Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers Instructions for Use
Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers Instructions for Use
-ri-i I: I~:Ai~I:I:i i1~1 ~lLaI-~ll~l I:I~III~II~IEEI:ilI~IC! Full PowerBalanced PowerAmplifiers 200c, 300c, 600c Stereo 250Mc, 350Mc, 650Mc Monaural with Krell CASTTechnology Instructions for Use Owner’s Reference Full PowerBalanced PowerAmplifiers 200c, 300c, 600c Stereo 250Mc, 350Mc, 650Mc Monaural with Krell CASTTechnology v 00.0 Krell Industries,Inc. 45 Connair Road Orange, CT 06477-3650 USA TEL203-799-9954 FAX203-891-2028 E-MAILkrell @krellonline.com WEBSITE http://www.krellonline.com This productcomplieswith the EMC directive (89/336/EEC) andthe low-voltagedirective (73/23/EEC). WARNINGS TheFull PowerBalanced amplifier mustbe placedon a firm, level surfacewhereit is not exposed to drippingor splashing. Theventilation grids onthe top of the Full Power Balanced amplifier mustbe unobstructed at all timesduring operation.Donot placeflammable material on top of or beneaththe component. Beforemakingconnections to the Full PowerBalanced amplifier, ensurethat ff is off andthe preamplifier is in muteor stand-bymode.Makesure all cable terminationsare of the highest quality and free from frayedends,short circuits, or coldsolderjoints. Thedifferential circuitry employed with Full Power Balanced amplifiersrequiresspecialattentionwhenconnecting speakers.DOnot connectthe negativespeakerterminalstogether.Donot connectthe negativespeakerterminalsto groundor attemptto bridgethe left andright speaker bindingpostsof Full Power Balanced stereoamplifiers. Do not connect a Full PowerBalancedamplifier to a speakerselector device that employsa common groundscheme, as it mayshort-circuit the amplifier output. THEREARE NO USERSERVICEABLE PARTSINSIDE ANY KRELLPRODUCT. PleasecontactyourauthorizedKrell dealer,distributor, or Krell if youhaveanyquestions not addressed in this referencemanual. This;~roduct is manufactured in theUnitedStatesof America. Krell~is a registeredtrademark of Krell Industries.Inc.. andis restrictedfor useby Krell IndusTM is a patentpending tdes. Inc., its subsidiaries,andauthorized agents.Sustained PlateauBiasII is a patentof Krell Industries,Inc. Krell CAST of Krell TM, TM, TM Industries,Inc. Krell CurrentMode Krell Link andKrell Playback System are trademarks of Krell Industries,Inc. All othertrademarks are registered to their respectivecompanies. ©2000 byKrell Industries, Inc.All rightsreserved P/N 303969 Contents Page INTRODUCTION 1 DEFINITION OF TERMS 1 REVOLUTIONARY KRELL CAST TECHNOLOGY 3 UNPACKING 4 PLACEMENT AC Power Guidelines 4 5 FRONTPANEL DESCRIPTION 200c, 300c, and 600cStereo PowerAmplifiers 250Mc,350Mc,and 650McMonauralPowerAmplifiers 8 8 8 BACK PANEL DESCRIPTION 200c, 300c, and 600cStereo PowerAmplifiers 250Mc,350Mc,and 650McMonauralPowerAmplifiers 11 11 12 CONNECTINGTHE FULL POWERBALANCEDAMPLIFIER TO YOUR SYSTEM Input and Output Connections Krell Link Connections DCProtectionCircuitry Usinga TubePreamplifier 13 ,13 13 14 14 AMPLIFIER OPERATION On/Off and Stand-byOperation Krell Link Operation 15 15 15 REMOTECONTROLOPERATION Howto TumOff the Amplifier LEDs Howto Tumon the Amplifier LEDs Howto Switch betweenKrell CASTand XLRInputs Usinga DedicatedWall Outlet and Switch 16 16 16 16 16 AMPLIFIER TROUBLESHOOTING Howto Troubleshoot SystemNoise Howto EvaluateAmplifier Operation 17 17 17 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 19 WARRANTY 20 RETURNAUTHORIZATION PROCEDURE 21 SPECIFICATIONS 22 Krell Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers iii Illustrations Page FIGURE 1 Full PowerBalancedStereo Amplifier Front Panel 6 FIGURE 2 Full PowerBalancedMonaural Amplifier Front Panel 7 FIGURE 3 Full PowerBalanced Stereo Amplifier Back Panel 9 FIGURE4 Full PowerBalanced Monaural Amplifier Back Panel iv 10 Krell Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers Introduction Definition of Terms The Full PowerBalancedseries of amplifiers consists of three stereo amplifiers, the Full Power Balanced 200c, 300c, and 600c, and three monauralamplifiers, the Full PowerBalanced250Mc,350Mc,and 650Mc.Installation, connection,andoperationof all amplifiers in the Full PowerBalancedseries are identical; however, a pair of Full PowerBalancedMonaural amplifiers are required for stereo operation. Following are the definitions of key terms used in your owner’s reference manual. Full PowerBalancedamplifiers can be configured to accommodate any sophisticated music or hometheater system and can be operated by an optional remote control or through the remotecontrol of other Krell components. This owner’s reference manualcontains important information on placement,installation, and operation of the Full PowerBalanced amplifiers. Pleaseread this information carefully. A thorough understanding of these details will help ensuresatisfactory operation and long life for your Full Power Balanced amplifier and related system components. CONFIGURATIONS Krell Link A methodof synchronizing remotecontrol operation for Krell systemsthat includemultiple preamplifiers, amplifiers, and associated components. WhenKrell Link in/out connections are used, the remotecapabilities of the linked components are controlled from one component, called the control component.The linked components respond to stand-by and operational mode commandsfrom the control component via MIDI cables. INPUT AND OUTPUTCONNECTIONS Balanced A symmetricalinput or output circuit that has equal impedancefrom both input terminals to a commonground reference point. The industry standard for professional and soundrecording installations, balanced connections have 6 dB more gain than single-ended connections and allow the use of long interconnect cables. Balanced connections are completely immuneto induced noise from the systemor the environment. Krell Current Audio Signal Transmission (CAST) A proprietary Krell circuit technologyfor connecting analog components,in which the audio waveformis transmitted between components in the current rather than voltage domain.The speed and bandwidth provided by