA in TESOL, as well
as being an honored instructor at UC Berkeley Extension.
José Luis León Hernández
Loreto B
Friday 13:30–14:20
Two contexts for teaching reading from a metacognitive
Applied Linguistics / Research / University
This paper’s first section sketches the theoretical and
methodological constructs sustaining two reading
interventions that advocated a metacognitive stance in
two universities. Second section contends that there are
two types of context reading teachers should diagnose
before embarking on the teaching of reading: complete,
conveying environmental and metacognitive contexts,
and incomplete: the potential unawareness of strategic
work. This approach may establish a solid background for
proper delivery of reading courses involving academic
Luis León Hernández is a full-time professor and
researcher at the Language Department of the
Universidad de las Américas Puebla. He is currently
comprehension of academic texts. He has published
various papers on this topic and has presented them in
various conferences around the world.
Jack A. Hardy is a visiting assistant professor in the
linguistics program at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. He
has taught English in Mexico and the United States. His
research interests include corpus- and genre-based
methodologies, academic writing, and teacher education.
He recently coauthored Corpus-Based Sociolinguistics
(Friginal & Hardy, 2014).
Caroline Payant is an assistant professor in the MA TESL
program at the University of Idaho. Her areas of interests
include teacher education and multilingualism. Prior to
joining the University of Idaho faculty, Caroline taught in
the Applied Linguistic program and in the Intensive
English Program at Georgia State University.
Amy Laboe
Loreto D
Friday 13:30–14:20
Exploring culture in Mexico to build community in
A Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching grantee,
Amy Laboe will present her findings from her six months
in Puebla exploring cultural aspects of education in order
to better connect with the Mexican heritage students
and families in her school in Minnesota. Research on the
Latino achievement gap, a comparison of the educational
systems, and an ethnographic portrait of a rural, Mexican
high school will be presented. The audience will be
asked to engage in discussion.
Amy Laboe is a K-12 ESL and Social Emotional Educator in
Minnesota. She earned her bachelor’s in History from
The University of Notre Dame and her Master’s in ESL
from Hamline University. She has lived and taught in
Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico and the United States over
the past 12 years.
Dan Presson
teacher in Mexico for many years, and has been involved
with PNIEB since the program began in 2009.
Loreto E
Friday 13:30–14:20
Using STEM cognates for building vocabulary
Classroom Methods / Teacher Training / Supervision
There are tens of thousands English–Spanish cognates.
Many of these cognates are found in the disciplines of
Science–Technology–Engineering–Mathematics (STEM) .
Utilizing these cognates teachers have a valuable tool for
building vocabulary.
Moreover, because STEM
disciplines are academic,STEM supports a learner’s use of
academic language. The presentation will discuss the use
of STEM cognates to facilitate language learning as well
as STEM resources for the ESL teacher.
Dan Presson holds a MA in education from CSU
Sacramento and a TESOL certificate from CSU Chico, has
taught electronic engineering technology at Sacramento
City for 18 years. He has been teaching ESL to students
enrolled in technology programs for 15 years. The
majority of his students are Spanish speakers.
In-Progress Research Report
María Virginia Mercau, Guadalupe Blanco López, Peter
Loreto F
Friday 13:30–13:55
PNIEB teacher profiles and professional development: A
needs analysis
Teacher Training / Supervision / Program Administrators / Pre-primary /
Primary / Program administrators
A needs analysis study undertaken to identify key areas
to focus training efforts for PNIEB teachers will be
presented. It consisted of a national survey of 370
teachers representing 24 different states. The analysis of
the surveys identified three different profiles of PNIEB
teachers that show different strengths and professional
development needs. The findings suggest that training
programs for PNIEB teachers should be tailored to
respond to their specific linguistic, pedagogical and
educational needs.
María Virginia Mercau holds a master’s in Applied
Linguistics from the UNAM and is a tenured English
teacher at the UAMI. She is coauthor of the online
Diplomado formación de asesores de centros de
autoaceso and of the Diplomado virtual Formación
docente en la enseñanza escolarizada del inglés para
Peter Sayer is an associate professor of TESOL in the
Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies at the
University of Texas at San Antonio. He holds a doctorate
in applied linguistics. He was previously an English
Guadalupe Blanco López is a free-lance professor and
researcher. She currently is a thesis consultant for MA
and Ph.D. candidates at Universidad Tolteca de México in
the areas of education, teacher training, language
learning, and discourse analysis. She has recently
published several articles on those topics.
In-Progress Research Report
Adriana Medellín Gómez
Loreto F
Friday 13:55–14:20
Surviving the Competency-based approach: portfolios,
rubrics and authentic assessment
Teacher Training / Supervision / University
This presentation briefly introduces the concepts of
Competency-based approach, authentic assessment and
use of portfolios and rubrics apply to a real ESL advanced
university classroom, in which students had to develop
an electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) presenting evidence
of practice, reflection and meaningful thinking and
learning. Conclusions about the experience of using
portfolios as a learning and assessment tool for both
students and teacher are discussed.
Adriana Medellín teaches undergraduate and graduate
courses at the Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.
Currently she is the head of the International Affairs and
Academic Exchange Office of this institution. She has a
PhD in Applied Linguistics and is a member of the
Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) since 2014.
In-Progress Research Report
Anne Donovan, Victoria Nier
Loreto G
Friday 13:30–13:55
Developing a written skills assessment for Mexican
English teachers
Applied Linguistics / Research/ Testing / Evaluation / Teacher
This session describes principals of test development and
demonstrates their application in the context of
developing a test of English for Mexican English teachers.
Presenters will discuss the development of a reading and
writing test for use in Mexico, including details of the
development, piloting, and analysis of the test. Sample
questions and examinee responses will be shared to
illustrate the presentation.
Victoria C. Nier (M.S. Applied Linguistics, Georgetown
University) is a language research and assessment
specialist at the Center for Applied Linguistics. Since
2007, she has worked on the development and
refreshment of large-scale ESL, EFL, and Spanish
assessments, research on language assessment best
practices, and professional development courses and
in Mexico and pre-sessional courses at the University of
Southampton, UK
Anne Donovan (M.S. Applied Linguistics, Georgetown
University) is a language research and assessment
specialist at the Center for Applied Linguistics. Since
2008, she has worked on the development of
computerized assessments of French and Mandarin,
refreshment and validation of a large-scale English oral
proficiency test, and assessment-related professional
Show-and-Tell Session
The benefits of using authentic materials with language
learners are widely recognized. Yet many teachers don’t
take advantage of these benefits with less advanced
learners due to concerns that the language input may be
too difficult and overwhelming. This demonstration will
provide a rationale for using authentic materials with
learners of all linguistic levels, offer tips for using
authentic materials and cover how to design activities
that are appropriate for a given set of learners.
Kirsten Lawrence
Loreto G
Friday 13:55–14:20
Using Padlet to teach appropriate source use and
citation practices
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Technology in EFL / ESL / University
Patricia Harries started her ELT career at the Anglo in
Guadalajara. She has also worked as a teacher, teacher
trainer, materials writer and project officer in the UK, SE
Asia, Australia, Canada and the USA. She is currently
based in Boston, MA.
Janine Sepulveda
Guadalupe A
Friday 13:30–14:20
Authentic materials: Not just for advanced learners
Classroom Methods / Techniques / All ages
Padlet is a free, interactive website that gives both
teachers and students the power to create and use
engaging content. Though this CALL tool can be used for
a variety of purposes, this presentation will demonstrate
how Padlet can be utilized specifically to introduce the
concept of using outside sources in academic writing and
how international students can avoid plagiarism in higher
education environments.
Janine Sepulveda is a classroom teacher and online
teacher trainer at the University of Oregon and has 20
years experience in the field. She has taught EFL in South
Korea, Holland and Mexico. She has also conducted
onsite teacher-training workshops in Mexico and Chile.
Kirsten Lawrence is a recent graduate from the Ohio
University Applied Linguistics M.A. program. Her
research interests include CALL and the relationship
between pedagogy and technology; this research has
primarily been used to benefit students in the Ohio
Program of Intensive English at Ohio University.
Guadalupe B
Friday 13:30–14:20
Patricia Harries, Jean Pender
Loreto H
Friday 13:30–14:20
Does the Cambridge English CELTA meet our needs?
Teacher Training / Supervision / Adult / Institute
As this initial teacher training program grows in
popularity in North America, the session considers how
effectively this short intensive certificate course prepares
its trainees for the workplace. The discussion is informed
by the presenters’ training experiences as well as by
research data collected from ex-trainees and their local
Jean Pender, teacher trainer has an MA in Applied
Linguistics, University of Birmingham. She teaches CELTA
Courtney Colborn
Building confidence and so much more with poster
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Program / Syllabus Development /
Secondary / Preparatory
Poster sessions are a common form of presenting
information in real-life; however, classrooms usually only
focus on traditional styles of presentations. Poster
sessions help students develop discussion skills, and
provide an opportunity to improve formal presentation
skills in a less stressful setting. Students learn the
importance of practice, gain confidence, and increase
fluency. The demonstration will outline the benefits and
the steps to creating poster sessions for most a variety of
ages and levels.
Courtney Colborn is currently a full time instructor at the
University of Dayton in Ohio. She has an MA in Linguistics
from California State University, Long Beach and has
taught teenagers and adults in both the U.S, and China.
Anna Whitcher
Special Session
Guadalupe C
Friday 13:30–14:20
Jen MacArthur, José Manuel Villafuerte, Brenda
Loreto A
Friday 14:30–15:50
Using video to activate critical thinking
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Technology in EFL / ESL /
Secondary / Preparatory
How can we use video to activate critical thinking in
secondary classrooms? By comparing teacher and
student expectations of video, we will explore some of
the misconceptions and find new connections. Through
various types of video, we will see how these
connections translate into better engagement in the
language classroom.
Anna Whitcher is an editor, writer and producer of ELT
materials and has a strong interest in film and its role in
the language classroom. She graduated from UC Berkeley
and has a Master’s in English Composition. She has
taught ESL/EFL to teenagers and adults in the US and
Special Session
Pia Maria White, Ulrich Schrader
Guadalupe D
Friday 13:30–14:20
What MEXTESOL can do for you
This session describes the benefits of membership in
MEXTESOL and the services that MEXTESOL can provide
to individual teachers and schools. What does it mean to
belong to a professional organization like MEXTESOL?
What are the tie-ins to TESOL International and IATEFL?
Learn about the scholarships that MEXTESOL offers and
how you too, can serve the ELT community in Mexico.
Pia White holds an MA in TESOL from the University of
London. She works at the University of Aguascalientes,
and is the Regional Team Leader for Cambridge
examinations. For many years she has held different
positions in the National Governing Board of MEXTESOL,
and is currently MEXTESOL’s National President.
Ulrich Schrader has been actively involved in MEXTESOL
for many years in many different capacities. Currently he
is the academic consultant at the National MEXTESOL
Office and the MEXTESOL-TESOL liaison in charge of
maintaining MEXTESOL’s affiliation in good standing.
General Assembly, Workshops and Special Sessions
US Embassy Professional Development Opportunities
for English Teachers
Would you like to improve yourself as a teacher and as a
person? Are you committed to English language
teaching? Do you like sharing with others? If the answer
to these three questions is yes, join us to learn about
different professional development opportunities such as
free webinars, scholarships to online courses and more.
This may be just what you were looking for!
Jen MacArthur is the Regional English Language Officer
(RELO) based at the US Embassy in Mexico City. She
holds undergraduate degrees in History and German,
plus graduate degrees in Education and Social Policy and
Planning in Developing Countries. She has facilitated
numerous in-service teacher training workshops on three
José Manuel Villafuerte holds an Master’s in Business
Administration and a BA in English Literature. He has
been in ELT since 1988 as a teacher, coordinator, editor,
academic consultant, teacher trainer and author.
Brenda Bernaldez holds a BA in ELT by UNAM. She has
been in the field as teacher, an academic manager and a
teacher trainer for over 13 years and regards reading as
one of her driving forces.
Jane Revell
Loreto B
Friday 14:30–15:50
Stress-busting for teachers
Teaching is one of the most stressful jobs there is. This
session will remind teachers why ongoing stress is
harmful and give you a few simple – and not so simple –
stress-busting strategies to help you cope … and to
enable you to live happier and healthier lives. Learners
might appreciate some of these ideas as well!
Jane is a certified international NLP trainer and has been
a teacher trainer all over the world over 40 years. She
has written many ELT books, children's stories and BBC
radio and video material. She is the author of Jetstream,
the new young adult course published by Helbling
Nicole Eustice
Loreto C
Friday 14:30–15:50
Online discussion today, learner autonomy tomorrow
Technology in EFL / ESL / Program / Syllabus Development / University
Do you teach EFL at secondary level? Working with PNIEB
curricula? Need ideas to plan and deliver integrated
lessons? Want to include the social practices of the
language into every lesson? Want to use your context
and materials to deliver knock out lessons? If so, this
workshop is for you. Join us for an invigorating planning
and modeling lesson time and leave with plenty of ideas
to try in your classroom next week!
The search for how best to enhance autonomy in
language learning continues in research across the globe,
but evidence suggests that the majority of students do
not demonstrate functional capacity in autonomous
learning. Participants in this workshop will investigate
and discuss conceptions of autonomy and critical
reflection, and will then develop a particular topic and
plan for online discussion in their own context. A brief
tutorial of free online discussion software is provided.
Lety Banks is an experienced EFL teacher trainer who has
worked in Africa, China, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico. She
currently teaches Intensive Academic English and trains
international teachers in the United States. She is a
doctorate student at the University of California, San
Nicole Eustice teaches online courses to EFL educators
on critical thinking in language learning and teaching,
and also continues to teach university students in the
Intensive English Program at the University of Oregon.
She holds a Master of Arts degree in Linguistics and B.A.
degrees in Spanish and Linguistics.
Loreto F
Friday 14:30–15:50
Mauricio Cortés Castro
Loreto D
Friday 14:30–15:50
Create your own digital learning objects through ICTs
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Secondary / Preparatory
Teachers, as agents of change, normally march at the
front-line towards progress and future. At this moment,
nevertheless, students seem to be better than them
regarding digital literacy, while teachers should be
generating contents and learning objects for the internet
and not just merely consuming what already exists. This
workshop is both, an invitation to reflection and an
invitation to action. Let us regain our leading role and
make the best out of ICTs!
Mauricio Cortés Castro with +25 years of experience, has
taught countless times, co-ordinated teachers, done
R&D, designed curricula at a national scale, lectured in
Teaching, Evaluation and IT use in Education; PET/FCE
interviewer, proficient IT user. Has a degree in Education,
Teacher’s Diploma and a CPE. He is an experienced ELT
Academic Consultant.
Lety Banks
Loreto E
Friday 14:30–15:50
Planning and delivering integrated EFL lessons
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Secondary / Preparatory
Philip Haines
Can Spanish be useful in the ELT classroom?
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Secondary / Preparatory
There are many arguments for and against the use of
Spanish in the ELT classroom. However, many teachers
make at least some use of Spanish in their teaching, but
often feel guilty about doing so. This workshop will
outline the benefits and disadvantages of using Spanish
in our classrooms and establish a set of guidelines that
will enable teachers to make productive use of Spanish
while at the same time avoiding all the disadvantages
Philip Haines is the Senior Consultant for Oxford
University Press Mexico. He has been working as a
teacher and then teacher trainer since moving to Mexico
in 1995. He gives talks both nationally and internationally
and is also the co-author of several series, several of
which are published by OUP.
Carlos Eduardo Castro Galindo
Loreto G
Friday 14:30–15:50
Dynamic classes = happy students
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Adult / Institute
Who said that teaching can't be fun?
Come Laugh, play and enjoy yourself in this fun and
dynamic workshop meant to inspire teachers to create
their own personalized and creative contests and games
to boost their student's confidence and moral. With the
help of basic technology and lots of humor this workshop
will change the way you practice and teach your classes.
Let's Play!
Carlos Castro, currently working as a full-time ELT
Academic Consultant for Richmond Publishing, has been
working in the Educational environment for almost 10
years in Canada and Mexico. He holds a Masters in
Marketing from ITESM and is currently studying a Phd on
Education at the UBC.
Laura A. Meza
Loreto H
Friday 14:30–15:50
Equality and diversity in mainstream ELT
Classroom Methods / Techniques / All
One of the clear trends in recent years has been an
increased emphasis on incorporating values into
educational syllabuses. While this is a commendable first
step in education, it is perhaps equally important for us
to stop, look at our work and consider the real-world
challenge of ensuring equal opportunities and diversity in
our day to day endeavours. Join me for a reflective
workshop with practical ideas on how to use classroom
activities to help emphasizing the need of being fair and
embracing the differences between us.
Laura A. Meza (MEd ELT, Dip RSA) has taught English to
students of all ages and levels, as well as being involved
in developing and delivering initial and in-service teacher
training courses. For over 20 years, she has taken on a
variety of roles in education. Currently, Laura is the
Senior Manager, English at the British Council in Mexico
where she also holds the voluntary role of Equal
Opportunities and Diversity Coordinator.
JoAnn Miller
Guadalupe A
Friday 14:30–15:50
Projects for digital citizenship
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Technology in EFL / ESL / All levels
The study of digital citizenship, from cyber-bullying to
digital footprints, can be a perfect media for student
interaction activities in English. Using online examples
and participants’ personal experiences, digital citizenship
is defined and short activities or more complex projects
that can help students interact online safely are
examined and suggestions for organizing school-wide
digital citizenship crusades are discussed. Participants are
encouraged to share their own ideas as they think about
relevant activities for their classes.
JoAnn Miller has taught in Mexico for over 40 years. She
was editor of the MEXTESOL Journal and is now an
Associate Editor. She was on the Board of Directors of
TESOL and works with the CALL Interest Section. She is a
free-lance consultant, teacher trainer, and materials
Leticia Vela González
Guadalupe B
Friday 14:30–15:50
Encouraging mindfulness through active learning
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Adult / Institute
What is mindful learning and why is it important? In this
workshop you will learn the answer to this question as
you participate in hands-on activities that can be applied
right away in your classes to encourage both mindfulness
and active learning.
Leticia Vela has been teaching English since 1996. She
teaches at the UPN Master’s in Bilingual Education. She
is the Director of uSpeak Training Center where she is
dedicated to transforming the lives of students through
high-quality English language courses and professional
She is currently the Treasurer of
Migdalia E Rodríguez, María Antonia Morúa
Guadalupe C
Friday 14:30–15:50
Using concordancers for language learning
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Technology in EFL / ESL / University
Presenters will share practical ideas about the use of free
online concordancers, which are electronic programs
that retrieve linguistic data from corpora in the form of
lines or strings of words called concordances.
Concordancers represent a useful resource to create
language learning materials and classroom activities, as
well as a reference tool that offers learners the
opportunity to analyze linguistic patterns in context,
discovering grammar structure and lexical meaning from
real language in use.
María Antonia Morúa is a full-time teacher in the
Department of Foreign Languages at the University of
Sonora. She earned a Master’s degree in applied
linguistics from the University of Birmingham, UK. Her
research interests include corpus linguistics applied to
language teaching/learning, error analysis, and
pedagogical grammar.
Migdalia E Rodríguez works in the Department of
Foreign Languages at the University of Sonora. She is
currently a PhD candidate at the University of Arizona in
the Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT)
program. Her research interests are online language
teacher education (OLTE), corpus linguistics and ESP
material development
Asamblea General de Asociados
Guadalupe D
Friday 14:30–15:50
Exhibitor Session
Exhibitor Session
Book Services
Jenny Dooley
Helbling Languages
Koen Van Landeghem
Loreto A
Friday 16:00–16:50
Intensive reading is rightly expected to be part of any
course. But why exactly is it there and how do we get the
most out of it? Firstly, it is important to establish that
although passages obviously help develop reading skills
in general, they are also highly targeted and designed to
accomplish other goals, as well.
Jenny Dooley holds a B.A. (Classics) and an M.Ed
(Masters in Education) from the University of Wales,
Swansea (UK). She has been a teacher, a teacher trainer
and an author/co-author in the ELL field for more than
fifteen years. She has traveled extensively, delivering
seminars and holding workshops in Europe, Latin
America and the Middle East. She currently holds the
position of Director of Studies and manages one of the
piloting schools used by Express Publishing. On a
practical level, she has been influential in the creation of
children’s theater groups, which aim to stimulate young
learners’ imagination while enhancing their English
language learning.
Exhibitor Session
Pearson Mexico
Mario Herrera
Loreto B
Friday 16:00–16:50
Big Fun for a Big Start in English!
Mario Herrera’s new program for Pre-school is ready!
Come learn how Big Fun teaches young children English
in the same way that they learn their native language, as
they grow confident to speak English on their own.
Children learn about math, reading and writing
readiness, values and nature as they practice motor skills
and have fun doing creative projects with original songs
and chants to delight both students and teachers. Don’t
miss the Big Fun!
Mario Herrera has a B.A. in Education and an M.A. in EFL.
