October 2015 - Upper Kennet News
October 2015 - Upper Kennet News
View from the Rectory Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; Defend the rights of the poor and needy. (Proverbs 31:8-9) I have been, dear friends, on the receiving end of both encouraging comments and a certain amount of invective in response to our recent Humanitarian Aid Appeal in the Kennet Valley – so, for that matter, have my interfaith colleagues. For the large part I am proud to be charged with the ‘Cure of Souls’ in such a loving place and wish to thank all those who donated, gathered, delivered or sorted items given with open and generous hearts to aid those who have nothing. Christians believe that when you assist those most in need you assist Christ, in person, and encounter God, who regards you as righteous and loves you for what you do. But there are I know those who found this generosity impossible to embrace or support and I feel it is important to address this. The current refugee crisis has emerged because of decades of military intervention and violence - a great deal of it by the Western powers. The anger and bitterness, hatred and violence come from past hurts, fear of others and woundedness. Hatred cannot be transformed by the fist, or at the end of the barrel of a gun. And caught in the middle, as in every conflict in history, are innocent men, women and children who only wish to live their lives fed and sheltered, and with the same opportunities we all like to enjoy. All refugees are HUMAN BEINGS, flesh and blood, frightened and destitute, and asking for our help. Ultimately, when it comes down to the reality of welcoming refugees we are forced to come face to face with our deepest fear: the insecurity of losing what we have by way of material possessions and that things will change and strangers will live amongst us. I hear a lot of rot being talked about national identity – when will we face the truth that there isn’t a single person alive who can say they are fully ANYTHING when it comes to race. Even someone whose lineage can be traced back to Anglo-Saxon times will find both Anglo and invading Saxon blood in their veins! What do these fears reflect, but an unhealthy attachment to power, comfort and control? We enjoy being the majority. We love the privilege that comes from being in power. We love having more than we need to meet our basic needs. We love having choice. We demand more personal choice at the cost of helpless others. Only love can overcome fear. What if that refugee child were your own flesh and blood? What if they were your own son or daughter? What mountain would you not climb? What politician would you not lobby? What price would you not pay to see them brought to safety? Only the kind of love we usually reserve for family can overcome the fear and selfishness that teaches us to close our doors and turn away from their plight. I believe Jesus, by his life and his example, calls the world to a different way of being, the way of peace, radical welcome and laying down our lives for others. Thank you all - those of all faiths and those of no faith – who have helped. Long may it continue. Rev’d Maria Shepherdson October 2015 Upper Kennet Churches Notice Board Weddings Caroline Oram & Michael Noonan Demi Prowse & Daryll Chambers West Overton 5 September Broad Hinton 12 September Martyn Meeks & Joan Fackrell of Winterbourne Monkton will be getting married this month and we remember them in our prayers. Funerals Judith and John Woodget John Hussey Burial of Ashes John Canniford John Smart West Overton Broad Hinton & Semington 1 August 10 September Winterbourne Bassett 5 September Broad Hinton 21 September Want High Speed Internet?? We have heard that the optic fibre broadband in the villages will not be turned on until they have more registered interest from people. The crazy thing is that the majority of people do not realise that it is that way round and are waiting for BT to contact them! If they were able to register on the BT Openreach website that they may be interested (WITH NO OBLIGATION to actually sign up once it is live)…then the numbers would rise and we would hopefully be able to go live! All the parts are in place but BT think that there is simply lack of interest. The irony of it…! The website link is ……... www.superfast-openreach.co.uk www.upperkennetnews.co.uk UPPER KENNET CHURCHES SERVICES St Nicholas FYFIELD 4 October Trinity 18 Env week 40 St Michael & All Angels WEST OVERTON Christ Church EAST KENNETT St James AVEBURY St Mary Magdalene WINTERBOURN E MONKTON 8.00 am St Katherine & St Peter WINTERBOURNE BASSETT 11.15 am 6.00 pm Prayer BookCommunion 11 October Trinity 19 Env week 41 8.00 am Prayer Book 10.00 am Holy Communion Communion 18 October Trinity 20 Env week 42 25 October Last Sunday a8er Trinity Env week 43 Harvest Holy Communion Harvest Fes3val St Peter ad Vincula BROAD HINTON 9.45 am Harvest Holy Communion 9.45 am Prayer Book Ma3ns 11.30am Barber Bap3sm 4.00pm Harvest Fes3val & High Tea 10.30 AM — BENEFICE SERVICE — COMMUNION - EAST KENNETT 10.00am 6.00 pm 6.00 pm Holy Communion Evening Prayer Evensong 10.30 am Holy Communion 11.15 am Morning Prayer Wednesday Communion Services will take place at 10.00 am at 9, The Beeches, Winterbourne Monkton. Clergy will attend on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. We can also provide home communion any time for those that are housebound. Please contact the Benefice Office - (01672 861786) or one of the Lay Pastoral Assistants to request this. (Claire Stiles – 01793 731620 or Graham Kitchen – 01672 861349.) Readings for month HARVEST READINGS Joel 2. 21 – 27 Psalm 126 1 Timothy 2. 1 – 7 or 1 Timothy 6. 6 – 10 Matthew 6. 25 - 33 Sunday 4 October – Green Trinity 18 Job 1. 1; 2. 1 – 10 Psalm 26 Hebrews 1. 1 – 4; 2. 5 – 12 Mark 10. 2 – 16 Sunday 18 October – Red Trinity 20 Luke the Evangelist Isaiah 35. 3 – 6 Psalm 147. 1 – 7 2 Timothy 4. 5 – 17 Luke 10. 