potent new formula eliminates grease! - Bio
potent new formula eliminates grease! - Bio
STATEWIDE SUPPLY, INC. PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID MADISON, WI PERMIT #1 7352 Darlin Court, Unit 1 Dane Wisconsin 53529 1-800-553-5573 Fax: (608) 850-5558 E-mail: statewide@bio-clean.com Volume Issue Volume 12,10, Issue 12 August 2006 April 2008 The The Plumbing Plumbing Industry Industry Exclusive Exclusive Since Since 1975 1975 NEW PATENTED TIMER The wait is over! Thanks to new “advances” in technology we are finally able to bring you a liquid product that has met all our requirements! It’s a custom formulated blend of bacteria and enzymes that surpasses anything on the market today! It’s available exclusively to you from Statewide Supply, Inc., a name you can trust. IS A “MAGNET” FOR PROFIT! We know you’ve been waiting a long time for this day and we appreciate your patience. Maximizer DT Pro is an industrial strength liquid that requires no premixing, contains no soap or chemicals, is not caustic or acidic and does not emulsify grease or oil. Its unique blend of Class 1 organisms are “fast acting” and bio-degrade waste onsite! Stabilizers in the product prevent it from becoming active until it is put into the waste stream. Together the bacteria and enzymes breakdown the waste Everyone knows easy to sell aand drain cleaning product or septic additive, first time! and Especially if the customer happens to and convert it intoit’s carbon dioxide water. It’s environmentally friendly,the economical safe for all types of plumbing. It be dealing with a messy plumbing disaster! The problem is, whatIthappens after the sale? Did the producttraps, do what said can be used in commercial, residential and industrial applications. will eliminate waste buildup in grease lift you stations, it would? solvesystems. their problem? And if it did, are they still treating their drains and septics monthly to prevent future drain lines, Did anditseptic problems? The answer to these questions is the key to increasing sales and profits! One of the most amazing and “profitable” applications is restaurant grease traps! Maximizer DT Pro First especially of all, if youdesigned want to solve your customer’s It’s the #1 contractor’s it works! was to eliminate greaseproblems, and oil sell them Bio-Clean!(F.O.G.)! Everyone in this choice industryand knows what Butbig it only works, if they use today’s busy world, consumers often forget to treat theirand drains septicmess tanks for months! a problem grease is! it!It’sIn clogging our sewers nationwide it’sand a costly to clean up. It’s not until are the sink’s cloggedregulations again, or they’re standing in shower water, up to their ankles, that Restaurants facing stricter and huge fines because of grease blockages in they city even think thatofcan of Bio-Clean under the sink! Without regular application, they don’t get the mains. Theabout disposal grease is expensive and difficult due to restrictions from regulatory agencies. Congratulations to the following list of winners in our Pot of Gold contest in the April 2006 newsletter! They correctly full benefits of the product; their problems come back; and you lose out on repeat sales. (And profits!) identified the hidden “pot of gold” symbol. (It was on Page 6 in the camera graphic.) a smelly grease trap. It’s messy and timeAnd the contractor has issues too! No one wants to clean But not any up with Everyone a reminder that’s backups an industry If you want a product that eliminates this will consuming. It’s more! also hardWe’ve on thecome equipment! just wants an“patented easy, foolproof systemsystem” that prevents and • • •••• • •••••grease ••••• • ••• ••automatically, •• •• •• • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• •• •• ••••••••• •• • •• • •• • ••••newsletter • •••••••••••••••• • • •• • • • ••••••••• ••• •• •make •• • ••• •your •• • •••••••••••••••••• ••day! •••• We randomly chose items used in previous promotions as prizes for our April winners. (The “Biofirst! It’s a Clean Gene refrigerator magnet! But this is “no ordinary” magnet. It’s a “patented timer” that automatically eliminates odors and grease buildup! We are introducing a brand new •• • ••product, •• •• • • • •• •custom • • ••• ••• • • • •• • •formulated ••••• • • •••• •• • • •to••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• •• •• • •degrade ••••• •• • ••••••••••••• •••••F.O.G. •• •• • • • ••• • in • ••••••• •grease •• •• ••••••••• • traps! •••• • • • • • • Clean was overflowing with goodies!) not know reminds your customers to treat their drains every month. It will save your customers needless It can vault” be automatically dispensed is•• ••• environmentally friendly! you take ••• • and •••• ••I’m •••• •••sure ••••••••who • •• • ••got •• •• •what, • • •• •but • •• I•••••• •• •the ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •items •• •If• ••were • ••• • ••want ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •to• • ••• • • • • the •••• all great giveaways! I’m sure