October 2014 Newsletter Fall/Winter Bible Studies


October 2014 Newsletter Fall/Winter Bible Studies
October 2014
An Interdenominational Church
Fall/Winter Bible Studies
Begin Sunday, October 5th (unless noted)
Classes are open to anyone and you are welcome to join or visit a Bible Study anytime.
Please come and join us for these enlightening and inspiring studies.
Sunday Morning Bible Studies
Sunday Bible Studies:
8:30 AM to 9:00 AM - Coeducational Class
The Books of 2 Samuel , 1 & 2 Kings – we continue our journey through the Old Testament. This class
lasts 30 minutes and is designed for those who may have time constraints and/or want a fundamental Bible
Study. (Darrell West) Chapel/Choir Room
9:30 AM to 10:30 AM - Coeducational Classes
1 & 2 Thessalonians – “Be Ready. Living in the Light of Christ’s Return”
During his life and ministry, Christ assured the apostles that He would one day return for His people. But
how should this future event affect our lives today? In 1 & 2 Thess., Paul reveals that the promise of Christ’s
return is more than a doctrine of our faith. It is a remarkable truth that can shape how we live, how we
connect, and how we view ministry. Join us for a lively and interactive study and discussion.
(Patti Garrett & Ann Hay) Fellowship Hall Classroom A
9:30 AM to 10:30 AM - Coeducational Class
Ray Vander Laan DVD Series & Discussion – we continue with “In the Dust of the Rabbi,” (5 lessons) and
“Walk as Jesus Walked” (5 lessons). “Follow the rabbi, drink in his words, and be covered with the dust of
his feet,” says the ancient Jewish proverb. As disciples of Jesus, we’ve discovered that following Him
demands a passion for the text of Scripture and a complete devotion to the Christian community of faith. But
there’s more. A disciple is consumed with a passion to be like the rabbi – Jesus. Come and discover what it
means to have this kind of passion for Christ. (Bob Blackshear-512-863-0547) Boardroom
9:30 AM to 10:30 AM - Coeducational Class
Hebrews 11 – God’s Heroes of Faith - Join us for an intimate study of God’s heroes of faith: men and
women who had one thing in common…an unshakable faith in God’s promises. Ordinary men & women
accomplishing extraordinary things! Why does the author of Hebrews give us this list and what has it got to
do with our lives today? Why did each person deserve a spot on this exclusive list of God’s faithful? What is
the kind of Christian life that Hebrews 11 points us toward? Can God be pleased without faith? Come and
find answers to these questions & more in our study of Hebrews 11. (Harold McElfish) Classroom B
10:45 AM to 11:45 AM - Coeducational class
The Book of Matthew: Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount – we continue the study of the
greatest sermon every preached. How do we respond as Christians today when Jesus
commands us to “be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect”?
(Jim & Phyllis McDaniel) Fellowship Hall Classroom B
Bible studies continued on the next page
10:45 AM to 11:45 AM - Coeducational class
The Letter of Paul to the Romans - This class is a continued study of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the
Romans. His letter reflects an in-depth theme of the righteousness of God emphasizing that “…the righteous
man shall live by faith.” (Romans 1:17) We will study the elements of the righteousness of God and how that
leads you and me to a right relationship with Him and others. These scriptural truths will be molded into
personal life applications through the reading and interpretation of His Word. Class participants will be
encouraged to discuss their views, opinions, needs, and observations of the text leading into a meaningful time
of Christian fellowship. (Jim Shepherd) Fellowship Hall Classroom D
Monday Bible Study (September 15 – November 17)
1 PM-3:15 PM - Women’s Class
Beth Moore -Children of the Day: 1 & 2 Thessalonians - Find encouragement for living the Christian life
now and hope for when Christ returns. (Patti Garrett & Brenda Kennedy) Fellowship Hall
Tuesday Bible Study (Start date - September 30)
9:30 AM to 10:30 AM - Men’s class
The Gospel of John - a verse-by-verse study. This book was chosen due to its way of dealing with the nature
and person of Jesus Christ and because it is the most theological of the four Gospels. John presents Jesus as
the divine Son of God as shown by the titles given to Him. And Jesus, by His many “I am . . .” statements,
made implicit and explicit claims to be the I AM – Yahweh of the Old Testament. Jesus clearly claimed to be
God. This Gospel has no parables and only seven miracles. And John emphasizes the physical actuality of
Jesus’ hunger, thirst, weariness, pain, and death as a defense against the Gnostic denial of Jesus’ true human
nature. Jesus is revealed as fully God and fully Man. (Much of the previous is borrowed from Charles Ryrie.)