1 – 9 Sunday 25 October – Green Last Sunday after Trinity – Bible Sunday Isaiah 55. 1 – 11 Psalm 19. 7 – end 2 Timothy 3. 14 – 4. 5 John 5. 36b - end Sunday 11 October – Green Trinity 19 Job 23. 1 – 9, 16 – end Psalm 22. 1 – 15 Hebrews 4. 12 – end Mark 10. 17 – 31 Upper Kennet Churches Harvest Services Broad Hinton 4 October Winterbourne Bassett 4 October Avebury 4 October Winterbourne Monkton 11 October 9-45am 11-15am 6-00pm 4-00pm As in previous years, our Harvest gifts of tins and dried foods will be given to the Trussell Trust who distribute emergency goods throughout Wiltshire All are very welcome! www.upperkennetnews.co.uk 2 Fund-raising for our Churches – a NEW VENTURE! We are always looking for new ways of fund-raising for our three Churches – at West Overton, Fyfield and East Kennett – because I feel sure none of us want to see any church closed and boarded up. Our latest venture is to sell CHRISTMAS TREES. A local grower has agreed to supply five sizes of NON-DROP Nordman Christmas Trees all of high-grade PREMIUM QUALITY and competitively priced. Order Forms will be delivered to all houses soon (or complete overleaf) and the deadline for your order is 16th November. Cheques can be made p ayable to whichever Chur ch you wish to suppor t. Trees can be picked up from West Overton Church on Saturday 5th December, the day of our BAZAAR, which will be bigger and better this year, so watch out for the adverts. If you can’t come to the Bazaar, we will offer FREE local delivery pr ovided we have your order in good time. Please support this excellent venture and send in your order as soon as possible – and that will be another item ticked off your pre-Christmas check list which you won’t have to worry about! Thank you for your support, Graham Kitchen PCC Chairman (01672 861798) = = = = = = = = Christmas Trees ORDER IN ADVANCE and * COLLECT on … Saturday 5 December at our CHURCH BAZAAR, West Overton Church = = = = = = = = = = = = = NON DROP Nordman Fir PREMIUM QUALITY Locally grown COMPETITIVELY PRICED OR Supporting … * FREE local delivery www.upperkennetnews.co.uk West Overton, Fyfield & East Kennett Churches 3 = DEATH – the elephant under the carpet GRAVEGRAVE-CAFE – the place to take a peek Upper Kennet Benefice Deanary BiteBite-sized Learning Kennet Valley Hall, Lockeridge 7.30pm WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 4 Avebury & District W.I. Craft Group th It’s not easy to think about our own mortality. Talking about death, dying and funerals raises big questions that we need to face at some point, but it’s hard to talk to family and friends. We all face dealing with changing social customs, bright clothes or traditional black, honoring strange wishes of our dearly departed , the cost of funerals and whether it’s still ok to play My Way at the crem! And that is BEFORE we think about being spiritually or practically prepared. No wonder we shy away….. As part of the Autumn Learning program we are offering a café space ( with perhaps something stronger on offer ….) where people can talk about these big questions. The conversation is helped along by question cards and whether your table covers just one issue or as many as 5 what matters most is the chat. A recent participant said this : ‘There was much laughter at shared stories of unusual keepsakes; dramatic escapes from death and humorous suggestions for eulogies and there were serious conversations about cremation versus burial; dying at home versus hospital; headstone on a grave versus ashes scattered somewhere beautiful. It all helped. I didn’t think I would laugh so much.....’ = = = = = = = = = Christmas Tree ORDER FORM Please return by 16th November (details below) = = = = = = = The Craft Group holds a meeting on the afternoon of the first Wednesday of every month at the Social Centre, Avebury from 2 4pm. All are welcome. You do not need to be a W.I. member to attend. The cost is £3 per session. There are quilting courses and a variety of other crafts. For further details call Margaret on 539184 West Overton Coffee Morning & Bring and Buy A huge thank you to all who helped make the Coffee Morning and Bring & Buy at West Overton Church on 12 September such a success – by helping, baking, donating and participating we raised £209. = = = = = Quantity 3’ – 4’ £18.50 4’ - 5’ £24.50 5’ - 6’ £35.50 6’ - 7’ £43.50 7’ – 8’ £49.50 *BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE Name Email Address Tel CHEQUES Payable please to either West Overton Church, Fyfield Church or East Kennett Church. Please return your Order Form and Cheque to The Church Office, The Garden Room, 62 Lockeridge, Marlborough SN8 4EL. DEADLINE 16th November www.upperkennetnews.co.uk 4 = AUTUMN CONCERT AVEBURY VOCAL ENSEMBLE (AVE) (Conductor Sir Peter Beale. Organist Simon Dinsdale) is giving its Autumn Concert in Broad Hinton on Saturday 17th of October at 7.30pm Tickets £10 (under 18s free) at the door or from Sally Carwright sally.carwright@broadhinton.org.uk Programme includes Parry’s Songs of Farewell and Haydn’s Te Deum (Broad Hinton choir won the Devizes choral prize with this years ago!! ) With Readings and Organ music and nibbles and drinks in the interval YOU CAN’T MISS THIS! Avebury Churchyard Tidy-Up Saturday 3rd October 2015 9.30a.m - Noon Please join us to help clear up and tidy the churchyard. All welcome even if you can only spare a short while. Please bring any tools helpful for pruning and tidying. Refreshments provided in Church. Thank you. Avebury St. James Parochial Church Council Any Questions please to Dave Davidge, Churchwarden 01672 513819 THE MERCHANT’S HOUSE MARLBOROUGH local resource – national treasure. EARLY ENCOUNTERS WITH ISLAM English traders in the Mediterranean in the 17th century presented by MICHAEL HART (for mer ly Head of Histor y at Shr ewsbur y School) Thursday 8th October 7.30 pm at St Peter's Church, High Street, Marlborough Please purchase tickets in advance from The Merchant’s House, 132 High Street £8 (MH Friends) £10 (non Friends) or