Easter Fair - Barwon Heads Primary School
Easter Fair - Barwon Heads Primary School
Barwon Heads Primary School ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ 1574 Newsletter 10 March 2016 th Term Dates: Term 1: 1 February to 24 March (as 25 March is public holiday) Term 2: 11 April to 24 June Term 3: 11 July to 16 September Term 4: 3 October to 20 December (Tuesday) Important Dates: 14/3/16: Labour Day Public Holiday 15/3/16: Grade 3 Science night 6:30 pm -8:00 pm 16/3/16: Grade 2 Rock Pool Ramble Excursion 17/3/16: Whole School Cross Country 17/3/16: School Council Meeting 18/3/16: Grade 5 Oberon Visit 18/3/16: Junior Environmental Leaders conference for Festival of the Sea 26/3/16: Easter Fair & Sheepwash Classic Fun Run 22/3/16: Regional Swimming 23/3/16: Division Golf 25/3/16: Good Friday Public Holiday 13/4/16: School Photo Day 27/4/16: District Cross Country 13/5/16: Lighting Premiership – Grade 5 – 6 13/6/16: Queens Birthday Public Holiday 10/8/16 – 12/8/16: Grade 6 Camp 19/8/16: District Basketball Please note that on the last day of Term (Thursday 24th March) (There will be an early lunch at 1.00 pm an early Assembly at 2.00 pm and an early dismissal at 2.30 pm. Barwon Heads Primary School Phone: 5254 2324 Fax: 5254 3073 Website: www.bhps.vic.edu.au Email: barwon.heads.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Compass Website: https://bhps.vic.jdlf.com.au/ A Word from Our Principal In 2015 we trailed ‘Live Reporting’ through our COMPASS program for our grade 6 students. Tomorrow will be the first time our entire school will go LIVE with all teachers providing feedback to students (and Parents) on a learning task. Please take the time to read through the teacher comments with your child. We welcome and encourage parents to make a LIVE comment online as well. Please read further into this newsletter for more information and access instructions. BHPS Family Picnic @ school What a fantastic turn up we had for the family picnic last Thursday. In ideal conditions families were able to share some time and space, and maybe some food and drink as children occupied themselves with ease in the school environment. The grade 6 students certainly did a great job coordinating and running activities for those who were interested. Others were just as content hanging out with their school friends. Over 400 icy poles were handed out which indicated we had over 600 members of our school community onsite. The Lions Club were typically supportive in donating the use of the BBQ for the grade 6 sausages. Easter Fair We are now desperately seeking parent volunteers to fill the holes for the planned events. If you are able to help please contact our Easter Fair coordinator – Sarah Jackson. wjackson2@bigpond.com Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence. School Council 2016 Our newly formed school council will meet next Thursday at 6pm. Office bearers will be selected at this meeting. Steve Copland Cathy Crane Severine Gearon Megan Allender Georgie Imhoff Matt Walsh Warren Jackson Simon Quirk Darren Roskosch Maureen Cross Linda Jordan Lisa Kebbell Robyn Booth Dogs in the yard during school hours Please be reminded that for the wellbeing and safety of students and parents dogs are not permitted to be on school grounds during school hours by order of the Barwon Heads School Council. Please note that this decision is based on our council’s responsibility for risk management in our school, ensuring a safe environment for our students, staff and community. Please also note that it is not appropriate to tether dogs to our school fence, particular at the entrances to the school. It would be much appreciated if all school community members (particularly parents) could remind or inform individuals who may not be aware of this requirement. Mr Darren Roskosch Principal “YOU CAN DO IT AWARDS” 00A 00B 00C 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 2C 3A 3B 34C 4A 4B 5A 5B 56C 6A 6B Chelsea L Ruby T Arabella A Abby S Mason P Claudi C Fergus A Ava J Ivy H Pernille H Livvy D Banjo R Zane K Quinn J Jarrah A Ella F Grace C Nell O Molly B Joey D Mads H Louis F Elijah D Livinia H Baye P Emma B Hudson G Alby J Miller S Angus B Calum P Marley C Jemima H Sara D Oran H Eva D Anna H Lucia V Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence. LIVE REPORTING AT BARWON HEADS PRIMARY SCHOOL After consideration of feedback from parents we have reviewed our