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K O.U WWW.HIFINEWS.C FEBRUARY 2OO9 G N : J - O <E@ - @ 6 - o {t}:N uo -Ar = - N o : $ s - N - : Vinylona budget Pro-Ject Genie'red devil'turntable Blu-ray Behemoths Denonlaunches itsstatement AVseparates Review:KenKessler L a bR e p o r tP : auM l iller debate that's been raging sincethe dawn of hi-fi,Integratedvs Separatesboils down to this: the former's benefitsover the latter includethe removalof a pre-to-powercable connection.the need for one lessAC outlet. lessshelf spaceand - above all - the knowledgethat the two sectionsare optimisedfor each other. Separates, however,counter with truly dedicated power supplies for each section,as well as isolationof the pre and power amp stagesfor lesspotentialfor undesirable interaction.Traditionally, the higher you go up the price scale,the more likelyyou are to opt for separates. Over the decades,milestoneintegratedswould appearthat upsetthe formula:Sugden'sA48, specific modelsfrom Rogers,Mclntosh,AR,ef a/. And now, most assuredly,Krell'sintegratedsare so good that they could affect the entry-levelseparates. Here'swhat you get tor L24OOwith the S-300i integrated,comparedto three times that for the least-expensive (but admittedly more powerful)pre/ power combination:a fully-balanced, ClassA preamp sectionand a 2x150W stereo amplifier,employingthe Current Mode technologyfound throughout the range, right up to the nut-caseEVOmodels. Yourfirst realisationthat this is no ordinary integratedis its weight. Although compact at 438x1o1x444mm (whd), it tips the scalesat nearly 20 kilos.A good portion of that is a gigantic,typically Krellish75OVAtoroidal transformer,supported by 38,000 microfaradsof storagecapacitance.This is not your normal integratedamp's power supply. FEATURE PACKED BecauseKrell,early on, realisedthat some audiophiles live in the real world, this unit is bereft of nothing, features-wise. The S-300ihas an iPod/iPhoneinterface (with a cable included)that derivesaudio from the fully differentialoutput includedin iPodsand iPhones; accordingto Krell,no other manufacturerdoes this. A hefty solid aluminium remote operatesall functions, includingthose of a connected iPod or iPhone,as well as KrellCD, SACD,and DVD players.But you'll love the feel of the machinedaluminiumvolume rotary and the KRELUSBESTIT'TTEGRATED YET? Krellearlierintegrateds, the S-300i'spredecessors, were all 'genuine'Krellproductswith few evident compromises.But what we havehere is a weird paradigmshift,inattitude,as if Krellsawthe credit crunchlooming.I askedRicardoFranassovici how he, asthe distributor,was dealingwith this time-bombof a bargainand he said,'most manufacturers would restrictthe performanceof an entry-levelproduct not to impact on the more expensive units.DanDAgostinoisn'tlikethat. He set out to build the best integratedamp he could, and it turnsout that the priceis right for the times we'rein.'Toobad Danisn'trunningour banks. tiny pressbuttons,so it may spend lesstime in your hand than you'd expect. The S-300ifeaturesa number of control menus, viewed via the front-paneldisplay,for accessing customisableparametersand functionsincluding b a l a n c e i,n p u t t r i m , i n p u t n a m i n ga n d m u t i n g l e v e [ . Also includedis a home cinema pass-throughfor unadulteratedtwo-channelintegrationinto a surround-soundset-up. At the back panel are three single-endedRCAinputs, a balancedXLRinput, the socketfor the iPod/iPhone cable and genuineWBTspeakerterminals.Eventhough this handsome,silver-finished baby standsshorterthan a CD jewel box, some may chooseto hide it in the sort of equipment rack used by custom installers;generously, 'ears'for rack-mounting. Krellsuppliesa pair of Also on an installation-friendly note, the S-300italks to after-market,upscaletouchscreencontrollerssuch as those from AMX and Crestron,while the back panel also i n c l u d e s3 . 5 m m j a c k sf o r l R i n p u t a n d 1 2 - v o l t r i g g e r input and output, as well as an RS-232connector. ABOVE:One balanced(XLR) and three singleended (RCA) inputsare joined by a multi-pin iPodconnection. An unbalanced preamp out is joined by single sets of 4mm speakerbinding posts.Fulltrigger and RS232 control is also offered 'Suchwallop!SuchextensionlSuch mass! The S-300iis like a smalldog unafraidof somebig, Iopinghound' ift sourvoAsA HouND Slippedin between the RestekEposand MarantzCD-l2 CD players,and RogersLS3/5As-plus-A1 subwooferor SonusFaberCremonaAuditor Elipsa,connectedwith Acrolinkcables,the S-300imade itself known from the get-go with a sound so full and so rich that I would have believedyou if you said it was an EVOin drag. I'd used enough of the Krellflagshipmodelsto appreciatetheir commanding lower registers.I simplydidn't expect it from a unit so compact and so relativelyaffordable. . Suchwallop! Suchextension!Suchsheer mass!The S-300iis simplypugnacious,like a small dog unafraidof some big, loping hound. But that's