Please join us as we delve into this Gospel which reveals Jesus Christ as God, the Son, and as we draw closer
to Him, our Savior and Lord. (Dick Pitzer) Fellowship Hall Classroom A
Wednesday Bible Studies
10:00 AM to 11:15 AM - Women’s class (Start date—September 17)
The Names of God by Ann Spangler – This Bible study outlines the names of God, their meanings and
origins, and how they can be used in our prayer life to tap into who God is, in any given situation.
(Christine Durham) Fellowship Hall Classroom A
6:30 PM to 7:30 PM - Coeducational class (Start date—October 1)
1st and 2nd Peter Led by Pastor David Cobb. In this study of Peter we will discover many
issues that he experienced mirror circumstances we often face in our journey such as stress,
trials, and the challenge to share our faith. Come join us on Wednesdays as we study and
look at God’s Word together! (David Cobb) Fellowship Hall
Connection Groups
Sunday, October 26th
Connection Groups (COG), small groups that meet regularly to grow personal relationships through fellowship,
prayer, study of God’s word and service, will launch on Sunday, October 26th. Tables will be available after each
service with representatives to answer questions and register you with a COG in your area. God has provided an
initial 7 groups of host homes with facilitators that are awaiting someone like you to join them for an unforgettable
journey. If you have an interest in hosting, facilitating or attending a COG group in your area, please stop by one of
our tables on October 26th. Contacts: Kerry & Brenda Kennedy, brendaken3@gmail.com
Kelly’s Connection ~
Several decades ago young people had the attitude
reflected in the mantra “if it feels good, do it.” The basis
of decisions was primarily emotion and physical pleasure.
My question is, “How did that work out for you?”
I suppose some decisions can be made based on
feelings, but a level head and reliable information best
support important decisions. Recently, I’ve been asked
about cremation. Is cremation okay? What does the
Bible say about cremation? Perhaps you’ve asked the
same question. Rather morbid topic, isn’t it?
It is helpful when, together with loved ones, we make
such decisions before life’s circumstances force the
decision. I encourage you to discuss your end of life
decisions with your family and make plans accordingly.
Decisions may include your preferences about medical
procedures such as extreme measures taken to prolong
your life. It is helpful to think through and plan your
memorial service to include Scriptures, songs, and
speakers. Decisions about life and death are best made
without the distress of an impending or recent death.
The Bible has no explicit prohibition regarding
cremation. Some Christians object to cremation on the
basis of the Scripture’s reference to the body being the
temple of the Holy Spirit. They say
it is therefore disrespectful. Others
reject the idea based on the biblical
teaching that our bodies will be
resurrected at some future date.
Others argue that whether our bodies
are destroyed by decay or fire, God
is the source of resurrection and can
resurrect a body from whatever
condition it may be.
Still others argue that most biblical reference to the
burning of dead bodies was done in condemnation of that
person and his/her behavior (Lev. 20:14: 21:9). There are
also the references to hell being a place of eternal flame
and therefore a negative connotation. But there is no
statement that I can find in the Bible condoning or
condemning cremation as a practice .
I encourage you to study, think, and discuss important
decisions with those you love so that the decision is one
that respects your values as well as those of your loved
ones, and honors your Lord.
Gladly serving,
Autumn is here!
Join us for the Women’s Ministry
October Brunch
Monday, October 13th
10:00 a.m.
