
Kennedy x Karina by Ubis, Owner: Brenna Kucinski, Rider: Christopher Hickey, Breeder: C.J.M. Lazeroms, NL
Issue 3, 2007
Dear Members,
Fall, 2007
Time sure seems to travel fast these days – as I write this letter, we are already in the midst of our 2007 annual
keuring season. I had the opportunity to attend both the Pacific Northwest keuring held at Quailhurst and the Iron
Spring Farm keuring. The quality of horses and foals presented at these inspections was exceptional. It looks as
if the KWPN-NA bred horses for 2007 will be as successful as the 2006 tour. In fact, our inspector from the KWPN
in Holland, Jacques Verkerk, stated at this year’s annual meeting that the top horses of 2006 rivaled those in
Holland. So congratulations to all of the KWPN-NA breeders for their success and the best of luck for this year’s
season. And not to forget, a huge thank you to all of the keuring hosts for your hard work and time in hosting our
regional keuringen—you are appreciated.
Just as you—the North American breeders—have progressed and enhanced the horses you’ve bred, the KWPNNA has progressed as well. In the last newsletter, our chairperson of the KWPN-NA Board of Directors (BOD),
Christine McCarthy, discussed the accomplishments and outlook of the BOD. So I’d like to spend a moment and
discuss the KWPN-NA Members’ Committee (MC), both present and future.
The KWPN-NA Members’ Committee has three primary focuses. The first is to listen and be a voice for the membership. The MC wants to hear your feedback, ideas and suggestions so this organization can continue to develop and advance into the future. With the membership’s guidance we can perform our second duty, which is to act
as an advisory arm to the BOD. The MC works with the BOD to propose the ideas that assist the Board of
Directors in the progression of our organization. Finally, the third primary focus is to organize and perform special projects for our membership and organization.
To that end, 2007 has been a busy year for our committee. We dove into the KWPN-NA’s award system, including our Annual Meetings special awards, show awards and the year end awards that our organization sponsors.
We have outlined ideas to enhance our website and to make it easier for our members to work with. The MC has
identified and proposed merchandise that captures the new KWPN-NA slogan, theme and look for our membership and horse enthusiasts alike. We have formed two sub-committees of the MC – one for sponsorship and one
for our annual meeting auction and stallion silent service auction. These committees will be working on sponsorship and the auction for 2008. Finally, as we did in 2006, we will be nominating members to serve on our Board
of Directors when upcoming vacancies occur.
So if you have any interest in working with us, helping in any way, assisting with the annual meeting, serving on
a sub-committee, or ultimately feel your talents, skill and interest would be served on a leadership position, either
on the Board of Directors or the Members’ Committee, please e-mail us at mc@kwpn-na.org. We want and need
to hear from you, our members.
Before I close out, I want to thank the others that serve with me on the Members’ Committee, Barbara Funk, Anna
Beal, Loucky Hagens-Groosman and Ken Mellish for their hard work, time, insight and energy. On behalf of us,
we wish you the best of luck at this year’s keuringen and we look forward to working closely with you in the evolution of our great organization. Thank you for your help and commitment with the KWPN-NA.
Dan Ruediger, Chairman
KWPN-NA Members’ Committee
Page 2
• Newsletter of the KWPN-NA
The KWPN of North America, Inc
609 E. Central Ave.
Sutherlin, OR 97479
541–459–3232, Fax 541–459–2967
2007 Board of Directors
Willy Arts
Allison Hagen
Christine McCarthy
Judy Reggio
John M. Sanzo
Susan Taylor–Pihl
Members’ Committee
Anna Beal
Barbara T. Funk
Loucky Hagens–Groosman
Ken Mellish
Dan Ruediger
This Newsletter is an official publication of the
KWPN of North America. Reproduction of any
material without written permission is prohibited. All rights reserved. The KWPN–NA
reserves the right to accept or reject any submitted materials.
The purpose of this magazine is to inform
and educate KWPN–NA members about the
KWPN horse in North America and around
the world. The views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent the ideas
or points of view of the KWPN–NA, its
Board or Members’ Committee.
This Newsletter is published quarterly and
is sent to all current members.
The KWPN–NA is a non–profit tax–exempt
corporation [IRS Code Sec. 501(c)(5)].
Members are encouraged to submit comments, articles, photos and show results.
All submissions should be sent to
Mailing Address:
KWPN of North America
P.O. Box 0
Sutherlin, OR 97479
Production and Translations: Silvia Monas
On July 16th, Jet Maxime Keesje
Verkerk was born to Myrthe Wessel
and Jacques Verkerk.
As everyone knows, Dad Jacques
is one of the full-time KWPN inspectors and also works for In De Strengen. Jacques is also the head of the
North American keuring jury.
As for Mom Myrthe, some of you
have met her at the Annual Meeting,
but for those of you that have not, she
is a veterinarian in Holland, specializing in...
The Hunter of the Future.............................................................4
World Cup 2007 ..........................................................................8
Dressage at DG Bar Ranch .......................................................10
Tribute to Libero H....................................................................12
An Evening with Conrad Schumacher......................................21
Classified Advertising .............................................................7, 9
Display Advertising rates ............................................................9
KWPN Breeding Index .............................................................22
Message to the Members.............................................................2
Calendar of Events ....................................................................19
Young Riders:
Olympic Dream Program.................................................14
My Experience at Gladstone............................................15
KWPN Horses Bring Home Medals .........................................16
2007 Pan American Games .......................................................18
Young Dressage Championship Qualifiers ...............................20
Regent: Winner 2007 Pan Am Games Dressage
Photo by Susan J. Stickle
Issue 3, 2007
• Page 3
Careful hunters with scope for
the professionals
by Jacques Verkerk
Geoff Teall is a ‘name’ in the
American hunter world. His influence
as trainer, board member and initiative
taker led to the title ‘Horseman of the
Year’. According to him, the KWPN
breeding program lends itself wonderfully to the breeding of top hunters. “If
we can develop international competition for hunters you will also profit.
The hunter of the future is one that has
scope and is also careful.”
At the stable of Geoff Teall in
Wellington, a stone’s throw from the
Winter Equestrian Festival showgrounds, things are very busy this
Tuesday morning. The multi-talented
horseman from Florida plays a leading
role as trainer, rider, judge and board
member of the American Hunter
Jumper Association. Geoff Teall is the
man to talk to about his vision of the
hunter of the future. “So you’re trying
to figure out what you should be
breeding in ten years. That is really
interesting. We only think about them
at the time we want to buy them”,
starts Geoff Teall, after we have
explained the reason for our conversation. “Breeders have to think that
much further ahead.”
The current hunter sport originated
on the hunt field. The sport evolved
from fox hunting to show hunting. On
the hunter courses there are several
fences in natural colors to mimic the
hunt field. The evaluation is based on
style. “For the hunt field we looked for
a pretty horse with good manners and
a good temperament, a very good
jumper, an efficient mover and a fun
horse to ride. This has developed and
will continue to develop into a show
horse in the same basic genre, wherein attractiveness becomes more and
more important.
“At hunter competitions the manner of jumping is the most important.
Over the years it has become more and
more important that horses are attrac-
Profile of Geoff Teall
Geoff Teall (50) was raised in
northern New York and hunted as a
child. At 16 he rode his first hunter
competitions and trained with big
names as Gordon Wright and George
Morris. He turned into a successful
trainer, rider and judge and is a cofounder and board member of the
American Hunter Jumper Association (USHJA). He stands at the bottom of the development of many initiatives and renewals in the hunter
divisions and was recently named
‘Horseman of the Year’ because of
his services to the hunters.
Page 4
• Newsletter of the KWPN-NA
tive and move well. This is difficult to
breed for. The hunter must also jump
well. He must be athletic, move well
and these days he must also be
refined”, explains Teall. The man from
Florida knows of which he speaks and
also knows Dutch horses. “I’ve been
going to Holland for more than ten
years to buy horses. I can see an enormous difference. Every time I’m there
the horses are more attractive and
move better. The quality of the horses
is improving. That’s the way it must be
for us also.”
“The movement we are looking for
in a hunter has much scope, is low to
the ground – I think you call it flat –
with little bend in the knee and the
hindleg. Everything that you’d rather
not see is what we love”, laughs Teall.
