First Press - First Presbyterian Church of Wheaton


First Press - First Presbyterian Church of Wheaton
January 2016
First Press
Together we Celebrate, Journey & Serve
A Letter From
Pastor Dave
What’s Inside:
Announcements, Thank You
Page 2
One never knows when the
Holy Spirit will show up.
Adult Education, New
Member Classes
Page 3
It was in the middle of a Human Resources
meeting. We were talking about all
the positions that were open on our
staff—Senior Pastor/Head of Staff, Youth
Director, Music Director. “Eegads!”
someone said, “all at the same time!” One
of the HR members, who also serves on
the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC),
said “A vision is being formed; we need
to find out what it is; and find the pastor
who is totally in synch with it.” Another
committee member said, “Isn’t it spelled
out in the Book of Acts somewhere?—one,
two, three, four, five.” “Yes!, “ I said, “it’s in
Acts 2.”
Children & Youth
Page 4
WF News
Page 5
Preschool, Fellowship
Page 6
FPC Book Club, Mission
Page 7
Zomi Christmas
Page 8
Page 9
The truth is, I hadn’t thought of that
passage for some time. It is one of
the most strategic passages in all
scripture. It describes the early Church
that emerged when the Holy Spirit was
given. But for some reason, this most
obvious place “to find out what it is” (the
vision, that is), had not occurred to me. I
had not connected the dots until it was
mentioned at the committee meeting.
I have a friend in ministry who used to
say as he went in to a routine committee
meeting, “O God, tonight make something
happen that is not printed in the agenda.”
When he went in to a worship service, he
would pray, “Lord, please, this Sunday
bring your presence to us in something not
printed in the bulletin.” We went
on with the business of our meeting,
but the Holy Spirit had visited us.
I went home that night, eager to look
up that passage from the Book of
Acts. Here is how the early Church
is described, Acts 2:42-44:
They devoted themselves to the
Apostles’ Teaching [i.e. our New
Testament], and Fellowship [i.e.
small groups/house gatherings], to
the Breaking of Bread and the prayers
[i.e. Worship/Lord’s Supper]. Awe
came upon everyone, because many
wonders and signs were being done
by the apostles [today we call these
“God sightings,”sharing where we
have seen God amazingly at work].
All who believed were together
and had all things in common
[i.e. caring for one another].
Page 1 • January 2016
Now, watch this: when the Pastor Nominating Committee
wrote the Mission Information Form that would catch
the attention of pastors around the country who are
considering a new Call, here are excerpts from their
first two paragraphs in response to the question:
“What is your congregation’s vision for ministry?”
Our vision is inspired by Scripture [echo: the
Apostles’ Teaching]. We hold the assurance
that God’s word is alive through the revelation
of the Holy Spirit. We are called to be the
body of Christ, seeking to be transformed
by Christ’s love through Bible Study and sharing
the gospel in our homes [echo: Fellowship
happening in small group house gatherings],
through uplifting Worship that honors and
delights God, and through caring and
loving relationships.
The convergence is notable; particularly considering
that the Acts 2 description of the early Church was
not one of the scriptures that PNC had noted, nor one
that was noted in our two Congregational Listening
Sessions. Nevertheless, as the PNC pored over notes
from the table discussions of our members, sought to
affirm a biblical vision, and considered how to express
our current mission statement, “Together we celebrate,
journey, and serve,” this is what they came up with.
Thank You, God! You are shaping a vision. This new
year, may You show us how You are fulfilling it!
Music Director Update
When David Lincoln announced his plans to accept
a new position in LaGrange beginning January 1, the
Human Resources Committee met to make plans for
a smooth transition. In consultation with the choir and
Pastor Dave, they agreed a search should commence
as soon as possible for a part time Interim Director of
Music. The search for a new permanent Director will
have to wait for the new Head Pastor to be called.
The committee is comprised of Cindy Bass, Beth Burgess,
Paul Burgess, Nancy Cinatl, Georgia Hamilton, Dan
Spiegel, Steve Van Oss, chair; Pastor Dave, staff advisor.
Two good candidates have been interviewed, and
plans for a Westminster Choir rehearsal “audition”
are being scheduled for early in the new year.
Georgia Hamilton has agreed to direct the choir
for a few rehearsals and services until an interim
is selected. Doug Zimmer has agreed to fulfill the
organ responsibilities for three months. Paul Burgess
will continue as accompanist for Westminster Choir
and be the point person to assure the pieces are in
place for each service, until an interim is selected.