on the door The Merchant’s House (Marlborough) Trust – Registered Charity No 1010902 DEANARY Bite-Sized learning @ the Upper Kennet Benefice TUESDAY 13th OCTOBER 2015 St Michael and All Angels West Overton 7.30pm Refreshments from 7pm Lectio Divina is a dynamic, life-orientated approach to reading the Scriptures, encouraged by and dating back to the early Church Fathers around AD 300. It can be hard to find time to speak to God when your day is full of work, family and the pressures of daily life. Lectio Divina invites you to engage in imaginative journeying deep into the familiar stories, mull over God's words quietly, slowly and intently until you begin to hear and respond to what God is saying.It helps you build that vital bridge between your encounters with God and everyday life with its joys, humdrum and challenges. Come and learn the technique for yourselves ALL Welcome AVEBURY HARVEST SUPPER Returning by popular request on Friday 16th October (7 pm for 7:30), the Supper will be held as usual in the Avebury Social Centre. Everyone welcome. Tickets are available from Sandra Hues on 539 444 or Helen Vickers on 539 482. You can pay at the door in the not-too-likely event that unsold tickets remain. Fyfield C hurch Church grou nds tidy-up Saturday 17 th October 9.30 – 12.30 All help welcome! Please bring your own tools Refreshments provided www.upperkennetnews.co.uk 5 ANTIQUE CLOCKS Musical Boxes and Barometers REPAIRS AND SALES B.A.D.A. and B.H.I. Qualified Established over 30 years Time RestoredLimited 20 High Street Pewsey SN9 5AQ 01672 563 544 K. A. Callaway. Great Bedwyn WOODSTOVES & CHIMNEY LININGS Woodstoves: many makes, new and second hand discounted. Flue lining: Stainless steel, ceramic, pumice. Installed TV flue camera for internal chimney inspection. Anti-jackdaw cages for bird protection. FREE site visit and advice recommended Tel: 01672 870619 Mobile: 0860 722646 MOONS OVENCLEANING Local – Professional - Affordable Let us do the dirty work with tender loving care of your oven, hob, range, Aga, microwave, extractor, or BBQ, using our eco-friendly and non-caustic system Call now on 01672 556404 or 07723 048436 www.moonsovencleaning.co.uk The same Father/Son run business established in 2003 but with a new name F. DEWEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS PEWSEY PORTMAN HOUSE 3 MARKET PLACE PEWSEY WILTS SN9 5AA Telephone: Marlborough (01672) 563440 • • • • Independent Family Funeral Directors 24 Hour Caring & Professional Service Private Chapel of Rest Providing a Complete & Dignified Funeral Service RIDGE HOUSE BED & BREAKFAST FYFIELD Contact: Virginia Hemery Tel: +44 (0) 1672 861527 Email: bookings@ridgehouse.info Website: www.ridgehouse.info www.upperkennetnews.co.uk WS S WIF T Services Ltd H E A T I N G SERVICING E N G I N E E R S INSTALLATION MAINTAINANCE 1 Glenmore Business Centre. Hopton Park Tel: 01380 726284 London Rd. Devizes Fax: 01380 726297 SN10 2EQ Brian Watts Brickwork, Ceramic Tiling, Painting and Decorating, Garden Fencing and General Maintenance. With 30+ years of experience, there isn't much I haven't come across, so for a free quotation or simply to 'Pick my brain!' Contact me:5 Southfield, West Overton, Wilts, SN8 4HE Phone: 01672 861438 Mobile: 07732989650 E-mail: brianwattsbuilds@gmail.com JILL SUDBURY REFLEXOLOGY, REIKI COUNSELLING, CAMBRIDGE WEIGHT PLAN CONSULTANT The Wellbeing Clinic 6 London Road. Marlborough 07973 951286 or 01672 513583 WELDING BREAKDOWN M.O.T.S. SERVICING CHALKY'S WORKSHOP Hillside Farm, Rhyles Lane, Lockeridge, TEL: 01672 861123 Woods for the Trees House & Family Histories Research by Stephanie Woods (based in Royal Wootton Bassett) Tel: 01793 633725 E-Mail: stephwoods@ntlworld.com Web: www.woods4thetrees.co.uk 6 Hands on…….! There were fewer members than usual for the first meeting of the Avebury & District WI new programme on the 10th of September due to late holidays and the unfortunate clash with the ‘Future of the Avebury Chapel ‘ meeting. Despite these setbacks, we spent a most relaxed and enjoyable couple of hours. This was thanks to our speaker, Tay Adams, who gave a very interesting and calm talk on the history and benefits of massage which has been used from earliest times as a healing and stress relaxant. Even the gladiators in the Roman Coliseum were given a massage both before and after competition! A volunteer was requested to submit to a short reflexology session i.e. massage of the feet. Mary Beale stepped forward whilst the amused members watched and asked questions. Mary was very enthusiastic about the whole experience. She can report back that she slept very well that night as Tay had predicted. Our next meeting is on the 8th of October at 7.30pm. The talk from Libbie Shepherd is on hearing loss entitled ‘Can you hear me at the back’. The competition is a ‘Shell’ and/or ‘Fresh herbs from the garden’. We will be collecting for our Christmas meal on the 10th of December, so please bring the September and October instalments of £6 each. The total contribution from each member will be £18. A relaxed Mary Beale NEWS FROM THE TOWER Ringing Times: Visiting Ringers Peal Attempt Branch Training Practice Nights: 5.30pm to 6.00pm. 9.30am to 10.00am. 5.30pm to 6.00pm. 2.00pm to 3.00pm. 10am. 10am to 12 noon. 7.30pm to 9.00 pm. On 9th September, 2015, seven ringers met at Avebury to ring for the Queen on the day that she became the longest serving monarch in British history. The tower was festooned with union Jacks and Heather Peak – Garland joined in by flying flags from her windows. Amongst other things, we rang a sequence called ‘Queens’, so named because Queen Elizabeth the first was said to have heard this being rung in a church she was passing, she liked the sound of it and stopped her carriage to listen to it; it has been called Queens ever since. After ringing the bells down, we had a tower ‘party’ and took home a certificate as a memento of this unique and special occasion. The ringers were