He specializes in teaching English to young learners. He
has authored or co-authored several bestselling ELT
programs worldwide. Mr. Herrera has also been involved
in teacher training for 30 years and travels
internationally on behalf of Pearson ELT.
Loreto C
Friday 16:00–16:50
The Wheel of Change: Technology made easy!
Today’s teachers and students are moving towards
blended as well as purely digital learning solutions.
Implementing the right blend of printed and digital
media may often represent a major challenge.
Helbling Languages has developed eZone, an extremely
user-friendly LMS, and Cloudbook, a cutting edge easyto-use technology that allows for a flexible blended
experience. This session illustrates how to integrate
these solutions into your teaching, even when the digital
capacity and internet are limited.
Koen is an organizational coach with a fascination for
Mindful Change. He has many years of teaching, training
and ELT publishing experience, and for several years
worked as a digital learning consultant in the Americas
and in Asia. He joined Helbling Languages in 2013.
Exhibitor Session
Empreser MM Publications
Kostas Pexos
Loreto D
Friday 16:00–16:50
Integration of skills: A more meaningful and dynamic
The importance of integrating the four skills in language
teaching is widely recognized in the ELT world. Each of
the four skills (reading listening, speaking, writing) has
specific characteristics that distinguish it from the other
three. However, that doesn’t mean that these skills
should be taught separately. The main pursuit of
teaching and learning a foreign language is realistic
communication and this requires one to develop all four
In the course of this session we will discuss the issue of
the integration of skills and the benefits this approach
has for language learners. Participants will also be
presented with practical ideas and examples of how to
integrate the four skills in the ELT classroom.
Κostas Pexos Born in Montreal, Canada, he completed
his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in English Literature
at Concordia University, Canada. He has extensive
experience in teaching English as a foreign language at all
levels. His particular fields of interest are incorporating
literature into the ELT curriculum and developing
students’ speaking skills. Mr. Pexos is currently involved
in teacher’s training and travels widely in this capacity.
He is a familiar figure to teachers in many countries
throughout Europe, Latin America and the Middle East
where he has conducted teacher training programmes.
He has been working with MM Publications as an ELT
consultant and teacher trainer since 2004.
Exhibitor Session
Empreser Build & Grow
Ji Young Ko
Tracey started teaching over 30 years ago in New
Zealand. After teaching in the UK and France, she went
to Italy where she has taught all ages and levels. She
started teacher training 20 years ago. When not
teaching, she works for ELI as a teacher trainer and
international speaker.
Exhibitor Session
Loreto E
Friday 16:00–16:50
Curriculum Integration, A New Way to Teach English
Through curriculum integration, students are able to gain
a wider understanding of the content while developing
their critical thinking and background knowledge. Using
curriculum integration in language classes captures
students’ interest and gives them greater insight into
both the content and the language. Although many
educators are already aware of the advantages of
curriculum integration, it can be challenging for teachers
to properly establish this system of learning in reading
lessons. Centered on Build & Grow’s Subject Link series,
this workshop will present ideas for creating a studentcentered reading program based on curriculum
integration and appropriate theme-based projects.
Ji Young Ko has an MA in TESOL (Teaching English to
Speakers of Other Languages) from New York University.
She also holds an MBA degree from the University of
Geneva in Switzerland. She previously taught ESL
students and developed the curriculum for an ESL
program at a public school in New York City. She
currently works at Build and Grow as the global
marketing manager and an academic consultant.
Exhibitor Session
The Eurolatinamerican Book ELI Publishing
Tracey Sinclair
Loreto F
Friday 16:00–16:50
FLASH on ESP, The ideal introduction to sector-specific
No longer is it necessary to teach an item simply because
it is ‘there’ in the language. Our vocational and
professional students need to have specific competences
for their lives and each specialisation has different
characteristics. FLASH on English ESP titles are complete,
concrete, clear, and easy-to-teach courses covering the
lexis, functions and necessary competences for six areas
emphasising reading skills and increasing oral and
written competences.
The Eurolatinamerican Book
Aidee Armenta
Loreto G
Friday 16:00–16:50
How to turn Cert Prep into a complete learning
Keying up to sit a certification exam is mostly considered
a matter of achieving a score. Taking exams is not
generally considered to be primarily a learning
experience. In this talk, we will analyse how to make the
preparation for exams more about a complete learning
experience. We will also show some research-based data
as well as looking at some practical ideas, and discussing
how to best make use of Global ELT exam practice
Aidee Armenta holds a Bachelor’s Degree in
Communication from UNAM and the ICELT from the
University of Cambridge. She has been an English
teacher, teacher trainer and consultant in ELT at SEP
(Ministry of Education) and private schools. She has
written English textbooks for elementary, secondary and
high school levels.
Exhibitor Session
Cambridge University Press
Norma Dávila
Loreto H
Friday 16:00–16:50
Introducing…Cambridge Primary. A curriculum
framework to develop understanding
To meet the challenges of the future, children need to
develop facility with both conversational and academic
English. From the earliest level Cambridge Primary
addresses both these competencies.
Cambridge English gives schools a curriculum framework
to develop skills and knowledge in the following subjects:
• English
• Science
• Math
Cambridge English can be used as a stand-alone ESL
curriculum or it can be used as part of an innovative suite
of materials created by Cambridge University Press.
Norma Dávila holds a Master of Education from
Universidad Panamericana. She has worked as an English
Teacher for twenty years. As a Second Language
Specialist for Semper Altius, Norma trained English
teachers in Mexico, Central America, Italy and
Switzerland. Norma is currently Teacher Support
Manager at Cambridge University Press
Exhibitor Session
Editorial Trillas
Pamela Sabugo, Liz Andrade
Guadalupe A
Friday 16:00–16:50
Let’s Play to Read K-1
Let’s Play to Read K1 is a book that embraces children
through their learning process and makes them discover
how they can learn by observing, comparing and
contrasting images and by listening carefully to sounds.
The exercises in the book are designed to allow children
to fulfill them successfully giving them confidence
towards their process of learning English.
Sounds and music play an important role in this book, as
they make teaching and learning a more joyful
experience and they work as tools to develop both,
listening and reading skills. Children will acquire
vocabulary and will develop auditory perception by
getting acquainted with phonemes and sounds.
Pamela Sabugo: Graduated from college with a degree in
Childhood Education, she also attended the Teacher’s
Training Course and studied to be a Kindermusik
Educator. She has worked as an early childhood educator
for developing social, emotional and intellectual skills
through the use of music. She has worked teaching
children how to read and write in English.
Liz Andrade: She is a musical pedagogue certified by Orff
Institute (Salzburg Austria). Bachelor’s degree in
Childhood Education. She has extensive experience as a
professional musician, songwriter, composer and music
teacher. She has written more than 200 songs for
grammar and vocabulary needed to pass Cambridge
Young Learners Examinations, Key for Schools, and TOEFL
Primary. The course can be used to complement any
Pathway to Certification is an app that will give your
students fun skill practice for these examinations. It is
the only app to include speaking practice for the TOEFL
Primary test.
Rosy Cortés has been involved in ELT for 23 years,
teaching English at all levels and being a coordinator for
highly recognized educational institutions. She has been
a TOEFL administrator, a TKT invigilator and a certified
trainer by CONOCER. She is currently a full-time
Academic Consultant at Richmond Publishing
Exhibitor Session
University of Dayton Publishing
Dante Segura
Guadalupe C
Friday 16:00–16:50
Move forward with Imagine 2.0
Imagine 2.0 is the improved and updated well-loved
primary series for five plus hours of English classes a
week. With Imagine 2.0 students will acquire English
through contact with literature and content area topics,
while developing language skills and knowledge... and all
with added digital material! Can you Imagine anything
Dante Segura is a certified English teacher, teacher
trainer and Cambridge ESOL oral examiner. He has been
an Academic Director in various schools and has led
diverse programmes, contributing to the professional
development of teachers all around Latin America. He is
currently Head of Academic Services for University of
Dayton Publishing.
Exhibitor Session
H. Books
Gustavo Ramírez Toledo
Exhibitor Session
Rosa Maria Cortés Espinosa
Guadalupe D
Friday 16:00–16:50
Progressive Skills in English
Guadalupe B
Friday 16:00–16:50
Follow the Grammar Path to Certification!
Pathway to Grammar is a six-level course for young
learners that helps students review and consolidate the
A new four-level, skills-based course for young adults and
adults who need to study in English.
Builds the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
required for lectures, tutorials, research and written
assignments in English.
Course and syllabus specially designed for target
students, in terms of themes, topics, vocabulary,
receptive and productive skills and grammar. Prepares
students for entry into English-medium study at
university level.
Also ideal for students who wish to improve their score
in skills-based examinations for university entry
requirements, such as IELTS.
Teaches necessary skills as part of a systematic program
of language development.
Prof. Gustavo Ramírez Toledo, author and editor in the
creation of modern textbooks. He has written more than
50 books for the teaching of English and has trained
teachers in language teaching in México and Latin
America, as well as in Spain, Italy, and Greece. He has
lectured about teaching topics and presented papers in
Mextesol, and in Congresses in South America and
Central America.
Keynote Address
Thomas Jones
Loreto A
Friday 17:00–17:50
Keynote Address
Pilar Aramayo
Loreto B
Friday 17:00–17:50
Mexico City: A tour of the linguistic landscape
Applied Linguistics / Research / All ELT practitioners
English has a strong presence in the ‘linguistic landscape’
(LL) of Mexico City, a metropolitan area of 20 million
people, who are primarily monolingual speakers of
Spanish. Why is English so prominent in the LL? Who
uses it? What for? This talk will report on a research
project conducted in Mexico City, using billboards and
store name signs to analyse the social meanings
attributed to English.
Pilar Aramayo-Prudencio has been involved in ELT for 20
years as a teacher, trainer, curriculum and materials
writer, and programme administrator. Her professional
interests include teacher education and language policy.
She is Director, English for Education Systems (British
Council), and is currently pursuing doctoral studies at the
University of Southampton.
Keynote Address
Academic alchemy: Transforming lives. Mindfulness
tools for classroom gold
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Teacher Training / Supervision / All
Is it possible to employ philosophical tenets as both
teachers and learners to achieve academic goals? To
transform lives? To define our own? Can mindfulness,
stoicism and a dash of Wittgenstein or a blend of others
offer pointers to adjust our mindset or overcome
generations of hardwired dogma on teaching? A light
look at a serious subject and some concrete uses in YOUR
classroom-all presented with the vim and vigour of a best
man’s speech!
Thomas Jones, teacher, examiner, trainer, DoS, principal
and director in France, Greece, Spain, Germany,
Indonesia, Australia, the USA and the UK. CV highlights
include: Studygroup, Trinity College London, EC. Now
with Inspiring Learning. Founder of Brock Solutions
Agency. He presents globally, including: IATEFL, NAFSA,
FELTOM and universities and businesses worldwide
Hye-Yeon Lim
Loreto C
Friday 17:00–17:50
Mindful Teachers - Meaningful Lessons
This presentation will discuss how “mindfulness” can be
used to create “meaningful” lessons. We will look at how
strategies of mindfulness can help teachers develop a
dynamic learning environment with an emphasis on
competency-based instruction. We will examine how to
provide authentic communication opportunities in the
classroom by transitioning practice oriented activities to
production oriented activities.
Hye-Yeon Lim (Ph.D. from The University of Texas at
Austin) has worked in Foreign Language Education for
over 20 years as an Instructor, Department Chair, Faculty
Development Specialist, Foreign Language Program
Evaluator, and Dean. Dr. Lim's specialties are
Development, and Instructional Technology. She
published numerous articles in the MexTESOL Journal,
Applied Language Learning, Hong Kong Journal of
Applied Linguistics, Journal of Education and Human
Development, among others.
Jen MacArthur is the Regional English Language Officer
(RELO) based at the US Embassy in Mexico City. She
holds undergraduate degrees in History and German,
plus graduate degrees in Education and Social Policy and
Planning in Developing Countries. She has facilitated
numerous in-service teacher training workshops on three
Keynote Address
Koen Van Landeghem
Guadalupe A
Friday 17:00–17:50
The wheel of change: The psychology of optimal
experience in ELT
The mind has an innate capacity to be focused and to see
with clarity. We know from neuroscience research that
we can cultivate and strengthen our mind´s capacity to
focus and learn. To stay focused and motivated requires
a balanced interaction between skill and challenge. This
keynote introduces the principles of The Psychology of
Optimal Experience, Mindful Teaching, and things that
matter to move teachers and students in their Zone of
Optimal Performance.
Koen is devoted to digital learning and data supported
teaching. With his background in psychology, and as a
certified organizational coach, he is passionate about
bringing out the best in people and their organizations.
He has worked with institutions around the world and is
currently a director for Helbling Languages.
Keynote Address
Jen MacArthur
Guadalupe B
Friday 17:00–17:50
CBT/CLIL: Examples from the world of Geography
Most teachers have heard the terms CBT (Content-Based
Teaching) or CLIL (Content and Language Integrated
Instruction), but fewer have received hands-on training
in modifying materials and integrating subject area
themes into the foreign language class.
This session will provide a brief theoretical overview of
CBT/CLIL, as well as practical examples from the subject
of Geography for students from the upper primary
grades to the beginning of university. It is hoped that the
session will be useful for teachers engaged in integrating
other school subjects/disciplines into the foreign
language classroom, as well.
Refreshment Break and Book Exhibition
Luke Prodromou
Loreto A, B, and C
Friday 18:30–19:30
Idioms: in the world, in the classroom and in English as a Lingua Franca
In this talk, the presenter explores the mysterious behaviour of idioms in the context of English as a Lingua
Franca. ‘Idiomaticity’ is important because it is central to L1 fluency and because it is tested! But is there a role for idioms
in ELF and, if so, what is it?
Dr. Luke Prodromou is a teacher, teacher-trainer and materials writer. He has been a speaker at many international
conferences. Luke graduated from Bristol University in English and has an MA in Shakespeare Studies (Birmingham
University) a Diploma in TEFL (Leeds University) and a Ph.D (Nottingham University). He has conducted teacher training
courses for the British Council, Pilgrims (Canterbury) NILE (Norwich) the University of Edinburgh, ESADE (Barcelona), LEND
(Italy) et al. He is the author of numerous textbooks – Flash on being the latest. He is also the co-author of Dealing with
Difficulties (with Lindsay Clandfield), Mixed Abiilty Classes (Macmillan) and English as a Lingua Franca. He is an item-writer
for the Greek State Language Examinations.
He is a member of a Greek theatre group and is one half of the Dave’n’Luke English Language Theatre group.
Social Cultural Event Friday 20:00 – 22:00
October 18
Type of
Irma Piña
Pilar Aramayo
Professional development in the Digital
Loreto A, B,
and C
The Impact of L1 on junior high school
Loreto D
Wendy Yesenia Chávez
Eduardo Cortés Sánchez
Roberto Criollo
Training EFL teachers to work with
elementary school parents
Loreto D
Jacob Maldonado Morales
Javier Tapia
Students’ reverse culture shock at a B.A
language program
Loreto E
Liliana Maria Villalobos
What happened to EYE CONTACT in EFL
Loreto E
Maria Pinto
Designing a module-based
postgraduate reading course
Loreto F
Assessment of Academic English Course
to increase linguistic proficiency
Loreto F
Using ludic activities to teach preschool
ss in a
Loreto G
Jorge Luis
Look! The teacher! Including yourself to
Contreras Robles engage students
Loreto G
Laura Emilia Fierro Lopez
María Fernanda
Rodríguez Farah
Mayra Rojano Ballesteros
Alexia Sobarzo Rosas
Heather Gaddis
Principles and practices of online
Demonstration Loreto H
Meredith Spencer
Extensive reading: An alternative
approach to developing successful
Guadalupe A
David Connolly
Distance learning
Guadalupe B
Cross curricular connections: An
adapted group activity
Demonstration Guadalupe C
Teaching writing with Facebook: A
blended learning approach
Lucero Luna Valdez
Deborah Karen Colvin
Maritza del
Carmen Rosas
Raúl Alejandro
Cruz Trujillo
October 18th 09:30-10:30
Randi Reppen
Bringing real language into grammar
Guadalupe D
Loreto A, B,
and C
October 18
Refreshment Break and Book Exhibition and Poster Sessions begin
October 18th 10:30-11:30
Type of
Ana Maria Astiazaran
How to form a new MEXTESOL Chapter
Special Session Loreto D
María Virginia Mercau
A teacher training course evaluated by
its participants
Poster Session
Ground floor
Marina Pardo Granillo
Developing phonemic awareness in
English teachers
Poster Session
Ground floor
De linguis: A digital journal for language
Poster Session
Ground floor
Andrea Nesme Mendoza
Perception and production of English
Poster Session
Ground floor
Mayra Rojano Ballesteros
Working with future teachers:
Strategies and examples
Poster Session
Paul Gee: An alternative for
sociocultural-linguistic discourse
Ground floor
Poster Session
Ground floor
Using games to promote autonomy in
the language classroom
Poster Session
Ground floor
La profesionalización del inglés como
lengua extranjera
Poster Session
Secundaria Bilingüe UANE Program
Development Using a University
Ground floor
Poster Session
Ground floor
Type of
Brita Banitz
Mindful teaching: Setting standards to
achieve goals
Loreto A
Guadalupe Pineda
Character formation in the classroom
and workplace
Loreto B
Simon Brewster
In the end, it’s all about learning
Loreto C
Dulce Ma. Montes de Oca
Araceli Salas
Juan Neftali
Victoria Isabel Aguilar Ruiz
Luis Enrique García Castillo
Aída Hernández y
October 18th 11:30-12:20
Rob Jenkins
Engage and Inspire Learners to Succeed
Guadalupe A
Jenny Dooley
Engaging digital natives
Guadalupe B
October 18th 12:30-13:20
Type of
ARTSPOT, Educational
THE TOWER – Theatre Play by ArtSpot
Exhibitor Session
Loreto A
Adam Cookson
A Competent come?
The new Kaplan Method of English
Learning: K+
Exhibitor Session
H Books
Loreto B
Lesley Koustaff
Oxford Discover: Teaching 21st Century Exhibitor Session
Skills With Confidence
Loreto C
Lauren Evans
The Very Books That Can Help Young
English Learners
Exhibitor Session
Loreto D
Luke Prodromou
Competence with CLIL, culture, and
Michael Downie
One world with i-World
Kostas Pexos
Vocabulary: What needs to be taught
and how?
Exhibitor Session
Loreto G
Lethaby, Carol
“Fresh, engaging, flexible – JUST
Exhibitor Session
Loreto H
Margaret Lond
Bed World "Make Your Dreams Come
Exhibitor Session
Beo Education
Guadalupe A
Anna Whitcher
Cambridge-Discovery: Visual
Experience as Motivation
Exhibitor Session
Guadalupe B
Jane Revell
JETSTREAM: A powerful adult learner
Exhibitor Session
Guadalupe C
Jorge Martínez Lavariega
Inglés Fácil
Exhibitor Session
Editorial Trillas
Guadalupe D
Exhibitor Session
Loreto E
Exhibitor Session
University of
Loreto F
Dayton Publishing
October 18th 13:30-14:50
Type of
Leonardo Mercado
Demystifying error correction
Loreto A
Brenda Bernaldez
English Teachers as classroomethnographers: Understanding Workshop
your students’ perspective
Loreto B
Additional Speaker(s)
Edouard Francois Hubert
Renate Marie
Thummler Blum
Taking bullying by the horns
Loreto C
Connie R. Johnson
Louisa Greathouse
Amador, Leticia Araceli
Why be afraid to present at a
MEXTESOL convention?
Loreto D
Erin Kuester
Juan Manuel Molina,
Kirsten Lawrence
Enhancing reading skills
through the use of technology Discussion
Loreto E
Coloring learning: Effective
questioning in ESL
Loreto F
English language learning in
the Tarahumara context
Loreto G
Erika Lizárraga Robles
Content and language.