Many thanks to all those who are working together
in this major transition in our music program. May
our best wishes and prayers continue with David
Lincoln as he goes to offer his considerable gifts to St.
John’s Lutheran Church and School in LaGrange.
--Interim Pastor Dave Handley
Together We Journey
Chancel Flowers
Do you enjoy the flower arrangements in the chancel?
There are opportunitites for chancel flowers in 2016.
The Following dates are available for next year:
January 10, 17, and 31, February 7
April 17, May 29, July 24, and October 30
If you are interested in having flowers in the sanctuary
please contacat Mary Burge at or
(630) 665-7623. The cost is either $45 or $60 and may be
given in memory of a loved one or for any special occasion.
Page 2 • January 2016
Thank You
I wish to express my sincere thanks to all of you for the
wonderful reception you held in my honor on Sunday,
December 20. Some good memories, music, laughs, and
many very thoughtful cards and gifts were shared and so
very appreciated by Nancy, Alexis and myself. Many great
Worship experiences will be cherished by me always.
A special note of deep thanks to all of wonderful volunteers
that are at First Presbyterian Church, in every capacity – you are the ones making these memories possible.
I wish First Presbyterian Church every good thing
now and as you move forward with God’s work.
God’s Peace,
David A. Lincoln
(630) 655 2124
I am writing to thank so many people at First Pres who
helped me cope with Harv’s illness and death this past
summer. It was so comforting to know my church family
was praying for him and our family. The Care Cards, phone
calls, visits, and many other acts of kindness and love truly
made a difference in our lives. This journey would have
been much more difficult without the support of our church.
Linda Wischnowski
We want to thank everyone at Frist Pres for all the
care cards and sympathy cards that were sent to
us following the loss of my brother Mark. We are
so thankful for our wonderful church family.
Nancy & Jim Gambaiani
Per Capita – Assisting
Presbyterians Nationwide
All churches are asked to support and contribute to the
ministries of the larger church of PCUSA.
Per Capita helps Churches in the following ways:
• Help congregations with pastoral transitions
• Training and support for interim ministers
• Resolve congregational conflicts
• Care for ministers, Christian Educators and their families
• Help prepare people for service as ordained ministers
You can help First Pres to meet this Per Capita
commitment by making a contribution of $33.00 for each
church member in your family in addition to your regular
giving. The total Church contribution for our church
membership in 2016 will be over $40,000. For more
information you can go to http://www.chicagopresbytery.
org. Please make your check out to First Presbyterian
Church and note in the memo line that your check is for the
Per Capita contribution or you can contribute online
General Assembly $ 7.12
Synod $ 3.81
Presbytery of Chicago $ 22.07
Total = $ 33.00 for each church member in your family
Adult Education
Together We Journey
Adult Education
Meeting Jesus in the Gospel According to Mark
Resuming January 3 with Pastor Dave
10:00 a.m. in the Living Room
Our Pastor Said Whaaat?
Would you like to have a cup of coffee and a donut, while
casually discussing Sunday’s sermon? Our pastors are
providing questions related to their Sunday sermon to
facilitate a deeper discussion during the Education Hour.
This casual class is facilitated by Denny Lawson in SH 101.
Women’s Monthly
Bible Study
Join us on the first Tuesday of the month at 10:00
a.m. as Pastor Kyle leads the PW/Horizon Bible Study
called Come to the Waters. We meet in the Living
Room. Call the Church Office to order a book ($8).
Our next meeting is on January 5.
Members Classes
In January we will offer a two-session class for anyone
interested in joining First Presbyterian Church. The
classes will be in the Living Room at First Pres. Childcare
is available upon arrangement with the Church Office.
Class Dates:
Sunday, January10, 10:00 -10:45 a.m.
Sunday, January17, 10:00 -10:45 a.m.
Participants are asked to attend both sessions.
For more information contact the Church
Office at (630) 668-5147.
Page 3 • January 2016
Children & Youth
Together We Journey
Children’s News
Sunday School
Sunday School lessons for January for pre-school
through grade 5:
January 3: Follow the Star (Matthew 2:1-12)
January 10: Jesus Is Baptized (Luke 3:1-22)
January 17: Jesus Chooses (Luke 4:1-13)
January 24: Jesus Brings Good News (Luke 4:14-30)
January 31: Jesus Heals (Luke 4:38-44)
Second Semester of LOGOS Begins January 6.