“The difficult thing is that we don’t
only want that specific movement, but
also the jumping talent that your way
of moving provides. That’s where we
have a little problem. We do want the
jumping characteristics but with flat
movement.” Teall tells us that historically: “The movement characteristics
are based on the idea that a horse that
moves flat uses less energy. That horse
lasts longer on the field and offers
comfort to the rider. The flatter, the
bigger and the slower the canter, the
better. Canter lead changes are very
important to us. We want horses that
change almost automatically, but they
have to stay low to the ground. They
have to be very smooth.”
Earlier this year, Geoff Teall was
named ‘Horseman of the Year’ in the
“I think that the KWPN can have a
fantastic breeding program for
Geoff Teall clearly has his opinions
about the evaluation of hunters and
speaks out on the subject. “The most
important criteria on which a hunter is
evaluated is his jumping. The best
jumper should win the class. But the
reality is – that as the sport develops –
it is becoming more and more a beauty contest. That is a direction that I
don’t want this sport to go into. You
just have to have very good jumpers
that not only jump well but are also
very pretty and move well. Some
judges place a horse that moves well
and jumps less. Other judges, such as
myself, would rather see a horse that
is less pretty and moves less well but
that does jump well. But the fact is, if
you have a horse that jumps well, is
pretty and also moves well, you’ll win
all the classes there are.”
But what is so different about the
way a hunter jumps? “The most
important thing for us about the way a
horse jumps is good use of the forehand – with very even forelegs and
underarm that lifts high allowing the
cannon to hang. The back is long and
round and the hunter finishes the jump
well behind. Hunters jump differently
from jumpers in that the hunter jump
is slow, high and round. That is why
temperament is also very important.
The hunter has to be very relaxed,
slow actually, and very even. He has to
be careful but not afraid. Actually it is
a lot like a Grand Prix horse, they have
to have everything. Careful, but in a
relaxed and comfortable manner.”
Teall has his own preferences. “To me
the best horses are the European horses with a shot of Thoroughbred. That
gives a better character than Thoroughbreds with a shot of Warmblood.
The Warmblood fits better with
The stallion Othello (Jonggor’s Ajonc x Husky van Sultan) was selected for the performance test in 1999 and is one of the many successful KWPN-bred hunters in the
US. Last year the bay, who jumps under the name In Disguise, was champion in
Wellington and this spring he won again with Ellen Toon in the saddle.
today’s sport than a Thoroughbred
does. But the Warmbloods with Thoroughbred blood are more refined and
prettier. You breed really good horses
for us. Right now I go to Holland ten
times a year. Every year the horses
look more like the type of horse that
we want. Of course they are also more
expensive than ten years ago”, laughs
Teall, “but you are absolutely on the
right track.”
There has been a shift in the type
of horse that trainers and owners buy
in Europe. “We actually look for a
seven-year-old that has already had
some experience in the lower classes,
or that has just completed its first competitions. But there are so many Americans that go to Europe to buy hunters
that we are now buying three- and
four-year-olds. We because we would
rather have a quality young horse than
risk not being able to find that quality
older horse. When buying a young
horse you select primarily on movement. You do get an idea of how they
jump, but the character is also very
important. Last summer I bought a
three-year-old in Holland and the last
thing I wanted was a three-year-old.
But the horse moved really well,
appeared to jump well and also had a
really nice character. This horse has
already been sold twice in six months
since. You don’t want to, but you take
the chance because the horse will no
longer be available when you want to
buy it as a seven-year-old with experience.
“The sport is changing very slowly. But this does not influence the ideal
hunter type. The ideal hunter is the
same now as it was years ago. As I said
earlier, if you have a fantastic looking
horse that jumps and that moves well
– you’re going to win everything. It
doesn’t matter who is judging. I do
think we are changing in regards to the
emphasis on the type, which is moving more and more toward jumping.”
That is why Teall sees a good market for Dutch horses in the future: “If
you breed for jumping, good model
Issue 3, 2007
• Page 5
and movement then you are heading in
the right direction for helping us. I
mean, it’s much nicer to look at a pretty horse than an ugly one. I think you
have a fantastic breeding program for
breeding hunters. You breed for sport
and there certainly are lines that produce hunters. That is a natural
Teall continues: “What I have
noticed is that we are not at all geared
toward breeding, but because we go to
Holland a lot we are getting more and
more immersed in breeding. Now
when someone calls me about a horse
and – even though I probably will look
at the horse—now I think ‘good’ or
‘oh just leave it’ when I hear the pedigree. There is more feeling now.
Voltaire is a great example. That name
is really known in the hunter world. I
like the Ramiros, and Haarlem has
also produced many good hunters.
“A while back I had a really nice
Zeoliet mare. Now I pay attention
every time I hear Ramiro. Ramiros
have a good character and the athletic
ability for our sport. They also have a
good hunter way of jumping. They are
careful and slow. Haarlems have very
good characters. The Voltaires have
the good type and often also the move-
ment we want, but they are either too
careful or not careful enough. The latter are good for the amateur.”
“Another direction in which our
sport is developing is that the horses
are primarily ridden by owner/amateurs and not by the professional trainers/owners. Owners like to ride their
nice horses and these owners are
exactly the people that really have less
time to ride. Therefore a calm horse
with a good character is very important for them. What the sport has done
is adjust the courses to these
owner/riders. Those are the 1.00m to
1.10m jumps. And that is also how
several of the classes are divided. But
we do want to [re]adjust the hunter
divisions in the coming times. We are
going to look at several levels of
hunter competition, like the jumpers.
The higher you get, the more prize
money there will be.”
But Teall and the USHJA are looking further ahead. “There is now a
movement that is still young, a group
of people around George Morris, of
which I am one. We see a future in the
development of international hunter
competition. It is going to start with
Europe’s only hunter competition
Mr. Blom from Traffic School Blom organizes the only hunter competition
in Europe. Jumping Etten Leur (www.jumpingettenleur.nl) features a hunter
competition on its first day. Blom first started this competition in 2001 because
he wanted to organize something different, something apart. “It is odd that since
2001 this idea has not been initiated anywhere else in Europe. There is much
demand for hunters in America and Canada. The horses are sold for a lot of
money.” Each year American jury members come to Holland to judge the event.
Hunters must meet a lot of requirements. Blom: “They have to be very pretty and super-good. Mostly amateurs ride in the hunter sport. In principle, with
good training KWPN horses are well suited for this branch of sport. The hunter
world provides good opportunities for KWPN breeding.”
Page 6
• Newsletter of the KWPN-NA
Photo Teresa Ramsay
The stallion Popeye-K (Voltaire x
L.Ronald x Farn) was approved for the
hunter breeding direction with the KWPNNA last year. The Canadian-bred stallion
comes from Graaf Grande, has been a
multiple champion and was last year’s
Chronicle ‘Hunter Horse of the Year’.
the 2010 World Equestrian Games in
Lexington as a demonstration class.
We will get the equivalent of Grand
Prix jumpers in the hunters. The idea
is to go back to 1.30m to1.35m jumps,
like they were in the ‘70s. We are trying to make the sport more interesting
again with more prize money for these
classes. The KWPN will also profit by
this because you’ll be selling many
more horses and this will be good for
your business. And hopefully that’ll
make it easier for us to find them. For
the future we not only have to breed
horses for the amateurs and juniors,
but also very careful hunters with a lot
of talent and scope for the professional. And those will really be expensive
horses”, finishes Geoff Teall his look
at the future.
Hunter breeding direction for
In addition to the four breeding
directions of the KWPN (dressage,
jumper, Gelders and Harness) the
KWPN of North America now has a
fifth breeding direction: Hunter. This
lead is already being followed by several other organizations. The breeding
direction has the various books for
registration, its own keuring classifications that are integrated with the other
KWPN-NA classes, its own IBOP and
its own standard (just like that for dressage and jumper horses).
The ideal hunter has a good rectangular model, has long lines with a
good proportional model, a more horizontal build, a long slightly arched
neck and it has quality and an attractive small head.