Maximising two worlds: CLIL
Loreto H
Susana Paredes Aldama
Bringing the class to life with
21st century skills
Guadalupe A
Mayra Crosthwayt Lopez
Active minds, active learners
Guadalupe B
Artemio Gerardo Gámez
Language and society:
Learning and fun
Guadalupe C
Icela López Gaspar
Grading and student
evaluation: Personalize your
Guadalupe D
Additional Speaker(s)
Type of
Renato Rios Gonzalez
Liliana Haydee Tapia
Yenisei Guzmán Moreno
Carlos Luis Ramos
October 18 15:00-15:50
Luke Prodromou
Ruth Ban
Peter Sayer
The price and value of
education: A Dickensian
Demonstration Loreto A
Evaluating the impact of
primary foreign language
education: PNIEB
Loreto B
Joe Barcroft
Five effective ways of
presenting target vocabulary
as input
Elizabeth Wallace
Meredith Spencer
Changing mindsets: A
traditional to a flipped
Demonstration Loreto D
Sandy Peters
Sean Sheriff
Creating collaborative learning
environments in the
Demonstration Loreto E
classroom with Padlet
Colleen Shields
Indira Bakshi
Juan Manuel Guerra
Send them home smiling:
Utilizing the peak-end rule
Loreto C
Demonstration Loreto F
Globalized professional
development through the use
of scholarships
Demonstration Loreto G
Maria Iliana Castillo
Valentin Ekiaka Nzai
Teaching English language:
The Cyber Languages Model
Demonstration Loreto H
Daniel Lieberson
Joanna Duggan
The power of culturally
responsive assessments for
English learning
Guadalupe A
Sarah E Dietrich
Online Tutoring as Service
Learning: A collaboration
Guadalupe B
M. Sidury Juárez López
Authenticity in L2 writing:
Fostering skills through digital
Guadalupe C
Getting students to read in a
new ERA
Guadalupe D
Guadalupe D
Martha del Angel
Nico Wiersema
Irlanda Olave Moreno
Ana Cecilia Villarreal
English/Spanish in Mexico: An
analysis of Mexican-American
Additional Speaker(s)
Stephen Marban
Trina Martinez
ESL Content reading with
Rourke CLIL Science Reading
October 18th 16:00-16:50
Matías Gudelia
Julie Mazrum
Kostas Pexos
“Transforming My Life Today”
Beatriz Arias
Research-Based Tools for
Effective English Language
Communicative competence,
generic competences and
language skills.
Type of
Session Latin
Session Book
Session Center
for Applied
Loreto A
Loreto B
Loreto C
Loreto D
Making Fun and Productive
Reading Classes with Classic
Understanding Cambridge
English: First and Advanced.
What’s new?
Lauren Evans
Adriana Rebollo Philippe
Caroline Moore
Improving English, Developing
People: the Art of Teacher
University of
Croaker Ralph Leslie
Children’s Publisher of the
Jessica O’Boyle
Sharon Pearce
David Deubelbeiss
Insights into the ECCE: An
American English Certificate
A Multimodal Platform for
English Learning Textbooks,
Web, and Mobile
Koen Van Landeghem
SURE: Blending Quality and
Innovation for young adults
Inés Fauchey
Santillana.Compartir English
Solution Pack
Session British
Book Store
Premium ED
Loreto E
Loreto F
Loreto G
Loreto H
Guadalupe A
Guadalupe B
Guadalupe C
Guadalupe D
October 18th 17:00-18:20
Evaluating secundaria
students within the new
Type of
Loreto A
Speaking projects
Loreto B
Effective classroom
management techniques for
teachers of young learners
Loreto C
Andrew Starling
What really matters in any
EFL classroom?
Loreto D
Mauricio Ortega
Reader’s Theatre reloaded
Loreto E
Norma Victoria Flores
Promoting reading
comprehension at all levels
Loreto F
Terrence Nevin Siders Vogt
Additional Speaker(s)
Areopagita Yesyka
Bustillos Gómez
Selma Lizette Ramon Marin
Irasema Mora Pablo
M. Martha Lengeling
Sofía D. Cota Grijalva
Katherine Grace Duran
Howard, Guillermo
Reflection and experiences
Guadalupe Durán García,
about the EGAL-EIN
María Esther Lemus
examination in México
Hidalgo, Elva Nora
Pamplón Irigoyen
Arturo Alberto Hernández
Why should I flip my lesson
Loreto G
Loreto H
Teresita de Jesús García
When one-size does not fit
all: Post-method pedagogy
Guadalupe A
Arturo Calderón López
Teaching by the book: It can’t
be that bad!
Guadalupe B
Look who’s on TV!
Guadalupe C
From dull reading to active
Guadalupe D
Denisse Martínez Figueroa
Victor Adrian Hernandez
Germán Ríos Bojórquez
October 18th 18:30-19:00
Refreshment Break and Book Exhibition
October 18th 19:00-20:00
Jane Revell
Getting older…and wiser?
Loreto A, B,
and C
Papers / Demonstrations / In-Progress Research Reports
/ Special Sessions
Irma Piña, Pilar Aramayo Prudencio
Loreto A, B and C
Saturday 08:30–09:20
Wendy Yesenia Chávez Sánchez is a graduate student of
the B.A in Languages at the Universidad Juárez
Autónoma de Tabasco. She is currently working on her
thesis titled “The Impact of L1 on EFL first-year junior
high school learners”.
In-Progress Research Report
Eduardo Cortés Sánchez, Roberto Criollo Avendaño
Loreto D
Saturday 08:55–09:20
Professional development in the Digital Age
Training EFL teachers to work with elementary school
The Digital Revolution has reached most ELT settings:
access to digital teaching and learning resources is
rapidly expanding, and with that, learning opportunities
grow exponentially. Are you making the most of these
Digital Age opportunities to develop professionally?
Engaging parents to practice the language and attend
parent-teacher meetings, conferences and other
activities is a challenging. Facultad de Lenguas BUAP has
implemented a training program in which a small group
of participants (in-service, elementary schoolteachers)
have been filmed in different workshops that engage
parental involvement in children’s EFL learning process.
This research in progress has shown that the majority of
parents are aware of their role in children’s EFL learning
Teacher Training / Supervision / Online learning
In this presentation we will discuss professional
development, online learning and distance education.
We will also analyse the benefits and challenges of
pursuing MA studies online.
Irma Piña has been involved in the educational field
since 1974 in public and private institutions. Her main
professional interest is teacher training. She has a
Master’s Degree in ELT form the University of Exeter. She
currently coordinates the MA in ELT Online Programme
at the British Council.
Pilar Aramayo-Prudencio has been involved in ELT for 20
years as a teacher, trainer, curriculum and materials
writer, and programme administrator. Her professional
interests include teacher education and language policy.
She is Director, English for Education Systems (British
Council), and is currently pursuing doctoral studies at the
University of Southampton.
In-Progress Research Report
Wendy Yesenia Chávez Sánchez
Roberto Criollo is a lecturer and researcher in ELT and
Applied Linguistics. He’s a Ph.D. candidate in linguistics
and earned his MA in TESOL from Teachers College,
Columbia University. He has published research articles
and is the author of books on research and ESP. He is
currently the Director of the Language Department of the
Eduardo Cortés Sánchez has completed his graduate
studies in ELT at Facultad de Lenguas BUAP. He started
working as a NEPBE Teacher in primary schools in Puebla
and he is currently working as an English and IT teacher
at Centro Cultural ISSSTEP. His research areas are TEYL
and Communicative approach.
In-Progress Research Report
Jacob Maldonado Morales, Javier Tapia Morales
Loreto D
Saturday 08:30–09:20
The Impact of L1 on junior high school learners
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Applied Linguistics / Research /
Secondary / Preparatory
Despite the controversy regarding the use of learners’ L1
in L2 learning, it can be used as a beneficial teaching
strategy if it is used properly. One of the proper uses of
L1 is the comparison between the L1 and L2 in order to
focus on similarities and differences. Therefore, this
study attempts to determine the impact of an
Introductory Grammar Course, based on the Contrastive
Analysis, on EFL first- year junior high school learners.
Loreto E
Saturday 08:30–08:55
Students’ reverse culture shock at a B.A. language
Applied Linguistics / Research / Bilingual Education
The present study intends to reach understanding of the
situations; emotionally and linguistically speaking,
students face when returning from the USA in order to
start higher studies. This debate conducts to the
acknowledgement of reverse culture shock as a key
factor in students’ daily lives. The results provide ideas
for helping students to overcome the event, and nourish
with feasible suggestions on how to take advantage of
their SL knowledge to help EFL students.
Javier Tapia Morales: Currently studying an M.A. in
Teaching English as a Foreign Language at BUAP
university. Degree in Modern Languages at the Faculty of
Languages (BUAP). Professor of English at the
Universidad del Valle de Puebla, professor and thesis
mentor of the UDAL.
Jacob Maldonado Morales: Currently studying a Masters
in Teaching English at BUAP. I have participated as a
"trainer" at Coordination of Continuing Education the
agreement of the teacher training at the headquarters of
SEP Chignahuapan and Tlaxcala. Currently, working at the
Universidad del Valle de Puebla as an English teacher.
In-Progress Research Report
on these, as well as a historical overview of the reasons
for the change in course design, are presented.
Attendees take away: the readings for the first module,
and a detailed outline of the other seven modules.
Maria Pinto works at the Universidad Tecnológica de la
Mixteca, in Oaxaca. She has taught English in Mexico, El
Salvador, South Korea and Australia. She is working on
her Doctor of Education degree, through the University
of Southern Queensland. She can be contacted via email
In-Progress Research Report
Laura Emilia Fierro Lopez, María Fernanda Rodríguez
Loreto F
Saturday 08:30–09:20
Assessment of Academic English Course to increase
linguistic proficiency
Liliana Maria Villalobos Gonzalez
Loreto E
Saturday 08:55–09:20
What happened to EYE CONTACT in EFL teaching?
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Teacher Training / Supervision /
PAL is a programme in which students from the BATEFL
of the University of Guadalajara improve the quality of
their teaching, part of their training includes classroom
management. But, what happens when the teacher,
while interacting with students, focuses more on
organizing the board, taking time, preparing materials,
setting the activities that forgets to make eye contact
with students causing a breakdown in communication.
This research intends to highlight the importance of eye
contact in the classroom.
Liliana Maria Villalobos González currently studying
second PhD in Higher Education Management, holds a
PhD in Education, Coordinator Maestría en la Enseñanza
del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera – MEILE University of
Guadalajara. Interests: Curriculum Design, Teaching
Methodology, Dialogue and Dialogism, Philosophy of
Bakhtin, EFL Public Policies in Higher Education.
In-Progress Research Report
Applied Linguistics / Research / Testing / Evaluation / University
Undergraduate students at Universidad Valle de Mexico
in Mexicali are required to take an online certification in
English that demands a higher proficiency level than
what the university’s ESL classes provide. This is a
research project that aims to assess the effectiveness of
an Academic English Course applied to a select group of
students to determine if their proficiency level increases
significantly compared to a control group. Partial results
will be presented to the audience.
María Fernanda Rodríguez Farah: Bachelor in
International Business and TEFL certified by UC. 5 years
experience as Language Coordinator at UVM Mexicali.
Currently coordinator for international online programs
at UVM corporate. 9 years experience as a professor of
French and English. Currently studying Master’s degree
in Modern Languages at UABC.
Laura Emilia Fierro López: Bachelor in English Language
Teaching and Master´s degree in Teaching. Professor at
Facultad de Idiomas- UABC. Currently studying the PhD
in Educational Sciences at Instituto de Investigación y
Desarrollo Educativo-UABC.
Show-and-Tell Session
Maria Pinto
Loreto F
Saturday 08:30–08:55
Mayra Rojano Ballesteros
Loreto G
Saturday 08:30–08:55
Designing a module-based postgraduate reading course
Using ludic activities to teach preschool ss in a
This presentation shows the formation of a modulebased Intermediate English university Postgraduate
reading course. The first module of the course, with
examples of readings and exams, and student feedback
This Academic Show-and-Tell will show two activities
that the presenter has been working with her students.
In a school for future teachers of kindergarten , some
strategies to work with children like games, using as a
strategy the ludic and fun activities . All these stuff to
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Program / Syllabus Development /
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Pre-primary / Primary
introduce kids (especially of Public schools of rural
contexts ) in a new language in an easy and fun way.
Mayra Rojano Ballesteros has been working as teacher
in SEP, at a Normal School teaching Pedagogy and English
for more than 15 years, she started the program of
SEPAINGLES (SEP /ILCE) in the State of Tlaxcala . She has
a degree of Humanities Studies at UDLAP. An a Master
degree in Social Studies and she participated in
COMEXUS scholarship at the University of Texas, she has
been a presenter in national and international
Show-and-Tell Session
Alexia Sobarzo Rosas, Jorge Luis Contreras Robles
Loreto G
Saturday 08:55–09:20
Look! The teacher! Including yourself to engage
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Technology in EFL / ESL / All ages
This presentation shows ways in how teachers can make
their material more interesting for students. This is by
including themselves in the material that s/he will make.
This creates a more comfortable environment by
showing different sides that teachers don’t show to
students very often. During the presentation some
examples of the materials are shown, such as videos,
interactive stories, and presentations in which teachers
take part in all of them.
Alexia Sobarzo Rosas: Student at the University of
Sonora in the career of English Language Teaching in
Hermosillo, Sonora. Teacher at IMARC Navarrete.
Presenter at Aztesol 2013 and TESOL 2014.
Jorge Luis Contreras Robles: Student at the University of
Sonora in the career of English Language Teaching in
Hermosillo, Sonora. Teacher at IMARC Navarrete.
Presenter at Aztesol 2013 and TESOL 2014.
Heather Gaddis
Loreto H
Saturday 08:30–09:20
Principles and practices of online teaching
Technology in EFL / ESL / All areas
The fundamentals of designing and facilitating an online
course will be presented. These fundamentals include
clarity in deadlines and instructions, prompt feedback,
active learning experiences, and communication of
expectations. Within each principle, examples of good
course design will be shown with activities designed by
the presenter. Along with the example activities, the
presentation will include tools for content creation. All
of the principles and practices presented are applicable
to a variety of instructional contexts.
Heather Gaddis has been teaching ESL/EFL since
completing her M.A. in Applied Linguistics in 2008 and
has taught in programs in the United States, Mexico and
Turkey. In December 2013, she completed a Master´s in
Educational Technology. She is currently the Academic
Coordinator of English at Colegio Fontanar in Queretaro.
Meredith Spencer
Guadalupe A
Saturday 08:30–09:20
Extensive reading: An alternative approach to
developing successful readers
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Adult / Institute
While striving to teach reading skills under time pressure,
we spend a lot of class time drilling vocabulary and
reading strategies. What if we took a different approach?
In this presentation, we will look at several studies, done
with students of various cultural backgrounds, that
indicate an extensive reading approach is more beneficial
to students over time. We will discuss why as well as how
to effectively implement these extensive reading
strategies in the classroom.
Meredith Spencer is currently pursuing her masters in
curriculum development and instruction with an
emphasis in English as a second language from Middle
Tennessee State University. She has taught both general
and academic seeking adults for five years. She serves as
the Instructional Specialist at English Language Services
David Connolly
Guadalupe B
Saturday 08:30–09:20
Distance learning
Technology in EFL / ESL / Online Education
Distance (online) learning is being embraced by more
educational institutions every day, and teachers need to
be fully prepared for this latest step in the evolution of
education. In this talk, David will take us through the
history of distance learning, analyze its various benefits
and modes of delivery, and explore the current
technology, concluding with a summary of how you can
add another string to your bow by training to become an
online educator.
David Connolly has authored, co-authored and edited a
variety of EFL textbooks and online courses, and has
delivered a great many seminars and workshops
throughout Latin America. Not only a fully qualified
online tutor, he is also a highly experienced tutor trainer,
site developer and online course administrator.
Lucero Luna Valdez, Maritza del Carmen Rosas Alvarez
Guadalupe C
Saturday 08:30–09:20
Deborah Karen Colvin, Raúl Alejandro Cruz Trujillo
Guadalupe D
Saturday 08:30–09:20
Cross curricular connections: An adapted group activity
Teaching writing with Facebook: A blended learning
Classroom Methods / Techniques / University
In this academic demonstration, participants will have
the opportunity to see an example of how to integrate
other subjects in English; they will apply the new
knowledge to understand how it works. This activity is an
adaptation of the television program Jeopardy and the
demonstration will allow participants to integrate other
subjects to review pupils’ knowledge. Integrative learning
helps students to make connections across curricula,
connecting and applying skills and knowledge from
multiple sources.
Maritza del Carmen Rosas Alvarez is a full time teacher
in the Language School of the Benemerita Universidad
Autónoma de Puebla, has a master degree in Docencia
Universitaria by the Universidad Iberoamericana and cocoordinates the area Formacion General Universitaria in
English. Interests: teaching and research techniques.
Lucero Luna Valdez is an undergraduate student from
Benemérica Universidad Autónoma de Puebla in
Licenciatura en Enseñanza del Inglés. She has experience
working with teenagers and young adults and she has
developed a speaking workshop for basic English levels in
Alfonso Calderon Preparatory from BUAP. Interests:
teaching and learning techniques.
Technology in EFL / ESL / Language schools
The integration of technology in EFL course design is
easily accomplished using a blended learning approach.
Social networks, such as Facebook, can provide
supportive tools to create an online environment that
complements in-class writing instruction while expanding
the opportunities for writing practice. This research
explores using Facebook to improve the writing skills for
language department students in three main aspects:
skill development, Facebook effectiveness and the
adaptation of program content to the social network.
Raul Cruz Trujillo is a recently graduated teacher from
the UNACH Language School. He has been teaching for
two years to children and teenagers. He has participated
both as staff and speaker in seminars for English teachers
organized by UNACH.
Deborah Colvin is a professor at the UNACH Language
School and has been a teacher trainer in Mexico for over
20 years in topics relating to language teaching, writing,
curriculum and project development in public schools,
social participation, and technology in the classroom.
Randi Reppen
Loreto A, B and C
Saturday 09:30–10:30
Bringing real language into grammar instruction
Adhering to the conference theme of ‘Mindful teaching’ this presentation will begin with a brief overview of how language
teaching has changed over the years. Then we will examine some recent innovations in teaching, materials and technology.
We’ll also look at how language research, especially corpus linguistic research and resources can be used to bring ‘real
language’ into our language classes with a focus on grammar instruction. Examples and practical ideas will be presented.
Randi Reppen is Professor of Applied Linguistics and TESL at Northern Arizona University (NAU) where teaches in the MA
TESL and Applied Linguistics Ph.D. programs. She has extensive ELT and teacher training experience, including 11 years as
the Director of NAU’s Intensive English program. Randi has a keen interest in using corpus research to inform language
teaching and to develop better language teaching materials. She is the author of Using corpora in the Language Classroom
and the lead author of Cambridge University Press’ new corpus informed grammar series, Grammar and Beyond. In her
spare time, Randi enjoys many outdoor activities, especially, road biking, Nordic skiing, and tennis.
10:30 – 11:00
Refreshment Break and Book Exhibition
Special Session
Ana Maria Astiazaran
Loreto D
Saturday 10:30–11:30
How to form a New MEXTESOL Chapter
Are you a MEXTESOL member, but do not have a local
Chapter nearby? Let’s open one! In this session we will
explain step by step what to do in order to open a new
MEXTESOL Chapter; you will listen to some testimonials,
and will have the opportunity of networking.
Poster Session
María Virginia Mercau
Ground Floor Lobby
Saturday 10:30–11:30
A teacher training course evaluated by its participants
Academic Poster Session /Teacher Training / Supervision / Pre-primary
/ Primary
The poster will present a brief analysis of the evaluation
that the first group of in-service teachers who took a
certificate 160 hour course called Diplomado virtual
Formación docente en la enseñanza escolarizada del
inglés para niños completed about it. It is based on the
surveys they filled in regarding a variety of aspects of this
teacher training course: the pedagogical design, tutor’s
performance, their perception of the course impact in
their daily teaching practice.
María Virginia Mercau holds a Master’s in Applied
Linguistics from the UNAM and is a tenured English
teacher at the UAMI. She is coauthor of the online
Diplomado formación de asesores de centros de
autoaceso and main designer of the Diplomado virtual de
formación docente en la enseñanza escolarizada del
inglés para niños.
Poster Session
Marina Pardo Granillo
Ground Floor Lobby
Saturday 10:30–11:30
Developing phonemic awareness in English teachers
Teacher Training / Supervision / General teachers’ training
It is a well-known fact that not all English teachers have a
professional preparation as such, and that they need to
work in their metacognition about the language. Training
teachers’ practice presents an opportunity to help them
developing their phonemic awareness of English, which is
problematic given the level of transparency of English
orthography and the differences among English and
other phonology systems. Examples of practices will be
teachers aware of the importance of a proper
Marina Pardo Granillo holds a degree in Language and
Literature, and has studied Linguistics in UNAM’s
master’s program. She has 10 years’ experience as a
teacher in ELT in different school levels. She has been an
academic consultant at Richmond since 2014.
My name is Andrea Nesme Mendoza I was born in
Mexico City but moved to Orizaba, Veracruz when I was 1
year old. I am 22 years old and love English language. I
used to live with my dad Jusef Nesme Barojas, my mom
Celia Mendoza Arredondo and my only brother Yussef
Nesme Mendoza, but I currently live in Puebla, Mexico
with my brother. I am studying English teaching degree in
the Facultad de Lenguas BUAP.
Poster Session
Poster Session
Dulce Ma. Montes de Oca Olivo, Juan Neftali Hernández
Ground Floor Lobby
Saturday 10:30–11:30
Mayra Rojano Ballesteros
De linguis: A digital journal for language teachers!
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Applied Linguistics / Research /
Preparatory and University
De lingüis is a digital journal which objective is to
motivate teachers to publish articles related to
evaluation, linguistics, teaching and learning process,
autonomy learning, proposal of activities to improve the
teaching process and technology in the class.