Krell CAST yields accurate, realistic music reproduction. Krell componentsconnected via CASTperform as if theyare all part of a single circuit. Krell Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers 1 Definition of Terms, co,,tinuo, Single-ended A two-wire input or output circuit. Usecare whenusing single-ended connections as the ground connection is madelast and broken first. Turn the systemoff prior to makingor breaking single-ended connections. Singleendedconnections are not recommended for connections requiring long cableruns. TECHNOLOGY Krell CurrentMode A proprietaryKrell circuit topologyin whichthe audio gain stages of a component operate in the current rather than voltage domain.This unique technology provides the component with exceptionalspeedanda widebandwidth. Krell Sustained PlateauBiasII AproprietaryKrell digital circuit that continually monitorsthe input signal andoutputimpedance Off of a Krell amplifier andadjuststhe bias accordWhenthe powerswitch on the back panel is placedin the downposition andthe blue power ingly to ensureClass A operation. Sustained Plateau Bias II provides the enormous sonic LEDsturn off, the component is off. benefits of continuousClassA operationwhile Operational Mode minimizingthe heat generationandpowerconWhenthe powerbutton on the front panel is sumptionnormally associated with Class A pressedand the three blue powerLEDsillumidesigns. nate, the component is in the operationalmode andreadyto play music. OPERATION Stand-by Mode A low powerconsumption status that keepsthe audioandregulatorcircuits at idle. Krell recommendsleaving the component in the stand-by mode whenit is not playing music. 2 Krell Full Powered Balanced PowerAmplifiers Revolutionary Krell CAST Technology Current Audio Signal Transmission, termed CAST,is a revolutionary methodof connecting analog audio components for unparalleled sonic performance. Innovative engineering combines the new Krell CASTcircuitry with existing Krell Current Modetechnologyto create entire CASTsystems that reproduce music with incredible range, tonality, andprecision. Voltage Signal Transmission and the Traditional Audio System Traditionally, signal is transmittedin the voltage domain between two components. In an audio system,eachcomponent is a discrete entity with uniquecharacteristics that act uponthe musical signal independently. Each component is unawareof the other components in the system. The cables that connect the componentseach havetheir ownelectrical characteristics, which affect the sonic presentationof the entire system. CAST: A New Approach CAST circuitry recognizessignal transmitted in the current domain instead of the voltage domain between each component. CASTtransmission unifies the individual componentsand their interconnects into an electrically linked whole. Thesonic presentation of the entire system remainsintact. CASTBasics Here’s how a CASTaudio system works. Internally, eachCAST sourcetransfers, or amplifies, current using Krell CurrentModecircuitry. This current signal is then output using CASTcircuitry. Whenthe signal is received by a CAST input, Krell Current Modecircuitry again takes over until the signal reachesthe loudspeaker. By maintainingthe musicalsignal in the current domainfrom beginning to end, an entire CAST systembehavesas if it is one component.With CAST,anomaliesof signal transmission between Krell Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers componentsare eliminated. Cable impedances and their effects on the transmitted signal are non-existent. HowCASTand Krell Current ModeInteract While CASTis a newmethodof transferring the musical signal betweencomponents,its origin stems from Krell Current Mode,the technology developedto transfer the musical signal within a component. CASTcombined with Krell Current Modetakes circuitry signal transmissionto the next evolutionary level. In essence, Krell Current Modemaintainsthe integrity of the signal within the componentand CASTpreserves the transmitted signal between components. Together, CASTand Krell Current Modetechnologies unify separate Krell components into a singleglobal circuit. CASTCable Construction A CASTsystem uses cables manufactured by Krell and other manufacturers specially licensed by Krell. Thin and flexible CASTcables are constructed with the samebuild quality as other Krell products and are aesthetically matchedto the componentsthat Krell manufactures. An all-metal bodyand locking connectors with gold contacts are part of the standardnocompromisespecification developedfor evenj CASTcable made. The Best Musical Performance Whenyou operate a CASTsystem, you will hear significant improvementsin every performancearea: speed, precision, dynamicrange, depth and width of the soundstage, transient impact, tonal balance, harmonicdistortion, and more. The goal for CASTis the samecompany goal usedfor all Krell products.Krell strives for the delivery of the best performanceof a musical event for you, using the full expressionof technologyto date. 3 Unpacking Placement Two people are needed to remove the Full PowerBalancedamplifier from its shipping box safely andeasily. Before you install the Full Power Balanced amplifier into your system, please follow the guidelines in this section to chooseits proper location. This will facilitate a clean, trouble-free installation. 1. Openthe shipping box and removethe top layer of foam. Yousee these items: 1 Full PowerBalancedAmplifier 1 Packet containing the owner’s reference manualand the warranty registration card 2. Orient the shipping box so that one person stands at the front of the amplifier and one personstands at the rear of the amplifier. Both peopleneedto grab a pair of the cardboardhandlecutouts (onepair located at the front of the amplifier andonepair located at the rear of the amplifier) andsimultaneously lift the amplifierstraight up, out of the carton. 