October is Pastors
Pastor David Cobb
Our speaker will be Brenda Gilbert, Volunteer
Coordinator for the Texas Baptist Children’s Home in
Round Rock. We’ll learn of their many ministries to
children of all ages, and to mothers.
Pastor Kelly Barnett
As we contemplate how to express gratitude to our
cherished leaders, Pastors Kelly Barnett and David
Cobb, here are some suggestions.
Please register in the Welcome Center or on the TWP
website by Friday, October 10th. Our catered brunch is
$5 at the door. Invite friends and neighbors!
1. Letters or cards of encouragement and
2. Original art such as laminated bookmarks
3. Photos or videos of the pastor in action
4. Favorite things – small things your pastor
enjoys, such as cookies, M&Ms, fishing lures,
coffee, etc.
5. Small personal service - shoe shine, car wash,
lunch delivery
6. Something homemade - cake, an apple pie, or
gift certificate for something baked in a
particular month in the future
7. Write a poem
8. Be creative!
* We are collecting travel-sized toiletries (shampoos,
conditioners, body wash, toothpaste, & toothbrushes that
you may have brought home from hotels) for donating to
the children at the Children’s Home. Drop off in the
designated basket in the Welcome Center as soon as
Tuesday, October 14th
8:00 a.m.
Friday, October 17th
12:00 p.m.
Potluck Lunch
This group meets the third Friday of each
month and enjoys lunch together. (This is a
fellowship time for anyone who is dealing with
a loss.) Contact: Glynda Jones, 512-864-1263.
Speaker: David Rogers (son of TWP members Jack &
Lois Rogers), Executive VP and COO of Laity Lodge, a
family-oriented Christian camp near Leakey, TX. Sign
up in the Welcome Center and bring a contribution to
the event. All men are welcome!
Newcomers Information Class
Sunday, October 19th
9:30 and 10:45 a.m., Conference Room
(Offered the 3rd Sunday of each month)
“Singing Men of Texas”
(Jim Clayman and TWP Choir
will participate)
Please join us as we discuss the various ministries and
opportunities here at TWP. New members, guests, and
anyone else interested are welcome.
Thursday, October 16th, 7:00 p.m.
First Baptist Church, Killeen
Not Registered to Vote?
Retirement of the Debt
Janelle and Robert Fears were appointed as Volunteer
Deputy Registrars by the Williamson County Elections
Department to register people to vote. Robert and
Janelle will be available in the Welcome Center between
church services on Sunday, October 5th to help those
who are not registered. Voter registration is nonpartisan
and Monday, October 6th is the last day you can register
to vote in the November elections.
We are working toward the reduction of debt on the
Fellowship Hall building. We will keep you informed
of our progress through the monthly newsletters.
Visit our website (theworshipplace.org) to view
Pastor Kelly’s sermon on September 7, 2014, in which
he encouraged us to start the year 2015 debt-free.
-0- Debt Free!
Children’s Books
for Assistance League—Georgetown Area
Please drop off new or gently used children’s
books to be donated to local children in need.
Place in the box located in the
Welcome Center.
Due By
Wednesday, October 15th
Balance as of
August 31, 2014
Spotlight on a
Benevolence Recipient
Georgetown Blue Santa has provided toys to
underprivileged children annually. Each year, the
Georgetown Texas Police Department, its department
volunteers, and individual volunteers and businesses
join forces to hold special events or set up donation
barrels to collect toys. Also, through Blue Santa Cares,
toys are donated to families when they have lost their
belongings in fires and natural disasters such as
flooding. The toy donations are made at any time of the
year they are needed.
Letter from Gersan & Betty Valcin,
Missionaries in Haiti
Dear Steve and The Worship Place Family,
Psalm 34:3 "O magnify the Lord with me and let us
exalt His name together."
Our hearts are overflowing with joy in the
partnership that the Lord has given us in transforming the
lives of Haitians for His glory! The contribution that we
have just received for $15,000 to be applied to a
generator for use in our master plan for solving the
electrical problems that we face in our Jacob's Well
ministry is truly a “heavenly gift.” It is hard to put into
words the gratefulness that we feel for such a
contribution as this and the amazing impact that it will
have on our ministry!