This digital magazine was created in 2007, it has 14
numbers and different schools have participated: ENP,
CCH UNAM, Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas,
Universidad de la Ciudad de México, Universidad de
Cuba, Centro de Enseñanza para Extranjeros, Universidad
de Sonora.
Dulce María Verónica Montes de Oca Olivo has been a
teacher for 25 years, she is currently an English teacher
at Preparatoria No. 6 “Antonio Caso” UNAM, she helds a
International affairs bachelor degree and she has a
master degree in Applied Linguistics at CELE UNAM. She
is the Editor of De linguis journal. Participants will be
aware of the importance of publishing in this journal.
Juan Neftali Hernández Nolasco has a master degree in
Industrial design and he is in charge of the image of De
Poster Session
Andrea Nesme Mendoza
Ground Floor Lobby
Saturday 10:30–11:30
Perception and production of English sounds
The perception and production of /s/, /z/, /v/ and /b/
sounds in English language is important to identify so
good pronunciation and communication is achieved. This
research consists of two instruments constituted by a
dictation of a native English speaker and a production of
sentences including these phonemes by Lengua Meta V
students with the purpose to realize if they can perceive
and therefore produce and to also make future English
Ground Floor Lobby
Saturday 10:30–11:30
Working with future teachers: Strategies and examples
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Pre-primary / Primary / University
This poster will show various alternatives of activities
that the presenter has been working with her students.
In a school for future teachers of kindergarten Childs,
some strategies to work with children like games, flash
big books. All these stuff to introduce kids
(especially of Public schools of rural contexts ) in a new
language in an easy and fun way. Some results will be
shown regarding the application of those activities using
graphs, charts, and pictures.
Mayra Rojano Ballesteros has been working as teacher
in SEP , at a Normal School teaching Pedagogy and
English for more than 15 years, she started the program
of SEPAINGLES (SEP /ILCE) in the State of Tlaxcala . She
has a degree of Humanities Studies at UDLAP. An a
Master degree in Social Studies and she participated in
COMEXUS scholarship at the University of Texas, she has
been a presenter in national and international
Poster Session
Araceli Salas, Louisa Greathouse Amador
Ground Floor Lobby
Saturday 11:00–12:20
Paul Gee: An alternative for sociocultural-linguistic
discourse analysis
Applied Linguistics / Research / University
Paul Gee (1999) claims that we construct and construe
the world in terms of actions and representations as
“building tasks”. We use the appropriate language to
make things significant and then we give them meaning
and value in different situations. Discourse analysts can
make use of Gee´s seven building tasks as tools of inquiry
to guide us to ask the right questions with the aim of
understanding and analyzing the different elements of
Dr. Louisa Greathouse is a Professor/researcher at
Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (ICSyH) at
BUAP in the Language Sciences graduate program. Ph.D.
in Sociology and a Masters in Applied Linguistics. Her
recent research focuses on discrimination, violence and
educational alternatives for a culture of peace based on
“Humane Education”.
Araceli Salas is a doctoral student in Language Sciences
at ICSyH- BUAP. She has an MA in TESOL and has been
involved in English Teaching and Teacher-Training for a
long time. Araceli works at the Faculty of Languages,
BUAP. Her main research interests are Adult Education
and Teachers´ Professional Development.
Poster Session
Victoria Isabel Aguilar Ruiz
Marlene Proskawer Espinosa es Maestra en Lingüística
Aplicada por la Universidad de las Américas Puebla y,
actualmente, candidata a Doctora en Ciencias del
Lenguaje por la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de
Puebla. Coordinadora Académica del área de lenguas
extranjeras de la Universidad Madero Puebla, se ha
especializado en la investigación sociolingüística.
Poster Session
Aída Hernández y Hernández
Ground Floor Lobby
Saturday 11:00–12:20
Using games to promote autonomy in the language
Classroom Methods / Techniques /
Many are the approaches in the ESL field in order to
improve learners’ L2 acquisition. As teachers, we need
to make the necessary efforts to reach our learners’
interest in the language class. It is worthwhile to help
our students become autonomous in their learning
process by making use of the tools available in order to
reach our goal. One of these tools could be the use of
games in the L2 classroom.
Isabel Aguilar is an English teacher of the University of
Guanajuato who has taught students from children to
adult age in all levels. She has a degree of Master in
Teaching English as a Second or Other Language with the
University of Auckland in New Zealand.
Poster Session
Luis Enrique García Castillo
Puebla. Actualmente, realiza sus estudios de maestría en
Educación Superior en dicha institución. Con más de una
década de experiencia docente, su investigación actual
gira en torno a la profesionalización del inglés como
lengua extranjera.
Ground Floor Lobby
Saturday 10:30–11:30
La profesionalización del inglés como lengua extranjera
Applied Linguistics / Research / Program / Syllabus Development /
La presente investigación rescata lo que diversos
organismos de carácter internacional, tales como la
UNESCO, establecen con respecto a la enseñanzaaprendizaje del inglés y su importancia global, sobre todo
en la educación superior de nuestro país, con el objetivo
de perfilar egresados capaces de desenvolverse en
lengua inglesa en ámbitos universitarios nacionales e
internacionales y caracterizados por la inquietud de
continuar su formación en dicho idioma a lo largo de su
vida académica y profesional.
Luis Enrique García Castillo es Licenciado en Lenguas
Modernas por la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de
Ground Floor Lobby
Saturday 10:30–11:30
Secundaria Bilingüe UANE Program Development Using
a University Structure
Program / Syllabus Development / Program Administrators /
Secondary / Preparatory
During the year 2004 the Universidad Americana del
Noreste Campus Matamoros implemented a Bilingual
Junior-High Program with the purpose of offering
students a new experience studying a second language
education program taking advantage of the well
consolidated 30 year-old university structure. Students
would have the opportunity to study their middle-high
education in a bilingual culture and at the same time
living a university experience that they would not have at
a regular school.
Aída Hernández y Hernández is General Subdirector at
UANE. She was Academic Director at UVM, Director at
Preparatoria Oralia Guerra, among other positions. She
has significant experience developing bilingual programs.
She holds a Chemistry Engineer mayor, a Master Degree
in Organization Effectiveness, and is a Ph.D. candidate in
Planning and Leadership in Education.
Keynote Address
Brita Banitz
Loreto A
Saturday 11:30–12:20
Mindful teaching: Setting standards to achieve goals
In this keynote, we will be discussing the concept of
standards, more specifically performance standards for
English teachers and learners. We will begin with a brief
definition of the term, followed by an explanation of
what a “standard” is and a brief reflection on the
importance of standards for the language teaching and
learning process. Next, we will look at some examples of
performance standards formulated by some of the most
well-known English teacher organizations (TESOL and
ACTFL) in order to understand how standards can be
used in our own teaching environments here in Mexico.
And finally, we will have a closer look at how ‘good’
standards need to be formulated so that they can
provide teachers and learners with a useful guideline
toward attaining specific learning goals.
Keynote Address
Dr. Brita Banitz (Ph.D. in English from Purdue University)
is currently the Chair of the Language Department at the
Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Her many functions
include coordinating the undergraduate program in
Language Studies as well as teaching a number of theory
courses in that program. She also teaches German and
English to undergraduate students from different majors.
Her research interests include Humor Studies,
Pragmatics, Assessment, and Technology in Language
In the end, it’s all about learning
Simon Brewster
Loreto C
Saturday 11:30–12:20
Learning a language, or anything, is a learning process.
For teachers it is vital to understand the factors that help
or prevent students from learning. How many times have
you felt that a class wasn’t a success from a learning
point of view even though the class was well planned?
This talk will focus on what is involved in learning and
how teachers can plan for this and check that it took
Simon Brewster (RSA Diptefla, MBA) has been involved
in ELT as a teacher, teacher trainer and administrator for
30 years and is Deputy Director General of the Anglo
Mexican Foundation. He is author of several textbooks
for adults and secondary level including Awesome,
Kaleidoscope and Going Pro published by Richmond.
Keynote Address
Keynote Address
Guadalupe Pineda
Loreto B
Saturday 11:00–12:20
Character formation in the classroom and workplace
There’s no doubt that in learning, content is
key. However, educational institutions have always been
considered more than just a source of information. They
are also instrumental in forming people, students, who
are connected to a society, with all that this implies.
Although we tend to focus on students, in reality,
teachers and administrators also influence each other
and in doing so, they present their students with a model
of real-world adult relationships.
Character formation in the classroom and workplace
takes a look at ways to incorporate issues of values and
morals through reflection and other activities; not only in
class, but also with colleagues at the workplace.
Guadalupe Pineda is a coordinator and teacher at a
private high school. She has been involved in ESL as a
teacher, teacher trainer, consultant and administrator.
She is also the Editor for the MEXTESOL International
Convention Proceedings and a regular workshop
facilitator and speaker at the Convention
Rob Jenkins
Guadalupe A
Saturday 11:30–12:20
Engage and Inspire Learners to Succeed
Rob Jenkins will demonstrate the importance of engaging
learners through integrating real images, video, humor,
stories, and well-planned classroom experiences. Rob will
lay out his process of motivating students through
developing an atmosphere that fosters student
confidence, encourages participation and risk-taking,
strategies. Find out what Rob means when he says that
it is about student “learning” not about merely
"teaching". Woven throughout the presentation will be
the introduction to psychoanalytical, social, humanistic,
cognitive, and other motivational theories discovering
their implications to teaching languages. Additionally,
Rob will address issues that have a direct relationship to
student motivation such as teacher-learner rapport, the
classroom environment, classroom dynamics, and
student expectations and goals.
Rob Jenkins is Professor of English as a Second Language
at Santa Ana College, School of Continuing Education, in
Southern California, where he also serves as the
Professional Development Coordinator. Rob was
awarded the prestigious Distinguished Faculty Award,
the highest honor bestowed by colleagues upon a Santa
Ana College faculty member and has been nominated for
Orange County Teacher of the Year. Rob has worked with
CALPRO (California Adult Literacy Professional
Development Project) for several years and is very
involved with adult education issues in California. He is
the co-author of the textbook series, Stand Out
published by National Geographic Learning, part of
Cengage Learning. In addition, he wrote the Lesson
Planner for The Heinle Picture Dictionary, wrote an
online course for Ed2Go, and was a writer and
committee chair for the TESOL Publication, Standards for
ESL/EFL Teachers of Adults (2008). His presentations
include keynotes in the Dominican Republic, Brazil, and
Mexico as well as many in the United States. Rob is the
Series’ Editor of National Geographic Learning’s new
edition of World English.
Keynote Address
Jenny Dooley
Guadalupe B
Saturday 11:30–12:20
Engaging digital natives
Today’s students have unlimited information available
via technology tools. Also without technology, we run
the risk of our lessons seeming out of touch and
irrelevant. It is certainly arguable that this change has
left us free to use our brains for more important things:
now that my learners compose email, they can worry less
about where to put the addresses and more about what
they are actually saying. The speaker will look at the
reasons why we should embrace technology and its
tools. Some aspects of teaching through games will also
be analyzed. Thus, we may realize that at the heart of
high tech teaching, there are also some surprisingly ‘oldfashioned’ educational values.
Jenny Dooley has been a teacher, a teacher trainer and
an author/co-author in the ELL field for more than
twenty years. She, delivered seminars and held
workshops in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and
Asia. She currently holds the position of Director of
Studies and manages one of the piloting schools used by
Express Publishing. Her interests include teaching
through drama, young learners' language acquisition the
application of the multiple intelligence theory to ELL,
brain based learning, and game based learning. She is
currently involved in the development of game based
learning material for young learners. Her list of ELL
publications includes titles as: Welcome, Enterprise,
Access, Blockbuster, Upstream, Fairyland, Happy Hearts,
Letterfun, Rhyme Time, Set Sail, Fun with English, Smileys
and many more, as well as classic children’s literature
and readers.
Exhibitor Session
ARTSPOT, Educational Theatre
Loreto A
Saturday 12:30–13:20
THE TOWER – Theatre Play by ArtSpot
THE TOWER is ArtSpot’s 2014-15 theatre play created to
make the learning of the English language more
entertaining. To ensure thorough understanding of the
piece, special care has been taken to maintain an
uncomplicated but insightful vocabulary, to develop clear
visual and musical concepts, and to expressly include the
communicative aspect of body language. The
educational value of the play is enhanced by a resource
package to make this project a powerful educational
ArtSpot is a professional touring theatre company with
deep roots in educational theatre and ELT (English
Language Teaching). Founded in 1997, ArtSpot creates
and performs original works and adapted classics for
young audiences around the world, combining musical
theatre, physical comedy, and meaningful stories in its
own fresh and distinctive way.
Exhibitor Session
H Book
Adam Cookson
Loreto B
Saturday 12:30–13:20
A Competent come? The new Kaplan
Method of English Learning: K
The program will cover the use of the K+ System both
inside and outside of the classroom. This will be through
a demonstration of the K+ Notes textbooks, K+ Tools
website, K+ Move applications, IWB materials and
Progress Record Booklets. The talk will focus on how
Kaplan International Colleges integrates these materials
to maximize and measure student success.
Adam Cookson is the Director of Studies at Kaplan
International Colleges at London Covent Garden. He has
been working for Kaplan for 3 years and has also held the
post of Blended Learning Specialist. Before joining Kaplan
Adam was a DELTA qualified teacher in Tokyo and Berlin.
Exhibitor Session
Oxford University Press
Lesley Koustaff
Loreto C
Saturday 12:30–13:20
Oxford Discover: Teaching 21st Century Skills With
This talk will cover the what, where, when and why of
21st century skills and how they have a direct impact on
our students’ futures. We will then discuss one 21st
century skill, critical thinking, in detail and examine
critical thinking vs non-critical thinking tasks. How to
include critical thinking in lessons and what is necessary
for them to be successful will also be covered.
Lesley Koustaff is co-author of Oxford Discover Levels 1
and 2. She has taught English for 30 years, mostly
teaching young learners. Lesley has been involved in ELT
material development for 20 years, and has conducted
teacher training workshops in Turkey, Asia and The
United States.
Exhibitor Session
Empreser Clue & Key
Lauren Evans
Loreto D
Saturday 12:30–13:20
The Very Books That Can Help Young English Learners
Are you teaching with the books that are most
appropriate for your young students? You could say yes if
you use a well-organized coursebook series with these 3
steps: patterns, extension, and assimilation. These steps
can ensure effective instruction that can even help your
students prepare for YLE tests! With this series (packed
with online programs for thorough review), you can
make a two-bird-one-stone solution in teaching English
more successfully than ever.
Lauren Evans holds a BA in Liberal Studies, a Masters in
Social Work from California State University, and a TESOL
Certificate of Pan Pacific University. Lauren is also a
certified therapeutic horseback-riding instructor for
children with special needs. She is an academic
consultant at Empreser ELT, and delivers academic
courses in México and Latin-America.
Exhibitor Session
The Eurolatinamerican Book ELI Publishing
Luke Prodromou
Loreto E
Saturday 12:30–13:20
FLASH ON ENGLISH. Building Competence with CLIL,
culture, and literature
In this presentation, we explore the methodological
approach in Flash on English, a four-level course for
young adults. I will focus on how the series incorporates
a variety of elements designed to motivate the learner
and make the teacher’s life easier: a focus on building
competence, clarity of grammar and vocabulary
presentation, natural language, recycling, mixed ability,
CLIL, culture and literature - and more.
Dr. Luke Prodromou is a teacher, trainer and writer of
numerous teachers’ handbooks and textbooks, being
Flash on English the last one. He has been a speaker at
many international conferences. Luke graduated from
Bristol University and has an MA in Shakespeare Studies
(Birmingham University), a Diploma in TEFL (Leeds
University) and a Ph.D. (Nottingham University).
Exhibitor Session
University of Dayton Publishing
Michael Downie
One world with i-World
Loreto F
Saturday 12:30–13:20
i--World is the all-new, dynamic five-level course for
teenagers that offers a blended approach to learning. Do
your teenage learners have the opportunity to express
their ideas, apply their experience, and explore the world
in English? Well, now is the time to give it them! i-World
provides engaging interactive tasks and meaningful
communication activities that lead to effective 21st
century skills. Let i-World help your students prepare for
a globalized planet.
Michael Downie is a practising teacher who has worked
in several different countries and written a variety of EFL
materials. Mike is co-author of i-World, the new course
from UDP for schools in Latin America, developed in
collaboration with World Book. In addition to his passion
for teaching, Mike loves painting and playing squash.
Exhibitor Session
Empreser – MM Publications
Kostas Pexos
Loreto G
Saturday 12:30–13:20
Vocabulary: What needs to be taught and how?
Words generally don’t have many places in which to
hide. When you say a word, it is out. And when it is out,
…. That is why teaching vocabulary is important when
learning to communicate in a foreign language. But
which approaches do we prefer? Which methods
facilitate acquisition? These questions, as well as other
issues in vocabulary teaching will be discussed in this
session, which will involve the audience’s active
participation and interaction.
Κostas Pexos Born in Montreal, Canada, he completed
his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in English Literature
at Concordia University, Canada. He has extensive
experience in teaching English as a foreign language at all
levels. His particular fields of interest are incorporating
literature into the ELT curriculum and developing
students’ speaking skills. Mr. Pexos is currently involved
in teacher’s training and travels widely in this capacity.
He is a familiar figure to teachers in many countries
throughout Europe, Latin America and the Middle East
where he has conducted teacher training programmes.
He has been working with MM Publications as an ELT
consultant and teacher trainer since 2004.
Exhibitor Session
Carol Lethaby
Loreto H
Saturday 12:30–13:20
“Fresh, engaging, flexible – JUST RIGHT!”
Just Right is a new, five-level general English course for
adults and young-adults that seamlessly integrate
different approaches, motivating students and
encouraging them to learn rapidly.
Designed by an impressive group of language experts
including Jeremy Harmer and Carol Lethaby, Just Right’s
learner-centered approach produces confident learners
who are able to communicate freely and spontaneously
inside and outside the classroom.
Students will enjoy using this book and teachers will find
it flexible and easy to use!
Carol Lethaby
Distinction, University of London, Institute of Education)
has been in English language teaching as a teacher,
teacher educator and materials writer since 1986. Carol
is co-author of “Just Right”, a five-level general English
course for adults and young-adults, published by
Cengage Learning.
The students will also be exposed to British culture and
Margaret born and educated in the United Kingdom
receiving a Ph.D. in Education. 30 years of teaching
English in three different countries (England, Canada and
Mexico). Currently working as an EFL Teacher Trainer in
Central and South America. Founder of the British English
Olympics Academy in Mexico.
Exhibitor Session
Anna Whitcher
Guadalupe A
Saturday 12:30–13:20
Beo World “make your dreams come true”
The Beo and the Masters are academic Olympiads
organised by
ISIS Education,
and organization
accredited by The British Council.
Guadalupe B
Saturday 12:30–13:20
Cambridge-Discovery: Visual Experience as Motivation
We see how motivation starts with student curiosity
when exposed to engaging content. Whether it's the
visual impact of a trek through snowy Alaska, an
encounter with a king cobra in the jungle, or a fashion
show in Italy, learners find meaning through video and
they want to learn more. We look at how the powerful
content and visual experiences in different CambridgeDiscovery courses promote engagement and greater
Anna Whitcher is an editor, writer and producer of ELT
materials and has a strong interest in film and its role in
the language classroom. She graduated from UC Berkeley
and has a Master’s in English Composition. She has
taught ESL/EFL to teenagers and adults in the US and
Exhibitor Session
Helbling Lenguages
Jane Revell
Exhibitor Session
Beo World
Margaret Lond
The programmes are unique events attracting schools
from around the world to compete against one another
in a series of English language academic challenges , it is
held over a two week period and hosted in some of the
most prestigious boarding schools in the UK.
Guadalupe C
Saturday 12:30–13:20
JETSTREAM: A powerful adult learner experience
Purposeful learning for adult learners means
international and intercultural contexts that prepare
them to successfully use English in life and work. A
carefully balance of pace and challenge keeps them
motivated and makes their learning enjoyable and
JETSTREAM is a six level thought-provoking course that
delivers on the above. The course incorporates exam
practice and blends the classroom with Helbling´s LMS
and Cloudbook technology.
This presentation is a sampler of JETSTREAM´s powerful
learner experience.
Jane is an NLP practitioner whose experience in TEFL has
taken her all over the world. She is known and respected
for her continued contributions in TEFL, and is a prolific
writer. Three of her books have been given 'Best of the
Year' awards by the English Speaking Union.
Exhibitor Session
Editorial Trillas
Jorge Martínez Lavariega
Brenda Bernaldez
Loreto B
Saturday 13:30–14:50
Understanding your students’ perspective
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Secondary / Preparatory / Bilingual
Guadalupe D
Saturday 12:30–13:20
Inglés Fácil
A basic course for students who need to learn or improve
their English level. Little by little, students will learn a lot
of grammar by themselves, along or without a teacher.
Whether it’s used for home-school or as a classroom
textbook, each lesson from this course will guide
students effectively without any problems. Student’s
learning is supported through these lessons with pictures
and audio material related.