Do you know a family who you want to invite? Come
join us! 2nd semester begins January 6. $75.00 for the
remainder of the year. Contact Lynn Nuzzo or Mary Kinsey
for more information
LOGOS in 2016
Come join us this semester
($76) for a weekly night of fun!
Our themes this month are:
1/6 - Blizzard Bash
1/13 - Pajama Night-wear your PJ’s!
1/20 - Chinese New Year
1/27 - Happy Birthday – bring
Birthday supplies for the Humanitarian Service Project
Children’s Ministry
Genesis News
Sunday, February 7 at 12:00pm Lynn Nuzzo will be leading a workshop for children in first grade through 5th
grade with their parents. (Next year it will be offered to the
first grade class and their parents on an annual basis)
The workshop will help children and their paents learn
about the sacraments of the church together. First graders
are now old enough to begin to understand what the act
of taking communion is and why we share this sacrament
Sunday School
The children will also learn about Baptism, how to look up
a verse in the Bible and explore many Christian symbols of
the church to discover how they fit into the worship service and our everyday lives. Mark your calendar to join us
for lunch and some interactive learning as we explore the
sacraments together! Watch for more details coming soon.
Vacation Bible School/
Service Squad
Save the Date!
VBS will take place
on June 13 – 17.
Page 4 • January 2016
Sunday School lessons for January for grade 6:
January 3: Entering the Promised Land
January 10: Faithfulness in a Foreign Culture
(Mary on the Retreat)
January 17: A Non-Jewish Ancestor of David
(Mary in Florida)
January 24: The Judges of Israel
January 31: No Sunday School, one worship service,
potluck lunch and annual meeting afterwards.
Sunday School lessons for January for grade 7:
January 3: Jesus is Headed for Trouble
January 10: To Jerusalem
January 17: Their Last Supper Together
and Our Special Passover Feast
January 24: Tried and Sentenced
January 31: No Sunday School
Sunday School lessons for January for grade 8:
January 3: “Jesus Teaches and Heals” (Gospels, continued)
January 10: “I Know the Gospels” Game Day
January 17: “ACTionS of the Apostles” - The Book of ACTS
January 24: “I Know the Early Church” Pictionary Game
January 31: No Sunday School Winter Xtreme!
Middle Schoolers get ready for Winter Xtreme! Mark
your calendars, get your forms in and don’t miss
this amazing weekend, January 8-10th, 2016.
Enjoy tubing, tobogganing, broomball tournament, snowball
fights, ziplining*, horseback riding*, cross country skiing,
snowshoeing, nature center, leathershop, Acorns, karaoke,
four chapel sessions with the fantastic band Arbor Vitae
and speaker Jason Raitz. Two nights, five meals, and
two snack attacks all for $105.00. Forms are in the mail,
online and in the church office. Reserve your spot ASAP.
Questions? Contact Mary Kinsey 630-668-5147 x20.
WF News
Weekly Events
WF (6-8:15 pm): 1/3, 1/10, 1/17, 1/24,
no wf on 1/31 due to the retreat
Sunday AM (9:45-10:35 am): 1/3, 1/10,
1/17, 1/24-Hot Breakfast
Agape/Adelphoi (6:30-8 pm):
1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27
SALT (8-9 pm): 1/20, 2/3
Praise Band (8-9 pm): 1/6, 1/27
Progressive Dinner Recap
We had a wonderful
Progressive Dinner in
December. I want to extend
a HUGE thank you to all
the host homes and all
those that provided our
delicious food -we could
not have done it without
you! The rain did not
dampen our holiday spirits
or keep anyone away! The
turnout for the event was
amazing, and it was clear
by the smiles on all the faces, that everyone enjoyed
being together at this annual celebration!
Our holiday festivities were capped off by a visit from
jolly old St. Nick, and the revealing of the 2016 Mission
trip location – to Elizabeth City, North Carolina!! We
also made a presentation of gifts to Derrick in thanks
for his excellent leadership of WF over these past six
months. One of these gifts was a large canvas photo
of our church’s steeple on the night of a full moon – a
perfect melding of Derrick’s love for God grown at his
home church and his passion for all things astronomy.
Psalm 100 was written on the back, and all present were
invited to sign and write their farewell wishes on it.