Michael Belcher from Lacock, Barry Chick and Andy Miller from Calne and Avebury ringers David and Mary Davidge, Michele Lomas and Kathryn Miller. Barry’s wife Sybil, who doesn’t ring, joined in the celebrations with us. There will be ringers from Somerset visiting on Monday, 5th October from 2pm until 3pm, a Branch training morning on Saturday 24th October from 10am to 12 noon and a Peal attempt on 20th October, beginning at 10am. Mary Davidge Tel: 01672 513819 Belfry Correspondent. Social Centre, Avebury Dates for Your Diary Fri 16th Oct Sat 28th Nov Marlborough and District Embroiderers Guild The talk for our September meeting was given by Carol Naylor. She gained a BA and Postgraduate Diploma in Textile Art at Goldsmith’s College, specialising in embroidery. Thanks to family support Carol was able to give up her job and go free lance and she undertook an important commission at Petworth House. She has exhibited with Alice Kettle and both have a similar technique of free machining from the reverse with heavy weight threads in the bobbin. Nowadays Carol gets the inspiration for her embroideries from landscapes recorded during her travels to France, Spain, Ireland and New Zealand. She undertakes commissions, gives talks and workshops and exhibits her work extensively. The next meeting and Annual General Meeting of Marlborough & District Embroiderers Guild will be on Monday 5 October at the Kennet Valley Hall, Lockeridge. After the formal business a talk on textile conservation will be given by Alison Lister and the doors will open at 13.30 for a 14.00 start. All are welcome and if you require further details please contact 01249 750865 or visit our website: http://www.marlboroughembroiderers.org www.upperkennetnews.co.uk 4th October 11th October 27th October 5th October 20th October 24th October Tuesdays Harvest Supper Avebury Village Christmas Bazaar doors open 1.30pm, 50p entry, under 14s free – refreshments available MONKTON TEAS FOR TOURISTS August saw our annual massive bake to raise funds for the church by providing Teas for Tourists in Avebury. A huge thanks to all those involved in providing produce, cakes, soup, quiches, cash donations and helping on the days. Staffing shortages meant that the first date we could only offer teas but raised a very respectable £355. The weather on Bank Holiday Monday was dire with very few tourists in Avebury so it was even more delightful that we raised some £756, so all in all over £1,111 was banked for the church. Although not our record income, reduced cash donations, wet weather and a reduced service on the first day all took their toll - next year the sun will shine! Our next fund raising will be our Bottle Stall at the Christmas Fayre on Sat 28 Nov requests for bottles will be circulated nearer the time! REPLACEMENT ALTAR CLOTH MONKTON CHURCH Is there a willing sewing machine owner/operator who would be prepared to run up a new altar cloth for Monkton church? I have the material it just needs cutting and hemming. We also need some new purificators made (small cloths) for which I have the material but again they just need machining. If you think you could help please contact Penny on 539158 or goldpennygold@aol.com. Many thanks. 7 Avebury Community Shop Shop Phone Number 01672 539200 Shop Opening Hours: Monday- Saturday 9am - 5pm Sundays & Bank Holidays 10.30-4,30 Surplus Garden Produce If anyone has any surplus garden fruit or vegetables we would welcome this in the shop. Any customers wishing to take garden produce will be asked to make a donation in our charity box. Nomination for Community First Awards – Village Retail Award Maggie Lewis on behalf of Avebury Parish Council nominated our shop for the Village Retail Award from Community First. I am delighted to say that we have been confirmed as the winner and been invited to a special presentation in October. Volunteer Profile Margaret Gutherson from Winterbourne Monkton has been volunteering in the shop for 3 years. She is one of our loyal band of Monkton volunteers who have been recruited by Lyn one of our shop managers who also lives in Monkton. Margaret has lived for 11 ½ years in Winterbourne Monkton and is delighted to be settled here, as her husband Bob’s career in the Royal Navy meant that she has lived in 29 places in 50 years. Margaret has always liked to get involved in volunteering and community service and has helped with cubs, brownies and the Lyons club as well as making cakes for many different causes and helping with the Avebury pantomime. Margaret got involved with the shop after her husband died and she wanted to have something worthwhile to do because she enjoys meeting people and helping out. She says that it is a great way of getting to know lots of people and getting involved with the community. Her message to others considering volunteering at the shop is “go for it”. Shop Charity Box Every year we have a charity box on the counter to raise money for charities (mainly local charities). This year, for the first time, we asked our volunteers to nominate charities to support, and then to vote on the nominations. There were three nominations:1. HFT - A charity which provides opportunities for disabled adults. They provide preserves, biscuits and apple juice to the shop. HFT gave an inspiring talk at our AGM. 2. Jemima’s Gift. This is a local charity who provide chidren, with funds to enable them to do things they otherwise could not. 3. Macmillan Cancer Support HFT was the winner and a box will be on the counter from the beginning of October to collect money for their worthwhile cause. Home Deliveries We offer a home delivery service for anyone who is unable to get to the shop for age or health reasons. We deliver to Avebury, Avebury Trusloe, Beckhampton, West and East Kennet, Winterbourne Monkton and Berwick Bassett. If you would like to have a home delivery please telephone the shop on 01672 539200 and ask for Lyn or Lynda. Michele Lomas Chair of Avebury Community Shop www.upperkennetnews.co.uk CABBAGE SUNDAY SUNDAY 4 OCTOBER 2015 AVEBURY CLUB AT 12.30 Cabbage Sunday is an auction which raises funds for local charities. The items are not all of particularly high value so there will be something to suit all pockets and ages. Your support on the day is invaluable but we also need your help with donations. Hopefully these will include garden produce; preserves, pickles, wines; unwanted gifts, toys/games and the ever popular homemade cakes. Donations towards the “booze hamper” would be most welcome. So bring the family along for a good time and help raise money for local charities. Hot Dogs and Burgers for sale with drinks available from the Club. Contact: Nigel Fielder 01672 539317 or Steve and Thelma Fulford on 01672 539308 with your kind donations. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU ON THE DAY Casual Vacancy in the Parish of Avebury Dear residents, Avebury Parish Council would like to co-opt a new councillor to the Parish Council and is particularly keen to hear from residents living in Trusloe. If you are interested in acting on behalf of your local community then please email Liz (Parish Clerk) with your details: clerk@aveburyparishcouncil.org. For further information please do contact the Clerk on T. 01672 861424 or speak to one of your councillors. 'The job of your council is to represent the interests of the whole community'. Your local councillors are: Andrew Williamson (Chairman) T. 539284 Dr Mike Bedford (Vice-Chairman) T. 539192 Mrs Maggie Lewis (Vice-Chairman) T. 539607 Mr David Brotheridge T. 539547 Mr Mike Daniel T. 539098 Mrs Antoinette Kremer T. 539644 Ms Zandria Service T. 539312 Mr Paul Ryder-Morris T. 539316 Fyfield Filling Station Bath Road, Fyfield Marlborough, Wiltshire. SN8 1PU Tel: 07896 113319 1 2 3 4 5 FREE 8 Marlborough Medical Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG) Update Did you know... The practice now employs a number of trained Health Care Assistants (HCAs) who are able to perform a number of clinical procedures including: Taking blood Giving vaccinations Changing dressings Syringing ears Freezing warts and verruca Offering smoking cessation advice Undertaking NHS Health Checks Undertaking New Patient Medicals Fitting and removing 24 hour ECG machines All members of our clinical team work together to help support patients, especially those with increasingly complex health needs, and we would ask rather than always seeing your GP, you consider seeing other members of our team when appropriate. For instance if you have a query about the medication you are taking, our Dispensary Team may be able to help you. If you are not sure who you should see, or if you need to have an appointment to discuss your concerns, please ask reception for advice. LADIES Are you interested in a get together meeting new friends? We have a group called Time Out which meets twice a month on Thursdays afternoons; in homes; for ladies to chat, laugh and discuss matter of joint interest. Come and share your ideas on how to take this group forward. We started as a church group but would like to open it up to encompass all. Our next meetings will be on 1 October and then the 15 October; join us for an informal chat and meet others for a cup of tea. Interested ? Contact Claire Stiles 01793 731620 c.j.stiles@hotmail.co.uk OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FROM 8AM TO 7PM 1 Fyfield Filling Station Bath Road, Fyfield Marlborough, Wiltshire. SN8 1PU Tel: 07896 113319 BLUE SERVICE HAND WASH, CLEAN ALLOYS, WAX, HAND DRY, WIPE WHEELS, WIPE CILLS, TYRE DRESSING, WINDOWS OUTSIDE. Cars £5.99 4x4 MPVs £8.99 2 RED SERVICE HAND WASH, CLEAN ALLOYS, WAX, HAND DRY, WIPE WHEELS, WIPE CILLS, TYRE DRESSING. WINDOWS IN AND OUT, CLEAN DASHBOARD AND POLISH. HOOVER SEATS CARPET AND BOOT, AIR FRESHNER Cars £11.99 4x4 MPVs £14.99 AT HAND CARWASH YOU WILL FIND FRIENDLY, UNIFORMED, EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE STAFF 3 VANS FROM £10 OUTSIDE ONLY VANS FROM £15 INSIDE AND OUT GOLD SERVICE VALET HAND WASH, CLEAN ALLOYS, WAX, HAND DRY WIPE WHEELS, WIPE CILLS, CLEAN DASHBOARD AND POLISH. HOOVER SEATS CARPET AND BOOT, FOAM CLEAN SEATS, DOORS AND FLOOR MATS, SPRAY POLISH OUTSIDE, TYER DRESING, WINDOWS IN AND OUT, AIR Cars £19.99 4x4 MPVs £24.99 4 BLUE EXTRA HAND WASH, CLEAN ALLOYS, WAX, HAND DRY, WIPE WHEELS, WIPE CILLS, TYRE DRESSING, WINDOWS IN AND OUT, AIR FRESHNER 5 HAND WASH, NO DRY Bring the leaflet opposite for discount of £2 and loyalty card www.upperkennetnews.co.uk 4x4 MPVs £9.99 WASH AND GO FRESHNER DISCOUNT FOR TAXI DRIVERS Cars £6.99 Cars £4.99 4x4 MPVs £5.99 9 Refugee Crisis Appeal Remembrance Day Wednesday, 11 November We invite you to light a candle in the peace and tranquillity of St Katherine & St Peter’s, Winterbourne Bassett to the memory of those who gave their lives in the line of duty, or in memory of a loved one, during the following hours: 10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. Images of desperate refugees risking their lives to cross the Mediterranean in unstable boats, packed illegally into lorries or crying out ‘We are human beings too’ in the Calais camps are a distressing reminder of the refugee crisis in the aftermath of World War Two that led to the founding of Christian Aid in 1945. According to the UN, in the first half of 2015, a third of the people making the sea crossing to Italy and Greece were from Syria. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in the country’s conflict and 50% of the Syrian population are now displaced, with more than 4.1 million people forced to seek safety outside the country. Their needs will increase as winter approaches and the numbers of refugees seeking refuge will continue to grow as long as the conflict in Syria continues. As in 1945, Christian Aid is reaching out to those in need and seeking refuge and has launched the Refugee Crisis Appeal. In Europe, particularly in Greece, Hungary and Serbia, Christian Aid is supporting the humanitarian efforts as a key member of ACT Alliance, through its sister agencies that are taking practical and political action to support refugees. Outside, and in the often ramshackle reception centres of these countries, they are doing their best to provide psychological support, nourishing food and to prevent people from falling ill. In Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, Christian Aid has long-standing partner organisations that urgently need funds to continue supporting existing vulnerable families and prepare to reach thousands more by continuing to provide food and healthcare for people escaping violence, who have been wounded or tortured and are desperately in need of loving care. Christian Aid’s Head of Middle East, Frances Guy, said: ‘Countries in the region are hosting an overwhelming number of refugees, and our partners in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon are working to provide succour and support.” Please support the Refugee Crisis Appeal ( https://donate.christianaid.org.uk/refugees ) and help us respond to the immediate needs of refugees on the move and in the overcrowded, dangerous camps of Lebanon and Iraq, as well as providing vital assistance to those facing fear and uncertainty. The Annual General Meeting of the Kennet Valley Hall Management Committee will take place on Thursday October 8th commencing at 7.30pm Kennet Valley Hall is the Community Hall for the local villages of Fyfield, Lockeridge,West Overton and East Kennett. The Hall Management Committee is a representation of local community groups using the hall on a regular basis and members of the local community who wish to contribute to the management and maintenance of the hall. If you would like to come and see how the village hall is managed on your behalf you will be most welcome. Should you be interested in joining the Committee in a voluntary capacity give me a call, or simply join the meeting. Kennet Valley Hall Lockeridge On SATURDAY October 17 2015 Doors Open 7.30pm until 11.30pm Tickets £15 Each Book in advance only Carolyn on 01672 861373 Or Ann on 01672 861103 th Brian Rayment - Chairman 861513 www.upperkennetnews.co.uk 10 CHARTERED PHYSIOTHERAPIST Debbie Simpson MCSP SRP (Bupa registered) Musculo-skeletal specialist Sports injury and Fitness management Acupuncture registered Pilates classes available throughout the week, daytime and evening. Nordic walking instructor Lockeridge clinic: 07724 486370 / 01672 861362 (Heating & Air Conditioning) Ltd SPECIALISTS IN OIL, GAS, LPG & WARM AIR HEATING SYSTEMS Servicing & repairs / Installation Landlord’s Certificates / Gas Safety Records Tel: (01793) 536871 Email: general@austinheat.com Website: www.austinheat.com Trading for over 40 years GETT S. White GARDEN MAINTENANCE Tel: 01672 861566 Mob: 07917 353314 GRASS CUTTING HEDGE CUTTING TREE FELLING PLANTING AJO Embroidery We add that something special. Sports teams, small businesses, or just looking for that unique gift...? We can embroider logos, simple patterns and text onto fabric. Visit our website to see some of the work we have done. www.ajoembroidery.weebly.com ; For more information, email cjoram21@hotmail.co.uk or call Caroline on 07966 541471 Landscaping Patios, Decking, Driveways Fencing, Turfing, Seeding, Hedgecutting. All types of groundwork Contact: Tim Smith 01672 861392. Mob: 07811 142390 Also available Machine Hire and Driver Incl: Mini Digger Skid Steer Telescopic Handler Tractor & Implements Fully insured. Phone for a free quote EARTHWISE GARDEN DESIGN LTD. ANYA HOPE MEDLIN (MA Cantab) Qualified and experienced horticulturalist and garden designer offers an individual and personal service. * Complete design and build service * Planting plans for complete gardens or single borders * Restoration of neglected gardens * Consultation and plant sourcing * Wild gardens/personalised retreats Tel/Fax 01672 861462 Mobile 07970 590674 e-mail:- anya.earthwise@googlemail.com VtÜÑxà VÄxtÇ e|v~ç YÄ|Çà Est. 1997 Friendly local service Professional work at sensible prices Call for no obligation quote Mobile: 07799 215837 Great Bedwyn 01672 871414 www.upperkennetnews.co.uk 11 Kennet Valley School We will share more news of our school activities next time but wanted to focus this month on our very exciting day at school at the start of term, when we introduced the “Be the best you can be!” programme. Working with the 21st Century Legacy team, we believe that it will provide our pupils with new and different approaches to achieving their potential. We were thrilled that Gail Emms MBE, British Olympic silver medallist in Badminton (2004) recently joined children, teachers, parents and governors to launch the programme. She shared her inspirational journey with us and described what it took for her to achieve her goals. Gail told us: “Have pride in yourself and your performance. Give everything and you will have no regrets. If you do give everything I know you will go on to achieve fantastic things.” The programme is going to be led by teachers, and as part of our preparation, we have been working with one of our supporters, Dr David Hemery, CBE, the former Olympic athlete and Vice Chairman of the British Olympic Association, who founded the programme, which as part of the 2012 London Olympic legacy ambition, is now delivered nationwide. We know that as a local resident in the valley, David will be keeping a close eye on the implementation of this initiative that is so close to him! The programme itself has already shown that it helps to: Inspire young people’s dreams and aspirations to reach their potential generate self-confidence & self-esteem. Enable young people to take responsibility for their own development. Provides learning in the life skill of coaching to plan for success News from Berwick Bassett and Winterbourne Monkton Parish Council Although it is only the beginning of October the Parish Council has been preparing for adverse winter