Jorge Martínez Lavariega became a teacher at age of 20.
He has been working as a self-employee, teaching English
for teenagers in several regions of Oaxaca, México;
attending specially those who really need help with their
studies since 2004.
Workshops / Special Sessions
“Teachers are cultural workers” (Freire, 2009). Culturally
sensitive teachers who understand the complexity of
their students' cultural background make a positive
impact in their class and their students’ lives. In this
workshop we will show why teachers should become
classroom-ethnographers. Ethnographers who examine
their students’ and class culture to understand them
better and have additional tools to respond to the
unique needs and challenges of their learners.
A native of Mexico City Brenda Bernaldez works at the
Office of English Language Programs for Mexico and
Central America at the US Embassy in Mexico. She has
been involved in the English teaching field for over 15
years and regards reading as one of her driving forces.
Edouard Francois Hubert Creemers, Renate Marie
Thummler Blum
Loreto C
Saturday 13:30–14:50
Taking bullying by the horns
Learner Authonomy / All ages and levels
Leonardo Mercado
Leonardo A. Mercado, MEd, MBA, is the Academic
Manager at the ICPNA binational center in Lima, Peru. He
has been an ESL/EFL teacher, teacher trainer, certified
proficiency rater, and program administrator for almost
20 years. He has authored/co-authored publications on
quality assurance, teacher supervision/development,
technology for ELL, and other topics.
Loreto A
Saturday 13:30–14:50
Demystifying error correction
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Multiple audiences
The speaker will discuss how error correction can be
applied in the ESL/EFL classroom in a clearly defined,
practical manner, with a reference to an error correction
policy that was successfully instituted at a large
binational center. A teacher-friendly taxonomy, with
activity types and error correction techniques, will be
illustrated, practiced, and shared along with a teacher
training video that the audience will be able to use on
their own after the session.
This is a hands-on workshop that is divided into three
sections; firstly we will explore what bullying is, by asking
participants to share what they know about the topic.
Secondly, we will brainstorm ways to hinder bullying.
Thirdly, we will altogether analyse some activities with
the view of enriching teacher’s beliefs and practices
towards coaching their learners to stand up for
To sum up, promote confident and independent learners.
Dip.R.S.A Renate M. Thummler Blum holds an MD in
Veterinary Science teaching ESP courses at the Facultad
de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia/UNAM. She is also a
freelance teacher trainer both F2F and on-line. At
CENEVAL she is a BA in TESOL certifying panel member.
Edouard Francois Hubert Creemers is a Teacher and
Teacher Trainer and online Tutor for the British Council.
He also coordinates a group of teachers and prepares
students for Cambridge Colloquial and Business English
Special Session
Connie R. Johnson, Louisa Greathouse Amador, Leticia
Araceli Salas
Loreto D
Saturday 13:30–14:50
We be afraid to present at a MEXTESOL convention?
This presentation will take the audience through the
steps of how to write an acceptable abstract for
submission to a MEXTESOL Convention, what the
academic readers look for in the abstract and what the
audience looks for in a good presentation. The
presenters have been members of the Academic
Committee and the Program Committee for MEXTESOL
International Conventions from 2001 – 2012.
Connie R. Johnson is a full-time professor and researcher
at the UDLAP, the former Editor of the MEXTESOL
Journal, and teaches in the BA in Language Studies
Louisa Greathouse is a full-time professor and researcher
in the post-graduate program in the Language Science
Department of the BUAP
Leticia Araceli Salas is a doctoral student in Language
Science at ICSyH-BUAP. She has an MA in TESOL and has
been involved in English Teaching and Teacher-Training
for a long time. Araceli works at the Faculty of
Languages, BUAP. Her main research interests are Adult
Education and Teachers´ Professional Development.
Panel Discussion
Erin Kuester, Juan Manuel Molina, Kirsten Lawrence
Loreto E
Saturday 13:30–14:50
Enhancing reading skills through the use of technology
Panel Discussion / Technology in EFL / ESL / University
Technology is a useful and interesting way to engage
learners in the reading process. Presenters in this panel
will discuss open source technology that can be utilized
in the teaching and practice of reading skills. Each
presenter will focus on a different skill and will
demonstrate the featured tools while reflecting on the
benefits and challenges of utilizing these tools in the
classroom. Demonstrations will be followed by a
question and answer session.
Erin Kuester is a Lecturer in the English as a Second
Language Programs at the University of Iowa. She holds a
masters in Applied Linguistics and has taught universitylevel ESL for the past four years. Her research interests
include second language pedagogy and technology in the
Juan Molina is a Lecturer in the Ohio Program of
Intensive English at Ohio University. He holds a masters
in Applied Linguistics, and his research interests are
cross-linguistic influence and CALL. Juan has worked as
an English language instructor in Mexico and the USA.
Kirsten Lawrence currently works in the Writing Lab for
the Ohio Program of Intensive English and holds a
Master’s in Applied Linguistics. Her research interests
include the relationship between pedagogy and
technology, and specifically how CALL resources can
improve teaching and tutoring practices in second
language writing.
Renato Rios Gonzalez
Loreto F
Saturday 13:30–14:50
Coloring learning: Effective questioning in ESL
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Adult / Institute
The aim of this workshop is that participants will be able
to implement effective questioning in their classrooms,
contrasting their previous questioning habits to
differentiate with the habits they will acquire by using
colored sticks to produce effective questioning
The workshop focuses on the production of material and
strategies for the ESL Classrooms which are adaptable
and multifunctional.
Renato Rios is an English teacher in Michoacan, he has
learned Pedagogy and TESOL Practices with the
University of Oregon.
He will have finished his teacher training diploma by July
15th. He is a grant holder of the U.S. Embassy in Mexico
City in the Regional English Language Program Office.
Liliana Haydee Tapia Zamudio, Carlos Luis Ramos
Loreto G
Saturday 13:30–14:50
English language learning in the Tarahumara context
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Program / Syllabus Development /
English is not an easy point to talk about when you have
a diversity of cultures in a society; therefore, teachers
have a big job to achieve regarding the expectations of
the educational system. It is not possible to change or
modified the student’s cultural schemes and behavior.
The Tarahumara students’ own limitations are attached
to some others as well as those who are concerned with
teaching strategies.
Carlos Ramos is a Criminologist by the Universidad
Autónoma de Nuevo León and holds an MBA by the
Tecnológico de Monterrey. Certified English teacher by
the Cambridge ESOL Teaching Knowledge Test. English
and Finance professor at the Universidad Tecnológica de
la Tarahumara located in Guachochi, Chihuahua, México.
Haydee Tapia has a degree in Mass Communication but
has been teaching since 2007. Full time English teacher
at the Technological University of the Tarahumara
located in Guachochi, Chihuahua. For the last two years
working with young adults, some students coming from
the Raramuri culture mostly known as “Tarahumaras”.
Erika Lizárraga Robles
Loreto H
Saturday 13:30–14:50
Content and language. Maximising two worlds: CLIL
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Teens and adults
Yes, Content is KING, but CLIL is not just content but
learning imbedded, and the purpose of every CLIL lesson
should be maximising content understanding and
language competence. This workshop aims at providing
teachers with simple-to-use techniques in a robust
methodological approach that will enhance teachers
target Hard CLIL and Soft CLIL areas, in a meaningful and
fun way, but most of all in the right way.
Erika Lizárraga holds a BA in English Literature from
UNAM and in Teaching English from CENEVAL and a Dip
RSA from Cambridge ESOL. She has given seminars in
Mexico, Central, South America and Asia.
Susana Paredes Aldama
Guadalupe A
Saturday 13:30–14:50
Bringing the class to life with 21st century skills
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Pre-primary / Primary
With the arrival of the new millennium, the needs and
challenges our students will be facing in their lives have
changed. We cannot continue teaching using techniques
and approaches we used in the XX century. In this
workshop, teachers will perform activities designed to
give them the tools to develop, in their students, 21st
century skills, such as Critical Thinking, Communication,
Collaboration and Creativity, to successfully lead children
to the reality of the XXI century.
Susana Paredes has been an ESL teacher for 35 years. In
this time, she has held Coordinating positions, designed
academic programs and successfully prepared students
for diverse academic national contests and examinations.
She is passionate about reading. Currently she is working
as a Jr. Consultant for Oxford University Press.
Mayra Crosthwayt Lopez
Guadalupe B
Saturday 13:30–14:50
Active minds, active learners
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Adult / Institute
Fact: The brain is a lazy organ designed to be efficient
and save precious energy. It is our job as teachers to
keep it as active as possible. Max out participation
through setting the right challenges, asking the right
questions and tapping into your students’ curiosity.
Boost self-esteem by having everyone’s mind on the
game and enjoy the thrill of a highly participative class.
Mayra Crosthwayt has 16 years of experience in ELT; she
holds an ICELT and has studies in Spanish and Human
Resources. She administered her own teaching business
for six years, and recently collaborated with SEP in the
teacher training programs for PNIEB. She is an academic
consultant at Pearson Education.
Artemio Gerardo Gámez Ayala
Guadalupe C
Saturday 13:30-14:50
Language and society: Learning and fun
Applied Linguistics / Research / University
As teachers, we are always concerned with language
learning and communication. Building the gap between
the knowledge in class and actual communication in
common situations can be difficult some times. This is
precisely the aim of this workshop: to provide the
audience with some ideas in the field of Sociolinguistics
in order to become aware of some issues that can help
learners to achieve communicative competence.
Artemio Gámez is an English Language Teacher at the
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes and ITESM
Campus Aguascalientes. He has a B.A. in E.L.T. and an
M.A. in Applied Linguistics. He has worked as an English
teacher, translator, teacher trainer and simultaneous
interpreter. His areas of interest are Literature and
Yenisei Guzmán Moreno, Icela López Gaspar
Guadalupe D
Saturday 13:30–14:50
Ruth Ban, Peter Sayer
Grading and student evaluation: Personalize your
Evaluating the impact of primary foreign language
education: PNIEB
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Testing / Evaluation / Any Level
Assessing students learning could be quite a challenge
for any English teacher. Teachers give assignments and
grade the results to have something to mark and
report. In this workshop there is a special interest to
share general information about: teacher’s perceptions
of appropriate grades calculations and distributions
with the purpose to design an evaluation instrument to
record student’s results as well as some ideas to guide
students to understand their grades during their
learning process.
Icela López has a master’s degree in Education, and a
bachelor in ELT. She has been working for the UABC for
21 years. She has worked as an assessment Teacher in
the ELT BA, and as an English Teacher. She is a
coordinator at the UABC in the Evaluation and
Certification Area.
Yenisei Guzmán is studying a bachelor in Language
Teaching at the UABC. He is also a current .
French language student. He works as an English teacher
and music teacher in High School.
Papers / Demonstrations / In-progress / Show-and-Tell
Luke Prodromou
Loreto A
Saturday 15:00–15:50
The price and value of education: A Dickensian
Loreto B
Saturday 15:00–15:50
Program / Syllabus Development / Pre-primary / Primary / Language
In 2009, the Mexican Ministry of Education initiated the
largest expansion of foreign language instruction in the
country’s history. The authors present the findings of a
large qualitative study examining the benefits of early
foreign language learning in grades 1-6, using the “5 Cs”
as an analytic framework.
Ruth Ban holds a Ph.D. in SLA/IT from the University of
South Florida. She is an Associate Professor and TESOL
Coordinator for the School of Education at Barry
University. Her research interests include language
identity, sociocultural theory, and qualitative research.
Peter Sayer holds a doctorate in educational linguistics.
He is currently assistant professor of applied
linguistics/TESOL in the Department of BiculturalBilingual Studies at the University of Texas at San
Antonio. He is the author of many articles and books,
and has been involved in language education in Mexico
for many years
Joe Barcroft
Loreto C
Saturday 15:00–15:50
Five effective ways of presenting target vocabulary as
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Applied Linguistics / Research / All
In this talk, I explore the teaching profession through
the descriptions of education in the writings of Charles
Dickens. With power point, video clips and dramatized
readings, I demonstrate how Dickens’s works provide
critical insights into education which ELT practitioners
today can still learn from.
In this presentation I review theoretical foundations and
research findings that support five techniques of
presenting target second language (L2) vocabulary as
input. The first two concern increased repetition of
target words and opportunities for target word retrieval.
The final three involve inclusion of talker, speaking-style,
and speaking-rate variability. I explain how these
techniques fit into and form part of input-based
incremental (IBI) vocabulary instruction (Barcroft 2012).
Specific examples for teaching L2 English are provided.
Dr. Luke Prodromou is a teacher, trainer and writer of
numerous textbooks and teachers’ handbooks. He has
been a speaker at many international conferences.
Luke graduated from Bristol University and has an MA
in Shakespeare Studies (Birmingham University), a
Diploma in TEFL (Leeds University) and a Ph.D.
(Nottingham University).
Joe Barcroft is Associate Professor of Spanish and Second
Language Acquisition and Affiliate Associate Professor of
Psychology at Washington University in St. Louis. His
research focuses on second language vocabulary
acquisition, input processing, the bilingual mental
lexicon, and psycholinguistic approaches to issues in
second language acquisition.
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Teens and adults
Elizabeth Wallace, Meredith Spencer
Colleen Shields, Indira Bakshi
Changing mindsets: A traditional to a flipped classroom
Send them home smiling: Utilizing the peak-end rule
Loreto D
Saturday 15:00–15:50
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Technology in EFL / ESL / Adult /
In this Academic Demonstration, attendees will learn
how to implement a flipped classroom strategy using a
variety of technological resources and effective
worksheets. They will take on the role of students in a
conversation-based ESL classroom. Using this approach
in the classroom increases the time students spend in
practical usage and less time on teacher presentation.
Elizabeth Wallace has a master’s degree in applied
linguistics from UMASS Boston. She has taught a variety
of students for the past nine years. She is currently
teaching and pursuing research in Nashville.
Meredith Spencer is currently pursuing her master’s in
curriculum development and instruction with an
emphasis in English as a second language from Middle
Tennessee State University. She has taught both general
and academic English for five years.
Loreto F
Saturday 15:00–15:50
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Adult / Institute
This lively presentation examines Daniel Kahneman’s
peak-end rule and suggests classroom applications for
increasing student satisfaction by energizing the end of
any class.
Through audience participation, the
presenters will demonstrate various ways to exploit
existing materials to instantly turn a dry, mundane lesson
into a fun, funny, no-prep activity that will send the
students home smiling!
Colleen Shields has taught ESL/EFL for over a decade.
Her career spans four continents and a variety of levels
and programs. She holds an MA in Linguistics from the
University of Massachusetts, Boston. She currently
teaches at Lane Community College and University of
Oregon’s American English Institute in Eugene, Oregon.
Indira Bakshi has taught ESL/EFL in the U.S. and Mexico
for 20 years. Her experiences in teaching range from
basic literacy to advanced levels, EL/Civics, ESP, IEP and
multi-level classes. She holds an MA in TESOL from the
University of Texas at Austin. She currently teaches at
Lane Community College.
Sandy Peters, Sean Sheriff
Loreto E
Saturday 15:00–15:50
Creating collaborative learning environments in the
classroom with Padlet
Technology in EFL / ESL / University
This demonstration shows how padlet, a free online tool,
can be used to quickly create “virtual walls” (online
spaces) where text, images, audio, and other content
relevant to classroom learning can be instantly added.
The focus is on demonstrating how teachers can use
these walls to create collaborative learning environments
in their classrooms to engage beginning level students in
learning and how they can empower their students to
use them for collaborative project work.
Sean Sheriff is an EFL instructor at the Centro de Idiomas
of the Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca (UTM). He
has taught in programs in Mexico, Jamaica, and Costa
Sandy Peters is an ESL/EFL instructor. She has taught
ESL/EFL in universities in the U.S., Mexico, Japan, and
Juan Manuel Guerra Hernández
Loreto G
Saturday 15:00–15:50
Globalized professional development through the use of
Professional Development / Professional Development / All levels
In a world where international frontiers are only present
in geographical form between nations, being better
prepared becomes a plus to be able to compete at a
global level.
Scholarships have now become an
important alternative in obtaining a competitive
professional education. Participants will travel through a
journey in which, step by step, they will be guided
through the different stages on what steps to take when
the time comes to apply for a scholarship.
Juan Manuel Guerra Hernández holds a Master´s in
Education Administration.
He has extensive ELT
experience. He was a Fulbright recipient through
COMEXUS. He is a teacher trainer for Quality Teaching
Language Advisors. Currently, he works as a Coordinator
of the International Scholarship Program in Nuevo Leon
and an Academic Consultant with Cengage Learning.
Maria Iliana Castillo, Valentin Ekiaka Nzai
Loreto H
Saturday 15:00–15:50
Teaching English language: The Cyber Languages Model
Classroom Methods / Techniques / All levels of English language
This teaching demonstration showcases how to
effectively teach English language from the Cyber
Languages Approach (CLM). The CLM is an innovative
and copyrighted instructional strategy to deliver realtime and interactive English content to teenagers(13 – 15
years old), young adults and adults using a synchronous
virtual format or a hybrid mode that blends together face
to face interactions, web-based digital technologies,
digital game-based curriculum with 3D virtual world and
web-based videoconferencing learning management
Dr. Valentin Ekiaka Nzai is a multilingual-multicultural
Professor and Graduate Coordinator at Texas A&M
His research focuses on
interculturality and Peace building competence;
multilingual -multicultural teacher education; cyber/3D
virtual worlds and digital game –based curriculum for
languages learning; intercultural dialogue and religious
fundamentalism’s mitigation and intercultural marriages
minority – minority.
MA. Maria Iliana Castillo is a doctorate candidate in
Bilingual Education at Texas A&M University-Kingsville.
Her research focus on 3D MUVE and Language Learning.
Daniel Lieberson, Joanna Duggan
continents and also teaches English as a Second
Language at Montgomery College.
Joanna Duggan, Research Assistant (Center for Applied
Linguistics). Ms. Duggan holds an MSc in Applied
Linguistics from the University of Edinburgh and a BA in
History from the University of Mary Washington. At CAL,
Ms. Duggan works with development, language policy
research, and online educational projects for English
Sarah E Dietrich
Guadalupe B
Saturday 15:00–15:50
Online Tutoring as Service Learning: A collaboration
Teacher Training / Supervision / University
Service Learning combines practical experience with
structured reflection. This presentation explores a
Service Learning project in which teacher candidates
used Skype to tutor adult students of English online.
Grounded in observations and participant reflections, the
presentation examines the logistics, benefits, and
limitations of the project. Attendees will be encouraged
to discuss the implementation of such a project in their
own teaching contexts.
Dr. Sarah Dietrich is the Associate Director of the Center
for International Education and faculty member in the
Masters in TESOL program at Salem State University,
Massachusetts. She has lived and taught in France, Brazil,
and Mexico where she was a Fulbright Scholar in Ciudad
Victoria, Tamaulipas.
Guadalupe A
Saturday 15:00–15:50
M. Sidury Juárez López (Christiansen)
Guadalupe C
Saturday 15:00–15:50
The power of culturally responsive assessments for
English learning
Authenticity in L2 writing: Fostering skills through
digital literacy
This presentation will describe the research through
partnerships with several Mexican states, to develop new
assessments that are mindful of the teaching and
learning processes that occur in Mexican classrooms.
These valid and reliable assessments are designed to
measure the English language proficiency of adults in
Mexico. The presenters will review the development of
these culturally responsive assessments to demonstrate
how formative and summative evaluation fit into the
context of the CEFR and the SEP.
This presentation describes how, by transforming two
traditional writing activities (essay writing and research
paper writing) into authentic multimodal projects using
social media (e.g. YouTube videos) students were able to
grasp more complex writing concepts, increase their
vocabulary and practice other skills such as reading,
listening, and speaking, while demonstrating motivation
and engagement with the assignment. A list of resources
and tips on how to incorporate digital literacy for all
writing levels will be provided.
Daniel Lieberson is the Director, Business and Product
Operations at the Center for Applied Linguistics in
Washington, D.C. In addition to his work in the U.S., he
has spent over twenty years working and living on five
M. Sidury Juárez López (Christiansen), Ph.D. specializes
in the teaching of second language writing and digital
literacies. Her research includes sociolinguistics in
education, language identity and ideology, discoursecentered online ethnography, and transnational digital
Applied Linguistics / Research / Testing / Evaluation / Adult / Institute
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Technology in EFL / ESL / University
literacy practices. She has taught ESL in Mexico and in
the U.S.
Show-and-Tell Session
Martha del Angel, Nico Wiersema
Guadalupe D
Saturday 15:00 – 15:25
Getting students to read in a new ERA
Classroom Methods / Techniques / University
This presentation focuses on the organization and
learning outcomes of a semester long reading activity
that encourages our EFL students to read literature. The
objectives are obvious: enhance vocabulary, speaking
and reading skills. Students are asked to read abridged
versions of novels and create activities for their peers of
other groups in order to share the experience of reading
not just with their own classmates, but with a larger
Martha del Angel has a Doctorate Degree in Education.