3. Place the amplifier in a safe location and removethe protective plastic wrapping. Notes ff any of the items mentioned above are not included in the shipping box, please contact your authorizedKrell dealer, distributor, or Krell for assistance. Saveall packingmaterials. If youship your Full PowerBalancedamplifier in the future, repack the unff in its original packaging to preventtransit damage.See Return Authorization Procedure, on page21 for moreinformation. The Full PowerBalancedamplifier requires at least two inches (5 cm) of clearance on each side and at least eight inches (20 cm) of clearance above the component to provide adequate ventilation. Although Sustained Plateau Bias II circuitry reducesthe high heat dissipation and heat output of traditional Class A circuitry, Full Power Balancedamplifiers still can becomehot under normal operation. Whenthe front and rear of a cabinet are open the air space betweenthe chassis an~l shelf mustbe unobstructed. If you place the amplifier in a closed cabinet, you mayneed to modify shelf spacingor use small fans to increase ventilation. For the dimensionsof your Full Power Balanced amplifier, see Specifications, on pages 22-23. Place the amplifier as close to the speakersas possible. Krell CASTtechnology permits you to use interconnect cables of any length, see Flevolutionary CAST Technology on page 3; however,try to keepthe cable length to a minimum. All Full PowerBalancedamplifiers drive the lowest impedances with ease. Whenimpedance is added due to long speaker cable lengths, amplifier poweris wastedin the cable. Long speaker cables reduce the maximum powerthat is delivered in the speakers. 4 Krell Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers Placement, continued AC POWERGUIDELINES The Full Power Balanced 200c and 250Mc amplifiers need to be operated from a dedicated AC power line rated at a minimumof 15 amps. The Full Power Balanced 300c, 350Mc, 600c, and 650Mcamplifiers need to be operat- Krell Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers ed from a dedicated ACpower line rated at a minimumof 20 amps. Pleasecontact your authorizedKrell dealer, distributor, or Krell before using any devices designedto alter or stabilize the ACpowerfor Full PowerBalancedamplifiers. 5 FIGURE 1 FULL P( IWER BALANCED STEREO AMPLIFIER 123 1 Power Stand-by LED 2 Bias LED 3 Power Button 6 FR()NT PANEL 456 4 Infrared Sensor 5 Krell CASTLED 6 Regulator LED Krell Full Powered Balanced PowerAmplifiers FIGURE 2 FULL POWER BALANCED MONAURAL AMPLIFIER 789 7 PowerStand.by LED 8 Bias LED 9 PowerButton Krell Full Powered Balanced Power Amplifiers FR( INT PANEL 10 11 12 10 Infrared Sensor 11 Krell CASTLED 12 RegulatorLED 7 Front Panel Description The front panel accesses power on/stand-by and infrared sensor (remote control) functions. Thepowerstand-by, bias, regulator, and Krell CASTLEDs,arrangedin a triangle on the front panel abovethe powerbutton, illuminate to indicateamplifier status. FULL POWERBALANCED200c, 300c, AND 600c STEREOPOWER AMPLIFIERS See Figure 1 on page6 1 Power Stand-by LED The blue power stand-by LED(top of LEDtriangle) illuminates whenthe back panel power breaker switch has been movedto on, engaging the input circuitry and placing the amplifier in stand-by mode. 2 Bias LED Theblue bias LED(lower left of triangle) illuminates after the front panel power button is pressed, indicating that the SustainedPlateau Bias II is engaged. 3 Power Button Use the silver power button, to power on the amplifier from stand-by mode. 4 Infrared Sensor The infrared sensor receives the signal from a remotecontrol. 5 Krell CASTLED Thered Krell CAST LED(center of triangle) illuminates when a Krell CASTinput on the back panel is connectedto another Krell product with a Kreil CASToutput. 6 Regulator LED Theblue regulator LED(lower right of triangle) illuminates after the front panel powerbutton is used to power on from stand-by mode,indicating that the regulator is providing powerto the output stage. 8 Note An optional remotecontrol is available for Full PowerBalancedamplifiers. FULL POWERBALANCED250Mc, 350Mc, AND 650Mc MONAURAL POWERAMPLIFIERS SeeFigure2 on page7 7 Power Stand-by LED The blue powerstand-by LIED (top of LEDtriangle) illuminates whenthe back panel power breaker switch has been movedto on, engaging the input circuitry andplacing the amplifier in stand-by mode. 8 Bias LED Theblue bias LED(lower left of triangle) illuminates after the front panel power button is pressed, indicating that the SustainedPlateau Bias II is engaged. 9 Power Button Use the silver power button to power on the amplifier from stand-by mode. 10 Infrared Sensor Theinfrared sensor receives the signal from a remotecontrol. 11 Krell CASTLED Thered Krell CAST LED(center of triangle) illuminates whena Krell CASTinput on the back panel is connectedto anotherKrell productwith a Krell CASToutput. 12 Regulator LED Theblue regulator LED(lower right of triangle) illuminates after the front panel powerbutton is used to poweron from stand-by mode,indicating that the regulator is providing powerto the output stage. Krell Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers FIGURE 3 FULL 19 13 POWER BALANCED STEREO AMPLIFIER 14 15 16 17 13 Left andRight SpeakerBindingPosts Inputs 14 Krell CAST 15 BackPanel PowerBreaker Switch Krell Full Powered Balanced Power Amplifiers 18 16 14 BACK PANEL 13 19 16 Left andRight Balanced Inputs 17 Krell LinkOut/In 18 AC Mains PowerCord 19 Handles FIGURE 4 FULL POWER BALANCED MONAURAL AMPLIFIER 20 21 20 Handle 21 SpeakerBinding Posts Input 22 Krell CAST 23 BalancedInput 10 22 23 24 BACK PANEL 25 26 24 ACMains PowerCord 25 Krell LinkOut/In 26 Back Panel Power BreakerSwitch Krell Full Powered Balanced Power Amplifiers BackPanel Description The back panel provides connections for all inputs and outputs, poweron/oft, and remote control links. Theback panel also has handles that allow you to safely and easily movethe amplifier. FULL POWERBALANCED200c, 300c, AND 600c STEREOPOWER AMPLIFIERS SeeFigure 3 on page9 13 Left and Right SpeakerBinding Posts Full Power Balanced 200c, 300c, and 600c stereo amplifiers are equippedwith four pairs of speakerbinding posts (upper left, lower left, u pperright, andlowerright). Notes Twopairs of speakerbinding posts are usedfor eachchannelof amplification. Onthe stereo or monaural Full Power Balanced amplifiers, either the upper or the lower pair can be used with speakershaving two pairs of binding posts. For biwiring applications, with speakershaving morethan one pair of binding posts, use both upper and lower pairs of speakerbinding posts. See the speaker’s instruction manual for biwiring connections. Speakerbinding posts for stereo and monaural amplifiers accept spadelugs only. Bare wire, bananalugs, or pins will not work. Usethe red terminal for the positive connection and the blue terminal for the negative connection. 