The walk is a regular four-beat,
active and supple with impulsion. The
trot is a regular four-beat, is active and
supple with impulsion and self-carriage. The canter is an active threebeat, is light footed and supple, with
impulsion and self-carriage. Knees
remain flat and movement comes
more from the shoulder. The hunter
must be obedient, alert, react quickly
to aids and move in a relaxed manner.
A steady rhythm must be maintained
throughout the course.
The hunter jumps with even, highpositioned forelegs. The head and
neck lower and stretch for a balanced
jump. The hunter has a light take-off,
jumps with ease and trust with a gently rounded bascule. He lands lightly
and canters off easily. He has a big
canter stride with a somewhat slow,
steady rhythm.
2005 Flemmingh Colt o/o MMPS
Lux 2 Yearling Gelding Dam
imported Lorentin/Corde/Cobalt Holst
mare. Correct uphill 3 nice gaits. Bay
w/2 small socks & star, mature 16.2H
$17,500. echelonfarm@yahoo.com
503-550-9664 (OR)
Hanoverian – Grand Ferdinand. Bred
to jump. Very good mover. $12,000.
707-765-2868 or Jiveklaus@aol.com
Very Fancy 2007 Filly by Roemer
16.2h Mare. 1st Prem. #1 at 2003
keuring. 2005 Champion at USDF
Breeders series. Incredible conformation, movement, willingness and personality. Under saddle and ready to be
your Grand Prix dressage star.
$28,500. DVD and pics avail. Royal
Star Warmbloods, 520-975-4257 (AZ)
Dam is mother of 2 Top Ten foals.
Leggy, sweet, & personable. Chestnut
with 4 socks. AliciaW@charter.net
860-927-5090. $10,000, she’s the only
one. (CT)
1997 Bay 16h Mare She is sweet,
friendly, honest, and beautiful. Mother
of 2 Top Ten foals. 1st level, Advocate/Vosmaer/Saluut. 860-927-5090.
AliciaW@charter.net 12K (CT)
Flashy, supple, incredible movement.
Many wins in hand. He’s charming
and kind. Bay, 16H, 4yo. Ready for
work. AliciaW@charter.net
860-927-5090. 20K (CT)
“Elegance and Performance in
One” Top Dutch jumper line with the
elegance of a Trakehner. Casanova is
a beautiful 3-month-old colt that carries top International jumper lines –
Flemmingh, Ahorn, Nimmerdor... just
to name a few. Phenomenal gates with
great personality this foal will make an
exceptional top performance horse.
Fully registered by KWPN and will be
going through 3 European Inspections.
Great investment in a future top
jumper. Dam imported from VDL in
Holland competed at Grand Prix
jumper circuit. Sire competed successfully in open jumpers and Level 3
Dressage. For further info please contact www.twinequestrian.ca or
519-941-9146 (ON, Can)
Contango — Rolls Royce 2003
Imagine That? Metall – Rampal
2004 17.1H black gelding. Breathtaking in movement and beauty. Huggable in personality. Just starting lightly under saddle. DVD and pics avail.
$25,000. Royal Star Warmbloods .
520-975-4257 (AZ)
Can You Say Jumper? 2003
Ahorn – Voltaire – Lucky Boy 17.1H
mare. Under saddle and ready to move
up and over! DVD and Pics avail.
Royal Star Warmbloods,
520-975-4257 (AZ)
prospect. Gorgeous 2001 gray mare,
NA/WPN Main Foal Book. Full
brother Strauss is currently shown 4th
level dressage by Cindi Jackson. Sired
by Idocus, out of Nelissa, by international show jumper, G.Ramiro Z. Dam
was number one in the nation at the
2000 NA/WPN Keurings and received
the Gert van der Veen Memorial
Award the same year. Ulissa, 16.2H
and a beautiful mover, with incredible
strength behind. Kind and quiet, she
wasn’t started until her fourth year.
$35,000. Royal Star Warmbloods,
520-975-4257 (AZ)
Continued on Page 9
Issue 3, 2007
• Page 7
The second FEI World Cup in
Las Vegas took place on April
18-22 of this year.
Text and photos by Sheri Scott
The 17-year-old Dutch Warmblood
stallion Idocus ridden by American
Courtney King was the top placing
Dutch warmblood at the 2007 Rolex
FEI World Cup Dressage competition.
Idocus (Equador x Zonneglans) placed
sixth with a 73.200% in the Grand Prix
Freestyle ridden to medley of Broadway show tunes. The pair placed
eighth in Thursday’s Grand Prix with
a 67.833%, behind Edward Gal and
Group 4 Securicor IPS Gribaldi (Kastolany x Ibikus) with a 68.083%.
Gribaldi showed tension throughout
the weekend. The tension showed
even more in Saturday evening’s
freestyle, where their score was 64.9%
for 11th place.
All four Dutch Warmbloods in the
dressage competition were stallions.
BMC Kigali (Wolfgang x Voltaire) ridden by Marlies van Baalen of the
Netherlands and Lorenzo CH (Ferro x
Wolfgang) ridden by Wayne Channon
Page 8
of Great Britain placed twelfth and fifteenth respectively on Thursday in the
Grand Prix. Channon placed second in
the B-final with a 68.5% for his
The American jumping team
seemed to prefer Dutch horses this
year. Beezie Madden and the 12-yearold gelding Authentic (Guidam x
Katell) were favorites going into the
competition. But a crash through fence
five in the first day of competition
unseated Madden and left Authentic to
continue the course by himself.
Lauren Hough and the 11-year-old
mare Casadora (Indoctro x Grannus)
placed 10th on Thursday with a clear
round and a time of 68.63 In 13th
place was Ilian, a 17-year-old gelding
(Zuidhorn x Elan) ridden by Schuyler
Riley. They had a clear round with a
70.40 and time faults. Molly AsheCawley followed close behind in 14th
place, with a 71.34 and one rail down.
Jill Henselwood rode Callisto (Julio
Mariner x Nepal) to 22nd place with a
76.19 and one rail down.
Friday saw Riley and Ilian put in a
clear round with a 76.13 for 8th place.
Molly Ashe-Cawley put in another one
rail round for a tie for 9th place.
Hough and Casadora had eight faults,
• Newsletter of the KWPN-NA
dropping them to a tie for 22nd for the
night. Henselwood also had problems,
finishing with 12 faults and a 92.41,
tying for 28th.
Sunday was not a good day for
Henselwood and Callisto, who retired
in the first round. Riley on Ilian and
Ashe-Cawley on Kroon Gravin also
had problems in the first round and
elected not to ride in the second round.
Lauren Hough and Casadora were
the second-best finishers for the US,
placing 16th. Casadora had a refusal in
the first round on Sunday on the third
element of the triple combination.
They also dropped a rail and had two
time penalties. They had eight faults in
the second round for a total of 27
penalties for the three days.
2007 Bay Colt by Corland Keur
out of imported top ten mare Pamina
VDL (Nimmerdor x Lord). Very fancy
colt. Good mover and good temperament. www.ranchodeloro.com
760-221-8363 (CA)
2007 Black Filly by Prestige out
of imported Rhodiamant x Donnerhall
x Pik Bube mare. Gorgeous filly with
chrome, super character & movement.
2007 Grey Colt by Olympic
Medalist Cardento out of imported
top ten mare. Very athletic and powerful colt with good movement and the
best temperament.
kdckuhn@cs.com (CA)
2007 Elegant Filly (Hierarch x
Couer De Lion x Wieberoodnoot).
Charisma is a mahogany bay beauty
with 4 whites, very correct, athletic
with great elasticity and suspension in
gaits. Should mature to 16.3H, $12,000.
Video available. conniefrbs@yahoo.com
817-308-4353 (TX)
IVANA 2002 Chestnut Bay
Mare (O.Zarah 61 x Alexis Titty 11 Z).
Modern, Elegant, 2-YO First
Premium Filly (Prestige VDL x
Sire was shown Hunter. Dam is an
Eventer in 2nd year, moving up to Preliminary this August. Ivana is ready to
start, you choose the discipline. She
possesses a charming character, very
nice movement, sound mind and
healthy body. Current on shots, worming, shoes, and coggins. $10,000. *No
reasonable offer refused* Contact
Suzie at squest6@aol.com or
919-644-6222 (NC)
Flemmingh) Great Temperament, 3
nice gaits, dark chestnut w/star, 2 hind
socks. $15,000. 909-647-3760.