She has worked at Tec de Monterrey Campus Monterrey
since 1994 as a teacher and coordinator of the English
Program. She also supervises research projects in the
area of foreign language learning and teaching at the
Graduate School of Education, ITESM, Mexico.
Nico Wiersema has an MA in Translation Studies of the
University of Amsterdam. He has worked at the ITESM in
Puebla, Mexico City and Monterrey since 1996 as EFL
instructor, coordinator and guest lecturer. He’s currently
Director of the Department of Modern Languages at
ITESM, Campus Monterrey
In-Progress Research Report
Irlanda Olave Moreno, Ana Cecilia Villarreal Ballesteros
Guadalupe D
Saturday 15:25 – 15:50
Re-conceptualizing English/Spanish in Mexico: An
analysis of Mexican-American returnees
Irlanda Olave Moreno is a full time professor at the
Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua and holds a
doctoral degree on Education from the same institution.
She has taught for 18 years in the Lengua Inglesa
Program courses on Literature and Materials Design.
Exhibitor Session
Latin American Educational Services
Stephen Marban, Trina Martinez
Loreto A
Saturday 16:00–16:50
ESL Content reading with Rourke CLIL Science Reading
Rourke Educational Media is a world leader in publishing
high-quality content-area reading extension materials for
grades K-9 and presents the new “Next Generation
Science Reading Bins.” Your students will love these
high-interest, low-level CLIL readers and they will acquire
new Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary that will help them
move from intermediate to advanced proficiency in
English. Each bin includes 24 titles and a great teacher’s
guide; e-books available, too!
Stephen Marban is Director at Latin American
Educational Services, which delivers products and
services to the SEP and other ministries of education in
Latin America. Mr. Marban founded and directed
Pearson Education and University of Dayton Publishing in
Mexico, and his company represents Rourke, Scholastic,
Jolly Learning and the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL)
in Mexico.
Trina Martinez
Exhibitor Session
Book Mart
Matías Gudelia
Applied Linguistics / Research / University
Loreto B
Saturday 16:00–16:50
This study examines issues of identity, bilingualism, and
second language acquisition by drawing upon the
experiences of students enrolled in an English major at a
public university in Mexico who have returned to this
country after years of schooling in the United States. The
students’ autobiographies and interviews provide ample
data in which we can explore the interplay of identity,
language acquisition and bilingualism.
Transforming My Life Today
Ana C. Villarreal is a professor in the Facultad de
Filosofía y Letras at the Universidad Autónoma de
Chihuahua. Dr. Villarreal now teaches undergraduate and
graduate courses in Applied Linguistics and TESOL. She
has made numerous presentations and has authored
publications in the area of second language learning and
Gudelia Matías has worked as an English teacher for 25
years and as an ELT consultant over the last 15 years.
Fully devoted to teaching and researching the newest
English teaching trends.
Discover the best way to use technology in a High School
classroom! Take home useful tools and a whole variety of
activities to build updated language classes. Games, arts,
projects and social learning activities, all of these in My
Life Today… The series!
Exhibitor Session
Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL)
Julie Mazrum
Beatriz Arias
Loreto C
Saturday 16:00–16:50
Research-Based Tools for Effective English Language
The Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) is a private nonprofit organization that conducts research and offers
practical tools for educators working with English
learners. This interactive session will feature two
research-based professional development offerings
focused on effective instruction for English learners,
providing sample lesson plans and other resources for
Julie Mazrum is the Associate Manager of SIOP PD at the
Center for Applied Linguistics. She has previous
experience as an elementary school teacher in the U.S.
and Mexico. Julie currently assists with the directing of
research-based professional development activities and
leads professional development activities in the SIOP
M. Beatriz Arias is Vice President for Development at the
Center for Applied Linguistics. She has directed teacher
preparation for English Learners at the University for
over 20 years and continues at CAL to direct the
Professional Development Area. She is currently
developing English teacher proficiency assessments for
Mexican states.
Exhibitor Session
Empreser – MM Publications
Kostas Pexos
Loreto D
Saturday 16:00–16:50
Communicative competence, generic competences and
language skills
Morrow defines competence as “knowledge about the
form of language and how to use it appropriately in
contexts of use”. Therefore, communicative competence
is seen as the addition and interaction of linguistic,
sociolinguistic, pragmatic and strategic competences. At
the same time, generic competences such as selfdetermination, self-expression, critical thinking and
learner autonomy are taken into consideration in the
design of language curricula and educational material. In
this talk, participants will see how Open Skies, a brand
new five-level course, systematically develops generic
competences and language skills enabling learners to
reach a high level of communicative competence.
Κostas Pexos Born in Montreal, Canada, he completed
his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in English Literature
at Concordia University, Canada. He has extensive
experience in teaching English as a foreign language at all
levels. His particular fields of interest are incorporating
literature into the ELT curriculum and developing
students’ speaking skills. Mr. Pexos is currently involved
in teacher’s training and travels widely in this capacity.
He is a familiar figure to teachers in many countries
throughout Europe, Latin America and the Middle East
where he has conducted teacher training programmes.
He has been working with MM Publications as an ELT
consultant and teacher trainer since 2004.
Exhibitor Session
Empreser Clue & Key
Lauren Evans
Loreto E
Saturday 16:00–16:50
Making Fun and Productive Reading Classes with Classic
Reading is, without a doubt, one of the essential skills in
language learning. However, in today’s ELT world,
producing language through speaking or writing is also
very important. In this session, we will look at how to
make our reading classes more active and productive by
giving students more chances to think and speak while
reading world-famous classic stories. The advantages
classics stories and different ideas for deriving speaking
chances from reading will be discussed.
Lauren Evans holds a BA in Liberal Studies, a Masters in
Social Work from California State University, and a TESOL
Certificate of Pan Pacific University. Lauren is also a
certified therapeutic horseback-riding instructor for
children with special needs. She is an academic
consultant at Empreser ELT, and delivers academic
courses in México and Latin-America.
Exhibitor Session
Cambridge English Language Assessment
Adriana Rebollo Philippe
Loreto F
Saturday 16:00–16:50
Understanding Cambridge English: First and Advanced.
What’s new?
This presentation will look at the changes to Cambridge
English: First/First for Schools. We will provide a paperby-paper look at the changes. Some insight of the
resources and useful links for further support will also be
made available. We will discuss the rationale behind the
changes and we will provide relevant examples and
practical ideas for classroom use.
Adriana Rebollo, Dip. RSA is Assessment Services
Manager for Cambridge English Language Assessment
in Mexico. Adriana holds a BA in Biology, an MSc in
Science and a BA in English Language Teaching.
Adriana has been a teacher, teacher trainer, ICELT
trainer and Cambridge examiner for over 20 years.
Exhibitor Session
Exhibitor Session
Insights into the ECCE: An American English Certificate
University of Dayton Publishing
Caroline Moore
Loreto G
Saturday 16:00–16:50
Improving English, Developing People: the Art of
Teacher Development
How are you taking care of your marketability as a
teacher, or your competitive edge? What are you doing
for yourself, as a professional? And what about your
professional health? In this workshop session we will
look at a model of lifelong learning as a source of teacher
satisfaction and explore directions a teacher can take to
update knowledge and skills, keep abreast of educational
innovation, and keep growing as a professional.
Caroline Moore (Ph.D.) is a teacher of English and
researcher at the University of Guadalajara, at the Centro
Universitario de la Costa. She is also an Academic
Consultant for the British Council, and she is the author
of the online course “English for the Classroom” from the
UDP Teacher Education Programme.
Exhibitor Session
British Book Store
Leslie Michael Croaker Ralph
Jessica O’Boyle, Sharon Pearce
Guadalupe A
Saturday 16:00–16:50
Are you preparing yourself or your students to teach
English? Many teachers will need to take a certificate test
to demonstrate their English-language competence. Join
us for an interactive introduction to the Examination for
the Certificate of Competency in English (ECCE), a highintermediate (CEFR level B2) American English test. In
this session, you will learn about the test format and
support materials that can help you or your students
prepare for the ECCE.
Jessica O’Boyle works on quality assurance in test design
and construction at CaMLA. This includes speaking test
development, training and monitoring of raters, and test
form compilation. Jessica received an MA-TESOL from
Eastern Michigan University where she gained
experience teaching both undergraduate and graduate
Sharon Pearce works on item development, pilot test
coordination, and test compilation at CaMLA. She is also
involved in quality assurance efforts including speaking
examiner monitoring. Sharon holds an MA in linguistics
from Oakland University and has taught ESL/EFL in the
United States and Argentina.
Exhibitor Session
Loreto H
Saturday 16:00–16:50
USBORNE PUBLISHING, UK Children’s Publisher of the
Usborne is a major UK Publishing Company and
Children’s publisher of the year 2012.
We publish almost every type of Children’s book for
every age from baby to young adult.
Come and join us we will show you our latest titles, Talk
about Usborne’s fabulous Reading Programme and finish
off the session with a great raffle of Usborne titles. You
wouldn’t want to miss this!
Prof Leslie Michael Croaker Ralph originally from
London, England is a Professor of Applied Linguistics, he
has given academic presentations in Mexico and most of
Latin America for over 18 years. He is the General
Director of The British Bookstore.
Premium ED / EnglishCentral
David Deubelbeiss
Guadalupe B
Saturday 16:00–16:50
A Multimodal Platform for English Learning Textbooks,
Web, and Mobile
This session will outline the benefits of using mobile apps
along with contextualized video for language practice
and input. Teachers will learn how to extend their
curriculum and provide the benefits of 24/7 access and
learning. EnglishCentral’s MultiModal platform combines
a library of over 9,000 Interactive video lessons with a
time interval vocabulary learning and speaking feedback
system. Participants get an access card to try the
platform with 50 students at no charge.
David Deubelbeiss is a professor and teacher trainer
currently at the Schulich School of Education, Nipissing
University, North Bay, Canada. He is a leader in
promoting the use of technology in language teaching
and the use of social media in education. He is the
Director of Education at EnglishCentral. Find him online
at his professional development community for teachers,
EFL Classroom 2.0 or through his google profile. He
espouses the simple teaching philosophy of “When one
teaches, two learn.”
Exhibitor Session
Helbling Languages
Koen Van Landeghem
Guadalupe C
Saturday 16:00–16:50
SURE: Blending Quality and Innovation for young adults
Today´s young adult learners engage when their English
course balances topics, pace and challenges. They need
both CLIL and intercultural contexts, as they prepare to
use English for life, study, work, and certifications.
SURE is Helbling´s new young adult course that delivers
on all of the above. SURE integrates CLIL, CEFR and exam
preparation. The course also provides a perfect flexible
blend of classroom learning with LMS, online training and
Cloudbook technology.
Koen is an organizational coach with a fascination for
Mindful Change. He has many years of teaching, training
and ELT publishing experience, and for several years
worked as a digital learning consultant in the Americas
and in Asia. He joined Helbling Languages in 2013.
Exhibitor Session
Inés Fauchey
Guadalupe D
Saturday 16:00–16:50
Santillana Compartir English Solution Pack
Santillana Compartir English Solution Pack is an
Educational Solution that harmoniously integrates
technology with education to provide quality learning
and improve educational achievement. This program
strengthens your school’s educational model with print
materials, online and offline digital media experience,
TOEFL and Cambridge certifications and Academic
Services for your teachers’ professional development.
Inés Fauchey has been a teacher for 40 years. She holds
a Dip RSA from Cambridge and is also an ICELT trainer in
Mexico, oral examiner for Cambridge exams and has
worked for Richmond Publishing as EFL Consultant,
having given conferences in Central and South America.
Terrence Nevin Siders Vogt, Areopagita Yésyka Bustillos
Loreto A
Saturday 17:00–18:20
Evaluating secundaria students within the new
The 2011 curriculum for public junior high school
(secundaria) has yet to be supplemented with principles
and methods for evaluating competencies within social
practices. In this workshop we will review core principles
of social practices and of evaluation, then break into
circles to craft our own samples. We will exchange
contact data so everyone can have all of the samples we
Ms. Bustillos is an English teacher and Coordinator of
Academic Activities in Escuela Secundaria Técnica 119 in
Mexico City. She holds a Bachelor’s in English Education
from the Normal Superior de México and Master’s in
Educational Processes from the Universidad Autónoma
Mr. Siders is department chair of the Universidad
Pedagógica Nacional’s Bachelor’s in Adult Education and
professor of Educational Psychology. He holds a Master’s
in Applied Linguistics from the Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México and a B.S. in Education from Ohio
State University.
Selma Lizette Ramon Marin
Speaking projects
Loreto B
Saturday 17:00–18:20
Classroom Methods / Techniques / University
ELT workshop aimed at in-service teachers who wish to
discover new ways to enhance speaking in the classroom.
Speaking projects are activities students can enjoy and
learn from. During this workshop, teachers will reflect
upon their own practice, identify the importance of using
projects, perform and ultimately design their own idea of
a product element of a speaking project.
Selma Ramón is professor, tutor and teacher supervisor
at Universidad Cristóbal Colón in the city of Veracruz. She
has worked at all levels and ages ranging from nursery to
adults in the Mexican context for 9 years. She is also
involved in education development in both teaching and
teacher training.
Irasema Mora Pablo, M. Martha Lengeling
Loreto C
Saturday 17:00–18:20
Effective classroom management
teachers of young learners
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Pre-primary / Primary
This workshop addresses the challenges of PNIEB
teachers who have to deal with classroom management
of young teachers. We will demonstrate a variety of
effective classroom management, specifically groupings
of students, instructions, gaining attention, roles of
students and teachers, the use of L1 and L2, to name a
few. Finally participants will have an opportunity to share
their successful techniques with the rest of the group.
Martha holds a MA TESOL (West Virginia University, US)
and a Ph.D. in Language Studies (Kent University, UK).
She is a teacher trainer in the BA TESOL of the University
of Guanajuato and the ICELT. She is a member of the SNI
and the Editor-in-Chief of the MEXTESOL Journal.
Irasema Mora holds an MA in Applied Linguistics
(Universidad de las Américas-Puebla) and a PhD in
Applied Linguistics (Kent University, UK). She is a full-time
teacher at the University of Guanajuato and teaches in
the BA in TESOL. She is a member of SNI and has Perfil
Loreto E
Saturday 17:00–18:20
Reader’s Theatre reloaded
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Pre-primary / Primary
What would you do if someone told you there is a way to
have children motivated and practising reading in a loud
voice? And if you were told the system is really simple
and can have your learners exposed to authentic
language, enjoyable content and loads of fun? Witness
how the Reader’s Theatre can turn your learners into
storytellers. Join the session and find out what Reader’s
Theatre is about!
Mauricio Ortega (BSc) has been an ELT teacher for over
25 years. He has worked as an ELT consultant and
teacher trainer since 1994 and has been a speaker at
TESOL and IATEFL conferences in Canada, Mexico,
Bulgaria, Peru, Brazil and Central America. A former
professional actor and dancer, he is currently the ELT
Academic Director for Empreser ELT
Norma Victoria Flores Martínez
Loreto F
Saturday 17:00–18:20
Promoting reading comprehension at all levels
Andrew Starling
Mauricio Ortega
Classroom Methods / Techniques / All
Loreto D
Saturday 17:00–18:20
What really matters in any EFL classroom?
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Adult / Institute
The world of ELT can sometimes be a rather confusing
place and teachers are constantly being told how to
teach and what methodologies/techniques/materials to
Many factors influence what happens in the EFL
classroom and individual differences are obviously
important, but is it possible to identify the essence of a
successful classroom? Of ANY successful classroom?
In this workshop, we will examine the various factors
that exert a force on the EFL classroom, and influence
learning. Then, and with the help of input from a number
of teachers and learners, we will try and identify what
REALLY matters.
Andrew Starling is a teacher, teacher trainer and
Cambridge English Language Assessment examiner with
over 20 years experience in Mexico.
He is also co-author of a number of series of course
books for primary and secondary education. Andrew is
currently Director of ELT at Ediciones Anglo, S.A. de C.V.
Reading is now acknowledged as an enabling or decoding
skill, as it enables students to develop their
communicative competences as it provides ground for
the expansion of lexis and language forms.
Activities in this workshop include the activation of the
previous knowledge, the use of extra linguistic elements
in the passage, the inference of meaning and predicting
text development. Attendees will experience reading
comprehension activities that can easily be adapted to
almost any level.
Norma Flores, BA in English and MSc in Education, has
been an English teacher and teacher-trainer for 20 years
now. Norma has been a speaker at national and
international ELT conferences and Research conventions
for over a decade both in Mexico and Central America.
Her research interests include oral English and linguistics.
Panel Discussion
Sofía D. Cota Grijalva, Katherine Grace Duran Howard,
Guillermo Guadalupe Durán García, María Esther Lemus
Hidalgo, Elva Nora Pamplón Irigoyen
Arturo Alberto Hernández Medina
Loreto G
Saturday 17:00–18:20
Reflection and experiences about the EGAL-EIN
examination in México
Program / Syllabus Development / Testing / Evaluation / University
The purpose of this panel is to share with other public
Mexican universities the experiences and outcomes
concerning the application of the EGAL-EIN exam aiming
to know the different dynamics and strategies used in
order to get better results. This panel will allow us get a
general view of the exam and know more about its
impact and consequences to the curricular program of
each of the universities involved.
Katherine Grace Duran Howard Master in Educational
Administration from the University of Leeds, England and
current Director of the Language School, from the Juarez
State University. She collaborated and promoted the
development of the BA program in English Language
Teaching. Universidad Juárez del Edo. de Durango
Guillermo Guadalupe Durán García started teaching in
1995 in private elementary schools and have been
teaching English in the University of Colima since 1998.
He has gained experience in language teaching abroad
(1996-1997) in the United State at Robbinsdale Language
Immersion, Minnesota and (2004-2005) at New Vista
High School in Colorado and (2005-2006) in the UK at
University of Southampton. Universidad de Colima.
Maria Esther Lemus Hidalgo holds an MA in Applied
Linguistics and a Doctorate in Education from the
University of Sussex. Ms. Lemus Hidalgo, professor of the
University of Aguascalientes since 1986, is mainly
interested in language teacher education and in its
research. Universidad de Aguascalientes.
Elva Nora Pamplón has a Doctorate in Humanities and an
M.A. in TESOL. She is a professor in the Foreign
Languages Department of the Universidad de Sonora and
member of the Cuerpo Académico en Lingüística
Aplicada en Lenguas Extranjeras. Her research interests
are in TEYL methodology, writing and professional
development. Universidad de Sonora.
Sofía D. Cota Grijalva M.Ed. in Language Teaching
Training from the University of Exeter, full time professor
and Program Coordinator of the BA in English Language
Teaching at the University of Sonora. Ms. Cota is a
member of the Cuerpo Académico and interested in
teaching and learning beliefs, teaching education and
teacher training. Universidad de Sonora.
Loreto H
Saturday 17:00–18:20
Why should I flip my lesson plan?
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Technology in EFL / ESL / University
Teachers are constantly seeking to transform learning
into a more active process as a result of a trend or a
need. Therefore, this workshop will invite participants to
reflect on their teaching practice in order to incorporate
student-centered learning and the use of technology
through key elements of a flipped classroom approach.
Come and share your experience to help other
colleagues to improve their classes and be part of the
flipped-classroom global community.
Arturo Alberto Hernández Medina heads the Foreign
Languages Department at Tecnológico de Monterrey
Campus Guadalajara. He holds a BA in TEFL and an M.Ed.
in Applied Linguistics and TEFL. He has 20 years of
teaching experience and his areas of interest are
assessment, technology in education and class
observation feedback.
Teresita de Jesús García Bernal
Guadalupe A
Saturday 17:00–18:20
When one-size does not fit all: Post-method pedagogy
Classroom Methods / Techniques / General Audience
Are methods dead? Not really. Post-method pedagogy
emerges not to strictly replace methods, but as a new
perspective that allows language educators to
understand the confines of method and recognize their
own powers as great sources in constructing and
implementing methods. Students, resources, and
challenges are different in every teaching context.
Teachers are now empowered with principles applicable
and adaptable in every context to make informed
decisions as they develop professionally as researchers
and practitioners.
Teresita de Jesús García Bernal Academic Coordinator of
Centro de Idiomas and teacher at the B.Ed. and ELT
programs at Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
C.E.O at ELT Coaching & Solutions. B.A./ M.A. in ELT from
UANL. ICELT and TKT tutor. Freelance teacher trainer and
academic consultant. Oral examiner for Cambridge
exams. TKT Practical Assessor.
Arturo Calderón López
Guadalupe B
Saturday 17:00–18:20
Teaching by the book: It can’t be that bad!
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Program / Syllabus Development /
Secondary / Preparatory
What is it the first thought that comes to mind when a
language teacher tells us: “I teach by the book”?
Disapproval? Criticism? Rejection? On the whole,
negative thoughts. This workshop looks at how classes
can be made more principled and productive for
students in spite of teachers having to be over-reliant on
the course book, which in turn will lead to students
getting what they actually need rather than what we
think they need.