14 Krell CASTInputs Full Power Balanced 200c, 300c, and 600c stereo amplifiers are equippedwith oneleft Krell CASTinput andone right Krell CAST input via 4pin bayonet connectors. The Krell CASTinputs allow the Full PowerBalancedamplifier to be connectedto the KPS25sc Krell PlaybackSystem and other CAST-equippedcomponents. Krell Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers 15 Back Panel Power Breaker Switch Full Power Balanced amplifiers are equipped with a back panel power breaker switch, for powering on the amplifier. Placing the back panel power breaker switch in the up position places the amplifier in stand-by mode,whereit remainsuntil the front panelpowerbutton (3) pressed. Note Krell recommends that the amplifier remain on, in stand-by mode, even whennot in use, once it is powered on from the back panel power breaker switch (15). 16 Left and Right BalancedInputs Full Power Balanced 200c, 300c, and 600c stereo amplifiers are equippedwith oneleft balancedinput and one. right balancedin pr~t via XLRconnectors. 17 Krell Link Out/In Full PowerBalanced amplifiers are equipped with Krell Link Remoteout/in connectors that allow the remote control to operate a linked amplifier configuration. See Krell Link Connections, on page13 for moreinformation. Note An optional remotecontrol is available for Full PowerBalancedamplifiers. 18 AC Mains Power Cord All Full PowerBalancedamplifiers are equipped with a permanentlyattached ACpowercord. 19 Handles All Full PowerBalancedstereo amplifiers are equippedwith two handles, located beside the speaker binding posts, to help you easily and safely movethe amplifier. 11 BackPanelDescription, continued FULL POWERBALANCED250Mc, 350Mc, AND 650Mc MONAURAL POWER,AMPLIFIERS 24 AC Mains Power Cord All Full PowerBalancedamplifiers are equipped with a permanently attached ACpowercord. SeeFigure 4 on page10 25 Krell Link Out/In Full PowerBalanced amplifiers are equipped with Krell Link Remoteout/in connectors that allow the remote control to operate a linked amplifier configuration. See Krell Link Connections, on page13 for moreinformation. 20 Handle All Full PowerBalancedmonauralamplifiers are equipped with a handle, located beside the speaker binding posts, to help you easily and safely movethe amplifier. 21 Speaker Binding Posts Full Power Balanced 250Mc, 350Mc, and 650Mcmonaural amplifiers are equipped with two pairs of speaker binding posts (one upper pair and one lower pair). For stereo operation, two monauralamplifiers are required. 22 Krell CASTInput Full Power Balanced 250Mc, 350Mc, and 650Mcmonauralamplifiers are equipped with one Krell CASTinput via a 4-pin bayonet connector. The Krell CASTinput allows the Full PowerBalanced amplifier to be connectedto the KPS25sc Krell Playback Systemand other CAST-equippedcomponents. 23 Balanced Input Full PowerBalanced 250Mc,350Mc,and 650Mc monauralamplifiers are equippedwith one balancedinput via an XLRconnector. 12 Note An optional remotecontrol is available for Furl PowerBalancedamplifiers. 26 Back Panel Power Breaker Switch Full PowerBalanced amplifiers are equipped with a back panel power breaker switch, for powenngon the amplifier. Powering on u§ing the back panel powerbreaker switch places the amplifier in stand-by mode, where it remains until the front panel powerbutton is pressed. Note Krell recommends that, once the amplifier is powered on from the back pane/power breaker switch, it remains on, in stand-by mode,even whennot in use. Krell Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers Connectingthe Full PowerBalanced Amplifier to YourSystem INPUT AND OUTPUT CONNECTIONS 4. Insert the endof the ACmainspowercord into the ACwall receptacle. 5. Proceedwith Krell Link Connections,if desired,or turn to Amplifier Operation,on page15. Krell recommends using its proprietary Krell CAST systemfor unparalleled sonic performancebetween the Full Power Balanced amplifiers and other CAST-equipped components and the KPS25sc Krell PlaybackSys- KRELL LINK CONNECTIONS tem. Krell Link Remoteout/in connectors on the backpanel of the Full PowerBalancedamplifiFull PowerBalanced amplifiers also offer balancedoperation.Thecircuitry andconnections er allow you to synchronize remote control associated with balancedoperation not only operation for systemsthat include multiple amplifiers and associated components.When can minimizesonic loss but also are immune to induced noise,especiallyfor installations using the Krell Link Remoteout/in connectorsare used,the remotecapabilities of the linked comlongcables. ponentsare controlled from one amplifier or A one piece RCA-to-XLR adapteris available preamplifier, called the control component. The fromKrell Industries,to allowsingle-ended oper- linked componentsrespond to stand-by and ation usingthe balanced XLRinputs. operational modecommands from the control via MIDI cables. Thefollowing steps describe howto connect component cablesto the Full Power Balanced Amplifiers. Note 1. Neatly arrangeandorganizewiring to and Kre// Link usesstandardfive pin M/D/commureferred to as M/D/ fromthe amplifier andall components. Sep- nication cab/es, sometimes P/us cab/es. M/D/ cab/es can be purchased arate ACwiresfromaudiocablesto prevent humor other unwantednoise from being from your authorizeddistributor or dea/er, or froman audiosupp/ystore. introducedinto the system. 2. Connectthe Krell CASTcables from your How to Connect Components CAST-enabled preamplifier/source compo- throughKrell Link nent to the left andright Krell CAST 4-pin off, using the back bayonetinputson the amplifier backpanel. 