The adult volunteers for our high school ministry are
outstanding, and the kids are each amazing in their own
ways. With all of us pulling together, the program will
remain as strong as ever! Please be in prayer for the
search committee as they have such an important task
to complete, and while you’re at it - prayers for the WF
students and adult leaders would also be appreciated!
WF Winter Retreat
January 29-30, 2016
The winter retreat at Timber-Lee is such an awesome
time of outdoor fun, fellowship and amazing worship!
Watch for emails with complete details…
Space is limited, so reserve your spot ASAP!
Questions? Contact Nancy Goodwin at
Page 5 • January 2016
As preschool teachers we have the privilege of sharing in
the magic of the advent season through the eyes of the
children in our classrooms. In December, we watched as
the enthusiasm and expectation climbed with each passing
day. The children sang carols, toured the Church counting
Christmas trees, and re-enacted the nativity story.
Thank you to Lynn Nuzzo for coming into our classrooms
to share the Christmas story with our students. And thank
you to David Lincoln who helped to teach our students and
teachers how to play the bells for our holiday concert. What
a wonderful way to celebrate the season watching their
faces light up as they rang the bells and shared the wonder
of the season in song.
Thank you to our preschool families who donated to our
collection for World Relief’s early childhood center. We
were happy to deliver laundry baskets full of supplies along
with three brand new bicycles to World Relief who has
been hit hard by the Illinois budget impasse.
This month, all of our classrooms will begin new units of
learning and new skills will be emphasized. January begins
a shift in our classrooms to higher levels of learning and
content along with higher expectations and goals for the
children. Our two year olds will be learning about winter
and beginning their transportation unit. The three year olds
will begin using scissors for the first time as they have fun
exploring the season of winter. The four year olds will be
embarking on their phonics unit and the Pre-K class will
begin a unit on Antarctica. The Kindergarten Enrichment
class will be travelling from France to China to learn about
this ancient and fascinating culture.
Victory Preschool Sports camp finished their first session
of soccer kids in December and they begin a new Hoops
camp with our preschoolers this month.
Kindergarten Readiness
On Monday, January 25th from 7-8:30pm, at Westminster
Preschool in Glen Ellyn. First Pres Preschool is co-hosting
a Kindergarten Readiness panel with First Presbyterian
Glen Ellyn’s Westminster preschool. All First Pres
preschool and Church families as well as all Wheaton
community families are welcome and encouraged to
attend. The panel includes public and private Kindergarten
teachers from Wheaton and Glen Ellyn and is always a
wealth of information.
First Light Men’s
Breakfast and Discussion, Saturdays at 7:00 a.m.
THE CHURCH: Why Bother? The Nature, Purpose, &
Functions of the Local Church provides clear biblical
instruction. Please contact:
Denny Lawson at
to be sure we have enough bacon for all.
Women’s Ministry
Join the Ladies of First Pres at the Alive Center
Date/Time: January 7 at 10:00am
Alive Center, 500 West 5th Avenue, Naperville
Feeling too busy? Stressed out? Do you feel like you need
to slow down and connect for the new year? Meditation
is simply a tool to quiet the mind. Join the ladies of First
Pres for a guided meditation to learn different techniques
from a variety of teachers. No experience needed.
RSVP to Sharon Carroll (630-880-1868 call or text) by
January 5 and pay at the door, cost $10 per person.
Optional lunch after at Jason's Deli on Freedom Drive.
RUSH Small Group
RUSH (Rise Up Shine on Him) Small Group is a couples
small group that meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday
evenings in the Library of the Parish House. New
couples are aways welcome. For more information,
please contact Cerena Fischer at 630-289-4942.
Reminders from
John Norton, the new Communications Coordinator at First
Pres is looking forward to working with the Staff and the
Congregation. Reminders:
Event planning and publicity should begin 3 months prior
to the event date. The guidelines can be found at on our
website at
Church Life Sunday Announcements are due the Tuesday
prior to the Sunday the ad will run (earlier would be appreciated) and Newsletter articles are due the 15th of the prior
Page 6 • January 2016
FPC Book Club
For January your FPC book
club will be reading, “A Tale for
the Time Being’ by Ruth Ozeki.
It takes place in Tokyo, where
a sixteen-year-old Nao has
decided there’s only one escape
from her aching loneliness and
her classmates’ bullying. But
before she ends it all, Nao first
plans to document the life of her
great grandmother, a Buddhist
nun who’s lived more than a
century. A diary is Nao’s only
solace—and will touch lives in
ways she can scarcely imagine.