weather. The grit bins are full and the council has ordered some additional bags of salt to be held in both villages in case of snow. The Parish Council has also ordered additional sand bags. These are also held in both villages at points accessible to the properties most at risk of flooding. Some months ago the Parish Council wrote to all residents on the electoral roll to invite them to join an email circulation list to be used for disseminating information from the Parish Council including early warnings of severe weather, road closures and planning applications. If you are not receiving these emails, and would like to, please contact the clerk below. Our villages lie within the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This is governed by a Council of Partners which consists of representatives from the different interested bodies in the area such as farmers and Parish Councils. The Council of Partners are currently seeking a representative from the Community & Parish sector. If this is a role that may interest you please contact the clerk for more information Janice Pattison Clerk to Berwick Bassett and Winterbourne Monkton PC bbwmpc@gmail.com We have chosen the ‘Be the Best you Can Be’ programme because although based on a sporting theme, it enables our pupils to explore the routes to their own goals and dreams, no matter what they might be. Furthermore, it complements our curriculum and is consistent with our school aim: ‘To offer all our children a challenging, inspiring and balanced curriculum, seeking the highest standards of personal development, embracing Christian understanding of everyone’s needs and differences and to nurture personal responsibility for high standards of Kennet Valley Lottery Club August draw winners £100 Number 65 A .Robinson £75 Number 49 F. A. Radford £50 Number 06 Vicky Evans learning, behaviour and respect for others’. (Some winners prefer that their names were not published, in which case we just state the winning the activities and exercises completed in their different lessons. We hope that as number). The children will now be making their own Dream Folders in which to keep all the children become enthused with the programme, parents will be able to share the journey and get involved. Find out more about the programme at www.21stcenturylegacy.com/ - it’s inspiring! Finally, I would like to say how shocked and deeply saddened we were as a If you would like to join the lottery, please pick up an application form from any church, or ring David Snape on 01672 861267 or email davidwsnape@aol.com school community to learn of the very tragic death of John and Judith Woodget at the end of last term. Judith was a Governor at the school for eight years and also a friend to many of us. Being active in the Lockeridge community, Judith enabled Another way to support our churches at West Overton, Fyfield and East Kennett the school to play its full part in village life, and her skilled work to create and maintain our lovely Spiritual Garden was so appreciated - we will miss her sense of fun and enthusiasm and seeing her walking to the school with her wheelbarrow and gardening tools! Looking to the future, we plan to develop this garden in line Truly Madly Deeply with discussions we’d had with Judith about ideas to make even better use of the space for the children. Judith’s smile and cheerfulness and “can do” attitude made such a positive impact to our school. We really miss her and will create a tribute to her in the garden. www.upperkennetnews.co.uk Annie Knight ITEC Dip Mobile Massage Therapist Deep Tissue, Swedish & Aromatherapy Treatments Tel: 07884 062213 E-mail: truelymadlydeeply@icloud.com 12 Babies, Bumps and Toddlers Avebury Social Centre. High Street Avebury (Opposite The Church) Wednesday 10:00 am – 12:00 noon Term Time Only Friendly Group for parents and Carers Includes healthy snack and craft for the Children Coffee, Tea and Chat for the Adults Only £3.50 per session All Welcome M J Sly Monumental Sculptor New Memorials and Restorations All types of memorials Handcrafted to a high standard in our own workshops at Pelham Court, London Road Marlborough **FREE Quotes Given** Telephone: (01672) 516797 martin@mjsly.co.uk For a free memorial brochure ‘Pebbles Play Group Avebury’ Charity No. 299677 Est. 1991 D. W. Oliver TreeB.Sc.A.I.W.Sc. Services Ltd TREE PRUNING LANDSCAPING WOODCHIPPING TREE FELLING FORESTRY C ONTRACTING FENCING Tel 01672 861310 Mobile 07976 644706 FOR A FREE QUOTE £5M INSURANCE Tree Surgery works carried out by qualified staff E-mail: dwoliver@btinternet.com Web: www.dwoliver.com www.upperkennetnews.co.uk ON CALL DAY & NIGHT 01672 512444 OR 810727 WAGON Y ARD LONDON ROAD M ARLBOROUGH WILTSHIRE SN8 1LH 13 KYM ROFF “Kyms cuts and colours” Family Hairdresser Shaun Guard TV AERIAL SERVICES I have 17 years experience and cater for all ages ranging from babies to the elderly. o Poor Reception Solved Everyone welcome o TVs– Hung on your wall Aerials repaired & supplied I can come to you or you to me. Reasonably priced and friendly family hairdresser. and tuned o Extra TV Points - For aerial and Sky (in HD!) o Sky TV– Also Foreign Language TV Give me a call or text to book an appointment. 07760 137347 Call Swindon 01793 474720 OXFORD AERIALS Flowers designed for all occasions by Kerry Beautiful flowers for all occasions to include weddings, funerals and gift flowers. Delivery to Swindon, Swindon Villages and Marlborough. Telephone: (01672) 539840 or 07825 871984 Email: Kerry@poppywillow-flowers.co.uk Www.poppywillow-flowers.co.uk www.upperkennetnews.co.uk 14 What’s On At AVEBURY SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB Friday Nights Darts & Skittles League Unless stated all activities start at approx. 