1. Turn all components panel powerbreaker switch. This ensures For balancedoperation, connectthe interthat the components are synchronizedwhen connectcablefromyour preamplifierto the the MIDIcableis connected. left and right balancedXLRinput on the amplifier backpanel. 2. Select the component to be the control component. The control component mustbe in 3. Connectthe speakercables to the Full plain viewfor properremotecontrol operaPowerBalanced amplifier’s speakerbinding tion. posts, locatedon the amplifier backpanel. Speakerbindingposts for both stereo and 3. Connectone end of the MIDI cable to the monaural amplifiers acceptspadelugs only. Krell Link out connectoron the backpanelof the component. KrellFull Power Balanced Power Amplifiers 13 Connecting, continued 4. Connectthe other end of the MIDI cable to the Krell Link in connectoron the next component. USING A TUBE PREAMPLIFIER The high DCoutput of tube preamplifiers may exceed the DCprotection circuitry of Full To link another corn ponent, connecta secPower Balanced amplifiers. Excessive DC ond MIDI cable to the Krell Link out conlevel in a signal can damage amplifiers, speaknector on the back panel of the second ers, or both. The coupling capacitors in Full component. Connect the remaining end of Power Balanced amplifiers must be engaged the MIDI cable to the Krell Link in connec- whenusing a tube preamplifier. An authorized tor on the back panel of a third component. Krell dealer, distributor, or Krell mustactivate 5. Link additional components,if desired, as these capacitors. describedin Steps3 and 4. Coupling capacitors must be inserted into the Thecomponents are nowready for operation with signal path by your authorizedKrell dealer, disKrell Link. tributor, or Krell before you can use your Full PowerBalancedamplifier with a tube preampliDC PROTECTIONCIRCUITRY fier. Full PowerBalancedamplifiers use unobtrusive IMPORTANT direct current (DC) protection circuitry that Please read the Warranty, on page 20, to strips DCfrom the signal without corrupting understand the warranty limitations of Full sound reproduction. Full Power Balanced Power Balanced amplifiers when used with amplifiers feature direct coupledcircuitry from tube preamplifiers. input to output. This topologyeliminatesall coupling capacitors from the audio signal path. Coupling capacitors block damaging DC but have sonic characteristics that corrupt sound reproduction. Note For moreinformation about DCprotection circuitry features, see Amplifier Troubleshooting, on page 17. 14 Krell Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers Amplifier Operation Full PowerBalanced amplifiers are easy to install andoperate. However,it is importantto exercise care during operation, due to the amplifiers’ enormouspoweroutput. Switching betweenactive sources (such as a CDplayer, tape monitor, or VCR)without muting the preamplifier output, or bumpingor miscuing a sourcecangeneratelarge transients at low frequencies. Full PowerBalancedamplifiers may generate enoughpower with these transients to damageloudspeakers. IMPORTANT Alwaysmuteor fully attenuate the preamplifier level whenswitching sources. Donot changeinput connectionsto the amplifier whenthe amplifier is on. Use care whensetting high playback levels. Becauseof their tremendousreserves of clean power,Full PowerBalancedamplifiers can safely drive speakersto higher soundpressurelevels than other amplifiers. Alwayslower the volumelevel at the first sign of speakerdistress. ON/OFFANDSTAND-BYOPERATION Whenpowering on any system, turn on amplifiers last. Turnoff amplifiersfirst. 1. Movethe back panel powerbreaker switch to the up position to engagethe input circuitry andplacethe amplifier into the standby mode.Thefront panel blue powerstandby LEDilluminates. 2. Pressthe silver powerbutton on the amplifier front panel. Theblue regulatorLEDilluminates. Oncethe regulator provides powerto the output stage, the blue bias LEDilluminates. TheSustainedPlateauBias II system is nowengaged. After the protectioncircuitry hasconfirmedthat safe operatingconditions exist, the input relays engage.Youhear a click. Theamplifier is readyfor operation. Krell Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers If the Krell CASTinput is being used, the Krell CAST red LED illuminates and remainsilluminated at all times during the stand-by or power on modes. 3. With the preamplifier mutedor volumecontrol completely lowered, select a source. Increase the volumecontrol to the desired listeninglevel. 4. Whenturning off the system, mute or completely lower the preamplifier volume, or place the Full PowerBalancedamplifier in the stand-by power modeby pressing the powerbutton on the front panel. It is now safe to turn off the rest of the system. Note For best performanceof Full PowerBalanced amplifiers, leave the backpanel powerbr~eaker switch on at all times. KRELLLINK OPERATION 1. Whenall components are linked, place each componentin the stand-by modeby moving the back panel power breaker switch to the up position. This ensuresthat all componentswill be synchronized when signals from the control component are sent to the linked components in the system. 