everyone will be pleased! hassle and repair and will definitely boost your repeat sales and PROFITS! to be used with TOP TEN UPDATE! restaurant business by storm,•• •check this be••••prepared • • •• ••••••••• •out • •••• •• •the •• • •••front • • • •page • • •• • of • • ••• • •••• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• • ••••newsletter. • •• • •• ••• ••• • (And • ••• • •• •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Well • • • •look • • • no farther! Your wish is our command! Maximizer DT Pro is designed See “Insert Page” forthis Viking Injector’s “Pro Drain Chief” automatic dispensing system! (With 2 “pros” on board to profit!) • •for • • ••the •••••••• •••hidden • • ••••••• • • pot • •• •of •••gold • • ••••• •in ••••this •••••• • •newsletter. •• •••••••••••••••••• • •• • • ••• •You •• • ••could •••••••• ••• • •••••• • • ••••••••• • ••• • • ••• •• • •••••••••••••••••••••••• Each Clean Gene timer is a well made 3 dimensional magnet. (It looks just like the Clean Gene Totals. and Don’t forget to look be product can’t miss!) Viking’s Pro Series dispensers are known for their reliabilityCurrent and durability • •wants ••••• • ••• •••know • •• • • ••• •across ••••won •••••••••a•the ••real •••••• •treasure! •••••• • • • • • • • You of those lucky••people who stumble never know Ofone course everyone to who Bio-Clean “crown” for 2007. Did A+ Plumbing pictured above.) It is not some flimsy little cut-out. When the plastic stripDrain is pulled onis the Test Results Aredispenser In. Bioare backed by afoil solid two-year warranty. Theactivation 110-Volt Pro Chief best-known th aka Mr. Bio-Clean, is out of Clean Rules……..Page 2 what we might giveaway next! (Especially if John, the back, the reminder setgrease to go off 30 days after removal. Whenaren’t 30 days has and Septic hang onto the “crown” for the 6 year in a row? (See page 2 for all the details!) in the industryisfor trap maintenance. (If outlets available, there’s even a battery •• •a••call • •• •before ••• •••••••••••••• • •• • • •• • • 31 • • and • •• • ••you ••• • •could •• •• • • “cash • •• •• • in” • ••• • •the ••• • •••••• • •••••••••••••••• • • • •• • •• •••• ••••••• • • • •••• ••••• • • • • • • • • • expired, the town!)find Just usTen New “Septic Packets” lights version!) in Clean Gene’s eyes start to blinkand 4 times rapidly every You’ll thegive Top roster ofAugust “super stars” and all their salesontotals for 2007 (and the 1st operated This pump is will easy to install automatically dispenses Maximizer DT Pro in •newsletter! • • •• •••• • ••• •• • •••• forget, •••• • • • it• •could •• • •• be •• •smaller • •• • • ••than • • ••shown!) • • • • •• • • ••• •• •• •• • •••• • •• • • • • Boost Sales & Profits, (Don’t hidden gold in this 10 seconds. This lets the homeowner know it’s time to treat the drains with Biothe correct amounts to keep grease traps properly functioning. quarter of 2008) on the insert page in the newsletter. Is your company on this impressive list of Automatically!.......Page 5 • • • • • • ••• • •• • • • •• • • • • •••• •••• • •• • •• • • • •••• •• • •• • ••• • •••• •• •••• • • •• • • •• • • • ••• • ••• • Clean or add a Bio-Clean Septic packet to their toilet. (Check out our new septic TOP TEN UPDATE! “top performers”? Fire Up your Sales with ••• • • •• •••• •INFO! • ••••••• • •• ••We’ve • •• •• • •••••••••••••••••••• •• • • •some ••••••• great new products guaranteed to packets on page 4) This newsletter is loaded with•• •exciting got We’ve been providing top quality products to the See “Insert for 2007 our “Red Page” Hot” Summer Final Totals and plumbing/septic industry for more than 30 years. Our products consistently “automatically” increase your Sales and Profits! Make sure you find out what’s got everyone talking! Special………..….Page 3 Make Promo! (Page deluxe leather st • ••• • •sure •• •some ••you • ••don’t • • ••• •miss •stories, • • • out •• •• on •industry • ••our • • ••Spectacular • •info •••• • • • •• •••Spring •• • • •• ••• • •• • ••• •and • • • contractor • • 5) ••• •We’re •• • • sales •••giving ••• •tips! •away • • • And 2008 1 quarter Totals. After the treatments have beenand done, all they need to do is push firmly on Clean It is “outperform” our competitors Maximizer DT Pro is no exception! There’s great don’t miss Another New Product duffel clothing! bags surprised if you • • • •Sizzling • •bags ••• • • •and •summer • ••Bio-Clean • ••• • • •special •• ••• • ••• ••on •••• •page ••These • •• •3. •• ••leather • • •••• • ••• • • • • ••are •• •the • • •ultimate ••• ••• • need •incentive! •• • ••product, • ••• • ••(Don’t •• •• • ••be Gene’s faceplate in the nose area! TheDesign lights will blinking and the timer will Bio-Clean “Crown” currently being reviewed by DfE (EPA’s forstop the Environment program) Declares “War ongoes to our If••you now’s the time to buy! find you can’t give them up!) Remember, when people are motivated, it shows. You’ll see it in Nation’s #1 Shop….Page 23 “automatically forsoon. another 30 days!DT It couldn’t any easier! We’ve