8.30pm please check website for details Saturday 3rd - BIG Money Bingo – win up to £100 Sunday 4th – Cabbage Sunday, 12 noon - come along, have fun and help raise money for great causes. Saturday 10th - Race Night – choose your lucky horse Saturday 17th - Darts for cash – 180!! Saturday 24th - Skittles for cash – it’s so easy isn’t it! Saturday 31st - Fancy Dress Halloween Disco Pay on Door £3 Members £4 Non members Children 12 – 16 £2.00 Children Under 12 – FREE. Fancy Dress Optional but Recommended! Sunday Bingo - Eyes down 8.00pm - ££ Cash prizes Friday Nights Skittles League – see website for fixtures Avebury Club is available to hire, contact Alan Blake – Secretary on 07860 112455 or email at AveburyClub@aol.com or alternatively call Avebury Club (when open) on 01672 539258 or visit Avebury Club website to check availability. www.avebury-club.co.uk ALL ENQUIRIES AND BOOKINGS ARE TO BE AGREED AND FINALISED WITH THE CLUB’S SECRETARY ONLY. WHO’S WHO in the Upper Kennet Churches RECTOR - REV’D MARIA SHEPHERDSON 01672 539643 The Rectory, 27 High Street, Avebury, SN8 1RF email mariashepherdson@rocketmail.com If you require a priest in an emergency and are unable to contact Rev’d Maria please telephone one of the churchwardens. LAY PASTORAL ASSISTANTS Mrs Claire Stiles 01793 731620 c.j.stiles@hotmail. co.uk Mr Graham Kitchen 01672 861349 graham@grahamkitchen.com> BENEFICE OFFICE: Ray Manley, Anne Robinson (Mon-Thurs, 10am-1pm) Tel: 01672 861786 e-mail: office@upkennet.eclipse.co.uk Website: www.upperkennetchurches.org.uk Address: The Garden Room, 62 Lockeridge, SN8 4EL CHURCHWARDENS AVEBURY EAST KENNETT WEST OVERTON FYFIELD WINTERBOURNE MONKTON WINTERBOURNE BASSETT BROAD HINTON Mr David Davidge Mrs Maureen Dixon Mr Graham Kitchen Mrs Jo Snape Mrs Susan Rogers Ms Vicky Evans Ms Penny Gold Mrs Glynis Long Mr Peter Barry Mrs Jenni Moseling Miss Sally Cartwright Benefice Council Lay Chairman Mr Mark Wightman PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL SECRETARIES AVEBURY Mr David Davidge EAST KENNETT, FYFIELD & WEST OVERTON Mrs Susan Rogers WINTERBOURNE MONKTON Mr Bill Buxton WINTERBOURNE BASSETT Mr Martin Knight BROAD HINTON Mrs Marjorie Sykes 01672 513819 01672 539690 01672 861349 01672 861267 01672 861374 01672 861622 01672 539158 01793 731398 01793 731589 01793 731629 01793 731050 mail@dwdmar.plus.com modixbirds@yahoo.co.uk graham@grahamkitchen.com Josiesnape@aol.com sjrogers44@gmail.com vickyevans1@btinternet.com goldpennygold@aol.com glynislong@btopenworld.com peter17.barry@gmail.com jenni.moseling@btinternet.com sally.cartwright@broadhinton.org.uk 01793 731452 wightman1944@btinternet.com 01672 513819 mail@dwdmar.plus.com 01672 861374 01672 539199 01793 731764 01793 731471 sjrogers44@gmail.com bill.buxton@btinternet.com martin@vintry.co.uk marjorie.sykes@btinternet.com MAGAZINES UPPER KENNET NEWS in Fyfield, West Overton, East & West Kennett, Beckhampton, Avebur y Trusloe, Avebury, Winterbourne Monkton & Berwick Bassett: Editor David Throup, Longmynd, Lockeridge SN8 4ED 01672 861279 davidthroup@aol.com Please send all copy including advertising and payment to David Throup. Final copy date 3rd Friday each month unless otherwise notified. LOCAL NEWS in Uffcott, Broad Hinton & Winterbourne Bassett: Editor Tim Powell Final copy date 20th of each month www.upperkennetnews.co.uk 01793 739083 news@onefivetwo.co.uk 15 Kennet Valley Film Nights Autumn Season 2015 Sunday 11th October THE SECOND BEST MARIGOLD HOTEL (PG) Another pleasure-filled journey populated by a wonderful ensemble of what feels like old friends. As the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel ha s only a single remaining vacancy - posing a rooming predicament for two fresh arrivals Sonny pursues his expansionist dream of opening a second hotel. Richard Gere and Tamsin Greig add to the established cast. India looks ravishing. The colour and music are lovely. Sunday 22nd November WOMAN IN GOLD (12A) Helen Mirren excels as a Jewish American who takes on the Austrian government to recover the famous Klimt portrait of her aunt, stolen by the Nazis from her family and never returned. The flashbacks to her escape from Austria are understandably the tensest moments of the film, and are balanced by some very witty writing in the modern sequences. There are echoes of “Philomena” in the woman/lawyer set up and the sparks which fly in a good humoured way between the two. Sunday 13th December DARK HORSE (PG) An inspir ational true story of a group of friends from a working men's club who decide to take on the elite 'sport of kings' and breed themselves a racehorse.. A rags-to-riches story about the racehorse Dream Alliance who was trained (and became the soul of) a small Welsh mining community, depressed after the closure of the Pit. It has had audiences from Wales to Robert Redford’s Sundance Festival cheering on their feet. Doors open at 7.00 and there is a licensed bar and soft drinks. The films start at 7.30. To reserve tickets phone Carolyn Stimpson on 01672 861373 www.upperkennetnews.co.uk NOT THE HARVEST SUPPER AT KENNET VALLEY HALL AN EVENING OF FUN, LAUGHTER, MUSIC AND SINGING AND LOTS OF FOOD! FRIDAY 30TH OCTOBER 7.00 - 10.30PM £6 A TICKET (IN ADVANCE ONLY) PHONE: CAROLYN 01672 861373 OR ANN 01672 861103 Advertisers Index Company Armishaws Removals Aus n Hea ng Avebury Club Brian Wa#s Carpet Clean Chalky's Workshop David Oliver Tree Services Diane MacKinder Earthwise Garden Design F Dewey Ge# Landscaping Telephone 01963 34065 01793 536871 01672 539258 01672 861438 01672 871414 01672 861123 01672 861310 01672 512444 01672 861462 01672 563440 01672 861392 Home Inspira ons 01380 728644 Jill Sudbury. Reflexology and Reiki Counselling 01672 513583 K A Callaway. Woodstoves and chimneys 01672 870619 Loney—Electrical Service Ltd 01672 514696 Mack’s Handyman Services 07788 255969 M J Sly. Monumental Mason 01672 516797 Ovenclean 01672 556404 Overdrive driving tui on 01672 861613 01793 474720 Oxford Aerials Pebbles Playgroup Avebury Social Centre Ridge House B&B 01672 861527 S White 01672 515415 Time Restored 01672 563544 Woods for the Trees 01793 633725 W.S. Swi> 01380 726284 16
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