2. Whenthe components are in stand-by, switch the control componentto the operational modefrom the control component’s front panel or by using the component’s remotecontrol. Thelinked corn ponentsswitch to the operational modesimultaneously. A linked componentcan be switched between the operational modeand stand-by, individually, from its front panel. Switchinga linked component temporarily breaks the chain of linked components.To re-establish linked operation, return all components to stand-by. 15 RemoteControl Operation Full PowerBalancedamplifiers are compatible with the remotecontrols includedwith Krell preamplifiers, the Krell Audio + Video Standard, the KAV-300r RemoteControl Receiver, the HomeTheater Standard, and the KPS 25sc Krell Playback System. Pleasecontact your authorizedKrell dealer, distributor, or Krell to purchase a remotecontrol for Full PowerBalancedamplifiers. Full PowerBalancedamplifiers can be located in a roomor spaceclose to the speakersbut out of sight, and poweredon or off remotely from the listening room,througha control amplifier. See Krell Link Connections, on page 13. HOWTO TURN OFF THE AMPLIFIER LEDs The amplifier must be in the stand-by mode with the rear panel power breaker switch on. While holding the silver powerbutton in, press the powerkey on the remotecontrol. After the amplifier finishes its turn-on sequence, the front panel blue LEDsturn off. The blue LEDsremain off throughout normal operation as long as the amplifier’s rear panel powerbreaker switch is not turnedoff. HOWTO TURN ON THE AMPLIFIER LEDs With the amplifier in the stand-by mode,turn the rear panel powerbreaker switch to the off position. Thenturn the rear panel powerbreaker switch back to the on position. Thenext time the amplifier is poweredup from the front panel or the remotecontrol, the blue LEDsilluminates during the turn-on sequence. HOW TO SWITCH BETWEEN KRELL CAST AND XLR INPUTS Press the meter key on a Krell remoteto switch between CASTinputs and the balanced XLR inputs. Full PowerBalancedamplifiers default to CA~ST operationuponstartup, if the amplifier is tumed off from the rear panel powerbreaker switch and a CASTsource and cable are connected to the CASTinputs. The operational modedoes not changeif the Full PowerBalancedamplifier is in stand-by mode. USING A DEDICATEDWALL OUTLET AND SWITCH Full PowerBalancedamplifiers can be powered on from an ACwall receptacle with a dedicated switch, rather than from the front panel power button or optional remotecontrol. Pleasecontact your authorizedKrell dealer, distributor, or Krell for moreinformation beforeyou connectyour Full PowerBalancedamplifier to a dedicatedACwall outlet with a switch. 16 Krel Full Power Balancec~ Power Amplifiers Amplifier Troubleshooting HOW TO TROUBLESHOOT SYSTEM NOISE AC grounding becomescritical when connecting high performance audio components. When you mix and match audio components, each with its ownground potential, a low frequency hummayoccur in one or both speakers. This often occurs when introducing a new component into a system. If a low frequency hum emanates from the speakers whenyou place the Full Power Balancedamplifier into the system, follow these simple troubleshooting steps: Note During these steps, the back panel power breaker switch remainsin the on position. 1. Check all input and output connections, makingsure they are of soundconstruction. With the amplifier in stand-by mode,remove the interconnect cables, then press the front panel powerbutton. If the humdisappears, press the powerbutton to return to stand-by mode,and reinsert one of the interconnect cables. Press the powerbutton again. If the humreappears with one or both interconnects inserted, there maybe a defective cable. Havethe interconnect cables checked before proceeding. 2. HOWTO EVALUATEAMPLIFIER OPERATION Theamplifiers are protected by a series of nonintrusive circuits that constantly evaluate the amplifier’s operation. This circuitry protects against damagingDCinput or output and short circuits, see also DCProtection Circuitry, on page 14, and monitors regulator operation, ensuring constant voltage to the output stage. The protection circuitry in a Full PowerBalancedamplifier is designedto prevent damage to the amplifiers or speakers causedby other defective components,faulty wiring, system mishandling,or amplifier failure. In addition, whena Full PowerBalancedamplifier’s DCprotection circuitry sensesa problem within the system,it identifies, then indicatesthe problem by illuminating the front panel blue LEDs,as describedin the following table. Notes TheKrell CASTLEDilluminates only ff a Krell CASTinput is being used. There are no output fuses in Full PowerBalancedamplifiers. If the interconnect cables are sound, you maybe experiencing a ground loop. This can often be easily eliminated. Please contact your authorizedKrell dealer, distributor, or Krell for suggestionson howto solve this problem. Krell Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers 17 If the courseof action listed in the table belowdoesnot correct the situation, please contact yourauthorizedKrell dealer, distributor, or Krelh AMPLIFIER CONDITION The output mutes during playback and the following LEDsilluminate: Power Stand-by, and Regulator Bias POSSIBLE CAUSES Excessive DCat the amplifier input The amplifier switches to stand-by modeand the Power Stand-by LED illuminates Electrical short in speaker cables or inside speaker The amplifier switches to stand-by at high volumes and the Power Stand-by LEDilluminates Insufficient ACcurrent from the wall outlet If preamplifieris a tube model, see Using a Tube Preamplifier, on page14. Excessive heat The amplifier powers down completely and no LEDs illuminate 18 COURSEOF ACTION Havesource unit and preamplifier checkedfor high DCoutput Checkall speakercables for any cuts or frayed edgesthat might form a connection betweenthe positive and negative speakerbinding post terminals Makesure the ACline is at least 15 amps for 200cand 250Mcamplifiers; 300c, 350Mc, 600c, and 650Mc amplifiers shouldbe operated from a dedicated 20-amp line. DCpresent at the output stage Allowamplifier to cool before resumingoperation. See Placement,on page4 for ventilation requirements Contactyour authorized Krell dealer,distributor, or Krell Internal amplifier problem Contactyour authorized Krell dealer,distributor, or Krell Krell Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers Questions and Answers Q. Should I leave my Full Power Balanced amplifier on at all times? A. For maximum amplifier performance, leave the back panel powerbreaker switch on at all times. This places the amplifier in stand-by mode. Full Power Balanced amplifiers are designed to be poweredon and off from standby, using the front panel powerbutton. This eliminates "cold start" degradations.Theamplifier will operateat full performance within minutes. Q. When I turn on the amplifier there is a loud humthrough the speakers. Whatshould I do? A. Whena