Grease”………….Page • • •• • • ••••• • • •• • •• • •• • • • •• • •• •• • • •• • ••••• •• • •••• • •• • ••• • •• • •• • •••• •• •• •• • • • •• • ••• ••• • •• •••• •••• •• • and approval is reset” expected Maximizer Pro has be been formulated with their their can Picture 2 already shipped out overavailable 5000 of in these and everyone loves them! Withfamilies. • • • •attitudes, •• ••• ••• ••• in • •not •••••• •the •performance • ••••• ••• • • thing •• •• and • ••that’s • in • ••your • ••••• •bottom • •• • • • •line! •••• • You •••••• ••• • •heating •••combine •• • ••••• up! • • ••your • •Check •• •Bio-Clean •• • out ••••• •the • • •Top • • • •Ten • • • •List • on Don’tyour missProfit...Page “Money the safest ingredients ordertimers to protect the environment and our The weather’s only and RootX orders to get several bags! (They’re gonna go fast, so order today!) seminar! You regular use of Bio-Clean, your customers will see a huge improvement in their GirlMasters” Power! .………..Page 3 • • • •• • • •• • • •• •• • •• • • •• ••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • ••• • ••• • • • •• •• • • •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • • •• • • •••• • • • ••• ••••• • ••• • •••••• • •• • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Things could get real interesting this year! the colored insert page in this newsletter. can “have it all”........See drains and septics. have yourbig company to your thankcustomers for this added peace of mind! Promo……...Page 5 If you want a productAnd thatthey’ll works, brings savings to and maximizes your (And Spring back side of Insert Page. satisfiedcall customers more DT repeat And • • •• if•• you’re • • • •• ••fed • •••••up •••• with • • • •broken •• ••• •• • •camera •••• • •• •equipment • • •• • •• • •• •and ••• •costly • ••• • • •repairs, • • • • • ••••add •••• • an •••• •Easy-CAM • • ••• •••• •••• • to •• • •• • • • ••• • • •• • •• • •• profits, today! mean Maximizer Probusiness!) is available in 5 gallon or ½ gallon containers. For Internet Scam……...Page 5 Be read held this August! that order! about camera! For “tips pricing on this product and the “Pro Drain Chief” dispensing system, call today. Be sure to • • • •you •(see • •• •Page • • about • • 2) •••••Contractors •the ••• •upcoming •••• • • • can’t ••• •Nexstar • say • •• • •enough •••seminar • •• • • •• • •being • ••this • • ••• •• • •• • • •• • • additional • • •• •••(It’s •• •• •on •••• the • • • back •• • •• •of • ••the • •• insert • •• • • • • • ••sure Ultimate Motivator...Page 6 sheet, along with April’s “Pot of Gold” winners list.) If you’re looking for a better way to do business, this (Continued on page 2) No amount of introductory advertising press can compare to a favorable from a customer from and ___Mary or a dealer! ask about our special! (It’s a limited time offerendorsement so don’t delay.) ••• • • •the •••• ••pros” • •• •• on • • jumpstarting • •• •• •• •• • •• ••your • • •sales •• • • •• ••• •profits, •• ••• • • ••check • • •• •• •out •• •••pages • •••• • • •2,•••3••and • • ••6! • • ••And •• •• •sign ••• • •• •• • • •• •• •• one’s ••• • • • Free Plumber Info…Page 7 BIO-CLEAN NEWS POTENT NEW •FORMULA • • •• • •• •• ELIMINATES • • •• •• •• • • • GREASE! • •• •• • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• for you! So put••your feet up, turn onfor the fan and enjoy the read! …Mary up FREE e-letter There’s excerpt on 7. • •••••• •• •• • • •for • ••Randy ••• ••• •• •Hilton’s • ••• •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• •• ••••• • •• • ••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••plumbers! •• ••• •• ••• • ••••••••••••••••• •• • • • •••a•••“must •• ••• • ••read” • •••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • • • •• ••••••••• •• • •page • •• •••• • •••••••••• •••••• • •• ••___Mary •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • PLBG and SEPTIC RULES th For the 6 “consecutive” year, A+ Plumbing & Septic, Olympia, WA, is the #1 shop “in the nation”. Teresa Grimsley and her “extraordinary” team of Superstars outperformed some of the industry’s “finest shops” to win the 2007 BioClean Crown! This amazing woman, and her general manager Aaron Palmen, have shown what great leadership and motivation can accomplish. Her company has broken all previously held Bio-Clean sales records and Teresa has no intentions of giving up the throne any time soon! (If anyone is looking to unseat this lady, you’ve got your work cut out for you!) As you know, if you read your December newsletter, we flew out and interviewed “her Majesty” last August. (We had promised to come to Washington in person if she ever broke the Irish Plumber’s all time sales record and she did in 2006!) While we were there, Teresa and her techs shared a wealth of information with us. They had some great BioClean stories and sales tips! Their enthusiasm was inspiring and it was easy to see why A+ Plbg/Septic sells more BioClean than any other shop in the nation! This company has what it takes: leadership, drive, motivation