Negotiable (CA)
2006 First Premium Filly by
VDL “Prestige” o/o quality star/prok
Flemmingh mare. Stunning type and
big mover. This one is very special.
$15,000 greenwoodsporthorses.com
913-636-0863 (MO)
Proven 1995 KWPN Broodmare (Couer De Lion X Wieberood-
Flashy 2-YO Dutch Gelding
(Sandor x Werther) Chestnut w/flaxen
mane & tail, 4 stockings. Dam foaled
former Devon Champion. Will be tall,
fabulous temperament, three good
gaits. $15,000. 909-647-3760
Negotiable (CA)
Lovely 3-YO Dutch Filly (Sandor
x Olympic Ferro) Both sire & dam
champions of USDF Breed Shows.
Super temperament, 3 very good correct gaits. Black w/star & 2 hind socks,
started u/s, forward, good mind.
$20,000. 909-647-3760
Negotiable (CA)
noot X Farn). Noelle is a lovely dark
bay, 16.3H with 4 whites and a star.
Has produced exceptional foals, easy
breeder and a great mom, broke to
ride, $10,000. conniefrbs@yahoo.com
or 817-308-4353 (TX)
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Issue 3, 2007
• Page 9
May 2007 brought the 16th
and final ‘Dressage at DG Bar
Ranch’ show.
Text and photos by Sheri Scott
May of 2007 marked the end of
Dressage at DG Bar Ranch in Hanford, CA. Willy Arts, Tony and Betty
De Groot, and the entire De Groot
family (five children, their spouses, 21
grandchildren, their spouses, and two
great-grandchildren) decided that 16
years of running the largest show on
support and presented them with flowers. Glenda McElroy of Cornerstone
Events Management, which has managed the show through the years, presented Tony and Betty with a sponsors
table at all of their events.
In 16 years the show went from
two rings in the front pasture to as
many as eight rings and 1,000 rides
over the three day span.
Willy Arts organized the evening’s
entertainment and brought back
favorite exhibitors from over the
years. The Fred De Boer Royal
Willy Arts vaulting
Holland. He demonstrated ‘the flag’
and also tried ‘the stand’. Not bad for
25 plus years between vaulting sessions.
Tamara (De Groot) Majors
(youngest daughter of Tony and Betty)
and Ashlyn De Groot (granddaughter)
performed an FEI Pas de Deux.
California dressage trainers Nicole
Perry on Contester, Jan Ebeling on
Waterford, Jo Moran on Minna, and
Steffen Peters on Lombardi II performed musical freestyles for the
appreciative crowd.
The competitors thanked the De Groot family
the West Coast and one of the largest
shows in the country was enough. But
Willy Arts has plans to expand their
KWPN keuring and to add some new
events that he will reveal down the
The Friday evening party was a
sell-out, with a catered dinner and
two-and-a-half hours of entertainment
in the main arena, followed by dancing. Riders and show management
thanked Tony and Betty. The competitors presented them with apple trees
and climbing roses as a remembrance.
The many Young Riders that have
competed at DG Bar over the years
thanked the De Groots for all of their
Page 10
Friesians, from just down the valley in
Tulare, wowed the crowd with a
demonstration of a big four in-hand
pulling a marathon cart.
The Showtime Vaulters demonstrated vaulting from the beginning
teaching the moves at the walk,
through the movements of their competition team at the canter. Megan
Benjamin, the individual vaulting gold
medalist at the World Equestrian
Games last August, was a guest performer with the Showtime team.
One of the highlights was Willy
Arts returning on the vaulting horse to
demonstrate his vaulting style. Willy
had vaulted years ago as a student in
• Newsletter of the KWPN-NA
Tony De Groot, along with daughters Ingrid Hamar and Tamara Majors,
sang the national anthem. Sabine
Schut-Kery, fresh from her performances in Las Vegas at the World Cup,
did two dressage demonstrations on
her Andalusian stallion, one of them
being side saddle.
Pas de Deux with Tamara and Ashlyn
The dressage show included high
performance classes for the championships at Gladstone and selection trials for the young rider and junior rider
championships. Seventeen-year-old
Amanda Harlan of Oakville, Calif.
won the Young Rider Team Test
(69.889%) and the Young Rider Prix
St. Georges (68.750%) on her Dutch
Warmblood gelding Liberte (Flemmingh x Evelina).
HP Prix St. Georges with a 66.417%
and second in the HP Int. I with a
Woodwind (Contester x Muziek by
Uniform), ridden by Willy Arts, won
the USEF Four-Year-Old test with a
7.840. Woodwind was also presented
with USDF’s 2006 Travelling Trot
DG Bar owns Woodwind in partnership with breeder Natalie Bryant of
Little Creek Farm in Montana. Woodwind came to California in the fall of
her two-year-old year to be started
under saddle. Woodwind is the only
filly out of Muziek, the very successful preferent broodmare, and is competing in the Young Dressage Horse
competition, making it to the finals in
Amanda Harlan and Liberte
Gwen Blake of Enumclaw, Wash.
won the High Performance Intermediaire Freestyle on her 12-year-old
Dutch Warmblood gelding Nimbus
(Cabochon x Elinefleur) with a
73.250%. The pair placed third in the
Woodwind with Willy Arts and Natalie
Cornerstone Events Management (Glenda McElroy) served as the dressage
competition manager for the 2005 and
2007 FEI World Cup Dressage Finals in
Las Vegas and has also been awarded
the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian
Games at the Kentucky Horse Park..
From Glenda McElroy
Who would thought, 17 years
ago when we started talking about
having a dressage show in Hanford,
CA,—a farmland area between Bakersfield and Fresno—that it would
grow into one of most prestigious
dressage shows in the United States.
Dressage at DG Bar has grownhand in hand with the growth of
dressage in the United States. This
show has been one of the leaders in
pushing the sport forward by providing outstanding footing, unmatched
hospitality, and quality judging.
Dressage at DG Bar has allowed the
riders an opportunity to perform at
their best.
When I think about the most
unique quality of this show, I would
credit the De Groot family. Everyone
who has come to these shows has
been welcome, and treated as a
guest. I would like to thank Betty,
Tony, Rochelle, Tony Jr., Elisabeth,
Willy and the entire DG Bar family.
Whether competing, volunteering or
being a spectator, they have provided us with a great fun atmosphere
and many great memories.
It has been a wonderful journey
from a small show in the middle of
alfalfa fields to one of the top shows
in the country. I don’t know many
shows that have a better reputation
than DG Bar. The De Groots have
provided a great venue for our horses to perform and it has always been
so much fun to show here, it is easy
to forget that this show has become
one of the most unique shows in the
Thank you again; it has been an
honor to be a part of this.
Gwen Blake and Nimbus
Issue 3, 2007
• Page 11
The first Sunday in April was
the annual de Wiemselbach
Stallion Presentation. At the
presentation a special tribute
was made to the legendary
Libero H.
by Tracy Holmgren
When horse breeders travel to the
Netherlands in the spring, they can be
assured of two things: tulips in bloom,
and the annual stallion shows.
Nestled in the quiet, picturesque
countryside of Ootmarsum, 180 kms
northeast of Amsterdam, is De Wiemselbach B.V., home to international
show jumping stars such as Numero
Uno (Libero H x Lord Calando x
Ahorn) and Lupicor (Lux Z x Pilot x
Cor de la Bryere). Owned by the legendary Dutch show jumper Hans Horn
and his family, de Wiemselbach opens
its doors on the first Sunday in April
each year to nearly 1,500 equestrian
enthusiasts who arrive from all corners
of the world to see the famous stallions and their offspring.
This year the annual stallion show
was particularly poignant for all who
attended, as the Horn family paid tribute to one of the most successful
jumping and breeding stallions of all
time and a beloved member of their
family: Libero H (Landgraf I x Ronald
x Komet). Best known for his win at
the 1994 World Cup Finals in Den
Bosch, Libero H was the winner of
over 51 International competitions and
sired more than 80 Grand Prix show
jumping horses. In 2006, the same
year this magnificent son of Landgraf
I passed away, the KWPN awarded
Libero H with the title ‘Preferent’, the
most prestigious title awarded to a
breeding stallion.