newcomponentis introduced, a low frequency hummayoccur in one or both speakers. Checkall input and output connectionsand cables, making sure they are of sound construction. See Howto Troubleshoot System Noise, on page 17. If the interconnects and cables are sound, you maybe experiencing a groundloop. This can often be easily eliminated. Pleasecontact your authorizedKrell dealer, distributor, or Krell for suggestionson howto solve this problem. Q. Mysystemincludes multiple pairs of speakers. CanI connect them to my Full PowerBalanced amplifiers through a speaker selector box? A. No. Most speaker selector boxes use a commongroundscheme.Thedifferential circuitry in Full PowerBalancedamplifiers prohibits the use of these devices. Do not connecta Full Power Balanced amplifier to a speaker selector Krell Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers device that employs a commonground scheme,as it mayshort-circuit the amplifier output. Q, My speakers have only one pair of binding posts, but my Full Power Balanced stereo amplifier has two pairs. Whichpair of speaker binding posts should I use, the upper or the lower? A. The upper and lower pair of speaker binding posts on Full PowerBalancedstereo amplifiers are identical. Youcan useeither the upper or lower pair; they work and sound the same. See Connecting the Full Power Balanced Amplifier to YourSystem,on page 13. Q. My speakers are rated for 150 Watts. Are the Full PowerBalanced300 or 600 modelstoo powerful for them? A. No. A speaker seldom is damaged from overdriving. More often, damageoccurs when an amplifier that lacks sufficient poweris asked to handle heavy demandsituations such as high playback levels. These amplifiers may have very high 8 Ohmpower ratings, but in heavy demandsituations they can be driven into clipping (in which DCcurrent goes to speakersdue to loss of amplifier power). Clipping can damagespeakers. Avoid damageto your speakers by reviewing your speaker’s specifications and exercise caution in heavy demandsituations. 19 Warranty ThisKrell producthasa limited warrantyof five yearsfor partsandlaboroncircuitry. Should this productfail to performat anytimeduringthe warranty,Krell will repair it at nocost to the owner, exceptas set forth in this warranty. Thewarrantydoesnot applyto damage causedby acts of Godor nature. Thewarrantyonthis pageshall bein lieu of anyotherwarranty, expressed or implied,including,but not limited to, anyimpliedwarranty of merchantability or fitnessfor a particular purpose.Thereare no warrantieswhichexceed beyondthosedescribedin this document. If this product doesnot performas warrantedherein, the owner’ssole remedy shall berepair. In noeventwill Krell beliable for incidental or consequentialdamages arising from purchase,use,or inability to usethis product,evenif Krell has beenadvisedof the possibility of suchdamages. IMPORTANT Theuseris responsible for notifyinghis or her Krell dealer, distributor,or Krell that a tubepreamplifier will beused with the Full Power Balanced amplifier, so that the Krell dealer,distributor, or Krell canactivatethe coupling capacitors. If theuserdoesnotnotifytheKrelldealer,distributor, or Krell andusesa tube preamplifier without the Full PowerBalancedamplifier’s couplingcapacitor engaged, Krell reservesthe right to refusewarrantyrelatedservice due to DC-relateddamage. Proofof purchase in theformof a bill of sale or receipted invoicesubstantiatingthat the unit is within the warranty periodmustbe presentedto obtainwarrantyservice. The warrantybeginsonthe date of retail purchase,as noted onthe salesslip providedby anauthorizedKrell dealeror distributor. Thewarranty for Krell products is valid onlyin thecountryto whichtheywereoriginally shipped,throughthe authorized Krell distributorfor that country,andat the factory.There maybe restrictions on or changesto Krell’s warranty because of regulationswithin a specific country. Please checkwith yourdistributor for a complete understanding of thewarrantyin yourcountry. If a unit is servicedbya distributorwhodid notimportthe unit, theremaybea chargefor service,evenif the product is withinthewarranty period. 20 Freightto the factoryis yourresponsibility.Returnfreight within the UnitedStates(U.S.A.)is includedin thewarranty. If youhavepurchased yourKrell productoutsidethe U.S.A. andwishto haveit servicedat the factory, all freight and associatedchargesto the factory are your responsibility. Krell will payreturnfreight to the U.S.A.-based freight forwarderof yourchoice.Freightandothercharges to ship the unit fromthe freight forwarderto youare also yourresponsibility. Krell is not responsible for anydamage incurredin transit. Krell will file claimsfor damages as necessary for units damagedin transit to thefactory.Youare responsible for filing claimsfor shippingdamages duringthe return shipment. Krell doesnot supplyreplacement parts and/orproductsto the ownerof the unit. Replacement parts and/orproducts will befurnished onlyto thedistributorperforming serviceon this unit onan exchange basis only; anyparts and/orproducts returnedto Krell for exchange become the propertyof Krell. Noexpressedor implied warrantyis madefor anyKrell product damaged by accident, abuse,m~suse,natural or personaldisaster, or unauthorized modification. Anyunauthorizedvoltage conversion,disassembly, componentreplacement, perforation of chassis, updates,or modificationsperformed to the unit will void the warranty. Theoperatingvoltageof this unit is determined by the factory andcanonly bechanged by an authorized Krell distributor or at the factory. Thevoltagefor this productin the U.S.A.cannotbe changed until six months fromthe original purchase date. In the eventthat Krell receivesa productfor warrantyservice that hasbeenmodifiedin anywaywithoutKrell authorization,all warranties onthat productwill bevoid.Theproduct will bereturnedto original factorylayoutspecifications at the owner’sexpense beforeit is repaired.All repairs requiredafter the producthasbeenreturnedto original factory specificationswill be charged to the customer, at current partsandlaborrates. All