With our desire to have CIEL FM 98.7 - our radio
station - broadcasting 24 hours a day and to have our TV
station TELESYEL - LA channel 10 broadcasting as
many hours as possible, we must have a continual flow
of electricity as you can understand! As we know when
God's Word goes forth that it does not return void!
Isaiah 55:11 "so is my word that goes out from my
mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will
accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for
which I sent it." Psalm 86:12 "I will give thanks to
you, O Lord my God, with all my heart. And I will
glorify your name forever!"
The mission trip to El Salvador, February
2015, has the required 12 missionaries
and 2 alternates, for a total of 14.
Praise Him!
Audio – Chuck Dashiell 512-869-2999
Caring Place – Marlyn & Pat Hooper, 512-763-1723
Choir – Jim Clayman, 512-869-1310
Coffee Fellowship – Linda Robinette, 512-943-0155,
& Deanna Campbell, 512-423-5005
Communion – Connie & Ray Dilland, 361-215-1495
Faith at Work—Jerry Elmers, 512-943-0601
(perform routine maintenance)
Greeters – Cleta Keith, 512-943-9205
8:15 Greeters & Ushers—Brenda Kennedy, 210-3475141
Meals On Wheels – Barbara Petrosky, 512-864-0156
Office Volunteers, Nancy Snyder 512-869-1310
PrayFAST—Scott Dean, 512-413-5921
Prayer Warriors—Bev Bensel, 512-869-0149
Sunday Reception Desk — Charlie & Linda Dalley,
Special Friends – Cheryl White 512-864-1380
Ushers – Doug Willoughby 512-819-0133
Ill/Hospitalized—Al & Dian Jandt, 512-240-5805
New Members—David Burks, 512-240-5975
Visitors—Darrell & Sue West, 512-869-0659
With very grateful hearts Gersan and Betty Valcin &
Linda Kneeland (U.S. Admin. for Valcins)
Faith at Work
“Christians Helping Others in
the Name Of Christ”
Do you need help with routine home maintenance?
Emergency light housekeeping?
Pick up a list at the church office of
those who can help.
Karen Alexander
Roy Nafziger
Maudie l. Salmon
Connie Stutters
James Gould
Steve Ellis
Beverly Kincheloe
Charles Hill
Peggy Jones
Carol Miller
Charleen Scott
Jo Johns
Allen King
Rick Lyons
Jan Perry
Wanda Ray
Alan Windham
Marvean Northcutt
David Holmberg
Robert Livengood
Sandy Schmelzer
Paula Elmers
Philip Lundell
Bonnie Mizell
Stan Willbanks
Sherry Witte
Dorothy Worl
Kathy Christakos
Tom Burdett
Sandra Dodds
Greg Roland
Alvarie Taylor
Maxine Weight
Tim Ihrig
Don C. Maillot
Jack Mills
Darrelynn Mixon
Malcolm Sparks
Maxey Grossenbacher 10/16
Ed McCrary
Joseph Phillips
Suzan Brown
Kathryn Neal
Leon Holloway
William Biddle
Bert Cogdill
Jean Pickard
Anne Scavella
Helen Kyhl
Tom Mixon
Harold Monroney
Glynda Jones
Tina Latta
James O'Mary
Judith Dashiell
Steve Knowles
Dottie Brightwell
Mae Chachere
Mike Bailey has announced his retirement
from his position as Finance Accountant for
The Worship Place as of October 31, 2014.
After 8 years of loyal service, Mike looks
forward to having more leisure time to spend
with his wife and to enjoy some long-delayed travel experiences.
With mixed feelings, the staff and Trustees honor his decision
and wish him the very best, while regretfully losing a valuable
staff member. We are grateful for Mike’s expertise in our
Finance Dept. and he will be missed. Thank you, Mike, for
your dedication and support to the church in keeping us
updated and informed in countless ways!