and teamwork! Selling Bio-Clean is a real “team effort” at A+. All the employees get involved: office personnel, septic techs, plumbing techs, even the electricians sell Bio-Clean! Most of them average about 2-4 cases a month. (Wow!) But the real “Super Stars” are Mark Quamme and Richard Hallman! These two guys each sell 4-6 cases of Bio-Clean every month!” (If I could clone these “super sellers” I could get my own jet!) Teresa doesn’t take any chances when it comes to her Bio-Clean sales. She keeps close tabs on her techs and makes sure they are all “very motivated” to sell! She uses a combination of prizes, recognition and money to reward sales performance. She runs contests and uses the free Bio-Clean gear as prizes! She also has a very generous “spiff” program. Her techs get a $10 spiff for each can of Bio-Clean they sell and an extra $50 bonus for every 12 cans or case sold! They get all kinds of other BioClean spiffs depending on the service they are offering. For instance, the Bio-Clean spiff on a pump repair job is $40. If a tech does that 2 or 3 times a day, it’s like getting a $10-$12/hour “raise”. (Now that’s what I call motivation!) No wonder this company is #1 in the nation! Winning takes teamwork and Teresa’s employees are goal oriented, motivated and very competitive! They like to win! admire what she has accomplished! (Especially in a male dominated profession!) Congratulations, Teresa, on another royal performance! We take great pride in crowning you BioClean Queen for 2007! Long live the Queen! PS: For more Bio-Clean “sales tips” from “the Queen” check out the front page article of the December 2007 newsletter. Or, go to our website, www.bio-clean.com and read it ___Mary online. Your Wish Is Our Command You wanted a camera that would be “on the job” more than it was “in the shop”! You also wanted one that didn’t cost an arm and a leg, could be easily repaired by the owner and wasn’t tied to any particular monitor! Now some might think that was asking a lot, but not us! We found exactly what you wanted and we’ve got the satisfied customers to prove it! Just today I talked to Phil Frasier, Frasier Plbg, Rhinelander, WI. He was on his way to Chicago, but we talked on his cell. He was very happy with the new EasyCAM locater he had purchased. Phil said, “We had an opportunity for a very profitable job for a bank located in an old shopping mall. Over the years the plumbing had been done and redone and it was a mess! Under her leadership, A+ continues to excel above all the rest in sales and service! I think everyone in the plumbing service industry has to ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ APRIL 2008 BIO-CLEAN NEWS PAGE 2 school, a strip center? Plumb-Biz is Randall Hilton’s free, weekly e-letter for plumbers. Anyone who’s in the plumbing service business should sign up for this valuable newsletter. It’s loaded with lots of ideas and tips on how to “succeed” in business! (To get your free subscription, go to www.PlumbBiz.com) The following is one of the columns Randy wrote for the newsletter. It's targeted at smaller contractors but I think we can all take the message to heart: Back in the days when I was a one man band our family took one of the best vacations ever. We launched out on a two week road trip, cruising parts of Route 66 on our way from Texas to California. Once in CA, we visited with family, checked out the redwoods (I think that’s the place where the word “awesome” was first used in North America) and had a memorable time. The key word is “memorable.” Our two weeks ran out while we were still in California so we added another week, saw more sights, and added some more memories. I remember seeing my girls in the cousin’s parakeet cage (a big one - they were bird breeders) but I can’t remotely guess who’s water heater had to be replaced while we were gone. I remember my son checking out the Graverly tractor and the irrigation ditches on Uncle Tad’s farm but I have no clue whose sewer line needed to be un-corked. I remember playing hide and seek among the Sequoia stumps, hiking into the meteor crater (OK, so the kids didn’t give a flying flip about that one but I sure did.) and paying over a dollar for a gallon of gas but the memory of Whatsizname, the general contractor who wanted a bid has long since faded. Did he want a restaurant, a To the best of my knowledge, nobody went more than a day or two without relief, in spite of the fact that the best plumber in town was out of town. (Yes, I was the best plumber in town. Aren’t you?). Was it difficult to bug out for a few weeks, completely stopping the cash flow while blowing through money like it was made of paper? I’m sure it was but guess what, I don’t remember that part. I remember the good times we had on the way because that’s what we get to talk about when we pull out the pictures of our trip. For some reason, I don’t get the same reaction from my kids when I pull out the pictures of my first 1500 gallon grease trap installation. But how does a small