operationalfeatures,functions,andspecificationsand policiesare subjectto change withoutnotification. To register your productfor warrantybenefits, please completeand return the Warranty Registration Card enclosed in the shipping box within 15 days of purchase. Thankyou. Krell Full PowerBalancedPowerAmplifiers ReturnAuthorization Procedure If you believe there is a problemwith your component,pleasecontact your dealer, distributor, or the Krell factory to discuss the problembefore you retum the component for repair. To expedite service, you maywish to complete and e-mail the Service RequestFormin the Service Section of our websiteat: www.krellonline.com Tocontactthe Krell ServiceDe}artment TEL FAX E-MAIL 203-799-9954 Monday-Friday 9:00 AMto 5:00 PMEST 203-799-9796 service@ krellonline.com WEBSITE www.krellonline.com Full PowerBalanced Amplifier PRODUCTNAME MODELNUMBER SERIAL NUMBER To return this productto Krell, please follow this procedure so that we may serve you better: 1. Obtain a Return Authorization Number(R/A number) and shipping address from the Krell Service Department. 2. Insure andacceptall liability for loss of or damageto this product during shipment to the Krell factory and prepay all shipping charges. Please see the Warranty page in this manual,concerningliability for shipping damageand shipping charges. This product mayalso be hand delivered if arrangements with the Service Department have been madein advance. Proof of purchase maybe required for warranty validation at the time of handdelivery. IMPORTANT Usethe original packagingto ensure safe transit of this productto the dealer, distributor, or factory. Krell may,at its discretion, return this product in newpackagingand bill the ownerfor such packagingif the product received by Krell was boxedin non-standardpackagingor if the original packagingwas so damaged that it was unusable.If Krell determinesthat newpackaging is required, the ownerwill be notified before this productis returned. To purchaseadditional packaging, please contact your authorizedKrell dealer, distributor, or the Krell Service Department. Krell Full Power Balanced Power Amplifiers 21 Specifications Full PowerBalanced200c, 300c, 600c Stereo Amplifiers FPB 200c FPB 300c FPB 600c 20 Hz to 20 kHz +0 dB, -0.05 dB 20 Hz to 20 kHz +0 dB, -0.05 dB 20 Hz to 20 kHz +0 dB, -0.05 dB 0.1 Hz to 240 kHz +0 dB, -3 dB 0.1 Hz to 240 kHz +0 dB, -3 dB 0.1 Hz to 240 kHz +0 dB, -3 dB SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO "A" WEIGHTED 113 dB 117 dB 120 dB GAIN 26.4 dB 26.4 dB 26.4 dB TOTAL HARMONIC 1 kHz <0.02% DISTORTION (THD) 20 kHz <0.15% ALL BALANCED, UNWEIGHTED 1 kHz <0.02% 20 kHz <0.15% 1 kHz <0.02% 20 kHz <0.15% INPUT IMPEDANCE 100 kOhms 100 kOhms 100kOhms INPUT SENSITI VITY 1.92 Vrms 2.35 Vrms 3.39 Vrms OUTPUT POWER EACH CHANNELDRIVEN 8 Ohms 200 W 4 Ohms 400 W 2 Ohms 800 W 8 Ohms 300 W 4 Ohms 600 W 2 Ohms1,200 W 8 Ohms 600W 4 Ohms1,200 W2 Ohms2,400 W OUTPUT VOLTAGE Peakto Peak138 V RMS 49 V Peakto Peak170 V RMS 60 V Peakto Peak240 V RMS 84 V POWER CONSUMPTION Stand-by 60 W Idle 175 W Max. 1,700 W Stand-by 75 W Idle 350 W Max. 3,000 W Stand-by 85 W Idle 430 W Max. 6,000 W INPUTS 1 pair balancedvia XLRconnectors 1 pair CAST Via 4-pin bayonet connectors 1 pair balancedvia XLRconnectors 1 pair CAST via 4-oin bayonetconnectors 1 pair balancedvia XLRconnectors 1 pair CAST via 4-pin bayonetconnectors OUTPUTS SPEAKERBINDING POSTS 4 pair (upperleft, lowerleft, upperright lowerright) 4 pair (upperleft, lowerleft, upperright lowerright) 4 pair (upperleft lowerleft, upperright lowerright) REMOTE CONTROL Optional Optional Optional DIMENSIONS INCHES CENTIMETERS 19.0w x 10.3h x 17.0d 48.3wx 26.2h x 43.2d 19.0wx 10.3h x 19.7d 48.3wx 26.2h x 50.0d 19.0wx 10.3hx25.5d 48.3wx26.2hx 64.8d WEIGHT SHIPPING UNIT ONLY 107.0lb., 48.6 kg 90.0 lb., 40.9 kg 127.0lb., 57.7kg 110.0lb., 50.0 kg 200.0b., 90.9 kg 180.0lb., 81.8 kg FREQUENCY RESPONSE All operationalfeatures,functions,specifications,andpolicies are subject to change without notification. 22 Krell Full PowerBalanced Power Amplifiers Specifications Full PowerBalanced250Mc, 350Mc, 650McMonauralAmplifiers FPB 250Mc FPB 350Mc FPB 650Mc 20 Hz to 20 kHz +0 dB, -0.05 dB 20 Hz to 20 kHz +0 dB, -0.05 dB 20 Hz to 20 kHz +0 dB, -0.05 dB 0.1 Hz to 240 kHz +0 dB, -3 dB 0.1 Hz to 240 kHz +0 dB, -3 dB 0.1 Hz to 240 kHz +0 dB, -3 dB SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO "A" WEIGHTED 114 dB 118 dB 121 dB GAIN 26.4 dB 26.4 dB 26.4 dB TOTAL HARMONIC 1 kHz <0.03% DISTORTION (THD) 20 kHz <0.03% ALL BALANCED, UNWEIGHTED 1 kHz <0.03% 20 kHz <0.03% 1 kHz <0.03% 20 kHz <0.03% INPUT IMPEDANCE 100 kOhms 100 kOhms 100 kOhms INPUT SENSITIVITY 2,14 Vrms 2.6 Vrms 3.39 Vrms OUTPUT POWER EACH CHANNELDRIVEN 8Ohms 250W 4Ohms 500W 2 Ohms1,000 W 8Ohms 350W 4Ohms 700W 2 Ohms1,400 W 8Ohms 650W 4Ohms 1,300W 2 Ohms2,600 W OUTPUT VOLTAGE Peakto Peak138 V RMS 49 V Peakto Peak170 V RMS 60 V Peakto Peak240V RMS 84 V POWER CONSUMPTION Stand-by 30 W Idle 150 W Max. 1,700 W Stand-by 37.5 W Idle 175 W Max. 3,000 W Stand-by 42.5 W Idle 220 W Max. 6,000 W INPUTS 1 balancedvia XLRconnectors 1 Krell CAST via 4-pin bayonet connectors 1 balancedvia XLRconnectors 1 Krell CAST via 4-pin bayonet connectors 1 balancedvia XLRconnectors 1 Krell CAST via 4 p~n bayonetconnectors OUTPUTS SPEAKERBINDING POSTS 2 pair (one upper, one lower) 2 pair (oneupper, one lower) 2 pair (oneupper, one lower) REMOTE CONTROL Optional Optional Optional DIMENSIONS INCHES CENTIMETERS 12.5w x 10.5h x 16.0d 31.8w x 26.7h x 40.6d 12.5wx 10.5h x 19.0d 31.8wx 26.7h x 48.3d 12.5wx 10.5hx 25.0d 31.8wx 26.7hx 67.3d WEIGHT S HIPPING UNIT ONLY 79.0 lb., 35.9kg 68.0 lb., 31.0kg 110.0lb., 50.0kg 98.0lb., 44.5 kg 155.0lb., 70.5 kg 140.0lb., 63.6kg FREQUENCY RESPONSE Krell Full PowerBalancedPowerAmplifiers 23 Krell Industries,Inc. 45 Connair Road Orange, CT 06477-3650 USA TEL 203-799-9954 FAX 203-891-2028 E-MAIL krell @krellonline.com WEB SITE http://www.krellonline.com Full PowerBalanced PowerAmplifiers 200c, 300c, 600c Stereo 250Mc, 350Mc, 650Mc Monaural with Krell CASTTechnology v 00.0
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