The Finance Committee & Staff
Dave Redus
Barbara Traube
Sandy Arico
Fred Youngs
Julie Corbett
Pat Gallagher
Weldon Hudson
Dorothy Muschalek
Joella Skeen
Mary Fink
Barbarann Mills
Deck Weight
Bob Morris
Sharon Patrick
Donna Reeves
Ann Sang
William Smith
Betty Darling
Jerry Lawhon
Barbara Benedict
Deanna Campbell
Carolyn Chapman
Bob Crandall
Jody Evans
Jim Kurick
Jim Brown
Ed Capen
Rick Sapp
The Worship Place
Women’s Ministry is assembling a cookbook with
proceeds going towards our Building fund. Are you
looking for tried and true recipes that you have
enjoyed at our Dinner for Six or other events here in
Sun City or elsewhere? You will find them here! So
please type out your favorite recipes and drop them
in a basket in the Welcome Center. If the recipe has
any special meaning, add your comments. Contact:
Susan Dimaline, adimaline@gmail.com
Fellowship Tuesday
October 14th & 28th
Mark Your Calendars
(2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month)
1:00—5:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall
We need your help with Mission projects!
Come see how you can be involved!
Potluck & Hymn Sing
Sunday, November 30th
5:30 p.m.
Activities Include:
 Card Ministry
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
 Arts and Crafts
 Tote Bags and snap bags for the Texas Baptist
Children’s Home
 Beaded bracelets, necklaces and earrings for gifts
for Texas Baptist Children’s Home
 Pillowcase dresses for the Shoebox Ministry
(Samaritan’s Purse)
 Weighted blankets to help children with sensory
processing difficulties
 Needle Crafts for shut-ins, cancer patients
 Hats for cancer and head trauma patients at St.
David’s Hospital
 Afghans and shawls
October—TWP Singles Group
The Singles Group meets for lunch every Sunday in the
Welcome Center directly after the 11:00 service .
The 1st Sunday of each month, we carpool to Putter’s
Café in Sun City, and the 3rd Sunday of each month we
go to a different local restaurant. The locations will be
posted in the Sunday bulletins.
Other Fellowship Opportunities:
 Games (starting at 1:00 p.m.)
Mexican Train
On the 2nd and 4th Sundays, we enjoy a tasty catered
lunch in the Fellowship Hall by Kathy’s Cuisine. The
cost is only $7.00 for those who RSVP by noon on the
previous Friday (to eckiemoseley@gmail.com) and
$9.00 for those with no reservation. Emails are sent
out each Tuesday and Thursday informing you of the
plan for the following Sunday. Please let me know if
you are not receiving them. It is necessary for each of
you to RSVP each week so we can make the right
preparations with either the restaurant or with Kathy.
Come and help, play games or just come and visit!
To become a host, start a new project, game or activity,
contact Elaine Carpenter 815-342-0862 or email
We really do have a good time, and it’s a great way to
make new friends. Besides, who wants to eat alone
when we can all get together and enjoy each other’s
company? We know it’s football season, but that’s
what DVRs are for, so join us, won’t you? We are
growing, but we need you in order to make it complete.
Book Club
Tuesday, October 21st
(3rd Tuesday of each month)
“Three Cups of Tea” by Greg Mortenson
1:30—2:30 p.m.
Library at TWP (in the sanctuary building)
We are in the process of planning our Christmas Party
and outreach, so come help us put it together. We are
more than a social group and would love your input on
how we can better serve the Lord.
All are welcome!
Questions, call Sandy Cherney
Contact Dale Hargrove if you have any questions or
would like to be placed on the Singles email list
(dale6760@gmail.com, 512-943-0043).
Alene & Chris Adams
Carolyn Morris, 219 Essex Lane
Chris & Alene Adams, 202 Cathedral Mtn. Pass
Sonny & Mary Jo Burton, 413 Dove Hollow Tr.
Fran Sanders, 114 Summer Road
Andy & Jackie Pepitone, 743 Armstrong Dr.