business operator clock out for a week or three? It may not be easy if you haven’t planned for it so here are some basic tips that can help you make some memories while you still have the chance. * First of all, just make up your mind that if you can’t get to someone’s plumbing problem, you just can’t get there. Don’t worry about it. They’ll find someone else. If you’re good, then your customer will come back the next time they need someone. * If you have some regulars who are very likely to have an issue such as a sluggish drain etc. then try to take care of them before you leave. Besides, isn’t it better to take care of problems before they become problems? * If you have a decent working relationship with another contractor, see if you can work out a plan where they cover your back while you’re gone. Don’t ask them to use your invoices or try to be you, just let them take the calls just like they would any service call. * If you don’t have a relationship with another contractor, see the first item above. * Set up an answering service with a real person, even if it’s only for a one month contract. This way you’ll know who called. Have your service refer customers to a list of reputable contractors if you don’t have a working relationship with one in particular. * After you return, follow up with everyone who called and find out how their problem was solved and thank them for letting you take some time off. You may find that you’re already booked up for a week or two. * If cash flow is too tight to let you get loose for a while then you need to look hard at your business. If just about any employee anywhere can get a week or two paid vacation then why can’t you? Most likely, you’re just not charging enough. Go to Wal-Mart and get a cheap tent and some air beds then go to a state park for a 4 day weekend. You won’t miss enough business to kill you but you’ll get to build some family memories. Last thought: Not long ago, I was marching in the high school band and barely had a clue which end of a shovel I should use. Now I have kids in their 30's. It didn’t take long at all. Take that vacation and make some memories. ___Randy Hilton You know you're getting older when... Everything that works hurts, and what doesn't hurt doesn't work. You feel like the morning after, and you haven't been anywhere. Your little black book only contains names ending in M.D. Your mind makes contracts your body can't keep. You look forward to a dull evening. Your knees buckle and your belt won't. Your back goes out more than you do. You sink your teeth into a steak, and they stay there. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ APRIL 2008 BIO-CLEAN NEWS PAGE 7 Are Your Techs Super Sellers? Brendan Murray is the president of B&K Plbg in McHenry, IL. He’s been selling Bio-Clean since 2006 but in 2007 his sales really took off. Brendan said his “new found wealth” came as a direct result of posting a board at his shop! He told his techs he was going to list each individual’s Bio-Clean sales and spiffs on the chart. The sales would be tracked and the “cash spiffs” would be paid out at the end of each month. Brendan said, “As soon as I put the board up and everybody could see what everybody else was selling, my sales started going up too! The chart seemed to generate a kind of excitement that resulted in a “friendly rivalry” among the guys. Competition brings out the best in them and it seems to be working out to every one’s advantage! The techs are racking up some pretty nice spiff checks and I’m making more money!” (And I’m getting closer to that beachfront property!) Brendan said in addition to the “extra cash” motivation, he also holds contests. “The guys really like all the Bio-Clean clothing. I use the free promo sweatshirts, T-shirts and hats as prizes in our contests.” He said, “About 7 or 8 years ago I was working for a big company. We carried the BioClean product and while I was there I saw some pretty amazing results. I believed in the product so much that I even sold some to my wife!” (Now there’s a thoughtful husband!) Brendan explained that his wife owned a bakery at the time and was having an ongoing problem with the grease trap. He said, “The bakery had a 10 gallon above ground grease trap that was always plugged. We had to clean it at least once a week. I sold her some Bio -Clean and once she started treating the trap and drains, she never had another problem.” When Brendan worked for this company, he sold more Bio-Clean than any of the other techs there! He said, “I earned $150-$300 a month in just BioClean spiffs! I always thought selling Bio-Clean was like giving myself a raise. If I sold just one can of Bio-Clean a day, I’d be getting a $1/hr raise.” (Bump that up to say 10 a day and we both could retire!) Although B&K Plbg is not a large shop, Brendan knows the amount of revenue Bio-Clean sales can generate. He also realizes the impact those sales can have on his bottom line. Since 99% of his business is service, his three techs have a lot of opportunities