East of Avebury: Investigations outside the henge
East of Avebury: Investigations outside the henge
East of Avebury: Investigations outside the henge A collaborative project with the National Trust and the universities of Bristol and Central Lancashire Pilot project: Bristol training excavations, Rough Leaze, Avebury, June 2007 Joshua Pollard (University of Bristol) David Robinson (University of Central Lancashire) Rosamund Cleal and Nicola Snashall (Alexander Keiller Museum, the National Trust) Source: Flash Earth Satellite view of Avebury showing location of the field at the east of the large henge monument. Rough Leaze Rough Leaze is a field abutting the southern portion of the eastern entrance at Avebury. Geophysical survey undertaken by Talits found a number of features, allowing us to target our excavations. Geophysical survey Before the Henge? This research investigates activities to the east of the Avebury Late Neolithic Henge monument. The first season excavated a series of features just outside the eastern entrance. Excavations found these to be pit features with evidence of Mesolithic and Early Neolithic activity. These pits appear to have been tree throws, some perhaps modified since one example has a posthole at its base. These features show that Avebury was an important place long before the construction of the henge. Continuing outside Avebury… View east from Rough Leaze Future research will continue to investigating outside the henge, looking at land-use, material culture, and other facets of both prehistoric and historical times to develop more detailed understandings of the Avebury surroundings. This project includes collaborations with National Trust staff, university students, and a group of dedicated volunteers. Geophysical survey performed by Talits (http://www.talits.co.uk) For further information contact: DWRobinson@UCLAN.ac.uk