Greg & Sandy Roland, 906 Dime Peak Lane
Roger & Ev Rhoderick, 5801 Avery Island Ave,
Jack Keppler, Monument Hill Trail
Mona Britton, 293 Trail of the Flowers
Tom & Barbara Davis, 113 Chuckwagon Trail
Jim & Lenor Brawner, 724 Independence Creek
Silvia Brown, 501 Pipe Creek Lane
Mary Jo & Sonny Burton
* If you are a recent member, and have not had
your photo taken, we invite you to visit the sound
booth at the back of the sanctuary between
worship services on any Sunday.
Tom & Darrelynn Mixon
Roger & Ev Rhoderick
Jim & Lenor Brawner
Carol & Jim Parker
Carolyn Morris
Tom & Barbara Davis
Jack Keppler
Mona Britton
2014 Angel Tree
Angel Tree is a ministry that
reaches out to the children of
inmates and their families with the
love of Christ. The program works
by connecting parents in prison with
their children through the delivery
of Christmas gifts. The Worship Place members can
brighten the lives of these children and show the love of
Christ by purchasing and wrapping gifts on behalf of the
incarcerated parent.
Neighborhood Ambassadors
On Sunday mornings, November 9th and November
16th, you will have an opportunity to select a child’s
name and their gift request from one of the Angel Trees
located in the Welcome Center.
You may also
participate by making a donation to help purchase
Christian literature and favors for a gift bag for each
child. Let’s make a difference for these children. To
volunteer to help in the Welcome Center on these dates,
please call Jim or Bonnie Mizell at 512-591-7048.
New Ambassador Ministry: The purpose of the
Ambassador Ministry is to make sure that The
Worship Place is connecting to all of its members,
and is aware of their needs.
Pastor Kelly spoke about the Ambassador Ministry
from the pulpit a few Sundays ago. You can find his
sermon on the TWP Website by going to
theworshipplace.org/what-we-do/caring-ministries or
you can pick up a copy at the TWP office.
Operation Christmas Child
We are still in need of Neighborhood Ambassadors
for 16 out of the 60 different neighborhoods. Some
of the larger neighborhoods need more than one
ambassador. (Neighborhoods without an ambassador:
1, 7, 8, 15, 20, 21, 23, 27, 28, 29, 38, 43, 44, 45, 51
& 53.)
The Power of
A Simple Gift
The Shoebox Ministry time is here again! Beginning
October 26th, volunteers will be needed. If you are able
to help, please call Carolyn Knipp, 512-864-3835.
Ambassadors contact TWP members and regular
attenders in their neighborhood to: 1) let them know
that TWP cares about them, 2) ask if they have any
needs or concerns, 3) verify their database
information, and 4) provide the ambassador’s name
and contact information. You can view Gary Allen’s
role play during Pastor Kelly's sermon, referenced
(Shoeboxes are filled with gender and age-appropriate
items and shipped to needy children around the world
by the Samaritan’s Purse organization.)
Monthly Newsletter “Fold & Fellowship”
Wednesday, October 29th
8:30 a.m. til “it’s done”
Please prayerfully consider being an ambassador or a
co-ambassador for a larger neighborhood. We will
be happy to meet with you at your convenience to
answer any questions you might have. Please contact
the church office if interested.
Join us! Have coffee and visit while preparing the
newsletter for mailing. Contact the church if you would
like to be on the reminder email list.
Thank you for your consideration,
Ambassador Ministry Team
If you have questions, please contact a trustee below. All Worship Place members are welcome to attend the Trustee
Meeting that is held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 2:00 pm at the church.