Page 12
The testimonial to Libero H began
as the giant screen used last year at the
World Championships in Aachen,
Germany, unveiled a recorded message from Libero’s partner in the ring,
Jos Lansink. Jos spoke the praises of
his old friend and team-mate as Tina
Turner’s hit “Simply the Best” played
from the outdoor speakers and clips
from Libero H’s illustrious career
were shown to the crowd. As the last
footage of Libero H played on the
giant screen, the music transitioned to
Queen’s famous single “We are the
Champions”, and Jos Lansink’s current World Champion mount Cumano
(Cassini I x Landgraf I) marched into
the ring.
Breeders had ample opportunity to
study conformation and movement as
each stallion was presented at both
ends of the outdoor sand ring, and then
moved out at the trot by practiced handlers.
Adorned in his World Championship cooler and sash, Cumano commanded the attention of those in attendance as he graciously accepted a silver tray laden with carrots presented
by the matriarch of de Wiemselbach,
Astrid Horn.
Each of the stallions then returned
individually to showcase their jumping abilities. From the very green,
newly approved son of Clinton (Corrado x Masetto x Landgraf I), Whitaker (Clinton x Indoctro x Admiraal Z),
to the seasoned Numero Uno, whose
performance was punctuated by spontaneous applause, the crowd was not
disappointed as both the verticals and
oxer became higher and wider and
each stallion exhibited the technique
As the enraptured audience settled
back into their seats, the stallions of de
Wiemselbach were shown in hand as
their pedigrees, photos and competition videos played on the big screen.
• Newsletter of the KWPN-NA
Hans Horn, who has served as
Chef d’Equipe of Show Jumping for
both Italy and the Netherlands, spoke
to the audience from the center of the
ring as offspring of each stallion made
their way into the arena. Foals only
weeks old demonstrated superior
movement and expression as they trotted beside their dams, while two- and
three-year-old offspring gave a
glimpse into the future, which can’t
help but look extremely promising.
and scope they will pass on to the next
The last approved son of Libero H,
Ustinov (Libero H x Nimmerdor x
Marco Polo), served as the grand
finale. The crowd was not disappointed. As Hans Horn spoke Ustinov
jumped to the top of the standards with
ease, leaving the audience spellbound.
“We Want You”
Looking for Leaders, Volunteers
and Committee Members.
As the KWPN-NA continues to grow & progress,
we are looking for members to fill upcoming positions
on the Board of Directors and Members’ Committee,
as well as volunteers for special projects.
Just as Cumano endeavors to follow Libero H into the history books,
Daan Horn has taken the reins from his
father and is now the force that drives
de Wiemselbach. This confident, talented young man is a true perfectionist, and the all encompassing passion
that he exudes for his stallions ensures
that de Wiemselbach will continue to
be at the forefront of Dutch breeding.
At the conclusion of the show,
breeders and spectators gathered in the
hospitality area to express their gratitude to the Horn family, to share fond
memories of Libero H and to discuss
the stallions they had been privileged
to see.
Please e-mail mc@kwpn-na.org if you have the unique
qualities to take on a leadership role on the BOD or MC
and/or you would like to assist with special events
and projects.
The KWPN-NA wants your help and input!
Get Ready…
Get Set…
Go Dutch!
Issue 3, 2007
• Page 13
Hannah Holland Shook was
one of four Young Dressage
Riders Chosen for the Olympic
Dream Program.
News from the Dressage
Foundation, Inc.
Lincoln, NE. Four young dressage
riders were selected for the 2007 FEI
Young Rider Olympic Dream Program, which is administered and funded by The Dressage Foundation
(TDF). The purpose of the program,
conceived by Olympic medalist and
TDF board member Michael Poulin, is
to immerse our best young riders in
European dressage at the highest level.
Poulin encourages young people to
dream, and his goal for the program is
to help American young riders clarify
their dreams and maximize their potential. “They develop a sense of proportion, a sense of themselves and of
being proud of who they are and what
they’re doing,” says Poulin.
An independent selection committee chose Natalie Perry (WA), Jena
Dick (KS), Julie McKean (ME) and
Hannah Holland Shook (NC) to
make the seventh annual TDF trip to
Europe. This year’s chaperones were
Deborah Bowman (VA) and Sarah
Martin (CO). Beth Baumert (CT) was
administrator of the program.
“The selection committee based
their decisions on the candidates’
essays, competition scores, recommendations and signs of commitment,” said John Boomer, President
and CEO of The Dressage Foundation.
“The committee was challenged by the
quantity as well as the quality of this
year’s candidates,” he added, “and
they have selected a wonderful group
of young riders.”
The group departed on July 11 to
observe the European Junior and
Young Rider Dressage Championships in Nussloch, near Heidelberg,
Germany. On July 15 they traveled
north to Munster where they observed
training at the facility of German
Olympian, Ingrid Klimke. They traveled to nearby Warendorf, home of the
German Olympic Center and spent a
day with Olympian Heike Kemmer
near the national stud in Celle. They
spent their final two days
with Olympian, Hubertus
Schmidt before returning
July 21.
While traveling, the
young riders recorded their
observations in daily journals and chronicled the
events with photos and video
to share with their home
dressage organizations.
Page 14
• Newsletter of the KWPN-NA
“This annual trip is made possible
by very generous donors,” said
Boomer. “We’re very grateful to those
who care and share in this special
way.” Further information on the FEI
Young Rider Olympic Dream Program will be kept current on the TDF
The Dressage Foundation is a nonprofit, taxexempt organization whose
mission is “To cultivate and
provide financial support for
the advancement of Dressage.” For more information
contact John F. Boomer,
President and CEO, The
Dressage Foundation, Wells
Fargo Center, Suite 732,
1248 “O” Street, Lincoln,
NE 68508. Telephone: 402434-8585 Fax: 402-436-3053.
E-mail: john@dressagefoundation.org
This article was submitted by
Hannah Holland Shook. Holly was
one of three Young Riders selected
to receive the Willy Arts Grant for
2007. An account of Holly’s use of
the Grant will be published in a
future issue.
After a super season Holly and
Cape Town (Michelangelo x Frianca by Purioso) were ranked 10th in
the nation and were invited to go the
the Gladstone/USEF Young Rider
National Championships.
However, mid-July Cape Town
went lame due to an abscess, causing the pair to withdraw from the
Young Rider and college student Ashley Schempp and her
horse Mowgli were invited to
the 2007 Collecting Gaits
Farm/USEF Dressage Festival
of Champions held at USET
headquarters in Gladstone, NJ.
by Ashley Schempp
Earlier this summer, Mowgli (Investment x Zolite by Duc de Normandie)
and I returned from our travels to
Gladstone, New Jersey. It has to be
one of the most fun and exciting whirlwinds of my life to date. I spent a total
of twelve days on the east coast, and
every minute was worth it!
Earlier in the season a new USEF
championship was announced: the
USEF National Dressage Championships. There are three divisions in
this championship: the National Junior
Championship, the National Young
Rider Championship, and the Brentina
Cup Championship.
Ashley and Mowgli,
photo by Connie Schempp
This championship is different
from the North American Young Rider
Championship (NAYRC) in that the
top twelve riders are picked in the
country to come and compete individually as opposed to each region in the
country sending a team of four competitors. Last year the only competition in the USEF National Dressage
Championship was the Brentina Cup.
This year the Junior and Young Rider
Championships was added as well. I
decided to give it a try and sent in my
intent to compete in April.
Mowgli and I qualified at two
shows: the Del Mar National Dressage
Show and the Flintridge Riding Club
Dressage Show. We were informed on
June 4 that we had made the top
twelve, were seated ninth and thus
invited to come and compete at Gladstone. We left for Gladstone and the
National Competition on June 8 . Once
there, I can only say: What an experience it was!!! The USET headquarters
are in a breathtaking setting with
rolling hills and a beautiful two-story
barn. The facility was very serene and
peaceful. Everyone began arriving the
weekend of June 8-10 to get their horses acclimated. I was stabled with my
fellow competitors for the National
Championships. I met a lot of riders
from the Junior, Young Rider, and
Brentina Cup division. I was thoroughly impressed with everyone I met;
you could feel the comradery amongst
the parents and competitors.