to sell the product. Very seldom do the guys take it back to the truck. I definitely think it’s important to take the product in when making a service call.” Brendan’s company also uses RootX and has been equally satisfied with its performance. “We give a 1 year warranty when we treat a line with RootX. If it backs up we’ll come out and rod it for free. We haven’t had a call back yet. The product works and that makes our job a whole lot easier!” (And also does wonders for your reputation!) Good luck with your new company, Brendan. I hope your techs stay “fired up” and your BioClean sales skyrocket off the charts! (They might not need a raise but I sure could use one!) __Mary There is in this World No Greater Force than the Force of a Man Determined to Rise. Heavenly Intervention God told Noah, “The earth is so wicked I’m going to flood it again and start all over. I want you to build another ark and save two of every living thing.” Six months later, God looked down and saw Noah weeping in his yard and no boat! “Where’s the ark?” he roared at Noah. “I’m about to start the rain!” “Yeah, well, times have changed,” said Noah. “First, I had to get a building permit. Then a group of animal lovers said it was inhumane to put that many animals into such a small space. Then the Environmental Protection Agency halted the construction to do an environmental impact study on the flood.” He said, “My guys use the free BioClean “stuffer” when Suddenly the clouds cleared and a Brendan knows how presenting the beautiful rainbow stretched across the important incentive product. The owner sky! programs are when it reads the brochure comes to increasing and then the tech “You mean you’re not going to destroy the sales. Before starting world?” Noah asked. brings in the BioB&K Plbg, he worked Clean. Once the “It looks like somebody already beat me to at another shop that owner has the can of Bio-Clean in his it,” said God. also sold Bio-Clean. hand, they usually buy the product. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ APRIL 2008 BIO-CLEAN NEWS PAGE 6 I have two other cameras but as usual they were both being repaired. I had read about the Easy CAM and it sounded too good to be true. We really wanted this job and it was definitely going to require some camera work. I decided to order one and I had it shipped overnight because we needed it immediately.” When the camera arrived Phil knew he had made the right decision. He said, “I was very impressed with the unit when it came. It’s a real sturdy piece of equipment yet very light weight because it has an aluminum frame. The computer is small and not bulky. And the best part is that we can hook it up to our old monitor. Because Easy CAM works with any type of monitor or DVD, I didn’t have to go out and spend $1500 on a new one. The one I had worked just fine. It’s also easier to replace or add another monitoring device because I can go to any discount store and buy something inexpensive and know it will be compatible with the Easy CAM. It doesn’t have to be some big fancy screen; all we need to do is see and locate!” Phil said his techs were also very happy with the Easy CAM. “Now they don’t have to lug around heavy camera equipment and reels. One guy can easily carry it to the jobsite. It’s totally self contained, simple to operate and easy to repair. It’s a real workhorse! ” Phil said he had just completed the “bank job” yesterday and it was a very profitable venture! (No, it wasn’t a heist!) He said the Easy CAM he had overnighted made all the difference in the outcome! As a matter of fact, Phil is so impressed with Easy CAM’s “overall design features” that he’s placing an order for a second Easy CAM locator! When it comes, he’s going to get rid of his other camera equipment. (Except for the monitors, of course!) If you haven’t tried one of these revolutionary new cameras, you’re not seeing the big picture! (Couldn’t resist the pun) Easy CAM will simplify your life and eliminate the costly repairs and “down time” that eat up your profits! The simple design of this durable piece of equipment makes it easily repairable by the plumber. All you need is an Allen wrench and a screwdriver! Parts can be sent overnight and they come with a simple set of instructions. There are no shipping costs on replacement parts. And as Phil stated, the best feature of all is that the camera can be used with any monitor! (That’s a huge advantage!) In today’s competitive market, you have to have the right camera equipment for the job; and that’s Easy-CAM! It’s everything you wanted and then some! Call today and order yours. Our reps will be happy to answer any questions regarding shipping or pricing. NY NYContractor Contractor Reveals Reveals“Secret” “Secret” Sales SalesBooster.... Booster…. Girl Power Carlos Balcaceres is the general dispatch manager at Fred A Cook, Jr. Inc. in Montrose, NY. The company has been in the service business for 30 years and began selling Bio-Clean in 2005. They handle a lot of commercial accounts and really like