reporting processes at BHPS and subsequently will be introducing live reporting in 2016. After a successful trial and evaluation of “LIVE reporting” with the grade six students in 2015, we are now ready to implement this new and innovative process across the whole school. We will continue to use the COMPASS platform as our reporting program. As a key part of this change, teachers will be providing parents and students with regular feedback based on learning tasks that are completed in the classroom throughout the term, as opposed to a previous semester report. Teachers will assess students based on specific criteria and provide written comments (areas of success and areas for improvement) several times each term. Parents will be able to log onto Compass at any time to read these comments as soon as they are published. Parents will also be encouraged to submit feedback based on their children’s work on Compass. At the end of each semester, teachers will still provide AusVELS progression points for all curriculum areas and a general comment for each student. All year levels have planned, administered, and assessed the first Learning Task for students. The first Learning Task across the school is a maths activity. Later in the term, students will complete a writing Learning Task. It is important to remember that a Learning Task is an indication of how a student is progressing in that particular area of the curriculum at that time. It is a snapshot of learning. The work the students produce will either be: Progressing towards achieving the learning outcome. Proficient at the learning outcome. At an Advanced level that exceeds the learning outcome. Please note: Learning outcomes are expected to be achieved (proficient) by the end of a school year. All students will have a personalised comment based on their individual performance in their maths task published on Compass tomorrow Friday 11th February. Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence. To access students’ feedback on Compass 1. Log in to Compass https://bhps.vic.jdlf.com.au/ using your username and password. 2. Your home screen will appear with your child/ren listed on the left hand side. Click on “Profile”. 3. The screen below will appear with your child’s profile. Click on “Learning Tasks”. A list of your child’s tasks will appear for you to read. Click on the title of the task. The first screen is the “Task Details” tab, which outlines the task the students completed. Click on “Feedback” to view the comment written by the teacher. A panel on the right titled “Conversation” allows you to make a comment. Student’s Name Student’s Photo If you are experiencing difficulties with this process, or don’t have access to an online facility, please contact your child’s teacher or the office. We have a computer set up at school for you to use if required. Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence. EasteEaster Fair & Sheepwash Classic Fun Run 26th March 2016 Rides Tickets - Early Bird Offer! Unlimited rides tickets will be available for presale at the front office for an early bird price of $28. On the day of the Fair unlimited ride tickets will be $34. Easter Fair Roster Please click on the link Easter Fair Roster to open and add your name if you wish to volunteer your help! Thank you to all who have popped there name down on the roster to help on the day. The more help the better! All help is greatly appreciated! Sheepwash Classic Fun Run Registrations are open and well underway for the Sheep wash Classic Fun Run. Please see the link below to register for the Sheepwash Classic Fun Run. Register online and save: registration: https://www.registernow.com.au/secure/Register.aspx?E=19966 Barwon Heads Bazaar The donations are flooding in - thanks so much to our generous community. You'll be amazed at some of the quirky and unique items that will be on offer - we have even been offered a coffin (unused), which we have had to sadly decline. BUT there is still plenty of space for your excellent pre-loved and home made goods (coffins excluded). We'd love books, clothes, home wares, crafts and treasures. Please drop your donations at the shipping container at BHPS (next to the gym) each Wednesday between 3.30pm and 4.15 pm or at the office any time. Exciting new food offerings this year As well as our traditional offerings of beautiful BBQ food, donuts, lollies and of course Devonshire teas, keep