The competition began with the
jog, followed by two tests: the Young
Rider Team Test and the Young Rider
Prix St. George. The National Championships were dispersed amongst the
other competitions, such as the Intermediaire I Championships and the
Grand Prix Championships. Therefore, we could see some of the best in
our country competing. And what a
thrill it was!!
Mowgli and I had a very good
week, spending a lot of time in preparation with our trainer Steffen Peters,
who was also competing in the Grand
Prix Championships on Lombardi 11.
Steffen’s years of experience at such
high caliber competitions provided
great insight and instruction. Mowgli
and I had two very good tests and
ended up reserve champions overall in
the Young Rider division. It was such
a rush, and I was ecstatic to have not
only made the championship but to
have done so well!!
I am very fortunate to have had the
opportunity to have competed in such
a prestigious competition. I had a lot
of great support and encouragement
from Steffen and my parents to whom
I owe a big Thank You for making this
experience possible! Overall it was a
great success and such an amazing
event in which to compete!
Ashley at Gladstone
photo by Connie Schempp
Issue 3, 2007
• Page 15
KWPN Studbook at the Top of
WBFSH Rankings
by Equestrian Sports Promotions
The Dutch Warmblood Studbook
of North America (KWPN-NA) had a
golden summer with KWPN registered horses bringing home top honors
at the Pan American Games and the
North American Junior Young Riders
Championships (NAJYRC). These
horses featured diverse KWPN bloodlines, but showcased both the talent
and the soundness that Dutch horses
are known for. With horses as young
as eight years old, like double Pan Am
dressage medalist Sagacious HF, and
as experienced as 17-year-old Douwe,
individual gold medalist in the Young
Rider division at NAJYRC, the
KWPN horse once again proved its
mettle against the best the world has to
with the nine-year-old Regent. The
gelding is owned by Brenna Kucinski
and is by the Preferrent stallion Flemmingh. Lauren Sammis also rode a
KWPN horse, Sagacious HF, for the
American team and also earned the
individual silver medal. Hyperion
Farms owns the precocious eight-yearold gelding by Welt Hit II.
Dressage horses weren’t the only
KWPN horses collecting medals in
Rio. Three of the four horses on the
silver medal winning Canadian show
jumping team are KWPN horses. Eric
Two of the three members of the
gold medal winning U.S. dressage
team rode KWPN horses. Christopher
Hickey also earned the individual gold
2007 Collecting Gaits Farm/USEF Dressage Festival of Champions
GP (45%) GPS (35%)
FS (20%)
3 King, Courtney
Equador x Eretha/Zonneglans
70.172 Christine McCarthy
5 Hannigan, Hane
El Caro x Eleanor/Allegro
68.047 Jane Hannigan
6 Barisone, Michael
Haarlem x G. Dadermie/Ladalco
67.436 Jane Suwalsky
7 Dutta, Susan
Gumshoes DC
Joost x Susan/Nimmerdor
65.425 Tim Dutta, Inc.
8 Phelps, Suzanne Dansby Goubergh's Kasper
Facet x Annet/Superieur
65.372 Suzanne Dansby Phelps
11 Williams, George
Hinault x Ecolien/Voltaire
64.218 Joann Smith
12 Morelli, Cathy
Flemmingh x Wabatsje /Palfrenier
63.721 Diane Rosenberg
15 Crawford, Tami
Michelangelo x Urona/Vanitas
61.412 Tami Crawford
PSG (45%)
INT 1 (30%)
Day 2 INT 1 FS
1 Hickey, Christopher
Kennedy x Carina/Ubis
181.376 Brenna Kucinski
2 Sammis, Lauren
Sagacious HF
Welt Hit II x Judith/Cocktail
180.176 Hyperion Farms
11 Lavell, Carol
Much Ado
Quattro x Varla/Abgar
102.150 Carol Lavell
12 Halasz, Susan
Paradiso B
Kennedy x Feline/Wisconsin
93.496 Chardell Steves
JR TEAM (50%)
JR IND (50%)
1 Efird, Bonnie
Magie Noir
Havidoff x Ilana/Sultan
67.125 Bonnie Efird
5 Foster, Katie
Amsterdam x Lente Vrouwe/Wolfgang
62.975 Stonegate Equest. Ctr. LLC
9 O’Neil, Marlee
TCN Partout x Jessica/Purioso
60.875 Marlee O'Neil
10 Kemenosh, Jillian
Wolfgang x Feocia/Astronaut
60.800 Jillian Kemenosh
INT II (50%)
Brentina (50%)
1 Austin, Elizabeth
Idocus x Rowillie/Porter
69.377 Madeleine Austin
2 Zamora, Nicholia
Clavecimbel x Wendula/Purioso
64.999 Diane Morley
3 Kelly, Jodie
Uniform x Tasjadana
63.689 Rolling Oaks Farm
6 Rizzi, Jessica
Consul x Darling/Nautilus
60.494 Lendon Gray
Team (50%)
PSG (50%)
2 Ashley Schempp
Investment x Zolite/Duc de Normandie
66.889 Ashley Schempp
3 Hannah Holland Shook
Cape Town
Michelangelo x Frianca/Purioso
66.614 Holly Shook/Mitzi Presnell
Page 16
• Newsletter of the KWPN-NA
Lamaze rode his KWPN partner Hickstead to the individual bronze medal.
The 11-year-old Dutch stallion, owned
by Torrey Pines and Ashley Stables
Inc., is by Hamlet out of an Ekstein
On the Canadian team, Ian Millar’s
ride, Instyle, owned by Sue Grange, is
a 1995 KWPN gelding by Accord II
out of a Lord mare. Rounding out the
Canadian team is Melinda, a 1995
mare by Ulft, ridden by Mac Cone and
owned by Southern Ways.
On the American bronze medal
winning show jumping team, three of
the four horses were KWPN horses,
including Laura Chapot’s Little Big
Man (by Topas), Lauren Hough’s Cassadora (by Indoctro), and Todd
Minikus’ Pavarotti (by Lancelot).
KWPN horses also claimed a variety of medals at the North American
Junior Young Riders Championships
held in Lexington, Virginia the first
weekend in August. In the Young
Rider dressage division, two members
of the Region VII gold medal winning
team rode KWPN horses: Jaclyn
Meinen on Rockette-DG by Ferro, and
Amanda Harlan on Liberte by Flemmingh.
Twenty-one-year-old Devon Kane
rode off with the individual gold in the
Young Rider dressage division on her
17-year-old KWPN gelding Douwe,
by Damiro. The Wellington, FL resident trains with Olympic medalist
Michelle Gibson.
In the junior division, the immortal
Contango sired two medal winners.
His son Oslo was on the gold medal
winning Canadian team. Ramses, also
a Contango son, earned silver medals
with his rider Kristin Becker—team
silver with Region II, as well as the
individual silver.
In Europe, young KWPN horses
were strutting their stuff at the World
Championships for Young Horses in
Verden, Germany. In the six-year-old
division, silver and bronze went to
Freebird (Olivi x Gribaldi) and Uzzo
(Lancet x Indoctro) respectively.
As of July 31, the KWPN was
ranked first in jumping, third in dressage and tenth in eventing by the
World Breeding Federation for Sport
Pan American Games – Dressage
Team Gold, Individual Gold and Silver
Christopher Hickey and Regent won the Gold Medal with a two-day score of
70.725%. Lauren Sammis and Sagacious HF won Silver with a 69.925%.
Team USA won the Gold Medal on Sunday, July 15. All three riders were on Dutch
horses or Dutch crosses.