Arturo holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computing as well as
Delta Module 2 from Cambridge. He has been teaching
English for over 10 years and a teacher trainer for 7 years
at The Anglo where he currently works in developing
teacher training and English programmes in the academic
Denisse Martínez Figueroa, Germán Ríos Bojórquez
Guadalupe C
Saturday 17:00–18:20
Look who’s on TV!
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Adult / Institute
Are you successfully encouraging speaking in your EFL/
ESL classroom? This workshop is for teachers who want
to enhance students’ positive attitude towards speaking.
Through practical activities and creative ideas presenters
show you how to design and produce a TV show to be
used as a technique to help your students improve their
speaking skill.
Denisse Martínez has a B.A in English Language Teaching
from Universidad de Sonora. She has taught EFL at
different institutions and levels. Right now, she is an EFL
teacher at Corhalli Montessori Elementary School in
Hermosillo, Sonora. Her teaching interests include
teaching techniques and innovation in the language
Germán Ríos is working on his research paper to
graduate from the B.A in English Language Teaching from
Universidad de Sonora. He is currently working as an EFL
teacher at Universidad de Sonora. His teaching and
research interests include technology and materials used
in EFL courses.
Victor Adrian Hernandez Ocampo
Guadalupe D
Saturday 17:00–18:20
From dull reading to active reading
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Adult / Institute
When students read something without apparent
relevance to them, chances are they are left with nothing
more than a great many questions about what they have
just read. This workshop will focus on the stages of
reading, providing attendees with useful tips and
activities to enhance their students’ opportunities to gain
useful knowledge from reading texts, leaving participants
with strategies and much to reflect upon about reading
in the classroom.
Victor Hernández is The Anglo International Exams
Centre Officer for Cambridge English Exams in Izcalli. He
is a former language centre coordinator and active EFL
teacher. He holds the Anglo in-service teacher certificate;
Teacher Development Course, and his main interests are
skills development and assessment
Refreshment Break and Book Exhibition
Loreto A
Saturday 18:30 –19:00
Jane Revell
Loreto A, B, and C
Saturday 19:00 – 20:00
Getting older … and wiser?
The aim of this plenary is to make you think a little, make you laugh a little, and leave you with some ideas to take away
and use both inside and outside the classroom. We will experience stories, poems and anecdotes that relate to different
stages of life and provide interesting food for thought for those of all ages.
Jane is a certified international NLP trainer and has been a teacher trainer all over the world over 40 years. She has written
many ELT books, children's stories and BBC radio and video material. She is the author of Jetstream, the new young adult
course published by Helbling Languages.
October 19 08:30-09:20
Type of
John Roby Grossi
Am I just an English Teacher?
Loreto A
Sarah Conway
Reading, wRiting, ’rithmetic… and
Demonstration Loreto B
Elizabeth Wallace
Beyond busy work: Worksheets for the
flipped language classroom
Demonstration Loreto C
Kathryn Laura Sagert
Beyond words: Simple techniques for
fostering critical reading skills
Demonstration Loreto D
César Alán Barrón Aparicio
Explode your senses
Demonstration Loreto E
Marsha Jane Way
Model-based writing: Giving inspiration,
Demonstration Loreto F
reducing perspiration
Yonatan Puón Castro
Jessica Molina
Analyzing how language learning
anxiety affects pre-service teachers
Loreto G
Norma Davila Iglesias
Blanca Luna
Start your lessons with the end in mind! Paper
Loreto H
Kathleen Johnson Scholl
Raúl Cervantes Turning English speakers into teachers –
the magic we do
Guadalupe A
Ismael Sombra Rodríguez
Leave your classroom door open for
continuing professional development
Guadalupe B
Imelda Díaz Flores
Development of an ESP manual course
for waiting staff
Guadalupe C
Berenice Luisa Zúñiga
Moodle: Learning, development and
evaluation platform for ESL
Guadalupe D
The power of feedback in a thesis
writing process
Guadalupe D
Wilfrido Corona Meza
October 19th 09:30-10:20
Type of
Jim Citron
Helene C.
IAPE: Who we are. What's new. How to
Special Session Loreto A
Jair Félix
Developing global citizenship through
English language teaching
Rosa María Cortés
Help! I am a technophobic teacher
Demonstration Loreto C
Daphne Sofia Goumas
Know your roots: Techniques to
improve academic reading skills
Loreto D
Students becoming speakers in national
and international conferences
Loreto E
Ana Laura Angel Velazquez
Rebeca Elena
Tapia Carlín
Loreto B
Computer aided language learning:
Achieving objectives through blogs
Demonstration Loreto F
Using L1 in the EFL classroom
Demonstration Loreto G
A Common Latin-American Framework
of Reference for English?
Exploring podcast activities at Prepa 1
Demonstration Guadalupe A
Brad Bawtinheimer
Let me take a selfie
Demonstration Guadalupe B
Dilma Claudia Piccoli Díaz
Integrating sociocultural theory in our
daily ELT practice
Fabiola Zepeda Suárez
Educational Models: Is theory related to
In Progress
Guadalupe D
Intelligent leadership for mindful
In Progress
Guadalupe D
Type of
Jacob Raths Law
Ana Karen Cruz Sánchez
Paul Davies
Marsella Robles
Ma. Elena
Norma Guadalupe Arévalo
Loreto H
Guadalupe C
October 19 10:30-11:20
Octavio Ramírez
The story of your life: Digital storytelling
Demonstration Loreto A
for EFL
Tracey Sinclair
How a student can learn before waking
Demonstration Loreto B
Jesús Salazar
Reading: The importance of teaching it
Demonstration Loreto C
Liliana Sánchez
Teacher Identity, in search of who we
really are
Demonstration Loreto D
Juan Rafael Cervantes López
Academic Reading Circles
Demonstration Loreto E
Factors that keep EFL teachers from
applying the CBA
Demonstration Loreto F
Lizbeth Díaz Palacios
Exploring kindergarten students’
literacy in the transition to primary
Loreto G
Eliphelet Rivera Cuayahuitl
Exploring language teachers' rationales
for using ELT textbooks
Loreto H
Esteban Zárate Mejía
Improving students’ reading skill
through guessing vocabulary
Guadalupe A
Noldi Vives
The future of exams: A look at ex@ms
Demonstration Guadalupe B
Rocio Barbosa Trujillo
Abril Amaro
Vicky Ariza Pinzón
Yonatan Puón
The EFL classroom: Teachers’
perceptions after continuous teacher
In Progress
Guadalupe C
Laura Guillen Matus
The computer: An integral element of
Angoa Amador course design
In Progress
Guadalupe C
Ulrich Schrader
Ana Maria
Astiazaran, Pia MEXTESOL National Spelling Bee 2015
Maria White
Special Session Guadalupe D
October 19th 11:20-11:50
Refreshment Break and Book Exhibition
October 19th 11:50-12:50
Martha Lengeling
Exploring the complexities of teacher
identity: Who are you?
October 19th 12:50-13:30
Closing Ceremony
Loreto A, B,
and C
Papers / Demonstrations / In-progress Research
Reports / Special Sessions
Elizabeth Wallace
John Roby Grossi
Am I just an English Teacher?
Loreto A
Sunday 08:30–09:20
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Applied Linguistics / Research / All
This talk questions how much actual teaching is needed
for English teachers and learners to be successful. Two
figures present in English teaching classrooms are
analyzed. These figures are the English teacher and the
Language Acquisition Facilitator. This presentation
weaves through theory present in educational
psychology and second language acquisition, analyzing
attributes of each figure. Main implications for English
language teaching and guidelines for personal reflection
regarding the attributes of each figure are provided.
John Roby Grossi is from North Carolina, USA and is the
director of the Department of Language and Cultural
Studies at the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado
de Puebla (UPAEP) in Puebla, Mexico. He holds a M.S.
degree in Literacy, Culture, and Language Education
from Indiana University, Bloomington.
Sarah Conway
Loreto C
Sunday 08:30–09:20
Beyond busy work: Worksheets for the flipped
language classroom
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Adult / Institute
Worksheets, although common in language classrooms,
are often just busy work meant to fill extra time or
provide quick assessment. Is it possible to create
engaging worksheets through simple design principles
and creative learning strategies? How can language
teachers make worksheets work for, and not against,
the learning process?
Elizabeth Wallace has taught adult ELLs for the past
nine years. She has an MA in Applied Linguistics from
UMass Boston and currently teaches at The English
Language School of Nashville, and at Nashville State
Community College.
Kathryn Laura Sagert
Loreto D
Sunday 08:30–09:20
Beyond words: Simple techniques for fostering critical
reading skills
Loreto B
Sunday 08:30–09:20
Reading, wRiting, ’rithmetic… and reflection
Classroom Methods / Techniques / All ages
It was drilled into previous generations that the three
things you had to learn at school were “the three Rs” –
reading, wRiting and ‘rithmetic. Today’s students still
need these vital skills, but a fourth R is becoming
increasingly important. This talk will address ways in
which we can help our students master the fourth R –
Sarah has been involved in English language teaching for
ten years, seven of them in Mexico. She has an MA in
Applied Linguistics with ELT from the University of
Nottingham. She currently teaches on a TEFL Masters
programme, and designs courses and teaching
materials. She lives in Puebla.
Classroom Methods / Techniques / All levels (except pre-primary)
Reading well is a key tool for achieving academic,
professional, and personal goals. Understanding
language is essential to effective reading; however,
critical skills such as being able to evaluate context,
structure, assumptions, genre, and intent are also
fundamental. This session will demonstrate simple,
easy-to-use techniques that any EFL teacher can use to
help students, regardless of age or L2 proficiency, work
towards developing solid critical reading skills for life.
Laura Sagert is a language adviser and teacher at CIDE
(Mexico City). She has been involved in ELT for 18 years
and holds a Master’s in Applied Linguistics (TEFL). Her
key interests include English for academic purposes
(EAP), open access, literacy, and lifelong learning.
César Alán Barrón Aparicio
Loreto E
Sunday 08:30–09:20
Explode your senses
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Adult / Institute
It´s hard to teach English to someone, now imagine how
hard could it be teaching to a person that can not see or
has an intellectual problem.
I have been working in “Camino de Luz”, a school for
blind people, since November 2012 until date.
In this presentation I will show some of the techniques
used to teach English language to blind people by
created material made just for their needs.
César Alan Barrón Aparicio; I am a special education
teacher, specialized in intellectual area and I work for
the Coordinación de Inglés en Educación Básica in the
state of Tamaulipas commissioned as an English teacher
in a school for blind people belonging to the system DIF
Jessica Molina Solórzano holds a B.A. in ELT from
Facultad de Lenguas, BUAP. She has taught English in
basic education for 2 years and is currently teaching in a
bilingual school. In addition, her research interests
range from sociolinguistics to students’ motivation in
Yonatan Puon holds a BA and MA in ELT from
Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. He has been involved
in teacher training programs and has participated in the
Distance BA program in ELT at same University. He is
currently Head of the Continuing Education program at
the Facultad de Lenguas/BUAP.
Marsha Jane Way
The present study describes the effects of language
learning anxiety (LLA) in pre-service teachers by
analyzing factors that cause positive and negative LLA.
The study was carried out on the basis of a mix-methods
methodology and the participants were 31 pre-service
teachers. The results indicate that the main factors that
cause negative anxiety are teachers’ and classmates’
undesirable attitude within the classroom context.
Conversely, positive anxiety was identified in high selfesteem students, among other factors.
Norma Davila Iglesias, Blanca Luna
Loreto F
Sunday 08:30–09:20
Loreto H
Sunday 08:30–09:20
Start your lessons with the end in mind!
Model-based writing: Giving inspiration, reducing
Planning / Pre-primary / Primary / Secondary / Preparatory / Bilingual
We put off writing due to a lack of ideas and guidance,
accuracy and time spent writing and giving feedback.
Model-based writing helps the writing/feedback process
by inspiring, giving ideas and guidance, giving feedback,
error correction, improving accuracy and complexity.
Rhetorical modes to ‘rev up’ students’ writing in the
Licenciatura en la Enseñanza de Inglés, BUAP will be
used to show how to work with them and give feedback.
Teachers are designers. An essential act of our
profession is the crafting of curriculum and learning
experiences to meet specific purposes. As in all design
professions, standards inform and shape our work. But
how do these general design considerations apply to
curriculum planning? In this session we will focus first
on the desired learnings from which appropriate
teaching will logically follow. This session is intended for
new and experienced teachers interested in enhancing
student understanding.
Classroom Methods / Techniques/ University
Marsha Way has been a teacher and teacher trainer at
the Licenciatura en la Enseñanza de Inglés in the BUAP
Language School for 20 years. She oversees the student
journal and uses student writing any way she can to give
them a feeling of satisfaction and pride in their work.
Yonatan Puón Castro, Jessica Molina Solórzano
Loreto G
Sunday 08:30–09:20
Analyzing how language learning anxiety affects preservice teachers
Applied Linguistics / Research / University
Norma Dávila holds a Master of Education from
Universidad Panamericana. She has worked as an
English Teacher for twenty years. As a Second Language
Specialist for Semper Altius, Norma trained English
teachers in Mexico, Central America, Italy and
Switzerland. Norma is currently Teacher Support
Manager at Cambridge University Press
Blanca Luna holds a BA in Applied Linguistics from UANL
and an MBA from UNID. She has taught EFL for more
than 17 years at (UANL). Holds all TKT Certificates plus
TKT CLIL from Cambridge University. Holds a Certificate
in Teaching from The University of Kent in Canterbury.
Kathleen Johnson Scholl, Raúl Cervantes Desouches
Guadalupe A
Sunday 08:30–09:20
Turning English speakers into teachers – the magic we
Teacher Training / Supervision / Program Administrators / Adult /
In EFL settings, we are often faced with the problem of
needing teachers and not finding enough trained
language teachers. Many schools resort to untrained
English speakers, or experienced teachers who are not
certified. In this presentation, presenters will share
ideas that will help language institutes in this
conundrum by presenting their ideas on steps to follow
to develop these English speakers into functional
language teachers in a short period of time.
Raúl Cervantes Desouches has been a teacher and
teacher trainer in Mexico for over 25 years. He has been
a coordinator in language schools which has required
that he develop training materials on different subjects
for teachers and staff. He is currently the Academic
Director of Interlingua.
Kathleen Johnson Scholl has been a teacher and trainer
for over 30 years. She currently works at Interlingua
where she trains teachers and trainers, in addition to
writing books and materials. She has co-written over 25
course books and has written a self-study course for
Imelda Díaz Flores
Guadalupe B
Sunday 08:30–09:20
Leave your classroom door open for continuing
professional development
Teacher Training / Supervision / All
A great number of teachers are reluctant to the idea of
someone observing their lessons. This presentation aims
to change these negative views and attitudes toward
classroom observation and generate some interest in an
open doors policy to observers so as to give room for
professional development.
During this presentation a number of classroom
observation activities will be explored and
demonstrated. Also, some practical recommendations
will be made before implementing peer-observation
tasks with your colleagues.
Ismael Sombra coordinates the Quality Assurance
Programme at The Anglo and holds a Bachelor in ELT
and the Delta Module Two Certificate. He has worked as
Guadalupe C
Sunday 08:30–09:20
Development of an ESP manual course for waiting staff
Teacher Training / Supervision / Program / Syllabus Development /
Adult / Institute
The current paper emerged from the necessity face in a
four diamond hotel in the Riviera Maya called Azul
Sensatori, so a needs analysis and the development of
an ESP manual course for waiting staff was carried out
there. In order to conclude what were the specific
needs, situations, the immediate occupational needs,
the specific materials and activities for waiting staff to
learn and use the English language at a Basic level.
Imelda Diaz Flores is a current English teacher who
developed this paper while she had the opportunity of
working in a Hotel as an English teacher and training
manager. She studied at BUAP in the Faculty of Lenguas
Modernas, now she is studying her master degree in elearning in UPAEP.
In-Progress Research Report
Berenice Luisa Zúñiga Mijangos
Ismael Sombra Rodríguez
an English language teacher and teacher trainer since
1999. He is a speaking examiner, ICELT tutor, and TKT
Practical assessor for Cambridge English exams.
Guadalupe D
Sunday 08:30 – 08:55
Moodle: Learning, development and evaluation
platform for ESL
Technology in EFL / ESL / Secondary / Preparatory
The importance of developing a virtual platform
specifically designed for a determined group of students
takes place on the time constraints that as a teacher
have to face every day; the use of the virtual platform
will avoid leaving activities and topics aside, it will also
provide the learners with resources, activities and
quizzes which help them monitor their own learning and
improvements; they can experience a new learning
form, and can also develop language and technological
Berenice Luisa Zúñiga Mijangos holds a B.A. In English
Language Teaching from the Escuela de Lenguas San
Cristóbal, UNACH; she is currently studying her masters
degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at
FUNIBER. Since 2008, Berenice has taught different
English levels in several schools, both public and private.
Currently she teaches at the Escuela de Lenguas San
Cristóbal, UNACH, where she teaches in the Language
department and the B.A. program.
In-Progress Research Report
Wilfrido Corona Meza
Guadalupe D
Sunday 08:55–09:20
The power of feedback in a thesis writing process
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Technology in EFL / ESL /
The thesis writing process represents a great challenge.
It signifies the culmination of students’ studies, and they
may face doubts and preoccupation because they may
not feel academically prepared to carry out this type of
project by themselves. Therefore, this presentation
intends to expose a deep view of student’s perceptions
about difficulties in the writing process, effective
feedback and the advantages and disadvantages of
receiving online and face to face feedback.
Wilfrido Corona Meza holds a B.A. in Modern
Languages from the Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
He studies the M.A. in English Teaching as a Foreign
Language at Universidad del Valle de Puebla. His area of
interest is qualitative research based on analyzing the
impact of feedback in student learning processes.
Papers / Demonstrations / In-progress Research
Reports / Special Sessions
Special Session
Jim Citron, Helene C. Rassias-Miles
Loreto A
Sunday 09:30–10:20
IAPE: Who we are. What's new. How to join
This presentation will provide information about
scholarships in the United States and Mexico for
Mexican public school teachers offered by IAPE, The
Inter-American Partnership for Education.
The mission, application process, and requirements of
these scholarships will be explained. Past participants
will also share their experiences. IAPE is a not-for-profit
initiative of the NGO Worldfund and Dartmouth
College's Rassias® Center for World
Languages and Cultures, designed to empower
innovative public school educators to create lasting and
sustainable change in their classrooms. IAPE has no
religious or political affiliation nor commercial interests.
Jim Citron is Director of the Inter-American Partnership
for Education at Worldfund and Intercultural Education
Specialist at Dartmouth College. He holds a Ph.D. in
Educational Linguistics from the University of
Pennsylvania, an Ed.M. in Administration, Planning, and
Social Policy from Harvard University, and a B.A. in
Psychology and Spanish from Dartmouth College.
Helene C. Rassias-Miles is Executive Director of the
Rassias Center of Dartmouth College and a daughter of
John Rassias, creator of the Rassias Method®. A former
high school teacher who founded a travel/ study
program for adolescents in Europe and China, she
oversees language training and in-service workshops for
Jair Félix
Loreto B
Sunday 09:30–10:20
Developing global citizenship through English language
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Program / Syllabus Development /
This presentation focuses on how to help students
develop awareness on the wider world and their own
role as a world citizen through English language
teaching. It looks at the three essential areas required to
develop global citizenship traits including global
knowledge, global skills and global values.
The presentation showcases different activities and
demonstrates how English teachers can integrate global
citizenship into their English instruction.
Jair Félix, National Geographic Learning Senior ELS
Academic Manager for Latin America, has a BA in TEFL
from UAS and a Teacher Development Certificate from
MARJON, UK. Jair has been working in the ELT field for
over 20 years, and is a frequent presenter at ELT
conferences throughout Latin America.
Rosa María Cortés
Loreto C
Sunday 09:30–10:20
Help! I am a technophobic teacher
Technology in EFL / ESL / Secondary / Preparatory
ELT has greatly changed during the last decade. Modern
ELT classrooms should include technology, and there are
several advantages resulting from using it. The problem
is that many teachers are not into technology, or worse,
some are technophobic. During this session we will
share some easy and practical ideas on how to use
those 2.0 web tools available today. So, don’t panic and
enjoy the ride.
Rosy Cortés has been involved in ELT for over 23 years.
She has been a teacher and coordinator for different
educational institutions. She has been a TOEFL
administrator and a TKT invigilator. She is currently an
Academic Consultant for Richmond and has given
seminars all over Mexico and Central America.
Daphne Sofia Goumas
Loreto D
Sunday 09:30–10:20
Know your roots: Techniques to improve academic
reading skills
Classroom Methods / Techniques / University
Reading is a crucial aspect to gaining knowledge.
Improving students’ academic reading skills benefits
them in all areas of learning. Vocabulary development is
a core component of successful reading. In order to
become a confident and fluent reader, students must
have large vocabularies. Discussion on the importance
of developing students’ academic reading skills and
vocabularies supported by relevant research will take
place. Short activities that can be applied within college
level classes will be presented.