an eye out this year for new treats such as Mitzy's delicious sushi, Streets ice creams, rice paper rolls and Vietnamese-style coleslaw. Cakes & Preserves stall Thanks to all who have picked up jars, sugar labels and sterilisation & labelling instructions from the office. We still have many more jars to fill so please come and grab some! Don't forget, preserves can mean more than just jam - a big batch of lemon curd would be a big hit, with each jar raising at least $7 for our school. Fudgy Brownies (makes 24 portions) 250g butter 370g dark chocolate 2 cups caster sugar 4 teaspoons vanilla 4 eggs (lightly whisked) 2 cups plain flour Preheat oven to 180 degrees Melt chocolate & butter in microwave Stir in other ingredients Pour into baking tray lined with foil Cook 30 - 40 min Turn out & slice when cool. Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence. EASTER FAIR TOFFEE RECIPE – Lolly Stall Toffees are very popular on the Lolly stall and are simple to make and fun for the kids to help with too. INGREDIENTS -3 Cups sugar -1 Cup water -1/4 Cup brown vinegar METHOD 1. Combine sugar, water and vinegar in a saucepan and stir over low heat until sugar has dissolved. 2. Increase heat until boiling rapidly. Boil without stirring, for 15 minutes or until a small amount of mixture will crack when dropped into cold water 3. Remove toffee from heat, allow bubbles to subside, then pour into paper patty cases 4. Decorate with hundreds and thousands, coconut etc. 5. Bring to the Lolly stall on the day of the Fair or to school in the days before the Fair. Lemon Curd (multiply recipe as required) 100g unsalted butter, chopped 1 1/2 cups caster sugar 1 tablespoon finely grated lemon rind 1/3 cup lemon juice 2 eggs, lightly beaten Step 1: Place butter, sugar, lemon rind and lemon juice in a heatproof bowl. Place bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, making sure the bowl doesn't touch the water. Cook, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, for 5 minutes or until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat. Whisk in eggs. Return to heat. Step 2: Cook, stirring with a wooden spoon, for 8 minutes or until mixture thickens and coats the back of the spoon. Remove from heat. Set aside for 5 minutes to cool. Step 3: Strain into hot, sterilised jars. Secure lids. Refrigerate for up to 1 month. Keep an eye out for empty cake plates coming home with each family towards the end of term. We would love to receive them back filled with baked awesomeness on Good Friday. Don't forget, The mighty Barwon Heads Primary School cookbook 'Word of Mouth' contains over 40 tried and tested recipes for cakes, brownies, biscuits & slices. Who can resist Mrs Kebbell’s fudgy brownie recipe (page 127), which took out the illustrious grade 1/2 brownie taste test? Split them into 4 packs of 6 and we can raise about $30 for the school. Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence. BHPS Superstars Emily Benson, Neisha Brooks, Alex Batchelor, Indi Schwartz, Joseph Cincotta, Will Mcateer, Daniel Griffin and Billy Griffin all competed for their Bellarine Storm Teams over the weekend in the Colac Country Basketball Tournament. The Under 12 boys made it into the grand final and the Under 12 girls went undefeated winning Division 2. Well done to all of them, they all performed very well 🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀 Bellarine Division Swimming On Friday the 4th of March the following students represented the school in the Bellarine Division Swimming Carnival held at Kardinia pool in Geelong. 9/10 Girls 9/10 Boys Mackenzie F Indi S Pippi M Greta J Molly N Finn J Remy R Byron F Will D Isaiah N Harvey G 11 Girls 11 Boys Ginger S Jema H Tara S Georgia B 12/13 Girls Finn Cornell Samuel Lo Valentin R Murphy M Will McDonald Leo B 12/13 B Summer M Hero P Caitlin D Jazmine S Ava J Jack G Charlie F Cooper S Billy G Romy N All students had a fantastic day and their results were amazing. Our 9/10 boys and 11 girls relay teams finished first and will now compete at the Regional Swimming on Tuesday the 22nd of March. Charlie F also finished first in his breaststroke event, which sends him onto Regionals as well. We had some other excellent results throughout the day, which shows what great swimmers we have here at Barwon Heads Primary. Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence.
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