Christopher Hickey
Horse: Regent (Nine-year-old Dutch Warmblood gelding by Flemmingh out of
Jenny; owned by Brenna Kucinski)
Lauren Sammis
Horse: Sagacious HF (Eight-year-old Dutch Warmblood gelding by Welt Hit II
out of Judith; owned by Hyperion Farm)
Katherine Poulin-Neff
Horse: Brilliant Too (Eleven-year-old Dutch/TB cross gelding by Brilliant
(KWPN) out of Blue Brigetta; owned by Sharon Poulin)
Individual 2nd Qualifier
1 Christopher Hickey Regent
3 Lauren Sammis
Sagacious HF
6 Katherine Poulin-Neff Brilliant Too
Dutch X
Individual Final
1 Christopher Hickey
2 Lauren Sammis
Sagacious HF
6 Katherine Poulin-Neff Brilliant Too
Int I
Int F/S
Team Final
34 Hickey Christopher Regent
35 Sammis Lauren
Sagacious HF
32 Poulin-Neff Katherine Brilliant Too
Dvorak Tom
Bresee Andrea
Creech Diane
Costa Renata
Clementino Rogerio
Almeida Luiza
Nilo Vo
Issue 3, 2007
• Page 17
The 15th edition of the Pan
American Games took place
July 14 to 29 in Rio de Janeiro,
An FEI news release
Argentina hosted the first Pan
American Games in Buenos Aires
from February 25 to March 9, 1951.
Twenty-two countries took part in 18
sports. Of the 18, four countries –
Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Mexico –
competed in the equestrian disciplines
of Dressage, Eventing and Jumping.
Not represented in the equestrian
events was the United States, who had
only one year earlier created their
civilian organization, the United States
Equestrian Team, and did not have the
means to undertake the trip south to
Pan American Games have been
held on a four-yearly basis ever since
that time and horse sport has always
been on the program.
This year more than 5,600 athletes
from 42 nations competed in 34 sports.
There were approximately 100 horse
and rider combinations of which 26
horses from 12 nations competed in
The US Dressage team was composed of three riders representing the
Stars and Stripes for the first time in a
major international championship.
The US team won the team gold medal
while Canada and Brazil won team silver and bronze respectively. Individually, the USA claimed two more
medals: gold for Christopher Hickey,
and silver for Lauren Sammis.
Team Dressage – battle for the
In spite of their inexperience, the
Americans were favoured to win the
team gold medal. Riding one of the
two youngest horses in the competition, Lauren Sammis on the eightyear-old KWPN gelding Sagacious
HF threw the gauntlet down early on
in the first of two days of team competition on July 14. Going first for her
team, she edged out the first Canadian,
Tom Dvorak in the Prix St. Georges
test that counts solely for team medals.
Her score of 70.2% would stand up to
all comers through the end of team
Dressage the following day. Her teammate Christopher Hickey also managed to finish in front of the top Canadian to place second in the Prix St.
Georges with Regent and, with help
from sixth placed Katherine PoulinNeff on Brilliant Too, brought team
gold home to the US.
mediaire I test on 16 July. After finishing second to Sammis in the Prix St.
Georges, Christopher Hickey made
good on his statement the previous day
that “we will still play nice but we are
here to fight for medals.” On Regent,
a nine-year-old KWPN gelding owned
by Brenna Kuzinski, Hickey delivered
the top ride of the day, with 69.35%.
Close on his heels was the individual
bronze medalist from 2003, Yvonne
Losos de Muñiz of the Dominican
Republic, with a score of 69.3%. Lauren Sammis, who had impressed the
five-member judging panel with her
impressive debut in the Prix St.
Georges, had a less fluid ride in the
Intermediaire I, finishing third with
68.55%. The most impressive rise up
the leader board came from Argentina’s Vera Protzen, who finished the
first half of the individual competition
in fifth place, having risen from thirteenth in the Prix St. Georges on the
fifteen-year-old KWPN gelding
Individual Dressage – USA
continues to reign
Christopher Hickey and Regent
Photo by Susan J. Stickle
Page 18
Out of 26 competitors in the team
Dressage, 25 proceeded to the first of
two individual competitions, the Inter-
• Newsletter of the KWPN-NA
Lauren Sammis and Sagacious HF
Photo by Al Guden
The top fifteen competitors from
the Intermediaire test returned on July
18 to perform the second and final
phase of the individual championship,
the Intermediaire Freestyle. Again, it
was Christopher Hickey who proved
unstoppable; despite a couple of small
errors in his difficult program a score
of 72.1% widened his lead and secured
him the individual gold. Lauren Sammis’ young horse was back on form for
the final day of competition. A score of
71.3%, combined with the result of the
Intermediaire I test, gave the US their
second individual medal, Silver.
09 - 14
11 - 14
12 - 14
18 - 27
18 - 28
20 - 21
23 - 28
25 - 28
30 - 4
Washington International Horse Show; Washington DC
California Dressage Annual Show, Region 7 USDF Regional
Championships; Woodside, CA
Region 4 USDF Regional Championships; St. Louis, MO
Approved/Licensed Stallion Activations for 2007 due
Foal Auction Dwingeloo (www.veulenveilingdwingeloo.nl)
Pennsylvania National Horse Show; Harrisburg PA
Del Mar Fall Festival; Del Mar CA
Region 3 USDF Regional Championships; Ocala, FL
Americas Championship for Young Horses (CSI-4*); Monterrey
Region 1 USDF Regional Championships; Lexington, VA
$65,000 Budweiser Grand Prix De Penn National, CSI-W; Harrisburg PA
Greater SD Hunter/Jumper Association Finals
Breeding Reports due
Reservations for Stallion Directory advertising due
01 - 04
02 - 11
Region 9 USDF Regional Championships; Katy TX
$50,000 LA National CSI-W; Burbank CA
CSI4*-W; Toronto, ON (CAN)
Final evaluation KWPN Fall Performance Test
30 - 02
KWPN Hengstenkeuring (Stallion Show); Den Bosch (NL)
On-Line Geographic Listings
for KWPN-NA Members
The KWPN-NA offers an on-line
Members’ Directory. Current members may submit any of the following
contact information for the directory:
Name, Farm Name, Address, Phone,
Mobile, Fax, E-mail, Website Address.
The directory is listed by state.
Interested parties will be able to find
you by clicking on a particular state.
After clicking on a state, the information for any member that signed up in
that state, will be listed.
Birth Declarations will be mailed to breeders
06 - 08
KWPN-NA Annual Meeting in Wellington, FL
2008 Annual Meeting
The 2008 Annual Meeting will take us back to the East Coast for another
visit to the Wellington area from March 6–8, 2008. We have great things in
store for you including a Jumper session with John (and Beezie) Madden, a
Hunter session with Geoff Teall and a Dressage session with Scot and Susanne
The hotel for the occasion is the Doubletree in Palm Beach Gardens (reservation code ‘KWPN of North America’, phone 561-622-2260. Because of the
area, rooms are more expensive this year ($165/night), so start saving your
money now!
This service is free of charge with
a current membership. Only those
members that sign up are listed. To
sign up, go to:
Issue 3, 2007
• Page 19
The sixth Markel/United States
Equestrian Federation (USEF)
National Young Horse Dressage Championship presented
by Collecting Gaits Farm was
being held in Lexington, KY.
Horses and riders from across the
country have come to the Kentucky
Horse Park for the event, which also
includes the inaugural USEF National
Developing Horse Dressage Championship sponsored by the Dutta Corporation and Performance Sales International.
The Young Horse Dressage program focuses on the promotion, the
importance of selective breeding and
the correct training of horses throughout the country, while encouraging riders, trainers and breeders of young
horses in dressage competition.
The purpose of this program is to
identify and recognize horses that have
the potential to compete at international competitions (FEI level).