not to say it's scrappy or yappy,merelythat it punchesabove its weight. With big bands,from JoolsHollandback to some classicin-housecapitol sessions from the 1950s, this amplifierconveyedthe requisitemajestywith both realisticlevelsand convincingdimensions.My 'Vistavision' references- the MclntoshMC2120, Quad two-eighty and the like - matched it rather than beat it, the Krellagain playingTardis. What is it with this amp? lt's as if it has a Napoleon complexand needsto keep provingthat it can hang e> AI'DIO FItE Stereo integrated amplif:€r. Rated at 15ow/8ohm Made by: Krell lndustries Supplied by: Absolute Sounds Telephone: o20 8971 3909 Web:vwwv. FEBRUARY 2oo9 | | 55 .f{ ABOVE:No simple volume control but a rotary encoder that navigatesthrough the input, balanceand volume menu options with the big boys.Small,delicateworks likethe Buffalo 'SadMemory' offeredthe Springfield'sgorgeous realisticscalerequiredto reproducea singlevocalist and an acousticguitar,with all of the woody harmonics presentand accountedfor with chillingveracity. And when the Neil Young solo -'recorded across town'- came in. the tremolo effect was as liquid as I've ever heard it. AND DETAIL TOO... 'Bluebird'- 'all Then came the layeringof the guitarsin f l e x e s i tsmuscles t h e S 3 0 0 i 1 1 . 3 8 6o f t h e m ' - a n d in another area: retrievalof detail. Becausethe sound spaceis so huge, wall-to-walland stretchinginto the sonicvanishingpoint behind the speakers,you can listen in to layering,imaginingthe studio wizardswho applied guitar after guitar. Fuzz-tone,banjo, acoustic, and thunderousdrums and bass.The smallestKrell shiftsgearsfrom gossamerromanceto rock-hard hard-rockwith the grace of a Bentleyleavinga motorway for a windy road. Throughoutthis drama,there's an overwhelming senseof composure,the amp never putting a foot wrong. No buzzes,no noises,no clipping-related nasties.True, I didn't try this with the sort of speaker aimed at its beefiersiblings,but a part of me believes that this wouldn't balk at big Wilsonsor Magicosor corner-fillingTannoysor the mightiestThiels. integratedand as But this is, after all, a sanely-priced speakers.Tackit such will be pairedwith similarly-priced or like-pricedMartinLogans,and on to some Quad ESLs, you will know the meaning of 'bargain'.O 5-300by nameand 5-300by power,this slim but incrediblyheavyamplifierdoes 'Stereo'315W4ohm and indeeddelivera 195W8ohm.At its rated 2x150/8ohm, the S300iis drawingsome595W from the wall,a figurethat fallsto 65W at idle and 45w in standbymode. a not insubstantial Underdynamicconditions[seegraph, below leftl the amplifierhassufficient headroomto muster235W and 435W into 8/4ohmbeforefallingbackslightlythrough currentlimitingto 280W and 135W into lower 2/ l ohm loads.Thisis equivalentto a 1omseccurrentratingof 1 1.64 at < 1%THD, so the S-300iis evidentlynot quite as load tolerantas its biggerKrellbrothers! As ever,Krellhasmanagedthe S-300i's skill,keeping distortionwith commensurate it veryconsistentat around0.015%from 100Hzto 1OkHzand only increasing extremes veryslightlyat the bass/treble [seegraph,below right].Distortionalso slightlywith increaslngoutput, decreases from 0.04%at 1W8ohm to 0.026%at a t 1 O O WT.h ea m p l i f i e r ' s 10 W a n dO . O 1 1 % responseis alsosubtlytailoredfrom -0.1 8dB/20kHzto -2.5d8/100kHzand,in the deepestbass,rolledslightlyawayto -0.6d8 at 5Hz.There'sa minimalchange to loading,fallingto just in this response -0.55d8/20kHzwhen drivingjust 1ohm for example,in linewith its moderate -0.085ohm output impedance. 'character'thenthis lf the s-300ihasa is manifest;nthe 74.5d8A-wtds/N ratio, 'average' about 1odB belowthat of the integratedamplifierand composedof a smoothwhite noiseratherthan a hum.Will this havethe effectof an innocuousdither? Readersare invited to view an extensive QCSuitereportfor Krell'sS-300iintegrated amplifier by fogging onto wvw.hifinews. 'Download' andclickingon the red button. PM E = a 6 HI-FINEWSVERDICT We find ourselveswith a product that challenges accepted wisdom: this isn't merely a solution for people short of shelf space,or lacking a spare AC outlet. The S-3OOiis so good that it will cause problems for Krell, not just its rivals, becauseit behaveslike a f50O0 pre/power combo. The distributor won't thank me for saying that, but this is an inexplicable,insane give-away. I love it. 56 I I rrnnunnvzoos ABOVELEFT:Dynamic power output versusdistortion into Sohm (black 'lohm (green)loads;ABOVERICHT: trace), 4ohm (red),2ohm (blue)and Distortion versusfrequencyat lOW/8ohm from 5Hz to 40kHz Power output (<l %THD,8/4ohm) 1 9 5 Wi 3 1 s W Dynamic power {<1%I HD, I I 4 I 2 | 1ohm) 23sW/43sW/280w/13sW Output impedance lzoHz-2okHz) Frequencyresponse(20H2-10okHz,Bohm) -0.O4dBto -2.53d8 Input sensitivity(for 0dBW/150W) 65mV i 8oomv A-wtd S/N ratio (forodBW/150W) 7 4 . 5 d 8/ 9 6 . 3 d B D i s t o r t i o n( 1 0 W 8i o h m , 2 O H z2 0 k H z )
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