how well the product works. I noticed that in 2007 Carlos started ordering more Bio-Clean than usual. I decided to give him a call and find out what was up! Carlos said, “We don’t just “sell a product” to make a profit. We want to provide solutions for our customers and Bio-Clean does that. It can save them hundreds of dollars in repairs and can prevent future problemsas well. It’s economical for the customer and still allows us to make a good profit.” I asked him why his sales had jumped in 2007. Carlos said, “I decided to put up a board that would show every ones Bio-Clean sales and spiffs. I wanted to be fair to everybody so I told the girls in customer service they could sell Bio-Clean too!” Carlos said now when a customer calls in for service, the girls in the office make sure they tell them about To “survive” in business, Bio-Clean. If the customer agrees to focus on your competition. purchase it, the girls make note of the To win focus on your sale on the work order. Then the tech customers. brings the Bio-Clean along when he Waldo Waldman MBA makes the service call. (continued on Page 4) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ APRIL 2008 BIO-CLEAN NEWS PAGE 3 __Mary Girl Power continued… The girls post their sales on the Bio-Clean board, just like the techs, and they earn the same spiff money! The program took off like a rocket! Bio-Clean started flying out the door and everyone enjoyed the friendly competition. Carlos admitted that the inclusion of the office girls in the Bio-Clean spiff program was the real reason his sales increased! (Take a bow, ladies!) He said, “Kristine Brandt and Rose Scully have outsold the techs since we started the program. Kristine is the top sales girl and everyone calls her the Bio-Queen! She sells about 40 cans a month! Rose runs a close second to that!” Wow! Office personnel outselling the techs in the field! Now that’s something you don’t see every day! I had to find out what “powers of persuasion” she fair ladies were using! Carlos suggested I talk directly to the girls to get the inside scoop! I spoke to Kristine first and she said, “It’s really easy to sell Bio-Clean! Customers today are more aware of biological products and how they work. Most people don’t want to use dangerous chemicals and poisonous drain cleaners. They like the idea of an environmentally friendly product that’s guaranteed to work. problem. If Bio-Clean can help deal with the situation, I’ll suggest certain treatment amounts. Rose said she always puts the focus on the “safety of the product” when she presents it. For instance, if they have a septic that’s backing up, I’ll tell them they need 2 cans of Bio-Clean; one to treat the septic and the other to treat the household drains on a monthly basis. When they understand how the product works, it’s a sale 99% of the time. “I explain that Bio-Clean is environmentally safe, and cannot harm people or pets. Most everyone is very concerned about the safety of the product. No one wants to use a dangerous product that can harm their loved ones, the environment or their plumbing systems.” I indicate the sale on the work order and the tech applies one can when he pumps the septic and leaves the other can with the owner.” Kristine said when a commercial account needs service, it’s not unusual to sell them 10-12 cans of Bio-Clean. “On commercial service calls our techs usually apply the product. It’s the same on a grease trap pump out. But if I make the actual Bio-Clean sale while setting up the service call, I get the spiff! I’m hoping my Bio-Clean spiff money will pay my way through college!” (Me too; college for you and retirement for me!) I also spoke to Rose Scully, the “BioQueen’s” understudy! Rose said, “When the customer already has a situation or is having issues, it’s easier to sell BioClean. They are looking to “purchase a solution” and BioClean is that security blanket!” Both Kristine and Rose said “husbands” are really an “easy sell” when it comes to Bio-Clean and hair! “Once you tell them that Bio-Clean will keep hair from clogging the showers, they’re sold! Men just hate it when the drain gets plugged because of their wife’s hair! We explain that once the hair clog is decomposed and Bio-Clean digests all the greasy soap scum lining the pipes, any new hair will wash right through. They won’t have to deal with plugged drains again!” (Or showers in ankle deep water!) Congratulations, girls! Seems more and more women are making “waves” in the plumbing industry! I hope you inspire a whole “new trend” when it comes to Bio-Clean sales! Our hats are also off to Carlos for having the foresight to allow everyone at Fred Cook Inc to participate in selling Bio-Clean! Increased sales = more Profits! Thanks for letting us be part of your ___Mary continued success! She explained, “When a septic tank is way past due for pumping the customer is already worried about the consequences! Repairs and replacement can cost thousands of dollars. It’s easy to sell them two cans of BioRemember, Ginger Rogers Clean at $45/can. Once did everything Fred Astaire they understand how the did, but she did it backwards Most of the calls we get are from men product works, the sale is a and in high heels. requesting service for an existing Faith Whittlesey no-brainer!” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ APRIL 2008 BIO-CLEAN NEWS PAGE 4 SPRING PROMO PROMO “S uper Size” “Super Your Sales Sales Your Take advantage of our spectacular Spring promo and I guarantee your profits will be in the bag! (And I mean that literally!) Back by popular demand, are the genuine black leather duffel bags that everyone keeps asking for! It’s been a while since we’ve had them in stock so don’t miss this opportunity! Your techs will spring into action with these great incentives! Just place an order for Bio-Clean or RootX anytime from April 15 to May 15 and we’ll take care of the rest. ♦ Order 3 cases of Bio-Clean or RootX and you’ll get one of our famous Bio-Clean a T-shirts or custom embroidered hat! ♦ If you order 7 cases of Bio-Clean, we’ll send you one of our most popular items, a comfy Bio-Clean sweatshirt! (You also get a price break at 7 cases and an additional 30% saving on freight!) ♦ Order 12 cases of Bio-Clean or 5 cases of RootX, and we’ll send you a luxurious 19" genuine USA leather duffel bag valued at over $45! This buttery soft leather bag is fully lined and designed for rugged use and easy packing! Each bag is embroidered with the Bio-Clean logo. ♦ If you order 24 cases of Bio-Clean or 10 cases of RootX, you’ll get an even better deal! We will send you a 24" genuine USA black leather duffel bag with a retail value of over $65! (And you’ll be buying product at the “best price” levels plus saving money on freight!) Everything about this bag screams quality! (Just like Bio-Clean and RootX) It’s a top grain leather bag, fully lined, with padded handles and huge zippered pockets on both ends! All the zippers are heavy duty and it’s tastefully embroidered with the Bio-Clean logo. Every time we offer these leather duffel bags, they fly out of here at warp speed! Place your orders as soon as possible! It’s been awhile since we’ve had these available and demand is always high. Anyone who’s gotten a bag in the past is sure to be on the phone as soon as they read this newsletter! Call today and make sure your TOP tech has something extra special to put all that Bio-Clean “spiff money” ___Mary in! BIO-CLEAN PURCHASE SCAM We have received several complaints involving different internet and telephone scams in regards to purchasing Bio-Clean. Please be very cautious when dealing with telephone or internet orders. These orders usually come from outside your state or from a foreign country. The order is most often for a large amount of Bio-Clean. The sale is very tempting but you’ll probably be receiving stolen or forged checks or stolen credit cards for payment. One of the main things to watch for is “strange requests” for shipping and payment. In several instances, the credit card will initially go through but when you call the Bank for verification, you find out the card is stolen. Randy Shirley, Day & Nite Plbg/Htg sent us the following letter detailing how the scam works: We are a distributor of BioClean in the Seattle market place. Recently we were hit from our web site with a Bio-Clean purchase scam. It started out as a person interested in buying Bio-Clean. He is from Tennessee, and stated he could not find any one locally who would sell him Bio-Clean, so he turned to the internet and found our web site. We are in Washington State, quite a distance form Tennessee. He gleefully emailed us a name and address and a credit card number to purchase 3 cases, which was authorized for the sale of the product, by the bank card company. He asked us to email him before the product was shipped and wanted to know the confirmation code the bank card received. When we got the product ready to ship to him, we emailed him. Then he stated he needed to have the product shipped out of the country, and to go ahead and charge an extra $1,500 to his credit card to cover shipping thru a specific shipping company. He did not want Fed EX or UPS or a normal service, he wanted it shipped by cargo ship, which is very expensive to do. We became suspicious at that time, and dug further, and found out that the bank card was stolen. We emailed him back and explained the card was now denied, and have not heard back from him. But the very next day, we all of a sudden have had 3 or 4 more hits on our website wanting out of state, or out of country Bio Clean sales, with every one emailing us bank card numbers. If we would not have dug further, we would have been out of a lot of product, with no recourse to get it back, not to mention shipping fees. You may want to pass a warning on to other companies out there that sell Bio Clean. Randy Shirley Consider it done! Thanks, Randy for caring enough to share! ___Mary ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ APRIL 2008 BIO-CLEAN NEWS PAGE 5