(Results will be published in the next
Four-Year-Old Division (out of 20)
WATCH ME - Owner: Iron Spring Farm, Inc., Rider: Belinda Nairn-Wertman
Bay Mare (Sir Sinclair x Swensie by Wolkentanz II),
Breeder: Coormans/Triemstra (NL)
WATCH ME - Owner: Janice Agarwal, IN, Rider: Jennifer Conour
Black Gelding (Metall x Rufeera by Montecristo), Breeder: J. Timmerman (NL)
WATERLOO SE* - Owner: DG Bar Ranch & Siegi Belz-Fry, Rider: Willy Arts
Black Gelding (00 Seven x Showbiz by Jazz), Breeder: Siegi Belz-Fry (VA)
WILLA* - Owner: Elizabeth Schaffner, Rider: Jan Brons
Dark Bay Mare (Kennedy x Josien by Casanova), Breeder: E.B. Schaffner (NY)
WINNER - Owner/Rider: Reta Conner
Bay Stallion (Sir Sinclair x Inoeska by Rossini), Breeder: F. van de Poel (NL)
WOODWIND* - Owner: Natalie Bryant/DG Bar Ranch, Rider: Willy Arts
Bay Mare (Contester x Muziek by Uniform), Breeder: Natalie Bryant (MT)
Five-Year-Old Division (out of 21)
VALENTINO Owner: Stephen Burtell, Rider: Anna Burtell
Bay Gelding (Kennedy x Funera by Samber), Breeder: Gebr. van Halen (NL)
VALENTINO Owner: Christine Rivlin-Henke, Rider: Stacy Zergel
Bay Gelding (Lancet x Heria by Bustron), T.J.M. Coomans (NL)
VALESKA-DG* ** Owner: DG Bar Ranch, Rider: Willy Arts
Chestnut Mare (Krack C x Polimbria by Farrington),
Breeder: DG Bar Breeders Inc. (CA)
VALIANT - Owner: Melanie Nevins, Rider: Danielle Thomason
Bay Dutch Warmblood Gelding (Dacaprio x Rasijgje by Montecristo),
Breeder: L. Martens (NL)
VALKYRIEZ* - Owner: Melanie Pai, Rider: Elizabeth Poulin
Bay Mare (Zeoliet x Primamor by Consul),
Breeders: Timothy & Evelyn Cudd (TX)
VINDICA TOR* - Owner/Rider: Barbara Breen-Burley
Black Gelding (00 Seven x Rendezvous by Ferri), Breeder: Natalie Bryant (MT)
VINI VIDI VICI* - Owner: Tuesday Goes, Rider: Jose Luis Perez Soto
Bay Mare (Vico x Rhapsodie by Rio Negro), Breeder: Gabriele Haffner (TX)
Six-Year-Old Division (out of 19)
* Denotes US-Bred horse.
** Denotes horses short listed for the FEI
World Breeding Championships in
Verden. These horses all had an overall
score of 7.8 or better in a Markel/USEF
Young Horse Dressage selection trial
or by international qualification
according to published selection procePage 20
UB 40 ** - Owner: Iron Spring Farm, Inc., Rider: Alex Robertson
Chestnut Stallion (Olivi x Kilucienne by Michelangeo),
Breeder: A.J. van Os (NL)
UBERLINUS - Owner/Rider: Eva Oldenbroek
Bay Gelding (Metall x Nerlina by Amethist), Breeder: A. Popken- Tolner
UNITAS ** - Owner/Rider: Teresa Butta
Bay Gelding (Niagara x Nellyzoara by Harald), Breeder: A.J. de Vos
• Newsletter of the KWPN-NA
Central California turned out
for an evening with Mr. Conrad
by Renee Johnson
It was a special occasion for the
California Central Valley this past
February, when world renowned dressage master, Mr. Conrad Schumacher,
offered to be guest speaker during his
recent clinic at the farm of Renee
Johnson in Clovis, California.
Mr. Schumacher is internationally
recognized as one of the masters of
dressage training. He has coached
Olympic riders from Germany, Holland, and England – his riders earning
over 40 International Medals at the
WEG, World Cup, European Championships and the Olympics!
His training philosophies have
been embraced throughout the world.
In America, his efforts have helped
develop and establish the USDF
Young Rider training program as well
as leading many USDF trainer’s conferences and symposiums.
The California Dressage Society
engaged Mr. Schumacher in 2002 for
our CDS symposium and I had the
honor of working with him there.
Illustrating his brilliant techniques to
over 200 dressage enthusiasts, I rode
my Dutch FEI horses, Kai (aka Leekstermeer Kai; Farmer x Halekulani by
Vosmaer) and Kamuela (Rubinstein x
Faire Thee Well by Vosmaer), during
his presentation at Rancho Murrieta.
His systematic approach to training
the dressage horse develops a deep
understanding of the aids for both the
horse and rider and this was clearly
visible and appreciated by all attending.
The presentation began with the
history of dressage – a charming video
of the Spanish Riding School in Vienna played while we enjoyed an elegantly catered dinner.
An educational video from the
German National Equestrian Federation demonstrating correct riding and
use of aids was then presented - illustrating the difference between correct
and incorrect application of the hand,
leg and seat aids, not only in the basic
(flat work), but for the jumping horse
as well. It was a pleasant sight to view
such good riding on such nice horses
on a huge eight-foot screen!
Mr. Schumacher then shared some
of his insights to the canter pirouettes
with a short video made at his farm
near Frankfurt, Germany, which
showed the necessary details to develop the pirouettes – prerequisites the
horse must be capable of in order to
succeed in this difficult movement.
Once again presenting how beneficial
a systematic approach is in developing
a top class dressage horse.
As if that were not enough for our
evening, Mr. Schumacher then spoke
with us in an open forum. He discussed ideas about training the rider,
the importance of suitability of horse
to rider, about the necessary mental fitness of the rider, about commitment,
about confidence and concentration.
What a wonderful opportunity we
had to share thoughts and ideas with
such a master! A giant in the international world of dressage, Mr. Schumacher is a trainer’s trainer but willingly shares his extensive experience
and knowledge with those wanting
and willing to learn. He is about a logical and systematic approach and
reward – this develops the horse’s ability as well as its willingness to successfully perform what we ask! Developing the dressage rider is another
October, Heads Up – Please join us
when Mr. Schumacher returns this
fall! More information is available at
www.trickponies.net, or contact Renee
Johnson at 559-260-0620.
Conrad Schumacher
Mr. Conrad Schumacher has trained
young riders for USET from
1991–1995. Since 1997, he has
trained European Championship,
World Championship, and Olympic
riders including Ellen Bontje and
Sven and Gonnelien Rothenberger –
coaching them to their silver medal
team finish for the Netherlands, and
Sven to his individual bronze medal.
From 1979 to 1989 he trained the
European Young Rider Championship first-place team and individual medal winners. In all, Schumacher's students have won over 40 international medals! He was the USDF
Advanced Young Rider/Junior Rider
clinician for over 10 years and has
led the USDF Trainers Conference
multiple times.
Issue 3, 2007
• Page 21
Breeding values
Three sources of information
The performance of a horse can be
looked upon as a combination of talent
(genetic quality) and environmental
influences (training, rider, healthcare,
etc.). When looking for breeding values, only the genetic qualities are
important. After all, genes do not pass
on environmental influences to the
next generation. A breeding value is an
estimate of this genetic quality.
Three different sets of data are used
to calculate breeding values:
Comparison with the average
Breeding values compare the
genetic quality of an individual horse
to the average genetic quality of all
KWPN horses. This enables one to see
the position of a stallion or mare within the total population. The average of
the total KWPN horse population is
set at 100 points each year for every
trait. For sport traits, two thirds of all
horses have a breeding value between
80 and 120 points (the standard deviation for these traits is 20 points). A
breeding value higher than 120, therefore can be denoted as ‘above average’. The standard deviation for the
conformation traits is 4 points. A horse
with a conformation breeding value
lower than 96 or higher than 104 is
outside the norm for the population
Page 22
• parents – including all other family
• the horse itself, and
• the offspring of the horse.
For young horses only the parental
information will be available.
When horses turn three or four,
their own performances can be added
in, and will later possibly include
information on their offspring.
Information for the calculation of
breeding values for sport traits comes
from performance in sport as well as
results of performance in tests such as
the 70-Day Stallion Performance Test,
the 5-Week Mare Test and IBOPs.
Information for the calculation of
breeding values for conformation
traits comes from the linear score
sheets at the studbook inspections.
Reliability of breeding values
The more information is available,
the more reliably the breeding value
(genetic quality) of a horse can be estimated. The reliability reflects the
amount of information available for
the calculation. If the reliability
exceeds 60 – 70% the breeding value
has a satisfactory level of reliability.
Breeding values with lower reliabilities can change relatively quickly as
new information is added.
• Newsletter of the KWPN-NA
Issue 3, 2007
• Page 23
Page 24
• Newsletter of the KWPN-NA