Across the Pacific is Ruth, a novelist living on a remote
island who discovers a collection of artifacts washed
ashore in a Hello Kitty lunchbox—possibly debris
from the devastating 2011 tsunami. As the mystery of
its contents unfolds, Ruth is pulled into the past, into
Nao’s drama and her unknown fate, and forward into
her own future. This is a great book, and It is long so
start reading and meet with us on Thursday, January
28th at 7:00 p.m., in the Parish House living room.
Questions? Contact Mary Kinsey 630-668-5147 x20.
Together We Serve
Roseland Community
“Good News” Update
A very special ten year old girl in our congregation did not
want gifts for her birthday party, but instead asked her
friends to bring donations for the children at Roseland
“Good News” Day Care Center! They brought seven knit
hats, seven pair of mittens and 136 diapers to the party.
While at the party, for a project, the girls tied three large
fleece blankets for the Day Care families. I just wanted you
to know about this precious child and her heart for mission!!
Christmas Sharing is one of the mission projects of our
church that just keeps giving and giving. Following
our guests’ time of shopping, we were able to pick
thirteen large plastic bags of clothing and two boxes
of coats to take to Ms. Pearl at Roseland. We also
took a large bag of new toys and a box of books for
the children. Ms Pearl was thrilled to get the things!
When we took our overloaded car of donations to “Good
News” Day Care Center, we met a group from Arlington,
Texas, who were helping in the Day Care this week. They
were all having fun with the children. They will also visit
Chicago public school to hand out teddy bears to children.
The students will also help Ms Pearl deliver new baby
gifts to teen moms in the hospital at Christmas and share
their faith with them. These college aged students from
a Baptist college in Texas are getting fully immersed in
the Roseland community. What they are missing this
week, though, is the snow they were hoping to see!
Our continuing mission project to Roseland “Good News”
Day Care Center involves collecting hats, mittens, coats,
clothing, blankets (twin or larger), diapers, wipes or just
about anything you might care to donate! Please bring
your things to the rotunda coatroom marked Roseland.
Thank you for your ongoing support of this mission!
Questions, please call Jan Foster at 630-653-2612.
Abraham’s Children
Thank-you and God Bless to
all those who have supported
Abraham’s Children over
the past 20 years!
2015- What a year this
has been! It began with
a 13-Day Holy Land
Pilgrimage in March,
when we set our plans for sending medical equipment
to Nazareth Hospital (Presbyterian-founded in 1861).
Followed-by an anonymous donation to totally fund
a separate shipment to Holy Family Hospital, also in
Followed-by an anonymous donation of matching funds for
the Nazareth Hospital effort.
Followed-by a shipment of beds and stretchers reaching
Holy Family in September.
Followed-by a Church event October 17 featuring the head
of Nazareth Hospital, Dr. Bishara Bisharat.
Followed-by a 3-state fund-raising road-show reaching
other engaged Christian groups. Matching funds goal
Followed-by the Nazareth Hospital shipment of beds and
stretchers arriving this month.
Followed-by: wait till you see what we have planned for
2016! Come to either service January 17th to learn more.
Page 7 • January 2016
PERMIT # 6003
715 N Carlton Ave
Wheaton, IL 60187
Return Service Requested
February newsletter submissions are due by January 15. Email them to
This is a monthly publication. If you move please call the church office with your new address.
Christmas with Our
Zomi Friends
We celebrated Christmas with our Zomi friends
with a pot luck meal, singing and a gift exchange.
Thank you to everyone who made it a special
day with their presence, gifts and food!