Daphne Goumas — an English professor at UMAR,
Huatulco, Oaxaca— has an academic background in
Applied Linguistics and Leadership in Sustainability
Education. She has a strong interest in the preservation
of indigenous languages, cultures and identities.
Currently, her focus is developing the reading skills in
her university level students.
Ana Laura Angel Velazquez, Rebeca Elena Tapia Carlín
Loreto E
Sunday 09:30–10:20
Students becoming speakers in national and
international conferences
Teacher Training / Supervision / University
This research explores the causes of lack of pre-services
English teachers participation as speakers in national
and international conferences and pre-services English
teachers beliefs about becoming speakers in national
and international conferences with the purpose to
motivate more students to participate in conferences as
speakers. Using a qualitative study this research
examines twenty-five pre-service English teachers taking
a research course. The instrument to collect data was a
focus group.
Ana Laura Angel Velazquez is a novice researcher and a
BA student at the Language Faculty of the Benemérita
Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP). She is
finishing her major in English Language Teaching. Her
research interests are public speaking and professional
Rebeca Elena Tapia Carlin is a full time teacher and
researcher at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de
Puebla. She holds a doctor in Applied Linguistics from
Macquarie University. She is the leader of the research
team Teaching and Professional Development. Her
research interests are teacher education and language
Jacob Raths Law
Loreto F
Sunday 09:30–10:20
Computer aided language learning: Achieving
objectives through blogs
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Testing / Evaluation / Call / All
Computer aided language learning or CALL has been
credited as an effective form of promoting competence,
relatedness and autonomy within foreign language
learners. CALL can help learners experience more real
world and natural interactions. The purpose of this
paper is to express the advantages of using CALL and
blogs in teaching programs and will include practical
information on starting a blog and using it in the
Jacob Law graduated from St. John’s University with a
B.A. in Political Science. He has been an English teacher
for XXX years and is currently the Cambridge English
Exams Officer for The Anglo in Puebla where he
continues to teach general English and exams courses.
Ana Karen Cruz Sánchez, Guadalupe Hernández
Loreto G
Sunday 09:30–10:20
Using L1 in the EFL classroom
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Pre-primary / Primary
It is said that an excellent English class has to be entirely
in English. However, in the Mexican context we have
worked in, students argue that they do not comprehend
their English classes, for they have not been exposed
frequently to the language. In this workshop we will
share our experiences with the use of L1 and some tips
to use it as a tool rather than a methodology to teach
Guadalupe Hernández Andrade- She is a student at
Escuela Normal Superior Oficial de Guanajuato in the
specialty in English teaching. She has taught in
secondary schools and in the Instituto Técnico de
Estudios Computacionales in the state of Guanajuato.
Guadalupe also has presented a workshop in the
Academic Saturdays by MEXTESOL chapter Guanajuato.
Ana Karen Cruz Sánchez- She is a student at the Escuela
Normal Superior Oficial de Guanajuato in the specialty
of English Teaching. She has taught in secondary schools
in the state of Guanajuato as well as in the ´Universidad
de Leon.´ Ana Karen has just as well presented a
workshop in the Academic Saturdays by MEXTESOL,
chapter Guanajuato.
Paul Davies
Loreto H
Sunday 09:30–10:20
A Common Latin-American Framework of Reference
for English?
Technology in EFL / ESL/ University
Most young adult ELT in Mexico is based on
international coursebooks and the Common European
Framework (the former based on the latter), not on our
students’ real needs as required by good course design
and learner-centred teaching. A 2012 Eurobarometer
survey found that the main use of their second language
by Europeans is for holidays abroad. That is not the case
for most Latin-Americans’ use of English. Should our ELT
be more regional, Mexican, local?
In ELT since 1963, with 49 years in Mexico, Paul
currently teaches on the University of Tlaxcala Master’s
in Languages, and leads a course and materials design
project at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de
Hidalgo. In semi-retirement, he still enjoys the
challenges and enigmas of language teaching and
Marsella Robles, Ma. Elena Delgado
Guadalupe A
Sunday 09:30–10:20
Exploring podcast activities at Prepa 1
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Technology in EFL / ESL /
Secondary / Preparatory
English teaching and learning has witnessed a revolution
with the use of Web2 technologies. Now, teachers can
integrate in their classes, tools to help students
communicate, interact, participate and collaborate with
others beyond the classroom walls. Podcasts offer
innovative and creative opportunities to support
language learning, offer the creator self-empowerment,
control, autonomy, and it is effective in developing
social networkings and collaborative learning.
In this presentation some of the projects using podcasts
will be described.
Marsella Robles Mier y Terán. Titular “C” TC Definitivo
en la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria No. 1. Licenciatura
en Letras Inglesas , UNAM, Maestría en Administración
Educativa, ULSA. Ha participado con ponencias en foros
para profesores. Ha impartido cursos en metodología y
aplicaciones de las TIC.
María Elena Delgado Ponce de León. Lic. En Letras
Inglesas de la UNAM y Maestría en la Enseñanza de
inglés, UDLA. Diseñadora y asesora de cursos en línea
dentro del diplomado de ALAD del CELE. También ha
impartido cursos de metodología y aplicaciones de las
TIC desde 2000 en la ENP.
Brad Bawtinheimer
Let me take a selfie
Guadalupe B
Sunday 09:30–10:20
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Pre-primary / Primary
If you are looking for fun and practical ways to involve
pop-culture in your class, this is the session for you. We
will look at specific ideas that I have tried and tested.
Who said that learning English had to be boring? Using
social media, technology and a little creativity, we will
explore ways to spice up your classes and we just might
take a selfie or two.
Brad Bawtinheimer, a teacher, trainer, consultant and
EFL author, has taught in Mexico for 9 years and given
seminars around the country. He divides his time
between The Anglo and Oxford University Press. He is
also a co-author of Discover Science. Follow him on
Twitter @BradELT
Dilma Claudia Piccoli Díaz
In Progress Research Report
Guadalupe C
Sunday 09:30–10:20
Integrating sociocultural theory in our daily ELT
Classroom Methods / Techniques / University
Norma Guadalupe Arévalo Torres
Guadalupe D
Sunday 09:55–10:20
Intelligent leadership for mindful teaching
Adult / Institute
In this interactive session, participants will become
familiar with key aspects of the sociocultural theory
which underlies some common concepts language
teachers use to refer to their classroom practice, such as
mediation, internalization, collaborative work or taskbased approach. They will then be presented with
specific techniques they can employ to help their
language students, particularly teenagers and adults,
advance within their Zone of Proximal Development.
Leadership skills are most often connected with
managers outside the classroom but it is essential for
teachers to develop them and put them to work to
effectively guide and inspire learners –more than
administrate them. Through this presentation, data
about the impact that certain aspects of leadership have
in the students-teachers partnership will be shared and
discussed, together with critical facets compelled to be
prioritized and incorporated into professional and
personal development programs.
Claudia Piccoli holds a B.A. in Pedagogy (UNAM), a
Master’s Degree in Education (UNID) and a Cambridge
DOTE. She has had over 30 years of experience as a
teacher, teacher educator and materials developer. She
is a BULATS speaking and writing examiner and is
currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Humanities.
Norma Guadalupe Arévalo Torres Master in Higher
Education for the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de
México. Speaking examiner for the University of
Cambridge ESOL. English teacher, exams designer and
teacher trainer at Centro de Enseñanza de Lenguas
UAEM. Academic Director of CELe and the BA in
Languages at Universidad de Ixtlahuaca, Mexico.
In Progress Research Report
Fabiola Zepeda Suárez
Guadalupe D
Sunday 09:30-09:55
Educational Models: Is theory related to practice?
Classroom Methods / Techniques / University
Following an Educational Model has become essential
for most institutions as it provides input not only of
students’ profile but also teachers’ daily practice. An
approach provides the opportunity to develop the most
suitable competencies for students to get on in the
professional field following a specific philosophy. For
this reason, looking at correspondence between
theoretical background and real teaching practices is
Fabiola studies an undergraduate in Languages at
Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla. For seven
years, she has worked in different educational level. She
was an English coordinator and Academic Director.
Recently, she is studying a Master degree in English
teaching at Universidad del Valle de Puebla.
Papers / Demonstrations / In Progress Research Report
/ Special Sessions
Octavio Ramírez
Loreto A
Sunday 10:30–11:20
The story of your life: Digital storytelling for EFL
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Technology in EFL / ESL / All
Digital storytelling is: “The cooperative learning process
of debate, discussion, and reflection that students
engage in as they work together to storyboard, shoot,
and edit [and share] their digital stories". Participants
will be introduced to the process of digital storytelling
from beginning to end, stressing the importance of
accomplishing language objectives and highlighting its
PBL potential to encompass successful pedagogical
approaches and “21st Century Skills”, such as media
literacy, critical thinking and project management.
Octavio Ramírez Digital Content Coordinator at
University of Dayton Publishing. Decade-long EFL and
ESL instructor in the US and Mexico.
Tracey Sinclair
Loreto B
Sunday 10:30–11:20
How a student can learn before waking up
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Teacher Training / Supervision /
We have all been there. The lesson starts way before
the students (and at times the teacher too) actually
‘wake up’ and precious time can be wasted in the
meantime. We need to activate the brain and the
memory quickly despite lack of sleep, interest and
caffeine. There are several ways to take back this
missing time and assist learners in getting the most out
of their class time. Let’s wake up our students!
Tracey started teaching over 30 years ago in New
Zealand. After teaching in the UK and France, she went
to Italy where she has taught all ages and levels. She
started teacher training 20 years ago. When not
teaching, she works for ELI as a teacher trainer and
international speaker.
Jesús Salazar
Liliana Sánchez
Teacher Identity, in search of who we really are
Teacher Training / Supervision / Adult / Institute
In an era of professionalisation and certification, we
teachers must be asking ourselves exactly who we are.
Who dictates our identity; the DNA of our certification
or the understanding of our self? This talk will explore
the concept of teacher identity, the landscapes in which
it emerges and the complex and dynamic equilibrium
where professional self-image is balanced with the roles
teachers play in order to gain a place in society.
Liliana Sánchez is the Academic Director of the Anglo
Mexican Foundation. She is a Delta trainer and ICELT
moderator. She has been a speaker at several
MEXTESOL, LABCI and IATEFL conferences. Liliana holds
an MA in TESOL from Canterbury Christ Church
University and her main interest is teacher education.
Juan Rafael Cervantes López
Loreto C
Sunday 10:30–11:20
Reading: The importance of teaching it correctly
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Teacher Training / Supervision /
Pre-primary / Primary
We all know that teaching reading is a skill that, when
taught correctly, will provide our learners with plenty of
opportunities to develop themselves in their future
academic lives; so the earlier we teach them reading
correctly, the better. But, are we teachers facing the
teaching of this fundamental language skill fashionably?
In this presentation participants will reflect and find
what practices are useful and will work together to
adapt those which are not efficient.
Jesus Salazar holds the Major in English Language
Teaching by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
He also has the In-service certificate for English
language Teachers by the University of Cambridge.
Nowadays Jesús works for University of Dayton
Publishing as an Academic consultant and runs an ELT
Consultancy firm in Guadalajara.
Loreto D
Sunday 10:30–11:20
Academic Reading Circles
Loreto E
Sunday 10:30–11:20
Classroom Methods / Techniques / University
In a culture of comprehensive school reform,
establishing professional learning communities such as
Academic Reading Circles is one form of professional
development that is proven to engage participants’
intellect, involve them in action and reflection, and
result in continuous improvement in teaching and
learning. As well, Reader- Response Criticism,
Independent Reading, and Student-Centered learning
also embrace most of the theoretical support of
Academic Reading Circles.
Juan Rafael Cervantes López got the Master´s Degree in
Teaching English as a Second Language at UANL.
Participated in several trips with Mexican groups in
other countries as USA, Germany, Turkey, Canada,
Japan, Thailand, France and Serbia as interpreter.
Working with strategies such as Reading Circles and
Electronic Learning since 2010.
Rocio Barbosa Trujillo, Abril Amaro Ensaldo
Loreto F
Sunday 10:30–11:20
Factors that keep EFL teachers from applying the CBA
Teacher Training / Supervision / Adult / Institute
Several in-service EFL teachers from Puebla have
reported that applying the Competency Based Approach
in their teaching is not easy to accomplish due to many
factors intervene in the process. Some preliminary
findings include lack of understanding of competencies
among others; therefore, we consider this issue is
caused by a certain resistance of experienced language
teachers to adopt and adapt since the approach does
not state the methodology but the outcomes of the
Rocio Barbosa Trujillo, English teacher at the Continuing
Education department at Facultad de Lenguas, BUAP
and at Universidad del Valle de Puebla. She is a student
of the Maestría en la Enseñanza del Inglés at the
Facultad de Lenguas, BUAP. She is interested in
conducting research on Teacher Training Policies.
Abril Amaro Ensaldo, English teacher at the Continuing
Education department at the Facultad de Lenguas,
BUAP. She is a student of the Maestría en la Enseñanza
del Inglés at the Facultad de Lenguas, BUAP. She is
interested in conducting research on Teachers Training
Policies and Technology in the Language Classroom
elementary institution in Mexico. She graduated from
the master program in Teaching English at Benemerita
Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (BUAP). Her area of
interest is teaching in bilingual contexts.
Eliphelet Rivera Cuayahuitl
Exploring language teachers' rationales for using ELT
Teacher Development / Research / University
What are the teachers´ rationales for using textbooks?
What factors cognitive and contextual shape teachers´
instructional decisions? In response to these and other
questions, this work examines language teachers´
practices. Using observation and interview data, the
study explores the cognitive and contextual factors that
shape teachers´ instructional decisions. Findings show
that procedures for textbook selection, course and
lesson length, as well as teachers´ views about course
books, largely shape the ways they use ELT textbooks.
Eliphelet Rivera has been a language teacher for over
18 years. He got a MA in Applied Linguistics and
Research Methods from the University of Warwick and a
Ph.D. in Education from the University of Leeds in the
UK. I am interested in researching language teacher
development and teacher cognition.
Esteban Zárate Mejía
Lizbeth Díaz Palacios
Loreto G
Sunday 10:30–11:20
Exploring kindergarten students’ literacy in the
transition to primary
Classroom Methods / Techniques / Pre-primary / Primary
Research on the development of young children’s
bilingual literacy competences in an EFL context has
been limited in Mexico. Nonetheless, there are studies
in other countries which compare children’s literacy
strategies in ESL contexts in both languages.
This study analyzed six students’ multi literacy processes
from 3rd grade kindergarten to the first year at
elementary school in a bilingual school in order to
observe children literacy experiences at school in a
bilingual EFL context.
Lizbeth Díaz has twelve years as an English teacher.
Currently she is an Academic Principal in a Bilingual
Loreto H
Sunday 10:30–11:20
Guadalupe A
Sunday 10:30–11:20
Improving students’ reading skill through guessing
Applied Linguistics / Research / Secondary / Preparatory
According to general knowledge in the field of ELT, the
most frequent language skill that students find difficult
to master seems to be reading. The purpose of this
research was to identify the vocabulary guessing
strategies secondary students used when they were
required to read a passage. This research sought,
additionally make a pedagogical proposal for the
Mexican English teachers who work at a public
secondary school.
Esteban Zárate Mejía did his undergraduate studies at
the school of Languages, Universidad Veracruzana. He
obtained the MA in TEFL from the school of Languages,
U.V. He has participated in different national and
international seminars on research issues of ELT. He is
researching on the implementation of the Lexical
Noldi Vives
Guadalupe B
Sunday 10:30–11:20
The future of exams: A look at ex@ms tools
Testing / Evaluation / Secondary / Preparatory
Online test are becoming commonplace. Technology
can easily support reading, writing and listening tasks.
But, many teachers find it difficult or expensive to
incorporate these resources to their everyday life. So,
this session will try to give what teachers and students
would find
enjoyable and updated to have as
examination tools.
By presenting some free access websites and apps, the
instructor will encourage teachers to get on the wagon
of using technology even for testing their students.
Finding out that, by means of technology they will be
saving time, money and will make every moment of
their classes a memorable and relevant one even if it is
the exam day.
Noldi Vives Quiñones is pursuing a Doctorate. He’s
taught and been an Academic Coordinator for different
institutions (ITESM, UDLA, IBERO). He’s studied in the
U.S., Canada and Mexico obtaining various certificates.
As an ESL trainer he’s given academic and commercial
seminars. He’s Senior Academic Consultant at University
of Dayton Publishing.
In Progress Research Report
Vicky Ariza Pinzón, Yonatan Puón Castro
Guadalupe C
Sunday 10:30–10:55
The EFL classroom: Teachers’ perceptions after
continuous teacher training
This study aims at describing teachers’ perceptions upon
the impact on their teaching practicum after having
participated continuously in a teacher training program
in the state of Puebla. The research methodology
includes semi-structured interviews, with ten
participants, which were analyzed by means of the
coding and categorizing procedure.
Finally, the
preliminary results showcases situations in which
teachers’ practicum improved despite the contextual
challenges teachers faced. Confidence, student
motivation and professional development were some of
the categories that emerged.
Vicky Ariza Pinzón holds an MA in ELT from Universidad
Autónoma de Puebla. She teaches there and
collaborates in teacher training in continuing education.
She has also collaborated in the Access Microscholarship Program sponsored by the US Embassy. Her
research interests include discourse analysis and
intercultural communication.
Yonatan Puon holds a BA and MA in ELT from
Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. He has been involved
in teacher training programs and has participated in the
Distance BA program in ELT at same University. He is
currently Head of the Continuing Education program at
the Facultad de Lenguas/BUAP.
In Progress Research Report
Laura Guillen Matus, Silvestre Angoa Amador
Guadalupe C
Sunday 10:55 – 11:20
The computer: An integral element of course design
Technology in EFL / ESL / University
The incorporation of computer use in the teaching field
does not give a guarantee of a radical and automatic
transformation in the educational process; it might
generate a traditional teaching as well as new practices.
For this reason, this study focused on analyzing the
conception that teachers have about computer use in
order to gain an in-depth understanding about crucial
impact that it has in their practices.
Laura Guillen Matus: Researcher and graduate from
Licenciatura en Enseñanza del Inglés at Benemérita
Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
Silvestre Angoa Amador Teacher - researcher at
Facultad de Lenguas of Benemérita Universidad
Autónoma de Puebla.
Special Session
Ulrich Schrader, Ana Maria Astiazaran, Pia Maria
White, Peter Sokolowski
Guadalupe D
Sunday 10:30–11:20
MEXTESOL National Spelling Bee 2015
Primary / Secondary / EFL
The MEXTESOL National Spelling Bee for non-bilingual
primary and secondary schools will be held on April 24,
2015 in Mexico City. There will be two contests: one for
5th and 6th grade students of primary and one for 1st
and 2nd grades of secondary. The age limit for
participation is 15 years. Come to this session to find out
more details about this event co-sponsored by MerriamWebster. (67 words)
Ulrich Schrader has been actively involved in MEXTESOL
for many years in many different capacities. Currently
he is the academic consultant at the National MEXTESOL
Ana Maria Astiazaran has been an EFL teacher for over
25 years. She holds a B.S. from the University of Arizona
and ME in Higher Education from ULSA Pachuca. She is
Head of the Language Department at Colegio Regis La
Salle and MEXTESOL Vice-president in the National
Governing Board.
Pia White holds an MA in TESOL from the University of
London. She works at the University of Aguascalientes,
and is the Regional Team Leader for Cambridge
examinations. For many years she has held different
positions in the National Governing Board of MEXTESOL,
and is currently MEXTESOL’s National President.
Peter Sokolowski is Editor at Large at Merriam-Webster.
He has written definitions for many of MerriamWebster’s dictionaries, is active as a blogger, podcaster,
and speaker on language, and has served as pronouncer
for spelling bees worldwide. He was named among
TIME's 140 Best Twitter Feeds of 2013.
11:20 – 12:50
Refreshment Break and Book Exhibition
Martha Lengeling
Sunday 11:50 – 12:50
Loreto A, B, and C
Exploring the complexities of teacher identity: Who are you?
This presentation explores the complexities of EFL teacher identity construction within a variety of social and cultural
contexts within the profession. I will discuss how EFL teachers in Mexico have been identified historically giving examples,
such as the native speaker, non-native speaker, bilingual, the backpacker, transnational, to name a few. Concepts such as
language, investment, and emotions (Norton, 1997) will be examined in relationship to teachers’ lives. I conclude with the
challenges EFL teachers have overcome in Mexico and the choices to be taken for future teacher development.
Martha Lengeling holds a doctorate in Language Studies from Kent University (UK) and a master’s in TESOL from West
Virginia University (USA). She is a teacher trainer in the BA in TESOL and the ICELT program at the University of
Guanajuato. Martha is a member of the SNI (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores). Currently she is the Editor-in-Chief of
the MEXTESOL Journal and has published articles and books nationally and internationally.
Closing Ceremony
Sunday 12:50 – 13:30