Jill Gray
Stan Willbanks
Deane Burks
Gary Allen
Elaine Carpenter
Tom Dodds
Retta Gaddy
Patti Garrett
Lou Gibson
Barbara Hallmark
Steve Lycan
Marvin McNeil
David Mobley
Karen Reynolds
Cheryl White
Chairperson, 512-864-3622, vejmgray@suddenlink.net
1st Vice Chair, Support System Leadership & Building/Grounds, 512-863-0248,
2nd Vice Chair, Ministry Leadership & Worship, 512-240-5975, deaneb113@gmail.com
Men’s Ministry & Outreach, 214-763-1835, garyallenconsulting@gmail.com
Fellowship, 815-342-0862, ecarpe1@gmail.com
Communications & Outreach, 512-639-0664, tadodds@suddenlink.net
Women’s Ministry, Discipleship & Fellowship, 512-826-0760, rettagaddy@live.com
Discipleship/Christian Education, 512-626-6816, pattib@cfaith.com
Caring & Finance, 512-864-1542, loug1234@verizon.net
Treasurer & Benevolence, 512-864-3880, bnbh@verizon.net
The Trustee meeting
agenda is posted on the
Missions/Benevolence, 512-639-1341, stevelycan1@yahoo.com
bulletin board the
Building & Grounds, 512-240-4944, mcneils@mom623.com
Sunday before each
Personnel, 512-943-0285, davidmobley56@hotmail.com
Finance & Corporate Secretary, 512-966-9872, reynkar51@yahoo.com Trustee meeting.
Caring, 512-864-1380, grovestx41@gmail.com
Decisions from September 18, 2014 Trustee Meeting
Approved August 2014 financial reports
Accepted the August monthly report from the Finance Committee
Voted to participate in the collection of eyeglasses by the Lion's Club. A receptacle will be placed in the
Welcome Center and the glasses will be given to the Lion's Club for delivery to those in need.
Approved placing a box somewhere in the Welcome Center for the collection of new and used
children's books, a project of the Georgetown Assistance League. Books must be dropped off by
October 15th.
Approved Robert and Janelle Fears, Certified Volunteer Registrars who are also members of TWP, to
work through TWP to help people register to vote. The Fears will set up a table in the Welcome Center
and be available to provide forms and instruction. Dates and times the Fears will be available will be
posted in the TWP newsletter and/or bulletin.
Agreed that a change in service times is needed to prevent traffic problems following the 9:30 a.m.
service and to allow for growth of TWP. This decision is planned for the October trustee meeting, if not
sooner in a special called meeting.
Members of the congregation are invited to attend the next trustee meeting October 16th, 2:00 p.m. in the
Boardroom. Minutes are available upon request at the church office.
September Donations
Exciting News!
You can now find The Worship
Place on Facebook and Twitter.
Come check us out.
Donations have been received in memory of
Betty Dodds, Betsy Gehr, Becky Hutton,
Betty Kennedy, Eugene Von Rosenberg,
And in Honor of
Scott Hunter’s return from service.
The Worship Place
811 Sun City Boulevard
Georgetown, TX 78633
Non Profit Organization
Permit No. 417
US Postage Paid
Georgetown, TX 78626
Address Correction Requested
October 2014
8:15 AM (Praise & Worship) 9:30 & 11:00 AM (Traditional)
Dr. Kelly Barnett, Senior Pastor
David Cobb, Associate Pastor
Jim Clayman, Minister of Music
Office Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Monday through Friday, 512-869-1310
Numbers By The Month
September Sunday Attendance Average
8:15 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11 a.m.
New Members
Checks and cash placed in the Sunday morning offering
plate is by far the most frequent way to contribute to our
church and accounts for the major portion of our
income. Some members have arranged for a periodic
automatic transfer from their bank, an arrangement most
appreciated by our Financial office.
August Offerings:
General Operating Fund: $67,819
Building Fund:
Memorial Fund:
Have you given thought to your IRA's and how they
might offer you another avenue to satisfy your gift to
our church? By simply making arrangements with the
financial institution holding your IRA's to transfer a
designated contribution to the Worship Place account at
Edward Jones, you will realize the full amount of the
market value being credited to your contribution
statement ----- no taxes due!
Current Membership
Associate Members
Regular Participants
*(Drop in membership numbers is due to a recent
re-categorization in our database.)
Finance Reports are available from
Mike Bailey, Financial Secretary.