Page 8 • January 2016
January 2016
Happy New Year
9:00AM Zomi Prayer Mtg
12:00PM Zomi Praise Band
8:45AM Worship
10:00AM Education for All
11:00AM Worship
12:15PM Pastoral Nom Comm
1:00PM Zomi Worship
6:00PM WF - Youth Group
1:00PM Genesis Team Meeting
4:30PM Kopian Soccer
6:45PM Music Search Comm
6:45PM Troop 23
7:00PM Stephen Ministry
10:00AM Women's Bible Study
11:30AM Staff Meeting
2:00PM Yoga
7:00PM Board of Deacons
7:00PM Arakawa Baseball
1:00PM SPA
6:30PM WF Guys Small Group
6:30PM WF Girls Small Group
7:00PM Chix with Stix
7:00PM RUSH Small Group
8:00PM WF Band Rehearsal
10:00AM Meditation Exp
6:00PM Troop 23 Leaders
6:30PM Pack 63 Den Meetings
6:45PM Kopian Soccer
7:00PM AV Team Meeting
7:00PM Pastoral Nom Comm
7:00PM Christ Care-D Lambert
7:30PM Westminster Choir
9:30AM Sarah Circle
4:00PM Kopian Soccer
4:30PM Genesis Retreat Leaves
6:30PM Wheaton Comm Radio
7:00AM First Light Mens
9:00AM Williams Baseball
9:00AM Zomi Prayer Mtg
10:00AM Memorial Service
12:00PM Zomi Praise Band
8:45AM Worship
9:45AM New Members Class
10:00AM Education for All
11:00AM Worship
12:15PM Pastoral Nom Comm
1:00PM Zomi Worship
2:00PM Genesis Retreat Returns
6:00PM WF Study Break
4:30PM Kopian Soccer
6:45PM Troop 23
7:00PM Office & Finance
7:00PM Joy Circle
9:00AM Ruth Circle
11:30AM Staff Meeting
4:30PM Victory Sports
6:45PM Kopian Soccer
7:00PM Worship Planning
6:30PM WF Girls Small Group
6:30PM WF Guys Small Group
7:30PM WF Christ Care -Rich
9:30AM Grace Circle
9:30AM Children's Ministry
4:30PM Victory Sports
6:30PM Pack 63 Den Meetings
6:45PM Kopian Soccer
7:00PM Scout Dist Round Table
7:30PM Westminster Choir
9:00AM Clergy Comm Practice
4:00PM Kopian Soccer
7:00AM First Light Mens
9:00AM Zomi Prayer Mtg
12:00PM Zomi Praise Band
8:45AM Worship
9:45AM Chix with Stix
9:45AM New Members Class
10:00AM Education for All
11:00AM Worship
12:15PM Pastoral Nom Comm
1:00PM Zomi Worship
6:00PM WF - Youth Group
8:45AM Worship
10:00AM Education for All
11:00AM Worship
12:15PM Pastoral Nom Comm
1:00PM Zomi Worship
6:00PM WF - Youth Group
Church Offices Closed
12:00PM Next Chapter Sm Grp
4:30PM Kopian Soccer
6:45PM Troop 23
7:00PM Stephen Ministry
11:30AM Staff Meeting
2:00PM Yoga
4:30PM Victory Sports
6:45PM Kopian Soccer
7:00PM Mission Committee
7:00PM Communications
7:30PM Human Resources
4:30PM Victory Sports
6:00PM Pinewood Derby
6:45PM Kopian Soccer
7:00PM Christ Care-D Lambert
7:30PM Westminster Choir
9:30AM Sarah Circle
4:00PM Kopian Soccer
7:00AM First Light Mens
9:00AM Williams Baseball
9:00AM Zomi Prayer Mtg
9:00AM Pinewood Derby
12:00PM Zomi Praise Band
4:30PM Victory Sports
6:45PM Troop 23
7:00PM Prayer Shawl Ministry
11:30AM Staff Meeting
2:00PM Yoga
4:30PM Victory Sports
6:45PM Kopian Soccer
7:00PM Session
9:30AM Hannah Circle
1:00PM Elizabeth/Rebecca Cir
1:30PM SPA
6:30PM WF Guys Small Group
6:30PM WF Girls Small Group
7:00PM RUSH Small Group
8:00PM WF Leadership - SALT
6:30PM WF Guys Small Group
6:30PM WF Girls Small Group
7:30PM WF Christ Care -Rich
8:00PM WF Band Rehearsal
4:30PM Victory Sports
6:45PM Kopian Soccer
7:00PM Buildings & Grounds
7:00PM FPC Book Club
7:30PM Westminster Choir
4:00PM Kopian Soccer
5:30PM WF Retreat Leaves
6:30PM AA
7:00AM First Light Mens
9:00AM Williams Baseball
9:00AM Zomi Prayer Mtg
12:00PM Zomi Praise Band
10:00AM Worship
11:00AM Pot Luck / Cong Mtg
1:00PM Zomi Worship
2:00PM WF Retreat Returns